#[and happy mo/the/r's day to everyone who celebrates!]
coollyinterferes · 1 year
//pov ur about to get mugged
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soheila-1996 · 4 years
My story- Part Thirteen
I have epilepsy. This details my seizures, I can’t speak for everyone, everyone’s seizures/ experiences are different. This is graphic. Seizures are messy. They aren’t fun and it felt wrong to make it out to be cute when they really aren’t.   Pretty much all the things that happen in the plot have happened to me. Well, I’m not married to a king or live in a palace so…there’s that but everything else is accurate.  There may be some jokes about it here because I do joke about it sometimes. It makes me more comfortable and I find it helps relax everyone around me. I’m also writing about it because there really aren’t that many fics written about it and I think it’s important to shine light on it.
Any feedback is really appreciated! :)
Tags: @kacie-0156 @texaskitten30, @cordonianroyalty, @kingliam2019 , @cordonia-gothqueen,   @bobasheebaby @losingbraincellseveryday  @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @jared2612 @flutistbyday2020 @debramcg1106 @anotherbeingsworld @leaharhys @cordoniaqueensworld @bascmve01
Paring: Liam and Riley
Warnings: SUICIDE ATTEMPT, mention of miscarriage. 
Word count: 5,316 
Catch up here
This one again is super personal to me. They all are personal in one way or another but this one and the one about my miscarriage are extremely personal.
I really debated writing this in but writing is such an amazing outlet. I was in such a dark place when I lost the baby last year and I didn’t see a way out so I did things that I’m not proud of. I tried to take my own life and now i’m so beyond happy that my attempt was unsuccessful, however, everything has just gone really wrong over the last few weeks and I’ve just started feeling really down again. Writing about my feelings is kind of helping me get out of this funk.  
(Riley’s POV)
It’s now the next morning since I arrived back from the hospital. Liam, my parents and my brother had tried to get me to come out of my room but I was being a rebellious teenager and refused to open the door. I think Liam has slept in the spare room.  We live in a literal palace so there’s plenty of space for him to stay.  I don’t think any of them can understand how I’m feeling. I know that everyone has days when they feel down and a little depressed but I feel like this all the time. I’m numb. I go through my day like a robot. Physically I’m here but mentally I’m a million miles away. I just don’t feel anything anymore. 
Everyday just blends in together until it makes no sense anymore. I feel like I’m going crazy. My memory has just gone; I don't even remember what I had for breakfast...If I had breakfast at all that is. I hate this so much. 
I’ve taken my medication for the first time in a while earlier this morning after  a heated debate with my parents. I struggle to see how any of them think that taking a few pills is going to do anything. It should stop the seizures but it’s not going to change how I feel. 
I feel suffocated. I don’t need to be treated like I’m a baby. I’m just...I’m tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally, I’m just so exhausted all the time. I am sick of faking being happy; it doesn't work. 
Losing the baby was just my breaking point and I’m not sure there’s any coming back from it. I don’t want to come back from it. Why would I want to carry on knowing that the rest of my life will be spent in fear of a seizure, that I might not be able to give my husband the one thing he wants more than anything, or with the possibility that I’ll get out of this hole and in a short while end up back here again? 
I just want it to stop. 
“Why do you keep looking at me?” I ask, bitterly. I’m sitting on the couch in silence with the rest of my family. I can feel Josh’s eyes on me. I turn to look at him as he averts his gaze.  “If you’ve got something to say, just say it.”
“Just talk to us, Ri,” my brother encouraged. 
“About? I told you last night all you need to know. I’ve fucked everything up,” I say, raising my voice as I stand up. 
“No, you haven't,” Josh insists. 
I shake my head and let out a frustrated groan. When are they going to understand that telling me that everything is fine, that I didn’t fuck up isn't helping? It goes in one ear and out the other. I look back to Josh. “Why are you here, Josh? Who invited you?”  
This isn't me. I’m not mean. I’m not like this. I love my brother, growing up he was my best friend but I just don’t care anymore. 
“I don’t need my big brother to come and save the day. I’m an adult!” I yell. I’m so easily agitated. Maybe that’s down to the lack of sleep...I don’t know. “And you!” I yell as I turn my full attention to my husband. “You only care because it makes you look like a good person, doesn't it? Lovely, kind Liam married the girl with a disability!” 
He looks stunned...maybe a little hurt even. Liam opens his mouth to speak but obviously decides against it.  “H-how can you say that?” 
“Because it’s true,” I shrug. Nobody says anything to object and in my head they’re just confirming it. It wouldn’t be the first time somebody has used me and my disorder to make themselves look like a better person. 
Liam gets to his feet and attempts to step towards me. I hold up a hand to stop him. “Just leave me alone,” I command. 
I move past him, grab my phone off the coffee table then I leave the apartment. I need to just be away from everyone. 
I need some space. 
Jacob and I have been getting particularly closer over the last few weeks. He had visited me a couple times while in the hospital and had been coming over after school. I’m still not back but my parents have agreed to let Jacob, Luna and a couple of my other friends come over. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love my siblings and parents but I’m starting to get a little sick of being stuck with them all day. The house has currently been chaotic- Josh is moving out, he’s been saying this for a couple years though, to be fair he had actually moved out with  his girlfriend but they had broken up. It was rather tragic actually. He really loved it. Casey is also about to move out and to Boston apparently.  
Jacob and I  are snuggled up on the couch, blanket draped over our legs, despite the fact it’s the middle of the summer in NYC. Although I’ve got the AC on high enough that at least we’re not dripping with sweat as we cuddle. 
Sitting inside is not the ideal thing to do on such a beautiful day however, sometimes, much like now the heat has been known to cause more seizures. I don’t mind sitting inside though; I’m not really a fan of the sun, I burn really easily. That might possible be now to me being a ginger- the sun hates me. 
Jacob is just amazing. Since he found out about my epilepsy he has been amazing. He makes sure that I’m on my side and helps me wake up when the seizure ends. Obviously, epilepsy is a big thing to deal with when you actually have it but it’s also a big thing for the people are you too but Jacob doesn’t seem bothered by it or is overly worried. It’s nice and refreshing to have somebody who isn’t constantly worried, however, we haven't really discussed it so he doesn’t know much about it. 
We spend a little while longer watching celebrity masterchef- Jacob is from the UK and had introduced me to the show a little while ago as we talk about what it's like back in England. It’s nice learning about where he’s from. He’s lived in the  States for a few years now but still has a very, very British accent. 
“What triggers them?” Jacob asks, breaking the comfortable silence between us both. I look up to him with a raised eyebrow. “Your seizures. What triggers them?” 
I clear my throat, thinking about what I'm going to say before I speak normally makes me stutter a little less. “Q-quite a few t-things. N-not taking m-my medication, sleep d-d-deprivation, s-stress,  if I get t-too overwhelmed can t-trigger them, if I d-don't eat can  s-sometimes cause them or  if I get t-too hot.” I explain, internally cringing at how much I just stuttered.  Speech therapy it helping, it’s not as bad as it used to be but it’s nowhere near back to how it was before. He nods. “W-When I-I was younger hot showers sometimes triggered them or caused an aura,” I add, “I-it doesn't really happen anymore. I-i-It’s a m-minefield s-s-sometimes.” 
“Aura?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” I nod, “N-not like a-a s-s-spiritual one. It's what t-t-the feeling you get before a s-s-seizure is c-called.” 
“And you get that every time you’re about to have a seizure?” 
“M-m-most of the time. Occasionally they just k-kinda happen but n-n-normally before a grand mal s-seizure I will. W-when I have absences they just happen b-but they’re m-much e-easier t-to recover from. They happen a-and then i-I’m fine s-straight away,” I explain. 
“Absence?” he asks. It dawns on me that he really doesn't know much about my seizures or seizures in general other than the basic first aid while it’s actually happening. 
I turn around to face him and bring my legs under me. I take some time to think about my sentence before I speak. “Yeah, there’s different types of s-s-seizures,” I tell him, “Grand  m-mal s-seizures are the m-most r-recognisable s-seizure; it’s the m-most c-c-common one people think about but then there’s a few others. I have absence seizures which is when I kinda just s-stare off into space for a couple s-seconds. I’ve also had a couple m-m-myoclonic seizures too.” 
“What’s that?” 
“It n-normally happens in n-both arms but not always, your m-mouth can twitch and your jaw can jerk. It can happen to the head and neck too but the person is fully aware of what’s happening. They’re really scary- all types of seizures are.” 
We talked for a little while longer about my epilepsy and eventually changed the subject to something a little happier. I was engrossed in our conversation when my stomach rolled. 
Not now. 
I took in a deep breath as I tried to get rid of the nausea. It doesn’t go away and my arm starts to tingle. “J-Jake, i-it might happen again,” I told him, panicked- this never gets easier. 
He peeled his gaze off the tv and turned to me. “Ri, you had one this morning. Are you sure this is okay?” He asks me with concern. 
It’s true I had one this morning but unfortunately my brain doesn’t really care about if I've already had one today. I’ve learned that it’s going to do whatever it wants and that I have no say in it. 
Jacob helps me off the couch and onto the floor. This one is coming on really, really quickly. I don’t remember anything anymore; nothing makes sense. Basically, as soon as I’m laying down on the floor I’m consumed by blackness. 
I’m now outside after storming off. Taking a walk through the palace grounds often helps me to clear my head. I’m head to the garden maze- that’s my favourite place. The place I can go to and just clear my head and attempt to make sense of everything. 
 Everything is a mess. Why can’t I just open up to people? Why can’t I be honest with people about how I’m feeling?  There’s thick dark grey clouds looming over me. It’s going to rain. Great. Even the weather seems to be in sync to how I’m feeling. 
I want to be able to open up. I want to stop feeling like this but do I deserve to feel better? I don’t think I do. 
Ben constantly made me feel like shit and so did all his friends. My teenage years especially were made up of people telling me that I’m worthless or should’ve died and now it’s made up of having everything that I want so incredibly badly taken away from me. 
Is there any point to any of this anymore? I can’t seem to find one. 
Josh, my mom and dad, Liam, my friends all ask me if i’m okay and I say i’m fine. It’s a habit. I tell them that I’m okay while I’m screaming on the inside that I’m not; praying that they’ll continue to push me enough so I finally break and tell them...but they don’t. They think giving me space and time is helping me but while I’m alone I just dig myself a deeper hole; one that I’m never going to be able to escape from.   
Every time they leave me alone it's like they’re putting me back into a cell, all by myself, alone with these crippling thoughts. My mind is a prison and I’m never getting out.
I continue to walk for a little while longer. It’s cold and I can feel the rain lightly starting to fall but I don’t want to go back. Not yet. 
I can feel the salty tears streaming down my cheeks but I don’t wipe them away. What’s the point? They’ll just soon be replaced with more. 
My family, my friends, my husband...they hate me don’t they? I snapped at Josh, at Liam...I- I suddenly come to a halt when my stomach rolls and I feel that all too familiar feeling again. 
My arm is beginning to tingle, everything is growing more and more confusing. The one thing I know is that I want my husband. I want Liam. 
Why was I so mean to him? He was only trying to help. 
He’s going to be even more angry at me after this. I can’t tell him; he’ll be mad. I think for a second. There’s one other person that won’t be mad at me... 
Casey- my doctor sister. 
I retrieved my phone from my back pocket, nearly dropping it onto the floor in the process. I clumsily find her contact and type out a barely coherent text. 
Me: Im goins to hsve a seizure  
Even auto-correct can’t help me. The device in my hand makes a sound just seconds later as a reply comes in. 
Casey: Like right now?
My vision is starting to blur and I know longer know how to respond to my sister. Nothing makes sense. 
The device starts to vibrate and sound comes from it too. I fumble with it and manage to answer.
“Hello?” I asked, my voice slurred. I try to hold the device to my ear but coordination is not something I possess right now so it rests on my cheek. I’m sure this isn’t right.
“Ri?” My sister’s concerned voice sounded through the device, “Where are you?” 
“Where’s Liam, Ri? What’s going on?” She sounds serious. 
“He doesn’t w-want t-to,” I stutter. I can feel the tears starting to prick at my eyes.
“He’s mad,” I slur. 
“Where are you?”
“O-outside,” I stutter. 
“Can you lay down on your side for me?” She directs me gently. I comply and lower myself down onto the wet grass and lay on my side. I can feel something hitting me...like rain. 
“He’s mad,” I whisper. That’s all I know; Liam’s mad at me and won’t want to help me. 
“He still wants to help you,” She told me but I don’t believe her. “Riley, I need you to stay on your side for me, okay? I’m going to call Liam.” I think she’s hung up I can’t hear her anymore. 
I close my eyes; feeling my body be covered in goosebumps  as the freezing cold rain hammers down. “H-He’s m-m-mad at m-me.” That’s the last thought I have, the last thing I can say before the world goes black.
(Drake's POV)
I’m out on my morning run on the way back to the palace now. Rain has started to pour and the crisp air has started to sting at my exposed arms, legs and face. 
I’m jogging along the path on the way back to the palace when I notice somebody laying on the grass. I slow down a little and change direction to head over. 
As I get closer  I realise that it’s Riley so pick up my jog. I finally reach her and kneel down beside her. I lean over her slightly to look at her face, her eyes are closed and a little blood is pooling out of her mouth.  Without thinking, I wipe it away and onto my black shorts. I then brush hair away from her face. My hand brushes against her skin- she’s freezing. Based on the fact that the blood is still wet I concluded that the seizure must’ve stopped really recently so I lift her up into my arms and head back inside. 
As I enter the palace, I see Liam walking down the grand staircase. I see tell by the expression he’s got on his face that’s her scared and panicked. He visibly relaxes when he see’s us. Liam hurries down the rest of the steps and over to us. 
“Is she okay?” Liam asked, his voice wavers ever so slightly. 
I don’t really know the answer to that question though. I mean, I’m only guessing she had a seizure based on how I found her. I shrug, “I-I just found her outside and- “ 
“Her sister just called me,” Liam told me, “Casey said that Riley thought she’s going to have a seizure.” Liam held out his arms to me and I gently place Riley in his arms. “She’s freezing.” 
We head away from any prying eyes of any of the staff into a nearby drawing room. Liam gently places her down on the floor on her side and takes a blanket off the couch and lays it over her. He then kneels down beside her and slips her jacket, tossing it carelessly to the side. He then slips off her soaking wet shoes and socks, discarding of them in the same way. 
“Where was she?” Liam asked as I perched on couch. 
“Near the entrance to the maze.” Liam nods and I can sense there’s something going on. Is that any of my business though? Probably not but I can see that whatever is happening, what ever happened is starting to take a toll on him. 
He looks like he hasn’t slept. I can see that he’s been crying but his red-rimmed eyes. I’ve never seen him look so..broken before. 
“What’s going on, Li?” 
I’ve never seen him life this and this has me feeling a little panicky. Liam clear wants to cry, his eyes are welling up to the brim but he’s holding it in. He doesn’t take his gaze off of her as he continues running his fingers through her damp hair. 
“She called Casey because,” Liam pauses, his voice cracking, “Because she was afraid to tell me, that I would be mad,” He told me, avoiding my question.
“You know she’s not herself when she’s like this.” I try to reason, “She was just confused, Li.” 
Liam doesn’t say anything and I can take the hint that he doesn’t want to talk about it. Riley’s actions have hurt him- that much is obvious. 
 It’s a couple minutes later when Riley’s eyes start to flutter. I get to my feet and clear my throat to get my friends attention. 
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” Liam gives me an appreciative nod as I take my leave. 
(Riley’s POV) 
The first thing I notice is the feeling of cold, wet clothes clinging to my body. Goosebumps spread across my skin. I open my eyes fully and notice a hand laying in front of me.
... Where am I? 
I soon realise that the hand is mine as i lift a finger. It’s almost like I’m underwater, my hearing is muffled but I can just about hear something....maybe someone....shifting on the floor next to me? 
..What’s happening? 
I can feel myself beginning to panic. My heart is pounding. Everything seems loud. Why? It’s almost like it’s reverberating as a wall of sound hits my ears. It takes me some time to realise that the only sound other than my breathing and heart beat is a voice? It’s saying words that I don’t understand in my confusion. They’re speaking a language that makes no sense to me right now.
I soon realise that the hand is mine as i lift a finger. It’s almost like I’m underwater, my hearing is muffled but I can just about hear something....maybe someone....shifting on the floor next to me? 
I make my best effort to move away but I barely shift an inch. I’m really trying to escape but I can’t. Why can’t I move? A helpless, scared cry escapes my mouth. I feel terrified as I see the figure move in front of me. 
As they shift into my line of vision, their features become clear and the words they’re speaking, the strange language becomes less jumbled and more coherent. 
“Love, love come on it’s alright. It’s over now, love. I’m here.”  I realise that I know how that voice belongs to. That face. 
There’s something about it that feels familiar, safe even. I look up at him, a strand on dirty blonde hair falls over his face that he soon pushes away. “Hey, Riley,” he says, gently. I can see his mouth moving but I’m still not sure who the man is. “It’s Liam.” 
Liam- that name….I know that name I realise. 
I exhale and relax into the hard floor beneath me. He seems to notice my more relax body language and shifts closer to me. 
“You had a seizure,” he explains to me. I wrinkle my eyebrows in confusion, the last thing I remember was walking outside. h-how did I end up in here? “Drake brought you inside. It was raining and you were freezing.”
I nod and with his help, I manage to sit myself up. I wipe my mouth, it comes away with a red substance on the back. I’m still a little out of it and I don’t realise that it’s blood. 
Everything begins to come back to me- I snapped at Liam. He’s angry at me, he’s upset with me. I accused him of something I know that he’d never do. I look up at him but I can’t read him. He’s angry. 
 He’s so mad. 
My eyes begin to well up. It’s made such a mess out of everything, he’s mad at me, he doesn't love me anymore, he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I shift away from him and he looks almost surprised. Is that worry flashing across his face? 
No, no, it can’t be. He’s mad. 
“You’re okay, Love,” He tells me.  He tries to reach out to me to pull me back over but I continue to shift away, I nearly topple over- I still don’t have full control over everything just yet “You’re okay, Riley,” he tries again, “Everything’s okay.” 
It’s not. Nothing is okay. Nothing is ever going to be okay. I’ve made such a colossal mess of everything.  
I shake my head at him as tear slips down my cheek. Liam instinctively reaches out to try and brush it away but I move away from him. 
I look away from him to take in my surroundings. I looked down realising I’m now missing my jacket, shoes and socks and a blanket is down draped over me. I think back to what Liam had said as some of the puzzle pieces slot back into place. It was raining...I remember that. At least now I under why my clothes are soaking wet. 
“Ri,” Liam calls, moving closer to me. I scoot away from him once again. His face falls and I’m pretty sure I can now see his eyes starting to well up. “Please.” He sounds defeated. He sounds scared and upset and that’s all my fault. 
I look up at him to see some tears trickle down his face. I want to cry to but why should I be allowed to feel upset? I caused this. This is my doing. I’ve wrecked everything single-handedly. 
This is the first time that I’ve really looked at me. There’s big bags under both his eyes, his hair is unkempt, he even looks as if he’s lost a little weight, there’s stubble on his usually clean shaven face. 
I’ve broken him. I’ve broken the man that I’m supposed to love and protect. 
** It’s a couple hours later. It’s night now and  I’ve been tossing and turning in this bed for what seems like hours. Liam and i had both returned to our quarter after that incident. I had headed to bed and had fallen asleep soon after only to wake a short time later and had spent the rest of the day laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I must’ve fallen back into my slumber at some point  because I woke back up to find myself wrapped in my husbands arms and him sleeping soundly beside me. That all happens hours earlier though and i still haven’t been able to drift back off enough then I’m exhausted. 
 It’s hard to remember a time when I didn't feel utterly useless and hopeless. It amazes me how I’ve somehow managed to convince people that I’m okay for years.  How  I’ve some how managed to convince my family and friends that I’m okay with a fake smile when they are the people who are supposed to know me better than anyone; the people who are supposed to call me out on my bullshit. 
Liam is sleeping beside me so I quietly got out of the end and headed down the hall to our home study. I close the door half way and I switch on the desk lamp that sits on the corner of the desk. I plop down into the seat behind the desk and open the notebook sitting in the middle and pick up a pen out of the pit. 
Dear Liam, 
First things first, this isn't your fault. I need you to know that. I know that you’ll blame yourself but I don’t want you to.
 I’m not really sure what to say or how to explain this to you. 
Everything is just so hard. Most of the time, I’m able to handle it and keep going with my life without my daily routine  being affected too much but not anymore. I’m stuck in possibly the worst depressive episode that I’ve ever been in and I just don’t see a way out, Li. 
