#{ f2f }
dutchboyzx · 9 days
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corruptedcaps · 2 months
On the fourth floor of her sorority, Sarah stood in front of the door marked 'President', a little nervous, a little surprised but ultimately excited. It was a tremendous honor for her friends, and fellow sorority sisters, Emily and Bree to have voted to make her president. This was even more compounded by the fact that they had decided when they started the sorority to abolish the idea of having a single figure head.
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In the first few months of her freshman year Sarah had been utterly lonely. She found it hard to make friends and there was no real place for her to meet anyone. That's when she had come across the sorority that had been abandoned.
Alpha Omega Sigma was once the most feared and revered sorority on campus, ruled with an iron fist by a girl called Kayla, the hottest, meanest, and most popular girl at the college. Her reign was infamous. She instilled fear in everyone, and her sorority sisters both idolized and dreaded her. When Kayla graduated, the sorority was left leaderless. The other girls seemed to lose their taste of being campus bitches and the building fell into disrepair, eventually being forgotten.
Sarah had seen it as an opportunity to bring together other girls who felt at sea, who needed a helping hand, who needed friends. That’s how she met the equally outcast Emily and Bree. They banded together to repair the broken down sorority. They made plans to organize charity events, volunteer at local shelters, and hold inclusive social gatherings that welcomed everyone, regardless of their background.
Finally after months of work getting the house back in liveable order, Emily and Bree surprised her with a gesture of gratitude and respect. They insisted that she become the President of Alpha Omega Sigma. Despite her resistance to having any sort of leader position or title, Sarah accepted, knowing how much it meant to them.
Pushing open the door into the bedroom she found herself beaming ear to ear. The girls had completely overhauled the room and it was now a warm and welcoming space rather than the dingy and dark place they had been storing materials in.
Sarah wandered around the newly renovated room, basking in its simple beauty. Piled in the corner were some boxes marked ‘Kayla’. They contained a bunch of clothes, jewelry and makeup from the former president that they had planned on using in a charity auction, once they had more sisters of course.
As she took a step towards the bookshelf, she suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through her foot. "Ouch!" she exclaimed, hopping on one leg. Looking down, she saw something gleaming between the floorboards. Kneeling, she pried it out and found herself holding a small, jewel-encrusted belly button piercing. The pink diamond at its center sparkled mesmerizingly in the light.
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Her eyes were captivated by the piercing's beauty. It seemed almost alive, the way it shimmered and glowed. Suddenly, it shot out of her hand and latched onto her belly button with a force that knocked the breath out of her. She quickly recovered as a pleasurable vibration coursed through her body. "Ohhhh god what is happpppppening?" She managed to moan.
A deep sensation ran through her, and she could feel her bones cracking and shifting. Her once brown hair lightened, strands turning a bright, golden blonde that cascaded in soft waves over her shoulders.
As her hair transformed, she felt her drive for academic excellence fade, slowly replaced by an overwhelming desire to party and fuck boys. Her once focused mind now swirled with thoughts of drinking, dancing and riding cock.
“No, I have to focus, I can’t just think about partying… or can I?” She muttered weakly, trying to fight the intrusive thoughts. Each time she let the naughty ideas the more she felt her body change and the piercing throb pleasurably.
Next to change were her boobs which grew bigger than any other pair she knew. They stretched out her hoody she was wearing, lifting it high and exposing her midriff where the piercing sparkled.
With her now bigger tits, her extensive knowledge of science was pushed aside, supplanted by a deep understanding of makeup, fashion and seduction techniques. As smart as she was with equations and chemical mixtures she now was an expert in the right lip gloss for the right occasion, the sexiest dress that would have heads turning, and the flirtatious looks that could bring any man to their knees.
“Maybe this isn’t so bad. Knowing how to dress to get what I want would be useful, right?” She reasoned, a sly smile creeping onto her face.
Her lips plumped, becoming lush and inviting. She bit her bottom lip pleasurably, loving the taste of lipstick she felt on it. She felt her introverted nature dissolved into an intense arrogance. She no longer felt the need to shy away from the spotlight. She craved it, relishing the power she felt in her new, sexy appearance.
“Of course, I need to be seen and admired. What’s the point of being this beautiful if no one is around to appreciate it?” She said confidently.
Her fingernails elongated and took on a perfect pink polish, as if freshly manicured. Her kindness, which had been a cornerstone of her character, was stripped away, replaced by a cruel streak. She felt a thrill in the idea of asserting her newfound dominance over others, especially her two sorority sisters.
“Yes more, MORE! This is what I want! What I deserve! The other girls are just ants in need of a queen, and I am that queen.” She declared, her voice dripping with contempt.
Sarah’s skin began tingle as it became tan, achieving a flawless, sun-kissed glow. Every blemish, scar, and imperfection faded away, leaving her complexion smooth and radiant. She felt an overwhelming surge of power and beauty unlike anything she had ever known.
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Striding confidently to the mirror, Sarah looked at herself vainly. She took out her phone, posing for pictures, loving how she looked from every angle. Her new, blonde hair shimmered, her fuller tits and plumper lips adding to her bitchy look.
“Mmmm fuck yessss. I don’t know how the piercing did this, but I love it. And I’m going to make some changes to this sorority. MY sorority.” She said, admiring her reflection.
Her eye caught the boxes in the corner marked ‘Kayla’ and a wicked grin crossed her perfect lips. She ripped them open with manic glee and pulled outa tight pink outfit and began trying it on.
Everything felt perfect on her body, every item clung tightly to her bigger tits and tighter waist. She was in heaven. She looked every bit the stereotypically bitchy sorority girl. She loved it and so did the piercing. It continued to throb pleasurable everytime she thought or did something bitchy.
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But there as something more to it as she caught its pink glint in the reflection. It seemed to whisper to her evil ideas, filled her mind with schemes. It endowed her with the knowledge of the wicked magic that now coursed through her and told her how she could wield it. The very thought made her wet with anticipation and thankfully she didn’t have to wait long to test out her new power.
“Sarah? Are you ok? It sounded like you were in pain.” Came Emily’s voice from beyond the door.
“We just wanted to make sure you’re not hurt.” Said Bree who was also there.
Sarah felt the piercing throb as it glowed an unholy pink. She knew what she needed to do. Swinging open the door the two girls were at first shocked at the sight of their president looking like every bully they ever had combined.
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However they were soon drawn in to the glowing light of her belly button piercing. They were bathed in the pink light and were quickly transformed into blonde brats just like their leader.
“OMG Sarah, like, what did you do to us? I feel, like, so nasty.” Emily purred entering the room to use the mirror.
“For real babes, I’m so yummy and hawt now. I can’t believe the loser dorks we used to be.” Bree said in a bratty whine as she ran her newly manicured fingers over her transformed body.
“Soak it up girls, you’re the first sisters of my NEW sorority. A sorority where we get what we want, we fuck who we want, and we crush everyone who crosses us.” Sarah smirked at the two girls who returned the smile.
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Over the next week the Sorority exploded with activity. Their first pledges arrived expecting a welcoming environment but instead finding two wicked bitches, Mila and Brianna, who belittled and bullied them. The ones who stayed were rewarded with a meeting with the sorority queen, Sasha.
After that meeting any resistance to the sorority lifestyle was dispel, as was their notions of kindness and charity. They just wanted to party, bully and fuck. Before the end of the month the sorority was filled with hot babes who controlled the campus.
The Alphas, as they were come to be known, were a force to be reckoned with. If you upset one of them you might as well drop out. If you didn’t they would make you wish you had.
They held the biggest parties and had the hottest girls. Everyone wanted to be them or be with them but no one was more coveted than the queen bee herself, Sasha.
At their nightly parties, hot guys would surround her, their eyes filled with desire as they watched her move. She basked in their attention, feeling the power of their longing wash over her.
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Each beat of the music seemed to sync with the rhythmic throbs of the piercing in her belly button, sending waves of pleasure and satisfaction through her body. Every throb was a reward.
Sasha’s hips swayed provocatively, and she threw her head back, laughing with a mix of arrogance and delight. The boys around her were captivated, their gazes never leaving her. She could feel their desire, their yearning to be close to her, and it only fueled her confidence.
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She eyed them like food at a buffet, wondering which one she would enjoy tonight. Eventually picking a muscle bound man named Brad. The other guys looked disappointed as she led Brad up the stairs. She passed by the open door of Mila who was being eaten out by her Psychology professor. She gave a wink to Sasha in between moans.
Reaching the next floor she came across Brianna who was leading another girl around by a leash while whipping her with a leather crop. Brianna nodded in respect to Sasha and pulled her pet out of her path.
Finally Sasha and Brad reached the top of the house where she had taken over the entire floor. Her previous room was more than spacious but that was fit for a president and not the queen that she now was nor what the sign now said on her pink door.
"It’s good to be the Queen." Sasha thought, her lips curling into a triumphant smile as she pulled Brad into her bedroom. The piercing throbbed again, as if in agreement, filling her with a deep sense of satisfaction. She was Alpha Omega Sigma, and nothing could challenge her reign.
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misseviehyde · 1 month
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“I already told you - fuck you bitches and you better stay away from my friends too, or else. You know I don’t give a fuck and my uncle is one of the school governors, I can make things very difficult if you don’t leave me alone.”
Alice Brown calmly folded her arms and looked at the three biggest bullies at her school with a level, unconcerned gaze. She radiated stoic resolve and even an air of quiet menace. She was smaller, less popular and less powerful than any of the bitchy girls in front of her - but she did possess a lot of bravery and backbone.
Keisha, Mia and Chelsea all sneered and pouted their pretty pink lips, but there was also rage and frustration behind their eyes. The three bitches towered over their would-be-victim and usually had no problem dominating and bullying little loser nerds like this one - but in Alice they had finally found a victim not willing to break.
