#[🍒cherry: textposts]
cherrywbb-art · 6 months
Weird headcanon
Ice bear's middle name is Polar
Cause y'know
Grizzly (bear)
Panda (bear)
Ice (Polar) bear
It makes sense to me
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virtuangel · 2 years
MISS MILLIE BELOVED MY DEAREST MOST TINY FAIRY FRIEND HAPPY BIRTH!!!!!!! 💐💘💗💐💗💗🌸💐💗💗🌷🌷💗💗🌸💗🌸💐💕💞💕💖🌸💖🌷💕🌸🌸💗🌷💗🌷💕🌸💗🌷💗🌸💕🌷💕🌷💗🌷💖💗🌸💕🌷💕🌷💗🌷 tysm for existing u r so fun to bicker with and to perceive on the dash!!!! even tho we do not speak much in a real way u r one of my favouritest ppl on this whole entire site it is always enjoyable to yell at u in the replies of asks or randomly directed textposts bdndkdn u deserve every good thing and many more I hope u get to eat some yummy food and i also hope tht all ur biases post today in honour of ur birth!!!! i love u mwah mwah mwah thank u for letting me be a milliefluencer and going along w all my nonsense I have had a horrific year but u always make it better in little fun ways 😔💞💕💞🌷💞💞💘💞🌸💞💐💞💞💐💞🌷💞💕💞💕💞🌷💞💘💞💐💞💞💐🌸💕💞💕💞🌷
IRI MY BELOVED !!!!!!!!!!! PRETTIESTEST WITCH (positive) MY BELOVED GOBLIN STRAWBERRY ELD THE NO.1 CHERRY FOX !!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!! 💓💞💓💗💖💗💓💗💕💞💖💗💓💞💕 thank you for being friends (enemies? u choose) with me & putting up w me for SO LONG ??? i think i said this before but seeing u around always feels like coming back home!! i know u havent been having the best time recently and i really really really hope it can get better soon :< i love you and i miss you and i send u a kiss!!!! mmmmmmmmmwah!!!! 💖💞💐💗💕🌷💓💗🌷💞💗🌸💞💓💐💕💗🍒💕
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ditzyfinalgrlowo · 1 year
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`.°*🌸 Hai!!! Welcome to The Cherry Wonderland's Chaos Cart!!! 🌸*°.`
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My name's are Elliot, Sophie and/or Cry Baby!!! This is my comfort blog, I may post art, doodles, plushies, gaming stuff, etc X3
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▶ ⚠ Warning!! This is a 17+ blog & I use gifs/flashy thingz alot!! ▶🍒 17 | She/they/he | Highly suspected autism ▶💌 Selfshipper :3 ▶🌸 Goat enthusiast!!
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`.°*🍒 Cart contentz!!! 🍒*°.` (What im likely to post!)
▶💌 Art/OC Art/Fanart | #🌸Cry Baby Drawz🌸
▶🌸 Fanfics/Original works | #🍒Cry Baby Writez🍒
▶🍒 OC + AU CC loredumps & lore/misc textposts | #💌Cry Baby Lore Ramblez + #💌Cry Baby Ramblez💌
▶💌 Original/incorrect quotes w/ OCs + AU CC | #🌸Cry Baby Quotez🌸
▶🌸 Low quality gaming pics | #🍒Cry Baby Gamez🍒
▶🍒 Plushie pics | #💌Cry Baby Plushiez💌
▶💌 Reblogs | #🌸Cry Baby Reblogz🌸
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`.*💌 Other carnival hotspotz!! 💌*.` (Other socialz)
▶🍒 Instagram | necromantic.entrobvny
▶🌸 Ao3 | necromantic_entrobvny
▶🍒 Toyhouse | necromanticentrobvny
▶🌸 Discord username | necromantic.entrobvny
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Last updated - September 2, 2023
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cherrywbb-art · 7 months
🐻🐼🐻‍❄️Survival bears Funfact:
Grizz knows how to drive and has his own car (Ice bears also knows how to drive but He doesn't have a license, plus he's not in a good state of mind to do it so)
Speaking about cars... I have no idea what type of car Grizz would have, like... I'm stupid when it comes to cars :/
Any suggestions pls?
