#{ comrades ;; crim }
tangledfate · 8 months
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I love the expressions in response to Millie just FUCKING EVERYONE UP. Crim and Chaz really fucked around and found out why Mills is banned from the pain games in wrath okay.
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Name & Pronoun Suggestions 〜 Thoma ✦
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꒰ NAMES ꒱ 〜 Alasdair , Ale , Alec , Alejo , Alexei , Alistair , Apricity , Assistant , Asmund , Cain , Camphor , Camphorre , Corin , Corrigan , Crim , Crimson , Darrow , Dex , Dexide , Eirdis , Eivor , Eleazer , Elizar , Eske , Eskender , Fender , Feu , Feuelle , Feuette , Fidélité , Flamme , Flare , Florizel , Fuo , Fuoco , Fumo , Ina , Incendie , Iodire , Kemuel , Korrigan , Lance , Lancer , Lazar , Lazarus , Leonato , Lyosha , Havard , Kabuto , Mamoru , Mauz , Mel , Milena , Myllena , Ozran , Ozzy , Peredur , Pioneer , Pyro , Quirin , Raimond , Rami , Randall , Ray , Roe , Rowe , Saif , Salerio , Sander , Sarkis , Seward , Shura , Sikander , Sinan , Svea , Tarian , Tenzan , Tesni , Thurman , Titan , Toveri , Varin , Vene , Warin , Ysandre
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꒰ PRONOUNS ꒱ 〜 Afar Afars Afarself , Ar Armor Armors Armorself , Bari Barrier Barriers Barrierself , Blaze Blazes Blazeself , Bless Blessing Blessings Blessingself , Bri Bright Brights Brightself , Burn Burns Burnself , Burn Burning Burns Burningself , Com Rade Comrades Comradeself , Crim Crimson Crims Crimsonself , En Entwine Entwines Entwinedself , Far Faraway Faraways Farawayself , Fire Fires Fireself , Fix Fixs Fixself , Flame Flames Flameself , Flame Flaming Flames Flamingself , Forti Fortified Fortis Fortifiedself , Guar Guard Guards Guardself , Guard Guardian Guardians Guardianself , Heart Hearts Heartself , House Keeper Housekeepers Housekeeperself , Maple Maples Mapleself , Pro Protect Pros Protects Protectorself , Py Pyro Pyros Pyroself , Scorch Scorching Scorchings Scorchingself , Sha Shatter Shatters Shatterself , Shi Shield Shields Shieldself , Spark Sparks Sparkself , Spear Spears Spearself , Swift Swifts Swiftself , Tea Teas Teaself , Vision Visions Visionself , War Wars Warself , Warm Warmth Warms Warmself / Warmthself , War Warrior Warriors Warriorself , Wild Fire Wildfires Wildfireself
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overx · 5 months
Name one (or a few) people in your life whose death would ruin you.
Who do you think would miss you most if you were gone?
If you had to choose a way to die, what would you choose?
If you could meet someone who has died, who would it be?
Did you return for a reason?
Ask My Muse About Death | Accepting!
Name one (or a few) people in your life whose death would ruin you.
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"...I'm... not sure." A simple answer, the Zero offering little in the way of a reaction. "...death is... an expectation. Not an exception." It sounds morbid, but it is a reality all the same. One cannot afford to bend in the presence of the inevitable.
Who do you think would miss you most if you were gone?
"...there.... isn't anyone." That's what he wants to say. That maybe there never was. In this life, or the last. Or perhaps, he'd rather not believe he'll be missed. Easier to simply be a figure. A symbol. People will mourn, but it lacks the sting of personal connection.
If you had to choose a way to die, what would you choose?
I doubt I will have the luxury of choice. Still it's a question, and ultimately a harmless one. "...quietly, I suppose." In some far away place, after he is no longer needed.
If you could meet someone who has died, who would it be?
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You're expecting the obvious answer. X... isn't that right? The one he's supposed to know. Supposed to miss. Somehow, it doesn't sound all that appealing. Still, Crimson is thoughtful. "...perhaps... one of my old comrades?" Any of them. "I...don't remember... being a Maverick Hunter." Such an encounter could give him useful answers, if nothing else.
Did you return for a reason?
This elicits a longer pause, a subtler frown. Sometimes... it doesn't feel like it. As if he is only a wandering ghost, rest disturbed by an unchanging world. The conflicts of today are those of a century ago, but the terrain is unfamiliar. Enough time has passed to turn him from a solider to a titan in the eyes of mankind.
A faux catalyst of change where history is doomed to repeat.
Yet still he moves. There is nothing left to give but hope.
"...yes." Quiet, succinct.
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aronarchy · 2 years
you're asian. you should understand. do some research into what a tool of imperialism and colonialization and war, what a tool of racial fetishization """sex work"""" is.
Ah. And there it is.
You had quite a different tune just three asks ago:
youre 16. women which have been trafficked their entire childhoods, which have been sex slaves, which have been "sex workers" have more a right to speak than you, im sorry but you quite literally dont understand. i am nonwestern. i was poor.
stop with the fucking sex work shit because you think anything else is offensive. its privileged. its privileged western bullshit which is offensive as fuck and speaks over those of us who are Actually impacted by this god damn narrative.
Make up your mind. Am I evil privileged white-adjacent imperialist oppressor or poor fellow victim oppressed uwu femme of color? Ignorant invading outsider or alike comrade who’d understand your struggles? Person Deserving Of A Voice here or person who should shut up about this?
