#surface pressure (vincent)
Even though Grace never numbered the kids, they'd joke about who would be numbered what. Kinda like how kids will argue about who'd be which Avenger or band member or whatever
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months
Hi there! If stardew requests are still open i would like to ask you for one. Recently in your writing Shane has been very sad, which is great for angst and o loved reading that but i think we can both agree our boy needs some rest.
I was wondering if you could write some good ol' fluffy fluff with him and the farmer with prompt number 20 ("You look amazing tonight").
If you're busy or closing requests or just don't feel like writing this one that it's totally cool, no pressure. I hope you have a great day
The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies.
A summer spectacle that Shane attended like clockwork. He only ever went because of Jas, staying away from the saloon just for one night. For her and Marnie's sake...as he didn't want his aunt talking his ear off about staring at the aluminum can in his hands more than the ocean.
That was in years past.
This year, however, was different.
Because it's the first time he'd be seeing it with you by his side, and boy..was he looking forward to it.
Both of you arrived together a bit later than the other villagers, but only because there was a lot of farmwork to take care of..and time quickly got away from you.
Fortunately, your spouse remembered and you practically rushed to the beach together, praying that Major Lewis didn't launch the boat yet.
You would have used a warp to get here sooner, but the first time Shane used one of the mini obelisks...the effects of teleportation made him horribly sick, and he vowed to never touch one of those again.
That was understandable, and you refused to leave him behind. So you headed through the dark town square and to the docks.
With luck, you managed to arrive in the nick of time.
Instead of idly standing alone with a beer in-hand, Shane stood with your hand in his own. He still liked keeping the PDA subtle, never wanting to make a huge scene out of your relationship in public--despite the whole town being there at your wedding--but you didn't mind it.
Once everybody got into their places to witness the event, Lewis lit the candle and finally launched the boat out into the open sea.
For a minute, there was nothing...
And then they arrived.
Hues of lavender, blue, and green began to illuminate the dark waters, which Jas excitedly pointed out to Vincent and Leo, the latter being mesmerized by the jellies--as was everybody else who managed to catch a glimpse of the magnificent creatures that came closer to the surface.
You chuckled softly at the wonder in that boy's eyes, thanking Yoba that you were able to rescue him from a life of solitary on that island and introduce him to life here in the valley, before looking back at Shane and realizing...
He wasn't staring at the jellies anymore, but you.
Tilting your head, you smiled a bit, wondering what was going on inside his head right now. "Something on my face?"
"No..it's just..." For a moment, he felt breathless, his head dizzy (not from any beer for once) and his heart fuller than ever.
All he could do was look at you. The bioluminescent glow from below highlighted your best features, the lights reflecting in your eyes like stars.
'Wow..how did a guy like me get so lucky?'
"Just what?"
Coming back to reality, he just grew bashful at your persistence, being grateful you couldn't see the rising blush on his face.
"You look amazing tonight," he said with full confidence, only to find himself holding his breath afterwards.
As though he were expecting some negative reaction from you..
Was that a weird thing to say?
Was he being weird again...?
Your soft chuckles pulled him out of those thoughts, and you leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks, so do you..but then again you look amazing everyday."
He snorted, although internally he was dying..in a good way. "Even when I'm out on the farm all sweaty and dirty?"
"Hey, you always compliment me when I look like that."
"..true, but-"
"Look! Your mermaid pendant is sparkling." You pointed out his necklace.
"Huh?" Glancing down, Shane held the shell between his fingers for a few seconds, staring in wonder at the tiny pinprick lights dancing across its surface. "Ah..guess you're right. It's pretty sparkly." He chuckled, before noticing a peculiar jelly lingering in front of you two.
Unlike the rest, it was a seafoam green.
"Babe, look..that's a rare jelly!" He pointed it out, his smile growing as you gasped, holding onto his hand even tighter. "They're really something, huh? Nature's pretty neat."
"Yeah, it's incredible....ah...and there they go." You hummed, watching the horde drifting away from the docks, a bit disappointed it was over so soon. "Bye, jellies!"
Once more, the glow of summer fades away, leaving everyone on the pier in darkness. But you knew they'll be back next year when Lewis sends off the candleboat, hopefully with bigger and brighter jellies.
You looked forward to seeing them again with Shane..and every year after that.
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zweetpea · 9 months
Contracts or Biddability (part 1 of 2)
cw: Pg13, innuendos and vulgar language, and so much cringe, some pop culture references too.
“The end.” The cryo abyss herald closed the book.
“That was a really sad story.” You said as your eyes glazed over. The Abyss order had kidnapped you and held you captive for a while now. You weren’t sure how long you’ve been down here but the food was good enough and they’d borrow enough books from the surface to keep you entertained.
“I’m sorry. We weren’t been able to borrow anything else because of the security around the Favonius library.”
“Well, you could just let me go and I can find something on my own.”
“No! We need you here to further our plans!” He panicked.
“What plans? What happened to Dvalin? What’s the deal with Andrius?”
“Just calm down my liege. All will be revealed in time.” He patted your head and walked away.
“I want to go home.” You curled up in a ball.
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“Aaaaahh!” Someone yelled. That ear piercing scream roused you from your sleep.
‘Should I shout for someone?’ You thought. ‘What if somebody broke in? But if it’s a fire and they don’t know that I’m still here…’
“Help! Help me please! I don’t care who! I just want to see the Sun again!”
The door squeaked open and you thought that maybe your pleas would be recognized, until you saw that the man who walked in was a Pyroslinger Bracer. “Why is the Fatui here?” You whispered meekly.
He raised his rifle towards you head. “Wait, please! Don’t kill me! I wanna live, wanna live!” He shot, but the bullet bounced off of your skull and fell on the ground. “Well… that was anticlimactic.”
He shot you again 3 more time. “Ow! That hurts, dickhead!”
“How are you alive?”
“Hehe. We’re immortal Buffy we can do anything. Oh yeah? Clap.”
“My name’s Vincent.”
“Oh for shucks sakes.” You roll your eyes.
“I’m sure the Doctor will be very interested in you. For now I’ll take you back to Childe though.”
“Ew! Dottore needs to back the F up before he gets smacked the F up for what he did to Collei.” Vincent bound you hands, then grabbed your arm and pushed you through the Abyss. “Hey real quick for my internal monologue I need to know what pronouns you use. My names Gen with a G apparently. I’m gender fluid and I go by they/them.”
“…uh, Vincent Powers and I’m a man.”
“So… he and him?”
“Yes? I’m so confused why you’re confused.”
“Well, I didn’t want to assume.”
He brought you back to the surface and it felt wonderful. Then he placed you in the back of a cart and you two and the rest of his squad set sail for Liyue.
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It’s been maybe two hours since the Fatui captured you and you’re finally at Liyue Harbor. They’ve taken you to the Northland Bank to meet Tartaglia. Vincent threw you onto the ground at Childe’s feet.
“What the Abyss is that thing?” His presence is all consuming.
“That “thing” said that they’re name is Gen with a G.”
You look up and see the red head eying you up with disgust. You return the glare and proclaimed, “I finally get to meet my rival. I swear to you, I’m going to seduce Zhongli and get his cock!”
“Excuse me?” He looks at you even colder than before.
“You heard me! I’m willing to take him up my ass if he’s gay.”
“You are vulgar and repulsive.” He pressed his water blade things against my throat and sliced across it. You fell back onto your butt at the pressure.
“Ow. Yeah, um—Mr. Tartar sauce—that’s not going to work. I’m kinda immortal, somehow.”
“How dare you insult me! Do you know who I am!?” He grabbed you by the top of your head to look him in his eyes.
“Honestly if you look at me like that more often I’d let you have a piece of my ass any day. I just assumed that you were a bottom but I’ll let you creampie me if you become my sugar daddy.” His face burst into crimson. He threw me onto the ground and stomped on my throat. “This is turning me on.”
“Get this thing out of my sight.”
