#[for whom the flowers bloom - lady lian - lian lanhua]
funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
A Shiny New Royal Heir
Riley's Notes: Nezha and Lian have a very cute platonic dynamic. Also, RIP Nezha. Welcome to paperwork hell, bud, same hell Erlang Shen has to deal with. Also, this post was written by Onyx and proofread by me. Onyx highlights their titles in pink.
To say that the Deity was bored would be an understatement. He was completely and utterly devoid of stimulation, not a familiar soul in sight to help him manage his strict and stressful duties. The issue was how ready he had(n't) been to take up his father's mantle, and there was not really any other solution to it than let him learn on his own, which was how he found himself in such a tricky situation in the first place. Prince Nezha, heir to His Highness Yang Jian was unhappy.
Unhappy in his role, unhappy without his beloved snake and certainly unhappy with how many imbecilic Celestials felt the need to send their complaints straight to the palace instead of using their brains to sort the issues out themselves. Was that really too much to ask? Apparently so. He had never known just how infuriating some people could be until he was already far too deep to escape his anxiety riddled torture, so he was stuck listening to the high pitched whine of whatever citizen was giving him a headache at any one time. Anything would be better than that.
Alas, he knew he could not leave his duties to collect dust. He would let his love for a special Storm Deity motivate him into keeping his childish habits and behaviors at bay for long enough to prove that he could handle the weight of his new, freshly polished, gold crown. He dreaded what may happen if he didn't... which forced his posture straight and his chin up, his façade no longer that of a traumatized child, but instead one of a war-hardened, invulnerable soldier. Soon enough that would no longer be an act, but instead the whole, undeniable, truth.
A long sigh left his lungs as he moved on to the next stack of written requests, the piles of paper slowly becoming painful to deal with and simultaneously getting taller every time he looked at them. When three-year-old Nezha said that he wanted to be a war general when he grew up, this was almost certainly not what he had meant. Ah, how present Nezha longed to regain that childish innocence. Realistically, it wasn't going to happen, but a man could hope, right? That wasn't really the prince's style even though he'd been shifted to different views a little.
He was shaken out of his thoughts by the entry of his beloved peach blossom, her footsteps near silent but loud enough to his overly sensitive ears that he knew she was coming. Hurrah! A savior! The tea that she was carrying with her smelled absolutely delectable, and the sweet treats that he knew his 'mother' had made almost rivaled it. "Nezha, dearie, you need to take a break. You will burn yourself out otherwise, and we can't be having that." Her soft, mellow tones were enough to convince his tired mind nigh on instantly, so he took the tea.
She seemed relieved that he hadn't fought her gentle orders, and it shone in the way she happily joined him behind his desk, resting on the hanging chair that he'd commissioned specifically for her. For some reason, any room that she was in almost immediately lost any tension that it had been carrying. It was weird, but Nezha wasn't about to complain, her presence lifting so much stress off of his tired shoulders. She was not even doing anything, just sitting behind him and sipping at her tea, and she was, miraculously, still the only medicine he would ever need
"Thank you, Lanhua. Your efforts in assisting me are appreciated and certainly do not go unnoticed. I do not know how to repay you, but I promise that It'll happen at some point." She clearly wasn't in the mood to be serious, as his words only elicited a giggle and a slight head shake, but even still, her point came across clearly: her kindness was free, he did not owe her anything. Upon Nezha figuring out what she meant, another sigh left his mouth but this one was just somewhat exasperated, all stress gone from his systems for a time
It was astounding, how she knew exactly what to do to get him to relax, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. He loved cared for her.
Author's Note!
I am incredibly sorry about the poor quality of this one! Wrote it late at night and almost fell asleep before finishing it, so it isn't my best work (Have a future!Nezha design as an apology). Thanks everyone for your support!
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
A Coronation for the Crown Prince and Princess
She couldn't help but be nervous. This was the first time she'd ever be seen by the public as who she really was, and she couldn't even have her beloved by her side. The two of them had been given strict orders to stay separated until they could stand side by side at the ceremonial altar together; as much as she hated to admit it, Nezha had always been a rule follower and now was no different.
As her serpentine companion helped her with the final preparations of her hair, makeup and clothes, her mind filled with doubts and more anxieties than she could possibly count, even though she knew everything would be fine; her father had looked into her near future with his truth-seeing eye and seen only good things. Hopefully that wouldn't change.
The minutes that she had left before showtime disappeared in the blink of an eye, and she was suddenly standing in front of rows and rows of people looking at her in all her beauty and warrior-like glory. How Nezha did this, she would never understand. It was all so intimidating and intense, not even her intelligence could rival the weight of the stares now resting on her shoulders.
