#{ It's just gonna be his nickname for her most likely in this verse. }
chronosbled · 1 year
In any case, here: a Crystal slowly coming from behind to bite Dickson.
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☣ — CRIMSON-BLUE SPLICED IRISES GAZED DOWNWARD TOWARDS THE VARIOUS ASSORTMENT OF BODIES THAT LAID MOTIONLESS AT HIS FEET, blood still flowing freely from freshly created wounds, forming a rather large puddle that began to stain into the fabric of black boots. Hilt of his sword still held firmly within his grasp meanwhile the blade remained placed against the dirtied ground, not sitting quite upright, but more or less haphazardly tilted — thus making it evident that his mind was elsewhere despite his physical body remaining here, but where his mind was would be a question that goes unanswered if he were ever to be asked — after all, he made it a point in his life to never answer personal questions asked of him. His left hand is slow to rise to his face, moving in a fashion that appeared to be him wiping away sweat, but instead he merely ended up smudging a splatter of blood onto his cheek just below his eye.
☣ — It had been some time since he'd traveled from the Tyr Empire all the way to the Black Rose, LEAVING BEHIND EVERYTHING THAT HE ONCE KNEW AS HIS HOME (OR RATHER IT HAD NEVER BEEN HIS HOME TO BEGIN WITH, perhaps he had only stayed because he had no where else to go) — it wasn't like Randolph would listen to a single thing he had to say after all, instead he encouraged the raven to "behave like the good little heir" he was supposed to be — thus why he had decided to take matters into his own hands. He had grown tired of doing his grandfather's bidding after all, but alas, things weren't much different for him now. He was still using his skills to do another's bidding, but at least this time he could do so with full conviction, especially since he had grown a rather deep soft spoke for one of the leaders of the Black Rose. Though he's pulled from his thoughts the moment he hears someone approaching him from behind. Normally he would turn with the instinct to fight, to protect himself, but this time he did no such thing. Instead he simply allowed the other to draw closer until delicate fingertips gently pulled the back half of his mask down, followed by the sudden sensation of teeth piercing into the soft flesh on the back of his neck, earning a slight grunt to escape from pressed lips hidden behind black fabric, irises moving ever so slowly to the side in attempt to look at the culprit.
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☣ — CRYSTAL SLEVANT, leader of the Spring Layer of the Black Rose. The very woman that struck fear into the hearts of many with a simple usher of her name, much like his grandfather. There's silence between the two for what seems like a few moments, almost as if he had to drop the act of a mass murdered and get back into the character of a love-struck fool, "I wasn't expecting you to check on me during my task... let alone bestow such a reward unbefitting of me," that much is evident given how his voice still had yet to shift from it's low tone to a much softer one. "As you can see, I have taken care of the spies just as you have ordered. If you so wish it, I am more than ready to take on another task for you, my queen." With that, he takes a small step forward and away from the female, finally turning around to face her before kneeling down, gaze lowered towards blood soaked boots. Yet despite all his grandstanding, he could seem to hide the slight shade of color that had spread to the tips of his ears.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Stone Egg theories + Luzhen
All are asks are connected to this post made about: what if Stone Monkeys could naturally reproduce asexually via converting their body into a new Stone Egg?
All images have transcripts btw.
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1: Possibly. Wukong has a *lot* of immortalities. But accidentally creating a Stone Egg asexually takes a lot out of him physically and spirtually. His soul gets a permanent hit to it. The whole point of the Stone Egg is for either a monkey with a large familial group to produce an heir without a mate, or the last of a troop to fling a piece of hope into the future. Most don't survive, but some do. It helps to have a lot of magically talented friends/family around to stabilize your body once the egg-creating process has begun so you can heal. Though I bet most single monkeys prefered adoption if at all necessary - accidentally giving the Stone Monkey kind a hyper-active parental instinct towards non-related infants of similar species.
He probably gets cravings for a lot of rocks, metal and bones in the process.
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2 & 3: (@soniclozdplove) Guanyin realised that she gotta put her stone monkey on birth control if they were gonna keep him underground. Her brain jumped to "He's made of rock right? rock spirits eat metal... right?? Crap, it's the only thing down here." and cue molten copper and iron pellets for dinner. The question is; was it even that painful for Wukong? Man takes out his organs a bunch of times and bathes in hot oil in Jttw without complaint. Odds are in the moment it felt like the worlds worse heartburn/spicy food burn since he really is made of earth materials. XD
He probably felt super grateful once he realized why Guanyin was feeding him molten metal. He didn't want kids in that circumstance either!
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4: A furiously confused pregnant Wukong! He immediately starts yelling at Gold Star for answers, and has to be talked down from trottling the Buddha himself for this. Tripitaka is panicking, he's never been around a pregnant person before!
Wukong doesn't even need the circlet in this verse. Guanyin just gives him false labor contractions and he's behaving immediately. He probably has to lug the egg in his body around for some extra time, maybe even until the Journey is over depending on how funny the Buddha or Bixia Yuanjun (goddess of childbirth) is feeling.
Macaque sees Wukong pregnant this way and is confused, dismayed, and yelling "Who's the father!?" at every Pilgrim. It takes him a while to understand that the Stone Egg happened cus of SWK being essentially slow-cooked underground for 500 years. Even if Macaque plays nice with the Pilgrims afterwards, he's still glaring at anyone who comes near Wukong and "their" egg.
Wukong endears himself to many people simply because he's with child. Probably gets an extra godly nickname (something like "Meihou-Wangmu" a pun on his Handsome Monkey King title + Queen/King Mother) refering to him as a fertility figure - women seeking luck with having/not having children approach Wukong asking for his blessing, and odds are it works because of who his creator is. XD
But he also attracts unique threats that the pilgrims have to personally destroy to protect him - Krasues and Manananggals anyone?
The second the Journey is over, Wukong kneels over and with an literal earth-shattering scream out *pops!* a little Stone Egg. All happy and cracking open minutes later. His and Macaque's first born isn't told the details of their creation for a long time.
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5 & 6: Gold Star gives Shadowpeach the Stone Monkey version of The Talk and warns them never to get buried alive unless they're 100% sure about it. Macaque and Wukong are terrifed into not having kids until Guanyin let sit slip that the "regular way" should work too.
In "The Monkey King and the Infant" au; Gold Star was a little more than shocked to hear about MK/Xiaotian's creation XD
Macaque is sadly unlikely to ever carry a "clone egg" to term or survive the full process. His body is a lot smaller/weaker than Wukong's and he was deprived of a lot of nutrients as a newborn (stuck on the moon = very few vitamins). So if he ever got triggered into parthenogenesis, his body would likely just refuse to create an egg. No gas in the tank.
Baby Luzhen is born from SWK, and he immediately takes out the roof/part of the Jade Palace with eye lazers. Giggling, he fails to notice the looks of horror on his family's faces.
Pigsy shoudl be just used to this nonsense by now. In the TMKATI Au; MK was a rogue comet Harbringer baby, the twins were freebies from Diyu, Yuebei was the reincarnation of one of their greatest enemies, the twin boys are likely reincarnated lunar node deities, and ofc now Luzhen decides to spawn in like a chicken egg.
I love the idea of Tang hearing all these gory details like;
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Tang: "This is like finding a living dinosaur egg or a thylacine! Imagine if any of your children married a regular monkey demon- it could completely bring back your species!"
Wukong + all Three Realms shudder at the thought - Wukong mostly because he aint never doing that again. Gold Star of Venus and Lao Tzu hum, intrigued at the thought.
Tang starts crying when he realises that single-parent Stone Monkeys would likely be born orphans. It's so sad! :'(
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6: Nah, Luzhen pops out all newborn baby. You see, being born fully-developed from a Stone Egg is a huge rarity; only occurring when the whole troop has died out and the egg is left on its own for thousands of years. If a Stone Monkey parent is "awoken" early enough (like within say 500-600 years) in the Egg's development and tended to quickly, their bodies stabilize into a long, but far less dangerous form of pregnancy. Its a safeguard for in case the pregnant survivor of an extinct group is found by a new troop, the parent survives and can live to possibly reproduce with the new unrelated group (higher chance of viable mates).
The only sacrifice being that the babies in these "soft-boiled" Stone Eggs are a lot weaker, premature even. The eggs themselves having a much higher chance of being empty or just absorbing straight back into the parent. Many who survived the process just sighed, it was the law of nature - why risk a possible baby for the parent when survival is preferred?
Luzhen is able to be born simply because Wukong has such a solid support system and healthcare available to him.
Ty for all these asks! I guess I should make a special "Stone Egg talk" tag for these ideas!
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mangledscrimp · 2 months
HAIII,, Here is Desmond for dy au :3,, I redid her ref sheet and I think it looks so much better than the original sprite edit! (comparison)
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As a bit of a warning;; There will be nonsexual nudity in the post going over scars from surgeries and wounds (not very graphic)
As usual, going to go through each bullet.
Desmond goes by He/She/They/Its. Everything pretty much goes for them. She’s genderfluid.
Desmond in this au is aroace. He still had that past partner like canon desmond does. But after she had disappeared, it helped him discover himself after being unable to be a suitable partner for anyone else due to stress and general complications with understanding people.
Desmond is still very much into art, but taxidermy is what she values higher than most. She thinks it’s a beautiful way to show the life an animal once lived or a creative way to express oneself through an animal.
•Airship or water ship?
Desmond in this au owns a mixture of both! She owns a cruise ship with an attached airship at the top (the Bostonius)! Making her able to leave the ship without having to turn the cruise around and an easier place to have the airship without having to put it into a hanger. Her crewmates often call her red or dessy, a fun little nickname!
Surprisingly, her glasses are only for show. She’s got no lenses in those red rims and are merely an accessory.
Desmond studied the arts of archeology and anthropology. He’s well versed in the two topics. Archeology is something that peaked his interest since it was a major thing in his childhood. Often times, his father would bring him to dig sites to see pottery from the past and how humans used to live. Unfortunately, his father was taken by a suspicious group of people, as well as his mother.
Anthropology also peaked Desmond’s interest as it went along with Archeology. Learning about how human being behaved throughout history over time is interesting to them.
This is more of a habit but, Desmond is also an interested hunter. While learning about different cultures and their practices, she learned more and more about different hunting strategies used by many cultures. These were inspirational, so it slowly became a hobby. Of course only in areas that allowed hunting. Nothing non-ethical for her!
I feel like…you guys will hater me for what I did to descole for the au ok…Don’t get mad at me pleaseeeee!! :< She’s kinda cringe but I DON’T CAREEE MWAHAHA I AM FREE I CAN DO WHATEVER I WISH!!
Cannibalism and Hunting mention uwaaa
remember shit gets diabolical in this au, so don’t be surprised when the main villain is a cringe scary character that goes EEEVIL!!
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ok yah this is..this is descole in this au.
Again, gonna do what I gotta do. A lot of what’s in here is related to lore stuff that some people may have or have not read..sooo tralala
This ref is general and not affected by gameplot!
•Similarities and differences
Desmond and Descole act VERY differently. Desmond is simply just an act for the public eye.
Also, not called “Jean Descole” in this au. She’d probably find it rather ugly to be called “Jean” and thinks that name is stupid. Her canon counterpart would definitely hate her.
Desmond and Descole both share the same pronouns, that part does not change. Same with their sexuality.
Desmond is more open and tries her best to communicate with people, while Descole acts more cold and serious. Descole also gets agitated more easily compared to Desmond.
•Outfit and design.
Descole’s outfit is made to hunt. It’s hunting gear. She has white hunting gloves and a purple hunting jacket.
The boa and cravat is for style, might as well look good when you’re hunting. (Not..very affective..but don’t tell her that..)
The cape is also for style but it’s also used to hide her belt and anything else she has concealed in her pockets. The pattern of the cape isn’t very consistent but it has the overall pattern of a leopard with a soft texture. Often times her chihuahua, treats, enjoys to lay in it. (Treats is the Keats dupe for this au! hehe). Can ditch the cape when she needs to run after prey and it’s slowing her down.
Her boots are lightweight so she can easily run after her prey if needed.
her hat is funny, that’s why I did it lols. She can’t own a cat, or else it would knock it off all the time haha!
Under everything, it’s just a plain cream shirt with her hunting pants.
The shadow is a design choice that I like hehe, it allows her to blend in with the darkness since she mostly hunts at night. Also makes her mysterious hehehe lalalal! Desmond can also have this shadow to show the cover being blown.
Mask to conceal her identity.
Wig is not connected to the hat, if she wants to take it off, she’ll take it off from the front, similarly to how the masked gentleman takes off the costume for the big reveal.
Descole carries a belt on her waist that holds her smaller tools. For example, her cautery tool she stole from her adopted father (Raymond). Carrying it around incase she needs it for prey. (Of course, it’s only been used on one creature she’s hunted.)
