#[shaking kaos by the shoulders] say you didn’t do it bro say you didn’t do it
mothmanwarble · 1 year
anyone else lie awake at night wondering if wilikin village or the wilikin workshop got torn apart by the sky eater during the events of superchargers or……..
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vodkassassin · 3 years
Shen Qingqiu decides enough is enough! As is his right
If you see any typos in this, no you don’t 😌
The door flies open right on the midday hour mark, when the candle that he lit this morning is exactly half gone, and Shang Qinghua immediately dives underneath his desk and throws his arms over his hand.
“I’m almost done!” He calls out desperately. “Just give me a few more hours, I promise I’m almost done!”
Following this, a silence in his office, long and inspecting, takes place. Shang Qinghua, despite all his instincts screaming otherwise, peeks his head up over the edge of his desk and gulps. The person standing in his door, who is surveying his admittedly very messy office (it’s not his fault! Paperwork breeds like multiplying cells! Why doesn’t anyone understand that?!), and looking very, very unamused.
“Ha, um,” he scrambles back to sit on the chair again, trying to get his thundering heart under control. “H-Hello, Shen-shixiong! This — I — I wasn’t expecting….”
Shen Qingqiu finishes his examination of his workspace and locks his gaze upon Shang Qinghua. He steps smoothly into the office, and shuts the door behind him with sure but quiet movements. A cold sweat breaks out down Shang Qinghua’s spine.
He swallows. He reaches forward and grabs up the paperwork he’d been pouring over before this interruption and holds it feebly before himself like a shield.
“A-Acruelly, shixiong…. If shixiong has something he wants from this shidi, I-I’m afraid it will have to wait. Wei-shixiong demanded these requisition forms be looked over and approved before tomorrow a-and there… there are a lot of them to go through…. I think he waited until the last minute — Oh! And Liu-shidi, he — um, he sent in his audit reports late again, so I have to go through those too and I’m really really sorry but whatever you have for me I can’t —!”
“Stop your babbling.” Shen Qingqiu snaps. Shang Qinghua’s jaw clicks shut so fast his teeth hurt a little. Ow.
He watches with wide eyes as his shixiong — who is now scowling heavily, nooo — begins to flip through the various stacks of parchment and scrolls that sit heavy upon Shang Qinghua’s desk. Too terrified to tell him that, actually, only the sect leader should be looking through those ones, Shang Qinghua remains quiet.
Really, nobody tells Shen Qingqiu what he can or can’t do. Those who have tried before are —
Well. They’ve all seen their sect leader.
“These.” Shen Qingqiu slips a smaller stack of documents out from the middle of one of the piles and holds it up. “The supply logs from the previous joint peak night hunting expedition. They have yet to be filed?”
“Shixiong,” Shang Qinghua’s eyes water in frustration, and he holds up his sleeve to cover them. “I meant to, I did! But — but when I was going to get to them, Qi-shimei came in with a cart full of delegated peak maintenance reports! She said if they weren’t done before noon she’d — Ah.” He shudders, peeks over his arm, and goes pale at the way Shen Qingqiu’s eyes have narrowed viciously. He hurries on, voice growing smaller. “I’d just finished them when Wei-shixiong brought me his backlog requisitions….”
He trails off, because the expression on his shixiong face has gone colder and colder the longer he spoke.
“Why haven’t you chosen to delegate?” The man demands from between his locked teeth. “All these disciples that you have, and you’re telling me you can’t delegate a single task to them?”
“Shixiong,” Shang Qinghua’s eyes water again and he shiffles pathetically into his sleeve. “Shixiong, I do delegate. This stuff in my office here, this is all the work only peak lords have the security clearance for. Everything else I delegate to my disciples, because I can’t… I can’t….”
Shen Qingqiu stares down his nose at him, and Shang Qinghua stops talking. He drops his gaze and listens as the man silently turns on his heel and stalks out of his office, closing the door with a solid thump.
He wipes his eyes with his sleeve and drops his arm defeatedly into his lap, frowning down at the water stains his stupid tears have left in the fabric. Silk is so fucking dumb, you can’t walk through without it picking up dirt somehow. It’s why he changed his peak robes to darker colors, because at least black doesn’t show where you’ve been all day.
