#[v; modern]
@hellsmayflower continued from here
Esmeralda had been searching for Mayleene for a few hours, but couldn’t figure out where. That was until she walked near the tavern, finding her leaning against the wall. “May, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.” She was about to go in for a hug until she something she wasn’t fond of. Knitting her brows, she she stared into her eyes. “You were smoking? What the hell did I tell you about that?” She snatched the pack and threw it into the alley. 
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Dare: Kiss me. [Modern]
A dare was a dare, and Baela never backed down a challenge.
Although that didn't mean she would just give what Aemond wished that easily!
"Just a kiss? Well, I don't see how this would be a bad thing~" She stood on her tiptoes to close the gap created by their height, hands resting on the base of his neck, purple eyes sparkling with mischief before she pulled him down her level and---kissed his forehead.
"There. You dared me to kiss you, and I just kissed you~" There was a well expected smugle grin on her full lips.
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"No, I clearly asked you about it because I don't want to hear it."
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She moved to sit down next to him, folding her legs under her. "But really, if you don't want to show me just yet, I get it," she paused, her bottom lip jutting out slightly, "But you'll have to make it up to me, because I'm definitely going to be pouty."
continued from x ( @imthehottwin)
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( continued from x )
"Too formal? How about Kat? Katherine?" a smirk grew on his lips, an arching an eyebrow at her and letting his eyes flick over her, "Or perhaps...kitten?" He felt his heart warm at the way she looked in his coat. He took the time to carefully roll up the cuffs of his sleeves as they walked. This felt...good. Much better than any of his previous relationships. He felt comfortable, but he had known that from when he had first seen her a couple of weeks ago at Emmett's bar. Where he had gone to go play wingman for him for the girl he was currently on a date with. Well, he had gotten preoccupied with another small, cute brunette -- so really it was a fair trade off. But the moment he saw her, he had known that something was special about her -- about them together, and this night had proved it. "Two coffee's, eh? I dunno. I'm more of a one coffee type of guy," he teased, giving her a gentle nudge back, "But I suppose I can make the exception just this once." He loosened the tie around his neck and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, stopping to glance around and his eyes narrowed. "There's a coffee shop near here," he raised an eyebrow and offered her an arm.
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( @velvetnviolentviolets )
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serandipity · 3 months
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this is the blog you're on r/n you get to suffer with the random things i find that make me think of you
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"...I'm sorry, did you text the wrong number? What IS this? Who was this FOR?"
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nobuverse · 1 year
v; Modern ( Nobunaga )
Nobunaga seems to defy odds in expectations in more ways than one, and is a relatively divisive force of personality when it comes to her high school peers and other adults alike.
She is the firstborn daughter of a rather large, multi-millionaire family, who's been avoiding her father's expectations and influences for almost as long as she remembers. She spends more time outside of her home than in it; and often opts to sleep in the garage with her rather than her own bed to avoid facing him.
As an inspiring rockstar, she's managed to make to make enough money to sustain a 'second life' of sorts; where she keeps her family finances out of her own life. At least, enough to buy her clothes at thrift stores and not attend family dinners.
Despite dressing and acting as 'rebel' of sorts, she's never gotten into any serious trouble with the law, nor does she tend to have any difficulty making friends with her outgoing and carefree nature.
Though some consider her dreams of being a musician a 'waste' given the way she excels academically, she has sincere hopes she can change hearts in the world through her music.
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valiisthea · 1 year
💓 //you know how it is @ignitedshield for Dion
💓 My muse listens to your muse's heartbeat || Always Accepting
@ignitedshield || Dion
"Just breathe normally for me, alright?" Dion slides his stethoscope off from around his neck, fastening the ear pieces until they're comfortable.
Clive's complaints of chest discomfort are, of course, concerning to say the very least - but Dion has been in his line of work long enough to know that a good majority of chest discomfort complaints in otherwise fit and healthy individuals are often times benign in nature.
That doesn't mean he won't take it seriously. Especially when it's someone he cares so deeply for. Nothing is ever certain, no matter how otherwise healthy someone may be.
Gently, he presses the diaphragm of the stethoscope to Clive's chest and closes his eyes to focus better on what he's hearing. Strong, steady, perfectly in rhythm - other than being a bit elevated (he would guess a hasty 100-110 beats per minute without actually counting). The accelerated heart rate, for now, he could write off as the anxiety of the situation taking hold. No murmurs, no third or fourth heart sounds, no clicks or whooshes, or anything that would alert Dion to something potentially life threatening. At least not with his heart, anyway.
"Your heart sounds just fine, if a bit quick. Could you walk me through what you were doing when you felt pain?"
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yperifaneia · 2 years
"Ya still mad, or?"
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--- "....Nah." Seems a bit pointless to deny he was a bit ticked off initially, since, for once, Nnoitra has made a correct assumption. Or maybe it was an educated guess; he should know Ikkaku well enough by now to know when he was annoyed, after all. And though Ikkaku hadn't explicitly told him he hadn't appreciated the sudden disappearance of his roommate, he certainly hadn't been overtly cautious about concealing it.
