#[(replying on mobile PAIN )]
battlelaine · 12 days
I know Suicune is seen as the healer of the legendary dogs but I'm thinking of Cleric Evelyn again & her ties to Entei & what if that equated to a healing fire sort of magic. Extreme heat can be used for disinfections & can also used for cauterizing wounds.
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fellow-queer-birdguy · 7 months
hello!! Looking around on Tumblr and reddit for some info on knee braces, as my friend is looking to get some (one lives in the global south, so affordability and shipping is important, but there are ways around things) I'd appreciate any help!
For me the knee braces help with keeping my knees in the right place and also a bit with balance.
I know Amazon has a lot of options for knee braces, I don't have any experience with the ones from Amazon though.
I personally got my own knee braces from a normal supermarket. They were affordable and they work very well. I think you can get ones from pharmacies too, not sure.
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is this medical gaslighting? is this ableism?? do i havé à right to be upset about this???
so awhile ago i went to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with pain amplification syndrome (everything hurts, my brain and pain receptors aren’t connected properly so tylenol etc. doesn’t work, basically just chronic pain) and recommended me to go to cognitive therapy to try to help as they don’t know why or how it happens
so that’s cool and great, but then she mentioned that she wants me to use my cane less so i don’t become dependent (immediate ick) and go to physical therapy. I’m not sure if i want to do that, as mobility aids are meant to be relied upon, and my cane actually improves my life and pain somewhat, and the only reason that there seems to be for me to not have a cane is so i don’t become weak.
I don’t think PT is going to help me much, just put me in pain, she also didn’t discuss any accommodations for school or anything so i definitely feel like they’re just going “heyyyy so everything hurts you and there’s no cure :) also i don’t want you using a cane :) no reason really :) no i don’t care that it helps you :) no i won’t help you in any other way :) okay give me money now :)” but i’m a minor so i don’t actually get any choice in the matter since my mom only wants to listen to the doc and not the one actually affected
am i just being over-sensitive? does this even count as ableism? cause i fluctuate between “no advocate for yourself” and “listen to the medical professional” i kinda feel like i don’t have a right to complain bc i’m very lucky to be diagnosed at all, let alone so young
i genuinely want answers, esp from older disabled people who’ve experienced similar situations
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spiritofloyalty · 1 year
Until I’m able to get onto my laptop, I’ll likely be stuck on mobile bound for a few hours! So writing might be on hold for now.
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
i had a red bull for serotonin boost bc my pill serotonin isnt giving me the happy its supposed to and suddenly its 8 pm and ive had a long insta story abt why p/amela i/sley deserves a new and better girlfriend whos also an ecote/rrorist and my drawing pads sitting open on my lap
there is nothing on my drawing pad
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warborn-tragedy · 6 days
Fighting the sleepies so hard to clear out my drafts/inbox but alas. Tis an uphill battle and baby I’ve got fifty pounds pulling me down.
See what happens but no promises until I’m off orders :/
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pcetstcrtured · 8 months
me looking back at old threads & things on old blogs back before i actually tagged anything stresses me the hell out man -
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apute11as · 6 months
Hurt - Alexia and Jenni x child!reader
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Summary: A trip to the park before a match leads to disaster and an emotional revelation.
Warnings:⚠️swearing, injury, hospitals, shouting
Based on this request🤍
Words: 2765
P.s. Any feedback or requests is always welcome in the comments or ask box! Both are very helpful in terms of writing more fics :)
It was a beautiful sunny day in Barcelona, you were at your favourite park with Tia Alba, Mama and Mateo’s other Mommy. You’d met up with them before the match where you’d watch Irene and Mami.
You knew Mama was now 6 months pregnant which meant that she couldn’t play football anymore. It also meant that she was less mobile and couldn’t move as quickly. There was an incident a couple of weeks ago with some pushy fans that wanted Mama’s autograph when the two of you were walking back from school. You shouted at the people like you knew Mami would if she was there, protecting your Mama and baby sibling. An older woman came to the rescue, ushering the invasive fans away and walking with the two of you for a bit.
Alexia hadn’t planned on mentioning the incident to Jenni but when you came out with an unprecedented “mean people shoved mama”, causing Jenni to flip out. After that, Alexia felt that she had to tell the story to diffuse her wife’s growing anger but in actual fact she made it worse. Jenni has become hesitant for Alexia to leave the house alone, knowing all too well how invasive the fans are of player’s private lives and more so, personal spaces.
However, she was fairly confident today that Alexia would be fine, being with her sister and Irene’s wife. Although, she would find that Alexia wasn’t the one she had to be worrying about today.
As the three women watched you and Mateo playing on the climbing frame, Alexia started to feel some discomfort. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a sign that she’d likely be needing to pee pretty soon.
“I’m going to go and see if I can find a bathroom, baby is making me uncomfortable” stated the blonde, attempting to hoist herself upwards which was hard due to the considerable bump she was now sporting.
“Are you okay Ale?” asked Lucia, alba was too preoccupied staring at a woman she found attractive.
“Yeah yeah fine thank you, just baby making me need to pee 24/7” chuckled Alexia.
“There’s an ice cream shop around the corner, I’ll come with you if that’s okay and we can get the kids an ice cream?” Questioned Lucia
“Yeah sure,sounds good! Albs can you watch the kids whilst we’re gone?” Alexia asked her younger sister.
“What? Oh yeah watch the kids of course” she replied, as if she’d been paying any sort of attention.
With that, the pair left in search of the ice cream shop, leaving a distracted Alba to watch over you and Mateo.
“Hola guapa” said the older brunette that Alba had been making eyes at
“Hola” replied Alba with a smile and the two began a conversation, distracting Alba further so that she failed to notice you planning to jump off the top of the tower to show off to Mateo.
“Look Mateo I’m the queen of the castle and you’re the dirty rascal!”
“Are you coming down now” groaned the boy
“Yes I’m gonna jump from the top!” You beamed
“That’s really high y/n what if you fall?”
“I won’t I’m a big girl!” You insisted
Then with little more warning, you lept off the high ledge of the climbing frame, falling to the floor and crumpling into a heap with a snap.
“AGHHHH” you screamed in pain.
Alba was oblivious to it all, putting the screaming down to being just children playing.
A couple of other mothers rushed in yours and Mateo’s direction on instinct after hearing the scream, being able to tell the difference between playful and pained. You lay on the floor, clutching your arm as the mother’s reached you.
“Are you ok sweetheart?” One asked
“Where’s your mommy?” Another said
“Mama gone!” You cried out
“Are you okay y/n?” Asked Mateo “shall I go get your Tia Alba?”
“want Mamaaaa!” You wailed
Mateo had ran off to tug at Alba’s skirt now and pointed in your direction to which Alba apologised to the woman and followed the little boy.
“Oh bebé are you okay?” asked alba cradling your face
“Are you her mother?” Spat a woman who looked to be in her late 30s.
“No I’m her Tia” Alba spat back “what happened?”
“She jumped and fell off the climbing frame which you would’ve noticed if you were paying any sort of attention!” shouted the woman.
“EXCUSE ME?” yelled Alba
“Tia Alba I want Mamaaaa” you cried
“Okay bebé, she’ll be on her way soon!” She assured you, turning her back to the mother she’d just argued with.
Alexia and Lucia had just returned from the shop, holding two ice creams. However, alexia quickly thrust the one she was holding into Lucia’s hand upon seeing Alba hunched over your small body. She ran as fast as she could to reach you.
“WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED ALBA?” She demanded, dropping to her knees at a pace that would’ve had Jenni scolding her for her carelessness.
“She jumped and fell” said Mateo from beside you.
“Oh Bebita come here” she said cradling you into her chest.
“Alba was talking to the pretty lady over there” said Mateo, telling on the brunette.
“Oh for fucks sake Alba really?” Alexia scolded furiously. “What hurts mi amor?” Alexia turned to you.
“My arm Mama” you whimpered, cried muffled by Alexia’s body.
After another trip to the ice cream shop bathroom to clean you up and a lot of arguing between Alexia and Alba, the group finally made it to the game, albeit a little later than intended.
You found your seats without much fuss, in the family and friends section of course. Mama sits beside you, you stand on your seat anytime anything interesting happens. Mama tries to join your standing up when the goals go in, but is reminded of her condition when the baby harshly kicks her in the ribs.
“Ouch!” She yelped
“Okay Mama?” You asked, brow furrowed in concern.
“I’m okay mi alma, bebé is just celebrating in there too” she assured you, rubbing her bump.
The game ended a comfortable 3-0 win over Sevilla, with your Mami scoring two of those goals. Your arm was hurting still but you didn’t want to tell Mama because she might start shouting at Tia Alba again. Mami and the team had just started to come out of the changing rooms to thank the fans and sign some stuff, when Mapi spotted you. She bounded over to where you were sat, dragging ingrid along with her.
“Hola mi chica how are you?” She shouted over the railings as Ingrid greeted Alexia, enquiring about the baby.
“You won Mapi!!” You cheered
“Si we did, your Mami scored two goals!” she reminded you
“Hold on bebita I’ll lift you over the railings and you can go see Mapi and Ingrid okay?” Questioned Alexia.
“No Ale you shouldn’t with the baby” insisted Mapi. Alba was at the bathroom and Lucia and Mateo had already excused themselves to go and greet Irene.
“I’m pregnant not frail, I can lift my daughter over a barrier” huffed Alexia, hoisting you to meet Ingrid’a waiting arms.
“OUCH” you yelped
“What hurts Elskling?�� Ingrid questioned, concern flooding her face
“My arm” you sobbed
“She fell off the playground today and hurt her arm, because Tia Alba was too busy flirting with a married woman to pay attention” ranted Alexia, causing Mapi to burst out laughing at Alba’s discrepancies, earning her a slap of warning from Ingrid.
“Oh dear bebé is your arm alright?” Asked Ingrid
“It’s ok I guess let’s go I want to see Mami!” You urged
“Are you coming too Alexia?” Asked Mapi with a furrowed brow
“Si it might take me a minute to get down though” she laughed
“You go ahead with y/n Maps, I’ll help Alexia down and we’ll follow you” assured the Norwegian.
Mapi took you off Ingrid, carefully and started a fast walk over to the team. Upon reaching them, you were greeted with smiley faces of all the girls. You spotted Mama signing a fan’s jersey and waited patiently for her to be done.
Shortly after, she noticed you stood behind her, wearing a Barça jersey with her name on it.
“Oh mi amor there you are!” She exclaimed, tuning to face you.
“Mami! I loved your goals!” You beamed
“Did you, well there was one for you and one for Mama!!” She smiles back, reaching to pick you up. As she did, you felt a shooting ache spread through your arm.
“OW MAMI STOP!” You yelled, gaining the attention of some if the girls nearby.
“What bebita what hurts?” She asked, alarmed at your sudden pain.
“My arm, it feels floppy!” You burst into tears.
“Oh bebé come here!” she urged, carefully picking you up on the other side, avoiding the arm you cradled.
Just as you’d gotten into her arms, Alexia and Ingrid caught up with you. Upon noticing your tearful expression, she picked up her pace to meet you and Jenni.
“She’s hurt her arm Ale, I don’t know what happened I just picked her up and she started crying!” Jenni stammered
“It wasn’t you, she fell at the park earlier and landed on her arm, she’s complained about it a few times now, maybe we should go get it checked out” alexia offered
“Oh no bebita” she fawned over you “Yeah we should probably go to the hospital I mean it can’t hurt surely?” Jenni agreed.
The three of you made a swift exit out of the building, Jenni grabbed her bags whilst you and Alexia wandered to Jenni’s car. Jenni and Alexia told the girls what had happened and where they were going, which everyone seemed to understand.
You helped Mama into the car by rushing ahead to open her door, like you’d watched Mami do countless times. Mama thanked you by kissing your head with a smile and calling you a gentlewoman. Mami returned with her bags shortly after and the three of you made your way to the hospital.
Alexia was stressing throughout the whole car journey and was making some rather vulgar comments about Alba for leaving you alone and allowing this to happen. Jenni placed a steadying hand on her thigh, reminding her that you were fine and safe in the car with them (and that your little ears were likely picking up the string of words flowing from her mouth).
When you got to the hospital, you were trembling. The building was big and everyone was walking around in white outfits. You could feel that your Mama was stressed too with the way she was gripping your hand tightly and muttering through her teeth at your Mami for taking too long parking the car.
Upon entering, you were directed to the accident and emergency unit and were told to wait in the child’s waiting room. You got some funny stares from people, likely because you and Mama were dressed in matching “Jenni hermoso” Barcelona jerseys and Mami was wearing her Barça tracksuit.