Still, she started taking the most important steps of her life with her head held high and her pride on full display; she would not be reduced to nothing in that moment, not after she'd fought so hard to get there. That was the day where years of labor and hard work would pay off, and like Diyu if she wasn't going to savor it and wring it for all it was worth. No, that wasn't like her.
What was like her, however, was the way her face lit up as she saw her beloved lotus standing at the ceremonial alter and beaming at her as he waited patiently like he always did. There was never a moment were he wasn't soft and gentle with her, and the public didn't cause an exception to that rule. His palms were so soft as he took her hands in his and gave them a reassuring squeeze, and that familiarity was all she needed to feel comforted.
As they met each other's eyes, they couldn't help the giggle that they shared between them; everything they did was as one person instead of two, and this overly decadent ceremony would only cement that. He smelled like her, and she like him. He wore a peach blossom in his hair, and she always donned a lotus. Her sash was a vibrant pink as it constantly moved and twirled around her arms, and his was a bright red that suited his personality so much better than any other color.
She suddenly realised a most wonderful thing, and she simply couldn't keep it from Nezha, not when they both needed to hear it.
"I could do anything with you by my side." She had only just managed to keep her voice low enough that the officials standing in front of them both would not hear her whisper, but the joy that bloomed in her precious darling's eyes alerted them anyway. He adored her just as much as she did him, and that wasn't something that could be hidden, so he didn't try.
They bore their love for the world to see and knew that they'd fight to keep it alive if anyone chose to scorn them. It was just the way that it had always been, and it could not be any other way. Not when the two of them were taking up the mantle of Erlang Shen Yang Jian, the Arbiter of Justice and wanted to do him proud. Somehow, he knew they would. He always knew. Maybe it was the years of wisdom alerting him to the smallest details, or maybe it was the trust that they had so generously put in him.
Either way, Lian's daydreaming was interrupted by a cough from the official standing to her left, telling them to hurry it along so that they'd stay on schedule. She gave him a nod of acknowledgement, and the two Deities turned to the altar, left and right hand clapsed together as tightly as they could without anyone getting hurt. It would be alright. They'd be fine.
The spell that the court officials were chanting wrapped around both man and woman, and she vaguely registered a cool sensation covering her body and binding her to Nezha by the wrist. When she opened her eyes again, not having realised she'd even closed them until that moment, she looked down to see a translucent pink ribbon binding their hands together, and something in her knew that it would never be severed... or more like it couldn't be.
If she hadn't been sure of her love for him, she certainly was now.
She did not feel the need to pull away from him as a gold circlet was placed over her bouncy curls and a matching one on top of his ebony hair, as she knew that they were stronger when they were together. Her hand did not leave his, even as the roars of the crowd... her friends... and her family reached her ears. He did not let go, even as they walked back down the great hall together, an unfamiliar buzz running through their veins.
They only separated for the briefest of moments, before they were touching again, several soft kisses and nuzzles being transferred from her olive skin to his paler beige cheeks. This was how they were meant to be... Crown Prince and his Princess, side by side for as long as either of them could imagine, and now they had finally fulfilled their destinies and become whole again, after so many years apart.
His warm touch was all she needed.
Lian Lanhua is now open for asks!
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Heavenly Peaches
Riley's Notes: Onyx is British so don't pay any attention to how they spell, please.
The only sound that he could hear was ringing. Not like a bell... but incessant, high-pitched whining that felt like it was piercing his ears over and over again. Where was this pain coming from? Why couldn't he suppress it? It was somehow so different to what he was used to but also embracing him as if they were old friends. His venom-ridden brain simply couldn't make sense of it.
His throat burned, his eyes watered, and his voice crackled when he tried to speak, and the realisation that he was forcibly mute just heightened the panic that shot across his nerves, as painful and rampant as electricity. Even though his mind was currently fogged up with confusion, his body certainly still had the capability to react to the anxiety that he wasn't quite aware of; he hated it.
He couldn't feel the floor that his feet were pounding on, and that caused him to fall off balance, but he couldn't care less. It was a trivial matter, as relief was more important to him than a simple bruise could ever be, and he vaguely remembered where to find it, even if his mind wouldn't supply him with what exactly 'it' was. All he knew was that the antidote to his venom resided somewhere within these cursed halls. The antidote was temporary... but he'd do anything to gain some reprieve from this waking nightmare of broken memories and confusion.
