3katanas · 7 months
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@kakimushire asked: "Stop staring at me like that."
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He couldn't help it. Captain Kurotsuchi was well-known in the Gotei 13 not only for his status and mind but also his brilliant, if sometimes disturbing experiments. He was also a hundred percent sure they only knew a fraction of given the secretive nature of the Shinigami Research Institute in general. All facts that made many other Shinigami....somewhat wary of being approached by that division. Particularly if it was in request for research, but to have the soul himself come asking to study you?
It was a bit terrifying.
Blinking and finally looking away he rose from the crouch he'd been holding for a few minutes. Slowly resheathing the two katana's he'd held in his hands before removing the third from his mouth. The movements were smooth, practiced, and almost ritualistic in the manner that he returned the blades to his side. Having learned long ago that his Zanpakutō, Enma, preferred the actions more so than the words of activating and deactivating its abilities.
Only then did he fully shift towards the captain, wary gaze locking once more with their golden one. "You want to study me?"
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iobartach · 8 months
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For a man like O'Hara, he has made acquaintances with regrets. Such feelings had varied in intensity, starting from the general, deplorable manner with which he had pretentiously regarded those he deemed as lesser, to more recent times, navigating the fallout of attempts that were initially perceived as harmness. Through thick and thin, he had endured, gaining experience as he fought and stumbled his way along life's meandering course. Seldom kept down for long, rarely defeated... Except for now.
Ailed by an affliction that was beyond the realm of his expertise to cure, a string of failures had seen the Spider reach out. Tour every potential avenue, both above board and not, for something approaching relief, a means with which he could curb the growing gluttony that festered in his rarely satiated chasm of a stomach.
Never forgetting what had sparked such a drastic lifestyle change, that a few drops of blood could provoke in him such a ravenous need for sustenance, a glint of hope arose when contact was made with a particular shopkeeper. One of the same them that Miguel had heard the person responsible for his present state speak of with hatred in their cavernous heart. From there, arrangements had been made to get in touch with the appointed authority on the matter, who could offer the suffering wallcrawler with what he desired; a cure for his ceaseless hunger.
And it is exactly why, now situated across from the same, eccentric captain, stands a mutated mortal, human passing if not for the presence of talons keeping his frothing jaw held mostly shut, half-obscuring the glint of white fangs, present beneath. To this man, an attempt to speak is made, but is drowned out with a hiss, crimson hues reflecting both awareness and rational, held hostage by an overpowering need to feed.
"Hrrrr.... Hungryyy..... Help--... Me--!"
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yumichikah · 1 year
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Basically @kakimushire at Yumichika.
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ryusxnka · 1 year
He needs a MASSIVE amount of ice for his next experiment. "I have a favor to ask of you." He hates asking for favors but - it's for science, so he'll do it.
    " -- A moment. " Proceeds into getting into a COSTUME he loathes vastly, once WITHIN its threads, he puffs out his CHEST with a haughty egoistic halt of his current course of respiration and thereafter coughs, clearing his GULLET of excess saliva, to OBNOXIOUSLY exhibit his IMPERSONATION of Mayuri as best he could.
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     " Do NoT BothEr mE wiTH yOuR TRiFlinG mAttERs. "
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tenshusuto · 1 year
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting ) @kakimushire : "Can you stop wasting time drinking with Hirako-Taichou? It's interfering with our work." [turn back the pendulum.]
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The personified ardor of unspoken merriment chose to valiantly not flinch away from his daring task to creep back into the barracks. Stealthily -- head leans in first and sneak-peeks further into the door frame of his quarters trying to avoid any unnecessary motion or sound to awaken the ever-so-overworked collective. He could pinpoint the absurdity of every situation with a snappy wisecrack but he had no words for a twist of latest ongoing. Alas, the President was already waiting for him in the corridor with gaze scorching as never. Even with the question mark present, it was hardly a question but rather a demand; Mayuri hated when he engaged in obscurities as trivial as sitting on the grass enjoying sunlight or going to visit another Division in affairs other than undertaking. But then -- isn't the working hypothesis tested and refined through discussion? Ah, well then.
Those demanding crimson sparks in the backdrop as part of the scenery in charcoal irises flashed gone with a camouflage of his typical, puppy-eyed demure, giving space to an expression of surprise and more than minutely long stare pretty much akin to the phase of hypnosis provoked by the surface of smallest things.
The flow of his breath thickly shifts with a sense of edginess. Prying question hanging upon tip of tongue : jeez, how'd ya know? But he would swallow the sentence back along with the lump that suddenly manifested among walls of his throat. Of course, he would know, somehow he always would. In Kisuke's absence, Mayuri was always in charge, he trusted him and Hiyori enough to sometimes stroll out without announcing be within hour of day or night. The last resort obtained via willpower pushed him to speak and not run away from the question as he typically does.
