#[Dystopia : The Tree of Language] by Dreamcatcher - Album Review
fairylynel · 5 years
[Dystopia : The Tree of Language] by Dreamcatcher - Album Review
So I’m finallly doing this! To be honest, after Deja Vu, my expectations for this comeback were extremely high and I was hoping to see something quite amazing from the girls and, to be fair, I believe they totally delivered. Not only were the teasers for this album absolutely beautiful and ethereal, very unique, in my opinion, they also went on a slightly different direction music wise, as this album isn’t as dark as the rest of Dreamcatcher’s discography, but still has their flavour.
I would like to also add that this is only my opinion. Please, don’t take any of what I say too personal.
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Intro (1:20) : This is a very short track and it feels quite menacing to listen to, a bit like a horror movie OST, but the good type. It gave me chills, but left me thrilled from what it was going to come next, especially as it softens it’s melody completely in the end.
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Scream (3:24) : I want to talk about the music video, the choreography and the lyrics regarding this track as I believe they all add to the full experience. So the MV was preceded with wonderful teasers about the story of this particular album and as a sucker for things like this, I fell immediatly in love with those, which led me to fall head over heels with the video. Aesthetic wise, I couldn’t ask for anything more, besides that I wish some scenes were recorded outside of a studio. Apart from this, the colours, clothes, hairstyles and shots are absolutely amazing. Gahyeon was the one who caught my eye the most this time around, specially in her part at 1:30 and 2:17. The plot wasn’t completely understandable throughout the music video, but I believe that is for Insomnias and other viewers to make theories of their own. 
The choreography is so powerful and much more sensual, in the chorus mostly, compared to their previous ones. I think they absolutely did amazing and, once again, pulled this concept really well. Not only this, but they’ve also managed to incorporate Handong’s position in it, which is truly a really sweet thing from them. I think it’s better seen in the 'Scream' Dance Video (연습실 ver.) , as the girl with the mask on represents Handong.
When it comes to the song, this is obviously very different from, for example, Deja Vu and PIRI. Even so, this has quickly become one of my favourite comebacks from them. Vocal wise, Siyeon and Yoohyeon did amazing and sing beautifully and powerfully, while Gahyeon and Dami absolutely destroyed in an awesome way with both of her rap bits. The song is quite balanced and the build-up is really well done, while the drop that follows makes everything so much more enjoyable.
Lyrically, the song tells the story of someone who goes through a lot of pain to want to inflict the same damage on their perpretator. It goes from someone who was compeltely terrified from another person to want to defend themselves and stand up to their abuse. My personal favourite is:
“Tricks behind the mask, ridiculous freaks The growing hatred gives birth to random targets I swallow up the burning thirst but hypocrisy says it’s my fault The end is sitting at the edge of a cliff It’ll be a choice that only remains regret “
Tension (3:11) : Ah, the beginning of this song alone left me thrilled, the guitars made it so awesome! Listening to the song, it feels a bit like something that would fit really well in one of their first albuns and that sort of feeling of nostalgia makes the track quite enjoyable. I don’t think this one is very memorable though, as fun as it is. The build up gets tiring after a while, but, nonetheless, still a really good song. It also reminds me a lot of those old anime intros for a shounen genre anime type! 
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Red Sun (3:05) : This is by far my favourite song of the whole album. It’s absolutely amazing just from the start it has, it feels creepy, reminding a bit of Chase Me or GOOD NIGHT eras. Afterwards that, Dami comes and completely wrecks the listener, she sounds powerful, sexy and amazing. I think the main reason for this to be my favourite is because it mixes a lot of favourites from Dreamcatcher. It captures that sentiment of eeriness, while having a sort of fun, but calm type of melody in it’s chorus, reminding me a lot of Wonderland and July 7th . This is a track I definitely recommend listening to.
Black or White (3:24) : This song is so cool and I believe it goes well with the vibe that the group initially had on their debut. It’s a bit different from Scream but it still has the power and tenacity one expects from Dreamcatcher. The chorus is extremely catchy and fun, in my opinion, and Dami’s parts, as well with Siyeon’s and Yoohyeon’s, are definitely my favourites. The only complain I have is that when the melody softens, the song kind of loses the grip it once had on the listener in the beginning. 
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Jazz Bar (3:34) :  The title is completely appropriate as it truly feels like I’m listening to this song in a badly lighten bar, smoke clouds surrounding me, a wine glass in my hand, while watching these beautiful women perform a lovely song, calmly and elegantly singing. My biggest criticism with this track would be the fact that Black or White creates a lot of momento and excitement that is lost with the quietness of this song.
SAHARA (3:10) : I really wanted to like this song as, except for the chorus, this is something rather different from what they’ve done before, but I genuinely feel this track comes off as a bit messy and kind of cringy in my opinion. The best part for this song and for sure, the most epic of it, was from minute 2:45. The momento is slowly build up and things get cooler, to only end very shortly after.
