#{ not gonna tag it as the series but i bet it'll show up in the tag anyways lol }
theevilmrdork · 2 years
Do you think that rayman would get refurbished game like Spyro and crash bandicoot?
as good as that sounds good on paper... no, and i also kinda hope not (at least not if it's Ubisoft doing it). here's my thoughts on why:
our most recent Rayman game was Rayman Mini in 2019, which was an Apple-only mobile game that basically recycled Rayman Legends' graphics into an... auto runner i think? something like that. Fiesta Run, which came out before Mini, is essentially the same thing.
Mr. Dark - bad guy of the first game and a gba game - has been reduced to a reference and a guy who inexplicably has his own mode in Rayman Mini
in general our most recent Rayman games aside from Mini and Fiesta Run were Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends, the former of the two having basically been a half-assed attempt at soft-rebooting the series' plot and direction.
this is very unfortunate because as much as i like Origins and Legends for their beautiful area designs and fun music i don't suuuuuper like the thought of Rayman continuing in that direction bjhbghjf- i like Rayman 2's vibes (and Rayman 3 by extension but i hate the writing i've seen so far) a lot more than what Origins and Legends did.
i'd take 3D over the weird speedrun-y two-health-only side scrolling ANY day
they wrote a story for Origins and cut it. great sign for how much they care about the plot.
Origins dumbed down all the supporting characters (minus Polokus, Betilla, and the Magician) into skins that are functionally the same as just playing as Rayman and then cut everyone else. ...aaand then Legends literally just decided to cut Betilla out of the picture entirely so it's Rayman and a bunch of recolors. GREAT sign for how much they care about the plot!!!!!
they then reused the guy who we don't actually fucking know is the Magician from Rayman 1 because the story was cut by copypasting him five times in Legends. we don't know why this happened. at all. not even a silly made-up explanation. i guess he kidnappecd some teensies for no reason. GREAT SIGN FOR HOW MUCH THEY CARE ABOUT THE PLO-
the Rabbids are from Rayman and had two games. Ubisoft then proceeded to shunt Rayman side for a throwaway antagonistic force and made him DLC instead of proper content. they do not care about him.
there are SO many good crossover options for him?????? off the top of my head K/irby and C/uphead would be really fun to cross with the Glade. but they won't go with any of them and wanna cross him over with HIS OWN FRANCHISE
so no, and even if they did it'd probably be plastic and sanitized and only barely hit the same vibes because Ubisoft decided to throw away all the NPCs and story elements that made the world interesting. it's literally what they did with the Rayman cartoon, except at least there were new side characters
...the answer would change a lot if they handed Rayman off to someone else though
i mean fuck, the series has a lot of potential considering how much stuff me and my friend have thought of, written, and drawn just by rewriting the plot a little for dark magician au
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 26 - Tour Date
Summary: Corroded Coffin goes all out on one very special day.
Word Count: 998
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Silliness and Shenanigans, Boys Will Be Boys Nonsense
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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Corroded Coffin shows were all about the experience.
Eddie had made that a non-negotiable once they had some kind of say in where and how they performed.
"Everyone's coming for the music man," Jeff would always argue. "Wasn't that Bev's whole deal with the Hideout. People are coming for a place to sit and a beer, they didn't need any of the flashiness. We want them to enjoy our sound."
"We want them," Eddie softly grabbed Jeff by the shoulders and squeezed, "to keep coming to see us."
It took them a while to figure out what that experience looked like though.
They tried quite a bit of everything.
Eddie procured a fog machine for some of their early performances, but they quickly realized how bad the fog juice was for the vocals. And if they were in a small venue? All bets were off.
Then they coerced Dustin and Lucas into hooking them up with fireworks.
"I don't think these are the kind of pyrotechnics you should have on stage guys," Lucas worried as they set up.
"It'll be fine," Gareth, ever the hype man, encouraged them. "It's only a little 4th of July fest, who's gonna complain about fireworks?"
It was, indeed, fine. But as for complaints about fireworks? Well, the chief of the Muncie Fire Department had a few choice words for them and they were banned from performing there ever again.
"It's Indiana," Dave complained. "Who would've thought that we'd get in trouble for fireworks here of all places."
They had it down after a few years; they didn't necessarily need to pull out the big guns for every show. They needed to pick their battles.
Metal covers of Christmas Carols mixed into their set list for December shows.
