#[Pereux -headcanons-]
soulsxng · 1 year
Because I saw it kind of going around, muses that would stalk their s/o:
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Eluvias -This used to have a very big element of Danger to it, since depending on what he saw, it could lead to a whole possessive break in which Luvi could get very violent, very fast. I...don't actually know if he'd get to that point these days, but I know he's the type to stalk an s/o to get more information about them, follow them around, "borrow" things from them, etc. He wants to know everything there is to know, on top of just wanting to be close to them, wanting to make sure they're safe, wanting to make sure they're not getting into trouble--
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Pereux -Mostly just likes watching, and likes when her partner does the same with her. Aside from that, she's also the type to have things set in place that allow her to know exactly where her partner is at all times-- and again, vice versa. In her mind, these are behaviors that show her desire for another person, and their desire for her, in turn. Also, this is kind of normal where she's from (The Otherworlds), so...*shrugs*
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Baphomet -With Baet, he's prone to stalking just about anyone/thing that he finds especially interesting. With an s/o, he doesn't care how long it takes, he'll take his time gathering information about all sorts of things. It's kind of like a game to him, unraveling secrets bit by bit and getting the immediate reward of learning more about the person he loves. He does respect boundaries pretty well though (as opposed to when he was younger), so if there are things his partner doesn't want him poking around in, he'll respect it. Also lots of following them around/showing up places that they're at.
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Ezra -His is more...situational, I feel. It would largely depend on who he's with, and would manifest mostly as check ins or periodically showing up somewhere that his s/o is to surprise them. A big reason why is the whole addictive personality thing-- it's not that he doesn't trust them, or anything like that, but more that he just feels like he needs to see them. It feels good to see/hear/be around them.
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Niesal -In the event they actually ended up in a relationship, there would be a lot of monitoring of their partner being done pretty constantly. And/or a lot of anxious checking in. They'll poke around in their partners secrets and such too, though not too bad. Most of this is, for them, caused by relationships in general are terrifying to them, and knowing more about their partner/what they're doing/where they are is comforting to them. Like Ezra, this might be fairly situational, or depends heavily on who they're with.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Top 5 (it's 6 but shh) believers of "I can make him worse"
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5. Vanyllo/Tarinx
I've been trying to decide between these two since I started working on the other post, and I ultimately couldn't. Both of them are fucked up in more or less the same ways though, and while they wouldn't push the people they loved too hard to do bad stuff...it wouldn't be something they necessarily avoided, either. To them, it's just part of the way life is. Sometimes giving in and punching that person heckling you in the face is therapeutic, okay? Seeing the person who thought they could push your friend around beaten and bruised at your feet can be a thrill you don't find elsewhere.
The only reason they're so low is because a lot of what they would be making people worse with is violence alone, and not too much else.
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4. Ezzion
Possibly ironic for someone that used to be in charge of people that were locked away for doing messed up things. Still, Ezzi has always been of the mindset that if you want something, you take it. You deserve it, so you should get to have it! What? Someone else has it though? Well that sucks for them, doesn't it?
The only reason they're not higher, is because they usually don't care too much what other people do, as long as they're not stopped from doing what they want to do. If they try to convince anyone to do something bad, it's usually for the fun of it.
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3. Ber
Ber will almost always encourage the worse of two options, I can guarantee it. If it helps the one he cares for (or himself) come out on top, he's not above dragging anybody into his bs. A lot like Ezzi in the "You have power, why wouldn't you just take/do what you want?" camp.
Sometimes he'll even build someone up into doing fucked up things just so he can step back and blame them for something that he did. Serves them right for thinking he would ever choose them over himself. (though there are a couple exceptions that he would never do this with)
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2. Pereux
...Please tell me what you expected from someone who used to be referred to with titles such as "The Monsterous Nightmare", "The Nightmare/Terror Queen", and "The Phantom Queen"?
She's not quite as bad as when she was still going by Mórrígan, and she won't act in a manner that's against something she has foretold happening...but outside of that? She's as bloodthirsty and dangerous as any of the Aos sí and Fae can be.
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1. Death
They're honestly just a little nutcase. Absolutely batshit insane. And they have an energy that somehow manages to sweep up just about anyone in their shenanigans...regardless of whether they meant to be, or not.
Again, like Pere, I don't know what else would be expected from them. They're literally the final Horseman of the Apocalypse. They're gonna encourage some indulgence in the immoral whenever they have the opportunity to do so.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Archetypes quiz | Pereux edition!
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45% Visionary: Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
40% Rebel: The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
15% Spiritual: The Spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
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soulsxng · 1 year
🎥 (Pereux)
@lunarxdaydream | A scene in the life... | Accepting!
"Mórrígan! What have you done?!"
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"Exactly as has been foretold, dear Lugh. Did you really expect for me to allow myself to be trapped-- this bird has never known a cage, nor does she plan to any time soon. You were warned of this, were you not? Perhaps you should have planned accordingly at that time, as opposed to dismissing me off-hand."
"Lying witch!"
"Foul betrayer!"
"Yes, yes, I can hardly blame any of you for being angry...what was it Dagda called me before? The source of our people's fighting, or something to that effect? I must say, you all seem rather united, at this moment!"
The look that her fellow Tuath Dé shot in her direction as she laughed was particularly venomous...and yet, her smile never once faltered. She felt no guilt, for this situation.
After all, she had already foreseen the humans driving the Tuath Dé into the mounds. The Otherworlds, as it would be called, once the space inside grew to become its own realm. A home for faeries and all manner of other beings.
But for the time being...it was meant to be a prison. One that would hold its charges for well over an age.