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In the Frozen (3:16) : The beginning of this song does not prepare the listener for the amount of noise that the track itself has. However, it can still be enjoyable. To be honest, the first time, I listened to this, I got a major headache from the chorus alone, but it’s still quite awesome and the vocals mixed with those sounds work just fine. Just like the previous song, it starts getting real good in the end, to just be ruined with this dubstep mess, sigh. I do not advise you to listen to this, if you are a bit sensitive as I am.
Daybreak (3:03) : Once again, a bit like Jazz Bar, this track breaks the mold of the album with it’s calm and soothing melody. To be fair, it was a genius take to put it after In The Frozen, as it will heal the headache you’ll get. Anyway, Daybreak is a good, cute and addicting song. The girls sing in a very delicate way as if they are almost trying not to hurt the one listening in some instances.
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Full Moon (3:09) : This song is a bit of a Chase Me 2.0 in a softer light and I love it for that. I truly loved that song and I’m happy that sort of vibe and metal-ish sound is back in a track. I kind of wish that the song would have been a bit longer as I feel like it was rather short and could have been developed a bit more, but even so, the chorus and bridge sounded amazing.
Outro (1:03) : Compared to the Intro, this “last” track is much calmer. I believe it ends the album well, still having that eerie vibe that mostly followed each song here. 
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Paradise (4:03) : I wanted this ballad to be much more than it is. As soon as I listened the first bit I was a bit unimpressed, but it grew a lot in me throught the many, many versions that were posted by HappyFace Entertainment on Youtube (White Version, Black Version, Piano Version and Original Version). The chorus can become quite tiring after a while, but I understand why many loved this song as Siyeon won the lyrics and beat very well with her vocals. My criticism goes mostly towards to how boring it sounds, despite the quick rhythm. It just feels very generic to me. 
Rating: 8/10
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dreamca7cher · 5 years
Dystopia: The Tree of Language Album Review
As an InSomnia I’ve learned to expect the unexpected with Dreamcatcher - yes they have an established sound, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the contents of each album and this is no exception! I’m glad they've moved back to a harder hitting, darker sound when compared to the Raid of Dream album as a whole. DC continues their exploration into other genres while still retaining that sound that they’re known for now.
1. Intro: This intro is very cinematic, if that makes sense? Like it makes me feel like I’m watching a movie with the images that come to mind while listening. LEEZ & Ollounder continue to experiment heavily with their intros. It’s much more akin to Déjà vu than I was expecting, and yet again it leaves me wishing it were a full song (7/10)
2. Scream: the biggest departure from their sound in a title, it nonetheless is another banger. And I have been awaiting the return of RAP GOD GAHYEON!! Seriously tho, the darker sounds are present again, instead of the previous song which I would describe as ethereal. Still not sure how I feel about the chorus, it’s weaker compared to their previous title tracks, but maybe I shouldn’t be comparing. (8.5/10)
3. Tension: I can see how this is kind of a sister song to Good Night, it’s just pure simple rock and I love it. The prechorus sounds like it’s juust about to go “oh baby run run run” at the beginning of the chorus lol. I’ll definitely be replaying this one endlessly (9/10)
4. Red Sun: ooh now this sounds very gothic/medieval, very cool how they made this sound. THAT DAMI RAP! My forte is rock, but the slow funkiness also gives a slightly creepy feeling which I am loving. (8/10)
5. Black or White: this is some groovy bass! The contrast behind the rap and the vocals in the latter half of the song are so ambitious. Can’t say I love the repetitive “black or white” but then again that’s the only part in English so it’s notable. Not my style, but I can dig it (7/10)
6. Jazz Bar: going with some more hella descriptive track titles I see lol, wow does this mid album track totally bring the dark rock atmosphere to a screeching halt (but not in a bad way). Feels like a nice breath of fresh air, or maybe a Dark Souls save point is more accurate hah. As they said, this song would fit in the background of a coffee shop  (8/10)
7. Sahara: and we’re back to rock, again super fitting title I feel like I’m in a desert with that opener. The slow “Sa-ha-ra, ra, ra, ra” part is so great, and the hard drumbeats and guitar make it that much better. I don’t think Dami needed to be autotuned, but it’s a cool effect, and I don’t mind it. And I love that she joins in the chorus too! I had a feeling this one would be the other standout, and I’m pleased to see that I was correct (9/10)
8. In The Frozen: I was anticipating more electronica somewhere on this album, so glad to see it mixed with a few more styles here. Even slower than ever, but it’s still lit (8/10)
9. Daybreak: heavily R&B style and slow, so not really my thing. I think this is probably the weakest song on the album (6/10)
10. Full Moon: we all know it, we all love it, something about our 1st fan song finally making it on a full album just makes me smile :) this song has really grown on me throughout the years to be my #2, I think it’s pretty much perfect. Perfect amount of guitar, drums, piano, rap, it’s just a fantastic song even without considering all of its fandom significance (10/10)
11. Over the Sky: it’s been said a million times, but yes this sounds like an anime song, more so than their others. Peppier than most DC songs, it’s still a great very fast rock piece that holds special significance as our 2nd anniversary fan song even if it’s not in my top 10 favorites (8/10)
12. Outro: very subdued and brings to mind water imagery. A fitting end to an album that (except for Jazz Bar) was dark as ever, if not even more so. As far as an independent piece, I think it could have been more interesting (6.5/10)
13. Scream Instrumental: I actually really appreciate the title track instrumentals for DC. You can always find something new that you might not have noticed in the song because of the lyrics taking most of your attention. I definitely did not notice how barebones this song is aside from the beats until the chorus in the regular song. And the anticipation of that scream is haunting (7/10)
14. Paradise: DCC was spot on, this song is a perfect bridge between the Raid of Dream album, and the themes of this one. And of course, no one could deny Siyeon’s wonderful voice. I was hoping it would be more on display in some of the other songs, but I digress. It deserves a high score for the awoo’s alone (9/10)
I’ll admit, usually I’m a bit worried when it comes to full-length albums because it’s just tough to fit that many high quality songs onto one album. This is LEEZ & Ollounder we’re talking about tho; there’s no one else I would trust to produce an amazing album. While I can’t say for sure yet if any of these songs will make it into my top Dreamcatcher favorites list, this group’s versatility is as impressive as ever. If there’s one thing it was missing, it’s Handong’s calm voice that’s perfect for prechoruses or bridges. I actually didn’t expect there to be this much of a difference, but for someone that listens to A LOT of Dreamcatcher, it is very noticeable. Hopefully this will be the only album without her! Overall album score: 8.5/10
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Dreamcatcher 'Scream' | K-Pop Review Dreamcatcher has made a striking return with the title track "Scream" and "Dystopia: The Tree Of Language" 1st full album in February.
