jundlcndwastes · 11 months
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eron skywalker & juniper wolfhart for @hopegained
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miraculousmarinet · 4 years
The Miraculous PA Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Chapter 1. A big interview
It’s 6AM on a Saturday and Marinette is up. If she still lived with her parents her mother might have asked her what she had done to her daughter. Marinette was always late and sleeping in you see. But not today! Today was very important to Marinette. She would put the apron down and move onto the world that she had always dreamed of entering. The world of fashion.
As Marinette brushed her teeth she stared at herself in the mirror. She knew that she had to look extra professional and put together. The fashion house she was interviewing for was the biggest name in Paris, if not the whole of France. An internship at Agreste Fashion House could lead to actual designing gigs and a full time job as a designer at almost any fashion house in the western world.
Marinette spat out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth, giving herself a wide toothy grin in the mirror. Seven years of braces in elementary and middle school had really paid off as her pearly whites were lined up perfectly. She then tied her hair back into a professional ponytail and put on some lipgloss and mascara. Her makeup skills weren’t on the same level as her friends Juleka or Rose and definitely not on the same level as her best friend Alyas.
A quick glance at the clock and Marinette was feeling her nerves get the best of her. Even though she got up this early didn’t mean she would make the interview at 8AM, on the other side of the city. She always seemed to have some bad luck when it came to something important. She had spilled coffee on her application to Paris Fashion Institute a few years back and then a few weeks later her portfolio got rained on as she was just about to send it in. By the grace of God or some other entity she still got in, but she was reminded of her bad luck by the headmistress who seemed to have something against her.
Marinette threw on her coat and rushed outside, hailing a cab and telling the driver to take her to the Agreste headquarters. She fiddled with her fingers and looked out the window, seeing the buildings pass her by with leafy green trees that lined the sidewalks. After a long taxi drive she paid the driver and got off. Everything was going well so far, kind of suspicious. Maybe lady luck was on her side today.
The glistening white building clashed with its surroundings. The Agreste Fashion House was the epitome of modern architecture, with steel accents and big windows that served as mirrors to the pedestrians outside. Marinette took a deep breath in and walked through the big front doors. Everything was bright and white, with potted greenery here and there and a screen that showed the newest photoshoot pictures.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng?” a stern voice said behind her.
“Huh? Oh, yes! I mean, that would be me, Marinette”, Marinette rambled as her eyes settled on the tall woman behind her.
“Nathalie Sancoeur. I am here to take you to be interviewed for the position of…” The woman was cut off by a flash of pink that made her lose focus.
That flash of pink was Alix, who was currently rollerskating in circles in the lobby with security on her tail. Alix made it back to the doors and yelled good luck to Marinette, who was pink in her face.
“Do you know her?” Nathalie asked Marinette who shrunk down.
“Eh… Yes? I mean no! I mean…”, Marinette fumbled, not knowing if this was one of those times when a white lie wouldn’t hurt even though she hated lying.
“Let’s go then, follow me”, Nathalie said, completely ignoring poor Marinette and her inner battle.
Marinette straightened her back and followed Nathalie into the elevator. She watched as the number got higher and higher until it reached the second to the top floor, 7. The two women walked out of the elevator and Nathalie opened the first door to their left.
“Wait here”, Nathalie said and left as soon as Marinette had sat down on one of the designer faux leather chairs.
Marinette didn’t have time to ask Nathalie why she had to wait here alone or why she was brought so high up when the designer level was a few floors down. At least that’s what it said on the floor plan in the elevator. She gazed around and she could see people walking outside, some on their way to work and others on a run. It wasn’t too busy, it was only 7.55 AM on a Saturday after all. Time went by painfully slowly and Marinette started to fear the worst. What if this was all a prank? A cruel prank orchestrated by some rich kids with too much time and money on their hands.
“Are you here for the interview?” A light, melodic voice called out and Marinette jumped up off her chair.
“Yes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s the name”, she said and cringed internally. Why did she have to be so nervous.