Do you think someone like me with my particular marginalizations and experiences would see your offer as kind generous benevolent helpful education, or as yet another example of the misogynistic and adultist (and racist) paternalism I have been subjected to throughout my life?
Do you think someone like me with my particular marginalizations and experiences am the type to buy into moral panic, to leave behind rigorous examination the moment the buzzwords come out, to cave to sex negativity the moment I am pressured with think of the poor women and think of the children? I’m a freak and a deviant and a degenerate, along with “(C )SA survivor” and “feminist of color.” I feel no loyalty to you and your crowd. I have nothing for the people who wished to tokenize me and then call for my murder the moment I stepped out of the Acceptable sj circle and I have no interest in repetitions of the same argument that has been used trying to justify my and my communities’ extermination (“if you say/do that you are literally offending/harming every single rape survivor”--“rape apologist/enabler” weaponized as a marker of an Immoral person to level violence and abuse against, and not just to indicate someone with specific sets of beliefs that actually enable/support rape)
“You’re Asian. You should understand.”
And then, not one sentence later:
“do some research into what a tool of imperialism and colonialization and war, what a tool of racial fetishization """sex work"""" is.”
Gotta pick one, anon. Asian, so should understand? Or privileged bourgeois white-adjacent westerner, so doesn’t understand, and should do their research?
All of the above which ties fairly well into one of the things I answered to your first ask: SWERFs’ habit of tokenizing the marginalized, treating us all as monoliths, then silencing us if we disagree or don’t fit the narrative, or immediately jumping to a “poor deluded brainwashed lost little lambs” narrative (which they of course are immune to, and can “save” us from), but also going back to tokenization and agreement if they find us useful. “Privileged” and “oppressed,” “imperialist” and “colonized” becoming idpol buzzwords instead of meaningful material class indicators.
I usually do slightly different discourses here; sw crim vs legalization vs decrim hasn’t really been one of my major topics of interest compared to others. I’ve only properly posted about it with my own commentary very few times over the past year, so I’m not exactly sure where this is coming from, but I have several guesses:
- yesterday on fedi I live-tweeted my reactions to a sex-negative TIRF piece I was reading and felt annoyed about. the portions I screenshotted might’ve mentioned sw a few times, though it wasn’t the focus of my critique, but maybe one of you people with a vendetta regarding my discoursing decided to follow me here? wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened
- yesterday, on my alt, I reblogged a post calling out a “transfeminist” for citing Esperanza Fonseca’s SWERF piece to a transfeminist reading list, and calling out her paternalistic sentiments in attempting to speak for Asians and the third world as a westerner (I put in some snarky tags but I didn’t think it would catch much notice)
- several months ago I posted a few quotes from Kate Zen Joy’s pro-decrim Medium essay responding to Esperanza’s, and reblogged it with a long personal rant about some unpleasant dynamics I have observed in swerf discourse and attempts by westerners and sympathizers at discussing Asian/Third World communism (the thing only received one note, a reblog from a friend who has since been suspended)
- on this blog I’ve also reblogged some other callouts of Esperanza and AF3IRM for their carceral proposals regarding prostitution and covert racist transmisogyny, and I reblogged one a few weeks ago with some snarky tag commentary (but no one has put any notes on that one either yet)
- two days ago some radfem decided to spread trafficking conspiracy theories in the notes of a leftist post. I responded, they doubled down and were rude to me, I checked their blog and saw several rightwing posts. I blocked them and posted the interaction to my blog. my post was not tagged with any swerf/radfem tags.
- a few months ago my mutual was arguing with some terfs about sw, and I decided to add my take to a few of the reblogs, and blocked everyone, and shortly after someone decided to traumadump in my inbox in graphic detail complete with adultist insults and other patronizing language, but no one else harassed me beyond that
- earlier this year some terf tagged me to accuse me of hating third-world cis WOC by derailing a post about femicide (I didn’t; it was someone else who’d had this URL before they deleted and I took it), and a lot of terfs reblogged the OG to dunk on the previous aronarchy, but no one else apart from her complained at me directly (apart from another vague anon a few months later)
I’m not even really active in arguing with people on Tumblr at all (anymore). Apart from that I’ve retweeted and posted a few things on Twitter but none of this is much at all compared to the people who devote their entire days and life’s work to defending decrim and arguing with swerfs, many of whom are (T)WOC and/or sex trafficking survivors, I’m really not sure what could’ve warranted or provoked four separate anonymous asks sent to me almost completely out of the blue to harass me. Callout post I haven’t noticed yet? Or just plain stalking? I don’t know.
Again, I challenge you to simply replace “sex work” with “____ work,” “____” for literally anything else, any other occupation, any other form of labor, any other form of labor which involves coercion or exploitation. I ask you to differentiate between “has been used as a tool of,” “has involved,” and “inherently equals/involves/requires.” Keep your rude condescension to yourself. Keep your bold fucking assumptions about my supposed lack of knowledge to yourself. Shut up about my privileged and marginalized demographic traits until you have an accurate map of which is which, and stop treating one like the other.
