#[[ my starter was a breloom and i have a kirlia now ]]
heavenlyhoundoom · 28 days
Me roasting Hoenn.
Treecko: I bet this pokemon licks its eyes.
Grovyle: You had a very weird meme.
Sceptile: Do those back seeds hurt?
Torchic: The boys have small specks on their butts.
Combusken: Some pointed out that it looks like a certain body part, and now I can't unsee it.
Blaziken: The first fire/fighting starter that everyone "loves".
Mudkip: The most overused pokemon meme.
Marshtomp: It looks like it can't think.
Swampert: One razor leaf and you're dead.
Poochyena: Only known for chasing Birch.
Mightyena: Aka, Diet Houndoom.
Zigzagoon: I hope we get a tanuki pokemon that actually looks like a tanuki one day.
Linoone: Apparently, tanukis evolve into badgers.
Wurmple: Slightly more interesting than the other regional bugs due to its split evolutions.
Cascoon and Silcoon: It sucks that which evolution you get is determined by something completely out of your control.
Dustox and Beautifly: Living proof of pretty privilege.
Lotad, Lombre, and Ludicolo: Did you know these pokemon are based on kappas, a yokai known for drowning people?
Seedoot: This kind of looks like a mario enemy.
Nuzleaf: Why does it have nipples?
Shiftry: How are you able to do anything with those leaf hands?
Tailow: It's just a bird.
Swellow: You're mainly known for one of the biggest ass pulls In the anime.
Wingull and Pelliper: Why are you in every region after your introduction!?
Ralts: And the winner for most ridiculous haircut goes to...
Kirlia: Your haircut has gotten slightly better, but only slightly.
Gardevoir: Poor thing was rule 34ed beyond repair.
Surskit: Ah. =)
Masquerain: You have to be the most forgettable gen 3 pokemon.
Shroomish: I can't unsee the clip where someone flipped its face upside down and made another face.
Breloom: AKA: The kangashroom.
Slakoth: I wish people could be as chill as this guy.
Vigoroth: The caffeine addict pokemon.
Slaking: Oh my gosh, it's the man behind all those live action Disney remakes!
Nincada and Ninjask: They went from having a super cool type combo to having the most overused bug combo ever.
Shedinja: Don't go looking at its back.
Whismur: Why does it have a butt hole!?
Loudred: It's so ugly!!!
Exploud: Why would anyone want to train such a loud pokemon!?
Makuhita and Hariyama: It's sumo time!!!
Azurill: This pokemon created the first pokemon trans icon.
Nosepass: How big are its boogers?
Skitty: Too bad You're only known for being able to breed with a whale.
Delcatty: Look at that neck pillow.
Sableye: I feel like if it could talk, it would sound like Stitch.
Mawile: How heavy is your mouth hair?
The Aron line: Why would you create metal termites!?
Meditite: It looks like it's wearing a diaper.
Medicham: Now it looks like a pingas!
Electrike and Manectric: I would've never known that these were supposed to be dogs if people didn't tell me.
Plusle and Minun: These pokemon only exist to show off the new(at the time) double battle mechanic.
Volbeat and Illumise: Zzzz....
Roselia: You should've been a gen 4 pokemon.
Gulping and Swalot: Their names are such a dirty mind test.
Carvanha and Sharpedo: Apparently, piranhas evolve into sharks.
Wailmer: Not nearly as memorable as your evolution.
Warlord: And you're only known for being able to breed with a tiny cat.
Numel: The slowpoke for camel lovers.
Camerupt: You're Maxie's ace pokemon, and you're still forgettable.
Spoink: I would hate to have to bounce all the time to stay alive.
Grumpig: Miss Piggy without her makeup.
Spinda: If you're trying to catch every spinda variant, then you have no life.
Trapinch: This was the bane of my existence in X and Y.
Vibrava and Flygon: The "Why aren't these bug/dragon type" pokemon.
Cacnea and Cacturne: I'm gonna add these pokemon to my list of reasons to never go to the desert.
Swablu and Altaria: Mmmm... cotton candy...
Zangoose: Don't leave this pokemon alone with your pet snake
Seviper: Shiny killers, shiny killers, shiny killers!