"What's there ta be mad about, anyway?" He gives a half-shrug and pulls his mouth into a lopsided smile. "At least now my fridge'll stay full for longer 'n five minutes."
No, mad wasn't the right word anyway. He was a little.. Disappointed, he supposed. Having the apartment to himself again was strange. He decided to focus on something else. "So where're you at now, huh? 's it nice?"
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“for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a pretty good job. you’re trying. it’s the best you can do.” // reworded the single-mom prompt to fit, hello there!
starters || @lupus-bones (thank you!)
Fantine wiped her hands across her face, exhausted. The words from the other could have enticed tears, but Fantine had learned from an early age not to wear her emotions on her sleeve. Softness had been squashed so quickly from her youth, she wasn't even sure if she still had the capabilities for such a thing.
The corners of her lips twitched briefly to form an empty smile. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the words or the good intentions behind them, Fantine simply couldn't believe it.
Being a good mother would have seen her go through with an abortion, not subject her child to a life of poverty with seemingly no end.
Despite having promised herself she'd give up smoking this year, Fantine pulled out a box of cigarettes from her pocket, taking time to choose the right one before popping one end between her lips whilst the other greeted the flame of a stubborn lighter.
She took a moment to taste the familiarity of tobacco against her tongue before exhaling, tapping against the end of the cigarette and letting ash fall to the floor.
Eventually, Fantine's blue eyes focussed on Éponine's face and she held the cigarette packet between them, offering one on the off chance it would be accepted.
"Thank you... but trying my best is never enough for social services."
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percentstardust · 2 years
❝ i don’t get scared. i’m practically fearless. ❞ for Aemond
spooky season | accepting | @southsideborn
His blue eye is trained on the motorcycle in front of him as he dirties his hands to repair it. He turns back to look at her, an eyebrow raising at her. "You sound like my brother. And then I take him to one of those haunted--"
He uses air quotes, pausing in his work just to do so. "--houses and he proves otherwise. So, anyone can be afraid. One just has to figure out how." He fails to mention Aegon is afraid of clowns, which is what jumped out at him. The memory makes him smile as he turns back to his work. "Plus, I don't believe anyone is fearless. Anyone that says they are is lying. A fear could be more psychological, like a phobia of water. I am not saying I don't believe you, JB." He sounds like the psychology student he is. He plans on becoming a psychologist himself when he finally graduates. "I am just pointing out flaws in your statement."
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atdutiesend · 2 years
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Hi darlin's! Kyuu-chan dragged me off for one of their adventures, and I gotta say, this place looks like Mt Gulg and Elpis had a baby.
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nyratcrg · 2 years
// Aemma had her thyroid removed long before Nyra was born because it was constantly causing her a lot of health problems. The thyroid, however, serves many important purposes including protecting the body from radiation. Aemma was exposed to small amounts of radiation as the years passed and this led to sudden onset leukaemia. Even though everything was done for her to have a bone marrow transplant, she died forty days after her first reported symptoms leaving behind a devastated Viserys and Rhaenyra.
The way Aemma died was absolutely terrible because her temperature rose and couldn’t be brought down at all. Basically, her body burned her to death.
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*Obnoxious Hair flip*
"You keep doing that and you're going to have a serious problem on your hands."
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The brunette was extremely uncomfortable with how...comfortable this interviewer was. He tried to shift away from her touch, gently move her hand away from him the moment she touched him. He glanced over at the brunette, his stomach tightening at the expression on her face. He even took a step away from her, but his eyebrows rose when the other woman moved to swipe some hair from his face, immediately moving to stand to get away from her hand. His eyebrows rose when Feyre stood between them suddenly, his arms instinctually moving around her shoulders to hold her close. He nodded at her request, giving her a gentle squeeze before excusing them for a moment. He kept his arm wrapped around her as they moved outside to get some fresh air. Almost immediately he turned her toward him, tugging her close and tipping her head back to gently press their lips together. He pulled away a short time after, pressing another kiss to her forehead and tugging her close. "I'm so sorry."
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arandomnerdsrp358 · 2 years
kissing under the stars (Obitine).
After two whole days their family of three was finally home. Ben’s brother Anakin and his wife had thrown them a surprise homecoming party and while it was fun finally having all their family together, the new mom was exhausted.
She sought out refuge outside on the patio, her son wrapped against her chest in a baby sling. The first time mom may have been having a little separation anxiety and liked to keep her son close. Plus, he was a very warm little baby.
Apparently her husband also had the same idea to come outside. She found him standing outside under the stars and he looked too handsome for her not to kiss.
“Thank you for giving me the best gift in the world. I’m sorry he couldn’t wait to make his entrance into the world until after your movie premiere.”
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"You shouldn't be alone tonight. Crash at my place?" (Modern William)
His first instinct was to tell her he didn't want to impose but based on numerous previous conversations he knew she would argue that it wasn't an imposition if she was the one who offered. "I...suppose that would be a good idea, yes" he answered with a slow, thoughtful nod.
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