#[‘practice does make perfect.’] (meta content)
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taken from: nat's linoan!
tagging: flutters my lashes like a funny lil guy :eye::sparkles:
write about how our muses could connect with each other! ex. what does your muse like to do that other people would be involved in? do they have interests that other people might share?
Linhardt is a Black Eagle, and one native to Fódlan. Any who decide to study the politics of the continent would easily stumble upon his house, and connections can be drawn from there (accurate or otherwise).
She is a frequenter of the library though, even if she's most often found there late at night. Aside from her chronic reading, she also likes to fish! Not competitively though. She's not that competitive.
If you can't find them in class, the library, or at the Fishing Grounds though, just wander around the monastery a bit—they're probably asleep underneath a tree somewhere. Or in their room asleep, in which case, good luck finding them.
write about your muse and their concept of friendship. ex. how is your muse like with friends? do they make friends easily or do they find it difficult to connect with others?
Friendship for Lin is... interesting, to say the least. They'll regard you much the same as they would any other person, but perhaps with slightly less rudeness/sass (unless you're really close, then it's worse *cough cough* CASPAR *cough cough*). The chance of summoning them with the click of your heels increases by 0.5%, so that's also a neat bonus! Really, the big thing is that they'll consciously worry about you now (when they think it's necessary to worry, otherwise, you're on your own).
The thing is, once you actually manage to pin him down, so long as you aren't asking him to do work all the time, you'd be pretty alright in his book! The threshold for 'friendship' though is rather hard to pin down—one day you're acquaintances and the next you're friends. It's not really easy to draw the line.
I can't say she makes friends easily considering she... doesn't exactly try, to be quite frank (it's part of the reason the previous bullet is so nebulous). She'd be completely content being alone forever (minus that one hamster), and she doesn't really rely on others that much except to do work she'd rather not do! Actively seeking out a friend isn't really something she does. I can't say she struggles either though—there is simply no effort made at all. Alas.
write about your muse and the conflicts they have with other people. ex: who are they on bad terms with? what kind of people do they not get along well with? how do they act around people they don’t like?
Hubert. Also Ferdinand. Edelgard to an extent. Caspar sometimes (it's a best friends thing) /j. Yeah. Yeah.
To elaborate, anybody who expects her to put in more than the minimum amount of effort gotta be joking fr! It's not that bad if it's a misunderstanding, but if you try to force it? Yikes. (Edelgard ain't that bad fr cuz she knows when to quit! Also when to appeal. She's cool ong)
Admittedly, antagonism for Linhardt is basically the same as their normal behavior, just snarkier. More witty rebuttals and sharp comments—this man can never be anything but blunt! They're already very likely to just walk away from a conversation, but if they don't like you? Ohoho!
Won't lose sleep over it though. That's a bit too much.
write about your muse and their relationship with romance. ex. are they searching for love or not interested in it in the slightest? what’s their dating history like? how do they act around crushes? how would they treat their partner if they were in a relationship?
Okay 'cause this is hilarious when the muse is aromantic gwahaha!
This is an aroace lil guy—completely disinterested in romance for romance's sake (because someone tell me how he tells how many different girls they're gonna have kids together in his A-supports? Also in basically every instance it's got something to do with crests and studying them. He's a bit insane).
Their dating history is completely blank. There is actually nothing to see here.
Similarly, there are no crushes for her to act different around! This one is fairly normal (<- this post was brought to you by the Aspec Gang)
As for how he'd treat his partner if he was dating—the same way he would act if they were friends? lol? Literally nothing has changed in his mind except that there might be kisses or something. (Is there a book he can read somewhere on this? Probably.)
Oh well she's probably gonna get married off for political purposes anyway. (This post was brought to you by the Noble Clique.)
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zukkacore · 2 months
"Why do you like Starbreaker?"
me, internally: The themes introduced by Porter's godhood and Jace's servitude toward him are genuinely interesting. So much of Junior Year concerns itself w/ fairness n personal autonomy n devotion n worship n making your own meaning. The idea that Jace and Porter "have always been a duo" n the fact that Brennan has been holding onto this reveal since SY means that Jace was retooled to exist FOR porter. Porter's quest for godhood eclipses anything else that could have mattered about jace, his purpose becomes serving Porter on both a textual n meta level. On both levels he is contorted into someone alien to himself. Even though he is a character with few lines, Jace's voice in freshman year compared to Junior year feels distinct, he sounds younger, he sounds like he's looking for connection, he honestly sounds like a pretty recent hire, and in that context is it not pitiable what happened to him? Does that not make him similar to Sandra Lynn, a young person who was exploited by someone older than her and who uses religion as a tool for control? And yet the tone over and over again treats him with ambivalence in a world that is obsessed with fair. The text over and over again wants to reiterate this idea of characters getting to make their own meaning, but what does it mean to be a sequel to someone else? To be a footnote in their vision? Jace's life is a decision a GM made, he is Porter's sequel on a textual and meta level. He is continually denied interiority within the text (perfect example is sophmore year where teachers are not allowed to be hirelings when Jace is proposed than an immediate workaround is made for Gilear to come with the Bad kids). He never had a choice but to be a follower to the god of war because the other option was deathly silence, a prop or a martyr like Lucy or Yolanda. Is being remembered fondly and uncomplicatedly despite your flaws but being deathly silent better than being corrupted? The question of Jace's motivation is continually left unanswered n in that, part of the Starbreaker thought experiment is wondering how exactly Jace slots into this Plan, into Porter's life. He could simply be a lackey, sure, but is being forced to be a lackey for a god not in a way its own form of worship? To imagine Jace's subservience to Porter as a kind of love, a kind of toxic old man yaoi if you will, is maybe a way to play at a world where he gets a sense of purpose, or some kind of love in return, even if that life is fucked n compromised n broken, because he was asked "do you want this life" n he said yes. What does it mean to be a person who is contorted into villainy without a choice when the very undercurrent of your world is telling everyone else "there's always a choice!"? When the text condemns you for evil if you only ever can exist as a tool? Before Porter became Jace's world, he was practically egoless, no matter what tone his dialogue takes on. Every scene he's in, he's w/e the situation demanded of him, taking up no oxygen in the room w/out even a memorable gimmick to make him distinct n funny. Pure function. It wasn't a big life but it was his. Was wanting to live, being content to be a footnote to the Bad Kids the sin that condemned Jace stardiamond? Or was wanting to live even if he no longer was recognizable to himself the sin that condemned him? Or is it the fact that he enables cruelty, and is that fair when characters who are horrible in their own ways get a pass as long as they are fun and funny and memorable? Is his life better now that he is more of a presence in his cruel and twisted but albeit slightly more memorable state, if his life now condemns him to be hated forever? Does Jace get power from his deal with Porter? Is getting a time in the spotlight of the narrative its own form of power? Is Jace happy serving Porter? Would Jace be happy loving Porter? Did Porter give jace new life by destroying the old jace, by making sure all paths lead straight back to him? Is Starbreaker just our way of trying to say imagine Jace Stardiamond happy?
what I say: haha idk toxic co workers fucking is hot
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Does arthur ever have problems due to his shoulders? Cause like, if Uther has burned his shoulders as punishment for a lot of times to the pint where they're now scared, then he'd probably have shoulder pains or aches. Then again, I'm not a doctor so idk
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Great questions... there are a lot of layers to the answers
He's extremely sensitive to people touching his shoulders... it's the reason why he feels uncomfortable with his armor off. There are only four people he feels safe with his armor off; Celestine, Kit Cosomo, Nonsurat (eventually...), and Meta Knight.
Before he fell into madness... he was the equivalent of Tywin Lannister. He knew how to look like he cared & to talk his way out of the situation. He was coldhearted & cruel... but the man was no fool. He knew how to play the game... only appealed to the upper crusts of the galaxy, which allowed him to gain many powerful allies at the top.
Sir Uther was in a high position... this was the leader of GSA, and not many could oppose his word. He was the... strongest warrior in the galaxy (for his time); the Ancients & Absalom (the high priest of the Ancient- an OC I will present later) had appointed him. No one questioned him...
