#at the wilikin workshop.
mothmanwarble · 1 year
anyone else lie awake at night wondering if wilikin village or the wilikin workshop got torn apart by the sky eater during the events of superchargers or……..
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unofskylanderspages · 2 months
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Dreamcatcher's villain quest, Sweet Dreams, can be found in the Wilikin Workshop level.
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doomstonee · 2 years
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Stardroid sighting in the Wilikin Workshop! Dr Krankcase recalls his terrifying encounter with the shapeshifter Mercury!
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turquoisephoenix · 5 years
What’s Krankcase’s music taste?
He doesn’t really have one, honestly! Don’t take his endorsement of the Skaletones or The Gecko Chorus as him listing off favorite bands; he’s just rattling off the names of musicians he knows exist just to make idle banter.
When he’s tinkering in the workshop, he tends to work in complete silence and music will only distract him. He needs 100% of his brain to be tuned into the environment of his workshop, where even the smallest noise telling him that something is wrong can be picked up by his keen amphibious hearing.
Wolfgang didn’t heed this one day and tried practicing his guitar next door to his Wilikin Workshop without telling the doctor what he was doing, and the resulting cacophony of screaming metal startled Dr. Krankcase so badly that he accidentally sent a giant robot fist through the wall, nearly killing the werewolf. Wolfgang learned his lesson.
I’m sure if you asked Dr. Krankcase what music he likes after his shift at the Academy, he’ll either mention the Skaletones even though he can’t name a single song they’ve composed, mention Wolfgang because he wants to endorse his friend’s work (even though he can’t listen to his music for too long without getting a headache), or be like “you know that song that plays on the second map screen of TinkerMan 5? That.” So his music tastes are “whatever cool song he heard in a video game or in the credits of a movie”.
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cyberstarlope · 5 years
p,,, perhaps??? PERHAPS??? Cyber it is almost MIDNIGHT (as I'm typing this), I just replayed Wilikin Workshop like two hours ago and I am Filled With Love. If you actually draw that I might just explode.
*gasps* same timezone buddies!
Congrats anon but I'm just enough unhinged rn that I'm currently pulling out my tablet and there's nothing anybody can do to stop the inevitable
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Biochemical Daughter
The shimmering blue door leading inside Cloudcracker Prison opened itself, allowing Gearshift to enter, followed by Boom Bloom. It could only be accessed with a secret code that had to be typed in in front of the entrance. Of course, Gearshift had no trouble memorizing it nor any other security measures in the facility, so she was chosen to accompany Boom Bloom on her newest mission.
“Could you tell me why I’m here?” The Life Ninja was only told to travel to the prison and wait for the robot, but she had no idea why. “Are there any problems with the villains? Shouldn’t another Trap Master be doing this?”
“There have been repeated sightings in a distant desert. Witnesses say that they saw a golden palace rise from underneath the sand. It is safe to assume that that was the Golden Queen’s doing.” Gearshift kept the exact information she received stored in her memory drive, so that there were no misunderstandings of any sorts.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” While she was glad that they might have finally found the queen, Boom Bloom still didn’t understand her assignment.
“You have been chosen to go on a mission with a villain you should be familiar with.” The Tech Trap Master stopped to open another door before continuing their path along the smooth crystal floor. Eyes of several villains behind bars followed them with every step. “I was told you might react with displeasure and even anger, but since you know him better than anyone else, you are the best choice to accompany him and make sure that he does not try to escape or sabotage the mission.”
Boom Bloom had no response. She already knew who Gearshift was talking about, but she didn’t want to believe it. She wasn’t ready for this, she never anticipated this day.
Finally, the two Skylanders arrived at the cell of said villain. They looked inside as the foe turned around on his bed and just stared at them. “We interrogated the Doom Raiders about the Golden Queen and where she could have gone next, none of the villains held any useful information, besides Dr. Krankcase who admitted that he might have something that could help. He has a tracking device in his lair at the Wilikin Workshop. After some consideration, Spyro decided to allow him to return there under the supervision of a Skylander to find the machine and thus the queen.”
Krankcase couldn’t believe his own eyes. Boom Bloom, his most advanced and successful creation was finally face to face with him again. After her creation in his laboratory it didn’t take the mutant long to realize that she was working for a villain and leave, he never thought that he would see her again. And even while he pretended to be a Skylander himself, the Sensei always avoided any contact. “Boom Bloom, it’s been a while.” He tried speaking in the friendliest tone possible.
