#[Possible New Verse Tag Pending?]
roseplendunce · 2 years
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The pseudo-saiyan startles slightly at the sudden exclamation, breaking the deep level of concentration and focus he had been maintaining while playing around with his alteration-type ki, as well as causing the magenta-colored energy to dissipate. Black took a moment to calm his nerves a bit before whirling around to face the color-shifted fusion, more than a little peeved at having allowed himself to be so easily spooked.
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“You,” he snaps, somewhat cantankerously after calming down a bit from that earlier scare “What is it that you want?”
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ali-annals · 1 year
Ao3: AbyssalAli     Wattpad: AbyssalAli     Non-Maribat masterlist
You can also find my Master Masterlist in my navigation bar.
~Rules & Regulations
~Submission Suggestions
~Housekeeping Hours
Rules & Regulations
please be polite
I'm here for fandom, not politics or drama. The only drama I want to consume is the Bats' clownery
I do not allow my stories to be reposted. Talk to me about translations, adaptations, etc.
feel free to write fanfic of my fanfic, or be inspired by something I wrote. I'd love it if you tagged me!
I do not allow my work to be stolen. Even if it may not be 'good' or professional, I came up with the writing elements and spent hours of my time writing, typing, editing, and polishing
I also do not steal other people's works. I have done my best to give credit where I have been directly inspired. If you think one of my works is plagiarizing someone else's (or vice versa), let me know and I'll do my best to resolve the issue
For this reason, among others, I have included dates in my Master Masterlist and have dates enabled on tumblr. Also, there are a lot of repeated tropes in this fandom, so it's hard to write completely new content without reusing some elements of others' stories. I’ve done my best to use my own ideas and put my own spin on the tropes without copying others’ works.
Submission Suggestions
I am open to writing maribat/DCxMLB fics upon request.
When submitting a prompt/ask, please keep in mind that I have an offline life, my personal fanfics, and other requests/collabs/etc to work on. Answering, writing, and posting your request may take some time
I reserve the right to reject your request
When your request has been acknowledged and accepted, it will appear under the {...pending…} banner in my Requests Masterlist
Send me asks about my fics, either posted or WIPS!
Submission example: Request: "Hi, I really liked your Cardigan AU and would like to see an extra scene inspired by the first verse of Cardigan. Would that be possible? Thank you." Response: "Of course, love! I actually have 2 extra scenes inspired by lines from verse 1: "vintage tee, brand-new phone/ high heels on cobblestones" and "sequin smile, black lipstick". One or both should be up within two weeks. I'll tag you* when I post!" *if you are not on anon
Ask if I have deleted scenes from a fic you liked! Ask if I have a HC for a character! Ask to see a scene from someone else's POV! The sky's the limit:)
Send a prompt of a Taylor Swift lyric or song (check out my IbTS Masterlist first to see if I've already written a fic based on that song. Feel free to request the same song with a different ship!) [Why TS? it's a sort of personal goal to write a fic or Drabble for every TS song in existence/hj]
Send a different song or lyric (which I am less likely to know but will do my best. I readily confess I have unoriginal music taste and I Do Not Care.)
Ask to join a taglist! I have 3 currently, all open: 1) General (you'll be tagged by both @/abyssal-ali and @/ali-annals for both DC/Batfam-only and DCxMLB content) 2) Maribat taglist (only tagged by @/ali-annals when I post a new work) 3) Series Taglists for open Series [current: Reputation 'Verse, Cardigan AU, Rival Mob Boss] (you'll be tagged by @/ali-annals when I post a new addition to one of the series). Alternatively, subscribe to my ao3, either my author or that series' page:)
Housekeeping Hours
Tags To Know:
> #fic : writing
⇢ #ali writes : my original DCxMLB writing
⇢  #fic rec : others' original DCxMLB writing
> #art : any type of art: digital, pen and ink, paint, etc
⇢ # ali draws : my original DCxMLB art
⇢  # DCxMLB art : others' original DCxMLB art
> #ali speaks : personal/blog updates
> #ali answers : asks are answered
>> series tags
> #bmmdi : boldly made me do it
> #MM : maribat meetcute
> #IbTS : Inspired by Taylor Swift
JULY 2023: I am going on hiatus from writing, posting, and most interactions with the DC and Maribat fandoms. My explanation is here, if you are interested. My taglists are still open, as I do plan on returning to writing one day (and may occasionally post the odd Maribat or DC fic), so feel free to still request to join!
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0mnimorphic · 3 months
wip intro [last edit: 07/03/2024]
🌑 no designated name; call us 0mni if you must.
🌒 they/them pronouns as in nonbinary and plural. 🌟 if accessible, our pronouns page: [WIP]
🌓 25+ y.o alterhuman experiencing polymorphism since birth 🌠 (pun intended)
🌔 unsure if because of spiritual, psychological, or trauma reasons. 🌟 feels more intrinsic due to experiences prior to our trauma.
🌕 no definitive list of morphs, as they range across time and 'verse. 🌠 we use generalized/vague tags for this reason, see taglist below.
🌖 morphs also range per system member, indicated by an emoji. 🌟 non-specific example (without brackets and slash): (#/🌃)
🌗 currently, we aren't looking for those who knew us in another life. 🌠 due to various reasons, safety included; may change in the future.
🌘 otherwise, we are neurodivergent, disabled, mad, & survivors. 🌟 personal details will be omitted, but trauma may be mentioned.
⭐ Experiencing polymorphism since birth? Unsure of the reason?
your guess is as good as ours. we hope that, by having this blog, we will be able to finally figure out what these shifts indicate after all this time. until then, we don't fret over the details, and just enjoy our alterhuman and nonhuman experiences.
⭐ Switching between plural and singular language?
some of us feel more comfortable referring to ourselves as a collective, while others will use more personal language. this is for comfort reasons, as well as part of our self-acceptance plan.
⭐ Opinions on ___ following you?
as long as you're not on our dni, we (kindly) don't care and want nothing to do with any kind of fight or drama. we are only here for documentation and discovery, as well as pretty pictures and good feels. maybe a friend or two made, if possible and in the future.
⭐ Will you talk more about your plurality?
for safety and comfort reasons, no. apologies for the inconvenience.
🌙 this blog is a massive wip by very nature.
🌙 there will be (tagged) trauma themes mentioned. 🌟 dehumanization, social & familial traumas, and death specifically.
🌙 there may be (tagged) suggest!ve & h0rny content mentioned. 🌟 tags pending; NO EXPLICIT NS.FW WILL EVER BE POSTED.
🌙 due to our disabilities, only common triggers are tagged. 🌟 tag examples: #trigger tw #trigger cw (best to blacklist both)
🌙 we are still relatively new to online communities.
🌙 we may get terminology wrong, and apologize in advance.
🌙 we do experience stress-related psychosis + avoidance behaviour. 🌟 for this reason, please let us know GENTLY if we messed up. 👁️‍🗨️ failure to do so will result in an immediate block for our safety.
☀️ RADQUEER, TRANSID & RELATED (uncomfy 4 trauma reasons)
☀️ DRAMA/CRINGE-FOCUSED BLOGS (incl. "shipping discourse")
☀️ FANDOM BLOGS (unless you're rbing to a secondary kin blog)
we block freely & without warning, and will do so if the vibes are off.
DO INTERACT (AKA Safe Space For):
🌻 Trans women & femmes.
🌻 Intersex & GNC folks.
🌻 Good faith identities.
🌻 Alterhumans, nonhumans, otherkin, otherhearted, etc. 🌟 P-shifters, 'thropes, & species dysmorphic included!
🌻 Folks who experience neurodivergency, disability, personality disorders, madness, chronic illness, trauma, and other lived experiences that cause them to be discriminated against.
🌻 POC & indigenous peoples.
🌻 All underrepresented & disadvantaged communities.
please let us know GENTLY if ever we accidentally say/reblog something appropriative or offensive, so that we can apologize and delete it ASAP. we do our best to be vigilant and stay educated, but colonialism is insidious. it is never in our interest to spread bigotry, and we apologize in advance should this accidentally occur.
we also apologize if we accidentally follow/interact with you when we fall under your dni. we do what we can to double and triple check, but oopsies happen. feel free to block us in such an event.