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7-dreamers · 4 years
[ARTICLE] Jun Hyo-jin’s Biased Picks
Outside of the lead tracks, B-side tracks often become ‘that song’ that only the fans know about. As such, [Jun Hyo-jin’s Biased Picks], a corner where I select the most ear-catching hidden tracks from the month’s new releases, did a 2020 year review and selected the album of the year, the song of the year, the artist of the year, and the rookie of the year. The criteria for selection is whatever the reporter feels like. The list has been sorted in chronological order by release date, from January 1st to December 18th.
◆Dreamcatcher 1st studio album [Dystopia: The Tree of Language] Red Sun, Black or White
It’s time they took off. There may be people who have never listened to a Dreamcatcher song, but there is probably nobody who listened to Dreamcatcher’s music just once. To some, Dreamcatcher is already a group that inspires complete faith with their discography – every album is sure to be of high quality. Even in the two B-sides we recommend, Dreamcatcher uses their trademark thrill and tension to keep one’s eardrums on edge.
Reporter Jeon Hyo-jin
Translation by 7-Dreamers Hojoon Please do not take translation without credit
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klvbxlove · 4 years
dystopia: the tree of language - dreamcatcher (album review)
(a/n): this piece of writing isn’t something i wrote recently. it was something that i had to write for my journalism class last year ‘cause we did this thing where our teacher gave us different option of assignments we wanted to do (idk how else to describe it LOL) and i took the chance to write an album review. i still kept this in my google docs and ngl, i’m actually really proud of this one, so hopefully y’all will like it too! 
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album: dystopia - the tree of language
artist(s): dreamcatcher
release: 2-18-2020
genre(s): k-pop, rock, metal
   Mixing rock with lyrical themes of horror and fantasy, “Dreamcatcher” is one of the many South Korean acts that stand out from other K-Pop girl groups. Like their other releases, their debut album, “Dystopia: The Tree of Language,” brushes aside the girl crush style and welcomes you into their dystopian world.
   Dreamcatcher was originally named MINX. They debuted in 2014 with five of the original members and had more of a bubbly and girly style. However, in early 2017, they debuted again as Dreamcatcher with two new members and took on a rock style and gave themselves a darker image.
   After the intro, the album starts with the lead single, “Scream,” which features guitars and drum beats. A hauntingly beautiful piano can be heard in the pre-chorus along with the sound of an eerie scream. The part that stood out to me the most was the second chorus, which features Dami and Gahyeon rapping. With their deep voices, these girls stand out in the song, which makes them recognizable to fans.
   The instrumental production of “Tension” is delivered a little faster, making the song more intense. However, the lyrical content is more hopeful, with the girls singing to the listeners to not let their fears overtake them, and they don’t have to worry about anything.
   The rest of the songs are mostly rock, but feature different instruments. An example would be in “Red Sun,” which features synthesizers with a music box track. During the pre-chorus of “Black & White,” violins and drums can be heard, which fires up the mood, but as soon as the chorus drops, listeners hear a funky hook.
   “Jazz Bar” and “Daydream” are a little different and are more R&B and pop. The piano in both songs gives them a chill and calming vibe, which gives coffee-shop vibes.  “Sahara,” has a middle eastern style, but it wouldn’t be a Dreamcatcher song without rock elements. There’s even an epic drop right before the chorus. The same goes for “In The Frozen” and “Full Moon.” They both start with a haunting intro followed by a drop in the chorus with some beats.
   “Paradise,” my favorite track, captures Siyeon’s haunting but beautiful vocals, which blend perfectly with the piano, beats, and synthesizers. It sounds like a ballad at first, but the beats quickly prove the listeners wrong and take on the haunting Dreamcatcher sound they always had.