“Erm hi could me and my brother maybe have a picture with you two?” Asked a timid girl that looked to be around 7 or 8.
“Of course!” Smiled Jenni taking the phone and positioning it to snap a selfie of the four of them, whilst you played with the blocks on the floor.
“Thank you so much!!” Grinned the girl.
“No problem” replied Jenni
“y/n putellas-hermoso” voiced a nurse from a nearby room, signalling that it was your turn to go in.
The nurse was pretty, she had long ginger hair and hazel coloured eyes that reminded you of Mama. She smiled at you, constantly asking if what she was doing was okay as she poked and prodded your arm. You yelped in pain couple of times, which lead her to the decision that you needed an X-ray.
You walked hand in hand with Mama and Mami to the next waiting room outside the X-ray. Mama clutched her belly in discomfort which caused Mami to worry more than she already was. You decided that you really didn’t like hospitals.
“¿Estás bien amor?” questioned Jenni
“Si just baby kicking around in there” she half smiled, half winced.
“And you bebita are you okay?” Asked Jenni looking down at you.
“I’m scared of the x-Ray machine are you coming with me?”
“Yes of course bebé!”
Around 20 minutes passed, you were playing candy crush on Alexia’s phone, Jenni was looking through a home magazine and Alexia was biting her nails anxiously.
“Stop stressing Alé it’s bad for for the baby” urged Jenni
“Wow thanks Jenni, all my stresses are gone from you saying that!” She snapped, rolling her eyes.
“Y/n Putellas-Hermoso?”
The three of you stood up to follow the new nurse, this nurse was different. She was an older lady and she had raggedy teeth and a mean glare. You didn’t like her she was scary.
Still you followed her, clutching onto Mama’s sleeve as you did. You reached the door to the X-ray area, it looked like a dungeon, your stomach felt bubbly and your hands felt warm.
“Now, it says on my records that you’re pregnant Mrs Putellas?” the scary nurse demanded.
“Erm yes?” Alexia replied, confused.
“Well radiation exposure from x-rays can be damaging to a foetus’ development so we have to ask you to stay out here” she gestured to a set of chairs. “However y/n is under 5, we need someone to oversee her x-Ray so you’ll have to accompany her” she signalled to Jenni.
“Yes okay that’s fine” assured Jenni
“Okay I’ll just get the details from the doctor and the we can begin, I’ll be just a minute” and with that she left.
“Mama why can’t you go with me too?” You huffed in annoyance.
“Because it is bad for the baby for me to go in there pequeña” explained Alexia.
“But I’m your baby too and it’s bad for me if you stay outside!” You demanded
“Hey it’ll be okay Mami is going in with you!” Alexia assured, making concerned eye contact with Jenni.
“You promised you wouldn’t love baby more than me and you already do!” you pouted, crossing your arms.
“Oh no bebita that’s not-“ she was cut off before she could finish.
“All ready?” Asked the nurse
“Si she is” spoke Jenni
The X-ray showed that you had in fact, broken your arm. Mama looked stressed when you came out of the X-ray. Mami filled her in on what the doctor had said about your arm. Mama fussed over you, apologising for it happening and trying to reassure you that she loved you so much. You however, chose to ignore her and took to fiddling with the makeshift cast you’d been given.
A pained expression overtook Alexia, her eyes were tearful (the hormones making her more emotional). She looked at Jenni with a pleading expression, to which Jenni sighed and spoke to you.
“Bebita, I promise you me and Mama don’t love the baby more than you, we love you both so much! Mama only couldn’t go in the X-ray room because the special machine in there could hurt her and the baby. We don’t want Mama or baby to be hurt do we?” Jenni rambled, crouching down to your level.
You thought about it for a second. You didn’t like the idea of the new baby taking your Mama and Mami away but you didn’t want it to be hurt and you certainly didn’t want your Mama to be hurt.
“I understand Mami” you said looking at your feet. “Sorry for shouting Mama and sorry for making baby hurt” you frowned.
“It’s alright bebé but you didn’t make baby hurt what do you mean?”
“Mami says ‘stress is bad for baby’ and you stress because of me.” you sulked
“I was stressed yes but I am always going to stress y/n and baby is just fine, come here baby’s kicking” she beckoned you over, placing your small, cast-free hand on her swollen stomach.
You felt a small poke from under her skin, your mouth was agape. Jenni and Alexia shared a smile at your reaction to the kicking.
“It’s a baby brother!” You declared
“What do you mean?” Asked Jenni
“I think it’s a baby brother!” You repeated
“Well we’ll see pretty soon pequeña” laughed Jenni.
And sure enough, when baby was born, he was indeed a baby brother.
Thank you for reading! My other works are found here ✨
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chaotic-birds · 2 months
fluffy Jason thought
if you like run your fingers through his hair, especially when he’s sleepy, he’ll kiss your palms and wrists. Especially after an argument, it’s like his silent little apology before the actual words (kinda like he’s hyping himself up in a way)
I love soft!Jason so much :,)
soft!Jason owns my heart. thank you for sending this in!!! my writing is a little rusty, but I had fun writing this so i hope you enjoy!
this is also uploaded on mobile so sorry if the formatting is weird. if it is, i’ll fix it later 😖
TW none | WC ~500 | G angst, fluff, h/c
It didn’t take long for you to realize Jason Todd is not used to being loved.
He’s not used to the gentle touches or the soft voices.
But he tries to be.
He tries for you.
Jason’s head lays on your lap, eyes closed as he focuses on the feeling of your fingers threading through his dark hair. The slow motions bring comfort to his fast-paced life. It steadies his breathing and allows his body to sink deeper into the couch cushions.
Although Jason is becoming sleepier, he can’t bring himself to rest. Not when he snapped at you last night. Not when he knows the origin of his frustrations came from his self-hatred that he made you so scared for his well-being.
Jason reaches up to grab the hand that’s been playing with his hair and guides it to his mouth. He places tender kisses on each knuckle. Each time his mouth touches your skin, he can hear the echo of his words he had said to you.
Words that he regrets saying.
“I don’t need you worrying about me all the damn time.”
“I’m not a fucking child, and you’re not my fucking mother.”
“Leave me alone.”
“I can take care of myself. Been doing it for years, darlin’.”
“How about you worry about someone else?”
Jason kisses the inside of your wrist and lets his lips linger on your warm skin.
Skin that he loves to feel against his. Skin from the person he loves so much that it scares him.
Scares him because what happens if your skin becomes cold forever. What if…
“I’m sorry,” he whispers against your wrist. “I’m so sorry.”
Your hand cups his face, angling it so his blue eyes connect with yours.
“I know, Jayce. I forgive you.”
Jason’s lips twitch in a failed attempt to smile.
He should have never gotten mad about you caring for him.
If you were the one stumbling home after a bad fight, bruised and bleeding, he’d be fretting over you too. Hell, he’d probably react in more extreme ways.
“I’ll try not to worry so much,” you say.
Jason shakes his head. “I don’t want you to, but I understand why you do. I… I worry about you too.”
You smile, nodding. “I’m glad you do.”
Tilting his head, he questions, “You are?”
“Yup,” you reply. “It means you care.”
Jason’s eyes flicker from yours.
He knows he cares about you. He’d give his life for you. He’d take all the pain in the world if it meant you were unharmed.
But if he’s willing to do that because he cares about you, does that mean you’d do the same because you care about him?
Jason leans his head into your palm that’s still against his cheek as he lulls over the thought.
He’s not used to feeling loved. He’s not used to your soft touches and soothing voice.
But he’s trying.
Because deep down in his heart, he wants to be.
He wants to be loved.
He wants to be loved by you.
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©️chaotic-birds // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
The journey to recovery begins now.
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Heres the next part! ✌🏼
Let me know what you think? I have a lot of time on my hands currently unable to move much, so this is the result!
Credit to @alotofpockets for giving me the courage to continue to write!
Pairings: beth mead x teen reader, vivianne miedema x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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You never truly appreciated how much you took your knees for granted until it was too late, leaving you to confront the stark reality of their absence during the grueling weeks that followed after your surgery.
The initial stages of your rehabilitation post-surgery, each day felt like an uphill battle against the constraints of limited mobility. Every single step was a painful reminder of your body’s fragility, which left you teetering on the edge of frustration.
The simple tasks you once took for granted now felt like insurmountable challenges, even the thought of walking a few steps sent a wave of discomfort radiating through your knee, serving as a constant reminder of your newfound vulnerability.
Reflecting on the moment that led to this predicament, you can’t help but regret it as your knee injury could have been avoided. Perhaps if you had chosen a different path that fateful night, the outcome would have been drastically different.
“Where are you off to?” Viv’s concerned voice broke through your thoughts, she had virtually been watching over you like a hawk since your return from the hospital.
“I’m just going to the toilet” You muttered, struggling to get up from the sofa but you were just too stubborn to ask for any sort of help.
Vulnerability was something you’d never dealt well with, it was a trait that was deemed unacceptable in your previous harsh upbringing. Weakness was a luxury that you couldn’t afford, it was a lesson that had been ingrained in you from childhood.
You could practically hear the stern cold voice of your biological father as if he were standing directly behind you, whispering into your ear.
“Do you need a hand?” Beth’s offer was laced with genuine concern, finding it difficult to watch you struggle unwillingly.
“No” You snapped, the frustration bubbling to the surface; You hadn’t meant to be so horrible, it was just sometimes easier to revert back to a defensive coping mechanism that you had been conditioned to over the years as you grew up.
“Just know I’m here if you need me” Beth’s reassurance hung in the air, a lifeline amidst the uncertainty.
“Just shout for us if you need anything, okay?” Viv chipped in, reminding you as she watched you limp off in the direction of the bathroom, although there was a weight of worry lingering incase you somehow hurt yourself in there.
Beth noted her girlfriends’ vigilant gaze and softened her expression, “She’ll be alright, Viv. She’s only gone to the loo, remember?” she joked, amusedly.
“I know, I am just worried in case she aggravates her knee or something” Viv admitted her concern, anxiously biting her bottom lip, “She really needs to be cautious” she added.
“It’s okay to be worried, but we have to let her do things for herself” Beth replied, offering comfort to alleviate her girlfriend's anxiety about you, “If needs help then she’ll shout, remember?” she reminded her.
Viv folded her arms, still visibly worried for you as she tried to listen out in case there’s a sudden slip in the bathroom, “I just can’t help but feel anxious, Beth. What if she hurts herself in there?” she repeats her worries.
“I understand, liefje” Beth placed a comforting hand on Viv’s shoulder, “But we have to let her have some independence too. We can’t smother her with our concerns” she explained to the Dutch woman.
“You’re right, I just need to remind myself of that– I just hate that she is going through this. It’s not fair” Viv mumbled, shaking her head.
Beth gently took a hold of Viv’s hand and squeezed it, “It really isn’t fair, but we’re going to do all that we can to support her, every step of the way, no matter what” she declared.
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Deep down, you knew your injury wasn’t anyone’s fault, yet your reflex was to just continuously push your loved ones away once more. 
Despite your attempts, it seemed futile, especially with surprise visits becoming a regular occurance.
Apparently, today was no exception.
Unable to start your rehab anytime soon, you found yourself wrapped up in self-pity on your bed, cocooned in blankets and lost in a Netflix TV show that you had zero interest in but since your remote has gone AWOL, it left you with no choice but watch it, but at least Myle was there for company.
“Y/N/N/! We’re here!” Kyra’s unmistakable voice cut through the air, announcing her arrival.
“Kyra, she might be asleep” Alessia’s voice followed through, a touch of caution in her tone.
“Well, she might not be” Kyra retorted, barging into your room with her usual typical energy to find you awake, “See, Less? Told you that she wouldn’t be asleep!” she grinned back at the blonde.
“Wouldn’t have much chance with the way you’re shouting” You mumbled, acknowledging both of their presence.
Alessia offered an apologetic smile, “Hey, Y/N/N. We just wanted to come and see how you’re doing” she explained.
“Oh, you know? I’m fantastic” You words are laced with sarcasm.
“Well, we brought snacks” The blonde attempted to lift your dampened mood, gesturing to the bag of the treats that they had brought you.
“Wonderful” You barely entertain the idea of the sugary treats as you keep your gaze fixed on the ceiling, disinterested.
“I can tell she’s definitely excited about that” Kyra mocked your enthusiasm, taking hold of the bag from Alessia’s hands.
Alessia shot Kyra a warning look before turning back to you, concern etched on her face, “Hey, Y/N/N, are you okay? Truthfully?” she questioned.
“Just fuckin’ peachy” You sighed dramatically, still refusing to meet their gazes, dismissing them with a wave, “How’d you guys get in, anyway?” you asked, changing the subject.