The ornate golden drapery and elegant wallpapers that decorated the sacred palace that he called his home would have been something to stop and marvel at had he been able to grasp the presence of mind to do so, but they went unappreciated by the crazed Deity that had originally been the one to suggest them in the first place... or had he? The memories evaded him for the moment. He couldn't help but hiss as he failed to find the right thoughts, the right moments in time, buried in his shattered mind.
But, for a few brief seconds, his head cleared enough to register a strong, sweet scent hanging in the air, and although the traces were not enough to bring him back to his right mind, they certainly were enough to sharpen his memory. They forced him to turn and follow the trail left by whoever smelled so divine. Unfortunately, it was often this way, and his only reprieve was evading him.
He fumbled along the corridor, his nose the only thing that could lead him towards the freedom he so desperately craved. His blurry eyes just barely registered the bright pink, curly handwriting on the door as he slammed straight through it, but something registered in his mind as he associated the color with the solution he needed so badly. He was close... very close.
As soon as he stepped over the threshold to the room he recognised as his nest, an absolute tidal wave washed over him and calmed the ringing in his ears and the venom singing through his veins enough that he could look around with slight lucidity and pinpoint where his beloved flower was resting. Her scent was wonderful and heavenly... no no, heaven could not compare to this. She was above them. Above the courts and their imbecilic politics. Above the people that had hurt him.
And she was now in his arms, her silk gloves sliding over his arms and cradling him close, her peachy scent invading his nose and drawing him in. She was his salve... his antidote and his medicine. She did so much for him and expected nothing in return. A blessing, dressed as a mere house servant but hiding so much more behind her green thumbs and wonderful smile.
As he took some more deep breaths, his mind came back to him, her presence the only thing that he'd needed to fit most of the pieces of his personality back into place. She was the stray piece. The part of the puzzle that nobody noticed until it was gone, and she was absolutely happy to fill that role for him, her bright smile reserved for only his eyes and her loving touches only ever gracing his skin.
This was his home, his resting place and she was his guardian. She always would be. She'd always be there to hold him and give him a helping hand. Perhaps she did it because she was kind... or maybe she did it because of the inexplicable bond they shared, something that no words could ever really express.
It was a nice thought.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Morning Flowers
Lian sat up and stretched as the morning rays shone through the window of her room, then shook the sleeping Deity as her side. While he stirred and grumbled, Lady Lian only chuckled; she knew he wasn't exactly a morning person, and the bright light shining through the curtains didn't help.
"Oh, for fuck's sake... why is always so bright in here, I'm gonna get another headache." Nezha rolled over and covered his face with a pillow to escape the light. That comment caused the lady of the house to fall off of her bed, cackling before she rose to her feet with a soft, fond sigh.
Lian went to the drapes, as she knew for damn sure that neither of them liked the light, but there would still be plenty to work with even once the drapes were closed. As the light in the room dimmed, Nezha sat up and stretched, the crop top he slept in on full display. He didn't even bother to keep up his usual formality, moving straight into his morning stretch routine.
He breathed a sigh of relief as the lights dulled, then opened his eyes so they could adjust. A smile came over the freshly crowned Yang as Lady Lian rested her head on his shoulder. Her hugs, her caresses, he never got enough of it. Casual intimacy had always been something he was fond of... and something he encouraged, too.
Lian blushed and giggled as the lotus deity she'd come to hold so dear coated her face in kisses. It wasn't a rare ritual anymore, and that, she was thankful for. He'd once been so stiff, but the more he came to know her, the more he grew attached to her.
There were so many words that felt right at the same time, and yet couldn't fully express the depth of the bond they shared. Lian pressed her forehead against the raven's, even as he purred quietly. She was a member of a very special group of people, the people that made him feel whole... love was always the right word. He loved her, he loved his mentor, he loved the bitter, spiteful wolf Demon who'd been living in that palace for centuries. Love was a broad, powerful word with many expressions, many types.
A smattering of kisses, all over his cheek and jaw, was his quick reward, followed by soft scratches around his ears and chin. He raised his head as a smile split his face, along with blush. Gods, he never got enough of her tender touches, much less Erlang's care. There really was nothing like the love of his father and beloved flower.
"Ah-! Lady Lian, you honor me." He couldn't help the soft laughter that escaped him. She never got enough of his purrs and his snickers. She'd come to treasure him as much as he treasured her.
Nezha got dressed when Lian let go, but didn't let her leave his side without a brief nuzzle before he disappeared into his closet. He emerged minutes later in his favorite fuchsia button-up dress shirt and deep teal jeans. His chain belt was always a good compliment to his favorite outfit.