Group costumes and a confetti canon loaded with fun size candy for shows on Halloween--and they always had shows on Halloween.
And their magnum opus? Their piece de resistance? Their tour de france--
"I don't think that means what you think it means Ed."
--would be Friday the 13th.
Just like Halloween they always made sure they had a show on Friday the 13th, whether they were just doing something local or it was a stop on their tour. It became a big deal, a spectacle. Packed events, special merch just for the day, a themed drink if they were having some secret show at a club.
And the shows were always wild.
“How’s everyone doing tonight?” Eddie asked as he hauled a theremin out from wings of the stage in ‘92, to a chorus of oohs and ahhs. “Oh this? My sweetheart deserves a night off.”
Dave performed on stilts in ‘95. Did he end up breaking a leg because of it? Yeah but it was worth it.
Gareth decided in ‘97 that the drums just weren’t for him. So he constructed a series of Rube Goldberg machines that would play percussion for him with each song of their set. That left him free to mingle with fans in the pit all night.
“You enjoying your night off Gare?” His band mates asked intermittently all night.
And in ‘98? Well that was a special year with a whopping three Friday the 13ths. It had to be some kind of record--turns out it wasn't--but Jeff decided that they would attempt to break a world record at each show.
And they did.
Dave, ever the midwesterner, broke the world record for Fastest Beer Drinker at their February 13th show. 3 pints in 6 seconds.
"But did it have to be Miller?" he belched out to the uproarious applause and laughter in the audience once all was said and done.
Gareth took the next one home at the March 13th show. A table, a timer, and a stack of cups.
"I read about this sport-stacking thing in some magazine," he told their audience as he prepared himself. "Turns out I'm actually pretty good at it."
For their last attempt at a world record, Eddie and Jeff agreed, it had to be about the music.
"We're a band, we can't be known for most cigarettes smoked in a minute," Eddie huffed.
So on November 13th, they planned not one, not two, but 55 "concerts" in and around Chicago.
The timing had to be perfect, their equipment easy to load and unload, and 3 teams of people traveling around the city to help them.
"Did you know," Jeff said nerdily, "in medieval Europe they did something like this for tours too. A team of servants to take care of them at their current stop, a team at the last destination deconstructing their camp, and then a team at the next destination building one?"
"Are you calling us Music Royalty Jeff?" Dave teased, standing tall and proud.
Their sold out "Friday the 13th Tour" started promptly at 8am at WGN Studios where they started everyone's Friday with a metal rendition of the Chicago's Very Own jingle and taught Larry Potash how to headbang.
They performed, got their picture taken, and had a few slices of pizza at Pizano's around lunchtime.
"Are we halfway there yet?" Gareth groaned as they climbed into the van.
"We're not even at 25," Eddie dreaded as he turned the key in the ignition.
Some of their "shows" were negligible. A crowd of 15 fans inside of a coffee shop, or the one they had right at the entrance of a grocery store, where the ticket also got them a bag of tv dinners. But according to the Record Official that traveled with them all day, they all counted.
An introduction, ticket sales, a song performed, and a crowd. No matter how long or short the concerts were.
And by the end of the night, their actual concert at the UIC Pavillion, the guys were exhausted.
But it felt great to play their first song to a thunderous round of applause, and then for the Official to bring their record out on stage to present to them.
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silverquillsideas · 1 year
Thai BL Favorite List
I have been tagged by @littleragondin thank you so much!
Credit to @thatgirl4815 for the original.
Favorite Thai BL:
I've watched a pretty decent number of thai bls over the years, but none have given me as much joy and laughter and butterflies as My School President :D I didn't expect it to take the top spot from A Tale of a Thousand Stars, but here we are :P
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Favorite Pairing:
tbh this keeps changing for me everytime I get hyperfixated on a new show, but currently, it's both mileapo and geminifourth :3
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Most underrated actor:
I don't know nearly enough about a lot of other thai bl actors in general, I confess T-T but I'd still say Mark Pakin! he's a really really talented guy, and he needs to be in more shows, and in main roles. He's for sure gonna kill it in a rom-com type of show, in a comedic main character role. dude is naturally hilarious lmao
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Favorite Character:
toughest question HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE? UNFAIR!!!
