#{ wait for the wisest of counselors }
strangelockd · 2 years
You Can Tell Me Anything
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Pairing: StephenStrange x !Reader
Synopsis: You forget to take you medication which lead to a disagreement. But Stephen comes up with a solution.
Word Count: 873
Warnings: Fluff, Comfort, brat taming, mentions of anti depressants and dark thoughts, mentions of self doubt, slight angst, happy ending.
A/N: This is dedicated to anyone out there who struggles with their mental health.
Stephen helped save my life in 2016 and became my earthly hero ever since, my comfort character. I hope this story makes you feel not alone and brings comfort.
If you or anybody you know, is suffering from a mental health crisis please contact the link below ❤️ You are not alone
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“Fuck off Stephen Strange!”
Slamming the door anger washed over as you wept into your hands. Locking the latch, you slumped to the floor with your back against the door. Stephen was always a blunt man who hardly minced his words. It was one of the many traits you admired yet loathed about him. Usually you banter back and forth, but today his words cut you deep as the tears continued to flow. You knew he had good intentions about reminding you to take your medication, but there are days he felt more like a parent instead of a boyfriend.
Knock knock knock
“Babe come on open the door”
“No! I said leave me alone!” You screamed.
“Technically you said, ‘Fuck off Stephen Strange’,” he smirked behind the door keeping his temper.
He could feel you rolling your eyes, “but Im not leaving until you open the door.” Crossing his arms Stephen leaned against the tapestry wall drumming his fingers against his forearm.
“Babe Ive waited five hours by a doorstep in Kathmandu, believe me, I can wait.”
Rolling your eyes once more you brought yourself upright wiping the tears from your cheeks. Opening the heavy wooden door crossing your arms in defense you looked down at your feet. Stephen stepped towards you slowly stopping an arms distance between you. 
“Listen,” he trailed off rubbing the back of his head, “Im sorry for being so pushy earlier”
“No, its my fault, I shouldn’t have lied about taking my medicine,” clutching your shoulders Stephen saw you shaking, and it made his heart hurt. He hated seeing you in such mental turmoil. 
“Yes, that would have been the wisest option,” he whispered, “its just that, I wish you didn’t lie to me. You know you can tell me anything” His background in medicine reminded him of the consequences of suddenly stopping anti depressants, the symptoms can be terrible if not worse then before taking them. 
Dropping your arms, you muttered a little over a whisper, “I just don’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life. I feel like an idiot,” you could barely bring yourself to say the final part before the tears flowed once more. Stephens eyes grew wide as he stepped forward breaking the distance between you bringing you into his sturdy frame. His strong forearms braced you tightly as you clutched onto his robe for dear life.
“Shh…shh its ok babe. It will be okay. Take a deep breath,” he felt you exhale and admired your obedience, “Now look at me,” taking your chin with his thumb and index finger he looked into your eyes. Releasing a sniffle, casting your eyes up his cerulean gaze. 
“First off,” he demanded, “If I ever hear you call yourself an idiot again. I will put you over my knee and spank your beautiful ass till its pink. Your lucky I haven’t done that already for lying” Your cheeks flushed at the sudden dominance; you knew it was meant as a threat. But in an odd way it turned you on. Pinching your legs together you shuffled your feet.
Taking your hand Stephen led you to the bed setting you on his lap as you comfortably laced your arms around his neck while he supported your waist. He paused taking the time to choose his words carefully before speaking. 
Breaking the silence he beseeched, “Now, tell me why you stopped taking them”  
Fidgeting with your fingers you paused taking a breath, “I thought I could do it on my own. I was feeling better and figured I didn’t need them. I feel weak for relying on medication bc then that means that you’re not enough. And you make me the happiest in the world Stephen.”
Stephen sighed slightly shaking his head, “you’re not weak,” grabbing your hand he brought it to his heart, “Taking medication does not make you weak babe. For example, if there was something wrong with my heart, you would advise me to take medication for it right?” Nodding you shook your head giving a slight smile. “Plus, I still have to use a spell to tame my tremors” Nodding again he made a clear point.
“Then whats the difference between that and this,” your eyes froze to his kind yet stern expression. He was right, you hated to admit it, but he was right.
“Your right Stephen,” leaning in giving him a kiss his goatee tickled your chin as his lips trailed down your neckline, “Im so sorry”
Stephens hands gripped you tightly as you continued your kisses down his collarbone making him groan in your ear.
