#{ pilot protectors; tobots }
bots-basket · 11 months
Yo, I dare you to try Grimace shake?
"...- the stupid thing keeps cutting out."
"...-I think I've fixed it now.."
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" oooh lookie! A slurpie!"
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Bass: " Finally got the stupid thing working and the first thing yall do is kill Roxas. Definitely feels like old times."
Onyx: " There's still plenty to do nowadays. Like revamping this place now that everything's changed."
Venom: ".. Let's not forget to remind master to schedule things aswell.."
Bass: " Well yeah. I suppose things are still gonna be lively as of late. Let's get things situated then."
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
[The tobot pilots are not humans.]
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((Fun game of guess the context here's a fic snippet for a hint ahah))
It did it to itself. It wanted escape, he wanted peace at long last. He was beautiful, a being of darkness and light respectively. But he couldn't deal with it anymore, he couldn't deal with the pain, the suffering.
So it left, in hopes for a new vessel across the mortal plane. Hoping that it would be safe in his absence. He stumbled into the universe and quickly found a vessel he grew fond of.
Dr Cha. Your children aren't human anymore. You should've seen the signs, how your favorite would return home late with that shoebox that smelt like a dead animal. How their room was always locked, but it's too late. You don't know, you don't know anything. You don't know anything about the beings that are playing house with you now.
You've given them the tobots to 'protect' them. But it seems that you're the one that needs a savior and a protector. The tobots are being corrupted by them. If you like it or not. They are becoming their servants.
But they don't want to harm you, surprisingly. They love you. They want to pretend because they want affection. Those tobots and you, Dr Cha, give them affection. Give them love and sympathy.
Just ignore the smell. And the sense of dread you have every time you interact with them. Ignorance is bliss after all.
Oh nooooo
Well that's terrifying
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bots-basket · 1 year
New baby
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" what are you talking about? Venoms not new- i mean he tried to kill us like 2 years ago but he was under Tobias back then but now he's fine-"
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" Uh.. that was a while ago.. and I suppose I'm still rather new in comparison to how comfortable you all are. In both speaking to these oddities and being in a group-"
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" Don't sweat it Venom! You'll Eventually get it down EASY!"
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bots-basket · 1 year
Hello!! How are you today tobots!
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All: " We're doing fine, thank you!"
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" I am also well. Still. Getting used to things though.. it's odd for me to join such a gaggle of mechs.. especially after everything.."
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bots-basket · 2 years
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“Stay away from my master!”
{ A Redraw from the most popular drawing from this Drabble a while back. Man I’ve really improved since then! Who knows, I might redraw another old panel another time.
I missed drawing Bass tbh. But hey! Bass got himself a small upgrade/new look~ as he’s gotten older just like the rest of the Tobots when then get back >:3c }
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bots-basket · 1 year
Hey do you still do tobots?
And do you know about tobot galaxy detectives?
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{ it's been a hot minute but yes I still have my beautiful kids, and also yes I am aware of the galaxy detectives
I binged the entire eng dub of the tobot series on the channel and made my boyz this blog before it kinda evolved into a multi-fandom and oc robot blog.
But I still love my ogs. And should probably draw them more. They deserve more attention. Maybe once new years hits- }
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bots-basket · 3 years
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bots-basket · 3 years
⚙️ New Arrivals ⚙️
Starter for @prince0fpaints
“Honestly Master I Don’t see why we must All be present for this.”
~ Bass grumbles as he looked down to Rosie as she lead the way through the alleyways. She and Zephyr had both insisted on coming over to met up with her friend and his Supposed Mecha. Not that he really care about it- But he was known to be prone to jealousy whenever someone else had his masters attention.. especially if it was another robot.
But as usual he seemed to be the only cautious one among the group as Both Roxas and Onyx were looking forward to meeting a new friend. Onyx had even brought a care package to give to the new arrival. Even Zephyr was uncharacteristically excited about it. Maybe he is being a little too tightly wound. He will try to keep his opinions to himself for their sake. Mostly.~
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bots-basket · 3 years
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{ “Hmm.. It Seems that in a cat fight, the Dragon wins.” }
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bots-basket · 2 years
Training time
{ Open starter w/ the Tobot squad! }
“You guys are doing great!”
Rosie cheered on as her Tobots reformed into the Titian Typhoon. Ever since early morning the tobot squad has been trying to keep typhoon stable and easier to maneuver with a training regiment. So far they can walk and move and run pretty well, but they still have difficulties staying together when fighting and moving quickly. Thankfully there was another tobot to help them improve. Bass prowled towards the Titian before giving a loud sigh.
“Let’s hope you do better this go round. And Don’t drop Me again or I’ll bite you.”
Bass usually doesn’t like to get involved in training with typhoon, but his Princess personally requested it. Besides.. he is really beginning to get a soft spot for the group and Titian. Call it improvement, but he’d even allow them to use his other form. His Gun form. As soon as the Titian nodded to the feline, he leapt forward and did the motions to transform into a large vortex cannon.