And seriously, it’s just so much easier to scrub blood out of clothes that aren’t white or beige or pastel.
He shoves his paperwork to the side and folds his arms before him, letting his head thunk down on them with an exhausted sigh. The door opens slightly again and a head peaks in.
“A-Kao,” he mumbles into his arms. “I’m gonna die.”
His head disciple gives a polite sound of acknowledgement. “I’ll have someone prepare some of the spiced tea imported from that Eastern desert oasis, then.”
“I love you,” Shang Qinghua says fervently, and listens as his favorite disciple huffs a quiet laugh.
“Will return shortly.”
The door closes again, and with it, Shang Qinghua closes his eyes.
Jin Kao is true to his word, as always, and in fact brings a light snack of fruit and a pastry along with the tea. Shang Qinghua plows through it at record pace and is energized! He’s halfway through the requisition forms for Wei Qingwei when his door is slammed open once again.
He flinches. Taking a fortifying breath, Shang Qinghua glances up and immediately loses all color.
“Shen-shixiong is back!” He shakes, voice wobbling. “With — with Z-Zhangmen-shixiong, ah…!”
Shen Qingqiu stalks into the room, side stepping Jin Kao whose arms are laden with the empty tea set. The head disciple wisely flees into the corner, watching with a narrow gaze as the Qing Jing peak lord all but drags their venerated Sect Leader across the office to stand before Shang Qinghua’s desk.
Shang Qinghua trembles as they both loom over him. What did he do?! Shixiong, what he’s said before was completely reasonable! There was no need to go and fetch your overbearing ge!
Shen Qingqiu points a finger at Shang Qingh— oh wait, not him. At his desk. At the mountains of papers littering his desk.
“If you have time to relax and drink tea in your spotless office,” the second in command sneers at his superior, “then you have time to pick up the slack so that our shidi can do the same!”
Shang Qinghua gapes. He stares up at them with round, round eyes, uncertain as to what’s going on.
Yue Qingyuan, for his part, quails under Shen Qingqiu’s steely and unrelenting gaze. His shoulders are tense, and the way in which he looks around Shang Qinghua’s office with a startled look, only to then turn it upon Shang Qinghua himself, just screams ‘bro, you live like this?’
Not by choice! Shang Qinghua never asked for this, Yue-shixiong! The paperwork just never stops!
Shen Qingqiu pivots sharply, glaring down at him instead. Ah!
“What are you doing?” The man says. “Get up.”
“Ah?” Completely bewildered, Shang Qinghua only stares up at the man in confusion.
“Honestly.” Shen Qingqiu sighs under his breath — a sharp and stilted sound of frustration.
He rounds the desk himself and grabs Shang Qinghua by the upper arm, hauling him up from his chair and dragging him away from the desk.
“Sect Leader,” Shen Qingqiu nods at the desk. Yue Qingyuan only stares blankly at him, and so he sneers. “These forms must be finished. And the next stack. All by a peak lord — I’m taking Shang-shidi for a well deserved break, so I can’t do it, and Wei-shidi was the one to submit them in the first place. Of the four foremost peak lords of the sect, only you have time and clearance to do it.”
Shang Qinghua sways, shocked. If Shen Qingqiu didn’t still have such a bone-crushing grip on him, he might have even fallen. The other man steadies him immediately, and the sour look on his face sours even further.
Yue Qingyuan’s face is pale. “Qingqiu-shidi….”
“It isn’t as if you were busy with anything else.” Shen Qingqiu plows on past whatever refuting the sect leader was trying to pull. He shakes Shang Qinghua roughly by the arm, and Shang Qinghua rapidly blinks away the spots from his vision. “Look at our shidi, he’s nearly dead on his feet. Are you telling me that you would make him work more, when it’s already clear that he’s overworked?”
Yue Qingyuan pauses. He glances around the office another time, shoulders lowering in slow increments. His resolve is crumbling visibly to everyone in the office.
Shang Qinghua silently mouths ‘overworked’ to himself, stunned.