“Beth let us in before she left” Kyra explained, perching on the end of the bed.
“Oh” You mumbled in agreement.
“Someone’s feeling grumpy today” Kyra teased, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she started to delve through the bag and pull out a packet of sweets.
You snatched the packet away, tearing it open with unnecessary force, “Wouldn’t you  be if you couldn’t walk with out assistance?” The frustration was evident in your tone of voice.
Kyra raised her hands in mock surrender although the mischief still sparkled in her eyes, “Noted. I’ll steer clear of touchy subjects” she quipped, exchanging a glance with Alessia.
Undeterred, Alessia took a seat beside you, mindful of your injury, “I get it that you’re frustrated, Y/N/N” she said softly, attempting to connect with you.
You rolled your eyes with the irritation simmering, “Well, excuse me for not being in the mood for a pep talk” you remark, your tone sharp.
“Come on, lighten up, mate” Kyra interjected, reclining against the bed’s end with a playful grin.
Ignoring her, you continued to sulk, stuffing more sweets into your mouth  with unnecessary force, not in the mood for conversation.
Alessia sighed as her concern deepend, “I just… I thought maybe you could use someone to talk to. We know what you’re going through is difficult right now” she ventured cautiously.
“I don’t want to talk about it” You snapped, your frustration boiling over, “I just want to talk, that’s all I want. I want to be able to get out of this damn bed and feel normal again!”
“Well if you’re looking for a miracle, I think you’re in the wrong place” Kyra couldn’t resist a quip to wind you up.
“Kyra” Alessia’s reprimand was gentle but firm, signaling an end to the teasing.
A tense silence settled over your room, broken only by the sound of your frustrated sighs and the crinkle of the sweet packet that Kyra continued to help herself too.
“Listen, Y/N/N, we’re here for you, okay?” Alessia told you with a gentle voice, “Whatever you need, whether it's someone to talk to or just in silence together, we’re here” she stated, determinedly.
You met her gaze, your eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and gratitude, even if you were sometimes way too stubborn to admit it, “Thanks, Alessia” you muttered, the harshness of your voice starting to dull as you realised that it wasn’t any good to take your anger out on your team mates, who only wanted to help you.
Sensing the shift in atmosphere, Kyra leaned forward as her playful demeanour was replaced with genuine concern, “Seriously mate” she said, her voice uncharacteristically serious, “We hate seeing you like this. Is there anything we can do to help?” she asked.
You hesitated to answer, you were torn between your desire for independence and the comfort of having your friends by your side, “I don’t know” you admitted finally, your voice wavering slightly, “I just… I just hate feeling so helpless, you know?” 
Alessia reached out, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder as she gently pulled you into her embrace, “It’s okay to feel that way” she said softly, “But you’re not alone in this. We’ll all help you get through it together” she promised you.
For a moment, the weight of your injury felt a little lighter, the burden now shared amongst your friends who refused to let you face it alone.
“Thanks, Lessi. Thanks, Kyra” You mumbled, burying your head in her chest as you allowed yourself to lean on them for their support, knowing no matter how tough the road ahead might be, you wouldn’t have to walk in alone, “Could one of you please pass me the remote? I don’t know what I’m watchin’ but it’s so boring” you muttered, complaining which made the two of them laugh.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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theprettynosferatu · 10 months
CW: Orientation play/conversion. Remember that your sexuality is valid, and conversion is NOT a thing beyond fantasy. Also, fuck "conversion therapy"
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“All I’m saying is…”
“Look, you’re speaking out of your ass”, Ava said, barely containing her frustration.
“How am I speaking out of my ass? It has been done and thoroughly…”, he tried to reply.
“Yes, yes, Pavlov, blah blah blah. But you’re talking about something else entirely, not conditioning reactions”
“Not Pavlov, Skinner! Actions can be conditioned too. Look around you! Mobile games, casinos, even the goddamn army uses conditioning to…”
“Can we agree that there’s a difference between conditioning obedience in a controlled setting and whatever the fuck it is you’re suggesting? You’re not talking about tapping on impulse to buy funbucks in a game! You are talking…”
“It’s only a difference of degree, not of kind. With the right combination of techniques…”
“No, there’s a core there that you can’t just… overwrite. Some things can’t be changed. Like… like how you can’t hypnotize someone into doing something they would never do”
“You know that’s bullshit, right? The whole hypnosis thing. You absolutely can make someone do whatever the fuck you want. It’s just a matter of how you approach it. Like, you would never harm a person, okay? But if I change what your idea of ‘person’ is, say, by making it more narrow you would absolutely harm someone I made you see as a not-person. Or maybe you can be made to believe you’re helping them, not harming them”
“That’s some creepy cult shit, dude. And anyway you can’t write a paper on this because a) there’s no evidence and b) doing the research to get evidence would be absolutely immoral. So I say look for another topic and for the love of God don’t go around spewing that bullshit if you want to ever get laid. Oh, speaking of! Linda will be arriving shortly and we have a date night, so please, please try to be a normal roommate and not freak her out. For me, okay?”
“When have I ever freaked her out? Linda loves me! And who knows, maybe she has an opinion on our little debate”
“Dude, she’s an Art student. I doubt she’ll be interested in our weird Psych dissertations”
“Perfect! Fresh eyes!”
“See, that’s the kind of weird shit I-”
The buzzer cut through the air, and a moment later Linda was inside the apartment, all smiles as usual. He took a moment to watch them as they embraced. 
They were almost comical in their contrast. Linda was tall, taller than he was, willowy and slender, her limbs graceful and shapely, her hair a long, flowing river of playful copper that almost seemed to dance on its own volition– with her green sundress she appeared to him as some sort of elven princess ripped from the pages of a fantasy novel and stuck into a mortal world in which she didn’t really fit. Ava, on the other hand, was probably the shortest adult he had ever seen. He might be tempted to call her petite, but that had a connotation of a lithe frame, almost like a tastefully proportioned doll. Ava was the complete opposite of that. Sometimes he felt Ava was an experiment aimed at testing how much of a person’s weight could be tits and ass, held up by strong, thick thighs. He felt quite guilty about such thoughts, and he understood why she wore nothing but oversized t-shirts and hoodies. It was logical: an early, spectacular growth spurt, heightened by her small size, had made her the target of relentless bullying by jealous classmates and awkward come-ons by hormonal teen males. It enraged him, he realized. Ava was beautiful and the cruelty of idiots had made her feel pain about it instead of pride. He made a point to never stare at her, even if he sometimes failed. It made their relationship as roommates a tad hard, he had to admit. 
Not that he had a shadow of a shot, of course. Ava had no interest in men.
Unless, of course, he was right in his theory. And he had good reason to think he was.
“So, Linda: Ava and I were having a bit of a debate…”
“Don’t start, dude”, said Ava.
“Oh, a debate! Do tell!” chirped Linda.
“Do you think we can be completely conditioned and changed, or is there some part of us that cannot be modified, no matter what?”
“Huh. Hard one. Like… a soul? I don’t know I buy it. I feel there isn’t really a self, you know? Like… Buddhism. The self is an illusion and all that”
“Come on, you can’t be serious! You can’t change who someone fundamentally is, and it’s sick to even consider it!”, said Ava.
“Well… what if I could prove to you it can be done?”, he stated, barely able to hold back. He know what he was going to do. He had been reluctant, but now it felt like a certainty.
“You can’t, so stop being an ass”, said Ava.
Fine. Game on.
“Linda, I love your socks! Pride socks!”
“Yup!”, said Linda
“What the hell–”, mumbled Ava.
He took a deep breath.
“Linda: rainbow socks…”
She replied in an instant.
“Are for sucking cocks!”
Ava felt as if reality had shifted into some horrible, twisted nightmare. She was about to scream something, anything really, to make Linda take that back before something stopped her in her tracks. Her body heard it before her mind did: her roommate's voice simply commanding her. Watch. 
And she watched. She watched as the love of her life smiled and went on her knees. Ava could do nothing but watch in disbelief and pain. Linda had never been with a man. Ever. 
“I might have… started testing my theories. On you both. Not that you’d remember, obviously”, he stated casually as the beautiful girl in front of him lovingly undid his pants. “I’d say Linda’s sexuality is part of her core self, wouldn’t you? Let’s see how that holds up after the months of conditioning I’ve subjected her to”
He felt guilty, sure; but there was such a high to it, such an entrancing quality to the combination of seeing instant, complete obedience and the final, definitive proof of the truth he had known to be right all along. Was it wrong? Yes. Did he care? Not at the moment. Ava’s eyes were a poem to him. Suddenly he was ripped from his reverie by the soft, loving touch of Linda’s tongue on his dick. He hadn’t even realized he had gotten hard just from the sense of complete power, of total, undeniable conquest. This was a primal, ancient arousal. Ava could do nothing but watch, and he took that sight in. God, he could almost taste it.
Linda moaned. The cock was so beautiful. So perfect. She felt so… silly, like she was now, for the first time, seeing in color and realizing the sky was, in fact, blue. It was obvious. Simple. Natural. Cock deserved worship. Cock deserved devotion. Cock demanded obedience. It was as if it was growing in her mind, taking over more and more of her, pushing who she had been out effortlessly. It expanded. It corrupted. It twisted and shifted all within. Cock. Cock. Cock. She kissed it with reverence, in awe of it. It was all that existed to her. All that mattered. She needed to please it. Needed to feel it throbbing inside her. Needed to be taken by it.
Ava saw her girlfriend slide a hand between her legs and felt nauseous. As much as she knew this wasn’t Linda’s fault, she could feel her heart breaking, her anger rising… and worse, her pussy getting wet. Her body betraying her. She hated him, and she hated Linda, and she hated herself most of all.
Suddenly, Linda couldn’t contain herself. She relaxed her throat, looked up at her Master and took his entire manhood inside her mouth. She almost came instantly. It was peaceful and sexy and just simple, like his cock was the puzzle piece that fit her perfectly, completed her, made her whole. She existed to be conquered, and realizing she was putting his pleasure over her ability to breathe was the final sign of her complete, loving surrender. She let it out, watched it glisten with her spit, and started licking it and loving it and she didn’t know how much came from her own need and how much it was a silent command by the man who had shown her the light. Her mind was too fuzzy to make such distinctions anymore.
He took a deep breath, fighting back the first signs of an orgasm. He needed to make a point.
“Linda… do you love Ava?”
The blonde stopped for a moment, shocked by a myriad of contradictions.
“Yes”, she decided. Her voice was shaking.
“Tell her”
Linda looked at Ava, the woman she had loved above all others.
“I love you…”
“But you have more to say, don’t you?”
“I… hmph… I…”
“Tell her”
“I love you… but… but… I love his cock so much more! Fuck! I need it! I need to feel it, to suck it, to be fucked by it… I’m sorry… but… I love it, I love it, I love it! I want it to fuck my throat, to take my cunt, to ram my ass! I need it! I need to be a slave to it, a whore for it, a fucking living toy!”
“What if you had to choose between Ava and my cock?”
“Fuck her! Sorry, my love… I do love you, but… You can never do to me what… what Master does to me, what his cock makes me feel! I hope I won’t have to dump you but… I would leave you for this cock in a minute! I’d do anything. Anything. Anything!” If she had more to add, her need to serve cock snuffed it. She took it all in with desperation, with total, shameless abandon. She needed to feel... used. In her proper place.
Ava felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her knees buckled in defeat. She didn’t even care. It was all gone. Her life, her love, all gone. And she could feel her eyes drawn again and again to the cock that had destroyed her. She felt her mouth watering.
“Linda, would you say you’re a lesbian?”
“Fuck no!”, she said before immediately wrapping her lips around the cock’s head.  
He felt a swell of pride. Of triumph. He knew Ava sensed the truth as well. He was right. He had proven his point. And now Ava’s full conditioning would take hold. A little bet with himself, making her own mental acknowledgment of his theory her final trigger. She took off her t-shirt. She would never wear it again. No more shame, no more pain about her figure. Only arousal and pride. His gift to her.
She crawled to him on all fours. The girls kissed– but now, they kissed for him, to arouse him. They were lovers, only they both knew there was a higher love. A truer love. Ava looked up at her owner and opened her mouth, greedily awaiting his blessing. Linda used her skillful hands, aiming his cock and teasing it, jacking it off, using just the right amount of pressure and speed. 
No man could resist such a sight.
In a few seconds, Ava was covered in his cum, more beautiful than she had ever been. Linda certainly felt that way, and she licked and kissed her sister slut clean.
He watched carefully, looking for signs of defiance, and finding none. In fact, Linda put his fears to rest with a simple statement.