Another weapon in her arsenal would be her handgun. It’s used near the ending of Randall’s game. She has larger ones but she carries a small one for quick trips and not for longer hunts.
Lastly, she owns a net guns. Made by herself. The case is a deep dark purple with a red “D” to label it as her own. It has foam to protect each netgun head and handle. The yellow button on the handle is to release her white web onto her prey. She mostly uses her net guns instead of killing what’s she’s hunting right away.
• Diet.
She’s a hunter that eats her prey. if her prey so happens to be Human, she won’t find a problem using every piece that she can.
With her normal hunting, she often uses every part of the animal. For example, if she were to hunt a deer, she’d use every piece.
Though, she has yet to eat a human being. She had plans to feast on a red headed woman after her plans had failed since she had no more use for her, but that sadly didn’t go through. Once you aren’t needed anymore in her eyes, she’ll find a way to satisfy her hunger.
Under the cut there is nudity!! NOT SEXUAL! Just to show Des’s body.
Warn for scarring and nonsexual nudity!! uwaa
This is how Des looks underneath everything!
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•Under Both
During the Randall game, Des gets shot in her shoulder, leaving a scar after raymond tried to tend to its wound.
Des had gotten breast reduction surgery by raymond. Raymond has surgical experience, he’s a retired surgeon who decided to work in an orphanage where he met Des and her future crew.
Raymond is like a father to des and was happy to make her feel more confident in himself.
The wound on their right hand was caused by desperate measures going through the labyrinth in Randall’s game. She carved a pathway onto her hand so she wouldn’t get lost.
He’s got a symmetry line down its chest. Idk, just a neat body detail I wanted to add because I think it’s nice! hehe
• Under Descole
She wears a binder under her descole outfit to appear more flat chested. She doesn’t mind her breasts but she’d rather wear that when she’s hunting that a bra. Feels more contained.
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Hi! If it isn't much of a bother...could you share some Mettah HCs? <3
I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this! The short answer is... I'm really bad at open ended questions ahah and the things I say don't always feel like they're ?? satisfying to someone who asked a question?? But I've put this off long enough, so I'm just gonna go off the top of my head:
Mettah's childhood nickname(s) from Hegemol were often food related, including but not limited to: Honeydrop (which his also his surname, so she was Honeydrop Honeydrop for a time), Nectar, Honeydew, and his favorite was a mix of these words to call her his little dollop of ____. Most of these names focused on her orange color.
Lurien, on the other hand, stuck for calling her his sunshine. Both because she was orange, and because she is the light of his life.
Mettah is just barely taller than Lurien, and she lauds that single inch over him like a throne.
Mettah is not a fighter, and doesn't take up true combat training from either of her fathers, but she does learn self defense.
Her weapon of choice is a crossbow, when she has to use it.
Mettah is well-versed in the arts by Lurien, and is a painter almost as skilled as he is. However, she eventually grows into her own style of outsider-esque art, and moves toward making art with a message or purpose.
Mettah puts her art skills to use to paint and graffiti pro-union propaganda for the menderbugs as the kingdom starts back up, and becomes a big advocate for worker's rights.
Lurien offers the side of the spire for her various murals, and he cannot be more proud.
Mettah loves the city just as much as her fathers do and did, and follow in their footsteps to take care of it in her own way.
Mettah is a disaster sapphic who is down bad for anyone who is niceys to her tbh and also anyone who is gruff and stoic. and also anyone inbetween.
Mettah loves her favorite (family friend) uncle, @grollow's Grimm, and definitely doesn't have the eyes for his daughter. Don't worry about it.
"Your head looks like a pastry!" Is the very first thing she ever said to Grimm once she could speak. She's been holding that in since she was a water-bound nymph.
Originally, Mettah was not going to be biologically Hegemol's. My Lurien is trans and has the facilities to carry an egg, and thus, Hegemol was worried for Lurien's health if he were to be the sire, just given their size difference. However, I settled on the fact that she would be both of theirs, as the two of them could seek out assistance from the White Lady in peering into Lurien's clutch in the early stages and culling all but the one that would be best for his health to carry. They did not specify any traits except for Lurien's and the egg's health. (Lurien wouldn't have been able to safely carry more than one egg at a time anyway so a cull would have happened no matter what)
I decided that she was Hegemol's after I drew all these images, so I think I'm going to give her two little horn nubs like her beetle father to match this :) But a mostly-damselfly egg would have also been the safest for Lurien to carry, hence why she looks so much more like him than Hegemol.
They don't know where she got her orange. Recessive gene magic babey. She is for sure theirs though.
Mettah loves arson. Like, a lot.
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luminousnotmatter · 2 years
Best Laid Plans
a heart day j. h. s. & birdy something
like real people do ‘verse
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pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x female OC, her nickname is Birdy. ☺️ She’s the same Birdy from this little thing I wrote back in the fall.
warnings: PG-13 swearings. It’s not hurt/comfort in the physical injury sense, but rather in the mental-emotional sense, and even that is just sorta kinda. Other than that….It’s stupidly soft and sweet?? I think that about covers it???
word count: 1,400ish or thereabouts.
summary: Jake has a sweet and adorable Valentine’s Day date night in mind for he and Birdy. But you know what they say about the best laid plans…
author’s note: I actually wrote this last night, originally for the eyes of a precious friend only….but then it sat lurking in my brain all day today, and I’m most pleased with and proud of it and maybe it’ll bring somebody else a little joy too so….here it is. 🥹🫣💞 It takes place in the same ‘universe’ (which I have dubbed Like Real People Do because it’s my favorite Hozier song and also it because said song feels so perfectly right for them.🥹🥰) as the above-mentioned thing I wrote this past fall, only it’s later on down the line for Jake and Birdy. They’ve done the Best Friends To Lovers Upgrade™️ by now. 😉🤭♥️ It is absolutely my intention to write out their story from the beginning, and I have so much of that story already simmering on the stovetop of my brain it’s silly no seriously please somebody anybody can you come and ask me about it sometime and it would make my whole life to yell happily about it with you but until such time as I have more details plotted out and am actually inspired to actually write it from the beginning: I’m gonna just take what inspiration I get and write these two adorables from wherever on their timeline I feel I wanna in the moment.
bonus material: This song is where the lyrics quoted in the mood board come from, and it’s one I’ve loved for a long time. 💞 It’s also on my in-progress playlist for Jay and Birdy. 🥰
tagging: My Katherine @whisperofsong (it’s her with whom initially shared this last night ☺️) and My Bee @bradshawsbaby and My Sunshine @hangmanbrainrot because….because! 😍🥰♥️♥️‼️ Because I wanna!!! And also because they are unspeakably dear friends to me, who always, always, a l w a y s have the most kind and encouraging words and love and support for my silly wordsmithery. 🥹😘♥️♥️♥️
Birdy isn’t somebody who needs or desires big, over-extravagant romantic gestures. She’s a gentle, easygoing, sweet, and introverted soul. Her favorite place to be is with Jake, she loves him and time spent in his company is the most she asks, on Valentine’s Day or any day.
Jake understands that. Once upon a time, his ego may have told him it was necessary to do it up big for the woman (if any) he was with on Heart Day, to show up and show off and pull out as many stops as possible because how else was that woman going to know what he’s capable of if he wasn’t advertising the biggest and best possible version of himself at all times. And once upon a time, at that phase in his life, he would’ve believed his ego. But now, he knows better. He’s matured and he’s grown and he’s learned, and Birdy, their friendship and their love has been much of the impetus behind this learning and growth and maturation.
So, come their first Valentine’s Day together, he’s got his sweet little plans and not to shine his own shoes, but he’s pretty damn confident that they’re going to be just what’ll make her happiest. Her favorite tiny, old, hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant miraculously does UberEats, so that’ll be dinner taken care of. He’s going to stop by a florist on his way to her house and pick up a bouquet of white and yellow daisies because he knows there’s no flower she loves more. They’ll eat together and talk, he’ll hold her close and his fingers entwined with hers and kiss her sweet mouth and get to hear her laugh (which is up there near the top on the list of Jake Seresin’s Favorite Sounds, among other notables such as the roar of F/A-18 engines and kickoff at a UT Austin football game) and it’ll be a good night. She’ll be happy and he’ll be happy.
But the US Navy? The US Navy has different plans entirely. Unexpected, surprise plans that brutally and efficiently, through one thing happening, then another, and another, and you guessed it: still more things happening, ruin Jake’s plans for his Valentine’s night with Birdy. Leaves him trudging through her front door abysmally late in the evening, pissed off, exhausted, still clad in his flight suit, and smelling of jet fuel, sweat, and hot, dirty tarmac.
He’s not happy. Today was NOT meant to go this way.
Nonetheless, there’s his lady to greet him; rising to stand from her beloved oversized leather armchair in the living room while he bends to untie and toe off his boots by the welcome mat. Baloo is curled up on his bed next to her chair but he lifts his dark head and thumps his tail a few times, excited and pleased to see Jake.
“Stay, Loo.” Birdy murmurs to the dog and he obeys. Albeit with a soft whine of protest. “I know you wanna, but you can say hi in a second. I get to first.” Jake grins the tiniest grin to himself.
The Navyman straightens fully and the anxious and angry tightness in his chest eases a bit because his best friend in the world is looking at him, seeing him, and her eyes are soft and sparkling and safe and *home*.
“Hey, Flyboy.” her voice is a warm hum.
Jake reaches out for her and she doesn’t resist the way he hauls them together so their chests touch and his arms cage her in. He sighs deeply, in and out. “Hi, Little Bird.”
“How was your day?”
“Kinda shit.”
Birdy reaches up to take Jake’s cheeks in her hands, thumbs sweeping his cheek bones. Her brow is scrunched up, a sympathetic frown playing with her lips. “Yeah?”
He sighs again. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry. Welcome home. I love you.”
Each of the woman’s statements are punctuated, emphasized, by a gentle kiss pressed to a different part of his face; right cheek, left cheek, then finally his mouth.
In tasting her lips, honeyed and soft, the pilot lets his shoulders start to release some of their tension. Neither of them hurry the moment, neither of them want to.
When he must break away for air, Jake rests his forehead to Birdy’s at first. “I love you.”
Those three words feel so right to say to her. They always have, even when it scared the hell out of him to say them. It doesn’t now though.
“Okay, Loo Buddy, you can come and say hi now.” Birdy’s twisting in his arms slightly to call the big black lab over to where they stand. Baloo needs no second invitation. He rises immediately and is by their side in seconds, whole body wriggling with happiness. Jake bends to give him plenty of pets and murmured verbal affection, while keeping one hand gripping Birdy’s hip loosely.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” she tells him, leaning close and kissing the only part of him her mouth can reasonably reach, his shoulder.
When he straightens once more, Jake’s gaze catches on two things on the kitchen table, over the woman in front of him. A paper bag with the UberEats logo on the front, and a bouquet of white and yellow daisies.
His heart sinks.
His face must fall too because Birdy’s sweet smile falters. “What?”
Jake jerks his chin in the direction of the table.
“That’s dinner. From Morelli’s.” she explains.
Of course she ordered that. He’d smirk in satisfaction at how well he knows her but the bitterness of disappointment in himself tastes too strong on his tongue.
“The flowers?”
Birdy grins. “My Daddy sent ‘em.”
She thinks her father’s gesture is cute and funny and sweet but Jake just nods. His green eyes drop from hers. She misses them instantly.
“Hey…Jay…” she squeezes his arms and ducks her head to try and meet his eyeline as it wanders. “What’s up?”
Jake closes his eyes. It’s not like he’s going to cry, hell no, but they still burn a little. He’s just wore out and pissed at his day and he hates that he couldn’t be the one to show Birdy he loves her with dinner and flowers.
“I…” he swallows and makes himself look in her eyes, grasping for that peaceful home feeling of them again. “I was gonna get’ya dinner. And flowers. That’s…that’s *my* job.”
“Your job?” she blinks at him.
He nods in affirmation. “It’s Valentine’s Day, y’know?” He shrugs.
Birdy’s expression melts into one of impossible tenderness, but there’s a steely seriousness lurking underneath. “Jake,” she breathes out. “Look at me, please?” He’d been studying some loose threads in the collar of her shirt, now he obeys her request. “You did your job already. You worked, hard, all day. You flew planes and kicked ass, damn, I mean, you had shit thrown at you that I can’t possibly imagine being able to handle, let alone, y’know, actually handling it. And now,” she cups his cheeks in her hands once again, “here you are, with me. How can I ask for more? Today or any day?” She drops her hands to his shoulders, squeezing them lightly. “You’re enough.” She’s smiling, her beautiful eyes bright and gaze unwavering, but the wrinkle between her brows betrays the depth of the feeling behind her words.