And yes, Arthur got the short end of the stick...
(I changed some things (originally he started as the strongest): but Arthur as a young cadet started out as the weakest... there was no clear winner, but it was clear that Arthur was the weakest.)
Sir Uther already had high expectations for Arthur because he possessed a very rare elemental magic (light magic)... And he was the weakest out of the three (what a waste of rare magic he thought).
He ended up being an example for the other two (Morgan & Nonsurat) "This is what happens when you fail me". The way Arthur's been burned, it's the equivalent of a brand mark... Uther had intentionally done this for control purposes... to put fear into the other two.
Morgan & Nonsurat weren't cruel to Arthur (perse) ... but they ignored him for being the weakest. Constantly leaving him out of their conversations & practice sessions together. (This behavior was taught to them by Uther...)
However, this motivated Arthur to train even harder... pushing himself to the limit (to a very unhealthy amount). In the sense of "Who needs them... I can train without... BETTER EVEN!" Mentally blocking out and ignoring the pain. All the venom came from Arthur... the other two just feed off of that.
When the day Arthur managed to tip the scale and become the strongest of the three... this changed everything. He (Arthur) exceeded Uther's expectations... And finally, Arthur managed to be praised by his mentor... even if it lasted a moment.
This was a high Arthur would be constantly chasing.... Uther saw this and used it to his advantage... he finally managed to produce his perfect soldier (Arthur)... who was willing to do anything for his affection & praise (Uther's scumbag).
But despite Nonsurat (now being the weakest of three), they still had each other... he was the one alone at the top now. He couldn't help but envy them... Like I said Arthur was already venomous towards them (for always leaving him out)...
Sir Uther saw the animosity between the three and took advantage of it... starting a whole new dynamic...
He no longer had to use his "old method intimidation" (he didn't have to lift a finger), he merely had to turn the three of them against each other... (I've touched up on this in Morgan's intro post).
Basically, Uther made the three strongest warriors in the GSA by constantly making them compete with each other (knives constantly sharpening one another). And it worked dangerously better...
There would always be a side comment (from Uther). "You see, this is why... you two, never be as good as Arthur..." turning all their hatred towards Arthur. And he'd watch in content as the mere words would cause them to spring back into action, trying to outdo Arthur ... He'd especially say these things to Morgan, seeing how effective it was as a motivator. Reminding her how close she was to... causing Morgan to foster her hatred of Arthur...
While Arthur's suffered more physical abuse... Nonsurat and Morgan were more emotional & mental... which was just as damaging... they were all scarred by just in different ways Uther...
Speaking of Arthur... he fed his paranoia that Morgan & Nonsurat were constantly out to get him and his spot. Reminding him, " You don't want to experience being at the bottom again..." And would merely touch the pauldron... and would trigger him to go back and work twice as hard.
Ignore all his aches... and pains... Which is why Arthur has such a high pain tolerance... He was never going back down... he didn't want to be discarded... he didn't want to feel worthless again. The burns on his arm are a reminder of those times...
Which is why it was especially painful for Arthur when he found Uther... Regarding this post (What Kind of Kings in My Blood)
I plan to explore more of this later please say tuned~
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infokedunya · 8 months
Meta AI Chatbot Now Available to WhatsApp Users in USA, Here Is How It Works
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives. Among the pioneers in AI technology is Meta AI, a cutting-edge language model designed to assist and augment human capabilities. In this article, we will delve into the world of Meta AI, exploring its features, capabilities, and potential applications. Buckle up for a comprehensive journey into the future of AI!
Understanding Meta AI:
Meta AI is a highly advanced language model developed to process and generate human-like text. Trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet, Meta AI boasts an impressive range of capabilities, including:
* Answering questions * Providing definitions * Generating text * Conversing on various topics * Offering suggestions and ideas
How Does Meta AI Work?
Meta AI functions by using a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning algorithms. These technologies enable the model to understand and generate text based on patterns and relationships learned from its vast training dataset.
Features and Capabilities:
1. Question Answering: Meta AI can provide accurate answers to a wide range of questions, from simple queries to more complex topics. 2. Text Generation: Need help with writing? Meta AI can generate text on a given topic or subject, making it a valuable tool for writers and content creators. 3. Conversations: Engage in natural-sounding conversations with Meta AI, perfect for practicing languages or exploring new ideas. 4. Summarization: Get quick summaries of long texts or articles, saving you time and effort. 5. Creative Writing: Collaborate with Meta AI to generate poetry, stories, or even entire scripts!
Applications and Integrations:
1. Education: Meta AI can assist students with research, homework, and language learning. 2. Content Creation: Use Meta AI to generate ideas, outlines, or even entire articles, blog posts, or social media content. 3. Customer Service: Implement Meta AI as a chatbot to provide 24/7 support and answers to frequent questions. 4. Research and Development: Accelerate your research with Meta AI's ability to summarize and analyze large texts. 5. Accessibility: Meta AI can aid individuals with disabilities, such as reading text aloud or providing assistance with writing.
Ethics and Responsibility:
As AI technology advances, it's essential to address ethical considerations and ensure responsible use. Meta AI is designed to operate within ethical guidelines, including:
* Transparency: Clearly indicating when responses are generated by AI. * Bias reduction: Continuously updating and improving to minimize biases. * Privacy: Protecting user data and adhering to privacy regulations.
Meta AI represents a significant leap forward in AI capabilities, offering a powerful tool for various applications and integrations. By understanding and harnessing the potential of Meta AI, we can enhance our productivity, creativity, and knowledge. Embrace the future of AI and explore the possibilities with Meta AI!
For more update Visit Info Ki Dunya
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blazedrawsstuff · 2 years
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Meet Kaze Tatsumaki, son of a Tengu!
Kaze Tatsumaki
Son of a Tengu
A Hanataka Tengu (Long-Nosed Tengu)
Killer Style
Visual Kei, a style popular among musicians where I'm from. 
Freaky Flaw
My sense of justice, honor, and morality is strong and rigid, but even I'll admit it can sometimes be...too rigid 
My falcon, Fujin. I taught him everything I now. 
Favorite Activity
Every day I practice my swordsmanship outside my family's house. I long for the day I will accomplish the same feats as my father, who taught me the ways of the sword. 
Pet Peeve
Those who pick on the weak, out of the many ways to feel content with yourself...that's what you waste your energy on? 
Favorite Subject
Art History, with all the art made about my species and my homeland, it's always interesting to know how it was made and what can be told about the time they were made. 
Least Favorite Subject
Hard to say. I believe every class is of worth.
Favorite Color
Red, Green, and Black
Favorite Food
Onigiri, otherwise known as Rice Balls. The perfect portable snack.
Jinafire Long Naomi Yamamura (OC) Tony Ditko (OC) Maxillae Carpal (OC)
Wind Manipulation
Kaze is able to manipulate the wind, often done by use of a fan he keeps in his jacket pocket. 
Kaze was taught how to fight with a sword by his father, he commonly carries around a sparing sword, and is known for practicing his sword skills in his yard. 
Personality wise, Kaze is similar to most Tengus, specifically those of the more noble variety. He is a monster that prefers solitude, however that does not stop him from helping others and being a valiant defender of the weak. He has a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to lay the pain on those who prey of the defenseless. He is always persistent in seeing that those who commit wrongdoings get their just desserts.
Unfortunately, Kaze can be rigid and stubborn about justice and morality. Like Kristal, he has a sort of black-and-white view about what's right and what's wrong. Kaze is also unpredictable, almost savage when angered. He is also secretly insecure about his long nose. Kaze can be a bit oblivious towards feelings of romance, such as Naomi's crush on him. 
Trivia/Additional Information
His first name "Kaze" can be translated to "Wind" in English. His last name is translated as "Tornado" in English. His name thus means "Wind Tornado"
Kaze's headcanon voice actor is Stephen Fu, who voiced Ninja Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom.
His pet's name; Raijin, comes from the Japanese god of the wind of the same name.