#/0mniposting - personal/blog posts
#/cosmic: celestial - space & paradise feels
#/cosmic: horror - abyssal & eldritch feels (horror tw)
#/cosmic: void - void feels
#/digital: affection - robot/android/computer feels
#/digital: infection - virus feels
#/digital: intelligence - ai feels
#/divine: love - yearning, obsession, & grief feels
#/divine: fallen - sacrilege, vice, and reclamation feels
#/divine: wrath - justice, vengeance, & justified rage feels
#/divine: wyldling - circle of life & the red hunt feels
#/paleo: claws - extinct sauropsid feels (dinos, birds, reptiles)
#/paleo: fangs - extinct synapsid feels (mammals)
#/paws: howls in the city - domestic canine feels
#/paws: howls in the desert - desert canine feels
#/paws: howls in the valley - tundra & taiga canine feels
#/paws: mustelid menagerie - self-explanatory feels
#/paws: snarls in the city - domestic feline feels
#/paws: snarls in the sand - desert feline feels
#/paws: snarls in the snow - tundra & taiga feline feels
#/the red hunt - hunting, ferality & gnashing teeth feels
#/the storm within - storms, seas, and subconscious feels
#/the stones below - ancient worship & primordial feels
#/the skies above - worldly disconnect & paradise feels
#/🌿.tri - tw: substances, trauma, glitches, death & grief
#/🌃.lun - tw: death, themes of despair, suggestive themes
#/🍭.mar - tw: death, themes of loss and child death, violence
#/🦡.bli - tw: predation, violence, blood, animal death, grief
#/🦦.ynn - tw: implied relationship abuse, loss of freedom
#/🖥️.iki - tw: loss of freedom, violence, obsession & despair
#/🦉.ryk - tw: themes of loss and death, injustice, unreality
#/🐾.cat - tw: themes of loss and despair, grief, longing
0 notes
shireness-says · 5 years
Election Day
Summary: This is, arguably, the stupidest thing her best friend has ever done. So how in the hell did Charlie Jones get dragged into it? A 5B Divergence 'verse future snippet. ~1.8K. Rated T for language. Also on AO3.
A/N: @snidgetsafan and I plotted this out a couple of months ago, and it remains an absolutely ridiculous idea. Hopefully in a good way. I love the dynamic of these two idiots.
Tagging: @thejollyroger-writer, @profdanglaisstuff, @captainsjedi, @ultraluckycatnd, @superchocovian, @snowbellewells, @killianjones4ever82, @ohmakemeahercules, @let-it-raines, @lifeinahole27, @kmomof4, @scientificapricot, @spartanguard, @courtorderedcake, @justanotherwannabeclassic, @teamhook, @thisonesatellite
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
“This is the stupidest thing we’ve ever done,” Charlie grumbles to her best friend - former best friend? That may depend on the next two weeks - from their table in front of the town gazebo. Their campaign table. For the mayoral campaign that Vera decided to stage.
You can’t make this shit up.
Honestly, it fucking figures that this is how Vera Mills-Locksley would stage a bout of teenage rebellion. Vera had inherited none of the malevolence but all of the attitude of her mothers - biological and adopted. Generally, that means she’s more bark than bite, more prone to mouthing off than actually doing anything (or at least doing anything genuinely shitty - Charlie’s found herself helping with more than her share of insane ideas over the years). There had been an incident last month about curfew, though, after they and Gideon French had got home a little late from a bit of post-football celebrating. Okay, an hour late. Charlie kind of understands why Aunt Regina had blown her top - this was Storybrooke, after all, where anything could happen. It definitely didn’t help that they hadn’t called or texted. It was probably a small miracle that Fitz or Dorothy hadn’t stopped them in the cruiser.
Still. Vera was… well, Vera, and even if the town agrees that she’s generally a good kid, Charlie knows from long experience that she doesn’t like being told what to do. The really unfortunate moment had come when the redhead had realized that she’d turn 18 only two days before the mayoral election - the election that, until then, Aunt Regina was running unopposed in. For an office that would allow Vera to change the curfew time. 
And when you phrase it like that, it’s almost too easy for a teenager with an attitude and an interesting concept of justice to decide that she’s going to run for mayor and drag her best friend along with her.
The Demon Teen in question (title patent pending, and possibly subject to change if it turns out that Charlie can achieve a new level of frustration before the actual election) hums skeptically. “Is it though? What about the time we borrowed your dad’s boat for that party?”
“Ship,” Charlie answers automatically after years spent in the Jones household. Unfortunately, Vera has a point; it definitely wasn’t one of their brighter moments, though in Charlie’s defense, Christian Erikson was just as good a kisser as he was cute. Still, she’d ended up grounded for a month and scraping barnacles, plus treated to a great safe sex refresher course after her dad had discovered Vera and Gideon trying to get things going in one of the crew cabins. All in all, a goddamn shit show. “But fine, second stupidest thing we’ve ever done. You do admit this is stupid, though?”
“Oh, undeniably,” Vera scoffs. “It’s only stupid if we don’t win though.”
“Ok, that is not how it works.”
“Hey, it’s my plan, it works however I want it to. Jeez, it’s almost like you don’t want to be my vice-mayor.”
“Gee, I wonder why,” Charlie mutters under her breath, before continuing less subtly. “That’s not even a thing.”
“Again, my plan, so I say it is.” As some poor unsuspecting townsperson walks by, she quickly plasters on a grin. “Would you like a campaign button?” she calls. “Vote Mills-Locksley for Mayor on November 4th!”
“Okay, so if it’s a thing, what does a ‘vice-mayor’ even do?” Charlie continues once Mr. Harris is out of earshot. 
“Fuck if I know,” Vera admits flippantly. “Look, it’s a good campaign decision. You’re a Jones, and a Charming for that matter. That means something in this town. I may be more charismatic and better suited —” Charlie squawks in protest at that - no one would ever claim that Vera is well suited to be mayor in any reality - but her best friend plows on ahead “— but you’re more…”
“That’s the one.” You had to give Vera that - she was always fully aware of how people might see her, considering her bloodline, and somehow still managed not to punch people for it. That was more Charlie’s job, anyways. “Now try to look happy, someone’s coming.”
Charlie squints into the distance, only to recognize the familiar gait. “That’s just Dad.”
At least he comes bearing coffee cups from Granny’s. “There’s my favorite candidates!” he calls as he approaches.
“You know I can’t actually serve any office, right?” Charlie questions wryly (not snaps or snarks or any other adjective the look on her father’s face suggests - just questions). “I won’t be eighteen until May. I am literally just a campaign tactic, and a pretty obvious one at that.”
“Play nice, Bean,” her dad murmurs as passes Charlie a travel cup before changing back to a normal volume. “Now, that’s a hot chocolate for you, sweetheart, with cinnamon of course. And Vera, a s’mores mocha for you.”
“Thanks, Captain Jones,” Vera smiles with that politician smile she’s perfected in the past few weeks. Honestly, for a girl who’s never shown a lick of interest in politics in her life - and Charlie’s been there for the vast majority of it, she would know - the redhead sure has adapted quickly.
“I believe that’s more respect than you’ve ever showed me in your life, Miss Mills-Locksley,” the pirate replies with that same wry tone Charlie uses. She had to learn it somewhere, after all. “It would have been much more appreciated when I found you and Gideon French trying to defile my ship, but beggars can’t be choosers, as the saying goes.”
“I think they also say ‘better late than never’,” Vera points out. “Also, ‘what’s done is done’.”
Charlie turns to look at her friend in disbelief. “Really helping your cause, aren’t you?” 
“Out of necessity, diplomacy has become my greatest strength.” God, Charlie hopes she’s kidding. Or being sarcastic. Or literally anything but meaning that sincerely, because the truth of the matter is that there’s only so much a human being can believe and a diplomatic Vera Mills-Locksley isn’t one of those things. 
“Yeah, sure it has,” Charlie settles for mumbling under her breath. Mutinously seems like a good descriptor, here, if she’s looking to become even more like her dad than everyone already claims she is.
(It’s the hair and the ears and maybe a bit of the face, honestly. The eyes and the attitude are all from her mom.)
Vera shoots her a bit of a dirty look, but the plastered-on smile is back only a moment later to schmooze Charlie’s dad. “What can we do for you today, Captain?” she makes sure to emphasize, probably to throw them both off. It would be totally in character, honestly. 
“I was hoping to procure some more buttons please, future Madam Mayor.” 
“Oh my God,” Charlie groans. “How could you have possibly gotten rid of all of those so quickly? We gave you, like, 50 a couple of days ago.” Her dad is arguably - hell, definitely the biggest supporter of this poorly planned campaign. Mom had just kind of rolled her eyes, though Charlie could spot a smile too; Uncle Robin mostly seemed conflicted between pride at Vera’s ambition and disappointment at her effort to spite her mother. And Aunt Regina was flat out pissed, and trying not to show it so that Vera couldn’t accuse her of undermining the sanctity of the election (they were cut from the same cloth, nurture over nature, and Vera totally would). Dad, though… Dad clearly thought that this unexpected campaign was the best and funniest thing to happen in Storybrooke in ages, a callback to his chaos pirate days or something. He handed out buttons at the docks, and at the Sheriff’s station, and at Granny’s - especially if Aunt Regina was there to see it. 
“I’m just here to support the cause,” he says smoothly. Not that Charlie believes that for a second; even though she’s sure he is proud, in his own weird way, it’s definitely for his own entertainment too. She halfway remembers him running for mayor one year when she was a kid just to piss Aunt Regina off. Maybe she’s carrying on the world’s stupidest family tradition or something. 