Lian came out of the restroom shortly afterwards, clad in her favorite floral dress, the edges of it curled like lotus petals. It really honored the lotus Deity she spent so much time with that she themed herself after his favorite flowers, though he knew it was simply coincidence. She loved the same flowers he did.
Nezha's soft purrs of contentment brought a bright smile to the puffy haired woman. She offered another hug, and he took her up on it, grabbing her with all of the excitement of the wonderful young man he'd always be.
"We should go greet Erlang, don't you think?" Nezha nodded after Lian spoke, then let go of her. It was time for their morning routine, after all, and he had to give his beloved father a hug. He'd come so far in recent centuries, he'd found a new home. It was beautiful, and he hoped he'd get to keep this forever.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
How did Lian come to be housekeeper to Erlang Shen? Was she always that, or did a chain of events lead to it?
Riley's Notes: I apologize greatly for the lateness of the answer.
As Lian receives the question over the PA her partner installed, she quickly turns the microphone on her desk on, allowing the inquirer to hear her.
Her voice is warm and inviting, but carries notes of distress within it.
"Oh, boy, that's a long story... Well, you see... it started when I was running away from my now ex. I had always been a devout follower of His Highness Erlang Shen as well as Yang Nezha." She taps her pencil on the parchment in front of her, distracted for a fleeting moment, then sighs.
"One of the nastier incidents resulted in me taking up the mantle of the previous Mantis Queen. That didn't save me from the consequences of the next incident, though. Nezha did. He took me to the Yang palace to treat my injuries, and I've been living here under the palace's eternally gracious host, Erlang Shen, ever since."
She bears a bright smile on her face, recalling a number of pleasant memories... but her expression fades and she shakes her head before she rises to her feet to go make a meal that her beloved brother would usually make.
You get the feeling that she has omitted something important.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Sunshine and Peach Blossoms
Riley's Notes: I keep fucking up my timelines and tags when I think about them too much. Arc Three starts when Nezha's friends and family find him. Also, Sydney's hallucinating again so obligatory cw for unreality.
Nezha brushed past Erlang Shen, then opened his door with a nearly inaudible sigh. The Patron of Children's room was always a welcome escape from the silent chaos of the high courts. As he sat down on his bed, he pinched the bridge of his nose, recalling that condescending glare he'd received from an elder (at least, in appearance) Deity.
A glare like that could never bode well.
Before he could slip into a vortex of dread and stress, however, a familiar, reassuring face stepped across the threshold. He passed her a smile, and she stood in front of him, caressing his cheek ever so gently.
He'd missed that touch; he leaned into it, perhaps enjoying the texture of her skin against his a little too much. When her eyes met his, she adjusted, scratching behind the other Deity's pointed ear. The sound she was promptly rewarded with would have made anyone's heart melt, especially hers. Lian beamed as she listened to Nezha purr under her affections, glad she could take the edge off of an otherwise rough day.
"Are you feeling better, little lotus?" Her voice was as soft as her touch, and it was a welcome change from the cold, sometimes even harsh tones that Nezha had grown too acclimated to. The Deity released a sigh of contentment as he nudged into her hand. It was moments like these that reminded him why he persevered, despite everything.
Nezha would have spoken, but his words caught in his throat.
"Don't speak if it hurts, dear." He didn't have to ask her for her to start scratching under his chin, right in that spot where his jaw met his neck. He raised an eyebrow as he tilted his head, then shook it off and raised his hands to guide Lian's.
The former Peach Maiden used her free hand to wipe Nezha's eyes, and it was then that he realized he was crying. Why was he crying? Had his day really been that bad? Sydney Nezha couldn't tell yet.
Wait. What was his name? Was it really Nezha? The Deity raised a hand to his face, feeling the strange, cool sensation that felt all too foreign to a being forged in fire. His body should have been warmer, but it wasn't.
Why was it dark so suddenly? Had Lian used her pink sash to close the blinds? He turned, only to see that the window wasn't there anymore. Sweat rolled down the Deity's face until the Mantis Queen reoriented him to look at her.
"Focus on my voice, little lotus... please. It's just a nightmare... I need you to wake up, if you're still here at all."
Those tears in her eyes, the fear, the dread, the horror...
Something snapped...
...and Sydney blinked as the cave finally came back into focus, the visage of his room shattering in its wake. His four jade green eyes drilled into Lian's pink set.
This wasn't prey.
He got off of her, staggering back even while green-tinted tears dripped down his cheeks. The spider never looked away from the (marginally) taller Celestial. He couldn't bring himself to move when she approached him, placing her hand back on his cheek.
"...you're still here. Aren't you."
