#[since mel is otherwise preoccupied
pkmn-aide-mel · 11 months
A pair of people approach the doorstep: one very small, in green face- and bodypaint with a dark blue, almost black cloak. On their head, they have a very tall hood with spikes protruding from the sides.
The other one is rather big and has been painted green as well. He has only few clothes on though, isn't he cold? He wears a wooden mask over his face and a red lion cloth, and he's swinging a big decorated wooden staff around
To be frank, their costumes look less like a halloween costume and more like cosplay.
Behind them stands a GIGANTIC Gible who has been painted red.
They shout "WAAAGH! OR TREAT!"
//reference pictures can be provided (in DMs)
Oh my, how terrifying! I'm quaking in my boots!!
... Lovely costumes, all of you :}
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Here you go, have some chocolate for your troubles :}
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
CONFESSION // Mello x Reader
word count : 4016 genre : fluff a/n : i haven’t gotten over my writer’s block, so yes -- here i am, once again posting old fics from my wattpad account. 
Today is the day.
After contemplating about it for a couple of weeks and confiding it to his best pal, Matt, Mello has finally decided to confess his feelings for you tonight, exploiting the situation where you two will normally go riding on the city streets during Friday midnights such as this one.
To say the least, he isn't the best in this kind of thing— love, that is. Before, all he could think about was one thing which was proving that he's better than Near, and besides, no one really piqued his interest. But then the enigma that you are came.
You can be cunningly evil at times if you want to. You'll often say to the ones you've fooled or to the other mafia members, "It's nothing personal, it's just business." You also have a harsh mouth as he would like to describe. Anything that comes out of it may sound derisive or blatant, but it's basically the truth. You don't sugarcoat things— you don't even try to. Although sometimes you seem to make the truth more cruel than it really is, which makes you look too intimidating for the others. They're only thankful that you don't talk very often and only will if you have something conducive to say.
But that's not all that you are. Mello could feel it, so he grew curious of you. Just a mere speck of curiosity, but then it grew. He wanted to talk to you, but then he asked himself what's the point of doing so, thus he disregarded the idea. That's why you developed a friendship with Matt, who you think is really fun to be with, first. Then as your friendship grew, he thought of introducing you to Mello, and that's when it began. To be frank the beginning of your friendship wasn't easy, and to think that friendship only started growing not until you celebrated a year and a half of being with the mafia.
It was a long process, but in the end, it was worth the wait. Day by day he started lowering the walls he barricaded himself with, and same as you. He became really outgoing and deep down truly caring as your friend, like he is with Matt, because after all you two are the only family he has. And— let's not forget his strange addiction with chocolates! And, well, you like it.
You like him.
Mello knows this as well. He knows that his feelings are reciprocated and he's happy with that. But the question is, who's going to make the first move? Certainly not you. Between fighting the devil and confessing your feelings for someone, you'd probably choose the former. You don't seem like the kind of person who will make the first move. He as well is like that.
And that leads us to his acquiescence of doing it instead. Did he have a choice? Well, maybe, if one considers you doing it instead, but that will definitely take several months, or even years, from now. And he can't wait that long! What if you suddenly start to develop feelings for another person? He can't lose you, you that is just in front of his eyes, one step away from him. He needs to grab the opportunity while it still is there.
Because with you, he feels happy and contented. And for the first time he finally feels like he is number one.
And he really is, in your heart.
Matt exclaims after slamming the door, causing Mello to jolt upwards from his reverie. "You know I almost got caught by another mem!"
"Is it done?"
"Of course."
"Hm. You sure this suggestion is for the better? You know how scary that woman can be when she's mad. Especially after finding out that her tires have been flattened."
"Didn't you say you wanted something more romantic tonight? So, I thought of flattening her tires so she can't use her own scooter, that way she can ride with you."
"Uh-uh... Is it romantic though?"
"You two will be close enough. And—no perverted thoughts—she gets to wrap her arms around you while riding. If that's not romantic, I literally don't know what is."
"I'm having qualms about this one."
"What? I'm just as clueless as you are when it comes to romance. I'm doing my best here to help you ya know?"
"I know, I know. Sorry."
"It's your fault you fell in love with her." Matt jests, chuckling. But he immediately behaves himself when he sees that deadly glare of his friend. "Hey! I was only kidding! Don't look at me like that, Mels. You're creeping me out."
"Hah. But I guess you're right. My fault. And great— now I'm having more doubts than before and feeling.. tentative."
"The almighty Mello is nervous? Wow. I never thought I'd live to see this day!"
"Say one more word and I'll make sure it's the last you'll ever emit."
"HE-HE-HEY! Now you're just being belligerent. Don't worry. I'm sure you two will come back here as a couple. Swear it on my life. So stop doubting yourself. And just.. don't act awkward and dorky when confessing towards your little devil."
"Just how am I supposed to do that?"
"I don't know. Just don't."
Mello heaves a sigh. "Sometimes I do wonder if you're really the smart Matt they used to talk about back in the orphanage."
Matt only grins. He's about to reply, but then they both hear footsteps—angry footsteps—coming closer.
"Oh, speaking of the devil. Here she comes. In three.. two.. one.."
With that, you kick the door open and look around. You look like you're about to whip someone's ass and the men can almost laugh at your reaction knowing the reason behind it. You give them a steely look when they unknowingly start to curve their lips to a grin. They quickly change their reaction.
"This has gotta be one of the worse days of my life!" You exclaim as you slump on the sofa beside Mello. "I can't go with you. I've got a flat tire, and I have no idea why. Someone must've done it.."
"Who would do such a terrible thing? Especially to you, the devil no one else even bothers to approach?" Mello momentarily glances at Matt before taking a bite of his chocolate, which you then steals from his grip. "But don't worry, I gotcha. You can ride me... with me I mean! You can ride with me, NOT RIDE ME—good Lord I'm sorry."
'Aha, and there goes Matt's reminder that I shouldn't act awkward.' He looks away with a blush.
"I think [Y/N] is okay with either of that—"
You raise an eyebrow at Matt. "Oh, you mean you Mathematics. You can ride him all you want so don't be shy and put my name in your shoes."
"That's not—!"
"—ANYWAYS, Willy Wonka, you sure you okay with me riding with you? You won't mind?"
