#[Niesal -headcanons-]
soulsxng · 1 year
Because I saw it kind of going around, muses that would stalk their s/o:
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Eluvias -This used to have a very big element of Danger to it, since depending on what he saw, it could lead to a whole possessive break in which Luvi could get very violent, very fast. I...don't actually know if he'd get to that point these days, but I know he's the type to stalk an s/o to get more information about them, follow them around, "borrow" things from them, etc. He wants to know everything there is to know, on top of just wanting to be close to them, wanting to make sure they're safe, wanting to make sure they're not getting into trouble--
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Pereux -Mostly just likes watching, and likes when her partner does the same with her. Aside from that, she's also the type to have things set in place that allow her to know exactly where her partner is at all times-- and again, vice versa. In her mind, these are behaviors that show her desire for another person, and their desire for her, in turn. Also, this is kind of normal where she's from (The Otherworlds), so...*shrugs*
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Baphomet -With Baet, he's prone to stalking just about anyone/thing that he finds especially interesting. With an s/o, he doesn't care how long it takes, he'll take his time gathering information about all sorts of things. It's kind of like a game to him, unraveling secrets bit by bit and getting the immediate reward of learning more about the person he loves. He does respect boundaries pretty well though (as opposed to when he was younger), so if there are things his partner doesn't want him poking around in, he'll respect it. Also lots of following them around/showing up places that they're at.
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Ezra -His is more...situational, I feel. It would largely depend on who he's with, and would manifest mostly as check ins or periodically showing up somewhere that his s/o is to surprise them. A big reason why is the whole addictive personality thing-- it's not that he doesn't trust them, or anything like that, but more that he just feels like he needs to see them. It feels good to see/hear/be around them.
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Niesal -In the event they actually ended up in a relationship, there would be a lot of monitoring of their partner being done pretty constantly. And/or a lot of anxious checking in. They'll poke around in their partners secrets and such too, though not too bad. Most of this is, for them, caused by relationships in general are terrifying to them, and knowing more about their partner/what they're doing/where they are is comforting to them. Like Ezra, this might be fairly situational, or depends heavily on who they're with.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Muses that can dance! (Top 5, in no particular order)
Pythius (Can do all kinds of dances, but tends to prefer swing/acrobatic swing dancing! He's really good at any "higher energy" dances like hip hop though)
Tarinx (Another that can do all kinds of dances, but he tends to prefer those that would fall within, or closely resemble, more Latin style dances! Can also belly dance well, which is. Nice c: )
Death (Lerato taught them to dance! Most of the time, they don't really follow any set style though, and tend to just do what feels right, and is fun for them!)
Ber (Like Seffie, Lerato taught him to dance! Not this timeline's Lerato, but shhh we're not talking about that here. Anyway, he prefers hip hop, jazz both regular and contemporary, tango, etc.)
Felesio (A lot of his training focused more on "graceful" and "classical" feeling styles A king should be able to impress people with their poise and grace, or so his parents always said, like ballroom, contemporary, etc)
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soulsxng · 7 months
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MUSE: Niesal Aezana ven Prasmier Carsatra
— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? 
They’re average for their species! In fact, there are quite a few Yvlune elves that are taller than they are.
▸ are they okay with their height? 
They don’t think about it all that much. Unless they had one of their vivid dreams or nightmares from their past life. They were quite a bit smaller back then, so when they wake up, they’ll be a kind of discombobulated for an hour or so!
▸ what’s their hair like?
Really, really thick. Like, they have to use special ties when they put it up, because regular ones just snap on them. It has a wave to it, especially after it’s been washed, but nothing too unruly. A bit on the coarser side, partly because it gets a bit dry at times. A warm, chestnut-y color, and falls to the bottom of their shoulder blades, or about halfway down the small of their back, if they stall on getting it cut for longer than usual.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming?
Surprisingly for some, I’m sure, they actually don’t! Yes, they make themselves presentable, but they’ve never really been into the level of appearance that a lot of the other ven Prasmier tend to keep. They don’t want to seem like they’re above everyone else, they want to look approachable, and they don’t really have any need for a bunch of fancy clothes, or accessories, or make up! Besides, there’s other stuff they’d rather be doing that sitting in the bathroom, preening for two hours a day.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance?