The Life Skylander returned no answer. She only gave him the same cold look as the last time she saw him during the prison event. She didn’t want to bother making amends with someone as evil and cunning as Krankcase, even if he was the closest thing to a father.
Gearshift opened the cell and immediately put handcuffs around the scientist’s wrists. “Good luck.” The robot stayed behind while the scientist and his creation walked towards the exit.
“I’m glad to see you again.” Krankcase made another attempt at a conversation. “I know you must hate me after everything, and I didn’t exactly better myself, but why don’t we use this as a fresh start?”
“Why don’t you just create another minion for a fresh start?” Without even looking at him, the snappy Skylander picked up her pace to get further away from the villain.
Krankcase knows that he’s made mistakes, and he hasn’t earned the Skylander’s trust, but after seeing his blooming creation again he felt something inside of him that he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
In the meantime, some Skylanders have gathered to discuss the seemingly endless hunt for the Golden Queen. Spitfire and Smash Hit were sitting at a table playing Skystones, a card game that’s become very popular again recently.
“We will never catch her.” Smash Hit started the conversation awfully negative, yet realistic. “It’s been months, and no one has even seen her.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic Smash.” Buckshot tried lighting the mood. “I mean yeah, the Skylands are endless, but she couldn’t have gotten that far.”
“Found her!” Spitfire exclaimed, which made everyone turn their heads towards him. “On the Skystone.” He grinned as he turned the stone in his hand around to show a picture of the queen. The others sighed and went on with their business while the fire spirit placed the card into the game.
“If only we had some way to track her down.” Enigma already used some of his spells, but none of them proved effective when they were looking for the queen.
“Yeah, if only.” Smolderdash had to keep quiet to not tell the others about Sprocket’s tracking device that had already located Golden Queen. She may be worried for her friend, but she was also confident that she could do it on her own.
Buckshot was playing around with one of his arrows when he looked over to Tidepool who was sitting at a nearby fountain gazing into the distance. The faun got on his feet and walked over to the lonely Sensei. “You alright Tidepool?”
“I am.” Tidepool gave a short answer while keeping her sight on the clouds passing by. “I’m just… worried about Wild Storm. The last time I saw him he almost lost control and- no I have to stop!” Tidepool shook her head and pushed herself up. “We have agreed on staying apart to figure things out, I have to stop thinking about him.”
Buckshot wasn’t sure what to say. After the knight’s outburst the archer went after him, but as soon as he found him, Wild Storm acted like nothing happened and didn’t talk about it again. He thought that a reunion is exactly what both need. “Hey, it’s completely fine that you think about him.”
Tidepool turned her head to look into Buckshot’s reassuring eyes. They didn’t talk much, but Buckshot was always very friendly and knew some of the best jokes among the Skylanders.
“You guys used to be best friends. Now that you don’t even talk anymore, of course you miss him.” The goat enjoyed Wild Storm’s company, but he always felt like the knight was missing something. “You know when you’re ready to talk to him again and when you are, you should just do it.”
Tidepool looked down on the ground and realized how much time has passed since they last spoke. It was more than she anticipated and maybe it was time to finally break the ice. “Maybe I should.”
The group’s activities were interrupted by a blinding pillar of light appearing nearby. They covered their eyes as a figure descended from the clouds and landed on the ground. It was Angelica, one of the Guardians that was out for Knight Light’s wings in case he couldn’t prove his worth as a Skylander.
“Is Knight Light here?” The wingless angel pulled her halo away from her head and used it as a screen upon her arrival.
“He’s on a mission as far as I know.” Spitfire got up from the table and moved towards the woman, with the others by his side.
“Then who’s in charge here?” Angelica looked through the group trying to determine who the leader could be.
Smash Hit realized that and wanted to tell her that none of them were. “Spyro, but he’s not-”
“I know about Spyro, but he’s obviously not here.” Angelica was already annoyed by the Skylanders and just wanted the conversation to be done with. “You Skylanders have some strange groups with separate leaders, is any of you one?”
Everyone looked over to Spitfire who was floating in the middle. “That would be me.” The speed demon was the leader of the Superchargers and thus possessed the highest authority.