"Jesus, stop calling me that! And yes. You're my friend so I won't mind."
"Thanks mate!" To his surprise, you hug him from the side. And you are hugging him a little too much. "You know I've always wanted to ride your motor. It looks cooler than mine."
"Ah.. well— you're squeezing me a bit too much.. don't you think?"
You pull away and snicker. "Sorry. You're like a marshmallow that I just want to squeeze sometimes."
"EHEM. Pardon me, will you? I need to go to the restroom."
Matt stands up, thinking that his job here as cupid is done—or not quite yet. He has one last plan in mind. And even he isn't sure that that plan is going to make things better or worse.
"Enjoy taking another dump!" You shout as he leaves the room, making sure to lock it. Now you and Mello are completely alone, facing one another in utter silence. And it's too silent that you can hear some of the other mafia members arguing in a distant room. You can even hear someone moaning. Mello can hear it too.
You both give each other a look that only you two can understand.
"Oof. Must be nice. Err, so anyways," you start. "The usual place tonight?" And by that you mean stopping by to go atop a dilapidated building in a forsaken road to stargaze with him for ten minutes. You two make sure to always include going there to find tranquility in the stars and with each other. It temporarily removes all the problems and worries you have.
With Mello ruefully shaking his head, you frown. He puts an arm over your shoulder and nods reassuringly instead. You hide a smile.
"We can do that next week or earlier if we're not too preoccupied so don't be so glum. I'll be taking you somewhere new. I'm sure you'll like it."
"I hope so. Otherwise I'm gonna kick your ass."
"You'll be the one getting your ass kicked it if you don't give me back my chocolate right now."
"But I need chocolate too! Chocolate makes you happy. So I need it, 'kay?!"
"As far as I know that chocolate is mine and not yours???"
"But I'm your friend aren't I? You still have a lot of stock in there I'm sure."
"I'm running out of chocolates so give it back you little demon."
He hastily maneuvers before you can even stand up and try running away. He seizes your wrists and places your arms behind your back to prevent you from moving. Since you two are facing each other instead of him being behind you, the position is rather awkward. The proximity of your faces makes both of you blush and in an instance he backs away. You cackle in triumph as to his dismay of not getting his chocolate back.
You look at your wristwatch before taking a bite of the sweet. "Well Marsh-Mello, what are we waiting for? Let's hit the road! I'm already bored." You hold his hand the moment he stands up and you two run outside.
Mello throws the helmet to you which almost hit your face, earning an irked look from you. He then starts the engine as you wear your helmet.
When he starts to move just before you can take a seat, you panic. Of course he only wants to toy with you. He stops at a corner and waits for you, who's running and ready to smash his face. You pant as you finally reach him.
"You little bastard! Why'd you have to make me suffer?"
"Why shouldn't I?"
"You groan and then sit behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. The closeness of your bodies make you both blush. He makes sure you're all set before once again driving in a high speed that made you hug him tighter. You've always known that he drives this fast, but to experience it yourself? It feels like your skin is being blown away and seperated from your bones.
"W-Would you mind slowing down, just a bit?"
"Come on [Y/N], that's not fun."
"So you call this fun? You're gonna kill us both. I'm too beautiful to die right now!"
"Tsk. You're no fun." You're about to make a rebuttal but he slows down reluctantly and matches the speed you will normally drive at. You sigh in relief and absently rests your chin on his right shoulder, looking at the stores, buildings, and a few people walking on the sidewalk which you are hastily passing by. On your left you see numbered vehicles and a few more buildings.
You're enjoying the ride, however, you hear the tire from behind pop. That is already bad, and worse comes when the front one pops too. He goes to the side before halting.
"Shit! Just our luck!"
"Haha seems like you and I share the same fate, huh? Goals."
Mello sighs as a realization dawns him.
'Matt.. you little shit.'
"Whadda we do now?" You worriedly ask.
"We're still halfway to the place I'm taking you and this happens.. I suppose I can just park this somewhere. You wouldn't mind walking, would you?"
"Sounds fine with me then."
He nods and parks the motor beside a bicycle and a car in front of a store, placing a tracker in it just in case it gets stolen. But if it ever does, he can just get another one. Legally or not. Doesn't matter.
In silence, you and Mello start walking side by side. Arriving upon a city bridge you can't help but stare at the river. The limit to what you can see on its side is a lively city despite the hour, with skyscrapers and billboard signs lit up. You can hear the occasional, distant sounds of car engines.
You avert your gaze back in the front, meeting chatty people on your way who are walking opposite to you and Mello. You realize that they're mostly couples who are matching clothes and openly talking, not caring if they're to be heard by others. Mello also notices, and not only that but the way you two undeniably look like one. Without any intentions, your clothes match. Not that it's a big deal since everyday you two wear black, but because of your surroundings, he might as well seize the opportunity.
Beaming from ear to ear, he holds your hand and intertwines your fingers together. You're confused, but at the same time liking it, a blush creeping on your face.
"Don't mind if I do. We don't wanna look like a couple who can't bear with each other after some kind of quarrel, do we?"
"But we're not a couple."
"No, not yet."
You stop and raise an eyebrow.
"Oop. Did I say that out loud? My bad."
He cheekily grins. It's only a joke, you think, but at the same time you wish that he's not joking—which he really isn't.
"Hey, how long are we going to walk?"
"Why? Are your feet giving up already? Want a piggyback?"
You completely turn red. He smiles at that.
"Nah.. I—"
"Don't waste the opportunity. I might change my mind later."
"I don't care. This is enough."
You squeeze his hand tightly—too tight that he swears he feel his phalanges breaking—but unexpectedly, he just moans. And people look at the two of you.
"The fuck was that?!? I didn't know you were some kind of masochist!"
"AHA so you do admit being a masochist!!"
"Why so defensive now?"
"Because people are hearing you???"
But after realizing what you just said, you stop and gnaw your lower lip.
"Oh earth swallow me right now.. Sorry! God I'm embarrassed. You're not my boyfriend—"
"Didn't I tell you? Not yet."
You punch his shoulder playfully. "Stop joking around! I might actually believe you ya know?"
"Who said I was joking?"
"..Of course you are—"
"—OH, here we are!"
