#[[tysm for asking ♥ ]]
jinstronaut · 3 months
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yoongi in green 💚💚💚 for @cordiallyfuturedwight (cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls)
cc’s for palestine masterlist | request here
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prentissluvr · 16 days
CONGRATS ON 800 RAAAAAAH THATS MY FRIGGIN GORL!!!!!!!!!!! for ur gift from me to u please take the thought of our beloved boy Sam deciding that you groaning about aches and pains in your legs and back are too irritating and gives you a massage that turns into backshots okay I love u have a good day xoxo yonks anon
omg thanks for a gift wowow you're too cute and sweet heh HAVE A LOVELY DAY <333
MDNI with this post please please please !!!!
hehe at first he's like aweee my poor baby is sore :(( i'll massage it for you :) but omg you're still complaining while he massages you, half moaning how it feels nice and thanking him for being sweet, then groaning about how annoying it is that you're so sore. so he finishes massaging your legs (and totally teases you and tries to get you worked up by being so so handsy with your thighs)
then you're shifting around to lay on your stomach and he flips you over, basically straddling your ass as he massages your back. he pays special attention to your lower back both because he knows that's where you're most sore, but also most sensitive. the feeling of his big, encompassing hands splayed over your lower back is intoxicating. his thumbs, then palms press into the upper flesh of your ass, and he sits back on your upper thighs and his hard cock presses into you <3
and finally, he shifts up onto his knees on either side of your legs, grabs your hips and pulls them up until you're settled onto your own knees. he pushes his hips into your ass and asks, "you want this, baby?" of course you want it, there's a reason you were moaning so unabashedly as he gave you a massage.
so he unzips his jeans, pulls his cock from his boxers, then pulls down your pants and underwear and sinks slowly into you because you're already soaking wet from his big hands pawing at you <3
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spacecolonie · 2 years
Hello! Do you have any advice with painting? Every time I start I end up just doing lineart with colours underneath, and when I do kindles art it looks kind of like plastic. Am I supposed to merge the two layers and then start shading? What would you recommend?
Hey anon!! I actually do have some advice for that!! I'll shove it under a cut because it got way longer than I thought it would, sorry for the infodump everyone _(:3 」∠)_
quick tl;dr: painting process should consider both personal taste & the desired aesthetic of a painting, & to avoid plastic-y colours, make sure your hues vary within your values (and layer modes are ur friend) ♥
there's a million ways to start paintings & its all down to personal preference -- the end goal for the illustration can often influence the approach you take; a crisp digital painting might call for meticulous layering & sharp edged flats, but if you want something to look like an oil painting, you should try and mimic that process as close as you can! here's some examples:
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this is the sketch for my FYR zine piece from last year; i intentionally approached it in a way that looks like traditional underpaintings so that when I worked directly on top, those orange tones would peek through like this:
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after doing that undersketch, i manually painted everything -- no fancy layer modes, just me, one layer, and screaming ಥ_ಥ it was hard but it worked for the vibe i wanted!!
now v.s something like this:
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simple shapes, roughly blocked in shading that just gets merged and painted over, as well as lots of layer modes on top for those colour changes! this is by far the easier one & the one i'd probably recommend, solely because it lets you keep more control. i go more in depth here on that -- but to quickly answer, i personally block everything (including shading) in before I merge & render!
for the other thing you mentioned, a lot of the times that 'plastic' feeling can come from either a lack of transitional shades or only using white/black for your value tones. this tweet thread (direct image links 1, 2 & 3) by frozensoba demonstrates it incredibly well -- by adding certain colour shifts in your values, it can create extra depth which is what makes stuff look more alive!! don't be afraid to really push it and get wacky
an easy way to add it while you're learning is using gradient maps to add richness in your midtones. It's not perfect since different surfaces & materials diffuse light differently, but adding one at the end of a drawing can help tie everything together. If you can do both at once though it always looks best; here's some very quick 2 minute orbs as an example:
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ok I'm almost done (and im so sorry for how long this got... special interest moment TM) -- one last thing is to try varying your brush strokes & adding textures if you want. using only an airbrush or heavily relying on blurring brushes can make things look plastic too; sometimes you want that, but for the times you don't, adding some texture & leaving brush marks in can do a lot!!