Sydney wrapped his claws around her in an instant. It was too fast for her to keep up with, and yet, it didn't scare her for long.
She raised a hand to scratch behind his ears, and was met with a broken purr symbolic of the damage to his mind and body.
So this was one of the people he'd missed.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
A Sanctuary for Broken Minds
When Lian would inevitably look back, she'd find it hard to describe the feelings that had been boiling inside her for far too long. Anger. Betrayal. Depression. Her heart couldn't pick just one, so she felt them all. Why had she trusted him, loved him even, when she knew of his infamous reputation? She had been a fool, and here she was suffering the consequences of it.
The sluggish drip of her ichor on the floor was a horrible sound, the floor tiles underneath her feet catching her blood and accepting it as if they were long lost lovers. The signs of her torment would be stained there for all eternity, but nobody except her would know what they were or why she hated them so much... at least she had managed to find acceptance somewhere in her mangled and twisted soul.
She didn't know what her existence would be like without that acceptance serving as armor that shielded the shards of her heart and she dreaded to even so much as think about it, so she refused to. Hopefully, the inhabitants of her future sanctuary would be able to ease the inner turmoil that rolled in her mind, but she had never been one to hope. Who was she to hope?
Hope was a feeling reserved for children that had not yet been tainted by the world or hurt by the people living in it, and yet here she was considering it as a possibility for herself. How could she have been so selfish? She knew that mangled, tortured adults such as herself did not deserve hope but she still couldn't give up what little she had left in her soul. She was no kind person... she simply couldn't accept that as the way it was.
Either way, she still made it to the large mahogany door that shielded so many from the outside world and knocked harshly on it; three times to be precise. Every relevant prayer that she could think of in that moment was going through her head in order to manifest it so that a certain Lotus Deity would answer the door, for she knew he'd be kind to her, but was not so sure about the other occupants.
Fortune smiled upon her that day, however, and the one that answered the door was indeed one of the deities she'd recently been praying to. She could only focus on his face for a moment though, as she soon felt herself losing consciousness. He caught her as she collapsed, her strength finally failing her despite her prior resilience, and let out a brief and quiet cuss, shock coloring his features.
There was a brief moment of silence as Nezha held her, simply staring at the wounded woman in his arms. He had not thought that he would meet her like that, having wondered what she was like after he'd seen her repeatedly praying at his alter. He shook his head as his instincts kicked in, then set her down on a sheet of towels. Hopefully, they wouldn't be missed and if they were the owner liked the color pink.
Lian woke up to the sensation of Nezha cleaning her wound without heed for any shame she may have. She could only watch as one of the number of deities she revered cleaned out the horrendous wound quickly and efficiently before using magic to carefully close her skin, hoping that it would end well. With all of that finished, he pulled away with a deep sigh, then pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I erm... apologize for my haste, xiaojie." He averted his gaze, scratching the back of his neck as a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek. Wow, he really couldn't keep it together, could he? It would have been comical had the situation been... different. His nervousness served him well, however, as it helped Lian realise that he was telling her the whole and honest truth in regards to his sincerity.
"...how could I scorn you after you have assisted me so graciously? My dignity does not matter more than my health, for I am not an idiot." The way that she spoke was formal, but her tones betrayed that she knew him better than he would have originally thought. Although... as such a devout priestess at one of his largest temples, it should not have come as a surprise that they would instantly form a connection upon meeting... one that would hopefully lead to more.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Just Press Pause
Tag List: @skellebonez
Riley's Notes: It's just Lian and Syntax being fluffy and domestic. I guess I should give everyone a break after that horrific post where Syntax passed out lol Also, drop theme is Soft Serve by Rook1e and park bird
Lian rolled out of bed with a soft groan, annoyed that her husband had left before she was even conscious. The mantis stretched her claws out before fully returning to her humanoid form, though she left her antennas out. She knew he loved them, and she adored the tender touches he would sprinkle her antennas with.
Once she was up and out of bed, she checked her closet. For once, her favorite black jacket was conspicuously absent. It drew a raised eyebrow from the former peach maiden, who soon shrugged and slid on a casual dress and house slippers.
The moment she came out of the hallway and into Pierre's workshop, she found two things: Her jacket, and her adorable partner, asleep at his desk. His head was resting on a throw pillow directly on top of his mousepad, and her jacket was draped around his shoulders. She knew he loved to steal her things, but this was getting ridiculous. As much as it exhausted her, though, the sight made her golden heart sing.
"Hey. Hey, bug. Wake up, bug." Lanhua snickered as her husband released a few soft French swears, and was pleasantly surprised when one in Mandarin slipped out. Syntax reached for his glasses, and the moment he had them on, he turned to Lian.