Kaze's personality was based on Meta Knight from the Kirby series.
He is a closeted comic book fan.
Kaze's birthday is August 3rd, which is the day the Numata Tengu festival begins. This makes him a Leo. 
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hotfuegollc · 1 day
Unleash Explosive Growth: Hot Fuego’s Ultimate Guide to Dominating SEM 
What Is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? 
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Search engine marketiang is a vast strategy, and this image shows how wide it can be. 
What if I told you there was a guaranteed way to increase your online presence and immediately start bringing in possible clients? This is where search engine marketing (SEM) kicks in. 
SEO is principally used to grow a site's organic traffic; SEM establishes immediate results through common social media channels and paid advertising. When the digital landscape is so crowded, it can be difficult to fight for your place on search engine results pages (SERPs), which makes SEM a fundamental part of any marketing plan. 
The team at Hot Fuego is committed to helping you understand SEM and its potential use in your business. While SEM is often misidentified with search engine optimization (SEO),but certainly not the same. SEM (search engine marketing) allows you to target audiences using ads from platforms like Google or Bing, which is the quickest way for getting your brand in front of as many people as possible. SEM can be combined with SEO to create a strong online brand that gets traffic and converts. 
 Key Points About SEM 
What It Is: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) uses paid advertising to help improve a website or product on search engine result pages. This method is perfect to create faster brand awareness and attention for your site. 
Difference from SEO: Unlike SEO which primarily focuses on organic traffic growth over time, SEM provides instant visibility through paid ads. The immediate benefit of SEM is placing your ads at the top when a search query is made. 
Essential Components: A successful SEM strategy involves a well-planned approach, including competitor analysis, keyword research, and the creation of compelling ad campaigns. 
Fundamentals: The most important things in SEM are the type of keywords you need to target, how much budget can be effective and that your keyword should not work against each other at different points. 
Key Elements: A concise SEM strategy will also cut through to the need and necessity for depth in competitor analysis, keyword research as well as ad creation. 
Strategic Components: A successful SEM strategy will help you identify audience targets, allocate a budget, conduct keyword research and build ads that are engaging as well as regularly optimize performance. 
Best Practices: Align your SEM strategy with business goals, and make sure you target the right audience when choosing keywords and also consider intent. 
Common Mistakes: Targeting Big Unrelated Keywords, Being too short-term focused and Neglect of A/B Testing. 
Popular Tools: Use tools such as Ubersuggest, SpyFu, Semrush and AdEspresso to improve your SEM results by integrating keyword research capabilities, competitor monitoring solutions and ad automation functionalities. 
What is SEM? 
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)You use paid search ads to improve your website's visibility of SERPs. Types of SEM ads: Text Ads Responsive search text ads Google shopping Service ad They use these ads to grab the immediate attention and traffic for their sites. 
Running an SEM campaign does not involve putting up just any ad.Media or Results Success in SEM requires: 
Strategy: A Focused Approach- Think through your ad campaign well. 
Competitor Analysis: In order to position your ads correctly, it is important that you understand what your competitors are doing. 
Keyword Selection: Pick the keywords and phrases that your core customers tend to use when searching. 
Create Ads: Create ads that speak to your audience and convert. 
 SEM vs. SEO 
As essentially synonymous as SEM and SEO may seem, they exist to fulfill different demands: 
SEO: Optimizing your site to drive organic traffic. This includes everything from content quality, site structure to titles and meta tags on the page itself. SEO is a slow build that helps your site gradually and gently increase traffic over time by making it more relevant, and an authority in its own right. 
SEM – It brings faster results through advertisements available on paid search Engine, from which you can get fast ranking visibility to the users. SEM lets you target exact keywords and audiences you believe should be interested in your offerings, making it faster for targeting potential customers. 
In summary: 
Free: only pay when someone clicks on your content; primarily targeted at optimizing content and website architecture.  
Content-Dependent: Content must be generated constantly, in order to bring visitors organically. 
User Centric Development: Improves the usage and performance of a website, leading to high SERPs. 
Faster Results: Achieve immediate visibility through paid ad placements. 
Targeted ads: Target a set of keywords and audience segments in the most accurate manner to drive conversions. 
Remarketing: Bring back past visitors to increase conversion rate and remind them of your brand. 
 Why Is SEM Important? 
As we mentioned in the beginning, SEM complements SEO perfectly and while you may be great at attracting new leads through organic search such as on Google, with some paid ads above your results can make a big difference. Here’s why: 
Targeted Audience Reach: SEM reaches a very targeted audience, people who have already expressed some interest in what you are selling as they typed their query into Google. That way you only pay when a user is interested of what you propose. 
Trackable Results: SEM provides detailed analytics through platforms like Google Analytics. With real-time data you can monitor clicks, impressions (the number of times your ad is shown), conversion rates and cost per click (CPC) to home in on an ideal strategy. 
Better Visibility: SEM increases the visibility of your site quickly, so more people will see your ads when they are looking for terms related to what you advertise. 
High Search Volume: There are billions searches daily, so SEM presents an opportunity to get in front of millions upon millions on new eyes. 
 How Search Engine Marketing Works 
Understanding how SEM operates involves familiarizing yourself with ad auctions and keyword selection. Here’s a breakdown: 
How Does an Ad Auction Work? 
The cost per click of paid search results is determined by an ad auction. The process involves: 
1. Creating an Account: Set up an account with an ad network like Google, Microsoft (Bing), or Facebook. 
2. Setting Up a Campaign: Add funds to your account and create your ad campaign. 
3. Designing Your Ad: Create ads that contain catchy text and make use of related key phrases with an attention-grabbing visual design. 
4. Auction participation: Ads are ranked according to Ad Rank, a combination of bid price and quality scores determined through relevance. All these factors are checked by Google and its system decides to display ads accordingly. 
Keywords and SEM 
Keywords are vital in SEM. They are the terms users type into search engines when looking for information or products. For marketers, these keywords guide ad placement and targeting. 
Understanding Search Intent: Knowing why users search for specific keywords helps in selecting the right terms and crafting relevant ads. 
Keyword Research Tools: Tools like Ubersuggest help you find and analyze keywords based on search volume, competition, and cost per click, facilitating effective targeting. 
How to Build a Strong SEM Strategy: 
1. Know your Audience: Target the perfect customer and establish a cause you need to generate from those campaigns. 
2. Set your Budget: Create a budget that is both realistic for what you want to accomplish and able to be sustainable in the long term. 
3. Keyword Research: Find keywords with tools and analyze competitor keywords to improve your own approach 
4. Create Ads: Create Ads that appeals, showcase product features and include relevant keywords which make them crucial. 
5. Optimize your Landing Pages: Make sure the quality of landing pages your ads are leading to is at par, relevant and in sync with ad message. 
6. Monitor performance: Oversee ad performances with the help of analytics that give you insights on trends and necessarily alter parameters to maximize results. 
 Best Practices for SEM 
Meet the Targets: Align your SEM plan to fit in with what you are trying to achieve overall, whether it be more clicks or increased conversions; maybe even a long-term client. 
Defining the Budget: You can control your SEM expenditure by concentrating on ad quality and relevance so that you do not going overboard. 
Smaller Audience: Opt for targeting such as geo-targeting to reach only select demographics. 
Research: Make Sure You Are Targeting the Right Traffic with The Proper Terms 
Intent Behind Keyword: Attempt to match your ads with the intent behind each search query, which will improve relevance and engagement. 
Common SEM Mistakes 
Wrong Keywords: Do not target the wrong keywords, i.e. ones that your business is simply not targeting and cannot rank for due to competitive keyword difficulty 
Short-term Focus: For immediate results don't mean hasty strategies. Their success means that SEM should be integrated with the marketing plan. 
Lackluster Content: Make sure your ad is informative and exciting. Investing in low-quality ads is not only bad for your brand, but it also interferes with ad performance. 
Conflicting messaging: Keep the ad content and landing page copy in line with one another so that your users do not get confused. 
Skipping A/B testing: You should be running different ad variations to see what works better, and optimize your campaigns accordingly. 