lastly, since this is just me rambling, here are some artists that are incredibly talented & i highly recommend looking at for their advice & processes because it will be much more coherent than this:
Marco Bucci -- amazing educational content. if you check out any of these artists, he's the one to look at first imo. his 10 minutes to better painting series is a great place to start
Sinix Design has some amazing tutorials on anatomy & the mechanics of painting! This video & the intermediate part 2 are super
Dao Trong Le -- a veritable goldmine of speedpaints
Bo Chen & any of the riot splash artists. If that's the vibe you're after, you can't go wrong with the LoL splashes as reference
i hope that helps!!!
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noxinara · 15 days
🌻- What's this oc's mental health state?
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
🌵- How does this oc feel about physical affection?
a silly oc?
THANK YOU FOR ASKING ROU--! tytysm ♥ meet kaen. he's just a silly little guy, dont mind his faux scary look!! (picrew used found here!)
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🌻- What's this oc's mental health state? volatile is one way i can describe it. he's brash, impulsive, fiery and intense. he's a perfectionist to a detrimental degree--the same goes for his loyalty. its hard for him to control his emotions, but he tries his best. he acts aloof, and very tsundere, but he's a sweetheart deep down, he just wants the best for those that he cares about (and should honestly care about himself more).
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc? he's a kitsune-- jkjk, theres more to love than that. my favorite thing about him is def his personality, because he's supposed to be a foil to his best friend, sylas, and im always in love with the reckless characters.
🌵- How does this oc feel about physical affection?
he's definitely unsure about it first, because he has some trauma surrounding it. male kitsune in my universe (i imagine in every universe lmao) are extraordinarily rare, and so... a little akin to ikevil elbie, he was very *ahem* poked and prodded by those closest to him... but if you get really close to him, all of that soon melts and he's like a pup and craves affection.
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advertisesouls · 2 months
@xluciifer ; If your muse was a gameshow, which would they be and why?
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out of the office: hmm, this is a bit of a tricky one since my immediate answer would be "let's make a deal" due to how she, too, has and continues to make deals with her fellow demons to keep gaining more influence and power in hell. that, and she always presents tempting offers for her deals to make them especially enticing and hard to turn down.
(that, and i think xifeng would find the idea of her contractees picking zonks to be hilarious since they're the ones who did that and she was just being a gracious dealer.)
but then i started to really think about it and also can see "the price is right" being one, too, given how the mere idea of seeing people lose on an extravagant prize (i.e. a car, a trip to another country, etc) all because they got the answer wrong or fate didn't favor them that day. then, to see people compete for a chance with the big wheel to get on to the showcase would also amuse her with the varied reactions that people would give her.
then, you get to the showcase, and in the case where it's a double overbid and both contestants don't win their respective showcases? oh, that would provide endless entertainment for her!
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whirling-fangs · 9 months
send IMPRESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they tried to impress someone, successfully or not
GLIMPSES OF THE PAST // accepting!!
Today was the day.
The cold season was approaching in great leaps. Sooner or later, the mountain would be shrouded in its white veil, which it would don for several moons to come. Animals would look for shelter inside the dark yet warm caves.
Inosuke had long chosen his own refuge. It was a particularly broad cave with a narrower entrance, offering perfect shelter from the biting winds that seeping through the opening. He had gathered firewood and nice stones to spark a fire, deer skins to cover the ground, and enough acorns or pinecones to last many nights.
It was a perfect cave. Unfortunately, Inosuke wasn't the only one to have noticed that.
He first spotted the bear crawling inside as he returned with a fresh haul of acorns – perhaps the last of the season. By the time the bear exited its hiding spot once more, and Inosuke could weasel inside the cave again, his precious treasure had been devoured already.
Day after day, Inosuke waited by the cave's entrance, spying on the bear's ever motion. It returned fatter with each passing day, splurging on fresh fish and berries, to the point where the cave's entrance was barely just allowing its imposing stature through. This might be its final trip before its long slumber.