Lunatone and Solrock: Shouldn't you two be in the super star daycare?
Barboach: More like barbitch!
Wishcash: This pokemon eats masterballs for breakfast!
Corphish and Crawdaunt: Mmmm...crawfish...
Baltoy: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay.
Claydol: Ah, yes. Biblically accurate pokemon.
Lileep: You'd think the first rock/grass type would look more interesting.
Cradilly: Don't lie. You also used to think Cradilly's eyes were its teeth.
Anorith: Stop staring at me with them big old eyes!
Armaldo: A another shiny ruined by the saturation of the 3d era.
Feebas and Milotic: Ugly duckling but with fish.
Castform: How does it feel to have gone years without shinies for your alternative forms?
Kecleon: How are you able to hide from opponents when the stripe on your belly doesn't change?
Shuppet and Banette: You two really need therapy.
Duskull: You're just a bully.
Dusclops: I don't like how it feels like it's staring into my soul.
Tropius: Are those bananas removable, asking for a friend.
Chimecho: Who are you again?
Absol: The emo pokemon.
Wynaut: Was this pokemon really necessary?
Snorunt: It looks so puntable!
Galie: Why do you look so pissed, man?
Spheal: I can't roast perfection.
Sealeo: Your mustache looks like cut-up paper.
Walrein: Who else used to think this pokemon was a pseudo legendary?
Clampearl: Give me them pearls!
Huntail and Gorebyss: Everyone keeps talking about how Remoraid evolving into Octillery makes no sense, but what about these guys?
Relicanth: How have you survived for so long while also being able to die from a single vine whip?
Luvdisc: Boring pokemon, cool shiny.
Bagon: How are you able to do anything with those practically nonexistent arms!?
Shelgon: Another cacoon pokemon.
Salamance: I'm glad you can finally fly, but is shooting all those beams of energy necessary?
Beldum: Just stay in the ball, damn you!
Metang: Hide your Nosepasses.
Metagross: I've got nothing. This is such a cool pokemon.
The regis: I can take you all down with one fighting type!
Latias and Latios: The only difference between their megas is their eye color!
Kyogre and Groudon: Someone clearly has an unfair advantage.
Rayquaza: Its mega has to be the most op thing in the franchise!
Jirachi: I wish Gamefreak would just give us a fire/fairy type already!
Deoxys: The ultrabeast before ultrabeasts.
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revexant · 3 years
fun concept: a blog based off one of my randomized pokemon runs
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emile-hides · 3 years
My Hero Pokemon AU
Basic title because I cannot think but I’ve decided I’m just gonna go ahead and rewrite the entire plot of My Hero Academia (current anime) as if it was like... a spin off of the Pokemon Anime? Took place in Pokemon?
Pokemon AU but more than just what Pokemon everyone would have, it’s plot. I’m just not writing it.
This is going to get long and rambley and I have no cool art to pace it out I’m literally rewriting an entire anime plot, but if you’d be so kind as to stick with me that’d be super cool.
So basics are as basics do, Toshinori Yagi is the Pokemon Champion of this world. He’s like the Pokemon Master, he’s more than just a strong battler, he’s also helpful and spends his time growing the bonds between Pokemon and People, making Pokemon more common amongst a world where the idea of keeping a Pokemon for something other than battling was absurd.
There are three ways to get a Pokemon;
The most old fashioned being at 4-6 years old your parent or parental figure will give you an egg from one of their Pokemon, and it’s your job to care for it until it hatches. 
Likewise, a parent or parental figure can also simply pass down a Pokemon from their own team onto a child at age 4 or older. Typically the older Pokemon is more of a guardian for the young trainer than an actual partner
Finally, you can take a Pokemon Personality Test and be gifted a Pokemon by a local professor or even the champion if you reach the right requirements, and pay a kinda hefty fee.
The last option is what Katsuki Bakugou did on his 4th birthday. He was gifted a Cyndaquil. Unlike the usual timid behavior for it’s species, Katsuki’s Cyndaquil was constantly picking fights. The flames on it’s back were always full strength. The two were perfect.
Izuku’s parents were a little more old fashioned. His father is a traveling Pokemon Trainer who’s partner is a Flareon, while his mother’s partner is an Espeon. The two opted to pass an egg from their partners down to Izuku.
