#I went back and forth with putting Ezra and Nesa on here since like it says
soulsxng · 1 year
Because I saw it kind of going around, muses that would stalk their s/o:
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Eluvias -This used to have a very big element of Danger to it, since depending on what he saw, it could lead to a whole possessive break in which Luvi could get very violent, very fast. I...don't actually know if he'd get to that point these days, but I know he's the type to stalk an s/o to get more information about them, follow them around, "borrow" things from them, etc. He wants to know everything there is to know, on top of just wanting to be close to them, wanting to make sure they're safe, wanting to make sure they're not getting into trouble--
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Pereux -Mostly just likes watching, and likes when her partner does the same with her. Aside from that, she's also the type to have things set in place that allow her to know exactly where her partner is at all times-- and again, vice versa. In her mind, these are behaviors that show her desire for another person, and their desire for her, in turn. Also, this is kind of normal where she's from (The Otherworlds), so...*shrugs*
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Baphomet -With Baet, he's prone to stalking just about anyone/thing that he finds especially interesting. With an s/o, he doesn't care how long it takes, he'll take his time gathering information about all sorts of things. It's kind of like a game to him, unraveling secrets bit by bit and getting the immediate reward of learning more about the person he loves. He does respect boundaries pretty well though (as opposed to when he was younger), so if there are things his partner doesn't want him poking around in, he'll respect it. Also lots of following them around/showing up places that they're at.
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Ezra -His is more...situational, I feel. It would largely depend on who he's with, and would manifest mostly as check ins or periodically showing up somewhere that his s/o is to surprise them. A big reason why is the whole addictive personality thing-- it's not that he doesn't trust them, or anything like that, but more that he just feels like he needs to see them. It feels good to see/hear/be around them.
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Niesal -In the event they actually ended up in a relationship, there would be a lot of monitoring of their partner being done pretty constantly. And/or a lot of anxious checking in. They'll poke around in their partners secrets and such too, though not too bad. Most of this is, for them, caused by relationships in general are terrifying to them, and knowing more about their partner/what they're doing/where they are is comforting to them. Like Ezra, this might be fairly situational, or depends heavily on who they're with.
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