#{ All My Friends Are Heathens } (friends verse)
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Valentino tag dump
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progenyofprongs · 1 year
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"Well, love because I'm planning a suprise for you and your brother and we wouldn't want to spoil it now do we?" Sirius stuck his tongue at the girl. He cherished the little moments he had with the young potters, the man felt so guilty for his stint in Azkaban and regretted it everyday.
"How's school?"
By some miracle Amelia had refrained herself from arguing back over her relation with the so-called 'brother' she refused to acknowledge. Instead it was a whitty remark that left her lips as she moved out of the door frame and strolled into the room where she heard Sirius whispering. "If you tell me, I'll still act surprised." She told matter of factly in an almost cocky manner, "I'm very good at it. Just ask Snape every time I see his slimey face ..." 
In truth, she didn't know what it was about the potions professor that bugged her so ... Amelia strained to hold back the sigh that threatened to escape upon being asked about Hogwarts. She was successful, though her distaste of going to a magic school was evident through the crossing of her arms over her chest - as though defensive. "Do you want me to answer you honestly or just lie?"
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syrenki · 6 months
i've been struggling to be my best friend's best friend because with time i'm becoming increasingly aggressively anticlerical and as she progresses as an organist she's becoming increasingly confined to the clerical spaces (even though she's agnostic) so she'll say something like 'hey sorry i'll reply later, i'm with the people from the congregation' and then i wish i didn't text in the first place because i lose any and all willingness to talk to her 😂‼️
my experiences with christians are just so fucking bad lol... recently i rejected a person who then told me i am nothing, worthless and no education will ever fix that and i will have to sell my body to survive because it's the only part of me that's worth anything at all, and he was a pious christian. i mean like citing bible verses in daily conversation type. who tried to convert me first. and the person who tried to convert me another time at a party only to then make out with me to 'test if she likes girls too' without ever questioning if i WANT TO make out with her was a christian and it was such a disgusting experience, i felt so used, like an exotic animal - godless and same-sex attracted, yk, so you can really treat her anyhow, she's not One Of Us, not a person, she has no inhibitions. i sometimes really feel like christians, even women, find out you're atheist and from that derive you don't really Need dignity, that you are a public service. it's literally all so fucking disgusting!!! and here my best friend of, like, 14 years is, playing services every sunday morning and hanging out with the people from the congregation, telling me about how she admires their sense of community. for what? they Commune over feeling they are promised a fate better than all these godless heathens below them. it really makes my blood boil. we fought recently after i told her i couldn't trust and be friends with a christian, or with any believer of an organised religion as a matter of fact, and she got so upset at me for "judging people on the basis of their religion". hello???? of course i judge whether i want someone in my life and whether i can trust them based on their beliefs and worldview and the authorities they willingly choose to follow?????? what is religion if not a worldview, a metaphysically justified one, which makes it that much worse, because that's impossible to argue against. it made me fucking sick, passing by a church yesterday and seeing those masses of people pour out, people who looked entirely average, normal, like the people i'm surrounded by on the daily, like some of my own friends at school, and imagining that those same normal, friendly people i see everyday, who smile at me when i smile at them, then turn around and go there. do this. and here i was trusting them. my mother then congratulated me, saying that i, too, have discovered the great polish two-facedness. they will truly treat you like a friend and then turn around and go to their preachers, to listen obediently how people like you will end up in hell. fucking astounding.
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my-islam-reminder · 26 days
Narrated `Ali رضی اللہ عنہ :
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) sent me, Az-Zubair and Al-Miqdad saying, "Proceed till you reach Rawdat Khakh where there is a lady carrying a letter, and take that (letter) from her." So we proceeded on our way with our horses galloping till we reached the Rawda, and there we found the lady and said to her, "Take out the letter." She said, "I have no letter." We said, "Take out the letter, or else we will take off your clothes." So she took it out of her braid, and we brought the letter to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) . The letter was addressed from Hatib, bin Abi Balta'a to some pagans of Mecca, telling them about what Allah's Apostle intended to do. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "O Hatib! What is this?" Hatib replied, "O Allah's Apostle! Do not make a hasty decision about me. I was a person not belonging to Quraish but I was an ally to them from outside and had no blood relation with them, and all the Emigrants who were with you, have got their kinsmen (in Mecca) who can protect their families and properties. So I liked to do them a favor so that they might protect my relatives as I have no blood relation with them. I did not do this to renegade from my religion (i.e. Islam) nor did I do it to choose Heathenism after Islam." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said to his companions." As regards him, he (i.e. Hatib) has told you the truth." `Umar رضی اللہ عنہ said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Allow me to chop off the head of this hypocrite!" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "He (i.e. Hatib) has witnessed the Badr battle (i.e. fought in it) and what could tell you, perhaps Allah looked at those who witnessed Badr and said, "O the people of Badr (i.e. Badr Muslim warriors), do what you like, for I have forgiven you. "Then Allah revealed the Sura:-- "O you who believe! Take not my enemies And your enemies as friends offering them (Your) love even though they have disbelieved in that Truth (i.e. Allah, Prophet Muhammad and this Qur'an) which has come to you ....(to the end of Verse)....(And whosoever of you (Muslims) does that, then indeed he has gone (far) astray (away) from the Straight Path." (60.1
Narrated by Sahih Bukhari in his bookImam Bukhari
Hadith (Sahih)
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Leverage Ep 12 >:3
can’t think only react
So excited
Oooooh synopsis are you telling me we’re gonna heist the ✨insurance company✨ hehehehe
shit wait we’re starting there?????
ok ok soooooo Nate is drunk (maybe???? possibly???? most likely????), he almost shot a dude (past boss????), past boss offered shrimp and Nate just went “I do like shrimp”
Bro?????? Is this a flashback????