"That's my cave, you big heap of fur. I found it first!" Inosuke seethed through gritted teeth. He tightened his hold around the sticks he held in each hand, and waited for the bear to return from its latest feast. Once he could feel its heavy steps making the ground tremble under his feet, Inosuke sprung from his hiding spot in a tree above, and landed between the bear and the cave's entrance.
The child puffed his chest out, shoulders spread far apart, sticks brandished by his sides. An attempt to make himself as large as he could, boar head crowning his frame, snout held high.
His cry would resonate all the way down the mountain, urging birds to fly off their perches in the nearby trees. Inosuke stood his ground, refusing to acknowledge the trembling of his own body.
His voice died out in his throat. The bear had risen on its hind legs, towering far above the boy's head as it returned the roar, jaw dripping with specks of freshly devoured fish and saliva.
There was no going back. Inosuke refused to give up. He yelled some more as he dashed and leapt high, body twisting in mid-air as he brought his sticks above the same shoulder, and aimed to slash them down at the bear's head.
The bear's clawed pawed was faster. It sliced through the air with blinding speed as it caught the boy's torso, and sent him hurling across the clearing.
The pain was so blinding that Inosuke hardly registered when his body hit the ground. His hands rushed to his side, only to be coated in thick, warm blood. He only had to take a simple breath to notice his several broken ribs, and the depths of the gashes carved into his skin.
Inosuke remained motionless on the ground. He waited for the heavy steps to grow closer, but they never came. The bear must have ruled out the threat, and moved on with his day.
Another kind of warmth spread down Inosuke's cheeks. Tears of pain and frustration, the rage gnawing at his insides, pushing away the ache that tore at his entire being.
A rush of cold wind rattled the leafless branches above his head. Inosuke turned onto his side, eyes blankly staring at the endless white of the skies above him. A little piece of cloud seemed to descend all the way to his face, where it left a cold bite. The first snowflake.
He didn't have a shelter. He didn't have any supplies. He was injured, weakened, tired.
Oh, how he hated the cold season.
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hiisheart · 6 months
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@lostcleric said: "stop! i surrender! i surrender!"
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ♥︎ . *. ⋆ IT WAS A BIT OF A silly thing to use as a tool to get what he wanted, but it wasn't like fighting back was a great option, either. will had grown since they had both seen each other in person, and along with that his strength had as well. while mike's own strength had likely IMPROVED as well, he was still quite lanky, and as a result very easy to manhandle.
he figured that the only way he'd get out of this position he found himself forced into — trying to get the madonna tape for his walkman back — was to wield the tickle weapon, reaching for the back of will's knee and breathing a huff of surprise as he topples over, immediately giving mike the upper hand as he continues to EXPLOIT his friend's weakness. it was fun while it lasted, but after a while he could begin to hear the exhaustion in the other's pleas, so he decides to pull back but only after snatching the tape back.
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❝ that's why you don't mess with a wheeler, ❞ mike teases, surreptitiously MONITORING will's body language as he helps him to his feet, just to make sure he was okay and to make sure he didn't accidentally go too far. ❝ why'd you snag this one from me anyway? i thought you were more into rock and stuff. ❞
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weird-bookworm · 11 months
For your request thingy I request seungmin and this song https://spotify.link/Nbc8NOHdXDb
idk why the song gave me long distance relationship vibes so i'm sorry if this is not what you envisioned 😅
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.,...................................•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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localsya · 1 year
do u sell ur prints anywhere...i want that painting of the tigers on my WALL
Hello!!! I do dfkjgd kitties are on inprint currently uvu here!
Tysm for the concern ♥♥
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skwistokgetalongshirt · 8 months
🍬 [LOLLY/CANDY] What would your OC like to receive for Valentine's Day/as a token of love?
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find? For anyone you wanna answer for I love them all ;w;
[Emoji OC Asks]
🍬 [LOLLY/CANDY] What would your OC like to receive for Valentine's Day/as a token of love?
Lux has never really celebrated Valentine’s Day, but I think she would love a classic ‘roses and chocolates’ gift.
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
She isn’t on the scale at all! Lux doesn’t partake in alcohol.