“Ava, we need to buy you a pair of rainbow socks”
Did you enjoy this story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu !!
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smuttysabina · 1 year
A Month with Aespa (Ch 2): An Intriguing Offer
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(Male Reader x Karina, 2700 words) Tags: Nudity, Happy Idols, Tittyfucking, Sex, Maids, Awkward Dinner Conversations
Read Chapter 1 Here!
Grandfather always said that the best way to be awoken is with a woman's lips around your member; and you can hardly disagree. Alas, your usually morning greeting has been foregone this time, as you wish to conserve your vigor for your new guests. And so, dolefully, your morning glory wilts away unaided, as you go about your usual routine (minus plowing one of the maids of course). You are admittedly a touch disgruntled therefore as you break your fast in your room; a light spread supported by some coffee. The darling maid who brought it to you gives you pointed looks, obviously keen to relieve you, but you politely refuse her; truly this morning will be a trying one. Dressing yourself, as the maid makes your expansive bed, (it fits eight), you stretch and work the kinks out, already planning the rest of your day. With a resigned sigh, you ask after your guests, feeling your manhood straining against your pants at the thought of such gorgeous goddesses awakening in the nude; in your own house... You push such unctuous thoughts aside, it would be impolite to press things so quickly, best to let Aespa adjust to their new surroundings. There will be time enough later to indulge...
Your maid tactfully replies to your earlier query; it seems that Winter has been buzzing around the kitchens, shyly gobbling down whatever strikes her fancy. Ningning is apparently still snoring, asleep even at this late an hour. Giselle meanwhile has ordered her breakfast, and seems to enjoy imperiously bossing the the housemaids around; your dear informant seems quite excited by this, going so far as to suggest the idol soon may be taking certain liberties with them... Simply delightful. Finally, the socialite of last evening Karina has ensconced herself in her room, scarfing down the meal brought to her as she plays mobile games on her phone. Pleased at this information, you kindly thank the girl, wistfully holding back on granting her her usual reward; such a disruption these idols are causing!
Pushing aside the issue of a restless and rowdy staff, you decide to ease your worries with some heavy reading. Retiring to the library, you attempt to relax amongst its tall shelves and comfortable décor. Ignoring the more titillating works entirely (which are mostly unstained, guests are politely invited to relieve themselves inside of the maids rather than the books themselves), you peruse the stacks until you find something suitably dry. Depositing yourself into your usual cozy armchair by the windows, you put your legs up and enjoy the view. Grandfather's ornate gardens stretch out before you, with winding paths and ivy-covered ruins, a plethora of intimate spaces to enjoy with a lover. Burbling streams cross through the area, feeding into serene ponds and Classical fountains. There is even a pool, with an adjoining steam room and hot tub large enough to fit many guests. Feeling much more calm now, you immerse yourself in the vagaries of history, whiling away the hours until lunch is brought to you. You dismiss the maid with only a perfunctory groping, leaving her pouting as she sashays away. Shaking your head, you return your attentions to the past, where you are at least spared from such vulgar temptations.
But it seems that the Gods have not yet finished in testing their wayward son, as the buzz of excited conversation reaches your ears. Glancing out the window, you see that Aespa have discovered the gardens, and are quite enthused by what they've found. They chatter animatedly as they tour the area, walking along its shaded paths and cooling their feet in the clear water, clambering through the the trees and ruins, delighting in their explorations. Surprisingly, the sight of the sources of your rather distinct torment frolicking does not pain your loins; instead you feel only a sense of contentment at their happiness. The girls deserve some down time, and you are loath to interrupt their obvious joy. So you return to your reading with a satisfied smile, idly letting time pass until a loud splash interrupts your ruminations. Bemused, you return you gaze to the pool in time to see a goddess erupt from the water; Aphrodite reborn! You gasp as you take in the sublime spectacle of Karina shaking the water out of her hair, her heaving breasts barely contained by a jet black swim top. You are utterly captivated as she laughs gleefully, splashing towards the rest of the girls who perch at the edge of the pool. You find yourself unusually flustered at the sight of Karina gallivanting around in the water; perhaps your unnatural restraint was affecting your more than you had anticipated.
Resolving that a good wash would steady you, you head down to the communal showers (to think that some people prefer bathe alone, insanity!) to sooth your uneasy mind. After stripping in the changing room, you stride confidently into the steamy bathing area; encountering several equally nude maids who were just leaving. They giggle and roll their eyes at your chastity, surely your madness would soon pass and things would return to normal (If one counts fornicating with the hired help several times a day as normal, which they do). Stalking along the well-tractioned floor (The Old Man had insisted on being able to rail the maids safely while showering), you wrench several levers open, filling the vast room with a roiling curtain of steam. Sighing, you allow the hot water to broil your worries away, granting you some much needed clarity. Perhaps it would be best to relieve yourself with some of the maids, you would truly prefer to give Aespa more time to settle in before- ah, speak of the Devil! As if summoned by your wayward thoughts, Karina lithely glides into the showers, curiously glancing around as she takes the expansive room in. She is still in her swimsuit, most likely out of confusion from the unique (to her) bathroom, than intent to wear it while she cleans the chlorine off of herself. Karina is startled to find herself not alone, but quickly recovers her composure, giving you a coquettish glance as she fiddles with a showerhead near you. She politely ignores your staggeringly large erection, instead seamlessly complimenting you on your beautiful gardens. Your thoughts move sluggishly, but in a ringing endorsement of your upbringing, your mind automatically answers such platitudes. You both dance around the issue at hand, making inane conversation for several minutes until you amusingly inquire whether Karina will need to wash her swimwear off afterwards, considering how assiduously she is cleaning it now. She pauses at this, giving you a questioning look, silently asking if your joke indicated a deeper desire. You disarm her worries with a kindly smile to dismiss her worries of your intentions; you really would be have to plow the maids tonight... Then Karina makes her offer.
Karina proposes that she will allow you to lay with her once per day without resistance, should you spare the other members of Aespa from your attentions. Your loins roil with lust at this idea, your heart surging in appreciation of this deal. How brave she must be, to offer her own body up like this, truly she is what a leader should aspire to be; willingly sacrificing herself for her groupmates! The sheer courageousness of Karina in this matter nearly makes you weep, the romanticism of it all sends your blood singing through your veins. You nearly give in. Nearly. While your soul swoons with adoration, your mind remains relatively clear and focused, unbothered for now by the lust pounding through your body (One quickly learns to keep your head while lustful in Grandfather's house; after losing years' worth of allowance to canny maids, you figure out how to remain cognizant while engaging in vulgar activities. Also the blowjobs during Calculus tests did wonders, though you still feel strangely excited by derivatives). But even your magnificent control is being eroded away by the mere thought of carnal relations with this idol; your uncomforted manhood eagerly urging your acceptance. You are not your father's son for nothing however, and you put on a show of calm as you politely amend her offer, should Karina manage to make you finish within ten minutes; you will agree. Past that, then well, how could you concede to such a deal that would net you such mediocre sex?
Wreathed in steam, Karina is seemingly taken aback by this riposte; evidently she had thought you too consumed by lust to offer much resistance. She straightens her spine however, and takes you up on your challenge, confidently stalking close until you are almost touching. You indicate towards the clock on the wall, casually informing her that she may begin when ready; which she is. Karina breathes, "This won't take long", and squishes herself against you. When her soft hand grazes your erection you almost gasp at the electric thrill it sends through you, causing Karina's demeanor to grow ever bolder; surely she thinks that this will be easy... Falling to her knees before you, the bubbly idol strokes your shaft professionally, clearly intent on ending this contest before things get too out of hand. But you resist her efforts manfully, and she pouts in sudden irritation at this setback. So she brings out the big guns (per say), unlimbering her impressive breasts out of her top, leaning back for you to appreciate them in their full splendor. Truly, what a sight they are! While not the largest breasts you have ever seen (or carnally enjoyed), they are still beautifully shaped, and are easily the largest amongst Aespa. With a haltingly teasing smile, Karina squishes her bust together, courteously inviting you to mount them for you satisfaction. In an admittedly boorish haste, you accept, obligingly testing the softness of each breast with your member before sliding between them. The cozy closeness of Karina's bosom nearly ends you then and there; enfolding you within its sultry embrace as if graciously encouraging you to spill your seed upon her chest. As your pace begins to quicken and grow ever more regular, it seems as if you may just comply with Karina's body's seductive encouragements. Karina smirks up at you, and you realize that you are doing all the work for her; making you unmindfully forget the true objective of this coupling. With an impressed huff, you slow your thrusts, gallantly inquiring if the lady would deign to put some effort in. The lady rolls her eyes, but complies, expertly copying your earlier movements with professional ease; bringing you once more to the brink.
Evidently you were unwise to underestimate Karina's sensual skills, and your already aroused mood has really not helped with things. So with slightly desperate enthusiasm, you offer to pleasure Karina in turn, after all, it would be a poor host who does not see to his guests needs... But she brushes this delaying tactic off with negligible ease, firmly insisting that it would be the height of incivility for her to ignore her host's in his greatest time of need! Perhaps she would submit to such reciprocity once this pressing matter has been dealt with to your utmost satisfaction. Grasping at straws, you counter with the argument that the apex of any intimacy is the act of sex; so it would be unseemly to suggest the you are truly being satisfied in the highest possible fashion. Karina pauses as the gears turn in her head, glancing at the clock (five minutes left!) before muttering something rude under her breath. With a resigned sigh she releases your manhood from its fleshy prison, clambering back to her feet as she looks around for a suitable location for safe copulation. Luckily for the both of you, the showers are festooned with all manner of bars and handles; there is even an ergonomically shaped fuck-seat that supports almost any position. Courteously, you gently press Karina in which position she would like to couple in; after all, time is running out... Banishing her unease, she confidently decides that she will be on top, and firmly asks that you sit down so she might finish things. You are equally eager to proceed, less from time constraints and more at the cloying excitement that surges through you at the thought of entering Karina.
Reclining in the plastic seat, Karina swiftly pulls the bottom half of her bikini off, revealing her tender sex to you for the first time. Giddiness floors you at the the sight, you feel as if you are a virgin again, about to experience for the first time the warmth of a women. Karina blushes at your scrutiny, hands moving instinctively to cover herself before pausing; she gives you an awkward twitch of the lips. Remembering your manners, you sincerely compliment her on her beauty, before giving permission to continue as she wishes. Nodding sharply, Karina lithely straddles you, hauling your member up before inserting you fully into her font without preamble. Her pussy is exquisite. It accepts your entire length without complaint, yet also effortlessly grips your shaft; truly a divine combination that sends you reeling. Then she is riding you, her heavy breasts enticingly quivering with every movement, her dark brown nipples hardening and pressing outwards. It is a wonder that you do not inseminate her immediately, but your febrile desire to enjoy Karina to the fullest holds your building orgasm at bay. Something which grows ever more difficult as she shows off some genuinely spectacular acrobatic feats atop your cock. Her hips trace in the air mesmerizing geometric patterns, her taut stomach flexing and curling as your member is subjected to one of the most intense sexual techniques you have experienced. But Karina does not have it all her way, your own hips buck adroitly as she moves, intuitively seeking her sensitive spots even as she nimbly bounces on you. Color rapidly fills both your cheeks, until you can no longer contain the pent-up passion that has filled you since you had awoken. With a mighty groan you give in, and the damn breaks, causing you to shuddering painfully as your massive load explodes inside of Karina. Who in turn lets out a gasp of surprise, her own sex spasming as her legs twitch from her sudden orgasm. Rising from where she collapsed onto your heaving chest, Karina looks down on you with astonishment, clearly she had not realized exactly how much she was enjoying herself until your seed gushed inside of her. She blinks, before starting and jerking her eyes toward the clock... Karina appears mortified, and as you glance back you can see why, it was over 20 minutes past the starting time; even discounting the delay as you bandied terms, she had been riding you for over 15 minutes and had failed to notice it.
Blushing deeply with shame and embarrassment, she hurriedly clambers off of your dirtied member. She awkwardly showers off the juices you exertions produced, shyly rebuffing your compliments and intimacy before fleeing the room. Bemused and a touch put-out, you watch her go, perhaps she should learn to be a bit more honest with herself... Your mood is improved somewhat by the arrival of two more maids, who throw teasing glances at your crotch. Looking down, you realize that your session with Karina had failed to fully satiate the naughty thing between your legs. With a tired exhalation, you motion the girls over, and soon have one of them bent over against the wall, while the other laps at your swaying sack. Perhaps relying on the maids would not be the worst of ideas, even with your beauteous guests about...