Finally, the sect leader sighs. “No, Qingqiu-shidi is right.”
Shen Qingqiu snorts. As if to say ‘of course I am.���
Yue Qingyuan steps around the desk and slowly takes the seat that Shang Qinghua had just been forcably vacated from. He eyes the stack of paperwork that are piled high, not just on the desk but on the floor and the shelves surrounding the desk, and an expression of regret eclipses his face.
“This shixiong had not realized Shang-shidi’s workload was quite so…” he trails off, trying to fish for the right word, and finally lands on, “heavy.”
“It’s the Sect Leader’s duty to ascertain that all those under his sect’s banner are taken care of. Those directly under his command even more so.” Shen Qingqiu sniffs disdainfully. “You have no excuse.”
Yue Shixiong bows his head. “No, this one does not.”
“I’m taking Shang Qinghua to Qing Jing to recuperate.”
Shang Qinghua pales even further. He ducks his head down and glances over to the corner into which his head disciple had squirreled himself away for help.
Jin Kao stares back, an expression of smug victory on his face, and doesn’t say a single word.
This traitor! Unfilial disciple! Shang Qinghua takes back what he said about Jin Kao being his favorite. He’s replacing that brat as soon as he’s able to escape Shen Qingqiu’s clutches.
Shen Qingqiu yanks on his arms, dragging him out of the office. He cranes his neck around, and the last scene he sees before the door slams shut is Jin Kao setting down the empty tea set, picking up a large stack of papers from one of the various spots on the floor, which he then ferries over to the desk at which Yue Qingyuan has picked up the half-finished requisition, looking it over with a frown.
Huh. He’s never seen his head disciple look quite so intimidating before. The boy is practically looming over their sect leader with a dark expression.
That’s a little strange.
He doesn’t see beyond that, though, because Shen Qingqiu slams the doors shut again and drags him off his own damn peak.
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Kageyama and Bokuto taking their kids to practice headcanons !
request: hihi i was wondering if you can do a continuation of the bringing their kids to practice with some of the other haikyuu characters? i’d love to see it with kageyama especially but honestly you can pick anyone! thank you :)
a/n: i AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG... I have no excuses, i was too sad about haikyuu e wording but i have read threads on how to write characters on twitter and i am thriving... so n e ways i was looking for a reason to write more of these because i just... love the idea of this so tsym for requesting!! if i write more parts, i might do hoshiumi, hinata, atsumu, and... maybe oikawa? i’m a huge bokuto stan so his might be longer than kageyamas im sorry <3 and and ik that kageyama goes to italy but for the sake of i want to write other characters, i will be using the adlers oops. i will also be only doing probably two characters per post for these because i write so much for it. LMAO ALSO these are super unrealistic this would NOT be allowed during pro sports practices but for the sake of entertainment, let’s just... do it warnings: manga spoilers
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Bokuto Koutarou
He had been wanting to bring Kaori to practice for a while but each time he tried to, you would be like no bitch </3 
heart been broke so many times
When you told him that you had to go into work and couldn’t schedule the nanny in time, he was like “I’LL TAKE CARE OF HER!!!”
Honestly you were only against him taking her because you were still mad at him for leaving her in the high chair for a while and you came home to her crying and him just knocked out 
Like... Kou, pls <3 
He had brought Kaori into post game interviews before but you were always there so this would really be the first time he’d take care of her by himself for a period of time longer than an hour
He’s a good parent dw !! he had just spent the whole night thinking about the most random shit and he ended up sleeping like three hours 
He was thinking about horses cause Ushijima brought them up in an interview >:0
You were still mad tho 
It had been a while and he had actually shown to you that he could take care of her by himself so you were fine with him taking her to practice
He was super pumped and was practically shaking in excitement (he was texting Akaashi the whole morning asdlfjskdf)
Bokuto-san AGHASHEE!!!!! Y/N IS LETTING ME TAKE KAORI  TO PRACTICE!!!!!!!!! AGHASHEE Congrats, Bokuto-san. 