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Not very likely! She’s very cautious so I don’t think she would just put a random berry or mushroom in her mouth unless she’s absolutely sure it’s safe to do so!
Thank you for always caring and loving my OCs! 💜💜💜
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cerbreus · 1 year
had a trainwreck of an in person consult for my sleeve tattoo yesterday only made better by the itty bitty yorkie shop dog adoring me and sitting on my lap the whole time.
#also chatting with my partner after ofc i felt so much better tysm chris ♥#but yeah it was not great#it was supposed to be on friday#but she changed it last minute saying she was too busy can we do it the next day at 5 instead? yeah fine#kinda disappointing she didn't tell me in time to like do smth with friends i was invited to but had to opt out of bc of the consult#but whatever#get there early text her that i'm there. stand out side. in the rain. for 15 minutes. she didn't see the text. she didn't see me outside.#in fact.. she was in the middle of tattooing somebody. the client noticed me after 15 minutes and finally let her know.#she comes over all suspicious like. cracks the door and asks 'who are you?what do you want'#even after i say i have a consultation at 5 she didn't remember it was HER who had the consult. i had to rattle off all the details for her#to finally remember it was HER consult and say 'oh i completely forgot about that'#finally get let in and sit down and. she then spends the next couple minutes profusely apologizing to the other client. saying like#'ohhh im so sorry i completely forgot i had a consult scheduled.... i'll get this over with quick' which. well. :(#finally start going through it. she doesn't remember anything about the tattoo. not that it was a sleeve. not what elements were in it. :(#i wasn't expecting a sketch or anything but. even just having re-read the emails before the consult would have... been nice....#after she does that she says 'oh we didn't really need an in person consultation' which is also. :( because she suggested it.#i get a whole like 5 minutes to rehash stuff we already went over in emails including her not remembering i'd put down a deposit AND we had#3 sessions scheduled already.... and it needs another 2 sessions which i wish she'd told me about because she's booked so far out my last#session might not be until. may.#i didn't even get to ask any questions! i wanted to ask! like does she use saniderm? (i can't have that on my skin)#does she want other things for a tip than just cash? (absolutely not offering that now) has she dealt with KP before? are there any things#she wants me to bring to the sessions? (they're gonna be long)#and then i'm rushed out the door and sitting in my car in the rain and just absolutely fucking crushed#and feeling bad that i feel so bad because like. is it entitled of me to think that like.#maybe if u have a client paying u thousands of dollars to design & tattoo their sleeve tattoos.... you'd like.... treat them like a client#i was so excited about my sleeve i was so fucking psyched and now im. not. at all.#i'm worried about what if she forgets about my appts? what if she books over my appts like she already did with just my consult?#and i'm left hanging trying to get things scheduled in so so so so late like i'm some second rate flaky walk in....#i guess it could have gone worse
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unorcadox · 11 months
when did you start getting involved in furry stuff? was it a childhood thing first, or a more recent thing
tbh that's a hard question, it wasn't in my childhood, but i got into it a decent bit ago now? i wanna say it was in high school that i was first exposed to furry stuff but i can't say for certain
technically i've been making at least "human with animal trait" self inserts since i was in middle school tho so maybe it just started there lmfao
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tomatoscribbles · 2 years
Hey I just wanted you to know that your Tekken drawings are making me go absolutely feral!
I adore your art style and the way you draw the characters interacting! ( Kaz holding back a partly transfomed Jin is giving me all the feels <3 )
I would love to see and hear more about your AU it looks super interesting!!!