“Now tell me, Madam Mayor,” he continues, deftly ignoring Charlie’s irritation and general foul mood - seriously, you’d think he’d be more considerate of his daughter - “what will you do first, once you’re elected?”
“Oh, we’re so not winning the election,” Vera snorts.
“Now lass, I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I’m told that the democratic system is full of surprises - ”
Despite Dad’s best attempts at encouragement, Vera just keeps laughing. “Oh no. I won’t. I’m a friggin’ teenager running for mayor, it’s not going to happen. And even if it does, I’ll resign after a week at most. I’ve still got high school and college and drama club, I don’t have time to be mayor.”
“So this is just to get back at your mother, then?” Dad asks. “On the one hand, I’m always happy to see Regina sweat a bit, but as a parent I feel like I shouldn’t encourage this kind of mutiny, lass.”
Charlie takes a sip of her hot chocolate, leaning back to watch the show. Frankly, this looks like it will be the most entertaining part of this whole idiotic affair.
The half a grimace that Vera pulls in response sure is a look, at least. “I mean, kind of? But mostly I’m hoping to get some bargaining power. I figure, if I concede - or at least resign and give the office back to Mom… maybe we can negotiate an extended curfew.”
It’s diabolical, truly. Charlie’s kind of impressed, not that she’ll ever admit it. Her dad clearly is, too, as he barks out a laugh and grins back at Vera. “That’s quite the plan you’ve concocted, Miss Mills-Locksley. A pirate after my own heart. You have my vote.”
“Thanks, Uncle Kil; I’ll be counting on that the Tuesday after next.”
They do lose, of course; they’re a couple of teenagers running for office, one more willingly than the other. It was inevitable, no matter how many campaign buttons Killian Jones hands out everywhere in town.
There is a negotiation, however, where Vera agrees to give a concession speech supporting her mother’s re-election in return for a revised curfew. The extra hour on Friday and Saturday nights isn’t much, but it feels like a big victory now that all is said and done. Charlie’s just glad it’s over; she certain won’t be pursuing a career in politics. 
(The button, however, stays on her dad’s desk in a special little frame Mom bought just for him. She’s never going to outrun the whole fiasco, but as far as Dad’s concerned, maybe that’s not all bad.)
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hostilebutcuddly · 5 years
03 Lan Fan
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[Tag: pending ]
Name: Lan Fan Alias(es): Lanny, Lan, Fanny Age: 22 Height: 4’9 Weight: 135 lbs Hair: Black, falling to mid-back and usually kept in a loose bun Eyes: Black Skin: Light Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her Orientation: Demisexual/Panromantic Distinguishing Characteristics: Automail left arm.
Background: 3 years before the start of the Elrics' journey, a trio of foreigners crossed the great desert from Xing to Amestris, searching for the secret to immortality. Chased by the military supposedly for entering the country illegally, in truth it was the many probing questions about alchemy and immortality that the young Prince who lead the group kept asking around the capital city that drew unwanted attention from the higher ups. With the military police hot on their tail they found themselves traveling down past Rush Valley and eventually to a town called Dublith which seemed to be permeated with a strange qi that none of the native townsfolk were aware of.
With the military still on their tail the young Prince and his two bodyguards made a base camp of sorts in a derelict and abandoned bar where against the guards better judgment they decided to investigate the source of this and see if it might hold the answers they came to that country to find.
The further into the town they went the more heavy and oppressive it became, until at last they found themselves on the edge of a lake looking out at a seemingly deserted island. It was here that the military forces caught up with them and an undesired yet heated battle broke out, with the Prince and his guards desperately trying to make it to the small boat at the other end of the shore to escape. The first blow to their mission hit hard as the elder bodyguard Fu took a fatal blow intended for the young Prince, military officers overtaking his body and preventing them from retrieving it.
With just Lan Fan left to protect him they barely made it to the boat and while attempting to cast off another gunshot rang out in the night, mortally wounding the young man as they left the dock and dry land behind. The military was behind them on the shore, but ahead of them the island looming dark in the night was still far off. With no room in the tiny rowboat to perform alkehestry all the girl could do was try to stem the flow and hope they made it to dry land in time.
They almost did too. While faint, the prince was still breathing when the wood slid onto the sand of Yock Island. There and old woman greeted them much to Lan Fan's surprise, instructing the young woman to bring him up to her mansion. She called herself Dante and when asked if she could save the prince the woman let out a rather cold sounding laugh, telling Lan Fan that no, he was much too far gone. But that Lan Fan had the power to bring him back if she wished. That dark, heavy qi was all around them now but the guard hardly took note of it.
Lan Fan was lead to a room in the mansion with a massive transmutation circle, where she was instructed to place the body in the center. The skeptic in her screamed that this could never work, but this apparent wise woman urged her on and instructed her, saying they had to hurry while the wound was still fresh and no rot had set in. Before she realized it was too late and Dante had left the room, taking with her a coiled up lock of hair clipped from the body as part of her “preparation guide”.
No sooner had she followed the instructions for this foreign ‘alchemy’, than Lan Fan found herself before the gate. Terrifying and ominous it towered over her small body, opening wide and revealing a multitude of eyes gazing out at her from the pitch black inside. As she looked on in shock and horror the writing darkness reached out with tendrils like thousands of tiny hands, grabbing hold of her and seeming to swallow her up. She was sure she blacked out after that but when the woman woke she could see the first signs of movement from the body in the center of the room.
She was also missing her left arm, blood pouring from the place where her limb used to be. Dante returned shortly after, a bowl of strange red stones and a set of bandages in hand. Without much strength in her at the time Lan Fan's weak protests went unacknowledged as she was separated from the prince's body and ushered off to another room the recover from her encounter with the gate, leaving Dante to attempt bringing this new young homunculus into her fold.
She'd never admit it, but Dante got a bit more than she'd bargained for with them. The homunculus she'd dubbed her second incarnation of Greed acted more like Gluttony, demanding food too often while still going on about money and power, and Lan Fan couldn't be confined to her room no matter how the woman tried. Even with one arm missing, she managed to slip in and out whenever she had the strength and the many items she had hidden on her person counteracting anything Dante tried to put in her food to keep her sedated and complacent. What's more; the more Dante tried the more suspicious of her Lan Fan became, until she'd decided even with her arm as it was that it was long past time to escape.
She stole a sack of the strange rocks and another sack full of bread into her bag late one night and began to search the mansion for the man she thought had to be the Prince, tracking his familiar but now distorted qi until she found him at last tucked away in a room she was sure was as far away from her own as the old woman could manage.
Without asking a single question she told him they were leaving, then tossed him some bread. The bribe worked just as she knew it would and he followed her out of the mansion and down to the beach. The boat was still tethered there and there didn't seem to be any guards protecting this secluded mansion. Perhaps Dante was glad to see them go, feeling like this pair was more trouble than they were worth. Or maybe in her arrogance she assumed that the homunculus would find his way back to her eventually, just as they all did.
She didn't pursue them, but discovered later to her chagrin that Lan Fan had taken one more item on her way out; the carefully collected lock of hair.
Lan Fan didn't discover until after they had left, after they were on their way back north out of Dublith and towards Rush Valley how different this man was from the one she'd known most of her life. How he claimed not to remember anything of his life before but said that ruling a country sounded like a good enough deal to him. How he clung to the name Greed despite the fact that he too didn't trust the woman who'd bestowed that name on him. Still, he felt he owed some debt to Lan Fan in part for their escape as well as the buried knowledge that it was her sacrifice that allowed him to exist. In light of that he agreed to travel with her for the time being.
Lan Fan still felt she had to protect him even with all his objections but she knew she'd be all but useless as a bodyguard with a missing limb, and it was with this in mind that they made their way into Rush Valley to search for an automail engineer who could help restore what Lan Fan had lost. They were taken in by a kind soul who realized they hadn't been able to change Lan Fan's bandages since their escape and saw the risk for infection was high if they didn't act quickly.
During her long recovery, Lan Fan felt almost hopeless. Despair weighed heavy on her heart as she at last began to process the loss of her grandfather and the situation in which she found herself. She could not return to her homeland. Not like this. Not with this... entity who now wore the face of the prince and yet acted in a way he never would have when he was alive. She could return alone and bring news of Fu and Ling losing their lives at the hands of the Amestrian military, but Lan Fan did not feel she could simply abandon the homunculus regardless of his self assured attitude. She still felt as though the memories of his life as the prince were inside him somewhere. Whether that was true insight or a stubborn unwillingness to accept reality, who can say.
Powers and Abilities:
The Dragon's Pulse – Lan Fan as the ability to sense the energy of living things known as qi or ki. She can use this ability to track an individual even in crowded areas or in darkness. A person may be able to change their appearance but they cannot change their qi.