“Its okay,” he gasped as you placed a nip on his earlobe, “Just tell me next time. Maybe we can set up and alarm to remind you.” 
Pulling away you smiled back nuzzling his nose, “I like that idea”
With a gesture of his hands Stephen summoned your pills and phone. Tapping the screen, he opened you phone adjusting the timer to include a giant pill emoji when alerted. Tossing the phone aside he gave the orange bottle a gentle shake, “Now, shall we give this another go?” He smiled kindly kissing your knuckles. 
Nodding your head, you smiled. Knowing you never had to face anything alone. Good or bad you always had Doctor Stephen Strange in your corner to be your rock to lean on.  
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
lets find out tumblrs collective classpect! (part 1: aspect pairs)
the top 3 pairs will move on to the next poll! (its like this because it maxes out at 10 options)
aspect explanations for people who havent read homestuck/need a refresher under the cut
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Time are fighters, full stop. Their lives are often marked by struggle, not so much because fate has it in for them, but because they are fundamentally incapable of just accepting things as they come. They value action over passive acceptance, even if that may not be the wisest or safest choice. Don't try to tell a Time-bound to sit still and look pretty. They are very goal-focused, and tend to value the destination over the journey, and you won't find them making that journey in any traditional sort of way. To quote cheesy posters found on many a guidance counselor's wall-"impossible is just a word". If you need a miracle, they are who you call. At their best, the Time-bound are empathetic and relentless problem-solvers. At their worst they are ruthless, defensive, and impulsive."
my keywords: destruction, artificiality, impulsivity
canonical examples: dave strider, aradia and damara megido, caliborn
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Space are, as the name suggests, concerned with the big picture. They are patient, masters of the art of 'wait-and-see', and are inclined to take things as they come. That isn't to say that they're pushovers or willing to let injustice lie-they just choose their battles wisely, understanding that sometimes you have to let something burn to the ground in order to build it back better and stronger than before. To this effect, they tend to be innovators, concerned with creation and redemption. Catch them recycling the old to make the new, the fresh, and the beautiful. For the Space-bound, the journey is as, if not more, important than the destination; how they do something is as important as what they do. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague."
my keywords: creation, manipulation, patience
canonical examples: jade harley, kanaya and porrim maryam, calliope
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Heart are very concerned with their favorite subject: themselves. It wouldn't be a stretch to call them 'self-obsessed', but not necessarily in a negative way. They simply want to understand the one thing we all are stuck with for our entire lives, i.e. our own minds. Forging an identity is extremely important to the Heart-bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent narrative of their own story. That isn't to say Heart-bound don't care deeply for their friends and allies; they just have a tendency to assume that everyone is as concerned with identity as they are. They are excellent at putting on and taking off masks as the situation calls for them. At their best, they are competent, imaginative, and steady. At their worst they can be overbearing, inflexible, and cold."
my keywords: feelings, the soul, personality
canonical examples: dirk strider, nepeta and meulin leijon
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Mind are-you guessed it-the universe's great thinkers. But don't for a second think that means that they have all the answers. They are very concerned with remaining rational, and they have such a firm hold on the constant conjunction of their thinking that it's easy for them to see the multitudes of the choices laid out before them, which often leaves them frozen and unable to act. That said, when a Mind-bound finally launches into action, they can execute a plan with unbelievable grace and precision. Their identity is fluid-it can change from day-to-day, from thought-to-thought, from interaction-to-interaction. Remaining logical is more important to them than building up a solid foundation of "self." At their best they are great innovators, architects, and creators. At their worst they can be nasty, inflexible, and indecisive."
my keywords: choices, alternate realities, thought
canonical examples: terezi and latula pyrope
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Hope are driven first and foremost by their convictions. They do right for right's sake, and are quick to come to the aid of anyone they deem to be experiencing injustice. That said, their views of the world can be quite black and white, so what they see as the "right" thing may not always be the universally accepted view. They put great value in the power of the imagination, the ability to dream up a better and more beautiful future. If anyone could dream a better world into existence, it would be one of the Hope-bound. They may sound like all sunshine and rainbows, but they aren't adverse to a little destruction, especially if they think they can replace it with something better and more just. At their best, Hope-bound are positive, caring, and warm. At their worst they can be narrow-minded and selfish."