That conversation but every two minutes
I’m sorry Akaashi <3 
He also texts the whole group chat and Hinata’s equally as excited
Kaori and Hinata were best friends !!!! She literally loved him
Like he would put her on his shoulders and they’d run around for hours
How he has so much energy goes beyond everyone but it’s fun to watch 
You lectured him for half an hour about what he should do in certain situations and unlike most times, he listened really well because :(( the baby cares about Kaori
Both Kaori and him actually walked with you to the train station and saw you off before heading to practice !! 
He normally drives to practice because he has a super nice car and it’s easier to drive with Kaori instead of public transportation
When they get to the gym, he goes running in with Kaori on his shoulders 
cue Hinata cheering super loudly
Kaori’s giggling and being all cute omg i love her
She was being carried in on her dad’s shoulders so Bo lets her down and she immediately runs (read: waddles quickly) to Hinata
Hinata starts crying-- jk, no
He goes “Kaori-chan!” and scoops her up in his beefy arms 
She’s giggling and she like kisses his cheek and everyone’s like “so cute...” ohmyogd babies
Similar to her dad, she’s super friendly!! and a bit simple minded
It’s literally in her blood to not actually hate anyone so she gets along with EVERYONE at practice
She even makes the coach super soft omg
Atsumu’s just watching her and being like “child. want. child-- oh god, i need a kid.” cause she’s just so god damn cute
Lol atsumu having twins cause it’s a gene or smth idk biology
I barely passed bio please spare me <3
I actually got an 80 smth on my final last year don’t listen to me
Sakusa being hesitant at first to be near her but she’s actually super sweet to him!!
like she saw Sakusa’s face and was like “oh!! I remember what dad said!!” 
Kou talks about his teammates a lot and somehow Kaori remembered him telling her about how Sakusa’s a germaphobe so she’s like
“Sir!! I washed my hands!! I’m not dirty!!” and he
He just 👁👄👁 
He thinks she’s cute and treasures her now
Suddenly Kaori has a whole team of dads
it’s okay
Bokuto itching to let her play volleyball but at the same time worrying about her if she does
It’s like the angel and the devil on his shoulders
One sides like
let her pLAY!!!!! LET HER PLAY (read it as if it’s the LEt ME INNN meme)
While the other sides like
👁👄👁 (y/n) will kill me if she gets hurt and i’ll kill myself if she gets hurt and hinata will kill me if she gets hurt-
In the end he gives her a volleyball after she asks once and he’s like ‘PFFT KAORI-CHAN IF YOU INSIST’ while she’s like
dude i asked to play once and normally someone disagrees with me tf are you on, sir? 
she tries to pick the ball up but it ends up being half her size and it’s just... such a cute image
Bo takes a picture of it and sends it to you!!
You reply back in seconds lol
Kou-kun ❤💖 [image.jpeg] LOOK AT HER!! FUTURE PRO (Y/N)-CHAN!! (Y/N) MY LOVE ❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕 be careful letting her hold that it’s too big!! but so cute!!! have fun taro <3
He ends up taking the ball away after a bit because she can’t walk while holding it
Eventually practice has to start tho so he asks her to sit on the bench and she’s an obedient angel and does so !!
The whole time she’s like swinging her legs and watching her dad practice
It’s fun for her to see him play 
Okay but like I’ve said, she’s similar to her dad
At one point at practice during a break, she stole Atsumu’s water and was running around the gym with him chasing her
He was ofc not actually chasing her cause he found it cute that she was trying to steal his stuff
Lol Sakusa being like “oh, you can’t catch up to a child? are your knees getting bad, old man?”
Atsumu’s like “bro, we’re the same age”
Sakusa ignores him
She ends up TRIPPInG AND ATSUMU’s LIke “Oh fuck” 
omg Bokuto’s like “tsum tsum-- do you want to die 👁👄👁🗡” because she just got hurt because of him
Atsumu picks her up and is apologizing so god damn much
This is the first time anyone’s seen Bokuto remotely irritated
Atsumu: please, child... i don’t want to die today... please... shhhhhhh
He lets her down and she walks (read: waddles) over to her dad and is giving him puppy eyes omg
Bokuto stops being mad and scoops her up and he’s like “did Kao-chan get a boo boo” and she nods, sniffling
Ohmygod dad bokuto dad bokuto dad bokuto stop
suddenly I actually want kids
Shion ends up getting a first aid kit since Meian asked (woah more black jackals players except I don’t really know how to write for them??? woahhh)
Shion roasts Atsumu with Sakusa for letting her fall and suddenly Atsumu’s the bad guy
By the end of practice tho Kaori’s fine !!!