 Key SEM Tools: 
Here are some necessary tools to in order to optimize your SEM campaigns: 
Google Ads Editor: Easily manage and optimize your ad campaigns, update bids and more conveniently track the performance.  
 Ubersuggest: Provides Keyword Research, Competitive Analysis, Site Audits and Content ideas to Spike your SEM efforts. 
 SpyFu: Provide an intricate view of competitive keyword strategies and historical search data for effective targeting. 
- Semrush: A complete suite of tools for keyword research, site audits and PPC optimization to boost your SEM performance. 
 AdEspresso: Facebook and Instagram ad management & optimization tool with advanced reporting features for managing your campaigns effectively. 
 FAQ About SEM:  
1. What is the difference between SEM and SEO? 
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) These methods use paid advertisements to help your site show up higher on SERPs. This also utilized for ads on Google and Bing, which aiming certain keywords and user personas are involved with SEM. It is ideal for quick visibility and captures traffic much quicker, delivering instant results. This enables you to bid on keywords, place your ad at the top of search results. 
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Organic Search Rankings Organic search rankings, as the name implies organic traffic to download visits by improving your website's technical SEO profile. That means optimizing parts of your website such as content quality, site structure and technical factors. SEO is a long-term strategy that generates traffic over time by creating high-quality content, improving usability and building links. 
SEM gives instant results through paid ads, whereas SEO optimizes efforts into organic traffic over the long run. 
2. How do I measure the results of my SEM campaigns? 
Here are the steps to track your SEM campaign effectively: 
- Analytics Tools: Partner with Data Analytics in Advertising Key fact-oriented marketing instruments like Google AdWords and also Google applied science as large communicator saying tools that dare performance dependent refractoriness return. So you can know exactly how your ads are performing with these tools. 
- Track Key Metrics: Measure such metrics as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, return on ad spend (ROAS). The better your ads deliver these results and engage with them the more power high cost bidding grants you access. 
- Data Driven Adjustments: Examine data on which ads and keywords are successful, then tweak your campaign accordingly. Apply these takeaways to your campaigns and make them adapt for optimum results. 
Regularly reviewing and adjusting your SEM strategy based on data ensures that your efforts are effective and aligned with your marketing objectives. 
 How Hot Fuego Can Help 
Navigating the world of SEM can be challenging or Venturing through SEM can be difficult, but you shouldn't go about whether by yourself. Hot Fuego is an expert at creating and running effective SEM campaigns that convert. Our team will help you every step of the way, whether you're looking to increase your online visibility, drive traffic or improve conversions. 
Why Choose Hot Fuego? 
- Experience: Our SEM specialists are equipped with the newest tools and strategies to get you more traffic. We consistently cross learn developments in addition to high-performance best practices for the perfect campaigns. 
- Customized Strategies: We customize our SEM methodology based on your unique business objectives and audience. Our approach is tailored to the way your business operates, creating outputs that meet with your desired outcomes. 
- Results-Focused: We work on delivering verifiable results that conform with your budget and business objectives. By using data, we make sure that you are getting the best ROI from your SEM campaigns. 
Looking up your online marketing game? Schedule a strategy call with us to talk about how Hot Fuego can get more eyes on your business and help you convert those prospects into customers. Together let us light up your digital footprint & drive remarkable results! 
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hellogeek · 3 months
Are You Looking For a Trustable Web Development Company In Melbourne?
Then your search must stop at Hello Geeks.
We are a renowned Digital Marketing Agency, specializing in transforming the business with the help of cutting-edge website services along with creative and strategic thinking that brings tangible results. 
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We are streamlining the client’s business in Melbourne with the help of an advanced website development process. This way we consider the crucial inputs and accordingly change the designs so that our clients rarely miss the details.
How Hello Geeks Can Help You With Its Top Notch Web Development Process?
By bringing more valuable customers with a perfect SEO for your website.
By decoding the design and developing a robust and tailored web portal.
By creating a detailed plan and generating quality content for the website with the help of our In-house experts which boosts your business growth.
By generating qualified leads with the help of making a strong online presence.
What Does Hello Geeks Specialization Covers?
As per the multiple business needs, we have expertise in setting up (It’s not limited):
E-commerce/ customized WordPress websites by replacing the existing portal.
Renowned CMS systems such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magneto as per business type.
Business websites for corporates, small businesses, and Start-Ups.
 Branding/ blogging websites for personal use.
Informational/ Entertainment websites.
We are striving hard to offer economical and latest-in-the-market website services in Melbourne for the needy.  As we have a proper understanding of local trends, preferences, and sound knowledge of consumer behavior, we have been successfully doing it for long.
Some Of Our Other Offerings Also Include:
SEO Services
Here we ensure your business growth by applying a perfect strategy using the best SEO practices and trying to generate the targeted traffic. We achieve it with the help of perfect keyword targeting along with combining our PPC services and social media marketing that convert website visitors into valuable customers. This way we also build your domain authority and increase the trust value among others.
Paid marketing
With the help of competent and reliable digital marketing experts, we target and optimize your ad campaign for each element. We not only create a paid ad campaign (whether it is a Google ad/ Meta ad) from scratch but also track your ads regularly and implement the right approach on time to get you good returns on time.
Social Media Marketing
We spend significant time understanding your brand positioning and craft the perfect digital marketing plan as needed. This way we utilize a perfect plan that strategizes, creates content, manages the ad and revises them as per need, and monitors the growth time by time.
Why Do Contact Hello Geeks?
Hello Geeks has submitted multiple successful website projects for previous clients and also serving the existing ones as best.
You Can Reach Us:
To make your business website more unique.
To give an impeccable design and unmatched UI/ US elements.
To give a strong feel and ultimate user experience for your visitors.
To provide unmatched support and affordability during your web development phase.
So don’t waste your time and directly book our web development services along with other standard offerings from our online portal https://www.hellogeeks.com.au/ OR call 1300 109 654 in case of any need!! 
Just give us a chance to free audit your website and reimagine the way your customers want to see your brand as we are the best web design company in Melbourne!
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Virtualize Solutions – Your Partner in Digital Marketing Success
Unlock your online potential with virtualize solutions expert team – your partner in digital marketing success. So does your business need digital ads, marketing plan, web design, more leads or wants to rank higher. Let’s discuss how you can do all these things and how virtualize solutions will help your business in achieving your goals and objectives.
There are many services that are provided by virtualize solutions like :-
•     Website optimization
•     Website design
•     Lead generation
•     Brand promotion
•     Branding
•     SEO services
Let’s discuss in detail about these services –
1.    Website Optimization
Is your website falling short in performance? Or is it facing technical hurdles that are hindering its success? That’s where virtualize solutions comes in. Virtualize Solutions team specializes in pinpointing and resolving issues through audit process. It delve in every aspect, form how quickly your site loads to its visibility on google searches.
With the help of advanced tools, Virtualize Solutions ensures that your website meets Google’s standards, that covers everything from meta tags to mobile responsiveness. Its goal is to revamp user experience and to turn website into a lead-generating powerhouse. Say goodbye to performance woes and hello to a website that shines in both style and substance. Together, let’s propel your online success to new heights.
2.    Website Design
 Want to transform your online image but in a better way. That’s what virtualize solutions custom website design services is all about. It’s all about making your website not just good looking, but also to reflect exactly who you are as a brand. Here’s the deal: we’re crafting a whole experience for your visitors. Virtualize solutions will weave your brand’s story into every corner of your site, by making sure it’s engaging and compelling.
No matter what kind of business you have – whether you’re selling to other business, to consumers, or having small operation- Virtualize Solutions has got the tools and know- how to make your website shine. It uses numerous platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and others, so you know you're in good hands.
  3. Lead Generation
Getting more customers online can be very difficult. Lots of businesses know they need to do better in online, but they’re not sure where to start. That’s where virtualize solutions comes in. It help businesses like mentioned by using marketing plans based on real facts and numbers.