I would say “do your own research,” but I’m not really sure which recommended readings I would start with--my stance is based off several years of listening to various sex workers’ experiences and opinions here and there, and reading swerf/authcom pieces and interrogating them for their internal inconsistencies and spending time thinking about their arguments and other arguments (I only started actually writing them down very recently). And some things some discoursers/activists I admire have written, but I don’t have many of those saved, and some have been wiped from the internet. Mainly building off a larger theory base of materialism/anti-essentialism, several years of unpleasant experiences regarding radfem spaces and following the flow of their/your arguments to their roots, and a great deal of lived experience regarding christian fundamentalism and purity culture (and things from/for the perspective of someone like me don’t seem to be written down in longform very much at this point in time).
Like--I’m a very tired, very traumatized person, I stopped trying to hold puritan hands a long time ago, I don’t have the time or the spoons to entertain your bullshit and try to talk you through all of our disagreements all while you hurl insults at me, I’m really not interested and I’ve already wasted a lot of time I needed to do other things on writing out surface-level responses to all these today, I would really appreciate if you just fucked off from my blog forever and left me the fuck alone, and all your swerf friends with you.
Get out.
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terminallytwee · 2 years
hey, if i did it i wouldnt do it anytime soon but like. would you ever do a bulk order of stickers? asking for strictly crim reasons
Hmm depends on the design but yah 👀 I have a wedding coming up very soon tho so I'm busy for the time being. Glad to help a comrade out.
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medea10 · 3 years
Medea Plays Miitopia...AGAIN: Part I
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Starring: Medea as the Heroic Warrior and Imp
Tracey Sketchit as the Cleric
Marcus *last name withheld* as the Mage
Homer J. Simpson as the Chef
Washu Habuki as the Scientist
Michael Jackson as the Pop Star
And little Ike Broflovski as the Thief
Yeah, this is bringing me back to 2017. I enjoyed the hours crafting my miis to have them look as close to their actual character counterparts as humanly possible. This time, we all can get a little closer with the make-up and wig department.
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I mean, come on! Look at this.
In no way was I able to make Marilyn Manson look as spooky in the 2017 game as I can here.
As usual, you learn of weird anomalies happening around you like floating faces landing on plants, food, animals, etc. You head over to Greenhorne to meet the folks.
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I did the usual like I did in my old game like put in Dorothy Zbornak, Pam Poovey, and Randy Marsh. But I wanted to have this cute moment between Satoko and Rika before I go back to hating their relationship.
Higurashi Gou ruined me.
And I added Rick Sanchez as the sarcastic guy. Mostly so when his face gets stolen I can make the “Rocky Rick” joke.
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Pfft. Many of us made this joke back in 2017. Get on board newbies.
Oh and yes, I made this happen again.
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I will forever be a Victuri shipper and don’t you ever forget it.
My first-string comrades are the same as before.
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Tracey is always my first. He is top bae! He is top-tier bae!
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Followed up by Homer.
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And my real-life buddy, Marcus.
But it’s not just three, we get a horse. And yes, we can design it as we see fit. I did ponder for a bit what mine would look like and what I should call it.
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At first, I thought Isuzu after Rin from Fruits Basket. But then again, she isn’t really my favorite character on the show. Let’s go with option 2.
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Mmm...Better. I’ll save Galarian Ponyta for if I decide to do an all-Pokemon character version to the game.
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Bojack. Yes. We’re keeping Bojack.
And who knows? At the end of the game, Bojack could speak to us.
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Oh fuck, Bojack is speaking. BOJACK IS SPEAKING. This game is cursed by Horse Lucifer. Set fire to the barn.
Another addition are outing tickets. Before you would have to get lucky in the spinning game to earn a vacation ticket to help relationships. Now, you get these tickets to go to different places with your comrades including the library, theater, cafe, and so on.
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I went to the movies with Marcus.
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Washu and Michael went to the karaoke bar.
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Hell, you can even go on day trips with your horse companion.
All of us must band together to fight against the evil, corrupt, disgusting, cheeto-dusted...You already know it’s Trump.
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Yes, I still hate the real-life man on Celine Dion levels. And I still see him as a villain. Other than him and the villain at the very end, all of my characters are going to be ones I love.
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Like Spongebob!
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Crim from Interspecies Reviewers
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Butthead and Beavis
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Shizuo from Durarara
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And the rivalry between Ash and Gary over Misty’s heart.
Yes, my Pokeshipper heart will always pit Ash and Misty together. Up yours Amourshipping!
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As for this, I’m just laughing at this cock-eyed fight between Ash and Gary. This game is stupid-ass fun.
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As usual, save the kingdom, get Ash and Misty engaged, and Homer is so overcome with emotion.
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It’s time to take my harem of boy-toys to the next town and our next advent...
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Shit. The Inn..It’s...
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Yeah, just like before, you’ve got to start at 0 and your team is kidnapped.
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Dude, don’t say that. That sounds like Trump killed my friends and took them to the spirit world.
At least I still have Bojack with me. But time to add a new group.
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Like Washu from Tenchi Muyo.
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Michael Jackson. Sure he’s been dead for over 10 years, but it’s my game and I’ll add whomever I want.
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And Ike from South Park.
Let’s head on down to Neksdor to meet all the colorful characters there.
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I knew I was going to add one of the Love Live girls here eventually. She still does her Rubesty!
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Dude. DUDE. Seriously, what’s the age of consent in Neksdor?
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Shady doesn’t even begin to describe it.
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I’m probably going to be the only one showing Empire some love.