That tightness in his chest Jake had registered earlier, it’s no longer that of frustration or nerves fried to their last ending. Now that taut ache is one of overwhelming fondness, love and gratitude felt for the woman in his arms, on a level unmatched before he met and fell for her.
His wide, warm palms now lift to cradle her face and he moves in to capture her mouth with his own. The kiss is slow, gentle. Words, emotions from the depths of Jake’s heart are poured into it, unspoken, and he relishes being able to trust that she’s hearing them, understanding them.
Even so, Birdy deserves thing spoken out too. “Thank you, Darlin’.” His warm breath sweeps across the skin of her forehead, once they’ve broken apart, as the words leave his throat. Quiet, low, and ever-so-slightly husky.
She leaves one open-mouth kiss on his jaw, gooseflesh rolling over him in its wake. “Always, Seresin. Always.”
Jake Seresin knows that saying about the best laid plans of mice and men, and he’s not about to deny that his day today was a prime example of the truth of that saying….but 12 minutes later, when he and Birdy are seated at the table, eating and talking, and some stupid silly thing he says makes her laugh; eyes squeezing shut and her head thrown back…when that glorious, one-of-his-most-favorite-of-all-sounds rings out…….his plans never mattered much anyway. This does though. She does. With her: Happy Valentine’s Day is damn straight
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dogboy-flash · 2 years
are you a "the boss hit us with a curse to only speak in song are you fucking kidding me i hope it dont last long maybe this thing can stop it dude flick that is a bong the boss has gone petrified ive seen this all before hes trapped in his own mind cant control curses no more youll have to go inside its just like challenge four god what is this now i have a big plow were getting hit with a curse storm i am the magical banana now i am just an ornana yes im back to my fursona am i that dumb bitch from persona how many times have we killed dogma guys im being pulled into the sun augh i think the storms over for now flick you gotta do something sure when i went into runes mind i used this here shrink ray it worked wonders last time so ill use it here today i just grew up thrice my size much to my dismay radmar surely you have a device to help with this i did but it got sucked up by that pc vortex biz maybe one of his curses will get us out of this i must naenae made you birthday cake its not his birthday thanks rdj i am yassified what a motherfucker gotta do for a high five hey guys my name is mindy xd still sunbound and its getting windy dodging all of these explosions your next curse is to be a fusion and just like that i found a way inside of runesters brain when youre fused together your thoughts are all the same so ive won this challenge and im farther in the game" kinda person or a "storage is back the timewarping crate youre the host with the most but you cant get a date so desperate for love you asked everyone out and then got it with somebody that you once hated youre rune but you never spit no ciphers goes to show youre nothing but a shit no lifer when people smoke weed you narc and call the cops youre tempos more jank than my fucking hitbox youre a dumbass and you suck so much i am good at gaming i love league of legends youre the worst competitor ive ever seen maybe you should go and join the dream smp i can rap even faster than a car ill end you six times call that a twelve bar got eliminated once theres no one deader html5 javascript header hold on before i start my verse i just wanna give a quick shoutout to my main mom momino mominos just a nickname her full name is mammacita g ino shes from philly she lives at 9 chickweed lane postal code g4f 9jo house is painted on blue on the outside you cant miss it love you mom alright time to start my verse were domino and were awesome turn up the mic im on the attack i got the gold medals that these bitches lack so if you wanna step in my bullion vaults youre gonna be hit with a billion volts im obelisk and im here to say i first appeared in challenge 8 i am one of runes siblings i do declare i am tall and made of stone so there extending the battle to new heights fermata how do i do it its simple i gotta marker whos the best rapper weve shown fermata makes the best rap battles owned its me firey sr i forget my line sorry rune i heard you rap faster than cars shitting on the mic i call that chocolate bars its about drive its about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take whats ours dig up diamonds and craft those diamonds and make some armor get it baby go and forge that like you so mlg pro the swords made of diamonds so come at me bro huh training in your room under the torchlight hone that form to get you ready for the big fight" kinda person... be honest
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(@queen--kenobi) Hi yes you're on my OC creator bingo sheet!
How does Vince's pressure manipulation work? Is he able to use it to influence other things that are pressure based, like weather events? Or does he use it more in the physics sense of applying force to something?
Has Vanessa ever caught someone close to her lying to her about something important? What was her reaction? Did she expect it given her glass half-empty nature or did it make her trust issues worse?
Does Fauna have a favorite animal? Do certain animals like her over others? (Also, for funsies, what does she think of movies like Dr. Dolittle?)
Has Casey ever come to close to having to sacrifice himself? Does him being a kind man with a huge heart help him when it comes to being a superhero, or does it hurt him more often than not?
What's the worst thing Bridget has seen? Does she ever wish she never was given healing powers based on what she's seen and dealt with?
Tell me the story of how Elizabeth accidentally hurt one of her siblings. Do you think that repressing her powers makes them stronger since it's associated with more emotional turmoil?
Does this version of Grace still have to deal with Reginald? If so, tell me about their relationship
Does Poppy sometimes regret not joining her siblings with crime fighting? Or is she happy with the choice she made? Also, what kind of lab work does she do?
Does Sonya enjoy holidays like Halloween? Or does she not like those type of days given her powers? Did she ever use her powers to scare others when she was a kid?
Great questions, thank you!!
Vincent's powers work in the literal sense, applying pressure physically
Yes, and that event is the main reason behind Vanessa's trust issues. I can't get into too much detail because it'll be part of the fic itself, sorry!
If Fauna had to pick a favorite animal, like, gun to her head, it'd be her pet bearded dragon, Smaug. She loves Dr. Doolittle and her siblings actually call her that as a cute little nickname
Oh, Casey absolutely has come close to sacrificing himself. His big heart both helps and hurts in his superhero work, if that makes sense? I haven't seen Across the Spider-Verse (yet) sadly, but he'd have a similar "I can save everyone if I just try hard enough" mentality Miles has
I can't get too into detail about said incident because of fic spoilers but Bridget definitely hates her powers some days. She tries to hide it with dark humor but her loved ones know the truth. Part of the reason she became a doctor is because she wanted to help people without using her powers
Another one I can't get too much into because of spoilers, I'm so sorry!
Yes, she does. He'll send letters and show up like "hey what if we joined forces haha jk unless" and every time, Grace doesn't hesitate to say no in the most hardcore way she can. Reginald sends letters? She burns them and sends him the ashes back. He shows up at her door? Oh, Reggie, buddy, she's Texan, she's gonna put a shotgun right in your face
Every so often, Poppy wonders what it'd be like if she joined her siblings in crime fighting. She's happy with what she chose, don't get me wrong, but she wonders "what if" quite a bit. Her lab work is mostly coming up with tech and gadgets!
Sonya loves Halloween, it's her favorite! She feels right at home. As far as the second question, not only did she do that as a kid, but she still does it as an adult, too.
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
repost, don’t reblog
tagging: no one bc this is long as hell HOWEVER IF YOU WANT TO PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA SEEEEEE
nabbed from @manaborn
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basics !
FULL NAME. lee joseph scoresby
NICKNAME. mr. scoresby?
GENDER. cis male
HEIGHT. 6’0”
AGE. 35
ZODIAC. virgo
LANGUAGES. english, spanish, and more that pullman didn’t specify but enough that he had to go through a list of the ones he knew to communicate with a shaman
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR. black with a few stray greys here and there
EYE COLOR. deep brown
BODY TYPE. on the slimmer side of the dad bod spectrum. 
ACCENT. texan
VOICE. i’m bad at describing voices so i’m just gonna say its l.in manuel miranda
DOMINANT HAND. ambidextrous with a preference for his left
POSTURE. straight and confident
SCARS. main verse has three bullet wounds on his chest, one on his ankle, and one on the left side of his head
TATTOOS. has a sleeve on his right arm that features a design that resembles his mother’s turquoise ring, a hare that looks like hester, and a compass
BIRTHMARKS. a few moles and freckles on his face
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH. the country of texas (pullman gave no further elaboration)
HOMETOWN. not mentioned
BIRTH WEIGHT. he doesn’t know, but he was born a few weeks early
BIRTH HEIGHT. same as above
SIBLINGS. only child
PARENTS. cody and sophie scoresby
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT. his mother did her best to raise him, but his father was a violent drunk who abused the both of them regularly. he learned his kindness from his mother, and his roughness from his father. he idolized sophie growing up, but now that he’s an adult in charge of a child of his own, he’s gotten to feel a little bitter about her parenting, too.
adult life !
OCCUPATION. aeronaut and hired hand
CLOSE FRIENDS. i.orek b.yrnison, l.yra s.ilvertongue, s.erafina p.ekkala, hester
FINANCIAL STATUS. chronically broke with more debt than what he knows to do with
DRIVER’S LICENSE. probably not.
CRIMINAL RECORD. is it under his true name? no. does it exist? yes. 
VICES. cigars, cigarettes, the occasional bottle of vodka
sex and romance !
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch
LIBIDO. average
TURN ON’S. intelligence, kindness, brunettes, a certain amount of chaos
TURN OFF’S. cruelty, materialism, self centeredness
LOVE LANGUAGE. touch and words of affirmation
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. tends to get protective and a little jealous, but holds back to avoid being like his father. a lot of his negative traits in relationships tend to be from just trying not to end up like his father, which can be good (understanding, honesty, willingness to communicate), and bad (passiveness, rose colored glasses, and a tendency to run away from a relationship if an argument gets a little rougher than what he’s comfortable with.) he’s also married to the sky, which has left plenty of relationships grounded.
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. never let me down again by depeche mode
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. singing and making up songs on the spot with hester
MENTAL ILLNESSES. ptsd, anxiety
PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. after the shootout at cittagazze, lee has lasting pain in his chest and ankle, as well as chronic migraines from being shot in the side of the head
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. right brained
FEARS. cliff ghasts, ghosts, killing, people with rattlesnake daemons
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. lee is one cocky son of a bitch. even in verses that don’t use lin’s lee, he’s fairly sure of himself purely because of age an experience
VULNERABILITIES. his loyalty and dedication to people can be exploited very easily and has almost (or flat out has) gotten his killed several times
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Unthinkable (I'm Ready Remix)
Alicia Keys ft. Drake (May 28, 2010)
Does this song really need an introduction? By now, even the most casual Drake and Nicki fan knows why this song means so much to the both of them. In his early years at Young Money, Drake began writing for other artists and writing with other artists like the famous r&b singer Alicia Keys. This passionate, emotional, romantic ballad is based off of the theme of forbidden love. The song is about the desire to venture out into the unknown and to try something new. While Drake co-wrote this song with Alicia, he authored the majority of the lyrics himself citing his inspiration being his labelmate Nicki Minaj, and Swizz Beats newfound relationship with Alicia Keys. In an article published by MTV from his interview with BET Drake recounts, "It is [about Minaj], I'm not gonna lie," Drake said. "The concept came from a conversation that we had, or conversations we have. I wrote it based off two things: Number one, based off that, and then two, based off Alicia and Swizz and their situation, and it just seemed fitting. It was like the perfect concept." Something important to remember is that Drake wasn't joking; he was being 100% serious. But at the time, reporters sort of laughed off any notion that Drake had serious feelings for Nicki. They were both coming up through Young Money with the guidance of Lil Wayne and people thought that it was just for publicity. Even Nicki herself didn't believe that Drake truly loved her "in that way" because it was all so new to her. Back then, Nicki was with her then longtime boyfriend Safaree Samuels and with all of the turbulence happening within their relationship, Nicki didn't really have time to sit and really soak in what it would mean for a guy like Drake to truly love her. His nickname back then was "Heartbreak Drake", he was known for turning girls on with his lyrics, partying, and he was becoming a bigger player with the lady's day by day as his fame grew. If you're Nicki in this situation, having only known this guy for almost two years at this point — would you take Drake's declaration of love seriously? It's honestly a lot to take in. But it's real. All of it is real.
Because Drake was on the remixed version of Unthinkable, I decided to breakdown this version instead of the original. In verse one Drake opens with, "Ugh, Tez keeps tellin' me he just turned 30/Havin' dreams of bein' single forever, he's gettin' worried/And I'm scared too, 'cause I'm in the same boat." This lyric alone is kind of insane when you think about all of the foreshadowing this would later have over his love life. Drake raps some more and says, "I need you to rescue me from my destiny." This word destiny is massively significant in understanding the way Drake feels about Nicki. You can call it love at first sight, but Drake believes that Nicki is his destiny; seriously. So, hearing him rap about it in Unthinkable as a thing Nicki needs to pull him away from is very insightful on how doubtful he was at the time of ever settling down. Let me emphasize; Drake was (and still is to a degree) a massive player. He thought that his destiny was to be alone forever, and he wants Nicki to save him from that. At the end of his first verse he solemnly says, "Or we can roll around the city 'til you finally decide/I've got more than a thing for you, tattoo and an ink for you/Right over my heart, girl, I'll do the unthinkable." Drake right here is speaking on patience. Having to be patient, and willingly allowing the woman he desires all the time in the world until she's ready to open up to him in the way he desires. This feeling of longing and waiting until this woman (Nicki) is ready, is going to permeate the majority of his future love songs from here on out. That word "patience" becomes one of the many calling cards in future Drake songs when he's speaking on Nicki. Remember that.