He diverts the topic, leaving you to slightly pout to yourself as he turns left to an unoccupied and dark area, pulling you to the railing where you two halt and see the perfect angle to view the city and the river from. The water and its light ripples glimmer under the moonlight as the brisk wind hits your skin, making you slightly shiver. Mello notices this and takes off his jacket, insisting you should wear it instead. You don't argue.
"Mello, this is.. magnificent. And a nice spot to stargaze as well! It's pretty wherever I lay my eyes on."
"Except behind us, maybe. You don't like trees that much."
You cackle. "They give me the creeps, especially during night. But at least we don't have to face that way, do we?"
He shakes his head as he laughs, inclining himself closer to you. He places his hands just beside yours on the railing, looking up and then looking at you, who's still busy admiring the sky.
He can't help but smile admiring you in your adorable placidity.
"The stars are pretty tonight." You say as you notice him looking at you in your peripheral vision.
"You always say that. They're always pretty. Sparkly."
"Mesmerizing to look at." You add. He nods, still staring at you.
"That's why I love the stars.."
"Uh huh. And chocolate." You grin.
"And you."
You stand flabbergasted, daring not to look at him directly. Your heart feels like it's about to jolt out of your chest. Your fingers begin to tremble on their own as you feel something intangible whirling inside your stomach. You know what it is—and he's making your heart flutter. But you can't trust this feeling as you aren't even sure if he's joking or not. And if he is, you kinda hate it. You want it to be real.
"Aye, don't flirt with me. That's so not you." You snap, rolling your eyes.
It doesn't take him too long to perceive what's on your mind. He taps your shoulder before sitting on the railing, inviting you to join him. You're a little hesitant for the fear of falling to the water. And when it comes to this kind of thing, you don't trust Mello. You're sure he'll eventually push you. The number of times he had done this to you in some places before is something you can't even count anymore.
"C'mon [Y/N]. Don't be scared. I won't push you. Or if I do, you're free to drag me as well."
"Tch. So you do intend to push me." Nevertheless, you sit beside him and grip the bars tightly with your clammy palms. Luckily the concrete extends six inches after the railing.
Mello feels like you two aren't physically close enough, and he thinks it's not 'romantic' enough, so he slides even closer to you until his palm is already above your hand and your shoulders bump.
"Oh, no. You keep your distance, Mr. Wonka."
"It's not like we're having social distancing here you know?"
"You're too close."
"And I'm going to get even closer.."
He whispers, his hot breath tickling the side of your neck. You sigh and face him, and your noses bump. You urgently back away and you almost slip if not for him.
"What's gotten into your system for you to act so flirty all of a sudden?"
"MELLO!! I'm damn serious. Like, all the jests can wait but for now, just.. don't flirt with me. I'm in no mood."
"Aww, trying to shoo me away huh? After stealing my heart and my chocolates, here you are suddenly breaking my poor, poor heart."
"One more attempt and I'm going to drown you."
"Heeeeeeey. Don't be so vicious now." He softly bumps your shoulder with his. You only click your tongue in annoyance.
"Seriously. Stop messing with me. I hate you."
"No you don't. I'm not messing with you. I'm serious—"
"Tch. Serious my ass."
"..You don't have one—"
"See? You little fucktard. You keep on messing with me. So just stop flirting with me. I swear I'll kill you if you continue."
"Whaaat? Seriously, I'm not messing with you. You gotta—"
"Mels, no, no, no. You can poke fun of me, push me off right now or anything but just don't flirt with me. You're a bastard for torturing my feelings. That's not cool at all. Damn it," you spat. He keep his silence, his mouth starting to gape.
"Don't make me assume things because I really, really, really like you!"
The words pour out unbidden. Your voice resonates and immediately you shut up and look down with a furious blush.
'That's it, congratulations for possibly ruining your friendship.' You think as you bite your lower lip.
Your blush vanishes as the fluttering feeling in your chest does, being replaced with instant regret, as if your heart has dropped to your stomach.
The look of surprise in his face turns to a cheeky grin. With much glee, he chuckles.
"I've always known this devil is a pure softie inside..."
You are about to tear up, but then he says, "Do you know what you just did? You ruined my plans, [Y/N]! But I suppose I can forgive you for that."
"What?? Plan?? Damn you, damn you, damn you! I knew you were up to no good! Damn it, Mello! Pretend this night never existed. I'm outta here—"
"No no, it's not what you think. 'I like you' was supposed to be my line, not yours!" He can't help but burst out laughing, leaving you momentarily dazed, but then when you realize what he possibly meant by that, it's as if your heart has come back to life. Your face turns red.
"I was going to confess to you tonight, but it looks like the tables had turned. You are a.. partypooper! Do you know how many times I've practice saying that in front of Matt, just to end up with you saying it instead of me? Unbelievable!"
He wheezes, catches his breath, then looks at you. "And look, I'm not complaining, alright? Haha.. but the way things turn out to be in the end is just so.. whimsical. But I'm gonna say it anyway: I like you. I like you a lot."
You scrutinize his facial expression just to be sure that he's serious, and you confirm he truly is. He's absently smiling, and just from staring at you is the reason. Rapture dances in his eyes. He looks genuinely happy and candid at the moment. And here you are left speechless, only staring at him as a sheepish smile slowly invades your face.
You almost lose your grip on the railing when he briefly kisses your cheek. And again, nothing comes out of your mouth.
"Do I also need to say that I wanna be your boyfriend? Because, isn't it obvious?"
"No pressure, [Y/N]. If we both like each other but you're not yet ready for a relationship, I understand and I can wait."
"Well.." You hide your face on his shoulder because you feel like the longer you stare at him, the more probable it is that you'll faint. "Uhm.. Err... Have you ever been.. in a relationship?"
"No, not really. You will be my first one. If you accept."
You smile. "Well, same as you here."
"Really? I thought you already had a partner or two before."
"I had no time to be in love. Add that some of the people I was acquainted with sucked, and the kind ones.. well, let's just say that they seemed to be missing something.. something that, I suppose, only you have. And.. it will really make me happy if you are to be my first," you lift your head up to meet his eyes. "So I accept."
"You serious?? Right here?? Right now??"
"Need I repeat myself, partner-in-crime?"
"Haha! Course not!"
You peck his cheek as your warm smile broadens. You then rest your head on his shoulder, your eyes never leaving the distant city as he wraps an arm around your waist, meticulous so that you two wouldn't slip from the railing and fall down.