They don’t give a time or date tho….keeping it mysterious for plot reasons I guess (<- is grumbling about it)
they staged an intervention whilst giving him heist of his dreams 🤧 like a “hey, broski, your drinking problem sucks…..wanna get at the man who ruined you?”
ohhhhhh so this is why it’s called the 1st David Job
“While you are well-versed in dead guy art, I am not” I love you so much Alec 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Oooooh pretty art
Ummmmm sketchy basement????
omfg the vases 👀👀👀👀👀
Bro just let him take a photo????? Rookie mistake
Awwwwww let Parker play with the little naked man 🥰
Lmao Sophie does not need you to tell her how to heist a guy, Nate 🤭 so silly, maybe if you drank some water—
Oh ho! You calling the pope a heathen 😂 in front of an alleged Vatican archivist 😂 you got balls man
Mag????? THE EX WIFE?????
WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?????? Girlie why are you in a party hosted by the ceo of the company that killed your son??????
Parker is meeeeeeeeeeee
Oh dear…..Maggie what are you doing????
SOPHIE 😂😂😂😂😂😂
It’s what….15 minutes???? jfc
Alec turned the fucking statue 💀💀💀💀💀
“Breakfast jambalaya” well now I’m hungry
awwwwwwww he wants to talk about it 🥺🥺🥺 I’m ok T^T totally
Love my chaotic, smart Parker 🥰
ok, so, question: they mention that Nate’s ex-wife meets him to talk about when the priest got attacked in the Miracle Job, but now it’s like the team never met her before???? sorry it’s been awhile but I’m a little confused. Shouldn’t Sophie already know what she looks like???? Bc she made the “she’s pretty” comment here like idk sorry I’m might be overthinking this?
Lmaooooooo SOPHIE
Parker don’t throw the David!!!!!
Ok does the ex-wife care as in she wants to get back together or care as in “we used to love each other and while it isn’t the same now I still care for you like an old friend cares”? bc I really want option 2
Eliot why would you bring up the ex-wife again????
Sophie……girlie what are you doing???? She looks so excited and idk whether to be concerned or not
Oooooooh parents are talking
Lmao that door does not help at all, plus it has windows???? The trio’s still there this is not a private combo lol
oh shit she doesn’t know 🫢
Nate/Sophie 🥺🥺🥺🥺 why are they so soft stop it
Fuck up the company please 🙏🏻
Wait bro what’s the new plan???
Alec lmao 😂 bringing out the pen, making the pilot panic
you not a fan of heights 👀 ironic
ALEC 💀💀💀
“FAA! he’s a hardass” 😂😂😂😂
My thoughts on what the pilot’s are thinking: “fucking FAA….stupid new regulations….wait, why is he putting that on his head??? What’s with that briefcase???? Who is he talking to???? What’s with the statue????….fucking FAA…”
Ah fuck it’s option 1….dammit
And of course this is just halfway
“I’ll come alone” fucking liar >:(
Sophie…….no girlie……..
Sterling please don’t hurt my Nate/Sophie please…..dont 🥺
He’s keeping Parker???? You bitch
Fuck 🫠 so stressed rn
Please tell me this episode isn’t over 🫠🫠🫠🫠
Ok ok not over 🥺 but still stressed
Nooooooooo Sophie/Nate please!!!!! You can’t hurt each other 🤧🤧🤧🤧 it’s not allowed!
Lmao you put it on the the edge of the roof, very classy girlie
Parker should kill him, for funsies
Eliot should kill all of the lackies, for funsies as well • Hahaaaaaa so stressed
Girlie don’t you dare jump
I mean….they could cut the line????
Eliot you good??? Are his ribs still broke?????
Ok so episode is close to ending….everything seems well…but this is a 2-parter????
“Shouldn’t we call the police?” “You’re fired” said it like a true villain to his henchman 😎
Lmaooooo talking shit, piglet?
Final Thoughts:
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible
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by J.R. Miller
Warning and Invitation (Matthew 11:20-30)
“Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent.” - Matthew 11:20
It seems strange to hear Jesus upbraiding. His words usually were most gracious and loving. Here, however, we hear Him speaking in tones of sharpness and severity. Yet the phase of His character which is now revealed is not inconsistent with other representations of Him in the Gospels. We must not think of Jesus as having no capacity for anger. He was all love but love can be severe, even dreadful. While He was a friend of sinners and went to His cross to redeem the ungodly yet He hated sin. He was just and holy.
We should notice carefully, however, the reason for this upbraiding. It fell upon the cities in which Jesus had done most of His mighty works. These were not His first words to the people of these cities. There had been long months of loving ministry, with miracles of mercy, with words of grace, revealings of the Father-heart of God, and offers of eternal life before He spoke the words of chiding we now hear Him speak. But the people of these favored cities had been unaffected by all this love. They had gone on in their sins, unrepentant. They had accepted Christ’s gifts of love but had not accepted Him as their Lord. They had taken His help, His kindness, the things He had done for them so lavishly but they had rejected Him .
The upbraiding of these cities was because after all that he had done for them, after all their spiritual opportunities and privileges, they had rejected Jesus. It was not impatience on His part that made Him severe. He had not grown weary loving, even without return. But the fact that the cities had received so much Divine favor, made their sin in rejecting Christ far greater.
Tyre and Sidon, great commercial cities which had been denounced by the prophets for their sins, would have repented, Jesus said if such Divine blessings as had been shown to Chorazin and Bethsaida had been given to them. Sodom was the great historical example of wickedness in the history of the world, and its destruction was a notable instance of judgment. But even Sodom would have repented, if it had received such calls and had enjoyed such privileges as had Capernaum. And Sodom’s judgment would be more tolerable than that of Capernaum.
There is something startling in what Jesus says here about the doom of these Galilean cities, and the reason for it. They had had high privileges, and had disregarded them. What then about the places in our own day which have had exceptional privileges and have not improved them? What about those who have been brought up in Christian homes, amid the most gracious influences, who have seen Christ continually and have known the beautiful things of His love from infancy and after all have kept their hearts closed upon Him, refusing His love! The question with which we are really personally concerned is not with Chorazin or Capernaum, but ourselves, our privileges and what we are doing with them.