Alchehestry – As part of the duties she holds as a bodyguard Lan Fan has been trained in the art of alchehestry; a skill similar to alchemy with a focus on medicine and healing. It is possible that like alchemists who have been to the gate she too no longer needs a circle to use her abilities, but as yet this hasn't been tested.
Martial Arts training – Lan Fan is well versed in martial arts due to her upbringing as a bodyguard.
Hidden Weapon/Ninjitsu training – Along with her martial arts training Lan Fan is also well versed in hidden weapons and items such as kunai, darts, smoke bombs, flash bombs, and other ninja arts. She was truly require to master a wide and diverse set of skills in her role as royal bodyguard.
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Duncan Info
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Full name: Duncan Marcus Evans
Species: Human
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
FC(s): Matthew Daddario || Kovu ( The Lion King 2 )
Bio: From a young age, Duncan has felt like the black sheep of his family. And who can blame him? Everyone else is a respected member of the law, all police officers... and he just happened to have a problem with rules. Rules are meant to be broken, and sometimes it was way more fun than to follow the law and be a member of society. That’s what he always thought. 
Even then, Duncan never went that far with his criminal tendencies: vandalism, stealing stuff... sure, but he would never intentionally kill someone and don’t even dare to suggest he‘s one of those psychos who hurt animals for shits and giggles. He’s bad... but he’s not that bad. Deep inside, he has a hard of gold. It’s just way more fun to be chaotic, make fun of others and intimidate others, not to mention he HAD to act strong and tough while he spent most of his years in Juvy.
One day, however, he saw the add that would the beginning of big changes in his life. He saw Chris McClean, a popular TV show host, announcing his next project: a reality TV show where 22 teens would compete for 100.000 dollars. Duncan saw his chance to get out of Juvy ( even if it was only for the entire Summer ) and possibly return with money for his lawyer. And so, he made a “one of a kind” audition, which made him an official participant for Total Drama Island.
He didn’t do bad -- heck, he ended in fourth place from 22, that’s incredible! And, if he had to be honest, the experience wasn’t that bad. I mean, anything is better than being in Juvy, but he made some cool friends along the way like Geoff and DJ, as well as meeting a “one of a kind” type of girl in Courtney.
Due to circumstances too complicated to explain, he was one of the few to return for the second season, Total Drama Action, in which he became a finalist alongside Beth. A year later, he returned for Total Drama World Tour, only to immediately quit due to being constantly annoyed by non-stop bickering and the singing... oh, the singing. Unfortunately for him, he was eventually forced to return mid-season ( ergo, forced to sing ) and here is where his bad judgment got the better of him.
Looking back, he regrets the love triangle fiasco between him, Courtney and Gwen, but at the time he didn’t give a fuck what others would think. These reckless mistakes and acting too idiotic would continue in All-Stars, the fifth season of Total Drama and the last time he appeared in live TV. Fortunately, despite how stupid he was acting, Duncan was able to ponder over his own attitude recently... and how not worth it was.  Like, sure, he has always been sarcastic, a little shit and enjoys making fun of others to some extent... but that was when he didn’t give a crap about the world, about the future or the people around him.
The catalyst to his “change of heart” was remembering Mal, the top dog of Juvy -- not even he dared to cross paths with him and was fortunate enough to remain low-key while he was there. Knowing what the guy was capable of made him reconsider his actions, leaving aside his pride and “tough bad boy facade” to help others, especially Zoey. Despite his best efforts, however, Mal eventually learned about it made a plan to have him kicked out. Well, not only did he succeed, but he also made Duncan go back to jail... even if this time he managed to get out early due to good behaviour.
Now as a free man, while not changing one bit of his physical appearance ( Like, c’mon, the mohawk and the piercings are dope as hell ), he IS trying to move on and have a new life... a better life. He began to work at a tattoo and piercing shop as an apprentice, slowly getting to do his own work and having his own customers. The few people that don’t outright hate him from Total Drama still keep in contact with him, much to his luck. He’s still a jackass... but he’s a better jackass than when he was 16.
Note: Follows canon events up to a certain extent, diverges heavily in the events of All-Stars and the aftermath of that.
V001: Delinquent Without a Cause
Default main verse. Takes place after all the events of the Total Drama seasons he participated in ( for more information on my divergence in All-Stars, read the bio ). He’s currently living on his own in a small apartment, with a German Sheppard he adopted from a shelter while it was still a puppy, and working full time at a tattoo and piercing shop.
V002: I Wanna Be Famous
Mid-show verse. For anything or any interactions that happen within the context of Total Drama, in any of the seasons he participated in: TDI, TDA, TDWT or TDAS.
V003: Last Surprise
Persona 5 verse. His lawyer, when speaking to the judge who sentenced him to 2 more years in Juvy, said that travelling abroad would do good for him. Something about different environments and different routines, or something like that. Duncan didn’t ponder on it until he had arrived in Japan, and even then he only REALLY thought about what this was doing to him months later when his life changed in the most unexpected way.
It all started with Duncan doing something stupid. He was getting irritated by the idea of being a transfer student in a country he barely knows, to which he can barely follow a conversation with his basic Japanese... this led him to the shady deals of Junya Kaneshiro. However, what seemed like a good idea at first turned into a nightmare for him. If his lawyer learned about his, he would be brought back to Canada to complete his sentence behind bars... heck, they would probably make it longer!
But then... something unexpected happened. One of his classmates, a dyed blond punk questioned him about the blackmail ( first of all, how did he learn about it?? ) -- he only told him the truth in private, to warn him of the dangers and to make him stay away. He fucked himself over, he wouldn’t let others go through the same if he could avoid it. However, not only did he encounter that dude again, but discover a different reality from their own: the Metaverse.
That’s how he met the Phantom Thieves, how he learned about their identities and what they actually did to change people’s hearts. And the craziest bit? He, too, had the potential. Seems like his rebellious nature had awoken this “potential” years ago, however now it was actually manifesting due to being in the Metaverse. He was already a rebel, why not just continue being one? And like that, he ripped off the mask that formed on his face, his clothes chancing to something more leathery-like, and now having a large three-headed hellhound standing beside him: Cerberus. He was now known as “Demon”.
NOTE: He’s 16 in this verse and nothing from Total Drama happened in this verse. Not even TDI.
OUTFIT // MASK // ARCANA: The Hanged Man
Courtney :: [ Pom ]
:: Duncan ♥ We stick to our guns and we love like battleships [ Courtney ( floofymuses ) ] ::
Gwen :: [ Star ]
pending tag
Lynn Darcy :: [ Bae ]
pending tag
Lyle Darcy :: [ Bae ]
pending tag
Ann Takamaki :: [ Josie ]
:: Duncan ♥ Don’t think twice baby [ Ann ( galaxyveind ) ] ::
Magnolia Grey :: [ Josie ]
:: Duncan ♥ Dirty dancing [ Maggie ( galaxyveind ) ] ::
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brawlin-broly · 6 years
The Verses
🐉  Movies & Series Canon  - Verses  🐉
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Step Inside, See the Devil in I  | Hell | Otherworld; (Ask Default)
Setting: Follows after Broly’s death when the Son family Kamehameha blast sends him hurtling into the sun, as seen in Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Second Coming, Age 774. Can take place both in the Dragon Ball universe’s concept of Hell that Akira Toriyama designed or the world above with Broly having escaped; given that in some game adaptations and the end of Bio-Broly it is suggested he has either escaped, attempted escape, or caused trouble while in Hell. 
Broly’s Motivation: An opportunity to explore Hell, search for ways to escape or to wreak havoc, and to grow stronger by challenging new opponents. Anything is better than boredom, Broly does not manage boredom very well. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses who find themselves in Hell either by having died or by some other means (e.g. alive but visiting; a good soul/hero who fell off Snake Way, etc.); also good for people who want to try a horror or supernatural crossover that might connect their muse to the Hell of Broly’s verse. 
Tags: #I’ll Show You the Rage I’ve Hidden (Otherworld verse canon)
Freak On a Leash | Pre-Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan
Setting: Takes place before the events of Dragon Ball Z: The Legendary Super Saiyan movie canon (between ages 737-774). Can include young Broly traveling with Paragus, older Broly prior to the establishment of New Vegeta, or while Broly and Paragus are on New Vegeta preparing to lay their trap and lure Prince Vegeta to the doomed planet. 
Broly’s Motivation: An opportunity to explore the possible events and space adventures that could have led up to the first movie canon while Broly traveled the galaxy with Paragus (before and after he began using the crown to control Broly’s power) and during the period they were settled on New Vegeta preparing it for Prince Vegeta’s arrival. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses who come from sci-fi series; space pirates or travelers in the DB/Z/S verse; and alien muses. 
Tags: #Feeling Like a Freak On a Leash (Pre-LSS canon verse)
When Legends Rise | Dragon Ball Super Canon
Setting: TBD -- Coming soon pending the Broly DBS movie release.