He was the only kid in his class who had an egg, and was bullied for it, as he was the only one who couldn’t battle. And of course, the greatest battler of his grade was Katsuki Bakugou, who’s Cyndaquil took out even hand-me down Pokemon.
Still, he believed in the greatness that would hatch from the egg, and cared for it diligently. When his Eevee hatched, the two already shared a closer bond than any other trainer at Izuku’s school.
Eevee, however, was not very strong. He didn’t win any battles at school, and Izuku tended to hesitate as a trainer. Despite his many notes on battling, he could never get the hang of telling Eevee what to do in time. Katsuki loked down at him because of this.
Here’s where I stop being a storyteller for a hot second; The log accident between Katsuki and Izuku is replaced by Katsuki’s Cyndaquil loosing a battle to a wild Pokemon and fainting for the first time. Katsuki wasn’t prepared for this, he didn’t have anything to make Cyndaquil better, and it was actually Izuku and his Eevee who chased off the wild Pokemon and found Oran berries to heal Cyndaquil.
Obviously, neither of them liked that. Because you know. Angy boy has to angy. So Katsuki and his Cyndaquil both hate Izuku and his Eevee for... helping them. Because they don’t need help. They’re strong all on their own. Fuck you Deku.
By middle school Bakugou is still the best battler in his grade and grades above, his Cyndaquil is now a Quilava, soon to be a Typhlosion, and he’s setting his sights on the elite Pokemon Trainers school; UA Highschool.
On the other hand, Midoriya’s Eevee has blatantly refused to evolve any time Midoriya brought it up, and is now more like a house pet than a partner Pokemon. Midoriya has also failed to catch any new Pokemon. He does, however, have notebooks on type advantages, teams, strategy, and move combos. Eevee and Midoriya spend hours researching the perfect next partner to match Eevee. They too want to go to UA.
But that’d be impossible for an unevolved Pokemon as weak as Eevee. And with no other partners to help out it seems like a pipe dream.
Enter All Might, Champion and Pokemon Master. Who’s secret star Pokemon is an unevolved Scorbunny.
In this AU it’s not the act of saving Bakugou from getting his Quilava stolen by a Team LOV Grunt that sparks Toshinori’s drive to train him; But instead, the sync he has with his Pokemon. Both he and Eevee ran into the battle, a loosing battle, against a trainer they could not beat, without saying a word to one another. They both HAD to help. They both HAD to battle.
The connection between Trainer and Pokemon is what really matters, especially when using One for All, which is like a Z-Crystal or Mega Stone. It acts a lot like the Sync moves from Pokemon Masters. The trust between Trainer and Pokemon is gathered and released in an all out attack. It comes with the backlash of draining a Pokemon and Trainer’s life force if used too much. Like a Life Orb in the games, but less number values.
Toshinori and his Scorbunny train Izuku and his Eevee to inherit this power. Any Pokemon can be strong, evolution or not. It’s all about trust and care. A true trainer wins with the Pokemon they like, as Toshinori’s master once taught him.
Okay this post is getting... ridiculously long and we’re barely though episode like 3 when I said I was rewriting the whole plot I meant it. Thankyou to all who have stuck with me thus far, I’ll speed run Class 1-A’s Partner Pokemon real quick for you.
Yuga Ayoama - Carbink he hatched from an egg, he hopes one day to see it evolve into a Diancie
Mina Ashido - Her first Pokemon is her Salazzle she got from a Personality test, but her always out of it’s Pokeball her partner is a Grimer she caught in middle school. She thinks she’s the cutest Pokemon in the world, and likes to dress her up. She also has a Sliggoo who loves hugs.
Tsuyu Asui - Her main Pokemon is her father’s Politoed, though she’s always surrounded by water types. She can be seen cradling Tympol and Poliwag like babies. She also has a Drizzile.
Tenya Iida - Current owner of the family’s Aegishlash after Tensei had the his team stolen and corrupted by Team LOV. Before then his number one Partner was a Shelmet, traded with his brother to evolve into an Accelgor just before the entrance exam for UA.