I know that I should just talk to you but when I try there’s a voice at the back of my mind screaming at me that I’m nothing but a burden to you, my parents, our friends.  I’m not sure when I started feeling like this. At some point everything started to feel pointless, I'm just not sure when.
You’ve made me so happy, Liam. I love you. I love that since you found out about my epilepsy you haven’t treated me like a kid or let it define our relationship. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you, I’m sorry that I scare you every time it happens. I’m sorry that I lost our baby. I’m sorry that I’ve shut down and pushed you away since it happened.  I’m sorry that I’m not the woman that you married or at least I don’t feel like her anymore. 
There’s not one reason why I’m doing this. There isn't a clear explanation. So many things have contributed to this but none of them are your fault. If I were to try and explain this feeling to you or my parents or anyone; you’d all say something along  the lines of ‘it’ll get better’ ‘this is a long term solution for a short term problem’ or  ‘ You’ve still got your entire life ahead of you’- the problem is that I don’t want it. There’s nothing more to it. I just don’t want to be here anymore. It's all just too hard. 
I’m sorry; I know this will hurt you for a short while but you’ll move on. You’ll be okay. You’ll be amazing. I promise. I know I have no right to ask anything of you right now but...be happy.  That’s all I  want. 
I love you. 
Goodbye, Liam . 
I place down the pen and look down at my letter. There’s a couple tears stains on it now but none of the words have been smudged. 
I carefully tear out the page from the notebook and get to my feet. I quietly pad down that hall to our bedroom; Liam is thankfully still asleep. I stay in the doorway for a few minutes watching him sleep. In a short few hours he’ll wake up and I’ll be gone. 
I place the note down on my bedside table then enter the bathroom that’s conjoined to our bedroom. I quietly closed the door and headed over the sink counter top. 
I sniffle and wipe at both my nose and eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. I look at my reflection; I look dead already. I don’t look like me...like a human. I don’t recognise myself at all anymore. 
I glance away from the mirror and caught sight of the little muti-coloured pill containers just in front of me. It’s like it's screaming out my name, telling me to just down them all and it’ll be over. Take the pills and not wake back up. There’s not a doubt in my mind; I just want it all to stop. I can’t do this anymore- I don't want to. I can’t. 
If I do it, Liam will be happy that he won’t have to worry about me anymore. No one will have to spend time and energy worrying about me anymore. 
I picked up the container and popped open each little compartment and tipped them into my hand. A couple of them roll out of my hand on fall to the floor but there’s enough in my hand to do the job already. 
I placed them into my mouth and swallowed them dry. I cough as they nearly get stuck going down my throat. I’m not sure how I feel right now. It’s an indescribable feeling that I can’t quite explain. 
I know that It’ll soon be over, I thought I would feel relief but I...I’m scared. I still feel relief because I know that this’ll all be over soon but I’m not so sure that this was the best decision. 
I feel regret for a brief moment before I remember why I’m doing this and that feeling ebbs away. This is right decision- I’m positive.
It’s a couple minutes later when  I’m startled when I hear someone knocking on the door. I freeze and turn to slowly look at it. 
“Riley? Honey, open the door.” That’s my mom. Why does she want? How does she even know it’s me. “Ri, you’ve been in here a long time. Please open the door, so I know you’re okay. Please?” 
I forgot she was an night owl- she must’ve been in the living room or something and saw me come in here. 
“I- I’m a little busy right now,” I called back. I just hope she’ll buy that and leave me alone. She doesn't need to see this. 
Shit- I forget someone will come in here when it’s over and find me. I hadn’t thought of that. 
I hear a brief commotion… more voices….more people are outside. Someone bangs on the door. “Riley, open the door.” 
That’s Liam. Shit. 
I catch sight of my reflection in the mirror. My skin is pale and beads of sweat are now forming on my forehead. 
I don’t feel so good. 
I wave my hands in front face to try and cool myself down. I’m so hot.
“Ri, It’s dad, open the door,” My dad pleads, “Honey, please open the door.” 
I think someone just rammed into the door. It happens again and the door flies open, the frame splintering. Liam is the first person I see...kind of , my vision is starting to blur. I sway back and forth, I feel so out of it.  
“What did you do?!” my dad yells. Somebody is holding me up, I can feel someones arms wrapped around my waist. I think it’s Liam. 
I’m dizzy. 
 I hear my mom let out a sob. “Riley!” 
The voices around me, the terrified screams of my family don’t register. I stumble back into my husband’s chest. My knees buckle and I’m vaguely aware of being lowered down onto the floor. 
I’m barely aware of what’s going on around me, the flurry of people, nothing makes any sense. All I know is that I don’t feel good and I’m scared. 
I’m trying to pay attention to what’s happening but I’m tired. I’m so tired and sleep is calling my name. My eyes flutter shut and I’m consumed by darkness. 
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c-atm · 4 years
Fighting Flirty: Birthday Boss Rush
Chapter 1: Hanging with the Maheswarans
The sound of the warp pad reverberated throughout the area as a stream of crystal blue hit the pad and vanished as fast as it came, leaving the now 22 year old Steven ‘Mister’ Universe, dressed in his usual summer outfit of a black cotton short sleeve button up, pink bubble vest, blue jeans, and black and pink sneakers. He took a step off, hands in his pocket as he headed towards his destination. It didn’t take long for him to reach it, as he came to a large fountain with a statue of Rose Quartz, his mother;  in the very middle. He sat on the edge of the fountain, kicking off his socks and shoes and dipping his feet in the water. He turned towards the tear streak visage of the woman who gave him birth, with an even smirk.
“Hey Mom.” It was so much easier to call her that these days, no longer feeling the strain of living up to her legend or cleaning her mistakes. “Hope you don’t mind me stopping to check up on you unannounced, just figured I should while I have a bit of time.” He grinned, not getting an answer, not that he was expecting one. “It’s my birthday, I’m officially twenty- two today and man, let me tell you about it so far.”
*earlier that day*
Steven just finished getting dressed, looking himself in the mirror before nodding in approval. He looked at the time read 11:30AM, Connie already left to run her errands and her shift at R&D,a half hour ago. Sighing, he went downstairs to the living room of his and Connie’s home to see a crystallized orb and a pink note beside it that simply read ‘Mister💝’. He picked it up with a curious smile, the smell of her chai and lily perfume caressed his senses as he opened the note up.
To my dearest Mister
I’m sorry that I can’t be there with you right now to celebrate your Birthday
But unfortunately ,things are happening at R&D that I need to be there for.
So with that in mind, I figured a way we could have fun together.
A birthday quest.
The orb, it holds part of your gift, but you need a voice activated code to open it.
I left pieces of the code with people I trust to keep a secret. My champions so to speak.
You’re tasked to get their part of the code by winning their challenges, whatever that might be.
As to who I chose, well follow your nose, Mister. You already have the scent of the code.
I hope you enjoy your birthday game and I'll see you later.
P.S. :Your first clue
"A hunt, huh?" Steven thought as he looked at the orb. It shined in the sunlight and was small enough to fit in his pocket. " Well, I've never been one to turn down a wholesome and fun time."  Pocketing the crystal in his vest, and the note in his pants pocket, not before giving it another sniff, a relaxed smile on his as Connie’s mischievous grin came to mind; gathering his keys from the bowl near the door, he set off, determined to win Connie’s game.
Steven gave a diamond enhanced sniff every few seconds as he walked around Little Homeworld, quite sure that a few of her ‘Champions’ were gems. It didn’t take him long to get a slight waft of the perfume, multiple actually. All moving around except for a couple.One being Startries and the other being at Funland for some reason he felt the champ at Funland was more menacing than the one at Startries, he made his choice and headed to Startries.
He was surprised to see that the champions weren’t inside but sitting at one of the outside tables. He would have doubted the authenticity of the situation, but the scent was definitely coming from their table. Steven couldn’t believe she got them in on it. He pulled up a chair grinning. “Priyanka, Doug.”
"Good afternoon, Steven."
"How are you doing on this fine day, My boy."
The Maheswarans greeted the birthday star, with warm voices and sly grins.
"Can't complain."The hybrid answered as he looked at the streets of Little Homeworld, seeing humans and gems interact with each other so easily, satisfaction on his face. He turned to the two as he leaned back on his chair "Seem like it's another peaceful summer day."
"That it does." Priyanka agreed.
"So Steven, how does it feel to be twenty-two years old?" Doug inquired.
"Hmm." Steven sat back in thought. "No different from yesterday." He scratched  the back of his head, kind of surprised at his answer. He used to feel so much excitement for this day when he was younger. Now after everything he has done..after everything he's currently doing with his life. It almost feels like another day. “Guess it comes with being older. Feel like another day on the calendar.”
“Oh wow…Didn’t expect that from you.” Priyanka responded, honestly. “I assumed you had a party planned.”
Steven let loose a shy chuckle. “That would be my normal MO, but I even forgot my birthday was coming up to a few days ago.” 
“Been that busy for you, lately?”  Doug asked. 
 Steven nodded with a smirk. “It’s not bad though. ” 
Priyanka looked at him closely, narrowing her eyes at the boy she considered a son. “Hmm..” She leaned back in her chair “Well doesn’t look like you’re overworking yourself..”
“What?” Steven waved his hands in front of him “ No no. not at all! I’m definitely making time to relax.” He reassured “Even today, my plans for the day were just to make rounds around Beach city and Little Homeworld. Check up on everyone." He folded his hands on the table. "That is until, Connie enhanced it."
"Enhanced it. That's a nice way to put it." Doug joked
"I'm still making my rounds, she just made them a bit more fun. Guess she wanted to make sure I'm enjoying my birthday to the fullest" His cheeks turned a bit pink "Just like her to play such a prank."
Doug and Priyanka glanced at each other privately, sharing secret smirks at the loving tone in his voice.
"That being said..." gave them the grin from before."...What game two got for me?
Priyanka sighed as gently folded her arms. "Really, we are having such a good conversation as well."
Doug chuckled. "You can't blame him, he is on a mission for our Kahanni. We gotta play our roles as 'Champions'."
"You’re really getting a kick out of this, Durga." She playfully chastised as Doug nodded.
"So what's my challenge?"  
The Maheswarans looked at the eager Steven before glancing at each other and back at him.
"Have you ever heard of the game 'Plead the fifth'?"
They chuckled lowly and mischievously as  Steven's eyes widened,his lips pursed together in a thin line and his nostrils flared.
"Oh..You've played before." Priyanka stated, matter of factly, her grin growing a bit more.
"You guys gonna grill me?"
"It's just five questions, Son. You can survive five questions without pleading the fifth,right?" Doug teasingly taunted.
"Five invasive questions."
"I promise not to get too invasive Steven." Priyanka swore, though her grin said differently.
"I'm afraid of that 'too'." Steven admitted with a sigh. " But I trust you. " He gave them a strained smirk. "I'm ready. Ask away."
"What is it that you want for your birthday?"
Priyanka turned to her husband a bit embarrassed at his crassness. "Really Doug."
"Hey, can't blame me for taking the opportunity." The security officer shrugged. "Besides, he could plead the fifth...He'll lose his right to our piece of the code..buuut.." He smirked as he left his statement hanging.
"It's ok." Steven laughed. "I did the same thing to Connie when we played once...Though that was about...Something else." He paused a  bit of a longing look on his face, before shaking his head. " But yeah my birthday, have no idea. Like I said, I had to be reminded of it by Connie." Steven looked up towards the sky and took a moment to ponder the question. "Though I've been trying to get back into my tube tube, maybe something towards that."
Priyanka glanced at her husband to stop him from giving them away, he was already in position to punch the sky in celebration.
" Who knows maybe you will." Priyanka said with a fox grin. "Now that Doug asked his ONE question-"
"I'm satisfied with my question, thank you very much." The man Interjected giving his wife a kiss on her temple, getting an eye roll and a hand squeeze. 
"It is my go, ready?"
"No. and that counts."
Priyanka's mouth was agape at his cunning, but soon nodded a bit impressed. "Fine. three questions… One. What did you ask Connie, when you two played this game?"
Steven smirked." I asked her many things. How long her hair was, who’s her favorite fictional character. A lot of things."
"You said you asked her something similar to Doug's question towards you. What was it?"
"What kind of ring she wants to be proposed with."
Priyanka eyes widen at the confidence  in his voice.  There was no blush, no shaking, no bashfulness. "Are you telling the truth?"
"Yup and that's question number five." He breathed out before grinning, doing a small little jig "I win..I win."
"You let him have that." Doug stated in a whisper in her eear.Giving her temple a kiss.
"It is his birthday, after all." The Maheswaran mother said weakly, trying to save a little face. She turned to the twenty-two years old and clapped her hands in flux applause. "Congratulations on your win."
"Yeah!....OK, I'll stop now." He chuckled as he tapped the tabletop.
"So ready for your code, your spoils of victory." Doug dramatically flared as he crossed his arms.
"Yes sir" Steven sat up straight puffing out his chest.
"You are both silly." Priyanka sighed as she shook her head, a half smile on her face. She signaled Doug to go inside the bakery to get his prize.  He did, stating he'd be right back, leaving the two alone.
"She worries." Priyanka  stated as Steven lay his head down.
Steven sighed. "I thought that was my job…"
"It's a 'THING'...mutual thing. You want the person in your life to be happy. " Priyanka answered expecting him to refuse the status. She was surprised when he seemed to nod in agreement.
"True enough...and I am happy. Happier than I've ever been in a while…" He turned his head towards Priyanka. "Your daughter gave me a quest for my birthday and it is already my favorite." 
Priyanka nodded before squeezing his shoulder giving him a motherly smile. "She would love to hear that…"
Before he could answer the fragrance of her perfume ignited his senses. He was surprised to see a box, wrapped in rose pink paper with a red bow land in front of him. 
Wrapped in the bow was a pink paper, the same one the note was written on. He took the paper breathing in the scent, before unrolling the paper.  "ove"
"Love.." He admired. "Certainly smells like it." He chuckled, putting the note with the other one.  He turned to the box and was caught off guard at the expecting looks of the Maheswarans. 
"Happy birthday, Steven." They both announced with matching smiles.  
Steven tittered in surprise as he undid the bow and tore open the wrapping paper. 
"Guys, you..Aw man." In front of him was a whole recording setup for a home studio. "I don't know what to say…" He gave them both a tight hug. "Thank you so much
for this."
"It's no problem." Doug assured. 
"We're happy to do it, Steven."  
Steven released them turning back to the box for the moment. "Aww man. I just want to set this up and start recording and streaming… I want to but, still gotta a way ahead of me."
"Don't let us stop you." Priyanka assured "We'll drop it off at your home later" Doug added. 
"You sure? I mean, I don't  want to take you out of your way." The hybrid commented, feeling a bit guilty.
" I'm not taking no for an answer. Trust us, ok?"  Priyanka told him as she took the box in her hands. "Now go. You gotta quest to finish" She commanded him in motherly tone.
"Better do what she says.." Doug joked. "You don't want her to get the abacus."
Steven took a look at Doug before turning to Priyanka who arched an eyebrow, challenging  him to defy her. "Pssh.. Mean." He pouted before getting up.
"Get going young man."  she snickered as he rose.
"Yes mom." He droned in play before smirking."You guys wouldn't know the code..Would you?"  His eyes lingered to the set up. " Just wondering."
"No. She didn’t say...And you'll be able to play with this when you're done." Priyanka reprimanded. " I swear Boys and their toys, no matter the age." 
"You better get going Steven," Doug added with jest. " She might really get the abacus."
"OK, I'm as good as gone." Steven announced as he began to  walk away, only to turn in give them one more hug. "Love you guys."  With that he was gone heading toward his next destination, Funland.
As the two watched  they found themselves  wrapped in another hug which they returned.  " Was you watching this whole time,Connie."
Connie Maheswaran  gave her mother a father a kiss on their cheek, before nodding.  "You guys did awesome..Even  if you went easy on him mom."
"It's his birthday. " She defended. "That being said..Ring size?" Priyanka added in tease.
Connie took the box from the table, grinning cheekily. " I plead the fifth." 
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 26 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N:  Just wanted to thank you guys for being understanding about the once-a-week posting schedule.  Also, as always, your canon questions are really fun to answer, as are your comments about the chapters!  Feel free to keep them coming.
Hope you enjoy this chapter because the next two focus on the playoff series with the Bruins and we all know how that went L O L (I’m still not over it).  
When Bee walked into the Scotiabank Arena Monday night, ready for the Leafs to face the Florida Panthers, she already had Aryne and Alannah waiting for her impatiently.  Bee hadn’t gone to the game against New York on Saturday because she was…tired.  From work.  At least that’s what she told them.
She knew that Fred and Tyler wouldn’t say a word to anyone about the fight.  She trusted them.  On Saturday, when the Leafs faced New York on Hockey Night in Canada, Bee just wasn’t up for going to the arena.  She was still emotionally drained from the night before, and even though she and Morgan had a long talk that morning, resolving a lot of things, she didn’t want to be around people.  She didn’t want to be around hockey.  He respected that.  The Leafs ended up losing in overtime, but when Morgan came home, he wasn’t in a bad mood.  Instead, he took off his suit, threw on his pajamas, and held Bee in his arms for the whole night.  He kept telling her how much he loved her; she kept telling him the same.  He kept kissing her tenderly and apologizing; she kept saying there was nothing to apologize about anymore.  He kept telling her how he wished he could give her the world, the moon and the stars – anything her heart desired and that she wanted in life; she kept saying she’d throw it all away – every bag, every shoe, every book, every moon and star in the universe – because all she wanted was him.  
He asked if she would move in before the playoffs; she nodded her head and said yes.  Morgan could have cried.
“We missed you on Saturday night,” Alannah said as she and Aryne hugged Bee.  “Was everything okay?  You haven’t missed a Saturday night game in a while.”
Bee shrugged her shoulders.  “It was…um…”
“We know it wasn’t work,” Aryne put air quotes around the word, giving Bee a look.  “Did you and Morgan have a fight?”
Bee bit her lip.  “We did, but it was resolved before the game.  I was just…I don’t know…emotionally drained, I guess.”
“What was it about?” Aryne asked.
Bee shook her head.  She loved Aryne, Aryne was one of her best friends, but she didn’t want to get into it.  She didn’t want to air her dirty laundry with her boyfriend to the wife of a member of his hockey team, regardless of how close they were.  “The fact of the matter is that we talked about it and solved it.  And, um, I’m moving in.”
Both Alannah’s and Aryne’s jaws dropped.  “Um, please hold,” Aryne raised her hand dramatically.  “You’re moving into Morgan’s place?!  When?!”
“Before the playoffs,” Bee revealed.  “He’s wanted me to move in for a bit now, and, well, I finally agreed on Saturday night.”
“Bee, this is huge,” Alannah commented with a giant smile on her face.  “I mean, especially if he’s wanted you to move in for a while.  What was stopping you?”
My own fear?  She couldn’t say that out loud, at least not to them, so she settled for another shrug of her shoulders.  “I guess I just wanted to get a job first before making such a big life decision,” she said.  “I mean, it’s still technically not even a year since we met.  We’re just reaching our six-month anniversary.  No relationship I’ve ever had has ever gone this…fast.”
“Yeah, but you and Morgan, like…love each other,” Aryne said.  “Like, I don’t think I’ve ever met a couple as on the same page as you guys.  Morgan looks at you like you put the stars in the night sky, and you look at Morgan with this glimmer in your eyes and the softest smile on your face…and it honestly makes me sick,” she joked, garnering a laugh from both girls.  “But I’m serious.  You guys just sort of have this way about you, as if you’ve been together forever.  You guys get each other.  That’s the most that anybody can ask for in a relationship.”
Bee couldn’t help but smile.  “And that’s why it feels right,” she said.  If Aryne could see it – if the outside world could see it – then it must mean something, right?  “It might be…you know, quick for some people, but it feels right to us.  It feels like the natural progression of our relationship.”
“Well, I’m so happy for you,” Alannah said.  “You’re over his place so much as it is.  Why delay the inevitable?”
“That was his reasoning.”
“Aryne!” a voice called suddenly, interrupting their conversation.
Aryne spun around to see who called, and when she recognized the two people waving, she squealed and outstretched her arms to hug them.  Alannah was smiling as well but Bee had no idea who they were.  Soon, Aryne turned back towards the girls with a giant smile on her face.  “Alannah, you guys have met, but Bee – these are my in-laws!  Barb, Joe, this is my friend Briony McTavish!”
Bee’s face immediately lit up when she learned who they were.  “Mr. and Mrs. Tavares!  It’s so nice to meet you!” she shook their hands.  
