#[reread my CURRENT RULES to spice up for my nEW RULES
ang3lik · 2 years
me immediately reblogging and participating is so true. i love that you're a lana girl just like me <333 congrats, angel you deserve the absolute world!
❤️ please ! fandom: scream + here's my funky little description!
full name: allyson. ( it's actually my middle name ), entj, she/her, 19. my favorite colors are pink and navy blue. i'm 5'11, afro-latina, and a scorpio sun, taurus moon, and pisces rising (according to my chart i'm ruled by jupiter and the sun). i am a lana truther but some of my other favorite artists include banks, lorde, bad bunny, and coco + clair clair.
i'm bisexual, but i have a larger attraction to women than men. my relationship with my mum is a bit strained but i'm close to my dad (not in the internalized misogyny way though). i was raised in the south (to this day i don't know why my parents did this to me) but spent a lot of time up north and went through the catholic girl phase including ending up wanting to kiss girls lmao. i'm deeply spiritual but not religious and wear a lot of jewelry (gold and silver).
right now i'm in school for cosmetic chemistry to learn how to formulate makeup. i am obsessed with aesthetics. i'm very sentimental and emotional but not when you first meet me. when it comes to love i fall last but the hardest. i love to read (currently rereading beautiful creatures which is an all-time fave) and some of my favorite films are jackie, arrival, last night in soho, thoroughbreds, and the great gatsby. i can be kind to a fault but i don't care because i'd rather die than be known as mean.
according to my friends here are things that they associate with me: leaving long messages for them that connect to bluetooth in their car, coconut and vanilla scented anything, spiced coffee in the mornings bc i learned it from my mum, bamboo hoops, slowed lana songs, minimalism w art deco accents, annotations in my books to the point where the pages are cracking, long box braids, almond shaped nails, pinterest, the almond blossom painting by van gogh (this made me cry), birth charts, going to the cinema alone, upstate new york, and vacations on film.
i am so sorry if this is way too much info but i love you and i'm so proud of you!! you deserve everything you're getting and you are so sweet to top it all of! can't hug you in person but know that i'm always sending you my love, all of it.
my love !! you’re so sweet and all the best girls are lana girls i swear !!
honestly you give me such aqua, mermaidy, beachy, beautiful vibes ! i love earthy girls and with you being an earth sign i feel like your aura and vibe just ties all in so well ! you seem so pretty and peaceful i can just tell you’re a wonderful person ! 💗
but i totally ship you with… jill roberts.
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you’re both complete opposites, but opposites attract! you wear the pink shirts and jill wears the blue plaid! a pisces and a taurus are a terrific match! you’re both able to comfort each other in times of need and are a strong, stable couple! you bring a lot of love and brilliance to each other, and help each other find the happiness and delight in things!
you’re both lana lovers! you help jill bring out her emotions and express them to you, it t as yes a-lot for her to open up towards you but you’re her rock! you both share a love of reading and recommend books to each other! you’re both very much vanilla girls, you both smell very sweet, always stealing each others coconut scented body sprays and if you ever trade clothes you can smell each other on them!
you definitely do each others nails! painting them pastels with french tips or even just giving each other manicures sometimes! jill has plans to visit new york at some point and she really wants to take you with her, and explore the big apple with you! she can’t wait for all the adventures and exploring you’ll get up-to! but you both live a very simple life too! you both enjoy just relaxing and being in each others presence.
i hope you like it ! i would love to see you and jill together oml ! 💗
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sh00kspeared · 1 year
⚔️🎸GET TO KNOW ME! 🎸⚔️
Thank you for the tag @valentinescandy ! And sorry for the late response haha
Tagging @calibvrn, @gemoglobinchik, @meltingangels, @miss--river, and @wanderingaldecaldo. And ofc anyone else who wants to do it!
Last song- Technically it was Lorde's Everybody Wants to Rule the World cover, but I'd also like to give the Trial by Pink Floyd an honorable mention because I've had 'GOOD MORNING, WORM, YOUR HONOR!' looping in my head all morning.
Favorite Color- Forest green and dark red (approx. #003b1d and #4f0001)
Currently Watching- Admittedly, I haven't watched many shows recently! However, I do love Youtube video essays and like to watch Wendigoon's iceberg or analytical videos while I'm doing art or such.
Last Movie- Escape from New York! After I told my dad about Phantom Liberty (which I HAVEN'T fully played through yet, so please no spoilers), he told me Escape from NY had a similar concept and that I should watch it... so of course I did ;) (don't call me uncultured; I didn't grow up in the eighties! Love the movies from that time, but I sadly don't know a lot of the popular ones!)