That night's supper is a touch more awkward than the last, even with the lack of more formal wear. In a complete reversal of the previous night, Karina is rather withdrawn and shy, unabashedly chugging wine; making even Winter seem gregarious by comparison. Giselle remains as haughtily teasing as always, and seems to enjoy needling her leader's unexpectedly introverted mood. Ningning on the other hand seems mostly curious at the change, eyes darting suspiciously between you and Karina as she observes your interactions. The slightest of smiles touches her lips, before transforming into a scowl...
A/N: Well this one went longer than I expected, I hoped you all enjoyed it though! Its pretty enjoyable writing some fluff lol
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two-white-butterflies · 11 months
i love that man | toto wolff
Description: An ex-model enters the paddock. The internet is taken by storm when they realize who she's married to.
Pairing: toto wolff/ex-model!oc
Warning/s: age appropriate reader.
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You were casually walking along the pathways of Monaco's long garage. There were a few paparazzi's who seemed to notice you - halting any chances of returning back to the Mercedes garage. You were tired of having to hide your true identity as Mrs. Wolff - but it was for the greater good. Your children's privacy needed to be protected - and so did your husband's.
"Ms. L/N, what brings you to the Formula One race?" one of the interviewers from Sky began to ask. A small chuckle escapes your mouth. "It's fun watching the cars and the engineers around here." you replied, halting for a moment to answer his question.
"Who's your favorite team?" the man asked and you paused for a moment, pretending to think of an answer. "Mercedes-AMG Petronas, definitely." you responded with enough charisma to fend him off. The man was about to turn the other way until a foreign object suddenly crashes on your face. It was someone from the stands. "Aw, fuck - help please." the interviewer is quick to help, ushering the camera-man to stop filming.
You kept your eyes closed for a soft second - feeling your knees kiss the pavement below you. Damn, fans nowadays get crazier. "Are you alright?" the man kneeled down to your level, using his coat to cover you from the audiences who were quick to snap photos.
"Who threw that?" the camera man asked while you tried to open your eyes. It hurt a lot - made you feel like your eyeballs were falling off. "Who throws their fucking phone?" the man's eyes narrowed, reaching for the mobile phone on the pavement - opening it to stare at the lock-screen for any signs of the aggressor.
"Y/N!" you hear your husband's familiar voice. "Toto," you finally opened your eyes - wrapping him in a warm embrace.
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Toto was fuming - angry that someone found it wise to throw a fucking mobile phone at your face. "Does it hurt?" he added some antiseptic solution on your cut. "Yeah," you groan - hissing at his sudden touch. "Did they catch the person?" your eyes narrowed.
It was probably some idiot who wanted their 5 minutes of fame.
"No, but we're working on it." he mumbled, wanting to ease a bit of your pain. "Everyone saw you running to me." you add with a raise of an eyebrow. "It's time to make it clear," Toto affirms.
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yn_ln: I'm good. My husband is a decent nurse. 🤷🏻‍♀️
912 comments 1,238,048 likes
babyeorj3: MOM AND DAD??
tatianawolff: yuck
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hazbininlove · 3 months
Hopelessly Devoted
Chapter 1
-About 5k of worldbuilding and angst
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There’s an angel in Heaven few know of. Some wonder if she purposely let herself be forgotten, and others know that her isolation isn’t entirely her own fault.
Heaven’s structure wasn’t as simple as Hell’s mainly due to the fact that there were so many roles to play. Not every Archangel and or Virtue was a Seraphim. Seraphim has always been the highest rank, but even amongst themselves there was another ranking system not many knew of, and even they had other angels that outranked them due solely to the Divine’s words. Everyone had their own task, some, the Archangels, were given their tasks directly from the Divine.
The Seven, as they were called, were the Capital Virtues, angels with the rank of Archangel, dedicated undoubtedly to the Divine’s will. As extensions of the Divine, they were rarely seen within any city of Heaven besides possibly the Primum Mobile, where the Divine resided. Few winners were allowed there because only Virtuous Souls could enter those gates. While there were many virtues, the Seven were the ones to look towards to enforce the Divine’s will both in Heaven, and on Earth.
And within that Primum Mobile, the Heaven of the Angels, resides a Seraphim with the rank of Archangel, not a virtue but an angel nearly as old. She’s been around since before the Earth’s creation, long before the Garden of Eden.
She remained there in the Primum Mobile, kept within the walls of the palace, free to leave but knowing it was best to stay. Michael looked upon her, saddened by her melancholy that has not left her for thousands of years. She sat within the library, her black hair falling down her back in gentle waves as wisps of hair fell towards her midnight blue eyes. The two streaks of white weaves through her hair on either side of her. Her lips were set in a straight line, the blue circular marks on the corner of her mouth a stark contrast to the gray of her skin. She flipped the page of her book as he approached, and when she sensed him, she looked up to him with a soft smile on her face.
“Michael, always a pleasure,” she says, and though her tone is welcoming, Michael can still see the pain within her eyes when she looks at him. It breaks his heart knowing exactly why it’s there, but he feels no regret for following the task that the Divine gave him. He knows she understands this, but he also knows that it does nothing to ease her suffering, and nothing has for eons.
“Esther, my dear, when was the last time you left these walls?”
She looks away from him and back to her book, her fingers absently toying with the pages. “I sat in the Garden with Ramiel a few days ago.”
He sighs, knowing that it likely took weeks just to get her to do that much.
“You aren’t confined here, not anymore, and you know that. I know we… I made the mistake of keeping you here long ago as a precaution but that was centuries ago now. You are free to roam the cities as you once did, to roam Earth should you choose to! It pains us to see you like this,” he says, reaching forward to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. His hand slides down her cheek towards her chin to lift her face and see her eyes. “We miss our Eveningstar.”
“I am the Seraph and Archangel of balance, and yet I feel none,” she whispers to him, and his heart breaks for her. “I understand why I was kept here, you know I’ve never questioned the Divine’s words, but it does nothing to fill the emptiness I feel. A half of me is gone, Michael, and I’ll never get him back. Your Eveningstar is here, but my Morningstar is forever out of reach.”
His hand moves back to her cheek, and her eyes flutter closed and she leans into his touch.
“If I gave you a task, one that forced you out of these walls, would you follow it?” He asks her gently.
“A task from you means a task sent from the Divine. Of course I will follow it,” she replies, her voice a bit louder now, with a hint of playfulness. He knows she isn’t happy about it, but as she said, she will follow if that is what the Divine asks of her.
“Gabriel gave me the message, as he thought it was best that I give it to you. There is apparently a meeting today for the Head Council of the first Sphere, one that Sera seemed to not notify us of. The Divine knows, of course, but wouldn’t speak more of it. All Gabriel said was that you were to go to this meeting, assess what Sera is keeping from us, and report back.”
Michael didn’t care much for Sera. She was nice enough, and her devotion was clear, but there was something about her that reminded him a bit of his brother. She wasn’t a dreamer, and she knew when to keep her head down and voice quiet, but she also looked too calculating and too ambitious.
“It sounds like you are keeping something from me as well,” Esther replies, looking at him through narrowed eyes.
He was keeping something from her. He knows it’s best to tell her now instead of letting her be surprised later, but there’s no easy way to say it. “Gabriel has reason to believe that the request for the meeting came from Hell.”
He watches her eyes widen a bit, her jaw falling just slightly as she leans away from his hand. He tries to follow, to keep her grounded, but she leans closer to him now. “If the meeting came from Hell, that can only mean that he requested it.”
Her breath stutters, and he can see her visibly shaken. “Thousands of years kept here to ensure I don’t see him and all of a sudden, I’m asked to go see him? Michael, what is going on?”
“I don’t know,” he responds, truthful in his answers. He won’t lie to her, he can’t, but he wishes that he could. “If it was up to me, I’d go myself, but Gabriel said that the task was given only to you. I don’t know if it will be him, or Lilith, or… or their daughter. All Gabriel was able to say was that it has something to do with Hell.”
He hates having to be the one to remind her that the Morningstar moved on and had a child. He remembers the day that Gabriel delivered the news. He’d watched as she’d stretched her wings before curling the highest pair over her eyes as she turned and walked away from them, hiding herself deeper into the palace. They hadn’t seen a single tear fall, but Michael still recalls the small broken sound she’d made before hiding away from the rest of them.
He watches again now as her wings settle behind her with a flurry of silver dust, and she stands from her seat. The wings closest to her head, just as before, curl around her, concealing her face from view once more. Her lowest pair curls around her legs, still giving her room to walk but still wrapped like a comforting embrace. The middle pair don’t wrap around her, but they remain limp behind her as if there wasn’t a single bone in them.
“When is the meeting?” She asks him quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. He wants to reach out and comfort her, but she’s already moving towards the door.
“Tomorrow,” he replies. He watches her pause at the doorway for a moment before she turns slightly towards him. Her face is still hidden from him but she gives him a small bow of her head in acknowledgment before walking away.
He has a terrible feeling about this, but he can’t do anything about it. All he can do is trust the Divine as he too leaves the library, letting his own pair of wings come out as he flies back to where he’d last seen Gabriel.
Charlie recalls being in Heaven and seeing an angel with dark hair and midnight blue eyes. Her skin was gray, just slightly darker than Vaggie’s, and her cheeks had blue circles on them, much like her own and her father’s red cheek marks. She could tell the woman was a high ranking angel, based on the six wigs like her father’s though hers were blue on the inside where he father’s were a deep red. She was beautiful, just as all the other angels there, but there was something about her that felt familiar.
What really got Charlie had been the angel’s eyes. She smiled at those who greeted her, keeping her expression kind and welcoming, but her smile never reached her eyes. It almost looked like she wasn’t truly seeing the people she was speaking to, a far away look in her eyes. She kept her interactions to a minimum.
When Charlie had asked Emily about her, she watched the Seraphim of Joy’s eyes widen happily before abruptly tensing and looking nervous. She looked between Charlie and the other angel with fidgeting hands and cleared her throat.
“That’s Esther…. She’s the Eveningstar,” Emily had said.
Charlie remembers tensing as well, looking back to where she was walking in a new direction. She’s wanted to approach Esther, to say something, but she kept herself rooted in her spot. What could she even say? Hi, I’m Charlie Morningstar, you know the daughter your other half had with someone else!
And how stupid would that sound? Did Esther even know of Charlie’s existence? Did she know that Charlie was even there?
And then she saw her in the meeting. Even Sera had seemed surprised to see her, but Esther kept her gaze on Charlie the whole time. Charlie’s heart nearly broke seeing that far away look in your eyes clear for a moment, likely seeing her resemblance to her father. Esther’s smile never faltered, but there was definitely a sadder quality to it.
Sera seemed to want to continue speaking to her, but she’d excused herself and flew to a higher viewing point beside Emily. Sera looked frustrated, but hadn’t said more, just flew to join them on the podium.
And then that disastrous meeting had happened. Esther had seemed as receptive as Emily, until the moment Adam slipped and mentioned the exterminations. Esther’s eyes had widened, she hadn’t said much, but Charlie could see the glow around her increasing in size and the anger in her expression.
She’d been flung back to hell before she could hear how that ended.
And now, just days since her hotel was rebuilt after the destruction Adam caused, she hadn’t expected to see a portal open in the sky just outside her hotel and Esther come flying down.
The portal had alerted all of them. They rushed to get weapons ready, her dad already had his wings out and ready until they saw who it was. The others kept their weapons up, but Charlie dropped her weapon in surprise and watched as her dad’s wings drooped and his eyes widened in shock.
Esther looked as beautiful as she did the last time Charlie saw her. Her black hair fell around her face and down just past her shoulders in waves. She still had that same sad, soft smile on her face, though her eyes looked more present. Her wings, just as large and radiant as her father’s, fluttered gently around her to keep her afloat.
Charlie watches as Esther looks to her dad briefly before focusing her attention back to herself. She could feel her dad’s confused gaze as Esther approached her, her smile dropping to a frown as she spoke.
“I apologize that I couldn’t be here soon and stop them. Things in Heaven have been… hectic, to say the least. But I wanted to let you know in person that I’ve been doing everything I can to make sure these exterminations never happen again,” Esther said. Her voice is melodic, but soft and almost airy. It felt so different from her father’s richer tone of voice. She sounded and looked so apologetic as she spoke, and based on her reaction back in the meeting, Charlie didn’t doubt that she truly was. “Sera did a great job of keeping her secrets, but the other Seraphim have been made aware, including the Seven, have been made aware now, and they won’t allow for further oversight.”
Charlie cheers with her friends, all excited about the news that there would be no further exterminations, but she could see her dad’s uncertain expression.
“You expect me to believe that the others, that Michael, are just going to leave us alone?” Lucifer asks, his tone doubtful.
