#{ so she never really got a chance to show him :') and King Dorephan has other things to worry about }
vahrutasgrace · 9 months
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¯`°¤.¸.¤ ¯`°¤.-- ♕ II Water has memory.
Definition: Water memory is the purported ability of water to retain a memory of substances previously dissolved in it even after an arbitrary number of serial dilutions. With this in mind, water reacts to signals from its environment and stores information.
The Zora, especially ones as strong as the royal family or have meditated and trained for many years, can harness water's memory. Water is a powerful substance that allows its molecules to be used to heal wounds or can give clues to the wellness of the environment around them. For example, Sidon could sense the water's pain in Tears of the Kingdom, saying that the domain would suffer if the sludge managed to make its way down the waterfall. The water's wellbeing can affect the Zora directly.
Mipha can sense the age of water she touches and meditates in, and can often be found meditating in the local lakes so as to gain a stronger connection. It is the Zora's way of speaking with their ancestors, even if the water can not outright answer them. The magic coursing through a Zora's veins if they concentrate enough, can be enough to give them the guidance they need; something that Mipha strongly believes in.
When Mipha met her end, her body was submerged in water at the top of what later becomes Mipha's Court; her final resting place. If someone was practiced enough to understand water's properties and the memory it can hold, they may be able to sense her presence within its streams...
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 211: Zora’s Domain
 I went out with some fishermen for training today. They taught me a lot and we got such a huge haul! Nets are used to carry everything back. Sidon also came by and helped us. I was given one of the larger fish for being helpful, particularly for my eyesight. I can’t see too well the deep waters since it can get dark, but if fish are near the surface, I can spot them even quite a ways down the river. Sidon wondered just how far my eyesight goes, he wanted to test it right away by him swimming upriver, but that wouldn’t test me. He’s just so bright, I could spot him from anywhere. Besides when I’m out here I’m always keeping an eye out for you specifically. I think a better test would be using an arrow as my target! It’d be more fair since I need to be able to spot distant enemies and not just you.
*I still think we could have tested you there. Even if you are ever vigilant to spot me that changes not your eyesight.
Yeah, but I’m always looking for you. I’m trained find you, not other things so spotting you is different to a fish or an arrow or danger.
We cooked lunch together. I’m not used to handling big fish, but I think I managed. The pieces wouldn’t fit on regular plates, but Sidon found this large one.
*It’s usually reserved for gatherings and holidays, but I thought it appropriate to use for this occasion. And  your dish was so beautiful, it would have been a shame to hack up your work!
We ended up sharing from the same plate. Sidon wanted to feed me pieces from his fork. King Dorephan spotted us and said it was good to see his son had such a bright, youthful love, and recalled how him and his wife used to do the same. When Sidon asked if we could hear more tales the king smiled and asked if Sidon just wanted date ideas. You got so flustered and admitted you did but you also would like to hear more of her.
*Father is the king and much busier than I, so I understand why he could not stay long but it is a little disappointing. I’ve heard much of my sister but not much of my mother. I’m not even sure if she’s even passed on. All I am sure on is that she’s not around. Generally, we only have one ruler, even if they have a spouse, unlike Hylians for who the spouse also becomes a ruler. It would have been nice to hear such tales of romance.
*But the past, is just that, the past. I have you here in my arms, and we may make our own tales of such things.
Like you getting embarrassed for getting caught on our ‘secret date’?
*Oh shush you! Or do I need to do so myself with a kiss.
Sidon took me to the cliffs around the domain. There is a storehouse of crystals to use for working with, but Sidon thought I should see how crystal is gotten.
Diamond tools are used since diamonds are one of the strangest gems. To get small crystals a chisel and hammer are enough. I asked Sidon if he’s worried the crystal would ever run out one day. Turns out there’s a lot more underwater than up here.
You really could just live solely underwater and away from everybody else. Honestly you all being on land might be a detriment, you could just leave Hyrule and avoid the danger, but you still stay. Unlike everyone else, you have a choice. You believe this place can be saved. I can’t let you down. I don’t want you to regret believing in me.
*Link, even should we fail, not a thing can or would be regretted. This is our home, no place else is, and we intend to protect it till the end. You’re still forgetting.