Broly’s Motivation: TBD -- Coming soon pending the Broly DBS movie release.
Intended Audience: TBD -- Coming soon pending the Broly DBS movie release.
Tags:  #When Ashes Fall the Legends Rise (DBS verse)
🐉 Dragon Ball Game - Verses 🐉
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I Am An Animal | Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast 2 
Setting: Following the events of Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Second Coming and the events of Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast 2, Broly survives being blasted into the sun by the Son family Kamehameha and gains a Zenkai boost by extracting every drop from his Saiyan potential. He returns to Earth, thirsting for revenge. Alternatively, Broly arrives on Earth having survived his battle with Goku and is found and brainwashed by Dr. Gero to be used to advance his own aims of revenge against Goku.
Broly’s Motivation: Revenge on the Son family and all those who would defy him. An opportunity to explore SSJ3 Broly on Dragon Ball Earth in a post-Second Coming movie setting. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses interested in exploring Dragon Ball Earth and encountering an SSJ3 Broly or a brainwashed Broly under the control of Dr. Gero. 
Tags: #You Can't Cage the Beast Inside of Me (Raging Blast 2 gameverse)
Remember Me For Centuries | Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai
Setting: Set in the Mirai-verse (Future-Verse), with a Mirai version of Broly who encountered but was defeated by Mirai-Goku. He aligns himself with Babidi and his forces against Mirai-Trunks and the Z-Senshi in search for the Namekian Dragon Balls on New Namek. Alternate scenarios include Mirai-Broly breaking free from Babidi’s control or only feigning to be under Babadi’s Majin control. 
Broly’s Motivation: An opportunity to explore Mirai Broly and Majin Broly on New Namek and the Mirai-verse as a whole. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses interested in the Mirai verse, New Namek, and the chance to encounter Mirai-Broly and/or Majin Broly. A good option for sci-fi muses and crossovers. 
Tags: #Some Legends Are Told (Shin Budokai gameverse)
Who Am I Supposed to Be | Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors 2
Setting: Follows the Supersonic Warriors 2 gameverse, in which Paragus and Broly trick Prince Vegeta into coming to New Vegeta earlier than in the film and succeed in defeating him. Possible options to explore include: a verse where Broly and Paragus have built an empire on New Vegeta following the defeat of the Saiyans on Earth and Lord Cooler, only for Broly to head to Earth in order to battle Perfect Cell, Majin Buu, and Babidi thus becoming an unintended guardian of Earth; a verse where Broly defeats the Z-Senshi and, following the destruction of New Vegeta, pursues them to Earth as they flee to regroup only for Broly to be defeated but left alive to vow to take revenge; and a verse where Broly barely escapes New Vegeta as it is being destroyed and lands on Earth after the defeat of Kid Buu crash-landing near Satan City and hitting his head, which causes him to lose all his memories but for his name and befriend Mr. Satan and eventually settle more peacefully on Earth like Buu. 
Broly’s Motivation: An opportunity to explore the different scenarios presented in the Supersonic Warriors 2 verse, ranging from reluctant-Earth-hero Broly; to revenge-driven Broly; to amnesiac Earth resident and friend to Mr. Satan Broly. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses interested in exploring different variations of Broly on Dragon Ball Earth or Broly and Paragus as part of an empire on New Vegeta in a verse where the other Saiyans are dead. Good for sci-fi muses and crossovers. 
Tags: #Buried Fine Lies Make Big Black Holes (Supersonic Warriors 2 gameverse)
Flames Singe My Eyes | Dragon Ball Heroes
Setting: Follows the first of the Dragon Ball Heroes games and manga, with Broly Dark affiliated with the Demon Empire and under the influence of the Dark Dragon Ball via the Time Breaker Mask.
Broly’s Motivation: An opportunity to explore SSJ4 Broly, Broly Dark, and the Demon Empire of the Dragon Ball Heroes-verse. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses familiar with the Dragon Heroes canon or muses interested in the Demon Empire concept and/or SSJ4 Broly/Broly Dark. A good option for sci-fi, supernatural, and horror muses seeking a potential crossover. 
Tags: #I Can’t See No Light (Dragon Ball Heroes verse)
The Threat Is Real | Dragon Ball Xenoverse 
Setting: Follows the events of the first in the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games, with Broly infected by Demigra’s Dark Magic. Involves Brolly time-travelling to Age 762 (Frieza Saga) and the dying planet of Old Namek miles away from where Goku confronts Frieza before landing on Earth. 
Broly’s Motivation: Under the influences of Demigra’s Dark Magic influence, Broly rampages through space and time. From Age 774 to age 762; from Earth, to Old Namek, to an Earth of the past. An opportunity to explore wormholes, time-travel, and the influences of Dark Magic on Broly.  
Intended Audience: Open to other muses who may be familiar with the Dragon Ball Xenoverse canon. A good option for sci-fi, supernatural, and horror muses and crossovers given the use of wormholes, time-travel, and Dark magic. 
Tags: #Seeing Red Again (Xenoverse gameverse)
Gotta Deal With The Devil | Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Setting: Follows the events of the second of the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games. Can involve Broly enchanted with the Supervillain Power-up State traveling to Age 796 of Mirai Trunk’s timeline during the events of Goku Black/Zamasu through the Time Rift created by Goku Black’s abuse of the Time Ring in conjunction with his scythe that connects multiple timelines and eras. Alternatively, Broly can be found in Conton City and wherever else the Time Patrollers are able to go for training as a mentor/instructor to other warriors. 
Broly’s Motivation: To wreak havoc throughout time or to train those weaklings who might seek to defend the universe. An opportunity to explore Broly in the Mirai timeline during the Black Goku/Zamasu saga of Dragon Ball Super or to train with Broly as an instructor/mentor. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses who are interested in encountering Broly in the Mirai timeline during the events of Goku Black/Zamasu or muses who are interested in having Broly as their mentor/instructor. 
Tags: #If You Want to Burn Light it Up (Xenoverse 2 gameverse)
🐉  Canon AU/What-Ifs & Crossovers - Verses 🐉
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Transfusion with Somebody Morose | Post-Legendary Super Saiyan AU
Setting: Goes AU after the events of Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan and explores alternatives to Broly’s arrival on Earth in Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Second Coming. Plot opportunities can range from Broly escaping the destruction of New Vegeta by Space Pod or via his Powered Shell technique like when he was a child. Can take place in space or on other planets. The alternative option to the film explored in Dragon Ball Kai: Super Battle Stage could also be explored, wherein Broly’s crown is not destroyed and Bulma or another muse finds a way to use it to contain Broly’s power. 
Broly’s Motivation: Survival after his first bitter defeat at the hands of Goku and his allies; an opportunity to explore Broly in an AU/What-If scenario where he still loses his battle to Goku on New Vegeta but doesn’t arrive on Earth in the same way as in Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Second Coming.
Intended Audience: Open to other muses who are interested in interacting with Broly post-LSS but Pre-BSC. A good option for crossovers, other DB/Z/S muses, sci-fi, and alien muses. 
Tags: #My Foes They Can't Destroy my Body (LSS AU)
The One You Thought You Could Erase | Post-Broly Second Coming AU
Setting: Goes AU after the events of Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Second Coming and explores the possible ways Broly could have survived his battle on Earth. Plots opportunities can range from Broly being found adrift in space like when he was a child; to temporarily or permanently amnesiac Broly; to captive/experiment Broly; to any number of other possibilities/suggestions. 
Broly’s Motivation: Survival against the odds, following two failed attempts to defeat his bitter nemesis Son Goku. An opportunity to explore a What-If/AU continuation where the second movie left off in which Broly survives being blasted into the sun by the Son Family Kamehameha Wave and what that might mean for him.  
Intended Audience: Open to other muses who are interested in interacting with Broly post-BSC. A good option for crossovers, other DB/Z/S muses, sci-fi, and alien muses. 
Tags: #Number One Motherfuckin' Survivor (Second Coming AU)
 Meet The Monster | Bio-Broly
Setting: Age 774 in the Dragon Ball Z verse; can follow the events of the creation of Bio-Broly and explore possible scenarios where the experiment produces a more successful replica or Bio-Broly is unleashed into the world. Also an opportunity to explore Bio-Broly in an AU lab setting with a scientist muse where Mr. Satan, Android 18, Trunks, and Goten never appeared. 
Broly’s Motivation: To understand his place and purpose; an opportunity to explore a more fully fleshed out version of the Bio-Broly concept and how he differs or is like his progenitor. 
Intended Audience: Open to other muses who are interested in interacting with Bio-Broly in an AU setting. A good option for sci-fi muses (especially scientists) and DB/Z/S muses. 
Tags: #It's Hard Not to be a Menace to Society Bio-Broly canon)
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adeadgodcandream · 3 years
Welcome to the RP blog for Kathryn J. Shepard! THIS IS A SIDEBLOG OF @ghilannainguideme​. The ask box is always open, and I love meeting new people. <3
General guidelines:
I am open to RPing with most characters from the Mass Effect universe, including other original characters, or other characters with Mass Effect AUs.