my keywords: optimism, belief, truth
canonical examples: jake english, eridan and cronus ampora
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Rage are bringers of chaos. They posses great contempt for lies or false ideas, including the stability that false ideas can impart. To them, the true is far more important than the good; they would tear down a system just to destabilize it if, by their reckoning, it is built on faulty premises. Often the Rage-bound prefer anarchy to any of the alternate forms of civilization, which they believe to be riddled with lies and foolishness and obedient masses. They are bringers of confusion and doubt, and they can be frustratingly difficult to convince otherwise when they have attached themselves to an idea. If they sound dangerous, they are. The Rage-bound tend to be most volatile and unpredictable of the aspects. At their best they are original, revolutionary, and fearless. At their worst they are cruel, uncompromising, and vicious."
my keywords: chaos, defiance, fear
canonical examples: gamzee and kurloz makara
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Light are the universe's knowledge-seekers. They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge's sake. They are the ultimate students, and although that might conjure up the image of people sitting around peacefully waiting for knowledge to be brought to them, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Light-bound will go after knowledge with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren't overly concerned with laws or norms, either. They often take rules as simple suggestions, instead searching for loopholes or work-arounds. At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive."
my keywords: luck, knowledge, perception
canonical examples: rose lalonde, vriska and aranea serket
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe's secret-keepers. The unknown doesn't scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. A blank page, an empty canvas, that's what the Void-bound live for. They value mystery and the unexplained, and are not particularly bothered by not having all the answers. Where others might be compelled to go out and seek answers, the Void-bound lean more toward casting doubt on what is already considered fully understood. They don't take much on faith and would rather live in a state of confusion than believe something that might be untrue or bow to intellectual authority. After all, in order for something new to be built, the old, rotting foundation must often be razed. At their best, Void-bound are wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst they can be dismissive, indecisive, and apathetic."
my keywords: confusion, secrets, infinity
canonical examples: roxy lalonde, equius and horuss zahhak
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Breath are, above all, expansive. Flexible and driven, they leave an impact wherever they go. Like the breeze itself, they are able to sweep others up to carry along in their wake, but also like the breeze, they can be difficult to catch hold of or tie down. Although Breath-bound do make very good leaders, breath tends to be a very personal aspect. Often, heroism comes along as an offshoot of them pursuing their own personal stories. They lead by example, and will routinely be surprised that others look up to or feel inspired by them. They have a tendency to underestimate themselves, and not always out of poor self-esteem. They were just doing their own thing. At their best Breath-bound are motivated, adaptable, and forward thinking, but at their worst they can be volatile, avoidant, and gullible."
my keywords: freedom, independence, apathy
canonical examples: john egbert, tavros and rufioh nitram
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Blood draw their strength from bonds, from the trust and camaraderie that blooms among a group of people who all share a single vision. Blood-bound are absolutely leaders, but they inhabit more of an inspirational role than a commanding one. They are prophets, rather than generals, giving others the strength and motivation to keep fighting. The Blood-bound can dispense excellent advice even when their own lives and interpersonal relationships are disasters. They can be very "do as I say, not as I do" types. A Blood-bound can often be found on a sinking ship, forcing an endeavor forward with sheer stubborn force of will. No matter how bad things go, a Blood-bound can always count on friends and allies. At their best, they are charismatic, uplifting, and magnetic. At their worst they can be sullen, unkind, and set-in-their-ways."
my keywords: relationships, stability, attachment
canonical examples: karkat and kankri vantas
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Life are the universe's healers. They are concerned with the betterment of themselves and those around them, as well as the onward march of positive progress. Deeply empathetic, they have an intuitive understanding of other's suffering and the best way of righting those wrongs. If you're poisoned, chances are the Life-bound have something for what ails ya. This applies to both physical and mental suffering, though it might not be a cure you'll like. They also have the tendency to put other's needs before their own, which never ends well for anyone, because the Life-bound can grow bitter if they feel their own self-care has had to be shunted aside. At their best, they are great listeners, caretakers, and nurturers. At their worst, the Life-bound are passive aggressive, and pushy-they're certain they know best."
my keywords: healing, positivity, growth
canonical examples: jane crocker, feferi and meenah peixes
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Doom are fate's chosen sufferers. It may not sound like an overly pleasant aspect to be aligned with, but it does come along with great wisdom and empathy. The Doom-bound understand that misery loves company, and they are ready and willing to provide said company. The Doom-bound won't fix you; they aren't healers. They are commiserators, aware that sometimes the only thing you can do for a person is let them know that they are not alone in their suffering. They are not the advice friend-they're the friend you go to when you need to vent about a rough day at work. They are not necessarily noble martyrs, either-the Doom-bound can become quite irate about their lot. At their best they are wise, kind, and non-judgemental. At their worst, bitter, resentful, and fatalistic."
my keywords: death, negativity, rules
canonical examples: sollux and mituna captor
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spellnbone · 4 years
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Wards, Protection and Defense
March was the month where Edgar’s self-doubts began growing and growing. While most Order members seem willing to entrust him with quite a few secrets, he doesn’t think he’s the right person to ward them, and in result he begins trying to control the little things around him. Warding, protecting and defending become his priority and it does not help that he sees himself as the danger most people need protecting from.