Keisha’s long acrylic nails flexed like bitchy claws as she contemplated just grabbing the little loser by her hair and dragging her down the corridor. She was the head cheerleader and her tanned toned body rippled with muscle and athletic strength. It would feel so GOOD to physically dominate Alice and wipe that smug nerdy smile off, but she knew that unlike the other girls she bullied - this bitch would tell on her and probably be believed. Keisha’s Daddy was powerful, but Alice had her own connections and it could cause problems.
Meanwhile Chelsea leaned forward in annoyance, her massive tits heaving against her blouse. Her perfect teenage titties usually were intimidating for other girls, her body was ripe and mature in a way that put the other girls here to shame and she loved being a cocktease. Her pink lips were perfect at sucking cock and her tight pussy was like heaven. She was an evil horny slut, and if she hadn’t have been so popular and powerful she’d have probably been called out for it.
The last of the three, Mia was their leader. She was smart - super fucking smart - but she used her intelligence for evil. She was a twisted evil bitch who seemed to get off on breaking other girls and had the most deliciously twisted mind. Mia could always think of a cruel put down, an insulting nickname and a plan to get what she wanted. She knew how to manipulate people and she was pretty and innocent looking, but with the dirtiest most depraved mind you could imagine. Mia’s black book was legendary as a source of blackmail material. Her burn book gave her power over everyone else - no one would cross her, not even Keisha and Chelsea.
All three girls were rich, pretty, talented and totally evil. A lifetime of having a silver spoon, pretty privilege and the power to get whatever they wanted had ruined them and made them into mega-bullies. Everyone either wanted to be like them, or was so afraid they wouldn’t dare challenge their power.
Everyone except Alice.
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Alice had moved to the school a few months ago and the bullies had tried their usual tactics to assess, then dominate the new girl. Once they realised she was a nerd, they had assumed it would be easy to turn her into another one of their victims - but to their shock and horror, Alice had fought back.
Although she was small, studious and lacking in their popularity or resources - her quiet determination and kind heart had allowed her to confound the bullies power. She was now the leader of a small faction of nerds, losers and outcasts that she had brought under her protection. The bullies power was waning as the rest of the school began to see it WAS possible to stand up to them. This was a situation that could not be allowed to continue.
“Girls, let’s leave this little smug bitch to wallow in her pathetic loser lifestyle. We have more important things to do,” sneered Mia - clicking her fingers and indicating the others should follow her.
Alice watched them walk away with a palpable sense of relief. It wasn’t easy to stand up to these horrible bitches, and her heart was hammering. Hopefully they’d finally get the message and give up soon. After all, she wasn’t going to let them walk over her and her friends anymore.
Mia clicked her tongue in annoyance against her perfect white teeth as she idly ran a finger up and down the expensive silver necklace she held on the palm of her hand. The other girls were arguing and shouting; Keisha pushing Chelsea away as the other girl shoved her boobs into her face and they battled for dominance. Alice’s defiance was already causing their bullying friendship group to splinter and collapse. Mia needed to act fast.
“Why didn’t you just pick up that loser and ram her head down the toilet like we did to everyone else who ever stood in our way? Are you scared or something?” mocked Chelsea as she tossed back her hair and gazed defiantly into Keisha’s blue eyes.
“I don’t know bitch, I’m surprised you haven’t found a way to fuck her boyfriend and cuck her like you usually would. What’s the matter? Losing your slut appeal?”
“Shut up both of you,” commanded Mia quietly - experiencing a thrill of control as the other girls immediately obeyed. “Alice is a threat we must neutralise, but the usual tactics won’t work. We’re going to have to get creative. The only way to deal with a snake like Alice, is to make her destroy her own reputation and I have a plan.”
The other girls moved closer, hypnotised by Mia’s delivery and the sneering confidence in her voice. She held up the silver necklace. “This beautiful little thing has been passed through my family for generations. It allows the wearer to enter the body of another person and possess them. With this necklace we’re going to take control of Alice and make her destroy her own life. By the time we’re done, she’ll be a broken shell of who she is now.”
The three girls began to laugh, their eyes gleaming with malicious hunger as Mia began to tell them the full plan. Ohhhh yes, this was going to be so fucking good.
The sliver necklace tingling round her neck, Chelsea watched from around a corner, a big grin on her slutty face. Alice and her nerdy boyfriend Nathan were walking down the corridor. He was a quiet and shy boy, a total loser in Chelsea’s estimations. How could any self-respecting girl date a pathetic nerd like that?
Kissing Nathan on the cheek, Alice laughed to see him blush and she playfully bumped him on his shoulder. “What are you getting so embarrased about?” she giggled.
“I’ve never had a girlfriend before,” he shyly shrugged. “It’s kind of nice.”
Chelsea felt like she wanted to be sick as the two love birds looked into each others eyes like they were in love. Pathetic. She’d soon deal with this.
“Babe, I just need to use the toilet, hold my books will you?”
Nathan waited patiently outside whilst Alice went into the washroom. Chelea felt a surge of excitement. It was time. She waited a moment, then struck.
Walking over to the door, she ignored Nathan and walked straight into the bathroom. Her timing was perfect. Alice was at the mirror, her back turned as she washed her hands. It could not have been more perfect.
Walking up behind her victim, Chelsea groaned in pleasure as she simply walked up to Alice and then pushed inside her. She felt her hips and waist slide into Alice with a hot wet pop, she felt herself begin to slide and flow into her victim - filling her up and taking control. The necklace glowed with arcane power and the two girls were surrounded by a bright light. Alice gasped, suddenly panicking as Chelsea flowed and merged into her, her body becoming numb as Chelsea took control. “Yesss, this is my body now,” laughed the bully - sliding her torso into Alice and pushing her legs into the nerds with more sucking wet pops.
“Yessss, that’s it bitch, your body is all mine now,” hissed Chelsea. “Let me fill you up and make you into a real woman.”
With a crack, Alice’s hips pushed out and as the bully flowed into her her ass expanded too. She moaned, a delicious feeling of ecstasy filling her changing body as the superior bully flowed inside her. Chelsea’s big tits and ultra-feminine body was too slutty to be fully contained by her own skinny frame. Alice’s body was stretching and accommodating to suit her bullies sexier body.
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Alice’s tiny tits began to grow and swell as Chelsea’s massive boobs forced them to swell up and grow. Her clothing ripped, but even that was merging with Chelsea - her own designer clothing transforming Alice’s into a tight black jump suit that showed off her massive new cleavage.
Alice’s braided hair untied itself and cascaded down her neck in a soft perfect wave and her features shifted slightly - becoming prettier with thicker lips and hypnotic eyes. Her short stubby nails grew into a perfect manicure as with a final, slurp, Chelsea slid fully into her body. The sliver necklace was now around Alice’s neck and there was no sign that anything had happened, other than her new improved body. The possession had only taken moments.
Chelsea purred as she checked herself out in the mirror. “Not bad loser. Now I’m inside you giving you curves in all the right places, you’re quite the hottie. Mmmmh, boys are gonna want this ass so badly.”
Chelsea could feel Alice’s spirit crushed and subdued deep inside her. This body was hers now and Alice could do nothing to stop her. “Ohhh mmmh, that’s right loser. You’re going to be such a slut today. By the time I’m done, your boyfriend won’t ever speak to you again - your friends will all think you’re a slut and your reputation will be trash.”
Laughing, she turned and swayed out of the washroom, enjoying the feeling of her slutty new body. This was going to be fun.
Alice groaned and opened her eyes, her vision swimming. Where was she? What was happening? The last thing she remembered was washing her hands in the bathroom, then there had been this strange feeling and then it had all gone hazy.
Her body ached, it felt different… strange somehow. Her tits… her tits were bigger. MUCH bigger. She reached up with unfamiliar nails and brushed back long silky hair. Her lips felt swollen and her face different somehow.
Looking around, Alice saw she was in her bedroom. Crawling over to the mirror, she gasped as she saw the girl in the mirror. It was definitely her - but a her that looked like she had been inflated and transformed somehow. Her tits were now huge, her ass rounder and her body generally prettier. Big hooped earrings hung from her ears and her clothing was tighter. She looked just like a…
The words were buzzing on her phone.
Gasping Alice opened her phone and her heart skipped a beat as she saw message after message from everyone at school.
There was a video attached. A social media video that had thousands of views.
In the video a girl was on her knees in the boys locker room. The entire football team surrounding her. Big hard cocks were being pumped by two eager hands, thick blowjob lips sucking another. The girl in the middle was a moaning, eager, fuck-slut. Her top was down, her massive tits swinging free as she gulped and sucked and swallowed. Cum rained down over her giggling, moaning face… a face that Alice recognised.
Her face.
“No… noooooooo,” she groaned, the phone dropping from her numb fingers. This was impossible. This couldn’t be!
Glancing down at the screen, Alice saw that Nathan was now the laughing stock of the school as well. Her relationship with him was over.
Alice began to cry…
“WHAT THE FUCK HAS YOUR STUPID NECKLACE DONE TO ME!” screeched Chelsea as she examined herself in the mirror, her once pretty face contorted in rage.
Mia and Keisha looked at their friend as she raged in front of the mirror. This hadn’t been part of the plan.
Chelsea’s once magnificent chest was now average, the boobs smaller and normal sized. Her ass was flatter, her lips now thinner. She just looked kind of average.
Mia shrugged. “It looks like you left part of yourself inside Alice when you possessed her. I was concerned this might happen. Don’t worry, there will be a way to reverse it. I just need to consult my family records. Meanwhile, the plan worked perfectly. Your little suck-fest in the locker room means Alice is now seen as the biggest slut at school. But we aren’t done yet. There are still those who will stay loyal to her and forgive her. We need to totally isolate her and that’s where you come in Keisha.”
Keisha shook her head, pouting. “No fucking way, not after what has happened to Chelsea.”
“If we don’t follow through our plan,” snarled Mia, “then what has happened to Chelsea will be in vain. We need you to possess Alice next, I’m telling you that this imprinting effect is temporary. I’ll find a way to get Chelsea her assets back.”