Mórrígan would stand for no such thing...and so, she struck a deal. A deal that, so long as she provided her assistance in trapping her fellows, she would be allowed to remain free.
Not that she believed such a thing-- it was likely than not that the humans would attempt to double cross her in some manner or another.
And so, she didn't want to stick around any longer than was necessary. That would be far too tempting to fate.
"I should really be going, though. Please, enjoy your stay! Or not. It hardly matters to me, either way."
When her form twisted and changed to that of a large crow, she heard both shouts of the humans, and of the Tuath Dé...but she didn't turn around once she took to the air.
It wasn't as though there was anything left for her there, anyway. All she wanted to do right now, was get back to her beloved.
"Roishe...worry not, my dear. Soon, I can return home to you."
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soulsxng · 1 year
bd.sm test
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soulsxng · 2 years
Nirbhi, trying to explain her matter and spatial manipulation abilities (Which she calls “balancing”, since that’s usually more or less what she has to use them for.
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“Oh, gee...that’s a complicated one. Here, so um...ah! Think of it this way! When the vibes of a place are off, I can just like...okay, essentially, I reach in there and give it a good shake! I tell it to behave, or it won’t pass the vibe check, and then it does!”
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soulsxng · 2 years
The “Is usually rather composed, but will excitedly talk your ear off for hours if you bring up one of their interests” squad:
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soulsxng · 2 years
Me, working on Zahine’s bio: Okay, so I need to know where your scars a-- Zai: --Like...all of them? Are you sure? Me, checking my old notes: ...Fuck, you have way too many.
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soulsxng · 2 years
👚- What color do they wear a lot of? (Pereux)
@thewolfisawake | Style Headcanons | Accepting!
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Pereux tends to wear white, black, and grey as the "main" colors of her outfits, and then accents them with bolder colors. Golden jewelry, or brightly colored scarves, capes, hats-- whatever strikes her fancy at the time, really! She also likes to change whatever the accent color in her hair is, as well as her eye color to bring everything together.
Other than that though, she tends to be partial to deep purples, rich blues, and bright pinks!
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soulsxng · 7 months
A random headcanon for y'all on this chilly morning, about how the muses walk with their s/o!
Jaspern is the type of person to, while walking with his s/o, keep a hand in their back pocket, to keep them close to him. Very effortless and smooth, but also affectionate. Same with Io, I feel. Also JJ, because he grew up seeing Jas do that, tbh.
Pythius is similar, but he's more likely to hook his fingers in his s/o's belt loops to tug them over, before putting an arm around their waist or something. If he's walking behind them, he'll do it if he needs to "steer" them a little, or wants them to slow down. ("I want attention", essentially) Aro, Zikiriel, and Sarakael also do this one, on occasion.
Aro and Eleare will curl their tail (or a few of them) around their s/o, or drape one over their shoulders. Or will alternatively stand/lay on their s/o's shoulders in their little fox forms.
Cilatyve actually doesn't care too much for flat out holding hands-- he uses his to navigate too much to feel super comfortable with that, especially if he trips or something. Instead, he likes to coil his tail around their thigh, wrist, or arm. Arin and Jaey, if their tails are out, will also curl the end around their s/o's wrist or thigh when walking. Otherwise, it's more common for them to just coil around their s/o entirely once they've settled from going somewhere together.
Zikiriel will, instead of wrapping an arm around his s/o, keep a wing curled around them sometimes. Keeps them close, and gives them a bit of privacy on top of that (he's not a fan of people staring at his s/o, sue him)
Nirbhi, Ezra, and Sarakael like to keep their hand their s/o's back while they're walking, or occasionally rested on their shoulder. That way, they and their partner can walk at whatever pace they want! But if something happens, it's easy enough to tug their shirt or give them a little nudge or something to avoid or draw attention to whatever it is.
Enoch, Pereux, Bleddyn, and Shilo tend to shift positions when they're walking with their s/o a lot. Eno and Jinnie tend to walk slightly behind, Bleddyn slightly in front, and Shilo not really having a preference...but if someone unknown approaches their s/o, or they go to pass someone, etc, they'll automatically move to position themselves between the other person and their s/o. Actually, Kade also fits here. Huh. That's a lot more muses than I'd thought would be put here.
Baphomet...man, I don't know. He's clingy. As always. Please be careful not to trip. Niesal can surprisingly also get like this, when they actually fall for someone, so I guess it's hereditary.
Sivel and Alsina, when walking around with (or especially traveling with) their s/o, their wings will almost always be buzzing in a very specific pattern. It's sort of announcing that they're with their person. And that they're excited, because they're going somewhere. With their person! They don't even realize they're doing it, honestly.
Fele and Laisren tend to do the more refined offering an arm to their s/o. Keeping them at a slight distance, and separating to take their hand instead to help them down stairs, or over a curb or puddle, or whatever else.
Zahine (and Kade and JJ, during the times that they're not in their other categories) likes to do the closer linked arms thing. Where he has one arm linked with his s/o's, and he's leaned on them or encouraging them to lean on him a little while they walk. Makes it easy to sneak a cheek kiss or something in, if he wants to!
Ber, Eluvias, Ezzion, and Vanyllo tend not to touch their s/o much while they're walking. Luvi, because he's used to not being able to touch people much without them being hurt by his poison. The other three...mostly just because they don't want to, for one reason or another. All four of them do constant check-ins, though-- looking back at their partner frequently, or engaging in really brief touches, to make sure they're doing alright. Another thing they tend to do is that little "curls their just the tips of their fingers with their s/o's" thing whenever they stop or slow down. As a sort of "I'm still with you" thing.
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