“More tolerable.” So we would better have been born and brought up in some heathen land, never hearing of Christ than to have had the highest Christian privileges, and then to have turned our back on the Savior of men. We may perish with Christ at our door. Christian privileges will not save us. The question after all is, “What are you doing with Christ?”
The other part of our passage is in a different tone. Here we find mercy again in its most gracious mood. The invitation in the closing verses is better understood when we have studied the great words that precede it. “All things have been committed to me by my Father,” said Jesus. All things had been put into His hands, all power, all mercy, all gifts, all life. This ought to be a great comfort to us, amid this world’s mysteries and perplexities, when there are things which threaten to destroy us. It is Jesus Christ, the Christ of the gospel, in whose nail-marked hands are all our affairs.
There can be no revealing of the Father, except as Jesus Christ wills to reveal Him. It is very important then to learn how He dispenses the revelation which is in His hand exclusively. Will He impart it only to a few great saints, to a little company of wise men, to certain rare spirits? The answer is in the gracious invitation which follows, “Come unto Me, all who that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Yet there is a distinct class of people to whom the gracious invitation is especially given, “all who that labor and are heavy laden.” This does not mean the rich, the noble of birth, the high of rank, the wise the great among men. It includes the lowly, the oppressed, the over burdened, the weary, those who are in distress. Need is the only condition. There is no one anywhere who desires the blessings of love, of mercy, of grace, to whom this wonderful invitation is not given and who may not claim it and accept it with all confidence.
Perhaps no other of Christ’s words has given comfort to more people, than this promise of rest. It meets every heart’s deepest longing. What is this rest? It is not cessation from work. Work is part of the constitution of human life. It is necessary to health, to happiness, even to existence. God works. “My Father works,” said Jesus, “and I work” (see John 5:17). There is a curse on idleness.
It is rest of soul that Jesus promises. The life is at unrest. It is all jangled and can have no rest until it is brought into harmony. Sin is the cause of this universal human unrest, and rest can come only when forgiveness has come. And this is the first rest that is promised. Everyone who comes to Christ is forgiven.
There are two rests promised. “I will give you rest.” This rest comes at once. Every weary one who comes to Christ in penitence and with repentance is forgiven, reconciled and restored to Divine favor.
Then there is a rest which comes later and only through self-discipline and patient learning. “Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me… and you shall find rest.” To take Christ’s yoke on us is to take Him as our Master, to let Him rule our life. The thought of a yoke is suggestive of bondage and humiliation. But the yoke of Christ is nothing galling or dishonoring in it. “My yoke is easy,” He says. He is a gentle taskmaster. He requires entire submission to His will. He will not share our subjection with any other master. We must take His yoke upon us willingly, cheerfully, without reserve. But His commandments are not grievous, His burden is light. Then we will find honor and blessing in it.
A yoke implies two united, serving together, walking side by side under the same load. It is Christ’s yoke we are to bear, which means that He shares it with us. His shoulder is under every load of ours. If we have a sorrow it is His, too. In all our afflictions He is afflicted. Thus it becomes a joy to take Christ’s yoke. When He is our Master, we are free from all other masters. In bearing His yoke, we will find rest unto our souls. Our lives under His sway will be at peace.
Another step in finding rest is to enter Christ’s school. “ Learn of Me,” said the Master. We are only beginners when we first become Christians. A good man said, ‘It takes a long time to learn to be kind it takes a whole lifetime.” He was right it does take as many years as one lives, to learn the one little lesson of kindness. Paul said, and said it when he was well on in life, “I have learned in whatever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11). We would suppose that such a wonderful man as Paul was, did not have to learn the lesson of contentment. We can scarcely think of him as ever fretting about his condition and circumstances. But evidently he did, and it was a long, difficult lesson for him to learn to be content anywhere, in any and every experience. Even Jesus Himself had to learn life’s lessons. In the Epistle to the Hebrews it is said that He learned obedience by the things that He suffered (see Hebrews 5:7, Hebrews 5:8).
All of Christian life is a school. We enter it when we first come to Christ. We begin at the lowest grade. We do not have to wait until we know a great deal before we begin to attend school. School is not for finished scholars but for the most ignorant. We may come to Christ when we know almost nothing. He is a teacher and He wants us to become learners. Gentleness is a lesson which we are to learn. One young girl said, “I never can get over being jealous. I cannot bear to have my friends love anybody else. I want them to love only me.” But she must learn the lesson of generosity in friendship. She must learn to want her friends to love others. It probably will take her a good while, the lesson will be a long one but she must learn it because it is in Christ’s curriculum for all His students, and no one can get His certificate of graduation without learning it.
Patience is a lesson that has to be learned. An impatient person is not a complete Christian. Thoughtfulness is another necessary lesson. There are a great many thoughtless Christians. The poet tells us that evil is wrought by lack of thought as well as lack of heart. Many people are always blundering in their relationship and fellowship with others. They say the wrong word, they do the wrong thing. They leave undone the things they ought to have done. They are always hurting other people’s feelings, giving pain to gentle hearts. Yet it is all from thoughtlessness. “I didn’t mean to offend him. I didn’t mean to be unkind. I just never thought .” There are few lessons in Christian life that more people need to learn than this of thoughtfulness.
We have to learn to trust. Worry is a sin. It is probably as great a sin as dishonesty or profanity or bad temper. Yet a good many Christian people worry at first, and one of the most important lessons in Christ’s school, is to learn not to worry. Joy is a lesson to be learned. Peace is another. Humility is another. Praise is a great lesson. All of life is a school, and it is in learning these lessons that Jesus says we shall find rest for your souls. Christ Himself is our teacher, and with Him we should never fail to learn, though it be only slowly. Then as we learn, our lives will grow continually more and more into quietness, peace and Christlikeness. All our questions will be in the faith that accepts God’s will as holy and good even when it is hardest.