“Great, you know it’s super hard to find candidates for this job that have such a great resume as you do”, the lady said while looking down at a tablet. “Top student at Collège Francoise Dupont, studied at Paris Fashion Institute and graduated with honors”, she read off her tablet and looked up at Marinette.
“Uh, thank you, miss?” Marinette looked at the woman sheepishly.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t introduce myself! My name is Samantha Melrose”, the supposed interviewer said and extended her hand to Marinette, which she took.
“Now that we got that done, how about we get some coffee and get down to business”, Samantha said and she put her tablet down, smiling at Marinette.
Marinettes nerves seemed to wash away as the interview continued. She got to talk about her fashions, her extracurricular activities that had made her who she is today and her schedule. Totally free, by the way.
When Marinette took the elevator back down she felt relieved and hopeful. Samantha seemed nice and she hoped that they would be working together soon. That is if she got the job. Marinette took out her phone and saw that she had gotten texts from all her friends, wishing her luck and telling her that she would get the job if the employer was smart. She smiled to herself and sent thank you messages back to each and every one of them.
It was now 9.30 AM, the interview had taken longer than what she had initially thought, but she still had time to catch the subway and meet Alya at her parents bakery before 10. Sometimes she was really grateful of the public transport in Paris.
Alya was waiting for Marinette in front of the Dupain-Cheng Boulangerie, with her nose deep in her phone. Marinette mused that she was probably texting her boyfriend Nino or maybe she was reading her favourite superhero comic Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“Hey Alya!” Marinette walked up to her bestie and with her finger she lowered the phone from Alyas face. “You ready for late breakfast?”
“Mari! You won’t believe what I just read”, Alya practically screamed and pushed her phone to Marinettes face.
It took a few seconds for Marinettes eyes to focus on the screen, but the headline immediately caught her attention.
“They are talking about him having a more active role in the business side of things now that he’s 21”, Alya said as she pulled the phone back and put it into her pocket.
“Adriens back from the States?” Marinette asked with excitement in her voice.
“I know he’s your number one celebrity crush so I thought you’d want to know ASAP”, Alya said as she opened the door to Tom and Sabines bakery.
“Adriens back from the States…” Marinette said as she walked inside, completely lost in her thoughts.
“Well hello to you too, Marinette”, Sabine said with a smirk as she put a plate full of fresh pastries down on the corner table that Marinette and Alya frequented.
“Good morning Sabine, Tom”, Alya said cheerily and grabbed a warm ham and cheese filled croissant.
“Good morning Alya, did you get any details about our princesses big interview before she shut down?” Tom boomed from behind the counter as Sabine was ringing down a client.
“Didn’t quite get to it yet. Just wait a few minutes, she won’t stay in the clouds forever”, Alya said as she munched on the croissant.
I have 4 chapters up on AO3 for your reading pleasure. Here’s a link to the work:
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geniuscloud · 7 years
Lockscreen- Yugyeom (GOT7) Oneshot
REQUESTED: "Can you write a Yugyeom fluff where the reader is a western idol, and he takes an interest in her?"
I realized when I force myself to write and don’t have a great idea, it kinda sounds weird and forced. I’m sorry! I’ll try and get better when it comes to requests. I have bad writers block!
I also suck a titles.
I nervously paced backstage, feeling a little sick to my stomach. I was singing on a Korean talk show for the first time in my life, and I had to do an interview as well. My biggest concern was messing up while trying to speak in Korean. Most of my knowledge speaking in Korean was because I took classes when I started high school, but that was already 5-6 years ago!? What if I don’t correctly pronounce words, and why didn’t I just say yes to having a translator strictly do the interview with me instead of insisting I could do it on my own! I’m such an idiot!
“Y/N don’t worry. You’ll have a translator there in case you get stuck. Just try your best, and I’m sure they will understand. I mean, you’re a foreigner here. Everyone knows you’re from North America, and they don’t expect you to speak Korean in the first place. Just sing your new song, and then speak with the host! You’re right before GOT7’s interview, so if anything, they’ll completely distract any mistakes you make because of how popular they are,” My manager said, trying to give me a “pep” talk.