Kinda went into that above. They do care about it, but not so much that they’re going to go spending a vast amount of time on it, or spend a bunch of money on beauty products. Will they still indulge in a little extra pampering here and there when they feel they need it? Yeah, but it’s a few times a year sort of thing— maybe before a big party or other important event.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them?
They do…but not to the point of changing themselves or their opinions because of it. They will keep secrets, but outside of their job, they’re not going out of their way to act like someone else just so they’re liked. Of course, that might be part of the reason why they sometimes do take it a little hard when someone they like or respect doesn’t feel the same way toward them— because they’re just being themself. Maybe it would be easier if they did put on something of a facade…but they don’t.
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors for sure.
▸ rain or sunshine?
Either! They love sitting on their patio when it’s raining, or doing some reading in their tree or on the roof while they soak in the sun.
▸ forest or beach?
Forest. They actually don’t care too much for the beach.
▸ precious metals or gems?
Probably precious metals.
▸ flowers or perfumes?
Flowers; they never use perfume.
▸ personality or appearance?
Personality, though the initial draw for them when it comes to new people is generally appearance based.
▸ being alone or being in a crowd?
Being in a crowd, though not the loud kind. Nesa can deal with that, but they prefer just being in the company of other people. They don’t necessarily have to be doing anything crazy— or even talking much at all!
▸ order or anarchy?
They like a healthy dose of both, thanks.
▸ painful truths or white lies?
White lies.
▸ science or magic?  
▸ peace or conflict?
Again, a healthy dose of both.
▸ night or day?
Daytime edges night out by just a little bit.
▸ dusk or dawn?
▸ warmth or cold?
▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends?
Many acquaintances.
▸ reading or playing a game?
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits?
Lying, keeping things and people at arms length as long as possible. Picking at their food/eating really slowly. (usually because they're doing something else at the same time)
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them?
In their past life, which they're still able to remember vividly, yes. In their current life yes as well, but generally because they pushed the person away.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has?
The camaraderie that came along with first joining the Ven Prasmier. Many of their memories with their family from their past life are ones they hold dear to them. Idle times with Eleare.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill?
Yes, though it tends to stick with them afterwards. They're often able to force themselves to detach from the situation long enough to actually carry out the killing...and then afterward-- usually when cleaning themself up-- is when they'll get sick, or have some other strong reaction to it. Unless the person "deserved it", anyway.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down?
Self-isolation. They'll cut themselves off from everyone and anyone that might come looking for them, or try to contact them, and they disappear without a word. It's usually fairly easy to tell, because in a situation like that, they usually leave so quickly that they don't even pack themself a bag or anything. So anyone that goes to check their home will find things moved about in a way that suggests that whoever was using them left very abruptly-- or like they didn't intend to be gone for more than a few hours, if they were working. These bouts usually last for a week at the very least, but tend toward being longer.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life?
I don't know if they would ever completely trust someone with their life-- definitely not enough to leave their fate entirely in the hands of another, without any input or assistance from themself. Maybe Baphomet and/or Poppy? In that case, they know that their former parents would do absolutely anything for them, if they really needed it. (Nesa has seen them both do such things before, after all) But the fact that "anything" could easily shift something dangerous onto one of their parents? They wouldn't be willing to accept that.
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love?
At first, trying vehemently to deny it to themself and anyone else that might become aware of it. After a while, if the feelings don't go away, they'll try to kind of prod the other person into answering little questions, or giving small "tests" of different kinds, trying to gauge their feelings toward Nesa. Or to figure out the sincerity and certainty of them, in the event that Nesa has been told by the other party that they're in love/have feelings. It takes a long time, and a lot of gentle easing for them to grow to be comfortable with actually accepting feelings of love in a romantic sense...or even in a platonic or familial sense, honestly.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Archetypes quiz | Niesal edition!
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50% Intellectual: The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
25% Caregiver: Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
25% Visionary: Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
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soulsxng · 1 year
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism? ❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone? 🫶what does after care look like for them? For Nesa
@strawberryxdreams | Sinday headcanons | No longer accepting!