“Aryne has told us so much about you!” Barbara smiled.  “Are you excited for the game tonight?”
“Very,” Bee smiled.  “Gosh, you guys must be so excited to become grandparents!”
“Our first grandbaby!” Joe smiled, looking down at Aryne’s bump lovingly.  “Barbara can’t wait to be a babcha.  She’s already got a makeshift nursery set up.  Even took out some of John’s old clothes to see if they can be given some new wear.”
“I think I’ve been shopping enough to cover that,” Aryne winked at Joe.  “There’s also still the baby shower.  Maybe just take out that classic Leafs toddler jacket you bought him for one of his baby photoshoots.”
“Oh my God, I’m going to completely melt if I see that,” Alannah quipped.  “It’s like when Hank has his little Leafs onesie on.  I totally become a pile of goo.”
“Briony, Aryne tells me this is your first season with the Maple Leafs,” Barbara said.  “How have you taken to hockey so far?  Do you like it?”
“I like it when we win,” Bee joked, getting a laugh from everyone around her.  “To be honest, I’m still learning and getting used to it.  Especially the line changes.  Now I have to learn about the playoff format.  It never ends!”
“It really doesn’t,” Barb shook her head.  “John’s…what?  28 now?  It’s been 25 years since we started hockey and I’m still learning things.”
“Just wait till the game starts, Barb.  Bee knows all about the offside rule,” Aryne wiggled her eyebrows, garnering another round of laughs from the group.  Aryne turned on her heels and waved at the group to follow her.  “We should get to our seats before puck drop.”  
Something must have been in the air at Scotiabank Arena that night, because by the end of the 1st period, it was already 4-2 for the Leafs.  John had scored two goals, with Patrick and Jake scoring the other two.  Aryne, Joe, and Barbara were going crazy, cheering him on and clapping, and the Sportsnet cameras shot to them to show their celebration.  With the way they were sitting – Alannah at the end, then Bee, then Aryne, then John’s parents, Bee was definitely caught on camera.  And she only realized this because Angie decided to send her the video, already uploaded onto Sportsnet’s Twitter account, of them all celebrating John’s two goals.  Bee’s Rielly jersey definitely gave every viewer an indication of who she was there for.
“I have to go to the washroom,” Aryne mentioned as John’s parents were being interviewed by one of the Sportsnet personalities.  “Will you come with me?”
“Of course,” Bee said as they both got up, letting Alannah know where they were going.  
Bee began to walk up the stairs but Aryne walked down.  When Aryne noticed Bee wasn’t beside her, she looked up.  “I don’t want to walk up all those steps,” Aryne grimaced, putting a hand on her bump.  “Let’s just go to the regular ones.  I’m so tired.”
Bee could only acquiesce as she followed Aryne to the regular bathrooms, not the ones located in the friends and family section high above them on their special level.  They waited patiently in the line, and although they kept a steady conversation, Bee noticed some long stares coming their way.  She wondered if Aryne noticed them too.  When a free stall came up, Aryne bolted inside, leaving Bee to wait for her, scrolling through her phone and reading all the updates she wasn’t able to read earlier in the day because of work.  She checked her Instagram, as always, and saw a new barrage of notifications.
You have a new BFF in the Leafs squad every week.  First Lucy now Aryne.  Must be because they see how desperate you are and want nothing to do with you.
how do i become a wag like u can u help
Wearing Mo’s jersery so u can let everyone know ur with him.  Ur a joke.
The desperation R E E K S off of you!  You are never going to be as pretty as Cassie or Steph Lachance or any of those girls so quit while you’re ahead!  AND GO TO THE GYM FFS!!!!!
I know you’re not trying to be like the other wags.  That’s very noble of you, I guess.  But do you really think this crusade of yours is going to last?  There are only so many comments Morgan will be able to take about how fat you are before he finally sees it and dumps you.  You’re only getting fatter and fatter and it’s embarrassing for you and for Morgan.  Why would you put him through that?  You will never be part of the inner wag circle because of the way you look.  That’s just how it is.  That and the fact that you are bleeding Mo dry of his money.  
“I’m telling you, that’s Briony McTavish,” a louder than anticipated whisper broke Bee out of her thoughts.  She looked up from her phone quickly to see three girls standing near the entrance, one with a phone in her hands directed right at her.  The second they noticed that Bee was looking at them, the girl holding the phone lowered it dramatically and put it in her purse.
Bee sighed.  “You guys can approach me, you know,” she called out to them.  “I don’t bite.”  The girls’ mouths gaped open, like they didn’t know she could speak.  She smiled politely to try to get the girls to calm down.  “I mean it girls, I don’t bite.  Did you want to speak to me?”
The girls shuffled over, looks of fear mixed with worship and complete shock adorning their faces.  Two blondes, one with straight hair and one with short curly hair, clearly couldn’t believe what was happening.  Their brunette friend – the one who had the phone in her hand – was able to find her words first.  “Sorry, we just think you’re really pretty,” she said.  “It’s nice to see a wag who isn’t a skinny blonde.”
“Well, thanks,” Bee said, unsure if she should be grateful for the compliment.  “You could have asked to like…take a picture of whatever.  I wouldn’t have minded if you had asked.  I would just appreciate it if you didn’t take creeper shots of me.”
“Sorry,” straight-blonde-hair-girl said.  “It’s just…well, we know that Morgan uploaded that picture of you on his birthday, but you’ve just been all over the blogs online--”
“The blogs?  All over?  What do you mean?”
“You know…like, people are talking about you on the bunny blogs!” straight-blonde-hair-girl clarified, like it was the best thing in the world to get talked about online.  “We know they’re bunny blogs and we should take everything they say with a grain of salt, but like, there was that whole thing where you were in Cassie’s New Years video that basically blew up all of Leafs Tumblr and the bunny blogs, and then the Vancouver pictures and then Morgan’s birthday pictures--”
“Seems like a lot of people are stealing a lot of my pictures,” Bee said sarcastically.  
“It wasn’t us, we swear,” the brunette jumped in.  “Everybody is just, like, wondering who you are.  That’s all.  There are like, the mean girls who start rumours about you, but nobody listens to them.  I guess because you aren’t as open as Cassie people just want to know more.”
“Why aren’t you as open as Cassie? ” the one with the short curly blonde hair finally spoke.  
Bee couldn’t believe she would ask such a question, but she also knew that these girls were going to write into those same bunny blogs the second this conversation was done with, so she had to watch what she was going to say.  “Morgan and I are just private people.  Especially Morgan.  He’s super private and super protective.  And we want to keep it that way.”
“Did Morgan help you get the job at Scotiabank?”
Bee’s body stiffened.  “How…how do you guys know I work at Scotiabank?”
“Well, like, someone Googled your name I guess, and it was on some website,” the young blonde said.  “It’s been all over the bunny blogs.”
A shiver ran up Bee’s spine.  She couldn’t believe how much information was out there about her, that they managed to find and steal from her, yet these girls still wanted to know more.  Should she just come out with her blood type?  What her favourite movie was when she was five?  Her DNA configuration?  What more could they want from her?  “No, he didn’t help me get the job.  I have a Master’s in Financial Economics.  I got the job all on my own.”
All three of the girls smiled on cue.  “Told you so!” the brunette said to the straight-blonde-hair girl.  She turned her attention back towards Bee.  “Sorry, it’s just that there was this huge thing online about whether or not you quit school when you met Morgan or if you had just finished your program, and there was this whole thing that Sydney Esiason said in a comment on Insta but everyone thinks it’s about Cassie, and some girl claiming to be from your program was all like ‘We’re just done, Briony’s one of the top students in the course’ but someone else, also apparently from your program, was like ‘She quit the second she started going out with Mo because all she’s ever done is aspire to be a wag and all she used to talk about was bagging a Leafs player’ and it was all--”
“Please don’t believe everything you read on the Internet,” she interrupted.  The girl hadn’t taken a breath since mentioning everything that was happening online – it seemed like she lived her entire life there.  More shivers ran up Bee’s spine.  To think someone in her program was engaged in this – that they even had the time to engage in this – was beyond her.  “I’m just a girl trying to work and I happen to have a professional athlete boyfriend.  That’s all I am.  There’s nothing special about me besides my Master’s degree.”
“Morgan definitely thinks there’s something special about her, and I do too,” Aryne’s voice interrupted their conversation as she made her way out of her stall.  She looked over at the girls as she washed her hands; again, their jaws dropped at the sight of John Tavares’s wife.  “You can write to all those bunny blogs and tell them Morgan’s never gonna get with them, so they need to stop,” she said, her voice strict.  “You can also tell everyone that the DMs Bee gets are hilarious and pathetic all at the same time, and we laugh at them over bottles of sauvignon franc at restaurants those girls could only dream of eating in.”
The girls’ eyes went wide.  “It’s not us--”
“I know it’s not you.  It’s all those Toronto party girls who like to cause shit and it’s the Instagram model girls who wouldn’t be able to get a contract with any legit agency if their life depended on it, but be the messenger,” Aryne winked, though her voice still strict and curt with them.  “I don’t care what you say about me.  Call me a bitch on every single bunny blog on the internet – I really don’t care.  But anybody who goes after Bee is gong to have a problem with me.”
“Will do,” the brunette smiled, a feisty look in her eyes.  “Are any of the younger Leafs single?”
Bee’s eyes went wide at the abrasiveness and audacity of the girl.  Her friends slapped at her arm as she was in a staring contest with Aryne.  “They’re not into jailbait.  But I’m sure you’ll just go and befriend Cassie to see.”  Aryne looked at Bee and grabbed her hand.  “Let’s go.  The period’s about to start and I want to actually watch the game.”
Aryne linked her arm with Bee’s, and when they were far enough away from the washroom, she looked at her.  “Don’t ever think that you need to speak to those types of girls ever again,” she warned.  “They’re not worth your time.  Everything you just said is going to go on all those bunny blogs.”
“You don’t think it will clear stuff up?” Bee asked innocently.
“It never clears stuff up,” Aryne countered.  “Rumours are still going to spread about you.  Remember when we watched the Isles game at your place and I told you that you have your priorities in order?” she asked.  Bee nodded her head.  “You still do.  But keeping them in order is harder than having them in the first place.  And those girls…their only priority is either hooking up with a hockey player or making it seem like they’ve hooked up with one.  And if they’re not trying to hook up, they want to make it seem like they’re inside their circle and friends with the wags.  They don’t even have morals.”
Bee knew that she needed to listen to Aryne.  She didn’t have a clue about any of this and she was so in over her head that she didn’t even know where to begin, what was right and what was wrong, what was appropriate and what was not.  It was a mystery to navigate this minefield; every step she took, she felt like she was going to explode, or that she’d set off something that would get the sirens ringing and the armies rushing the battlefield.  “Let’s go watch some hockey,” Bee announced, resolved to not giving it another thought.  What was more important than what those girls told her was being spread online was that John was on the verge of a hat trick and Morgan was on the verge of approaching seventy points.  
“Atta girl,” Aryne wiggled her eyebrows.  “Now let’s go watch my hot husband dominate Florida.”
Dominate John did.  Only six minutes into the second period, he completed his hat trick thanks to a rebound from a shot by Morgan.  It rained hats in the arena as Bee, Alannah, Aryne, and John’s parents danced, cheered, high fived, and hugged each other in celebration, the cameras panning to them and showing them on the jumbotron for the fans to see.  The assist by Morgan meant that he was on his 69th point, and Bee wanted so desperately for him to get 70.  
Then the magic happened.  Only four minutes into the third period, John scored a fourth goal.  Aryne went nuts, as did John’s parents, and rightfully so – it was his first four goal game for the Leafs.  Barbara even began to cry as the fans kept roaring their applause for their hometown boy.  Like a cherry on top of a perfect ice cream sundae of a Monday night, Zach scored the seventh goal for the Leafs, with an assist from Morgan, gaining Zach the distinction of being a 20-goal scorer and getting Morgan to a 70-point season.  Bee teared up as she hugged Alannah after the goal.  She knew he was having a career season, but he blew his previous points total out of the water – by almost 20 points.
After the game, Bee waited for Morgan in the usual spot, eagerly anticipating his arrival.  Media was taking longer than normal – she figured because of the night John had.  She checked the usual Twitter accounts for Sportsnet and TSN to see what they were saying and uploading onto their feeds.  She checked her Instagram to see more DMs, but only read Angie’s who sent her a compilation video Sportsnet had uploaded of the group celebrating all four goals.  Then, for the first time in her life, she Googled ‘puckbunny blogs tumblr’ to see if what those girls were saying – and what Aryne told her – was actually true.  Automatically, what seemed like hundreds of links popped up for her to click on, and she clicked the very first.  Right at the top of the feed, she saw her name.
I met Bee McTavish (Morgan Rielly) at the Leafs game tonight in the washroom of all places lol.  She’s a sweetheart.  Super super nice.  Doesn’t like that all her photos got posted everywhere bc she is trying to remain super private and says Morgan is super private too.  She was in the washroom with Aryne (John Tavares wife) who was much ruder.  Oh and she has a Master’s.  Never quit her course when she met Morgan. It was all lies ☺ bye!
Aw thanks anon!  Good to know!  We all knew Morgan would go for someone just like that!  It’s too bad a lot of people won’t respect their wishes.
Bee McTavish is bigger in person but pretty.  Maybe it was the jersey.  Saw her at the Leafs game tonight sitting with Aryne Tavares and John’s parents.  Went crazy after Mo got his 70th point.  I know Sportsnet showed her a bunch of times but she was on the jumbotron too after John’s fourth goal and it was really cute.  Small applause bc the crowd recognized John’s parents and wife.
I guess Mo doesn’t mind her size anon.  Thanks for the update!  She must be really close with Aryne if she sat with her and John’s parents?  Did she know them from before and that’s how she and Mo met?
Bee McTavish is lovely.  Everybody needs to get off her dick.  If you watch the videos from Sportsnet she’s so genuinely happy for Morgan and the team when they do well.  Whenever I see her at games she’s one of like, the only wags – esp the young wags – who is always paying attention to the game instead of being on insta.
Thanks anon!  Seems to go with what a lot of ppl are saying.
Those people saying Bee is nice are probably her friends she’s sent to say stuff about her.  She’s honestly not that nice.  A TOTAL social climber.  Pretends to be all cute and innocent but she’s been on the Toronto party scene for a while and was stalking Leaf players before she got with Mo.  Rumour has it she slid into Auston’s DMs (what Toronto girl hasn’t lbr) and even Willy Nylander’s before she landed Mo.  Shows how much of an idiot she is bc Willy wasn’t even in Toronto till December!!!!!
Wow ok anon thank u!!!
Whoever sent in that last ask is so incredibly dumb lol yeah she’s a known Toronto party girl yet her whole instagram feed when she was public was books, her coursework from her Master’s, and food she’d cook???  Try doing ur research next time sweetie you sound so jealous!  Ur probably trying to hook up with Mo even though he’s taken.  Just makes u a slut.  Not to mention a homewrecker.
I just post all my asks.  Not necessarily what I believe.
Bee couldn’t help but snort as she swiped to delete the tab.  There was no way she was going down that rabbit hole.  She stuffed her phone back into her pocket and waited impatiently for Morgan.  When he finally came out, with John, Zach, and Tyler in tow, she couldn’t help the giant smile that appeared on her face as he walked towards her.  
“You ready to go?” he said, extending his hand towards hers.
She grasped onto it tightly.  “Come here.”
When he was close, she stood on her toes so she could reach him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders before giving him a long, lingering kiss.  “You wanna talk about it?” she whispered.
“Talk about what?”
She smiled slightly.  “Mr. Seventy-point season.”  A smile crept upon his lips as he closed his eyes and shook his head – his version of ‘I don’t want to make a big deal out of it.’  But Bee was going to make a big deal out of this.  “I’m very proud of you,” she whispered quietly, so only he could hear.  “I’m so, so proud of you.”
Morgan bent down to kiss her again.  “That’s all that matters,” he whispered.
“That you’re proud.”
“I’m always proud of you.”
“I know you are, but it’s especially important tonight.”
“Because you hit seventy points tonight?” she giggled.
“Stoooooppppp,” Morgan buried his head into the crook of her neck.  “Stop saying it.”
“Stop saying what?  That you hit seventy points this season?” she smirked, moving away slightly so she could look at him again
“Noooo no no no ,” he shook his head before bending down to kiss her again.  “Is that the only way you’re gonna stop saying it?”
“Mhm,” she nodded her head.
“Am I gonna have to kiss you all night?”
“You tell me Mr. Rielly,” she pecked at his lips.  “What do you mean ‘it’, anyway?  Do you mean the fact that you got sev--”
He kissed her again, dragging her quickly towards the door.  “I gotta get you home quick.”
“Okay, I can help carry all the garment bags down.”
“I’ll follow behind you with the box of handbags.”
“I’ve got the shoes.”
“Make sure all the books are taken.  We may need to take two trips.”
“Naz, you can just sit there and look pretty.”
“HEY!” Naz yelled in protest to Morgan’s comment.  John, Jake, Mason, and Tyler laughed at the scowl on Naz’s face as Ashley stuck her tongue out at the boys.  “Are we forgetting these guns can b--”
“Do not brag about how much you can bench press right now or else I’m going to punch you in the throat,” Jake grimaced.  “Can we just move all this stuff to Morgan’s?  Because the quicker we do so the quicker we can eat Chinese food.”
“Yes please, because baby’s hungry,” Aryne rubbed her belly.
The boys grabbed their designated boxes of Bee’s things to bring down the moving elevator, and the girls grabbed the various garment bags and made their way down the main elevator’s to Lucy and Aryne’s waiting SUVs in the parking garage.  Once they loaded everything in, Bee and Angie drove with Lucy to Morgan’s apartment, while Ashley hitched a ride with Aryne.  The boys ended up taking a second trip up to the apartment to get the remainder of Bee’s things before packing everything into Naz’s SUV and driving to Morgan’s apartment.  They were lucky that Bee didn’t have a lot of things, comparably – no furniture to move, no giant ottomans or kitchen tools and accessories to pack away – just her half-bookshelf, taken from her old apartment, with its modest stack of books she’d added to sparingly during her time at Naz and Ashley’s apartment.  
When the boys arrived at Morgan’s apartment, the girls were already rearranging the closet to incorporate Bee’s clothing.  They shoved all his game-day suits to one side while they hung her work clothes on the top bar and her more casual clothes that still deserved a hanger on the bottom bar.  Angie called out to Morgan that it was time to invest in another shoe rack where his Jordan’s collection wouldn’t take it over.  Aryne was busy ordering the Chinese food.  Ashley rearranged the bathroom drawers so all of Bee’s products could fit.  The boys kept Bee’s bookshelf right next to the entertainment centre – he’d be buying bigger bookshelves soon, anyway.  They decided to set the table while the girls continued to work on the closet behind the closed bedroom door. 
“Did you consent to whatever’s going on in there?” Tyler asked as they all heard a loud thump coming from his bedroom.  “They could be painting your room purple for all you know.  They could be installing a Habs mural.  A giant picture of Randy from Trailer Park Boys on your ceiling.”
Morgan shrugged his shoulders.  Jake rolled his eyes.  “Even if he didn’t, what’s he gonna say?  She could paint the walls neon green and he’d nod and smile and say he loved it,” Jake said.
“Let’s not act like girls don’t run the world,” John commented with a chuckle.  “Our wives definitely run our lives.”
“You got that right,” Naz piped up.  “The other day Ashley had a craving for anchovies.   Anchovies.  Guess who had to go out to go buy anchovies at midnight or else her brain was going to explode.”
“That’s why I remain a bachelor,” Tyler said.  He turned dramatically towards Mason.  “Unless you have a sister?”
“Only a brother, dude.”
“And I reiterate, that’s why I remain a bachelor.”
Morgan’s phone buzzed, indicating that the Chinese food had been delivered.  “You girls have three minutes until the food is here!” he yelled as he shoved his phone into his pocket.  “Can you be a dear and come help me with the bags?” he asked Jake, who nodded his head.  “And can you guys go check on them?  Make sure they’re actually not installing a picture of Randy on my ceiling or throwing out any of my clothes?”
When Morgan and Jake came through the door again with the Chinese food, everybody was out in the main area.  Aryne was already sitting at the table while everyone else mingled about; Bee was grabbing something out of the fridge – probably a hot sauce – and Tyler and John were leaning up against the couch.  Aryne saw them first and she began clapping when she saw the food.  “It’s here!”