She’s back to her regular happy self so cute :(
She asks Bo to call you and when you pick up she shows you her bandaid on her knee and is like “Miya-san was chasing me and I fell!!”
Suddenly Atsumu feels a cold chill and knows you found out lol
Hi this is (y/n), and you’re watching disney channel-
good luck, atsumu *stops camera*
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Kageyama Tobio
He would be equally as confused as a father as Ushijima
It’s okay, he’s trying his best
You normally work from home so you guys haven’t really hired a nanny! 
And if you needed someone to watch your guys’ son, Sho (which can mean to fly oho see what I did there I’m so smart), you just drop him off at your parents’ house or Miwa’s!
However, today was the only time you had to go in for like the next few months and both your parents and Miwa are busy
So, you enlist in your husbands help
“Tobio... I need you to watch Sho...” 
He spits out his milk “wHAT” cause like,, he’s hardly taken care of Sho by himself and normally had either his sister or you around
He doesn’t actually spit out his milk-- you’d kill him if he did because it would be a pain in the ass to clean up <3
It takes a bit of convincing being he’s really nervous about taking care of Sho!!
Okay but he’s a great dad dw it’s just he’s nervous about having another human being literally rely on him completely
You also just remind him that Romero’s a father so he won’t be completely on his own while taking care of Sho
So he somehow gets to the gym with Sho in one piece but he’s literally so stiff like bro, i need you to relax
Hoshiumi yelling “KAGEYAMA SHO!!!!!!!” and Sho (who has actually met the team like two times) goes like “HOFIUMI-SAN!!!!!” 
Sho’s a bit of an energetic bby-- he’s less emotionally constipated than his dad <3
He’s... he reminded you guys of Shoyo and well, you thought it would be nice to name him after his god father
No this isn’t a kagehina post i swear i love them but this is me saying that i love their friendship sm omg stop im gonna cry 402 really just popped into my head again
Hoshiumi getting mad when he sees that Sho has actually grown even though he’s a grown ass man and the little toddler would not, in fact, be catching up that soon
Sir, pls... sit down
The Adlers all love Sho since they’ve come into contact with him like twice at games before 
Ushijima just... doesn’t know how to interact with Sho
He just stares down at him and honestly Sho stares back up without fear
Kageyama Sho: no (0) fears 
I think it’s cause his father gives a similar stare sometimes and he just... got used to it
Ushijima gives him that stare and Sho just goes SIGH this again
Jk he’s a baby
He literally looks up at Ushiwaka and gives him this cute ass grin and Ushijima’s like “oh, children are very cute.”
Thank you, Wakatoshi-kun
Romero does, in fact, give Kags some tips about fathering and ends up showing pictures of Rubens to the team (love that) 
Sho being such a big fan of Hinata and being like “woAHHH!!! I’M NAMED AFTER HIM!!!” 
Hinata rubs it in Kags face because Sho practically idolizes him
Practice starts and Sho’s just sitting on the gym floor with a volleyball in his hands cause he
Kags just giving newborn Sho a volleyball and expecting him to become acquainted
It worked
Sho’s used to holding onto volleyballs and even tries to hit it but everytime he did, he’d fall backwards onto his lil bum and would be like :(
Kageyama watching from the other side of the gym and his heart just goes AHHHHHHHHHH
He’s about to cry that is the cutest thing he’s ever seen
Sho making sure he doesn’t interrupt practice!!! and like chasing after the ball to make sure it doesn’t go onto the courts!!!
