#{ Musing: Asmodai }
protect-namine · 7 months
hmmm don't really want to reformat the thread here for archiving, with pictures and all, but I'll write a bullet point version of my thoughts/theories so far.
some "givens" that I'm basing things off of:
khaenri'ah's solution against the elements when they wanted to fight celestia was to use experiential substances (memory, wish, soul, persona, reason) in alchemy. the narzissenkreuz ordo used this knowledge to create the holy blade of narzissenkreuz via magic.
khaenri'ah flipped the citrinitas and rubedo stages of alchemy and it looks like they were really fixated on "gold" but "red" should still be the final stage of the magnum opus that leads to the philosopher's stone
teyvat is going through its own samsara cycles (I actually somehow missed the note about this one during my playthrough but it's not really surprising tbh)
the quest "in the wake of narcissus" explains the whole narzissenkreuz ordo deal and there's a lot things going on with dreams, waking up from a dream of your own making, and affecting reality with "belief" and having a powerful "will"
okay, so now my thoughts. speculation time!
"fiction" is used in genshin not just as a way to preserve the truth in case irminisul rewrites history again (think of it like encrypted data), but perhaps it serves other functions as well. one would be that fiction affects humanity, thereby generating or refining more "experiential substances" (e.g. memory, will, etc.) which we already confirmed to be active ingredients kharenri'ah used in their alchemy and the narzissenkreuz ordo used in their magic. the second function goes a step further: what if fiction (stories, songs) are themselves spells or blueprints for affecting reality? "imbue meaning into the world" is treated as actual magic, so...
a powerful "will" can rival a world, can create and destroy worlds and remake them. we already know the traveler is a person who possesses such a will.
the holy blade of narzissenkreuz can cut and unite wills from water. I do believe that the traveler's "sword of descension" is like their own holy blade, but on the scale of stars. seriously, read the description of that sword again
actually, jakob specifically says that the holy blade can "accommodate both the primordial, and that of order" and if we're going to categorize substances, I think the elements are the primordial and the "experiential substances" (memory, will, soul, persona, reason) are order. "order" is khaenri'ah's solution against the primordial elements
khaenri'ah's alchemy (khemia) is incomplete or incorrect because they flipped the alchemy stages of rubedo and citrinitas. albedo said that rubedo is the "refining of feeling" and citrinitas is when the true value of the object being transmuted has been brought to light, thereby imbuing it with "meaning" (from his ascension voice lines). all of this points to the refinement of the experiential substances but what if... there's something missing here? is that really the end product of alchemy? actually, I wonder if this is the assignment rhinedottir wanted to leave albedo with...
rene in rene's investigation notes likens the khvarena to khaenri'ah's [redacted text] which I now think is "gold" (speculation). kinda makes sense if you think of order and the primordial as opposing forces. khvarena came from the goddess of flowers who was a seelie, while "gold" is created from uhhh. alchemy? khemia? but rene notes that though they oppose each other, they have similar properties (the ability to assimilate materials and energies it comes into contact with)
teyvat is going through samsara cycles, accumulating these experiential substances and reusing them as they remake teyvat each time loop. for example, we know that memory is baked into everything, literally everything in teyvat. or, perhaps, recreating a world / resetting a samsara cycle / resetting a time loop requires both order and the primordial? after all, you're recreating a whole world. you need the experiential and the physical.
the traveler is going around the seven nations, resonating with each element. they are also accumulating so many experiences and we are constantly told by zhongli and venti that the journey matters more than the destination, to bear witness to everything and make memories. to challenge a "world" (like the sword of descension says), to "heal the hurts of the world" (from the concert glider), what if this is what the traveler needs? mastery over both the primordial elements and the experiential substances of order?
and what if, the combination of this, is the actual magnum opus of khemia. the product of rubedo... man those cubes that we saw in the genshin prologue look kinda red, don't they?
edit: okay for the last one, I'll add pictures
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edit again: so I also just realized. we're on the 4th samsara cycle of teyvat. there are 4 alchemy stages to create the magnum opus. the twins are often being associated with the color "gold" (gold haired, golden butterfly, golden nara, etc). do you see what I'm getting at here
gah. I haven't done the book of esoteric revelations yet or finished the AQs. man... my head is already spinning but there's sooooo much more lore I'm not updated on...............