“Hey I’m a person! I have feelings you know!”
“But what about Dottore? Wouldn’t he like to examine them?”
“Dottore will have both of our heads if we bring him this thing.”
“I’m not an object, I’m a person! You see, this is why Zhongli will never love you.
“You know what? Since you’re so obsessed with Mr. Zhongli, why don’t I just send you to him?”
“You’d do that for me?!” You shouted excitedly.
“Sure. If it get’s you to leave me alone.”
“But Childe, they’re immortal. You don’t come across something like that every day.”
“Hey can I have a delusions? I don’t have power over the elements but I don’t think I can die so a delusion shouldn’t be a problem for me.”
“Fine!” He threw a delusion connected to a chain at you. “NOW GET OUT! TAKE THEM TO SEE ZHONGLI IF THEY WANTS TO SO BADLY!!”
“Hey! This one’s broken!” You yelled at him as you were being dragged away.
“You never specified if you wanted a working one or not!” He smirked back at you.
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Ugh this sucks! You still have nothing to defend yourself with! You can at least tie the stupid thing around your wrist.
“Mr. Zhongli? Is Mr. Zhongli here?” You asked someone at the Funeral Parlor.
“Hm? Did someone call for me? I was just about to head out.”
“Hello Mr. Zhongli. I’m Gen Z, spelt with a G.” You extended you hand to shake his.
“Hello Gen.” He took your hand and shook it. ‘His hands are so big.’ You thought. ‘Heheh, dirty mind dirty mind dir-dir-dir-dir- dirty mind!’
“Excuse me. Why is your bracelet glowing?” He asked. You look down and see that your delusion has started to glow yellow. “Huh?”
‘Have I resonated with geo?’
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skylarsblue · 2 years
✦Random Sinclair Headcanons✦
(I was bored and I have nowhere else to put them)
Lester's got a slight allergy to certain citrus fruits. It's not terrible, but it did get stuff like orange juice banned from the house when the brothers were younger. But that's Bo's favorite. So he always has a jug specifically for himself in the house since Lester's no longer living with them.
Vincent's hair is well kept in turns of how he washes it, but their lifestyle ruins it constantly. Some parts of Vincent's hair is a lot shorter than the rest cause he got too much wax caught in it, so they have to snip a strand. It's like terrible layers.
All the brothers have bad teeth, Bo's looks the best on the surface, but mans got at least 8 fillings in the back.
Bo is shit at telling people's accents, Vincent's decent at it. But Lester? Somehow he's the gibberish translator. Someone could come through with the most unintelligible accent and he'll somehow know what they're saying.
I've said Bo can play piano, and so can Vincent, but they're more adept with the violin. Lester can probably tear shit up on the harmonica
Vincent's art mediums are; wax sculpting(duh), painting, and charcoal.
Bo's art mediums are; photography, musical(though he dropped that one), and he used to be pretty good at pen doodles(but he dropped that too, fuckin' thanks Trudy)
Lester's art mediums are; scavage-crafting, wood/bone carving, and scrapbooking.
Bo had a phase where he was really good at producing poems/poetic song lyrics. But he stopped doing it because he got made fun of once. Basically anytime he does anything artistic, he drops it, because he gets made fun of or told Vincent is better.
Bo & Lester bond over old cars and Lester knows a good amount about cars because of it. By proxy, Bo knows a lot about Lousiana wildlife thanks to Lester.
Lester & Vincent bond over sculpting & carving. I think almost everyone agrees Vincent's dual dragon knives were carved from bone that Lester found.
Lester wasn't good in school but mans was fantastic in woodshop. He outdid everyone. Without even trying! Fuck a bird house, get a bird MANSION.
Vincent's an insomniac, Bo's got night terrors, and Lester is the type to wake up every hour. What's funny is that when they were younger, Bo was the insomniac, Lester had night terrors, and Vincent was the one who woke up every hour. They all switched problems somehow.
They all have two matching moles on their lower ribs and right beside their belly button.
Bo's first job was at a mechanic's shop, Vincent's was at a music shop, and Lester's was at a gas station. Bo was fuckin' trash at customer service, Vincent silently judged people's music choices, and no one talked to Lester(sadly).
Lester makes all his food too damn spicy. He adds spice to already hot things. Both his brothers think he's a demon as they watch him add chili flakes to things.
Bo hates reality TV, but in the way that he'll stick around to watch it and yell at the TV if he sees it on. It's actually pretty funny.
There is one mixtape in Lester's truck, it's the only one he listens too, and it's an old one he stole from Bo when they were teens. Bo still wonders where it went but Lester refuses to tell him.
Bo says he hates hugs but somehow gives the best ones. They're like, engulfing dad hugs with the perfect amount of pressure. Lester's hugs are a bit too tight but it's cute. Vincent's are soft and delicate, like a blanket.
If Bo's had a night terror and he can't calm down, he'll look for Jonesy. And she'll lay on top of him on the couch until he calms down. Vincent's found them a few times, but chooses not to comment on how Bo holds the dog he swore he didn't want like a teddy bear.
Vincent had a Greek Mythology phase, Bo had a WW2 History phase, and Lester had a Dinosaur phase.
Vincent's favorite colors are beige & lilac, Bo's are midnight blue & charcoal black, & Lester's are fern green & dandelion yellow.
Lester's house is cleaner than the twins, ironically. It's cluttered, yes, but he actually keeps a decent living space. There aren't even coffee rings on his tables, he made his own coasters. He's got a messy job so he likes his house to be clean.
Bo & Vincent don't know how to load a dishwasher. They wash their dishes by hand, but, they also don't cause they hate doing it When the sink is too full, they do rock, paper, scissors. Bo tends to lose.
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jacks347 · 5 months
I feel like hurting people so let's talk about Redacted characters fatal flaws.
David - Obligation
I was originally going to say David's flaw was loyalty but I thought that was too surface level so I dug a little deeper and found something a bit more important. David carries a heavy weight of obligation on his shoulders. He runs the pack and the security company because it's what his dad would've wanted, he works to keep the pack going because people depend on him, he only met Angel cause Caelum made him. Everything in his life is because of feels obligated to keep said things going. He didn't want to be in this situation, he doesn't want to have to work as hard as he does but he knows he has to in order to maintain everything his father left him. David takes on so much because he thinks he has to and that kind of weight will crush him eventually. He's pulling himself in so many directions, something has to give. To put it in his own words, one of these times when he throws himself at the wall it won't be the thing that breaks.
Asher - Optimism
Asher, you sweet sweet bean, your joy will be the thing that destroys you. Asher has the Polites problem (see, I know Greek characters) in where his optimism is the thing that drives the group into a far more dangerous situation. Asher's hopeful belief that they could get through the Inversion almost got him killed. He is the sunshine character, he's the one that everyone expects to be happy, he holds the morale of the pack on his shoulders and that kind of pressure would be enough to make anyone crack. How long will it be until the happy-go-lucky attitude snaps under the weight?
Milo - Dedication
It's easy to say Milo is loyal to a fault. It's hard to say he has a gravely misplaced sense of dedication. Milo feels he has something to prove, he always has. Prove to himself and the rest of the pack that he's useful, he has a place, he has a purpose in this pack. Milo has dedicated his life to proving his worth and that dedication to a harmful cause will be the thing that kills him. Hell, it already almost did. If another event like the Inversion happens, he might not make it out.
Sam - Independence
Sam is an interesting case because his need to be independent won't kill him physically as much as it will mentally. He has worked so hard to make sure other people's actions don't define him that he instinctively isolates himself. He keeps everyone at arm's length so that if and when they do something that hurts the people around them, he won't be caught in the blast radius. But that changes when he meets Darlin, someone who also keeps people at arm's length and doesn't let anyone get close. There's an argument to be made in how Sam seems himself in Darlin and that's why he felt so inclined to help them (beyond just hating Quinn) but not the point I'm making. Sam runs from problems before they can affect him and when the pack dies, he'll be stuck in a problem he can't run from. Sam may not die after the pack is gone but he will fade into the background. Sam will be lost in time, clinging to memories of a time that he let people in as those too eventually fade into the aether of history.