“Good.” Angelica used her fingers to scroll across the screen on her halo and type some words before looking at the Fire Skylander again. “When you see Knight Light tell him that he’s been lacking regarding his performance. If he can’t prove to us that he is a determined Skylander, then we will have to take his wings back.”
“He’s been going on missions every day, multiple times even.” Enigma considered the judgement unfair and told the angel how hard the Trap Master has been working, since he already had to listen to it several times on their last excursion.
“Then he needs to do more! My superior is not happy with his performance.” Angelica closed the screen on her halo and was done with her work for the time being. She was about to leave when she suddenly spotted Tidepool and tilted her head. “You look familiar.”
Tidepool was confused after being addressed by someone she’s never seen before. “I do?”
“Yes.” Angelica had to think for a moment before recognizing the Skylander. “Weren’t you part of the Aqua-Marines?”
Tidepool was shocked to hear about her old group. They betrayed her after she was sent out to spy on the Skylanders before becoming one herself. “I used to be, but I left them.”
“And joined the Skylanders? What a shame.” Angelica smirked with pity. “That someone with supreme status degrades themselves to become a Skylander. You’re just like Knight.”
Tidepool’s eyes widened with disbelief and she was about to counter the insult before Buckshot stepped in. “Are you done here?”
“Thank the heavens I am.” Angelica created another pillar of light that engulfed her before she began to rise back towards the sky. “I’m sure this won’t be the last time we meet, so unfortunately until next time.”
The Skylanders looked after the angel with irritated expressions as she left. They chatted about her rude attitude before going back to their business. Enigma however stayed on the same spot and kept looking up to the sky. He started to understand why Knight Light left that place. He didn’t wait much longer and decided to look for the Light Skylander and warn him about this threat himself.
On the Stealth Stinger heading to the Fantasm Forest, Stealth Elf was using the abilities she learned during her time as a Supercharger to navigate through the several trees and branches in the area. She found an empty spot in the midst of some cottages and landed there. As soon as she got out of the vehicle, the Life Skylander started looking for High Volt, who was supposed to meet her there.
“Stealth Elf, there you are!” With a hint of impatience, High Volt greeted the elf as soon as he saw her.
“Hello High Volt, what’s the problem?” The assassin already pulled out her deadly daggers as she looked out for trouble.
“Nothing you will need your weapons for.” High Volt explained, causing Stealth Elf to make her daggers disappear again. “I’ve found two witnesses in a nearby bar, they were talking about a woman covered in gold. I figured that must have been the Golden Queen, so I went to speak to them, but they refused to give me any more information. They said they wouldn’t talk to an… officer.”
Stealth Elf giggled after High Volt told her about the common mistake others tend to make. While he was an officer to the Skylanders, for everyone else he was simply a Skylander just like the elf or any other one of them. “So, you think they will talk to me?”
“They’re elves as well, they might be more cooperative towards their own kind.” The goldling still grumbled about the rejection and crossed his arms.
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do.” The Skylanders parted their ways and High Volt left the forest town while Stealth Elf went looking for the bar the Supercharger was talking about.
The elf admired the vast and unharmed nature across the islands. It was one of the few places where most of the plants were untouched and the inhabitants worked with nature, not against it. After checking many of the relatively small houses, Stealth Elf finally found one with a telling sign hanging above the door. It pictured a beer glass filled to the brim with the beverage, an obvious indicator of a bar. The Skylander nodded to herself and opened the door, unknowing of who she would meet inside that building.
Boom Bloom and Krankcase have arrived at the Wilikin Workshop. After a short journey on foot without an exchange of words, they reached at the doctor’s lair. After all those years it still had a giant metal sculpture of Krankcase’s head attached to the front. Boom Bloom sighed as she entered the building she hasn’t seen ever since her creation.
“Where is the machine we’re looking for?” Boom Bloom’s tone was harsh and made it clear that she wanted the mission to be over with as soon as possible.
“It should be in the basement, that’s where I kept my most valuable creations.” The Doom Raider looked at Boom Bloom, hoping that she would remember that he also kept her down there, but the mutant didn’t even bother to give him a look.