In the second verse Alicia sings, "Moment of honesty/Someone's gotta take the lead tonight." This lyric is about trust and the desire to foster trust between two parties. This "moment of honesty" is like being put on the spot. You have two people in a room that are scared to move towards each other because they're afraid of the unknown (the unthinkable in this case). As much as this can be relatable for Drake, interestingly enough, one of the reasons why I feel like Nicki loved this song so much before Drake told her that he wrote it about her was because Nicki felt a bit scared of her own feelings. She saw Drake as a brother figure in the beginning but eventually....things changed. And things didn't just change overnight, these feelings that had been bubbling within her for Aubrey were being suppressed. She didn't want to take the lead, couldn't take the lead because she didn't understand the depth of Drake's feelings and because she was dating Safaree. So, if Nicki wasn't going to take that step, then Drake would.
In the pre-chorus Alicia sings as Drake echoes, "You give me a feelin' that I've never felt before," and then they end it with, "It's becoming somethin' that's impossible to ignore/And I can't take it." This of course speaks to Drake's rapidly growing crush and obsession with Nicki. I use the word obsession intentionally. His feelings are even becoming too intense for him to manage by himself. He's thinking about her more, fantasizing about her more. But even though he can't have her, he can't deny his feelings. Quick visual proof of this would literally be any video of Nicki and Drake performing together; they just can't keep their hands off of each other (Drake especially).
At the end of the last pre-chorus Alicia and Drake both sing, "It's becoming somethin' that's impossible to ignore/It is what we make it." This is Drake once again putting the decision at Nicki's feet. He doesn't want to rush her or push her, but he's letting her know that they could have something magical if she'd like to take that chance. As Drake would say in many songs going forward, "it's your world."
I honestly love this song so much and the history behind it just makes it ten times more special to me. In the same vein that English teachers are required to have their students' read literature by Shakespeare and other great writers, I feel like Unthinkable should be required listening for every dricki shipper. It's so important because Unthinkable is really the foundation for understanding the way Drake hints and talks about Nicki in his future songs.
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
So, here’s an idea for a blurb, fic, or headcanon (up to you). So you know how Steve was like King Steve back in high school. Like what if he put that nickname to good use? Like his kids (the Party + his own six little nuggets) would be princes and princesses and then the reader would be his Queen. How would the Party react to that? I kinda wanted this to be set in the singlemom!verse but it can be a separate one if you like.
Oh this just gave me an idea for this! Okay so imagine that Steve makes it into a bedtime story for baby girl (I’m definitely setting this in the SingleTeenMom!verse by the way) and then the next time she sees the Party she starts calling them princes and princesses and they’re all like 🤨 at Steve lol also since this is probably gonna end up pretty lengthy, I’m making it into its own fic as well!
I have to use a King Steve gif for this just for the sake of it, but this actually takes place with season 4 cinnamon roll Steve, of course.
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King Steve, His Queen & All His Princes and Princesses
“Daddy, tell me stowy?”
Steve smiled at the way the baby talk still punctuated some of the toddler’s words. He peeked over at you, seeing if it was okay with you.
Usually, you and Steve took turns reading your daughter bedtime stories, but she absolutely loved ones that Steve would make up—sometimes they would be crazier than the last. You suspected that she just enjoyed the time with her daddy, not that you could blame her. Steve in general radiated comfort, love and pure safety.
“Fine with me, I gotta put another load of laundry in, so I’ll leave you two to it.”
You kissed your baby on the cheek, telling her goodnight and you love her.
“Night mommy, love you,” she grinned up at you as Steve scooped her up into his lap, sitting on her bed with her.
You told yourself you were only going to listen from outside just for a moment, but ended up staying longer. With a peek backwards as you left her room, you saw him sitting against her headboard, her situated comfortably in his lap.
“You ready for your bedtime story, kiddo?”
She nodded, turning to she could look up at him.
“Once upon a time, there lived a man, although he was called King Steve by many.”
“Dat you daddy,” she grinned, cause Steve to chuckle.
“Yes, it’s me munchkin. Now shh, okay? Or we won’t get to the good part before you fall asleep.”
“I no sweepy,” she protested, making it less convincing as she yawned at the end of her sentence.
“Mhm,” he said, brow cocked in an amused look down at her.
“Anyway,” he continued, “King Steve was the greatest in all the land. He was looked up to by many, known by all, even disliked by some. He had everything he could want. He was popular, ladies loved him and he thought he had a court of friends that were loyal to him. Little did he know, all of those things meant nothing and deep down, he wasn’t very happy.”
“King Steve had courted many ladies, trying to find something that he thought he was missing. He thought he’d found it when he met Lady Nancy Wheeler. King Steve fell hard for her, but when you’re a bad person like he had been, not everything goes your way. Most of the time, bad people don’t deserve good things. The old King Steve, despite being popular and the highest of all was very mean to some people. He even treated some ladies of the court in a less than polite way than he should’ve. It’s never good to be mean to other people, you know that sweetheart?”
She nodded.
“Yesh daddy. It not nice to be mean.”
“That’s my smart girl,” Steve smiled, kissing her head before continuing with his story.
“Lady Nancy was a girl that King Steve fell in love with instantly. Maybe it was because she wasn’t as easy for him to catch like most girls, although he eventually did. Unfortunately for him, he liked her a lot more than she did him. While King Steve had fallen in love with Lady Nancy, she didn’t feel the same, having fallen for another Lord.”
“Wha ‘bout mommy?”
“Patience, pumpkin. This is only the beginning of the story, okay?”
You smiled to yourself, out in the hallway. Toddlers were filled with questions, interruptions, it’s just what they did. But Steve handled her like a pro. He never lost his patience with her and you loved him for it.
“Sowwy,” she apologized, playing with the buttons on his polo.
“It’s okay,” he smiled, diving back into the story.
“So, King Steve didn’t know it at the time, in fact it wasn’t until years later that he really realized it, but Lady Nancy was actually a life lesson for him. She gave him a bump on the head that he needed. She had changed him even during that time they were together, but he didn’t realize just the impact on his life she would have. She actually set King Steve on a path that would change his life forever.”
You could see your daughter’s enraptured expression as she gazed up at Steve. You had to admit, you were pretty sucked into the story as well.
“King Steve ended up getting rid of the court of friends that were more like poison to him, keeping him from being the best King he could be. He stopped being so cruel, so mean. That wasn’t who he was to begin with, it was just a part he thought he had to play to stay on top. But like I said in the beginning of the story, King Steve hadn’t been happy for a long time. Deep down he had realized that being King for the sake of it, wasn’t as great of a thing he thought it to be. He wasn’t happy at this point per se, but he was on the road to it, he just didn’t know it at the moment.”
“He was heartbroken after Lady Nancy left him, still pining after her, but it wasn’t meant to be. It was only when his land had started fighting a dragon on the loose did he come across someone who really helped King Steve. Someone who became a friend and like a child of his own, even if they were close in age—Prince Dustin.”
“Pwince Duspin?”
You heard Steve’s loud laughter at her pronunciation. She still couldn’t say some words properly and the toddler version of Dustin’s name was pretty adorable.
“Yes, Prince Dustin.”
“He was a brave boy that went looking for this dragon. He needed some help though. That’s when King Steve’s paths crossed with him and it was probably one of the best things to happen for him. You know why?”
She shook her head, waiting for him to continue.
“Because Prince Dustin opened up a whole new world of friendship, love and happiness for King Steve. He had just set foot on that path the moment he agreed to help Prince Dustin.”
“Well, at that point, they didn’t manage to catch the dragon, but Prince Dustin introduced King Steve to his group of friends. Much to his dismay, King Steve usually ended up in situations over the next few years where he had to look after the group of children. What was at first a bit annoying of a responsibility trying to keep the wild children from harm, turned into true friendship and care for this group. King Steve would do anything to protect these children, even sacrifice himself to save them. Soon, it became a well known fact that they were his children and you better not mess with them or you’d be messing with King Steve.”
“Through many adventures, including the dragon, some evil assassins and a magical port—which that’s all for another story as this story would be too long—he formed a strong bond with the group and he truly started thinking of them as his kids as well. Thus, King Steve crowned them all as his princes and princesses. There was Prince Dustin of course, the Prince born with an usual condition of missing some bones, but that didn’t stop him from being the smartest and funniest child ever.”
“Then there was Prince Mike. He was the leader of the group, strong and willing to fight for his friends. He also fell in love with Princess El. Princess El was a special girl. She had magical powers that helped others. She was also brave and sweet, even if she was a bit innocent, but everyone loved her when they met her. Prince Will was a sensitive soul, but never in the way others meant. He had seen and experienced too much for a child of his young years so he was more quiet than the others. It took him a while to learn to be a child again, even if he was wise beyond his years. He was kind and a true friend to all around him.”
“There was also Princess Max. Her red hair was as fiery as her soul. She was a fighter, containing a strength and endurance that was amazing, even after all she’d been through in her hard life. She did have a soft spot for all her loved ones, especially for Prince Lucas, her beloved. Prince Lucas was the brains of the group. He was always one to take caution before acting, but his heart was as big as ever thanks to Princess Max. He was the most active of the group, enjoying sports more than the rest, but he never let that separate him too much from his friends.”
“Then, King Steve’s world truly turned upside down. Do you know why?”
“Why?” she questioned.
It was clear from her voice that she was so into the story that she was not going to sleep anytime soon. Not that you could blame her, you were equally as transfixed by the story. It felt like a real fairytale.
“King Steve met the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Queen Y/N.”
“Mommy!” she squealed, excitedly.
“Yup, mommy,” Steve chuckled, “I told you we were getting to the good part soon.”
“Now King Steve was nowhere near what he used to be like. He didn’t have the effortless charisma and charm he once did to make any woman he wanted to fall to his feet. In fact, he felt like he was lacking something. Sure, he’d courted plenty of other ladies in the time between Lady Nancy and the appearance of the Queen, but the relationships never lasted long nor did they have what he was looking for. Even he at that point had no idea what he wanted. Until he met the Queen and she became everything he wanted.”
“He was draw in by her smile, the way she could make anyone laugh when she laughed. She had a contagious laugh that way. She had a heart of gold and was sweet as sugar. It was like she was a forbidden fruit that King Steve couldn’t touch. He was afraid to, at first. He was afraid he’d ruin her if he had her because he didn’t believe in himself enough. He was the King, but he felt beneath her, he felt he wasn’t good enough for her. If it weren’t for the encouragement of his friends and all his Princes and Princesses, he may have never taken the chance on her. But, he did.”
“Queen Y/N was the best thing to happen to him. Not only did she love King Steve as much as he loved her, she helped him begin to heal from so much hurt he’d buried deep. She’d helped him to believe in himself again, being the support King Steve always needed. But, what King Steve didn’t know at first was that the Queen had a child of her own. A sweet little princess with as sweet of a demeanor as she. A head full of dark hair to match her brown eyes, a smile just like her mommy’s, that brightened the room.”
“It me! I daddy’s pwincess.”
“That you are,” Steve smiled, laying her back against his chest.
Her head rested against it gently, eyes beginning to get heavy.
“You think you can make it for the end of the story, princess?”
“Yesh,” she nodded against his chest, rubbing her eyes.
“Okay. Well, the tiniest princess was an addition to his family that King Steve never knew he was missing. She was the first to actually make King Steve a father and even as nervous as that made him, it was something he wanted for himself long before he’d ever met her. He may be King, but he’d never been more humbled by such a small girl loving him for all she was worth. She had him wrapped around her little finger and he wouldn’t have it any other way. King Steve felt honored to call her his daughter. And that, my sweet Princess is the story of how King Steve became the man he is today. Even if he has more future little prince and princesses with the Queen, the tiniest Princess will always be special in his heart because she taught him how to love, in a much different way than he’d ever experienced.”
She was drifting to sleep against his chest and Steve whispered the last part to her as he slowly moved off the bed with her, to lay her down.
“That is how King Steve, his Queen and all his Princes and Princesses lived happily ever after.”
That was a story that your daughter loved to hear time and time again. You didn’t realize just how much until you were at a cook out Hopper and Joyce were throwing for the entire group of friends, a few weeks later.
You and Steve were sitting in chairs, eating in silence, enjoying the moment of peace you got from being temporarily child free.
When you were around Steve’s friends—which had now had become your own as well—someone always wanted to hold or play with your little girl and the short break was always welcomed. It was usually the teens who loved to whisk her away and play with her or carry her around.