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GOT ONE THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! ive been having a lot of fun with it (and actually WRITING again can u believe), and since you are so nice i will tell you - that drawing in particular is set during jin’s time being plagued by nightmares from azazel, so kaz is trying to restrain/calm him down before he fully transforms >:) doesnt get out of it scotch free tho
i could go into a lot about the AU itself!! im me and have adhd so i could talk for ages, but im actually hoping to get a real long term fic out of it (might die but 👍), so i dont wanna spill it all! its largely centered on the relationships between kazuya, lee, and jin, and later lars, and im tackling both trying to make kaz's arc realistic, and the crazy amount of messed up he and lee have to be (especially towards each other).
if you have specific questions id be happy to answer as well as i can without spoiling too much! ♥
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robynrileyart · 1 year
12 and 16 for character of your choice :D (or cause i just saw him o'connelly if thats how you spelled it)
character developing questions!!! // @tacticaltaxonomist
oh HIII thank you so much for sending me some questions!!! o'connelly is my baby boy call of duty oc who was first born in my soapghost fanfic series 'CRUSH.' over on ao3 :') he's in both POVs of the CRUSH. fics, and in GLASS DELUSION. too as a little cameo! at that point, he wasn't anything major. he was really just a side character i didn't care about to fill out the action scenes. BUT! he's grown on me and now he's all i think about so i'm very excited to get to talk about my boy o'connelly ♥
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
first things first: connie is NOT a calm man. he's constantly stressed out and while at work, he's tense. serious. almost sombre. outside of work or during downtime, he's a lot more relaxed and can laugh with people, but for the most part, and for his entire life, connie accepts that his neutral emotion is to be stressed. despite that, though, he's got a very calming presence and is great at deescalating situations. connie is the medic you want tending to you if you're hurt, that's for sure. he will tailor the care to the individual's perceived needs. BUT despite looking so, he is not calm at all in those situations. he's in control, but not calm.
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the most calm he's ever ever been has got to be some time when he's with someone else. if he's by himself, he's thinking everything over and that rarely results in much peace. also, if he's with someone, he feels safer in case something happened. so i'll say he's watching a movie on the couch with his boyfriend, snuggled in close. so he's distracted by the movie, feeling safe because Rush (@/ithinkthiswasabadidea's oc!) is there and he's getting cuddles. all connie's needs are met, he's content. until someone does some really bad medical work in the movie and then he's annoyed because HOW HARD IS IT TO RESEARCH THAT???
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
HAPPINESS. success IS happiness for him. if you'd have asked him early on in his life, though, he would have said success would have been a nice house, good money, to be married. but with all of that in perfect reach in his early twenties, he realised that success isn't as easily defined. he had been engaged at the time to someone he loved who would also become a doctor. they'd have a nice house, they'd make very good money, and they'd be together. but as he looked further down the path, he wondered about how kids fit into their allotted agenda. maybe zach would be interested, but what would the world look like with little zachs running around? a lot more stuck up, probably, and less accepting.
(this was the first in a series of red flags that connie picked up on in his final year of med school, that suggested he wouldn't be a good fit with zach. connie loves kids, and knew he'd want them too if possible, but zach isn't a parent kind of guy. he's never wanted kids. he doesn't express his love or his thoughts easily.)
anyway. did success mean a family? not necessarily, but it is something he always hoped for. connie did a lot of soul searching instead of revising during the exam period (BEEN THERE), and he realised that the nice house was just a building, and the money would sit in a bank account, and even the marriage was seeming less attractive. when he decided to change careers, though, he hadn't intended for it to break the engagement. he was really shocked by zach's negative reaction to connie wanting to join the military and ultimately they split up. honestly? connie kind of wasn't that upset about it. he has the opportunity to start afresh, even if that means not having the man he had assumed would be there through thick and thin by his side.
in the army, connie's expectation that he will live a long life is completely cut short. he doesn't like to think about it, but genuinely lives every day as if he could just die on duty tomorrow. not an unreasonable thought, really, but it means that in order to feel fulfilled in his life, he has to redefine success. it is easily attainable, almost everyone manages to achieve it. success becomes survival. and when he's emotionally stable enough that he can give himself room to hope, success will eventually become happiness. he isn't happy in the military, he is always stressed, but he is sometimes happy off duty. and he's happy when he gets to call his family, or hang out with his boyfriend and not have to think about work.
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in the future, when he's out of the military, he thinks of himself as successful. as it happens, he has a nice house, and good money, and a loving marriage. he even has kids! but besides all of that, he's happy. (he's still stressed, don't get me wrong, but he is more commonly in the position to see the happiness in every day.)