And finally...
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That’s all for now.
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beserkxr · 5 years
Friend in Need
Is a friend indeed.
If you hear a conversation between Crimson and her sister about a young man named Jerome Douglass, you just heard of Crim’s fellow Beserker.
True to some child soldiers in real life, Jerome Douglass had the misfortune of being forced drugs to increase his fighting abilities.  As a result, he became addicted to them.  In some cases, there were times when he became uncontrollable and killed his own men.  Despite this setback, Douglass is a trump card.
He is still inconsolable due to his true personality while sober.  He is loving and protective, and would rather die than kill his comrades.  He has gone somewhat insane due to his addictions and guilt.  However, after meeting Crimson again as a free man, Crimson was able to tell him her own recipe despite them from being from different clans.  Crimson and Miyuki thought of him as an older brother.
Last Crimson’s heard from him, he joined the Revolutionaries and pledged his allegiance to Monkey D. Dragon.
Meta Fact: Yep Douglass is named after Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist and freed man from the American Civil War.   * However, Douglass is often called by his surname as a fellow mercenary.  He goes by his first name after resolving to join the Revolution.
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risingoflights · 6 years
Hey, Crim? Do you have any head canon about Vegeta’s adolescence?
whaaaaa who is this and how did you know about my DBZ phase-!
it’s been honestly 3000 years since i thought about vegeta, and when i used to write fic i wrote more about post-DBZ era… i had a semi self insert human mew character named meria (not ‘maria’, pronounced the same though) who crushed on him but didn’t do anything about it bc vegeta is married of course and- oh man my bullshit dbz/pokemon fics starring me and my friends were wild, man. really brilliantly terrible 10yr old stuff
but anyway! i guess extrapolating from canon, you’d imagine vegeta was a punching bag for literally everybody on planet frieza except the other saiyans. and actually, i’m kind of sad now that there wasn’t more brotherhood among the ranks of the only surviving saiyans. sure, saiyans aren’t a breed known for bonding, but when there’s literally only four of you left in the entire universe (at that point in canon anyway), you’d think you wouldn’t just blow up your oldest comrade who’d basically raised you after your father’s death just because he was an embarrassment at the time.
yeah it would’ve been rough. vegeta’d lost everything and was basically forced to lick frieza’s boots for decades. which is partly why the namek saga was so cathartic to watch. it was like an extreme version of showing up all the bastards who bullied you in high school….. by blowing them to pieces one by one, heh
…i don’t think i answered your question at all btw but it was nice to go for a walk down memory lane
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theplayersxp · 4 years
The end game..
Before i saved sis ellone in the hands of galbadia soldier inside the lunatic pandora.
because to what i found out by dreaming sir laguna and his comrades.
I found out that sir.laguna really loves sis ellone. To the point even his life and with his loyal comrades risk their lives to save sis ellone from esthar soldier before, when sis ellone was still young and kidnapped.
That is why, i trained my self hard in the island closes to hell and defeat everymonster in one hit.
To show also that i’m willing to do everything to save her and make myself strong also to save sis ellone.
After i reach level 100 me/squall. And my party members go straight at flying lunatic pandora and raid it.
Selphie our pilot of ragnarok airship, fire bullets in lunatic pandora and we found out its has a shield. And we infiltrate the shield by force using ragnarok airship and fired also the mini-gun of ragnarok airship and we successfully made a hole that we can use to go inside the lunatic pandora.
We first encounter raijin and fujin inside the lunatic pandora who tried to block our way, and after we defeat them, first raijin run away and left fujin. And after a while.. fujin also gave up in our fight.
We explore the lunatic pandora and we heard wedge and biggs talking about something. And sir. Wedge wants to quit being galbadia soldier and he also take biggs to quit also to live their life than to follow a young leader. (Seifer)
After that, we encounter a robot called mobile type 8, its also have a left and right probe designed as a weapon to attack us as far as i remember.
We used demi a powerful gravity type magic and stock also to used for a boss fight.
And after we defeat mobile type 8. We encounter next seifer, who proclaimed himself a revolutionary knight. While he is rugged in his clothes. And that is the time raijin and fujin turn their back to seifer and let sis allone be free and we recovered sis allone from their hands.
The fight against seifer started. We only used limit breaks and aura spell to defeat him and after a while, seifer still doesn’t want to give up and kidnapped lalisa and brought to adels tomb and when sorceress adel bring back her conciousness she grabbed lalisa and junctioned himself to lalisa, and we fight sorceress adel and save lalisa from from her. Even though lalisa being damaged also from some of our attacks, we also used some healing magic to her to recover her hitpoints and also regen magic.
Until we defeated soceress adel and the time compression started where the past, present and future combined in one place or one time.
And the point of no return begin.
We saw the past events of the earth or early world while falling from the sky, there is a lot of birds and i guess.. even man or woman is not alive that time. Until we fall in the ocean and saw different sea creatures.
Until we meet ultimecia and we defeated her after she transformed from different demon image like serpent and etc.
After we defeated ultimecia, i found myself and my other party members inside our matron house beside the sea shore. And also some white seed going to ultimecia castle.
Even in the future, white seed soldiers still fighting against ultimecia and ultimecia has a already have a castle that time. Near our matron edea’s house.
We go inside the ultimecia castle and our magic and abilities is sealed. Maybe that is why.. white seed soldiers is really getting a hard time to defeat ultimecia even in the future.