I am in my thirties, and Shepard is of legal age in all her established ‘verses. I ask that my RP partners are also 18 or older.
We do not need to be mutuals if you want to interact! Memes and banter make great ice-breakers and are typically open to anyone. Likewise, my inbox and IMs are always open if you want to chat OOC, and I will give out additional contact info (email, Discord) on request.
Be fucking kind. I don’t tolerate queerphobia of any sort, nor do I have patience for racism, ableism, classism, et cetera. I will not participate in censorship/callouts unless there is a material threat to a real person.
Tagging, trigger warnings, and NSFW content:
If we are mutuals, please tag the following for me: drunken behavior or heavy alcohol use, addiction (any kind), pregnancy/childbirth. Please also refrain from using this content in our RP interactions.
Some possible triggers you may encounter on this blog are blood and gore, food and eating, mentions of alcohol consumption (but not drunkenness, addiction, or drinking to excess), PTSD, mental illness and sexual content.
A list of this blog’s commonly-used tags is in progress...
Sexual content will always be tagged as #not safe for spectres. Any text that is particularly explicit will also be under a Read More.
I am willing to write sexually explicit content with a partner who is of legal age, but I may not necessarily be comfortable writing smut for every pairing I ship, or interested in doing so all the time. If you’re interested in this, ask me so we can discuss it!
I will not write sexual assault, non-consensual sex, or sexual content involving minors. However, other characters I write with may have these or related themes in their backstories, and I can’t promise they will never be mentioned here. Any such references will be tagged as clearly as possible.
On writing/RPing:
The usual: don’t godmod, and don’t force actions or thoughts on Shepard. If you’re unsure whether you might be crossing a line, please ask!
This post is a great summary of the extent of minor godmodding that I’m OK with.
I do not expect my writing partners to strictly match length as long as there is enough content for me to respond to. Sometimes I get carried away, particularly with starters; sometimes I can’t find very much to say.
I don’t use any special formatting, and I rarely use icons. I just care about writing! I would prefer that my partners not use small text, a lot of fancy characters/font changes, or extra spaces.
I’m open to RPing via Discord or email, pending discussion.
I’m a very slow writer and my mental health isn’t great, so I may take a long time to reply. Feel free to check in if you think I’ve missed a thread or message, but don’t pester me repeatedly. If I need to drop a thread, I’ll let you know.
Liking & reblogging:
Please do not reblog:
in-character threads from me if you are not a participant in them.
my personal OOC posts, including repost memes, even if they seem ~relatable~. I will block blogs for this.
Please do feel free to reblog:
ask memes, prompt lists, and so on! Please just send me something from them if you do.
drabbles/prompt fills/meme responses to you. (If you would like to reblog fic that was written for someone else, check with them first, but it is generally OK with me.)
Hit that ‘like’ button or leave comments on whatever you want. It’s really nice to know if you enjoyed reading something I wrote, even if it wasn’t written specifically for you or about your muse.
On shipping:
If you know my other blog, you know I am a Certified Ship Goblin, and I  consider threads with different ships to be set in separate ‘verses. Shepard is generally monogamous, but open to threesomes or consensual polyamory.
Shepard is pansexual, so don’t hesitate to approach me with same-sex or otherwise non-het ships (trans/nonbinary inclusive).
Please do not force-ship or begin an interaction assuming a romantic relationship if we haven’t established one, regardless of who your character is. Ask me first if you are interested in shipping.
That said, I typically don’t mind if you send shippy memes or prompts once our characters have interacted a little.
If I ever discuss or write a ship between our muses in a way that makes you uncomfortable, let me know! Respecting your level of comfort is important to me.
0 notes
gerec · 7 years
What I’m Writing Meme
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
Tagged by the wonderful @turtletotem :D :D :D
Tagging: @thea-polis, @lachatblanche, @widgenstain, @traumschwinge, @unearthlydust, @mnemo-ink, @awfullythick  
1. Married Xavierine + Cherik
This one is married Charles and Logan with Erik as the third they’ve invite into their bedroom. Or the au where Erik sexes Charles while Logan watches. I am almost at one possible ‘end’ to the fic now (which would leave things after their first time) and I’m trying to decide if I want to write a more definitive ending to the story which would take us through at least a couple of more ‘encounters’ lol.
2. X-Men Remix
My idea for remix is coming together nicely, though I still need to come up with an actual outline lol. I’m REALLY excited with the premise though and I’m crossing my fingers that it’ll work out as planned! :D
3. ‘Original’ Fiction
Not truly original, as I’m currently reworking one of my finished fics for the purposes of (hopefully) self publishing it this year. It is EXACTLY as difficult to do as I expected it would be; 100% do not recommend lol. Better to start a story fresh I think, though of course, I have another WIP that I think would work fantastically as Original Fiction :D
4. Roman/Gladiator AU
The second half of this au is coming along, now that I’ve stopped doing research for what should be a simple dirtybad PWP lol!!! I’ll happily post a preview snippet if there’s interest :D
5. Gods or Mortals
I’m always writing GoM, regardless of how many other WIPs I might have on the go. Progress was exceptionally slow going, but now that I’ve settled on one POV it’s moving along quite nicely! And once this chapter is done, we (finally) learn the reason Erik breaks off the engagement!
Here’s a short preview:
Chapter 8: The Engagement
The steady fall of rain ushers in the new day, an auspicious sign according to Warren, who has come to attend Charles’ engagement festivities in place of his teacher. Rain is the symbol of life and rebirth, he tells them over breakfast, a favorable sign from the gods for the pending announcement.
His parents are pleased by the prognosis – his father smiles and squeezes Charles’ shoulder, while his mother only nods her head, well versed as she’s always been in the signs and their various meanings.
They inquire after Seer Adler of course, and are surprised to learn of her waning health. Though the Lady Irene’s visits have lessened greatly in recent years – going from month long stays to a few days every other year – this is the first time that the real reason has been disclosed. And Warren’s part becomes ever clearer to the Xaviers; as her successor, he will need to build ties of his own with all the ruling families of Heven, for the inevitable day when he must take over the Order of Eternal Light.
But all Charles can think about, is how the rain will make it difficult for the competitors, with the arena reduced to a veritable quagmire of mud and sand. He knows that the engagement isn’t contingent on the outcome of the day’s events, yet he finds that he can’t help himself; he wants nothing more than for Erik to emerge as the tournament’s victor.
He wants his parents - and the other rulers of Heven present - to witness Erik’s prowess in combat, and know that he and Charles are a perfect match; that their union will be one of equals, foretold by fate. A strong bond made stronger, and blessed by the gods.
But most importantly he wants Erik to beat Cain Marko, and rid any remaining notion from the man’s head that he will ever have a chance with Charles – in this lifetime or the next.
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istigmatias · 6 years
New Verse Idea - Tag/title pending
Setting: Hard to pin down exactly. Basic when horses were the main way of fast travel. Very Sleepy Hollow like. 
Story: The times are the sort where marrying for love is seen as a childish ideal. You marry to strengthen ties between families and improve one’s self. Lucy was one of those souls who dared to marry for love and though times were tough she was happy with her husband. Together they had a son, Michael, but the joy was short lived when her husband died. Given the ways society was people looked down on her a bit for her foolishness. Despite that, she continued to bravely keep fighting to support her son, and herself. 
     Eventually, she remarries to another man and life improves and they even bring a second son into the picture, Sam. Everything seemed like it would turn out well enough, but then Michael and his step-father started having problems as the boy got older. Michael refused to take the man’s name, insisting to keep the name of his own father. This caused a hard break in any possible relationship they might have. In the eyes of the Step-Father, Michael is dangerous to him. He doesn’t carry his name and could bring shame. In his eyes, Michael can only be a tool that could open doors for both Sam and himself. 
     From Michael’s side, he feels like the only reason he continues to be allowed to live on the grounds is his mother and brother. Though he often finds himself feeling jealous of his brother. The kid is generally good, but he envies how Sam is able to live friendly because of his age while Michael is being forced to grow up. He feels treated like an asset and not a person. 
     By day Michael helps the family earn money through helping run a store or delivering packages. At night, he’s often the type to climb out his window and head to the barn to grab his horse and dart off into the night. Riding in the night air to a little spot by a lake. There’s a great tree with a hole near the roots. There he hides a lantern and some oil. The horse wonders freely while he sits and thinks until the early hours. 
     The horse is often seen as the only thing that is truly his. A great beast with a reputation built by the previous owner. Powerful, fast, ill tempered it was rumored the animal was descended from a long line of war horses. The previous owner was also convicted the creature was a demon in the flesh. Named Belial, meaning worthless in Hebrew and refers to wicked people in the Old Testament. The horse didn’t like anyone until it met Michael. The owner was so happy that they gave it to him for nearly nothing. Belial is a lot like Michael in that he hates the Step-Dad, but is fine with Lucy and Sam. Though only Michael is able to ride him. They compliment each other, both wild in nature but both having to dress up [suit/saddle] to please others. 