"I think it's safe to assume now that you're the one behind flattening my tires. And just so I can ride with you. You're a cunning man, so I suppose you also did something with your own scooter just so we could walk together, like couples in movies. Haha I never thought you'd think something like that!"
"It was Matt's idea. Swear. He thought it was more romantic that way. And he's probably the one who rigged my scooter. He really can be a huge pain in the ass sometimes."
"Like you are."
"Aw come on. Take that back you little demon!"
"Noooopeeeee! Pfahahaha— AAAA SHIT!"
And with that, you both plunge into the frigid water with a loud splash.
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literarygoon · 3 years
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Jesus wanted to know if I was taking my medication. 
The saviour of humanity was rocking back and forth in one of our deck chairs, his bare feet propped on the railing of our front porch, as the evening horizon simmered blood-red in the distance. I had just finished putting the kids to bed when I found him chilling there in an orange T-shirt, gazing serenely out at Lake Quamichan and running his fingers through his luxurious beard. It had been years since we’d last spoken, but somehow he knew all about my brain meds.
The thing was, it frustrated me that my mental health relied on a handful of daily pills. Especially because they didn’t change anything about the circumstances of my reality. Shouldn’t I be able to wrangle my thoughts in a positive direction? I was scared I’d be handcuffed to lithium for life, that my bipolar diagnosis would ultimately kill me. My brain felt like an intricate puzzle I couldn’t solve, my mindscape an exhausting treadmill of depression and dark thoughts. Was this the God-shaped hole they’d talked about when I was growing up in youth group? Was I being bullied back towards faith?
As I stepped on to the porch, Jesus motioned to the empty chair beside him and I sat down, a little reluctant and weirded out by this supernatural appearance. My wife was doing dishes in the kitchen, the banging and sloshing creating a background soundtrack to the eery quiet of our mountain neighbourhood as an elderly woman wearing headphones power-walked by with her shaggy white dog.
“I heard you haven’t been taking your meds regularly,” he said. “Is that true?”
I sighed. “I forgot on Tuesday night and it wrecked me for like three days. All I could do was sleep and complain. I honestly can’t believe how patient my wife is with this shit. I’ve been like this for six months now.”
He nodded knowingly. “It’s important to stay on schedule.”
“I hate being this fragile.”
“You won’t feel like this forever. Trust me.”
“That’s why I started praying, you know? Things were just getting so dark that I didn’t know what else to do.”
He smiled. “Most people don’t pray until they really need to. I’m used to it.”
Being in the Lord’s presence was kind of like standing beside a particularly burly bouncer; I felt safe. He didn’t look the same way he did in the paintings, or in that Mel Gibson movie — he was olive-skinned, with wrinkles around his eyes and jet black hair that hung sun-damaged and coarse around his face. I’d invited him into my heart when I was eight years old at Vacation Bible School, and apparently I’d never successfully evicted him. But he’d never bothered to show up like this before, not even back when I was a missionary and a camp counselor. He seemed preoccupied, and a little sad. 
“You know they’re burning down churches, right?” I asked, motioning to his shirt. In capital letters it read EVERY CHILD MATTERS. 
He shrugged, smiled knowingly. “My real cathedral is in here,” he said, pointing one finger to his temple. He then swept his arm in the direction of the horizon. “And out there.”
“Still, it’s not a great time to be Catholic.”
He frowned. “This is a time for atonement. It’s not fun, but it’s necessary. People have the right to be angry.”
“These mass graves, man. It’s hard to square with the concept of a benevolent creator. I mean, I know we have free will but...”
Human guilt had been on my mind for a while now, collective and otherwise. I was having sleep issues, waking up hours before work, and repetitive intrusive thoughts flooded my headspace while my wife slept beside me. I was dredging up sins and mistakes from years and even decades ago, my memory systemically itemizing my fuck-ups, and I didn’t know how to forgive myself. Was this shit going to follow me all the way to my final resting place? I wanted desperately to repent, to access the grace I’d learned about as a kid, but I just didn’t believe in Christianity anymore — no matter how much I wanted to. 
Now here we were trying to repent as a country, whether that meant wearing orange shirts or vandalizing churches. I couldn’t help but feel that nothing would make any real difference to those children, long forgotten and buried underground. I thought of my own kids, and what it would be like to have them torn away, how that would destroy my soul. I wanted to believe there was some sort of God waiting for them on the other side.
“We had a fisherman staying with us for a couple days, a friend of my wife,” I said. “He went to work on one of those big commercial boats, came back with all these wounds all over his arms. He said they could carry like 40,000 pounds of fish at a time.”
“Certainly different than it was in my days.”
“Yeah, he said sometimes they would catch these epic like 10-foot fish that couldn’t fit in their conveyor belt so they just went to waste. Just got cut up and thrown back in the sea.”
Jesus didn’t say anything. The horizon was starting to go dark.
“It made me think of that Bible verse where you talk about being a fisher of men, and I figure some men are just too big to catch, you know? Makes me wonder if I’m going to end up as spiritual bycatch. Like God’s just going to throw me overboard.”
He mulled this for a moment, then held up his arm so that I could clearly see the gnarly nail wound in his wrist. I could see where it had been hammered through, and also where his body weight had tugged it open further. It was surrounded by crusted blood. “You want to put your finger in here?”
I shook my head. 
“And yet still you doubt, don’t you?”
I pressed my knuckles into my eyes and groaned. My wife was finishing up with the dishes inside, and I didn’t know how much longer this hallucination would last. No matter how comfortable I was, I still felt like we were living in the End Times. A few days earlier Lytton had burned to the ground in a forest fire, razing the whitewater rafting resort I’d done my guide school at. Between COVID, climate change and the culture wars, it seemed like the world was on a downwards trajectory. 
I was scared for the future of my children.
“Listen, before you go,” I said. “I know we haven’t really been talking for a while, but...”
He turned, and raised his eyebrows.
“Will you look out for my kids? No matter what happens? Like I’m not asking for special treatment or anything. I don’t know how long I’m going to last here, and I want them to have beautiful lives. I’m just worried I can’t give them what they deserve. I’m worried the world is going to shit, I’m worried they need something that I can’t give them. Can you take care of them?”