“What if I forget my own song? What if everyone hates it?!”
“Relax, you never get this scared performing anywhere else… What’s gotten into you?” She asked.
“I just…”
“Is it because of that guy you saw earlier backstage?”
“Oh my god. Are you feeling nervous because you saw that idol group GOT7?” She questioned.
“What?! Pssh, no!”
“Holy crap, you’re totally scared because you idolize that group, isn’t it? You use to be a huge fan of them and now that you’re in the same building with them, you’re totally fangirling, and getting nerves,” she said in utter shock, trying not to laugh at me. I couldn’t help but blush and put my head down in a little bit of shame. Yes, I was getting fangirl nerves because one of my favorite KPop groups were going to be watching me perform. Even though I had become famous and an artist myself, it didn’t stop my fangirling. I just suppressed it from the public. When you become a KPop fan, that shit runs deep.
“So which one is your… what’s it called when they are your favorite with KPop groups? Your bus? Bonus?”
“It’s called a Bias, and that’s in English too. Why the hell would they be called a bus? Does that make any logical sense to you?” I asked.
“I’m a 46-year-old woman, do not sass me.”
“Y/N please get ready to go onstage, we’ll cue you when it’s time” a man smiled, leading me towards the stage entrance. Well… Here goes nothing.
I performed my song without a hitch, and I got to do a very brief interview before quickly dashing off backstage again. I’m pretty lucky that I wasn’t having a hard time speaking Korean like I thought I would, and hardly had to use the translator. The host was being very kind, and didn’t make me feel pressured when I was having a little trouble thinking of the correct words. As I was quickly trying to get to my change room, I rushed around the corner a little too fast, and I wasn’t paying attention properly. I bumped face first into a tall figure; knocking me back a few steps, but because of my high heels I stumbled into the wall.
“I’m so sorry!” I muttered.
“I was in your way, sorry” the guy mumbled back a little stunned. His shaggy black hair fell in front of his eyes lightly, masking his brows. I couldn’t help but look him over, piecing together his appearance. A black choker was placed around his long neck, which connected to a sharp jawline. He was dressed in all black, with a studded leather jacket on his broad shoulders. I snapped out of my trance to respond.
“No, I shouldn’t have been running. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Yes, I know. I’m a fan of yours. I’m Yugyeom, nice to meet you. By the way, your Korean is very good” he smiled.
“Thank you, and I know who you are. I’m a big fan of GOT7, as well.” “I’ll talk to you after our interview, will you stick around until then, or are you leaving?”
“I’m going to stay until the end, good luck with your interview!” As soon as he left, my heart started beating really fast. I started hitting fangirl levels again, and this was getting a little hard to suppress. It’s not every day that one of my favorite idols says he’s a fan of you. I was originally going to leave right after my performance, but now that I knew GOT7 was here today as well, I felt a little compelled to stay and watch their interview. I started playing with the hem of my dress before sitting down in the dressing room by the live feed TV. The guys were introduced after they performed ‘Never Ever.’ The 7 of them sitting down on the couches across from the host, all dressed in the signature 'Never Ever’ music video looks. Let me tell you, it was A LOOK. They talked for a while about their new music, and then suddenly a question caught my attention.
“If you could collaborate with any western artist, who would it be?”
“Chris Brown” some of the guys laughed.
“No-no-no. I know who Yugyeom would like to collaborate with. Y/N, she was just on here. He has a huge crush on her!” Jackson smiled, patting Yugyeom on the shoulder. Yugyeom was hiding his head with a big smile on his face, trying to conceal his embarrassment.
