#[[ AKJSFB ]]
mothicality · 8 months
you mentioned 'flicker segments' in one of your recent tags and im wondering what that means? i think i have an idea and if im right m really happy because we're like that.
honestly i really like hearing about your system because in a lot of ways you sound like you function really like us and its so rare to see stuff that really sounds like us. akjsfb thank you for existing really.
Hi!! I know the terms from here:
Flicker: https://www.tumblr.com/artisticdysfunction/726824283002765312/flicker
Segment: https://pluralpedia.org/w/Segment
So they're facets that are less developed/distinct and only exist for a short time, for us they usually only exist to do a specific task. In CDD systems, these would probably just be called "fragments" (maybe "flicker fragments"), but we aren't personally comfortable using that term because of it being more a CDD term, like alter.
So for us, a new segment forms to do whatever task or handle whatever situation we're in, and when there's a new task/situation, a new segment forms for that and the previous one disappears/stops existing. It's a very seamless transition that we don't notice at all unless we're intentionally paying attention to it.
We have 5 types of segments, each type having some shared traits that all segments of that type have some of. For example, the Moth type is always more childlike than the other types, and the Sophia type is always more feminine.
We just refer to the types as Parts, since all Moth segments function and see themselves as just one part. With the post we left those tags on, these would be our "identities", we just personally prefer Part terminology :]
We've actually had a few reoccurring segments a few times when we tried to sorta track them, but never any permanent ones. They've been around a few times, and then some other segments were similar enough to think they were them but slowly it was realised that segment hadn't been around for a while.
We also sometimes have flicker parts, which are more well-defined like our parts are and possibly has their own segments as well, but they still only exist for a short time and only front once/a handful of times.
We don't keep track of our segments at all anymore, since it's just stressful for us and increases dissociation and instability.
Hope that explains it and how it is for us, bit of a ramble bleh :)
And!! We're really glad you like hearing about us!! It's sorta part of why we started this blog, cause it seems a lot of people have similar experiences to us and feel alone in it since it isn't commonly discussed.
There's actually a lot of things where people feel isolated in their experiences just because they aren't discussed often, but they aren't really uncommon at all. Some also gain further understanding of themselves from reading about this stuff, so that's cool too :]
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melancholic-paint · 4 years
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phyllis (piano! piano!) by bertram brooker
oil on canvas
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fathachmilis-a · 4 years
waveraging replied to your post: Milo is LOSING IT
//i’m still laughin at him being the kristoff like ‘i’m gonna tell em’ and nessa’s like NO
Milo: I’m gonna tell him Nessa, trying to wrestle him to the ground: DON’T YOU DARE
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((I’ve been seeing some BNHA AU stuff, and was inspired to try it out too!))
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omimochi · 3 years
I’m gonna get my septum and my other nostril pierced and I’m super excited plus the piercer gave me a discount :)) how is your lab work going? ~ doctor anon
oMGMSDJBGKSJDBGKSJDBG THATS OS EXCITINGGG!!!!!! omg i feel like that’d hurt so bad. but omg DISCOUNTTT yeah yeah!!!! my lab... kjafbakjs i left it i wasted like 5 hours pls akjsfb 
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