Currently Reading- I'm an English major, so I feel bad for saying this, but I haven't really read any books in a while. Some people I know irl have sorta rubbed this in my face, and it pisses me off because I love books-- I just have horrible ADD. I'm considering just rereading the Spellslinger series or Fahrenheit 451 as a more digestible alternative while I attempt to get back into the ol' reading groove. I also read Edgar Allen Poe's short story Descent Into the Maelstrom today, which was pretty cool (but still not as cool as the Cask of Amontillado!).
Sweet/Savory/Spice- Really depends on the day, but I tend to go for sweet most often.
Relationship Status- Single.
Current Obsession- Cyberpunk 2077, of course! The game is consuming my every waking hour and I finally got the Dog Eat Dog quest a few days ago! (did a full replay so I could fully experience 2.0 and Dogtown-related easter eggs). Going to start doing VP again soon, but I've been burnt out lol.
Last Google Search- Midline Laparotomy (was helping my friend @calibvrn come up with some lore lol)
Currently working on- trying to survive college (especially my 3D rendering class; I hate Autodesk Maya's interface and really wish we could just use Blender). Playing Cyberpunk, obviously. Acting in a play-- I'm in Frozen the musical and get to play Olaf! And, lastly, brainstorming for my post-canon Cyberpunk Fic-- A Room Where the Light Won't Find You. I'm so excited to finish Phantom Liberty so that I can incorporate Dogtown into the story! And yes, I took the title from Everybody Wants to Rule the World ;)
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jxckspxcer · 3 years
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i logged in just to log off so i can fix up my personal blog but i guess i can do that in an incognito and give jack some tlc,,,, sure sure sure,,,, 
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foxyliftblr · 5 years
How to get the most out of your grocery hauls *NEW*
Hey guys! After looking through my popular posts, I realized that my grocery hauls and my “How to” tips were the highest out of all of my posts. I reread the “How to” and came to the conclusion that it needed to be reworked. I hope you enjoy the newly updated version! 1/31/20, 2/1/20
💖 Canned foods are the best way to maintain diversity and longevity to your pantry. There are soups, vegetables, fruits and even some meats. The expiration dates are usually 6mo/1 year if kept in optimal conditions. Different size cans hold different serving sizes.
TIP- Any canned food, usually soups that read “Condensed” will be a smaller can size with bigger serving sizes. (Easier to lift). The reason being is that, the can holds the main ingredients and you add in the water yourself.
💖 Frozen vegetable/fruits in bags. These are usually in big bags, and hold a decent amount of serving sizes. The bonus of frozen veg/fruits is that they last a very long time in your freezer, as compared to fresh veg/fruit that will go stale within a week. These last anywhere between 3-6mo.
💖 Lift individual ingredients, like flour, sugar, spices, bread, (rice!), butter, milk and cheese. These will stay a long time in your pantry, and provide basic ingredients for simple foods to be cooked at home.
TIP- Adding a small bit of flour to some soups will thicken the consistency, if the flavor profile changes too much add back in water or alternatively milk to thin it out.
💖 Lift seasonings, these can be already powdered seasonings or fresh ginger, and garlic. They are very small and easy to conceal even without a bag. All the food in the world still needs to taste good!
TIP- Fresh ginger and garlic lasts a very long time just sitting around, 1-4mo.
💖 If you are going to lift fresh veg/fruits, know when you are going to eat them within the week. EX: If you’re waiting to make guacamole on Sunday and it’s currently Monday. Lift 3 unripe avocados, and when Sunday rolls around, they will be ripe and ready. Do not waste your fresh ingredients because of spoiling!
TIP- Keep in mind that some veg/fruits spoil in different temperatures at different rates. Be careful where you place them after you’re home.
💖 Lift hard items in bulk. EX:If you have a hard time lifting cereal, go one day extra to another supermarket and grab them at once. This will save you the hassle of only grabbing one box when you can go another day and get more.
TIP- For the love of god, please lift cereal containers! They can make cereal last for months, instead of getting stale in a week! Even if you buy them, they are NOT expensive and will save you money in the long run. Please trust me!
💖Wait to lift junk, until your pantry is filled with essentials. You will be much happier with filling, healthier foods in your pantry rather than chips you’ll eat in one day.
💖 Lift from the outer perimeter of the supermarket, these will often be the freshest ingredients. Also look down to the bottom of store shelves for cheaper/better items. Companies pay a lot of money for the placement of their products to be at eye level.
💖 Know what to lift before you actually go. A simple grocery list with ingredients and scheduled recipes throughout the week will keep you in order.
There are many different methods to lifting, but the one that works the most in supermarkets is the “walkout” and “reusable bag” methods. They are very explanatory and can be easily searched. Make sure to switch up your supermarket with other locations, as well as times to make sure you will not get caught. A common rule of thumb is to lift from stores further away from your home. This is Incase you go to actually buy something and get recognized. I will of course update with more information as time goes on! I hope my updated version was more information and interesting this time around :)
Feast my angels! Stay Safe!