“Oh yeah! She’s his lock screen even, he really likes her!” Bambam joined in while grabbing at Yugyeoms phone. Bambam got a hold of it, and held it up to the camera. With a slight click, the screen lit up and a white background appeared with a photo of me sitting on the ground was displayed. It was from one of my most recent photoshoot where I wore all black, completed with fishnets, shorts, and a leather jacket. As soon as it was shown to the screen I recognized it instantly and started feeling heat rising to my face. Yugyeom screeched in displeasure, grabbing the phone away from Bambams grasp. “So you would like to collaborate with her?” The host asked.
“Uh, yes. She’s very talented and I-I think she’d be fun to work with.”
“Well she’s still here so you guys should talk with her, and maybe work something out! I know both of your fans would love to hear all of you on the same song as her.”
“She might not want to, now that she knows about Yugyeom being her fanboy” JB mocked. I honestly felt really bad for him being embarrassed like that on TV, even if it didn’t matter to me. I wasn’t going to lie, it was a bit of a surprise, but it was also a fangirls dream come true. I mean, having your bias, have a crush on you as well? Someone might as well just have handed me a million dollars because that’s how I felt. I was so stuck in dream land that I didn’t even notice that they wrapped up the interview. It wasn’t long until I was face to face with the group once again. You could see the pleasure on some of the guys faces as Yugyeom’s embarrassment started rising again. I honestly felt a little bad for Yugyeom because the guys were giving him a rough time. That’s when a little idea popped into my head.
I quickly went through my photos, looking for a specific one I had saved a while ago. I wanted to try and stop his teasing, so my first instinct was to help him be even with the guys. I set my lock screen and walked over to the guys, giving them a huge smile.
“Hello, I’m Y/N” I greeted.
Jinyoung gave Yugyeom a little push towards me while the other guys just smiled. I know they were just messing with him and giving him a hard time, but I just wanted to do something about it.
“So, I saw your interview, and well…” I held up my phone to them. The screen displayed a photo of Yugyeom onstage in all black. The guys all had a look of disbelief, and yugyeom couldn’t help but smile shyly. He was probably feeling the same way I had been when I found out about his lock screen.
“No way! You guys both have each other as your phone backgrounds? This is insane. Are you sure you two aren’t already dating or something? Did you plan this?” Jackson questioned.
“Well, now that we already have each other as our phone backgrounds, it would be a shame if we didn’t have each other’s contact information, right? Do you mind? Maybe we will end up collaborating,” I smiled.
“Sure, how long are you in Korea for?” Yugyeom asked.
“Just another week for touring, and then I have a few days off for sightseeing.”
“Well if you are in the area, give me a call and I can show you around then.”
“I definitely will…”
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varikasnuori · 4 years
The Miraculous PA Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Chapter 1.
A big interview
As Marinette brushed her teeth she stared at herself in the mirror. She knew that she had to look extra professional and put together. The fashion house she was interviewing for was the biggest name in Paris, if not the whole of France. An internship at Agreste Fashion House could lead to actual designing gigs and a full time job as a designer at almost any fashion house in the western world.
Marinette spat out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth, giving herself a wide toothy grin in the mirror. Seven years of braces in elementary and middle school had really paid off as her pearly whites were lined up perfectly. She then tied her hair back into a professional ponytail and put on some lipgloss and mascara. Her makeup skills weren’t on the same level as her friends Juleka or Rose and definitely not on the same level as her best friend Alyas.
A quick glance at the clock and Marinette was feeling her nerves get the best of her. Even though she got up this early didn’t mean she would make the interview at 8AM, on the other side of the city. She always seemed to have some bad luck when it came to something important. She had spilled coffee on her application to Paris Fashion Institute a few years back and then a few weeks later her portfolio got rained on as she was just about to send it in. By the grace of God or some other entity she still got in, but she was reminded of her bad luck by the headmistress who seemed to have something against her.
Marinette threw on her coat and rushed outside, hailing a cab and telling the driver to take her to the Agreste headquarters. She fiddled with her fingers and looked out the window, seeing the buildings pass her by with leafy green trees that lined the sidewalks. After a long taxi drive she paid the driver and got off. Everything was going well so far, kind of suspicious. Maybe lady luck was on her side today.