Everybody gathered around the table quickly.  Bee helped herself to too much Cantonese chow mein.  Everything was passed around – the chicken balls, the sweet and sour sauce, the chicken fried rice, the plain steamed rice, the spring rolls, the beef with broccoli, the kung pao shrimp and the Szechuan chicken.  Everybody’s plate and glass was full of goodness.  For a while everyone was even silent because they were stuffing food into their faces.  It was Tyler who broke the silence.  “Have you guys seen how well the Raptors are doing?  Their post-season is gonna be amazing.”
Everybody nodded their heads.  “Hopefully ours is gonna be equally as amazing,” Naz commented.
“You think we’ll be able to go to some games?” Aryne asked her husband.
“Aryne, are you aware of who your husband is?” Tyler asked, causing the table to laugh.  “He’s John Tavares.  He can walk into anywhere and get whatever he wants.”  
“Raptors tickets are gonna be the hottest commodity in town if they do well,” Mason commented.  “Good luck with that.”
“I’m sure Masai will hook up Kyle with something,” Naz said.  “Besides, Bee’s gotta go to her first Raptor’s game.”
The mention of her name gave Bee an opportunity to look at everyone – really look at all the people surrounding her – and she felt a pang of gratitude hit her chest.  There was excitement, of course, of moving in with Morgan – of knowing that, when their friends were gone, she wouldn’t have an apartment to go back to; that this was her apartment too now.  There was thankfulness, of course, for everyone helping her to move her things, despite how little she had and how quickly it took them to do it – she barely needed to bribe them with a Chinese food dinner before they said yes to helping.  But more than anything, gratitude.  Gratitude for them surrounding her.  Gratitude for their help and support.  
Gratitude that they were her family.
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I translated Salah's interview with BeIn Sports via /r/LiverpoolFC
I translated Salah's interview with BeIn Sports
Interviewer: Alsalumaikum viewers of BeIN Sports. Welcome to this special interview with the great star Mohamed Salah, champion of the Premier League, champion of the Club World Cup, star of the Egyptian national team. Highlights + The Egyptian King Abu Makka! First of all, happy to meet you. Congrats, a long season, an exceptional season in the history of global football. How do you feel as the champion of the premier league; the first time in 30 years?
Mo: Eh, definitely very happy, it's a feeling that can't be described to win the league with Liverpool after 30 years. I can see how happy people are so it's something pretty big for everyone.
Int: Alright, I'm going to back to a memory from about five years ago. You graced me and invited me to lunch in London when you were in Chelsea. At that time you were still a squad player in Chelsea. Did you imagine that after all these years you would return with another team and to win and be the champion of the Premier League?
Mo: Well, it was in my mind, 100%, that I must return to the Premier League. I had put in my mind that goal of returning to play in the Premier League again. And even said that when I came to Liverpool. So, uh, hamdulillah I returned and won the Champions League, the League, the Golden Boot, and best player. So I think it's not bad, I think I did well.
Int: So, here in BeIn I hosted a lot legends, Alan Shearer, Steve McManaman, Arsene Wenger, all of them say that Anfield is something else in European Football (TN: I'm not sure if he means football in Europe or European football).
Mo: Yes. I felt it even when I played with Chelsea. When I first got here and I was with Chelsea and played the match here and felt how different things were to play here. I wished that one day I could play here. Truly, when I first came here with Chelsea the atomosphere is very different from any other club and because I was with Chelsea I used to travel and see other clubs, other stadiums and such but it was the first time for me to think "I want to play here, I want to play for this club". So, at the time I said that if I had the chance I would come back here, and even after I went to Roma, I'll come back here inshaallah. So I got the chance and I was every excited to come.
Int: We kept the famous Chelsea game where Demba Ba scored and Gerrard ... fell we were there in the field, we had the studio covering that match and I remember with Liverpool's anthem all the pundits agreed that there was a strange sensation. Do you feel that sensation before the first kick? The feeling of electricity, the feeling of positive energy through hearing You'll Never Walk Alone?
Mo: Oh no always. Generally speaking, I like to enjoy the atmosphere here in Anfield. So I just stay like this looks around while they sing and I just watch and sort of enjoy the atmosphere before the match. So for me I'm enjoying it and this is a place I love and I would like to stay here for a long time. Umm, but the atmosphere is different, you feel them all singing the same song and there's just something that just pumps you up.
Int: Alright captain (TN: captain is an informal way of addressing others, probably more common in football), I know on a personal level that before joining Liverpool, before the first day of joining Liverpool you met with Jurgen Klopp. He explain to you the plan, the strategy of the club five and ten years in the future. Is that one of the reasons for your quick signing? Did he achieve a large portion of that plan in your opinion?
Mo: Of course, definately, because I talked with him and he explained to me exactly what he wanted to do in the future plan for the club and I was very excited to be there [in the club] because Sadio was also playing in my position. So that was my first question because Sadio was one of the stars of the team at the time and I came in would he and I keep swapping or will he play on the other side. So his [Klopp's] plan was that Sadio would play on the other side and that there would be consistency of the two of us on the field. So because of that I was very excited to be there and for the squad and the changes he wanted to make in it. That also made me excited to join.
Int: On the subject of Sadio, it's always said that the large stars can always overcome obstacles quickly. It's obvious that you've [you and Sadio] quickly passed the conflicts, you celebrate together, you create chances for each other, very quickly.
Mo: Yeah, I don't think the matter took long. I don't see it as a conflict because in the end something happened on the pitch, "pitch anger" on his part and for me the matter didn't take long because at the end of the day we didn't argue over anything serious. The entire matter was just "pitch anger" and the next day, the next game we were playing together and passed to each other and assisted each other. So the matter didn't take long from either of us.
Int: Captain, the Italian experience, Fiorentina then Roma, do you think this helped Mohamed Salah to reach maturity quickly and at a young age?
Mo: To a large extent yes, to a very large extent yes. I think that at that time I had to change league and country and to change everything I see here when I was in Chelsea and I just wanted to change it. I wanted to try a different experience in a different place and that helped me a lot to acclimate especially since in Italy things are entirely tactics and such. That helped me a lot to mature as a person and as a football player because when I came back here I was ready to play in the Premier League again.
Int: The discussion around the best player of the season in previous years there was a list of names nominated from different clubs, Hazard, de Bruyne, Salah, Kane. Today, everyone agrees that this player would be from Liverpool but who? Some talk about Salah, Arnold, about Mane, about Henderson. In your honest opinion is the best player this season?
Mo: Umm, wallahi I don't know. If you look at each player individually you'll fin-... mo- ... mo-... most of the ... if you ask ten [people], and you told them, umm ... you told them Alisson deserves Best Player of the Season, nine of them would tell you yes. If you ask ten [people], you told them Virgil deserves Best Player of the Season, nine of them would say yes. If you ask ten [people], nine of them would tell you Trent deserves, I deserve, umm, Sadio deserves, Henderson deserves. So it's difficult for me as a player to say that this [person] deserves Best Player in the league. But there are several of us who put forward an excellent season. Or I could chooses someone from outside the league, outside of our team that would be much easier for me.
Int: Perhaps a lot of people talk about Henderson. Me, on a personal level I will remove Salah so as not to include emotions in this matter, I will pick Arnold because he's put forward an extraordinary season.
Mo: So you want me to pick someone other than myself?
Int: Other than Salah
Mo: Other than myself. I don't know. It's possible ... from one perspective, it's possible, Arnold put forward a great season. Henderson put forward a great season. So I, I could choose Henderson because he's the captain and has been here from eight-nine years and ... in the beginning there was a tough time put on him, or with him, there was a tough time with him and a lot of people were against him. So I could choose Henderson because as well he, as a person, is just impossible. He's a great guy, and awesome, and as a captain all the players love him and he tries to help everyone even the smaller players. So I could choose him because he played a large role in helping the players acclimate.
Int: Maybe another part of the pressure and responsibility was that he carried the captain's armband after Gerrard who was-
Mo: Yes, exactly. [unintelligible]
Int: ... also his absence when he was injured affected the team to a large degree in the middle of the season.
Mo: Because he hypes up the players to a large degree and makes all the players give as much as they could. Even if there's a player who's a bit lazy he can push him by talking to him and such to make him more excited and pumped up to be on the field.
Int: But even tactically you could the effect it had on you, captain.
Mo: Yes, exactly. I remember this period.
Int: Ok, so now every football team reach the top, reaches the zenith, think of Barcelona-Guardiola, Milan-Sacchi. Do you feel that Liverpool now reached the peak and maintaining this level will be difficult in the coming years?
Mo: Well you try to take advantage of the years that are there. We, as a team, have been together for three years. So I think that we can continue together to a large part. We know each other, we're used to each other. The relationships between the players is good. So I can say that if we stay together for a large part we could win other titles because, for example, you won the Champions League last year and this year you lost to Atletico Madrid in a match here and we weren't very lucky. We put forward a good effort and everyone said that we deserve to win but Atletico Madrid also won and of course congratulations to them and stuff but at the same time you put forward a good effort. So, keeping this level is difficult but not impossible at all. As long as there is motivation and you're searching for something good to do then I'm certain we can keep this level to a large degree.
Int: Well in the subject of motivation, captain, you know that you have behind you more than 100 million mashallah in Egypt and more than that in the Arab world. Does this give you more motivation? Occasionally a player would reach a level where their appetite is sated, I've won everything, Champions League, Club World Cup, Premier League.
Mo: laughs That's not me, no. That's not me. No there's still a long road ahead of me. What I've drawn up for myself is still, is something that I ... that I ... I keep changing what I want to reach. I change it so I keep going at this level. What I'm motivated to reach inshaallah in the coming years is much better than what was in the past years.
Int: Ok, they're asking me for one last question so I'm going to ask you about Aboutreika. I, today as a Arab journalist, I look at it as an ideal relationship between two stars. A lot of stars, when he reaches a certain level, he doesn't want someone else to reach it. On the opposite is Aboutreika, when you score a goal Aboutreika in the studio celebrates more than you. You win a competition and it's as if he won it. That's the ... what's the secret of the relationship and what's the [role]model that we should learn from you two and apply to the Arab world and for those who are successful in any field.
Mo: Well, me and Captain Aboutreika, when I was first called up to play in the senior national team I was with Captain Aboutreika. He was still in the national team so we played together for two-three years. So our relationship was always good. I was always asking him, what do you do here? What do you do here? What do you do you here? And the same goes for Hossam Ghaly and Emad Meteib, Wael Gomaa. So I don't want to forget anyone from them. All the older players in that national team, and Zidane and anyone who was in the national team because they won three African Cups and I was still a youngster who just came up. I'm the type to ask a lot of questions. I want to learn form anyone in any way possible. So I keep asking quesitions. Sometimes it gets a bit boring but I don't have a problem with boring the person I talk to, the important thing is for me to learn what I want. So I kept on asking him [Aboutrieka] and he kept on answering me and he welcomed that I wanted to learn and such. So our realtionship since then is on good terms and whenever he's here and there's a chance for him to come to watch the games he comes. I met him after the Champions League match last year, in the final. You weren't there with him but I met him. We always talk and he always congratulates me. He was the first person to wish me a happy birthday and he was the first to congratulate me on the league as well. So our relationship together is good and I always try to perserve good relationships between me and anyone even from years ago.
Int: Captain Mohamed Salah, champion of the Premier League, champion of the Club World Cup, champion of the Champions League, best player in the Premier League, best player in the Club World Cup, I enjoyed this interview with you. From the heart, congratulations and I hope we meet again on good terms (TN: He's wishing Mo well but the translation for that is super clunky)
Mo: Habiby, goodbye.
Submitted July 02, 2020 at 12:23AM by SechDriez via reddit https://ift.tt/3ilUW6E
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blackkudos · 4 years
Kelly Price
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Kelly Cherelle Price (born April 4, 1973) is an American R&B and gospel singer and songwriter.
Life and music career
Price was born in Queens, New York, and began singing in church as a toddler. Her first professional engagement was with George Michael at Madison Square Garden in January 1992. During rehearsals for the Grammy Awards, Price was overheard singing in the rehearsal hall while everyone else was on a meal break by Mariah Carey. Price was later introduced to Carey's husband, Sony Columbia's then CEO Tommy Mottola. She made a name for herself as a backing and guest vocalist, appearing on a number of hit singles such as Mariah Carey's "Fantasy", The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Mo Money Mo Problems", Mase's Feel So Good, and Whitney Houston's "Heartbreak Hotel". She has sung background vocals for Faith Evans, Aretha Franklin, Brian McKnight, SWV and R. Kelly.
Price released her debut album, Soul of a Woman, in 1998 on Island Records, which contained the hit single "Friend of Mine". A remix of the song, also included on the album, features R. Kelly and Ronald Isley. In the remix, Isley takes on the fictional role of the singer-protagonist's Godfather ("Mr. Biggs"), taking her husband (R. Kelly) to task for cheating on her with her best friend. The "Friend of Mine" LP version and the remix both charted as No. 1 hits on the U.S. R&B chart and made history by doing so with no music video to support the song.
She released her second album, Mirror Mirror, in 2000 on the Def Soul imprint of Def Jam Records; Island and Def Jam had merged in 1999, with Price and labelmates Dru Hill being reassigned to Def Soul. Mirror Mirror featured the singles "You Should've Told Me" and the Grammy Award nominated "As We Lay", a cover of Shirley Murdock's 1986 hit. A remix of "Love Sets You Free" was issued a single in 2000, produced by Teddy Riley and starring a number of fellow R&B performers. Price was featured in the 2003 film, Bringing Down the House, performing a cover of the 1983 Rufus & Chaka Khan hit "Ain't Nobody". A Christmas album, One Family, was issued in 2001 which had a piano appearance from GospelJazz legend, Ben Tankard. Two years later, Price returned with her third regular studio album, Priceless.
In October 2005, Price recorded her first live gospel album. The This Is Who I Am album has been released on October 24, 2006 on her own label, EcclecticSounds Records. It debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Gospel Charts and peaked at No. 9 on the R&B album chart. Price was inducted as an honorary member of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority in July 2006. In early 2007, Price kicked off a tour with the 'Sisters in the Spirit 2007'.
In 2006, she recorded the song "Why?" for the soundtrack Why Did I Get Married?, the film version of Why Did I Get Married? Priceless Secrets from The Soul of A Woman, in which Price created the role of Sheila alongside Tyler Perry who used the song titles and lyrical content of Price's hit recordings to develop the story. In early 2009, she was featured on Coko's gospel album entitled The Winner in Me on the track "Oh Mary". In June 2010, Price promoted her single "Tired" on The Jazz Joy and Roy syndicated radio show as "some of the best work of my career to date." The song was also featured in Tyler Perrys 2011 film Madea's Big Happy Family. On February 9, 2012, in a pre-Grammy party to celebrate Price's nominations, the singer sang "Jesus Loves Me" with Whitney Houston in what turned out to be Houston's last public performance two days before her death. In September 2009, it was announced she would be joining Deborah Cox and Tamia to form the super group The Queen Project. The women seek to empower women of all ages, races and backgrounds by doing a number of community service projects.
As of early 2014, Price is working on new material for her follow-up album and is currently booked.In 2016, Kelly was included in multiple songs on rapper Kanye West's new album, The Life of Pablo. Kelly was a co-writer with American R&B singer K. Michelle, on her single Not a Little Bit which was released on January 22, 2016. It is the lead single from the singer's third studio album, More Issues Than Vogue.
Legal issues
On July 16, 2010, a lawsuit was filed in a Texas federal court by Price against a nationally known prosperity ministry, New Light Church of Houston, et al. Other defendants in the case include New Light's pastor, I. V. Hilliard, wife, Bridget Hilliard and daughter, Preshea Hilliard. Price claims she wrote and copyrighted the tune, "Women Who Win," which New Light Church and three members of the Hilliard family used without permission in a church show, on DVDs, on a website and at a "Women Who Win" conference in Houston. The original court docket indicates that the involved parties continued to use the work in a variety of ways despite being refused license to use.
In 2018, a lawsuit was filed against Price and her Atlanta based company, Sang Girl Productions, alleging that Price took $25,000 to perform at a fundraiser for a non profit organization and then did not attend. The lawsuit alleges that she did not return the $25,000 advance.
Price grew up in a second apartment in the Edgemere Projects in Far Rockaway, Queens. Her father died when she was nine years old. She resides in Atlanta, Georgia, and frequently visits Los Angeles. Price's grandfather is Jerome Norman, bishop and pastor of the Full Gospel Mission Church of God in Christ in Queens and Jurisdictional Prelate of the First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Barbados since 1985 by the late Presiding Bishop J.O. Patterson. Her mother, Claudia, is the former musical director of the church. Price began singing in the church at the age of six; and due to her voice gained the nickname 'Little Mahalia Jackson'.
Breast cancer activism
In December 2000, Price donated $250,000 to fight breast cancer. She presented a check to Tony Martell of the T.J. Martell Foundation and Denise Rich of G&P Foundation For Cancer Research to help with the ongoing fight against breast cancer. Price donated the proceeds from her single "Love Sets You Free" which she recorded in January 2000. In April 1999, Price volunteered to showcase her fashion designs during a special charity gala and fashion show to help the National Breast Cancer Awareness Initiative raise money for breast cancer education for minority women. The previous year, in 1998, Price learned that both her mother and her mother-in-law had been diagnosed with breast cancer, which would later claim her mother-in-law's life.
Price's mother is a survivor of inflammatory breast cancer, and she is an activist in educating the public about the disease. She was the chairwoman of the seventh annual Sister to Sister Fitness Festival held in Dallas, Texas which was sponsored by the Celebrating Life Foundation. Claudia experienced pain in her breast in 1997, but said fear and a lack of insurance kept her from seeking immediate medical attention. Instead, she waited two years before seeing a doctor. While at work one day in 1999, her doctor called and said she had inflammatory breast cancer. Doctors gave her two months to live. She underwent chemotherapy, and the disease is in remission as of October 2006.
Studio albums
Soul of a Woman (1998)
Mirror Mirror (2000)
One Family: A Christmas Album (2001)
Priceless (2003)
This Is Who I Am (2006)
Kelly (2011)
Sing Pray Love, Vol. 1: Sing (2014)
Awards and nominations
American Music AwardGrammy AwardMTV Video Music AwardSoul Train Music AwardSoulTracks Readers' Choice Awards
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donateliamitsuki · 5 years
Gays and lesbians. Keep loving who you love,you’re not alone remember that. Even if you’re in the closet it’s fine,celebrate the month from there if you feel safe and sound,nobody should make you come out but yourself.
Bisexuals. Being one of you myself. We’re valid,remember that. We aren’t greedy,we aren’t more likely to cheat,and being in a relationship with the opposite gender or same gender does not makes you any less bi than anybody else. I’m waiting for the puns.
Pansexuals. I want to give you all my support and love even if I sadly disagree. You deserve respect,if this is who you say you are then it’s totally fine by me! Be happy with whoever you want to love!!
Demisexuals. I hope you have found the right person. For you it takes time. But worry not,you will one day just like everyone else<3
Aces/Aros. Dear friends. You’re just as valid as the rest of us. You deserve a safe space to be in,a place to belong. And for me,you’re in all your right to be right here!!
Trans gals and guys. You’re just as valid. You’re just as much of a man or a woman that someone cis. Your transition haven’t started? Is just starting? Don’t worry you keep going and get that goal! And if you have finished transitioning I’m so happy for you!! I knew you could do it!!
Non-binary pals of mine. I haven’t forgot you either. Must be hard but don’t worry,it’s fine! You’re perfect the way you are,you also deserve love and you also deserve acceptance. 
You all are completely valid. You all deserve respect. You all deserve to be loved. And one day we’ll be free to be who we are without fear. It’s been a long journey and it’s still going but we’ll make it. I trust on it. Baby steps are better than not progressing at all.
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capitanogiorgio · 6 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 28, 35, 39, 41, 43, 44, 55, 58, 67, 68, 70, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 93, 99 : GOOD LUCK 👍
1. Three teams you like 
Juventus, AS Cannes (and Valenciennes FC) and Liverpool
2. Three teams you do not like 
Inter, R Madrid and Nice
3. A team you can’t tolerate and you do not even know why
idk… I usually have a rugh idea why I don’t like a team of football especially if it’s at a “can’t tolerate” level. So no idea.
4. A team that surprised you in recent years (negative way or positive way) 
Actually the Spurs. I’ve never followed them apart from reading results or other relevent articles. They’ve progressed and have a strong team. There’s also Liverpool who has come back being a serious contender for titles, Klopp’s has done wonders.
6. The thing you dislike the most about your club or NT 
For both Italy and France it’s the lack of patience of the fans (and I know I can lack some at times). For France NT it’s especially that kind of French mentality that I’ve seen countless times : if we win, we’re the best, we’d known all along we would win but the minute they lose everyone’s like “Of course, french in sports are always so inconsistant, overpaid brats, smh, I knew we’d lose.” and stuff like that and it drives me mad.