He patted me on the shoulder, and smiled.
“You can do that yourself.”
The Literary Goon
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frolwriting · 7 years
Through Time and Space: Time and the Rani Part 1
Hey guys!  I’m back with another chapter of Through Time and Space!  I noticed not a whole lot of people have joined my giveaway.  There’s only two people so far.  You guys have till 5:00 Central Time February 28th.  I’ll put a link here.  Anyways, I hope you guys have an amazing day!  Bye guys! 
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 7th Doctor x Reader
Episode: Time and the Rani
Warnings: Injury
When I woke up from traveling through the Doctor's timeline, we were under attack. I looked over and saw the Doctor laying on the ground unconscious. Why was he unconscious? I looked up and saw another girl laying on the ground. I couldn't remember her name, but that's not important because the TARDIS was under attack. I got up and ran to the console. I tried to figure out how to fly it but we crashed. A little while later, I heard voices outside of the TARDIS. There was no time to find a hiding spot since they somehow was opening the doors. I had no idea who was on the other side of that door, but it can't be good. A woman walked in carrying a gun. I didn't know who she was, but she didn't look very friendly. If she was the one who shot us down, then she definitely isn't friendly. All I knew was I had to protect the Doctor. A time lord who has just regenerated has a lot of power, and there are people who want that power. "Ah look who it is. It's Kate, and she is somehow unaffected by the crash. She must have just got here." The lady said. She then turned to her henchmen. "We'll take the man and the girl that's conscious. Leave the other." I moved in front of the Doctor and the girl, who's name I still can't remember. "Aw, how sweet. Looks like we'll have to knock her out as well." The lady said as she handed a henchmen some kind of syringe. While I was preoccupied with watching the lady, a another henchmen came behind me and grabbed me. I screamed, but then I felt a prick and I was out. When I woke again, I was on some kind of table. I turned my head to see the Doctor and the lady talking. Good, they haven't done anything. I slowly sat up since I had a massive headache.
"Doctor?" I asked. He instantly turned to me, hurried over, and pulled me into a hug.
"Kate, you're okay!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah, Doctor, well right now. I'm not the same Kate who went through whatever you just went through that knocked you out." I said as he let me go. He looked scared. "I'm sure I'm okay. Can't kill me that easily." I said giving him a slight punch.
"Mel? Where's Mel?" He asked turning to the lady from earlier. Ah! That's the name of the companion. Good, now I know her name.
"She's perfectly safe, but how long she remains so depends on you."
"You're up to something. Perhaps I'll find the answer on this." The Doctor said. I wasn't sure if this woman was the big threat right now or if she's someone the Doctor doesn't agree with and is okay. The Doctor went over to a table and turned on the screen that was on it.
"You won't recognize the planet. Kate might, but I doubt it since she looks young. She also looks very confused about everything. Do you know who I am?" I just stared at her. "She doesn't know who I am. I'm Rani." I vaguely remember that name. "This planet is Lakertya, and there's no evidence that it's ever been graced by your meddling presence." Meddling makes me think of Scooby Doo. Me and the Doctor are the Scooby gang. We like to meddle. I like that idea. I turned to look at the screen the Doctor had pulled up. The screen showed the plant. Then there was what looked to be an asteroid. Then some aliens creatures popped up.
"You're trying to deflect me, so the answer is on here. Quarks. One up, one down. One strange matter? That asteroid is composed of strange matter. What monstrous experiment are you dabbling in now?" The Doctor asked turning to the Rani.
"I didn't go to the trouble of bringing the two of you here just to discuss the ethics of my work."
"Ethics? Don't be such a hypocrite. Your past is littered with the mutilated results of your unethical experiments."
"I had all I can take of that cant in our university days. Am I expected to abandon my research because of the side effects on inferior species. Are you prepared to abandon walking in case you squash an insect underfoot?" I moved slightly behind the Doctor. Her experiments could affect species like humans which is what I am. The Rani picked her gun up.
"Stay away. Whatever you've brought us here for, we're having no part of it." He grabs my hand. We move to go up the stairs, but then he fell taking me down with him. I was disorientated for a minute because I had hit my head when I fell. I heard the Rani and some people talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Just then the Doctor pops up and goes over to a pyramid. I was still disorientated, but I was able to hear what was being said again.
"Stay away or I'll smash this!" The Doctor said.
"Urak!" Rani yelled
"I'll smash it to pieces!" I started to stand up, but it was proving to be difficult.
"Urak, get in here!" A very hairy creature entered. It shot a little cannon thing that released a net and goes over the Doctor, which makes him fall. I sat back down because standing took too much energy and passed out. When I woke, I was laying next to the Doctor. He was stirring when I had sat up. He suddenly shot up looking confused. I grabbed his hand to let him know I was there. He turned and looked at me and smiled. He gave me a quick hug and then looked in front of us. There was someone in the room with us, but I couldn't tell who it was.
"Where are we? Who are you?" The Doctor asked. The person turned around but stayed where they were.
"Mel. Melanie. Are you two alright?" The person said. I may have never met Mel before this adventure, but something just didn't seem right. That didn't seem like Mel. She came over and pulled the Doctor up.
"All right? Am I? Of course and you?"
"Me? Yes, of course. Why not?"
"Why not indeed. All three of us are." The Doctor stumbled over and grabbed a gun. It was strange seeing him holding it. The Doctor never really uses a gun. He's kind of against that in the later regenerations. "A bull in a barber shop. A navigational guidance system distorter. This would force any passing spaceship into landing here. Where are we, by the way?"
"In your laboratory on Lakertya. Doctor, are you sure you're well?" I looked at the lady confused.
"I didn't think the Doctor had a lab on this planet." I said.
"Oh, Kate, you took a tumble as well. You must have forgot." She said running a hand through my hair. I didn't feel comfortable around this lady.
"I'm okay, fit as a trombone." The Doctor said.
"Fiddle." 'Mel' said.
"Fit as a fiddle."
"Are you? Nerves, I expect. Now, let's see. What were we up to, er, Mel, did you say your name was?" He's forgotten his companion?
"You don't remember me, do you? Do you?"
"Red hair. I recall red hair." The lady moves away from the Doctor and messes with her hair.
"Argh! Who's that?" What was the Doctor talking about?