The glistening white building clashed with its surroundings. The Agreste Fashion House was the epitome of modern architecture, with steel accents and big windows that served as mirrors to the pedestrians outside. Marinette took a deep breath in and walked through the big front doors. Everything was bright and white, with potted greenery here and there and a screen that showed the newest photoshoot pictures.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng?” a stern voice said behind her.
“Huh? Oh, yes! I mean, that would be me, Marinette”, Marinette rambled as her eyes settled on the tall woman behind her.
“Nathalie Sancoeur. I am here to take you to be interviewed for the position of…” The woman was cut off by a flash of pink that made her lose focus.
That flash of pink was Alix, who was currently rollerskating in circles in the lobby with security on her tail. Alix made it back to the doors and yelled good luck to Marinette, who was pink in her face.
“Do you know her?” Nathalie asked Marinette who shrunk down.
“Eh… Yes? I mean no! I mean…”, Marinette fumbled, not knowing if this was one of those times when a white lie wouldn’t hurt even though she hated lying.
“Let’s go then, follow me”, Nathalie said, completely ignoring poor Marinette and her inner battle.
Marinette straightened her back and followed Nathalie into the elevator. She watched as the number got higher and higher until it reached the second to the top floor, 7. The two women walked out of the elevator and Nathalie opened the first door to their left.
“Wait here”, Nathalie said and left as soon as Marinette had sat down on one of the designer faux leather chairs.
Marinette didn’t have time to ask Nathalie why she had to wait here alone or why she was brought so high up when the designer level was a few floors down. At least that’s what it said on the floor plan in the elevator. She gazed around and she could see people walking outside, some on their way to work and others on a run. It wasn’t too busy, it was only 7.55 AM on a Saturday after all. Time went by painfully slowly and Marinette started to fear the worst. What if this was all a prank? A cruel prank orchestrated by some rich kids with too much time and money on their hands.
“Are you here for the interview?” A light, melodic voice called out and Marinette jumped up off her chair.
“Yes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s the name”, she said and cringed internally. Why did she have to be so nervous.
“Great, you know it’s super hard to find candidates for this job that have such a great resume as you do”, the lady said while looking down at a tablet. “Top student at Collège Francoise Dupont, studied at Paris Fashion Institute and graduated with honors”, she read off her tablet and looked up at Marinette.
“Uh, thank you, miss?” Marinette looked at the woman sheepishly.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t introduce myself! My name is Samantha Melrose”, the supposed interviewer said and extended her hand to Marinette, which she took.
“Now that we got that done, how about we get some coffee and get down to business”, Samantha said and she put her tablet down, smiling at Marinette.
Marinettes nerves seemed to wash away as the interview continued. She got to talk about her fashions, her extracurricular activities that had made her who she is today and her schedule. Totally free, by the way.
When Marinette took the elevator back down she felt relieved and hopeful. Samantha seemed nice and she hoped that they would be working together soon. That is if she got the job. Marinette took out her phone and saw that she had gotten texts from all her friends, wishing her luck and telling her that she would get the job if the employer was smart. She smiled to herself and sent thank you messages back to each and every one of them.
It was now 9.30 AM, the interview had taken longer than what she had initially thought, but she still had time to catch the subway and meet Alya at her parents bakery before 10. Sometimes she was really grateful of the public transport in Paris.
Alya was waiting for Marinette in front of the Dupain-Cheng Boulangerie, with her nose deep in her phone. Marinette mused that she was probably texting her boyfriend Nino or maybe she was reading her favourite superhero comic Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“Hey Alya!” Marinette walked up to her bestie and with her finger she lowered the phone from Alyas face. “You ready for late breakfast?”
“Mari! You won’t believe what I just read”, Alya practically screamed and pushed her phone to Marinettes face.
It took a few seconds for Marinettes eyes to focus on the screen, but the headline immediately caught her attention.