Here’s how it works: first, it works together with businesses to make content that your customers love. Then, it makes sure your website is working its best to attract those customers. And finally, Virtualize Solutions set up a system to keep track of everyone who shows interest in your business and makes sure they don’t leave.
4. Brand Promotion
Boost business’s online visibility with digital360 service! Virtualize solutions take a deep dive into current online presence, including ads, website performance, and google rankings. It peek into what your competitors are up to.
Then, it gives you practical advice on keywords and strategies to up your site. Virtualize solutions digital360 gives full report and plan, that covers all aspects of digital marketing. It’s like seeing online potential from every angle! With the help of virtualize solution you can take your digital strategy to next level and watch your business grow.
5. Branding Services
Top of Form
 Want to give your brand the makeover it deserves! In a crowded market, creativity is your superpower. It’s what sets your business apart and builds trust with your audience. Virtualize solutions makes sure that every element of your brand tells your story loud and clear. From crafting a standout logo to picking the perfect colors, it has got you covered.
Virtualize solutions goal? It’s to create a seamless look and feel that connects with audience on a deeper level. With it’s help, your brand won’t just survive- it’ll thrive.
6. SEO Services
Is your business struggling to attract customers to your website? Well, many businesses face the same challenge of getting noticed in the vast digital landscape. but don't worry, there are simple solutions to improve your website's performance. firstly, let's talk about keywords. these are the words people type into search engines when they are searching about anything. by targeting the right keywords, you can increase your chances of showing up in search results.
Next we have technical stuff. is your website fast and easy to use? if not, it may be turning visitors away.  make sure your site is technically good and optimized for speed, especially on mobile devices. then, there's on-page SEO. this means checking out things like page titles and descriptions to make sure search engines understand what your site is about. Finally content is king. create valuable and relevant content that answers your customers' questions and solve their problem.  
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khattri05 · 6 months
What is SEO and how does it work?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's all about improving your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), particularly Google, which is the most used search engine globally. The higher your website ranks for relevant searches, the more organic traffic you'll get. Organic traffic refers to visitors who come to your site through search results, not paid ads.
Here's a simplified breakdown of how SEO works:
1. Search Engines and Crawlers:
Search engines like Google use software programs called crawlers to discover and index websites. Crawlers visit websites, follow links between them, and analyze the content they find.
2. Understanding User Intent:
Search engines are constantly getting better at understanding what users are looking for when they enter a search query. This is called "user intent." The goal of SEO is to align your website's content with the user intent behind relevant search queries.
3. Ranking Factors:
Search engines use complex algorithms to rank websites in their search results. These algorithms consider many factors, but some of the most important ones include:
On-page SEO: This refers to optimizing the content and structure of your website's pages. It involves using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, and ensuring a good user experience.
Off-page SEO: This refers to factors outside of your website that influence your ranking. The most important factor here is backlinks, which are links from other websites that point to yours. Backlinks are essentially votes of trust from other websites, indicating the authority and relevance of your content.
Technical SEO: This involves ensuring the technical aspects of your website are functioning properly. This includes having a mobile-friendly website, fast loading times, and a secure connection (HTTPS).
4. The Ongoing Process:
SEO is not a one-time thing. Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and new best practices emerge. To maintain good rankings, you need to stay updated on the latest SEO trends and keep optimizing your website accordingly.
Training Overview
Free trial classes: We provide free trial classes to the students so that from the very first-day eligibility and the learning ability of the students/interns can be observed. In the beginning, students are monitored for their eligibility in the creativity, programming, and thought process by proving the best learning environment and training.
Personalized mentorship: We provide personalized assistance and mentorship to offer equal learning opportunities, a perfect learning environment, and growth to all interns/students.
Training and internship: We provide something beyond classroom training. We prepare the students/interns for corporate joining by providing them with 6 hours internship (minimum 2 months) after the completion of their chosen course (minimum 4 months). We provide the interns' proper corporate environment and real-time projects to make them ready for future corporate challenges.
100% placements: All of our interns get 100% placement assistance after completion of their internship program.
Address : M-24 Old DLF Colony, Sector 14 Gurgaon
Contact : +91-8802000175
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tccicomputercoaching · 11 months
HTML is a standard markup language for creating the structure of web pages. HTML allows you to display your website's content, such as paragraphs, lists, images, and links, in a structured way. HTML5 is the latest and most important version of HTML.
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HTML - Hypertext mark-up language is standard mark-up language which is very useful in creating webpage and web application.
HTML describes the structure of Web pages using mark-up. HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. HTML elements are represented by tags.
HTML is easy to learn and use, making it perfect for beginners. If you're looking for career opportunities, HTML can open the door to her web development, web design, front-end development, and user experience design.
HTML allows you to organize and format documents similar to Microsoft Word. It is also important to note that although HTML is currently considered an official web standard, it is not considered a programming language because it does not allow you to create dynamic functionality.
HTML is the backbone of every website. You can use it to create the structure and layout of your website. Additionally, you can use HTML to design your own websites or edit existing ones.
HTML language contains following topics at TCCI
Overview of HTML, HTML Basic Tags, HTML Elements, HTML Attributes, HTML Formatting, HTML Meta Tags, HTML Comments, HTML Images, HTML Position, HTML Tables, HTML Lists, HTML Links, HTML Blocks, HTML Background, HTML Colours, HTML Fonts, HTML Style sheet marquee etc.
Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days
Class Mode: Theory With Practical
Learn Training: At student’s Convenience
TCCI provides the best training in HTML programming through different learning methods/media is located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.
For More Information:                                    
Call us @ +91 9825618292
Visit us @ http://tccicomputercoaching.com
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pridelessdaydreamer · 2 years
🏠- A memory about their childhood home/where they used to live
// memories. (Also asked by @aimlessarchery)
The world had felt so large.
You would easily get lost despite your hand-drawn maps (although that may have been your friend's fault more than your own). You would want to pause and chart it all out, while he would rush on ahead, leaving you to go find him (as you always did). In a sudden, expected twist of events, it was no longer a game of knowing and more so one of guessing, hoping you'd accidentally stumble across something familiar. It took a while, but you eventually had the whole place mapped out.
But as you got older, it felt a lot less huge. To younger eyes and smaller bodies, the halls were great chasms and the stairs were vast mountains, but with longer legs and wider steps, what was once a journey became the quick work of a veteran adventurer. You knew every left turn and creaky floorboard the house had, and its navigation became a lot more passive.
That familiarity, however, did not extend into the outdoors (the woods beyond the walls and the forest beyond the fences). Even now, much of it was uncharted, and every journey into its lands was a surprise awaiting you. Your wits had earned you this prize (the ability to successfully sneak out at will). It wasn't the same as before, yes, but even a few moments of rest (a nap time's worth of peace) would do.
In the woods, you and Caspar had fashioned yourselves a small getaway. You had stuffed one of your old maps into your pocket before this journey, but to get here, you could just follow your instincts.
It was so small — smaller than you remembered. You had grown so large you had to duck underneath the opening to fit within the door frame. It was also emptier too (it seems the house workers had cleared out more of this place than your father had let on). The drawers and cupboards had been emptied, the chests holding nothing more than a few dead leaves. As you look about, it seems all that remained intact was the foundation and its walls (and the memories each unnatural mark resurfaced).
(Your time here is ticking; you have no time to dream of the past.)
But you remember hiding something beneath the floorboards, counting to four and finding one loose. Beneath, peeking out of the dirt, is a wooden box clasped shut. When you tear it out of the ground, you open it to find its contents perfectly preserved:
You had left behind a hair tie, slightly yellowed now from age; your father must have forgotten it by now, considering you lied and said you simply lost it. Caspar had left behind a tooth, perfectly preserved by a complicated practice you forgot you knew. You remembered being disgusted by him choosing that as his important item. He had said it was a reminder to his future self to keep fighting.
Your important item...
A reminder to never lose yourself...
You don't need the reminder, but you take it anyway. You leave behind the tooth, as if Caspar might return and find it one day. Your relic finds a place in your pocket beside your amateurish maps. His stays in your heart.