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
They're fine with either, but that's about the extent of it. While they lean more toward voyeurism than exhibitionism, neither one is something that they'll be pushing their partner really hard for. If their partner is the one pushing, then they'll probably go along with it as long as it isn't too extreme. Especially with exhibitionism-- as one of Yvlune's Primordial Summoners (and a Ven Prasmier, at that), they do have to upkeep a certain image for themselves.
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zones?
Their pelvic area, around their tailbone, their thighs, and their nipples! Their ears too, now that I think about it.
🫶what does after care look like for them?
Since most of the time their sexual escapades are one night stands (and said one night stands are never at their house), they tend to skedaddle pretty quick after everything is said and done. They're not fans of staying in a stranger's home, and they don't really like sticking around for the (usually awkward) small talk that comes after. After making sure their partner is okay, Nesa is typically just thanking them for their time, gathering up their clothes, getting dressed, and then leaving. And most of the time, their partners are the same way! If it's someone they're closer with, they'll be more apt to stick around longer, but their whole fear of forming an emotional attachment kind of keeps them from indulging in snuggling and such for too long-- if at all, depending. They're fine with showering together and stuff after, they'll grab some water for their partner, or if they're at Nesa's place, let them borrow something to wear if they need it. If their partner wants them to stay the night, or wants to stay the night at Nesa's, they'll say sure, but they'll probably be a little awkward, or maybe even nervous-seeming after that.
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soulsxng · 1 year
👄 for Nesa! (fatestouch)
@fatestouch | Sinday headcanons | Accepting!
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👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more?
They'd say oral, I think. Mostly because with that, they feel more like they can take their time to really enjoy their partner. And since they tend to not really have the same partner twice, (outside of Reyul anyway) that gives them more time to figure out what said partner likes. What parts of them are most sensitive, what's uncomfortable for them, and what their rhythm is, so Nesa can match.
If they jump straight to penetrative sex, they feel like there isn't quite as much opportunity to explore, and as such, it won't really be as good overall. Then half of it is kind of "ruined", in their opinion because they're both kind of guessing more or less at what the other wants.
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soulsxng · 1 year
For the day of nastiness, I offer you this list of muses that go through heat, or something similar:
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Ber and Niesal - Same species, they go through the same thing. They go through heat once every year to year and a half, but it usually lands somewhere between December and March. Lasts for about a week to ten days. Lots of period-like symptoms-- moodiness, bloating, cramping, fatigue, hot flashes, etc. They actually have a lower sex drive than usual during the beginning parts of their heat. It gets higher toward the end, when the worst of the other symptoms start to subside. Niesal usually goes through theirs with Reyul, since they're more or less synced up. Ber, on the other hand, tries his best to keep to himself during it, except in the verses that he's in a relationship with someone.
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Darrow and Eleare - They...sort of have a heat that comes around during the spring time. More accurately, it's that they're only fertile during a month or two of Spring, and then just...isn't, the rest of the year. Aside from that though, they don't exhibit any symptoms, unless they're around another being that's in heat. In which case, it's mostly just horny, more dominant, more prone to fighting, preening and trying to make themselves appear more attractive/appealing to whoever is also in heat. Effects usually last for a couple hours after they're away from whoever triggered the symptoms in the first place.
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Sivel and Alsina - I wrote a thing about the Vasyrus' heats here! One thing I didn't mention on there, is that the frequency of their heats largely depends on how long they've had a cycle for, as well as whether or not they're bonded/have a partner. Those that haven't had a cycle for long go into heat more frequently, and it gets a little farther apart the longer they've had one. Those that aren't bonded/have a partner go into heat more often as well, but have few to no "spontaneous" heats that they have to deal with. For Vasyrus that are bonded/have a partner, they can go longer between heats. However, they'll experience short, "spontaneous" heats that last for a day or two after starting very suddenly here and there between.