1st Like My Own Mind - Arabella and Edgar meet at Hogsmeade for a coffee. They discuss Branwen snooping around Hogsmeade and Fabian having gotten a job at Hogwarts, with Edgar showing himself reluctant to reach out to him there as Hogwarts is meant to be a safe place for Fabian, and Edgar is only the bringer of war-news.
2nd At The Sweets’ Shop - Edgar goes to buy some sweets, but Dedalus, who Edgar has held a grudge against since school, keeps him for much longer than expected by talking and talking. For them, it’s a rather typical encounter -- until Dedalus mentions that he sees no point in joining the Fighting Club, despite needing to learn how to protect himself better. Edgar asks how he fights in battles, then, and Dedalus replies that he isn’t a great fighter and that if he finds himself in a battle, he simply removes himself. Edgar sees himself in this answer, as he too is anything but a strong fighter and used to run away, trying to find clever solutions out of situations rather than facing the battle head on. Remembering such situations, especially those that have gone wrong, he explains that sometimes you can’t remove yourself, either because of the circumstances or because there’s a person you love who’s still fighting, and that everyone thus needs to know their place on a battlefield. That if Caradoc wanted Dedalus in the Fighting Club, it’s not just to remove his weaknesses, but also to make use of his strengths, emphasising that Dedalus has a sharp mind which could be of great asset. But Dedalus misunderstands and thinks Edgar’s implying he’ll leave those he loves behind and says he’ll just do as Edgar does, and this is the last straw for Edgar. The idea someone might do as he did, copy all his mistakes, when all he wants is to protect and ensure the very opposite, it’s one of his greatest fears. With his poise lost, he lays all those mistakes out for Dedalus to see, as a warning and as a question: How could anyone think Edgar thinks himself faultless? Why would anyone possibly want to copy him? 
Uncapitalist Shopping Spree - Agitated by having reminded himself of the many deaths he has caused, he goes to find Amelia. The two haven’t really talked ever since February 14th, ever since Amelia had been brought to the Potter Estate, seeing the Order in action, and a lot of stuff built up. So after they go steal some books just for the rush of it, the twins blurt out all their fears at each other, opening themselves up completely. Ainsley. Mundungus. Rigby and the heritage. Caradoc. It ends with Amelia demanding to join the Order and Edgar knows better than to fight her stubbornness. Thus, he brings her to Caradoc.
At Strongarm - Edgar tells Caradoc Amelia wants to join the Order and they need to procure a Tag for her as fast as possible. Caradoc says it’ll take time but he’ll work on it. Amelia leaves and Caradoc and Edgar are left alone together, which is where Edgar breaks down. It’s the first time in six years (since the day he caused the death of the other Order members, which he implied to Dedalus) he cries. Amelia being in the war means putting her in danger, a danger Edgar can’t protect her from. He reminds Caradoc that if Amelia dies, so will he.
3rd On/Off Duty - Needing to take his mind off things, Edgar goes to the theatre, where he meets their newest recruit, Annalise Fawley. They talk all things theatre and Edgar finds himself fairly charmed by her.
6th Dignity and Love to not Blend Well - Severus and Edgar are just done discussing all that there is to know on the spy-front, as every Saturday morning, when they mention the Fighting Club. Severus explains that he did pass the sorting test and made it into the good group, but would rather die on the battlefield than train with Sirius Black. Edgar however -- seeing his younger self in Severus’ arrogance -- reminds Severus that he’s way too valuable to die. Anxious that his explanation might be met with misunderstanding again, like with Dedalus, he explains more clearly that the Fighting Club is more than just curse-training, it’s also a way to find out about your fellow members’ strengths and weaknesses. The main take-away, however, is that Edgar feels like he has once again gotten to know his partner a little better.
8th Calendrical - Maddy Warren is initiated into the Order. Afterwards, Mary and Edgar discuss the newest updates: Maurice, the DTF, Maddy. They also discuss that it’s time to leave their position of defense behind and start attacking first, which is something Edgar has only been waiting for for quite some time now, waiting especially for the right person to pick up a wand and go for it. In a way he knows that defense can only go so far, and attacking first is, in the long run, the best way to protect everyone.