*You are not in this alone my friend. Please, you can rely on me.
Chalk is used to make lines or writing on the crystal. It has to be chiseled down in chunks. You have to be extremely precise, one wrong move can cut the crystal in such a way where you can use it for what you want, like accidentally cutting too deep and taking a chunk out of what you wanted to keep, or even leave a crack. There are also many different chisels for what you want to do like taking out flatter chunks or for making intricate details. We were able to get the basic shape, but Sidon wanted to leave making the teeth of the comb for tomorrow since that will be much more delicate and need much time to work with it and make sure a mistake isn’t made.
*The next part shall take extreme precision to get right. Aside from all that though, you were of great help. I was able to concentrate without having to avert my attention to find the right tool.
I’m glad. It was fascinating watching you work!
After dinner you asked me if you could stay with me for the night. You seemed a little odd or stiff though.
*I like knowing you’re getting rest. I realize I too have been worrying you over the same thing so we may place the other at easy by being together. I also find it easier to still my mind and sleep when with you.
*That’s a reason.
*I want to be with you. Alone. No work, no interruptions, no others catching us and adding their own speculations or comments. I find myself feeling this irritable budding annoyance of sorts when others appear lately. I love my people but I never know when next I’ll see you so when I do get the chance I want to give my undivided attention to you. And… I’m finding I wish the same of you when I know that simply cannot be. You always have something to do, things that need your attention other than I, I know as much as you love me, your top priority is saving this land of ours. I long for another night back in Tarry Town, you with me solely. Just you and I together, doing whatever we could want. Things others don’t need to be privy too. They need not hear our words of love, these ones are solely for you and no other, the sight of my hand in yours is only one for us to behold.
*I don’t like this jealously that’s taking root in my heart, in my love for you.
You’re silly.
Just ask when you want more affection, anytime, anywhere. And if you’re worried about your promise, you are doing more than enough to gain my heart.
*And I am doing that just now! And NO I am not! I have yet to take you on proper dates as of yet! And I will! I shall sweep you off your feet show you just how much I have fallen for you!
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SidonxReader (Promises Pt3)
Pairing: Prince Sidon x Reader (LoZ:BotW) Genre: Romance!! BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE NEED Summary: The first time Prince Sidon was allowed…no asked to travel further away from his home than ever before. And for no less reason than to find help to save his people from a threat that his father had yet to explain to him! With only a small silver crest, a map and his best friend Link he makes his way to the first temple in order to remind the goddess herself of a long forgotten promise. What he finds there is not what he expected.
((HOLY COW SO MANY FAVS!! I hope I can make you all happy little bunnies with this chapter too!<3 Much love to all of you!))
The three of you had walked but a distance when the sun was beginning to set. All in all, you had to admit, the experience was less awful than you had expected.
Sure, the soles of your feet were burning , your eyes were getting tired, your stomach was aching strangely …
well, no, it was awful; but the world around you and the nature you got to see were almost enough to make up for the pain. So much space and open field around and above you- being ‘free’ like this could have been perfect if only you weren’t constricted by the flesh and bones that weighed you down. More than once you had allowed your thoughts to drift off into the blue skies, wishing you could join the clouds and the birds. Not that you would admit any of that to those shabby mortals though. Apart from the angry glare now and then you hadn’t communicated with anyone since the journey had begun. The others had talked. Small conversations about things from the past, anecdotes and small talk. You would have probably listened if you hadn’t been so angry still. The sky was already painted in a rich palette of orange and purple tones when Link decided it was time to set up camp. “Enough for today. We should rest for the night and continue our way once the sun rises.” The Hylian dumped his sword and shield on the ground. He stretched a little and started looking for firewood. “Huh, still no river or lake anywhere near us, what a pity…” The Zora joined his friend in picking up dry branches and leaves. “I’d much prefer to rest in a refreshing spring than out in the open for yet another night.” Rest? Now, here? “Will it be alright?” The blonde asked Sidon as they put layers of wood and leaves in a small heap on the floor. “Ah, no! Don’t worry about a thing! As long as I have the flask and the talisman I will be as fine as a fish in the sea- only without the sea!” Prince Sidon grinned and patted a small pouch on his side. “Again, thank you for your help Link. I know there is enough work to be done for the Champion of Hyrule as it is already… certainly she had a hard time letting you go.” He paused and watched while Link lit the fire. “I am sure Princess Zelda is missing her knight already.” The boy didn’t answer but his subtle smile and the rosy tint on his cheeks betrayed his silence. He’d left to help his friend in need because he wanted to; but saying that the princess was the only one missing someone would have been a lie.