Charlie watches as Esther’s wings rattle, the feathers ruffling just slightly, and her eyes close. She takes a deep breath before she turns to Lucifer with a sad expression, her frown deepening. “We haven’t seen each other in eons, and that is the first thing you say to me, Morningstar?”
Lucifer tenses further, pulled tight like a band ready to snap. He looks properly scolded in a way Charlie hasn’t seen anyone besides herself or her mother be capable of.
“It’s uh…it’s been a while? How’ve you been, Eveningstar? You don’t look like you’ve aged a day past a thousand!”
Oh, he’s nervous. Her dad only rambled like that when he was nervous. It’d be a bit funny, if it wasn’t so awkward and a little sad to see him so anxious when confronted by the person who might as well be his soulmate. He was trying to look anywhere but at her, his hands moving sporadically as he fixed his collar, patted down his sleeves, or adjusted his hat.
Her wings curl around her, the top most moving to shield her face, but she doesn’t completely hide it from view. Her dad doesn’t see her expression, still caught up in trying to force his attention anywhere else, but he sees her wings shift, and by the time he looks back, Esther has focused back on Charlie.
“Azrael may come down, as the angel of death, he’s the most upset by this, but Michael is more upset by Sera’s lies than anything else. Unless it is something that directly affects the Divine and Heaven’s safety, he’ll stay in his place. As of now, your actions are seen as a necessary sign of self defense, and that is something even Michael can acknowledge. Unless you plan to directly attack Heaven, Michael has no need to act.”
It’s a relief, and it’s clear on her face because Esther’s smile grows a bit more warm, and a bit more genuine. And just as quickly as it was there, her smile fell again when her dad mumbled “He sure didn’t hesitate to act when I gave Eve the apple.”
“Well luckily self-defense and allowing evil into the world seem to be offenses on opposite sides of the spectrum,” Esther replied, glaring down at him. She wasn’t as tall as Charlie, but she was taller than Vaggie and her dad. Her dad grumbles a bit but doesn’t say anything else, thankfully.
Esther quickly looks to Charlie once more, her smile now a bit sharper due to her annoyance with Lucifer, but kind all the same.
“Wait a sec,” Angel Dust interrupts, stepping forward. “What the actual fuck is going on? We’re just going to ignore the fact that these two know each other?” he asks, pointing between Lucifer and Esther. “And Eveningstar? Morningstar? Hello?!”
“Angel, for once, consider shutting the fuck up,” Vaggie says, groaning as she looks over at the taller sinner.
“What?” Angel whines back. “You can’t expect me to not be surprised when meeting an angel older than Earth who isn’t trying to kill me!””
“I suppose I should introduce myself. I apologize for not doing so earlier,” Esther said, turning to the larger group. “My name is Esther Eveningstar, the Archangel of balance. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
“So are you two related or some shit?” Husk asks, just as confused as the rest. Lucifer looks disgusted at the thought, and Esther looks horrified.
“Oh Heavens, no!” Her wings fluttered a bit, and Charlie couldn’t help but be impressed how expressive she was with her wings. “We were um… well…”
“We are a pair,” Lucifer interrupts, looking distraught and completely hurt by her struggle to put their relationship into words. “We’re the original pair.”
Esther looks sad, eyes downcast and her hands fidgeting with the skirt of her dress. “Yes, a pair. We were named the sphere we were created for, Venus, the Morning and Evening Star, the closest to Earth, the first and last seen as the Sun rises and falls. I was created after Lucifer, as a companion… a pair. An even balance.”
“And yet, you spent more time apart than together! How interesting,” Alastor adds. Esther visibly deflates at this, and Lucifer’s teeth grit as his sclera briefly shifts to red.
“Yes, well, things happen, of course! I mean, given the universe's track record I think it’s fair to say that forcing a pair is never for the best. I mean, when has it ever worked, right?” she replies, an awkward chuckle as she continues to stretch the fabric of her dress.
“Hold on now,” Lucifer says, taking a step towards her. She seems to lean towards him, giving herself just that one moment, before she flinches and takes a step back. Lucifer pauses too, unsure of what to do. His voice grows softer, much more gentle now than the awkward banter of earlier. “We worked. We work! We definitely work. I mean, they were based on us!”
“And they separated rather quickly, didn’t they?” Esther asked back, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “Then the next wanted more, and you wanted someone else. How many pairs were made after that?”
The Story of Hell, Charlie realizes quickly. They’re talking about Adam and Lilith being a failed pair, followed by Eve’s temptation for more knowledge despite being created specifically for Adam from a piece of Adam’s own body. And the fall, wanting someone else; Esther didn’t have the book. She didn’t know Lucifer’s and Lilith’s side. To her, Lucifer had abandoned her for someone else, for Lilith.
“No, Esther, no, please, you can’t honestly tell me that you believe that. You know I didn’t leave you for someone else. You know, I never meant to let evil in, or to fall, or- or any of it! Please, Es, you have to know that,” Lucifer pleads with her.
And Charlie sees the exact moment, when her dad reaches out to touch her, that Esther sees her dad’s hand, shifts her eyes to look directly at Charlie, and looks back at Lucifer with a look that looks so much like defeat and acceptance that it nearly makes Charlie feel sick.
Vaggie’s hand squeezes her own, and Charlie knows she saw it too. The worst part is, she knows Esther isn’t blaming her, isn’t putting any fault on her, but part of her feels like she is the problem here. If she hadn’t been born, would this whole situation have been different? Would their reunion have been more pleasant, or heartfelt?
“I know you didn’t mean for evil to find its way to Earth, or for Hell’s creation,” Esther says back, just as gentle as Lucifer’s when he spoke, and just as broken. It doesn’t escape any of them that she said nothing about being left for someone else, because at the end of the day, Lucifer may not have fallen in love with anyone else, but that didn’t mean he remained entirely faithful either. And while it seemed that he had moved on, likely the way so many in Heaven believed, she had not. And Charlie couldn’t blame her. The majority of Hell’s residents, he’ll born and sinner alike, didn’t even know her part in the story. Most books erased her part entirely and made her parent’s story one of love. Her parent’s never even married.
Esther takes a step away from them, away from Lucifer, and she pretends she doesn’t see his heart break as he looks at her with eyes overflowing with pain.
Instead, Charlie watches as Esther’s attention is focused back on her once more. “Gabriel also wanted me to mention that your hotel works, and the Divine would be pleased to see you continue with this plan of yours. Sinner has arrived at the first Sphere, a being by the name of Sir Pentious, I believe Emily said.”
“What?” Charlie gasps, shock taking over. Beside her, Vaggie has let go of her hand to grab her shoulders, shaking her a bit. “It- It worked?! Sir Pentious is alive?!”
Esther smiles at her and takes her hands, bringing them together. “He is doing well, as far as the reports say. Emily has tasked herself with taking care of him.”
It doesn’t take long for Charlie to start sobbing. Esther looks flustered, unsure of what to do, but Vaggie brings her closer into a hug and Esther’s hands drop from hers.
“You hear that, Vaggie? We did it! Sir Pentious is in Heaven now,” she says between sobs, grabbing at the back of Vaggie’s shirt. She feels Vaggie patting her hair, shushing her a bit to try and calm her.
”Holy shit, it actually works! Well damn, guess it’s time to get serious, huh?” Angel remarks from the side. Vaggie gives him a glare, likely at the implication that he hadn’t been taking them seriously before, and his second set of arms raise in defense.
“So the big fella upstairs isn’t about to smite us or something?” Husk asks, pushing Angel out of the way.
”Of course not! The Divine is always just in punishment and forgiveness. Human souls are the Divine’s children just as the angels. All are worthy of forgiveness should they seek it and work virtuously towards it. Forgiveness is not easy to obtain, but it is worth the effort,” Esther explains to them.
“But, why now? Why didn’t any of this come up before the Exterminations were started?” Vaggie asks.
Esther shakes her head. “It is not my place to question the Divine. Rarely are we given clear answers, usually just a push in the direction that leads us where we need to go. I must keep my belief that everything happens for a reason the Divine chooses. Every task we are given is from the Divine, and we follow it without question.”
”So he probably knew of the extermination and knew that Sera chick was keeping secrets this whole time, and just let it happen?” Angel adds. Esther visibly winces.
”It sounds terrible, I know. None of us are happy about it. But again, we have to trust there is a reason for all of this. There is a reason that now is the time to put an end to it. I believe it’s because of you, Charlie,” she says, smiling towards her.
Esther chuckles at her incredulous reply. “You may be hellborn but… you are the daughter of an angel. You’re a demon, yes, but you’re also technically a Nephilim.”
”What’s a Nephilim?” Nifty asks, having climbed up onto Alastor’s shoulders. Esther smiles up at her.
“A Nephilim is a child born of an angel and a human.” She looks back at Charlie now. “You’ve certainly got an interesting mix in you; a Seraphim, a Human, and a Demon all combined. Not only that, but the first of each kind! I believe if anyone would be capable of bringing upon redemption for the souls of sinners, it would be someone capable of understanding both sides.”
She laughs a bit at the awestruck looks they are shifting between her and Charlie. She didn’t think it would be that surprising, considering it’s no secret that Lucifer was not only a Seraphim, but a Archangel and Virtue himself, but it seems Lucifer didn’t mention much about Heaven to her.
“I will be returning every so often, to check on your progress as well as keep you up to date on the status of Heaven. As I mentioned before, Sera will be punished for her actions. How the Divine chooses to do so has yet to be seen, but Gabriel and Michael will likely be the ones to deal with that. Now,” she says, her tone lowering slightly as she turns back to Lucifer, expression once again tense. “Samael, a word in private, please?”
She bows slightly to the group before turning and walking away. Charlie looks around in confusion as to who Samael was, if another angel had been with her, when see’s her dad’s shoulders raise and back straighten. He shifts slightly on his feet before trudging behind her, dragging his feet the whole time.
”Am I missing something else? Who the fuck is Samael?” Angel asks.
”It’s Lucifer,” Vaggie replies. Even Charlie looks at her, confused. “I thought you guys knew this? You know how before you got to hell, you thought Lucifer and Satan were the same person? It’s kinda like that. His name is Lucifer, always has been, but every Archangel, every Virtue, has a name in reference to God. His name was Samael. And like most of the high ranking angels, he had a lot of roles.”
”How do you know all this?” Charlie asks. “And what were his roles? The Story of Hell doesn’t mention any of that.”
Vaggie shrugs. “Heaven’s got a lot of books, and I had a lot of time. Plus, your dad doesn’t like to talk about Heaven, so I’m not surprised he made sure it wasn’t in the book. He was known as a lot of things; an angel of music who led the choirs in God’s name, the Virtue of Humility, and an angel of death, created to destroy sin.”
”You expect me to believe the first sin, the sin of Pride, the one that created this damned place, was a Virtue?” Husk asks. He looks irritated, and Vaggie’s expression matches his.
”He was one of the original Capital Virtues, one of the Seven. But every Virtue has a Vice and Lucifer fell to his. He hated sin, but he also wasn’t against it. It’s why he was called a dreamer. He wanted people to have free will, because he wanted people to be able to choose between right and wrong, and hoped that if humans were created to be as good as God said, they wouldn’t choose wrong.”
”But they did,” Charlie replies, voice just above a whisper. Vaggie nods at her interruption.
“I think it’s why he allowed the exterminations in the first place. He allowed for free will, allowed the possibility of sin, but he never meant for evil to come with it, or hell to be created. So he allowed sinners to be killed, because that was one of his tasks as an angel of death, to destroy sin.”
”But he’s now the Sin of Pride, he may hate it, but he’ll never say that he was wrong. And he wasn’t! People should have the chance to choose for themselves! He should take pride in that,” Charlie says, wanting to defend her dad. From who, she isn’t sure, maybe the universe at this point. None of this felt fair. It felt like he was doomed from the start.
”I know, sweetheart. I’m just saying, there’s a lot more to the story than just Hell’s side of things,” Vaggie replies, patting her arm. “So yeah, Lucifer is the name he was given as a Seraphim based on his Sphere, but Samael is the name he was given based on his role as an Archangel and Virtue.”
”Why does this sound like it’s gonna turn into a whole lesson. I thought I had enough school time when I was alive, don’t tell me I gotta deal with this shit in death too. And you angels keep talkin’ about Spheres! The fuck is that supposed to be?” Angel whines. Husk elbows him in the hip and he whines more, swatting at his arm.
”The same way Hell has it’s seven rings, Heaven has it’s seven spheres. It’s… a lot, honestly, and I think we can save the Heaven History lessons for another day, because there’s a lot to get into and I think we’ve all had enough for the day.”