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brighth0pe · 1 year
Asmodai is on his knees pounding the ground screaming and mourning at the destruction of his van.
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Orin stands there patting him on the back as she let out a sight.
" There, there, Asmodai... "
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" At least I still got my puppets that's a good thing I guess... "
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
" That stupid Koaru! He harmed my apprentice, and not only that harm my puppets! D'ooh I'm gonna pound him a new one I'll tell ya! I may be a clown but I ain' t clowning around this time you'll see! "
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dxrknessembr8ced · 2 months
" We truly live in a society. "
He honks his big red nose.
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dontf8arthereaper · 2 years
" Isn't drinking breaking your clown rule? Nya! "
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" Look furball, you dont question a clown and his puppets! And the booze but its importantly the damn puppets! "
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Abysscore had to stop reading the map and roll the windows open to berate the clown horror for drinking when he is the one who is suppose to drive.
" Are you SERIOUSLY going to drink while driving? You damn fool you kill us all while drunk! "
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" Well does have a point there Asmodai. You'll literally break us apart. "
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He turn towards him wanting to slam his head on the car door but he's trying to resist that since Mato is in the back.
" Why I outta.... "
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Exta chuckles.
" ...I never knew Abysscore have a friend, or in this case a frienemy before.. ~ "
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" Those dumbasses have been going on since we rescue Mato from that abysscore fellow... "
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" Uhh! I have to pee please! "
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" Bathroom? Number one, or number two. "
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" Uh? Number one! Number one! "
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inferno-principe · 1 month
RULES:Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) : My softest is hands down Asulah. I don't even know how she qualifies to be a demon. She's had a rough upbringing but is consistently optimistic and supportive of her big brother and genuinely loves her family, despite them not treating her the best. The toughest is probably Yevgeny? He doesn't really let things get to him and emotional attachment is something he really doesn't worry about. He's determined to meet his goals, no matter who he has to screw over or what he has to do.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? : Any of my royals, but especially Kasadya. She's got the double whammy of being a princess and a Demon of Avarice. So 1k is like pocket change to her. She's going out with her friends and treating them to drinks. Either that, or she's gonna spend it splurging on her girlfriend Ace.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? : Pretty much all of them have nicknames. The most significant are probably Si and Ozzie's. Sidonai prefers to have people call him "Si" as a nickname, rather than "Nai." It was a nickname his mother gave him and the only people who are allowed to use it are family members and a select few close friends. Ozzie's nickname is significant because well...Ozzie is his nickname. He actually doesn't know his full name, and his father has no intentions of revealing it, mostly for his safety. His full name is Asmodai, named after his birth father's true name.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? : My younger characters perhaps? Or ones who have died more recently. Probably Terrance? Since he lives on Gaia and amongst humans. But most of my demons are pretty ancient, old school beings, so they're more stuck in their ways.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? : Si and Ace, but only with them. Si has a rough relationship with the others. Other than them, it's probably the Mezoran triplets, Kasadya, Uphir, and Caym, or the Brakhavan princes, Mihr and Sytry.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? : Ngl this sounds like something a very drunk Tamiel would do. Very drunk Tamiel and a very drunk Si.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? : Terrance. Despite actually being quite handsome, he would find it really superficial and very obnoxious.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? : Si talks a big game about being tough, but he would probably freak out. So would poor Kaelon. The one who is the most unfazed is Sabrael. She's the Angel Slayer. Some guy jumping out at her with a fake chainsaw isn't gonna scare her.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? : Not really, no. Sathanus is keen on using her raven-drawn carriages, as it allows her to travel within Brakhava's shadows more easily, but other than that, no one really travels much.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse : Sidonai has a pair of retainers. One is the daughter of a nobleman, named Carmine, who Si chose because she bears a striking resemblance to his ex. The second is Azure Leclair, a former courtesan that Si used to frequent.
Tagged by : @archerwhiterp Tagging: anyone who wants to do this
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auburniivenus · 6 months
💕 aesma~
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are. @empyreous
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"Internet is a wonderful thing. Let's test this new website."
Orihime Inoue & Asmodeus - 68%
Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Orihime Inoue and Asmodeus has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other.
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"As if I would fall in love for a demon. Anyways, let's test this further."