“Come, sit with us.” A waving hand invited you to join the two men at the slowly awakening fire. You shifted your weight awkwardly from one foot to the other. “I can still walk…” Why do we have to rest here? “It’s getting dark. I know you are in a hurry just as we are too but…This is the wilderness, you never know what it is that you can encounter here in the dead of the night.” Link knelt down and put a sharp stick through an apple while he said this. The red cheeked fruit was put over the fire. “We rest here so we can cover more ground tomorrow without the fear of getting eaten alive.” His serious expression turned into an innocent smile. “Besides, aren’t you hungry too?” “Your feet must be hurting also- you shouldn’t strain yourself too much, young lady.” The Zora added with a calm tone. Your eyes wandered between the two. And the Apple. “It has been a long day…”, he said. His eyes lingered on you and he held out one hand, beckoning for you to come closer. “I….” The smell of the slowly roasting fruit started to float through the air. It smelled sweet and delicious. You knew you were hungry. You didn’t want to walk on those feet anymore- and the monsters scared you when you imagined them ripping apart the sensitive new body you inhabited. Pain, you thought, was the last thing you needed more of. A quick glance over your shoulder sealed the deal. You could walk into the darkness, alone, hurting and frightened. Or join these …people, you decided…for warmth, food and rest. Each step forward stung like walking on glass. You sat down between the two, looking at each of them warily. Link smiled and nodded while he patiently watched the apple over the fire taking on a bronze sheen. The Zora was for once not showing his sharp teeth. The smile on his face was there, however. Just a tad bit less flashy, a tad bit quieter than before. He shifted his gaze to the flames. And you couldn’t help but admire the play of light on his features as the fire shone on his form. Really, you hadn’t seen a Zora before in all of your years. You had seen countless Hylians and Humans back in the day- but never a Zora. He had such a different body, lean with a much longer torso than a Human or Hylian. …and he had fins like a fish! They were on the arms and the hips; thin, colourful layers adorned their edges. There were so many pretty colours on him…why was he even wearing those metal pieces…sure they were pretty too….but did he need them? You looked up to get a better view on him. The red fins that framed his face looked soft… “Hm? What is it?” The golden eyes snapped back to you. “Eh…” What…? OH…no! Of course you had openly stared at him! You got caught staring at the Zora because you hadn’t realized that this time- people would be able to notice you staring at them. Say bye bye to spying on people while being invisible! Another disadvantage this new shell had brought with it! Curses! You pouted and looked the other way, leaving him puzzled. But not for long. “Ha, I know- why don’t we use this time to finally introduce ourselves? Since you seemed so adamant about walking in silence we had no chance to do this earlier today. I shall start to make it easier on you!” He jumped to his feet and turned to look at you with a slight bow. The sudden enthusiasm made you jump a little. “I am Sidon, the Zora Prince, son of King Dorephan!” He recited this with his flashy grin again. The whole thing looked like it had been rehearsed, which you guessed was only normal for royalty. Not that you cared…you already knew both of their names from before, when they…. …ugh. Enough of that. “…and this young man—“ he gestured to Link and inhaled for the next sentence. “I am Link.” , the Hylian boy simply stated with a smile. Sidon stopped and gave a hearty laugh before he sat back down. “You are too humble, friend, as always!” “Now, young lady…” he said to you,” please, tell us your name.” You straightened your back, wanting to exude the natural grace your kind was gifted with. There was a proud smile on your face when you opened your mouth. “My name is….” And the smile faded. “…it’s…” Confusion replaced it. “..I am…” You gasped when realization hit you like a brick. You didn’t know. You had forgotten your own name! Had it been because you had slept too long? Did you even have a name in the first place? No, you did have a name. People had called upon you when praying in the past. … but now it was gone. You clenched your teeth and your fists. Tears threatened to well up in the corners of your eyes. You buried your face in the blanket. “This is all your fault…” the whisper was barely audible. “W-what?...” “You took my statue and my home and now I don’t even know my name anymore!” There they were, the tears rolling down your cheeks left and right. Your hands frantically wiped at your face while you were bawling your eyes out to your hearts content. “This isn’t fair!” You had it worse than a stray fairy, for it would at least have a home to go back to once it found it. “What am I gonna do now?” “Hey, now…” There was an arm around your shoulders. Between sobs you looked up to see a blurred version of the Zora scooting closer to comfort you. You let it happen, too weakened and too overwhelmed to reject the gesture. Too exhausted to proof your anger. “This is all a bit much right now, I know…” This is more than a bit, stupid fish… “…but we will do what is in our power to help you regain what is lost.” … “I give you my promise, as the Prince of the Zora.” …what do I care for the word of a mortal? That was what you thought, but strangely, you relaxed a little, still sobbing with the occasional hiccup. What a terrible day… …but it was also the day you learned about the first positive thing a body could give and receive: The comfort of a hug.