“Are you sure?” asked Keisha suspiciously.
“Of course I’m sure,” smiled Mia. “Trust me.”
“Look, I don’t know why I did what I did or how I ended up looking this way,” said Alice as she looked at her friends. None of them would meet her eye at first - but as she spoke they began to listen.
“Please guys. There’s something weird happening and I know what I did is wrong and disgusting. But please believe me when I say I wasn’t myself. I know Nathan will never forgive me and maybe you all won’t too, but I promise you I’ll get to the bottom of this.”
Grace, Sarah and Tina all nodded. They were willing to give their friend at least a chance to find out what was happening. “Look we have athletics practice and then after we can talk properly.”
Alice shuddered as she walked into the locker rooms and began to change. She hated how good her new body felt. Her big tits did feel nice on her chest, and she had to admit - now she was prettier - people seemed to want to listen to her and give her more of a chance. Ironically whatever had happened to make her sexier may have led to her being labelled a slut, but it was almost as if being pretty meant it didn’t matter as much.
She didn’t notice as Keisha entered behind her, the silver necklace gleaming round her neck…
Keisha felt good. Really fucking good.
Alice’s body had been so easy to slide into. The changes that Chelsea had already made had made the little nerd hot - but now she was even sexier. Keisha's toned cheerleader body and athletic skills had flowed easily into Alice. Every inch of her body was now tanned and toned. She had a thigh gap and she was taller, more dominant and physically powerful than ever before. Her big tits bouncing with every step, Keisha felt like a Goddess.
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“Hahaha you fucking looooosers,” laughed Keisha as she kicked open the locker room door to find Alice’s friends. The four girls who only minutes before had been considering giving their friend another chance, screamed as she strode into the room.
Grabbing Grace’s hair, Keisha dragged the other girl down and laughing straddled her face.
“I’ve changed my mind you little loser bitches. I don’t need you to forgive me, I just need you to fucking FEAR me. You’re all gonna eat my ass and if you fail to please me - you’re all getting the shit kicked out of you? Understand?”
Keisha laughed as the other girls obediently knelt down. After this they would hate and despise Alice. Mia was a fucking genius, she really was…
Alice gasped as she awoke again from a fog of confusion. Once again her body felt different, once again she was dazed and confused. She was in her bedroom again and she still had the big tits and ass she had woken up with last time. This time though, she also appeared to be several inches taller and she was now perfectly toned and proportioned.
A new grace and athletic ability permeated every limb and as she stood up, muscle memory kicked in. Alice knew if she wanted to, she could now backflip, do the splits and more. She was a cheerleader now, with all the skills and abilities that entailed.
“What the fuck is happening to me,” she groaned walking to the mirror and trying not to be pleased at how she was looking. “I look like a total bitch.”
Her pussy got wet as she said it and without being able to control her actions, she began to touch herself…
"I'm a bitch... oh ffffuck, why does that feel so good to say? Mmmmh I'm a FUCKING BITTTTCH!"
Alice screamed as she began to cum...
“Damn it,” hissed Mia as Keisha and Chelsea screamed at her. “I told you it’s temporary, calm down.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” snarled Keisha who was now a short average looking girl. All of her toned athletic muscle was gone and the former cheerleader was now a nobody.
“Thanks to your dumb necklace, we’re now both average looking losers,” cried Chelsea. “You promised this would let us deal with Alice, not cause us to lose the best bits of ourselves to that useless nerd.”
“She’s hardly a nerd anymore is she?” spat Keisha. “She has your amazing tits and my toned physique. She’s taken everything from us."
“Calm down,” shouted Mia. “I told you - I’ll find a way to get your attributes back. In the meantime our plan has worked perfectly. Alice is now a social outcast and will no longer be able to stand up to us. Now leave things to me. Trust me. I’ll deal with Alice… I’ve had this all planned out from the beginning.”
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Alice had to admit she felt good. She had orgasmed six times before leaving the house and her new stronger, sexier body did make her feel more assertive and powerful. Sure - everyone thought she was a mean cocksucking slut now and she appeared to be losing her mind, but other than that things could be worse.
Her new massive tits wobbling enticingly with every step, she was on her way to school when she saw Mia approaching. Mia was on her own and she obviously wanted to speak to Alice.
“Hello babe,” grinned Mia with a surprisingly friendly expression on her face. “I’m so pleased to see what you have become. My plan has worked perfectly - let’s grab a coffee and let me tell you what has been happening to you…”
Alice felt her mind reel in shock as she found herself obeying her former bully and linking arms with her.
What the hell was happening to her?
A few moments later at the coffee shop - Alice barely touched her latte as she listened to Mia’s insane tale.
Alice shook her head in amazement. “So you’re telling me you sold out your two best-friends in order to groom me as their replacement?”
“That’s right,” smirked Mia. “When you stood up to us, I saw you had the potential to be a powerful bully. You just needed the right assets and I knew I could corrupt you if I made those two idiots use the magic necklace to possess you. Now their hot bodies have imprinted onto you, you are the beautiful dominant bully and they are just average no-bodies. Together we can become besties and rule this school.”
“But you destroyed my reputation!”
“Only amongst nerds. The popular boys are all obsessed with you now. A few blowjobs in the locker room is something your reputation can recover from. Meanwhile the nerdy girls are all frightened and obedient. All you have to do is embrace your new status as a bad bitch and everyone will fall into line. Together we could rule over everyone.”
“You really do have an evil, bitchy mind,” marveled Alice. “You’re totally evil. I could never be like you. Well, not without help.”
Mia suddenly felt a strange snick round her wrist. Looking down she saw the silver necklace. Whilst she had been talking to Alice, the other girl had gotten it out of her handbag and sneaked it around her wrist.
“What are you…?”
Alice grabbed Mia and pulled her in hard for a kiss. The bullies eyes widened in shock and horror. “Yessss, merge into me Mia… give me your bitchy personality and evil mind. I fucking need it.”
Mia groaned as she began to flow into Alice. She couldn’t help it as she was sucked inside with a hot wet pop.
Alice could feel Mia’s personality taking control, but whereas when she had been possessed before she had been unaware of what was happening this time she was in control.
Using her disciplined mind she greedily sucked up the attributes she wanted from Mia, her bitchiness, her intelligence, her knowledge. She allowed the bullies personality to flow into her and become her own.
“Yessss, fucking change me… make me like you,” hissed Alice, her eyes rolling in ecstasy as she took what she wanted from the bully. Then with a moan, she ripped off the silver necklace from her wrist and felt her body divide and split.
Mia was thrown out of Alice, her personality and mind drained. She too was now just an average loser.
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“Mmmmmh, that’s so much better,” grinned Alice, a slutty smirk appearing on her face. She stretched her perfect bitchy body flexing her manicured claws and enjoying the feeling of being a Goddess.
“Alice… no… what have you done?”
“I’ve taken it all you fucking loser. All your mean, evil, manipulative thoughts exist inside me now. Thanks to your dumb plan, I now have Chelsea’s slutty body, Kenzie’s toned athletic perfection and your cruel bitchy mind. I am a fucking GODDESS!”
Reaching down Alice laughed as she scooped up the silver necklace. “I hope you enjoyed your time inside me like those other bitches did, but I’m tired of being the passenger. I’m in control now and I’m never going back.”
Mia backed away in fear as Alice loomed over her.
“Your reign is over and mine is just beginning…”
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Flanked by her two flunkies Grace and Tina (now perfected after they had drained the attributes of the other girls at school) Alice blew a kiss into the camera. It was six months since she had been fully transformed into an evil bully and she now combined all the worst aspects of her three former tormentors.
“Girls, once we finish here, let’s go find some hard cock to fuck then we can go round up some losers and bully the shit out of them.”
“Hehe, like we do everyday Alice?”
“You bet Grace. Being evil and spoiled never gets old does it?”
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eternalsa2z · 1 year
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It started small. Just a microdose of Bimbo Elixir to get through the doldrums of the day. Freeing your mind of anxiety and pressure, you were actually better at your job, to the point your boss began to notice and compliment your work.
So you took a little more. A larger hit maybe got you a little too high, but co-workers and clients alike seemed to appreciate your more happy and bubbly enthusiasm. Your body of work really began to improve as your physical body began to subtly fill out.
Eventually you needed more. It made you feel floaty, giggly, and of course...horny. Luckily your latest promotion gave you a private office. You could rub your big boobies in peace and coo breathily as you slipped a manicured hand up under your pretty skirt. Your 'Bambi sessions' became daily practice, especially as the post-orgasm clarity gave you the best ideas to make you even better at your job.
Now you show up to work like this, a busty blonde goddess, thanks to a full dose of Bimbo Elixir first thing in the morning. As you strut into the office, heads turn and the whispers start. "There goes Bambi...the smartest businesswoman this company has seen. I wonder what her secret is?"
You giggle and pose mindlessly for the crowd before making your way to the executive suite. Your partner in business and life is waiting with two martini glasses in hand. You give her a kiss, your plastic chests pressing together, before accepting a drink. Together you down your second of many doses of Bimbo Elixir today. It's time to get to work.
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ladybelladonna76 · 7 months
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Rachel didn't know what her stepdad saw in that stupid girl he was dating
She was obviously hot, but she was also bitchy, vain, and materialistic
Unsurprisingly he'd met this goldigger shortly after the medical negligence payout from her mother's accidental death, at the hands of a drunk quack doctor, when Daddy had been looking for some comfort at the bottom of a whiskey glass in questionable bars
"We're going to have so much fun, Daddy says we can spend whatever we want today, I have permission to spoil us both rotten"
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Rachel rolled her eyes
"Let's just get this over and done with"
"Okay Rachey, I promise you're going to love it, this salon works miracles, then we go shopping!", Rosie squealed as she said shopping like some over excited middle school girl on a carnival ride
"Whatever, I'm doing this because DAD asked me too that's all, after the salon you can drop me off home before going out shopping"
"Okay meanie" Rosie pouted
Inside the salon it was as bad as Rachel had feared. This was just a grooming kennel for over primped high maintenance bitches, she couldn't think of one treatment she wanted to try.