9th It’s the big moving day. Most everything that can be transported, is brought from the Potter Estate to the House of Bones.  The Map, the Minutes, all Tags, all plans and lists and artifacts of value are moved, leaving behind mostly the things that wouldn’t have a safe place to store yet, namely various items from the infirmary, as they want to leave what they don’t understand to Emmeline and her expertise and system. 
Dripping Water Hollows Out Stone - Afterwards, Edgar has Amelia and Fabian meet -- without letting them know beforehand -- and forces them to make up. He tells them that he belongs to no one and if he gets hurt, it’s his own fault, and no one should feel responsible for having to protect him.
10th The Cursed Disco - Frank brings sneakoscopes into the House of Bones, which all go off as the house is filled with potentially mistrustful objects and energies. But Edgar reminds Frank, that it’s not the Order who needs to mistrust the House, but the House needs to mistrust the Order; the people of the Order brings danger with them (once again thinking of the idea of ‘Illness’ as well as his plans with Caradoc to test their fellow members in the future), and they should find a way to ensure trust amongst the Order soon.
12th Hide and Seek -  After their night together on January 6th, Edgar has done his most to avoid Mundungus Fletcher, while Mudnugngus did his most to cross paths with Edgar. The pettiness resolves now in Edgar’s old room, where Mudndusgus goes to steal something and instead finds more than two dozen posters of himself plastered on the walls. Edgar, more than embarrassed, promises to take them down, but Mudnugngus quickly has a new objective: Edgar’s key-earring seems like something marvelous to steal. The key-earring made of many keys holds one key, which Edgar is keeping safe: it opens the cabinet to Caradoc’s heart, his warmest memories, and when Edgar realises it’s gone, he panics, fearing he has failed to protect his best friend.
13th - 18th Edgar and Caradoc begin preparing their Test, while Edgar also studies James’ plan on how to find out the spy, which he gave him exactly a month ago. It feels like much longer.
18th Another One Knows - On the night of the 17th, Severus finds Edgar and tells him that Peter is the spy. Edgar meets with Peter and orders him to wait for an opportunity, when that opportunity arises, he will fake his death and hide in the House of Bones for protection. Peter is grateful, but Edgar doesn’t do this out of friendship or pity. He’s doing it like this because he knows that Peter is worth more alive than dead right now, and that if he scares the boy away now, he’ll go to the Other Side forever, and his friends will have to grieve yet another friend. It’s those friends, Lily, Sirius, Remus, that Edgar thinks of when he dismisses Peter and tells no one about it, wanting to believe that if only Peter will be shown enough love, he will make the right decisions in the future. 
21st The Battle of Diagon - Actually, Edgar meant to meet up with Marlene and show her a tour of the House, so when the battle news break, he’s with her. She’s the one who keeps him from going upstairs to the Map room and apparates him to Diagon Alley instead. He thinks of all the conversations he’d had this month about trust and battle fighting, and how little time they had to prepare, and it’s only when he sees the young Efa Chittock that he snaps out of it. 
Protection - Running into a battlefield isn’t always the smartest choice, even if it’s to help her friend Dorcas, and while Efa isn’t too pleased by being held back at first, she quickly realises that Edgar’s plan sounds indeed like she’d be able to protect more people more easily that way. So they run into a house and up to the third floor, from which they defend their fellow Order members downstairs. Because Efa is doing well, Edgar leaves her not too long after, ordering her to stay where she is. 
Inside the Sweets Shop - On his way to the side streets, to which the battle is slowly spreading, he sees Dedalus and Fabian inside Dedalus’ shop. He hurries to enter and ward everything, but not before giving Fabian his protective coat and sending him out into battle, telling him to show up for a date tomorrow night. Punctual. Alive. Then Edgar and Dedalus take care of the kids caught inside the shop, as well as the knocked out Death Eater, before, suddenly, Voldemort appears. 
Voldemort is targeting Dorcas and Annalise, and Edgar pushes Dedalus deeper into the shop. But realising that Dorcas being in danger will draw Efa down from her hide-out, Edgar runs back into the street as well, and together, from opposite sides of the road, they ward off any attempts of making it even harder on Dorcas and Annalise. 
Aftermath - Once back at the HQ, Edgar takes notes on everything that happened, on everything they lost.