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technogryph · 5 years
A Very Long Theory About The Epilogues
Okay, so I know that the Homestuck epilogues have been out for almost a year now, but just in case, spoilers ahead. Also this turned out way longer than I originally thought it would so strap in! Anyway, today I was rereading the meat route trying to find something for a project I wanna do, and at the end where John “permanently” dies it didn’t sit right with me. Didn’t the first time I read it, doesn’t now. I don’t really think (meat)John is dead.
I don’t know if anyone’s thought of this yet (they probably have), but this all happens when Dirk is the narrator. He’s the one who states that John is dead, and then goes on to describe what Terezi hears and smells to further support his claims. Dirk is the one who tells us what John feels and what Terezi senses, literally no one outside of his influence even knows what happened to John after he left Earth C except maybe Rosebot, and she’s so wrapped up Dirk’s mission that she could just believe John’s dead and move on. Throughout both the epilogues and Homestuck^2 it’s been shown time and time again that Dirk can change the actions and thoughts of others when he’s narrating. While it has been shown that others can be aware of Dirk’s meddling, it’s usually only in times when he’s specifically addressing them to get their attention or when it goes completely against that character’s rational train of thought. And even when they are aware, he seems to be able to still sway them heavily if he really wants to. Looking at this, combined with John’s current physical state, I don’t think it’d take much to sway anyone into believing he was dead, even with John himself.
The thing is, John’s not just a normal person, he’s a god. God tiering is supposed to leave only two options for death: either dying Heroically or Justly. While there’s no definitive rules on what qualifies as Just or Heroic, I think it’s safe to say John’s death wasn’t Just. As for Heroic, there could definitely be an argument made. We’ve never been given any indication that a god tier’s death has to immediate, so it’s entirely possible that a prolonged death could still kill someone who’s god tiered so long as whatever caused the mortal injury still fits in one of the two categories. John had a hole in his chest from a fang containing cherub venom, among other injuries, he traveled through a black hole, and has been bleeding out for quite a while, all in an effort to finally defeat the big bad and save cannon, which is pretty dang heroic. Had John’s clock chimed to declare his death as such, I wouldn’t have thought anymore into it. But that’s not what happens! John’s clock never chimes. In fact right before he dies Dirk says that John has no shot of being revived by Jane, his clock won’t chime, and he won’t even get an afterlife. Dirk attributes all of this to the cherub venom claiming that it’s completely erasing John. From what we know of cherubs, they have some crazy biology for sure, but venom that completely erases someone from existence seems like it would have come up at some point before now. While I believe it has been stated prior to the epilogues that cherubs have venom (though I can’t find exactly where), just the way that Dirk phrases everything sounds so dramatic. He’s the narrator, and he seems to really enjoy his role, so why wouldn’t he want to really spice up his story. That leads to my final thought.
Dirk wants to make this his story, and he’s been fighting alt!Callie for control of the narrative throughout the meat route. He’s even trying to start a new universe in Homestuck^2 with himself ruling as the god of a species that he creates. While Homestuck has always been about an entire cast of characters, John has always been a center point of the story. He was there since page 1, has been the center of MANY major points in the story, and the epilogues center entirely around his decision on eating meat or candy. Plus, John has the power to retcon timelines which could easily derail any plans that Dirk tries to set in motion. So why wouldn’t he want to get rid of him? By using his narrative powers, he could convince John and everyone around him that he’s dead. Heck, John actually seems to be doing kind of okay when he’s trying to get Terezi to return to Earth C with him, and it’s not until Dirk jumps in and begins questioning his ability to do anything that John starts to rabidly deteriorate, telling John that he’s “so, so tired” and that he feels like he could sleep forever.
So that’s what I think is ultimately happening with John. He’s in some kind of deep sleep/coma induced by Dirk because his mind thinks he’s supposed to be dead. Terezi is under the same impression, and everyone else thinks he’s still back in the game.
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Get to know you
I was tagged by @theredandwhitequeen - <3
Rules: answer and tag 9 people you’d like know better/catch up with.
Three Ships:
Malex (Roswell New Mexico 2019 - these two idiots have just run off with my soul in the last year. They weren’t my original OTP for the show, but after season one ended (along with my first ship of the series) I just ended up loving them more and more. I’m tired and just want to keep writing nebulous future happy fics for them.
SakoMitsu (Samurai Warriors) - Even though I have never finished my multichapter fic for these two, my love for them is pretty much undying. I used to google translate fics from various sites in various languages because there just wasn’t enough english language fics to be found for them, and that says something about how much this ship means to me.