For Juve, it’s that lately, there’s this big clash with the spirit of the club and a huge “marketing ideal” for lack of better term : the new logo, billion years away from the historical one, the huge rise in seats prices and a disdain for the ultras who pretty much are the only one who sings at the stadium and it just look like a big enterprise being run for maximum profit forgetting parts of what is essentials to the club in the process.
8. The one time football made you so happy you couldn’t stop smiling for days 
The first time was Italy NT’s win in 2006. I felt invicible at 10 years old. I had spent a whole month being teased at, Italy being insulted at recess, some kids not speaking to me because I was the only one supporting Italy and being shamelessly vocal about it. I spent all that journey on my own, even my parents thought it weird and I was devastated french TV wouldn’t show all the games of Italy NT or when my parents didn’t let me watch because I had school in the morrow. I was also very sad because I was being transferred in another school when I knew nobody and I’d lose all my friends because the school was in the neighbouring city. I learnt that the day before Italy - Germany and gosh, I cried and I cried again at the late goals of Grosso and Del Piero. It helped lessen my dramatic 10 year old self. And then the final, when Italy won I was so happy. I had to hid the remote control so my parents wouldn’t turn off the TV because they didn’t understand the point of watching since France had lost but I argued. I couldn’t tear my eyes of all my heroes lifting that golden cup and the next day when I faced everyone at school that had told me Italy was shit and would never win all month long. Biggest smile on my face. Three days later my mom took me to the sports shop and bought me the 4 stars jersey and I still have it today.
The second was when Cannes, while in 4th division, beat Saint-Etienne right for my birthday in the round of 32 of the Coupe de France. It was super cold and it went all the way to the penalties and we won and it was the first time I saw the stadium full, completely full with about 12000 people. It was magical. At the end there was a pitch invasion and players celebrated with fans it was amazing. We went to win against Plabennec and then against Montpellier, another Ligue 1 club ! We went up until the quarter finals but ultimately lost to Guingamp. But that feeling was… Amazing.
9. The one time football made you so sad you cried for days. 
First there was Cannes getting sent to 7th division. I thought it was so unfair since the owners had done fuck all while the team gave their max. There was Alex leaving Juve the way it happened. And more recently it was Italy not qualifying for the World Cup and Gigi leaving Juve. Gosh that one was a hard blow I spent the whole week crying from his press conference to the game and after.
11. Five players you really admire purely based on football
Giorgio Chiellini (what ??)
Paolo Maldini
Thierry Henry
Eden Hazard (saw him twice when he was in Lille and it was already a recital)
Iker Casillas
13. Five most underrated players in your opinion
So many qzesrdtfygu ! Any GKs and Defenders go there. For having many OM fans in my acquatainces and being up to date with their club as a result, I’d say Hiroki Sakai is really underrated. Unpopular opinion but Pippo Inzaghi was constantly underrated for saying his goals are easy and he’s lucky and he doesn’t know how to play. I said what I said. Danijel Subasic, my good peeps and that’s the truth. Hm Olivier Giroud and Hugo Lloris ???? ANYONE ???? (that counts as a two for one package). And as a very great and Scouse philosopher once said : “Gary Neville is the most underrated player”
14. Five most overrated players in your opinion
Ronald, Titbot, Rami (and even more since the world cup win), Ratmos, Müller (sorry Garance)
15. Name 3 most despicable figures in football in your opinion (coaches, players, owners, companies, anyone…)
UEFA and FIFA tbh.
16. What makes your favorite coach better than other coaches?
He screams like a metal rock star ! And he’s super intense :
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Also because he’s done a tremendous work winning 4 Coppa Italia, 4 Scudetti, getting to two UCL finals and keep the team hungry for more !
22. Favorite Left Back today
Me of course aqzesrdtfqzesrdtfyghj ! Ugh today ? I’d go with De Sciglio (he’s polyvalent)
28. Your dream eleven
Buffon, Maldini, Chiellini, Scirea, Gattuso, Pirlo, Giggs, Beckham, Del Piero, Inzaghi, Vieri
35. Favorite tactical formation
4-3-3 or 3-5-2. Although my first love in managing games was the 4-1-2-1-2. Or as I like to call it : 4-4-2 losange !
39. A moment in football that changed you as a person. (e.g injuries, trophies, or transfers)
It’s honestly quite a rollercoaster when you’re ten years old to see your heroes win the world cup and then learn a week later that your favourite team is going to Serie B. I didn’t understand. That was the first time I really read all articles and papers I could find on the matter, even going to the public library to look at the ones I couldn’t buy and try and read everything to understand.
There was also Riccardo Montolivo’s injury just before the 2014 World Cup and Laurent Koscielny’s injury before the 2018 World Cup. I saw both happening in front of my very eyes and I felt awful, I almost wanted to cry. Injuries at such a time are, truly, the worst thing. And Montolivo wasn’t left alone by injuries afterwards and it breaks my heart.
Also, that 2005 ucl final like. The d r a m a (tm)
41. A player you are ashamed of loving
No shame, no regrets, just love !
43. Your achilles’ heel. The player who is your weakness.
Gigi Buffon (and Pippo Inzaghi)
44. Which team did you support the last time two teams you hated played against each other?
None, I wished for a draw aqzesrdtfygu
55. Three players from past generations you wish you had seen
Gaetano Scirea, Giampiero Boniperti and George Best (and Lev Yashin)
58. Most undeserving winners you can think of
Portugal at Euro 2016. They had the crappiest run and yet…..
67. A rival player you wish had joined your team
MON-TO-LI-VO, Icare about nothing ! Otherwise, although he’s a milanista through and through, would have love Gattuso at Juve, see how it would have been.
68. The time you really thought about leaving football
I never wanted to left but I had breaks. It especially coincided when I was playing football myself and the club’s environement was shit. I received insults just because I was 100% at training and dared tackle the ball away from the starlette diva of the team and the coaches didn’t bat an eye. Spent a whole year like this before I had enough and changed club.
70.The best transfer decision your club made
Just saying but buying Andrea Barzagli from Wolfsburg for 300k was like. Genius.
84. A player you wish you could’ve known in real life because you really think you guys could’ve been best friends.
I’d go with Andrea Pirlo, my good bitch I love dearly
85. A player who you want as your partner (lover, boyfriend, husband)
Pippo Inzaghi or Alessandro Del Piero.
87. Five players who others find attractive but you just don’t see it
Max Allegri for Beatrice Icardi, Luka Modric, Griezmann,
88. A player you think you totally would have had a crush on if you were born in another generation
Probably George Best and Paolo Rossi
91. A player who you think has the worst sense when it comes to fashion
Pretty much all players who lived the 90′s and early 2000s. But like… Gigi Buffon always delivered….. looks™ lmao
93. Top 5 bromances that you swear by.
Giorgio Chiellini and Leonardo Bonucci bitch !
Pippo Inzaghi and Bobo Vieri
Dejan Lovren and Mo Salah
Rino Gattuso and the Dickheads™
France 98 is a whole bromance by itself
99. The 5 most attractive players in your club and NT
Juve : De Sciglio, Matuidi, Bernardeschi, Dybala and Chiellini
France NT : Samuel Umtiti, Raphaël Varane, Blaise Matuidi, Benjamin Pavard and Nabil Fekir
Italy NT : Salvatore Sirigu, Ciro Immobile, Mattia De Sciglio, Federico Bernardeschi and Giorgio Chiellini
Thanks !
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Framed Photos
Steve Rogers x Mexican!Reader
A/N: Day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration. I wrote this, because I love sharing my culture and Halloween’s coming soon and I want people to know my culture is not a costume. So maybe this will shed some light to how important this tradition is for us. 
Summary: You invite Steve to a Dia de los Muertos altar celebration.
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You rummaged through the box of photos, plucking out several ones. Selecting the ones you needed, you placed them in matching brown frames. Running a finger over the one of your abuelita and abuelo, it was taken on their 50th wedding anniversary, you smiled. Looking up at the clock on the wall, you got up from the desk and placed them in a small brown moving box. Lifting the box off the floor, you left the room and walked down the hall to Steve’s.
You kicked the door lightly twice before Steve opened the door with a soft grin. He quickly took the box and asked if you were ready.
“Yeah, do you have the photos?”
“They’re on the bed,” he motioned and you brushed past him to retrieve the three small framed photos. You smiled down at them and glanced up at Steve..
“These are nice.”
He sighed, shifting the box in his arms, as you made your way to him. “Only ones I have.”
You touched his shoulder lightly and gave it a comforting squeeze. “They’re perfect, we better get going.”
45 minutes later, the two of you stood in front of a green apartment door. Steve looked slightly nervous and you chuckled, assuring him it was fine that he was tagging along.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose on anyone’s traditions..”
“Believe me,” you knocked on the door. “Everyone is welcome.”
Shouting came from the other side of the door and you recognized Elizabeth’s voice.
You laughed as the door flew open and your childhood friend’s eyes beamed when she saw you.
“Girl, I’m so glad you came!”
She reached out and pulled you into a hug, one that you welcomed.
“Ay, yo siempre vengo! I never miss this day, don’t be so dramatic.”
Elizabeth laughed and eyed the box then Steve. “El gringo?”
“Right,” you excused your rudeness and introduced Steve. “We work together.”
Steve reached out his hand to Elizabeth. “Nice to meet you, I hope I’m not intruding.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she waved a hand in the air and asked you both in. “Please, come in. We have drinks and food. You like pozole, Steve?”
You grinned at Steve’s panic expression and placed a hand on his back. “I’m sure he’ll love it.”
The three of you walked down to hall to the living room, where the altar was set up. Several people filled the room and you waved at the few you knew. Steve followed close by as you walked over to the altar, that was tucked in the corner. His eyes marveled over the structure - it was two tables, one higher than the other against the wall. Two colorful blankets covered them and there were flowers, framed photos, candles, sugar skulls, a few crosses, and food placed all around.
“The Day of the Dead celebrates the ones we have lost,” you whispered to Steve, who glanced at you. “In my culture, we believe the souls of our loves one can come back on this day. So we make this altar for them, we offer up food, prayers, gifts, so they know they are welcomed. That we have not forgotten them.”
Steve stood quietly, eyes moved around each photo - men, women, children, young, and old. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, clutching the box in his hand, before letting out a soft sigh.
“Should we put up our photos?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, taking the box from him.
You kneeled down and handed Steve three frames, getting up with your own.
“Who did you bring,” he asked and you smiled, taking a step toward the altar.
“My grandparents,” you answered, placing their frame down next to a sugar skull. “My Tia, she passed a few years ago,” you explained, putting her frame behind a pan dulce, because it was her favorite thing to have with her coffee.
“You look like her,” Steve mentioned and you smiled, setting the last frame of the man who had taken you under his wing when you joined S.H.I.E.L.D, by a small statue of the Virgin Mary.
“That’s what everyone said. Go ahead,” you stepped aside and lifted a hand to the altar. “It’s your turn.”
The man walked up to the table, clutching his three frames. While he placed them down on various spots, you reached for the candles in the box. You stood and examined Steve’s placement, giving him a candle of his own.
“Let’s light these for the ones we have lost, but have not forgotten.”
You moved next to Steve, his shoulder touched yours. Each taking turns lighting the candles, you placed them down on the table.
“Today is a celebration of the life they all had, we aren’t sad,” you spoke softly, reaching down for Steve’s hand. He took it, giving it a light squeeze. “We are here to invite their souls back for this one day - we want them to know how much we love them. I’m going to say a prayer now.”
Steve held your hand tightly, no sorrow in his heart - instead, a calmness gathered around the two of you. It must have been the atmosphere of the room, the buzzing of life and death swirled into one happy celebration or it could have been the way your palm felt against his. Either way, Steve closed his eyes and listened as you spoke a prayer in Spanish.
He listened carefully, even though he couldn’t understand, but he heard each name you prayed for.
First the people you had brought photos of: your grandparents, your Tia, and Phil Coulson. Then those he had lost: Sarah and Joseph Rogers, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, and Peggy Carter.
Each name left your lips with warmth and love, and it did something to Steve Rogers. It gave him hope that one day, when he too passed, someone would place his photo on an altar to celebrate his life and soul.
You finished the prayer and the two of you said a low amen.
“So, that’s that,” you sighed contently, realizing you were still holding Steve’s hand. “How about we get some food? You have to try the pozole, Elizabeth’s a great cook.”
Steve chuckled and squeezed his palm against yours. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
The two of you smiled at each other, before Steve motioned for you to lead him to the kitchen and you did.
Forever tags: @my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland@myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes@dontbeamenacetotheforce@melonberri@superisatomboyuniverse @xloudwhocares@crownie-sr @dracsgirl@moonlight53@makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @trekken81 @barely-emily@winterboobaer@purelittleblueberry @goodnightwife@mishaissocoollike@stormyfandoms@foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass@flirtswithdanger @yana-tardis-drwho@myplaceofthingsilove   @jchona  @alyssaj23@blackhoneybucky@urbanspacedecay@castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3 @imagine-all-the-imagines @motleymoose@distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming@fizzylollipop12@iamwarrenspeace@darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose  @kapolisradomthoughts@sisinia13@swiggityswagness@takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @sarah-mos@rubynationwins@padfootorionblack @kaywolves@wonderlace19@yourxaveragexslythergit@purelittleblueberry  @courtneychicken @rayleyanns@whatmakesmebeme-tblr@thewinterwitch@avengersgirllorianna@holywinchesterness@tatortot2701 @brewsthespirit-blog@seabasschino@barnesvogue @lame-lozer @ex-bookjunky @travelwithwords @corolux   @supernaturaldean67​ @thehuntchback​ @shoytai​ @besamiculo-puto​ @ign-is @zuni21798 @pleasantdreamqueen  @jodoethr @s-t-r-i-k-e-us
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aquacai · 7 years
compilation of bts/army tweets i retweeted but doesn’t actually appear on my profile (TWITTER WHY)
Namgi are actual prodigies, how did bang pd just casually pick em up like that
ARMYs give BTS amazing promo but it only works cause...
And just in case anyone doesn't know, we call K-army "diamonds" because...
namjoon: i made espresso!! jungkook: i wanna try it namjoon: u hate bitter coffee  
seokjin couldnt give less of a shit!!!!
Hoseok is Rock Lee
We have faves that are so willing to educate themselves...
I actually adore the final verses of The Last so much.
Hobi’s pseudo-triple entendres
why is this something i feel like rap line does in the studio
the funniest part of this run ep was when taehyung said...  
BTS teletubbies @ MBC Gayo 2017
every update this year
top three betrayals are bighit not releasing tony montana feat jimin...
When I first began to fully get into BTS, I had a pretty jaded view...
Dear BTS 2013, its ARMY 2018.
*Yoongi's dating rumour*
this episode (run ep. 46) was so full of innuendos
fake trans on jin’s supposed feelings about the SIN separation
whoever is directing run should be reigned as the nation's hero...
What do you call a company that surpassed and outsold the big3?
bts are the definition of hyping ppl up for doing the bare minimum
an actual conversation that happened (run bts ep 46)
suran suga again and army
So I suddenly remember when Namjoon said these during Wings Tour The Final...
She was pushed by another members of staff  while doing namjoon’s makeup
to the female staff who consoled jimin and keeps saying “you didn't mess up”...  
they went from pardon to what was that
What happened at the first two episodes just made me respect Namjoon more.
on a serious note, it would be nice if when bts gets a special someone...
Next time during BTS concert, instead of screaming “encore encore”...
yall ever wanna think about how namjoon said that jimin needs lots of love and attention and thats probably why he shared a room with hoseok bc thats what exactly hoseok gives him
if I have any feeling towards BTS thats stronger than Love then it's RESPECT
the reason Jin was going on and on with his (R)evolution (E)volution (D)rop in the ocean thing might be because he was "hinting" at Youtube Red
one day, there will be a last...
namjoon came to post a selfie and left with a dating scandal
remember when hobi said “i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for bangtan”...
Namjoon admitting that he’s also “just a kid” ...
"The reason I make music is because, after all, I am also afraid of the world."
Yoongi's scalp is braver than any US marine
Sometimes we forget that Namjoon is also just trying to figure out the world.
PUMA fansign: thank you for making music that changes the world
Everyone has a musical preference & enjoy when their artists reflect that.
let me talk about taehyung and how amazing he is as a friend
i like when seokjin shares stuff about his childhood, we get to know his orijin
BTS is also  for redefining masculinity (hiphop is their way of life)
from humble beginnings to legends
burn the stage makes me realize that whenever rm post photos of nature ...
what exactly makes namjoon the sexiest for me ...
the reason seokjin’s chest and shoulders are so wide
Bighit: O! R YU DEAD, 2?
"What's your favourite song currently?"
the mask guy: u didnt bring anything to exchange so i cant help u
namjoons exchange [in the Fake Love Teaser 1] is so funny to me...  
here are some of my favourite joon interviews
"How did you join BTS?"
jin: i’ve been doing it for 4 years
I hate it when people say armys have two brain cells like bold of you to think we even have a brain (sarcasm lol)
i’m a new generation anpanman
When the Billboard news was released this morning... (wisha)
interviewer: so what are your goals?
sometimes i still think about how the fanchant of cypher pt4...
"Hoe calm down, my shoe lace is untied"
“itʼs ok, we all found bts when we needed them in our lives the most”
i’m so sorry but it’s fake love
i want to see the world from taehyung’s view
just for youuuu
i love that taehyung is never anything but proud when talking abt the fact that he’s gained weight
i bet taehyung gives the best hugs
Our bomb is like a permanent reminder...
remember when we were like omg hixtape‘s mv gonna have bomb ass choreography lmaooo
no but it's so cute bts call it family pictures and not group pictures??
there's an undeniable sexual energy between yoongi nd every trophy... 
bh staff: describe yourself in one word
jin: man, blowjobs sure are a mouthful (incorrect bts quotes)
I came across the Deloitte 2018 Media and Entertainment Industry Outlook
hoseok is one of the best dancers in the industry...
meaning behind whalien 52
getting people flustered is hoseok culture - a thread
MY TOP 10 BTS SONGS (by KommonSense)
an explanation of rap lingo BTS use in their lyrics: a thread
I have some free time so like for an unpopular opinion. (hobybIo)
My Favorite Soft BTS Moments - A Thread! (odie)
Burn The Stage made me feel extremely vulnerable. (Aileen)
as Kings of Korean History [A thread] (KommonSense)
a thread of my favorite bts-related tumblr posts
Why and how the BTS rapline's experience with rap mirrors that of OG rappers
Everytime a BTS member was supportive of the LGBT community in any way
Namjoon (RM) Owning Up to His Mistakes
Bangtan dancing styles thread
hoseok is one of the best dancers in the industry
Sky’s experience as a veteran ARMY
Jimin’s gliding technique (more threads on his dance technique)
analysis of how well DNA is structured as an EDM-pop song
I took a closer look into BTS’ intro Serendipity
Park Jimin is one of the most graceful and beautiful dancers in the industry
ok newbie kpop stans, welcome to history class (fandom shit)
An Introduction for the New, the Confused, and the Curious
BTS introduction thread
Science & literature are intrinsic to understanding how BTS and ARMY
how Singularity choreography coincides with lyrics
BTS song recommendations based on genres: a thread
rap line’s verses analysis
Mnet Comebackshow (LY:Tear) pre-recording review - THREAD -
"remember when" (BTS edition)
I'm watching a BTS music video and I don't know what the hell is going on, a thread:
You know why I never will trust or listen to people who say "I left because of the fandom"
Type out what the bighit intro sounds like
Tyra Banks and her biological sons; a thread:
a thread about how BTS uses their music in their storytelling
for hot100, bts did what fans suggested
"Silly Little Trivia: Literal Choreography" thread for Fake Love
BTS showing LGBT+ representation and support, a thread  (this, too)
BTS meets Western standards of “cool” established by 1960s music, particularly rock ethics
BTS’ success: human brand x fan relationship
to celebrate bts festa, here is a thread of army stan twt’s best moments
Jimin in the Danger mv
save Cook-Jin
Hope as mom : can you even get in any college with these grades?
Namgi & their annoyingly jumpy kids
Everything makes sense noW (spider bite, cooky bite)  
when they let you love them
When you need to wake em up
coming soon: Kim Seokjin only wanted a boyfriend
salt baes
EXPECTATION: "We aren't talking about BTS enough!
summary of run bts ep 46
i-armys and k-armys (suga’s ghost patting the clay)
Heaviest objects in the entire universe
"You will witness taehyung and jin fighting"
The battle of the year.