"Please tell me you remember me." I said seeing myself in the reflection as well.
"Kate, I will never forget your pretty face." I blushed. "Is that me?"
"Yeah that's you Doctor." I said.
"Wow, no wonder I've lost my memory."
"Look, you're supposed to be conducting an experiment, not frightening yourself to death." The lady said. Did I miss something?
"Experiment?" The Doctor asked. I was still very confused.
"Yes, it exploded and threw you to the floor. Me and Kate as well. Knocked us all out. When I cam round you looked like this." I still didn't fully trust this woman.
"The explosion must have caused me to regenerate."
"You mean, this is what you're going to be like permanently?"
"I want all mirrors removed from the Tardis henceforth."
"You still look handsome to me." I said grabbing his hand. He smiled down at me.
"So you remember the Tardis, then?" The lady asked.
"Oh yes, the Tardis, Kate, and you, Mel. There's something not quite in sync. I must be suffering from post-regeneration amnesia."
"Oh, don't worry. It'll soon wear off. Meanwhile, why not repair the machine? You said it was important." I looked at the machine. It looked familiar, but I couldn't think of why. I was having trouble remembering things as well.
"Important? Did I? I wonder what I was up to." Yeah I'm wondering the same thing. The Doctor took off the cover on a large pyramid and looks inside. "No, seems pretty far gone. Need a genius to unravel it." He said looking back up.
"But you're a genius." 'Mel' said.
"Oh, yes, I definitely remember that." This was so weird.
"Especially in thermodynamics." The Doctor looked at her confused.
"How did you know that, Mel?" The Doctor asked. Does the Doctor not open up much?
"You told me. You said it was your special subject when you were at university."
"University? You remind me of someone I used to know when I was there." Now that he said that I started wondering. Is this Rani?
"Doctor, this machine has to be repaired, and you're the only person with the knowledge to do it."
"Your confidence in me is very flattering, Mel." The lady took another side off the pyramid. I stood off to the side because I had no idea what was going on. The Doctor worked on it for a while, but it kept doing stuff it probably wasn't supposed to be doing.
"Come on, come on." He said.
"Come on where?" The lady asked.
"Wh I chose you as an assistant, I'll never know. Kate looks like she may have a concussion. Otherwise, she would be helping."
"Well, what is it you want?"
"Well, look at me. Can't you see? Mop my brow!" The lady wiped the sweat off the Doctor. The Doctor then took a couple of spoon type things and started acting like he was playing the drums on the lady. She knocked them out of his hands. "What'd you do that for?"
"It was your fault." She said. Well that is true. I wouldn't have liked him to do that to me.
"A bad workman always blames his fools."
"Tools! Blames his tools!"
"Do I detect a hint of bad temper, Mel? Why are you behaving so uppity? Could it be that you think yourself superior to me?" Was this Doctor more narcissistic than the others I've seen?
"Now how could I possibly think that, Doctor?"
"Quite. Though at the moment I feel far from superior. This is all a mystery to me."
"But surely there's a catalyst?"
"Oh, yes, yes. Must you state the obvious? I know that its functions diffuse the impulses from there with this goo. But what's it for? I'm beginning to think this set-up's got nothing to do with me."
"Why do you think that?"
"Omnipotence. The mind behind this bag of tricks operates on a grand scale."
"Well, all the more reason to suppose that it's you, Doctor." The Doctor continued to work, when he stopped and pointed up the stairs.
"What's in there?
"I have no idea."
"Are you as clueless as you appear, Mel? Kate at least has a reason to be confused."
"Don't blame me, Doctor. I've never been inside. You wouldn't let me."
"Wouldn't I?"
"You said the air wasn't sterile enough for humans."
"That's it, then. I'm doing nothing until my memory returns. Nothing until I know what I'm about." That's probably smart.
"Oh, come on, now."
"No, I will not work in the dark like this."
"But you thrive on challenge."
"I'm adamant. This could be some diabolical scheme." That's what I'm beginning to think that's what this is.
"To do what?"
"That's the question."
"Oh, Doctor, really." The lady then starts bringing a glass of some clear liquid to the Doctor. "You're just over-excited. Here, drink this."
"Hmm? What is it?" The Doctor asked.
"Just water."
"Oh, you drink it. I don't want it. Don't try to humor me. Leave me alone."
"You can't loll around. It's simply not like you."
"How do you know what I'm like. I've regenerated. I mean, look at me. Look at me."
"Yes, you've changed outwardly, but I'm sure you must still have the same sweet nature." Not so sure about that. All the Doctors have a slightly different personality.
"Perhaps this is my new persona. Sulky, bad-tempered. I mean, think how I spoke to you earlier."
"But you didn't mean it. I was at fault. You're also still really sweet to Kate."
"That's because she's my everything. Even so, that's probably how I am now. You don't understand regeneration, Mel. It's a lottery, and I've drawn the short plank. Anyway, I need a radiation wave meter and, brilliant as I am, even I can't improvise that."
"What about the Tardis? Won't there be a radiation wave meter there?"
"The Tardis? Do you know where it is?"
"Yes, of course."
"Oh, good. I fancy a breath of fresh air. We'll all go." He said coming over to me who was sitting on the table we were on when we woke up. He helped me up.
"No, wait." The Doctor and I left the lab. Mel didn't follow. The Doctor poked his head back in. "Are you coming, Mel?"
"Yes, Doctor, coming." We walked for a while till we reached some remains.
"Rather unusual species. Can't say I recognize it. Humanoid with reptilian influences, wouldn't you say, Kate, Mel?"
"Lakertyan. A race so indolent they can't be bothered to bury their dead."
"Really? I suppose we've explored this planet. I wish I could remember." Why couldn't I remember anything from when we got here?
"There's not a lot to remember. The benevolent climate has induced lethargy. They've failed to realize their full potential."
"Rather a harsh judgment, Mel." Yeah it does sound harsh.
"Not mine. Yours." That doesn't sound like something the Doctor would say, but maybe I haven't been around the older regenerations enough. We finally head into the Tardis.
"All right, I'll find him without you. One thing about the Doctor, you can't miss him in that outfit." We head into the Wardrobe room of the Tardis. The Doctor walks around a bit and holds up a Napoleon costume.