0 notes
roseplendunce · 2 years
Continuing from Here
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Both eyebrows raised in astonishment at what the fusion had just told him. Two-hundred and ten years…? That was honestly rather impressive. Although, it also begged the following question(s): How was Vegito even alive at this point? Was he even still mortal? From what Black could remember, saiyans generally didn’t live that long.  . . . Or did they? He probably should have paid closer attention to what Zuno had to say on the matter or actually just straight up listened. Ah well, it was too late for regrets now.
As the ‘saiyan’ continued to ponder these questions, he had very nearly missed the rest of what Vegito was saying. Don’t fuck around and find out…? -- The doppelganger frowned contemplatively, baffled by the vaguely threatening wording of the aforementioned statement. What did that even mean? Although, it would seem that he was soon going to find out, as when he looked back up again, the taller saiyan was gradually approaching him, the ‘air’ around him suddenly becoming unusually stale and oppressive , as if to announce the presence of something far more minacious lagging not too far behind. Once the aberration stopped a few inches away from him and their surroundings went dark, however, the false saiyan looks around for a moment, fascinated by what was currently going on.
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Then, he saw it. So… There really was another being lying in wait around Vegito? Or was this ‘entity’ simply an extension of the fusion’s power? Either way, this whole experience so far was leaving the pink-haired saiyan more curious than perturbed. How does darkness even stand out against someplace that’s already dark, anyway? Was Vegito somehow able to control the darkness and/or how dark something was against another surface? Or was this the entity’s doing? And the cacophony of sound… Was this their doing as well? What did this all mean? Black strained his ears in an attempt to zero in on the whispering and make out what the myriad of ‘voices’ were saying. (Assuming they were saying anything at all. For all he knew, it could just be a bunch of gibberish.)
His efforts were in vain, however, as the beginnings of what was going to be a rather painful headache (along with a feeling of mental exhaustion) were beginning to develop the longer he tried to actively listen in due to the over stimulation of his senses. As the volume of these ‘voices’ started increasing, so, too, did the symptoms. But, in spite of all of that, the former apprentice decided to keep going - This thing would not be getting the satisfaction of having an effect on him today. With a flare of determination, the pink-haired ‘saiyan’ looked straight into the other being’s ‘eyes’ and held its gaze, even as the being got straight up into his face and attempted to reach out for him with its giant claws; the false saiyan even went so far as to narrow his eyes at it and reach a hand towards the being in an attempt to touch one of the giant claws in a mix of defiance, vindictiveness and curiosity before this weird ‘illusion’ was all over.
Satisfied with this action, the doppelganger smirked up at the imposing fusion, feeling somewhat smug about ‘surviving’ that particular ordeal and said “Yes, of course,” before the pain and exhaustion started to catch up with him; it was worth it, though!
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haldora · 7 years
Five Fics Meme?
So @amatara tagged me for this ‘Five Fics’ thing. I’m not exactly the most prolific author and I wrote exclusively original stuff up until about three years ago, so five fics is actually, uh… the majority of my work on AO3. But I still think this is fun, and I like having an excuse to talk about my fics, so here we go. Under a readmore because it got kinda long.
1. Every Shining Thing You know, it’s not often when the story an author considers an example of their best work ends up becoming their most popular fic. In my experience, those things don’t usually coincide, so I feel really lucky for that, which is one more reason why this fic holds a place in my heart. I wrote this shortly after ‘Suffer Your Excess’, which, though it had some good moments, was mostly a practice exercise for writing these characters and portraying their relationship. ‘Every Shining Thing’ is definitely the more polished work. It deals with a lot of themes that the series touched on, but that I feel went underdeveloped, particularly relating to Centauri precognition and their unique spirituality. I’ve gathered that I take a rather severe and unforgiving reading of the precog business, but I support that reading because I think it presents a fascinating lens through which to interpret Londo’s character, and also because, wherever possible, I like to draw attention to and preserve what’s truly alien about the alien characters I write—and of all the alien civilizations in B5, I maintain that the Centauri are probably the most alien, despite their superficial similarities. I find it very interesting to explore how a society would function with an inescapable sense of crushing inevitability, how they’d conceptualize things like time and mortality, and what forms of subjectivity that would produce. Unsurprisingly, I think Londo stands as an illustrative example of the kind of mentality that might develop out of that.
I’m not sure how much of that made it into the fic itself, since the focus was really on the character interaction, but I guess one thing I’m proud of is the resolution? As I said before, I like to highlight difference, which is a desire that often runs up against the competing urge to depict situations where two characters come to understand and respect one another. I think in this fic, I at least sorta-successfully managed to strike a balance in which G’Kar comes to recognize and accept the vast gulf of experience separating him and Londo, but still manages to provide Londo with a new way of understanding their relationship—one that offers comfort and reassurance, even if there can be no hope.
2. Accidents of Gesture Oh early S5, truly a fic-writer’s dream. I’ve written two stories set after The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari, this one and ’Suffer Your Excess’, but I think this is the better of the two. Let’s get it out of the way that this fic is tropey as hell. I ramped up the hurt/comfort element, contrasting Londo’s physical fragility and newfound peace against G’Kar’s combination of physical strength and emotional turmoil. There are a lot of little moments of intimacy in this fic, from the piggyback ride at the end (which I’ve wanted an excuse to write for a long time) to G’Kar grudgingly stepping in to help Londo with his clothes.
Apart from the gratuitous tropes, the substance of the story is in how close Londo and G’Kar come to addressing the source of their conflict and figuring out how to move forward. I wanted to explore what kind of significance Londo’s apology (as well as G’Kar’s forgiveness) could really achieve given the fact that they’re both, first and foremost, survivors of Londo’s mistakes. Londo can never truly apologize to the people his choices affected, and G’Kar is in no position to absolve him on their behalf. What can an apology mean in that context? In what way does it present a resolution? That’s what I wanted to explore and the answer suggested at the end is, well… kind of ambiguous and unsatisfying, I imagine. But the idea of G’Kar’s forgiveness as a personal means of releasing Londo from the weight of his deeds, thereby allowing him to become a good emperor rather than continuing to languish in his own misery—that resonated with me.
Also, he’s got a big stupid crush on him. So there’s that.
3. Prosody I think I worked longer on this fic than any other, even though I knew it wouldn’t have much of an audience. It’s long and introspective for one, contains a lot of headcanon that might conflict with other fans’ interpretations, and it features a pairing where both participants are more often shipped with different characters. But that’s the reason why I’m proud of myself for finishing it and putting as much into it as I did. It’s an idea I was pretty sure appealed to nobody else but me and I still decided to put it out there. It came as a pleasant surprise to find there were a couple other people who liked it, too! It was also my first serious attempt at writing poetry and playing with language construction, so that was a welcome challenge.
4. Last Drops Okay, this one was just fun. As much as I love Londo and G’Kar’s later dynamic, I’m also fascinated by the violence between them and how that’s expressed in the early seasons. It isn’t really made explicit until season 3 just how badly G’Kar could wreck Londo’s shit if he really wanted to and how much he’s holding back is something you notice a lot better on a rewatch. I find that a really fascinating aspect of their power dynamic, so I wanted to show what might happen if Londo ever succeeded in pushing him over the edge.
Of course, the way he goes about that doesn’t exactly have the intended effect, given the nature of Londo’s weird preoccupation with G’Kar and how provoking any reaction from him just affirms his beliefs and feeds into his masturbatory self-loathing. This fic gave me opportunity to write a lot of fun kinks, some I’m personally into, and others I just appreciate on an aesthetic level. The largely positive reaction it got made me more confident about writing more blatantly kinky stuff with this pairing, too.
5. Open Wound It was a hard choice between this and ‘False Dawn’ because I think the latter is technically a better story, and there are a few things I’d change about ‘Open Wound’ if I were writing it now. Nevertheless,  it was a bigger challenge and I’m proud of the parts of it that work. Until I finish the fic I’m currently working on, this is my only story to date where I’m writing from Londo’s POV and it was an interesting experience. I find G’Kar an easier character to write because, for the most part, he tends to be fairly honest with himself and doesn’t hold back his feelings. Londo, on the other hand, bottles everything up so deep to the point where it literally destroys him from the inside out. Whatever sorrows and insecurities he does try to express get converted into anger and frustration that he unleashes on everyone around him. I find that a lot more challenging to write and it forces me to come up with creative ways to show the reader what’s really going on, though the character has yet to admit it to himself.