I'm gonna pick two, because it'll be cruel to separate them, even in a tumblr ask game TT_TT
and they are : heartliming!!! my babies! my two little sunshines! I adore them both so much!! *sobs in the corner* altho I know MLC technically isn't a bl, but I'll still pick them <3
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 Favorite Side Character:
Tiwson from MSP XD what can I say this show and its characters got me GOOD laskgskalsfs
Favorite Scene in a BL:
oh hands down the rooftop kiss from bad buddy the series!!! :D shit makes me feral even now, literal goosebumps T-T
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Favorite Line in a BL:
oh I absolutely don't remember dialogs until it's something truly life altering asjhaskfsfs I'm genuinely drawing a blank here :")
Most Anticipated BL (and why):
tbh none currently. I'm not keeping up with new shows atm, so I don't really know that many upcoming shows rn
Healthiest Relationship in BL:
I'm glad we are getting so many more of these in recent bls! but my faves are (unsurprisingly) tinngun and heartliming!! it's really not an exaggeration when I say they healed my soul TT-TT
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Most Toxic Relationship in BL:
tbh I mostly selectively forgot the plots and characters of most of the awful bls in the past. but it'll probably be th*ntyp* skgsjfsfs
Guilty Pleasure Series:
none??? If I do end up liking something cringey and awful by popular standards, you can bet I'll still scream abt it with as much enthusiasm as any other show I liked lol :D
Most Underrated Series:
I'd say He's Coming to Me and Moonlight Chicken. both deserved so much more hype than they got. MLC deserved a longer runtime with more fleshed out storylines (but P'Aof did a stellar job, as always) and HCTM was way ahead of its time in terms of the themes and messages it tackled. Thun's coming out scene to his mom still haunts me T-T
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Favorite Setting/Location:
with this one, I'm the most basic b*tch ever, so I absolutely jump with joy whenever the thai bl staple emotional support BEACH SCENE comes along !!!! :D so many magical moments come out of that single beach episode, literally nothing beats this trope lol
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I'm pretty sure everyone in the thai bl circles has already done it, but still : @solana-ceae @watchingblsnowandforever @bevioletskies @trilliastra @purple-worm and anyone else who wants to!! :)
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wrestlingisfake · 1 year
G1 Climax final preview
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This is typically a one-match show, but that one match is a hum-dinger: the final of the G1 Climax tournament. Both of the finalists are entering their tenth match in 28 days--seven round-robin block matches, followed by a three-round single elimination bracket. The winner will earn the right to challenge the IWGP world champion in the main event of Wrestle Kingdom on January 4.
Kazuchika Okada vs. Tetsuya Naito - There is no time limit; there must be a winner. Okada won B Block with six wins and one loss, and then defeated Zack Sabre Jr. and EVIL for a record of 8-1. Naito is currently 7-2; he won D Block with five victories and went on to eliminate Hikuleo and Will Ospreay. This is their thirteenth singles encounter; Okada currently leads the series 7-6.
Naito's story is simple. He hasn't headlined the Tokyo Dome in January since 2021, and he hasn't won in that spot since 2020, when his victory promo was interrupted by KENTA. Ever since then his goal has been to right that wrong and get the last word on the biggest stage of them all. It'll be even sweeter if he can do it this year, since that would likely mean taking the world title from SANADA, who beat Naito and walked away from their faction to begin his rise to the top. It's not a particularly dramatic saga, but it lines up better than anything else the promotion has been building up all year.
All that's standing in Naito's way is Okada, but that's plenty. Okada doesn't need a storyline reason to win the G1 and headline the Tokyo Dome--he's Okada, end of story. A month ago I predicted Naito would win the G1, and I never wavered in that prediction. But now that the show is hours away and I see Okada on the other side of the bracket, I'm having doubts. I try not to bet against Okada. Even when you're getting a push, he can beat you. Even when you need this win, and it wouldn't hurt him to lose, he can beat you. The only thing that's inevitable in New Japan is that he'll be world champion in the Tokyo Dome again, sooner or later. They could easily defer Naito's storyline to fall back to their tippiest, toppiest guy.
I feel like that sweaty superhero guy who has to chose between pushing two buttons. I'm gonna grit my teeth and stick with Naito to win the G1. But I expect this match to be 35 minutes of Okada making me wonder if Naito is even on his level.
SANADA & Taichi & DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi & SHO & Dick Togo - Hoo boy, get ready for a couple of months of Just 5 Guys vs. House of Torture as they build to Evil challenging Sanada for the IWGP world title. House of Torture matches suck, and even worse they're designed to suck, so I'm not looking forward to this. This program is not what Sanada's title run needed. I guess Evil's team wins to get heat, as if they really need more heel heat.