 You awoke with the first rays of the sun. Sleeping by the fire hadn’t been so bad. You had slept like a stone after a day of walking and the crying. There was already movement around the dying campfire. Link was getting ready, you noticed from your position curled up in the blanket and lying on the soft, mossy floor. You slowly sat up and looked around you. Sidon seemed to be awake too. He had rubbed your back a while longer the night before and then retreated a bit further away from the fire to escape the heat it produced. “Hey!” A finger tapped your shoulder. “Feeling better?” Link held out a roasted apple, cold but certainly still tasty. You grabbed it and smiled a little for what felt like the first time in ages. “For some reason, yes.” “Must be the morning air.” He winked. You lifted a brow at him, the question mark in your eyes big and bright. He simply lifted his face to the sky and inhaled, and then he looked back at you. You did as he did and immediately noticed what he meant. No words needed. The air that filled your lungs was pure and fresh, it felt uplifting, as if your chest swelled with new energy just from breathing in and out.
“A wonderful morning!” A few minutes later you were already licking the residue of the apple juices off your fingers when the Zora Prince joined Link and you at the ashes of the campfire. “Prayers all done?” Prayers? “Yes, we can leave now. I guess I am a little homesick after all. It shouldn’t take too long the next time.” He looked a little saddened and you almost felt bad for him. Almost. Until you remembered you statue and your temple. Not your name though… Had there been a ‘Thank you’ stuck in your throat somewhere, because he had helped you calm down yesterday, then it was pushed back down into the depths of your belly again this instant. Right next to the tasty apple. You watched him with a slightly sour expression while he took a flask filled with silver liquid from the pouch on his side. “What’s that?” You asked when he uncorked it, ready to take a sip from the potion. “Ah, this.” He stopped from raising it to his mouth to examine the flask. “This is the medicine the doctors in our domain have given me to help me in our journey. It tastes horrible and is almost too thick to swallow but it is the only thing that prevents the Zora body from taking damage from the life away from water.” He took a sip from it and shuddered, making the decorative ornaments on his body give off a metallic rustling sound in the process. “My people usually don’t venture too far off from home as without this medicine we would likely die if we didn’t find a body of water after some time. You see, we are not exactly made to life the life of a Hylian for example. This medicine had been in the works for some time already… who would have thought I’d be the one to test it, haha!” His chest swelled with pride for a moment. “ It works wonders I must say!” “So…you die if you don’t get it. Or water.” “Yes, it is important I take it at least once a day!” “I see- then please make sure you take it.” “There is no need to worry about me, my lady.” An almost invisible hue of pink graced the Zora’s cheeks. He put the flask back in the small pouch and cleared his throat.
“I am not worried.” You crossed your arms in front of yourself. “You owe me at LEAST a statue and a temple. I need you  to stay alive until you make good on your promise. Last time I heard the Zoras’ sculptures and masonry is simply without parallel… ” Sidon’s mouth dropped into the roundest ‘o’ with the sharpest edges. …why… “A-and also, I don’t need more things to cry about until we reach the next temple, so make sure you keep an eye on your health.” You looked away with a bright pink blush across your face. The Zora Prince chuckled. That laugh again. “Oh, I will! Really, there is no need to be afraid of anything happening. And I stand for my word, a statue and a temple, then. It really is the least I can do.” And that smile. And worst of all- those stupidly golden eyes.
