#{ talesofus—bernadetta }
macuilsung · 4 years
starter for @talesofus​!
A citadel as hallowed and ancient as Garreg Mach Monastery, frequented year by year by young students of the Officers Academy with active imaginations, was bound to rack up a number of rumours and urban legends over the course of its long history.
In the year 1180, this still holds true. With new students come tales old and new, be it hearsay from family who attended the Academy in times past or stories concocted over the course of their own time in these old halls.
The Ghost of the Cathedral was one such new rumour. Sometimes, after dark, one may hear music from the empty church across the bridge. For the ghost, its voice and instruments could be heard echoing and reverberating from stone and marble. For Forwin, however, he was just looking for a place to practice with his lute outside of Abyss, out of sight and out of mind.
Now that he got roped into joining the Black Eagles, like Hel would he practice in the greenhouse right next to the dorms. There were way too many familiar faces than he was comfortable being around for long. It would only be a matter of time before he’s sussed out...
And so, to his frayed nerves, music often provided balm.
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“There once was a mountain, o’er which the sun shone Though its surface was borne not of ordin’ry stone Of diamond it glowed, from its base to its peak Its summit ‘pon which the bird sharpens its beak-”
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vicious-vestra · 4 years
The purple, embroidered rose had been a gift.
It wasn’t the only thing Bernadetta had made her over the years since the war, but it was the first, and so Helen would always cherish it the most. She often found herself running her fingers over the edges a tad compulsively, whenever she was nervous, just as she was doing now. (The fact that it was usually pinned over her hart, and thus was usually never touched aside from placing it correctly, was irrelevant to her mind just then.) Green eyes closed as the mage took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do. It had taken… months to come to this decision, but even having fought a war, this terrified her the most. There was no way her beloved would still want her, or want to be with her, after this. But Bernadetta deserved to know the truth, and to make that choice for herself; Helen couldn’t keep lying – keep hiding, anymore.
Opening her eyes once more, the taller woman placed the embroidered rose on her night table, and stood from her place on the bed. After being with Bernadetta for so long, she had learned to move slowly and carefully, to avoid spooking her lover. It was a skill the ravenette took full advantage of, now, even though procrastinating was usually completely contrary to her nature. Still, she did eventually cross the bedroom they shared, approaching the woman who had – appropriately – sniped her heart all those years ago. The purplette was seated at her vanity, and the older woman took a moment to settle her hands gently on the archer’s shoulders, grounding herself with the touch. Somehow, when she spoke, Helen managed to keep her voice calm and clear. Completely the opposite of how she was shattering inside. She could only hope that her love wouldn’t notice.
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“I would… like to discuss something with you, my dear.”
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aethele · 4 years
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“     bernadetta,   i have noticed something.   as of late,   you have been spending a great deal of time with jeritza.   you are aware he is the death knight,   yes ?   he is quite dangerous.   would you like for me to demand he leave you alone ?     ”     /   @talesofus​
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aethele · 4 years
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@talesofus​  /  dating sim  ;  “Your face… is… good.” ;; from Bernie!!
“     what a poetic compliment,   bernadetta,     ”     ferdinand laughs,   a light and mirthful breath.   it is genuine,   fully endeared by her blurted appraisal.   he is not certain what is so particularly   good   about his face today  ――  perhaps it is simply that his usually unruly hair is bow-tied behind him in a ponytail,   revealing more of it than usual,   or that he is well-rested for once,   eyes bright and smile easy. 
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he leans his chin into the perfect fit cradle of his palm.   his other hand curls around the painted teacup before him,   warm steam drifting up to tickle the beginnings of his five o’clock shadow.   the honeyed warmth is mirrored in his gaze,   settled on her.     “     i think you are adorable,   too.     ”
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