Shingo Takagi & Hiromu Takahashi & Yota Tsuji & BUSHI vs. Will Ospreay & Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan & HENARE - I'm not sure why Los Ingobernables de Japon is closing out this tour facing the United Empire. Ospreay made news last night by unilaterally renaming his IWGP United States title to the IWGP United Kingdom title, so maybe the plan here is for one of the LIJ guys to be set up as challenger. Bushi is probably the weakest link in this match and can lose this. Although Henare is criminally underrated so I suppose he could get beat too. Something tells me Eddie Kingston will run in after this match to give Henare a receipt from last night.
David Finlay & Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd & KENTA & Chase Owens vs. El Phantasmo & Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa & Hikuleo & Jado - On last night's show they seemed to set up Finlay vs. Tonga for the NEVER title and Coughlin/Kidd vs. Phantasmo/Hikuleo (???) for the STRONG tag title. Sure, why not? Jado will probably get beat here.
Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI & Ryusuke Taguchi & Boltin Oleg vs. Zack Sabre Jr. & Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste & Kosei Fujita - Oleg won a dark match last night to earn a future match against Sabre for the NJPW World television title; I'm not sure when that's supposed to happen. I assume everyone else in this match to set up Goto and Yoshi vs. Haste and Nicholls, but it's hard to know what the plans are for the tag division right now. I'd say Oleg should lose but under the circumstances they might actually protect him, so I guess Fujita can lose the fall.
Eddie Kingston & Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomohiro Ishii & YOH vs. Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Togi Makabe & Tiger Mask - Wow, it's like they wanted to make sure Eddie got to wrestle all the old guys before he left Japan. I'm sure he'll have a blast. Other than that, there's not much to write home about. Eddie's team pretty much has to win, and I figure Tiger will do the job.
Shota Umino & Master Wato & Yuji Nagata & Tomoaki Honma vs. Ren Narita & Minoru Suzuki & El Desperado & Yuto Nakashima - Huh, we haven't seen Nagata in a New Japan ring lately; up until about six weeks ago, he'd been busy over in All Japan as their top champion. I'm a bit surprised he isn't on the old-timers team in the Eddie Kingston match. I guess the story here is nobody's sure where Narita and Suzuki are right now with their relationship, but I haven't seen any sign that's going anywhere. Nakashima is a Young Lion so he's going to lose here.
Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa vs. Toru Yano & Oskar Leube - To me the point of bringing a top guy from Pro Wrestling NOAH would be to give him a respectable run in the G1 and treat him like a star. Instead New Japan positioned him in the middle of the pack and he's finishing out the tour in the opening match. At least he can surely beat Yano on his way out, but knowing Yano I wouldn't count on it. Oiwa and Leube are both Young Lions so either of them could lose the match, which makes this too close to call.
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thecrystalquill · 5 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,500+
Summary: Draco and (Y/N) hate each other; it's easier for Draco to hate than to love. But when push comes to shove, a little love might be just what they need.
A/N: Hey! Finally it's Part 4! Might be a while until the next part (writer's block is catching up to me) but enjoy this one!
Masterlist    Series Masterlist
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Chapter 4
‘What's the spell for disintegrating something?' (Y/N) thought; she had been studying for the last two hours and her brain had started to become too tired to function properly. The library was quite full with other students hoping to finish their homework before the Christmas holidays or fit in some last-minute studies, and a few were being a little distracting – those few were sitting right in front of (Y/N) and happened to be her friends.
“My parents said they might get me an owl – I’d want a tawny owl but I think they’d probably get me a barn owl.”
“Wouldn’t it be great if we were allowed dogs here? I’d definitely have one.”“Not at all! You know what dogs’re like, they’d be fighting and they’d need walking and attention – which no one would have time for – and they’re so much louder than cats or owls—”
“Guys…” (Y/N) groaned tiredly, resting her head on her hand, “if you’re gonna keep talking, could you at least do it quieter?” She picked up her quill again as her friends raised their hands in surrender. “Also, what’s the spell for disintegration?”
“Deletrius – the eradication spell,” Maven answered boredly as she reopened the potions book she’d forgotten about.
Gasping, (Y/N) mentally scolded herself for forgetting as she scribbled down the spell; charms was usually one of her best subjects, but lately she’d been forgetting things that she already knew and lost focus too easily.