Orihime Inoue & Ashmedai - 13%
Dr. Love thinks a relationship might work out between Orihime Inoue and Ashmedai, but the chance is very small. A successful relationship is possible, but you both have to work on it. Do not sit back and think that it will all work out fine, because it might not be working out the way you wanted it to. Spend as much time with each other as possible. Again, the chance of this relationship working out is very small, so even when you do work hard on it, it still might not work out.
Orihime Inoue & Asmodai - 43%
The chance of a relationship working out between Orihime Inoue and Asmodai is not very big, but a relationship is very well possible, if the two of you really want it to, and are prepared to make some sacrifices for it. You'll have to spend a lot of quality time together. You must be aware of the fact that this relationship might not work out at all, no matter how much time you invest in it.
Orihime Inoue & Aesma - 13%
Dr. Love thinks a relationship might work out between Orihime Inoue and Aesma, but the chance is very small. A successful relationship is possible, but you both have to work on it. Do not sit back and think that it will all work out fine, because it might not be working out the way you wanted it to. Spend as much time with each other as possible. Again, the chance of this relationship working out is very small, so even when you do work hard on it, it still might not work out.
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"See, we can't fall for each other. So it's safe!" Completely forgets about the 68%.
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reginrokkr · 1 year
3 / 15 / 20 / 34 ( munday! )
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3. On what platform did you start RPing?
It was in a Pandora Hearts forum, albeit it was nowhere as deep as it is here and it was everything as a group instead of 1 on 1 like it's here for the most part. In said forum I ended up being more active as a graphic designer than the RP by itself, so I always forget that I used to do that before starting formally on Tumblr close to 7 years ago. Until then, I used to handwrite fanfics on my own during my teenage years and for several afternoons my childhood friend and I used to have wild flights of fantasy in series we liked by adding our self-insert in.
15. What do you think about roleplaying with anons?
Personally, I don't use that feature myself unless it's to enable a few friends of mine with interactions they wish to have with muses they can't write as much as they'd want and that I don't write and the other way around too, although these can be rare instances by themselves too. These are fun, but they should be mutually consensual and with what we'd like to write. Anything beyond that would be a no to me.
20. What’s a ship you don’t want to roleplay at all with this muse? (except Bad Illegal And Gross Stuff, of course)
Aether and Lumine. I've started writing Dain with the original premise that he's the second heir of Celestia as per the Gnostic Chorus, who has an older sister. With that I established a parallel between Dain and his sister (which would be Asmoday / Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles) and Aether and Lumine given the similarities. To Dain, he would see himself reflected in Aether at most (playing the part of the Traveler) and see in Lumine his sister.
If I were to take that factor out of the way, I wouldn't see myself shipping with any of them either. Mainly because I'm aware of the way the fandom at large see Dain towards Aether and Lumine irregardless of the Traveler or Abyss Prince/ss part (although it's more accentuated in the latter part), as this reverent figure who would bend the knee for them, let himself be ridiculed or to be done with him anything without opposing resistance or stand up for himself as if he's no match to them. I'm sorry but I don't see Dain that way at all and even if things could be done differently, what I saw is enough for me to kill the mood to try anything of that regard. I don't feel as strongly for this as I do for Aether and Lumine, but I also don't ship with Kaeya (anymore, as I used to).
For the most part is due to what I explained beforehand in regards of the part Dain tends to take with the Abyss Prince/ss part.
34. What are your thoughts on reblog karma?
To this day, I still don't understand exactly what this is about. What I know is that it's related to people reblogging a meme from another blog on their dash and them sending something to make up for it? I don't really care about that and honestly, if I were to know that someone is sending me a meme thingy out of compromise for having reblogged a meme from me, I would rather they don't. If someone wants to send something, I'd like to think that it's because they genuinely want to interact and that there is not this sense of "apology" for reblogging something from me. I don't really mind if people reblog memes from me so long as they're mindful and not reblog 1034587 things from me in one go within 1 minute to fill my activity feed. I'm also aware that the original source of certain memes can't be accessed anymore because the blog in question has been deactivated, so I think it's all the more reason to be lax in letting peeps reblog something from me.
Munday asks! → Accepting || @khaenriemia ✦
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brighth0pe · 2 years
He was wearing a light grey hooded trench coat and pants, a white t-shirt, and also white and grey shoes. He also had a silver chain necklace around his neck, the pendant a three pronged crown that was half white and black. However the trench coat was zipped up and with his hood up all that can be seen was a black void. Wherever he was, it was a place of darkness.