Vincent - Naivety
I heavily considered giving Vincent independence as his fatal flaw too cause it very well could be but we don't do doubles in this house and there is a far more deadly flaw in him and that's his naivety. Vincent is blind to his situation, he doesn't understand most of it because he's been shielded from it. He lacks understanding of what it really means to be a vampire, let alone one in such a well known house. And it's in that where we see his mistake with Lovely. Vincent turned Lovely without fully understanding his own place and therefore doesn't understand the responsibilities he's putting onto Lovely by bringing them into it. It's the blind leading the blind. This lack of real understanding I think will be what tears him apart.
Porter - Peace
Now, this one is hard to explain. How is peace a fatal flaw? Rather simply, actually. You find peace in a situation that you choose not to change. Porter is William's guard dog because he doesn't feel like he deserves to be anything more. He does as asked because he thinks it's all he good for. He had made his peace with the fact that he believes he's not worth anything more than the blood he can spill. Which is wrong and flawed. And it's in that peace in the situation he doesn't believe he deserves to change that will get him killed. If he doesn't convince himself he's worth more than this, it'll be the thing that does him in.
Gavin - Humanity
Gavin's sense of humanity may not necessarily kill him but it will cause an untold amount of pain. Gavin has distanced himself so far from the world of demons in order to choose his own path and be who he is that he's forgotten this world isn't his. Elegy owes him nothing and it'll give him as much. It's the immortal lover problem, he will survive long after Freelancer and the others are gone and it will break him. I've mentioned before that Gavin and Porter are two sides of the same character but what's interesting is how their stories seem to be going in opposite directions until they eventually switch places. When Gavin loses the people that give him a sense of humanity, he will fall to what he believes he has to be in order to survive while Porter is learning that he can be more than what's expected of him and will hold that sense of pride I believe long after Treasure is gone.
Escaped, you're next. Prepare.
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50setsofplayif · 2 years
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You are introduced as a manager for the college basketball team, but it seems like you've transferred on a messy year.
The team's reputation is at risk after one of its new star players, is accused of cheating in an exam. Your best friend, a sister of one of the players, pleads for your help in finding the real culprit before the team is banned from playing All Star School Tournaments.
You begin to investigate and get to know the different members of the team, including the serious scholar, the charasmatic captain, the laid-back joker, and the brooding outsider. As the investigation progresses, tensions rise among the team members and secrets are revealed as you learn about how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Will you be able to clear the team's reputation before it's too late?
No Demo - Spotify - Visuals - Pinterest
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A customisable MC – hair, clothing style- in general, physical features.
Build and repair relationships with a cast of characters from two different schools.
Choose between five RO's to romance or befriend.
Build up your stats! You'll need them.
This game is 18+ due to the basics (swearing, drug abuse and so on) a better description will follow with chapter 1!
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( The charismatic captain: Riley ) : This basketball player is the charismatic leader of the team, with a charming personality and a magnetic presence. He's confident and outgoing, but also has a vulnerable side that he doesn't show to everyone. Lately, he's been feeling the pressure of being a role model to his teammates, and struggling with the realization that he might not be able to achieve his dream of becoming a famous basketball player if his team's reputation is ruined as he's torn between wanting to pursue his dream of becoming a famous basketball player and not wanting to abandon his teammates in the dirt of these accusation towards the new teamate, who are like family to him. How will you help him navigate these difficult decisions? ♥︎
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( The serious scholar: Orion ) : This basketball player takes his academics very seriously, and is under a lot of pressure to maintain his high grades from his parents, as he's been threatened to be pulled out if his grades drop, while also performing well on the court. He's struggling with being a perfectionist, and it's affecting his sleep schedule and overall health. He's also worried about the accusations of cheating, as he knows how damaging they could be to his team's reputation. Can you help the serious scholar balance his academic and athletic responsibilities, and clear his team's name? ♥︎
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( The laid-back joker: Isaac ) : This basketball player is always cracking jokes and making his teammates laugh, but he's secretly struggling with anxiety and introversion. He feels like he has to put on a happy-go-lucky persona to fit in with his outgoing teammates, but he's really struggling to keep up as he's secretly an introvert with anxiety. Can you help the laid-back joker find his true voice and overcome his anxiety, and find the confidence to be himself? ♥︎
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( The brooding outsider: Vincent ) : This basketball player is the team's grumpy player, with a quiet and brooding personality. He doesn't reveal much about his past, but there's a hint of something darker lurking beneath the surface. Some people on campus whisper about rumors of him being involved in bullying in the past, but he's never spoken about it. Despite his prickly exterior, he's fiercely loyal to his teammates and has a strong moral code. How will you help him open up and confront his past, while also supporting him as a valued member of the team? ♥︎
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( The enigmatic transfer: Eli ) : This basketball player is the team's enigmatic transfer, with a mysterious and elusive personality. He's new to the team and the college, and doesn't reveal much about himself or his past. After his first exam, he was accused of cheating and it's tarnished his reputation on campus. He's been keeping a stoic persona to avoid any further scrutiny, but he's struggling with the weight of the accusations against him. How will you help him clear his name and find the truth behind the accusations, while also getting to know him better and unraveling the mystery of his past? ♥︎
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applesontheground · 1 year
pretend i'm well 🕯️
i began writing this during a trying time and much like me it fell apart into an ill-fitted little comfort thing. i had originally intended for my eyes only, but if anyone is as down bad as me you can see it too. hopefully i didn't write him too dang soft, but who knows if he even means that shit at the same time when he is, you know?
he's fucking difficult and i really do enjoy that in a fictional man.
SFW | Word Count: 2,041 | Bo Sinclair x GN Reader contains canon typical/mentions of murder, some maso behavior + nihilism to taste, hurt/comfort, fluff, implied kidnapping/stockholm syndrome, reader is an accomplice and they are NOT having a good time 🎼: x
A deep chasm was opened in your chest, trailing down your body and into the unknown, and it was where all words went to burn up in dark embers. You were utterly silent, almost furiously so. You fixed what chaos had conspired in the form of the twins, quietly standing furniture back up and picking crumbling wax on the floor, gently setting it on the various surfaces or even a few of them directly in Vincent’s hands. He had been helping in mute solidarity alongside you, and in that you had a realization that he was expecting some sort of complaint.
You didn’t look at him once, and when the job in one building was done you were sure that the only sound that showed you were leaving was the door closing behind you.
Down at the station, Bo merely watched from the dark as you did the same for him. Setting items back on the shelves, straightening anything that had been thrown about and misplaced from evening’s struggles. You merely turned blind eyes to the oddities that would be left for them to handle, too big for one person alone; the body behind the counter, splayed on the ground and brutalized with blood pooling against dirty concrete. Blue eyes merely glowered as you stepped over it in between pacing with your cleaning, keeping your stare into the void of the night outside.
It was like both of them were waiting for you to join the mess, to snap and start another fire under the fanfare of a long dead town. That idea couldn’t spark; it only sat heavy in your throat, making you grimace when you swallowed it back down and left as silently as you had entered.
When you had ventured back up to the house, you let yourself come undone in the bathroom towards the back of the first floor. The door locked, and the shower turned on to drown out the heavy sobs that hurt your chest, letting them fall from you and cracking the hard shell you had been forced to grow in the safety of the small room. Crumpled in front of the sink, you held your hands under scorching water, letting the pain it sent through the nerves of your palms bring the night back in the form of terrifying recollections that rushed to the forefront.
You had to do something to feel the anguish, otherwise it would smother you for who knew how long.
Your eyes lifted from the sea of tears and caught sight of the light from the hallway, blocked by something between the hardwood and the door between when you had first closed it and now. It immediately made the whimper on your breath die, falling silent despite the running water covering most of the noise to begin with. You inhaled deeply, forcing yourself to wash the grime and cold wax from your hands. The pressure of being heard – knowing you were being heard – did a decent job, helping pull yourself back together.