The Life Ninja took the stairs leading to the basement. She remembered all the machines and structures scattered throughout the building, but she didn’t want to waste her time looking at them. Krankcase attempted to stay closer to the Skylander by moving his wooden legs faster, but Boom Bloom always moved away as soon as he got too close. After a short search, Boom Bloom picked up a device with a screen and a small satellite dish on top of it.
“Is this it?” She observed the object and turned it around, until she saw a sign which said ‘Tracking Device’ to confirm her assumption.
“Yes, I should be able to reprogram it so it can track down Golden Queen.” Krankcase looked around curiously when he finally spotted something in a corner. “Here, this should help.” He picked up one of his barrell minions that he created in masses, only this one has been turned into a golden statue after the queen’s first and only visit to the lab.
“So, you kept creating your own little servants.” Boom Bloom was disgusted at the sight of another mindless being only created to follow the villain’s orders.
“They’re just robots, they weren’t created to think and express free will so it’s fine.” Krankcase always had an unfortunate way with words, but he never truly meant to hurt anyone’s feelings, only their bodies.
“Is that what I was supposed to be?” Boom Bloom broke the silence and finally expressed the feelings she’s been bottling up for so long. “Just a mindless minion?”
“No, of course not Bloom.” Krankcase wanted to make it up to the plant mutant and moved closer to hold her, but the Skylander immediately backed off.
“Don’t touch me! I don’t want anything to do with you!” Boom Bloom turned around and rushed up the stairs to leave the factory. Krankcase quickly followed and caught up to her by running across the walls and landing in front of her as soon as she reached the next floor.
“Boom Bloom, please. I just want to talk.” The scientist had a desperate look in his eyes. Even though he was a villain, he always deeply cared about Boom Bloom.
“I don’t care what you want!” The Life Skylander shouted with rage. “You have no idea how I feel because of you!”
Krankcase took a step back after the ninja’s violent reaction. He didn’t expect her to be this angry about everything. “But I created you.”
“That’s the problem!” Boom Bloom took a deep breath and calmed herself down before continuing. “You made me to be evil. One of your servants that could take the Skylanders down. But I never wanted that and… and it made me feel bad.” Boom Bloom revealed a fear which she tried to hide from everyone, including herself. “The Skylanders all accepted me, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. How I’m supposed to be an enemy. How I should be evil.”
Krankcase had no idea how deeply affected the mutant was by this. He didn’t see her being a hero coming back then, but he also didn’t think that it would put her through such a crisis. “When I started experimenting with plants and organic life, it was one failure after the other. I didn’t have the required experience for results.” Krankcase thought that telling Boom Bloom about her creation process would help her. “But then I saw you. Even though I failed before, I was certain that it would work with you, and it did!” A smile appeared on the doctor’s green face and Boom Bloom listened for once. “At first, I wanted to make an army consisting of your clones, but when I saw that you were a fully capable living being, something changed. I felt… whole.” To Krankcase, Boom Bloom always felt like the daughter he never had, and it broke his heart to watch her reject him. “Something about the fact that I created a new being made me realize that maybe there is more to life than validation and success. You made me realize that.”
There was silence. The two didn’t say a word and only looked at each other. Boom Bloom had mixed feelings about everything, but Krankcase was hoping that she would finally see what she truly meant to him. The moment was interrupted by a loud crash. Boom Bloom lost the ground underneath her feet and began to fall down. The Life Skylander swiftly reacted by using her thorn whip to grab onto a wooden bar near the ceiling. After she abruptly stopped falling, the mutant held onto her weapon with one hand while the rest of her body was dangling in mid-air.
Krankcase was thrown back by the explosive crash and had to get himself up and adjust his hat before he dashed to the edge of the hole which had appeared in the middle of the floor. He thought about why this could have happened, but then he remembered one of his risky security measures. “This must have been the collapse that happens when a Skylander remains in my lab for more than ten minutes!”
Boom Bloom could only give him an angered look as she tried not to fall into the pool of boiling green goo underneath her. While Krankcase was looking for a way to fix everything, the wooden bar that the whip grabbed onto was starting to crack. It wasn’t able to hold Boom Bloom’s weight anymore and finally broke, leaving the Skylander falling towards her demise again. Krankcase stared at the scene in utter shock and didn’t know what to do. After a lot of hesitation, he gained the courage to grab the last piece of the thorn whip, shortly before Boom Bloom would have landed in the goo. Krankcase held onto the weapon with all his strength. The sharp thorns cut through the fabric of his gloves and pierced his hands to the point where blood was dripping down, but the scientist didn’t let go. He pulled the whip towards him and used the increased power of his spider legs to pull Boom Bloom back up.