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'' Now, now, Mayuri-san ... I'm sure I wasn't gone for that long to call it a waste of time, '' shoulders slump, who knows if partly in defeat or just unreasonably so, '' my absence had a beneficial purpose that could contribute to my new study. '' The Captain once again ponders the issue 'of waisting time' at tangible length yet he inconspicuously glides old-fashioned style to the topic of unsolicited visit, mayhaps thinking of unveiling whether it was the reason for his sudden visit in case he wasn't ready to divulge any other motives for his presence. The former Onmitsukidō member somewhat suspected Hirako-Taicho wasn't a part of his fond eye but he would not voice that for time being.
By all odds, he veiled the unspecified mystery with a slight tease, '' -- maybe you can consider joining us next time if you'd like.~ ''
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gyakusama · 1 year
"Can you stop inviting Urahara to drink with you? It's interfering with our projects." [turn back the pendulum.]
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❝ Haah? Ya think we're drinkin' t'gether fer fun or somethin'? 's called ❛ Bein' a good mentor ❜, Mayuri; 'm tryna help 'im acclimate ta his new role. Don't be so ungrateful. 'sides, ain't my fault y'all can't manage yer time better. ❞
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monkifuraibo · 1 year
"I heard you wanted to know about Hell?"
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--- "Uhh... Comin' from you I ain't so sure, sir.." Renji hedged, studying the captain for a moment. He seemed.. Strangely eager to answer questions. But.. Everyone knew all the stories about the 12th. What if they'd built a hell-simulator or something equally horrific? Just to see what it was like?
Besides, it was not that Renji really wanted true answers. When he spoke to Byakuya about the topic, all he's wanted was simply to have a conversation; prod at their belief-systems, see where they differed. It was intimate, and that was on purpose. He didn't need the cold, hard facts. What was the fun in that? Knowing what was at the end of it all was only going to make him antsy, perhaps even desolate, depending on the answers. It was much nicer to speculate and allow yourself to believe that, yes... Perhaps you would get another life eventually. A nicer one. Perhaps going through hell in your childhood was worth something; meant something. When he'd been younger and everything had been unfair, what got him through it was believing something better was waiting. That karma was real, and somehow.. All the misery would be paid back in happiness.
He doesn't think he can handle that worldview being crushed by facts.
"I appreciate th'offer... But I guess I'd rather just.. Speculate."
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
@kakimushire | cont.
―    🜛    ―    an  immediate  question  had  been  answered  just  as  quickly  as  it  had  popped  into  her  head,  pleasantly  surprised  by  the  reasoning  presented.  Not  that  she  could  understand  completely,  but  it  was  rather  nice  to  hear  an  explanation  so  clear  and  put  forth.  At  this,  she  has  to  laugh.  Nothing  mocking  and  mirthless,  but  amused.  Their  hands  still  in  comparison,  she  began  patting  motions  before  speaking.
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          "  They  look  long,  yes.  Small  and  long.  Is  that  funny?  I  see  where  you  are  coming  from  of  course,  but  rather  than  having  small  hands  for  practical  surgery,  would  you  not  also  need  the  strength  and  size  to  operate  upon  subjects  far  larger  and  resilient  than  yourself?  How  easily  are  you  able  to  separate  the  ribs  of  a  beast,  for  example?  "
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ekusosu · 2 years
The anniversary of his creation? Mayuri is excited that yet another year has passed. "Yon! I have a gift for you. To celebrate!" Mayuri hands him a memory stick. "It contains all the data regarding your creation. Isn't that interesting??" It's about time Yon got to learn all the 'secrets' about how he came to exist.
--- Oh..? His captain has remembered? Well, really it is not that surprising. Yon is just another project to keep tabs on, after all, even if his expiration date has passed. He sometimes wonders how much Kurotsuchi-sama still records about him. When he was younger there had been regular check-ups. Very regular, in fact. Now, he underwent a physical once every year, just like everyone else.
Remembered is one thing, but to come bearing gifts, as well? Yon blinked at his captain curiously, unable to immediately discern anything. The gift must not be physically big, then.
Yon didn't care for his birthday. Or gifts. The passing of time made him nervous. But, coming from his captain, of course he had to accept!. And what a gift it was. When it was revealed to be a memory stick of data, Yon's eyes grew even wider. He couldn't tell whether he was happy, though.. Was it a nice thing to receive? Information about yourself? He could argue yes, simply by virtue of information being infinitely valuable. But.. What if there were things on there he didn't want to know? Were there things about himself he didn't know yet?
His behaviour was starting to border on rude, though, so he quickly took the proffered gift and, placing it between his joined palms like an object for prayer, bowed. "Thank you, sir... This will be of immeasurable value to me, I'm sure." Though.. He wasn't sure. Not sure at all.
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biskael · 2 years
"You won't be so talkative when I store you in a jar."
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" NOT INTERESTED IN MY KIND ANYMORE , as you claim , and yet , you've the AUDACITY to say this , eh ? whatever would you need me stored away in a jar for ? to wholly be silenced ?
and they call me barbaric . heh . "
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kenpxchi · 2 years
"I have a gift for you." It's not wrapped. He hands the other two bracelets. "These should allow you to feel the weight of your own reiatsu when you fight." So that his arms would be weighed down. It would feel like lifting mountains. This would give Zaraki a small sense of what it was like to fight him. Mayuri was very pleased with his creation. Was it a birthday gift? Perhaps.