Honourable Mention: The Monster (aka: the fic I’m writing right now—real title pending). I don’t know how happy I’ll be with this until I’m finished, but I’m currently putting together the last chapter of another fic set in my post-canon AU verse, and I’ve been enjoying it a lot so far. It’s a fairly involved look at some of the domestic political conflicts that I think might crop up in the early years of Londo’s reign… as well as a dirty dirty kinkfic. It’s shaping up to be a delightful car-crash of power dynamics, so if you’re into that (and extensive discussion of trade reform), look out for it. :D
If anyone else wants to do this, feel free! But in particular, I’ll tag @emblazonet, @largebisexual, @ibenholt, and @oldpuppetfingal
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cthomes · 7 years
The Basic Steps Of A Real Estate Transaction
New Post has been published on http://www.cthomesllc.com/2017/02/basic-steps-real-estate-transaction/
The Basic Steps Of A Real Estate Transaction
Every new investor wants to dive into the business as quickly as possible. They watch their favorite investing show on TV and think things will be just as easy.  Without knowing what steps to take you will run yourself into circles and not get very far.  Regardless of what type of investing you want to pursue the steps to purchase are basically the same.  It is important that you follow these steps and avoid taking shortcuts on a given deal.  All it takes is one oversight or incorrect figure to turn everything upside down.  Whether you are looking for your first deal or simply need a refresher here are the basic steps for any real estate investing transaction.
Property Information. Numbers and data should dictate your buying decisions. You may personally fall in love with a property but if the numbers don’t make sense you need to pass. The first step of any deal evaluation is the actual property. You need to assess the current condition as well as what improvements are needed to maximize your return. Some of the improvements can be cosmetic while others will be more large scale. You need to put a price tag on whatever updates you plan on making. If you are not versed in estimating these numbers you need to reach out to a contractor that can provide real figures. If you notice we did not mention the current list price. That is because this is often just a starting point and not a final number. A homeowner can list for whatever they like but ultimately the market will determine how much it sells for. Only when you are finished evaluating every aspect of the property can you move on to step two.
Seller Motivation. There is often a big difference in what you think the property is worth and the estimation of homeowner’s value. Ultimately the homeowner is the only opinion that really matters. You can support your argument with facts and data but if they don’t want to hear it they don’t have to sell. Generally speaking the best real estate deals are done with motivated sellers. These are sellers who have a desire to sell based on a pending short sale, foreclosure, divorce, death in the family or change in employment. As you evaluate the property you need to gauge the motivation of the seller. If they are not ready to sell now there is nothing you can say or do that will change their mind. You can follow up with them from time to time but you shouldn’t devote all of your efforts in trying to get them to change their mind. They will respond when they are ready and you can’t get too caught up or angry with their inability to act. Without motivation you should move on to the next deal.
Financing. How you plan on financing the deal often has a huge impact on your offer. There is something to be said for the ease of transaction. If you have access to capital or hard money funds you can offer a little less with the ability to close quickly without having to wait for lender approval. On the flip side if you are using a lender you need to have all of the items for the loan ready to go upon submission of the offer. In most cases you only have 30 to 45 days to get your offer approved and cleared to close. Without financing in place you cannot make an offer and even if you can the seller will not accept it.
Offer Amount. Your offer amount should be based on three factors: seller motivation, market demand and comparable listings and sales. You should always know who your competition is and what the demand is like. On properties with little demand you never want to bid against yourself and offer too high. You can always come up but it is difficult to go down. Properties with high demand your offer needs to be as close to asking price as possible. Always run your own numbers and come up with a price that works for you. Keep in mind that you need to have enough room to make a profit. Make your offer and if it is not accepted move on to the next property.
Closing Process. Getting your offer accepted is only the first part of the process. Many would argue that your work starts after your offer is accepted. Regardless if you are using hard money or lender financing you need to get an inspection done immediately. Never skip this process just to secure the deal. Even the trained eye of a contractor can miss something with the foundation or structure. If you skip the inspection you are opening yourself up to risk. If you are using a lender you need to submit all loan items as soon as possible. The quicker you supply your lender with tax returns, full bank statements, business licenses and anything else they need the quicker they can start the process. It is important that you find an attorney who practices real estate and knows how to work with other attorneys and lenders. You never want to lose a deal because your attorney dropped the ball.
You should see the deal all the way through closing and be as involved as you need to be. There are always unexpected curveballs in real estate but these are the five basic steps towards closing.
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roseplendunce · 2 years
The voice comes out of nowhere, before the sound of something heavy lands behind the other male.
"You're in the Tumblrverse too.....I didn't know they let little punk Kai's in here, I thought it was just the COOL kid's club...."
A Familiar face, but different statures. It's a Vegito.
And he doesn't look pleased to see Black one bit, third bang just barely showing a furrowed brow as the Fusion stares him down.
"I can only hope for your sake you're behaving.....I like the people here...I don't need them seeing what I can do just yet.....I don't like it when people fear me...."
Well with THAT tone, it would be surprising if anyone DIDN'T fear you...
-CEA (CosmicErrorAftermath)
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Upon hearing that all-too-familiar voice reverberate from seemingly everywhere (and yet nowhere at the same time), Black craned his head slightly to regard the being that then appeared within in his peripheral vision, choosing not to say anything for the time being. The Tumblrverse….? What in the entity’s name was that?! And… Wait a minute. Was that Vegito? He certainly looked different than how the former apprentice remembered him from the last time they'd 'met'! Silver eyes narrowed in both concentration and disbelief as the false saiyan studied the fusion, almost as if he were a puzzle that needed to be solved (which, in all fairness, he was) -- Wait, was his hair a silverish-white? Why was that, exactly? Had this buffoon seemingly tapped into a higher level of power? . . . That had to be that case. After all, what else could it possibly be? Black heaved a silent sigh. Why was it that these mortals continued to besmirch everything that they seemed to touch? And the Potara… Why were they purple? Had they been corrupted in some way?
Many questions such as this and more welled up within the doppelganger’s mind as he continued to size up the taller man, having seemingly forgotten about the thinly veiled threat that had been hurled his way. The pinkette blinked once, and then twice before finally shaking his head in order to snap himself out of the investigative trance he had seemingly lulled himself into, and turned fully to face the color-shifted fusion that was standing behind him. ”Is that a promise? Or a threat, Vegito? Because to me, it certainly sounds as if you do.”
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roseplendunce · 2 years
Continued from: Here
“I see…” the pseudo-saiyan responded hesitantly, his tone and body language indicating that he didn’t completely buy Vegito’s explanation. Logistically, it made sense, but there was still something about it that wasn’t quite clicking. …Or, perhaps it was just his skepticism preventing him from accepting said explanation as fact. In any case, it at least served to answer one of potentially many burning questions that he had about the taller fusion. Which just left…
“How are you even still alive?” Just then, another thought occurred to him “Are you even still ‘mortal’? Surely, Saiyans don’t live nearly as long as you.”
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Cody Info
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Full name: Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson
Species: Human
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
FC(s): Sorey ( Tales of Zestiria ) || Nick Robinson
Bio: Cody has always been on the scrawny side of the spectrum, which makes him stand out a lot in his large family. Many aunts and uncles, many cousins to play with, and yet he’s always been the weakest of the bunch. It doesn’t bother him that much, though, as he prefers to play videogames and read comic books over sports; he still enjoys playing Dodgeball and a few rounds of football ( soccer ) with other kids his age.
One day, he saw an ad for the upcoming new reality TV show, Total Drama with Chris McClean as the host. It didn’t hurt to try to send an audition tape, so he did his best to play some tunes with his keyboard and act as cool as possible ( and failing miserably in the process ). Lord knows how the hell he was picked among many, but Cody became one of the original 22 contestants of Total Drama Island. His run during that first season didn’t last long, not even managing to reach the halfway point when the teams got dissolved and every kid was by themselves.
A year later, after two seasons of Total Drama went underway, Cody was made to return for the third season -- Total Drama World Tour, where he and the others practically raced around the world for 1 million dollars, doing more of Chris’ crazy challenges and, on top it all, singing to not be kicked out. By some stretch of a miracle -- probably in part thanks to his obsessive fangirl, Sierra -- Cody managed to reach the final 3; unfortunately for him, he couldn’t beat Alejandro to go to the final 2. To get some sort of revenge, though, he ended up helping Heather in the final challenge alongside Harold.
His days as a reality TV star may be over, but he sort of enjoyed the craziness that came with it. He made a lot of good friends along the way; he even formed a band with 3 of them for a while!
Note: Follows canon from the show but also diverges.
V001: Fingergun Disaster
Default main verse. Takes places after his last chance at $1.000.000 in Total Drama World Tour ( which he lost, ending in third place ) and post all the other seasons as well. Cody is happily back home and decided to return to a semi-normal life. Nothing about him will ever be ordinary after being a reality show contestant for more than one season, plus the Drama Brothers, but hey, he can try.
V002: I Wanna be Famous
Mid-seasons verse, for any interactions that happen in either Total Drama Island or Total Drama World Tour.
Sierra :: [ Bae ]
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