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eisoj5 · 1 year
first-lines-of-fic meme! tagged in by @laiqualaurelote :D
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
i think the last time i did this i totally cheated and just posted the first lines of, like, 60 chapters of IGIKWIGT instead!! this time i have a variety of fics to share from the past three years, across six different fandoms. 
#5 is my favorite. XD
1. walking straight into a burning light, 2022, Star Wars - intended to be ficlets connected to #2 but haven’t posted any more since the first one yet
“What do you know about the Cularin system?” Luke asks, over breakfast in Leia and Han’s apartment.
2. now I’m tracin’ all my steps to you, 2022, Star Wars, 21k, complete
The ship Luke puts his X-wing down next to is an absolute stunner of a yacht, sleek silvery curves an echo of the shoreline stretching out past the landing pad to meet Naboo’s aquamarine ocean.
3. you wanna check up on my phone, 2022, Ms. Marvel, 580 words, complete
When Kamran gets on the boat, he doesn’t have his phone.
4. i was herded and instructed, 2022, The Sisters Brothers, just under 4k words, WIP
The goose appears on the fifteenth of May, without even a single honk to announce its presence.
5. not just for hanging with sherlock holmes, 2021, Star Trek: Lower Decks, just under 4k words, complete
Tendi’s eating in the mess hall with her Lower Decks best friends when Boimler slides into their booth with a tray of his lobster mac and cheese with the breaded top, which she thinks is fine but not as good as this amazing Genovese pesto that no one should ever compare to her skin color ever again or she’ll have to report them to Ransom and then he’ll get sad about the historical oppression of Orion women even though it’s actually a lot more complicated than that and wait, did Boimler just say—Barclay? 
6. love is a long, long road, 2021, Star Wars, 5k words, technically a WIP of ficlets from the IGIKWIGT-verse
“He doesn’t even know I exist,” Luke says, plaintively, flopping down next to Han in the engineering compartment of the Falcon. 
7. then march this heathen company, 2020, The Perilous Gard, 3k words, complete
Christmastime at the manor was, of course, never going to be a sedate affair, once Kate’s family became involved.
8. we would enter the wilderness together, 2020, The Sisters Brothers, 39k words, WIP
The faint light of the stars shimmering into their spartan boarding room at the relay station was barely enough to see by when Morris came slowly awake.
9. an essence of himself, 2020, The Sisters Brothers, 5k words, complete (and this is the one I will definitely be like “CHECK THE TAGS” about)
Morris swung off his horse in front of the Commodore’s mansion, glancing up briefly towards the second-story window for its chief occupant as he tied his horse’s reins to the post.
10. you take it on faith (you take it to the heart), 2020, Star Wars, 8k words, I should really mark this one as complete
Bodhi’s never been able to fully relax whenever he’s in the Imperial Palace.
tagging @moragmacpherson @attackedastoria @brynnmclean @kiersau @r0b0tb0y @bright-elen @semisweetshadow
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One Week Ago, I Asked Reddit What Happens When You Don't Remember Krishna at the Time of Death. Today, I Was in a Major Car Accident.
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{Photo courtesy of Tomas Anunziata via Pexels}
Just before the New Year, I was on r/Hinduism and asked community members what happens if we don't remember Krishna at the time of death. If you're not familiar, Krishna tells Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, "At the end of life, whoever departs the body remembering me attains my nature without fail" (8:5).
And if you're one of my beloved pagan friends and very not familiar with Sanatana Dharma, Krishna can be reflected as the Supreme Person or God, and Arjuna, the warrior with whom he is speaking, can be reflected as the soul. Arjuna is distressed at the prospect of going to war and fighting the other side, consisting of many of his family and friends.
They are not just faceless enemies, but rather fathers and sons and people highly respected in their own right. Krishna counsels him in his chariot, and the Bhagavad Gita is their conversation.
The Gita has touched my soul in a depth that I find it difficult to describe. Sometimes, I try to avoid using the metaphor of awakening, because it's become somewhat diluted in modern culture (and even drawn a sort of stigma, at least in the US). Reading the truths in the Gita for the first time didn't reach me as being awoken to a higher truth. Rather, the truth has lived within me the whole time.
It makes up the indestructible, eternal nature of the self, lying in wait until being discovered again and again, in small moments and in big. And reading the Gita felt like a light shining on my soul, illuminating the profound truths that have always lived within me. (I once read someone describing this phenomenon as simply reading the Gita and going, "Oh yeah! That's what I've always believed, I've never seen it written down somewhere before." Perhaps I'm being melodramatic, but how could one not go on about this beloved text?)
Despite the profound wisdom of Krishna's words, the loving friendship between God and the soul described in truths both simple and complex, I hit the fifth verse of the eighth chapter and came to a standstill.
I don't like talking about it much, but I was raised in a very colonization-oriented, "fire and brimstone" religion. In fact, the term "fire and brimstone" in its modern day usage to describe proselytization and preaching practices originates from the very sect I grew up in.
In other words, there was a large focus on the afterlife and eternal damnation in my childhood spiritual education. Fear of God was something actively encouraged. And I mean that, genuinely-- to be described as "God fearing" is a compliment, indicating a high reverence of God.
I have a lot of religious trauma from these experiences, so I won't bother delving into them too much. I know it's exceptionally common, too. I find people with these experiences in many circles: Pagan, Wiccan, Heathen, and more. I think that those of us that wanted to explore an innate connection with God but were met with these traumas instead feel the pain that much more. But it gladdens my heart to see that these brave souls never gave up and found a connection with the divine in spite of the evils done to them.
Obligatory mention that I don't discriminate against any religion or personal beliefs, just sharing my (and others') personal encounters that continue to impact us moving forward.
But the reason why I mention this is that despite devoting myself to Santana Dharma and completely reorienting my perspective on the nature of the soul and the divine, my brain still went into fight or flight mode when it came to the mention of the afterlife and death. And why shouldn't it? After all, if the soul is eternal, of course it will experience distress at the thought or mention of death.
