#[ this is how selena can have one (1) not-negative relationship with a woman she has encountered plural times ]
fluxrspar · 2 months
[ 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 ] : sender is apologising for appearing cold.
"Please do not take it to heart," Lachesis starts. "Our last encounter did not smooth over so well, but I would not wish that soil our relations for the future." Lachesis' eyes flicker across Selena's figure. "You are a wonderful knight."
for you i would (still accepting)
Selena does not know what she expects when Lachesis approaches her. The Fluorspar has no right to understanding, no entitlement to forgiveness—the fellow knight could scorn her forever, and Selena would know it is just.
Instead, it is Lachesis who apologizes—though it should only be Selena, the one who committed the slight to begin—and she is taken aback, quietly. Eyes widen just the slightest, words forming and dissipating just as quickly in the moments that pass.
“I…” Then a nod, acknowledging– accepting Lachesis’ words, however undeserving Selena may be.
“Thank you.” Unspoken: I am glad. (A smile graces her face.)
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whyareyoulikethis1d · 5 years
What do you think about Zigi situation and the talks going on about it from the media as well as online?
Oh anon why are you making me do this… Well I have time today.
When it comes to online/ fandom let me go by categories.
1- The Ziams & anti-zigis:
These people from the start have been atrocious. Not only have they harassed Gigi & her family but same with Zayn & his family. They have been intrusive and have spread lies online (those so called “exposing accounts”) Whether it’s on IG or Twitter. In my opinion they are tinthats and just mad weird. They keep on saying everything is fake, is a stunt, TPTB, etc… 
It’s repetitive, predictable, pathetic & boring.
For someone that they claim to love & stan they sure have a low opinion of Zayn and what he is willing to do for his status. Not only that but their false rumors and stuff is at times picked up by tabloids. So kudos to you for helping your fave dummies…
So when it comes to them I am just like:
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2- Zigis:
I never really liked real couple shipping or should I say being a “stan” of a couple. I find it cringy and they also do go overboard and cross boundaries. Just because one is supportive doesn’t mean that they are not just as invasive or annoying as tinhats. (You can check my blog and how I was annoyed with the “Freddies”). 
So when it come to Zigis they were to me just like that. Anything that either Zayn and or Gigi did they were linking it together. Any like, comment, follow is or was being reported online. They even had/have update accounts. 
The ugly side of it is when the couple breaks up and they can’t let go or accept it. Think the Jelena (Justin & Selena), the Robsten (Rob & Kristen Stewart) or even the Zerrie (Zayn & Perrie) shippers/stan. Look at how ugly they got towards one or the other person especially when one of their OTP has moved on to a new partner (ex: Justin with Hailey, Rob with FKA Twigs & Zayn with Gigi). They actually become conspiracy theorists because they cannot accept that their OTP is over.  
Now when it comes to Zigis, they have actually turned into the Zerries that they were complaining and making fun of back in the day. LET IT GO!! Stop making connections and thinking that any follow, like or comment means something more. Don’t go harassing their possible new partners. Stop sending family DMs to find out the status of Zayn & Gigi’s relationship because you want some type of reassurance that your OTP are still together. BUTT OUT…. Last year during their first break up, the Zigis went on to attack Sofia & Iskra Lawrence because they thought something was maybe going on between them and Zayn. They said some pretty misogynistic things (feminist/girl power 101 my ass). They also went after (although to a lesser degree) they were being nasty and shady towards Lewis Hamilton when rumors were going around that him & Gigi were maybe going out. They are cringy…….
So when it comes to them, I am like:
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3- Zstans & Gigi stans:
Both side have shown their true colors or their true feelings once it has been said that they are no longer together. 
On the Zstans side, some were sad others were happy (that is excluding the ziams & antis), others were relieved but for the most part at least from what I saw they were chill up until the first US weekly article. Then the ugliness started. Some even sided with conspiracy theorists out of all people.. Like eww… I get wanting to defend your fave (and at times you were damn right to defend him) but come on now do better…. 
You gleefully were rejoicing when you assumed that Zayn was shading Gigi with his tweets and thought that he was proving you right when you were calling her manipulative, disgusting and all that jazz. Nevertheless, Zayn himself went off on all of you and set you guys straight pretty quickly.
You doing all of that, made things worst for the person that you claim to stan & love because guess what tabloids picked up on it and it created negative press towards Zayn. So kudos to you for helping your fave dummies…  
As for the Gigi stans I don’t follow many of them to be quite honest but the impression that I always got is that while Zayn & Gigi were together they kept quiet but there were some indirects here and there and then they just let loose when the break up happened. They 100% believed what tabloids were saying and were now overtly being nasty towards Zayn online. I get wanting to defend your fave (and at times you were damn right to defend her against the nastiness said about her) but come on now do better…. 
They always seemed to think that Zayn was the one preventing Gigi from going out, partying  and being seen or being super active & interactive on social media like back in the day when she was besties with Kendall. They don’t think big bad Zayn is good enough for their queen Gigi.. Well guess what Gigi stans to my knowledge she’s still not yet doing the stuff you expected her to do. So sucks to be you….
You don’t know Zayn or Gigi personnaly. You are not part of their inner circle. You don’t know what their relationship is or was like except from what they have chosen to share or from what the media/tabloids have decided to spin for clicks. It’s their life, their relationship and their choices. PERIOD!!!!!!! 