You heard the happy laughter and squeals of your daughter and heard her baby voice saying something, although she was too far away to make out her words. The crowded group of teens laughed at something she said, but then glanced over at you and Steve.
You shrugged at Steve, just as confused as he was about what the look was about.
It wasn’t until they were headed in your direction that you found out what was going on.
Max was holding your little girl, and followed the boys and El.
“Steve, why does she keep call us Prince and Princess whatever?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah, she said it was a bedtime story you tell her?” Max questioned.
They all looked at him curiously where he’d paused with his food halfway to his mouth. He lowered it back to the plate before answering them.
“Does uh, anyone want to hear a story?”
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crazyk-imagine · 3 years
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Pairings: Dean Winchester/ Plus size reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, plus size reader, baby
Warnings: implied smut, fluff
Word Count: 822
*gif not mine* 
*Sunnyside motel is something I made up*
"Don't fear the reaper, sweetheart," a smirk tugged his lips to one side.
She narrowed her eyes, placing her hands on her hips, "Really Dean? "Don't fear the reaper", what are you Blue Öyster Cult now?"
"You know your music."
"I would hope so, oldies are my thing and," she walked closer towards him, jabbing his chest, "you most certainly are not, sweetheart."
Dean stiffened when he heard that, partly due to his arousal and partly due to his discomfort at the nickname being thrown back in his face. "I think I could be your thing. You just gotta give me a chance. I could surprise you."
"Like you surprise all the ladies."
"I'm still surprised you haven't gotten anyone pregnant yet. You know with you traveling all the time and going out to bars for a "quick drink" when we all know that means you're horny."
Dean's face scrunched up, "what the hell does that have to do with this?"
"Nothing really. I'm bored."
"Find something else to talk about. I ain't gonna talk about my life to some complete stranger."
She crossed her arms, "like I'm a complete stranger."
"You're saying that like I know you."
She nods, walking out of the building, "You do... for a while now."
Dean slammed his hand on the door before it could close on him. "You're messing with me, right? This is some sort of weird and twisted joke?" He stood beside her as she opened her trunk.
"I'm not messing with you. I'm being completely serious with you. Why would someone joke about knowing someone? You know if they weren't on a prank show."
"How should I know? You're the one that's saying you know me. I don't even know your name."
She closed her trunk, "it's (Y/N). My name is (Y/N)."
Dean nods, "where you going?"
"Why?" She smiled, "you gonna chase after me?" She teased, leaning on the trunk of her car.
"You're the one who said I wasn't your thing. Are you going back on your word? Sweetheart."
She rolled her eyes, "always the horn dog even when we were younger. No wonder Bobby didn't let us meet until later."
"You're Bobby's kid?"
"Might as well be. He's family, not biologically but you know how it goes," pushing herself off the trunk, opening the driver's door, she sat down.
"See you around Deany boy."
"Hey! Nobody calls me that accept- son of a bitch. Princess?"
"Later Deany boy," she had one arm out the window, waving.
Dean shook his head, opening his car door, sitting down. He wiped the corners of his mouth, smirking to himself. Leaning forward, he turned on the radio, the first verse of "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Öyster Cult played.
He saw something out of the corner of his eye, turning he saw a torn piece of paper. Picking it up, he saw "XXX-XXX-XXXX" - (Y/N) aka Princess♡ P.S. don't forget to call, I'll be waiting. He shook his head, saving the number in his phone, dialing soon after, "princess."
"Deany boy, didn't take you long to call me. Clearly you didn't get enough of me earlier."
"You're note said to call and you'll be waiting. I'm just doing what the lady asks."
"Mm-hmm... I'm pretty sure the note said "don't forget to call, I'll be waiting." I know because I rewrote it... a lot. Shit." She slammed on her brakes and dropped her phone.
"Princess? Princess, what happened?"
"Son of a bitch! Watch where you're going asshole!!" She honked her horn. Stretching her arm, she reached for her phone that was on the floor. She picked up her phone, "I'm here. I'm here just-"
"a little road rage."
"Maybe, we're not talking about what may or may not be classified as road rage. We are talking about where you're taking me to eat, a little catch up lunch or dinner with some after eating... activities."
Dean licked his lips, "that's what we're going to call it? What happened to me not being "your thing"?"
"You're not gonna be "my thing", you're gonna be my special friend that has very special privileges."
The two chuckle.
"Whatever you want to call it sweetheart, I'll be there."
"I would certainly hope so. I don't want to have to go to the Sunnyside Motel, room 231, alone. With all my snacks and movies, a nice comfy bed with fluffy pillows." She heard the roar of Baby's engine through the phone.
"I'll be there in 15 minutes, you better be ready by the time I get there, princess."
She scoffs, "excuse me, I believe I'm the one who invited you, therefore I can revoke your invitation, mister."
"You won't be saying that when I'm done with you."
She hums, "promises, promises."
"You'll be begging for more when I'm done with you."
She giggled, parking her car, turning when she heard a familiar car engine. She rolled down her window, "I thought you were going to be 15 minutes."
Dean closed the car door, practically running towards her, leaning against her car door. "I have promises I intend to keep."
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ktheist · 4 years
1 | play me like a toy [m]
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title inspired by blackpink’s sure thing cover.
⟶ read the last part, all yours to enjoy, here.
muses. mafia heiress!reader x ex-mafia!director!hoseok
genre. age gap factor. chaebol-mafia family au. arranged marriage au. office au. modern au.
words. 5.8k
warnings. contains smut. mentions of gun use. mentions of cheating.
verse. knj. ksj. myg. kth. pjm. jjk. jhs. 
sit still, look pretty. 
such were the words your maid-turned-mistress of a mother has ever taught you. the mindless marionette mask worked for the most parts. but when you find yourself hanging by a thread - or is it the beeping line of your dying father’s heart rate monitor? - you decide it’s time to shed off that mask and seek han group’s infamous loyal dog that went off radar 17 years ago.
jung hoseok.
“marry me or be killed.”
“is there a third option?”
“we fucked but you were too drunk to remember so that option’s invalid.”
jung hoseok is in a dry spell.
there was no doubt as to whether he could score a date, get laid and maybe even have his nightstand to call him up again exactly the week after.
the issue was time.
with his boss and longtime friend getting married, he ends up coming to work with a different pile of papers on his desk every day. well, it was his idea to sign a promissory note that if kim namjoon ever found a woman he loved and married, hoseok would take half of the ceo-ly workload so his overbearing boss could enjoy his honeymoon and truly, as hoseok would put it, live.
the order went a little differently but namjoon found a hole in the way the sentences were worded that got him flying away to the caribbean and leaving hoseok to fend for himself in these trying times.
oh, and it’s almost hit the third month of the newly weds going mia.
in the first place, he didn’t think namjoon would hold the agreement over his head like he was flexing a few hundred thousand dollar’s worth of lawsuit.
but the man did just that and now hoseok is slaving over his nine-to-five which actually tend to drag on till ten or, if he’s lucky, even midnight. sure, he got promoted from head secretary to director but he’s wondering if this endless cycle of coming back home only pass out in the bed and wake up earlier than a parent with a toddler - is worth it.
hoseok groans, his hand grabbing around for his phone to put a stop on that obnoxious alarm even if it’s just for five minutes before he has to hear it again.
and grab something he did, but this so called phone feels too soft to be a phone and shapes like an cup but softer and - he puts more pressure to his grasp out of confusion -
“mhm, what the hell?”
- it complains in a groggy voice too.
almost as if pricked by a needle, hoseok leaps right out of bed, sending the duvet flying to the floor and revealing the naked woman - you - who’s stretching her limbs whilst her face scrunches in displeasure at the rude awakening.
“__-___?! wh-what the- what are you doing in my bed?”
“so you touched my boob,” you say, legs crossed and arms folded over said boob.
“i-i-” it’s the first time you’ve ever seen hoseok opened his eyes so wide - he has pretty eyes. especially when they’re brimming with fear and bashfulness, “i’m sorry, i have no excuse.”
he hangs his head low.
“why didn’t you touch the other one?”
it’s then, when hoseok’s eyes snap up to you, gaze searching for a sign - any sign, to confirm that he misheard that, does the man realize that you’re messing with him.
that, and you doubling over with laughter trickling out of your mouth should be affirmation enough.
“god, you should’ve seen your face, hobi!” you’re still holding your stomach when hoseok’s shoulders stiffen and his round eyes turn sharp.
“that’s not something you joke about, ___,” he says, it’s easy to mistake his sternness with anger if you didn’t know him your whole life, “are you gonna let it go every time someone disrespects you? mr. han would’ve snapped their neck in half-”
“hoseok, come on,” you cut him off with a dismissive hand, “none of those gory talks about snapping necks and pulling out nails. that’s the reason i end up here in the first place.”
it’s the way silence lulls into the room and hoseok looks at you with the hardest knitted brows and eyes that seem to have retracted his soul far back into his memories, as though searching for something - that makes your heart drop.
all sense of humor now gone.
“you don’t remember what happened last night... do you?” the last part is just an addition to ease your throbbing heart.
if you’d left it as a statement, it made it more real that he did forget.
just a man, sitting at a half empty bar, three shots of vodka in and hostility in his voice that could’ve killed but so very hoseok of him, “that seat’s taken.”
aloof. distant. and every word in the book that described a man who didn’t want to be bothered and he drowned himself in alcohol.
“i’ll leave once the owner comes back,” you’d slipped into the seat anyway, despite the heat of hoseok’s stare.
not paying any heed, you ordered yourself a margarita.
“it’s been awhile, hasn’t it, hobi?”
that’s when he turned to you. truly looked at you.
“do you perhaps have a little sister who,” his eyebrows began to knit as if the screws in his head started turning, “would be about your age by now... ____?”
you didn’t really catch up. all you could remember was hoseok’s calculative stare as he watched you down one drink after the other. the the chilliness of the margarita somewhat soothing the burning sensation as it went down your throat.
“that’s the fifth for you,” his large hand covered yours, stopping you from picking up the glass as he cautioned you.
“yeah? i’m only stopping if i have something else to occupy my mouth with.”
in his distracted state as he tried to make sense of what your words meant, you lifted the glass to your mouth and downed the last of your drink.
and then, you stood up, walked the tiniest distance between your seat and his, grabbed him by the collar and crashed your lips on his.
you remembered your confidence dissipating like air with every second passing without hoseok so much as responding to your kiss.
maybe it was the shock.
because one that passed, you found his arm around your waist and his lips kissing you harder than you kissed him.
you stumbled into your car, not caring if yeojun had a front row view from the rearview mirror of the things that transpired at the back seat. you barely remember the walk from the parking lot to his apartment.
those sweet whispered promises. the hands that burned your skin with every touch. those eyes that pierced right into your eyes, as if invisible hands reached into your soul and grasped it in his palm.
“mine,” hoseok husked, voice sending ripples of pleasure dripping down your legs. he’d thrust himself balls deep inside you, like a beast who hadn’t had a drop of water since the drought, “you’re mine from head to toe.”
if that wasn’t enough, he fucked you raw until you were at your limit and he’d just... stop.
“hoseok, why-” you’d been breathless, skin glistening with sweat and knees trembling to give in but he’d banded an arm under your torso and held you to him so your bodies remained connected even if none of you moved.
“you think i’d just let you cum so easily?” he placed a hand on your ass, as if warning you what would happen if you’d pull away, “after all these years... you grew up fine as fuck.”
he’d languidly pulled out of you, as if knowing how torturous it felt for you with his fingers on your clit that sent electricity through your veins.
“what is it, hm? is it the kang’s or is it the seong’s? i guess the rumor about boss being hospitalized was true,” his words barely registered in your mind as his index finger touched your back and traced down your spine whilst he started thrusting in and out of you agonizingly slow.
“please, just fuck me,” you’d hissed, pain and pleasure and frustrations mixed in your voice.
“hm, still as tight-lipped as ever, huh?” he’d sounded completely relaxed as if the smacking sound that echoed in the air as his body slammed against your deliciously - didn’t affect him in the slightest.
as if he took no pleasure in fucking you. as if this was only for your poor little soul that came running back to him because you had no one to depend on.
“y-you have to- ah! s-swear your l-loyalty to- oh my god,” it was last night, while the citylights poured through hoseok’s window, his room was directly across another apartment building.
“loyalty, huh?” he tested the words on his mouth, as if it was a foreign candy gifted to him as present.
his body feels hot against your back as he lowered himself flush against you, his breath fanning your sweat-glistened skin, his voice brushing the shell of your ear, “you should know i’m yours as much as you’re mine. nothing i wouldn’t do for you, kiddo.”
he’d used that nickname he’d used to call you as he fucked you into his bed, and sent you moaning his name like you wouldn’t know any other name.
anyone could’ve seen.
neither of you cared though.
you throw your gaze out at the twenty storey building, noticing a man vacuuming the living room three units to the left from the unit directly across from hoseok’s. above him, two kids, a boy and a girl are jumping around while holding an airplane in their hands.