"Please try the New U facial treatment Rachey" Rosie whined in her bimbo voice for the hundredth time
"Fine if you'll shut up, at least I get to lay down and relax"
She laid back and the beautician put the mask over her face
The mask started to emit a pulsing wave of light
It feels wrong, invasive, it hurts
She tried to sit up but couldn't move
Her brain felt like it was aflame as the light seemed to penetrate her skull
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Suddenly words and concepts started to run through Rachel's head.
Bitch, cuckold, homewrecker, conniving, golddigger, manipulative
Every word brought a flood of images and memories of Rachel as the living embodiment of these words
Rachel knew she wasn't, there was no way she could be, she had never, would never do any of those things, her mom and dad raised her with a strong sense of right and wrong and everything she saw herself doing was wrong.
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Rachel could sense new color behind her eyelids even though her eyes were closed tight
More information washed over her, new feelings and ideas.
She had secretly coveted her Step Daddy for years after her mom had married him. No he was always her Daddy, no my Dad, wasn't he?
I'd fucked that gold digging bitch's plastic surgeon behind her back, mommy dearest was fucking him to get a discount so he was fair game.
That's how I got him addicted to drugs and me, I got him drunk, high, and fucked him all night before the day of the surgery. I'd made him botch the surgery
Rachel screamed inside the mask, that's not me I wouldn't, I couldn't, I love my Mommy
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Rachel felt her body starting to alter as the new light worked it's magic
She started to groan inside the mask as she felt her body staring to firm and tone, her breasts grew as implants formed inside them, her lips plumped, her nails lengthened into beautiful manicured claws.
Daddy loved her body so much better than her mom's pathetic..
"Oh my God, mom I'm sorry this isn't me, this isn't what I wanted!!"
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Rachel removed the mask and looked around for her stepmom
Where was she?
"There's only us Raquel", she thought
This didn't make any sense
"We were always jealous of Mommy since middle school, all her boy toys, her clothes, cars, vacations, we just had to bide our time until we were all grown up and then he could be ours"
Was Daddy hers now alone?
Ever nerve in her body fired in unison at this realization as an orgasm swept through her body
Of course New U Salon's machines didn't really work miracles they only used a cutting edge application of Quantum Mechanics.
They did however merge Rachel and her stepmom's quantum realities
A little tweak here and there, so the Quantum realm remained while and all was perfect with the world again
Another happy customer with guaranteed repeat business and referrals to boot
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Rachel was very satisfied
Raquel skipped shopping that day and rushed home to her Daddy
She'd wanted him since he'd first walked into her life with her bitch mother
She spent years preparing for when they could be together. Years studying her mother's manipulation techniques, daily exercise at the gym to sculpt her body into a temple to be worshiped, style to dress in a manner befitting a goddess, oh and sex, how she'd perfected the art of love making and giving, she'd become such a slut.
All to be ready for her Daddy and now he was hers, she'd never give him up
New U Salon really was miraculous
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rylem33 · 22 days
Future Trophy Wife
Charlie laughed as she pulled the shirt over her head, the soft fabric clinging to her slender frame. “Future Trophy Wife,” it read in bold red letters. She shook her head, amused by her best friend Megan’s sense of humor.
“Really, Meg? This was the best thing you could find at the gift shop?” Charlie asked, playfully rolling her eyes.
Megan grinned, adjusting the straps of her backpack as they made their way back to their cabin. “I just couldn’t resist! Besides, it’s not every day my best friend gets engaged. Consider it a preview of your future, Mrs. Trophy Wife!”
Charlie glanced down at the shirt again, chuckling softly. She was far from the trophy wife type. With her tousled brown hair, minimal makeup, and a preference for hiking boots over heels, Charlie was as grounded as they came. She loved her fiancé, Daniel, not for his money—of which there wasn’t much—but for his kind heart and the way he made her feel like the most important person in the world.
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“Well, joke’s on you, Meg. This future trophy wife is going to spend the rest of the retreat in this shirt!” Charlie declared, her smile wide and genuine.
The retreat was their annual tradition, a time to escape the chaos of their lives and reconnect with nature. This year felt particularly special with Charlie’s recent engagement. The two friends set out for their hike, following the winding trails through the dense forest that surrounded the retreat. Normally, Charlie would be in her element, soaking up the tranquility and enjoying the fresh air. But today, something felt off.
After about an hour of walking, Charlie started to lag behind, a frown creasing her usually cheerful face. “Ugh, do we really have to go this far?” she complained, adjusting the shirt that now felt oddly tight across her chest.
Megan looked back, surprised. “Come on, Charlie! This is your favorite part of the retreat. You always love hiking.”
Charlie shrugged, a hint of irritation in her voice. “I don’t know, Meg. I’m just not feeling it today. My feet hurt, and honestly, what’s the point of wandering around in the woods? We’ve seen it all before.”
Megan was taken aback. This wasn’t like Charlie at all. She was the one who usually dragged Megan out for hikes, excited to explore every nook and cranny of the forest.
When they finally returned to their cabin, Charlie was exhausted, but not in the usual, satisfied way. Instead, she seemed restless, almost irritable. She felt an odd tingle run down her spine as she slipped the “Future Trophy Wife” shirt back on after her shower.  
“I’m going to bed early,” she announced, exiting the bathroom.
“Everything okay?” Megan called from the other room.
“Yeah, just… feeling a little weird,” Charlie replied.
The next morning, Megan was the first to wake up. She stretched and yawned, then glanced over at Charlie’s bed. What she saw made her gasp.
Charlie was still asleep, but she looked… different. Her once brown, tousled hair was now a silky, platinum blonde, cascading over her shoulders. Her skin was perfectly bronzed, as if she had spent weeks under the sun. And her body—Charlie had always been in good shape, but now her figure was nothing short of extraordinary, with curves that strained against the tight white crop top that now read “TROPHY WIFE TRAINING CAMP.”
“Charlie!” Megan shook her friend awake, her voice edged with panic.
Charlie groggily opened her eyes, blinking in confusion. “What’s going on?” she mumbled, her voice still soft and familiar.
Megan stepped back, her heart pounding. “Charlie, look at yourself!”
Charlie sat up, her movements slow and deliberate. She glanced down at her body, her eyes widening as she took in the drastic changes. “What the hell…?” she whispered, running her hands over her now toned abdomen and perfectly smooth skin.
Megan was at a loss for words. “How… how did this happen? You look completely different!”
Charlie looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes flickering with a mix of shock and curiosity. “I don’t know, Meg. I went to bed last night feeling weird, and now… this.”
She was less shocked than Megan expected, almost as if a part of her wasn’t entirely unhappy with the change. “Maybe it’s just some weird reaction to the environment or something. I mean, it’s still me, right?” she said, trying to reassure both herself and Megan.
Megan wasn’t convinced, but there was nothing they could do except try to go about their day. “Let’s just take it easy today,” Megan suggested. “Maybe things will go back to normal.”
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But as the day wore on, it became clear that things weren’t going back to normal. Charlie’s behavior grew increasingly different. She spent more time in front of the mirror, touching up her makeup, adjusting her clothes, and fussing over her hair. She started complaining more—about the food, the rustic accommodations, and even the weather.
By midday, it was as if a switch had flipped. Charlie’s easygoing nature was all but gone, replaced by a sharper, more demanding persona. “Honestly, Megan, why did we come to this dump? We could have gone somewhere nicer—like a resort, with real amenities,” she snapped as they walked to lunch.
Megan tried to stay calm, but her worry was growing. “Charlie, don’t you think this is all a bit… strange? You’ve changed so much, and not just physically.”
Charlie—or Charlize, as she now insisted on being called—rolled her eyes, her patience clearly wearing thin. “Maybe it’s time I did change. I’ve spent my whole life settling, but now I see that I deserve better. And Daniel? Please, he’s sweet, but he’s not exactly going to give me the life I want.”
Megan was horrified. “The life you want? Charlize, you were happy with Daniel! You loved him for who he was, not for what he could give you.”
But Charlize just shrugged, her expression cold. “That was the old me. I’m not Charlie anymore, Megan. I’ve moved on, and it’s about time you did too.”
By the end of the day, it was clear that the transformation was complete. Charlize packed her bags with precision, her movements fluid and confident. “I’m leaving,” she declared, tossing her designer bag over her shoulder. “This place, and everything in it, is beneath me now. Including you, if you can’t keep up.”
Megan watched, helpless, as her best friend walked out of the cabin, her heels clicking on the wooden floor as she left behind the person she used to be.
Months passed, and Megan hadn’t heard a word from Charlize. She tried reaching out, but every call, every message went unanswered. It wasn’t until she found a thick envelope in her mailbox that she got any news at all.
Inside was an invitation, embossed in gold, for the wedding of Charlize Montgomery to Charles Denning, a wealthy oil baron with deep pockets and a notorious love for beautiful, young wives.
As Megan unfolded the invitation, a glossy photo slipped out and fluttered to the floor. She picked it up, her breath catching in her throat as she stared at the image. “Oh my God” Megan whispered, unable to believe what she was seeing.
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The Charlie she once knew was gone, replaced by someone who valued wealth and status over everything else.  Megan just shook her head, remembering the friend she once had.
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kelykorruption · 8 days
Factory Default
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Val was your typical goth girl for most of her young life, being drawn to the style at a young age and embracing the lifestyle. In high school Val discovered her sexuality and realized she just wasn't attracted to men. Even though she wasn't your stereotypical popular girl, everyone at school was drawn to Val, boys thought they could change her, and girls wanted to be her, or be with her. Despite this Val kept most people at arms length, she knew nobody wanted her for who she was on the inside, they all just wanted the hot goth girl for her looks.