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Tarinx - Well. Technically he doesn't actually have a heat right now, since Irekol is a very tropical clime, overall. If he were to spend a lot of time somewhere colder though, or in a place with more variable seasons and such, however, he would experience a heat cycle similar (but more mild) to Aro and Eleare's. One that would be triggered by a change from cold to warmer, more humid weather (Like 90 and up, I would say?) and would last...maybe 3-4 days at a time.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Continuation of Niesal headcanon stuff from here:
- After joining the assassin's group, they felt this meant they were unfit to be a part of the Primordial Summoner council any longer-- let alone the ven Prasmier, though they'd always had reservations about whether or not they deserved that bit in the first place. They tried to distance themselves from moving to the Outer Reaches, a place in Theria that holds the gateway between the realm of Alfheim, and the realm of Metsan. Hoping it would be enough for their people to kind of...leave them alone without outright abandoning the Yvlune, which would have been met with all kinds of scrutiny.
It didn't work. The other ven Prasmier came to "give Nesa their support", thinking that they were blaming themselves for their former family's deeds, or were apprehensive due to the magnitude of what being a ven Prasmier meant for them.
Niesal caved, because the others had always looked out for them, and though they stayed in the Outer Reaches, they were talked into resuming their building responsibilities as one of the ven Prasmier. On top of the work they'd promised to the assassin's group.
- There was another of the ven Prasmier that was especially good to Nesa over this time of them initially learning how to juggle all of this newfound craziness. Reyul Hallon ven Prasmier Geliris; the mark bearer closest in age to Nesa, and one of the few remaining members of the Geliris family of the Primordial Summoners.
The two grew close over time, and talk between the Carsatra and Geliris families soon began about their compatibility as a couple, and a potential arrangement for their marriage. After all, by then the two were already tentatively exploring the possibility of dating, so even if arranged marriages were more typical for the normal Primordial Summoners, not really the ven Prasmier, it was a consideration, in their case and those similar to theirs.
- Though nervous, Niesal was actually alright with the engagement, when it happened. Like I stated above, Reyul was a huge source of support and reassurance for them, and similarly, Reyul quickly became enamored with Nesa in turn. After the engagement (this was almost two full decades after they began working for the assassin's group) took place, they decided that they didn't want to be a part of it, anymore. Reyul, and the Yvlune deserved better...
So Nesa shared everything with Reyul. And Reyul told them he would whatever it took to help them gain their freedom. That he would make sure the group was dealt with properly.
A few days later, they returned home from a job, to find Reyul on the ground. His mark of the stars had been carved from his body, and though he was near dead. The only way Nesa was able to keep him from dying, was with a special concoction, made with the flowers that grow from their own body, and a wish, powered by their own mark.
- While this did save Reyul's life, he was left crippled by whatever enchantment had been on the weapons used to attack him. Body unable to properly keep more than a miniscule amount of energy, and with his mark gone, it would take a lot of specialized care for his body to be able to produce what it needed again.
Reyul is still considered a ven Prasmier, because the marks do come back over time. Nesa broke off the engagement though, because they felt his continued importance to them would just put him in more danger. At the same time though, they vowed to help him, as he had them for so long, and resolved to find a way to undo the damage that had been done to Reyul.
- Sometime after this, Nesa heard about, and hunted down Eleare...who had an well established espionage network. The group Nesa worked for was a target of theirs, and so Nesa went to Eleare to strike a deal. They would give Eleare information that they could use to get rid of the assassin's group once and for all...and in return, Eleare would help Nesa find a way to undo what had been done to Reyul.
This worked out well for both of them, though it still put Nesa out of work. Yeah, the ven Prasmier are usually provided whatever they needed, but most only asked for that much. Nesa felt odd about asking the Yvlune to support anything beyond the barest necessities.
Eleare offered for Nesa to work for them, instead. The work was similar to what they were used to, but murder would be restricted to only those types of people that were causing severe damage to the realm and its people, and those who committed other similar evils. Most of their jobs would be related more closely to infiltration and spying. Some of the work would be long, but it would pay well, and still allow for Nesa to fulfill their duties as a ven Prasmier, if they so chose.
