#{ N O PE }
lcveblind · 2 years
Why are you here?
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Most people have regrets. We all have to live with the consequences of decisions we wish we could take back. But what you regret is more than a mistake or short-sighted choice. You regret your very existence. Everything you've ever done is something you wish you could undo. You believe it is impossible to become the kind of person you want to be. You see yourself as a lost cause. You feel chained down by the love you receive, because you are sure you will only hurt anyone foolish enough to see something worth loving in you. You want to rid this world of yourself and feel trapped by all the hands holding you back. "I love you" is the phrase you most dread hearing. You wish that everyone else would hate you as much as you think you deserve. Perhaps you feel it would make ending it all so much easier. It's possible you have only stayed alive this long because you believe the only thing that would cause more misery than your life is your death. 
Either way, you are certain you live a life beyond salvation. And you are wrong. You have been made to believe your best is not enough, that your efforts have no value because you will always fall short. Perhaps too much was expected of you from the day you were born. I would not be surprised if the impossible was the very first thing you remember being asked to do. You can't stop regretting a failure that was always inevitable. You cannot forgive yourself for existing as the imperfect person you can't help but be. You believe you don't deserve forgiveness. But you do. Your human faults and limitations do not make you worthless. You have as much right to be here as anyone else. Your needs and boundaries are not a burden, and those who would treat them as such are the ones to be faulted. 
You're here to forgive yourself and the life you live. It will be difficult and it will not happen quickly, but it is a task that needs undertaking. Redeem yourself by slowly, gradually putting an end to your eternal atonement. Atone for the years you've lost to self-loathing by telling yourself that this existence of yours is nothing to repent for. You will not believe it at first. But you must try to treat yourself as you would a treasured friend, as those that love you know you deserve to be treated. Over and over, tell yourself the words that you can't yet bring yourself to believe, and one day you'll notice that they've started to feel as if they might be true, if only now and again. The love that chains you down, that you believe you don't deserve, it doesn't have to torment you. It can be a comfort, too. One day, you will be grateful for the hands holding you back. You deserve to know what it's like to be alive without wishing you weren't. Have faith and dedicate yourself to that.
TAGGED BY: none lmao TAGGING: take it from me my dudes
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haliajververs · 2 years
the job pressure is real and I hate it
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kyuala · 2 months
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skeysesil · 1 year
Zaiafet - "Ce nu știai despre Țepeș"
Istoricul Andrei Pogăciaș aduce lumină în bezna otomană lăsată de producătorii serialului Netflix Rise of Empires: Ottoman, cu privire la anumite aspecte care pe ecran nu numai că au fost prezentate și reprezentate într-un mod ridicol și lipsit de adevăr, dar și cum producătorii au ignorat kilogramele de informații încadrate în aproximativ 10 ore oferite de el și Mihai-Florin Hasan la cererea acestora. Interviurile au fost înregistrate înainte ca productia serialului să aibă loc, și cu grosolănie tăiate la montaj în proporție de 98%.
În podcastul canalului Zaiafet, Pogăciaș explică ce nu s-a văzut în serial și răspunde întrebărilor curioase într-un mod comic dar și sincer, de la începuturile domniei lui Țepeș, campaniile militare, aspecte ale imperiului Otoman, determinarea lui Mehmed, vestitul atac de noapte, Vlad Dracul, originile dubioase ale numelui de "Dracul", relația domnitorilor cu boierii, caracterul rebel si haotic al lui Vlad [să fim serioși, omu' era o tornadă], misterele morții sale, dar și scurte menționări despre Ștefan cel Mare.
În mașină, la metrou, la picnic sau la birou, podcast-ul îți va ține de urât, chiar binedispune prin umor istoric.
da, okay, ești viță nobilă, zdrăngăne metalul pe tine când pășești, ai palate, ai ghiul pe deget, armată, murg, femei, vin și faimă, ești "sultanul sultanilor, rege al regilor, cezar al cezarilor, soare al sorilor", dar degeaba că tot nu ai sânge în c*aie ca Valahul si Moldoveanul; ce să spun, nasol de tine, să te aplece amândoi e o performanță greu de atins, dar nu imposibilă 😂
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My face when the g{o}ldie I hate plat{o}nically starts yelling at me f{o}r calling them a pissbl{o}{o}d
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
Spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters
@the-eclectic-wonderer tagged me to participate and it looked fun, so here we are! You can find her post here, featuring a truly incredible amount of letters haha
Humoresque - Dvorak Eiland van Weleer - Ramses Shaffy Cheek to Cheek - Ella Fitzgerald And the Waltz Goes On - Mercuzio Pianist The Man in the Moon - Bea Arthur End Of A Friendship - Julia Jacklin Someday I'll Find You - Gertrude Lawrence Belle Hélène - Doe Maar Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head - B.J. Thomas Once Upon a December, instrumental - Kat Glaze Old Money - Lana del Rey Music for a While - Purcell
I'm definitely not tagging 12 people, but if you want to do this, feel free to consider this your tag ;) I am, however, very curious what @eeblouissant would come up with, if you feel up to it! Considering your excellent music recommendations recently!