Huh. They almost look like the little things that the Reigai wore. Immediately, he puts them on. After the first one, he flexes his arm and extends it, muscle tensing within his long, loose sleeves. Tilting his head, he gives a nod, then fastens the other one on his other wrist.
“these things are pretty good. thanks.”
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“this’ll give me a good workout too.”
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yumichikah · 1 year
"Where is your hooligan of a captain??" He's on a mission to stab him. His little brat Fukutaichou has broken into his lab for the last time!
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"The captain, huh?" yup, Yumichika was sweating nervously and avoiding eye contact the best he could as the crazy scientist approached with that question. He had never felt comfortable in this man's presence even though they had managed to stay respectful and civil with each other most times. It was nothing like the relationship the Twelfth's captain had with Zaraki-taicho, but maybe that was to be expected - the beauty was officially an underling to both of them after all.
"I haven't seen him for a while. You could go check if he's in his office, but in all honesty I doubt he is", was the continuation offered, while the body language of the peacock was clearly signaling everyone nearby of his discomfort and desire to leave this situation. Of course he was more than slightly curious about the reasons why Kurotsuchi was on such a mission, but it was definitely not something one would ask about all casually - at least not when it came to this man. Maybe he would hear about the reasons later from someone else? Yeah, that was definitely the safer option to bet on.
Now to hope the answer the Fifth seat had provided was enough to make this problematic captain leave the Eleventh division's grounds. One could always hope, right?
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
"I don't want to wait any longer! Uekawa! Hurry up!" He's making unreasonable demands. Again.
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Uekawa didn't know how to make things go faster, the scanner was almost complete, but his Taichou knew that. The excitement of a possible breach of new subjects in Seireitei. Of course, the moment the machine stopped its task - he grasped the papers printed - turning with a laugh as he bounced on his feet and took off after Mayuri-taichou's shadow.
Fingers tug the pieces to his features, mask eased into place as umbrella settles upon the shoulder. He leaps after his Taichou with a chuckled upon the results. "Taichou, you're gunna love this! It's a completely new reading, whatever it is - isn't something our scanners have seen before!" Speeding up, hop hop hopping to Mayuri's side, he offered over the sheets with a sparkle in his masks eye glass.
"Permission to join you on the first dissection!" Of course, before anyone else in their moving group could claim a spot. He was going to use his favourite-unseated clout the best he could.
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tenshusuto · 2 years
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting ) @kakimushire : Starts eating his candy without asking.
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Yare yare ... Maybe he should have mentioned that - never mind ... too late, he already consumed a solid amount of them.
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ㅤ'' Thank you so much, for participating in this profound and absolutely not dangerous experiment, in case of emergency and potential side-effects like:
Flushing including hot flushes. ...
Indigestion. ...
Dizzyness. ..
Pain or tenderness around cheeks, eyes or forehead. ...
Coughing, wheezing or breathlessness. ...
and others that are yet unknown, or overall feeling like dying any second starting from now on, please dial Urahara's emergency link!! '' If he'll last long enough to survive Shōten's merch propaganda in voice mail.
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deivorous · 1 year
@kakimushire || xx
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❝Excellent question! ❞It was obvious that he was enthusiastic about it. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, like a child about to receive their birthday presents. He honestly didn't know what he was going to do with the different Arrancar. His mind was proposing a MILLION different projects, each one of them incredibly tempting. He thought he knew which one he'd choose, but when he was in this kind of excited mood, it was hard to be certain of whether or not he'd change his mind.
❝ I'm very inspired for a reanimation project! ❞He rubbed his small hands together. He'd gotten the inspiration from Szayelaporro Granz. Reanimation was truly interesting.
"Reanimation?" He blinks, trying to consider what about that might be a 'project'.
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Like he's gonna invent it? Someone's already done that. Grimmjow watched the woman bring Kurosaki back from the dead once. Felt it twice. Pretty sure others have done that too. Like this guy. Grimmjow recalls, quite clearly, blowing Luppi clean in half - but he also saw him, torso very much present, on the battle field.
"Like yer gonna bring a hollow back from the dead? Didn't you already do that? Why bother doin' more?"
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gyakusama · 1 year
Birthday present? Yes. They come in a small, yellow box. Small, rings that can be attached to his tongue piercing. Six different colors, six different citrus flavors. Perfectly safe. Mayuri personally comes to hand him the gift. "For your birthday." He explains as he holds the little wrapped box out towards him.
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❝ Whoa. You're givin' me a gift, Mayuri? What, did Kisuke put ya up ta this? ❞ Maybe he ought to be a little more suspicious; Mayuri has shown him nothing but disdain since he was the 3rd Seat of the 12th Division, so for all Shinji knows, this could be some kind of compact contraption meant to silence him. But, he's already affixing an orange ring to the dock sitting on his tongue. He wants the flavor! He'll be like a dog with peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth all day.
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