It was more scaring you into silence, but you took it in stride. Everything was ringing from the short-lived episode, finding its footing through a surge of heat in your skin. Gravity was a savior as you brought it all back inside, turning the sink’s water cold to splash on your face, and your sinuses popped in a revelation. You have to get a grip – at least until you’re alone again.
There was a knock on the door. You froze, staring at your own bloodshot gaze in the mirror. “Yeah?” Your voice was surprisingly steady, not nearly as shaken as you felt when you called out.
“You okay?” Bo tried to sound genuine, but it was more forced than anything else. After a beat, taking another breath through your nose, you lied, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Not lyin’, are you?”
You swallowed hard and asked him as you began to towel off your hands, “Why would I lie, Bo? What good does that do for anyone in this situation, huh?”
Silence. You peeled your shirt off, tugging down on the damp camisole underneath and turning towards the shower. You set the toilet seat down, sitting and taking another long moment to hang your head. When the doorknob jiggled slightly, you glared at the attempt.
“You…” Bo trailed off, and you shook your head as you looked back at your feet. “You need anything?” He finished, the floor scuffing as he shifted weight from one leg to the other, uncomfortable at his own offer.
“…No, thanks.” You muttered, a truer tone showing itself in the form of a small crack in your voice. Still, you held your ground, hoping he’d just walk away. The bastard was so incredulously abrasive most of the time, so why the hell was he lingering? You gave up on showering, turning the water off and taking your shirt off the bathroom counter. Mustering the wall back up and running your hand under both eyes a final time, you turned and unlocked the door.
He was still standing, as though he was waiting for that vicious reaction to how he imposed. It merely deflated when he got a good look at your face, and you brushed past him with no bumps or awful expressions. Even if the agony hadn’t been obvious, everything was damp and irritated in all the wrong places.
You walked back down the hall, spotting the far side of the sofa. As you sank down, he still hadn’t moved from the other end of the hall. You didn’t care if Bo stared at you all night, posture limp and neck craning over the back of the couch, staring at the ceiling with glazed eyes.
“Better I leave you be?” He then asked, and you almost scoffed at how confused he sounded. It was half genuine, half trying to gauge something. Even if you weren’t necessarily the one that he was set out to snuff at this point, he still had to figure you out. Keep tabs on what was going on, or at least try to. It was in the very nature he had settled into.
You merely shrugged against the itchy fabric on your back, and that was enough permission to approach you. You closed your eyes, the lids promptly stinging and making you grimace slightly as he sat down on the other side. Sleep sounded amazing, a great way to find solace from all the emotion that ran rampant, a temporary ticket into something that couldn't be worse than this living nightmare. You had no clue if you were even going to get to touch that, though: it was a tricky thing when mixed with that adrenaline of being help to the Sinclairs.
“You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want, don’t know how long I’ll be.” You then hinted, knowing he had turned to look at you again through a cracked corner of your peripheral, “Don’t wait up for me.” You smirked despite your chest aching at the thought, “Made it this far without killing myself, right?”
He was mute again, and you let the curl of your lips fall from grace in the grace of quiet. A hand had trailed up from your side, rubbing the side of your neck, finding a tough knot and rolling it from where it lay under your skin. Ambrose was at least a good quarter mile downhill, far enough away for the time. The Sinclair house wasn’t much better, sure, but at least there were no still life shots of a dead civilization pinning you between them, never free from falling stagnant alongside it despite being a living, breathing person.
“Didn’t know you could shoot like that.” Bo stated, and though it wasn’t something that particularly upset you, it was a reminder that you had shot someone tonight. It made your face scrunch slightly, fight the threat pricking your throat and making it impossible to answer, to slide it off and answer him. Yeah, me neither. When he had looked back over the first tear slid from the corner of your closed eye, and despite breaking you tried to save it with the quiet, “Yeah, me neither.”
Somewhere in the haze, you heard the couch breathe underneath you and someone ease up against your side. You kept your eyes closed as there was an arm slinging over the back of the couch, fingers starting to push your hair away from your face. “Hey.” It was the same voice he had used to keep you compliant when he had decided you were good enough to hold onto, start the game of "When was [Y/N] actually going to die?", and it only made you lock up even worse. “Know you’re scared. Don’t blame you, alright? You did a good job tonight, [Y/N]. Kept Vince and I out of real trouble.”
It was weird to think he was trying to make it better, telling you how great of an accomplice to murder you had been, and it made your gaze snap open to look him in the eye. It was a farfetched hope that it’d scare him, unable to face the turmoil he had put you through and remember the part of you that was too human to welcome him.
Instead it just made the last sliver of humanity inside of him come closer, a hand rolling over your jaw as he turned you into his shoulder. Your hands settled on the couch to keep your form angled away from him, unable to breathe at this gesture you didn’t even know where to begin with. He insisted again, “I'm not gonna hurt you. Made it this far without killing you, right?”
It should’ve made you laugh to have your own words thrown back at you, but when your chest caved to huff in laughter it came out as a defeated sigh instead. Whatever this was seemed to break the weird mask of Bo feigning interest in you, because even when you were a hostage at someone else’s mercy, you hadn’t wept in front of him.
Not like this.
Coming back again, he had guided you to hide in his chest, engulfing you in a haphazard hug with arms around your shoulders and chin tucked against the top of your head. Again, warm…and you couldn’t trust it knowing what you knew about him. When you tried to pull back, he only coaxed you to go limp again with a hold far firmer than your own, and a maddeningly easy voice.
“Easy, easy. Shh, nothing’s the matter, baby.” It was an ill-placed comfort, but one you were desperate for – even if you didn’t want to admit that. He huffed more to himself than to you, “That’s right, it’ll be okay.” and that only made you weaker, scrambling for the affection like some sort of deprived animal.
Sleep was a sneaky thing, and somewhere between your last push in attempts to get away from him and the final shivering breath falling from your lips, it came for you. It didn’t help that you could hear the bastard’s heartbeat when held against him, adding to a rhythm that somehow soothed through the utter discomfort you felt towards your life, your surroundings…
You considered that was what Bo wanted when you came to, taken to bed with him and against his chest still. He was asleep, quiet deep breaths against the crown of your head and a limp arm still pulled around your shoulder.
Although it was far less rehearsed than how you had fallen asleep, it was still like watching a bear hibernate and knowing when he woke, it'd maul again. You stayed dead still, because there was no telling if even the smallest movements underneath the weight of his arm would get him up. He was a man at the end of the day, but knowing what the man was capable of only made you stand still all over again. You were closer to him than you ever had been, tangled in the covers that he slept in every night.
Might as well have crawled into his ribcage while you were at it, make yourself at home in the very thread of Bo Sinclair’s everyday life.
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I love your analysis SO much!!!! You're so smart (Dani too obviously). I never thought about the friendship of Vincent and August but now I can't get them out of my head. Well and now I'm wondering if you could do a similar analysis for Nils and Vincent 👉👈 no pressure tho
HELLO! We would love to give you our thoughts about Nils and Vincent. As avid Nilcent shippers, we have thought about this a lot. And by that I mean that I, Zee, am a Nilcent shipper and I have dragged Dani down to the pits of hell by my side. ANYWAY:
Nils and Vincent are so interesting as a dynamic. Like we're not kidding, there is so much to dissect with this one.
On a surface level, they act in the opposite way you would think they should. Nils is very much the cookie cutter, stereotypical image of wealth, and Vincent is more loose with it. But the more you dive into it, the more it makes sense.
Nils is careful because he is comparatively nouveau riche. He can't break any rules. His entire reputation hangs in the balance, and reputation is all you have when you're on the status level of Nils. That's why he stays pretty quiet, that's why he stays in the closet, that's why he's seemingly a follower.