JarodxMiss Parker (The Pretender) - Okay, having rediscovered this show, I have to honestly say - despite being cheated as an audience of even a kiss for a canon couple - these two have to be on the list of my top three. Half the show balances on their relationship and interactions. They’ve spent their entire lives on opposite sides, but the truth is they only truly trust each other. (Jarod is the only one who knows her name. Something else we the audience were denied finally having.)
Last Movie: Halloweentown - I decided 2020 wasn’t the year to worry about when to start the Halloween movies.
Currently Reading: Still reading a variety of ghost stories (Though I will admit Talk Like a Pirate Day inspired me to go back and reread some Potc Fanfics)
Currently Watching: Ghost Adventures! (Currently rewatching season 2)
Currently Craving: Pumpkin Spice Coffee
No tagging today. Just me blabbing. But if anyone wants to answer ...
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twilightshmilight · 6 years
Old School Twilight FFN masterpost
Clock the pub dates on these fics. I wasn’t lying when I said I��ve been kicking around the twilight fandom for 10 years.
Faking It
Half of Hollywood's most famous couples are faking it. That's how Bella Swan's publicist convinces her to pretend to date troubled Hollywood bad boy Edward Cullen. And she'll do anything for her band and her music.
114k+ All Human (AH) Fake Dating AU
My review: okay from what I can remember of this fic is that Bella, Emmett, and Rosalie are in a band and they want to spice up Bella’s image. Edward was the leading action man and they need to reform his image from bad boy to nice guy.
Only Human
A wish sends Bella back in time to Chicago, 1918, and to a human Edward.
66k+ Time Travel Au kind of post BD? But like it no Pregnancy and Bella is still human
My review: I! Think! About! This! Fic! To! This! Day!!!!! There is a sequel fic that is from Edwards pov called “Anatomy of a Human” and MAN IS IT GOOD TOO!!! This fic explores Edwards life as a human and what would have happened if he met (current) Bella then. Very interesting. Edward is soft.
Blood And Lust
Edward is having trouble balancing his urges for Bella's blood and Bella's body before the wedding. What started out as a simple "Practice Fic" has become a retelling of BD from EPOV that lets us see just how much he struggles for control at every turn.
133k+ EPOV rewrite of BD
My review: this fic is the reason why my memory of BD is so rusty just because I reread this fic so much as well as BD. So I never know if I’m remembering something that happened in this fic or in BD. Warning: there some weird misogynistic undertones that show up throughout??? Like it’s heavily implied (I think even blatantly stated) that male vampires have to dominant their mates in bed or otherwise their mate won’t respect them. That’s weird. Anyways it’s hot.
Geek Love
Humor, romance, healing and rampant geekitude collide in this Edward & Bella love story. "A funny, quirky love story about two computer geeks whose playful friendship turns into something more." Chokin' the Rubber Chicken blog.
84k+ AH Office Au TW: past rape/sexual abuse
My review: there are certain elements of this fic that I really do like that make it quirky. Sneetches, coffee trifecta, healing and moving on. In this story, Bella was in an abusive relationship before she’s with Edward so if you’re not into that stay away.
The King’s Mistress
In the age where men ruled the world, women were pawns in the vast game of chess that was the royal court. An intriguing and captivating tale of love, betrayal, lust and sex. "For, behold, the winter is past. The rain is over and gone."
124k+ AH Period Piece AU
My review: BOY!!! This fic is basically the story of Henry VIII but he stopped on the second wife and was actually Edward Cullen softboy. This fic is an Aesthetic and a time piece I will never forget.
Ithaca is Gorges
New Moon from Carlisle's and Edward's POV: After the Cullens leave Bella and move to Ithaca, NY, Carlisle fights to keep his family together as Edward's pain threatens to tear them apart. Canon.
120k+ Canon Retelling
My review: okay so you might be wondering why I ended it here with this kind of out of character one. Here’s why. I have literally not stopped thinking about this fic since I read it for the first time in 2009. I’m not joking. I cannot hear anything about Ithaca or Cornell without thinking “Ithaca is Gorges.” This fic centers around what happens to the Cullens during New Moon. Where do they go. Why Edward was estranged from them. It’s such an amazing fic that I basically accept as canon. Like I remember it being that good.
That concludes my masterpost. You might be asking “that’s it?” Oh, no. There’s more. But they’re gone forever. 107yearoldvirgin, if you’re out there, just know I remember the bubble baby, sleep humper, FAP, and your other glorious stories. Someday I might find a PDF.......
If you guys want me to do write up about twilighted.com I’d be down. That was a fanfiction website ONLY for twilight fanfic and it got WEIRD over there
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