The sight of her alone soothed the residual stress from the episode he'd had that night, and any and all thoughts that were bothering him fell to a back burner. He rose to his feet, then stretched, all while Lian patiently waited for him to finish.
Lian didn't waste a single second when her partner held his arms out to her. It was nice to feel his exposed hands, and she intertwined her fingers with his. A shudder came from the spider, but he soon relaxed and Lian purred while her bug smiled, returning the purrs at a lesser intensity.
"Good morning, bug." Those words alone brought a barrage of morning kisses. It was a nice change of pace to be on the receiving end for once, and Lian wasn't going to take that for granted. She scooped the smaller Demon up into her arms to allow him more access, reveling in every touch he doled out.
"Someone's happy today."
Her voice drew a soft snicker from the spider in her arms, even as he used his metal claws to ease some tension in his spouse's back. They did have their uses, as annoying as the spinal attachment could be, not to mention painful. But, the utility outweighed the temporary discomfort that came from taking it on and off.
"Of course I am. How can I not be when you're the one that woke me up?" Syntax chuckled as Lian cooed from his words, then froze up when she kissed him. It rarely lasted, as they both had work to do sooner or later, but this time, he pulled himself deeper into her embrace. Her arms around him, and his head on her shoulder... he really treasured these moments.
Syntax flinched and shuddered, clinging to her more tightly than before. He relaxed somewhat at the sensation of Lian's fingers in his hair.
"Hey, sweetie, how about we freshen up, then head out to that cafe my brother likes so much? I'm sure it will help." The way she'd lowered her voice, softened it, it brought a degree of comfort to the spider's stress-addled mind.
"Let me retrieve my meds first, blossom, I'll meet you outside." The spider pressed a kiss to her cheek, and she repaid him in a split second, covering his cheeks with kisses.
It was mornings like these that reminded him he'd have the support he needed, no matter what came. He had Lian, he had Maverick, and he had his extended family in turn.
It put him at ease.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
A Night Out
Lian snickered as her partner stepped out of the limousine she'd hired. Sometimes there were perks to the fact that both of them had big stakes in separate companies, and tonight, she was flexing some of the yuan she received as an allowance from her father.
Unfortunately for Syntax, the bright lights of the paparazzi's cameras triggered a migraine, and his obsessive thoughts only grew worse due to how exposed he was to all of the other individuals there. He couldn't exactly be called a person, not after what Estelle had done to him. Sadly, it wasn't going to be easy for him to shut down the spiral, but he knew that some alcohol might take the edge off... or maybe the chill of some ice water would do the trick.
"Oh, come on, you silly bug. They're not going to bite you. If anyone bites, it's you and your cousin, not all of these wonderful people here to greet us... and, well, maybe me, too. I bite. You learned that last night." Lian snickered as her words made her partner blush, then took his hand and dragged him into the restaurant.
The intricate chandeliers gave away the fact that it was a higher-end venue, and suddenly, Pierre felt underdressed for the occasion. He was just in his usual lab uniform, nothing particularly appealing to anyone who might be there, much less his own partner. He knew he had to change or else all Hell would break loose. He'd never be able to stop thinking about it, and it might keep him awake.
It didn't take long for Lian to notice, and she pointed to where the restrooms were so that the arachnid could go change into the emergency outfit that he had with him. He exhaled with relief, then disappeared, out of sight, out of mind. The beautiful ruby dress he'd brought with him sure looked good in the mirror. The way it sparkled and glittered from the embroidery on it would shock and awe, he hoped. One final glance at the spider emblem on the halter neck top, and Pierre relaxed.
Maybe he was a monster, but at least he was a beautiful one... and at least he wasn't the only one here.
As Pierre added the finishing touches to his winged eyeliner, just as his brother-at-heart had taught him, he paused periodically to examine his handiwork. It didn't look half bad, actually, and for once, he didn't stress over it as much as he normally did. A smile crept over his face, and although his sharp fangs still drew some discomfort, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. This was him, this was his body, like it or not... and one day, he knew he'd come to love it.
The moment he stepped out into the lights of the dining hall, Lian's jaw dropped, which drew a scoff from the spider she'd arrived alongside.
"What, spider got your tongue? You're drooling, orchid." The toothy smirk on the spider's face had Lian in a chokehold. Gods, he was such a pretty boy, such a wonderful little spider. She loved the way her boy wore that dress, as it hugged his subtle curves. When her pink eyes finally returning back to him, the same color spread to her cheeks as a dreamy sigh escaped her.