Hangsang with my thug
"Tangina mo," - J-Hope, 2018
choose your mineral water.
We all know... K-ARMYS & I-ARMYS
so who is giving them the candy?
I got bored and made ART
remember when namjoon asked for armys to edit him in because he missed the group picture with halsey
me listening to bts album skits
hoseok: hangsang with my thugs ||  his thugs:
we're finally getting the country comeback we deserve
fixed Jimin’s shots in LY:Tear
jungkook: made before i was born
this is what your food looks like inside the microwave
is this a theory?
is this an invitation?
He returned from the war
avatar Jimin
Yoongi and JK’s muffled convo
im just trying to take a nice screenshot....
ah yes, the four elements: fire, earth, water and snickers
Tyra Banks:  The BTS ARMY is devoted and crazy (in a good way!) xD
BTS [MV] - You Will Never Do a Live Alone
the nation's #1 producer & bts' hype man 
namjoon: you. me?
jungkook when he first met joon 
fierce lil meow meow
RM spinebreaker???
this looks like rap line were a group of friends who stuck together...
V was written all along in Jimin’s tweet lol
Hangs out with Tyra Banks ONCE... 
learn the alphabet with BTS
When Bighit said they’ll donate 3% of LY album sales, u guys mocked us...
Kim Seokjin strange points
k-netz’ reaction on the Suga-Suran dating scandal
"Can bangtan fans please not get swayed by rumors?”
BTS trainer instagram re:B.T.S.
Music critic Kim, Youngdae nim’s MINI REVIEW on “Face Yourself”
Music critic Kim, Youngdae nim’s MINI REVIEW on “Euphoria”
bang pd and namjoon about his post supporting macklemore's song 'same love'
Konkuk uni student who became Seokjin's fan after speaking with him
I'm a multi-fan, I watch and listen to many idols, but I'm truly scared of BTS
an older woman(non-celebrity) admitted how much she loved BTS
So many warm teas in this article wrote by producer/musician Seiji Kameda
#LOVE_YOURSELF_轉_Tear Album HYYH Notes Translation Thread
180518 Love Yourself 轉 Tear - Thanks To Translations
“The lyrics in BTS’ album are so great  Huge congrats to receiving at BBMA ”
response to #1 Billboard 200
BTS 2018 Festa Member’s profiles
KBS Happy Together 3 - Spring Day sung in karaoke room
imagine being this close to sunshine
Ashes - Lim Jeong Hee ft. BTS (2011)
kook's carelessness brought out his sunshine laugh just like that
Remember when bts proved to armys that they are all really spiderman
that time the cameraman was filming bts and jungkook started telling him...  
i still get so soft over this the way jin hugged taehyung...
Seokjin killed it in this part in boy in luv
the sound of their footsteps is so satisfying omg
Remember when Jin and Ken met on a year end event rehearsal and they just...
Jungkook’s ‘yes’ and smile when Miri jumped through his arms...
seokjin and his interactions with camera men
Remember when Yoongi & Namjoon sang the high notes in Young Forever...
look at the difference between taekook and jinkook’s handshake lmao
this dance break has a special place in my heart :')
remember when Taehyung accidentally cut his real hair...
Nver forget that iris stevenson was the first one to believe in taehyung...
did yall notice that fdjghgd i’m shaking (run ep 46)
To remember the great SiN/YoonJin moment...
the wings era might be over but this snippet of each member’s solo songs...
Yes, Mom. This man right here. I love him. No more questions?
this is the best video of jin to ever exist
here’s jungkook having fun dancing to mama and lie
slush ft. jin
tell me why is it so funny that yoongi only opened 1/10 of his door n went back so fast
nothing but respect for my choreography leader
when jungkook opened the window well aware that it was raining
what makes you laugh? seokjin’s face
Bringing this back when taehyung was dancing nae nae...
i love this performance so fucking much!!!!
your ultimate mood booster (hobiiii)
susko sobra ung bucket hats
remember when seokjin and hoseok were recognized by fans in america
jungkook imitated namjoon's finger heart and wink in a cute way
A compilation loop of Hoseok sneezing because it’s cute. Bless you!!
remember when jimin was hyping about their concert but hoseok
Hoseok left the group during Trainee days
heres 12 seconds of yoongi doing That Scream™ ...
this is what happens when you openly listen to bts without prejudice
when i say i want a rock song, i want THIS.
When Jungkook couldn’t pronounce Army bomb because of his Busan accent
U kno the thing joon does when he finds something?
reminding all of you that the special talent yoongi prepared is... imitating a doorbell
Here's a compilation of musicians getting shook by the sudden change to major in Jimin's 'Lie'
He actually blew a kiss how adorable
The fanboying level on this video is just
Hoseok doing background vocals/harmonising in Let Go (??)
...namjoon literally gets amused at the toy which blows a ball in the air...
Lie rough instrumental
rough draft of Autumn Leaves, Young Forever, Wings (RM), Wings (JK)
Joon’s voice in the BBMA nomination teaser
Jin's reaction when I (sky) told him I brought him a present...
why BTS was nominated for BB TSA 2018
taehyung was fighting back his tears when they won TSA at 2017 BBMAs
Yoongi forgot his lines in Ma City and he just...
mannequin Tae
Bangtan ended ALL fashion weeks tonight !! (4th muster japan)
members cheering jimin up, wings tour macao
RM’s ending ment, Wings Tour the finale (Day 2?)
never forget bts' iconic reaction when they won their first daesang
When Jin was bowing, Jimin held him down and Jungkook immediately ran to sit in front of him.
jimin and seokjin debating whether dolphins could breathe underwater
look at tae's reaction when bang pd's voice broke
interviewer: what?
“DonT FiGht, Dont Fight!” :(((
RM: “we want to focus on our career”
Q: what's your favorite thing about yourself? yoongi: ᶤ ˡᶤᵏᵉ ᵖᵘᵖᵖʸ
jungkook’s closeups
BTS with Ciara at the BBMAs 2018
don’t ever forget that seokjin is one hell of a snowboarder
“the reason why bts, who was not supported by big agencies, succeeded, is that they tried to read the world and to breathe [with the world] together”
this is what happens when u leave namjoon and jimin alone together
this video of seokjin being hype then instantly stops when his manager look at him will never be not funny
An exclusive interview with #BTS ! (MBC News)
i love this version of airplane pt. 2 so much (jk+jm part)  (jimin mode~) yt link full
john cena getting asked whats his favorite song off love yourself tear
The female staff who video tapes BTS bangtan bombs is amazing
Q: Please say something to international ARMYs
awake (short harp cover)
airplane pt. 2 dance cover
compilation of yoongi stuff in raps
the way he said "what's your name?" and shouted "michelle!"
full vid of the two links above
#ISeoulU bts vid 2015
Tyra Bank’s music vid for Fake Love
vmin in sync is scary
fake love original choreo
jungkook said ‘mic drop!’ after he stepped on the wire and made the mic fall
tae acting in euphoria
puppy jungkook is still the most ᵘʷᵘ :(
hobi jk mirror dance with finger heart (mcountdown)
Look how Jiminie gave the trophy to Yoongi cuz baby boy knows
tae: so show me  army: i’ll show you~  {music core)
minho and tae hugging (music core)
tae’s aegyo in board game run ep
look at taehyung acting all cute in the back
when seokjin goes like (•3•) its the cutest thing ever
wow jimin was that an accident
What 시 (si; hour) is it?
SUGA: honestly, I rlly liked pro-wrestling
a fancam of taehyung spilling his water on his face
ARMY giving hobi a flower with his face on it (fansign) (180603)
BTS: *on their way to a very serious interview on one of Korea's biggest news channels*
yoonkok instant hug BV S1
sunud-sunod na aegyo in anpanman outfits
jungkook pulled off straps and threw down two straps then taejin picked them up
legends say this is the closest rep of how hoseok looks in real life
Kihyun really had the courage to throw confetti in yoongi's face tho
52 year-old man is a director of a company in Japan dancing DNA
I stan a king of fan service he's so adorable!
when taehyung was fake crying and jimin came & softly hugged him from behind
this or that game
jk imitating his hyungs (180607 fansign)
biggest mystery in kpop - who's collecting who in the background??? (taejin?)
hopekook's modified mirror dance 180607 mcountdown
jk reacting to ariana grande bbmas 2018
Look a joonie :( look at him go :(
noona fan giving hobi and jimin “allowance”
namjoon drunk-tweeting?
look at jimin’s reaction when a noona gave him a finger heart
they had to throw the yellow cloth at the finish of the performance...
tae being so accepting in star king ;w;
i may be not here since 2013, but im still lucky to witnessed yeontan's lil growth
remember when bangtan was running late for their show...
hobi and his hearts
ep 1& 2 of B.T.S. has at least cleared up 2 main issues in this fandom
RM has a little #WednesdayWisdom from Burn The Stage.
This photo is a complete mess.
yoongi’s kind of humor is my favorite
Their biggest dream isn’t to break records, its to stay together for a long time.
They recorded their interviews for the documentary when they did Gayo track 15
what jimin said here was really interesting and great
the most powerful twins
They decided not to blur these faces of people who's behind BTS’ success.  
BTS calls their staff with nicknames, noona or hyung...
it really went from edits to jungkook actually saying it
LMFAO at none of them even touching the salad
tae’s uneven eyelids
when jin got allowance from his dad to buy steak...
give me a better photo transition I'll wait #euphoria
love yourself 起 wonder (2018)
jin being peymous even pre-debut
the most remarkable twins in history
a turkish tv show asked for ppl to send in pics w their siblings and someone sent in jin and jimin
taehyung’s a legend that listens to music on his laptop on the go
onigiri yoongi
jung hoseok aka the king of mirror selcas
Tiny bestfriends vmin who have been inseparable since kindergarten AU
old bts pics I still can't believe exist: a thread
yoongi at namjoon's graduation (w/ hoseok)
"i put sticker on my carrier" yeah ryt
oh nothing just seokjin casually putting his LG G7 ThinQ at his jacket pocket
He show his flower uwu
taehyung accidentally becoming a meme on diplo's snapchat
Never forget Jungkook's Hongdae adventures
THANKS JIN for not killing jungkook
liam’s post of namjoon :D
that one time namjoon tweeted a picture of them with the caption of “we are all fools”
A 59-year-old friend of mine talking about Love Yourself:Tear
I was worried because I thought yoongi kept doing some kind of gang sign but--
This has to be the best reaction to a non-fan of BTS...
when you are sitting beside BTS but mcflurry ice cream is life
why is this exactly what all of their mixtapes sound like
dispatch - yoongi, fake love
taehyung’s chubby cheeks when he smiles
taehyung and his tea
OMFGGMFM LOOK AT Tyra Banks when boys went up for their award she’s a whole Mood I love her
BTS FESTA 2018 prediction
carry him again, jin
top10 mistranslations betrayal 
Yoongi doing ᵗʰᵃᵗ smile
wide open yoongi
brigada eskwela stairs album art
jin flower petals (fansign)
namjoon vs svt jihoon
yoongi continuing his lil meow meow agenda
These two cuties just melted my whole heart (tae and tanie)
So... are we gonna talk about how they drew one stickman thicker than the rest
Low key promoted BTS the past 3 weeks in our hospital...
The exact same cat, same plant & same island taken 1 year apart. (ARMYSelca)
yoongi bunched up(?)
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CHRISTMASaya with McLisse!
Who’s gonna have a super duper happy Christmas? Us!!!!!
C- ontinuation...
Boys & Gals, remember when Kuya effortlessly dragged us back home to his house again early this year? Ohnoes. Our dark circles came back and trip to ubusan ng load started all over again but come on, no one would dare say that their comeback was pointless. LET's GO DREAM TEAM, LET's GO! Nostalgic, isn't it? We thought we're already done with reality TV stuff but when McCoy and Elisse returned inside Kuya's house, kirehan officially resumed and they got everyone singing O Pag-ibig again.
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Everything felt familiar as if they never left.  Kuya aka Manager must've missed them big time like how most viewers did. 2017 welcomed us with a lot of pivotal points, major revelations and memorable moments. M-C-E-J-D, Cheerdance task, McCoy's birthday, Titig ng Pag-ibig, Kim x Alec, Disneyland adventure, workshops, breakdowns and of course, THE LONG & TIGHT HUG. Yes, McLisse, you know we won't be able to forget these moments until we're 85, right? The months have passed by so quickly, can you believe we're almost done with 2017? Elisse's birthday is just around the corner but here we are still squealing about the blindfolded big PINK bear!
H - anep! KINAYA.
So, we got the Tuloy Pa Rin TVC Part 2. We also got the FULL version of the hit jingle, Tuloy Pa Rin. Waaaaaaah! Crazy, right? The McSpicy TVC last year was just an ice breaker. A bonggang appetizer. McDo gave us the sequel we've imagined and it came straight to us without any warning.
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Kaya niya, Kaya mo. The slogan was too powerful to be overlooked. #Relate Kinaya nila, kinaya natin!
R - ecording artists!
HOT & FRESH. The McLisse Album is still a hot topic these days. Have you ever find yourself staring at the ceiling, thinking deeply about how lucky Mc & Lisse are for recording an album they can fully call their own? As in... MCLISSE Album. Loveteams don't usually appear in album covers unless it's for a soundtrack album but there goes McLisse, making waves through an album that is headlined by the two of them.
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Thank you Star Music. Thank you isn't enough, really. McLisse album is really one of the FIRSTs that we will never ever forget. Christmas is here, you better wrap an album for a friend and save a lonely heart this season!
IT. HAPPENED. THIS. YEAR. Will we ever get over our first year anniversary? No, never. The color Red triggers a lot of priceless memories and one of them is the McLisse Royal Gathering that still gives chills to us whenever we see photos and videos from the said event. Everything that happened during that one magical night definitely found a special place in our hearts.
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The event became a “part” of us that haters can't take away. It will always be a favorite song that we will never ever get tired of repeating. It's the part of the movie that we will always appreciate, pause and rewind. It will always be that part of the book that will remind us of our favorite persons in the world, not McCoy and Elisse but... Marc Carlos and Maria Chriselle.
S - weet Somethings!
The Lord continues to make us all humble and here we are, not realizing that humility have already become our second nature. He is guiding us to the right path. Hard work can bring success but what truly makes you a successful person is your undying faith in Him if the going gets hard. 
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McLisse got the Most Promising Loveteam Award this year, PEP also awarded them as Breakout Stars and they also got other special awards that were enough to get us all clapping instead of bragging. McCoy and Elisse also starred on their first ever MMK. McCoy landed a lead role on the hit indie film Instalado. McLisse also got a Mangaserye: Vloggergirl Problems which is a certified best-seller. Both of them also got new endorsement deals this year.
Blue Roses took the spotlight away from the usual and cliché, Red roses. Sunflowers found the loveliest sunshine of all as McLisse found them. The fanmily will not forget how McCoy & Team McLisse showered the whole activity area with Red Balloons. It was another OMG moment, proving to be one of the most unkabogable ball proposals of 2017. Of course, McCoy and Elisse attended the annual Star Magic Ball together with genuine smiles not only in their faces, but also in their hearts.
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Squeaaaaaaaaaaal! Star Cinema Awards also awarded MCLISSE as Ultimate Loveteam of the Year.
Wow! What a year! This is the fruit of all our hard work, fam! We stayed faithful. Everyone remained focused on the goal which was to win the award we've all been dying to have. Remember those trying times? Those gloomy days had to come for us to be more motivated and divert our attention in voting instead of weeping. Hands down to Team Puyat and online committee for leading the SCA voting party up to the last minute. This is just the beginning, fam. The “ultimate” adventure is just about to start for a better & stronger McLisse fandom!
T - he Good Son
Obet and Sabina. The Good Son is getting more exciting just like BetIna's storyline! We genuinely...... like it!
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Guys, Kapit lang. We won't deny that we tune in to get more kilig scenes. We already ate a lot of hopias several times but we're still holding on to our faith that one day, moreee kilig scenes will come for us! Obet and Sabina are getting closer now. We can feel that the attraction is there, the connection is there and we know that a good storytelling is the only thing that can keep this OTP alive. So, cheer up! Eventually, the murder case will be solved and all the OTPs will get the endings they deserve, that for sure.
M - aking MEGA in Turkey!!!
TurKeyLig. Now, that's one for the the books. Can you believe it? McLisse's unforgettable trip to Turkey also happened this year! Oh wow, this fact still shakes us every now and then. Our hearts still jump everytime we stare at their lovely photos in the pages of MEGA magazine. We still get our cheeks flushed everytime we watch their romantic documentary.
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McLisse fanmily have worked hard to turn this dream into reality. McCoy and Elisse have worked hard to make reality seem like a beautiful dream-- making every moment count, making everything magical and surreal to the point that we find ourselves wanting to slap our faces to convince us that reality is here and it is what you made it and for continuously living the most realistic dream of all--- achieving great things with the fandom.
A - ng Panday
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Haneeeep! From JP x Lorraine to Caloy x Rowena! Thank you Ninong Coco! This is another milestone for McLisse. Ang Panday is their very film together as a pair and it made the cut! It is one of the MMFF entries that will grace our cinemas this Christmas season! Are we ready to see the Kiligan (Tatak McLisse) on the BIG screen? BIG, literally. Just the thought of seeing them together acting with Primetime King, Coco Martin makes us all hyped up!
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Fam! The MMFF entries this year are all promising. Let's support our movie industry and spread nice words through our social media accounts. Ang Panday takes on a modern twist that millenials should appreciate and learn from. Of course, Ang Panday is the first film on our list!!! Good luck to all MFFF films!
S - olo MOVIE......... SOON!
How soon is SOON? Uhmm..... 2018!
Last December 7, (yeppp, don't you just love it when McLisse blessings drop on the 7th of the month, because yeah..... monthsary!) Film director, JP Habac posted something on his twitter account and the next thing we knew, we were thanking all the gods and heavens for a new blessing.
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A NEW MOVIE. #McLisse sa 2018.
Have you watched JP Habac's “I'm Drunk, I Love You”? Well, if you haven't, then you better do! AS IN, PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY. McCoy and Elisse, or should we say Pol and Laya will take on a new love story and this is going to be a major breakthrough for them. Yep, claiming it because we believe in them. We know  that they'll work harder to make movie goers fall for their new characters , for the story and fall for their natural chemistry.
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Are we ready? No? We must be ready but how can you be ready for something that will surely get your knees weak because you know deep inside that kilig is coming? Okay, let's save our energy for next year. Let's celebrate, fam! We are so grateful for this new opportunity. Thank you to all the producers, production team and big bosses who chose to take a chance on them! TT _ TT
2018, Here comes McLisse. U READY?
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MERRY CHRISTMAS, McLisse fanmily! Let's celebrate this special season with our family, friends and all the other people who are dear to us. Let's all give thanks to Him for showering us with blessings may it be in our personal lives or for our fandom. Thank you McCoy & Elisse for holding on so tight! LabLab FTW! Loves, ang saraaaaap sa feeling!!!! Kinaya natin. We always got your back, no matter what! 2017 has been amazing to us. We've learned from all the ups and downs and pulled ourselves together so that we could all get back on track and now, we're better than ever. See the smiles in our faces? :) We will surely welcome new year with a bang!!! Happy days ahead!!!
(Pics not mine. ctto:)
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
Stars Align To 'POWER' Up At MSG For Season Finale Premiere + 50 Cent & His Rumored Boo Make It Red Carpet Official
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Every person who ever starred on "Power" made their way to Madison Square Garden for the season finale premiere in NYC. Go inside for the bittersweet event...
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  Last night, STARZ celebrated the highly anticipated sixth and final season of “POWER” at Madison Square Garden in New York City. And it was LIT!
Everyone who has every starred on the show came out to celebrate along with several other celebrities who hit the stage to perform.
The event included a celebrity filled red carpet and exclusive screening of the season premiere episode, ahead of the first episode that will premiere on August 25th at 8pm on STARZ.
The all-star POWER cast, including Lela Loren, Naturi Naughton, Omari Hardwick, LaLa Anthony, and Joseph Sikora snapped up alongside showrunner/executive producer Courtney A. Kemp on the carpet before the turn up.
And look who else hit the carpet...
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"Power" producer 50 Cent rolled up on the carpet with his rumored boo Cuban Link (aka Jamira) have seemingly made it red carpet official. Fif must really be feeling her since he brought her as his date for the huge night. She also was with him during his Tycoon Pool party a few months ago.
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Rapper-turned-actor Ice-T and his wife CoCo were in the mix, snapping it up with Fif and his woman.
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"Power" star LaLa Anthony put her curves on display in a tight silver plunging neckline gown.