"No, I think not. Lacks my natural humility." He put it down and puts on a bearskin hat. "Doesn't look right without a horse. I need something more dignified, Timelord-ish." So this Doctor embraces being a Timelord more okay. He then tries on a old school teacher outfit. "A little portentous, perhaps, Kate, Mel?" I just nodded my head. I had no idea what portentous means.
"Pretentious is the word." He then tried on the fourth Doctor's coat, hat, and scarf. I smiled really big. I haven't met his fourth regeneration yet.
"Old hat?" He asked.
"Yeah this was your fourth regeneration's outfit." I said touching the scarf.
"Hmmm." He then put on the Third Doctor's outfit. Again I smiled. I just came from seeing the Third Doctor. "Not frilled."
"Third regeneration." He then put on the Fifth Doctor's outfit and grabbed some cricket maybe things.
"How's that? Would that bowl a maiden over?"
"I mean your fifth regeneration wore it. I haven't met him yet." He then tried on the Second Doctor's coat. He then found his outfit that I've seen him in.
"Yes, that's it." I said.
"Very elegant." The lady said.
"Ah, thank goodness in this regeneration. I've regained my impeccable sense of haut couture." He looked into a mirror and adjusted his tie.
"If you've finished preening, could we please get what we came for?" 'Mel' says. The Doctor then turns. A strange look comes on his face. She then slaps him.
"I'm sorry, but you seemed to be losing control." Something is definitely not right.
"I was hallucinating. I had an overwhelming sense of evil, and there was a word. Ra, Ra, Ran, Rad-"
"Radiation wave meter, that's what we came for."
"Oh yes. Where do you reckon I'd keep it?"
"Tool room."
"Won't be a jiffy. Absence makes the nose grow longer." I leave with the Doctor.
"Doctor, I've only spent time with your third regeneration before this one, but something doesn't seem right. I wasn't here for the explosion though, I don't think so at least. I can't remember anything about today before we met that lady."
"You haven't met Mel before?"
"No, but something just seems wrong."
"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." We got the meter and walked back to the console room.
"Rani, that's the name, the evil name." The Doctor realized when we got back.
"Is that her, Doctor?" 'Mel' asked pointing at someone on the scanner.
"Er, well, yes, it must be. Yes." Why can't I remember anything about the Rani?
"And she's evil?"
"Then she must be destroyed."
"Destroyed? Let's not be hasty."
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hekate1308 · 7 years
Declaring War
Part of my Season 12 Destiel AU. Enjoy!
Sam doesn’t realize how far he has come until Mom finds them.
It’s hard to believe it’s only been three months since Cas chastised him on that bench.
Once he decided he actually was all in, though –            
“So you are saying we could find out what they are planning next?” Dean asks, excitedly.
He nods, his eyes falling on the book on Dean’s nightstand.
Poems by Christina Rossetti.
He would have bet Dean didn’t even know that name.
“I need a few days. Have to make sure they don’t notice I’m hacking them.”
“Sure, Sammy.”
He hasn’t called him Sammy since he returned.
He points at the book.
“Which one is your favourite?”
“Love from the North” Dean answers immediately, without even blushing.
Being with Cas – and perhaps his friendship with Crowley – has done him good.
“I always preferred Emily Dickinson...”
Dean rolls his eyes.
“Of course you would. Some of us don’t like to be depressed after reading poetry”.
It was the first of many talks like that.
Yes, he had his setbacks – when he felt like he was still treated unfairly, even though he was hacking the Men of Letters’ database constantly, and they could help even more people – but always something happened to check these tendencies really quickly, now that he paid attention.
“No – “
Frustrated with his brother’s lack of progress at their latest hunt/actually rescue mission but for some reason they’re not calling it that, he takes the laptop out of Dean’s hands.
Only for the first time, he sees the resignation in his eyes, and abruptly hands it back to him mumbling “sorry”.
 Crowley shows up at the end of an old, regular hunt where all three of them took quite a beating.
Sam almost screams when Dean hands him the keys to the Impala.
Dean and Cas get in the backseat, naturally.
“Don’t look at me like that, Moose. I’m not one for cuddling.”
He rolls his eyes and ignores him.
Until he realizes that the King of Hell keeps throwing Dean and Cas and even him small glances, as if making sure they are okay.
The girl is taking way too long telling her story. Sam understands she just survived an attack, but they have to move quickly –
Yet, before he can say anything, Cas kneels down next to her and murmurs something, Dean watching them with soft eyes.
When they leave, the girl is smiling, and it doesn’t feel like a lot of time has been lost.
He’s learned so much about his brother in the last three months.
He always thought Dean was brave, and strong, and kind.
Now he knows he’s also romantic, gentle, incredibly intelligent and quick-witted.
“Hey” he absent-mindedly says one day, “Kelpies only live in fresh water, right?”
“Yeah” Dean replies in the same tone, “and you can escape them by getting salt water between yourself and the damn thing.”
“Has that been proven? The Men of Letters are – “
“It didn’t devour me at the time, so I assume it’s true.”
“When did you hunt a Kelpie?”
Dean puts the book he was perusing away.
“I was... twenty-three, I think?”
Sam never even asked about the years he’d been at college.
“Where did you get the salt water?”
“Engineered some in a bottle before I left the motel. Kind of easy. Get water, put salt in.”
Dean shrugs.
“You do what you have to do.”
The monsters and other hunsters were slow to trust him. Now he can easily understand why. He did the right thing leaving the Men of Letters, but he should never have joined them in the first place, and he was a little... stand-offish in the beginning.
Thankfully, he learned.
The vegan djinn – “Just call me Al” – is back.
Sadly, Dean and Cas are on a milk run.
Literally, these days. Dean doesn’t drink anymore.
That leaves Sam and the djinn sitting in an  awkward silence. The first time they met, they almost got into a fight. And that was when Dean and Cas were there.
“How are you holding up?” Sam asks eventually.
Al narrows his eyes.
He holds up his hands. He’s just so... tired of the whole damn thing.
“I’m not judging you. I promise. I just want to know.”
He relaxes.
When Dean and Cas return, they find them “geeking out about A Thousand And One Nights” as Dean calls it, although he adds, “Plus the translations you’re talking about aren’t worth it.”
Now, he can even admit that Crowley has his good points.
“All alone tonight, Moose?”
“Dean and Cas are on a date.”