The Skylander was on the edge of the enormous hole, panting from exhaustion and shock. Krankcase completely ignored the pain in his hands and dashed to the Sensei. “Are you alright? Did you get hurt?”
“I’m fine.” Boom Bloom took a few more moments to recover before she looked at Krankcase. She gasped after seeing his hands all covered in blood. “Your hands…”
Krankcase briefly looked at his injured body parts before directing his sight to the plant again. “Don’t worry about it.”
Another moment of silence occurred, but Krankcase made sure that there wasn’t any more danger. He used the situation to finally talk with the Skylander up close. “When you denied me and ran away to become a Skylander, I was afraid they wouldn’t accept you because you’re one of my creations.”
Boom Bloom couldn’t believe that those words were true, but he had no reason to lie.
“But I’m glad they did, even if that made you my enemy.” Krankcase admired Boom Bloom’s natural beauty for another moment. “And I never stopped loving you.”
The Skylander was speechless. For all those years she thought that Krankcase hated her, but it was the opposite. She couldn’t help but feel bad about being so cruel to him. Maybe he isn’t as bad as she thought after all.
“However, I think we failed the mission.” Krankcase commented while they looked down to see the basement, which is now covered with the toxic green substance of the lab. The tracking device was nowhere to be seen.
“I don’t think we failed.” Boom Bloom was upset about the machine but realized that there is something far more important she found today. “We fulfilled another mission. One that was long overdue.” The villain looked at Boom Bloom with confusion until he got what she meant. He was about to lead the way out of the lab before the Skylander stopped him. “Hey.”
Krankcase turned around and looked at the ninja, waiting for her to say more. “Thank you...” Boom Bloom wanted to add more, but only after some hesitation could she say it. “Dad.”
Krankcase smiled and looked at his daughter with the proudest look any parent could give their child.
Stealth Elf opened the wooden door leading to the inside of the bar. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing for a brief moment and looked at the elf before going back to their business. The assassin took a few steps and looked around. There were only plant mutants and other life-based creatures sitting at the tables, no sign of the elves High Volt mentioned. Stealth Elf made her way to an empty table, hoping she could take a better look when she wasn’t in the center of attention. Suddenly, she could hear something right before she was about to sit down.
“Pssst.” The Life Skylander turned around to see two cloaked figures sitting at a table. “Sit with us.”
Stealth Elf listened to the ominous voice and sat across the table, facing the hooded strangers. “Who are you?”
The strangers removed their cloaks, freeing their long pointy ears and revealing white glowing eyes on their green faces. They were elves. “We’re just like you!” The female elf said with a more cheerful tone.
Stealth Elf widened her eyes after seeing the two who almost appeared like her reflection in a mirror. It wasn’t every day that she saw other elves. “Are you the elves that saw a golden woman?” The Skylander didn’t waste any time by asking them personal questions and instead got right to the point.
“Oh no, we didn’t see her.” The male elf responded. “We heard it from someone who heard it from someone who saw her.”
Stealth Elf was disappointed, but she was hoping they would tell her more than High Volt. “Do you at least know where she was seen?”
“Just that she’s in some desert, but- wait.” The female elf was about to continue when she squinted her eyes and observed the Skylander suspiciously. “Did the officer send you?”
“What?” Stealth Elf was perplexed and didn’t understand why that mattered, so she wanted to explain the situation. “I’m a Skylander and so is the officer you met. The golden woman you heard of is the Golden Queen and we’ve been looking for her for months.”
“Well that explains a lot.” The male elf looked at his companion and then back to Stealth Elf. “How come an elf like you ended up as a Skylander? I never heard of many elf Skylanders.”
“Me?” Stealth Elf was irritated that they were drifting away from the topic, but she realized that she had to play along if she wanted to get answers. “I never grew up in a typical elf village. When I was an infant I was abandoned in the woods and raised by a forest ninja…”
Stealth Elf continued telling her story, but the elves stopped listening after the part where she got abandoned. They just looked at each other with shock and disbelief while Stealth Elf remained unusually open. “Wait, you were abandoned in a hollow tree as a baby?”