Back at the estate, you curl up in your room, making yourself smaller (like you used to be). It doesn't have the same effect, but when you close your eyes, you can almost relive those memories (the youth you had possessed).
You'll never lose yourself — you owe it to your younger selves. They had such joy and such presence, and you had grown up to be something smaller.
Your days at the Officers Academy couldn't come sooner — it had been too long since you had last seen him.
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martinwaring · 1 year
Fixing alt tags for images on a website
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Image Alt Tags
To be appealing, your website will hopefully be designed with some gorgeous photographs or images that reflect the textual content of the site. One aspect of the design work that is easily overlooked is making sure that all the images are properly tagged for accessibility purposes. This is so that partially sighted people can understand what it is they are looking at when using a screen reader that 'talks' to them and reads out the text content.
The 4 key top level metrics that Google and other search engines use for scoring are:
Performance i.e. speed of loading, particularly on mobile
Best practices
It can be quite hard for a web developer to achieve a perfect score on all of these but there is no real reason why they shouldn't be able to score 100% for Accessibility and one factor to consider in this category is Image alt tags. It's not hard to do but it is something that can easily get overlooked and forgotten about. 
What are the Google guidelines for Alt Tags?
Google guidelines state that:
'When writing alt text, focus on creating useful, information-rich content that uses keywords appropriately and is in context of the content of the page. Avoid filling alt attributes with keywords (also known as keyword stuffing) as it results in a negative user experience and may cause your site to be seen as spam.'
So the primary purpose of the alt tag or alt text is to provide a partially sighted or blind person with a way of determining what an image on the page is showing. It should therefore describe what the image is. There is also an opportunity here to add a keyword, particularly if the image is especially relevant to that keyword; for example a product image.
So not filling in the alt tag or alt text is an opportunity missed.
Finding missing alt tags for images.
When building a website, alt tags are often the last thing one thinks about. Finding an appropriate image and then optimising that image for speed is my usual focus and it is very easy to forget that the alt tag is missing. It is also not immediately apparent when looking at the published site that there is anything wrong with the web page. So how do you know when an alt tag is missing?
I use tools, in particular Web Site Auditor which tells me in a content audit that there are images on a page that are missing alt tags. If you don't subscribe to the Web Site Auditor toolset then a free option is to use SEOoptimer's Alt Tag checker tool here.
Fixing missing Alt Tags.
Once found, it should be a simple job of finding the relevant image and adding a tag that is both relevant to the image and contains a keyword but does not stuff the tag full of keywords (which Google may consider spammy).
The alt tags exist at an image level and are attached specifically to one image and on a website should be unique to that image. They are usually coded at a programmatic level where images are presented on a website, because if the image is presented properly, there may be three variants of the image loaded for different screen widths. The website developer should present images which are optimised for the web (in webp format currently) and sized appropriately for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
If the images are loaded from a content management system, then it is less likely that there will be three versions of that image, one for each device type. In this case then adding a caption to the image should satisfy the conditions for an alt tag to be added.
N.B. Although Alt tags are considered to be metadata (data about the image being shown) this should not be confused with the overall page metadata such as meta-title and meta-description and need to be set up separately. There is no magic switch anywhere where alt tags can be automatically generated/switched on. For a site with hundreds of images, it can be quite a manually intensive task to create these tags.
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Martin Waring - Web Developer York
#web design #image alt tags
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liveria345 · 1 year
Website design Glasgow
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Website design Glasgow having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. One of the key components of a successful online presence is an engaging and visually appealing website. If you are a business owner in Glasgow, Scotland, looking to establish a prominent online presence, you've come to the right place. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best website design services in Glasgow, ensuring that your website stands out from the competition and attracts a steady stream of qualified leads. Let's explore the key elements of an exceptional website design that can help you outrank your competitors and achieve online success.
Captivating Visual Design
The first impression matters, especially when it comes to your website. A visually stunning design will captivate your visitors and entice them to explore further. Our talented team of designers specializes in creating eye-catching websites that reflect your brand's identity while providing a seamless user experience. From selecting the perfect color palette to incorporating visually appealing graphics, we strive to create a website design that leaves a lasting impact on your target audience.
Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Layout
Web design Glasgow optimizing your website for mobile devices is not just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. Google and other search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites, as the majority of internet users now access the web through their smartphones and tablets. Our website design services ensure that your site is fully responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices seamlessly. By providing a user-friendly experience across all platforms, you can maximize your reach and enhance user engagement.
User-Focused Navigation
A well-structured and intuitive navigation system is essential for guiding visitors through your website effortlessly. We employ user-focused navigation strategies to create a seamless browsing experience, making it easy for users to find the information they need. Our experts carefully organize your website's content, implementing clear menus, logical categories, and strategically placed call-to-action buttons to enhance user engagement and encourage conversions.
Engaging Content Creation
Compelling and engaging content is at the core of any successful website. Not only does it provide valuable information to your visitors, but it also helps establish your authority and credibility in your industry. Our team of skilled copywriters crafts persuasive and informative content that resonates with your target audience. By incorporating relevant keywords and optimizing your content for search engines, we can help your website rank higher in search results, driving organic traffic and increasing your online visibility.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Integration
Website design Glasgow engine rankings, our website design services go beyond just aesthetics. We understand the importance of implementing effective SEO strategies to boost your website's visibility and outrank your competitors. From conducting thorough keyword research to optimizing meta tags and URLs, we ensure that your website is fully optimized for search engines. By aligning your website design with SEO best practices, we can help you climb search engine rankings and attract valuable organic traffic.
Seamless User Experience
User experience plays a vital role in determining the success of your website. A smooth and seamless browsing experience keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore your site further. Our website design focuses on creating intuitive user interfaces, fast loading times, and easy-to-use functionalities. By optimizing the overall user experience, we aim to reduce bounce rates, increase page views, and ultimately drive conversions.
Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
Don't just take our word for it. Here's what some of our satisfied clients have to say about our website design services in Glasgow:
"Working Website design in Glasgow was an absolute pleasure. Their expertise in website design helped us transform our online presence and attract a significant increase in leads." - John Doe, CEO of XYZ Company.
"The team at Website Design Glasgow understood our unique requirements and delivered a website design that perfectly captured our brand essence. We highly recommend their services to any business in Glasgow looking to make a statement online." - Jane Smith, Marketing Manager at ABC Inc.
Investing in professional website design is the key to unlocking your business's online potential. By partnering with our experienced team, you can establish a compelling online presence, outrank your competitors, and drive substantial growth in Glasgow's digital landscape. Don't settle for a mediocre website when you can have an exceptional one. Contact us today to take the first step toward online success.
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shravaseo3 · 2 years
what is seo on page optimization
For search engine optimization (SEO), on-page SEO is crucial because it helps Google understand the goal of each piece of content on your website. More organic search traffic, conversions, and revenue will result from your website's ranking in search results the faster the search engine can comprehend your content. On-page SEO could possibly enhance user experience if done properly.
I'll outline the most important on-page SEO best practises to use in this blog post and why they're so important to your overall SEO strategy.
What does on-page optimization truly mean?
On-page SEO, also known as on-site SEO, is the process of optimising web sites so that they appear at the top of search results for particular keywords in order to boost organic traffic. It necessitates matching a specific collection of keyword phrases to page-level components like title tags, headings, and content.
What makes on-page vital?
SEO is very crucial because
The search formula used by Google is always changing. In 2021, it began to conduct 800,000 trial studies and changed its search algorithm more than 5,000 times.
It is not flawless, despite continuous advancements. Google still needs help understanding new material. Search engine optimization (SEO) on-page can assist with this.
After all, implementing an on-page SEO approach isn't as challenging as some might make out. In actuality, there are only a few ranking variables that need to be taken into consideration. Instead of over-optimizing content for bots, your top priority should be to produce an exceptional user experience.
Let's look at some specific on-page SEO best practises with this in mind.
Using Addresses simplifies on-page SEO
According to Google, URLs help them comprehend a page's true purpose more clearly. So, how would you improve the optimization of your URLs?