“You doing anything over the holidays, (Y/N)?” Penny asked, a quieter Hufflepuff that (Y/N) didn’t know so well, but treated her like her other friends just the same. 
Looking up from her papers, (Y/N) stuttered for a response. “O-oh… um… n-no. no I’m not, er, doing anything. Nothing special.” She cleared her throat before folding away her papers and putting the lid on her ink. “Hey, Naida, where was that divination book you found last week?”
The red-haired girl looked her way and blew a curl out of her face, "Over there, fourth shelf." She yawned, pointing in the general direction. 
Nodding, (Y/N) got up on her hunt for the textbook for yet another class she'd been struggling in.
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Draco was sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, staring out of the window as they neared the station. "Mother and Father already wrote to me," he told his companions boastfully, "they said we're having a Christmas party.  Mother's very excited, but I'm sure it'll be just as boring as anything. Your families have been invited, haven't they?"
Crabbe and Goyle nodded, then Blaise decided to speak up; not letting Draco dominate the conversation. "Yeah, my parents said it's gonna be fancy, have to dress up. I bet we're gonna have to… like… dance." He frowned, the others groaning in agreement; because, really, who wants to do that?
"Well then, you'll just have to avoid your parents at all costs, won't you?" Draco offered with a smirk, knowing all of their parents would be eyeing them all night.
Blaise was about to respond, when the train came to a stop, cutting him off. 
The boys collected their things and exited the train, starting their search for their parents. Draco looked around for a minute, before finally making his way to his parents, who had already collected his trunk from the train.
"Draco," his Mother smiled as he appeared in her view, she gave the boy a small hug then pulled back to see his face. "How are you? Your classes are going well, I assume?"
"Yes, Mother." He nodded with a half-smile, which disappeared when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
His Father looked down on him, patting his shoulder in so-called affection. "Draco," he nodded. 
Clearing his throat, the boy straightened his posture before replying. "Father," he nodded in return. 
"Has everything been going well at school?"
"Yes Father," he said simply. 
"Well," Narcissa began, clasping her hands together, "let's head home now, shall we? I'm sure you've had a long day, Draco."
As they were about to leave, Draco looked back, catching sight of a pretty (y/h/c) girl carrying a single case, leaving the station alone.
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It was the 24th of December, just before the Malfoy Christmas eve party was due to start, and Draco was in his room fixing his bow tie and combing his hair. There was no doubt in his mind that tonight would be boring, he’d much rather spend the evening in his room, reading a book before bed. Unfortunately, he’d be drinking fancy flutes of bitter champagne and being forced into boring conversations with even more boring adults, or being made to dance with snotty pureblood girls that he probably already knew (and didn’t like at all).
"Draco, hurry up will you? Our guests will be here soon." His Mother called from downstairs. 
Taking one last look in the mirror, he took a breath and made his way out. He found his parents by the door, looking elegant as always in their expensive outfits and shining jewels. They always dressed in their finest clothes for these occasions, and never wore the same things twice; this party wasn't a celebration, Draco knew, it was simply an excuse for people to present their wealth and class, and try to show how much better they were than everyone else there. So, Draco was wearing his best black dress-robes, with his expensive polished black shoes, and his new diamond cuff-links.
As the guests started to show and music had started to play, a few forced dances later Draco stood with Blaise off to the side, occasionally sipping champagne as their parents talked. "So… this is… nice--"
"It's bloody boring, Blaise, don't even try."
"Well I'm just saying, it could be worse, right?" He half-defended, setting down the flute and putting his hands in his pockets. "You know, it'd be really bad if--"
"Dracey!" A shrieking voice interrupted them, their eyes widening in horror.
"Damnit, Blaise! You summoned her!" Draco scolded as he prepared himself for his worst nightmare. Turning around, he was blinded by a sparkly hot-pink dress (and there was really nothing hot about it). "Parkinson," he greeted through clenched teeth, with a tight-lipped smile.
The girl beamed at him as she stepped closer - because personal space isn't a thing. "You look so handsome tonight, Dracey," she complemented as she put a hand on his arm. 
"Thanks," he replied, subtly shrugging her arm off and sending a panicked glare to Blaise as he slowly shuffled away. 
Pansy started to twirl a pink nail in her hair and gave an almost-flirty smile. "What do you think of my dress? Don't you think it looks lovely?" She asked as she grabbed the puffy, knee-length, sequin covered skirt.