You had felt a lump in your throat and another one in your chest when he had looked at you with that shocked face. Adorable. And the smile now? Beautiful. Yesterday there was so much new to see around you- and of all the things you had found yourself staring at the Prince was the one you had stared at most. Today you’d manage to steer clear of staring at him. Probably. You hoped.
You wouldn’t see him again after you got your home back. So who cared if you stared a little?! NO! BAD! Stop staring! But there were more problems. You didn’t know how to get rid of this mortal body. Or how to remember your name. Or how to ignore those feelings.
   Those stupid feelings inside you, that you were sure only mortals should have to deal with.
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noodles-and-fluff · 7 years
Quest for The Music
Also known as: Kass goes around the region and learns a bunch of songs. This one got unreasonably long in my Word doc but it is one of the only ones I have actually finished. SFW and some fluff at the end.
“Look, look, it’s the musical traveler again!” Kass smiles as the Zora children chase each other around his path as he follows one of the guards through Mipha’s plaza. All of the Zora look pleased to see him back, interest in their eyes as they see the colors of the Royal Family on the cloth over his back. He’s comfortably slipped into his new role as Royal Musician, honored to take over his teacher’s legacy after Zelda was so pleased with the lullaby he learned for her.
At Sidon’s request, he has returned to Zora’s Domain to learn a new piece, and he’s excited to get the chance to learn Zora music.
This is also a good chance to get away from Rito Village and Teba, or lack thereof, but he pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind.
“Kass! So good to see you again! Welcome back to Zora’s Domain!” Sidon comes down the steps, and the children circle back toward Mipha’s statue. “I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Please come this way!” The two of them head into the palace, and Sidon leads him to a small study. “This was my sister’s private study.” He doesn’t miss how Sidon’s voice falters slightly, but he knows Mipha is still a sensitive subject for him and remains silent. The taller Zora looks through a bookshelf, removing a small, well-read book and taking out a folded piece of paper inside. Kass takes it as it’s presented to him. “Mipha was learning to play the ocarina before the Calamity struck. This was her favorite song to play, and she was quite good at it.” He looks the sheet of music over. It’s longer than the princess’ lullaby, but it shouldn’t be difficult to transpose. His teacher played the ocarina on occasion, the instrument being a Sheikah tradition. “Would it be possible for you to learn to play it?”
“I believe so. It will take me a few hours to transpose it, but the melody is very simple.” Sidon brightens as Kass nods to him.
“Excellent, you have no idea how much it will mean to my father and the elders. Thank you, Kass, so very much.”
 Sidon leaves him to his work in a private room that looks out over the Domain, and Kass smiles as he can see the back of Mipha’s statue. Out of all of the Champions, he wishes the most that he could have met her. Link speaks so fondly of her now, and it’s all too evident how much the Zora miss her. Mipha must have been such an incredible person to know.
He sits at the desk and props the sheet music up, taking out a notebook of composition paper, a gift from Zelda when he was appointed Royal Musician. Her lullaby is the first page, and he turns to a new page and begins to pen Mipha’s song.
 True to his word, it does take him a few hours to transpose the song, and fix a few notes to sound smoother, but soon it’s ready for him to start practicing. Deciding to get some fresh air, he goes out to the upper plaza just outside of King Dorephan’s throne room and leans his notebook against a railing near the stairs. One of the elders, Muzu, wanders over to listen as he begins to play, and as the older Zora recognizes the melody his entire body begins to tremble. Kass slows to stop, concerned, but Muzu shakes his head, motioning for him to keep playing, closing his eyes as the bard does. Kass runs through the song a couple times (the melody really is simple), then adds a few small flairs here and there to give it his personal touch. By now a few more of the elders have come over to listen, and when he finishes the melody, they coax him into the throne room so Dorephan can hear it better. The old king looks so happy hearing the song once again; happy to have something that reminds him of the daughter he loved so much.