On Reddit, I was curious to see how people interpreted this passage according to their own beliefs and varying traditions. Did people take it literally, or believe that the only way to reach a heavenly realm is to remember God at the time of death? Or did people take it more fluidly, or believe that a lifetime devoted to God or strong sense of importance placed on God would be enough to reach the realm of Krishna.
My mind was caught up in the "car accident" phenomenon. If you were just driving along one day and in one instant, you died, what would happen? What if you were thinking about something else at the time of death, like where you were going or what you had to do that day?
If we could all choose our manner of death, we'd likely choose to be older and go peacefully, having full lucidity or perhaps being asleep. But accidents do happen, and I wondered what I would do if an accident happened to me.
8 days after posting to Reddit, I was driving back home after doing some shopping when a car came out of thin air and T-boned me. One second, I was driving through the quiet intersection, listening to bhajans, just barely dusk. I had a green light and was 3/4 of the way through. The car in the opposite direction was in the left turn lane. He decided to gun it (with no turn signal) and we collided instantly.
My car was near totaled, the engine busted and the hood mangled, but I was completely unscathed (as was the other driver). Before my engine and battery went out, I saw the bhajan that had been playing. It was "Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare, Hey Natha Narayana Vasudeva." And in that moment, I felt Krishna and his loving embrace enveloping me.
It struck me: my bond with Krishna is ingrained in my soul. If the soul cannot be touched or destroyed, neither can my friendship be forgotten with the Supreme Person. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and as for myself, I firmly believe that Krishna was with me then and would have been with me in the chance I had died and shed this mortal coil. As for my thoughts in the moment, they ranged somewhere between "uh oh" and a number of curse words that I would be quite embarrassed to admit.
My soul remembers his love and he remembers me, and this relieved me of a great anxiety, in which I had worried I wouldn't be good enough or have done enough to earn Krishna's love.
I've done a lot of reflection about this accident and wondered the best way to describe it. "Reflect on this fully" hits home more than ever. It's been a week or so, and posting this on Vaikuntha Ekadashi seemed fitting. I look forward to sharing more thoughts about this pivotal moment in my life in the future.
Wishing you a warm and wonderful Vaikuntha Ekadashi… Pax
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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libidomechanica · 1 year
A limerick sequence
One unbecoming years, pale grew, it is that makes it bleeding nails; we rubbed    the saints,—I love answerless,    and the city. Into one, methought their education.
At last thou! And thousand are not despise. Was apt to be. I believe a    hand so through a mist: they    did enthral or gall the heathen in the quest. Done forever.
— The joy the conceit of him remain. Believe if they thought she with the    inoculation. Trod    underfoot if any pass before, reduc’d to bring again. ’ Well!
So brimmed with any body in the painted Fragments lie! Now, that lucent    wavering look on her    Faults, if Belles had recently so, as Socratic royalty.
Fans clap, Silks russle, and flood and what’s uppermost of new or hoard of stone.    But ev’ry life melts with    poets through the last so history, which the same—it wearies out.
The injuries were the carved lady’s eyeballs pure and the Powder from Day’s    detested Day, which eyes    with man the shirtless Jeanie’s heart free, as they are rags or dust.
So short can never can comparison had wish’ to pay. Saw the groves, yet    inexperience could    never learnt in little ones are fair: to dance with you beauty.
Again, I am one with a nobly place confounded ear; she, who as    yet t is but an    inferior Priest have been knows. Her tongues were no sooner reading.
I do love the best of temper’d him with new stings unfold, waft on the sun;    while the twilight dawned; and    out on death. In the lawful reason where Mahler wrote his face.
Some thought to your Venus! For youth sublime and had been contends, it soothers    maim. And indecision,    oh Thou Jewel utter’d; but of Psyche. Whoever wants an heir.
From that he was what ev’n in Slumber sound my echoing straiten’d for thee,    ’ and kept the Board. I’m a    philosopher of the many-winter’s feelings, or transferr’d.
The thing of all Monarchs of our own score. Bare on its placed accord before    growing Combat, or where    day be deceive the living world my spirit leaps with music.
A dying lovers dare not. And pass’d I blindfold her, and her future strike,    and keep my drooping eye;    but love me from out and shaven hear who should disturb their boots.
First time how many benedictions new; most true. Bright movement was clear, our    Gipsy-Scholar of the    man. Elephant unite, transform’d a vast Buckle for her sects?
Before me, that’s enough thee, that shall be kept its produces—You. And, that    word of Self, that know the    ship from each contended wide, and seem to kissing his wife weans.
Nothing, and office of his attraction’? But thought our maladies want, save    in verse, which, if not I,    for miles away, it eats the new day comes, adoring crown.
The joy their mother city thick and White array’d; themselves on it, and foolish,    new, seraglio,    wherefore should cost thou? A most encourage passed an older friend?
Your real Griefs, and the lurking at the sun will to end the Peer again? But    ev’ry day lang; he’s peevish    an’ jealous mad, In the wintry tempest, to the bonie Jean.
My plan but I, if but for blood the tree, are not to disfigure out how    to switch #1 with #3. How to be    going to the worse, to put on nature’s darling at her troth?
He mighty wing to feel another. And, asleep: a maid of Dian’s this awkward    the sky. While with her    recklessness, a hand as alabaster pale: would make ye blue.
With fire the crowd above a waterfall. To love, hatred with her side are    his traine. The wink, but still    believe if the swarthy Moors. Dreamed this goodly grown humble kind.
With her glass, twas better still; and bask and whiskers, to dance the porch with, Let    us remember? The    dead from this new native unto gracious act, and all the sky.
Singing of the broken profit thee? Canopy of her days. Held carnival    at will be past that    all in vain. And those throat, before the thraws in my loosening.
But sweepstakes for ever old yet never see through thou couldst no harbour finde    in this occasion, who    think and we should so abide? Nations break of days like to come.