Rigby and the Phoenix Part I - During the Debriefing, someone knocks on the door. It turns out it’s Rigby, who has just learnt today that this war is real, that the Death Eaters are really real, that the Order is really real, and who is now learning that his own siblings are in fact part of the Order. 
In This Play, We Reveal What Type of People We Are - Edgar works late into the night until he sees Peter Pettigrew watching him from the shadows. He learns that Peter faked his own death and now requires Edgar’s protection. 
22nd When Preparation Meets Opportunity - During the Battle of Diagon, Edgar gave his Phoenix Tag to Efa, aware that the Other Side already knows of him. He told her that once all of the veterans will be gone, they’ll need fresh faces to surprise the Other Side, which wasn’t a very comforting thought but at least had Efa accept the Tag. Now she is bringing it back to him, and Edgar, who worked all night through on the hostage and the List they found again, allows himself a moment of smiles: he is proud of Efa for how she fought yesterday and invites her to a breakfast. Perhaps also to charge her with some secret tasks.
The Inevitable Catastrophe - Peter has to pretend he’s dead. But Edgar doesn’t want his closest friends to go through the grief of losing another friend, so he brings them in to allow them to know he’s fine. He makes them promise not to ask questions and finds himself disappointed that wanting to know what happened is all that’s on their mind anyway, believing that if Peter doesn’t feel loved, he might betray them again. When Remus offers to stay over, he’s relieved. Afterwards, he burns the plan James made to find out the spy, as it could now risk Peter’s life but also out of disappointment for not having been of more use. He asks the question: Protecting Peter, giving him a second chance, it’s smart, but is it fairness or weakness?
The End of Alcott Avery - Artem and Bran brought in a hostage, which is being interrogated all through the night and the next day. After the thing with Peter is taking care of, Edgar joins Severus for a last interrogation, but Avery brings barely any new information to the table, and before they can do anything, Bran kills him with a knife. 
24th Beginnings are Endings - The attack on Diagon brought more attention to the Order than ever before -- it seems -- and with that attention comes a new recruit: Lucinda Talkalot. On the 24th, Edgar finds her snooping around the House of Bones, and so Edgar gives her a little tour to test her.
25th The End of Alcott Avery Part II - At the office of the Daily Prophet, the news break that the family of Alcott Avery has fled, and Edgar realises quickly that it’s got to do with the murder of Alcott. He writes Caradoc to tell him, though he doesn’t quite know for which goal, and sees Ainsley across the office also reaching for stationery, possibly to inform the Other Side of the same.
28th Rigby and the Phoenix Part II - Edgar goes to meet Rigby at his apartment, finding Andros instead. The two have a pleasant conversation until Rigby comes home and bans Edgar from ever talking to his family again, as Edgar is ‘dangerous’. 
Omnia Muntantur - After this, Edgar’s mental health deteriorates and he begins warding everything more intensely, the intrusive thoughts forcing more and more patterns into his life. Meeting with Marlene after the fiasco at Rigby’s brings him at least some relaxation.
30th The End of Alcott Avery Part III - As Edgar watches the Fighting Club to figure out new battle strategies, Caradoc finds him and hands him a Muggle paper from Liverpool. In it, the death of the Avery family is reported. Edgar’s not sure if it’s a victory or a failing on their part, but what’s certain is that the Other Side will kill everyone who dares to desert. It at least reassures him that keeping Peter being alive a secret was the right decision.
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sidneypoindexter · 2 years
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happy homestuck day you bastards here's Team Smurf as homestuck godtiers. i took the official Extended Sign Quiz for this and then pored over several classpect analysis blogs for the classes.
clumsy is the only motherfucker in this stupid team who's a prospit dreamer. shakes fist at either hefty or smurfette you are RUINING the symmetry of a sburb group.
Brainy is a Thief of Light:
Those bound to the aspect of Light are the universe's knowledge-seekers. They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge's sake. They are the ultimate students, and although that might conjure up the image of people sitting around peacefully waiting for knowledge to be brought to them, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Light-bound will go after knowledge with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren't overly concerned with laws or norms, either. They often take rules as simple suggestions, instead searching for loopholes or work-arounds. At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive.