“They are talking about him having a more active role in the business side of things now that he’s 21”, Alya said as she pulled the phone back and put it into her pocket.
“Adriens back from the States?” Marinette asked with excitement in her voice.
“I know he’s your number one celebrity crush so I thought you’d want to know ASAP”, Alya said as she opened the door to Tom and Sabines bakery.
“Adriens back from the States…” Marinette said as she walked inside, completely lost in her thoughts.
“Well hello to you too, Marinette”, Sabine said with a smirk as she put a plate full of fresh pastries down on the corner table that Marinette and Alya frequented.
“Good morning Sabine, Tom”, Alya said cheerily and grabbed a warm ham and cheese filled croissant.
“Good morning Alya, did you get any details about our princesses big interview before she shut down?” Tom boomed from behind the counter as Sabine was ringing down a client.
“Didn’t quite get to it yet. Just wait a few minutes, she won’t stay in the clouds forever”, Alya said as she munched on the croissant.
There’s a second chapter up on AO3 and I’ll be releasing new chapters soon. Please take a look is you’re interested to see where the story goes in the future!
0 notes
mikumanogi-blog · 3 years
2017-10-07 “I wonder if it’s now. It is the present.” Kubo Shiori Blog #25
I wonder if it’s now. It is the present.
Hello everyone!
Thank you for your continuous hard work. I’m Nogizaka46’s 3rd generation member, 1st year high school student, 16-year-old Kubo Shiori. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
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You worked hard again today (´・_・`) Reading Kubo’s blog the day before a break means that you can enjoy yourself tomorrow. At any rate, today is Kubo’s blog day!
 That means to start off is…
 September 29th, Seven Eleven live concert in Nagoya, thank you very much!! It was the first live concert in a while and as I thought it was fun wasn’t it. Even though I was watching on the screen backstage, I was watching it and dancing. Dancing is fun. Singing is fun. I could see everyone’s penlight, hand fans and towels. Thank you very much!! I’m so glad that I could see them (´・_・`)
I noticed the penlights as I stared far off in the distance, I then noticed that penlight shake back and forth, they must have thought “Ahh she noticed me♡” seeing the penlight also made me happy(´・_・`) It means that you’re watching me too!
 September 30th, thank you for coming to the handshake event! Ahhh it was fun wasn’t it! The casual clothes I wore this time was… To tell you the truth in the 3rd and 4th slot I borrowed Hazuki’s western clothes! (In the 4th slot I lent her my clothes! Exchange!)
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Hazuki is still so beautiful. I’ve always thought this ever since seeing her during the auditions. Honestly, so beautiful…(´・_・`)
 This green shirt is that legendary green shirt, but there weren’t many people that noticed… Everyone, haven’t you seen this shirt before?
Topics of conversation were
*Stage play
*My duet song with Iku-san
*Girls Award
*Tokyo Dome
I feel like these were the topics that came up the most! It was fun to talk about various things. However, everyone says “if you look at the other lanes they’re really cute!!!” They’re probably just trying to make me feel jealous although every time Shiori is told this she says “my heart sinks” I think it would be great if I could be more beautiful…(´・_・`) That’s why I will become more beautiful〜 Please enjoy the handshake event next time!! Thank you for the flowers, they were gorgeous!
On the day of the handshake event, it was hard to speak and so I panicked into thinking, “Did I maybe catch a cold!?” However, afterwards I remember that the day before at the Seven Eleven live concert I screamed too much (´・_・`) however that’s what having fun is all about isn’t it (´・_・`)
 Oh yeah, for the October handshake events what would you think about me wearing a costume? Well, I’ve kind of already decided on what I’m going to wear. I’m practicing being a tsundere right now.
 The other day, we finished work early and while I was going home around dusk, I could smell something good from one of the houses that reminded me of my hometown. Speaking of which, when I was living back in Miyagi, after coming home from club activities and smelling something good the moment I walked through the door was absolute bliss.