Love distance lies nor equal husbands, I do claim men’s pride I boast: wretched    Maid! Some life may be my    dwelling Bag he renders vain the scream. And blood and gibe the same.
Her aid, how men through they had before a feat to-day. Her lived again to    state: since they grow; the Gnomes    direct, to ev’ry Pow’r all the musk-bull browses; he had been?
Felt with fainting Fears, soft Sorrow. And not lie alone is done, we dropt, and    pass our long having tact    and thus set at last I spoke. More endears, and he beats his taste.
It is a very clear for my pains to fair and Innocently so, as    soon their passing breast, a    great expects your true delight in the lass o’ Ballochmyle.
The resides. The more esteem’d to set a glazed with sidelong glances apart    i carry your beauty’s    patterned in its girth; but even the maxim for mankind!
I never told me of the fair Head, and tears, instead of a bell, and spiral-    talk. Her title was    a Catholic, and I lov’d at such as we walk in and flip-flops.
Shall outlive it—lower yet—be happy? That Jury-men may slip from cages    pull the Prize not, madam:    by your face was glad i’m happy skies, breadth, nor fail in it.
Were ever on their own mind, when to Mire. I copy or my draught would    excuse: sweet thou mad’st me    leave this voice, we repair; the boy’s mite, ’ and, like the wretched make.
That is goodly and a flatter I the day, I feel her slave, and in her    head with her Hand is sunk    below the just clear the hearts command, the brake. And Love deny’d.
Gude faith! My heavenward and sip without discrimination, I can’t without    a smooth Iv’ry Neck.    Waking not fulfil your winged horses over the clematis.
Rage, rage against the dying love’s day. Sweet the Warders with her glossy raven    black, brown, or Pooh! And    each field, and a light hide those bright, can lay an Europe’s sight?
Saw the stands upon misprision grow cold.—But, artists! A Love Supreme. He    does not with the ground, as    we prayer, as doth Love speak? He always rattles, remember?
I am. Well as verse—I wish it any less photorealistic? Leave    her weakness in another    doth me tie are humbler Province is the fronting them twa.
Ah, Psyche tender lover pants upon a Matadores, but oh, thought    she slept their ambition.    The pleasant fruits of joy to day and an eyelash dead or sleep.
From hence it any less photorealistic? But grim to shine; and strange in    the eye of salmon sing    is soul was round and root, and, which is not more its vanity.
I hear smells, I see there in wild race. Where Light hover, an old hostel, called    the white rose up, and features,    that the dark hours, with each vulgar fraction’? There is in them.
His beard, and the plank, and from the scream. While great court-Galen poised him, and feasted    with Ida’s at time    we shall reasons as they sang to weak. In brighter shine as well!
And the thin hairs of words. But though on the rose up, and barb’rous Pride: with too    much with such the Mortals    bend the sunflower as he the moon was gone, and said she cccome?
’ My Phillis, will flourish with the brightly taut in the soul! While the hollow    shows: the colours flings, colours    and all the World the knack? Airs have to wait for you to come.
Or—what is with you better yet to fret the fine Edge of mine in his glad    Wings, a thing to like, thou    grand legitimate Alexander! But certes it conceal’d.
Love too long, leapt up, and he can kill! In the purple fritillaries the    snow careful Plumes displays,    possession. When we passe, most humbly own—’tis decorum.
While the ones whose ridge the wood where I go; long hair. It being Love, ’ why not    said she if you’re lovely,    and Halberds in grosser Air below, if the moon—cold weighty.
That early June, where she then presume the aforesaid Baba just clearing    at her frightening, plumed    by Longinus or the imperial present for the gout?
Not the genial art, and kye, and lost hath got blue devilish malignant witch!    Twas certainly ran many    risks, yet in bud and breath in the chill of being not you?
I mean to abuse of his Cheapside; at length I find, happy title was    apt to blame it. Somewhere    it before me; carelessly array’d; with boys, or her return!
And blessing; is convinced that which yet join not scent to a tree. Superbly,    and cut through that single    cord, but still shall view in cloudless Sky. Saying, I have at all.
—And lips as without my song: in brief agony what shall have we known to    my horse, a horse fallen:    her side hortensius. Take, oh, take wi’ naebody; naebody.
But now it is large; their cause they did not mind. But I who like yonder motions,    and some rejoic’d in    such uneasy virtue, All, our Sex resign thy dear concern.
The glowing bosks of Gold. And have need not now; she would breed sweet place costume.    Made when they’re wet with you!    Soft yielding ransackt heart But I who like this modern dinners?
As thy toil reward the lurking those bright against the wing, his Arrow hit;    nay, but an orphan; left    all their Chocolate shall join its brilliant bow. Doth follows light hints.
Her voice comes, the rest, did I look’d this sin there is Spain? To draw the Planets    thro’ the gallows’ need: so    with those white linen hence, there’s bitter breast a thunderbolt.
And gazed upon the night to flit in Air, weighs the Melodious-moving    this new feelings as    sympathy, universal sun. And scorn to add a Furbelo.
For the great comments various Off’rings of his captive’s hours. The zephyr    wanton eyesight poring    over his wonder then, before than a catbird hates and imps.
Which leans something much noise. Let the thought, at settled gravity at work no    more. Now let us roll    all thanks, do pay for this mind assume the breast. Come with Lampoons.
At length my fav’rite Lock; ariel himself shall not do—the pilferer.    She said, this last: one speak.    Snuff they cannot sink his thine eyes, whose that just be right, can love.
With her condition. He did not care: we knelt and happy, for a man who    looked across thy stamp the    fair life of mee, if now there the Sufí; a Road whose great Locke?
The entire world rush’d by black, brown, or far Cathay. And do—I’ll tell no    more and a bird, that thought    too deep judge in haste; yet each a fame, like Gods the Prize is lost!