”Quite so,” Alastor says. “How about we all head back into the hotel and let our King handle the rest. I’m sure he’ll tell us if there’s anything else of importance we need to know.”
Nifty hops off of him and starts walking back to the hotel without question, giggling to herself about all the bugs she’s sure to catch now that she’s given them a chance to roam. Husk and Angel shrug and follow, most likely already planning to sit at the bar and drink themselves under the table after all the revelations they’ve had today.
Charlie looks to where her dad and Esther are still talking, neither of them really looking at the other, but both still somehow almost leaning towards each other.
”They’ll be okay, Charlie,” Vaggie says, taking her hand once more. “Unconditional, remember?”
”Yeah,” Charlie replies, looking down at her girlfriend with a small smile. “I just hope that’s enough for them.”
Oh boy this took me a while to figure out how to write.
To make it clear, Esther and Lucifer were never married, but they were in a romantic relationship, which is why Esther believes Lucifer did cheat on her and believes part of the reason he and Lilith did what they did and fell is because of that.
The worldbuilding is mostly about Heaven. Since we don’t see much of it in the show, there’s a lot to speculate on. The same way the show sort of reference’s Dante’s rings of hell, I’m also going to base Heaven loosely on Dante’s spheres of paradise.
Also! I drew a picture of how I see Esther in my style, as well as a little doodle of how I’d draw Lucifer in my own style (yes, I gave him a little nose). The same way Lucifer has a lighter streak in his hair, I wanted Esther to have something similar, but ended up with just two streaks of white on both sides of her hair. I tried a couple different hairstyles and outfits on her before I settled on this one (though part of me is debating if I want her to eventually cut her hair. I haven’t decided yet).
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172 notes · View notes
strniohoeee · 4 months
Pick Up
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Opting to walk home late at night, Y/N occupies her time by calling someone from her past. But will they pick up?
Warnings⚠️: None, this is a filler imagine so it’s SHITTT. Mentions of being drunk and high (weed). Cigarette use and that’s all🤍
Song for imagine: Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?- Arctic Monkeys
Now it’s three in the morning
And I’m trying to change your mind
Left you multiple missed calls
And to my message, you reply
Why’d you only call me when you’re high?
Stepping out onto the uneven payment, my heels wobble in the cracks as I balance myself. Sniffling and shivering as I pull my jackets closer to my body. The sound of more bodies shoveling out of the club.
Walking to the curb as I wait to order an Uber home. Kicking gravel off the sidewalk as I try to recollect myself. Too many drinks and too many pulls from a joint I was blinking fast. A stupid attempt to get my eyes to feel not so heavy.
I pull out my phone and open my contacts letting my finger hang over the one person's contact I should’ve gotten rid of a long time ago. Taking a deep breath I slide my hand into my purse and pull out a cigarette. An American Spirit to be exact. The best ones to smoke while you were a bit drunk. At least I thought so…..
“Wanna head home with me” I heard from behind me, turning over I offer a smile to my friend
“Oh no I’ll just Uber home” I said to him, placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it as he leans over to light mine for me
“Thanks” I mumble as I take a long drag
“You smoke up all my weed and you won’t even come home with me?” He asks laughing
“Your party tricks don’t work on me sir, you gotta be smarter than that” I replied laughing
“At least I can say I tried” he said laughing too
“Hey! Listen, thank you for inviting me out tonight. I really needed that” I said to him as I tap my cigarette and watch the ash fall
“Of course! You know I got you. Whenever you’re feeling down just hit me up” he said smiling at me
“I love you” I say taking one last pull from my cigarette
“I love you too Y/N. To better days and to better men” he said nudging my arm with a smirk
“Amen” I reply hugging him
Tapping the cigarette out with my heel as I watched him get into an Uber with a guy and a girl….. man was he a slut. Waving bye to him as I pull out my phone again.
Stepping back from the curb I lean against the light pole as I pull my phone out again. I mean I could just walk home. It was probably a 20-25 minute walk. A nice phone call and a nice breeze? I opted out of the Uber.
Using the excuse of “it saves me money”….it was only a $8 Uber ride….whatever! I began my journey home. The only issue I thought was the pain my feet would be in, in about 10 minutes.
Dragging my tongue over my teeth I let out a sharp breath of air and looked down at my screen. My finger once again hovering over that one specific contact. I shouldn’t….but who cares…..but we haven’t seen each other in so long…..don’t do it…do it….
I shook my head and hit call mobile…..
Christopher🩶 calling mobile…..
My heels clacked against the pavement rapidly as I waited for him to pick up. The ringing sent shivers down my spine.
“I’m sorry the number you have reached is not available-“
I hung up before it could finish. Groaning to myself out of annoyance but also embarrassment. I opened the iMessage between us…. An honestly embarrassing history.
Why don’t you ever pick up?
Read 2:53am 1/20/23
Chris I miss you😔
Read 9:46pm 1/26/23
Helloooooo you never pick up when I call
Read 11:11 pm 3/10/23
Ik it’s been a while, but at least answer me…
Read: 5:03am 5/26/23
Do you ever miss what we had?😕
Read 4:23am 5/27/23
Chrissssssss answer me🧎🏽‍♀️
Read 12:56am 7/19/23
I’m with Nick and Matt…..
7/19/23 1:02am
I miss you Christopher🖤
Read 1:15am 7/19/23
It’ll pass.
7/19/23 1:16am
Why do you never pick up!
Read 4:47am 9/17/23
Are you drunk rn?
9/17/23 4:47am
Maybe a little tipsy, but 100% high
Read 4:48am 9/17/23
Sorry I never stop calling, I just miss you
Read 2:08am 10/31/23
Merry Christmas🤍
Read 8:15am 12/25/23
Wish I was celebrating the new year with you
Miss you <3
Read 12:10am 1/01/24
January 1st, 2024 12:10am
Pick up.
Read 2:39am 02/12/24
No I’m not proud of this, but once I was under the influence I couldn’t stop my fingers from moving. No, I never texted the next morning to apologize because the following weeks and days I’d do it all over again.
But somehow seeing the ‘read’ logo pop up made my heart hurt just a tiny bit more. Shaking my head I kept walking. I had another 18 minutes till I was home. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. I looked down and I was immediately anxious
Incoming call
I decide to pick up, placing the phone against my ear as I wait for him to speak.
“Hello?” He says in a question
“Hi Chris” I say back more excited than him
“You alright?” He asks me
“Of course I am” I said back
“Where are you right now?” He asks me a bit concerned
“You don’t get to ignore me for a year and then ask me where I am” I said in a slurred way
“You’re right I don’t, so bye” he said instantly which caused me to freak out
“No no! Sorry I’m walking home” I said to him
“Walking home? Now? At this hour? With who? Where were you?” He asks frantically
“I’m alone and I just came from a bar. I’ve had a bit too much to drink and a bit too much weed” I responded giggling
“I can pick you up” he says to me
“No don’t worry I’m almost home plus the streets are quite tonight” I say back to him
“Well stay on the line with me till you get into your apartment, got it?” He says sternly
“Yes sir” I reply back giggling
“Why’d you call?” He asks
“The same reason I’ve called and texted constantly. I miss you” I said to him
“Well why’d you only call me when you’re high?” He asks
“High? Why’d I only ever call you when I’m high?” I asked a bit taken back
“Y/N, you never call me at normal hours other than Christmas. It’s always party hours and it’s always “i miss you” you only call and text when you’re high and drunk” he replies a bit annoyed
“I just happen to be under the influence when I want to share my love with you” I reply sniffling
“You never text me or call me when you’re sober. Are you scared to talk when your mind is completely clear?” He asks me
“What? No….” I say in a whisper
“I think you are….” He says back
“Well how come you never answer me then?” I reply back
“Because I’ve moved on” he says flat out
“Moved on?” I ask as I turn a corner trotting closer to my apartment complex
“What we had was great and of course I miss you, but we’re over. And I can’t be the crutch when you’re drunk and high” he says
“I don’t need you to be my crutch” I respond rolling my eyes
“Then you would call me when you’re sober” he replies
“Whatever” I say back getting angry
“No reason to be mad” he says laughing a bit
“I’m not mad” I say back instantly
“Well then is that all you needed to get off your chest?” He asked me
“Yeah that’s all” I say back sternly
I cross the street and walk towards my apartment complex. Opening the glass door and walking into the lobby. My heels click hard and fast as I stomp over to the elevator. Getting up to my floor and walking into my apartment.
“I’m home” I say bluntly
“I’m glad you’re safe” he responds
There was a moment of silence. Chewing my lip as I kick my heels off and throw myself down on my couch.
“So you don’t miss me?” I ask him looking up at my ceiling
“Of course I do, but we just weren’t meant for each other” he says in a huff
“Weren’t meant for each other…” I repeat back lowly
“Well yeah, we always argue and we just never saw eye to eye” he said back
“I suppose that’s true” I say to him
“What exactly is it that you miss about me?” He asks a bit intrigued
“I miss your smile, and your eyes, your silky hair, I miss your laugh. I miss the stupid shit you’d do…..I just miss it all” I said as I smiled to myself
“Drunk words are sober thoughts” he said laughing a bit
“But you’ve known this” I said to him
“I suppose so” he replied back
“Well anyways I’m home now, it was great hearing your voice. I’ll leave you alone now” I said to him sitting up and running my hands through my hair
“Yeah it was great talking to you, but just do me one favor. Stop calling me.” He says and my heart shatters
“Uh..yeah okay” I say in a whisper as a lump forms in my throat
“…..stop calling me when you’re high. Call me tomorrow morning when you’re sober” he says laughing a bit at me
“You asshole you scared me” I said giggling
“I’m sorry, I was just messing with you” he said laughing
“Whatever, but fine I’ll text you tomorrow morning” I said to him
“Good and maybe we could meet for lunch” he says
“Ouuu a date?” I say wiggling my brows
“No! Just catching up” he says scoffing
“Sure thing” I say, he giggles and we say our goodbyes.
Hanging up the phone as I toss it on the couch. I open my patio doors and step out. Lighting my cigarette as I look out into the quiet night sky.
Taking a drag I let it all sink in. All my embarrassing texts and calls to him eventually led me back into his life. Taking a drag as I exhale through my nose. I was such a hot fucking mess, but at least the pieces were slowly falling into place.
I just couldn’t understand why I’d only ever call him when I’m high…..
The End
This was just a short imagine to fill in for the fact I’ve been MIA for two weeks. This was ass, but I’ll put out better shit in the next coming days. I love yall dearly 😋🖤🖤
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peaceinsilence · 1 month
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°♡• PART 1 •♡°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Warnings: 《mutual attraction. alcohol consumption. HINTS of dom|sub kink. angsty Quinn. posessive Quinn. cheeky Quinn. slow burn.》
Pairings: Quinn Hughes × Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You have been childhood friends with the Hughes' brother's and regularly kept in touch. Now that you all were in your 20's, the brother's and their friends invited you out for the weekend to celebrate the 4th of July. However despite having a lifelong crush on the eldest brother, Quinn, it seems this weekend celebration will be full of jealousy, lust and wet dreams coming true.
A/N: Part 2 will be a continuation of this plot. It will contain acts of sex and intimacy and will be much more filthy and.. nasty ( I will be sure to put it in the warning when I post). This is just becoming too long to fit into one singular post (🥲). Apologies for any weird formatting, as this was all written on mobile. Enjoy! ☆
"Get out of the hot tub, now."
The usual gaunt and calm demeanor of Quinn's was nowhere to be seen as his command dripped heavily with authority, vacancy, and a bit of disgust. No, actually, a lot of disgust.
And he was speaking to none other than you in this instance.
"Ah.. well just let her stay in a bit longer? She's literally still shiver-"
Quinn didn't utter a word yet simply glanced through Jack with his deep, olive gaze. His brother knew then that something far more serious was transpiring and decided not to test his older sibling on the matter. Especially when it came to the subject of: You.
"Quinn, I'll get out in 10 minutes. And if you have anything to say to me after then we can talk," you retorted, not bothering to meet his sharp eyes.
"Fair. I'll be inside then and set a timer for 10 minutes. Make sure you're inside by then, y/n," replied Quinn.
Abruptly Quinn turned on his heels, hands sunk low into the pockets of his denims; walking back towards the house.
His bold line made your eye twitch and your confusion deepen.
"I'm not a child, you don't need to set a timer Qui-" before your womenly rage had it's time to manifest, Quinn cut you off as he continued his gloomy descent indoors.
"If you don't want to be handled like a kid, then maybe don't act like one."
With that, he gingerly closed the patio doors behind him, no further words exchanged between you two. The absence of him leaving in that way, his words, had a rush of anxiety waving over you. However, it didn't compare to the pain he had inflicted on you just 20 minutes prior.