Be succinct: Make sure search engines can easily grasp your URL structure. Google also frequently includes Links in search results.
Put hyphens between the sentences as follows: Hyphens make URLs easier to comprehend. Use the URL www.yourcompany.com/seo-best-practices for a website discussing SEO best practises, for instance.
Avoid using session IDs: Session IDs produce an endless stream of URLs for the same page, so avoid using them whenever feasible. Instead, Google advises utilising first-party cookies.
Meta tags (title & description optimization):
Two of the most crucial on-page SEO variables are page titles and descriptions. Each webpage on the internet has a heading, which is displayed as the headline in search results. A brief description of the website is contained in the meta description tag, which is displayed in search engine results just below the page's title. Both are required to help users and search engines understand the goal of a website.
The title tag is a primary on-page Page SEO factor while meta descriptions are not.
Both the title and the meta description have an impact on whether a user clicks on a search result page. The CTR increases when the meta tags, title, and description are all optimised, which means you will get more visitors.
Best On-page SEO factors for writing perfect meta tags: 
Include your main keyword at the start of the description.
To prevent having your title cut off in search results, keep it to 55 or 60 characters. You can find out if your meta title and description are too lengthy by using the WordPress plugin Yoast and rank math.
Don't use all capitals in your title tags.
Give each website a unique title to prevent Google from thinking they are duplicates.
Make titles that are compelling and clear to encourage users to engage.
Include your main term in your meta description. That keyword will be emphasised in the search results when it is entered into Google.
Limit the meta summary to 155 characters or less.
Ensure that the meta description you use accurately describes the website. Be an excellent writer and treat it like an advertisement so that people will understand it.
With the aid of SEO tools, you can evaluate your SEO efforts after adding meta tags.
formally organised data (schema)
Schema helps Google comprehend your content better and ought to be a key component of your on-page SEO audit. Let's say you have a product page with details like costs, availability, reviews, and so on. That information must be structured in a specific manner in the HTML for Google to understand it.
Structured Data Types
Structured data is on-page SEO code that you place on your pages to help Google understand the content. Structured data formats exist for a wide range of things, including:
Title tags:
Utilizing multiple heading tags (H1 tag, H2, H3, etc.) on your web pages aids SEO in a variety of ways. It greatly simplifies reading your material for users who are just starting out. When readers encounter a page with a lot of text, they are much less likely to want to read it and are more likely to abandon the page. Multiple headers make it easier for users to understand the content rapidly, which enhances their overall experience.
In the first place, subheadings help Google understand a page's entire content. When creating headers, include your focal keyword in at least one or two H2 headers. If the context permits, repeat the main keyword in the H3 or other headers.
Adding Alt text to images:
Images must also be SEO-optimized. Start by providing them descriptive file names separated by hyphens. After that, decrease the file size to ensure that it loads fastly while preserving image quality. If your site contains images that are larger than 400kb, for instance, your page load time will suffer, affecting your ability to rank in Google search results.
Image optimization tools such as TinyPNG, ImageOptim, and WP Smush make the process simple.
Finally, include text in the image alt tags, with the appropriate keyword sprinkled throughout. The alt text assists search engines in understanding the image.
SEO and digital marketing is something that is reliable on the internet, continue reading about Importance of Digital Marketing In the Pandemic
Conclusion: On-page SEO plays an important role in the ranking of any web page so, you need to make sure your SEO efforts are working or not by analyzing all the major SEO On-page optimization factors. The prominent SEO on-page factor in my opinion is meta tags, heading tags, schema, and image optimization
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hermiraclereview · 2 years
How to Distinguish the Best Website design enhancement Master?
Getting a Search engine optimization master to build your site traffic is of most extreme significance and you shouldn't do it daintily. While this is the situation, with such countless organizations and suppliers offering this help, it is exceptionally likely you may be tricked into getting unacceptable administrations and consequently, it means quite a bit to take note of a portion of the variables to use to recognize the genuine article and settle on informed choices. This is pivotal and particularly on the off chance that you are new in the business since there are a few suppliers who enjoy negative practices like utilization of third party referencing programming and thusly, can cause you hopeless harm.
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Hence, while choosing your Search engine optimization master Mumbai, you ought to take a gander at the accompanying highlights to decide whether they are offering quality and respectable administrations.
Since this cycle utilizes watchwords, it is essential to get one who utilizes them noticeably. Preferably, this ought to be reflected in the title, depiction meta labels and the headings. Spamming is one more central point to be watching out for. Continuously guarantee that they not utilize the equivalent nor incorporate any secret texts. In a perfect world, they ought to give pages that stick to W3C principles. ALT and Title labels are urgent in this undertaking and thus, you ought to guarantee that they are incorporated. Making many active connections on the equivalent is considered as terrible practice and hence, you ought to stay away off organizations that enjoy something similar.
Also Read : What Does a Web optimization Organization Do? They ought to likewise be in a situation to guarantee that content isn't web crawler well disposed just yet human cordial as well. This is credited to the way that web indexes can sift through happy that doesn't meet this rules and this will work to your weakness. A few things are a fundamental incorporation, for example, Robot.txt and Sitemap.xml and they ought to never be rejected. Right now, it is ideal to express that the best Website design enhancement India specialist co-op is one who sees every one of the calculations related with site improvement. They ought to likewise have broad information on planning and refreshing sites to guarantee that you keep in contact with the expected web search tool guidelines expected to keep you in front of your rivals. However they should be forceful in conveyance of these administrations, it is likewise essential to express that they should utilize and maintain high moral norms.
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
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I posted 3,231 times in 2022
That's 1,370 more posts than 2021!
615 posts created (19%)
2,616 posts reblogged (81%)
I tagged 2,845 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#writeblr - 484 posts
#other people's work - 307 posts
#ask - 243 posts
#writing advice - 220 posts
#wip: tears of iron - 218 posts
#writing discussion - 172 posts
#sts - 158 posts
#other people's writing - 155 posts
#spilled ink - 147 posts
#reply reblog - 131 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the sad truth is some friendships are just useful and not true or genuine or honest or able to whistand differences in values and opinions
My Top Posts in 2022:
Why coax the story out of your head
You can't keep all that detailed info in your head all the time.
You owe it to yourself to have it recorded. In scenes. So you can read it and enjoy it for yourself for comfort in rainy days.
Cause wordcount goals and writing updates are so cool. They feel all professional.
Brag about having actually written.
Ticking off wordcounts, chapters, scenes and arcs feels very fulfilling. Like scratching things off from the to-do list. So good.
You will never learn what your writing weaknesses are. Then you can't join those cool sympathetic discussions with other writers about "yeah I always do that and I forget that stuff..."
You will also never get nice tips from the field how to manage that.
You can know all the theory you want, but you will never improve on those weaker things, if you don't know what they are.
You can give meta behind-the-scenes-info. Writing this made me feel xxx. Working on that chapter made my heart go all xxx.
Posting cool quotes and snippets out of your writing. VALIDATION
People can read and fall in love in the story with you. <3
Fans of the worlds and people inside your head!
Connection. Understanding. People who like your writing will likely have many common interests and tastes.
Finishing stuff is HUGE confidence boost.
No word is ever wasted, cause you are learning.
Rereading your story when you forget the details. Serisouly, worth millions.
Focus on the content, not on the style. Focus on what and not on the how. We are all natural storytellers with excellent practice in our heads. Use that. Be proud of that.
You probably won't notice the imperfections first. Enjoy it! It's perfect little baby. Once you notice them, celebrate! You have grown! You are a better writer now!
Experience. That pesky little thing you need with skills by, y'know, actually doing them.
Stories are the best way for the brain to transmit information. The most natural, enjoyable, easiest way. Human brains are wired for it. So the greatest way to explain your awesome world/characters/plot/themes? Show them through the story. In scenes.
Writing advice masterlist
Part 2: How to coax the story out of your head
371 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
Three drafts with their respective purposes:
Content. Does it make sense? Are the emotions, character arcs and themes coming through how you intended? Is it understandable?
Structure. How is the pacing? Is everything logically connected together?