It landed neatly into typhoons servo as he held it carefully.. they didn’t want to get bitten by Bass after all. Turning to their master the opened up their wings and began to hover above the ground, ready to try again at managing this powerful weapon while moving fluidly through the air.
Things would go a lot better if they had another partner to train with..
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bots-basket · 3 years
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🌪 We Are The Alpha And Typhoon is our Name! 🌪
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bots-basket · 3 years
Safety in Numbers #1
Rosie was rushing through the crowded streets as she scrambled to get away from her pursuers. She felt a rush of panic surge through her body as she heard the voices calling after her get closer and closer as she ran down an alleyway. She glanced down to the little round glowing mindcore orbs of her loved ones in her arms..  If only she could somehow wake them up... then she’d be safe. but unfortunately that wasn’t going to be able to happen anytime soon. As She wasn’t paying attention to where she was headed, she ran smack dab into a street sign nearly the size of her laying down in front of a very peculiar building. “ Ow...” She groaned as she glanced up to look at the sign she just ran into. tilting her head she read out the words spelled out. “Balan.. Wonderworld..?” 
After picking up the little mindcores that were scattered from her fall, She stood up and glanced over to the building behind the sign.. a theater..? it doesn’t seem to be open right now.. Perhaps she could use this to her advantage as there’s plenty of places to hide inside one of those things.  With the sounds of others footsteps rapidly approaching to break the child out of her thoughts, Rosie didn’t hesitate to rush into the majestic building and slam the doors shut behind her. Not wanting to stick around close to the exit just incase the goons chasing her would try to investigate, Rosie darted off deeper and deeper into the theater in search of a good hiding place for her and her mindcores.  Meanwhile, the local maestro was alerted that someone knew had entered the theatre.  Balan was always set in a good mood whenever someone new wandered their way into the wonderworld, so naturally he was going to greet the visitor as he always would; With a Smile and flair!  But when he opened the door to greet the lost child, she whirled right past him in a pink blurr and dove into a box of props- nearly knocking him and the box over in the process. Blinking slightly, he closed the doors to his dressing room and walked over to the box curiously.  “Little one?”  Rosie flinched as she heard a voice she didn’t recognize.. oh no- THIS PLACE ISN’T CLOSED!? she could feel her heart racing as she held the mindcores close to her chest as she trembled- shaking the prop box she was hiding inside. It didn’t help that when she looked up she saw a tall ominous being looking back at her. oh heCk- THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED!! IS IT GONNA EAT HER!? Balan took notice of the way the visitor was shaking and it didn’t take him long to figure out she was practically horrified. His expression softened as he held out his hands in attempt to calm her down, being careful to give her space and not scare her even more... well.. at least to the best of his abilities.    “ Woah. hey..hey. it’s alright, calm down.. nothing bad is gonna happen to you..” He spoke softly in a calm tone as he looked down to her, making no attempts to overstep her boundaries.  “...w-who.. w..what .. are..you..”  Rosie managed to stutter out as she pulled her pink hoodie over her as she was still feeling uneasy and scared around this utter stranger.. whatever he was.
“ My name’s Balan, I’m the Maestro of this theatre.”  He said quite plainly. Theatrics wouldn’t be too good for the situation.. “Balan..? You.. your the guy from the sign..”  She recalled.  “indeed~ that is me.” He Hummed and gave her a little wink. 
Rosie seemed to loose abit of her tension in her shoulders as she figured this man was probably just a performer in the show.. perhaps she just caught him during a dress rehearsal and that’s why he looks like that. Still, she felt abit guilty about disturbing him.. Climbing out of the box,  She fussed with her glasses with one hand and gently rubbed the mindcores in her hoodie’s pocket with the other as she whispered out an apology.  “ um.. I’m sorry for bothering you Mr. Balan..”  “ Oh no, Your not bothering me at all my ma petite chérie, A theatre never opposed to guests, and i am always happy to have an audience.” Balan stated cheerfully as he gave a little twirl and held out his hand to the girl, , before a fluffy pink kitty tim appeared and landed in her arms- perfectly matching her pink kitty hoodie in aesthetic.  Rosie blinked slightly as she looked down to the little pink puffball in her arms looking right back up at her with it’s big ol’ blue eyes... so Kawaii.. seeing the tim defiantly helped with her anxiety. A small smile made it’s way onto her face as the tim chirped cutely. Balan felt a sense relief himself as the visitor seemed no longer frightened by him.  He leaned over her with his big old goofy grin and tilted his head slightly, thinking now would be a good time to ask her the question that had popped into his mind once she first showed up.  “ Now then little one, what could’ve possibly frightened you so much to want to hide so badly?”  She glanced up to him with uncertainty in her eyes, unsure of how to exactly say. But before the girl could answer, the two heard the sound of crashes and a group of men’s voices in the distance. Almost immediately the girl started hyperventilating as Terror once more made its way onto her face, Much to Balan’s dismay and concern. Rosie could feel her heart racing as her body trembled tremendously. And before Balan could do anything to stop her, She Let go of the tim and Booked it, letting the tears stream down her face as she burst through the back door and ran deeper into the theatre without much warning, unaware of the dangers she could face inside the wonderworld.  Balan wasn’t too happy with how that interaction turned out.. and now the visitor was once again lost and terrified inside his theater. But with another crash and angry voices apparent, it was obvious that whoever these intruders were, they were the cause of that child’s fear.. and that was something he wouldn’t stand for. 