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ahogechef · 2 years
*while kaede's in the kitchen, she'll suddenly see the door to the room open yet no one seems to step inside! at first it appears as if it seemingly opened for no reason, but soon the answer becomes clear as a certain little bunny comes hopping towards her~! he has a white ribbon wrapped around his neck that's been shaped into a big bow, and he is also biting onto two things: one is the stem of a rather large sunflower, and the other is a small bag that's filled with truffles!*
*it's only then that taka makes himself known, stepping out from the hallway and absolutely beaming at his dear friend!*
"Happy White Day, Kaede!! I hope you enjoy these wonderful gifts! Bunnytaka insisted that he had to help celebrate this wonderful day as well and I simply couldn't refuse, hahaha~!!"
Kaede was in the kitchen reading one of her recipe magazines, when she saw the door open. "Hm? Hi, what's-" She was about to greet to whoever entered... until seeing that no one did? ".....up? Huh? No one's there...?" She blinks, wondering if they simply changed their mind or almost accidentally entered the wrong room... that is, until s she saw Bunnytaka hop in! "!!!! Bunnytaka! Hi~!" Instantly beaming, she places her magazine on the counter and crouches down when he approaches her. "Were you the one who opened my door, huh? Hehe! And aww, look at you, Mr. Handsome! With your fancy bow and all!" She giggles, giving the top of his head soft scritches. That's when she also noticed that he was holding a big sunflower and a small bag in his mouth.
"Ah...! Is this for me? Ohh what a beautiful sunflower!! I love it! I will find the prettiest vase for it!" She chimes as she carefully takes the sunflower out of his mouth, and gently hugs it against her chest. She then accepts the small bag to see what's inside, gasping in delight when seeing they were full of truffles! "Oooo, truffles! These look so good! Hahaha, did you make these for me, Bunnytaka?"
She jokes, of course having a pretty good idea on who is actually behind these gifts, with Kiyotaka's entrance confirming it. "Taka! Thank you so much!! Hehe, is that so? He's so cute.... I adore the sunflower, and the truffles look delicious!" She even takes a moment to plop one in her mouth, humming in delight. "And are delicious! You two truly made today so nice for me." Standing up, she places the bag of truffles and the sunflower carefully on the counter. Then, after picking up Bunnytaka and nuzzling him in her arm, she uses her other arm to wrap it around Kiyotaka in a big hug.
"Thank you so much again, Taka, Bunnytaka! The gifts were so cute and the little surprise was so precious... I love you guys so much!!" And gives the top of Bunnytaka's, and Kiyotaka's cheek, the softest peck before she gives them a cuddly squeeze in the hug.
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whirling-fangs · 7 months
[ nightmare ] sender wakes receiver up from a nightmare // from mamabira c:
A bead of sweat rolled down the little boy's forehead. His agitation was palpable, little quivers shaking his lips, as if he was trying to speak up. Trying to beg for something, someone to drag him out of his slumber.
He didn't immediately wake as that gentle hand came running across his cheek. His expression progressively softened, like her soothing motions were seeping into the dream and chasing the monsters away from it. By the time his eyes open, wide emeralds staring back into hers, he almost seemed peaceful.
"You came to save me..." He mumbled dreamily, struggling to tell the dream apart from reality. "The monster was going to eat me, but you scared it away..."
It had been a rather simple dream. Inosuke running across the forest, chased down by a beast whose jaws dripped with the blood of its previous victim. A beastly, monstruous creature, whose only distinctive feature was a set of gleaming eyes. Oddly human-looking, iridescent eyes. Just when the monster was about to catch up, Kotoha leapt down from a tree, holding a mighty branch in her hands. She let out a fierce cry, so fierce that it scared the beast into submission.
Inosuke found himself chuckling. The Kotoha from his dreams was a far cry from reality, but the result had been the same. She had saved him.
He closed his eyes again, dragging his head into her lap as she kneeled beside him. The present was slowly catching up with him, making him realize that perhaps the dream hadn't been so far-fetched – only their roles were reversed.
Reality had its own monster. One that he had to protect her from. He would soon resume the fight, face those prismatic eyes and rise to protect his mother from him...
...maybe in five minutes.
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