 Kass loves playing in Zora’s Domain. The Zora are so friendly, so welcoming, and he always has an audience, whether it’s the children who love to hear the ancient verses or the elders who enjoy the song of the hero. That evening is no different, as he stands in Mipha’s plaza and plays Zelda’s lullaby for them. The children listen, enraptured to hear a new song, until Ruta’s trumpeting blast disrupts the silence. Kass stops playing, startled, but none of the Zora seem affected.
“Prince Sidon is finished with Ruta for today.”
“Ruta always says goodbye to him when he leaves now.” They all stare at him, expectantly, and Kass shrugs to himself before continuing. He finishes the lullaby, and the children start to scatter, waving goodbye to him as they go. Muzu approaches him, clearing his throat to get Kass’ attention.
“King Dorephan would like for you to play Mipha’s song for him one last time tonight.” Kass nods.
“Of course. I shall head there now.” He follows the green Zora up the stairs, noticing how many more of the elders are there waiting. Dorephan smiles warmly at him as he enters the throne room.
“I hope we have not bothered you with the constant requests for Mipha’s song.”
“Of course not, your Highness, it is my greatest pleasure to be able to play this song for you as many times as you would like.” He begins, and a hush falls over the throne room. He plays through the melody a few times, and Dorephan nods as he finally slows.
“Thank you, Kass. To hear that song again after so long is a gift from the Goddess herself.” The elders all nod in agreement. “You have my gratitude for learning it, and so quickly as well.”
“It is my pleasure, your Highness. I only wish I could have met Princess Mipha so we could play it together.” Dorephan nods again, then shifts.
“We will allow you to get your rest. Do know that you are always welcome in Zora’s Domain, Kass.”
 He spends the night in bliss sleeping on the water bed in his room, and when he wakes up the next morning, King Dorephan and Prince Sidon present him with a small gift.
“Dear Kass, please take this as a thank-you from all of us.” Sidon presents him with a small pendant, the Zora crest, three crescent moons pressed into a triangular formation, a round-cut piece of turquoise at the center.
“Your Highness, such a gift- I could never-“ Sidon holds up a hand to stop him.
“We would like to make you the Royal Musician of Zora’s Domain as well as Castle Hyrule. I hope you will accept this gift to show how truly important you are to us.” Kass nods, too shocked by the offer to speak. Sidon carefully pins the pendant to the sash of red fabric crossing his chest, near his shoulder where it will be seen even when he’s playing his accordion. Dorephan looks pleased as Sidon steps back, both of them nodding their approval.
“Coupled with the seal of the Royal Family, you look very official.” Kass finally finds his voice, suddenly.
“Your Highness, Prince Sidon, thank you, truly, for this honor. It is my wish to spread music across the land, and to know that you hold me and my music in such high esteem is something I would have never imagined before. I will return to play Mipha’s song for you whenever you desire.” Dorephan nods.
“Now that I have presented that to you, there is someone here to see the two of you.” He smiles as both of them look confused, exchanging a glance. “She is waiting in the plaza.” They bid the king farewell, and the two of them walk down to Mipha’s plaza to see-
“Riju!” The Gerudo chief turns, her face brightening as she sees them.
“Sidon! Kass! Just who I was looking for!” Riju wears the bright blue skirt of the Champions so confidently now, just like Urbosa once did. Kass can remember when he first met Riju- she was nervous about becoming the Champion of her people, not wanting to let them down. After everything the four Champions have been through now, though, all four of them are more confident with their roles.
“Welcome to the Domain, Lady Riju. What can I do for you?” Riju smiles brightly.
“I would like to train with you, Prince Sidon, using the Ancient weapons that Link gifted us, if it’s not too much trouble for you.” Sidon shakes his head, excitement glittering in his eyes.
“Not at all. I would be happy to take you on in combat.” Riju now turns to Kass.
“I am happy to see you as well, Kass. I have some music I’d like to give you to learn. Could you possibly meet me on Naboris as soon as it’s convenient for you?” He nods.
“Of course. I was planning on leaving the Domain today. I will head for Gerudo Desert, then.” She nods.
“Excellent. Naboris is halfway between Kara Kara Bazaar and Gerudo City. Please take your time getting there, and don’t exhaust yourself in the heat. Please take these as well.” Riju hands over a few bottles of heat-resistant elixir, which Kass accepts. He’s about to turn to leave, when a thought strikes him.