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          View this post on Instagram
                  Power Premiere
A post shared by ℒᎯ ℒᎯ (@lala) on Aug 20, 2019 at 5:22pm PDT
  Eat your heart out Carmelo Anthony.
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Single lady Naturi Naughton looked bomb on the carpet as she snapped it up with her on-screen husband Omari Hardwick:
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Omari also linked up with his co-star Joseph Sikora. For the last season, their characters Ghost and Tommy are going to face off after some type of huge betrayal goes down.
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Omari's real-life wife Jennifer Pfautch was also in the mix.
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"Power" star Lorenz Tate came out to celebrate and nabbed a photo-op with rapper O.T. Genesis.
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Former "Power" star Donshea Hopkins popped up on the scene in some colorful wiggery. We all cried our eyes out when her character Raina was killed off the show.
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Rappers Snoop Dogg, Lil Mama and O.T. Genasis also hit the carpet before rocking the stage. 
Watch clip below to catch the "Power" gems the cast dropped on the carpet:
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Uncle Snoop and R&B crooner Trey Songz joined 50 Cent for electrifying performances:
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Lil Mo and her floor length braids hit the stage.
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Other performers included Fabolous, Davido, Case, A$AP Ferg, Casanova, G4 Boyz, YFN Lucci, Keni Burke,  and Alicia Myers.
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                  My favorite human being in the whole galaxy. Nobody and i mean nobody has my heart like you outside of my blood. and i mean that it the most humblest way. And I’ll come out my body for you. My brother. My A1!! Day 1. For you to see me smile and acknowledge that you see me happy means the world to me. Because you was there for me when i was bout to lose it. And you always told me pray. and get some rest. Priceless memories to the GOAT. @myfabolouslife we the dynamic duo. Untouchable. Unstoppable. The FAMILY. For LIFE. You know the vibes!! #MSG
A post shared by Lil Mo (@thelilmoshow) on Aug 20, 2019 at 8:42pm PDT
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                  Cool kids!! HeardJUUUU @treysongz and i at #MSG #powerpremiere
A post shared by Lil Mo (@thelilmoshow) on Aug 20, 2019 at 8:32pm PDT
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                  Power Premieres and stuff. #POWER тнe вronх х вrooĸlyn х нarleм
A post shared by (@kodaklens) on Aug 20, 2019 at 7:08pm PDT
  Peep a few clips of performances below: 
  Davido performs at the world's most famous music venue, Madison Square Garden during Power Season 6 premiere event. 50 Cent brought him out as a special guest. pic.twitter.com/vPWOjNcqjZ
— Africa Facts Zone (@AfricaFactsZone) August 21, 2019
    2/2 - Power Premiere at Madison Square Garden. pic.twitter.com/0lQDwph63j
— mel (@melirdgzz) August 21, 2019
    Finnally Got To See My Favorite Artist @YFNLUCCI Perform! #PowerPremiere pic.twitter.com/OyfNQTbQ61
— #ICANROLL (@TiltTheG) August 21, 2019
            View this post on Instagram
                  POWER PREMIERE @50cent @snoopdogg #PowerAtMSG #Power #PowerPremiere
A post shared by Thisis50.com (@thisis50) on Aug 21, 2019 at 12:02am PDT
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                  #POWERTAKESMSG #powerpremiere @thelilmoshow you doing thing momma vocals A1
A post shared by Ceddric (@ceddy2ndnature) on Aug 20, 2019 at 6:41pm PDT
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  TV personality Terrence J was tapped to host the event.
Also, TJ will host a "Power" after show for the season finale. 
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After hitting the stage, Fif was all boo'd up with Jamira/Cuban Link.
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TV personality Bevy Smith hit up the afterparty, snapping it up with "Power" star Lela Loren.
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Singer Jeremih posted up alongside Fab and Trigga during the afterparty. 
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                  At the Power After Party In NYC with my handsome Mr. @mrrichardlawson
A post shared by Tina Knowles (@mstinalawson) on Aug 20, 2019 at 9:16pm PDT
  Mama Tina was in the mix with her hubby Richard Lawson. Well aren't they cute.
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                  Tonight at the POWER afterparty! With two of the Actors on the show , state prosecutor Cooper Saxes (far right ) Shane Johnson and Keily , and His fellow procecuter (far left) Jerry Donovan ( Ty Jones ) @mrrichardlawson ,
A post shared by Tina Knowles (@mstinalawson) on Aug 20, 2019 at 11:46pm PDT
  Fun times!
"Power" returns August 25th at 8pm on STARZ.
Photos: Courtesy of Starz/WENN/Splash
  [Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/08/21/stars-align-to-power-up-at-madison-square-garden-for-season-finale-premiere
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qiaoyifan-fan · 7 years
Today- GaoQiao (pt.3)
Aaaand that’s the end of Gao Yingjie’s POV. I do plan to do Qiao Yifan’s POV, but that probably won’t be until next month as I will be out of the country.
And I’m sorry I can’t really write romance LOL
Gao Yingjie’s POV: pt.1/pt.2/pt.3
Qiao Yifan’s POV: 
Warning: definitely OOC, and does contain spoilers
Gao Yingjie had heard of Team Happy. Almost everyone had, after all. They were the ‘dark horse’ of the Challenge Tournament, so to speak. A Battle Mage named Soft Mist, Steamed Bun Invasion the Brawler, one of the most infamous Ninjas- Deception, Sleeping Whole Summer Again the Berserker, a Summoner called Concealed Light, the Cleric Little Cold Hands, and a Warlock named Windward Formation , led by God Ye Qiu’s, no, Ye Xiu’s Unspecialized character, Lord Grim. But to him, the most important player was the Ghostblade. Qiao Yifan and One Inch Ash.
Qiao Yifan had improved greatly. As Yingjie watched One Inch Ash attack over, and over again, he wondered about the player behind the account.
Yifan, you’re doing so well. I’m sorry that I’m not there with you.
On the day of the Challenger Tournament final, Gao Yingjie flew to City H. He only told Wang Jiexi, receiving permission with an understanding nod. He didn’t know whether Happy would win or not, but either way, he had to be their for Qiao Yifan. As he was flying, he watched the tournament. It was only until the plane landed, did the tournament end with Happy’s victory.
Yifan! I’m coming! I’ll see you in person soon and tell you my feelings. In person… In front of Team Happy… Alone…
Gao Yingjie froze as he took his first step out of the airport. Was he really ready for this? Would Team Happy accept him? They would be rivals now, would Yifan hate him? Would he reject him? He rushed back into the airport, asking a staff member for paper and something to write with. After frantically scribbling down his letter, he rushed to call a taxi, heading to Xing Xin Internet Cafe.
Thankfully, when he arrived, no one noticed him. Team Happy’s fans were all celebrating and causing a commotion, no one had noticed the him quietly slip in. They were all gathering in a small group, chanting, trying to encourage someone, or someones, to continue drinking. It looked as if the people drinking must have been extremely drunk. Many cups and some bottles were strewn on the floor. He walked quickly to front desk, trying to attract the attention of the current manager.
“Ah…Sister? Excuse me…Sister?” Gao Yingjie tried to ask the manager, who was playing Glory.
“Yes?” She didn’t look up from her screen.
“I would like to meet someone from Team Happy…”
“Like I’ve said many times, Ye Xiu is currently… Ah! You are Gao Yingjie, yes? Tiny Herb’s successor?” After glancing up at him, she excitedly attempted to help him. “Who are you specifically looking for? Sun Zheping and Ye Xiu are actually knocked out now- Sister Mumu and Sister Rou Rou are trying to get them back on their feet. Can I have your autograph? Everyone else is supposedly having a drinking competition over…there.” She pointed to the growing mob.
Yifan? Drinking? He can’t handle any alcohol, can he? Is he okay? I have to check on him!
“Thanks, sister!”
“Wait… my autograph?”
“Later, I promise!”
Gao Yingjie tried to weave through the mob, clutching his letter tightly. After some struggle, he finally saw the mess called Team Happy. One loud, older man was laughing freely holding and spilling the cup of beer in his hand. Wei Chen, Windward Formation. To the right of him was a man in his twenties, wearing glasses. Despite the suprising amount of empty bottles in front of him, he didn’t seem all that drunk. He’s…handsome. An Wenyi, Little Cold Hands. Sleeping on his shoulder was a younger boy, dainty, almost petite, his face a cherry shade of red. I can’t really tell who he is. He seems cute, though. Next to him was a man wearing a hood. He was only holding one small cup of beer, and yet every sip he took flushed his face even more. It seemed as if he was trying to act with an aloof face, but his flush betrayed him. Mo Fan, Deception. On the left of Wei Chen sat two boys, attempting to fight, or at the very least, they attempted to struggle. The taller, blond one, was laughing hysterically as he shook the smaller one. The shorter one was looking as if he was doing anything and everything he could to not throw up. Steamed Bun Invasion, Bao Rongxing. Concealed Light, Luo Ji. Then that means…
Yingjie’s eyes moved to the petite boy, who was now conscious. Now that he could clearly see him, it was obvious that it was Qiao Yifan. Qiao Yifan started to chat with An Wenyi, his face still an adorable shade of red. As they spoke, An Wenyi seemed to blush. Qiao Yifan leaned in to say something in his ear, and whatever he must have said caused An Wenyi to turn freakishly flushed. Yingjie saw red. He wanted to walk over there, and carry off Yifan into the sunset, anywhere away from this person who would even dare to speak with Yifan in front of him, and so closely too. And yet… Yifan looks happy. Maybe… Maybe he likes him. He is handsome. Better looking than me, at least. And they look so close…
I’ll just leave.
Gao Yingjie, trying not to cry, pushed back through the crowd, bumping into a woman.
“Ah! I’m s-sorry! I-I just was r-rushing! I’m r-really really s-sorry! I-” He quickly bowed in apology, trying not to look at the tall woman who was most likely glaring holes into his back.
“Woah! You’re Gao Yingjie, right? Little Qiao’s friend?” Ah?
He looked up at the woman, realizing that this was Chen Guo, the boss of Team Happy and owner of the internet cafe.
“Y-yeah. I was going to visit him, but it looks like I have to visit him some other time. He’s…busy,” Gao Yingjie attempted to fake a small laugh.”Oh! Can you give him this later? It’s for him. Thanks- I have to go soon. My flight is in an hour.” Yingjie pushed the letter into Chen Guo’s hand, then dashed out the door.
I guess today just wasn’t the day.
Oh. I forgot to give the lady her autograph.
Gao Yingjie didn’t really contact Qiao Yifan after that. The only times he interacted with him was at Boss fights. And even then, they had no reason to talk with each other. They were enemies. After giving a curt greeting, they had to try and kill each other. Gao Yingjie didn’t mind. That much. It was easier that way. Like this, Gao Yingjie wouldn’t have to ask if Qiao Yifan had gotten his letter. Yingjie wouldn’t have to ask if Qiao Yifan knew about his feelings or not.
Of course, they would eventually meet. The first time Happy fought Tiny Herb, they never had an individual match, only fighting against each other in the group battle. He never considered the probability that they might fight individually, but that thought was challenged today- Tiny Herb and Happy’s second match.
“The second individual match! Happy’s Qiao Yifan and One Inch Ash! Tiny Herb’s Gao Yingjie and Kind Tree!”
Gao Yingjie froze as his teammates looked towards him, his heart torn. He still loved Yifan, and he was so happy that they could be considered equals. But, they were equal as enemies, and he had to win. He didn’t want Yifan to lose, of course, but someone had too. And it couldn’t be him.
After I win… I will tell him. Today. I will-no, I am going to tell him.
“The second individual match! Team Happy’s Qiao Yifan and One Inch Ash wins!”
As he sat back down in his chair, he ignored the reassurances and attempted comforts given to him by his teammates. Instead, he thought about what he should, or even could, do.
Could I even confess to him, now? What if he- what if he laughs in my face? Would I still even be worthy? It’s even possible that he likes someone else now… His imagined his Yifan in the arms of another- one particular boy in glasses- and tried not to cry.
Even as he fought in the team battle, his thoughts still lingered on his Yifan. He had no problems ordering the team to focus Little Cold Hands. While a natural tactic, Yingjie took some pleasure in watch Little Cold Hands try and run away. Eventually, Yingjie’s jealousy got the better of him, and he made a few critical mistakes. Kind Tree finally ran out of health under the haze of dark ghost boundary.
“Team Happy wins!”
Gao Yingjie started to tear up as they lined up to shake hands. His tears finally fell as he came to Qiao Yifan. Both juniors of their teams, starting together, and yet ending up at vastly different places.
Quietly, Yifan handed him a tissue so he could wipe his tears.
“Yifan, you are so strong now…”
“You are still a genius, Yingjie.”
“But that doesn’t matter, does it? We lost.”
“Practice more. We’ll meet again on the battlefield.”
“Next time, I won’t lose.”
“Okay.” Yifan lightly smiled, then turned back and walked away with his team.
Yingjie watched the hallway Yifan had disappeared on, his heart hurting.
In the end, I never got to tell him.
I’ll prove myself to you, Yifan. I’ll show that I am worthy of you. I won’t lose. Not to anyone.
Happy against Samsara. The final match of the tenth season.
He left City B with Wang Jiexi, Liu Xiaobie and  Liu Fei, planning to watch the last match of the season. He knew that a few more pro players would go to this match than usual. He at least knew that Lu Hanwen would be going, as well as Dai Yanqi.
As they arrived in the stadium, Lu Hanwen and Dai Yanqi dragged Xiaobie and Liu Fei to somewhere he didn’t know, leaving him alone with Wang Jiexi as they took their seats.
“Yingjie? Yingjie? Little Jie?” Wang Jiexi waved his hand in front of Yingjie’s face, trying to get his attention.
“Hmm..? Oh! C-captain? Yes? What is it?” stammered Yingjie, his thoughts of Yifan interuppted.
“You…like Little Qiao, right?”
“It’s been obvious for a while now.”
“O-oh. Please, don’t tell anyone! If Liu Fei finds out she’ll tell Yanqi, and if Yanqi finds out everyone will find out, including Yifan andIreallydon’twantthattohappenorelsehe’drejectmeand-”
“Calm down. And you’ll have to tell him eventually, or it’ll be too late. Don’t beat yourself up about what might happen. Waiting too long causes more heartbreak than initially being rejected.” Wang Jiexi stared out to where Team Xing Xin would be sitting. “It’s better to tell them as soon as possible. Being too late- knowing that you might’ve had a chance is one of the most painful things in the world. And besides it’s not as if you’ll- well, if you gather enough courage you might find out.”
“Captain…Are you okay?”
“It’s starting now.”
“Glory’s tenth league- Glory’s champion’s, Team Happy!”
He should’ve been cheering, and yet, his heart hurt more than ever. Qiao Yifan made it. He was a part of a champion team- proving he was better than people had originally assumed of him. He was no longer small and invisible. Yingjie was no longer good enough for him.
He- He’s a part of a champion team now. So am I- but have I contributed to that? I’ve probably been dragging our team down. Now, will I have to single-handedly win a championship? Yifan needs someone worthy of him. Someone who is worthy enough to be loved by him.
Today, I finally realize- I am not that person.
“Yingjie, let’s go and congradulate them.” Wang Jiexi stretched, and stood up. “You don’t want to keep Little Qiao waiting, do you?”
I… I kind of do.
“Oh…Of course not! L-let’s go!”
They walked over to where Team Xing Xin was talking with other players. Seeing Yifan -with An Wenyi, of course- Yingjie dashed off into the other direction, running into Chen Guo.
“Oof! Ah! Gao Yingjie! I-I’m really sorry!” Chen Guo rubbed her head with a sheepish smile.
“Oh…It’s fine. I ran into you, after all. Don’t worry about it!” Frantic to leave, Gao Yingjie hastily apologized and tried to continue running away, but stopped by Chen Guo’s firm hand.
“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. Remember last year, when you gave me that letter? I had lost it, and had never given it to Little Qiao. In my embarrassment, I didn’t even tell Little Qiao that there was a letter. I’m really, really sorry.”
What? He- He didn’t reject me?
Oh no.
“Are you alright? You look a bit pale, is everything okay?” asked a soft, familiar voice.
It was Qiao Yifan.
“Wha- Oh! Yeah, I’m fine! I’m fine really. It’s just- I’m in a bit of a rush right now I have to go-” Yingjie stammered out, not exactly knowing what to do in a type of situation like this. He considered running, before quickly being interrupted.
“Yingjie! I love you! I always- Ever since meeting you I…” Qiao Yifan trailed off as he saw that Yingjie was starting to cry. “I…I should go-”
Gao Yingjie grabbed Yifan and pulled him, his lips meeting Yifan’s.
It was a pure kiss. It was passionate, romantic, but not overly so. It was one of longing. One where they poured all of their pent up love into.
They pulled away when Gao Yingjie ran out of breath, and he noticed that his Yifan was crying as well.
“Yifan...I love you too. Since our first meeting.”
It was only then that they realized everyone around them were cheering.
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antaniashanae · 6 years
It’s Another Badu Birthday!
THEE most anticipated event, a holiday, and a celebration would happen on the evening of February 23, 2019!  It’s another Badu birthday! This will be my 3rd year attending the celebration and every year it gets more beautiful than the last. The first time I attended the event in 2017, I was still living in Indiana and I flew to Dallas for ONE day to join the festivities. I absolutely LOVE Erykah Badu!
If you’ve ever attended the event, it’s best to get there early. This year, I wasted no time. Arriving at nearly 3p, there was already a line formed. Doors didn’t open until 7p and the show wouldn’t start til 8p. I sat in my car, charged all of my devises until about 5:30p and made my way to a line that was already wrapped around the building. Thankfully, someone was “holding my spot” :-)
The Bomb Factory is located in Deep Ellum of Dallas, TX. This has been the venue for the event over the last few years. Upon walking into the venue, there’s a massive open space with a bar area to the right. There’s a balcony as well. The stage sits straight ahead where there’s a giant projector screen behind it. The slides are usually animated images of Erykah; there are some videos that play while she performs certain songs. Depending on whose performing, their stage name is plastered on it. I’ve even seen screensaver-like images that move so fast they make your eyes cross.
Previously, Badu has been known to give the stage to Dallas locals and even hip-hop legends like Scarface and Yasiin Bey (Mos Def). This year, there were two opening acts and a number of surprise guests. The acts included Houston rapper: Tobe Nwigwe. Hitting the stage in black basketball shorts, a black hoodie, Nike slides with tube socks. I thought.. This is pretty casual attire for such an amazing event–Nevermind me, because he blew the crowd away! Performing an ode to Erykah Badu and Dave Chappelle titled “I’m Dope.” The lyrics include, “My mama thought I was a joke, but Ms. Badu (Dave Chappelle) told me I’m dope. Yeah, I’m dope.” –And then...the unexpected happened. ERYKAH BADU surprised him on stage! How incredible is that?
Although, he and “The Originals” came out after the first group, the opening act would be another band out of Houston, Texas. They are called Khruangbin which is “Engine Fly” in Thai. This 3 person band includes a bassists; Laura Lee, a guitarist; Mark Spencer, and a drummer; Donald Johnson. They can also be seen on The Tiny Desk video series.  The 60s influenced, soul and psychedelia group, graced the stage in noticeably thick bangs, playing instrumentals of OBD’s “Baby, I Got Your Money” and The Luniz “I Got 5 On It.”
Keep up with Tobe Nwigwe:
Twitter- @TobeNwigwe
Instagram- @TobeNwigwe
Facebook- Tobe Nwigwe
Snapchat- @TobeNwigwe
Keep up with Khruangbin:
Twitter: @khruangbin
Facebook: @Khruangbin
SoundCloud: @Khruangbin 
It’s after 11p and the Queen of Neo-Soul is going to grace the stage at any moment. I look around and The Bomb Factory is packed out! There’s not enough room for anyone to do anything, except breathe at this point. The air smells of cannabis and beer. The stage is full of fog and the slides on the projector come to a stop. The musicians take their places on stage, vocalists come in after them, and suddenly it’s quiet. Dave Chappelle is one of Erykah’s longtime friends. He’s been to every one of the parties since I’ve attended. He introduces her to the stage and mentions that the event is like a church he attends once a year. Despite the recent backlash Badu received for expressing her love for R&B artist; R. Kelly, it didn’t stop those who support her from celebrating with her. The subject is an uncomfortable one, but her stance is LOVE. Period. 