Cute babs is so good :(
He ends up tripping tho and starts to tear up and Kags is watching during practice and goes “OH GOD”
He’s literally whipping his head from Sho to his coach and has this desperate look on his face 
he’s saying “JUST ONE BREAK!! JUST ONE, SIR!!” with his eyes and his coach just gives in
Kageyama going from one side of the gym to the next at insane speed
Sho: dad :((( i hwurt my knee :(((
Kags just picks him up and cradles him to his chest (he does this after making sure there’s no blood or anything-- it’s literally just a little bit red) 
Kags being a good dad just... WEAK
Only like two minutes later, Sho stops sniffling and is like “!!! go back to practice daddy!!” 
Kags does and he can’t focus on Sho anymore cause his coach would yell at him asldfjlsf
At the end of practice, Sho is like “dad i wanna play voweyball!!!!!!” and Kags heart just CLENCHES
He grabs his heart like that meme or smth 
You call them cause you know when practice normally ends and Sho’s just talking a lot and it’s so cute
He’s super excited and you’re like !!! My CUTE CHILD !!!!
Lol you tease Kags cause he was worrying about nothing
“Maybe I’ll let you take care of him by yourself more often Tobio” “Pls, I lost ten years of my life when I saw him fall pls not yet <3″ 
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vodkassassin · 4 years
Hello supreme overlord, ruler of all, writer of the most amazing of sentances and of the nicest of words, could you please write SQQ and SQH interacting in public and forgetting where they are so they just share friendly touches (like touch-starved millenials do) which ppl see and loose their minds over? Like SQH casually throws his hand over SQQ's shoulder and the other just looks pleased youdon'thavetoifyoudon'twantto Ty <3
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Moth babe I swear to god
Here’s some platonic cucumberplane for you guys! @overlordmoth
Shen Yuan has been in the body of Shen Qingqiu for seven months. Seven warm months of early spring, a beautiful, gorgeous summer befitting of a xianxia world, and a colorful yet mild fall.
He’s been so busy with worrying about the plot, about dismantling the OOC function, about what this exasperating, crazy world (or the System) would throw at him next, that he hasn’t really had the chance to concern himself with the smaller things, like the weather. Especially since those smaller things have been content to be rather wonderful and non-problematic.
Until now, that is. It’s the beginning of his eighth month in this ridiculous place, and it seems winter is finally here.
Yesterday, now that Shen Qingqiu has the belated gift of hindsight, he realizes that all the trees — usually so full of brightly colored leaves in warm tones of oranges and reds and yellows and even some pinks — they’d all gone completely skeletal, very abruptly losing all those final leaves at once. And, seemingly overnight, three feet of snow apparently fell to blanket the mountain sect — because it’s a mountain! Lots of snow! Who’s grand idea was it to build the sect high up on a mountain range? Fuck you, Airplane! — while Shen Qingqiu was asleep, and now….
Shen Qingqiu kicks the door that obstructs his way open with his foot, and Shang Qinghua flinches back in his seat across the room.
“I’m sorry! What? Oh! U—Um, hey bro, what’s —?”
Crossing the office, Shen Qingqiu takes a brief, self-indulgent moment to loom over his fellow transmigrator and watch him sweat, before he whips open his fan and presses the tip of one of its spokes to his mouth in contemplation.
“Scoot over.”
“What?” Shang Qinghua asks, and squeaks when Shen Qingqiu doesn’t wait any longer before plopping down directly beside him and leaning over to burrow into his side. “Sh-Shen bro—?!”
“It’s fucking cold,” Shen Qinqiu hisses, “and I am wearing silk. And I own nothing but silk! Who’s idea was that, huh, Qinghua?”
Shang Qinghua doesn’t make a sound for a few long seconds, but Shen Qingqiu can feel the man trembling. He can’t tell, however, whether it is because the man is nervous or laughing at him.
“I-I would have assumed it was Shen-shixiong’s idea, seeing as how it’s his wardrobe,” Shang Qinghua finally says, voice shaking, and clearly talking about the original goods, whose character and wardrobe he had written himself!
It sounds enough like mocking that Shen Qingqiu gives into his urge and snaps his fan closed, using it to jab his friend — yes, his friend — in the ribs. The shorter man yelps.
“Ow! Bro, c’mon—!”
“I’ll kill you.” Shen Qingqiu tells him in a stage whisper, lifting his eyebrows up to show how serious he is about it.