He can’t begrudge his brother and best friend the chance to enjoy their new-found relationship.
“Puke-inducing sweet, aren’t they”.
They both know Crowley doesn’t mean it.
He still keeps Sam company until they return, and it’s actually kind of nice.
It really feels normal now, having dinner with Dean, Cas and Crowley.
Espeically since they are celebrating saving another family of ghouls.
The kids are three and four year olds. Sam shudders when he contemplates what the Men of letters would have done.
And all of a sudden, Mom shows up.
Sam is shocked at how little he cares. He can even watch her walk away without regrets.
If he thought that was the last he’d hear from her in a while, he’s mistaken though.
Because she starts on him again, the same way he now sees she did before.
She sends him texts, asking him how he is, leaving sly comments about Dean.
I know you don’t want us to be odds.
If you feel lonely, you can always call. I assume your brother is often preoccupied.
Have you been translating any old texts lately? It can’t be easy, doing all the brain work alone.
What bothers him the most is remembering that once it didn’t.
This time though there are no secrets.
The second he gets the first text – the you don’t don’t want us to be at odds one – he knocks on Cas’ and Dean’s door.
“Oh, hey Mel” he says when he recognizes the water wraith.
“Hi” she calls out from the bath tub she’s lying in.
“Got in a bit of a scuffle, no one was hurt thankfully.”
“Was it the Men of Letters?” he asks, concerned.
“Oh no, just a regular hunter. Knocked him out. I just need a place to stay for the night.”
“We thought you were already asleep, otherwise we’d have told you” Cas tells him.
“I know that. You guys okay here, or should I take Mel back to mine?”
“Ever the charmer, Winchester” she calls out and he winks at her as he pulls Dean aside.
“It’s Mom.”
“What does she want?”
He shows him the text.
Dean sighs.
“She’s not very subtle, is she.”
The resignation Sam saw on his face when Mom left for the first time is still there, the pain isn’t.
“You’re gonna answer her?” Dean asks, his voice neutral.
“Of course not.”
Dean nods, a small smile on his lips.
“I just hope she doesn’t tell the British pricks where we are.”
“I doubt it” Sam says somewhat bitterly. “They are all over her. She wouldn’t risk their standing with them.”
Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Man, John would have loved that.”
They haven’t talked about Dad in... a long time.
But Dean’s – right. Dad would have been with the Men of Letters in an instant, which is why Sam left when he started seeing him in a mirror.
Apparently their parents weren’t as badly matched as they always thought.
“Want us to get you a new phone?”
“I like knowing that she’s out there” he admits. It’s still Mom.
Dean smiles and squeezes his shoulder.
“Hey, no hard feelings. It’s your call.”
And that’s where they leave it.
They drop Mel off a few hundred miles from where she found them. Granted, they have to make quite a lot of stops because she can’t live too long outside of water, but it’s worth it when they watch her being reunited with the cousins she hasn’t seen in years.
They are doing that, whether Mom understands or not.
A few weeks in, she’s growing desperate.
I talked to Mick. You can always return.
“Mick?” Dean asks when he wordlessly hands him the phone. “Wasn’t he the guy you nerd-bonded with?”
Sam throws a pointed look at the copy of Alice in Wonderland Dean checked out of the local library an hour ago.
“I know, I know” Dean rolls his eyes, “But come on, could he even shoot a gun?”
“Yes. Just wasn’t much use in the field.”
“Oooooooooh exciting, 0 minus the 07 still wants you.”
Sam shoves him aside.
“Shut up” he murmurs, but he means it nicely.
Crowley appears, looking angry and – worried?
“What is it?” Dean asks immediately.
“Someone just rode into town. Faux leather jacket, compensating-for-something motor bike, psychopath?”
Dean swears. “Ketch is here?”
“And based on the arsenal he brought with him, I would say he means business. Do you want me to take care of it?”
Time was when he would have just acted without asking them first. It’s certainly nice to be in on whatever he’s planning.
Dean and Cas share a look in the unspoken language of lovers who know each other as well as they know themselves, and then his brother asks, “Sam?”
And here’s the thing. Even when he was still convinced the Men of Letters were right, he didn’t like Ketch. He likes the killing part of hunting too much.
But still... leaving him to a demon, even if it’s Crowley...
“We should talk to him.”
It probably won’t do much, but still...
Dean nods.
“Figured. Just so you know, if he tries anything, I –“
“You won’t have to” Crowley says simply.
“You’ll come with?”
The demon stares at him as if he’s actually transformed into a moose after all.
Of course he comes with.
It’s not hard to find Ketch.
He’s in the most comfortable hotel in town, naturally.
“Not even a pool is worth that” Dean mutters. He brightens up when Crowley tells him Ketch is drinking at the bar.
“Wanna do this the fun way?” he asks.
Cas immediately takes his hand.
“We’ll bring him out” the former angel announces and they saunter off.
“Don’t talk to any strangers” Crowley calls after them with a somewhat indulgent expression.
They’re back within five minutes.
Ketch looks disgusted, and it takes Sam a moment to realize it’s not about Dean and Cas being a couple.
It’s about Cas having lost his angel powers.
Ketch is really into power, he knows that. He thinks that’s why he went after Mom in the first place. The power she held over them.
His eyes widen when he takes Crowley in, though.
“You are – “
“Crowley, King of Hell. No reason to introduce yourself, I won’t need to use your name in the future.”
Before the situation can escalate, Dean steps in.
“Why are you in town?”
“It’s obvious, isn’t it? Mary spilled the beans on what you have been doing. You are risking our mission.”
And it only goes down from here.
It ends how it can hardly fail to end.
It becomes obvious that Ketch wants to kill them – and every single monster he ever comes across – and that he cares about little else.
Sam swallows. He thinks back to everything he saw, everything Ketch did.
How long did he torture that wendigo again before setting it on fire?
There’s no need to speak.
They look at Crowley and nod.
A moment later, both him and Ketch are gone.
“I’m pretty sure he didn’t see this coming” Dean says with satisfaction.
Sam doesn’t pity Ketch either.
They are aware what they have done, of course.
They have openly declared war on the Men of Letters.
They need to get them out of their country. It was inevitable.
A day later, Sam gets the last text Mom will ever send him, at least he thinks so at the moment. 
They are coming for you.
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