We defeat different kind of boss monsters inside the ultimecia castle in order to make our abilities to be unsealed. Even a former GF who become part of ultimecia castle boss monster and become.. i guess a mechanical guardian forces. We also encounter and defeat it.
Until we unlock and unsealed all our abilities and powers and also limit breaks. But,...
Before we go and face ultimecia at master room. There is a one tough monster named “omega-weapon” and absored all type of elements including gravity magic. And i tried to defeat him using our limit breaks and remember the order of all of his attacks.
But no matter what i do, even i used my powerfull build of magics and ability that time and even im already lv 100. I can’t still lose omega weapon. And end up game over.
And i decided to trained my other party members. Zell and irvine and reach level 100 also. While i reserving my other three party members.. selphie our pilot of our vehicle and bring us in different places around the world, like in blue heaven where odin and tonberry king can be catch. And to a small deserted island where cactuar is appeared. And also we go to deep sea research to catch another GF named bahamut. And before we leave island closes to hell and made my ultimate weapon named “lion heart gun blade.” We open the lamp where diablo is being sealed and it takes me a lot of time before i finally get him. And become one of my guardian force. And my last guardian forced that i got is doom train.
And we collect cursed spikes in the bottom of deep sea research facility everyday and made a hero trial potion to make us invisible while fighting omega weapon.
Until i made, i guess 7000 cursed spike and made a lot of gil using “tubong gawlu” money making technique. (Invented term only) and i made my characters full in in strength stats equivalent to 255 pts. And a very high vitality i guess morethan 200+. So that omega weapon and his neutral magic will not damage us severe or critically.
After all the hardships to reach level 100 and make hero trial potion and make a lot of gil to buy things in the shop to make us strong. I decided to fight again omega weapon inside the ultimecia castle with all the might and ultimate weapon of my three main characters zell, jhay (squall), and irvine.
I used meltdown to omega weapon and make his vitality and defense fall down to zero points and makes our attack to do more damage than normal. And after two rounds of zell’s limit break. We defeat omega-weapon and i got proof of omega. Telling us we defeat the strongest monster in the world,
And in my own percepcion and understanding its laziness.
As a seed rank Lv-A. The highest level of a player can achieved in the game.
After that, i face ultimecia with my party members in master bedroom and accidentally defeat her and make the ending earlier than expected.
But that is not my plan, i did not expect or know that i can defeat ultimecia..
And i decided to repeat the game earlier when the time i still not defeated ultimecia. Because ultima weapon and my plan for my womens party members is not done.
Because i know now in myself we can defeat ultimecia even though my other party members is not already max level. My chance and confidence in my own selves increased again.
And i continue my plan for my womens party members and made them also level 100 and makes me feel little worried and nervous. Because according to gossip. If you max the level or make your character strong even one of them.. the boss monster will become tough also. And im expecting “rupture” and “the end” magic spell of selphie limit break will not going to appeared if they are all max level and the boss monster ultima weapon and ultimecia will become stronger than before unlike when we first fight.
And i collect cursed spikes and turn it to rosetta stone and ultima magic using lalisa and selphie and junction everything that they need to last longer in battle in the remaining two tough boss monsters ultimecia and ultima weapon. Im expecting they will going to killed but im still hoping to my plan and all the magics that i collect, reserved and made.. to save them.
Fortunately, i defeat ultima weapon and all his underlinks in the way going to him easily. And we also defeat ultimecia for the second time and even crim (griever) the strongest GF in the world living in jhay’s mind (squall). And after we defeated those last remaining boss monsters and follow the plan that we initiated before time compression begins and the point of no return.
We stock in a white space dimension even though we are near to each other we can’t find or see each other. And i found myself looking at my young version of me and talk to our matron edea.
Those early times our matron still not possessed by ultimecia. And i saw before ultimecia died in peace. She manage to transfer her power to our matron and our matron recognized me as a future jhay (squall) and asked me if i can go back to my time because the jhay allowed in their time is the young jhay (squall) only.
And i leave their time and i trapped in a dark time space and shouting lalisa’s name. And i continue walking until i slowly lay on the ground and after a while lalisa’s found me and shout. And the dark clouds that surrounding us from the sky divided and the sun light came and clear sky appeared.
And after that, the cinematics of the ending scene will tell you after you finished the game.
And its really feels good to finished the game with all my effort.
And the result of all my strenght in one blow.
I overkill ultimecia.. 😅😅😅✌️✌️✌️
Thank you for waiting for my last blog about final fantasy viii.
And i hope you enjoy reading it.
Till my next blog again peoplee.. and take care yourself! 😉
May 25, 2020 at 4:18 PM
PS:i remember my line everytime i lose other player in computer shop while we are playing, i always told them.. “hindi ako malakas, mahina ka lang.”
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divanquotes · 5 years
Salaberry, History of the Ottoman Empire v3, 1813
Page 8: The Divan nevertheless assumed the defensive system on the seas, after an intrepid sailor came to fight against this faint-hearted party, and promised to take the island of Cyprus from the Venetians, if only he were entrusted with four caravels and eight galleys. The members of the Divan hesitated; Mustapha, the invisible witness of this discussion, listened from behind the window which, under Amurath III, had saved the life of the murderous shapes of the grand vizier Mehemet; he raised the curtain to order that Mezzomorto leave immediately. 