Vincent, by comparison, is far less careful. He knows the rules. He has memorized every single one so well that they just play in the back of his mind, warped and kind of bended from how much they have been drilled in. He isn't actively thinking about them because he doesn't have to.
And this key difference between the two of them reflects in everything down to the way they dress. Nils is always dressed up. He always looks nice. He's always ready to be seen and observed. Vincent experiments. He plays more with bright colors and jewelry (like his chunky necklaces) and he isn't always read to be seen (like in s1e2 when he's in a bathrobe).
Dani's point: As far as dress and conduct go, they seem like the opposite of what they are and it is kind of exactly what happens the longer someone stays around money.
But then when we get down into the nitty gritty of their dynamic, it get's stranger. Because this relationships is fundamentally unequal based on status alone, and yet they don't seem to be using each other all that much.
Vincent uses Nils in the August-take down and throughout season two as has right hand, but Nils seems a ready and willing participant. There isn't much that feels forced about their positions in season two.
However, this doesn't come without a caveat. We do actively see Vincent look down on Nils.
Zee's observation: something something the actor being shorter was an interesting and important choice because he's being looked down on both physically and metaphorically something something.
In season one, Vincent talks about how he and The Society are allowed to be in the club, but Nils isn't because he is nouveau riche. And then in season two, when Nils asks to be co-captain of the rowing team, Vincent tells him no.
But Nils is far more qualified for that position. In fact, Vincent isn't even on the rowing team in the first season. Nils is. Vincent gained his new position based on status, even though Nils is in every sense the better option.
It's the Wizard of Oz: don't look behind the curtain. Vincent is the big talking head and Nils is the man talking into the microphone.
Despite all of this, they do actually just like each other. It is an active choice for them to hang out with each other. It is an active choice for them to go on that vacation together in between seasons, and to overthrow August together, and to just hang out whenever they can. No one is forcing them to do that.
If this was a status thing, Nils would be looking for higher conquests, and Vincent would not be wasting his time "slumming it" with nouveau riche boys. They choose each other.
They repeatedly prove that they trust each other too. And, in Vincent's case, he repeatedly shows Nils that he can be trusted. It isn't blind faith, Vincent actively demonstrates that he is worthy of Nils' trust.
In season two, Nils says he thinks Vincent knows about him being gay, but it’s not something they really talk about. One would think that would freak him out, but it doesn’t. Because he trusts Vincent to keep that secret safe.
It’s proven time and time again that Vincent is trustworthy with that secret. Not only Nils’ sexuality, but also Wille’s. He shows Nils that he’s trustworthy by not talking about other people like that. When the video comes out, Vincent’s only thought/comment is about who made the video, not who is in it, and he consistently looks past Wilmon being around each other in favor of minding his own business. That all proves to Nils that Vincent can be trusted with his sexuality.
But chicken or the egg: which came first?
Did Vincent figure out Nils’ sexuality and then become nonchalant about those things? Or was he already nonchalant about it and then figure out Nils? Is Vincent fruity too?
In comparison to August and Vincent, who have the worst kind of friendship, Vincent and Nils might just have the best kind of friendship. It isn't simply blind faith and a business transaction. August blindly trusts Vincent with all of his secrets, but Nils knows his secrets are safe.
Beyond the Nilcent ship, Nils and Vincent are just in this, like, near-perfect friendship. It's really very strange.
Y'all literally ask us more. We'll do it. We'll analyze the shit out of this show.
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littlealeta · 4 months
A Vincent Brooks Positivity Post
Since there is a lot of negativity surrounding Vincent, I decided to reframe that into a more positive analysis of the character.
Now, before we begin. I would like to admit that I am aware Vincent is not a perfect person. There isn't any way I'm trying to make him seem like a saint or disregard the stuff that he's done. And I also do not think he and Katherine should be together. I believe that their relationship has contributed a large part to the toxicity on both of their parts and they deserve to live a life where they both can be happy and healthy. However, I think the comments about him being a "bad person who doesn't deserve anyone" or "the spawn of satan" are overly harsh. He isn't in any way even close to those traits, especially when you compare him to the real demons of the game which are Catherine and Boss.
Not communicating and being codependent on his relationships were not the right way to handle those situations. However, I don't think it's inherently and completely the fault of Vincent, but rather the environment that he has grown up in and is experiencing. He came from a broken family. He's been judged his whole life for being different. His girlfriend and friends are pressuring him into being normal. And his friends aren't even really teaching him the tools and coping strategies to deal with the situation he is in and to be a human. He doesn't know how to "say he has a girlfriend" or to say he cheated because those are tough decisions to make. I think it takes a brave and smart person to come clean about any mistake, especially cheating. And he doesn't tell Catherine he has a girlfriend probably because Catherine often overpowers him. She apparently groomed him into sleeping with her and threatened him if he tried to leave. He also lives in a town full of men who don't know how to respect their girlfriends so there's a bit of influence from that, too. That's what makes him a sympathetic character because if you analyze the character beyond the surface level, you would understand why he became the way he is.
Now, for what it's worth, Vincent is relatively a strong, brave, noble and amazing man. I think a lot of people in his situation would've done a lot worse. E.g., Steve, Archie, Todd, Orlando all went through abuse and betrayal and became so embittered that they ended up angry at the entire world. A lot of people would not have owned up to their behaviors. By the end of the game, Vincent opens up about his affair to both the girls and how he was feeling, letting out both his vulnerabilities to them (despite how dangerous Catherine is and despite the possibility he might lose his relationship with Katherine). The fact that he has gone through so much judgment, abuse, and torture yet still cares genuinely about people (even the ones who have hurt him) is incredible. He became the first person in his male group to be able to openly accept LGBT in Full Body (right in front of his transphobic friends). He often openly expresses his vulnerabilities much to his friends' dismay (who both feel like they must suppress their vulnerabilities and to be a man). He's the only one in his group to not judge Toby's relationship with Erica. Vincent hardly ever lashes out or brags, in fact, he humbles himself too much, which allows people to walk over him. He is a decent citizen, usually following the rules and laws, but also, in a sensible way, tries to escape the box his self-righteous society is trying to put him in. He's not totally stupid, he offers some wisdom Rin and his sheep associates about how to survive and can pick up on subtle hints like his friends being depressed or the boss being the culprit. And last but not least, whether or not you see him as a cheater, IT WAS NEVER DONE SERIOUSLY.
The game shows that relationship troubles don't always have to be the end of the world. Both Katherine and Rin, after they were hurt by Vincent, CAN forgive him if he chooses them. His friends, as harsh as they have been, never threw Vincent under the bus. And Vincent learns to accept his past mistakes and move on.
The game would not have been as special if Vincent was the kind of character people wanted: Confident, Fearless, Normal, Charismatic, Cool, and a Genius. Plus, he CAN become confident. He CAN become brave. He CAN become more outgoing. He CAN become stronger. And he CAN become smarter. We don't get arcs like this in characters much, and I find that sad.
Vincent's character teaches us that it's okay to feel insecure and vulnerable. It's okay to feel like something is missing from your life. It's okay to not have all the answers. It's okay to make mistakes as long as you own up to them and become a better person. Accept your flaws, take responsibility, and learn to love yourself. You will become a stronger and better person in the long run. This is what the theme of Vincent's arc is. Sometimes we're all cowards, and stupid, and confused, and not always mature.
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rykeiwrites · 2 years
Favorite Kisses
🪷 Characters: Vincent, Gavin, Sam, Asher
🪷 Genre: romance
🪷 T/W: None
🪷 Notes: Just wanted something nice with the boys
✧ Vincent
No one should be surprised but his favorite place to kiss you is on your neck. I imagine he enjoyed neck kisses even before he was a vampire, there is something so vulnerable to have someone kiss there. He is a little shit and leaves hickies on your neck though, careful to not pierce skin. His favorite place to kiss on the neck is right under and behind the ear, it’s a sensitive spot and it can make you squirm if he plays his cards right.