The gang stops by a nearby gas station to get some gas in this very post apocalyptic outside world still trying to travel to their own destination. The boy mato is humming a soft tune while Orin and Exta is smoking outside of the car. Luzagin is just snapping her fingers making a small flame on the tip of her finger, and Abysscore? Is still looking in the map.
" Pretty sky, very pretty... "
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" How come Mato really enjoy the darkness? "
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" Couldn't blame him kitty, the day in the eclipse is really pretty out. "
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" Hmm, I think we're heading the right direction... "
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" You think? I wonder big is that gate... "
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" Well according to Beethoven over on the front it's big. "
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" Very big... "
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" Better be big enough to fit us all in so we kick that demon king chick' s ass. "
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
In the aftermath of the carnage Asmodai set his puppets into his pockets switching them to cotton candy sticks he use to wave their corpses into rubbery cotton candy balls just to eat them easier. The clown horror looked down on his prey lying dead on the ground and walks over to recently dead GDF soldier in front if him.
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The clown horror waste no time and weaved his cotton candy sticks twisting the corpses around him into cotton candy rubber balls for a job well done while the other horrors around him are too afraid to go near him as Asmodai is the most feared upon the rest of these parasitic makai spawn. One by one all the carcasses now are in cased into said ball as he stand on top of one of these balls now rolling and maintaining his balance while he plays with his food.
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Once he's done playing with his food he toss one of them in the air and into his mouth as he swallows the entire ball all the way down into his stomach. He proceeded eating the rest for himself while the other horrors and horrified individuals watched. Bon appetit.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 7 months
11:59 A.M.
Surrounded by survivors gone mad laughing and killing each other, Asmodai the clown horror stood excitedly watching his prey kill each other after placing them under some sort of trans exposing their true feelings and in result they begun to smile while they just kill each other with other things they use as weapons but unfortunately in this building it's not only infested with the influence of Asmodai but also riddled with B.O.W.s and oh boy zombies. But these zombies are not related to the T-Erebus, but the C-virus that they now infested thanks to the clown just to make things more amusing to him.
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Thankfully both the Jiangshi and her child entered into the office as quick as they can to stop the horror tormenting the survivors as well as trying their best to save them all from being horror and zombie chow. Both she and junior stepped forward as they now apprehend the horror before killing him and stop his influence.
" The HELL kind of darkstalker is that?! "
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" That is the horror Asmodai, do not look at the nose! "
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Junior is prepared to tear the horror apart along with these bio organic weapons all around them.
" Great from a dinosaur to a clown why the hell do they make things so complicated mom? Let's kill this thing... "
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....While distracted Asmodai is just gonna, ya know, tippy toed out of the room while the two just get distracted.
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Junior first noticed and shes not having it as the girl pointed at the clown leaving right on out of the room and into the hallway.
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Hsien-Ko and Junior immediately pushed a few people out of the way and chased that clown horror but Asmodai bowed his head and his puppet just chuckling and heading out into the hallway while leaving both of them into their supposed fate which made the jiangshi angry.
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While in a state of anger, Hsien-Ko turned towards Junior and devise a plan that will be beneficial for the two of them and make the hunt more easier.
" Junior I want you to stay here and kill everything in the room, while saving the none infected okay? "
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" Me? But what about you? Do you think I can pull this off?! "
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" I'm gonna hunt doen that clown and kill it. Regroup with me when you're out of the building killing okay? I believe in you daughter. "
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dontf8arthereaper · 2 years
Asmodai turned on the headlights while the clown horror still driving through out post apocalyptic south germany until suddenly he pulled only for the road to be blocked by survivors be it moon rabbit and satori who are crying and begging.
" Oh for fuck sake.... "
Asmodai ring the car horn honking loudly at them just so they can get out the way now they got over their vehicle knocking onto the window begging for help.
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Luzagin and Abysscore are annoyed all the while Mato stares at them hungrily as they all look tasty in his eyes. The clown continue honking the horn while shouting and this set Abysscore on edge bickering him and these two now are at each other's throats.