Page 168: Patrona softened then, and went so far as to apologize because no one had wronged him: “it is not enough,” he shouted. “If you are a janissary, be a submissive janissary; do not meddle in the affairs of the state; that Mouslu, your comrade, no longer speaks as minister of the empire; that he does not appear every day at the door of the Divan with the pomp and insolence of the last kiaia. Do you think the sultan and his grand vizier ned your lights to behave?”
“But,” said Patrona, with moderation, “if I stop for a moment to watch over the sultan and the Divan, you will soon see again such odious ministers as those whom we have punished. I have no other goal than the public happiness or welfare.” 
Page 170: Patrona Calil, Ali and Mouslu were invited to go to the Divan for a matter of great importance. They went there, and left in the first courtyard of the seraglio the escort of thirty men who always accompanied them. Solitude and silenced reigned upon their entrance there: no apparent clue of danger or snare aroused their mistrust.
Page 171: The grand vizier opened the Divan, announcing that Patrona Calil was named Beglierbey of Romelie, and Mouslu the Beglierbey of Natolie; Sanjincats were also given to the two effendis who served as advisors to the three chiefs, and who never left them; for to put them to death without having violated the rights of the ulema, of which these effendis were members, it was necessary to appoint them to employments which made them again part of the subjects who were submitted to the Sultan.
Page 195: Such was the existence of this famous adventurer at the Ottoman Porte in 1736, the time of the quarrel of Augustus II and King Stanislaus. Count de Bonneval had crossed the plans of the Marquis de Villeneuve, and advised the Divan not to act hostilely, that France had solemnly promise not to make a separate peace, and to concert all the operations of the war with the grand vizier.
Page 225: On the day when the case was judged, as soon as the mullah had pronounced the sentence condemning the protege of the Kislar-AGa, a choadar, or footman sent by him, raised the whip which these domestic officers wear on their belt; and not content with threatening the judge in front of the Divan, pushed his insolence to the point of striking him. The outrage was without precedent: the mullah demanded justice for the insult made to his person, the laws and the religion; he continued to pursue his solemn vengeance. The mufti sent him back to the grand vizier. 
Page 259: Raghib, lacking open force, had skillfully made use of corruption; but h had divided his enemies without destroying them; his own life was not safe in Cairo, and even in his own Divan, a pistol shot had been fired at him in 1706. Mahmoud I recalled Raghib from such a dangerous position, and he had since been successively the Pasha of Aidin and then of Aleppo, when Osman III appointed him grand vizier. 
Page 297: Encouraged by him, Crim-Guérai had gathered an army, had invaded and ravaged in seven days all of Moldavia, brought the herds, the horses and thirty thousand slaves, and thrown Constantinople into such a fright, that he had obtained his own confirmation while the formal destitution of the khan had taken place. Immediately after showing the Divan that he was formidable, Crim-Guérai was quick to show that he was right. He had set free all that he could gather of Moldavian slaves, and all the herds, camels, and horses which his severe orders were able to wrest from the rapacity of the Tartars. This prince breathed or thought only about combats. Taking advantage of the great ascendancy he had created at the Ottoman Porte, which spars only those whom it fears, he joined his efforts with those of the King of Prussia to determine the Divan for war.
But the sultan was, amongst all his council, the only one who was not afraid of having to give the signal for fighting. All the efforts, all the intrigues, had not persuaded the powerful ulema, or the elderly, timid and voluptuous viziers who sat in the Divan, to anything beyond the tacit permission of an invasion of Russian territory by the Tartars. All of a sudden the death of the Empress Elizabeth and the accusation of Peter III to the throne of Russia changed, in 1762, the warlike system of which Frederick II had been the driving secret.
Page 299: Peter III was dethroned; an assassination had ended his days; the princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, his wife, succeeded him under the name of Catherine II. Russian troops retraced their steps; the khan of the Tartars stopped the irruption of his hordes; the Divan cease preparations for war, and fell back into its lethargic drowsiness, contenting itself with learning what had become of Poland.
Page 303: He limited himself, according to the advice of the French Ambassador and the Prussian Minister, to giving a formal exclusion to Count Poniatowski; yet this creature of the empress was unanimously elected in the diet of 1764. Catherine, whose choice was the order and the work, showed herself to be indifferent; Mustapha saw only an insult and was indignant. “I will be able to reduce these infidels,” he cried, learning of Poniatowski’s election. It seemed that the angry sultan was going to do what the interest, the glory, and the dignity of his empire had long demanded; but far from advising him on the war, the ministers of the Divan, and the ambassador of France himself, saw that he was unable to provoke her. 
Page 304: Egypt was not tranquil: the Wechabites threatened Mecca; almost all the provinces are infested by bandits; so the entire Divan preferred an apparent reparation to disarm the sultan’s anger rather than to see the repose of the compromised empire. Captious assurances and scandalous promises cost the Empress nothing; she assured that the new king would not marry a foreign princess, that all the noble Poles would be reinstated in their dignities, and that her troops would leave Constantinople immediately. On the strength of this engagement, Mustapha allowed Catherine II to continue the work of pretended reformation which she had established, and he saw it thus, without anxiety, plunging the republic into the chaos; let us add that the Divan, receding in its foreign policy as well as in its military tactics, still feared at that time that, if Poland recovered the strength and integrity which it had under Sobieski, its efforts would not be favorable to the Crescent Empire. 