-until now, that is.
hoseok had become an entirely different person last night. no - rather, he’d returned to you as the man you’d always kept in that special spot in your heart and locked it up so no one would be able to see past your steel schooled expression and the devil may care nature.
your gaze snaps back to hoseok once again. he parts his lips for the briefest moment, as if to say something but clamps them shut again. the way his eyes gleam with guilt is enough to tell you the unspoken words that hang in the air.
and yet, your heart hardens like the steel mask you often wear on your face.
“and... to think i gave you my virginity too...”
the silence that lapses between you is tangible.
“sike, i’m kidding,” you grin, brows rising to the ceiling but when hoseok doesn’t so much as laugh or frown - he simply looked at you like a parent disappointed of his child who still didn’t see why what she did was wrong - you tilt your head to the side slightly, “or am i?”
“ugh, you’re no fun,” you throw your head back after failing to gouge a reaction from the man who screamed bloody murder as if you’re some street rat that he was so close to calling infestation control.
“i need to meet mr. han,” he announces after a whole solid minute of sitting on the edge of the bed with feet planted on the floor.
“what for? what are you gonna tell daddy? ‘i’m sorry i took your daughter’s virginity, sir, it won’t happen again?’“ you watch him get up, tongue unconsciously slipping out and sweeping over your bottom lip as you watch the curve of his ass as he walks to the closet and disappears into it.
“were you really a virgin?” he comes out dressed in fresh crisp button down tucked in a pair of black pants, a contrast to his rolled up sleeves, creased shirt and disheveled hair from last night.
“i don’t know, did it feel like i was?” you shoot him a coquettish smile.
the gentle protrusion of his adam’s apple bobs up and down, his lingering gaze on your crossed, bare legs not going unnoticed by you. you’re donned in last night’s dinner dress that hugs your curves and stops mid thighs.
but his gaze is gone too soon.
“you’re not seriously going to daddy, are you?” you tug on his sleeve just before he steps out of the door, “hobi, i’m just kidding, i’ve been with multiple guys before you,” the way his brows threaten to knit into a frown doesn’t go pass you but it’s gone too soon, “and does daddy like the idea? he’s not fond of it, but he knows he can’t stop me from doing whatever i want with my own body.”
the beep of the door as he opens it rings in the air as he looks at you in the eye, “did any of those men work for mr han?” 
only silence follows his reply as you bite your lower lip, hesitant.
“we can’t hide this- mr han might already know. he has eyes and ears-” hoseok steps out of the door only to stop dead in track when he sees at least half a dozen men lined up in front of his apartment in black suits.
“good morning, miss ____.” they bow at exactly 90 degrees angle like robots.
“-everywhere...” hoseok trails off, eyes scanning the area on high alert.
“don’t worry, they’re not daddy’s men. they’re my men,” you raise one hand, index finger pointing to the ceiling as you shoot them an expression void of any smile.
they seem to understand that as they dip into a bow again, the leader, yeojun, stops in front of the elevator when he and his men would have joined you in any other circumstances.
“it’s not about saving my own ass, ___,” hoseok begins.
the way his arms cross over his chest makes his sleeves wrap deliciously around his biceps.
his deep brown eyes appear like a hazel storm under the sunlight that pours from every crevice of the parking lot where the elevator stopped at. “mr. han asked me to protect you from everything and i’m sure he hired someone else after i left to keep trash men away from you... and to think i did exactly what he wanted me to protected you from-” 
“hobi,” nimble hands hover over his chest before you gaze up at him through your lashes, making sure to give it a slow, innocent blink before speaking, “i didn’t regret what happened last night. and you trying to apologize for someone i’m not sorry kind of hurts.”
“i’m sorry i didn’t think of it that way...” he trails off, lips pressed in a straight line as though deep in thought.
“if it makes you that uncomfortable, i won’t talk about it but promise me this stays between us, please?” you hold up a pinky finger like you would when you were younger.
the smile that makes its way to hoseok lips causes your heart to palpitate just when it’s barely calmed down.
his pinky finger is much larger than yours as it hooks around yours in a promise, a ghost of a smile tugging on his lips. as if he’s still unsure if he should be making any promises. as if he’s unsure if he should be hooking his pinky with yours instead of pushing you as far away from him as he could. but before he can come to a conclusion, a voice reverberates into the air.
“miss ____.”
the sound of hoseok sucking in a sharp breath rings in your ear as a dozen men in black suits bow at the sight of you.
before another word comes out from anyone else, you speak, voice echoing against the walls.
“listen up you sons of bitches, if i find out any of you snitched to daddy, i’ll make sure your wife, your husband, your kids, your grandparents, hell even your neighbors pay for it. got it?”
a round of rigorous “yes, miss!” follows after the splitting silence that hovered after you finished.
turning around, almost getting lost in those pretty, star entrapped eyes of his, you smile, “see, they’re loyal to me.”
“uh, i can see why.” it’s the humorous tone that finally wraps around hoseok’s words that makes your heart clench painfully.
he’s still the same hoseok you know.
some things never change.
“well, i’ll lend you one of my cars,” you say all of a sudden.
almost as if hit by a foul ball, hoseok’s eyes widen, “shi- what time is it?”
you don’t expect much when you check your phone, the digits on the screen staring back with a 9-something am - you don’t care to check the details, “late.”
“fuck, i was so focused on gathering enough balls to meet mr. han - i need to get the papers i was supposed to look over for today’s meeting,” a string of curses follow hoseok’s scampering retreat. and you simply watch in your spot - he’s always been such a klutz, forgetting the important details and scrambling to get what he’d forgotten and just remembered - done.
before the doors of the elevator close and swallow him in its belly, hoseok’s nimble fingers slip between the shutting gap, making the doors split open again, “oh,” he says, as if remembering something, “you don’t have to do that - i can drive, i got a driver’s license like, eons ago.”
when he left, he was only 18 and had nothing more but a duffle bag filled with all his belongings and an acceptance letter of the university he applied to.
hoseok had been driving you around everywhere before that. he got pulled over by a cop once but your father easily handled that.
jung hoseok’s been with you for as long as you remember.
you recall bawling your eyes out and clinging onto his leg, begging him not to leave because your nanny left and you found out a few months later that her body was found washed up along the river bank near her hometown.
mr. kim, the gardener quit and said he wanted to visit his kids but the whole family ended up dying in a fire.
everyone who left ends up dead.
pushing the somber feeling that’s threatening to pull the muscles in your face into a frown, you shake your head, an amused smirk tugging on your lips as you mask away every other feeling.
“you really don’t remember anything, do you?” somewhere in that innocently clueless gaze of his, you search for a lie - it would’ve been better if he lied about forgetting for whatever reason.
but when the genuinity over pours from those pretty eyes, you push away the gnawing feeling in your heart, “we were both shit faced drunk last night so we came to your place with my driver and you left your car at the bar’s parking lot.”
“oh shit,” he begins punching the button on the inside of the elevator, “i won’t take long, i pro-”
the metal doors gradually shut, cutting off what he was about to say.
“p-please, i’m sorry, i’ll do anything...” the man’s words got blurred out as you stare out the window of his medium sized flat with a master bedroom, a room and a bathroom connected to the common area.
it’s been a week since you met hoseok. you want to be mad that he doesn’t call, especially after not seeing each other for so long and finally reuniting only for him to forget everything about that night.
but you didn’t even give him your number and you may or may not be mad that he didn’t think to ask.
a bloodcurdling scream drums against your eardrums, making you physically flinch as your head snaps towards the man lying on the ground with his mouth wide open and no longer any sound coming out.
his head is titled at the new guy who’s standing over him with a baton gripped in one hand. the sight itself makes the pit of your stomach churn.
“god fucking damn it, yeojun,” you shoot a glare at the head bodyguard, “didn’t you teach him rule number 1? make no sound, catch no attention?”
at that, yeojun snaps his fingers and two of the bodyguards closest to the new guy - soon? soobin? was his name? - approach him. one of them places a firm hand on his shoulder whilst he kicks soobin behind his knee, sending him kneeling with a thud.
“i’m sorry, miss ___, it seems soobin,” ah so you did get his name right, “needs to join mr. yoo here in learning a thing or two about obeying orders.”
yeojun doesn’t even flinch when one of your donned-in-black bodyguard strikes one of their own at the back of his head with that baton they usually carry around their waist.
soobin’s face scrunches up painfully as he breathes out through his nose, teeth gritting together.
“you boys, break some things and you, get the car ready,” with that, the bodyguards hovering over the middle-aged borrower and soobin begin scampering around, toppling shelves over, pushing vases to the ground and breaking plates in the kitchen.
“you were too nice,” yeojun murmurs underneath his breath once you’re in the hallway, the sound of glass shattering and furniture breaking still echo off the walls.
“i shouldn’t even be doing this shit anyway. who does he think i am? sending me to take care of small fries...” agitated, you shoot yeojun a glare.
to which he only responds with raised eyebrows, as if asking if you’d go against your brother’s orders just because you’ve never liked to see violence yet violence follows you everywhere.
“let’s see.... richest bachelor, heir to han group, one of the biggest conglomerate family that runs the underground ring...” the black haired man starts counting off with his finger until you swing your purse to his side.
“which side are you on? me or my chanyeol’s?!”
laughter trickles down his lips as he follows you into the elevator. somewhere in the distance, the hallway faintly rings with the fading sound of mr. yoo’s helpless pleas.
when you arrive at kimcorp, the secretary shoots up from your seat, her smile is gorgeous and welcoming but the knitted set of brows above her eyes do a poor job of hiding her anxiousness.
you didn’t use the han name to get past the receptionist, only mentioning “hoseok is expecting me, tell him i have something of his he’d really like back.”
was it the lavish dinner dress? was it the couture handbag?
“ah, it’s the fox fur, isn’t it?” you twirl on your heels, lips curling prettily as you narrow your eyes at the startled secretary.
she’s standing there like a thief caught red-handed. as if her worst nightmares came true the moment you started saying something besides the “i’m here to see jung hoseok.”
“i-i’m sorry, ma’am?” her shoulders tense up and her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“nothing, it’s nothing,” you put on a billion dollar smile - one that she seems to be struggling to wear.
before the poor thing peed her pants, you turn around, your back on her and push on the double doors of the office with a white plate that spells out “head director jung.”
the syllables of your name roll off the mouth of the man behind the large desk that almost takes up half of the room, piles of documents stacked up on either sides while the middle section is cleared for a mac and a macbook perched directly in front of him.
“you sound surprised, didn’t the receptionist tell you i was coming?” you put on your best smile even as you watch him push a button on a smaller-than-a-palm-sized remote directed at the cctv and dash for the blinds and close them so that the secretaries facing his room won’t have any visual access to what goes on from now on.
“yeji didn’t specify who,” he says mindlessly, still peeking through the blinds - possibly to check if anyone noticed the sudden move.
somehow, hearing the name of another woman leaving hoseok’s lips doesn’t sit right with you.
“since you easily told her to send me right up, i assume you have an idea of who it was,” a devious smile tugs in the corners of your lips as the sound of hoseok sucking in a sharp breath brushes your ears.
as he was in the middle of turning around and facing you, you managed to catch him off guard and trap him between the window and yourself. the ridges of his toned abs brushing against your front torso with only layers of clothing separating you.
the warning tone he uses to say your name with is music to your ears.
he sounded like the old him. the old hoseok who’d drive his fist into anyone’s face without batting an eye. the old hoseok who would turn to your crying frame with the sweetest smile and hand you back your backpack that fell on the ground amidst the struggle of trying to bite and kick your kidnappers in the shin.
“i missed you, you know?” your voice is tinged with playfulness but your heart skips a beat like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“i-i... we...”
the words get stuck in his throat the moment your lips brush his. what surprises you is the softest sigh that leaves his mouth before a large hand buries itself in your hair, pulling you close until he’s tasting you. licking your bottom lip as if asking for something he didn’t need to ask for in the first place.
his free hand grasps your ass as if he’s been dying to feel your soft cheeks in his palm. you part your lips for him, tasting the faintest sense of cigarette in his breath.
hoseok tends to smoke when something bothers.
you hope it’s you. you hope he lays in bed at night, staring at the ceiling. you hope you’re all he thinks about.
by the time you pull apart, you’re both heaving for air. a soft thud drums in your ears as hoseok leans his head against the blinds-covered-window. you press your cheek against his chest, face hot.
one of his hands sits on top of your ass as if paying his overdue respect for your body but yet unwilling to let you go. the other rests on the back of your head, his thumb mindlessly caressing your scalp.