Stealth Elf stopped talking and stared at the female elf who eagerly waited for an answer. “I never said that I was left in a tree.”
The female elf covered her mouth while both of them kept their eyes on the assassin. Stealth Elf wasn’t sure how they knew about that seemingly unimportant detail, but then it hit her. “Wait, are you-”
The elves looked at each other again and then back at Stealth Elf, the female’s eyes started to tear up. “It’s you.” The male elf said with relief in his voice.
Stealth Elf pushed herself up and away from the table. She kept staring at the elves as hundreds of thoughts were racing through her head. She had so many questions, but finally she could only ask one. “You’re my parents?”
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sampos-catgirl · 4 years
went through mystic mill and recorded more voice lines. spent too long separating the audio clips so wilikin workshop tomorrow hopefully
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theexpressoutlet · 5 years
Skylanders- Trap Team - Wilikin Workshop - Part 27
Skylanders- Trap Team – Wilikin Workshop – Part 27
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mothmanwarble · 6 months
not to lose my mind over the evilikin or anything but do you ever think about how krankcase never refers to the evilikin as “evilikin” himself? do you ever think about how the evilikin never refer to themselves as “evilikin” either? and do you ever think about how, upon evolving, each playable evilikin turns blue and yellow—the primary colors of all the adult male wilikin? and do you ever think about how the wilikin workers never refer to the evilikin as “evilikin,” but simply call them by their names?
do you ever think about how the wilikin aren’t afraid of the evilikin, but they’re very aware of how dangerous krankcase is? and similarly, do you ever think about how some of the playable evilikin have hub world dialogue in which they express negative feelings towards krankcase?
do you ever think about the frightened wilikin standing next to the undead gate in wilikin workshop, warning the player that it’s a “dark and spooky place where some broken toys go”? do you ever think about how wilikin are, in fact, aware that they’re sentient toys themselves? do you ever think about that one undead gate being a graveyard? do you ever think about a young kaos burying his only friends? and do you ever think about how evilikin spawn beyond that gate?
do you ever think about the evilikin being made from the splintered, broken pieces of buried wilikin? do you ever think about krankcase taking their bodies and forcibly turning them into wooden weapons?
but do you also ever think about the wilikin loving them unconditionally, because they are still wilikin, they are still family, they are still worthy of love and there isn’t a single force in the universe that can change that? and do you ever think about that one scrap shooter—the one located in the meditating woodlands area from ring of heroes—that reclaims the title of wilikin? do you ever think about that? do y
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unofskylanderspages · 7 months
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The Wilikin at the Wilikin Workshop had their island taken over by Dr. Krankcase (whose Evilikins were the inspiration for Kaos' Wilikin), and were freed once the villain was defeated. Other Wilikin also offer Villain Quests in several Trap Team levels.
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unofskylanderspages · 7 months
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Listed below are the locations of the Soul Gems in Trap Team:
Bat Spin - Telescope Towers
Blackout - Know-It-All Island
Blades - Soda Springs
Blastermind - Skyhighlands
Bushwhack - Chompy Mountain
Chopper - Chef Zeppelin
Cobra Cadabra - Operation: Troll Rocket Steal
Déjà Vu - Rainfish Riviera
Echo - Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink
Enigma - Operation: Troll Rocket Steal
Fist Bump - Monster Marsh
Fling Kong - Wilikin Workshop
Flip Wreck - Mystic Mill
Food Fight - Know-It-All Island
Funny Bone - Phoenix Psanctuary
Gearshift - The Future of Skylands
Gusto - Chompy Mountain
Head Rush - Wilikin Workshop
High Five - Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink
Jawbreaker - Soda Springs
Ka-Boom - The Ultimate Weapon
Knight Light - Sunscraper Spire
Knight Mare - Midnight Museum
Krypt King - Monster Marsh
Lob-Star - Rainfish Riviera
Rocky Roll - Time Town
Short Cut - Lair of the Golden Queen
Snap Shot - Phoenix Psanctuary
Spotlight - Soda Springs
Trail Blazer - The Future of Skylands
Tread Head - Mystic Mill
Thunderbolt - Time Town
Torch - Mystic Mill
Tuff Luck - The Golden Desert
Wallop - Chompy Mountain
Wildfire - Telescope Towers
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unofskylanderspages · 9 months
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Having lost Glumshanks and his hideout to the Doom Raiders, Kaos was forced to turn to the Skylanders for help in defeating the strong villains who betrayed him. After acquiring an Information Squid from Mags' home village in Rainfish Riviera, the heroes wanted to know why the Doom Raiders were obtaining Traptanium. Eventually, the Information Squid turned out to be Kaos who soon turned into an unlikely alliance with the heroes. With Kaos being the only lead to where the Doom Raiders were, he lent his assistance by telling the heroes the whereabouts of the Dreamcatcher and later accompanied the Skylanders to the Wilikin Workshop where he created the Wilikin.