Page 305: More uncertain than convinced, the sultan dared not declare war; he even dismissed the Khan of Crimea. The ebullient and brave Crim-Gueray, who did not conceal his desire to enter Poland at the head of his Tartars, whether or not the Divan would acknowledge him or not, was attracted to Constantinople; and on the road, ten thousand shapes carried him off, and forced the Tartars, whom he had accompanied, to turn back. Mustapha, who had consented to his exile, did not welcome him with less kindness. The Khan, in passing, tried to persuade the Sultan to adopt the noble and vigorous resolutions of which he was animated. 
Page 307: The Russians made use of false colors to cover the march of their ambition; however arbitrary was their usurpation in Poland, the Divan always thought that the sultan should not be an aggressor, and that religion did not allow him to declare war until the borders of the empire had been violated. It was therefore a matter of the Russians having insult the Ottoman territory; it must be said that one man forced the Ottomans and the Russians to measure themselves together; and how, finally, he gave birth to the terrible war of six years which began in 1768 between these two formidable nations. 
Page 315: They flocked from Asia to Europe by the Bosphorus, crossing Constantinople, which they pillaged, while their chiefs were dealing with the Divan, less about the subsidies of the country than about the ransom of the capital; for it was only with gold in hand that the government obtained the departure of those guests who had become more inconvenient for themselves than their enemies. Milestones did not mark their military brought through Romelie and Bulgaria, until the general rendezvous indicated under Bender. 
Page 322: It was he who had given Poniatowski the exclusion. From that moment he was the oracle of the Divan, and the intimate counselor of Mustafa. Equally an enemy of the Russians and the Poles, whom he confounded in his fanatical contempt, he had expressed his preference for favoring the Confederates of Poland, although not taking an active part in their quarrel, and he wanted the Porte, quiet spectator of the fights of the infidels, to watch them destroy each other. 
Page 323: Mustapha III, defiant and severe, bringing back alone the authority, retained in his seraglio by the representations of the Divan, pretended to direct the operations of the war, although the care of his weak health and a fear of increased expenses prevented him from leading his own soldiers into battle. Thus the military stores, either in Bulgaria or Wallachia, were assume to be supplied, because the sultan had ordered them; and yet most of these stores were empty. The most well-founded alarms already preoccupied Mehemet-Emin as to the provisions necessary for the 300,000 men he had to fed before lading them to victory. Already, before leaving Adrianople, he had put to death three Greeks who were trying to poison the flour of the army. 
Page 339: But the most sinister visits that this precarious sovereign could receive were those of the Capidgis-bachis, who only came to depose him or to ask for his head. For only eighty years Wallachia and Moldavia had had more than sixty hospodars deposed, and another twenty-five decapitated, drowned, hanged, murdered, poisoned by order of the Divan; for the capidgis-bachis, these messengers of death carry out their mission as they can, always running the risk of being won over by the one they are in charge of undoing. 
Page 354: Certain opinions had been sent to Constantinople; the Divan owned them to the fidelity or political foresight of the Prince of Wallachia; h had ben surprised in Bucharest, and taken away by the Russians during the last campaign. Catherine II had not concealed her plans from this Greek, whose advice she had judged useful, and united her cause to his. The Ottomans expected an attack by sea; but it was from the northern shores of the Black Sea that they believed the armed party would emerge. The sultan’s ministers were still so ignorant, as to ask derisively what was the Sund. A vizier had asked at the Venice ball, ten years earlier, whether the lands of his republic were close to the Russian empire. The Divan refrained from believing that the Russians were not attacking, and sent seven liners and a few warships into the Black Sea. It did not take less than the appearance of the Russian fleet in the Archipelago, and its landing in Morea, to fix the uncertainties of the Ottoman ministry. 
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divanquotes · 5 years
Salaberry, History of the Ottoman Empire v3, 1813
Page 8: The destiny of Mustafa was to find, on sea and on land, men worthy of command. A pirate of Tunisia, named Mezzomorto, a name whose origin illustrated the triviality, because of the picture of him after a naval fight being left for dead on the deck of his ship, Mezzomorto, the regenerator of the Ottoman navy, later beat the Venetian fleet on the very day of Mustafa II’s accusation to the imperial throne. The Divan nevertheless adopted the defensive system at sa, when the intrepid sailor came to fight against this faint-hearted party, and promised to take the island of Chio from the Venetians, if only he were entrusted with four caravels and eight galleys. The members of the Divan hesitate; Mustapha, an invisible witness of this discussion, listened, placed behind the window that had been broken, which saved, under Amaranth III, the life of the murderous shapes of the Grand Vizier Mehemet; he raised the dreaded curtain to order that Mezzomorto leave immediately. 
Page 168: Patrona softened then, and went so far as to apologize for doing no harm to anyone. “It’s not enough,” he shouted; “if you are a Janissary, be a submissive Janissary; do not meddle in the affairs of the state; that Mouslu, your comrade, no longer speaks as minister of the empire; that he does not appear very day at the door of the divan with the pomp and insolence of the last Kiaia. Do you think that the Sultan and his Grand Vizier need your lights to behave?”
“But,” said Patrona, with moderation, “if I stop for a moment to watch over the Sultan and the Divan, you will soon see again such odious ministers as those whom we have punished. I have no other goal than the public happiness or welfare.”