   Overall, this album still defines Dreamcatcher as a group. It featured some new sounds to mix in with their signature rock sound, which makes it unique. You may not like K-pop, but if you’re more of a rock fan, get the chance to listen to “Dystopia: The Tree of Language.”
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chaeryybomb · 5 years
because there were so many girl group comebacks, I’m gonna do a review about them!
possibly might do this every month idk
I’ll review them on title song, album songs ( if they had an album comeback ), stage presence, outfits, music video, choreography and overall. ( I’m not gonna rate them by numbers )
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TITLE SONG: Crossroads
personally, it took me a few listens before finally liking it. but it didn’t take that long before it hooked me on. it reminds me a lot of an anime opening. my favorite part is when the music stops and yuju sings the chorus, when i first heard that on their comeback stage, it gave me chills
the music video was!! amazing!! i love how it gave a movie type of feeling. i’m still new to gfriend so... but overall, the music video is really nice and it made me feel things
gfriend is also known for their choreography, and they never disappoint. i really like the choreography and how it would sometimes split to a few members on the stage then all members.
i really really like the presence umji gave out during this era, something about her kept drawing my attention towards her every time I watched their stage.
i also really like their outfits this era, it’s so classy. i personally like yuju in long pants/pantsuits type of outfits. also, yerin’s highlights + beret is to die for.
the b-sides could all be title track worthy tbh. they’re vocals are all amazing.
my personal favorites are dreamcatche, from me and labyrinth
on a side note, I really like labyrinth’s choreography
overall, this comeback made me stan gfriend lmao, I really like their style of music. they also have a storyline which I’m trying to keep up?? what caught my eye during this comeback was definitely umji and eunha’s pink hair + high note in labyrinth.
EVERGLOW: Reminisce
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yiren’s “you’re so dun dun dun dun dun” part got me hooked immediately lmao, it’s just really catchy
i love love love love aisha and e:u raps, like yes rappers come through. aisha’s deep voice can k i l l
sihyeon’s beginning was definitely catchy. and I love the bridge part between her and onda
my only complain is that I wished onda could’ve gotten more lines ;-;
the music video was really aesthetically pleasing, my favorite part was aisha’s part like damn girl. though I didn’t really like that face gem thing they had on yiren-
the choreography?? is just?? amazing?? i really like mia’s part of the choreography, the dance break and verses are 👌🏻
i also like the part where sihyeon sings after the dun dun, if that makes sense..
oh and I like the second chorus dance
and center onda is powerful
also I like the beginning where yiren would stomps her feet and says “everglow”
mia’s stage presence never disappoints, as usual. her face expressions are usually on point. but this era drew me towards e:u as well, her stage presence this era was definitely something
i love love love the black outfits ( the same ones they had in the beginning of the mv )
i also love how they gave onda outfits that stood out more, like for example the white outfits, onda was all in silver; or the red outfits where everyone wore red and black while onda was in a more different pattern
i didn’t mind that they re-used the outfits but in different colour, I thought it was way better than adios era where everyone wore the same outfits, at least this era the designs for everyone were different
my personal favorite is definitely “no lie”, I just wished they would promote it more than “salute”. but I felt blessed that they actually performed “no lie”, and the choreography was amazing.
yet onda and yiren really suited the “salute” concept
i personally think that the line distribution is lazy, for example “no lie” and “player”, mia is singing the chorus over and over again. it’s like the producer made her record the chorus part then just used it for the entire song and not ask a different member to record the 2nd chorus.
overall, I really like this comeback. my only complain is that I wish the line distribution was fairer. it’s unfair to all members, including mia. I hope that she isn’t feeling overworked because of having to sing so many lines while doing the dance break as well.
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I really like this concept on LOONA!!! i know it might seem like what other groups are doing, but this type of concept really suits them
rapper heejin!!
chuu and jinsoul’s high note tho. but I could tell during the stages where chuu was struggling to hit the high note, I hope she’s not to hard on herself
my favorite part of the song is hyunjin’s tic tac toe part, yves’s shock shock and choerry’s part in the bridge
the music video is just
I love vivi’s part with the spray can and kim lip’s part with the red outfit
the part in the subway too!!
when I first saw the choreography, I was s h o o k. seriously, they were all in sync, it’s amazing! I literally have no words on how to explain how much I love the choreography
let me just tell you, yves’s stage presence this era, can literally kill someone. literally. she slayed this era with that slick back hairstyle and piercing eyes.
literally loona’s stylist deserves a goddamn R A I S E.
almost every stage was a different outfit, for 12 members!! I can’t pick a favorite outfit because all of them were amazing!!
for the first time, I actually like the title song so much than the other album songs
but that doesn’t mean they’re great. but if I had to choose a b-side, it’ll probably be “ding ding dong”
overall, this comeback was definitely not disappointing and surprising. it was also definitely first win worthy. my only complain is, you guessed it, vivi’s lines. she had a total of 3 seconds! come on BBC! also, I hope that haseul is doing fine.