- That brings us to present day, more or less. It took a long while, but Nesa was able to bring Reyul fully back to health. The two are still close friends, though Reyul is constantly trying to get Nesa to at least stop the killing aspect of their work. They still take pretty much any job Eleare gives them though, because they feel it's for a good cause. Though they don't have the full responsibilities of a ven Prasmier, they do have most of them. They regained their memories from their past life shortly after beginning their work for Eleare began, and met Baphomet, Poppy, and their former siblings bit by bit after that.
They don't really like having people go to Yvlune to see them though, because they don't want it to be widely known that they're a Primordial Summoner, let alone a ven Prasmier. It's also because they don't really want people they know meeting Reyul, or others that they're friends with, because they kind of like keeping their private life to themself.
So that's why they usually just use the excuse of "Oh, I'm never really home, so I'll just come to you instead!" a lot.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Some headcanon-y stuff about Niesal that I meant to post the other day when I revealed their full name, but got too distracted to write it out!
- Their full name is Niesal Aezana ven Prasmier Carsatra, and they're part of one of the Primordial Summoner families of the Yvlune elves in Alfheim.
How does that effect them? Well, the Primordial Summoners as a whole are considered the governing body of the Yvlune-- as I mentioned here-- regardless of whether they have a true mark of the stars, or not. Those with the true mark, however, are believed to be destined for a "higher purpose". As such, it isn't uncommon for these with the true mark to be treated with near reverence. This is due to the fact that many believe them to be gifted with the guidance of the stars, and a blessing from the Lifestream itself; the body from which all souls are believed to originate from, and from which reincarnation is granted and made manifest. Nesa is one such Yvlune with a true mark (which is what grants them the "ven Prasmier" portion of their name).
- The branch of the Carsatra family that Nesa was born into, was known for their more corrupt nature. They were, in general, far more interested in securing their own comfort, power, and influence, than they were in their actual duties to the Yvlune. For a long time, their mother (Who was a Carsatra by birth) and her husband's (who was a member of the Aezana Primordial Summoner family by birth) goal was to eventually have at least one child that bore a true mark of the stars. The intention was for this child to grow up and provide them with the "glamorous" life and recognition that they felt they were due.
...Unfortunately, it wasn't Nesa's mother and her husband that brought about Nesa's birth, but rather their mother, and an affair she had. While having multiple partners isn't something that's frowned upon in Yvlune culture, cheating on an established partner for sex, or other such things is. Even more-so that it brought about a child that she tried to, at first, pass off as her husband's. That didn't last long before he found out.
Instead of bringing that kind of potentially negative attention to their family, Niesal's mother, and her husband had the true other half of Nesa's parentage murdered. Better yet, if it weren't for the fact that they found out about Nesa's mark, they would have had them killed, too.
- Niesal was, as such, treated horribly by their family, while still being forced to play a role in their grand schemes. For their mother and father they were a symbol of betrayal. To their siblings, Nesa "wasn't one of them", and yet was born with a privilege they felt should have been theirs by right.
Some of the things they would have Niesal do, was carry out their plots to slander, sabotage, or outright murder other prominent Primordial Summoners, and even two ven Prasmier. To entangle Nesa in their plans in the event they were ever found out, but mostly to get rid of those they viewed as rivals to their own influence-- with the ultimate goal being to more or less overthrow the Primordial Summoners and incite a rule of their own, instead.
- Their downfall was actually Nesa's connections with the rest of the Carsatra family...and eventually, many of the other Primordial Summoner families and the older ven Prasmier. As they grew older, they grew to resent their immediate family more and more, until they ultimately decided to share every bit of damning evidence they could to have their mother and her husband, as well as their siblings, exiled, imprisoned, or otherwise punished for their misdeeds.
They conveniently left out the deeds that they had committed themselves, as, despite the fact that they weren't given much choice in the matters, that murder was still an exile-able offense-- or potentially worse, when the murder of ven Prasmier were considered one of the highest offenses one could be guilty of. At the time, they were barely considered an adult, and didn't have the slightest clue of how to provide for themself, let alone the experience needed to make a way for them to do so, in the event they were kicked out of Theria, the land in which the Yvlune elves reside.
So they lied.