"A spider certainly had my tongue. You're ravishing, dear, I should take you dress shopping." The soft purrs emanating from the Deity only emphasized how completely and utterly starstruck he'd left her, and as he sat down and crossed his legs, she couldn't look at her menu. She was too busy looking at him.
Maverick's arrival wasn't as loud or as sudden as usual, and neither was he wearing any denim for once, despite it being his favorite material. The larger of the two spiders had come with his beloved partner in tow at his side, and the height difference between them was almost comical from how dramatic it was.
"Well, well, well. Look who finally showed up to the party. I see you brought your boyfriend with you, Knox. How scandalous." For once, it was the elder of the two spiders who blushed from the teasing, which drew laughter from the tech spider. While Syntax only smiled, Huntsman dusted himself off, forcing his blush down with a soft huff and a soft flurry of German swears. It was all his partner could do to calm him down, but as the group united at the table Lian had reserved for them, she buckled up for the teasing she knew would ensue.
She danced the night away in his arms, in Syntax, no, Pierre's, arms. One hand on her waist, the other taking her by her other hand, all while the two larger Demons they'd come with simply held each other while the music played overhead. They were nice, nights like these, and as the younger spider spun his mantis around, he was finally sure.
Pierre had come to love her. Sure, it had taken several years to cement the relationship and fully convince him, but Lian had been patient. She'd been kind, she'd been gentle, she'd been generous, and he intended to continue repaying her in turn.
Until reality's lights burned out.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
All's Fair in Love and War
Her lips on his.
It was all that he needed to snap out of the stress-induced coma, but the sight of her vivid fuchsia eyes made his heart skip a beat. The heat in his cheeks faded as quickly as it had come as the vines around his wrists finally registered in his head.
The love of his life had tied him up, and that harsh glare gave away just how much rage boiled within her. Although she rarely let her reborn features show, Lian wanted to scare him now. Her silky, frond-like horns and venom-laced claws truly gave the spider a run for his money. He should have known that mantises were prone to killing their mates... but why hadn't she yet?
"Tell me where my brother is, Pierre." Her voice cut through his ears with its harshness, and the spider flinched from those words. She wasn't going to budge, was she? She'd never understand the fate that had befallen one of the men she loved the most. Pierre took a deep breath, his jade green eyes falling shut for fear of how she may react.
"He's at the spider lair. Don't go after him, Lian, whoever he was, he isn't that person now. He hallucinates, and his haunting screams at night can keep us all awake. His lair is covered in venom-laced webs and filled with chemical weaponry. He fights us on a daily basis, he is not safe to be around. Whoever he used to be, whoever you knew him as, he is not that man anymore, and trying to save him is too risky for all parties involved."
Lian hardly budged, even as Syntax cautiously opened his eyes, one after the other. His mate's expression told him she wasn't backing down, no matter the danger. Even if it meant she would receive horrendous chemical burns and claw marks on her body, she would do damn near anything for her brother.
Even chain up her lover and interrogate him until she got what she wanted: Information.
As the vines withdrew, Syntax sighed and staggered to his feet, only to be pushed against the wall by his partner. Her eyes drilled into his, a warning of what might be to come if he kept such important information from her again. A shiver ran down the spider's spine, but color returned to his face when she loosened her grip on his collar.
"I'm going after him. Don't try to stop me, Pierre, Nezha's my brother, and I'd sooner die than let anything happen to him. We've been all we've really had for centuries, longer than you've been alive. Do me a favor and keep your head down. Don't let Stella know I'm coming."
Pierre released a deep sigh. She really wasn't going to listen to him, but what kind of a partner was he if he didn't trust her abilities? He knew she was a powerful Deity, and could fend for herself if necessary, but she also didn't take care of herself like she should have.
"...fine. I won't stop you. Under one condition. Allow me to place a microchip under your skin. I've specifically tailored it to check for an adrenaline response as well as track your location. It's meant to alert me if you're in any danger." The tech spider swallowed, folding his claws behind his back. He'd always felt small one way or another, and it was worse now than it had been in a while. She was 6'4. It was hard not to be scared of her when she was angry.
To his surprise, Lian exhaled and relaxed.
"Whatever you need to feel better about it, darling. I'm... sorry for snapping at you like that." The nature Deity rubbed her arm as her horn-like antennae disappeared, along with her wrath. She hated having to put him in such a terrifying position, but it was that or not know where the hell her brother was or if he was safe.
Syntax slid the chip underneath her skin once he'd retrieved it, then breathed off the stress from the events prior. She wasn't going to tear him open, to defile his currently pristine body. No, he was safe. She wasn't going to hurt him.