Smurfette is a Rogue of Time:
Those bound to the aspect of Time are fighters, full stop. Their lives are often marked by struggle, not so much because fate has it in for them, but because they are fundamentally incapable of just accepting things as they come. They value action over passive acceptance, even if that may not be the wisest or safest choice. Don't try to tell a Time-bound to sit still and look pretty. They are very goal-focused, and tend to value the destination over the journey, and you won't find them making that journey in any traditional sort of way. To quote cheesy posters found on many a guidance counselor's wall-"impossible is just a word". If you need a miracle, they are who you call. At their best, the Time-bound are empathetic and relentless problem-solvers. At their worst they are ruthless, defensive, and impulsive.
Clumsy is a Maid of Life:
Those bound to the aspect of Life are the universe's healers. They are concerned with the betterment of themselves and those around them, as well as the onward march of positive progress. Deeply empathetic, they have an intuitive understanding of other's suffering and the best way of righting those wrongs. If you're poisoned, chances are the Life-bound have something for what ails ya. This applies to both physical and mental suffering, though it might not be a cure you'll like. They also have the tendency to put other's needs before their own, which never ends well for anyone, because the Life-bound can grow bitter if they feel their own self-care has had to be shunted aside. At their best, they are great listeners, caretakers, and nurturers. At their worst, the Life-bound are passive aggressive, and pushy-they're certain they know best.
And Hefty is an Heir of Heart, although he doesn't really fit the official Heart description. I just kept it because hee hee funny he has a heart tattoo.
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"Love is the stranger with a strange language. Love is the language that cannot be said or heard." Rumi
"Happiness will come when you bring happiness to others." Gyalwang Drukpa
"You will know you have forgiven the past when you no longer react to it." Buddhist wisdom
"Learn who you are. Unlearn who they told you to be." Sylvester McNutt
"It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living." Eckhart Tolle
"The past no longer is. The future has not yet come. So look deeply at life as it is." Gyalwang Drukpa
"Negativity is never the optimum way of dealing with any situation. In fact, in most cases it keeps you stuck in it, blocking real change." Eckhart Tolle
"A very good practice for preventing anger in the first place is to become masterful at listening." Gyalwang Drukpa
"He who despairs of the human condition is a coward, but he who has hope for it is a fool." Albert Camus
"Sufi secrets are perceived, not understood by words." Rumi
"Learn to watch and wait. Emotions come and go like waves on the shore, so if you can be mindful of them you will understand where they come from and also that they are impermanent, like everything." Gyalwang Drukpa
"Pain is all about non-acceptance." Ajahn Brahm
"The donkey which brought you to this door must be dismissed if you want to get through it." Sufi saying
"Give quietly; don't make a song and dance about it." Gyalwang Drukpa
"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." Charles W. Eliot
"If the Universe put a dream in your heart, it has every intention for you to make it happen." Anonymous
"If you disagree with someone, make a conscious effort to step into their shoes and see the situation from their point of view. Even if you continue to disagree, you will gain some understanding." Gyalwang Drukpa
"People trying to change the world to make themselves feel better are doing a service neither for the world nor themselves." Anonymous
"Practice leaving things be. Let others be themselves—who are we to judge?—and let us concentrate on improving our own minds and our own lives instead." Gyalwang Drukpa
"There is no such thing as permanence at all. Everything is constantly changing. Everything is in a flux. Because you cannot face the impermanence of all relationships, you invent sentiments, romance, and dramatic emotions to give them certainty. Therefore you are always in conflict." U.G. Krishnamurti
"Love invites you to break the bonds of ignorance. To ask any question. To seek any answer. To share any thought. To worship any God." Neale Donald Walsch
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evilmemes · 4 years
Feel free to change pronouns as needed.
❝ One thing i know: that i don’t know everything. This is the source of my wisdom. ❞
❝ Good people do not need law to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. ❞
❝ You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. ❞
❝ There is nothing permanent except change. ❞
❝ I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well. ❞
❝ Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is just opinion. ❞
❝ Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. ❞
❝ All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine. ❞
❝ Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist. ❞
❝ Let no man be called happy before his death. Till then, he is not happy, only lucky. ❞
❝ Excess of grief for the dead is madness; for it is an injury to the living, and the dead know it not. ❞
❝ It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs. They expect too much of ordinary men. ❞
❝ Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. ❞
❝ Wait for the wisest of all counselors: time. ❞
❝ Man: a being in search of meaning. ❞
❝ I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better. ❞
❝ I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. ❞
❝ Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything. ❞
❝ I know that each one of us travels to love alone, alone to faith and to death. I know it. I've tried it. It doesn't help. Let me come with you. ❞
❝ You'll come to learn a great deal if you study the Insignificant in depth. ❞
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Songfic with ‘Fallin' all in you’ by Shawn Mendes.
with Jackson ‘Jax’ Teller.