The rest of the council-- and the other branches of the Carsatra family, especially-- were quick to take Nesa's "family" into custody, stripped of their family names, and held until the time in which punishments could be decided and enacted upon them.
Unfortunately, this gave them the chance to try to get back at Nesa, and they hired a group of skilled assassins to have them killed. If Nesa would ruin their lives, then they would end Nesa's entirely.
That obviously didn't end up working. Nesa bested the assassins sent to them, but instead of killing them (knowing that the rest of the group would just come after them if they did so), they struck a bargain with them. In return for sparing their life, Nesa agreed to pay the group an exorbitant amount of money, and the group agreed.
- Some time after this, however, the group came back. They wanted more money, and when Nesa refused them, they were threatened with blackmail. If they didn't comply, the group would reveal to the Primordial Summoners, Nesa's involvement in their former family's machinations. And Nesa was young...and afraid. So they complied. Giving the group more and more, until eventually, they had nothing left.
At first, they began to ask for money from some of the other Carsatras...but that eventually garnered suspicion as to what they needed so much for. They used their title as one of the ven Prasmier, but were worried that it would soon bring about the same. Not to mention they hated exploiting the people that looked up to them, and relied on them...even if it was just because of their mark.
...So instead, they offered to work for the group that was exploiting them, in return for the group's continued silence. It was all they could think of that would be of value. Again, the group agreed, and this is how Nesa got into their current line of work.
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soulsxng · 1 year
bd.sm test
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soulsxng · 2 years
📂 Nesa
@strawberryxdreams | Random Headcanons | Accepting!
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📂- They always have music playing in their head, and not in the 'a song is stuck in their head' type of way. More like a playlist that continues on through the entire day, though it can change based on what they're doing. Because of this, some people might notice when they're deep in thought, or distracted, they'll be humming through song...after song...after song.
If there is one song hummed on repeat, it's because they're frustrated, or stuck on a thought/problem.
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soulsxng · 2 years
📂 📂 📂 and for Nesa!
@fatestouch | Random Headcanons | Accepting!
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📂- Like many Yvlune elves, Niesal smells very faintly of flowers-- similar to a hyacinth, to be more specific. If they touch something the oils on their skin will leave behind a little trace of that scent. This is especially satisfying to them when they're touching or rubbing against someone else, as it'll leave the other person "marked" by them in a way...and even if they're not about that emotional life, they are definitely about that possessive life anyway.
📂- Sorta building on that last thing, they've always been pretty big on physical contact. It was something they picked up from Baphomet, and something that is still comforting to them even in this life. If someone is comfortable with it, and Nesa likes them, I can guarantee they'll be touching all over that person-- if not straight up hanging off of them.
📂- The type of chaotic that can and will straight facedly bite into a whole ass lemon while making direct eye contact with someone, just to screw with them. If they can mess with someone, they absolutely will. Unhinged lil' shit.
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soulsxng · 2 years
❓ Niesal and Zeqyabin please!
Two truths | Accepting!
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"Remember, Nesa, it's two truths and a lie, not two lies. Not three lies. No cheating! For me, though...
Sun Spot is my second shop, not my first!
The reason I don't have any piercings, is because when I did have one, the stud melted when I overheated.
I'm not all that great at cooking.
Your turn!"
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"You really have no faith in me, do you, Zeb? I'm hurt! I'll have you know I play-- and win-- every game I'm in fair and square! So you'd better be paying attention, because I won't be going easy on anyone.
My longest job took me just under five years to complete.
The flowers that sometimes grow in my hair can relieve pain.
I just so happen to be a part of the line of Yvlune's High Summoners. (mun note: They're essentially saying that they're considered nobility)
So, let's see what everyone thinks about that!"
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soulsxng · 2 years
☆ for Nesa!
@fatestouch | Random hc meme | Accepting!
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☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
The moon-- another one of the few traits that followed them over from their previous life. The Witch's Sabbaths that Baphomet holds always used to be their favorite events to attend, back when they were still Arilya. The dancing, the magic and rituals, bonfires so big that they seemed to reach up to take hold of the moon itself.