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astronomicaltaxon · 11 months
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bro ur freaking out the hoes(decapitated head of my boyfriend)
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cosmic-kaden · 2 months
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L-Let me live!?!? H-Hello?!?!
Phillip can you fuck off!? /j / lh (Please never leave me)
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ethanhibiki · 4 months
I don't think anyones coming for you two.
i qou ld nt say that!!! ly ra wou ld ne ver li e to me!! i thi nk the y ju st tryi nng to pla n be fore theh bar ge in ! i mena theyr eQAYYYYYYY smar te r than me.
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mrvelseb · 7 months
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strange-doll-child · 1 year
The DHMIS fanfic writers on Ao3 need to CHILL THE  F U C K  OUT-
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skeysesil · 1 year
every time I see American youtubers coming to Romania to do paranormal investigations searching for Vlad, addressing him in English, all I can imagine is this:
care pizda mă-sii e ăsta?
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I w<O><O>uld like t<O><O> think I am an actually pr<O><O>gressive highbl<O><O>d. ':/
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twxins · 6 months
🪢do they have a kink? if so, what is it? 💸have they ever or would they ever accept money or gifts in exchange for sex? 🍆how do they feel about toys? do they have any? what’s their favorite? do they use them with partners? 🌙do they need an emotional connection or are one-night-stands an option? 🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits? 🍒how old were they when they lost their virginity? to whom? was it significant? 🏳️‍🌈what’s their sexual orientation? have they ever experimented outside of that [for more binary orientations such as heterosexual/homosexual]? (For both!)
🪢 do they have a kink? if so, what is it?
🍋 - Lemon enjoys soft forms of sense play and body worship. He likes sex to be a sensory experience, and with the right person, he enjoys playing around with ways to sweeten that, such as playing with different fabric textures, giving lots of attention to sensitive areas of the body, and playing with blindfolds as a way to enhance the sense of touch.
He also enjoys consensual voyeurism. On occasions when he does have more casual encounters, this is usually the route he'll take. He doesn't like to get too up close and personal with people he doesn't know too well. But that's okay because, for him, watching from a comfortable distance can be an equally thrilling experience!
He's also partial to a touch of roleplay.
🍊 - Tangerine is pretty kinky guy! His largest tendency is towards submissive kinks, and he is something of a masochist. He enjoys being cuffed, whipped and made to worship the ground his partner treads on. That’s not to say he’s a pushover, however; he does have a bit of a rebellious streak. He likes to give his partners a challenge and encourage them to test his limits.
Kink-wise, he specifically enjoys pegging, whipping, spanking, praise, body worship, BDSM, pet play and consensual humiliation.
Side note: if you publicly detail his sex life and out these kinks to strangers (or anyone, for that matter), he will probably never speak to you again.
💸 have they ever or would they ever accept money or gifts in exchange for sex? TW: Mentioned s*xual assault of a minor. Proceed with CAUTION.
🍋 - No.
🍊 - While not having full-blown sex, Tangerine nevertheless had a phase of doing 'favours' for money and other kinds of bribery in his teenage years. This was part of a cycle of abuse. He was too young at the time to know any better and still fails to fully accept that he was groomed into doing so.
Would he do so now as an adult? No.
🍆 how do they feel about toys? do they have any? what’s their favorite? do they use them with partners?
🍋 - Oh yeah, Lemon's a fan! His enjoyment of sense play and experiencing the less conventional erogenous zones of the body has led him to experiment with a toy or two. Gentle clamps, fleshlights and anything that vibrates all get a spot on his list of approval.
He does indeed have a small collection of his own. They also make a good gateway for solo sexual experimentation, given that Lemon prefers to maintain a certain degree of personal space. On the flip side, though, when he does have a trusted partner, he's all too happy for them to take an interest in having a mutual play with said toys.
🍊 - Tangerine also has a bit of a taste for sex toys, given how partial he is to being whipped and pegged. Although, he likes things to have a bit more of a kick. He likes those nipple clamps tight, preferably with a chain to pull and if something's something's going to vibrate, then it better do it hard.
Unlike Lemon, however, he's beholden to whatever his partner has in their drawer as he doesn't own any toys of his own - he's far too worried about someone finding them.
🌙 do they need an emotional connection or are one-night-stands an option?
🍋 - Preferably yes on the emotional connection front. Again, while getting to know someone, Lemon has a certain degree of personal space he likes to maintain. He prefers to have basic progression when it comes to getting more intimate with someone he likes; starting with hugs and holding hands, to kissing and getting a bit more touchy-feely, before they get between the sheets.