Ochaco Uraraka - Hatched a Ralts from her parents, upon entering UA it was still a Kirlia. After interning under the Ace Trainer Gunhead it evolved into a Gallade.
Mashirao Ojiro - Specializes in fighting types, his main Pokemon is a Mienshao, though he also has a Mankey and Monferno who are constantly fighting one another, Meinshao, being the oldest, is typically the one to break up these fights. The joke here is his Pokemon have more personality than he does.
Denki Kaminari - Pikachu from a personality test. It’ll evolve into an Alolan Raichu. He also has a Blitzle with Lighting Rod as it’s ability along a Tynamo and a Toxel (Amped) who are both still in training. Very baby.
Ejiro Kirishima - Wants to be a Dragon type gym leader. He has a Druddigon that hated him he caught in middle school, because that’s Crimson Riot’s ace Pokemon. His first Pokemon was his dad’s Gigalith who acts as a dad to his Druddigon.
Koji Koda - His first Pokemon was a Buneary he hatched. It hates him, to this day, it’s best move is Frustration. It wants to be a battler, they only went to UA because it signed up for this school behind his back. He wanted to be a Pokemon Breeder. He also has a Happiny and an Audino.
Rikido Sato - His mom gave him her Pikachu as a starter. It’s currently an Alolan Raichu from the amount of sweets he’s given it. He also has an Alcremie he nursed back to health when it was injured, and a Ribombee.
Mezo Shoji - Has his dad’s Cinccino, an Aipom, and a Grapplot. They’re all very calm and quiet Pokemon, usually just hanging off him in various ways. Cinccino will beat the ass of whoever didn’t clean their dishes in the dorms, though.
Kyoka Jiro - Toxtricity (Low Key) from her dad, and a Mime Jr. that’ll evolve into a Mr. Ryme. She wants to be a strong battler but she also wants to preform in Pokemon Musicals and Contests.
Hanta Sero - Bug type trainer, his two current out of the ball Pokemon are a Caterpie and Sewaddle that are always on his shoulders. His first Pokemon was a Grubbin, currently a Vikavolt. They all know string shot and like to cocoon him whenever possible. On the hunt for a Wurmple next.
Fumikage Tokoyami - His first Pokemon was an Inkay he befriended. Sense evolving into a Malamar it refuses to listen to him, tending to act on it’s own or even hypnotize him to keep him from getting in it’s way. He also seems to attract wild Murkrow whenever he’s outside.
Shoto Todoroki - His Pokemon will get full indepth looks later in the post just know his starter was a Tepig from an egg his dad gave him. The rest of his team are ice types like Weavile and Glalie. He also cares for his mom’s Frosslass and Frosmoth. His room is full of Snom.
Toru Hagakura - Has her mom’s Alolan Ninetails, along with a Kecleon that is almost always invisible. Her Kecleon and Tsyu’s Drizzle are best friends.
Katsuki Bakugo - Obviously his Typholsion which evolved during entrance exams. He also has a Magmortar, a Larvitar he’s training, and a Ferrothorn he has for type coverage.
Izuku Midoriya - We’ll go over the growth of his team in a second, just know for a very long time (around midway though where season 3 is) Eevee was his only Pokemon. Now he has a Breloom as well.
Minoru Mineta - Has a Crogunk from a personality test that poison jabs him everytime he says or does anything pervy like Brock from the Pokemon anime. He also has a Zygarde Core he claims is an extremely rare and very powerful Pokemon.
Momo Yaoyorozu - Magearna is her staple Pokemon, her father bought it for her when she was very little. She also has both a male and female Indeedee.
This is all current as of season 5 teams, so some backstory on where some Pokemon came from may happen later.
That took...longer than expected... Back to plot!
I can’t take too long to talk about the USJ Incident, because it’s not the biggest deal and I’d have to go into pro-hero ie Ace and Veteran Trainer’s Pokemon, along with League of Villain stuff so we’re gonna gloss over this for just a hot second.
Just know LOV is the evil team in this AU. They want to take down the Pokemon League, and AFO wants the OFA gem Toshinori passed down to Izuku.
Sports Festival aka Battle Tournament time:
This is mostly Shoto Todoroki growth and learning.