" For goodness sake just ran them over, you damn clown! "
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" How's about you mind ya business and let this clown handle this will ya?! "
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" Please kill me already... "
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" Where in the bloody hell is that Granda? Isn't he suppose to follow us, he could have at least do his tricks a- "
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Right in front of the gang one of the moon rabbit survivors, impaled by another horror that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in this time of the eclipse. The horror is none other then the third ady slate horror Exta who is in search of one of her beloved cats who had gone missing in her hunting and eating season. The survivors run away from the car for their lives as Asmodai is widening his eyes using the wiper blades to wipe the blood away.
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Exta is indeed in a furious state focusing on her victims instead of the gang inside of the vehicle chasing after them as she slaughters them one by one, like an enraged animal all the while the gang are panicking except for Mato who laughs and claps his hands of joy.
" Holy crap.... "
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" Again! Again! Do it again! "
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Asmodai immediately start his engines now flooring the vehicle only for it to not move as Exta' s appendage have grabbed the car preventing them from driving. Asmodai now stares at the mirror and see her now shifted her attention onto the gang.
" OHH.... "
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inferno-principe · 8 months
send REFLECT for me to explain a traumatic event in my muses’s past and talk about their perception of events,  which parts have stayed with them longest and how it affects them now.  (  sender can request specific scenes/backstory  )
The trauma that most changed the trajectory of Asmodeus' life was the death of his daughter.
All of his life, he never truly felt like he belonged. He never really received love and when he did, it was brief and usually ended in heartbreak. Throughout the first century of his life in Nirvana, he considered it his burden to bear, and did so without complaint. But after the two most important people in his life hurt him (Sathanus ending their relationship and Beelzebub attempting to assassinate him), his faith had been shaken. Asmodeus, then still Asmodai, went seeking his answers outside of Nirvana for the first time.
He met a human woman and fell in love, and soon after, she fell pregnant with his child. With his first child on the way, Asmodai felt a sense of hope that he hadn't experienced before. His partner didn't care about his sinner of a mother, or his rank and status. She loved him as he was, and accepted him. The idea of starting a family of his own and being able to be a father elated him. For the first time in his life he truly felt like he knew what real love was.
When his daughter was born, her mother died shortly after, leaving the girl in Asmodai's care. She had light blue locks like her father, the magenta eyes of an angel, but several deformities, including a large pair of sharp horns adorning her head. Regardless of her appearance, she was loved deeply by her father.
During this time, word had gotten around about Asmodai's child and his encouraging of his fellow Grigori to seek out human companions. Fearing what the child of an angel and a human meant for Nirvana's future, the Archangel Council agreed to condemn the Grigori and their leader to Sheol.
Asmodai was on Gaia with his child, when he was ambushed by Archangel Michael and his legion. The infant was taken from his arms and he was restrained. Michael then proceeded to dispose of the so-called 'Nephilim,' an 'immoral abomination,' while Asmodai looked on. He had never been able to properly name his child. He was promptly returned to Nirvana and placed under arrest until his fall.
Losing his daughter, who he was planning to call Naamah, after his mother, changed something in Asmodai. Any semblance of hope or joy or love seemed to fade. Love only led to terrible pain. He much preferred to keep himself distant, emotionless, numb. It couldn't hurt if he didn't feel it in the first place. He couldn't bear to endure another loss, or to think about what could've been with him and Naamah. So he built a wall around himself and shut others out.
He began to think and feel and experience only good things, pleasurable things. Copious amounts of drink, mindless sex, gambling. He bottled up the pain and exchanged it for hedonism.
To the current day, Asmodeus has never truly confronted his trauma around Naamah's death. He has repressed it, he has tried all he can to feel anything but grief.
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cosmicxxxlight · 3 years
[ @blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn] 1:  Lucifer tending to Mikael newly brought back 2: Pre fall Mikael and Lucifer 3:  Mikael meets Gabriel for the first time 4 :Lucifer grooming Mik’s wings 6:  Azrael meets Lucifer 7: Alex gets to see Lucifer’s wings - [ @heartsurpluss] 1: Dean trying to get to know Michael [  i decided to bring bk my muse for them least ]  2: Lighthouse Au 3:  Pre war Lucifer and Michael 4:Nick and Lucifer - [ @greatwrath] 1: Tiny Azrael and Michael - {  @wellplighted] 1: Across the stars 2: Gabriel and Akriel [ we should get a pet] 3:  Uriel and Lucifer [  ‘ does the thunder worry you? ’ ] 4: Akriel and Michael sword fighting 5:  Akriel and Gabriel [  i do care] 6:  Raphael meets Asmodai 7:  A thread with Raphael and Akriel!! 