IZ*ONE: Bloom*IZ
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I never liked the produce series because they gave so many kids false hope, but they groups they debuted were indeed talented and they don’t deserve all the backlash because mnet’s a snake.
but yes fiesta slaps. i’m so happy that sakura and minju are getting the lines they deserved. I really like eunbi part at the end and yuri’s bridge.
the music video was definitely aesthetically pleasing to watch, especially eunbi’s angel scenes and chaeyeon’s solo scenes.
okay personally, i felt that the choreography was a bit plain for a 12 member group. i felt that “la vi en rose” and “violeta” had more diverse choreography than fiesta
but other than that, the choreography is nice and I like wonyoung’s part with the fingers and yena and eunbi’s pre-chorus parts
i hope the girls can perform on other stage platforms ;-;
chaewon has got my eye this era, maybe it’s because of her short hair but her presence is definitely there on stage
eunbi and chaeyeon’s stage presence never disappoints as usual
as for the outfits, I love how bright and colourful the outfits are, my personal favorite the pastel suits one
it’s my first time listening to an iz*one album. when I first listened to the album highlight medley, i thought i wouldn’t like it but boy was i wrong
first of all, i love how they all had sub-units so everyone had their chance to shine in the album
my personal favorites are “ayayaya”, “pink blusher” and “eyes”
overall, the comeback was great. i just wished that hyewon would’ve gotten more lines but I can definitely tell that all of them has improved tremendously. i hope that backlash won’t affect the girls and i hope that eunbi will get well soon.
DREAMCATCHER: Dystopia: The Tree Of Language
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I immediately liked the song the moment I heard it. It reminded me of Stray Kids’s “Side Effects” due to to the heavy edm drop. I really like this type of style on them.
I love gahyeon’s and dami’s “devil, eyes, come” part and rap parts
dreamcatcher’s music videos are always different, they always have an element of halloween in them and I love it
this era gives me a spooky witch vibe ( especially with “red sun” )
dreamcatcher’s music is definitely a breath of fresh air
I love love love love the “devil, eyes, come” part with the hand thingy
when they do this 🤘🏻
i really like it
I also like jiu’s parts and sua being the center will literally be the death of me
OH OH OH and gahyeon’s rap part with the masks!!
first of all, sua and yoohyeon’s stage presence is literally incredible
sua has definitely caught my eye during this era.
as for the outfits, dreamcatcher basically re-uses the outfits in different colours but I frankly don’t mind it so
i like their outfits when they perform “red sun”, it gives out spooky witchy vibes and I’m here for that
again, all of dreamcatcher’s songs can literally be a title track. i can’t choose a favorite
they’re all amazing and like I said, a breath of fresh air from other groups.
seriously, they’re really underrated
overall, i really like this comeback. and I love how they have a masked dancer in the place of handong ( who is currently filming for idol producer in China, I hope she’s doing fine with China’s current status ). I find the gesture really sweet. I also love siyeon’s solo, “paradise”. I hope she can perform it one day.
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the song is definitely catchy, especially the “dazzle dazzle dazzle me” part
i really like elly and suyeon’s part in the chorus
my favorite part is lua’s rap
i think the music video was nice, i felt that smiley face cake was out of place
i wished that they kept the sparkly concept throughout the entire music video
the “dazzle dazzle me” part is honestly really fun to do lmao
i like the choreography for the chorus part
oh and yoojung and doyeon’s part tho-
elly has definitely owned this era
literally, she owns this era
and her bright blue hair help plays a part in it too
despite of having less lines, lua’s also radiates good stage presence
as for the outfits, i love the pastel colours that they’re going for
I really like elly’s blue hair, sei’s pink highlights, lucy’s blonde hair and rina’s short purple hair
overall, this comeback is really catchy, like it’s so easy for it to get stuck in your head. elly definitely slays this comeback, she’s literally shining. yoojung’s and lua’s rap parts are also a score. i just wished lua would’ve gotten a bit more lines.
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I personally don’t really like “Bouncy” but the rest of their songs in their album is catchy. My favorite of the album is “Fireworks” and “Girl Friend”.
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i literally stanned them during this era. like goddamn, sunwoo is wrecking me. i love sunwoo and eric’s rap parts. new’s vocals are out of this world, the boy is also tiny asf. also hyunjae’s blond hair?? juyeon has also caught my eye during this era.
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okay ngl, i didn’t really like “black swan”, it’s not my cup of tea. “on” is definitely something. the part where they do the window wiping thing is weirdly satisfying to watch ( also someone pls edit jin’s window wiping laugh on it ). jungkook’s high note tho. also Jimin’s “oh na na” is really catchy. out from the album, my favorite is “we are bulletproof: the eternal” like damn, that made me sad.
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so I don’t stan them but “jackpot” literally slaps. their rap line is literally so powerful?? especially the short hair girl ( Karin?? ) she raps and sings, damn that’s a double threat right there. the chorus really gets me ngl.