“You would never.” Shang Qinghua sounds so sure of himself. “You love me too much, bro!”
“Would you stop squirming?” Shen Qingqiu huffs in irritation as the other peak lord’s movements makes him slip off his shoulder and slide down to land in his lap instead. “Shang Qinghua!”
“I didn’t do it!” Shang Qinghua wails, nonetheless teaching out to wrap an arm around Shen Qingqiu’s shoulder and tugging him up a bit to rest against his chest instead. “There, is that better? You know, you interrupted me. I’m trying to work!”
“You can still write with me here, stop whining,” Shen Qingqiu gripes, and leans forward to shove his frozen nose directly against Shang Qinghua’s neck. The man jerks back and whines.
“Stop! You’re cold!”
“I know, that’s why I’m here! Order me a winter wardrobe right now!”
“I don’t have the right forms for that at my desk!” His friend says, a brush dripping ink still held aloft in one hand. “I’ll have a disciple hunt them down for me and do it later!”
“I’ll turn into a popsicle before then! Bitch, do I look like Captain America to you?” Shen Qingqiu demands.
“You ain’t nearly blonde enough,” Shang Qinghua huffs, setting down his brush and rubbing some warmth into his bro’s upper arm. The other sighs slightly and leans even more of his weight into him. Neither of them are very heavy, though, so it doesn’t make much of a difference. “You wanna borrow one of my fur-lined robes until I get you your own?”
“I could kiss you for that,” Shen Qingqiu admits. “Please.”
There’s a loud, strangled sound from the doorway.
Both of them whip their heads around to stare in surprise at the utterly befuddled Yue Qingyuan that stands in the doorway. Slightly behind the sect leader, a red-faced Luo Binghe stares at the two cuddling peak lords with wide eyes. A few seconds tick by in complete silence, before the boy turns away and flees.
“Uh,” Shang Qinghua says smartly.
Shen Qingqiu withholds a groan and smacks his friend on the shoulder with an open palm, burying his face into Shang Qinghua’s neck so that he doesn’t have to look at the still-staring sect leader. “Well, shit.”
“I—” Yue Qingyuan attempts to speak, but his voice fails him immediately, and the three peak lords are left in a stifling, awkward silence.
Shang Qinghua clears his throat. “M-Maybe sect leader should come back later?” He asks.
Shen Qingqiu is suddenly hyper-aware of the arm that his friend has wrapped around him, and the way he’s sitting across Shang Qinghua’s thighs, and mentally swears again. This is a little bit too much for ancient China xianxia sensibilities, isn't it? Fuck.
Yue Qingyuan tries to speak again, but no words come out. After a second, the man settles for giving them a sharp nod. He then turns on his heel and leaves without a word.
Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua stare at one another in silence.
“Awkward.” Shen Qingqiu eventually manages, burrowing even closer against his friend. Honestly, he’s just too fucking cold to be overly concerned about the consequences of this blunder just yet.
“I hate you.” Shang Qinghua says, reaching a hand up to hit him. There’s absolutely no power behind it at all. “This is your fault.”
“It absolutely is not,” Shen Qingqiu denies. “You’re the one who gave me an entirely silk wardrobe. Fuck you.”
“Fuck me yourself, you coward.”
“Please,” someone whimpers, and they turn to see Shang Qinghua’s head disciple cowering in the corner of the room, beet-red face buried into both his hands. “Please, stop.”
“Haha, whoops,” Shang Qinghua laughs nervously. “Sorry, A-Kao! Why don’t you take a break?”
“I’m never coming back,” the disciple says, emotionally. He pushes away from the wall and high tails it out of the offices faster than even Luo Binghe had fled.
The two of them are silent as they watch him leave.
“God dammit,” Shen Qingqiu sighs tiredly. He slumps even further against Shang Qinghua, and the other man adjusts his grip on him. “The System is going to kill me for this later.”
“Not if we kill it first,” Shang Qinghua says, a malicious light appearing in his eyes.
Shen Qingqiu looks up at him. “... I’m listening.”
They both ignore the neon red, flashing warning screens that only they can see.
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