“Kass? Are you all right?” He nods.
“I was… just thinking I should let Teba know where I will be headed…” Sidon brightens.
“I will be glad to deliver a message for you to him.”
“I do not want to trouble you-“
“It is no trouble, I will be heading out to Rito Village soon with Link already.” Kass nods, and writes Teba a message on the back of some music paper. He knows the warrior probably hasn’t even noticed he’s gone, but there’s a small part of him that wants to make sure Teba knows he’s safe. Even if he is less than pleased with his partner right now. With the note safely in Sidon’s hands, he sets out for Gerudo Desert.
 The journey to the desert takes him four days, with stops at Riverside and Gerudo Canyon stables, and by the time he reaches the Divine Beast, he’s exhausted. As he approaches it, however, Naboris lets out a low, rumbling cry, and sinks down to rest on its folded legs. There’s a flash of pink near the hump closest to Naboris’ head, and he flies up to it. Riju is there, sitting daintily on a purple blanket, surrounded by pillows. A pile of Hydromelons and Voltfruit sits off to one side. He lands on the beast and walks over.
“Hello, Kass, I hope your journey wasn’t too tiring.”
“It was a long way from Zora’s Domain, but I am used to traveling. I do hope I did not keep you waiting long for me.”
“Not at all, I just returned yesterday from a meeting with the Princess.” She motions for him to sit, which he does. “I am sorry that I cannot offer you a place to stay in Gerudo City, but you are still a voe, despite being so close to us Champions and the Princess.” She smiles, mischievously. “I do not think we would be able to dress you up as a vai like Link does, either.” He grins, shaking his head.
“I understand, and I respect the customs of your people.” She nods.
“I’ve set up space for you to stay here, on Naboris. If there is anything you need, please let me know. You are my honored guest, after all.” She brings out a red folder. “Now, the music I have found for you. Lady Urbosa had a small study in the palace, and I recently found a book of hers that had a few sheets of music.” She hands over a couple of pages of sheet music and he looks them over. The writing is distinctly Gerudo, but-
“This is a Hylian song…” Riju nods.
“It’s called ‘Ballad of the Goddesses.’ I believe Princess Zelda taught it to Lady Urbosa before the Calamity happened.” Riju shifts her massive braid into her lap. “I know it is written solely in vocal tones. Do you think you would be able to work with it?” He nods, still studying the music, finding the melody and humming it softly. The Gerudo chief beams as he takes his notebook out and begins to scribble in it. “Additionally, I was wondering if I could borrow the crest of the Royal Family from you.” He glances up now, curious as to why she would want the cloth, but takes it off from his back, folding it over a couple times and handing it over. “I will return it before you leave. No harm will come to it, you have my word.”
 That night, Riju brings him more food and two visitors: Yunobo and Princess Zelda. Kass greets them both warmly, and the three of them sit with him. Zelda looks the sheet music over fondly as Kass takes a break from transposing it to eat supper.
“I remember this song. It is a song passed down throughout all of the generations of the Royal Family praising the Goddess. Urbosa wanted to learn it, and I happily taught it to her.” She glances up at Kass. “Have you had any luck writing it for your accordion?” He nods.
“It is a long process, since it is such a long song. But I have been making progress.” She looks pleased, and so does Riju. The two of them eventually get up to chat about Naboris, and Yunobo turns to him.
“Oh, hey, Kass, I have something for you. Sidon told me about how they crowned you the Royal Musician of Zora’s Domain, and I wanted to give you this, too. The Gorons don’t really have a lot of music, but you can still be our Official Musician.” Kass reaches out to take the charm from Yunobo. It’s a buckle-looking thing, identical to the one he wears to hold his Champion’s cape in place, only much smaller. “My ancestor Daruk wore the one I wear now, so I figured I’d make you one that looked just like it, because you’re getting approval from all of the Champions to play music.”
“Thank you, Yunobo, this is such a thoughtful gift. I shall cherish it.” It can go on his belt, next to the straps that hold his loose sheet music in place.
 Riju returns to him the next morning, and is surprised to find him already practicing the song on his accordion, speaking the verses in time with the music. She sits to listen, looking delighted as she hears the melody. He plays the entire song for her, and she claps as it ends.