“hoseok?” you’re the first to break the silence.
he simply hums in response, “hm?”
“i can’t give it back,” you turn your cheek to bury your face in his chest, your voice coming out muffled, “i can’t give back your freedom.”
“so you’re saying you can’t let me go...” hoseok echoes the words you say to him.
but the way his lips curl into a pleased smirk and his white shirt creasing at the front from having your bodies pressed together a moment ago, gives those words a different meaning than you intend them to.
somehow, the distance between you seems smaller.
“thanks miyeon,” hoseok’s smile switches to that of a kind, considerate superior.
miyeon, the woman who guided you to hoseok’s office returns his smile. but you don’t miss the cautious gaze she throws your way before slipping out of the room after setting down the tea cups.
he’s back to himself. the kind that jumps at every little sound and tends to wear a frightened puppy look almost too often.
“no, rather...” you trail off, chanyeol’s face burning at the back of your mind - your brother, the heir to han group and the man that will marry you off to the kang’s in order to mend the strain in the family ties as soon as your father breathes out his last breath.
you shake your head, a smile on your face, “it’s been awhile, how bout catching up over lunch?”
and so it goes, you visit hoseok every few days in a week. at times you tell the secretary to keep your visit a secret so you could surprise him, you’d end up catching him neck deep in work yet he still manages to pull off the rolled up sleeves, two buttons undone and slicked back hair with a single strand falling over his forehead, its tip grazing those set of strong eyebrows.
when you knock, he looks up and the tension in his brows seem to fade away. he shoots you a dimpled smile as if he’s been waiting for you to whisk him away from work.
and you do just that. arm looped around his, you both walk out of his office like lovers.
hoseok talks about his past - the one you’re not part of - fondly. as if looking through a lense of something he never dreamed he could have.
at first, he attracted the wrong kind of crowd with his permanently set furrowed brows. but then he finds things he enjoys doing outside of classes that he couldn’t get to enjoy when he was with han group.
dancing, tracks, boxing and more. he likes that rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins. 
and you tell him about the meetings and gatherings and social events to maintain your relationships with the vassal families. they’re usually attended by the women of the han family which means you and han chohee would be smiling and laughing together in front of the wives and daughters of the vassal families before taking off that loving step-mother-and-step-daughter facade once you walk out of the vicinity.
your lunches and dinners are spent with trips down memory lane, filling the other in on the moments each of you miss in each other’s lives. and for a moment, the hoseok in front of you who flinches at the sight of bugs and little, random noises feel familiar.
that is, until you hit your one month reunion mark.
chanyeol’s been gathering support of the vassals by personally accepting their invitations.
his presence easily overshadowed yours and yeojun confirmed that your father’s condition isn’t getting any better.
“i need you to come back and work for me, half of the men would drop everything and follow you,” you stare at the girl staring back at you on the surface of the tea. she bites her lips and you feel the faintest taste of blood in your mouth.
eyes snapping to his calculative ones - as if he already knows what you’re going to say before the words even pass your lips, “i need you by my side so i can take over han group.”
the hoseok sitting in the single couch next to you with parted legs and feet planted on the dark carpeted ground fits the head director setting better than the inked skin, cigarette smoke and gun-in-waistline setting you’re about to drag him in.
“you’re willing to go against chanyeol to become the head of the family?” he asks, eyes clouded with a sort of emotion you can’t pinpoint.
hoseok’s always been an enigma. his mind, a maze you’ll never end up figuring out.
guess that part of him is still the same.
“it’s not a choice for me to make,” a clean click! resonates in the air as you place the gun you’d pulled from your garter, point facing him, index finger on the trigger, “you have two though.”
it’s the way his eyebrows rise whilst his eyes glint with amusement tells you that hoseok - your hoseok - is still somewhere in there.
throw a sane man into an asylum and he’ll start going insane. put a mad man  back in society and he’ll trick you into believing he’s sane with his warm, dimpled smile.
“marry me or be killed,” you say simply.
that amused glint is still there, granted, it shines faintly compared to the caution that overflows from those sun-hit brown eyes as they fix themselves on the gun perched on the see-through coffee table before they travel to your knuckles, to your arm and meet your steel gaze.
his the softest protrusion of his adam’s apple drops and rises again as he swallows, “is there a third option?”
“we fucked but you were too drunk to remember so that option’s invalid.”
the air is dense with tension. it fills up your lungs and almost causes your chest to cave. you’re not sure how long to stay there, stiff and still like a rock with your back straightened as if your etiquette teacher was hovering right behind you with a long, wooden ruler that’d be ready to strike your arm at a slump of your shoulders.
but liberation comes to you in the form of a phone call.
“___, we have to go, th-the boss- the doctor says he’s not gonna make it through the night.” it’s the first time you’ve heard yeojun stammer as if he hasn’t quite yet recovered from the shock of the news he’s relaying to you.
“are you sure?” you can almost hear the thump of the organ in your chest slowing down before it ceases to throb completely, “you know how bad chanyeol wanna fuck me up, he could’ve made the doctor tell you this because he knows you’ll tell me and if... if i rush there and daddy’s laughing that obnoxious laugh while trying to make pass on the nurse like he usually does...”
yeojun grunts, “yes, ___. i have men planted there as patients, nurses, janitors and they all say the same thing - that the doctors are rushing to the vip ward and they’re trying to make it look like your usual hourly check up but it’s not... look, this is the real thing. if we mess up, there won’t be another chance. now, did you convince hoseok to come back?”
almost as if reminded that you’re not the only person in the room, your eyes snap to hoseok whose eyes are already fixed on you with a concerned expression.
“he’ll come back.” with that, you hang up the call.
“i’d love for you to think it through for a few days, realize this isn’t really a life you want and come to me on your own to sign our prenups,” you say casually, placing down the teacup and slipping your phone back into your handbag as if you’re getting ready to leave the tea party, “but...”
but before you can lift the gun and fully point it at him, a large hand covers yours. his warmth seeps through your pores and makes your body feel warmer.
“the gun’s a bit excessive,” his breath fans your face as your eyes fix on the supple skin of his neck.
it’s as if invisible hands reached out and held your head in place, forbidding you from tilting it and gazing into his eyes. his fingers reach over the back of the gun, grazing your hands.
a click cuts through the silence.
“at the very least, unlock the safety,” his teasing tone doesn’t match his saddened eyes.
and just as you thought you’d closed the distance between you and him, the circumstance forces you to take five steps back.
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 11
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We’re starting to catch up now! But be warned this is also kinda a short chapter so.....sad. I haven’t made much progress in writing the current chapter but I’m going to soon. I had this idea for a one shot in my head for so long that I’m gonna write it down.
"Side effects?" Now he was getting worried.
"The side effects only a true miraculous holder could get" Plagg mumbled hesitantly.
Adrien blinked in confusion. "What do you mean by 'true miraculous holders'?"
Plagg sighed. "You know how the ladybug and black cat miraculous are the most powerful, right?" Adrien nodded. "And that they both have to be in use at the same time to keep the balance?" Adrien nodded again. "Well since those two are the most powerful miraculous, they can only be used by those capable and those who are true owners have their power boosted. But the power boosting only works if both users are true holders"
"Ok that makes sense, what about the 'side effect' part?" Adrien asked, sadly.
"Since the miraculous are very powerful, sometimes the power is too much to contain in the powered miraculous and therefore seep into the mortal's body causing...inhuman abilities. In Ladybug's case, well as what Tikki has told me, she can now heal plants and wounds" Adrien let out a small gasp of surprise and admiration. "Though these powers can become much greater in her civilian form, even more so when using the miraculous. Because of this, Tikki believes that you might not be the true owner."
"So I can't use the black cat miraculous anymore?" Adrien mumbled, playing with the ring on his finger while there was a lump in his throat.
"Well you still can but you won't be able to increase your powers, actually.... When I think about it, it could be dangerous for both you and Ladybug. Since everything needs to be in balance, Ladybug could get herself seriously injured since we don't know who the real miraculous holder is"
Adrien was surprised at how serious his kwami was. Then he nodded. "I understand, I'm no longer able to be Chat Noir" he sighed and was surprised when Plagg came over and hugged his cheek. Only then did he realise that he was crying. He quickly wiped his tears and focused on looking on the bright side. "Thanks Plagg for being my kwami"
"Wait wait wait" Plagg put his tiny hands up. "Who says you're getting rid of me right now?"
"Wait so I can keep being Chat Noir for a while longer?" Plagg simply nodded.
"Just tell Ladybug whenever you're ready and she'll deal with it. I want some Camembert now"
Adrien laughed and gave Plagg some Camembert then went back to staring at the night sky. 'It's 7 pm' he thought to himself. 'I want to make Ladybug proud, If that means giving up the miraculous then so be it'. He glanced at an image of his father on his computer, one of the magazines talking about the new designs being released. 'Ladybug suspected father at one point. If he was Hawkmoth, how would I react? Ladybug is much better at concealing than me. She'll be able to deal with it, I can't' Adrien sighed and began to read through his fan mail again, thinking of both Kagami and Marinette only to have his thoughts interrupted when a message appeared on his phone. Then remembered, he asked if he should ask one of his crushes on a date. He scrambled to his phone and pressed on the notification to see what Alya had said.
Reportergrill: I think you should ask Kagami out *insert lenny face here*
Me: Oh ok!
He smiled at his friend's advice and then opened his conversation with Kagami to send a message.
It's Thursday, the day before Friday, two days until the weekend. Chloe was rummaging through her locker, she was mainly buying herself more time. See, she wanted to apologize properly to Mari. 'Can I even call her that? Only her friends can'. She had prepared a folder, inside was everything belonging to Marinette that Chloe had damaged. Chloe took a deep breath and went out of the locker room to see if Marinette was nearby, the bluenette was walking towards the locker room. 'Here goes nothing' "Hey M-Marinette can I t-talk to you?" The blonde stammered.
Marinette blinked in surprise before smiling. "Sure Chloe, what do you want to talk about?"
Chloe then led her to her locker and turned to face her. "Since Sabrina got lured in by Lila I..." Chloe struggled to find the words and just decided to take the folder out of her locker. Marinette looked curiously at it before Chloe handed it to her. "Here's everything that I have ever damaged and I hope that...." she took a deep breath. "You could...forgive me" Chloe closed her eyes, waiting in fear for Marinette's answer, only to be tackled by a hug.
"Thank you Chloe, this means so much to me" Marinette then pulled away from the hug to look at Chloe. "Friends?"
Chloe let out a sigh of relief and hugged Marinette again. "Friends".
They both went to where Alya and Nino were standing. Alya smiled while waving before noticing Chloe was with Marinette. She didn't glare at the blonde, instead she shot Marinette a confused look. "Chloe apologized so I'm giving her a second chance" Marinette stated simply. Alya then nodded and gave Chloe a warm smile.
"Well you're our friend now" Chloe widened her eyes in surprise and then smiled brightly, mouthing a 'thank you'. "Hmmm what should your nickname be?"
"She gives off Queenie vibes" Nino said, giving his idea for a nickname.
Marinette and Alya laughed and soon Chloe joined in. "I hope you don't mind if I call you 'Mare-Bare', Marinette?"
"I don't mind at all! I quite like it"
Chloe nodded, 'So this is what it's like to be in a friend group, I like it'.
Alya, Marinette, Chloe and Nino were all in Chloe's room, dressing Kagami up. When Kagami had seen the message from Adrien, she immediately went to the friend group for advise. "It's a casual date he said, he'll be taking me to the Louvre" she said. She was surprised when Chloe had joined them and was skeptical at first but after observing her for a while, Kagami concluded that Chloe was genuine with her apology.
After a few tries, the group finally agreed on an outfit for Kagami. She wore black leggings and an over side red hoodie, the exact same shade as her fencing gear. And, as a token of good luck, Mari gave Kagami one of her hair pins, a rose decal. It was an MDC original and Kagami had managed to figure that out. The thing is, three weeks ago she saw Marinette design something very similar to this. "Mari-hime, are you MDC?"
Marinette then began to sweat. "Uhmm...wait what does the 'hime' mean? I've heard of chan, kun, san, sensei and senpai but never 'hime'"
"Well it's usually used to address a princess but it's used for any beautiful woman, like you"
"Awww thank you Gami" Marinette was blushed at the compliment.
"But are you MDC?"
Marinette sighed, 'Can't weasel my way out of this one'. "Uhhh m-maybe?" She sighed once more. "Yes I am"
"That's great dudette!"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? This is so cool!"
"Well my mother was impressed by your work so I'm not that surprised"
A chorus of supportive comments showered over her. "Thanks guys but we're helping Gami prepare for her date, right?" She smirked at the blush of the fencer's face. Adrien then called Kagami's phone to tell her that he was there in the car, waiting for her.