So when it comes to them, I am like:
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4- The media/tabloids + Zayn + Gigi
The media has been atrocious but more so towards Zayn than Gigi. Not surprised. Tabloids have rarely ever been on Zayn’s side. Most likely because he doesn’t curate his image as much as Gigi does. Zayn definitely hasn’t helped himself with some of the things he has said, done or tweeted online. I have said so in my tags. I don’t know what has prompted him to remember Twitter but it wasn’t a good idea at all. As a celebrity, social media is not a place to vent especially the cesspool that is Twitter. Also the vague tweets are open to interpretation and people will run with it and assume the worst automatically. I get it Zayn is still a human being like any of us but still…Be smart about how you use your platform you are not just anybody.
The media, loves to kick someone when they are down or bring up stuff. That’s what they do. They gossip, they speculate, they look for drama, they make up stuff. Anything to drive traffic on their site. Most of the articles have been basically about how Zayn is a deeply troubled young man (his anxiety issues, he is seen as a recluse, his tweets or some of his IG posts that would be 2018, his weed smoking..)  who is at an all time low (his management has allegedly dumped him, his second album did not do well commercially, still not touring, his gf has left him..) and was holding the super successful supermodel Gigi back from her full potential because she was always trying to help him. Basically that Zayn was dead weight. Then they brought in what Louis said about Zayn… You know all around just gross stuff.
It’s an easy narrative to paint for tabloids and quickly believed based on the bias people already have of Zayn that has been solidified by his reputation and the years of bad press that he hasn’t deemed worthy enough to respond to. 
That to me has always been a mistake but then again even when he does try to correct stuff or tell his side of the story, his words are ignored or not believed. He’s fucked either way. Even when he’s silent minding his own business there are still articles popping up. If my memory is correct, Zayn was pretty much silent online other than selfies up until March when he tweeted the Love You Gigi and yet since January Zayn was being mentioned in articles that were either about Gigi or about the status of their relationship (ex: the first US Weekly article).
 Nonetheless, I do think he needs an image overall and should hire a publicist to change that narrative. Zayn call Scooter Braun and ask him to give you the name of the pr people that were involved in cleaning up JB’s image just before his Purpose album…
I don’t know Zayn nor do I know what is going on in his personal life. I hope that he is doing well. If he is going through something, I hope that whatever is going on bts that he is dealing with it properly, that he has a strong & supportive system and will come on top of it. Whenever he is ready, if he wants to, he can open up about that time period in his life. (LOL who am I kidding my noisy self would love for him to write another book or do an in depth filmed interview where he talks about the Z2 era and what has been going on up until now.)
As for Gigi, she cares about her image and reputation. Gigi is smart and savvy. She’s very mindful of how she is seen and perceived in the media. She knows the game and plays along. That’s smart because she is in an industry where it does matter. Zayn should have learned that from her. Her IG is curated to showcase happiness & serenity as well as her achievements & projects. She’s photographed/papped with her friends or family, attending events, on a photoshoot or going to the gym. Break up, what break up? what heartbreak? She doesn’t need a man. She’s a strong independent woman. Girl power! Her career is going extremely well and keeps on going stronger and stronger. Kudos to her. You can’t hate her or criticize her for that. She has every right to do so.
However, what I will say is at times there are things that she has done that I was like girl wtf are you doing. For example responding to things that are not even necessary to respond to which then creates press that puts her in a good light and by default directly or indirectly throws Zayn under the bus. That tweet calling out the media about linking her to a guy..Sweetie there were no articles. Nothing had been written. No outlets had picked up the pap pics of her and her friends. It was her own fans at first that had shared the pictures on their update accounts. Or that time she responded/clapped back at a Zayn stan that hadn’t mentioned her name or tagged her but shared what was deemed an unflattering  picture of her and people in the comments were making fun of her… I was like girl how did you even find this???? Are you lurking???? Anyway both times, it made the press and Zayn was dragged into it. 
Or back in January when she was papped 2 days in a row at Zayn’s apartment. For that though, I won’t blame her in the sense of she called the paps on herself like tinhats or antis would. Being seen at his apartment, led to articles..
Gigi is still a human being like any of us and has her moments but still…
I would also like to remind people that Gigi is not in any way obligated to come to Zayn’s defense when it comes to what has been said about him by the media or online from her stans or anyone else. However, in my opinion, I do think if she has the time to tweet/call out the media about articles that hadn’t yet been written, she could tweet about some disturbing articles that have been written about someone with whom she had an on/off relationship for 3 years or so. Same thing for Zayn. Zayn has come to her defense when he tweeted for people to leave her alone. Just saying….
Finally, as for the 2 US Weekly articles, in light to what Zayn has tweeted recently, I choose to think that Gigi and her camp had no part in it. 
I know that many including mutuals of mine have entertained the theory that these articles were Gigi’s doing because of Yolanda’s connection to US Weekly. 
So for arguments sake:
As I’ve said in previous conversations, prior to even Zayn tweeting, I hope that she had no part in it. If she did, then yep I would side-eye her and call this tactic sneaky & cowardly. Why go that route? Own up to it. Why use a tabloid with “sources” instead of making a proper statement via your social media or at least via your “rep” so that it’s clear that it comes from you? 
That first US Weekly article was written after she was papped at his appartement twice. Zayn had not been seen out, he hadn’t tweeted or done anything. That article went up and was picked up by many outlets. In it, they said Zayn had issues that Gigi couldn’t help him with. She tried everything, she was no longer hanging out with her friends, etc.. etc… 
The timing of the 2nd US Weekly article was mid-March two weeks or more after Zayn tweeted the “Love you” tweet to which Gigi had not responded to (she wasn’t obligated to do it either). In that article, it mainly said that Gigi has love for Zayn but he has MAJOR ISSUES (yep this time around they added major. last time it was just issues) and it’s over for good because they are not compatible. Again it was “sources”.. I was like why wait two weeks or more to write this? Why not write that article immediately after Zayn had tweeted it. The story had died down. That article was again picked up by many other news outlet.