+×+×+×+×+×+× 20 minutes earlier ×+×+×+×+×+
You sat quietly alone at the marbled island in the kitchen as you mindlessly swirled around your solo cup of, you guessed it, Coke Zero.
Normally, your choice of poison was a boring whiskey and coke but not today, or for the majority of the weekend, it seemed. The legal drinking age here was 21, which you didn't turn for another 3 months. However, the legal for you was 19 back in your province, so you'd been inebriated more times than you could remember since turning of age.
You didn't drink much or that often, for that matter. Yet seeing the brother's and all of their friends enjoying their buzz and quirky cocktails, you couldn't help but endure a terrible case of fomo.
"Y/n?" spoke a gentle voice over your shoulder.
Swiveling around in the barstool, you locked eyes with Luke and Jack. Your gaze softened at the sight of them both, the cheeky older siblings you never had.
"Hey guys," you spoke softly, feeling instantly more relaxed in their presence.
Jack pulled out a small bottle of whiskey from behind his back and dangled it in the air as if it were a prize he had just won from the carnival.
Your eyes widened in amusement as you caught on as to what they were insinuating.
"Really?" you teased, crossing your arms over your bust.
There's no way they would allow you to have a drink, especially after Luke prewarned you on your arrival.
Supposedly Quinn had chatted with his friends prior, that they were not to give you any alcohol. At all.
"Look, we know you can drink back in Canada.. and it's the weekend of the 4th. We just felt a little guilty seeing you in here all alone-"
"I'm not alone guys, I've got Miso right over ther- wait, where's Miso?" you groaned as you kicked your legs off of the high stool and began searching for your dog who you had brought along with.
Glancing through the massive patio doors behind the two brothers, there you witnessed your 120 lb pup living his best life with Quinn and some of the other guys. Miso was playfully galloping after them, frisbee in mouth.
"Well I stand corrected, I am all alone," you chuckled light heartedly, while throwing your hair up in a rose gold, claw clip.
God, how was it so hot in the States, you wondered? It also didn't help that you were in a long, blood-orange hued sundress. You felt your best when dressed modest and with those you were comfortable around. Plus, growing up with strict parents and in a cold province, you weren't used to showing off your supple skin.
However, you did pack a few new, tastefully scandalous bikinis to wear for the hot tub as the lush infity pool in the back was out of question. How you envied those who could swim.
Instead, you settled and prayed that in the mornings, you'd be able to sneakily make your way to the soothing tub for some much needed you time. You assumed most of the guests and brothers would be hungover and find sleeping in more appealing than waking up at 5 am, rather than going for a morning dip in the hot tub.
Averting your gaze back to the two, they walked past you and into the kitchen where you watched Luke pull out 3 shot glasses, lining them gently on the countertop.
"But don't get too excited, y/n. We can all take 1 together and maybe sneak you another one later... but that's only if you'd like, alright? Listen, you don't even have to take this with us if you don't feel comfortable. It's completely up to-"
"You both are my angels, thank you. But please just pour the shot," you giggled, flashing them an appreciative smile while sitting back on your stool.
You felt grateful that Quinn had brothers who were respectful towards you and others. Brothers who had no issues in a simple "no" if need be said. And boy, did you say no quite a bit to them due to your social anxiety and shyness.
Being handed over a shot, you clasped the cold glass between your slender fingers and anticipated yourself for your insides to burn. Embracing the deep, oaky warmth that was about to glaze over you.
Cheersing the boys with big smiles all around, you held it up to your plump lips, about to throw it back in one smooth motion before the dainty glass of amber liquid is snatched from your hold. A few drops of whiskey swish out and over onto your dress and breasts.
Turning over your shoulder, you see Quinn towering over you as if summoned by the Gods, the shot in his hand. He sets it down away from you on a glass table end in the living area.
"Wasn't us!" piped up Jack deviously as they both tucked their shots behind their backs (and tails between their legs) and made a beeline past Quinn and out the patio doors.
Shooting Quinn a deep side eye, you jumped off the stool and brushed past him to get to the kitchen sink to clean yourself off. All thanks to the captain of the NFP.
No fun police.
"C'mere. I'll help you."
Quinn placed a firm yet delicate hold on your forearm, leading you to the other side of the island. Trailing behind him like a lost puppy, you could only watch the back of his hair bounce lightly with each step. It was still quite damp and slicked back. He must have been in the pool.
Opening a cupboard, he reached upwards and, with ease, grabbed a blue cotton cloth from the top shelf. As he motioned upwards, you couldn't help but leer like a pervert at all the muscles in his back flexing.
You felt your face burning and your nervous system begining to falter. The chokehold that the eldest Hughes' brother always had over you was something you had been trying to shake off for years. At this point, you needed a lobotomy or to be medicated to get over all that was Quintin Hughes.
Quinn turned back around with the cloth dampened in soap and pulled on the fabric of your silk dress without question. You both were extremely comfortable around one another.
Always were since kids.
Gently tugging around your bust, he was exposing more of your modest cleavage, and you were definitely not adorning an irritating bra in this heat today.
Looking up at Quinn, you noticed his face was slightly starting to deepen in shade. God, he looked so cute whenever he got flustered. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Quinn, to your surprise, proceeded to chastise you.
"You've always been my messy girl," he murmured to himself.
Hissing, you told him to shut up and snatched the cloth from his hand, similar to how he had done with your whiskey.
"YOU dropped it on me, Quinn. Thanks for your help, but I don't need you looking down my chest any longer," you quip back, a tone of deep teasing in your voice.
"Maybe it was all just a plan to finally see your big -"
"Oh, Quintin! Don't you dare be talking about my chest, or I swear to -"
"Your big smile," he finished, not hiding his cheeky grin at all.
Rolling your doe-eyes, you couldn't help but stick your middle finger up at him, like the brat that you were whenever in his presence.
Quinn, within a blink of an eye, grabbed your finger and began to twist it playfully around you, as if you two were wrestling.
However, this time, he had effortlessy wrapped his frame around your burning silhouette. Positioning himself steadily behind you, enclosing a tight fist around your palm while his other arm snaked around the lower end of your waist. He pulled your plump rear tight into his lower abdomen and held his upper weight on you as he pinned you against the counter. Your breasts were pressed firm against the ivory marble, spilling further out of your sundress.
Not being able to help yourself, you were stupidly aroused. You found yourself mindlessly swaying and grinding your hips into him, as if lost in the trance of a song that wasn't playing. You hadn't had a sip of alcohol but in this moment, you were lost in his touch completely.
God, did you feel terribly intoxicated by Quinn's charisma and body.
Without being able to see his face and usual blank eyes, you could hear Quinn's breath sharpen tightly and his cock begin to harden against you. The thin silk of your sundress rubbing against his manhood, as if he owned you.
Suddenly, Quinn let go of you while simultaneously pulling you back up and pushing all that was you away. Friends, yet strangers once more.
Spinning around, you tucked a few stray strands of hair behind your ears and looked up at him terribly embarrassed. You pushed a line somehow and could read from his body language that he wasn't okay with it.
"Quinn, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"I promised your Dad I wouldn't let you drink while you were here."
You simply stared at him dumbfounded and nervously let out an involuntary giggle.
"Funny, Quinn. I haven't been home in months, nor have I really spoken to Dad lately, so just say you're not comfortable with me drinking," you reply, a light-hearted tone to your voice.
It was true. The relationship you shared with your father was complicated. He worked hard throughout his life to make sure you were cared for, loved, and nurtured. Sure, his ways of showing it and teaching it was... not conventional to the majority, but you knew he adored you. All of you.
Through your terrible depressive episodes. When you gained over 80+ lbs to when you hit your gym phase. He accompanied and supported you through every change. Physical and mental.
Yet since moving out, you both had become distant and shared an obvious disconnect. You were learning and exploring more of the world without him and Mum; ever changing. Whereas he forever seemed to see you in the light of his meek, yet artistic little 5 year old. In need of protection, constant reassurance, and one-on-one attention.
You were trying so hard to find yourself on your own and you always knew your parents meant well, but to know that your father had no trust in you and felt the need to reach out to Quinn and forbid you from drinking, was disappointing in a way.
"Y/n, I'm not joking. Your Dad just doesn't know a lot of the people here, and he was worried... Which I understand. He trusts you completely, and so do I. He knows you can handle your own. He just worries and loves you like I d-".
Quinn stopped himself abruptly and brushed his hand through his unruly hair in mild distress. You'd seldom seen him like that, growing up. Fighting within himself.
His dark locks were starting to dry since coming out of the pool, curling at the ends and glistening in the golden hour that was beginning to shower through the windows.
Softening your gaze towards him, you understood where he was coming from and the weight of his and your Dad's concerns. You saw the same protectiveness in him.
"I get it Quinn.. actually, I-I think I'll, um, go give him a call and let him and Mum know what we've been up to today," you spoke, reaching for your phone off of the countertop. You suddenly felt insanely guilty.
"Of course, y/n. You give them a call while I get something from my room. And I'll meet you down here in 10? Let me make you something to eat, kitten. I haven't seen you eat anything since you came and I know you can't usually stomach anything when you fly."
Kitten. His only pet name for you. And rarely did he ever use it. So when he did, the weight that one word carried made your soul weep with love.
You couldn't help but get teary-eyed. Of course, he remembered how anxious you got on planes. Of course, he knew how you had your moments of struggling to fuel yourself. Of course, Quinn would always look after you.
Reaching forward, you placed a tight hold on his bicep and pulled him in to you. Placing a soft, small kiss on his cheek, you pulled away and gave him a big smile before turning on your heels and heading towards your room to call your folks.
About 20 or so minutes had passed, and Quinn wasn't back yet. Your call with your Dad had gone exceptionally well. You reassured him you were alright and that Quinn was truly taking care of you, which made him sound more relaxed at the end of the call and, in general, content. It soothed you, knowing he was happy.
As soon as you hung up, you raced back upstairs in anticipation, thinking Quinn was waiting for you in the living area. He was never late.
However, he wasn't there. You even gone as far as to text him to let him know you were laying on the recliner under the pink, frilly blanket. Yet there was no rush to come and accompany you by all means. You were sure he was busy with his friends and hosting.
Unfortunately, when 10 minutes became 20 and he hadn't read your messages, you couldn't help yourself nor your impatience and impulsiveness.
Deciding to trudge up the many stairs towards Quinn's bedroom, you found yourself becoming giddy with excitement. You felt so deeply for him in this moment and only wished you could profuse to him how much you loved him to his core. You swore you had felt some type of reciprocation in the kitchen earlier by him. Perhaps not the sentiments of love, but you felt that Quinn did share some type of romantic feelings for you, right?
The younger Hughes' brothers had shown you earlier all of the bedrooms and living situations for the weekend when you had arrived. Thankfully, you were given the entire basement to yourself, which included a kitchen, living area, private balcony, masters and bathroom.
Eyeing each door that passed you in a blurry haze within the vast never-ending hall, you end up at Quinns door. Taking a deep breath in, you twisted the knob slowly so as not to scare Quinn. He was always a skiddish boy growing up. Especially when Luke, Jack, and yourself loved to prank the more serious brother growing up.
You couldn't even open the door fully, as a crack was enough to make your heart sink and brain numb.
Quinn sat on the edge of his bed, holding a small hand viscerally in his larger one, cooing sweet words towards someone. You watched helplessly as your throat dried, and he pulled her hand up to his lips, kissing it tenderly.
"I'm always here. Forever. I promise you that."
Those were words you dreamt of hearing from Quinn in regards to yourself. Instead, you got the hard side of him or the teasing side or the cold side. The tough love.
You longed to be cared for and adored by him. Especially to be laid in his bed while he sat by your side.
Through teary eyes, you realized that the beautiful woman laid in his bed was, in fact, his ex-girlfriend.
Silently. Discreetly. You closed the door. As if you were a ghost. One that couldn't move on. Not seeking vengeance. Yet forever haunted by what you witnessed. And missed out on.
Hastily, your feet carried you back towards the hall in a frenzied mess and down the stairs as gentle sobs came out of your core.
There was no point still in thinking, dreaming, even. You and Quinn Hughes meant nothing more than friends. You felt even more embarrassed that you had essentially come onto him in the kitchen. Jesus Christ, y/n.
Just as your father saw you as a fragile little child, Quinn would always see you in the same light.
Yet, in your hazy, love stricken mind, you had sworn you had heard remnants of Quinn's sultry, soft voice call for you. Perhaps even shout desperately, as you made your cowardly escape back into your secluded basement. Alone again.
♤ PART 2, to be continued... xo
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