He enjoys being kissed anywhere on his face. Forehead kisses are just so soft to him. If he is kissed there he’s able to relax almost instantly, knowing everything will be okay. On his cheek he feels flirty, moving quickly to have you kiss him on the lips instead. Might be harder to do after you become a vampire, but he’s okay with it still. And if you kiss his chin while cuddled up to his chest his heart feels like it might burst. It’s a soft gesture, and it makes him warm from the inside out.
✧ Gavin
I think it may surprise and not surprise many people, but Gavin’s favorite kisses to give are not the hot, sex charged kisses he and you share (though he does enjoy those) it is the ones late at night where you are cuddling together. The kisses are soft and full of love. Under your eye, cheek, forehead, and even on your arms. Closed mouth, but he puts his whole self into them still. He wants it to sink in how much he cares for you, how he loves you.
Gavin enjoys when you kiss him on the lips. It doesn’t have to be making out, but the one where you grab his face and kiss him like there is no tomorrow. It’s passionate, and he loves it. He may be able to get high off of feeding on that feeling of yours. He enjoys having your hands wrapped around his neck and his around your waist, able to lift you up. He curls his tail around you also, trying to keep in as much contact with you as he can.
✧ Sam
He likes kissing his Darlin on the mouth. It’s old fashioned and perfect for them. It also gives him a chance to run his tongue against any scars you may have on your lips. It also allows him to hold you close to him and keep you against his body. His hands wander a bit, brushing across scars and skin right under your shirt. He doesn’t have any intention of making the kiss lead anywhere, but he loves touching you. 
It’s no surprise that he also likes Darlin kissing him on his lips. He enjoys you trying to pin him against a surface to kiss him. You both know he is strong and fast enough to not let it happen, but he does. He could kiss you for hours if you let him and he isn’t busy.
(Bonus cause I love Sam) 
He doesn’t like being kissed on his neck nor kissing your neck. He doesn’t want to feed off you, and being near your pulse points right there would be too tempting he fears. He also gets scared when you kiss his neck, he knows you're not Alexis, but the mind is a funny thing and he has flashbacks sometimes. Better to just avoid it. 
✧ Asher
He is someone who doesn’t really have a favorite place. He’ll take it where he can. That said he loves kisses where he can playfully nip at you. Nothing too sharp or hurtful, but just enough to feel the pressure of his teeth. He is always giggling while he does it too. He holds you tight so you can’t get free also. Sometimes yes this does leave you with a little slobber on you, but can you blame the guy? You're delicious, he says.
That said, turn the tables and bite him during a kiss and he will whimper. Asher is baby girl behavior personified, I don't make the rules. He is begging you to do it again. He is obsessed with you and wants you fr. so i wouldn’t do this often myself, cause he will bother you all day if you do it. 
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jonismitchell · 2 months
pls use this ask as an opportunity to talk/rant/etc about everything you like about van gogh’s art 👀
one thing everyone has to get about this blog is i am the Van Gogh Girl. like his art is my header. it's my laptop wallpaper. it's hanging around my room. i have almond blossoms printed on my bedsheets, which came with a certificate of authenticity from the van gogh museum. when i went to that museum it was a borderline religious experience and i started tearing up in the first room.
and like, i could direct you to doctor who 5x10 and say that's it, basically, i relate to him and i think the art is beautiful and his story means something to me, and i still don't think that would scratch the surface of how i feel about vincent van gogh, so i'm going to rant more because well! you've given me an opportunity!
let me start by saying i know what the general take on van gogh's life is. i know that he's the poster boy for a tortured artist, and i think people who buy too much into that don't really... get him, sorry for phrasing it like that, it's all i could think of. i think part of the beauty of van gogh's art coming to life is that it was a calling he found so late, after a lot of other things didn't work out, and that the pressure for that to be the thing that Did was so motivating.
and yes i know he was very ill and of course that affects how you see the world but i have to think that there's something beautiful and affecting and more than being a tortured poet.mp3 or whatever you want to call him in having your bed be the size of the entire room and saying, i want to paint sunflowers.
because that's what initially appealed to me about his work, you know? that it was so full of life? that he could find the life in peasants and the butcher and all these simple scenes that people had discarded because they weren't important. because he could look at the night sky and paint it into the entire world, and he could look at a yellow house and see it as hope, and even though he was [insert description of preference here] he would look at the world and find the beautiful strands to pull out of it.
and his work looks like that. it looks like hope and openness and beauty and seeing that in everything, seeing things for what they Are and could Be. if you opened your eyes to it. i'm thinking about the cafe terrace at night and how it was painted 200 years ago and how when i walk down the sidewalk on a blue summer night, this is what it looks like. this is what it feels like.
and i think about my favourite painting of his, almond blossoms, and how he made it for his brother upon the birth of his child, and how it is so immediate an accessible, like the blossoms are reaching out to you. like it's saying: this is what the world looks like and you could be a part of it, you just have to reach. (worth noting at the museum i went back to stare at it like three times and almost lost my shit. like it is my favourite painting ever made.)
this is long and largely incoherent but in short: the vibrancy and life that van gogh's art was suffused with despite the pain and turmoil of his personal life has always meant the absolute world to me. and i think he was a genius who did something revolutionary with colour and form and creating impressions of the world that were truer to how it is than any photograph could be. and i think that the most revolutionary thing he did was drawing beauty out of even the most ordinary lives, because they were and continue to be beautiful. i wish i could express myself better.
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So I’ve been sent by the OC creator bingo, but I don’t really know that much at all about the Umbrella Academy.
So here’s your chance to ramble about your ocs, the plot, whatever you want!! (And maybe give me a little synopsis lol)
Hello there! Thank you for reaching out!
Long post ahead, so I'll put it under a cut!