But like I said anon, I choose to believe or at least hope that Gigi & her camp had no part in it. I would think she’s better than that to go that low and from my knowledge, it wasn’t/ or isn’t her MO. If she doesn’t address things directly usually it’s via a rep.
So when it comes to the media, I am like:
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As for my thoughts on the status of Zayn & Gigi’s relationship:
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Zayn and Gigi are two young good looking rich adults. Aesthetically/visually, Zigi was a stunning couple. Bottom line, It’s their lives, their choices. Whatever happens, happens. They are two celebrities that I don’t know personally. At the end of the day it doesn’t affect my life or livelihood.
So those are all my thoughts. Have fun reading anon!!! 
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dcarevu · 5 years
DCAU #17: The Cat and the Claw (Part 2)
“Oh, I've been going to the Paris Grand Prix for years... You know, one of these days I think I'll enter it.”
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Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. So how much did Part 2 of our first Catwoman story satisfy? Does it get a bowl of cream, or a spritz of water?
Episode: 16 Robin: No Writers: Sean Catherine Derek (story), Laren Bright (story), Jules Dennis (teleplay), Richard Mueller (teleplay) Director: Dick Sebast Animator: Akom Airdate: September 12, 1992 Grade: C
The first part of The Cat and the Claw had me interested, but certainly not blown away. It was a hit-and-miss episode with enough good ideas in it to allow me to enjoy it and wonder where the story was going to lead. I liked that it did give out a sense of substance, but honestly, I don’t think that the substance held steady between the credits of part 1 and the first scene of part 2. Part 2 does continue the story, but sucks out a lot of what made part 1 worth watching, and if I had never even watched part 2, I would not have been missing a damn thing aside from the realization that Catwoman ends up okay and the day is saved. But I think it was safe to assume that anyway, you know what I mean? Part 2 left very little impact on me, positive or negative, and for that reason I’m labeling it a C. Ironically, this is probably the episode with the highest stakes so far, right? With a conclusion that has a pretty epic scale. But it’s just not handled in an epic way. The concept is there, but the execution is lacking. Even if a studio like TMS or Spectrum were the ones to take care of the visuals, it still would have given the same feelings. The team knew what they were doing, giving it to Akom. Yeah, Akom’s work here is pretty bad, and Part 1 is more visually appealing in addition to being simply more entertaining. Even though it didn’t look the best, I could appreciate Sunrise’s unique style. When Sunrise failed, it still made for something that you don’t see everyday. Akom’s work was just plain old underwhelming. This is especially noticeable during the climax with their work on the fire (yeah, fire count, by the way). 
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That fire looks like something from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, guys. I’d expect to see similar on Scooby Doo. You don’t get a sense of the danger or the heat coming off that thing, and so you don’t get a sense of worry as Batman tries to get the hell out of there. Another very Akom scene is the car chase that happens when Bruce and Selena are together, out of costume. It looked laughably lame. That scene could have been so exciting and dynamic! But, at the same time, like I said, I understand why Atom was chosen. Even if the animation got me a little bit more invested, it still would have felt empty because of a lack of why I should be invested. It’s like watching a Transformers movie. Just brainless action. And why waste money on sending this episode to a better studio when a much better episode could be? The only real Akom-caused highlight was the train stuff. That looked pretty cool, likely because even though the train was moving, it still provided a static, stable platform for our characters, so it required less technical stuff to animate. All of the other cool stuff to look at was definitely in the storyboards. I liked the bit where the Bat Plane flew across the moon, kinda emulating that iconic moment in the 1989 film. And my favorite visual moment was when Selena’s secretary put on her glasses, and we see it via a POV shot. But then once things are crystal clear, a second later she walks into the shot, seamlessly transitioning it from POV to third person. 
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More things like that could have probably almost created a B-level of enjoyment, admittedly. This part is also campier than part 1, with a lot more cheesiness thrown in, and that is to the episode’s detriment. The idea of Red Claw’s group of terrorists stealing a vial of disease from a military-guarded train is a really cool one, and I’ll take that over another standard police chase any day (until those chases start getting more god damn interesting). But something about watching them ride their little vehicle, leap on top of the train like ninjas, walking around on the train effortlessly, and dismantling it was pretty hard to take seriously. 
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(This thug was in the last episode too, and he’s got this constant, static grimace. Makes me chuckle.)
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Seeing Batman glide in with the bat-glider for the first time was neat, but then again, we get flown into a corn field. This is some of the cheesiest dialogue/line delivery on the show so far, even dwarfing the stuff from I’ve Got Batman In My Basement. No easy task! It’s like the writers here were aware of the serious tone, and trying, but still could only make a guy dressed like a bat so rational. I especially cringed at Batman’s shock that Red Claw was a woman. Having Catwoman be an admirable, strong character is doing feminism in a cartoon right. But this episode was too on-the-nose about it. Another instance is when Catwoman and Batman are tied up. Catwoman says something about their savior being a “woman’s touch”, and then she claws them out. Outside of the show trying to push a feminist message, why, in universe, would she say that exactly? Batman was not being sexist toward her. Red Claw certainly wasn’t. Red Claw is a woman for crying out loud! And how are her claws particularly feminine, anyway? Are they supposed to represent those stereotypical secretary nails? C’moooooon. Lame, lame, lame. I’m a feminist, and I’m all about cartoons showing that women are every bit as capable as men are. But if this is how they do it, then just don’t even try. And to add insult to injury, after we get Catwoman saving both of them, we end with her getting the shit beaten out of by Red Claw in a fight, merely because she does absolutely nothing to defend herself. Catwoman is an athletic cat-burglar who, in the previous episode, managed to give Batman a challenge. And now she’s just letting Red Claw kick her over and over in a way she easily should’ve seen coming. What a…confusing approach. 