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bots-basket · 3 years
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{ it was Too easy. }
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bots-basket · 2 years
Just prepared
The static haze within their processor had gone on for some time.
Typhoon couldn’t recall when the problem had begun. Everything was fine a few moments ago. They were soaring above the city and throughout clouds blissfully one moment, and then Everything blacked out the next. But thankfully it didn’t take too long for the Titian’s system’s to reboot themselves. In a few moments They wearily opened their optics, only to be met with an uncomfortable amount of light blaring into them.
Once adjusted, their optics darted around the new Space they were in. It looked like some sort of laboratory. Everything was dark and dreary.. And very uncomfortable. When they tried to move, they were met with another uncomfortable feeling. Their Wrists and legs were firmly strapped down to what appeared to be an operation table.
This though uncomfortable, wasn’t an unusual feeling to Typhoon. In fact, they were quite used to this feeling unfortunately. An existential dread crept into their stomach as the expected to see a Familiar face emerge from the doors before them. But what actually emerged from the took the tied Titian off guard.
A few Large mecha almost as big as they were emerged from the doors and began speaking amongst themselves in an unusual language. Typhoon has no clue who they were.. but they recognized the insignia welded into their arms. Decepticon. They had befriended decepticons once before, but these didn’t seem as friendly as the ones that would usually come to earth. Especially since they were holding Typhoon hostage.
Once they approached the table they began to speak in a sharp tone in their language at Typhoon. They literally had no clue what these decepticons Wanted and simply didn’t have the desire to find out. They were just.. angrily yelling at them in an strange tongue and only seemed to get angrier with the Titian’s silence as time went on.
Finally one seemed to be enraged with Typhoons silence before they grabbed at their helm and scratched their neck cables as they forced typhoon to look them in the eyes. They Were glowing red with Hatred.. a Look the Titian Recognized. Their Own Blue optics Sharpened as they glared back at their Captors, a response they weren’t too pleased with.
One simply Scoffed to the other as they slammed the Titian’s head back onto the Operation table with a growl. Their Claws were sharp and fury apparent. Raising a clawed Servo, It seemed they were ready to physically tear Typhoon apart.
A sensation that Typhoon definitely wasn’t hearing of today.. Not again. Thankfully for them, they were meant to be separated- As their captors were about to find out.
Before the Mech could Slash the Titian’s Chest, a Bright light shone before a Smaller Blue Mech cannon balled from the middle of the once Grand Titian. Typhoon separated, and Launched Zephyr out of harms Way. Onyx’s Wrists were still tied down, along with Roxas’s Legs. But that wasn’t going to hinder them too much. They knew how to work with what they had.
In the First mecha Confusion they instinctively went to grab for Zephyr as he landed onto the floor. But onyx wasn’t having any of that as His thighs Wrapped around the Assailants Neck to keep him occupied. As Zephyr made a Break for the controls, Roxas Delivered Electric lighting Jolts to provide his little sibling cover.
It looked random, but The sibling trio had trained to read the Orange Seekers Movements. So Zephyr was in no danger of getting shocked, unlike their Captors who screamed and tried to dodge the rapid fire.
It didn’t take the speedy little Mech to reach the controls and free his siblings. But there was still the problem of where they were and how they were going to get out.
That is.. if they weren’t prepared for this sorta situation. Once His brothers were close enough to him, Zephyr put a shield around Himself and Onyx, giving the seeker the OK to really let himself loose.
In a Few mere moments there was Smoke in the sky. Glancing out into the open air, Roxas gave a mischievous grin to the paralyzed Decepticons. His Power surge would render them useless for the next 30 minutes. A useful escape Tool.
With the Sparks still flying off his armor, he Gave a Peace sign to the bad bots and made a Jump for it alongside his siblings. They fell through the open air and left the sights of the Black Ship behind them. Happy that they managed to escape. Zephyr created an energy paraglider, Onyx Cloud stepped, and Roxas Soared beside them.
Thank goodness for always being just prepared. Now it was Time to go home and tell their princess of their Grand Escape.
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bots-basket · 3 years
It would help if you guys let Ghostwire best up, Tobias. It would be entertaining seeing THAT GUY have his ego topple down like wood blocks in a homemade kaiju movie.
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“That would be AWESOME!”
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“ If she managed to do that my respect for her would greatly increase”
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“what is with you two and violence.. although I wouldn’t be too opposed to that thought myself..”
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bots-basket · 3 years
Hc: Fedelis may be gruff and blunt, but Zephyr finds him cool as the blue mech can see that the medic is pretty nice.
Okay But I raise you a plot twist;
Fedelis is just their cool gruff Grandpa/Uncle but they haven't told him yet.
Roxas would 💯 slip though and call him Unc' or Gramps'
Onyx will be subtle but you would notice he starts showing slight affection towards the bigger Mecha. Little things like leaving him things he thinks he likes on his desk.
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