ERYKAH is here! Taking robotic steps to the mic, the crowd begins to scream. Erykah is wearing a dark colored jumpsuit and a cream top hat. She opens with “Hello” from the  “But You Caint Use My Phone” album she released in 2015. This is how she welcomes us into this mystical and psychedelic whirlwind we’re about to experience- I’d compare it to the Alice In Wonderland fall. When Alice goes to the hole and says “My.. What a peculiar place to have a party,” and she falls? I imagine my fall having a mix of Erykah’s music with a few echos of her advice in the background to avoid crashing? Too deep? LOL 
In her intro, she introduces herself with “I’m Erykah Badu, also know as Maria Manuela, also known as Badoula, also known as Sarah Bellum, also known as Analogue Girl in a Digital World, also known as Fat Belly Bella, also known as SHE ILL, also known as Maria Mexico” ...and 142 other Characters.
She performed a series of songs (in no order), including “Out My Mind, Just In Time” and “Window Seat” from the New Amerykah, Pt. 2: Return of the Ankh album. “Next Lifetime,” “Rimshot,” from the Baduizm album, and “Kiss Me on My Neck” from the Mama’s Gun album just to name a few. 
Erykah is performing and is surprised with a 3 tier cake, followed by her friends and family coming to the stage. The concert sorta morphed into a jam session. Tobe Nwigwe and Dave Chappelle reappear on stage,  (THEE) Talib Kweli appears on stage as well (check out my blog on the Radio Silence Tour) Kweli performs “Get By” from the Quality album and “The Blast” from the Reflection Eternal- Train of Thought album. Everyone’s going back and forth with “Hot 16′s.” Like... this is dope. The vibe is so dope. This is where the show gets  a litter more special. Performances go from rapping to singing and Durand Bernarr is given the mic. Durand is one of Erykahs BGVs, but is an artist in his own right. He performs Bobby Caldwell's “What You Won’t Do For Love” while incorporating his own song, “Fuck N*gga Free” :-) #SaaangDurand 
Erykah Badu got the mic, continued singing the song, then Dave Chappelle got a mic, breaking the music. He gives a speech, stating he’s not a ‘church n*gga” and he starts singing “Never Would’ve Made It” by Marvin Sapp to Erykah.  Suddenly, the audience is a massive gospel choir. The lyrics include, “Never would’ve made it, never could’ve made it without you.. I would’ve lost it all, but now I see how you were there for me. I’m stronger, I’m wiser, I’m better, much better..” She sheds a few tears as he continues with the song. Like... Dave Chappelle was really singing! 
 A few noticeable faces graced the stage, including Willow and Jada Smith. Erykah Badu’s children; Seven, her son with OutKasts Andre 3000.  Puma, her daughter with rapper The D.O.C., and Mars, her daughter with Jay Electronica appeared as well.  The party came to a close with beautiful words from Erykah stating, “Don’t grow up, it’s a trap. Stay young, stay fresh, stay new, stay creative, stay loving, stay compassionate, stay honest. Don’t follow these other mfers, especially mad mfers!”—As her speech is interrupted by confetti. 
I’m so happy I could attend #AnotherBaduBirthday and I’m thankful for the gift Erykah shared with us. Thank you, Queen. Happy birthday! 
Enjoy the clips from the bash and follow me on IG: AntaniaShanae 
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kykyelric · 8 years
MC Cheats on the RFA + Saeran
@raitosakamakis Sorry for the long wait! Here is the angsty cheating HC you requested~! Some people may feel uncomfortable reading this (+ there are some adult themes like sex and alcohol), so I put it under the cut. I also included a “trigger warning” tag, just in case. I only wrote about the cheating specifically, as I wasn’t sure whether you wanted them to make up or not...
The character’s POV is after the “-------------” on each section.
You were annoyed. So annoyed.
This boy would never get off his computer. 
It was endless, endless games games games games games
“Yoosung~! Let’s go get coffee together!”
“Hold on MC! Just- one... mo---re... roun....d-”
His voice would trail off just like that and nothing bothered you more than that.
You went out for coffee by yourself now. Not even bothering to ask him.
Not even bothering to shout “I’m leaving!” as you walked out the door.
Because you knew he wouldn’t respond. 
Head stuck in the clouds of LOLOL... 
Was it addiction? You had no clue. But all you knew was that it was affecting you.
You sat with your caramel latte with extra whipped cream and stared wistfully out the window, remembering better days.
“Look, MC! The leaves are so pretty in the fall, aren’t they?”
You could almost picture his face, across from you, staring back at you with those dreamy amethyst orbs...
Your daydreaming was interrupted by a hand in front of your face. You abruptly looked up, flinching from the whiplash.
“Are you okay, Miss?”
It was a barista. You glanced around. The cafe was nearly empty. A slow day.
“Y-Yeah...” you sighed. 
He left you alone that day, but not the next.
Slowly, slowly, you opened up to him as he sat with you every day you went for coffee. 
Eventually you even told him about Yoosung.
“I have a boyfriend... but all he does is play games.”
“That’s terrible. A man should cherish his girlfriend.”
“Yeah, we used to go for coffee a lot... just like this.”
You hesitated and met the warm gaze of the man in front of you, realizing what you had implied. But his smile was gentle, genuine. It warmed you more than the cup of caramel latte with extra cream. 
“Want to go see a movie?”
You hadn’t heard those words in forever, forever, so it was almost instinct. 
You were walking back when it hit you- what would you tell Yoosung?
“... He probably won’t even care if I leave the house,” you muttered to yourself. “Idiot.”
You thought you were safe when you left the house on the day of your date, the door shutting quickly behind you. 
You could still hear the clacking of Yoosung’s keyboard behind the closed door. You gritted your teeth. Ughhh
The movie went fabulously, the barista handing you a cup which, surprise surprise, held your favorite caramel latte with extra cream. 
You could almost wash the lingering feelings for Yoosung away with the sweet drink.
That was, until you stepped out of the theater, hand in hand with the barista, only to meet the deadly purple eyes of your boyfriend that were now filled with tears. 
Yoosung had been planning something for a while. 
It was your anniversary, and he wanted to do something to celebrate.
But he didn’t want you to know...
Because he knew about how much you liked surprises.
So he pretended to ignore. Planned when you were gone.
It hurt him to see you leave everyday with that pained look on your face, but it would all be worth it.
When you saw the preparations he had gone through... oh, definitely worth it.
That is, until he saw you with your hand in that other man’s....
The only thing he could do was blame himself.
What have I done...
And the tears naturally came.
It had been a year since you had convinced Zen to let his “beast” go. 
Life was good.... sorta. 
The thing was, it was kinda repetitive. Dare you say.
Every day. Zen would wake up before you.
Every day. You would meet him at work.
Every day. He would give you a kiss.
Ever day. You would come home and have sex.
Don’t get you wrong. It was good sex.
But you missed a certain someone’s whispers in your ears...
The endless showering of compliments...
The sweet, innocent touches...
Were you just... a body to him now? One that could satisfy his endless desires?
You tried to bring it up. It ate at you every day.
Maybe it was your fault. For being too weak to stop the sex. 
But you couldn’t help yourself. It was a poor substitute for what you had when you first started dating, but it was a substitute. 
When you discovered him at one of Zen’s practices, you didn’t think anything romantic at first. 
He was the costume designer for the current musical. 
While you were waiting backstage during a dress rehearsal, he was there, dressed in a pressed black suit and tie. 
You didn’t mean for it to happen... or did you?
Eventually you started telling Zen to leave before you.
“You look tired. How about I help clean up and you go home first?”
Your feelings for the costume designer seemed to be reciprocated. But you weren’t absolutely sure until he started whispering in your ear just like Zen had.
“MC... you make me so happy... It’s so breathtaking staying behind like this together.”
You nearly wriggled with squealy joy. He was giving you exactly what Zen wasn’t.
At home, you started imagining his face while in bed with Zen. It made you feel so guilty... so so so guilty. 
After all, you still loved Zen. You would always love him.
He just... didn’t make you happy anymore. 
Your inner turmoil inevitably led up to a climax.
It was the day the costume designer called you his “princess” just like how Zen used to, and handed you a handmade outfit made for you from him.
There was a gasp from behind you, and you turned around slowly, grasping the dress in your hands, still high off his words.
But then there was a high-pitched, choking, desperate cry, and you immediately recognized who had caught you two together. You would recognize that voice anywhere. 
Do you run after him? 
It was your birthday coming up, and Zen got giggly just thinking about it.
He really wanted to do something for you this year. Something amazing.
So he decided he would work extra hard so that he could take that day off to spend it with you.
He knew that he wasn’t giving you as much quality attention as before, but you would understand... right?
The word coursed through his veins. Hot. Hot.
That was what he called you. 
“Tch.” Zen’s teeth came together to stifle his tears
But he didn’t nearly catch his moan, and the end of it released in a cut-off cry. 
You turned around, but he couldn’t bear to look at you.
You didn’t understand.
You didn’t understand.
You didn’t understand.
That was all he could think of. So he ran. Hard.
It was really bad.
Every day over some little thing.
“Why didn’t you feed Elizabeth the 3rd?!”
“I did! Look at her bowl!”
“Then why isn’t she eating?!”
“Don’t ask me!”
Petty things. Petty arguments. Petty fights.
But they never ended...
“Argh! You’re just. So. Ignorant!”
Yup. They ended with immature name-calling.
Every time. 
Sometimes it would carry on to the office... where you would shut yourselves in Jumin’s office.
People would walk by and be scared off by your shouting. 
And Jumin’s yelling definitely is scary...
But you were used to it now. 
What had you seen in him before? Now, all you could think was urghhh the ungrateful rich brat...
You were incredibly irritable at the office now, doing your best to avoid your boss and husband. Working wasn’t rewarding anymore.
That was, until you ran into him one day.
He wore a weird, off-color suit, and his hair was messy, his face flushed. 
A newbe.
That didn’t stop you from snarking at him when you bumped into him in the hallway. 
But for some reason... You couldn’t get his sparkling eyes out of your head. 
He was immature, sure. That wasn’t the last time he made you spill your coffee
Eventually you started liking going to work again. And you would even stay late! 
For some reason... you never seemed to run into Jumin anymore. Not even at home.
He was always gone. 
You didn’t know where he was... 
... until you were walking hand in hand with your cute new recruit and he walked out of a fancy hotel.
He was... staying in a hotel this whole time? 
Guilt crashes over you in waves. You drown. Do you approach him?
Jumin hated the fights. Hated them.
But for some reason, his fucking mouth wouldn’t shut up.
He wanted to make it up to you.
He bought some roses, stuck in a hand-written card, and headed to work. Driver Kim dropped him off in the usual spot, and Jumin nervously adjusted his suit.
When the elevator doors opened to your floor, all he could see was your eyes locked with some other man’s... 
His hand on you. 
Jumin closed the elevator doors without a sound.
All he felt was nothingness.
He moved to one of the hotels that C&R owned.
It was a brush on your hand.
You were at an after-work party, drunk. 
So that little touch felt more like BURSTING FIREWORKS IN YOUR HEART
You were delirious, and that touch felt somewhat familiar.
That was all you needed to launch yourself at whoever it was
In this case, it was the assistant manager, who loved to flirt with everyone.
You were on top of her, all mussy hair and cloudy eyes
“Mmm... You wanna go~~~~” 
You were so far gone, you couldn’t even keep your voice straight.
The assistant manager took advantage of you. 
And you enjoyed it. 
.. Jaeheeeee would ne---~ver let you have druuuuunk sex~-- ~~.......
Afterwards, you were sent home in a cab, ruffled and satisfied.
Where Jaehee welcomed you with open arms.
You weren’t guilty then, but in the morning.... ooo boy.
It sucked you in. Pulled at you like quicksand.
Jaehee could tell, you were sure of it, but she remained silent.
That ate at you. Her silence.
But you couldn’t tell her... because what could you say.
Nothing. Nothing would change anything.
After all... You couldn’t help yourself. You kept going back for more.
Despite all the guilt that piled on you and wore you down like you were carrying millions of bricks on your back
Eventually you came home to an empty house. With an empty heart.
Jaehee knew after the night you came back what had happened.
You whispered about it in your sleep, and it broke her heart.
She cried in bed every day after you went to sleep.
All she needed was an apology. 
A simple, “I’m sorry, Jaehee. I’ll never do it again.”
That would suffice.
But you didn’t say anything. 
It broke her heart... until she couldn’t take it anymore.
She gave up waiting for you. And left.
Just left.
Anywhere was better than having to see you.
You didn’t even think of cheating on this boy. 
But things... happen.
It was during one of his depressed cycles, which made it oh so worse.
You were grocery shopping and a cute shop clerk was helping you reach the cereal on the top shelf.
Saeyoung would only eat one kind, after all.
You smiled and thanked him when he handed you the box. 
But apparently your smile wasn’t cutting it.
You were feeling down because Saeyoung was, and it showed.
“Are you alright?”
The simple words were enough to make you burst into tears.
Because no, no you were not alright. 
The week had been a stressful one on top of Saeyoung’s depression, and all you wanted was to sink into his arms and have a tickle fight.... 
but he was curled up on the bed in his little ball of anxiety.
Lost in his world with no care for you.
So instead you lost yourself in the shop clerk’s arms, while he stroked your back, soothing your tremors. 
“I- I-... I---- I just want to have fun like we used to--!!” you hiccuped.
The shop clerk was very concerned at this point, and he took you out to dinner that night, after his shift was over. 
It was... the most fun you’d had in a long, long while....
At this point, you didn’t even care. You just needed a distraction.
And he made you laugh and giggle and grin like an idiot...
You were on cloud nine and you didn’t want to come down.
That was... until he took you home and you had to face the dark blob that was Saeyoung’s mind.
You didn’t expect him to be waiting at the door with a tear-streaked face staring at you. 
Then a new wave of tears rushed down his cheeks and he tore past you, sobbing, out the door.
He had seen... of course he had seen.
What had you done?
The dark weight that settled on his mind was familiar by now.
He let it consume him, knowing it would pass eventually.
He hated himself. Hated putting this burden on you.
He wanted nothing more than to stop this, stop himself, so that you could live a free life.
But like that was ever going to happen.
So he let it happen... let the shadows wreck his mind.
Until you didn’t come back around the average time you usually did.
He pulled up the security camera feed on his computer.
And he shut it down again.
You were smiling... 
You were laughing...
All with another man.
He stood up on shaky legs and stood by the door.
For hours. 
When you came, he broke. 
It was all his fault. All his fault...
If only I wasn’t broken... If only I was better for you...
Saeran would often leave for extended periods of time.
This didn’t really bother you much. You were used to it.
That’s what you thought. 
He would always bring back something to make up for it. Every time.
But this time...
It was two weeks now. Nearly three.
You couldn’t bear the loneliness anymore. 
Coming home to a dark, cold apartment by yourself...
It crushed you inside...
You sometimes reminisced about Saeran’s face greeting you at the door like it used to.
Now, it felt on the verge of hallucination.
You yearned for him. His careful touch. His soft eyes. His breathtaking smile...
The ache in your heart wouldn’t be soothed for anything he could bring back this time, you were sure. 
You had given up on hoping at this point, the depression clouding your mind. 
You decided to go out, but you didn’t want to go alone. 
Your hands shaking, you picked up the phone and dialed the number for a “rent-a-boyfriend” service that was gaining popularity in the area. 
Date made, you headed out to the meeting place.
It went by in a rush, his touches almost feeling like Saeran’s, but not quite...
When you got back home, there was a smashed vase on the floor. You almost stepped on the shards.  
You take that back.
You did step on them. You could feel the rush of wetness on your heels.
You just couldn’t feel the pain over the sudden, piercing throb in your heart.
Saeran was back...
Saeran had seen...
Saeran left again, quietly closing the door behind him as to not wake you up.
Oh the look on her face when she sees what I’m planning this time.
A light blush coated his cheeks. She’s so adorable!
Almost a month had passed now.
It was all ready. He held the box in his arms, pressed it gently, lovingly, to his chest.
Then a familiar head of hair passed by. 
No. It can’t be.
But it was. 
It was you. With another man. His arm linked through yours.
Saeran rushed home. The rage blinding him. 
All he saw was red. Endless, engulfing red.
Before he knew it, he had a vase in his hands.
It landed on the ground.
That didn’t do much to satisfy the absolute rage inside, so Saeran kicked the door open again.
He ran, ran as far as he could.
He would run as far as he needed to in order to escape this feeling.
The feeling he had tried to suppress for so long now.
The feeling you had helped him overcome.
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eriiikaann · 8 years
I'll try to give solid answers 1) Are you horny? Kinnnnnda 2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Adele OH MY GOSH 3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "Somehow I'll just arrive." 4) What do you think about most? HM, the future 5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? Let's watch Greys 6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? W/out 7) What's your strangest talent? Idk dude I got weird shit I can do 8) Girls.... (finish the sentence); Boys.... (finish the sentence) Girls.... just want to have fun Boys.... r strange 9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? Yes a song 10) When is the last time you played the air guitar? Like earlier today 😂 11) Do you have any strange phobias? Me don't like jellyfish 12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? A marble 13) What's your religion? I believe in the good 14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Getting ready to come back in, Dis weather sucks 15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind definitely 16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Creed 17) What was the last lie you told? That I was doing okay when I wasn't 18) Do you believe in karma? I do 19) What does your URL mean? I am me, basically 20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Greatest weakness... I'm sensitive, I'm gullible Greatest strength... I'm good with people, I am patient 21) Who is your celebrity crush? Dude Rachel McAdams or Mathew McConahey 22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yes 23) How do you vent your anger? When I have anger, which is pretty rare, swimming or painting in my undies usually helps me 24) Do you have a collection of anything? Dollhouses and owls 25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Uh ew 26) Are you happy with the person you've become? I am 27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love? Hate- TEETH ON A FORK LIKE WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SCRAPE IT Love- babies laughing and good music 28) What's your biggest "what if"? What if I DIDNT GET LEFT IN THE WIND idk 29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Both 😊 30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Air and air 31) Smell the air. What do you smell? Popcorn 😍 32) What's the worst place you have ever been to? East bumfuck of Kentucky to get a Christmas tree on a creepy farm 33) Choose East Coast or West Coast? West 34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Justin BIEBER 35) To you, what is the meaning of life? To do cool shit with yours before you don't have the time to 36) Define Art. Expression 37) Do you believe in luck? Yesssssss 38) What's the weather like right now? Ass 39) What time is it? 10:08am 40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes I do drive, no but someone has crashed into ME 41) What was the last book you read? IF YOU GIVE A PIG A PANCAKE 42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? I actually dig it for some reason 43) Do you have any nicknames? Smellika, Terdika, Ecamz 44) What was the last movie you saw? London Has Fallen 45) What's the worst injury you've ever had? Sprained all my toes one time 46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? One landed on me 47) Do you have any obsessions right now? Owls, Ariana Grande, shameless, ummmm puppies 48) What's your sexual orientation? What r u 49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Probably 50) Do you believe in magic? 😊 51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Hahahahaha I really try not to but it always pops up in my head 52) What is your astrological sign? Libra right is that astrological????????? 53) Do you save money or spend it? Spend 54) What's the last thing you purchased? A bottle of water 55) Love or lust? Lovin' 56) In a relationship? Yes 57) How many relationships have you had? Serious ones? Like 3 58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nah 59) Where were you yesterday? In my bed watching shameless and then at work for 10 million hours 60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My blankie 61) Are you wearing socks right now? Always 62) What's your favorite animal? Owls and dogs and black panthers and lions 63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Oh god no 64) Where is your best friend? In her room 65) Spit or swallow? Goooooodnight 66) What is your heritage? Italian, Scottish and Indian 67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Watchin me show 68) What do you think is Satan's last name? Joesph 69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Yes 70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes 71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? GET THAT MO FUCKING DOG 72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a) I wouldn't tell anyone b) do everything I possibly can and go everywhere I possibly can c) I'm not scared to die 73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Trust 74) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Say you won't let go, The climb Or holyyyy 75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 8954 76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Fun 77) How can I win your heart? Fun and snuggles and blue raspberry icceeees 78) Can insanity bring on more creativity? Yes 79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Being good to people, it makes me feel better 80) What size shoes do you wear? 7 1/2 or an 8 81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? Bad ass 82) What is your favorite word? Delicious 83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Hurt 84) What is a saying you say a lot? "Get some help" "What are you" "Can we eat" 85) What's the last song you listened to? Moonlight 86) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? Black and blue ugh 😍 87) What is your current desktop picture? Then beach 88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Frank Gallagher 89) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? How ya feelin? 90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do? Probably scoop my eyes out with a spoon 91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? To fly 92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? This time when I was babysitting my sisters and we all had a huge heart to heart and ate cheetos 93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Bye 94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? I wouldn't 95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Greece and I ain't ever coming back 96) Do you have any relatives in jail? Probably 97) Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes 😂 98) Ever been on a plane? Yes 99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say Be nice
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