While the superhero stuff was seriously below par, it’s slightly made up for because of how it explores Bruce and Selena’s relationship a little bit more. I liked seeing them on another attempted date, and so did Char! They’re really charming together, and it was incredibly satisfying to see Selena begin to enjoy his company. But as things start to go right for him, things also start to somehow go more wrong, and he discovers that Selena is Catwoman. To me, it’s believable that he wouldn’t have made that assumption right away. First of all, what are the odds. Second of all, a much different environment, mindset, and appearance. Plus, it’s not as though he was seeing Catwoman every single night, right? Most of his interactions of her was as normal human beings dressed in normal human clothes. Bruce mentions that he hasn’t felt a fondness of a woman like this in a very long time (Mask of the Phantasm entered my head for a second), and it feels so genuine. Somehow over these 16 episode and pilot, with a pretty small amount of spoken words for a main character, we’ve gotten to know Bruce…or…Batman…quite well. We can tell when he’s being phony, we can tell when he’s being sincere. This was sincere. And because his Bruce persona is such an exaggeration of his decency, spotting cracks in that just makes you feel something, man, especially when it shows us that hint of affection. This can be compared to Bruce Wayne talking to Harvey Dent about how proud he was that Harvey was seeking psychological help (Two-Face Part 1). These moments show us that Batman still has this warmth to him. It may be like a candle in the wind, fighting to stay alive, but every now and then there is a spritz of gasoline. For a second, Bruce Wayne and Batman are one. But y’know what? This is all well and good, however it makes me wish that the Red Claw stuff was absent. In part 1, it was different. I wanted to know where it was going. But without decent payoff, there is no reason for the terrorist story element at all. This would have been so much stronger if it were a half hour dedicated to building up the relationship of two troubled adults, fighting for what they believe in, succumbing to a certain level of darkness, all while not being able to find common ground. Paul Dini could have done it. Alan Burnett could have done it. Y’know what, Tom Ruegger probably could have done it. But no. We got writers who felt the need to add in that unnecessary, goofy superhero stuff that was not meant to be the focus of Batman the Animated Series when it didn’t need to be. But if there is one major strength of the superhero stuff, it’s the very ending. Because despite what Batman and Catwoman just went through together, saving countless people, Batman still needed to put her in handcuffs (and not in the way he probably wishes he could). 
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(Blurry screenshot, apologies...by the way, are bat-handcuffs really necessary, Batman?)
That was paaaaaainful, but the right kind of painful (again, not in the way Batman probably wishes it was). Having Batman state that he didn't want her taken away like a common criminal was a great addition, and I really want to know which writer came up with that line. Whoever did got what makes Batman and Catwoman so interesting. If only they could have gotten a crack at this episode on their own. As some final words, despite me giving this episode a C, I went back and forth between a C or a D many times. I’m still not entirely sure which is my true grade. It depended on what I was writing about. When I was complaining, I was sure that I should make it a D. But as I was talking about some of the more positive elements, I thought maybe a C was more appropriate. Bottom line, I’m not sure. I think a C is the most fair, though, because aside from just being a middle of the road grade, it could also represent me being completely confused on my opinion. Is that understandable?
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(Here we clearly see that the section of the train that was bombed is still very much intact)
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(Batman was very much on model throughout the episode, particularly in the face)
Fire count: 8 Char’s grade: B
Next time: See No Evil Full episode list here!
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Lose You To Love Me: The Biebers and Selena Gomez carry no hate, these tweets prove all love.
The headlines striking the internet about Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, and Hailey Bieber are nothing more than clickbait drama.
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Get ‘Lose You To Love Me,’ out now: http://smarturl.it/LoseYouToLoveMe
Lose You To Love Me wasn’t a hateful attack on Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber.
First, let’s open with, we have all been hurt in life. It doesn’t matter who you are, we all have to take our life paths and experience emotions such as rejection, love, hate, jealousy and even fear.
How many can relate to being in a relationship that didn’t go quite as planned? It can feel as though the world is coming to an end.
The phrase “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” is a life truth.
It’s said that it might be easier to deal with a difficult person than to venture into the unknown.
With that in mind, we can assume that Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber aren’t bad people.
Despite your fandom, remember two people can love one another and not be a match made in heaven.
For example, could it be true that one person may try harder than the other?
More so, what if one has different goals in life?
Selena Gomez dropped “Lose You To Love Me,” it’s her release of pain for someone she did truly love.
Lose You To Love Me doesn’t seem like an attack.
Before Justin made Hailey his wifey.
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Hailey Bieber on Selena and Justin.
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Hailey Bieber on Selena and Justin.
Well, do you see the maturity?
Despite rumors, she wasn’t being fake (to those who may want to throw that accusation out into the world, it’s entirely false).
However, wasn’t there a time when Baldwin and Bieber had limited contact?
Isn’t it obvious that Hailey looked up to the former couple thinking “I want that one day?”
Give clickbait headlines zero attention.
Unfortunately, the headlines have been nasty and untrue.
To be specific, those headlines alone should tell make you think “damn, being in the spotlight is annoying,” even if you are thankful beyond measure.
Similarly, you have likely dated someone in High School or as an adult and it didn’t work.
How would you ever know what you want in a man or woman if you didn’t “go down that path?”
The Last Letter to someone I loved, the devilish truth.
Most importantly, you also learn what you don’t want in a partner, your goals begin to develop and things begin to make sense inside the mind.