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unofskylanderspages · 1 month
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After her capture, the Skylanders took Dreamcatcher to Kaos's Wilikin Workshop along with Shield Shredder for their Villain Quests, and battling through Dr. Krankcase's Evilikins along the way. Her Quest is provided by a Wilikin named Rochester, who was having trouble going to sleep, probably because of his kind not having any eyelids. As a solution, the floating head created a dream portal that can be accessed with a Teleporter inside the Wilikin's namesake house. Rochester gave thanks towards Dreamcatcher, and gave her a new outfit as the reward.
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unofskylanderspages · 2 years
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The Wilikin at the Wilikin Workshop had their island taken over by Dr. Krankcase (whose Evilikins were the inspiration for Kaos' Wilikin), and were freed once the villain was defeated. Other Wilikin also offer Villain Quests in several levels.
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mothmanwarble · 2 years
Thinking about how the Skylanders novels take place prior to the events of the games and feature Flynn in several storylines, meaning that he’s known about Kaos for quite some time.
Thinking about how according to chapter 18 of Meditations on Boom, Flynn allegedly had been Kaos’ nemesis prior to the Skylanders’ return.
Thinking about how Kaos often refers to people with childishly disrespectful nicknames (“Poser Master,” “Dragonfly,” “Skyloser”) but one of the few people he somewhat consistently refers to by name, even when speaking to them directly, is Flynn.
Thinking about how “BOOM” is Flynn’s catchphrase, and Kaos uses “DOOM” repeatedly, and how in the Mirror of Mystery adventure pack, Evil Flynn uses “DOOM” instead.
Thinking about how Flynn—albeit reluctantly—congratulates Kaos on the sudden re-opening of the Wilikin Workshop.
Thinking about how Kaos explains the history behind the Wilikin Workshop to Flynn. Kaos’ love for the Wilikin is something deeply personal to him, and something he has supposedly never told anyone outside of his family about, and yet he’s so quick to tell Flynn about it.
Thinking about how in Trap Team, if you talk to Kaos in the Academy, one of the things he’ll mention is Flynn introducing him to enchiladas. It’s one of the few bits of hub world dialogue in which Kaos sounds genuinely happy.
Thinking about how Flynn gets genuinely upset over Kaos’ betrayal in Trap Team—especially after he had shared his food with him.
Thinking about the scene in Swap Force where Kaos’ Mom threatens Woodburrow and openly mocks her own son in front of an entire crowd of people, and how Flynn leans over to Kaos to say “Wow, your mom’s kinda harsh, huh?” to which Kaos responds with a simple “Ya think?”
Thinking about how Flynn proudly calls Kaos “buddy” in SuperChargers, and hugs him so tightly that he gets swept off his feet.
Just. Can’t stop thinking about how these two might’ve had some sort of history together that stretches further back than we ever thought.
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mothmanwarble · 3 years
A thing about the Wilikin that makes me go absolutely bonkers is how they’re actually alive. Like, not even just “animated” or enchanted or whatever—they’re sentient beings. In Wilikin Village, there’s a hidden room with the ghost of a young Wilikin girl which implies that they have souls. In the same level, there’s a male Wilikin that references his own sense of smell. In Trap Team, there’s an optional quest where you can help a Wilikin sleep, and Kaos himself mentions in passing that he brings donuts for the Wilikin over at his workshop to eat.
Like—Kaos made them. He made them, all on his own. And as a child, no less. This lonely little boy that was believed to be utterly and hopelessly inept at magic was able to create life.
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