#{ but it was time for me to give you something proper aside from tro-l-onion rings }
tenshusuto · 2 years
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting) @kakimushire : It costs him a lot. Actually so much so that he's been contemplating for three days whether he should say it or not. In the end, he decides that it's best to just get it out of the way so that he can focus on other things. "Happy birthday." He has no gift for him, even though Urahara's birthday is the only birthday he always remembers. Urahara is also one of the only people whose birth Mayuri is actually thankful for. He knows he's days too late with saying it but, he doesn't think the other will mind that.
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ㅤTheory of plausibility that Mayuri feigns numerological unawareness was a notch far-fetching than admissible. Any gift he would receive wasn't as sacrificing as the gesture and fact that in his conduct and spare time Kurotsuchi personally ( if we omit Mayuri was the one who caught Kisuke on the upper floor in one of Seireitei's outlying markets suspiciously close to Rukon borders and even more suspiciously in - reiatsu concealing cloak ) step into his sphere of activity to congratulate Kisuke with something so mundane and humdrum like his day of birth.
ㅤIn the sunset of dissolution, fragments of life are illuminated by the aura of nostalgia. Happy Birthday - conjured a prolonged stare, taking him decades back to the brazen, old days each without framed by a halo of spun flax where they used to talk on a daily basis. Until mercurial eyes snap from introspecting vision with a slow, now presently breezy squint of apparent surprise. The upper part of his cannily arranged self pivots slightly in poise at the Captain with a reticent smile. ㅤWith shift in the air, he couldn't help but suspect that those words held one more meaning, something like: caught you. Outlined voice tucks back in deny a lilt of his nature's eloquence, whereas invisible syllables ghostly mumble somewhere in the emptiness of interword gaps.
ㅤAn impressive range of displays considering the Year only started. True was he did not expect anything nor minded delay - they would reach conformity point in that one.
It was the barest of congratulations, but it was a congratulation nonetheless. Still, Kisuke's uttering - intent on politely carrying the message of his appreciation.
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ㅤ'' Quite belated but thank you, Mayuri-san, '' micro gesture of his hand reaches the front of the cloak's brim in adjusting lift and a few habitual scratches across forehead bangs, '' what a coincidence to see you here. Are you also a fan of shopaholism at dusk? ''
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