Unfortunately, the majority of comments on Twitter right now are downright embarrassing.
But that is the world we live in, celebrity, middle school, high school or adulthood, we are going to find people who carry negative energy.
To illustrate, I was once in a friendship that left me with no eggs in my basket, I loved hard, and it was too much.
I loved so deeply, I too was toxic to my friend. I thought that if we would not be friends anymore, my whole life would crumble.
Honestly, I tried to help this person as well, as did they and it became a circle of fighting, back to friends and back to fighting. It’s not healthy to be toxic, and that applies to all friendships or partnerships.
Lose You To Love Me is a song about moving on.
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Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, and Hailey Bieber have moved on with their lives.
Everyone wants to focus on part of the lyric that speaks about “Bieber,” leaving after two months.
These are feelings and thoughts, the song goes deeper if you actually understand relationships.
It was a release, for Selena Gomez a new door opened, a new chapter and she is proud.
Next, the lyric about hating to love.
Isn’t it true that in the beginning, you hate your ex or friend because of how they hurt you inside?
Then, as time passes, it’s easy to say I’m sorry, it’s easier to say I’m glad we both found someone we deserve (at least for me, as I’m still besties with my first love because I live in a world where I end every relationship or friendship with the same respect from the beginning).
What’s the point of shading Gomez, or the Biebers?
Lose You To Find Me even talks about the rose-colored glasses we tend to wear while falling in love, this song is all about a journey.
In any case, before you pick up your phone and tweet out a hateful comment to either of these amazing souls, think about your life first.
Lastly, stop judging others because you don’t know, you do not know either of them, the truth is, you know what the entertainment industry shows you.
Sam Smith the thrill of it all involves mental health!
Try learning more deeply and you’ll come to find that charity, love, and forgiveness are embedded deeply within Hailey, Justin, and Selena Gomez.
Seriously, go read some good causes because the articles that are out today are nothing less than BS, just as Hailey Bieber responded after the rumors developed overnight.
Just because the headline says so, it doesn’t mean it’s true.
I could be wrong about some of it because I do not know them on a personal level.
But I know that most people in the world have good intentions.
Bad things happen sometimes and that’s life, we can’t change the roads we take or the people we once loved and lost.
Lastly, it’s true, it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, otherwise, this amazing new song wouldn’t inspire others, and help them heal.
Music is healing, and that is the intention mostly importantly, it’s the main reason singers become known artists.
Where painful trials exist, there is art.
Blessed be.
The newest Selena Gomez song “Lose You To Love Me.”
The post Lose You To Love Me: The Biebers and Selena Gomez carry no hate, these tweets prove all love. appeared first on Positive Celebrity News and Gossip.
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from WordPress https://positivecelebrity.news/2019/10/23/lose-you-to-love-me-the-biebers-and-selena-gomez-carry-no-hate-these-tweets-prove-all-love/
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loveaningenue · 7 years
Hiddleswift Timeline 2016
The biggest fauxmance of 2016? As bad as Tayvin was, this was worse in terms of fakeness (IMO, but both were really fake). It’s fun to see how people actually believed in their relationship, but here we are, on Tumblr, where people believed not too long ago that they were still together. Enjoy this short timeline (and analysis)! 
(More pictures are visible on the links that are on the dates. + I’ll add extra pictures later).
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May 3, 2016: Taylor and Tom dance together at the 2016 Met Gala. 
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May 16, 2016: Tom answers question about her in an MTV interview. (”How was dancing with Tay Swift? I sat next time to her at dinner that night, and she was very charming. I mean, I've seen a couple of her videos, and I think, I remember 'Shake It Off' was released around the time we made I Saw the Light. She's very cool, yeah.” “Would you be up for a duet? I don't know that I could stand up to her vocal talents, to be honest. That's what she does. She's a professional musician and I'm an actor. We'll see. You never know. But I'm pretty sure we won't do it.")
(June 1, 2016: Taylor and Calvin Harris break up)
June 15, 2016: Taylor and Tom are photographed together in Rhode Island which is quite funny because there aren’t paparazzi’s in RI, except if you call them...
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June 16, 2016: Taylor and Tom are seen boarding her private jet in RI. Might I remind you of the airport they were seen in was the Groton airport in Connecticut. 
June 21, 2016: Taylor brings Tom with her at Selena’s concert in Nashville. Tom is mocked for dancing like a dad by the media. There aren’t any paps in Nashville usually, so seeing these made a lot of people raise their eyesbrows again. 
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June 23, 2016: Taylor and Tom go on a date in Nashville with Holly Williams and her husband. 
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June 25, 2016: Taylor visits Tom’s family in Suffolk, England. The paps suddenly appear in an English county that is quite unknown to the general public.
June 26, 2016: Taylor continues her visit in England. She meets Tom’s mom just 10 days after their relationship began.
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June 27, 2016: Taylor and Tom visit Rome, Italy. It was a super low-key trip because they went to the Colosseum, a very unpopular touristic place in Italy. 
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June 28, 2016: Taylor and Tom have breakfast together at a cafe in Rome. Tom was acting really well here.
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June 29, 2016: Taylor and Tom visit yet another unknown place in Rome, this time, they go to the Vatican. They also eat at Piazza Navona and go on a helicopter ride. 
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July 3-4, 2016: Taylor has her annual Fourth of July party and Tom gets the honour to wear an I ♥ TS shirt, later to be ridiculed by it. 
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July 7, 2016: Taylor and Tom fly to Australia where Thor: Ragnarok is being filmed. 
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July 10, 2016: Tom refuses to answer question about Taylor in Autralia (How is Taylor enjoying the beautiful Gold Coast? I'm not going to answer that, if it's all right.).