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cherrywbb-art · 11 months
What if...
What if I make ice bear go completely mute?... just saying :)
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cherrywbb-art · 6 months
Miguel is a fan of Luiz Gonzaga and his favorite song is definitely "Asa Branca"
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cherrywbb-art · 1 year
Sb! Panda and Grizz having a daily conversation
Panda: Go take your meds
Grizz: I already took them
Panda: yesterday, the doctor said that you're suppose to take everyday
Grizz: No, he said that I HAD to take the meds, not how many times I should take them, there's a difference -_-
Panda: Wanna know another difference? You taking your meds right now or me shoving your meds inside your throat ^-^
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cherrywbb-art · 2 years
Explaining my AUs: Survival Bears
First of all, Today is Survival Bear's one year anniversary, and I wanted to do something special, so I thought I'd bring you the history of AU, I want to remind you that there may still be mistakes and that I still end up adding certain points and correcting others. That said, I hope you like it
⚠️Tw: Self h*rm, Toxic Friendship, alc*holism, viol*nce
Well, first I would like to inform you that the point of this AU is about Trauma and how we choose to deal with it.
I created this AU when I was having a hard time with myself, but I'm currently better, and the AU has been rewritten. Starting with the fact that the bears know each other when they are already adults, so their backstories have changed.
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Grizz during his childhood just wanted a family or at least a friend, he worked on the show "Family Troubles" for a long time until the show ended. during his time as a celebrity (without him really noticing) he received attention and met all kinds of people, including a Koala who he considered to be his best friend.
Nom Nom and Grizz were very close friends since they met at a celebrity reunion, after the end of Family Troubles, Grizz joined Nom Nom on his team and always tried to help as much as possible, and they really were great friends, but over time this good friendship started to become something bad...
A few years go by and even though Grizz no longer participates in famous shows and events, he was still well known as that little bear on that Canadian show. Not that it was something that really bothered him, but it bothered Nom Nom a lot. It didn't make sense to him, how did that bear that only participated in one series have more attention than him!? how dare he act that way? act like it's no big deal? and the more Nom Nom questioned himself, the more anger and envy grew inside him. At first it was just a few tantrums, but Grizz just thought it was because of the stress Nom Nom had with his career and tried to help him as best he could, but soon it started to get worse and worse. What was once a good friendship turned into a completely toxic friendship from Nom Nom, who constantly yelled at and humiliated Grizz in every way, and although Grizz felt this wasn't right, he couldn't let go of him, feeling he SHOULD help him and endure that pain, after all, they were best friends... right?
The last breaking point that made it all over was when Nom Nom had another one of his tantrums while they were trying to record another one of his videos for the internet, it was a disaster. As a result, Grizz was severely injured in the face. Grizz spent some time in the hospital recovering and in no time did he hear from Nom Nom who didn't even visit him to see if he was okay. After being released from the hospital, Grizz went to see how he was doing, if he was ok since the day of the accident. But the answer was what he least expected. Nom Nom finally said that he doesn't care about Grizz anymore, that he ruined that day's recording (which was not true), that he is annoying and that they are not friends anymore. It completely broke Grizz, all the moments and laughs they had weren't true? was he a bad friend? did he do something that hurt Nom Nom? well, it was no use anymore, he left Nom Nom just as he said.
Over time, he managed to find a new home, with the help of a Ranger named Dana Tabes, or just Tabes, who he consider a very special friend to him and later on he got two more friends who he considers his younger brothers.
But still having trust issues. which caused him to almost lose one of his brothers forever...
Sometimes Grizz wears an eye patch or sunglasses to cover up his face a bit.
He's very overprotectived to his bros. Especially with Ice Bear
Grizz is actually pretty good at basketball.
He works as a waiter from the same restaurant from the episode "Panda's Date".