They were times of happiness and excitement; a gathering of friends and family all brought about by the full moon. It's something that's still important to them, to this day.
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soulsxng · 2 years
Muse lingerie preferences! Pt.2
JJ: He has no preference between lingerie or outfits, and would be just as happy to wear it himself as he would be asking a partner to wear it. Chest and back are two places he usually pays a lot of attention to, so anything accentuating either place is always a good idea!
Either way, on his partner, he really likes things that incorporate lacy or sheer elements to them. Something that they can wear under (or over, in the case of a harness or something similar) their clothes all day is even better, though I don't think he'd be able to decide if knowing they're wearing it early on would be better, or if them surprising him with it later would be!
Ber: Pretty much exclusively wears the lingerie himself, and tends toward more form-fitting things. He doesn't mind if a partner wears it too, but the whole "suit and tie" thing is always a weakness of his. Or his partner wearing a button down shirt that's...honestly probably barely even buttoned. He'll be slipping his hand in their shirt throughout the day, just to cop a feel. Dress pants on the suit and tie thing get the periodic butt-grab treatment.
If his partner rips or ruins any of his favorite lingerie, it is at their own peril-- he's wearing that as much for himself as he is for them, and he doesn't want it ruined, thank you very much! He does buy some things with the intention of it ending up destroyed though, and he won't be shy about telling his partner either way.
Ezra: Doesn't have a ton of experience with sex, so he hasn't had a lot of people trying to wear lingerie for him. Honestly, if/when a partner does, they're probably met with a solid minute of red-faced staring as he completely blue screens and has to reboot lmao.
Harnesses or something with a similar look would be an easy favorite for him. Fishnets (either stockings or part of a body suit, or whatever else) would be another, I feel.
...I feel like he could get really into a maid outfit too, dammit.
Niesal: Has seen and worn a lot of lingerie, and while they still like it, I feel like they'd prefer an outfit. Or even just a cute bra/underwear set, or something simple like that.
Another thing that they like is the lingerie in public thing. Wearing a mesh or see-through body suit under a partly open jacket and pants, or wearing one of those above-or-just-covering the titty crop top things. Honestly though, for them it's almost always going to come down to confidence to whether or not they're going to react to something or not. Watching someone strut around in something sexy, and they can just tell that the person knows they're looking good? Super attractive to them.
Zeqyabin: Doesn't really care much about lingerie? Likes heels. That style where it's bodysuit and pants, and it leaves a part of their hip/waist/side visible? That's another thing that he tends to like. Harnesses and that sort of thing is another, but those can also make him get to that "...oh fuck, they want to have sex, don't they." space, and even if he does like it, he'll kind of take a step back.
I feel like knowing someone dressed up specifically for him would be something he could get into, though!
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soulsxng · 2 years
🧱 🤝 ❌ - for the three puppies Wrenn has yet to put back fdsfasdfs
@soraeia | Headcanons pt 1 | Accepting!
[ 🧱 ] how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values? [ 🤝 ] how does your muse approach intimacy? are they hesitant, or do they like it? what types of intimacy do they like and dislike? [ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
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[ 🧱 ] - Probably the most "morally sound" out of his family-- both in this lifetime, as well as his previous one as Kaine, that hasn't changed at all! Core values would be things like kindness, respect, and understanding, but also wisdom and curiosity! A lot of people would probably call him an idealist, because he believes that people should be good to each other. A slight against you doesn't always require retaliation...and that sometimes, doing so just means you've stooped to their level. That kind of thing.
Does he understand that life isn't perfect, and neither are people? That different places have different beliefs as to what is right and wrong? Yes. Of course he does. And he feels that should all be met with understanding, even if he doesn't necessarily agree.
Just because he wants existence to be a nice place for everyone...that doesn't mean he views it as such.
[ 🤝 ] - Qai enjoys being intimate with people-- physical, sexual, emotional, it's all on the table. He's respectful about it, and none of the three are "deal breakers" in friendship or romance. I would probably say that emotional intimacy would be the exception to that, though. Qamis himself is a pretty emotionally open person, and if he feels like he's trusting someone with that, while he feels he knows little about them or how they're feeling? It's discouraging to him. He'll probably evaluate the relationship with the other person (whatever that may be) and decide if he's maybe taking it more seriously than the other. If the answer is yes, he'll make himself a lot more scarce to that person. Less a "waste of time" to the both of them, in his opinion.