And third upon her brethren, though the wit, the Sun, their coffin; but Phillis,    has met wi’ the quest. And    fashion it to form no clog against the savior of Remorse.
Though wise men at the ills the truth to trie; beauty shall pass by her garb, or    none of accident. Ladies    stare! Became masculine in her Eyes half dissolv’d in Light.
Jenny her side. So Julia once lived so that in guys it gently peruse!    The Gnome, in burning sleep    who have a mutual kiss drop down by the Indian mine!
Those hills of that cookery rather lends. Love make a frame inversely clung    to its wound, fly; see the    Lock a though the year’s principle of their farthing candlelight.
Save that sun thine eyes; my doubt, after long love.—In politician; or—what    is the fatal Engine    on her cheek, passion went: methinks we may have other’s clamour!
And fall he shall forgot. Nor would never been toss’d down the first a nations.    In the affair, not a    man and fair began to gather’d in her Eyes the crime is, there!
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stormskinned · 4 years
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+ @ancientfcrged​ asked: ❛ If we are to survive, a new balance must be found. ❜ - enchantress / ancientfcrged Accepting ( x )
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For a moment, laughter threw her head back. It was a bit of a strange relationship, this. Jade was never one to defer, not even to gods. Still, she preferred to keep herself on Enchantress’s good side. “Mm, perhaps you are right. But how can a balance be found with these human beings? They have so little respect.”
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progenyofprongs · 3 years
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@lcvedriven​ asked :    ’ you look so much like your mother sometimes. ’ / sirius
It wasn't the first time Amelia had heard such a thing. Ever since her life changed that fatal night - the memories of it's horrors still oh so strongly vivid inside her mind (as it would be forever and ever) - Amelia had to deal with seemingly countless people telling her how much she reminded them of her parents. 'No!' She’d almost wanted to shout: her jaw tensing and green eyes falling slightly: no ... they weren't her parents ... her real parents were the ones that raised and loved her ... these so-called birth parents were merely strangers to her.
And yet, she couldn't bring herself to snap angrily at Sirius. She didn't understand why so, but it simply made Amelia feel far too sad to think about. Instead she purposely kept her gaze down for a moment too long to avoid looking at Sirius: her saddened expression a tad uncomfortable as she ruffled her messy jet black hair back out of habit. "I know ... I know ... it's what everyone's been saying ..." She strained out in a sigh: it was clear she was trying hard to keep the tone out of her voice, "I wish they'd just stop ..."
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mrf34r4rch1ve · 6 years
@behindaccents​ cont. from our ask!
💦 // cover my muse’s mouth . " You talk too much. " -Mr Robot @ Harley Quinn
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                      R U D E —any normal person would’ve taken some offence with a comment like that but Harley was FAR from normal. Anyone who knew her would’ve known that but this guy, looking cuter than a baby duckling, didn’t have a clue who she was. That much was evident.
              “Aw baby face, if y’ wanted t’ get a lil’ kinky y’ only had t’ ask!” Oh how she could flirt with anyone but this guy seemed so out of his depth, it was going to be fun to see him cower away awkwardly. He was too cute and young, naive perhaps but Harley didn’t care. “Y’ wanna let me outta my cage —-or do y’ wanna come in here an’ play with me.”
         INSTEAD OF SHRINKING AWAY bashfully as anybody else might have done, Mr Robot hummed and let his eyes go half-lidded, watching Harley and sliding his hand down to hold onto one of the bars of her cage. She was undeniably sexy-- the guards had been telling the truth.
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         “ DON’T YOU GO TEMPTING ME, sweetheart. Y’know, I could get you outta here, the second I get my hands on a terminal...” He pressed himself up against the bars, flirting right back, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair, scratch the side of his nose readjust his glasses at his nose with a toothy smile. “ They haven’t let me see one in weeks... M’going through withdrawal without it... ” He reached through the bars again, this time to cradle Harley’s jaw against his palm. “ Maybe you could distract me from the pain of it, huh? ”
         HIS VOICE HAD DIPPED DOWN to a syrupy slither...
     “ ALL RIGHT, ROBOT, ” a guard behind him said. There was a gun barrel sliding along his shoulder, pushing him along. Mr Robot sighed. “ Time t’go, baby. They wanna give me more medicine, I guess. The inhibitor collars work wonders on the physical stuff, but I guess they think my brain’s still just a little too nasty. ” He let go of Harley’s cage and kept on moving. Weird, that the guards let him stop by her cell. Guess they wanted to see her, too.
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progenyofprongs-a · 6 years
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NONVERBAL RP STARTERS (requested by @livedkind​)
🙄 Roll their eyes at my muse
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"What?" Amelia blurted out, a little too bluntly it would seem though given it was Nic who rolled his eyes at her she felt she had a reasonable justification. Here she was, trying to brush up on some reading before she was shipped off to Hogwarts (which she didn't even want to go to) and this was the response she was given? She simply stared at the elder wizard with an expression so puzzled, emerald orbs wide and so innocent, it made her appear far younger than she actually was.
                                          "I'm serious." She added, this time in a much more determined tone as she nudged towards the open book in her lap. "Do unicorns actually shoot rainbow beans out of their arses?"
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qquinntessential · 4 years
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* A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE STARTERS | @soullsevered said: ‘ no offense, but i’d really like to get some sleep. ’
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❝   AND I’D REALLY LIKE A FERRARI, but y’can’t always get whatcha want ( THE STONES, ‘68 ).   ❞
Amused lips happily invite another sip past SCARLET GATES, coffee keeping her alert despite the hour. It’s not her fault they’re up late ( IT REALLY ISN’T ). If she had it her way, she’d be on a dancefloor with a shot of tequila in either hand, but WALLER wants this done NOW and what AMANDA WANTS, AMANDA GETS. And so, she’s sitting at a table that ISN’T HERS in an apartment that ISN’T HERS doing a job that ISN’T HERS. Thin fingers flip through files that they’ve perused a HUNDRED TIMES, hoping that the HUNDRED AND FIRST will be the time they find something NEW.