Going into university Val was sure not much would change but was hopeful she might find at least one other like-minded person at such a massive school. Luckily it didn't take long for Val to meet someone that actually understood her, someone who looked and thought like her, not to copy or impress her, but to express their own personality. Before long they introduced her to others who shared her lifestyle and for the first time in a long time Val was surrounded by people who understood and respected her, this was the happiest she had ever been.
One day after class Val was heading home to get ready for her first day at her new job, she was going to bartend at a new alternative bar that opened up just outside campus grounds. The new bar was kinda tacky, feeling more like Hot Topic without children than an actual bar, but the vibes were good and the pay was alright so Val was pretty excited to get started.
Before she could make it home though Val was stopped on the street by a stranger, she didn't recognize him from any of her classes and he didn't really seem like a student at all. The man asked Val if she wanted to see a magic trick, Val rolled her eyes and told the man she had no time for a silly card trick before he cut her off and closed the gap between the two of them. Before she has a chance to react the man leans in and whispers into her ear "Factory Default", her vision goes blank as Val falls unconscious on the ground.
Hours later Valarie woke up in her room at the sorority house, her head was spinning and everything felt off but she just couldn't figure out what it was. There was a knock at the door and one of her sorority sister pocked their heads in "Are you still not ready babe? We're leaving in 20 minutes to hit the clubs, hurry up or there won't be any studs left to buy you drinks". The thought horrified Valarie and she immediately got right to applying her makeup, she wouldn't be caught dead buying her own drinks, that's what boys were for, and she learned long ago how to get whatever she wanted from them.
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alternate-ram · 5 months
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Alice knew she shouldn't have tried on her slutty Step-Mother's fur coat, but it was too late now.
What had started as just a voice in her head had quickly taken control of her whole body, and now Alice could only watch in horror as her hands expertly layered thick makeup on her face.
"Don't worry dear," spoke her own mouth in a mature and all too familiar tone, "Mommy's going to show you just how fun it is to be me..."
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owenepierce · 4 months
need you now | sawen
Owen released a heavy breath, not even realizing he was holding it. While Sam hadn’t done anything to make him feel he deserved punishment, internally, he felt as though he had taken things too far with his poutiness over JuNo. Denial was a quintessential part of their dynamic. It always had been. Just like playful brattiness was also a part of it. But in this case, especially since Violet had taken to her orders without complaint, he really felt like he’d been a little extra, and that came with a need for reassurance that he was, in fact, still good. Thus, he needed to submit pretty intensely for a while, which he trusted Sam more than anyone else to make good on. He was dressed in tight, form-fitted khaki dress pants that clung to his ass like a second skin, a white oxford button down, tucked in, accented with a cute, baby-pink tie - his typical attire during the work week as secretary for the hotel’s finances and essential, behind-the-scenes manager of Sam’s social media presence. Upon entering their lavishly decorated suite, Owen complied with his orders and knelt in the middle of the living area. He knew Sam would come around the corner any second now, and he’d make everything better like he always did. @sammythedominant
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nicky-696 · 4 months
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Fresh out of the shower.
💖 Spoil me | F2F 💖
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lovestereo · 2 years
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corruptedcaps · 1 month
Morgan pushed open the creaky door of the thrift store hoping this place would have what she needed. She had already been to 5 other stores looking for the right doll for her bitchy step sister Emma but had come up empty each time. No store had the exact one she knew her sister wanted and she was starting to get frustrated. To her they all looked the same.
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Emma was a collector of dolls and especially of ones that looked like her so naturally she had basically every Barbie you could buy. Emma was the epitome of a spoilt brat who had no time for Morgan and her tomboyish style. Morgan hoped if she could find her some rare doll that maybe she could be on her step sisters good side for once.
As Morgan scanned the shelves of various knick knacks her eyes fell on a peculiar looking doll. Picking it up she found a label on it that said it’s name was Cordelia from a doll line called ‘Slutz’. Morgan would have chuckled at the obvious ‘Bratz’ rip off sounding name if she wasn’t suddenly and inexplicably enamoured with it.
Cordelia was unlike any other doll Morgan had ever seen, embodying a dark, gothic charm with her long, straight black hair cascading over her shoulders. Her attire, a blend of lace, leather, and studs. Cordelia’s pale face, red lips, and big eyes gave her a haunting yet captivating appearance, one that Morgan felt a magnetic pull towards.
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It was certainly nothing Emma would enjoy but in that moment she wasn’t even thinking about her step sister. Morgan weirdly wanted it for herself.
When Morgan got home, she placed Cordelia on her desk, suddenly aware of what an odd thing she had done. She was heading off to college soon, the last thing she should have bought was a childish thing like a doll. Yet, she found herself unable to look away. The doll’s dark eyes seemed to draw her in, beckoning her to stare deeper. As she gazed into those eyes, a whisper echoed in her mind, as if Cordelia was speaking right to her.
"You’re a goth, you’re a queen, you’re a bitch." The words repeated, growing louder and more insistent.
Morgan was couldn’t move, her eyes locked into Cordelia’s. She couldn’t even blink. She wanted to tear herself away but the words persisted, drilling into her consciousness causing her paralysis.
"You’re a goth, you’re a queen, you’re a bitch." The words were in a voice that was hypnotic. Strong yet sexy. The more she heard them the more her body was starting to tingle. It felt good. Her lips moved almost involuntarily as she began to echo the words softly.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch." At first, her voice was tentative, barely a whisper.
As Morgan repeated the mantra, a strange sensation washed over her. Her brown hair tied up into two punky pigtails as one side darkened, transforming into jet-black strands while the other dyed red. Each matching the same hair that adorned Cordelia’s head. Her lips plumped, becoming fuller and more pronounced, their color deepening to a rich, blood red hue.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch." The words now flowed with a newfound anger and rage, resonating within her.
Morgan's tits began to expand, her figure becoming curvier and more voluptuous. Her skin grew pale, almost porcelain-like. Her nails took on a longer look, sharpening to a point, painted as black as her hair. Tattoos flowed over her arms and thighs.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch." She repeated, her voice now dripping with a sultry purr. Her sensible jeans and sweater morphed into fishnets that barely covered anything and a shorter than short black and white skirt. The fabric clung to her newly transformed body, enhancing her curves and highlighting her new, edgy aesthetic.
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She felt her body slowly unfreeze, giving her a chance to escape but she didn’t move. In fact she sat closer to the doll, straightening her back, pushing out her gloriously bigger tits.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch… I’m Cordelia." She declared naturally, absorbing the voice fully into her psyche. The transformation was complete, Morgan was gone. Finally, she broke eye contact with the doll and turned to the mirror.
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"My god, I look… so fucking good.” She murmured, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. Her mind did not register any of the dramatic changes. To her, she had always been this gothic queen. She had always been Cordelia. In fact there was no evidence around her to convince her otherwise.
Her bedroom, once filled with cozy, nerdy decor, had transformed into a haven of dark elegance. Black lace curtains, gothic art, and dark-colored furniture filled the space, reflecting her new identity perfectly. It all felt natural to her, as if nothing had changed.
Turning back to the doll, the new goth looked at it with disdain. The once gothic doll now appeared as a regular boring doll, eerily resembling how she used to look. It was simple, with brown hair and modest attire. Its label now read ‘Morgan’.
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"What a fucking boring bitch.” She muttered, her voice dripping with contempt.
Without a second thought, she grabbed the doll and tossed it into the trash. The old Morgan, both in doll and memory, was discarded without a second glance. Cordelia strutted back to the mirror to take in her glorious appearance.
A knock on the door pulled her from her self-admiration. Her sister called from the other side, "Cordelia, are you there?"
Cordelia rolled her eyes. Her girly step sister was the bane of her existence. She strode to the door, her voice sharp and cruel. "What do you want bitch?”
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Emma hesitated, fearful of her step sister. "My friends are coming over soon for my party, you’re not going to crash it like last time are you?"
Cordelia made a gagging gesture, the words barely registering as significant. Flinging open the door she looked at her sister, in her pink dress with disgust.
Emma may have been the undisputed queen bee at their school but she knew not to cross Cordelia. Her step sister had what could gently be put a gang of devoted followers. Before she had come along the goths had been outcasts but under her leadership they had become a formidable power. She could have run the school if she wanted but was happier causing trouble.
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“I have better fucking things then to go to your boring ass party. So fuck off now little princess, I’m getting sick just looking at your face.” Cordelia snarled.
Cordelia didn’t need to be told twice and turned quickly on her heel and headed towards the stairs. However that’s when Cordelia remembered something.
“Not so fast basic bitch Barbie, I have something for you.” Cordelia said with a smirk on her lips as Emma reluctantly returned.
Cordelia walked over to the trash and fished out the doll. Walking back to her step sister she thrust it into Emma’s hands.
"Here, happy fucking birthday. Now piss off!" Cordelia spat, her tone laced with disdain.
Emma stood there, stunned, clutching the doll. Without another word, Emma turned and fled down the hallway, the sight causing Cordelia to be turned on.
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Taking out her phone she took a picture of herself and texted it to her regular fuck Damien. She lay down on her bed and stuck her fingers under her skirt waiting for him to call. She had barely gotten her fingers in before he called.
“Hey hot stuff, guess what I’m doing?” She purred down the line. She put the phone to her pussy and let Damien hear the sounds of her fingers going in and out of the wetness. Satisfied he heard enough she put it back to her ear.
“Get the fuck over here before I finish.” She commanded. She hung up the phone without another work and continued to pleasure herself. Whether Damien made it over in time wasn’t the point, she just needed him in the house so she could crash Emma’s party. Once he was there they would get the rest of the gang over and it would become their party instead. After a quick fuck of course. Cordelia loved being a goth slut.
Emma walked down the hall to her room, pushing open the pink door, all the while staring at the doll Cordelia had given her. She was weirdly taken by it. It was no where near as beautiful or as fashionable as her Barbie’s but it held some sort of draw to her.
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“Morgan? That's a nice name.” She said to herself reading the tag on the doll and slowly locking eyes with it, not feeling her blonde hair lose its colour or her tight pink top grow into a baggy sweater.