Okay, so, first I'll explain the differences between the Magnolia Academy and the Umbrella and Sparrow Academies
The Umbrella and Sparrow Academies both had Reginald being a Terrible Father:tm: that forced the kids into it and essentially treated them like child soldiers/experiments
Meanwhile, the Magnolia Academy have the human version of Grace Hargreeves we saw in season 2 as a mom, who adopted as many kids as she could to keep Reginald from getting them (also one of them is her biological daughter). Becoming superheroes was actually the kids' idea. When they assured her that, yes, this is what they want to do, they know what they're getting into and still want to, she supported them and got them the best training she could. She was already teaching them how to control their powers
(Poppy didn't want to be a part of the superhero aspect so she stayed with her mom in the lab)
The kids weren't experiments. They weren't child soldiers. They weren't numbers. They were still kids that got to have a childhood but also wanted to save the world. Grace made the Magnolia Academy not to control the kids, but to support them in their endeavors
Later on, for example, when Fauna left the Magnolia Academy to become a veterinarian, Grace as well as her siblings fully supported her. Same with when Vanessa wanted to become a lawyer, and Bridget wanted to become a nurse. Meanwhile, Casey, Vincent, Elizabeth, and Sonya, kept doing the whole superhero thing, and Poppy went on to work in the scientific field with her mother
Because of this support system, the family dynamic is a lot closer and, for lack of a better word, healthier, than we see with either set of Hargreeves. Obviously, they love each other, but let's be real here: they're dysfunctional as fuck. This is part of why we love them of course, but it's still a major contrast to the Abernathy siblings
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sagemoderocklee · 2 years
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Return to Sender Original Soundtrack
Once a month, like clockwork, Rock Lee waited with baited breath for his mail to arrive. -Return to Sender, Chapter One
Listen on Spotify (Recommended listening: chronological order. Track list below the cut)
No Postage Necessary 1. The First of the Month Running [Black Violin // Stereotypes] 2. Unwelcome Realization Stray Italian Greyhound [Vienna Teng // Inland Territory] 3. Denial So Afraid [Janelle Monáe // Dirty Computer] 4. Painful Truths You Don't Know What Love Is [Chet Baker, Carson Smith, Bob Neel, Russ Freeman // Chet Baker Sings] 5. The Shinobi Way (Isn't to Love You) I'm a Fool to Love You [Billie Holiday // Lady in Satin: The Centennial Edition] 6. Small Comforts Hope [Daughter // Music from Before the Storm] 7. The Love Letter My Love - Acoustic [Florence+the Machine // Dance Fever (Deluxe)]
Shipping Label Created 8. Promotion The Mission [Black Violin // Classically Trained] 9. Trying to be Helpful Everybody Talks [Neon Trees // Picture Show] 10. Where Is It? Overwhelmed [Chloe x Halle // Ungodly Hour] 11. Friendly Advice Love Will Save the Day [Whitney Houston // Whitney]
Tracking Number 12. Delayed Departure Under Pressure [Queen, David Bowie // Hot Space] 13. Forgive An Old Man's Mistakes Youth [Daughter // If You Leave] 14. Parting Due West [Kelsey Lu // Due West]
In Transit 15. The Journey to Suna Running [No Doubt // Rock Steady (Expanded Edition)] 16. Arrival Come on Home [Franz Ferdinand // Franz Ferdinand] 17. Pressed Against You in the Windowseat Heavenly Day [Patty Griffin // Children Running Through] 18. Guilt Rising Caught [Florence+the Machine // How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Deluxe)]
Out for Delivery 19. Consumed Teeth [Mallrat // Butterfly Blue] 20. The Birthday Festival Landmines [St. Vincent // Marry Me] 21. (Where is) The Love Letter My Love - MEDUZA REMIX [Florence+the Machine, MEDUZA] 22. Red Handed, Empty Handed // Flee Nephilim [Ebony Bones!, The Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra] 23. Open Wounds Biting Down [Lorde // Pure Heroine (Extended)]
Attempted Delivery 24. Waiting Feather Moon [Vienna Teng // Warm Strangers] 25. Try Arrow [Tegan and Sara // Sainthood] 26. Falling Falling [Florence+the Machine // Lungs] 27. Again, Try Break Your Heart [Natalie Merchant // Ophelia] 28. Old Letters, Fresh Snow Waiting for the Snow [Of Monsters and Men // Fever] 29. Apologies One by One [Ruby Amanfu // Standing Still] 30. Secret Grief // A Sister's Meddling Sunlight [Michael Yezerski // The Vigil (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)]
Scheduled Redelivery 31. Waiting, Again How [Daughter // Not to Disappear] 32. Engagement I Wish I Was the Moon [Neko Case // Blacklisted] 33. The Package What You Do to Me [Straight Line Stitch // When Skies Wash Ashore] 34. Nightmares // Fugue State Thousand Eyes [Of Monsters and Men // Beneath the Skin (Deluxe)] 35. Junjō Full of Grace [Sarah McLachlan // Surfacing] 36. Acceptance, Not Forgiveness Love Ridden [Fiona Apple // When the Pawn...]
Signature Required 37. Self-Abasement SUN GOES DOWN [Lil Nas X] 38. The Party Golden Age [Ethel Cain // Golden Age] 39. Oversleeping Watching You Without Me [Kate Bush // Hounds of Love] 40. Your Scars, My Hands Between [Vienna Teng // Waking Hour] 41. Conversations in the Sky Hard Feelings/Loveless [Lorde // Melodrama] 42. Sunsets From A Different (Love) Letter My Love - Dave Glass Animals Remix [Florence+the Machine, Glass Animals]
Wrong Address 43. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Splintered [Aisha Badru // Pendulum] 44. Don't Forget: Try Sand in My Shoes [Dido // Life for Rent] 45. A New Desk, Another Letter Circles [Of Monsters and Men] 46. How Long Will You Make Me Wait? Wait Another Day [Uh Huh Her // Common Reaction] 47. My Scars, Your Hands Bridges [Aisha Badru // Pendulum] 48. Ambush Kill of the Night [Gin Winmore // Gravel & Wine] 49. Captivity Destroyer [Of Monsters and Men} 50. Dreadful Feelings, Dreadful News Flaws [Daughter // Music From Before the Storm]
Your Package Has Arrived! 51. The Love Letter My Love [Florence+the Machine, Dance Fever] 52. Unconscious But Alive Colorblind [Counting Crows // Cruel Intentions] 53. A Father's Gratitude Undeniable You [Jukebox the Ghost // Jukebox the Ghost] 54. Trauma Honestly Ok [Dido // No Angel] 55. Heart Eater Gentle Beast - Interlude [Utada Hikaru // Heart Station] 56. Confessions Drop in the Ocean [Michelle Branch // The Spirit Room]
Special Delivery! 57. 54 Days Sundown [Nightwish // Imaginaerum (The Score)] 58. Whatever it Takes Our Love Will Survive [Wild Belle // Dreamland] 59. Through the Bad Days, Through the Good Harbor [Vienna Teng // Warm Strangers] 60. Framed Letters Bigger Than Love [Oh Wonder // Ultralife] 61. Sunset XO [Beyoncé // Beyoncé (Platinum Edition)] 62. Tender Kisses Touch My Scars This Love [Craig Armstrong, Elizabeth Fraser // Cruel Intentions] 63. Marry Me Put Your Arms Around Me [Texas // White on Blonde]
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wildissylupus · 1 year
I read your post about Ashe, Kiriko and Lucio being leaders, so I wanted to ask what are the Overwatch trio's (Ana, Jack, Gabriel) biggest flaws as leaders?
It's a bit hard to guess since we only see them in leadership positions near the end of Overwatch when the public has turned against them so I have no idea how they lead people without the pressure of Overwatch's public image looming over them (especially Jack).
With Jack and Gabe it's rather easy since a lot of they're mistakes are either shown or just stated in interactions, but something all three of them have in common is an unhealthy work-life balance. Ana is implied to have neglected Pharah and Sam (he's not blameless and I am going to make a post about that) because of her work with Overwatch, Reyes and Martina seem to have been either in a bad place or divorced, we also don't know much about his kid, which says a lot about his priorities are, and we all know what happened with Jack and Vincent.
Jack was too easy and too trusting of people he shouldn't have, specifically Gabriel and especially after the Rialto incident. We see Moira address this in one of her interactions with Jack, stating that he never really did look too closely at what Blackwatch, what Reyes, was doing. Allowing Gabe to hire Moira and for the first seeds of Talon to be planted within Overwatch's ranks. In fact the only Blackwatch member we see have any sort of dynamic with Solider 76 that isn't really surface level is Cassidy, which makes sense cause we see Cassidy being on Jack about the shit Blackwatch has been up to. I think we see Jack over-correct this in the present, being overly hostile to people and being adamant about not joining the Recall.
This all being said, I think out of the three of them Jack made the best Strike Commander, he was chosen for a reason afterall. The mistakes he made are actually rather easy to make and when he did get involved with Blackwatch he made the right decisions, an example I can think of is that he's implied to not only allowed Cassidy to join Blackwatch, but participate in Overwatch missions too. The mistakes he made were just made worse by the fact he had a whole organisation working against him.
Now let's talk about Reyes, let's start with the fact that it's implied that he participated in some police brutality before the SEP program. He's stated to have been "hard on crime" while he was with the LAPD, which is a very specific phrasing and in context of Reyes it can only mean one thing. Him being brutal and ruthless as a leader was good in the Crisis cause that's what they needed, but it's also why Command changed to Morrison in the time when the world was at peace.
This is a big factor in how he failed as a leader in Blackwatch. I think where he fails most egregiously is in the treatment he shows others. I have talked in length about how toxic of an environment Blackwatch was and Reyes didn't help, there's a reason Genji and Cassidy show immense amount of guilt and regret about the stuff they did in Blackwatch. There's a reason Genji's mental health didn't seemingly improve until he moved to an Overwatch Strike Team. There's a reason why it's specified that Cassidy only took bounties for causes he believed in. There's a reason why the only Blackwatch agent Genji is implied to still talk to in Storm Rising is Cassidy.