The connection doesn't even have to be romantic in nature. He's been known to have casual encounters with friends, but this is because he knows them, trusts them and is used to them. Lemon is sensitive to having his space invaded and needs to at least have a bit of trust-building before considering that level of intimacy.
That said, he has had a handful of spontaneous encounters. As stated above, this usually involves consensual voyeurism.
🍊 - Tangerine is a bit of an opposite on this front. He is happy to engage in casual sexual encounters, whether they be spontaneous or arranged by appointment. Carrying some degree of shame in regard to his kinky fantasies, he's known to pay sex workers who are happy to cater to his specific requests, with some of whom he has struck up a bond of trust and befriended as a loyal regular.
During smooth and sober times, his sex life is a healthy one. However, during other times, he has been known to engage in reckless hypersexual behaviour, such as sex with multiple strangers, allowing others to engage him in sexual practices he is not comfortable with, sexual encounters while intoxicated, or all of the above all at once.
Despite his hatred of the crowds and the noise, Lemon sometimes follows him to clubs so as to quietly keep an eye on him.
🫂 how do they feel about friends with benefits?
🍋 - Sure! If you reach a point where Lemon will happily refer to you as his friend, congratulations - he likes you and trusts you. That's the hard part already out of the way. So, if you're feeling something between the two of you that isn't necessarily romantic but a spark of heat nonetheless, then there's no harm in laying this proposal down.
Don't be hurt if he rejects it, though. He can be finicky about who he does and doesn't want to touch him.
🍊 - He doesn't have any friends.
🍒 how old were they when they lost their virginity? to whom? was it significant? TW: R*pe, s*xual assault of a minor. Proceed with CAUTION.
🍋 & 🍊 - The twins had already been exposed to sexual exploitation before being deflowered entirely. When that time came, the taking of their virginity was planned as a 'coming of age birthday present' by the drug dealers and gangsters with whom the twins were living at the time. A few minutes before their 16th birthday, the twins were called into separate rooms under the guise of being needed for separate tasks.
An older woman was then brought into each of said rooms the moment the clock struck midnight. To this day, the twins don't know who these women were - whether they were friends of the people present or if they were paid workers.
Blindsided and partly fearful of the present company, they didn't know what else to do other than play along. Meanwhile, those in the room watched and cheered. They never really fully clocked it as a r*pe, just something that happened that made them feel a certain way.
They left their respective rooms at the first opportunity to retire back to their own shared one, where they spent the rest of their 16th birthday. [Tangerine] would describe [Lemon's] reaction as tearful. [Lemon] would describe [Tangerine's] reaction as numb.
🏳️‍🌈 what’s their sexual orientation? have they ever experimented outside of that [for more binary orientations such as heterosexual/homosexual]?
🍋 - Demisexual, pamromatic. Lemon hasn't had many deep, romantic love affairs simply because it's difficult to find genuine connections with the lifestyle they lead. However, on casual grounds, he has experimented with all genders. And, should a more serious, romantic partner arise, he would be more or less blind to their gender. If they're the right person, they're the right person.
🍊 - Bi-curious. Tangerine leans towards women, both romantically and sexually. That said, he has experimented with men before. Past experiences have led him to be more nervous regarding sexual encounters with men, but he dabbles nonetheless and usually enjoys it. He is also not opposed to involving himself romantically with another man if it feels right.
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nadalffc · 6 months
eu n vou inventar de ir sozinha pro maracanã nao nerr
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viburni · 9 months
tag drop. characters & dynamics
( ╰ ♔ ❝ you cut me loose and said it was creation. › lina., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ my god is shining lights and hands that won't stop giving. › shyrein., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ trapped a handful of stars in my clenched fist. › amethyst., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ magic bends down to you as if in a dance. › viserra., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ take a crowbar and pry out the broken pieces of god out of me. › charrus., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ in the sharp blade of the mirror i lose you again and again. › radu., ( ╰ ♔ ❝ și n-ai rămas nimic decât o pată de sânge ce vorbește. › viorica.,
( ╰ ♡ ❝ și pe sub glii ți-am auzit a inimei bătaie zgomotoasă. › ship inspo., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ i feed my flesh to my god and she makes me drink ichor. › & shyrein., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ you shouldn’t have left girls ravenous for blood alone amidst the roses. › & viserra., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ where are you? howls the wind. the wolf doesn't answer. › & radu., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ a deluge of hope my love and we swept by currents. › & viorica., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ for i am death's child and death'll save me from his own clock. › nakriss., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ 'cause we're made out of all the little bones of our fathers. › codrin., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ i am my mother's daughter; a sword that won't stop cutting. › rahela., ( ╰ ♡ ❝ this is a story about heroes dying. this is a story. › the hands of the gods.
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