Meanwhile across town, the shop owner of the thrift store noticed the space on the shelf where Cordelia had sat and went into the back room. She went to a box marked 'Slutz' and gazed into it's contents, a pile of other dolls. Cordelia was the last of the goth style dolls she had. There was a nurse, a cheerleader, a biker chick, a housewife and a myriad of other. Maybe one of the other dolls could catch someone's eye....
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misseviehyde · 7 months
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Eleanor was rich, mean, spoiled and entitled. She was a pretty blonde girl with rich parents and massive social status. As head cheerleader she policed the popular girls.
Lia was slutty, curvy, sexual and nasty. She was a dirty chav slut with massive tits, fake nails, blowjob lips and a mean attitude. She ran the chav gang that dealt with the bad girls.
Together they were the two nastiest girls in school and everyone was scared of them. However they hated each other with a passion and spent most of their time fighting. That wasn't entirely by accident of course.
For years - nerdy Rosa had cleverly played the two of them off against each other. She'd engineered it so they came to hate each other and now spent most of their time fighting.
Until tonight.
A hasty email sent to the wrong person had accidentally exposed her manipulation. Now the two bitches were chasing her home, determined to kick her ass.
Rosa had detoured through the old waste ground hoping to deter her assailants. It had once been the dumping ground for a huge chemical plant and the whole area was sealed off - but after 15 years the chain link fence had plenty of holes in it and she had slipped through.
So unfortunately had Eleanor and Lia.
Both girls were fitter than her and gaining fast. Rosa scrambled up a small mound and seeing a rusted barrel at the top grabbed it and used it to steer her momentum. It toppled over as she passed and the rusted metal split.
Thick black goop surged out and Rosa heard Lia and Eleanor shouting in alarm.
"Ughhhh like what IS this stuff?" squealed Eleanor. "My Chanel is like RUINED! You are soooo dead."
"You fucking bitch, you ruined my Nike trainers," screamed Lia.
Turning around Rosa saw her two bullies had been engulfed in a puddle of black slime. They tried to step forward and both screamed as they fell over into the puddle.
Black ooze surged over their bodies and coated their skin... their hair. They grunted and groaned, dragging themsleves out of the puddle still dripping in slime.
"What the hell is this stuff," gurgled Lia soporfically, "I feel fucking weird."
She turned and grabbed Eleanors arm to help haul her out of the puddle and grunted in surprise. Her skin flowed like wax and seemed to melt and merge into Eleanors arm. Both girls moaned and gasped in surprise.
"Ughhh what's happening... I'm melting into you," groaned Lia. "I need... I need to merge with you."
The two seemed magnetically drawn together. Eleanor grabbed Lia and pulled her in close and the other girl eagerly slid her arms around her. They began to kiss, their bodies flowing and melting into each other.
"Ohhhh fuck yes, that feels gooood" groaned Eleanor as with wet sucking sounds the two of them combined.
Spinning Eleanor around Lia thrust her hips and grunted as she slid forward. Now they were joined at the hip - Lia's large ass and Eleanor's tight pussy perfectly merged in their lower torso.
They fell into the black goop rolling around in the slime, moaning and gasping in pleasure as their bodies melted into each other.
"Yessss I fucking love it... I need more," groaned Lia scooping up the goo and ripping off her clothes.
Naked the two bitches rubbed and scissored, melting in and out of each other... their forms becoming as one. Wet pops and cracking sounds, grunts and moans filled the air. Pussies gushed with juices and sexual screams of pleasure rose high.
"Yessssss... get inside me you bitch," grunted Lia as Eleanor moaned in her arms.
"Mmmmmh we're becoming one. I can feel your big tits on my chest, your slutty claws on my fingers. I LOVE THIS," orgasmed Eleanor.
Lia giggled and lifted a merged arm. Sharp nails glinted on the end. "Mmmmh I always wanted to be a rich spoiled blonde. We can be so evil together. The two biggest bullies in school, stronger... smarter... sluttier."
"Yesssss let's join together and rule forever," laughed Eleanor.
With a wet sucking sound, arms and legs slid together and faces met. With a slurp the merge completed and a new Goddess was born. She rose from the black goo and it seemed to solidify on her body taking the form of a stylish figure hugging black dresa.
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The new bitch was an obscene blend of Eleanor and Lia. She was beautiful rich and stylish like Eleanor, but possessed the curves and hungry slutty look of Lia. She laughed sluttily as she grabbed her big tits and squeezed.
"You fucking loser - you have created a Goddess. We are no longer Eleanor and Lia. I AM ELLIE."
Striding forward - black high heels forming out of the goop Ellie towered over Rosa and grabbing her hair forced her down to her knees.
"In fact I am Goddess Ellie. I am all the nastiest most evil parts of my former selves. I also have double the strength, stamina and sexual urges of a normal woman. I have become super human."
A hand closed round Rosa's throat and she gurgled as Ellie lifted her effortlessly from the ground as if she weighed nothing. The other girl was clearly inhumanely strong and Rosa noted she was nearly six foot in height... an amazon Goddess.
"That's right bitch - enjoy looking at me. Don't you wish you could look like this? Well don't worry... you can!"
With a laugh Ellie hurled Rosa into the puddle of black slime and the nerd screamed as ahe began to sink into the ooze.
Turning on her heels Ellie grinned and began to walk into the slime. "With you as part of us, we will be even more powerful. You manipulated us both for years - you're smart, intelligent and cunning. Soon we will be too. Don't worry loser - this is going to feel soooooo good."
Rosa screamed as her bully pushed her down into the slime... and everything went dark.
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Ellie-Rose adjusted her booted heel so that her male slave could better lick the shiny latex.
She watched him lapping away whilst idly examining her phone and watching the push notifications indicating another $1000 dollars had just been transfered to her account by one of her other subs.
That was $10,000 this week and it was only Tuesday.
Kicking her slaves face away with a bored bitchy look she instructed him to open the door of her Bentley. She had just arrived at her Bulls house.
Walking down the drive to her black lovers mansion, her pussy already tingling at the thought of the pounding it was about to receive from his thick black cock - she idly scrolled through other messages on her phone.
Ellie-Rose's cruel lips twisted into a smile as she saw the message from her science team.
"Goddess - the goop has been synthesized and is available for mass production."
Sliding down her panties and throwing them into a bush for her slave to retrieve and sniff later, she walked into her bulls home wet and ready to fuck whilst her hands slid her phone back into her handbag.
Her final action before she let go was to push the send button on her response.
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eternalsa2z · 1 year
Kiss And Makeup
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"That's right you two. No more arguments. No more bullying Kayla for being a "fugly nerd". No more insulting Taylor for being a "meathead jock". The only fighting you should be doing is tongue fighting."
"Isn't it so much nicer to kiss and make up? Or in this case, put on a little makeup and kiss? It's better to find similarities than differences. Like both being pretty. And sweet. And feminine. Now you look so much alike...I bet you even feel the same when you kiss."
"But this just the first step in a beautiful friendship. You two were big, loud dummies argument in front of my house all the time. Not thinking of anyone but yourselves. So now you'll start thinking less and less...and of your friend more and more. I'll get the satisfaction of watching you improve...and as you improve, so will I..."
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"Oh look how much nicer you two are! I love how Taylor calls Kay Kay a 'totes hawt chick' and Kayla praises Tay Tay for being a "big haired babe". The only fighting you do is over giving each other compliments!"
"Isn't it better to beg each other for a kiss? So go on, you Tay Tay and Kay Kay. Show your bimbo bestie how much you love her new look. The sexy makeup. Fluffy blonde hair. Pouty lips. I bet it's like looking in the mirror...or like kissing yourself."
"I'm so happy to see your friendship blossom into a bimbo romance. I love seeing you two in love with each other. Not only because it's sexy to watch, but because with each kiss I can absorb a little extra sexy energy to improve myself. So keep being my mindless makeout sluts...make your matchmaker prettier..."
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rylem33 · 15 days
The Root of Malice
Here's a new one from me. I hope you enjoy! I've updated my blog homepage as there were some of my posts not showing. So head over there if you want to read any of my 100+ stories. And, as always, feedback is welcome. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ella sat comfortably in the campus library, nestled in a cozy corner. The scent of books lingered in the air as she flipped through another dusty find. 
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Across from her, Sam leaned back in his chair, grinning as he scrolled through his phone. They had spent the last half hour quietly teasing each other, their occasional laughter breaking the usual silence of the library. Sam, ever patient with her whims, loved these little moments with Ella, even if they were spent surrounded by piles of books.
“Still looking through dusty old books, huh?” Sam teased, leaning over to glance at the weathered pages she was studying. “You sure you’re not secretly a witch?”
Ella smirked, gently nudging him with her foot under the table. “Maybe I am, and you should be careful—might turn you into a frog or something.”
“Good luck with that,” Sam chuckled, reaching across the table to give her hand a playful squeeze. “If I turn into a frog, you’ll be the one kissing me to break the curse, remember?”
Ella laughed, her soft blonde hair falling over her shoulder as she shot him a playful look. “I’d rather keep you as a frog. You’d make a cute one.”
He leaned forward with a grin. “You’d miss me too much.”
“Maybe,” she replied, her smile widening as their banter continued.
After a few more playful jabs, Sam finally set his phone down and leaned on his elbow, watching her with that familiar, affectionate gaze. “So, what are we thinking? Should we hit up the party soon? Some of the guys from class are already there. I promised we’d at least make an appearance.”
Ella glanced down at the open book in front of her—a curious old thing she had found tucked away in the back of a shelf. Something about it had caught her attention. The strange, faded symbols on the cover seemed to pull her in.
She looked back at Sam with an apologetic smile. “You go ahead, I’ll catch up. I need to finish up some research for my project.” She gestured at the book.
Sam raised an eyebrow, amused. “More research, huh? Only you would choose an old book over a party.” He leaned across the table, lowering his voice. “You sure it’s not a spellbook?”