Page 170: Patrona Calil, Ali and Mouslu were invited to go to the Divan for a matter of great importance.
They want there, and left in the first courtyard of the Seraglio an escort of thirty men, who always accompanied them. Solitude and silence reign over their passage: no clue of trap or danger around their mistrust. The Grand Vizier opened the Divan, announcing that Patrona Calil was named Beglierbey of Romelie, and Mouslu the Beglierbey of Natolia; Sanjincats wr also given to the two effendis who served as advisors to the three chiefs, and who never left them; for to put them to death without violating the rights of the Ulema, of which these effendis were members, it was necessary to appoint them to employments which fit them into the crowd of subjects submitted to the Sultan.
Page 195: Such was the existence of this famous adventurer at the Ottoman Porte in 1736, the time of the quarrel of Augustus II and King Stanislaus. The Count of Bonneval crossed the plains of the Marquis de Villeneuve, and advised the Divan not to act with hostility, that France had solemnly promised not to make a separate peace, and to convert all the operations of war with the Grand Vizier. The Treaty of Riswick, which the Ottoman court had the right to call a defection, had drawn upon the Empire a series of misfortune which were deplorable enough to serve as a lesson in prudence.
Page 225: On the day when the case was tried, as soon as the mullah had pronounced the sentence which condemned the protection of the Kislar Aga, a tchoadar, a footman sent by him, raised the stick?, which the domestic officers wear on their belts; not content with threatening the judge with his Divan, he pushed his insolence to the point of striking him. The outrage was without precedent: the mullah demanded justice for the insult to himself, the laws and religion; he continued his solemn vengeance. The Muphti sent him back to the Grand Vizier. This prime minister endeavored by all means to appease the mullah, who refused any kind of reparation; he even rejected the dignity of the mullah of Iconic, the most ambitious seat of the whole Empire.
Page 259: Raghib, in the absence of the open force, had usefully made use of the corruption; but he had divided his enemies without destroying them; his own life was not safe in Cairo, and even in his own Divan, a pistol shot had been fired at him. Mahmoud I struck the Raghib with such a dangerous post, and he had been successively Pacha d’Aldin and then of Aleppo, when Oman III appointed him Grand Vizier.
Page 297: Encouraged by him, Crim-Guérai had gathered an army, had invaded, and ravaged in seven days all of Moldavia, brought the herds, the horses, thirty thousand slavs, and thrown such a fright into Constantinople, that he had obtained his confirmation and the forma destitution of the khan he had replaced. Immediately after demonstrating to the Divan that he was formidable, Crim-Guérai was quick to show that he was right. He had sent back free what he could gather of Moldavian slaves, and all the herds, camels, and horses which his severe orders were able to wrest from the rapacity of his Tartars. This Prince breathed or thought only of combats. Taking advantage of the great ascendancy which he had created at the Ottoman Porte, which spares only those whom it fears, he joined his efforts with this of the King of Prussia to determine the Divan in the war.
Page 305: More uncertain than convinced, the Sultan dared not declare war; he even dismissed the Khan of Crimea. The hot and brave Crim-Gueray, who did not conceal his desire to enter Poland at the head of his Tartars, whether the Divan confessed him or not, whether the Divan had sent him or not, Crim-Gueray was attracted to Constantinople; and on the road, ten thousand Spahis carried him off, and forced the Tartars, whom he had accompanied, to turn back. Mustapha, who had consented to his exile, did not welcome him with less kindness. The Khan, on his way, tried to persuade the Sultan to adopt the noble and vigorous resolutions with which he was animated (that interested him).
Page 323: Mustapha III, defiant and severe, bringing to himself only the authority, retained in his Seraglio by the representations of the Divan, pretended to direct the operations of the war, since the care of his weak health and the fear of increasing the expenses, which prevents him from leading his own soldiers into battle. Thus the military store, either in Bulgaria or Wallachia, were provision, because the Sultan had ordered them; and yet most of these stores were empty. The more well-founded alarms already preoccupied Mehmet-Emin as to the provisions necessary for the 300,000 men he had to feed before leading them to victory. Already, before leaving Adrianople, he had put to death three Greeks who were trying to poison the flour of the army.
Page 339: But the most sinister visits that this precarious sovereign could receive were those of the Capidgis-bachis, who came only seeking to have him deposed or his head cut off. After only eighty years, Wallachia and Moldavia had more than sixty hospodars deposed, and more than twenty-five beheaded, drowned, hanged, murdered, or poisoned by order of the Divan; for the Capidgis-Bachis, these messengers of death carry out their mission as they can, always in danger of being overtaken by the one they are in charge of undoing.
Page 354: Certain opinions had been sent to Constantinople; the Divan owed to them the fidelity or political foresight of the Prince of Wallachia; he had been surprised in Bucharest, and taken away by the Russians during the last campaign. Catherine II had not concealed her plans from this Greek, whose advice she had judged useful, and joined her cause to his. The Ottomans expected an attack by sea; but it was from the northern shores of the Black Sea that they had believed the war party would depart. The ministers of the sultan were still so ignorant, as to ask derisively what was the Sund. A Vizier had asked the Bey of Venice, ten years earlier, whether the lands of his Republic were near the Russian empire. The Divan persist in believing itself threatened on the side where the Russians were not inclined to attack, and sent to the Black Sea seven ships of the line and some vessels of war.
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