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fragmentedimensions · 3 years
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I’m finishing watching AA5 dlc case and my brain went aa/fcbf au somehow. Probably not going to make an entire verse on this but here are some thoughts on how my muses would be if they were into lawyering-
Zanya - Detective. Works for the police like his father and helps out with the Prosecution. Prefers finding the truth. Would do his best not to help out the Defense but probably would (a little) if Tasuku takes the case.
Gaito - Prosecutor. Has a bad reputation surrounding him and probably has a nickname like ‘the prosecutor of death’ or something. Probably has a bird with him in trials but doesn’t do anything when compared to Taka.
Kyoya - Defense or Prosecutor/Murderer. tbh I do imagine him as a Prosecutor but the image of him being like Kristoph is also fitting. Either way he would be the murderer in the final trial though and god would it be hard as hell to make him confess.
Kanata - Defendant/Defense. Originally a defendant in a case but is moved by the Defense and wishes to study law.
Tasuku - Defense. Best of the best. Believes in all his clients and searches for the truth! Goes astray at some point but is back on his feet. Probably has his own office.
Variable Cord - Prosecutor. Might be able to use some type of channelling technique? He has some prophecy gimmick to him. Would show the Defense some evidence but like...not the entire thing so he has the upper hand.
Sakate - Assassin/Witness. Initially supposed to take the fall for his boss but the truth comes out. His case is...complicated. Probably admits to a crime but would escape before his actual trial takes place.
Subaru - Prosecutor. A rival to Yuga. Does investigations and is swift with paperwork. One of the best Prosecutors of his time, only second to Kei.
Kei - Prosecutor/Murderer. Has a ‘perfect’ record but isn’t as clean as he would like it to be. Actually feels guilty for the crime he committed years ago (that gets brought up in the current case).
Tetsuya - Witness/Defendant. Gets accused of a crime thanks to bad luck/timing. Asmodai is the one to reach out to the Defense to help him get acquitted. 
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surfcits · 4 years
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Greetings! Okay fam, it’s been A WHILE since the last time I was part of a RP group and I’ll be a confused man for a few days until I get used to it again, but I couldn’t resist joining this place once certain princess talked to me about you all. I was told to do a intro for easier explanation of my muse so, I’ll try my best under the cut.
Asmodeus (Asmodai, Sydonai, Chammadai or Asmodeo) is the embodiment of gluttony, one of the seven princes of hell and the ruler of the third circle. Also known as the “Lord of the Flies”.
Gluttony denotes, not only the desire of eating and drinking, but an inordinate desire for everything and anything. Leaving the order of reason, wherein the good of moral virtue consists.
While many humans have been warned about the dangers of indulging in sin, the sin of indulgence is almost always forgotten.
While this sin may seem to be a more trivial transgression than the other six, there is a reason this sin makes the list and that is because they work as a big plus for any of his brothers. Wrath, pride, lust, envy, greed and sloth all can gain double the power with the help of the compulsion gluttony creates.
Although not only sins can be taken to the extreme, but any human feeling or behavior.
Asmodeus was always meant to fall and that was something Father knew, so it was no surprise that he was one of the first to support Lucifer.
He has an extremely chaotic personality, probably the most extreme of the brothers.
Asmodeus doesn't have a concern in the universe and conscience is something that always failed them so their behavior and actions are always taken to the extremes.
Probably has a competition with Greed from time to time over who can create the worst punishments in hell.
Love is probably their favorite thing in humans. The most precious thing for everyone, almost sacred and yet, they can turn it into something negative if turned into an obsession.
They don’t really enjoy taking souls, it is the last priority. They prefer to watch the human destroy themselves and gladly passes the soul to any of the others.
Go ahead and call them Tinkerbell, because without attention this bitch would die. The reason why I decided Asmodeus should be an influencer, ‘course.
They prefer the male form over the female, but this is because they are different from each other. His male form is the influencer, this person who needs others obsessed with him and who doesn’t care about anything around him. While the female form is the quietest, keeping a low profile and working “under the table”.
Everything in their life is excessive. Everything.
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