His father, Enji Todoroki, is an Elite Four member who wants to overthrow the Champion and take his throne. Of course, he never could, so he married rich, Rei Todoroki, and harshly trained his children to be Pokemon Champions.
Shoto’s Tepig, currently a Pignite, is a the direct offspring of Endevor’s Emboar, and he refuses to use it in fear it may evolve and become exactly like his father. Shoto only uses half his team, and distances himself from his one true partner to throw away his father’s legacy.
Pignite, however, demands to battle Izuku and it’s fullest, even when Shoto refuses to allow it.
Izuku is the one to convince him that it’s HIS partner! His FRIEND! That he can trust his Pignite and if he’s too scared to evolve it it doesn’t HAVE to evolve! It’s fine as a Pignite, it fights for YOU Shoto! Put your trust in your partner!
This pushes him to not only use Pignite, but the Pokemon his mother entrusted him with as well, such as her Froslass.
All the meanwhile, Iida discovers his brother, current leader of the Iida Gym, was attacked by Team LOV, his Pokemon were stolen, and he was gravely injured.
Team LOV uses Shadow Pokemon, Pokemon who have closed off their hearts to humans and attack without mercy. Battles end in death, for both the trainer and the Pokemon. Tensei is lucky to still be alive.
All that remains of his trusted team is the family’s Aegishlash, their Grandfather’s first partner, and a trusted Iida family member. Tensei, unable to fully battle without his full team, passes on the Iida family Pokemon to Tenya, along with the promise to one day guard the Gym’s name.
This arc is almost completely without Stain and I genuinely don’t know how to really... incorporate him correctly. His morals are kinda weird to me and getting that to work around Pokemon would be hard. So I’m just making him a Team LOV admin. Sorry Stain, I know you stand for better than this, but I just... Can’t work with it.
Queue Tenya Iida’s bad boy arc, as he goes hunting after Team LOV with plans to shut down the entire organization single-handedly.
Of course this doesn’t work out and he end up in a fight with Team LOV Admin, Stain, who proceeds to kick his teeth in using dirty tactics and shadow Pokemon. This is the most OOC thing that’ll be in this AU I swear I’m so sorry Stain...
During this fight Midoriya starts to really see the backlash of using OFA at it’s limit, as both he and Eevee end up passing out from exhaustion, allowing Stain to get away, landing them both in the hospital.
Grand Torino doesn’t have words to teach Midoriya how to use OFA correctly, he simply gives him an egg and is off on his way. He’ll figure it out, he’s a smart kid.
Izuku spends most of his summer training camp caring for this egg, while everyone else is testing battle match ups, double battles, rotation battles, along with facing against type disadvantages and, of course, catching new team members in the surrounding forest.
Which of course brings us to Team LOV’s attack on the Summer Training Camp, and I’m again going to try and speed run their Pokemon partners, and this time I will be sticking to the Pokemon they have as of the attack on the camp, rather than future teams. Meaning I’m skipping AFO entirely right now. Also Nomu are replaced entirely with Shadow Pokemon.
Tomura Shigaraki (Team Boss) - All of his Pokemon are acquired from AFO, including his main Pokemon, Giratina (Altered Form), Dusknoir, and Golurk. The only Pokemon he has of his own is Banette
Dabi (Team Admin)- His ace is a Charizard constantly in it’s Mega-X form. He also has a Shiny Ponyta, Lampent, and a Shadow Reshiram gifted to him by LOV
Toga (Team Admin)- Her ace is a Ditto that tries to transform into people rather than Pokemon. She treats it like a person and calls it her friend rather than her partner. She also controls shadow versions of The Lake Trio; Uxie, Azelf, and Mespirit
Twice (Team Admin)- His ace is a Zweilous, the two heads are constantly fighting and he’s back and forth on stopping them. He’s not a very competent trainer and tends to give double commands. He’s in charge of a Shadow Kyurem.
Muscular (Team Admin)- Could care less about his bond with his Pokemon, they’re all shadow Pokemon. Machamp, Heracross, Hariyama, and Conkeldurr. He also has a Buzzwole, though it doesn’t seem to be a shadow Pokemon.
Spinner (Grunt)- Scyther, Escavalier, and Shedinja.