July 11, 2016: Taylor, Tom and eight bodyguards dine at Gemelli's Italian in Queensland, Australia. 
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July 14, 2016: Taylor, Tom, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo and others watch Ghostbusters at the movie theater. 
An interview with Tom by Hollywood Reporter is later released (You're in the middle of a cultural frenzy right now because you're dating Taylor Swift. How would you respond to people who claim that you're involved in some sort of publicity stunt? (Laughs.) Well, um. How best to put this? That notion is — look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we're very happy. Thanks for asking. That's the truth. It's not a publicity stunt. ) He mentions Taylor as Taylor Swift, as her boyfriend of one month, you expect them to say Taylor, but Tom just couldn’t say it. The fact that he had to state that it wasn’t a publicity stunt is 👌.
July 22, 2016: Taylor and Tom are papped in LA. 
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July 25, 2016: Tom gets questioned about Taylor at Comic Con and answers.
July 27, 2016: Taylor and Tom eat at Hillstone restaurant in Santa Monica. 
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August 12, 2016: Tom follows Taylor on Instagram and an interview by the Hollywood Reporter and answers a question about Taylor.
August 13, 2016: He’s later papped boarding Taylor’s private jet in Burbank airport (where the paps were called to take pictures of him at a very secured airport). 
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September 6, 2016: Taylor and Tom break up. 
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After the Break-Up
February 8, 2016: Tom talks about Taylor in his GQ interview. 
[...] “Taylor is an amazing woman,” reads the prepared statement Tom Hiddleston has memorized and is now giving me at The Bull & Last, where his voice has gone low. “She’s generous and kind and lovely, and we had the best time.” But I didn’t ask that, I say. I asked something else. So I wait, and he says, “Of course it was real.”
I ask if he wants to say anything about Australia, about the Fourth of July party at which he donned that fateful tank top, about the rumors that she thought he was too eager. Does he want to say anything about any of it? And here he puts down his fork, a bite of my steak still on it. He looks off into the middle distance, and here is what he says:
“The truth is, it was the Fourth of July and a public holiday and we were playing a game and I slipped and hurt my back. And I wanted to protect the graze from the sun and said, ’Does anyone have a T-shirt?’ And one of her friends said, ’I’ve got this.’ The friend pulled out the “I ♥ T.S.” tank top that Taylor’s friends are contractually obligated to own. “And we all laughed about it. It was a joke.”
So that’s his statement on the entire relationship: an explanation of the tank top. “It was a joke,” he repeats. “Among friends.”
I can vouch for this depiction of Tom Hiddleston. He is definitely, without a doubt, someone who would put on an “I ♥ T.S.” tank top, both to protect a scratch from sun damage and to make his new friends laugh while th—wait, sorry, he’s still talking:
“I have to be so psychologically strong about not letting other people’s interpretations about my life affect my life. A relationship exists between two people. We will always know what it was. The narratives that are out there altogether have been extrapolated from pictures that were taken without consent or permission, with no context. Nobody had the context for that story. And I’m still trying to work out a way of having a personal life and protecting it, but also without hiding. So the hardest thing is that that was a joke among friends on the Fourth of July.”
He still isn’t looking at me. The last piece of my steak is now poised on his fork in mid-air. He is so sad, and I can’t take it anymore, so I put my hand on his and I say, “Tom, Tom, it’s okay. You don’t have to talk about the tank top anymore. I got it. I understand. I’ll tell the world.” But he can’t stop talking about it. He literally cannot stop talking about it.
“I don’t know,” he says. “I just, I was surprised. I was just surprised that it got so much attention. The tank top became an emblem of this thing.” It’s hard to tell me this, he says. He wants to trust me. He wants to trust that the world won’t use this to embarrass him again, but he doesn’t know. He just knows it will follow him until he talks about it. [...]
General Conclusion A failed PR stunt that only Taylor benefited little from. At least, compared to Calvin, Tom was nice and a decent human being. Probably sounded great at first, as if nothing could go wrong (Taylor Swift dating and British actor), but the acting was over the top and too many paps were called. The media didn’t believe much in it, having various articles about it being PR, but they were still a lot of positive stories about them. The general public could easily tell it was PR, so only the Swifties really believed in it.
Swiftie Side Tom was the nice Englishman that danced with Taylor at the Met Gala in May 2016. Right after her terrible breakup with Calvin Harris, she was spotted kissing Tom in RI and the rest of the summer was a wonderful world tour, from Nashville to England to Italy and to Australia. Taylor, not ready for another serious relationship, decided to break things off with him just a month after their trip to Australia. 
Another theory about them was that they either never broke up and were dating secretly (or that they did break up, but got back together quickly after). Some fans believed it when Tom was working in LA while Taylor was there as well. Though it was said by Tom that he was single and the theories were proved to be wrong. 
PR Side Taylor had no new music to promote, but she had Kimye to deal with. The perfect way to hide the bad press was by stunting with Tom. Tom wasn’t known in North America and a relationship with Taylor surely upped his profile. 
N.B. Taylor was still allegedly with Karlie at this point, so it was PR and bearding.  Tom is rumoured to be gay, but since I don’t follow Tom, I can’t confirm this. 
How It Went Down (Overview of the Timeline) Taylor and Calvin broke up June 1, 2016. 
June 15, Taylor and Tom were spotted in RI together and the media was all over it, overlooking Kim’s negative comments on Taylor. 
Taylor brought Tom to Nashville where they went to Selena’s concert and danced together. Tom was completely ridiculed for his dancing and looking like he could be Taylor’s father.
They continued their romance to Suffolk where Taylor met Tom’s family. Talk about moving too fast.