 "Yeah… er sorry but I have to go… look for… my… er… Mother's earrings. She lost one earlier so… I should grab her a new pair. Bye." He ran off into the crowd, putting as much distance between them as possible.
 "Wait! Dracey-Poo! Come back--"
He made his way to the garden patio, reminding himself to get back at Blaise when he finds him. It was dark by now, and cold. His breath fogged in the air and snow had settled over the grass, the steps had been enchanted to keep dry and so he sat down to the side, in the shadows where (hopefully) no one would see him. 
The sounds of the party could still be heard, but it was thankfully much quieter. As Draco sat there, his mind started to wander. 'How could this party possibly get any worse?' He thought, 'Maybe if (Y/L/N) came along it'd be worse? Well, probably not. She'd be far more entertaining.' He huffed at the thought; he shouldn't even think about wanting her here.Glancing through the glass doors to the party, the blond caught sight of the horrific pink dress running by. '(Y/L/N) would say something funny about that; she'd probably say she looked like a bedazzled flamingo pulled from a carnival or something.' He laughed at the thought, appreciating her sense of humour - then tried to shake off any more thoughts of her. Which wasn't working very well.
He saw a man walking passed, he was short and plump and had a ridiculous twirly moustache, in one hand was a polished cane and in the other was an almost empty glass of wine. ‘(Y/N) would say he looked like an evil Mr. Monopoly.’ He recalled her bringing the game one year and, though he made fun of it, thought it seemed like a fun way to spend free time. The more he thought of the insults that she would throw if she were here, the more ridiculous the whole even seemed to Draco. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have her there; wearing a beautiful long dress in her favourite colour, her hair pulled into a beautiful style, and smiling her beautiful smile. Again, the boy ignored his drifting mind; (Y/N) would never go to an event like this, a meaningless boring party to show off wealth and arrogance and pride. She'd much rather spend quality time with friends - as Draco would rather be doing now. He sighed at the notion; 'Besides,' he thought, 'she's probably having more fun than I am right now anyway.' 
 Unfortunately, though, she wasn't. 
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magneticflower · 5 years
Shipping Tag Game!!
Tagged by @thetraveler10 @annessnowqueen ! Thank you for tagging me ~!
List gifs of your top ten ships (without naming them) add a sentence describing your feelings on them then tag ten people.
I'm probably gonna end up writing paragraphs because I be like that.
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The skeptic and the optimist. Both lived in the world at a fast pace but she was someone who managed to somehow even make him feel one step behind as she brought a whole new perspective to him and vice versa. Their relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding and I love it. (At first I wasn't liking the animation for the series, but amg they're the cutest ever in the series and uGh)
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If there ever were kindred spirits meant to be together (besides shirbert) it was these two. They completed each other in the most beautiful way as if life had guided them to their soulmates at the most perfect of times too. (I'm still so sad they never got together smh @ alcott for being petty)
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They were just such a good match for each other and the chemistry was real. Their last scene together just was so painful. A couple of what ifs and what could have beens. (Jo deserved Better)
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Quick wits and banter galore. They were perfectly imperfect for each other in the best ways. I wish he had been enough for her, but apparently he wasn't yet her cheating ex was. (I'll never forgive her for doing that to him and the show is dead to me for ruining her character by making her no better than her ex.)
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Why do half the ships I mentioned have Zachary Levi in it I'm---
Pining, pining, pining, until they finally decided to let their feelings be real and they decided to let someone love them. The ending for this show sucked though and just left us bittersweetly hoping it all worked out after.
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The chemistry with this ship was real. Another one full of pining but a lot of mutual attraction. Luckily they ended up together in the end.
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They experienced heartache after heartache as they dealt with their past and their present doing everything to keep them apart-- and albeit in some ways very painfully, it all worked out in the end for them.
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This couple was a multi-dimensional whirlwind of funny, beautiful, and very painful moments together. It was a crazy romance indeed but I loved how unique the plot was and how much they truly fell for each other and wanted the world for each other.
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The "Remains To Be Seen" duo that keeps us all on the edge of our seats as we wait for moment when they realized they've both thwarted destiny far too long.
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The 'If they don't end up going to France together then what's the point,' couple. For richer or poorer. I'm awaiting the day we get them saying "je t'aime" to each other because I'm betting it'll be way earlier than the other two.
Tagging: ANYONE who sees this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged~~~
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