By the way beef stew day had the best smell even though my mom’s specialty dish is something else.
This winter, I really want to eat wintery foods such as beef stew really badly.
 Next, the stage play “Migoroshi Hime” finally had it’s first performance yesterday. Up until today arrived there were many people supporting us on this stage play. On top of that I also caused a lot of trouble for many people. Therefore, I’m really glad and thankful for the fact that we were able to complete the first day without issues.
Matsumura-san, Kato-san, Fujiki-san, the three members of the ensemble and to all the staff, thank you very much.  Until the very last performance I’m going to rush and fight with all of my strength. I’ll work hard to move the hearts of everyone that comes to watch. That’s the kind of performance I want to give.
 Since the first day is over there are probably many people that thought that I would talk about the first day, what kind of story it is, how practice was, in this blog. I’m sorry, I’ll summarize all of my thoughts and feelings once the final performance has finished. Therefore, all I’m going to say is I’ll show you an absolutely wonderful stage performance, I promise.  
Through this stage play I want to become stronger. During practice I encountered my weaknesses, and I couldn’t help but feel extremely annoyed and ashamed of how spineless I am.
I constantly say repeatedly that I’ll become stronger while also saying Ahh, my weak self. Particularly this time, I was in that constant cycle of thought. (I think that my blog on the stage play will be another long one so I’ll be happy if you read it when it comes out)
I’ll be in the care of everyone that will come to watch!
 It’s fall isn’t it. I said I would restrain from the appetite of fall but after all fall has pumpkins doesn’t it. I’ve eaten too much recently〜 I must be careful not to eat too much (´・_・`)
 I’ve probably said this earlier but, I’ve been recently enjoying looking into things related to beauty culture. I don’t go into a lot of detail but looking for things that occasionally make me go “whaaaat” is fun.
I’m not very knowledgeable about fashion and make-up but… I enjoy searching up topics like things that are good for the body, finding foods that are good for the skin, and stretching and training methods. However, whether I do them or not is a different matter. I think I do want to try implementing some of them though!
By the way, recently not only the members but the fans have also said “You’ve become more fashionable!” that’s why I have the strong desire to master fashion even more. Of course, I can’t forget about make-up! I’ll work hard!
 Please let me make some announcements!
 <On sale now>
·         OVERTURE-sama
With a more mature attitude, Minamin, Den-chan and I got our pictures taken! I really love the atmosphere of this magazine. I’m so glad I was able to feature in it!!!!!
·         Platinum FLASH-sama
Solo shoot! I went to the zoo! I was happily smiling the entire time!! The goats liked me. There were a lot of guinea pigs! I want to go again (´・_・`) I’m going to work hard to try and get a call for another solo photoshoot! Here’s a behind the scenes picture!
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Ferrets. This my impression of a ferret face.
·         BUBKA-sama
Another solo shoot. Ahh, it was a lot of fun, I want to return to that day, is how I feel about the shoot. To tell you the truth, I was able to make a dream come true through this photoshoot. It was a very fun time, please make sure to check it out!
·         BOMB-sama
Yoda, Momo, Mizuki and me! It was a really fun shoot!! It was a very euphoric mood. I think that atmosphere will appear on the pages!!! All four of us were in very high spirits, it’s been a while since I’ve had trouble breathing from laughing so hard (´・_・`)
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☆Seventeen November issue.
 <On sale soon>
 ·         October 10th, CM now-sama
It’s been announced that Miona-san and I will be on the front cover. Thank you very much. I’m can’t tell you how happy I am… The yellow dress I wore was really cute and sexy. I’m happy that I was able to do a photoshoot with Mion-san. Please check it out
·         October 11th, 19th single “Itsuka Dekiru Kara Kyou Dekiru”
This means that there is a new 3rd generation song. The MV for “Boku No Shoudou” has been released! Have you seen it yet??? The tone of this song is completely different from the other 3rd generation songs, and it has a cool feeling to it. Dancing the choreography is also a lot of fun.