Then they went on what the media called a private vacation in Rome, Italy. Spotted kissing, taking pictures, and eating together, everything felt forced.
Tom even brought Taylor to Australia, where he was filming the new Thor movie, but not too long after, Kim released a series of snapchats of Taylor and Kanye’s phone conversation about Famous, Kanye’s controversial song. 
Nothing going well for Taylor, her and Tom were reducing their pap pictures and ceased them in August, though Tom was seen boarding one of her private jets. In early September, it was publicly announced in the media that they broke up.
My Thoughts Hiddleswift is what I like to call a failed fauxmance and possibly one of Taylor’s worse one. In my first post, I said that it was the first time I looked at the pictures could say it was fake. 
I barely knew Tom before and I feel bad for the embarrassment he got from the stunt. For now, he’ll be known as Taylor Swift’s ex-boyfriend. I hope he can get out of that title. This is a situation in which saying “was it worth it?” just fits perfectly (“if the high was worth the pain”??) (for Tom: “Grab your passport and my hand”). At least he got what he wanted, exposure in the US. 
I could only hope that this is the last PR stunt that Taylor does, but I highly doubt it will (a girl can dream). 
The Aftermath (will be updated) Tom tried to find an excuse for his I ❤️ TS shirt which caused him a lot of humiliation on the Internet, but it failed because no one cared. He said many positive things about her in his GQ interview (see quotes👆) but now refuses to answer questions about her. 
Pretty sure there are other timelines about them, but I think this is the most completed one (Larrienation stopped when they arrived in Australia, but she has a pretty good post about them that is linked in my 2016: The Bearding Timeline). 
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musicallyy-inclined · 6 years
2017 Year End Ranked 100-91 (or the Top 10 Worst Hit Songs of 2017)
So, I’m ready to start my first huge endeavor as a music blogger. I’m going to rank the Billboard Year End Hot 100 for 2017, leading up to New Years. The plan is to have 10-20 songs out each day for the next week or so. And I’m writing about all of them. 
This post is kind of special, as it also doubles as a worst list for the year. I debated whether to list these from 100-91 or 10 - 1 as worst songs, but I decided to keep with their overall rating to make the list process more cohesive. So the first song on the list is the worst song, the second is the second worst, and so on. So without further ado, my Top 10 worst hit songs of 2017 are under the page break. I might edit in pictures later, or I might not because these garbage songs don’t really deserve it. 
100. Look At Me! - XXXTentacion
Honestly, **bleep** this song. I hated this from the moment I heard it and I don't think I've ever wavered from this opinion. The beat is the most obnoxious thing I heard this year and XXXTentacion sounds just as pathetic. Also, the lyrical content is hot garbage. From what I can understand, he's begging this girl, who, by the way, is not single, to pay attention to him. And there's a Corbin Bleu reference? Corbin deserves so so much better than this trash. Stupid references to being mormon because he has so many girls and taking a white girl to Starbucks also make my skin crawl. Not to mention, half the song is just “yeah” or “look at me”. It's a pathetic cry for attention and why the public responded I have no idea. Oh, and XXXTentaction as a person is disgusting as well. Beating a pregnant woman is horrendous and the fact that this monster gained traction on the Hot 100 sickens me. So yeah, XXXTentacion is human garbage hiding behind this musical garbage and I won't let this slide. Worst song of the year, no question.
99. Tunnel Vision - Kodak Black
And here we see our second example of a horrible person using an awful song to hide behind. Kodak Black is trash and the way that he tries to play his crimes in this song just confirms that. Have you ever stopped to wonder why “they” don't want to see you winning? Maybe, it's because you are currently accused of rape, did you ever think of that? So yeah, this is an awful attempt at trying to play off his crimes as systemic racism. And honestly, that's what makes me the most mad about this song. The issues of unfair sentences for black vs. white people is a real problem and one that can and probably should be addressed by the media. But the fact that the main song we got on this topic was by an accused rapist who 100% deserves the jail time he will hopefully receive only invalidates this topic and makes a joke of it to those who haven't really considered it an issue. Also, the song is not much better that Look At Me. It is better though, the chorus is kind of catchy and the beat is ok. Of course, Kodak Black ruins this by being completely incompetent on the verses and just sounding like an autotuned mess in general. So yeah, this sucks and is doing negative things to relieve and resolve the racial tension in today's society.
98. Body Like A Back Road - Sam Hunt
I have a lot of feelings about this song, and none of them are good. I don't even hate Sam Hunt, I've found most of his other music enjoyable and some of it might even have a shot at my best lists in 2014 and 2015 (a low shot, but still). But the fact that THIS is his biggest song and the biggest country song since Cruise (which again, I don't hate), makes me so angry. Where do I even start with this piece of trash? I guess the lyrics are an ok place. And honestly, I see no point to this song other than objectifying whatever woman he is talking about. Like, I don't think we get any content about anything other than how hot this girl is and what Sam Hunt is going to do to and with her. I remember that my sister got mad at Shape of You for objectifying women, but at least Ed Sheeran gives her a character. The woman of reference in this song could be literally anybody and the song wouldn't have to change at all. And the music itself combines the very worst of country and hip-hop. I don't particularly care for either genre, and I hate all of the elements that are used in the song. Especially the gang vocals, which seem particularly out of place in a sex song. But yeah, somehow pop radio decided that this was the pop country hit of the summer. It's by far the most relevant and overplayed song on my worst list too, so there's something.