It's finally Friday, Marinette had thought of all the great things that happened yesterday. She made a new friend which just so happens to be Chloe, Kagami went on a date with Adrien, Marinette revealed that she was MDC, she also recorded the first verse in the song after Kagami left. She smiled remembering their praise. She became grateful for all her friends, as well as Uncle Jagged, Penny and Clara Nightingale who wanted to listen listen to Marinette's voice.
The bluenette got changed into a long-sleeved, pastel pink, high-necked cropped jumper with a high-waisted baby blue plaid skirt. She looked in the mirror and felt proud about herself.
"You look very nice Marinette!" Tikki complimented while finishing up her cookie.
"Thanks Tikki"
Marinette then looked for something to put in her hair. She decided to put her hair into a ponytail tied with a long, dark red, silk ribbon. She finished her outfit and she realised she had plenty of time left before school started. Marinette noticed a notification for a message, rolling her eyes as she saw who it was from, Lila. Marinette took a deep breath before going to read it. 'It can't be that bad, right?'
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets, @jjmjjktth, @genderfluidmoma, @starlit-dreaming, @icerosecrystal, @lolieg, @kashlyn, @mochegato, @eggadoodle
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natromanxoff · 3 years
12 - Nicknames...
Hello Playmates. Firstly a slap on the wrist for me. In the last thingy that I wrote I said that we were at Madison Square Gardens when John Bonham died. Well, according to someone in the good ol' U.S. of A. we were in Boston that night, so I was a day out. Also this very kind person, who "didn't want to burst my bubble," informed me that David Lee Roth said the same thing every night. I'm sure he did, I just said that I liked his onstage patter. There has to be some sort of joke about bursting bubbles and pricks, anybody know any?
Did we all get our Spring magazines? Credit to young Jacky and Val, they still do a great mag. In it were the answers to the last competition, and I have to be honest, I didn't have a clue about most of the questions. But here is a little bit of trivia. Q.8 (who, according to Roger, first suggested Another One Bites The Dust be released as a single) The actual very first people to suggest AOBTD be released as a single was The Royal Road Crew. We were lurking around at Musicland Studios while the fab ones were mixing, and I think it was Jobby who said it would be a huge hit. When we told the band they just glared at us and told us to mix some more cocktails. I suppose Mr Jackson saying it sounds more impressive than "Our pissed road crew said ..."
Q.10 (where did the "young man" who was stung on the knee by a wasp come from?) I had completely forgotten about "Two Sharp Pencils." The verses in that song, The young man from Dundee and The lady from Bude, were two stupid rhymes that I used to recite, and RT liked them and made a song out of it. I really hate to take to much credit (lying bastard) but 'Two Sharp Pencils' is also one of mine. It's very hard to explain, but the pencils are placed in a good looking girls ears, and whilst holding the pencils you can pull her head to .......... Enough said. Don't go all sexist on me, it was only a joke.
Q.20 (it was a question about who's nickname was who's) Nicknames. I did not know that Deaky's nickname of Birdman was common knowledge. Here's a little competition from your's truly. Does anyone out there know how he got it and when he got it, and anything else that goes with the story?????? Still on the subject of nicknames, some of you smarter people might have guessed that most of us had them, and that Crystal isn't my real name. It's actually Susan. When I started to travel with the band the first person to inherit my drum keys was a young guy, compared to the rest of us, who had worked with bands like the Thompson Twins. He wore stupid clothes like bondage pants, so Trip gave him the name - Mr. Modern, and it stuck. Whilst on tour in Japan, Mr M met a charming lady who we named Madam Butterfly, and this charming lady gave him his very first dose of the clap. By the end of the day Modern was getting very pissed off with us all, because every time he saw anyone, we would all clap him. I wrote on the gong flight case "Mr Modern has the Crap," and the last time I saw the case it was still on it. The last drum monkey we had, on his first day of rehearsals plugged a 110v keyboard into the 240v power supply and blew it up. British people here might remember a TV program called Auf Wiedesein(!), Pet. Ratty remembered the name of the arsonist in it, and so we had - Moxie. In-between these two wonderful people we did have someone else. We had a European tour coming up and Modern had moved on, so I interviewed a few people at Pembridge Road. I told one guy he had the job and asked him if he had anymore questions, and his first was "Who does Freddies gear?" He only knew me as Crystal, so I replied that Ratty did it. "Who looks after Brian?" Jobby. "Sound?" Trip. "Lights?" Idiot Boy. By this time he's looking a bit bewildered, and I said, "Obviously these are all nicknames and here's a little tip, you're gonna get one, and if you don't like it don't say anything otherwise it'll stick." Sound advice. A few weeks later we all turn up in good old Munich to start rehearsals. I'm in Rogers suite and said, "I suppose you should meet your new roadie at sometime." So I get on the phone and call his room, and when he answers the phone I said, "Hello Shag Nasty," and the dickhead said "I DON'T LIKE THAT." Welcome Shag.
We had to start how we meant to carry on, so we all headed to the Sugar Shack that evening. This could have been Spike's first day as well. Us old timers know how to pace ourselves, but dear old Shag has to drink himself into oblivion in the first hour, and proceed to pass out. A red rag to a bull. We pile him up with glasses, bottles, ashtrays and anything else we can find, and after a few hours Brian decides to head off, and being a nice guy said he would get Shag back to the hotel. We get him down to the limo and throw him in the back while Brian gets in the front, and on the way to the hotel he decides to decorate the limo with, amongst other things, diced carrots. So far this is not good job security. During sound checks Roger would spend forever tuning his kit, and during the show, with the heat of the lights and his pounding, would continue tuning during the show. On one occasion, sound check over and kit perfect, we head off until showtime. During the first number of the set RT is looking a bit put out, and after the first song starts frantically re-tuning the drums. This continues for quite a few songs until he starts to look relaxed. After the show Shag is summoned to the dressing room, and RT said, "Er Shag, after the soundcheck did you re-tune my kit? And the reply was, "Oh no Rog, I wouldn't do that, I just tightened up the loose ones." Back in Berlin and it's five minutes before show time, and Gerry comes up to me and says, "Look's like you've got your old job back for tonight." Why? I look round and Shag is being carted off on a stretcher, with an oxygen mask, drip and everything. What else can this clown get up to? For the last two million years Queen have finished the show with Rock You, then Champions, when the lights would come down, FM running around like a madman, RT standing up and hitting all his cymbals and playing just the bass drum with his right foot, BM playing the never ending power chord whilst keeping an eye on the drummer and JD wondering where we're going clubbing. As the lighting rig came to a standstill, Rog would sit down, and cue the rest of the band for the finish with two smacks on the snare drum and then an almighty crash of the cymbals, and it's over for another night. Play the tape. Shag had done this a couple of dozen times already, so you would think he knew. Wrong. On one night, Rogers doing his standing up bit and our beloved Shag thinks, "The stool is in the way." so he removes the offending stool. When Roger goes to sit down, there's nothing to sit on and he goes arse over tit off the back of the riser, and he's lying there winded. I tell Shag Nasty to hide for a while and try and get the drummer to his feet, and needless to say he's very pissed off. The lights have stopped and Brian has played the longest chord in the history of the universe. Roger finally gets back behind the kit, does the two hits and cymbal crash to finally finish the show, and then completely trashes his kit. I'm glad I didn't have to rebuild it. Needless to say, Shag did not last to long. Until next time.
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peppermintquartz · 2 years
minific, Playroom!verse
Becky and Paige, after the events of Tomorrow
Paige can't remember things very well now, and she suffers from tinnitus occasionally. But she knows she's lucky to be alive, given how easily the Empress could have blown her head off a couple months ago.
She knows Becky feels guilty about all of it, especially the loss of the Good Brothers. The redhead is extra solicitous when Paige has a bad day, and does most of the chores with minimal whining. While Paige is tempted to take advantage, she also doesn't like her best friend looking subdued and dull all the time.
Joe doesn't disagree with Paige when she says that Becky needs to snap out of it, but the big lug doesn't offer much help either. It's aggravating. Paige will sign the bar over to herself one of these days, just to teach the man a lesson. Soon as she finds the lease, she'll do it.
Still, she asks Joe for a night off for herself and Becky when Finn comes by with his new bodyguard - another big, bald bruiser going by the nickname Bad Luck - and Joe lets them go for the evening.
"Where are we headed?" Becky asks when Paige drags her to her motorcycle and hands her a blue helmet.
Paige is already inserting her key in the ignition. "You'll find out. Hop on."
LA traffic is still crappy especially as they head downtown, but Paige weaves in and out easily, her Kawasaki purring loudly as she navigates her way to another bar across town, one that's significantly classier and larger.
"If you wanted drinks, we coulda emptied Joe's fridge," Becky says, shaking out her hair. A couple of guys whistle in her direction and she rolls her eyes.
"We're going ax throwing." Paige locks up the vehicle. Motioning for Becky to take the helmet along, they get to a place called Switch X.
Paige is greeted at the door and they are ushered to a booth in the back by a tall dude with eyeliner and long hair, shaved high on the sides.
"He's kinda cute," Becky notes. "Do you know his name?"
"I thought you're a lesbian."
"Lesbian, not blind."
"His name's Damian Priest," says Paige, setting her own cherry red helmet in the chair beside her. "Works under the handle Archer. He told me about this place he opened with a partner last week."
"He local?"
"Still new to the Business, so he's doing low-level stuff at the mo," Paige tells her, distracted by the drinks menu. "Anyway, you wanna throw some axes?"
"Hell yes!" Becky motions for someone to take their orders. "Loser buys." She winks at Paige. "I'm gonna kick your arse at this."
"If you say so." Paige grins. She figures if Becky gets to work off some of that guilt and regret through some violence, a few drinks is worth it.
Not that she's going to tell her friend that she's an expert at ax-throwing, though. She's not above making Becky's jaw drop.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
we need to write more so ⁉️ for maybe. Kotoko since she's very awake.
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          potential interaction ideas. » always accepting!
   send   a   ⁉️   +   a muse  ,   &   i’ll   tell   you   what   muse   of   mine   i   see   interacting   with   yours  !   (   mainly   for   multi   accounts   to   single   accounts  ,   multi   to   multi  ,   or   people   who   have   several   blogs   &   characters   on   back   stock  .   )  
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Gin Noto
...Of course, this will probably have to be in his ‘The Caligula Efect 2′ verse because I can’t for the life of me imagine Gin killing anybody ( in fact, he’s more so likely to be be the one who is murdered than anything else ), but he’s always been the sort of person who can get along with almost anyone, so I’m sure he’d probably have no problems approaching Kotoko.
Like, gender doesn’t exactly matter to him too, meaning he’ll have no qualms, asking if she wants to hang out without really having any ulterior motives other than wanting to get to know her better/be friends with her. Honestly, I can see Kotoko being a third year at Tatefushi Academy and considering Gin is someone who tends to refer to others by first name, I like the idea of him going from calling her ‘Yuzuriha-senpai’ to ‘Yuzuriha-san’. 
Also, they both seem to not appreciate people oppressing the weak; therefore, I had the pre-established idea of them occasionally teaming up together to stop the bullies from terrorizing other students.
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Kobato Kazamatsuri
Not gonna lie... with Kobato being the way he is, I honestly feel like he would find even Kotoko hot? So unfortunately for this girl, he’ll frequently make passes at her and just use the most cheesiest pick up lines on her, that she’ll eventually be like, ‘Ugh... not him again’, whenever they cross paths... at the same time, though, I think their interactions would be so amusing because he’s really dumb and unapologetically thirsty, that I wanna see how she reacts to his clownery firsthand.
Also, Kobato is a nicknamer, so I can just personally imagine him calling her ‘Yuzurin’ and saying the most pretentious, lovey-dovey shit to her, she’d wanna punch him to make him shut the fuck up; only, she’ll find out quick he’s way too kinky to torture...
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I have yet to write this girl a MILGRAM verse, but considering Rana would be on the physically fragile side, I like to think Kotoko would be naturally protective of her? She’s also a gullible idiot who regularly gets taken advantage of and is very lonely, to the point where it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to say she would often prioritize other people’s happiness over her own due to how she doesn’t want to lose their friendship.
Plus, I can see her being voted innocent, because whoever she murdered probably attacked her first. To that end, Kotoko would probably pity her and do whatever she could to ensure she doesn’t get hurt. Rana, however, would onesidedly believe they are ‘best friends’ and keep sewing her random stuff like headbands and legwarmers.
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Kakeru Hasegawa
Considering Kotoko is officially twenty years old and it’s never specified which high school she actually went to, I think it would be neat if she used to be an alumni of Shin Mikado Academy, leading them to know each other. Of course, I’m not exactly sure if she would even visit the infirmary all that often back when he was still her school doctor, but I can see him calling her ‘Kotoko-chan’ and her just responding snarkily to everything he says, because he’s a very silly old man.
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