Lian looked away when she realized how severely she'd scared her mate. Her recklessness, it had hurt them both. She wished she hadn't jumped the gun like that, but it was what it was.
There wasn't any turning back now.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
The technician adjusted the dials and levers on the control panel in his communications hub, his almost unnaturally pale skin difficult to see in the low light. Despite being able to pass as human thanks to his technology, his now updated medical records now alluded to the fact that he was not, albeit vaguely.
With the soft clicks of the dials came the footsteps of a beautiful woman that Syntax never got enough of. She brushed her cheek against his, eliciting a soft click of contentment from the spider's hidden mandibles. Although he said nothing, his visitor knew that he was ready to receive further affections, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Having someone as beautiful as her for a partner felt like a blessing. Not only was she beautiful at a glance, her soul was just as wonderful, no matter its cracks. She tended to overwork herself despite begging him to rest at reasonable hours, but thankfully, they were both hypocrites and were always on each others' cases about self-care, when Huntsman wasn't staring daggers at them.
Regardless of all the chaos that went down in the lair, Syntax's secondary workshop was a pleasant reprieve, even though he inevitably came to miss Huntsman's gruff, rocky voice. The spider sighed as the thoughts of his cousin, fifteen years his senior, began to overwhelm his active mind. He sat down. He knew he had to, lest his thoughts get away from him. It was only a brief drive, maybe an hour, tops, but he still felt like he was leagues away from one of the people - er, individuals - that mattered the most to him.
The brunette behind him threw her arms around him as best she could while he was sitting in his padded swivel chair, a fancy piece he'd made specifically to add to the sci-fi look of his communications hub. The multiple monitors and glowing screens were all outlined in a dark metal alloy, something that wasn't very reflective for sake of his photophobic self. The spider smiled as his mate's gloved hands wrapped around his own, the latex a much appreciated layer of protection between him and whatever she last touched.
"I need you to back up, Lian. It's not like I don't enjoy your affections, but I should turn my camera on. I don't... I don't know what my students will think of me if they catch me allowing you to smother me on film." Syntax covered his face, then sighed as he breathed the embarrassment off. He turned to his mate and added to his previous statements: "Besides, you know I hate being teased. I'd rather avoid the embarrassment and the potential of being blackmailed."
Lian pulled herself around so she could kiss the tech spider's forehead. His wonderful, hazel brown eyes were something she could get lost in, even though she knew damn well that is was merely an illusion, a restoration of who he'd once been courtesy of incredible technology. He allowed her to kiss him, albeit briefly, and was pleasantly surprised with her recently dried lipstick, which didn't leave a mark on him, thankfully. A soft, content sigh escaped from the spider, and he flipped the last switches on his control panel, opening up his communications network.
"Good afternoon, students. We have a special guest today. Her name is Lian Lanhua, and please address her with the appropriate honorifics, if you can remember them." Syntax was pleasantly surprised with a chorus of 'Madame' and 'Xiaojie' attached to his partner's last name, French and Mandarin respectively. Although his students' pronunciations could use work (and so could his, concerning Mandarin, for that matter), it made him smile.
"Lady Lian is a botanist and my lab assistant. She is... overwhelmingly affectionate, so don't be surprised if she can't restrain herself." A soft cacophony of 'ooh's reached his ears, and he gritted his teeth, annoyed. He could just sense that he was going to get teased for this, but it would be what it would be. The best thing he could do was learn from his coworker and mechanistic titan: If they tried to tease him, he'd disarm them by owning up rather than denying anything that they said, if it was true, of course.
Sadly, Syntax wound up spending twenty minutes answering questions about his love life before he derailed the lines of inquiry and began the class session. By the time it was over, he was exhausted, chiefly from seeing how messy his students could be. They really needed to clean their desks, those marker stains had to go. Then again, teenagers got bored easily, and it wasn't like they were allowed to do much. He couldn't fault them for that.
"As per the usual, don't be afraid to send me video mail. I hope you remember the password cycles on the secure channels, and if you don't, ask Maratus. Remember, though, that her version of a CAPTCHA test is the most annoying one you will ever face. I've all but fool-proofed it this time. You're not going to be able to hack her this time, Yujin." Syntax reveled in the exasperated sigh, accompanied with a: "Dammit, Mr. Beauregard." that came from the tiger Demon in his class, then deactivated his communications hub, except for its transmission reception system... although some would call it a fancy inbox. Once the lights were off, he felt for his bracelets, but stopped just as fast.
No. He wasn't taking them off yet.
He wasn't ready to look like the monster he'd been turned into.
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