97. Do Re Mi - Blackbear
I'm so confused why anyone cares about this song. Sam Hunt is a big star in country music, so I see why Body Like A Back Road was a hit, and there was enough controversy around the human garbage that I see why it was relevant, but who even is Blackbear? I googled him and he looks like you'd expect a person who would make this whiny mess of a song. Also, apparently he co-wrote Justin Bieber's Boyfriend, so that's a fun fact of the day. But yeah, this song sucks mostly because it's whiny and pathetic. I never saw the appeal to it at all. It's not a direct rip off of the Sound of Music, but it's the only other song I've heard that uses the note names like this, and so we have this comparison, which of course does it no favors whatsoever. Not to mention I saw Do Re Mi written out this other day and this is what I thought of, not Julie Andrews. So yeah, Blackbear is not only making a stupid, whiny song, but he's also ruining one of my favorite childhood songs. So he deserves to be here.
96. Swang - Rae Sremmurd
I wasn't going to put this on my worst list and then I realized how bad it sounded. This is the first song that is here for actually sounding like trash and nothing else. Swae Lee can't sing in falsetto, and that part alone makes this song bottom 10. And it has no redeeming qualities, so here it lands. Other than that though, I really don't care about it, so that's why it's not much lower.
95. Chained To The Rhythm - Katy Perry
If I'm being honest with myself, I've never really liked Katy Perry as much as some of her early 2010s fellow party anthem pop stars (Ke$ha comes to mind), she's kind of been just there. And this, initially, is another one of those just there songs. I think I put on a playlist at one point, and then quickly got tired of it and promptly forgot about it. The production isn't awful, but definitely doesn't catch my eye either. So why is it on the worst list? The lyrics. Listen, just like with Tunnel Vision, there is a place for a song about how influential pop music can be and how most people use it as escapism, but Katy Perry is not the right person to be delivering this, as she has long been a contributor to the mindless pop herself, and even bought into trends like cheap empowerment songs several times. So this is the least believable thing in the world. And she sounds so smug too. It happens every time she tries to have a message other than party on. Roar and Firework have a similar tone and they sour on me with every listen. Katy just sounds so untouchable here and it does not work for the message she is trying to convey. Also, every other single from this album has been a mess as well. So there's that.
94. Cold - Maroon 5
I can't believe that this song is getting the least hate of any of Maroon 5's singles this year. I guess people truly have stopped caring about this band. I know I have. We'll get to their other songs this year in due time, but this by far the one with the least redeeming qualities. This songs is the most ineffective use of minimalism that I've seen this year. I'm re-listening it now and the production is so bad. It's all drums and bass and none of it sounds the least bit interesting. I shouldn't be surprised that Adam Levine sounds completely checked out as well. The lyrical content of this song is not the worst thing in the world, but it needs some genuine emotion behind it for it to work, and Maroon 5 are the furthest thing from genuine I've heard this year. Oh, and Future is here and also phoning it in. I've never really gotten Future, so his verse just feels completely pointless. I guess my point here was that while Don't Wanna Know was a complete rip-off of the tropical house vibes, and we'll get to that, this song showed that Maroon 5 could do far far worse.
93. Issues - Julia Michaels
I think I just recently realized how flawed this song is. We'll get the obvious things out of the way first: Julia Michaels is not a good singer at all, and a minimalistic song was not a good route for her first single. And it's a shame, because she has real songwriting talent, as seen by some of her work with Selena Gomez. But yeah, she is not doing well on this song. And the beat, while better that Cold, also kind of just plods along. I think a song in this vein can definitely be pulled off, but the artist needs to have vocal talent and charisma, which Michaels doesn't.. The lyrical content is also very immature. I remember listening to this song when it first came out because the lyrics were interesting, but I've since realized that they are just stupid. If you judge me then I'll judge you is such a childish sentiment and the fact that this person seems borderline abusive definitely doesn't help this song. This is just a flawed song about a toxic relationship and nothing about it works.
92. Passionfruit - Drake
Ummm, this one is kind of hard to explain. I think it's probably the most controversial choice for my worst list and I guess I understand why some people can tolerate it. I think it just sounds awful. It's mostly the beat, which sounds like music you hear when you are on hold, and that drives me up the wall. And it's not like Drake is interesting enough to make up for the awful waiting room music instrumentation. Apparently this song is about struggling to keep up a long distance relationship. Honestly, the lyrics are cryptic enough that I might not have figured that out, which is kind of an issue because I want to be focused on them over the beat. So yeah, I just personally can't stand this one.
91.   I Don't Want To Live Forever - ZAYN and Taylor Swift
This wasn't originally supposed to be this low, but I moved it down when I realized the potential that it squandered. While I hate everything about 50 Shades Of Grey, I really liked some of the songs on the soundtrack, and so I was excited for the soundtrack to the sequel. But instead of Love Me Like You Do, this was the big hit from the album. And so much of what I said about some of the other songs applies to this. I don't like Zayn to begin with, and after the disaster that was Pillowtalk, I don't know why anyone ever chose him to make this songs. Niall Horan writes better sex songs that Zayn, and that's saying something consider the persona of both former 1D members. But yeah, this is kind of Pillowtalk part 2. The atmosphere is okay, and the lyrical content is fine I guess, but I just can't buy Zayn at all, especially in that falsetto. Taylor sounds okay, but again, if you were going for sexy, this is not the song to put Taylor Swift on. Sure, she can be sexy, but she needs lighter production to pull it off (see Wildest Dreams). Also, there is no chemistry here at all. So yeah, if this was a generic single from a Zayn album, I might not hate it this much, but the fact that it squandered Taylor Swift's potential pulls it down about 25 spots on this list for me. Also, it holds up terribly to overplay, and I (and radio) overplayed it. So yeah, I might regret this in a month or so, but this is bottom 10 for me currently.
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