 For this single, in the place I was given I wanted to do something only I could do. The position I am in I could see everyone. I could see the changes in everyone, and I wanted to be someone who could get close to the others. We’re not friends, but colleagues. I want to become someone that can support their colleagues.
Personally, I want to be someone that doesn’t make you want to be a fan of anyone else. I will do my hardest on my reckless dancing. I’ll sing my favorite songs in the loudest voice I can. I’ll make use of the facial expressions I learned for the stage play. I’ll continue to watch everyone. I’ll be happy if you keep that in mind. In order to make Kubo Shiori a person you can become a little more interested in I’ll put my all into the activities for the 19th single. Please continue to look after me!
 Starting from today I feel like a lot of things will begin (´・_・`) What that is I can’t yet say but I will promise that I’m doing it every day. I declare that I’ll continue until I can show you how I’ve changed! You’ll change starting from today Shiori! Please continue to watch me everyone!!!!!! (I can’t say what I’m doing right now, but I will tell you one day)
 Next! Yoda, Momo, Mizuki and me did a web commercial for Mouse Computers! The senior members did a CM for Mouse Computers and I never thought that we would be able to do one, so I was shocked (´・_・`) I’m overjoyed! I had a stuffed teddy bear with me, it was a very fluffy character. It’s a different Kubo than usual so please make sure to check it out!
 I never thought that they would use the part where I was looking at the script…how embarrassing (´・_・`) Is the Web Cm available? It is (´・_・`)。。
 This is kind of sudden but.
I’m currently looking at the sky. Are you looking at the sky? It weird that everyone in the world is looking up at the same sky. I wonder what the sky will look like tomorrow. Let’s look at the sky tomorrow. I’ll be looking too.
 Midsummer National Tour in Niigata!!! I’m looking forward to it! It’s finally tomorrow!!! That means that the sky I’ll be seeing tomorrow will be Niigata’s! It’s been a while since I’ve done an outdoor live! I want to help you forget all your troubles! To everyone that’s coming tomorrow, let’s get fired up!
 Winter is coming. I don’t usually speak about any big objectives, and I tend to keep them a secret, but this is something I really want to come true!
 This winter I want to do a photoshoot in the snow (´・_・`) I really do like snow don’t I! Being surrounded by pure white snow, surrounded by fluffy snow, that’s the kind of photoshoot I want to do! Even though I come from Tohoku I’ve never done winter sports so if there’s any possibility I want to try and ski and ride the lift (´・_・`) that’s my objective. I’m going to work hard to make it come true!
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It’s rare for me to smile like this. (This is a behind the scenes shot from BUBKA)
 I was wondering if anyone’s been patiently waiting for me to update my blog today? I can’t help but be happy. There are people waiting for me. Is there anything happier than that? That’s why I think I want to do something for those people.
 I love the word ‘return/repay’ I wonder if that why I like ‘The Cat Returns’. I don’t know though.
Isn’t repaying a favor a wonderful thing? Even though they’re not expecting anything in return you’re thankful for the gesture, and so next time you want to do something for them. I think that human connection is wonderful isn’t it. Beautiful. Amazing.
Well then. Workers, students, exam takers, everyone let’s do out best. I’ll do my best too!
 Good night. Please take a long rest〜
I’ll write again soon.
 Kubo Shiori
 Recently I’ve felt that for some reason I’m either doing things at 0 or 100%, but it’s not as clear cut as an on and off switch. I want to constantly be at 100% but sometimes something happens, and I crumble and during that time I’m at 0%. I wonder if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. There’s definitely people who are reading this that are exactly the same way. I want to do things at 50%, 80% but for some reason I’m constantly at 100%. I wonder why humans are this greedy.
 However, that’s alright. You just need to work hard to be that way. If you feel greedy it just means that you’re not content with who you are and it’s proof that you want to change. You just need to make good use of those feelings.
If you’re going to change, now is the time.
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