Magne (Grunt)- Plusle, Minun, and a Morpeko. Supports Spinner in Double Battles, she’s not a direct fighter.
Mr. Compress (Grunt)- Mr. Mime is is ace, he also as a Mr. Ryme and a Clefairy. They all know Metronome and use it even when he tells them not to.
Mustard (Grunt)- Wheezing, Dustox, Stunky, and Amoongus. Very defensive.
Moonfish (Grunt)- Has too many Unown. Are they even his Pokemon? They just kinda surround him and attack all at once. He does not give them any commands. Is he even alive? He doesn’t seem to move much.
Moonfish, Mustard, and Muscular all get captured, their Pokemon are moved into protective custody, Shadow Pokemon are treated and rehabilitated. And of course, Bakugo is kidnapped by the evil team.
During the raid on Team LOV’s hideout, Ace Trainers, Gym Leaders, and Elite Four members manage to contain all shadow Pokemon and transport them to safer facilities, though with plenty of struggle.
All for One fight happens, and true anime style, Toshinori’s ace, Scorbunny, manages to take down AFO’s Giritina (Origin Form), allowing for his capture. With the cost of revealing to the world the toll OFA has taken on both Toshinori and his partner.
I wish I could find some way to talk about the Dorm episode because it and the first episode of season 4 are easily my favorite episodes. They’re just so cute, and it’d only be cuter with partner Pokemon and growing bonds and all that. Please take this moment to appreciate those episodes.
Moving into the Dorms is about the right time for Izuku’s egg from Grand Tirino to hatch! Surprise! It’s a... Shroomish?? Granted he’s a bit confused at first, but Toshinori helps a bit. He won’t just give him the answer of course. What kind of teacher does that?
Izuku realizes he can’t put too much of OFA’s strain on just his Eevee, he need to lessen the weight on his partner. He talks to Shroomish about it, explain how it works and says if he doesn’t want to battle, he doesn’t have to.
But of course Shroomish wants to battle! It wants great power and to be best friends with Midoriya and Eevee!
Shroomish evolves during license training, which I’m not 100% positive how to translate into this AU... I’m so sorry to both the Provisional License (which has some of the best characters) and Stain for just completely glossing over whatever it is you all do but I just wanna keep going I’ve been writing for 8 hours straight now.
Internships time. I know there’s a lot of really REALLY good characters in this arc. Super cool, full of personality and the ability to go ham wild on their Pokemon teams is diving me wild rn but like the story of this arc is also super wild so I’ll spare y’all my ten page essay on Fatgum’s Pokemon, unless you wanna come into my ask box and ask for that spesifically, I will give it to you.
We’ll just do The big Three and move on:
Mirio Togata - His starter was defenetly a Ghastly, currently a Gengar full of love and laughs. He also has a Togekiss, Gliscor, and a Heracross. They’re all very happy, fun loving Pokemon, who trust eachother and Mirio very closely.
Neijire Hado - She started with a Mareep, now an Ampharos, she’s also currently caring for a Smoochum, and a Vibrava. Her Pokemon are constantly full of energy.
Tamaki Amajiki - He got a Smeargle from his Pokemon Personality test as a starter, much like him his Smeargle is very shy about it’s art, only showing it to Tamaki, Mirio, and Mirio’s Heracross. Her also has a Skrelp who doesn’t like to battle, and a Drifblim he hides behind.
Eri is a little girl currently plagued by Darkrai’s nightmares. Overhaul is using these nightmares to create the serum that turns Pokemon into Shadow Pokemon. His goal is to separate people and Pokemon permanently.
Because of her constant nightmares, Eri is terrified of Pokemon, and is always weary around them, especally if they are bigger than her.
Just like in the main story, Mirio and Izuku run into Eri while on patrol, and immedetly know something’s wrong, but can’t do anything, letting her slip back into the hands of Overhaul.
The Yakuza, in this AU, run the Pokemon Daycare as a front, thus they have a lotta eggs. During the raid of the base, Twice’s Zweilious, evolved into Hydreigeon, finds and gets attached to one such egg. He eventually gifts it to Toga.
During the battles of the raid, Overhaul turns quiet a few Pokemon into Shadow Pokemon, including Nighteyes’ ace, Xatu, who in the rage induced by becoming shadowed, attacks and gravely wounds Nighteye.