She rolled her eyes, though her smile didn’t fade. “Fine, fine. Go to your party before I put a hex on you.”
He laughed, standing up and reaching down to ruffle her hair. “Okay, okay, I’m going. But don’t take too long. You owe me a dance, witch.”
Ella looked up at him, her expression softening. “I’ll be there soon. Promise.”
Sam paused, then leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. It was sweet and tender, lingering for just a moment as his hand rested on her shoulder. “I love you, El.”
“I love you too,” she whispered, her heart warm as she gazed up at him.
With one last smile, Sam turned and headed toward the library door, waving over his shoulder as he disappeared into the hallway. Ella watched him go, her fingers absentmindedly running through her hair before turning her attention back to the book that lay open in front of her. 
She had been working on a research project for her psychology class—human behavior, specifically what drove people to be cruel. It was a fascinating, albeit dark, topic that had captured her interest for weeks. Ella had already sifted through academic papers and case studies, searching for answers to the age-old question of what made some people malicious while others leaned toward kindness. 
Her project had been focused on clinical explanations, theories of aggression, and the societal factors that could lead to cruelty, but in her search through the library’s shelves, she stumbled upon this peculiar book, tucked away in the farthest corner of the psychology section. Its worn cover had no title, and its pages were brittle. But the strange thing was its content—a brief mention of something called the Root of Malice, an idea that didn’t quite fit with the modern research she’d been reading. It intrigued her, and though she had no real reason to follow this particular lead, curiosity had taken hold.
Ella flipped through the delicate pages, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the odd, archaic language scrawled across the parchment. Some of the text was faded and difficult to decipher, but every so often a word would leap out at her—malice, cruelty, darkness.
The further she read, the more she could feel something… off. The air around her seemed to grow heavier. Her fingers seemed to tingle as they brushed over the worn pages. 
As she reached the middle of the book, her breath caught in her throat. There, filling an entire page, were strange symbols around an elaborate picture. They weren’t like anything she’d seen before.
Ella whispered the unfamiliar words aloud, struggling to pronounce the strange syllables. “Anhar oza seltor…”
The moment the last word left her lips, a sudden heaviness descended upon her. The air around her seemed to thicken, pressing down on her chest, making it hard to breathe. Her vision blurred as a wave of dizziness washed over her, the room tilting slightly as if the very ground beneath her had shifted.
She tried to stand, her legs trembling beneath her, but the heaviness intensified. Her fingers curled tightly around the edges of the table for support, the world spinning too quickly for her to make sense of it. Every movement felt slow and labored, like she was moving underwater.
And then… everything went dark.
Ella’s body slumped in the chair, a faint sigh escaping her lips.
When she awoke, it was as if no time had passed at all. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, everything felt disjointed. She blinked, disoriented, the blurry outlines of bookshelves and the faint hum of fluorescent lights slowly coming into focus. The library was quiet.
The heaviness was gone.
Ella sat up slowly, her hands gripping the arms of the chair for balance as she took a deep breath. Her head no longer spun, and the crushing weight that had overtaken her just moments before had vanished entirely, replaced by an odd sense of calm. She felt… fine. Completely fine, actually. 
Had she fainted? She didn’t feel weak or sick. 
She glanced down at the book, its pages still open to the strange symbols she had tried to read aloud. An odd shiver went down her spine.
The clock on the wall caught her eye. I should just call it a night.
She let out a shaky breath, the unease in her chest slowly subsiding as she closed the book with a soft thud. Sam would be waiting for her at the party, and the thought of seeing him was a welcome distraction after… whatever that was.
“I’ll come back to this later,” she muttered to herself, sliding the book to the edge of the table, feeling more relieved than she cared to admit. Research could wait. She needed to shake this off, clear her head, and enjoy herself tonight.
Ella grabbed her bag and stood up, the usual lightness returning to her steps as she headed for the library exit. Everything felt normal again, but a small voice in the back of her mind wondered why she had fainted at all.
She pushed the thought away, forcing a smile as she stepped into the cool evening air. It’s fine. I’m fine. Sam would laugh at her when she told him about her strange experience, and that was exactly what she needed right now—just a fun night to forget about the bizarre pull of that book.
As she walked toward the party, the memory of the symbols started to fade, and with it, the heaviness that had briefly weighed her down. Everything was normal. Everything was fine.
Ella left the library feeling oddly energized. By the time she arrived at the party, she was in high spirits. She moved through the crowded house, smiling at familiar faces, her attention focused on finding Sam. She scanned the room but couldn’t spot him immediately.
It’s fine. I’ll find him eventually, she thought, a slight smirk playing on her lips. Normally, she’d feel nervous or self-conscious, but tonight was different.
A girl she recognized from one of her classes waved at her. “Hey, Ella!” she called out with a warm smile. Ella returned the wave, moving to approach her, but the moment she did, a sharp, searing pain shot through her head. She gasped, clutching her temple.
What the hell?
The pain faded as quickly as it had come, leaving her standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. She tried to ignore it, taking another step toward the girl to say hello, but the stabbing pain returned, worse this time, as if something was trying to force her away from doing it.
She stopped, panting softly, the pain slowly subsiding. What’s going on?
But then, as she turned away from the friendly girl and bumped into a guy who accidentally spilled his drink on her arm, a flash of anger surged through her. “Watch where you’re going, asshole,” she snapped, pushing him back slightly.
And then it hit—a wave of pleasure so intense it made her shiver. Her whole body tingled as a warm, satisfying sensation flowed through her. It felt… incredible.
She blinked in shock, standing still as the rush of pleasure slowly ebbed. That felt… good.
Her fingers brushed against the spot on her arm where the drink had spilled. Normally, she would have apologized or brushed off the situation entirely. But being rude—no, cruel—had felt amazing, like she had tapped into something new. Her lips curled into a small smile as the realization sunk in. When I’m nice, it hurts. When I’m not… it feels so damn good.
She moved through the party, her mind racing. Every time she considered doing something kind or polite, like offering someone a smile or holding the door, that sharp, throbbing pain returned. But when she deliberately knocked into someone, or made a snide comment under her breath, the pleasure would return, flooding her senses. She couldn’t help but want more.
Finally, she saw Sam across the room, talking to a group of people by the bar. Her heart should have leapt at the sight of him, but instead, a cold detachment settled over her. She strode over, her steps confident and purposeful, feeling a thrill building inside her.
“Hey, babe,” she said casually, sliding up next to him. Sam turned to greet her, but as soon as he saw her, his face froze.
“Ella? What happened to your hair?” he asked, confusion lacing his voice.
Her hand instinctively went up to touch her hair. “What?” she asked, more out of annoyance than confusion. But the second she tried to explain or reassure him, a sharp pain spiked in her temple. She winced, her teeth gritting against the sensation.
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“I—I don’t know,” she stammered, frustration building inside her as the pain pulsed.
Sam’s concern deepened. “Are you okay? You’re acting really weird.”
“I’m fine, okay?” she snapped, and just like that, the pain disappeared, replaced by another surge of pleasure. It was intoxicating, almost euphoric.
Sam blinked, surprised by her sudden outburst. “Ella, I’m just trying to help—”
“I don’t need your help!” she spat, the words spilling out before she could stop herself. The pleasure hit her again, hard, coursing through her veins like a drug. Her pulse quickened, and she realized she wanted more. Being cruel… felt good.
Sam stepped back, his face hardening. “Fine,” he muttered, his voice cold. “I’ll give you space.”
Ella’s chest tightened, the remnants of the old her stirring within, urging her to say something, to explain. Tell him it’s the spell. But she couldn’t. The moment she tried, the searing pain would shut her down.
Instead, she stood there, feeling the thrill of power and control surge through her as Sam walked away. Her hand trembled slightly as she ran it through her hair again, the unfamiliar black strands slipping between her fingers.
Ella watched Sam walk away, her chest heaving as the anger bubbled beneath the surface. Her eyes followed him as he disappeared into the crowd, but instead of the sorrow she expected to feel, there was only a hollow coldness. The part of her that used to care felt distant, almost unreachable. All she could focus on now was the raw energy surging inside her, the anger swirling.
Her fists clenched at her sides, the pleasure from snapping at Sam still pulsing in her veins like a warm, addictive buzz. Why did it feel so good to push him away? That thought should have terrified her, but it didn’t.
“Ella? Hey, Ella!” A familiar voice broke through her thoughts. She turned to see Claire, one of her oldest friends, weaving through the crowd toward her. Claire’s face was creased with concern, her eyes darting nervously between Ella and the direction Sam had gone. “I just saw you with Sam… Are you okay? You look upset.”
Ella blinked, the remnants of her old self stirring beneath the surface. Claire had always been a good friend, someone who cared. Ella knew she should be thankful—she should be kind, explain things, apologize for how she was acting.
But as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, the pain struck again. Hard. A white-hot spike of agony shot through her skull, forcing her to grit her teeth and clutch her head. The kindness she’d tried to summon was immediately snuffed out, replaced by the growing rage that had been festering since she arrived at the party.
The pain vanished, and in its place, a surge of blissful pleasure rolled through her body. The sharpness of it nearly made her gasp. She lowered her hand slowly, her dark eyes narrowing as she looked at Claire.
“Am I okay?” she repeated, her tone dripping with disdain. “Why the hell wouldn’t I be?”
Claire blinked, taken aback by the venom in Ella’s voice. “I just… you seemed upset with Sam, and I—”
“What? You think I can’t handle my own shit?” Ella snapped, her voice louder now, catching the attention of a few nearby partygoers. “I don’t need you, or anyone else, swooping in like I’m some pathetic damsel who needs rescuing.”
Claire’s eyes widened, her expression quickly shifting from concern to confusion. “Ella, I didn’t mean it like that. I just—”
“Shut up, Claire,” Ella cut her off sharply, the pleasure now a steady hum beneath her skin, fueling her words. It felt incredible. With each cruel comment, the pain in her head lessened, and the rush of power intensified. “Do me a favor and mind your own business for once. Maybe that’s why you’re always clinging to me like some desperate little puppy—because you can’t even keep your own life together.”