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ayeonz · 5 years
dreamcatcher - dystopia tree of language album mini review
intro: short but sweet, not my fave tho
scream: I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THIS SONG IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL the drop the lyrics the chorus the everything dear god I don't even need to hear the rest of the album
tension: this has to have been a title track contender it's so perfectly dreamcatcher, though I'm not mad that it's only a bside that high note is glorious and caught me 100% off guard
red sun: the opening is so curious, i love it. dami's rap is HOT and everyone's vocals sound perfect and the chorus is amazing - the "red sun red sun" bit is so pretty
black or white: that guitar (?) is so catchy and sexy, i love it. this is a god tier instrumental. again, dami's rap, amazing
jazz bar: i was not sure what to expect, but this makes sense. it's very gentle, i like it a lot.
sahara: i wasn't super into this one until the chorus? but the chorus is beautiful with the instrumental and the vocals. not sure about dami's rap this time but i still support
in the frozen: potential definite fave right here. perfect mix of quiet moments and impactful moments I'm so in love!!!! it fucking slams into you and the second half of the drop!!!!!! im losing my fucking mind also THANK YOU DAMI. oh the ENDING im gonna fucking CRY wtf!!!!!!!!!!
dawn: (is that the correct title?) i like this, a quiet song to follow a loud song. i will definitely find myself replaying this a lot for sleep and destress.
outro: damn we at the outro already??? :((( but i love it, it's a perfect way to end this beautiful album
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thepinkscorner · 4 years
Dreamcatcher 1st Album Dystopia: The tree of Language Review
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tunesrecords · 2 years
Dreamcatcher announce North American dates for upcoming world tour
Dreamcatcher have officially announced the North American stops for their upcoming ‘Apocalypse: Save Us’ world tour.
READ MORE: Dreamcatcher – ‘Apocalypse: Save Us’ review: a refreshing, albeit naive take on the world
Earlier today (April 28), the K-pop girl group released a poster containing details for their upcoming world tour, which is set to begin with its North American leg. Kicking off in New York in late June this year, Dreamcatcher will bring the ‘Apocalypse: Save Us’ tour to six other US states before concluding in Los Angeles the following month.
The dates include stops in Chicago, Denver, San Francisco and more, in support of their latest release ‘Apocalypse: Save Us’. Ticket sales launch on April 29 at 8am PST/11am EST, or April 30 at midnight KST, and are available for purchase via Ticketmaster here.
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] 2022 Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) World Tour [Apocalypse : Save us] in USA
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Ticket Open
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22.04.29 (FRI) AM 08:00 (PST)
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22.04.29 (FRI) AM 11:00 (EST)
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22.04.30 (SAT) AM 00:00 (KST)
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[New York] 6/28 Palladium Times Square
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https://t.co/WKhaXsajUX pic.twitter.com/hfKgqJEGBW
— 드림캐쳐 Dreamcatcher (@hf_dreamcatcher) April 27, 2022
‘Apocalypse: Save Us’ will be Dreamcatcher’s first solo shows in the US, as well as the second world tour of their career. Their first-ever world tour was ‘Fly High’, which saw the seven-piece perform in several cities across Japan, Brazil and Europe from late 2017 to early 2018.
See the full list of North American dates for Dreamcatcher’s ‘Apocalypse: Save Us’ tour below:
June 2022 28 – New York, Palladium Times Square
July 2022 1 – Reading, Santander Arena 3 – Louisville, Old Forester’s Paristown Hall 7 – Chicago, Radius Chicago 9 – Minneapolis, Skyway Theater 12 – Denver, Fillmore Auditorium 14 – San Francisco, The Midway 17 – Los Angeles, The Wiltern
Dreamcatcher’s ‘Apocalypse: Save Us’ album was released earlier this month and led by title track ‘Maison’. Featuring 14 new tracks, the new record is the K-pop group’s first release of 2022, and their first since August 2021’s ‘Summer Holiday’ mini-album.
READ MORE: Every Dreamcatcher song ranked in order of greatness
Dreamcatcher’s last full-length release was 2020’s ‘Dystopia: The Tree of Language’, from which member Handong was absent from due to her participation in Chinese idol producer programme Youth With You. This makes ‘Apocalypse: Save Me’ their first full-length project as a complete group.
The post Dreamcatcher announce North American dates for upcoming world tour appeared first on NME.
source https://www.nme.com/news/music/dreamcatcher-north-american-dates-apocalypse-save-us-world-tour-3214303?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dreamcatcher-north-american-dates-apocalypse-save-us-world-tour
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source https://emptunes.blogspot.com/2022/04/dreamcatcher-announce-north-american.html
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karygiz · 5 years
MV & Album Review [Español] - DREAMCATCHER (Dystopia - The Tree of Language + Scream)
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Hola a todos y todas, sean bienvenidos a otro mv & album review. Esta vez les hablaré sobre el nuevo material discográfico de un grupo que en lo personal se ha convertido en mi favorito…Dreamcatcher. Desde el 2017 las talentosas chicas de Dreamcatcher nos han traído arte musical y este álbum completo, ¡Sí! Álbum completo, no mini álbum o sencillo, nos muestra que Dreamcatcher son capaces de cantar cualquier género y eso lo veremos a continuación.