Mirio’s team does their best as well, but his team are also stripped of their hearts and bonds. Even so, he keeps fighting. He pushes them to please, keep going, for Eri! So she can know the joy of having her own Pokemon some day, and be free of all this pain!
He manages to keep them fighting until Izuku shows up, though by then he’s taken the brunt of quiet a few of his own Pokemon’s attacks and can no longer stand.
When the dust all settals, the Shadow Pokemon are gathered and slept for their own saftey. Eri’s grandfather, the Yakuza Boss, is still in a coma. In his room police find an egg, a gift meant for Eri, her first Pokemon.
But she’s still too scared of Pokemon to accept it.
School Festival time; Time to go after Jiro’s true passion: Pokemon Preformances!
I have a personal weakness for the Pokemon Musicals from Black and White, and it fits this little section here where they all put on a concert with singing and dancing and the whole idea of Jiro and Denki’s Toxtricitys jamming together on stage is making me soft so like
That’s what happens
And it helps Eri get over her fear of Pokemon. Not entrily all at once, but for a moment, just a moment, all these Pokemon having fun, dancing and singing, wearing cute little clothes just... Makes her so happy! 
That’s the plot thus far, as of anime standards, that’s about where I am and it’s almost all my thoughts. I have a few miscellaneous things to clean up, sense I know quiet a few manga bits, so feel free to stop here if your an Anime causual like me.
Also! If I didn’t include someone’s team and you’d like to know, or you want to judge me on my reasons for giving certain people certain Pokemon, send me an ask. I’ll gladly explain. I have explinations. A lot of them.
Eri’s egg from her grandfather has a Celebi in it, the cure to Shadow Pokemon. I’m not sure when it’ll hatch, but she takes care of it every day.
Mirio actually still has his team! They’re just shadow Pokemon now, so they rarely listen to him and often attack him. He doesn’t particapate in real battles anymore, for fear his Pokemon will hurt someone else, but he still trains and plays with them the best he can! He’s constantly covered in scratches and bites.
Dabi’s charizard was given to him as a Charmander by his dad. His father claimed he wasn’t a good trainer because he cared and cried too much when his Pokemon got hurt, and took the Charmander from him. In this AU, Dabi isn’t believed dead, he just ran away from home after taking his Charmander back.
Team LOV actually made Charizard X, as theories say it’s a man-made mega evolution form and I think that’s cool, and Dabi forced it onto his partner. Charizard ended up nearly killing Dabi with it’s sudden strength.
Kurogiri is a Shadow Marshadow forcibly possessing Oboro Shirakumo, he has no Pokemon of his own, nor does he battle. Shirakumo isn’t dead in this AU, just possessed. Kinda in a coma?
After Twice dies, Toga takes care of his Hydreigeon. The egg he gave her hatches after he’s dead, and it’s a Zorua. She tells it all about Twice, refering to him as the Zorua’s daddy because I just think that’s cute leave me be. Hydreigeon is a VERY good parental Pokemon to Zorua.
With the loss of Muscular, Mr. Compress is promoted to admin and given a Hoopa, which he chooses to confine to it’s smaller, weaker form. It’s the only legendary Pokemon that Team LOV has that isn’t a Shadow Pokemon.
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plusultrakincore · 5 years
That ask you just got reminded me that right now in my ORAS Playthrough with Puppy we're naming all the Pokemon after foods too except a couple- Our starter is Kipper the Swampert rn! We also have a Breloom named Garlic Bread, a Numel named Soup, and a Kirlia, soon to be Gallade, amed Spork- among others djshdhfb - Cinna
❥ SOUP. Their name is soup,, that one’s my favorite of the ones you mentioned omg. All of these are so good?? I unironically love Breloom so much!! Also spork... excellent. Kipper makes me super happy because like everyone I know has no idea who or what Kipper (the dog) is and it’s so sad; for years I thought it was a fever dream— BUT, GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PLAY THROUGH!! Have fun!! I want ORAS badly because that’s like, the only pkmn game that I don’t have yet or haven’t played yet since my start from Sinnoh, working my way up through the years as they came out-
• Mod Deku — Max 📚 •
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