Style. Editing and fine tuning. How does it sound? Is there a better word? Is the sentence structure varied enough?
This is how you can measure your story. This has to function. The rest is topic, genre and taste.
375 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
How to coax the story out of your head
The key is to find the process that suits you. Duh.
This is actually way more complicated than it sounds and requires some serious autoethnographic exploration and empirical experimentation.
Remember, there are no wrong or right answers. Whatever works for you is the best method. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
Writing is serious work. Don't let others belittle that, they obviously don't understand how hard a commitment that is.
Writing requires time. Space. Quiet. No disturbtions. No obligations jumping out the corner.
Sacrifaces of things, easier things you would rather be doing. Visits. That new Netflix series. Scrolling through social media. Reading another writing advice book.
Don't strain yourself. Even if you are in the flow. If you do, you will power down, exhaust yourself and are less likely to start. Your brain will go all defensive and won't allow you to get back into something as straining again.
The hardest things for most people is to start. So don't fret about starting. Idea to try: surprise yourself with sudden jumping to the keyboard and writing. Don't overthink. Overthinking is paralyzing.
Perfectionism is more common in people than the opposite. Everyone wants to do it well. It's the enemy of creation, spontaneity and playfulness.
Let the pressure go woozh. Ideas: Write the worst thing you possibly can. Freewrite. Call it the shitty first draft. If that's too evaluative for you (it's for me anyway, brr) call it the Zero draft. The no pressure draft.
Listen. Redrafts are normal. They are the sign of professional writers. Students and people who don't know how to write go with their first drafts, all vulnerable and unpolished, because they have waited that long or can't look at it anymore or don't want to permit themselves to be mistaken.
Professional writers know there are at least 3 stages to every text. Zero draft where you play and create. Second draft, where you put things in order to make sense. Third draft, where you let out the perfectionist who fine tunes the details. (Use however many more drafts you need).
The edits don't mean it was necessarily bad or wrong. It means the wip could shine even more. Try seeing it as underlining, polishing, highlighting.
The first drafts don't have to be shitty. I'm personally not a fan of this saying, cause usually they contain the most magic. We should value our first drafts for what they are. Sweat and creation, collection of fun and work.
There are outliners and pantsers. They come in all shades in between. Most people use a mix of both, wandering somewhere on the spectrum.
Thing to try: Freewrite about your day before writing as a way to 1) clear your thoughts 2) get into the flow 3) warm up exercise 4) to get rid of the respect before the blank page. Cause you have, y'know, already written something today.
Some people like reading before writing. Sets your brain for words and sentences and nice phrases.
Many people use rituals of their choosing to set their brain into the writing mode. Specific drink, position, smell, place, time, music, reading a similar book, reading what you have written, rereading the outline or notes from last session, etc. This is how you can create a habit. This is how you can get inspired "on command". Trian your muse to show up, when it suits you.
Positive mindset and good mood are way more productive than negative one. Fear, stress, unease all hinder you. Try to have the most relaxed attitude you can. Positive associations with writing are crucial.
When it stops being fun, change something. Take a break. Find the problem and fix it.
Listen to yourself. Trust your brain to connect things and figure them out.
If you are blocked or writing feels too much like a chore, work on figuring out the why. Freewriting is (again, I know) a great way to do this. Let yourself write whatever crosses your mind. Follow your thoughts and see what comes out. Maybe you hate the scene you are writing. Maybe you have a plot point you only feel like you need to have there, but don't actually want there. Be honest and raw with yourself.
When you feel like something has to be there, it's usually just holding you back. Leave it out. Jump over it and come back to to reevaluate it later. It's your work, your story, your tastes. You have all the right in the world to include things you want there. Don't feel like you have to do anything you don't want to.
To try out: Montage writing. Write out of order. Put the things in order later. Jump with your thoughts to any scene/part you want. Put in brackets for things you will figure out/add later.
Lots of novels were created at "walks". This means the writers spend lots of time thinking about their story in detail while on long walks, and then just threw everything they figured out onto the page.
Quick drafting works well to get the most from intense focus on your story and writing it all down as fast as possible. Quick writing also helps to hinder the inner editor - the creep can't keep up if you write fast to keep up with your thoughts.
The speed is really individual though, depending on numerous factors, so don't compare yourself to others and listen to yourself instead.
Depending on your process, speed and care at the first stage, the first draft requires different levels of editing. Not all first drafts have to be shitty and not all of them require the same amount of rework. I repeat, first drafts don't have be shitty, first drafts don't have to be shitty...(the need for editing does not make it a requirement by any means!)
Writing is a physically difficult acitivy. It requires lots of sitting without movement. Don't underestimate the strain it puts on your body.
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385 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
Looking for people to participate in this little survey! 
From: university research project
Wanted: Writers with any experience with scientific and creative texts 
Your help would be greatly appreciated!
487 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Types of intelligence for your OCs
What kind of intelligence does your character posses? Based on theory of multiple intelligences, these are some ideas what kind of smarts your characters might posses that aren’t the typical academic or street smarts. 
1. Visual-spatial (space smart)
These people are good at visualizing things, seeing in 3D, being able to imagine how things look even out of sight from the information they have about it. They are good with directions, maps, charts and pictures. Eye for drawing, patterns and puzzles. 
Especially useful for: architects, engineers, artists, pilots
2. Linguistic-verbal (word smart)
The ability to use words well, when writing and speaking. Typical strenghts are telling stories, memorizing information, love for reading, skill with words, debating and persuasive skills, adept at explaining complicated subjects. Also tend to be great at languages. 
Especially useful for: writers, journalists, lawyers, teachers, public speakers
3. Logical (reasoning smart)
Not necessarily but possibly mathematical, these people are great at reasoning, pattern recognition and logical analysis. Enjoyment for abstract thinking and ideas, excellent problem-solving skills and logical argumentation are other common traits. Pattersn, categories, relationships. 
Especially useful for: mathematicians, accountants, scientists, and detectives.
4. Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
Great hand-eye cordination, physical movement, often skilled at sports, dancing and creating things with their hands. Learn and remember rather by doing than listening or reading. Sense of timing and mind-body union excellent. 
Especially useful for: dancers, sculptors, actors, athletes, surgeons, crafts people, soldiers, police officers
5. Musical (sound smart)
Sensitive listeners. Thinking in patterns, recognizing rhythms, notes and melodies, good at remembering tunes, these people often enjoy singing or playing instruments. Often show great understanding of musical structure and know quickly when they hear someone going off-key. 
Especially useful for: musical teachers, composers, musicians, 
6. Interpersonal (people smart)
These people are very good at understanding and interacting with others. From verbal to non-verbal communication, they are proficient at assessing motivations, moods and desires of others and seeing things from multiple perspectives. Great communicators, create positive relationships with others easily and solve group dynamics and group conflicts well. Also enjoy discussions, debates and teamwork. 
Especially useful for: psychologists, counselors, salespeople, politicians, philosophers, teachers, managers, team leaders
7. Intrapersonal (self smart)
The opposite of interpersonal smarts is the intrapersonal intelligence, where people are very in tune with themselves and their feelings. They are honest with themselves, enjoy self-reflection, analysing theories and ideals, love daydreaming, and show great self-awareness and assessment of their own strenghts and weaknesses. 
Especially useful for: writers, philosophers, theorits, scientists
Bonus types: 
8. Creative (ideas smart) 
People that show exceptional curiousity, get inspired by little things around them and connect ideas and concepts in an unsual way. It’s a more feeling-based, spontaneous type of intelligence that gets less recognition, but brings immense benefits in all fields. 
Especially useful for: artists, marketers, scientists, concept artists
9. Abstract (concept smart)
Drawn to abstract ideas, these people enjoy deep discussions, don’t like to settle on one truth and ask questions that have no easy or no answer at all. Connecting, conceptualizing, analysing, listening and putting things together, they are great at seeing things from a distance, seeing the whole and not just the pieces. 
Especially useful for: scientists, philosophers, researchers, theorists, designers, analysts
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10,319 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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