El primer álbum completo titulado “Dystopia: The Tree of Language” nos trae un total de 14 tracks, incluyendo el instrumental de la canción principal “Scream”, el solo de Lee Siyeon y las dos canciones dedicadas a Insomnia en aniversarios anteriores.
Antes de hablar de las canciones, entendamos un poco el significado del título del álbum que abre las puertas a un nuevo mundo de lo que vimos anteriormente con las series de “pesadillas”. "Distopía" significa una "anti-eutopía o utopia". Los mensajes que Dreamcatcher transmite no se limitan a la fantasía. Como nos cuenta nuestra querida líder, JiU:
“Esta serie representa un árbol que da frutos negros cuando escucha palabras negativas y da frutos blancos cuando escucha palabras positivas…En la sociedad actual, las personas a menudo se sienten lastimadas por los comentarios de odio, pero también pueden alegrarse mutuamente. Usamos un árbol para representar eso”
Este álbum refleja la realidad dolorosa y difícil en la que vivimos. En otras palabras, el "Distopía" creado por Dreamcatcher es un espejo que nos lleva a reflexionar sobre nuestro propio mundo una vez más. Si desean saber más sobre el significado, les recomiendo lean un poco sobre lo que es considerado utopia, eutopia y distopia, es muy interesante y ayuda mucho a comprender la historia que cuenta Dreamcatcher en este álbum. 
Algo que me encanta de los productores de DC es la forma en que introducen los álbumes. El intro de Dystopia tiene melodías nostálgicas de piano, violines y otros elementos electrónicos que nos indica el inicio de una nueva historia y de un nuevo sonido en el sencillo principal, ya que al final se escuchan varias personas murmurando.
Esta canción utiliza la caza de brujas de la edad media para representar a las personas inocentes que hoy en día sufren una cacería similar a ellas por los comentarios de odio. El inicio tiene un tono triste y lleno de desesperación representado por las voces melódicas de JiU y Yoohyeon, finalizando con un solo de guitarra. Luego de esto, pasamos a un sonido más oscuro donde la música y sus voces nos explican el sufrimiento causado por el odio que están recibiendo.
El pre-coro muestra la confusión de las chicas junto a las notas tristes del piano y también da paso al coro con fuertes acordes de guitarra y el beat de electrónica que representa “la cacería de brujas”. Luego tenemos los raps de Gahyeon y Dami, quienes describen a estas personas enmascaradas, llenas de odio y quienes al final dirán que tú eres el culpable de ese odio injustificado, llevándote a perderte a ti mismo.
Los acordes de la guitarra junto con el ritmo marcado del bajo muestran ese sentimiento de molestia que genera este odio durante los raps. Pasamos al puente con un sonido mágico, dando a entender que todo lo que dicen estas personas no debe afectarte y esta vez se va intensificando el sonido de electrónica para darle fuerza a quienes están sufriendo, volviendo al coro y dándole un giro a esta historia, aunque no se note, la intensidad del último coro aumenta más que en los dos primeros, es una forma de decir “no, esta vez tú eres quien va a gritar porque tus comentarios no me afectan y eres quien no lo soportará”.
Tension tiene un mensaje positivo donde dc nos dice “vamos, tú puedes salir adelante, aunque el futuro se vea incierto, no dejes que las preocupaciones te dominen”. ¿Tension les recuerda algo? Leí que esta canción era un posible sencillo por allá en el 2017 cuando tuvimos la trilogía épica de Chase Me, Good Night y Fly High. Por el sonido de las guitarras, esta es una hermanita de las canciones épicas del 2017 y tiene un ritmo positivo, envuelto por las voces de estas chicas te llenan de energía para seguir adelante.
 Red Sun:
Esta canción tiene un sonido bastante misterioso y algo macabro (al igual que la letra, busquenla y entenderán porque), los cambios en la percusión no son una broma, están bien elaborados y mantienen la atención del oyente de principio a fin. Las voces dulces y encantadoras que agrega dc le dan el toque final, especialmente en el coro. En esta canción tenemos la oportunidad de escuchar a Minji aka JiU mostrando que no es solo la visual. Por cierto, la creadora de esta coreografía es Kim Bora aka SuA, aquí hay puro talento…DEJEN DE DORMIRSE EN DREAMCATCHER.
 Black or White:
No, no es el bop de Michael Jackson, pero Black or White de Dreamcatcher también es un bop. Inicia con acordes de guitarra que cambian a violines en el pre-coro, pasando al coro con estilo más pop. Black or White me dejó impresionada porque es tan poco frecuente encontrar un productor que sepa hacer este tipo de cambios en las melodías, de pasar a varios géneros musicales en una sola canción. Creo que estos cambios le dan forma a la letra que expresa un tipo de desesperación cuando la gente intenta tener una imagen de ti que no deseas o parecen esperar algo de ti cuando aún no tienes la respuesta. Por cierto, aquí JiU, SIyeon y Dami colaboran con las letras.