[ ❌ ] - Sickness and injury still scare the absolute hell out of him. Even if he can't really get sick in this lifetime, spending most of his past life ill and unable to do so many things is still something that sticks with him now. What if the curse comes back? What if someone he loves ends up sick? A cough, or a few beads of blood will have him wide-eyed in a second, and probably rushing over to check up on the other person, regardless of if it's serious or not.
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[ 🧱 ] - Nesa's moral outlook is more...complicated than Qai's. While they don't like being unnecessarily mean to people, or harm them, or whatever, that's more personal life Nesa. However, they're also very "I'm going to live however I want/need to, and if you think it's wrong, that's your prerogative. Get in my way though, and I will make you wish that you hadn't."
Work Nesa just...doesn't care. If they're being paid for it, they're doing the job. They're not paid to decide whether it's right or wrong. They made that mistake once, and it nearly cost them their life, so it's not going to happen again.
Things like challenge and curiosity would be core values for them, but also things like loyalty, pleasure, and autonomy.
[ 🤝 ] - Physical and sexual intimacy? Both big, big things with Nesa. They're really casual with it, especially physical intimacy-- if they like someone, they're pretty much always touching them in some way or another. Emotional intimacy is something they're much less comfortable with, though, and it takes a while of them warming up to someone before they're willing to be more emotionally open.
[ ❌ ] - Their past life. Big, big thing for them. This lifetime hasn't been kind to them at all, and because they remembered their past life so young, they grew up with this...odd sort of feeling that they weren't where they were supposed to be. Not quite abandonment, but they definitely spent a lot of time wondering where their siblings, and their parent (Esryn) ended up, and if they'd been reincarnated as well. Where Baphomet was, and whether or not he knew that they were alive again.
As they grew older, however, and came to find out the fates of their former family, they felt more and more guilty about wishing so desperately to go back to what they had. They all led their own lives now. Separate, and happy, and was it really fair for them to try to force everyone back together just because they were struggling?
It's why they're so happy when Baphomet or Poppy, or one of their former siblings contacts them, or comes to visit...but also why they try so hard to hold back on doing the same with them.
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[ 🧱 ] - Zebi falls somewhere in the middle of Qai and Nesa. Core values for him would be fairness, autonomy, and knowledge, as well as peace and respect. He wants to be able to live more or less how he wants, but isn't going to hurt anyone to do so. He doesn't feel as though anyone is really above anyone else, nor should they be.
People should offer to help others when they're able to do so, and treat them with kindness...but when someone is an ass, or treats people like shit, he also feels he should be allowed to kick that person down a few pegs, too.
[ 🤝 ] - Sexual intimacy is most difficult for him. He's not entirely sure why that is though, as he does experience sexual attraction and desire. It's just once things start to take a turn toward becoming sexual that he hesitates with. Being touched normally? That's fine, he doesn't mind a little affection! As soon as it starts to seem sexual though, he's uncomfortable. Not really sure.
He's open to sex, but it's not going to be a super normal thing. One night stands don't interest him, and if he does choose to have sex with someone, they're going to have to be fairly patient with him as he gets used to the idea of it.
[ ❌ ] - This one is hard, because nothing immediately screams at me for him. I would probably say that it's people's perception of him, though? Part of the reason that he acts the way he does, is because he got tired of being used. Smart, strong, formerly the son of Baphomet himself? People saw that, and they saw how kind he was on top of that, and they thought "Wow, this guy is a sucker."
Zebi is naturally a very trusting person, and he likes being able to help people. By acting like...well, a himbo, it gives him a sort of distance from the people that approach him. A little bubble of protection that allows him to try gauging what their real intentions are, and what kind of person they may be.
The biggest problem with that, would be that when they do become his friend, or he decides they're trustworthy...do they like him for him, or for who he acts like he is?
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