The Patches on Grizz's jacket means that just because he's the oldest doens't mean he had to hold the weight of the responsability on his shoulders, and no matter what happen his brothers are there for him.
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As Panda didn't exactly grow up in its natural habitat, when he ran away from that Animal Sanctuary it was difficult for him to learn to defend himself, leading him to get hurt in accidents or other animals, but with time learned what life is like on the outside and ended up becoming stronger and quite independent.
When he started living with Grizz, he knew from the start that Grizz was trying to convince that Nom Nom did nothing wrong to him and if there's who should take the blame was him. Of course, the fact that Panda has been in the internet for a long time and has been knowing people who used to act just like Nom Nom, He knew the way that Grizz was thinking was wrong and harmful to others but especially for Grizz himself.
It took a while to Grizz really understand, but when he did, it broke him and make him to develop severe trust issues, and always tried to convince him to seek help about his problems, sometimes he regrets not trying to help him before that night's event happened.
But he knows he can't change what happened in the past and he prefers to accept that it happened and focus on his future and his family. He is a very close friend with Lucy, always helping her with her work and/or taking care of her little brother. And with a tall creature called Charlie, who's Panda always talks when he has time. But Don´t think that just because Panda is the most passive of the three that it means he's harmless, he's very smart when he wants to use his phone against someone and he won't regret about ruinning someone's reputation if they are talking about him or his brothers
Panda LOVES music and he has a ukulele that he often plays for his brothers.
He also doesn't like anime anymore, he prefers to forget this shameful phase of his and hates when Grizz reminds him of it (Grizz just thinks it's cute to remember this phase of his little brother) he prefers other types of things, like the music already mentioned, and books.
Panda prefers to wear his glasses most of the time, but sometimes he wears contact lenses.
Panda's pins means that his brothers have a special place in his heart, and they love him as much he loves them.
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Ice bear:
Ice Bear was always resuming in one thing: Run, he always run from the danger, from hunters and others.
But he never bothered to commit a crime every now and then and live a life of adventure and action together with Yana.
There was a certain time that they separated for personal reasons, but Ice Bear continued to move on with his life until he met Grizz and Panda and began to live with them, being the last to appear in the family.
He still continued to go out at night to who knows where, something that bothered Grizz because he never said where he was going, but Grizz never spoke about it, for fear of seeming too invasive about his brother's personal life, but how he couldn't be worried about the fact that on one of his nights Ice bear arrived hurt and didn't say what happened and just said that everything was fine and that there was nothing wrong.
Until one night everything changes...
The Icy Night II events:
When Yana appears on the television screen and threatens to hurt her, Ice Bear makes an excuse saying he had to go somewhere, but this time Grizz isn't going to let it go. He finally started asking where Ice bear was going every night and why doesn't he tell them?
Ice bear replies that it wasn't anything important, and Grizz and Panda have know to about his personal life. This just started to make Grizz even more upset and worried, saying that he HAD the right to know if this involves him get hurt everytime he comes back at night, which it just leds them to a argument with eachother.
The arguing was crazy, until Ice bear bring the point to saying the Grizz was too stupid to understand the things that happend in their lifes, that if it wasn't Panda he would took years for him to realize
that Nom Nom never cared for him.
This snaps Grizz, making him to slap Ice bear in the face saying that they all promised to never speak about this again until he noticed blood that fall from Ice bear's cheek.
After being in silence for so long, Panda finally speaks saying it was enough which got the chance for Ice bear to run with Roomba to save Yana.
Now that part is practically the same as the episode, Yana is saved, they fight some robots, but what changes is the end. After defeating Barry, Yana and Ice bear runs the exit, but unfortunately, Barry had a secret weapon, making locking the entire building completly leading no one to escape, well one of them to escape. But the last chance he had, Ice bear uses Roomba to take Yana out of there while he stays behind.
The Disappearance:
At the time that Ice bear was gone, Grizz got more worried and guilt about the fight, but tried to assure him that maybe his little brother need a time to calm down and he would come back, after all he always comes back. Minutes turns to Hours, and Ice bear is hasn't come back, he didn't responding any of their messages and calls, now that was something to worried, even if Ice bear was out, he always would respond them, but nothing happenned this time.