The hurt that flashed across Claire’s face was immediate, her eyes going glassy as she struggled to comprehend the sudden cruelty. “Ella… what’s going on with you? This isn’t like you.”
Ella tilted her head, a slow, wicked smile spreading across her lips. “Just fuck off,” she said, her voice almost electric. The thrill of seeing Claire’s discomfort—the way she was shrinking back—sent another wave of pleasure through Ella, and she felt herself reveling in it. Why had she spent so much time being nice when this felt so damn good?
Claire took a step back, clearly shaken. “I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but I’m not sticking around to find out,” she muttered, her voice trembling before she turned and hurried away, glancing back only once with a look of both fear and sadness.
As Claire disappeared into the crowd, Ella’s body hummed with satisfaction. She stood there, feeling a strange mix of triumph and hunger. She had liked that. The power. The control. Watching someone crumble under her words had been exhilarating.
She glanced around the party, her mind still buzzing, her body craving more.
Ella’s pulse quickened as she watched Claire disappear into the crowd, the rush of power still humming beneath her skin. She had never felt this way before—so alive, so charged with energy. She didn’t want it to stop.
Her eyes scanned the room, searching for her next outlet. That’s when she noticed him—a guy standing against the far wall, staring at her. He looked like he was trying to play it cool, but his gaze lingered a little too long, and Ella could feel the pull of his attention. He was tall, with dark hair and a cocky grin that seemed to falter when she locked eyes with him.
A smirk curled on her lips as she started walking toward him, her hips swaying with purpose. He straightened up, watching her approach, clearly not expecting her boldness.
Without a word, Ella reached him and, with no hesitation, she raised her hand and smacked him hard across the face. The sharp sound echoed through the small space, and the guy’s head snapped to the side. A murmur of shock rippled through a few people nearby who had seen the sudden act, but Ella didn’t care. She felt a surge of pleasure—intense and almost dizzying—pulse through her at the sight of his stunned expression.
He blinked, his hand flying to his cheek as he looked back at her, confusion and a strange mix of attraction swirling in his eyes. “What the hell?” he started, his voice low, but before he could say anything else, Ella stepped in close, her body pressing against his.
“Shut up,” she whispered, her breath hot against his skin.
Then she kissed him. Hard. Her mouth crashed against his, open and aggressive, her tongue forcing its way past his lips as she took complete control. He hesitated for a split second before kissing her back, clearly turned on by her wildness, though completely unsure of what had just happened. His hands hovered near her waist, unsure whether to touch her or not.
Ella bit down on his bottom lip as she pulled away, not enough to hurt, but enough to leave a sting. He winced, a small groan escaping his mouth as his eyes met hers, filled with a mix of desire and bewilderment.
She leaned in close, her lips brushing against his ear. “Don’t stare at what you can’t handle,” she whispered, her voice low and dripping with menace. She stepped back, licking the taste of his blood from her lips as she watched him, still dazed and turned on, staring at her like he didn’t know whether to run or beg for more.
With a final, cold smile, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving the guy standing there, clutching his lip, his eyes wide with confusion and raw lust.
Ella laughed softly, a dark, twisted sound that sent shivers down her spine. The pleasure coursing through her was like nothing she had ever felt before, and she wanted more. More of the power. More of the control. More of this dark, intoxicating version of herself that had been hidden for so long.
But then she saw him. Sam.
He was standing near the bar, his eyes locked onto her from across the room. His eyes looked hurt, wet, heartbroken
For a split second, something in her chest tightened. I should explain… I should—
The thought barely formed in her mind before an intense bolt of pain ripped through her skull, so sharp and sudden that it nearly knocked her off balance. She gasped, clutching her head as the pain shot through her temples, worse than before. It felt like her mind was being torn apart. Every attempt to reach out to Sam, every impulse to apologize or explain, was met with a violent surge of agony that made her stomach twist.
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath, biting down hard to suppress a scream. The pain throbbed, forcing her to let go of any thought of being kind or soft. No. Not kind. Not good.
The pain was too much.
So instead, Ella sneered, her lips curling into a wicked smirk as she slowly raised her hand. Without breaking eye contact, she flipped him off, her middle finger raised high, a silent, defiant message of finality. The action sent a new wave of satisfaction coursing through her, the pleasure intoxicating and powerful.
He didn’t deserve an explanation. Not anymore.
With that, she spun on her heel and stormed out of the party, her pulse pounding in her ears. As the night air hit her face, a slow, dark grin spread across her lips. 
Ella walked through the empty streets, her mind flush with anger, desire, power. The rush from flipping Sam off, the look on his face as she left him standing there, confused and heartbroken… it felt so right, so thrilling.
Her feet carried her to the library before she even realized where she was headed. It was late now, long after closing time, the large wooden doors locked tight, the building dark. But Ella didn’t care. She felt a pull—a strange connection to the book she had found earlier, the one that had started all of this. She needed to get back to it. She had to.
Approaching the front entrance, she tested the doors, rattling the handles, but they didn’t budge. She could see the book in her mind, calling to her, and the locked doors only fueled her frustration. The sharp pang of disappointment flared briefly in her chest, but then a thought—no, an urge—took over. Why follow the rules? Being bad had felt good so far, hadn’t it?
Without hesitation, she picked up a heavy stone from the nearby garden bed and hurled it at one of the tall windows. The sound of shattering glass echoed through the empty streets, and the thrill that followed was immediate, sending a jolt of pleasure rippling through her body. Yes.
She climbed through the broken window, not caring if she cut herself on the shards as she dropped onto the cold floor inside. The thrill of destruction pulsed through her, making her heart race with excitement. The more she disobeyed, the stronger she felt. It was exhilarating.
The library was dark and still, the only sound the faint echo of her footsteps on the old wooden floors. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light as she made her way back to the nook piled with her books.
There it was, lying exactly where she’d left it on the table, almost as if it had been waiting for her. She reached out and picked it up, the leather-bound cover cool against her skin. As soon as her fingers touched it, she felt a surge of energy.
She turned to a page, as if on auto-pilot. It was covered with strange symbols that seemed to glow in her eyesight. Though they were still foreign to her, she understood them instinctively. The spell on the page hummed with power, and it seemed to call to her, as if it had been waiting for her to store enough of dark energy to unlock its potential.
Ella’s heart raced. She knew what to do. She had enough—enough anger, enough cruelty, enough bad energy stored within her. And now, she was ready. Ready to unleash it.
She took a deep breath and began to whisper the words on the page, her voice low and steady. As the words left her lips, the energy inside her shifted, swirling and building into something more, something darker.
The symbols on the page glowed brighter, their light wrapping around her like tendrils of shadow, weaving through her fingers and up her arms. Ella’s body tingled, her heart pounding as the spell consumed her. She could feel the darkness pooling inside her, growing stronger with every word she spoke.
And then, with a final, whispered phrase, the energy exploded outward. 
A violent surge of energy erupted from within her, enveloping her in a cocoon of dark, swirling shadows. 
Her body trembled as the energy coursed through her veins, reshaping her from the inside out. Her soft, delicate features contorted, hardening with sharp edges as her skin began to glow with an unnatural hue. The sensation was both painful and intoxicating, like every nerve in her body was on fire, but the pleasure of it was overwhelming. She welcomed it—craved it.
Her hair, once a shimmering black, lengthened, flowing in dark, glossy waves down her back like a river of shadow. It thickened and twisted with a life of its own, framing her face as if the darkness itself was molding her into something more than human. She could feel her body shifting, her curves becoming more exaggerated, more seductive, every inch of her screaming power and allure. Her waist narrowed, her hips flared, and her breasts swelled, the intricate black lace-like designs crawling up her skin, wrapping around her like living tattoos. They moved, shifting and changing, merging with her skin in beautiful, haunting patterns.
Her hands flexed, the delicate fingers elongating, nails sharpening into blackened claws, gleaming with a predatory sheen. The feeling of control, of sheer dominance, flooded her senses. Her eyes, once wide and soft, darkened into pools of shadow, glowing with an inner crimson fire that burned with malevolent intent.
As her transformation reached its peak, two large, obsidian horns erupted from her skull, curving upward like a crown of dark power. They were sharp and imposing, exuding a terrifying majesty that made her feel like a queen—no, a goddess of the damned. A mask, forged from the very darkness surrounding her, materialized over her face, intricately designed with a skeletal, demonic beauty, making her look like a nightmare made flesh. The cold metal pressed against her skin, but instead of discomfort, it brought her more pleasure—more power.
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And there she stood—no longer Ella, the sweet, quirky girl who once cared for kindness and love. She was now the embodiment of cruelty, of power, of unstoppable evil. Every ounce of the “bad” energy she had absorbed had transformed her into this—into a being of sheer dominance and destruction, a force that would be unleashed upon the world.
Ella looked down at her new form, feeling the raw power surging through her with every breath. The pain, the confusion—it was all gone, replaced by an unrelenting hunger for chaos, for cruelty, for conquest.
She smiled, her fanged teeth glinting in the dim light. She was Malice and the world had no idea what was coming.
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kelykorruption · 11 months
Spreading Darkness
Your mother had just gotten home from one of her many daily shopping trips at the mall and was very excited to show off her new dress, she said the sales clerk picked it out for her and though it had looked too small at first when she tried it, on it fit perfectly.
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Eventually you noticed the flower pattern on her dress disappearing, almost as though black of the dress was absorbing the color straight out of the flowers till nothing remained.
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Before long even the material of the dress began changing, becoming a sleek latex. You were so shocked the events unfolding before your eyes you didn't even notice her hair become stained black by whatever was causing these changes.
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The final changes came as your mothers very skin was affected and became darker in short time. The new ebony goddess no longer resembled your mother in the slightest, and after a moment you didn't even remember who this goddess standing before you was.
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