 Jazz Bar:
Jazz Bar es mezcla de Jazz con Dreamcatcher (sí, ya Dreamcatcher debe ser un género musical). Esta canción es excelente para escucharla en un bar, un restaurante o incluso antes de dormir, la letra es muy linda, me ha gustado que Jiu, Siyeon, Yoohyeon y Dami hayan participado. La música tiene un toque delicado, dulce y relajante, creo que es de mis tracks favoritos por la incorporación de este género que en lo personal le queda a la perfección a Dreamcatcher. Algo notable es como el ritmo es un poco más rápido en el rap de Dami, sin perder la melodía principal. No soy fan de canciones donde parecen hacer copy paste de géneros sin darles una introducción o una transición agradable, así que aplaudo a los productores por ser unos genios y lograr lo que pocos han hecho en la música.
El intro con la guitarra me atrapó de inmediato, es una canción que muestra como las dificultades nos hacen sentir en un desierto y llegamos a un punto donde no vemos ni siquiera un oasis para poder continuar. Sahara tiene un sonido que realmente te transporta al desierto en donde musicalmente hablando sientes la nostalgia de la guitarra y el coro al no encontrar un oasis, hasta que llega esta parte y dices está bien, yo puedo seguir adelante.
 In the Frozen:
Conozcamos a una hermanita de Silent Night y Sleep Walking, aunque sólo son por el género edm ya que in the frozen trae algo totalmente diferente a estas dos. Desde el inicio piensas en el invierno al escucharla, la canción tiene una letra reconfortante para quienes tienen memorias de alguna persona o simplemente no soportan esta temporada. El juego de voces es muy limpio y la música nunca opaca sus voces, al contrario, las acompaña. Algo que he observado en este género es que los productores destacan exageradamente la música y dejan las voces de sus artistas como algo secundario. In the Frozen es todo lo contrario y dio un resultado maravilloso. 
Llegamos a Daybreak, canción que cierra este álbum con un sonido r&b con algo de blues (no estoy segura del género, pero me recuerda a esos dos. Como en Jazz Bar, Dreamcatcher agrega un toque romántico sin ser exagerado y donde demuestran una vez más su talento y versatilidad. La canción es terapia luego de un arduo día de trabajo, sus voces son dulces con un toque sexy acompañada del piano en el fondo que de seguro te transportará a un mundo de ensueño.
El sonido de los violines al inicio es como un adiós, pero luego aparece el piano con un sonido dramático con una leve percusión que parece decirte “vendremos con más, espera y verás”
Special tracks
 Full Moon:
Las palabras se me quedan cortas para Full Moon, Full Moon es una canción demasiado hermosa tanto líricamente como musicalmente. Algo que disfruto de la música de Dreamcatcher es la forma en se logra describir lo que sienten tan sólo con escuchar las primeras notas de sus canciones, lo digo porque apenas escuchas esta introducción es inevitable no pensar en la luna.
 Over The Sky:
 Esta canción es uno de sus tracks más llenos de alegría y que te hacen querer estar en el cielo, volando y siendo feliz. El sonido del piano es muy característico en esta canción y le da un toque celestial.
Finalmente, estoy enamoradísima de este solo de Lee Siyeon. Paradise me da un sentimiento de tranquilidad, paz y a la vez alegría en tiempos donde uno llega a sentirse solo. La canción inicia con la voz melodiosa de Siyeon junto con los acordes del piano, pasando a mostrar el pop electrónico que la caracteriza. Las armonías en esta canción son perfectas y hay un juego de voces en el fondo que le da un color precioso a Paradise. Por último, debo destacar que el rango vocal de Siyeon es versátil, ella puede darle un tono fuerte a una canción y luego pasar a tener la voz más dulce…realmente, es una cantante que merece el mundo. Y sí, es mi bias asdhasd.
 Detalles destacables: 
Impresionada con lo mucho que ha mejorado Gahyeon y Dami vocalmente, Leez & Ollounder compusieron un álbum donde logran que todas las voces de las chicas destaquen y muestren sus habilidades. El crecimiento de los productores se ve en cada track, especialmente en Black or White, los raps de Dami en cada canción pueden matarte. Las voces de fondo son lo mejor que he visto en años, hay canciones que son ejemplo de ello: Scream, Red Sun, Jazz Bar, Black or White. La parte donde Gahyeon intenta agarrar la piedra me recuerda a las piedras del alma en el juego de King’s Raid, me parece una representación de como su alma se rompe ante la curiosidad de tomarla, es decir que se rompe por leer los comentarios odiosos.  
Ante reacciones de muchas personas sobre de darle un “final” a Silent Night, creo que Leez y Ollounder tomaron nota de ello, ya que ninguna canción tiene un final que te deja esperando por más como lo hicieron en Silent Night! Ejemplo de ello: In the Frozen
Esto ha sido todo y lamento si es largo, pero este álbum merece toda la apreciación que exista, espero que con este nuevo material Dreamcatcher reciba el reconocimiento que merecen, son uno de los grupos femeninos más versátiles y talentosos de estos tiempos. No olviden votar, hacer stream, ok?…nos vemos y sigan disfrutando de la música de Dreamcatcher, bye.
cr: 7dreamers
MV Dreamcatcher Official
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¿Cómo apoyar a Dreamcatcher?
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