#{ AHHHH thank you for this lovely surprise Toby! }
tenshusuto · 2 years
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting) @kakimushire : It costs him a lot. Actually so much so that he's been contemplating for three days whether he should say it or not. In the end, he decides that it's best to just get it out of the way so that he can focus on other things. "Happy birthday." He has no gift for him, even though Urahara's birthday is the only birthday he always remembers. Urahara is also one of the only people whose birth Mayuri is actually thankful for. He knows he's days too late with saying it but, he doesn't think the other will mind that.
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ㅤTheory of plausibility that Mayuri feigns numerological unawareness was a notch far-fetching than admissible. Any gift he would receive wasn't as sacrificing as the gesture and fact that in his conduct and spare time Kurotsuchi personally ( if we omit Mayuri was the one who caught Kisuke on the upper floor in one of Seireitei's outlying markets suspiciously close to Rukon borders and even more suspiciously in - reiatsu concealing cloak ) step into his sphere of activity to congratulate Kisuke with something so mundane and humdrum like his day of birth.
ㅤIn the sunset of dissolution, fragments of life are illuminated by the aura of nostalgia. Happy Birthday - conjured a prolonged stare, taking him decades back to the brazen, old days each without framed by a halo of spun flax where they used to talk on a daily basis. Until mercurial eyes snap from introspecting vision with a slow, now presently breezy squint of apparent surprise. The upper part of his cannily arranged self pivots slightly in poise at the Captain with a reticent smile. ㅤWith shift in the air, he couldn't help but suspect that those words held one more meaning, something like: caught you. Outlined voice tucks back in deny a lilt of his nature's eloquence, whereas invisible syllables ghostly mumble somewhere in the emptiness of interword gaps.
ㅤAn impressive range of displays considering the Year only started. True was he did not expect anything nor minded delay - they would reach conformity point in that one.
It was the barest of congratulations, but it was a congratulation nonetheless. Still, Kisuke's uttering - intent on politely carrying the message of his appreciation.
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ㅤ'' Quite belated but thank you, Mayuri-san, '' micro gesture of his hand reaches the front of the cloak's brim in adjusting lift and a few habitual scratches across forehead bangs, '' what a coincidence to see you here. Are you also a fan of shopaholism at dusk? ''
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justaphangirl07 · 1 year
Hello!! I was wondering if you could do a cute
imagine about how you meet Tobi?!(and he is very flirty)  Maybe you are friends with freezy and he introduces them?! Please and thank you!!
Collide (Tobi Brown/Tobijizzle/TBJZL)
A/N: I can have a go, I hope you like it!
I sign as I look up and the tall building in front of me
Finally moving to the big city of London
My best friend finally convinced me with his rambling that this would be the best place to get a job and move to
Who is my best friend you may ask?
Well the one and only Calfreezy
I’ve known Calfreezy for the longest time and we have been friends ever since we met
Not long after Freezy moved to the UK, we became neighbours
He was the annoying boy next door that I saw all the time and could never get rid of
He was like the brother I never had
When Freezy started growing on YouTube and made friends with other YouTubers, he decided that it was best to move to London and start networking
I on the other hand decided that I wanted to go to university and get a degree
From a young age, I haven’t really been sure what I wanted to do, so going to university was a big decision
I finally found my love for photography and decided that was the way that I wanted to go with my life
So fresh out of university, I decided to make the leap and move to London, not just so I could spend time with my best friend but to broaden my horizons
I contacted some companies, showed them portfolio and managed to get a internship with a big name company
I knew that I would need somewhere to live and I couldn’t think of anywhere better than the same building that Freezy had done nothing but bang on about since he moved in
Today was my moving in day and Freezy has no idea that I’m about to become his new neighbour
Just like old times
I take a deep breath as I walk into the grand building stood in front of me
I drag my suitcase behind me, whilst holding a box under my arm
I internally groan at the thought of having to go back to my car and grab some more boxes and carry them up to my flat
Suddenly I collide with another body and my box goes flying, along with the contents
As I hit the floor, my eyes go wide as I see the contents of my underwear box spread across the floor
“Shit, I am so sorry! Here let me help you pick things up” the males voice says as he kneels down and starts picking up the contents of my box
“No, no, it’s fine really, I will pick things up in a second” I say in a hurry as I get up and try to pick things but before he can notice what they are
I lift my head up and come face to face with the man that I recognised to be Tobi brown or TBJZL on YouTube, one of the Sidemen and also one of Freezy’s friends
He is much more handsome in real life
“I’m sorry for bumping into you, I think you dropped these” he says as he hands me a selection of bras and thongs
At this point, I just want the ground to swallow me up because Jesus Christ this is embarrassing
Shit, I know he is a man of god, so shouldn’t really take the lords name in vein
But then again, I’m saying this internally, so I don’t suppose that he will mind
“It’s ok, don’t worry! No harm done” I say before picking up the rest of the things and putting them back in the box
“I’m guessing by the box and suitcase, that you are moving in?” Tobi says gesturing towards my bag and box
I nod
“Yeah, I am a photograhy intern and I needed a place to live, so here I am! I’m Y/N by the way” I explain with a smile
“My best friend lives in this building and banged on about how amazing it is to live here, so I thought that i would surprise him” I continue to explain
“Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Tobi! Who is your best friend? Maybe I know him” He says
“Callum Airey, sorry you probably know him as Calfreezy” I say correcting myself
“Ahhhh yes, I know Freezy! I’m assuming that I’m you know Freezy then you will know who I am” Tobi says
I laugh at the statement
“Alright big head, yes I do know who you and the Sidemen are, I just didn’t want to seem like some kind of fan girl because after spending time with Freezy in public, I know what they can be like” I explain to him
Tobi nods
“Yes fangirls are lovely but It’s nice to not have people crowding you or in the older days screaming in you face” He says
I get what he means, when Freezy started to get big and the fangirls used to crowd us and could be all levels of crazy in public but just like the boys have, the fans are growing up with them and have mellowed slightly
I mean they aren’t like directioners but still they are fans non the less
“So I was actually down here just getting my post, but now I’m wondering if you wanted any help with your stuff?” Tobi asks
With a smug smile on my face, I say
“Well I think that is the least that you could do, considering my stuff was all over the floor after you bumped into me”
Tobi smirks back at me
“No the least I could do, would be for me to take you to dinner to welcome you to the building and the least you could do for me would be to allow me to see you in some of this underwear that I so kindly helped you pick up” he says
I let out a laugh
“Alright, I’ll let you take me out, but we will have to see about the underwear” I say as I hand him the box before making my way to the lifts
“Yeah, I guess we will” he mumbles as he follows me to the lift
I can see that me and Tobi are going to get on really well
Now time to go and surprise Freezy!
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Annoying dog !! 🐕💙
Ahhhh! :D Okay, um. Wow I was just thinking about this, and I think I’ll have to decide on “Last Goodbye”! Whereas my other favorites make me feel one feeling or another, like “Undertale” makes me sad while “sans.” makes me laugh a little, “Last Goodbye” has everything. I always get so pumped when listening to it, but it’s the perfect song for the ending of the game. It just encompasses so much, all the joy you felt, the heartache, the surprise, the rip-roaring need to keep fighting-! Plusm that guitar, man, and Toby admitted to putting so much heart into his piano during the song. You just have to love it. 
Thank you for asking, you’re awesome!!!! :DDD So awesome!!
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