Not only was Blackwatch an unhealthy work environment but he took risks that put both Strike teams and innocent lives in danger. I've also talked about this but you may be able to call Cassidy reckless and impulsive but he never put anyone other then himself at risk. We see the kinds of risks Cassidy takes in both Reunion and New Blood, all of which are to help another person and all of which only put himself and his opponent at risk.
There is also the fact that he hired Moira, even though his second in command and the head of the medical department, very much disagreed with that choice. Moira was a secret hire, Reyes new hiring her wasn't going to be approved, and with good reason!
Ana is harder to pin down since she was in as a high ranking position as Jack and Gabe. She was a Captain, a second in command, but I do think a big part of the flaws of her leadership, and something she still does today but to a lesser extent, is not listening to the wishes of others. Angela not wanting her tech to be used as a weapon, Pharah wanting to join Overwatch, allowing Reyes to do the shit he did either for the same reason Jack did or just straight up ignorance and inaction.
Ana admits her faults in New Blood when talking to Cassidy, she doesn't exactly say what she did wrong, how she failed, in the ways that we see with Reyes and Jack. She says it in a general way that implies the mistakes they made were the same mistakes as hers. Also re-reading New Blood, Ana seemed to have been just as ruthless as Reyes with Cassidy stating "Never knew you to leave an enemy alive".
Ana is often stated as the person who should have gotten the position of Strike Commander but I think that if that was the case things would have turned out worse for her and Pharah specifically. With Reyes's family we at the very least know Martina was, and still is, a posotive presence in they're kids life. Meanwhile with Sam we know that isn't the case, his and Pharah's relationship is described as "complicated" and with him being a public servant I think he made the same mistake with raising Pharah as Ana did. Now with that, think how much worse this dynamic would be if Ana had the pressure and the responsibility of Strike Commander. It would not end well.
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vvindication · 1 year
what would you trade the pain for? — 3. Fire Escape
3.4k word count content warnings: implied homophobia, alcoholism, medical neglect
Vincent Travart, diligent patrol officer of precinct 41 in the RCM, forms a bond with the infamous Lt. Du Bois when he fails to escape his own inherent need to help people — unwittingly exposing himself to the very beating heart of Revachol, a man who he will never be able to drive from his mind as it seems he's fated to shadow his every step.
read the full thing on AO3 💖
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"Did you hear about the latest Mullen case?"
Any other day, Vincent would have tuned out the usual morning gossip. Today however, his coworkers in the B Wing crowd around a couple of commandeered desks - including his own - cluttering the workspace with lukewarm mugs of scalded coffee. The machine has been acting up ever since yesterday's power outage, providing even less appetizing drinks than usual.
"What? Like, those lame detective novels?" A Junior Officer, no older than eighteen, replies, "can't believe you read that garbage."
Unfortunately, the others are impossible to ignore while standing over him, chattering among themselves.
"No, dumbass," the other insists, "the one working in C Wing."
"There's a Mullen in C Wing?" The eldest of them interjects - a young brunette man who's sprawling his arms across the surface as if he owns it.
Joakim meanwhile has claimed one of the few chairs available to sit directly behind his partner, a loose sheaf of papers in hand as he pretends not to listen. He passively scans the words printed there, leaned back comfortably with his feet propped up on the empty desk adjacent. Over his shoulder, Vincent can make out what seems to be a general summary of gang activity in, and related to, Central Jamrock.
"No! Not literally!" The blond who started the whole conversation is beginning to lose his patience, sighing and letting his cup thud onto the wood. "Just some fuckup I heard about. Gonna let me tell or not? - heard the guy's marriage fell apart when he was caught with another -"
"Shh! Don't let Břeti hear you."
Everyone turns their heads at that, light catching on the lens of Vincent's glasses and reflecting in a distracting spot on the ceiling. The grizzled lieutenant glares in their direction from under greying brows, busy enough not to waste the time reprimanding them on his way past.
He dares his own little wave, even if it isn't reciprocated.
The junior laughs and elbows the man standing next to her, "Quit being such a kissass, Travart." Her companion snickers, looking away.
Joakim's gaze snaps up, suddenly shifting to sit properly in his chair. "Can see your brown nose from here. Not a competition."
"That's rich from you -!"
Within seconds, overlapping voices are drowning out all other sound as an argument cascades down around him like a great waterfall. He flinches and clasps a hand over one ear. "Hey, hey, take it easy -" he tries to protest - none of them relent. Underneath, a shrill whine is still piercing at his mind. He forces his eyes shut tight as pressure gathers behind them.
"Quiet." His partner's raised voice cuts through the noise above him, cold as jagged stone. There's a tense few seconds of silence before anyone speaks again. "Gossip somewhere else. We're working."
"Fuckin' killjoy ..." One of them mutters.
The three begrudgingly collect their mugs, wandering away to take perch on one of the wing's less ancient desks of sturdy manufactured metal. That certainly won't be the last of the trouble they cause in one day.
Vincent hesitantly checks that he is in the clear with one eye, still clutching at his own head. "You good?" Joakim speaks calmly. He's the only one standing over him now, warm grey gaze betraying concern as he grips his shoulder.
He nods, wordless at first, then taps his temple. "Head's been killing me ever since that lightning strike."
"And you haven't seen the lazareth." It's a statement laced with disappointment, not a question.
"Hell no." He mutters, fingers pressed into the skin.
"Travart -"
"Don't get started. I'll go see him after lunch."
"Good." He moves away with a sharp tap to his upper back. "Don't keep me waiting."
"Yeah, yeah."
read the rest on AO3 💖
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠 —
tagged by @pinkyjulien @katsigian and @noirapocalypto 🖤🩶 thank youu
▶ RULES: bold what always or almost always applies, italicize occasional or situational, strikethrough never applies.
𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄. 𝐕𝐚𝐡𝐧
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hardened | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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i’m not gonna sit here and try to excuse any of Vincent’s bad traits or explain them with his tragic past, because he’s just a genuinely bad person who gradually got worse overtime. so when i say he’s a walking red flag i really mean it.
unresolved rage from the very early age, the powerlessness behind it turned him into a very angry and bitter man; he sees things for what they are – a realist – who lives in a really angry and brutal world and so he acts accordingly, assimilates, naturally picks up the characteristics of the cruel city and nasty people living in it.
not saying he’s easily manipulated or influenced, it’s just his ability to adapt, find balance, a solution to living in such harsh conditions. and the longer he lived, the more desensitized, emotionally-stunned and cold his mind and heart became, the more irritated and impatient he was with people.
his brutal nature fully surfaced in his late 20s while in the army, where he’s been praised and encouraged, congratulated for a slaughter well-done. years of lies, deceit, secret military operations and shady dirty work only gave him trust issues, caused him to become more guarded, mistrusting; but on the other hand forced him to vow never to lie himself, deeming liars the worst sort of humanity.
proud and controlling – traits he developed as a way to feel in control of his own feelings, of the things and people around him.
while envious of other people's happiness, achievements greater than his he never let money get to his head. he does not kill for monetary value, sees it rather as any other job just much more risky than a regular 9-5. he lives rather humbly, spending his earnings on his job – to better himself, his equipment, his work. while he allows himself to splurge on expensive items he values the quality of the product or service over the price tag and the right to brag about it.
years of mercenary work turned him very critical and patronizing towards young mercs – kids, as he calls them – especially those who foolishly try and follow in his footsteps, too blinded by the glory and fame that comes after. truth be told he’s scared of losing his position on the top of the food chain, fears being forgotten and thrown into the gutter, dying of old age with no memory of him imprinted anywhere. he hates the idea of all his hardships, years of gruesome work going to waste.
not that he aimed to change anything in this world, but he doesn’t want to be a Mr. Nobody, not in a city where being Somebody means dying satisfied, without regrets.
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tagging (if you haven't done this yet or wanna do this for another character); @spicyraeman @a-pirate @ne0n-rust @hydrasshole @arczism no pressure tho ✌️
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