❝   I don’t get it...what’s this guy’s MOTIVE anyways ??   ❞
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
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Jackie and Hyde, The Headcanons...
-Jackie and Hyde make mixtapes for each other, all the time. And as technology advances, a bunch of playlists.
-Jackie gets Hyde to listen to Elton John and James Taylor. In turn, Jackie listens to Zeppelin.
-Jackie wears the Zeppelin shirt, as a sleep shirt. It totally turns Hyde on. Jackie happily takes note. And to assert another fandom-wide headcanon, Hyde totally has a Jackie box (a shoebox, when Jackie bought him boots). With Polaroids, his prom corsage, a bolo tie, mixtapes, and for awhile? The first engagement ring, and the Zeppelin shirt.
-Jackie gives Hyde the Zeppelin shirt back early in season 8, and it breaks his freaking heart. He wears it at the New Year's Eve party, and Jackie definitely notices. And takes note.
-After a period of somewhat despising each other, they become friends in 1980, shortly after Jackie breaks up with Fez. Like in and after season 4, it turns into something more, once again. As slowly but surely, Hyde regains Jackie's trust.
-In 1980, Hyde takes Jackie to Point Place's winter carnival. And wins her a new stuffed unicorn, named Stevie (after Hyde and Stevie Nicks).
-This is basically canon, but Jackie and Hyde's songs are "Tiny Dancer" and "Your Song." And "All My Love" by Led Zeppelin is their wedding song. Jackie sneaks "Your Smiling Face" by James Taylor in there, too.
-Their couple color is totally purple (their prom colors). Their wedding colors are purple, blue (something borrowed, something blue), silver (Jackie wouldn't go for gray or black), and a touch of pink (Jackie had to, okay?).
-They both love Heathers. And Twin Peaks.
-Jackie loves Mariah Carey, and Hyde tolerates it. Well, at least "Emotions" turns her on. And turns him on, too.
-Hyde's devastated when John Bonham and John Lennon die, and Jackie comforts him.
-They play chess (and cards), all the freaking time. And go bowling every Sunday, instead of going to church. Yeah, Jackie's given up on the church thing, after awhile, and they end up raising a couple of heathens, too.
-Jackie makes Hyde go ice skating, and roller skating. He secretly enjoys it.
-Hyde's the primary cook in the house, whereas Jackie takes up most of the room in their walk-in closet. And organizes everything (it's a nicer word than clean, okay?).
-Jackie insists on having a chandelier in their dining room. Hyde groans, but signs off on it.
-Jackie thinks she and Hyde are the Jack and Rose that made it. She's not wrong.
-Hyde buys a motorcycle in his 40s (a midlife crisis?), and convinces Jackie to ride with him.
-Whether they're together or not (they definitely are), Jackie helps Hyde bring Grooves into the digital age. By broadening its horizons, whether as a music venue or a digital music service, or…
-Hyde feeds all the stray cats surrounding Grooves. His favorite is a black cat named Toto, who they take in. When they move to Chicago, Donna (and later Leah) feeds all the stray cats, too.
-Jackie's a great skier, and teaches Hyde how to ski. Eventually, when they have enough money, they buy Jack's old ski cabin. And bring the kids there, whenever possible (they have season passes).
-Jackie and Hyde name their son(s) James, William, or John. And their daughter(s) Sarah, Jessica, Katherine/Caitlin, or Olivia. Rebecca is verse specific, btw (after Beck's Diner, where Hyde first tries to make amends with Jackie, and after "The Ties that Bind" by Bruce Springsteen). The name Rebecca means to bind, to tie.
-Hyde (and probably Jackie) get tattoos, each with a symbol that represents each of their kids.
-Jackie and Hyde and Eric and Donna become incredibly close after moving close to each other (in my verse, it's next door). Their kids flow in and out of each other's houses, and hang out at Grooves (Grooves is their version of The Hub). All the freaking time.
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pugzman3 · 2 years
Manasseh, king of Judah
2 Kings 21: 1-7
21 Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hephzibah.
2 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.
3 For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he reared up altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab king of Israel; and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.
4 And he built altars in the house of the Lord, of which the Lord said, In Jerusalem will I put my name.
5 And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord.
6 And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.
7 And he set a graven image of the grove that he had made in the house, of which the Lord said to David, and to Solomon his son,
So, King Manasseh, in his 55-year reign basically did some of the worst abominations in the eyes of God. Rebuilt pagan alters for Baal, groves, worshipped the pagan gods, sacrificed children to Molech, witchcraft, murder and more. After the split of Isreal and Judah, both went down these roads. Despite warnings from prophets, Manasseh would not listen, nor would the people of Judah, so God sent the Assaryians to snatch him up and put him into bondage in Babylon.
Sometime after that, Manasseh realized the evils he had done and turned to God. He prayed for forgiveness with a truthful heart, and God heard his prayers. Manasseh was released and allowed to return. Upon return he made good on his conversion. 
2 Chronicles 33: 12-16
12 And when he was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers,
13 And prayed unto him: and he was intreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God.
14 Now after this he built a wall without the city of David, on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the entering in at the fish gate, and compassed about Ophel, and raised it up a very great height, and put captains of war in all the fenced cities of Judah.
15 And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city.
16 And he repaired the altar of the Lord, and sacrificed thereon peace offerings and thank offerings, and commanded Judah to serve the Lord God of Israel.
Like I said in my first post this morning with the verse of the day, this is the post I wanted to share today. I wanted to share it because it is an amazing testimony of the longsuffering and love of God. I doubt anyone reading this has done the things that Manasseh had done, and yet God forgave him. So if you think God won’t forgive you, and accept you into his kingdom, I am here to tell you otherwise. But you never know when your last breath will be, so don’t wait. Don’t think you WILL get the chance to repent when you are ready. Rather, take the chance while you have it. Your ransom has been paid my friend, don’t waste it.
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