They decided to give a time for little bro, maybe he indeed wanted a time alone and didn't want to be bothered. It passed, one, two, three, almost a week ad nothing about Ice bear and they decided to look around the city and see if anyone had seen Ice bear somewhere, but nothing, so maybe Ice bear wans't ignoring them, maybe something happened to him
Of course, with that in mind, they went to the police to report their brother's disappearence. Posters were posted everywhere, but no sign of Ice bear was found, which made Grizz feel even more guilty, if he hadn't started that fight, would his brother still be here? The more time passed, the more physically and mentally exhausted Grizz became. Which only made panda even more worried, of course, he also wanted his brother to appear, but he wanted his other brother to gradually disappear as well because of a mistake that everyone ended up making that night.
Meanwhile, Ice bear suffered at Barry's hands in every possible way. What Barry wanted to do with was not kill him and hurt him until he got tired. He tried to escape several times, but it only resulted in failure and him getting hurt even more. Until there came a time when Ice bear simply gave up, maybe that was his final destination, maybe he would die there and never see his brothers again, maybe he would never have the chance to apologize to Grizz for what he said.
Four years passed and just when he thought there was no more hope, someone came to be his salvation, he couldn't see straight until he was completely unconscious and woke up in a hospital, what seemed to be a dream came true, needless to say how much Grizz and Panda were left when they discovered that their brother was found and was recovering.
Ice bear was back, but in the same state as before. Because of this trauma, Ice bear developed serious PTSD and a lot of anxiety, which led to him almost never leaving the house and always being nervous when talking to someone he didn't know. Not to mention much had changed in the lives of his brothers as well. Their appearance had changed, they met new people and even Grizz started a relationship.
But Grizz and Panda weren't about to give up, they hadn't given up during those four years, and they sure as hell weren't going to give up now. They will fix their mistakes, and they will do it right!
Ice bear doesn't sleep in the fridge, he has his own room and it's pretty cold in there (it's like the fridge but bigger).
Ice bear likes to drink alot, he used to do this before, but after the trauma he been through it just got worse.
Speaking of bad habits, Ice bear has also tends to scratch his neck and arms when he feels stressed or anxious, because of that he wears gloves to hold his claws.
Sometimes Ice bear tends to forget to take his meds, but Panda or Grizz is always there to remember him.
His earings means that his brothers are always ready to listen to him, in the good moments and the bad moments.
Side Characters:
Tabes: One of the first friends that Grizz made after so long, she is a strong woman ready to protect who she cares and loves, she helped him find the cave and with Ice bear's disappearance.
Chloe: She's 14 at the moment and met the bears (or at least just Grizz and Panda) at the same way she met them in the episode "Chloe" when was 10, she's very close to them and is trying to be close to Ice bear at the moment, they tend to have a lot of weird moments but they trying
Yana: She's Ice bear "sister", she's also know Grizz and Panda since she was one of who helps when Ice bear disappear, which she knew where exactly he went and with who. She's very close to Ice bear and sometimes they go out together to drink or just cause trouble.
Charlie: Not much to say about him in this AU, he's Panda best friend and inspiration when he needs to paint someone. They have a great friendship, even though Panda almost him when they first met (Panda always apologized about that night)
Cherilyn (Cherry/Oc): She works at a bakery in the same street that Grizz works, she's also helps the bears with Ice bear's disappearance since she is one of Panda's friends. She's been dating Grizz and she's trying to know about more about Ice bear.
((This is the story of Survival Bears AU. There are still points that I haven't delved into as much as for example, how will Grizz and Panda live while Ice bear was missing? how did cherry and grizz meet? And among the characters I haven't mentioned but maybe appeared in the AU. But now I'm going to take a break to rest, because I intend to bring soon the comic "Untrusted" that will tell a little more about the story, I don't have a scheduled date, but I want it to be for this year. That's all buh-bye))
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