“Truly wonderful! You learn so quickly!” He flushes at the praise. “You are such a talented musician, Kass. You have quite a gift.”
“My teacher wanted me to be able to pass on all of the ancient verse to the knight when he returned, so I had to be skilled to get his approval. He taught me everything he knew before he died.” She nods.
“It clearly shows. You have mastered this song after spending only a night with it.”
“I am far from mastery of this one, but I will continue to refine it until I do master it.” He sits on the blanket next to her. She brings out the cloth bearing the crest of the Royal Family, and opens it wide.
“I hope you aren’t upset that I had it altered slightly. I wanted you to have the approval of the Gerudo, as our Chief Musician as well.” Along the side of the cloth, Riju has had small disks of gold sewn in, like the ones hanging from her own skirt. Each disk has a small round of blown glass at the center, alternating colors in a pretty pattern. Kass takes the cloth in delight, examining the new decorations.
“This is breathtakingly beautiful…” He glances up at her. “I feel so spoiled for accepting these gifts from all of you…”
“You helped Link get his strength back before fighting Ganon. Link speaks highly of you, Kass. I, for one, am glad to know you.” He smiles, touched.
“Thank you, Lady Riju. To have the approval of all of the Champions and their people means more to me than any amount of gold or gems.”
 Kass departs Gerudo Desert later that day, Riju making sure he’s got enough elixirs to get out of the desert safely. He doesn’t leave a message for Teba, he’s headed to Rito Village anyways. He misses his partner now, the longing for Teba beating out the desire to make a point to the warrior. As he makes his way back, he practices each of the new songs, refining Mipha’s to the point where it comes naturally. The Ballad of the Goddesses will take a bit longer, but he has nothing but time currently, so it will get plenty of attention.
He takes his time traveling through the eastern part of Hyrule on the way back to the village, enjoying the sights. Gerudo City is closer than any other town to Rito Village, so it’s not as long a trek as the one from Rito Village to Zora’s Domain, or Zora’s Domain to Gerudo City, for that matter. Soon, the looming shadow of Medoh blocks the sun from the path, and the air turns cold, signaling to him that he’s close to home. Gesane and Mazli both greet him as he crosses the bridges into the village, and the other Rito look pleased to see him back as well. The elder looks very impressed at all of the tokens he’s collected from the other Champions.
“You have been very busy, Kass. I see you have added to your collection of royal symbols.” He nods, catching the buckle Yunobo gave him and playing with it a moment.
“To be so close with all of them is truly a blessing. I would have never thought that any of this would come from the ancient verses. Link values our friendship far more than I thought he did.” Kaneli nods.
“I do know one Champion has been missing you more than the others.” Kass stiffens at the implication that Teba has missed him, not ready to believe it yet. “I will let you get your rest. I know you must be tired.” He nods, and leaves, walking the short distance to the house he shares with Teba. To his surprise, the white Rito is there, and he turns as Kass comes in. His face shows annoyance, but as soon as he sees the bard it’s replaced with relief. The blue Rito blinks, and in that time Teba pulls him close, touching their beaks together gently, and Kass can feel that he’s made his point to Teba now. The shame rolling off the warrior is evidence enough.
“I get your point, now. I will try not to spend so much time away from you in the future, I promise.” Teba leans in further, touching their faces together, and Kass nuzzles him close. “I missed you. You’ve been gone almost two weeks. It’s never that long.”
“I have duties as the Royal Musician of Hyrule now, just as you have your duties as Champion.” Teba seems to notice all of the trinkets now, looking each of them over. “Gifts from each of the other Champions, letting me know that I am Royal Musician in their homes as well.” The warrior stiffens, but Kass only touches their beaks gently. “No one will dispute the fact that I have been the obvious choice for the Rito for years.” He shoots his partner a grin, smugly. “Have I not been wearing the feathers of the Rito Champion for weeks?” Teba lets out a sharp ‘hmph’ of air, and nods, giving in and smiling. Kass yawns, realizing how tired he is, and Teba helps him shed all of his things; his accordion, bow, quiver, and music sheets. They curl up together in their hammock, Teba pulling Kass close. “I will play for you tomorrow… you have my word…”
“I’ll be looking forward to it, then.”
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