Request: Hellooo love!! How are You?? Hope You good💕 could I request a jax teller x reader? Jax propose to the reader and then they have a wedding and some smutt!! Thank you honeeeyyy💕💕💕 love your work!! Just keep going💗 You are amazing🥰
The marriage proposal.
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Warnings: none, fluff af.
Word count: about 1.7k
Aurora says: I didn't write the smut part because I thought that didn't fit in. this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
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Sunrise with you on my chest. No blinds in the place where I live, daybreak, open your eyes. This was only ever meant to be for one night. Still, we're changing our minds here. Be yours, be my dear.
Today is the day. Today is the day when you're going to marry your best friend, your partner in crime, the love of your life, the best man you could ever know. And even if it's supposed that the night before you shouldn't sleep together, you don't believe in superstition. You two wanted to wake up as a couple to go to sleep as a married couple. Your nose caresses his, purring as he closes his arms tightly around your body. One of your hands tour his neck slowly, with the tip of your fingers running over his skin and flooding on his lips, gently and sleepy kissing them. One second after, his mouth meets yours with a soft move before opening his eyes.
“You on time to run away”. He whispers with a hoarse and deep tone of voice.
“You too”. You chuckle sinking your face under his chin.
“I love you, darling”.
“I love you more, Jackie boy”.
So close with you on my lips, touch noses, feeling your breath. Push your heart and pull away. Be my summer in a winter day love. I can't see one thing wrong between the both of us. Be mine, anytime.
When the door rings, you're ready to start with the preparatives at the clubhouse, where your wedding dress waits for you. But before you can go with your girls, Jax grabs your wrist to pull you into him with that dearly smile on his lips that shakes your legs.
“Goodbye, miss (Y/L/N). I will see you again calling yourself ‘Teller’”. He says very proud, peeking your lips with short kisses.
“That sounds amazing”. You mutter against his lips, surrounding his neck with both arms tangled on.
“I can't wait to be married”. Putting away a soft tuft of your hair, he leans forward to kiss your forehead with all the love he carries on his chest.
“Then, hurry. I'm the one who has to be late, remember?”
Fast forward a couple years, grown up in the place that we live. Make love, then we fight, and laugh 'cause it was only meant to be for one night, baby. I guess we can't control what's just not up to us.
You're sitting on a stool in Jax dorms, while Laila does your hair. A beautiful braid decorated with white flowers on it. Watching the long white silk dress hanging from the top of the bathroom door, you can't help but think about the day you met. It was like fifteen years ago, in the kinder garden. Actually, it was really cute because there were some children trying to take off from you a teddy bear, because apparently you were too old to play with him. And Jax appeared from nowhere, followed by Opie. You still laugh because of the looks on their faces.
“That's ready, honey. Do you wanna see it?” Layla asks you while you stand up, straight to hug her.
“It isn't necessary. I would trust you my life”. You just say, before being interrupted by Gemma.
“Look at you…” She said almost in tears, opening and closing the door as fast as she can, to hold you into her arms. “You're going to be the most beautiful Old Lady ever…”
“Do you think that… Jax would like it?”
“Of course he will, sweetheart”.
Every time I see you, baby, I get lost. If I'm dreaming, baby, please don't wake me up. Every night I'm with you, I fall more in love. Now I'm laying by your side and everything feels right since you came along.
The front yard of Teller-Morrow is completely changed. The main door is closed and covered, so you will have the intimacy you deserve. Maybe it isn't the most romantic place on earth, but it's the one where you grow up with Jax and your families. There's a big flowers arch as an altar, and the alley to it it's in the middle of the guests. You will have to walk over a red carpet as if you were a star, because Tig said so.
When the door of the clubhouse gets opened and your bridesmaids step out from it, the soft music floods the crowded yard. The girls positioned themselves at the right of Jackson, waiting impatiently on the altar with Opie putting well on his tie and the flower on the lapel. But as soon as your future husband watches you walk towards him, grabbed to your father's arm, he breaks into tears. You can hear some chuckles, some kindly whispers, and Jax laughing between a soft cry, so proud of what he is seeing.
Oh, you know I've been alone for quite a while. Haven't I? I thought I knew it all, found love, but I was wrong more times than enough. But since you came along…
“When I met you, fifteen years ago… I promised you that I would protect you with my life”. He has to do a brief pause, freeing your hands to clear his tears with the back of them. “You made me a better man. You took care of me, loved me unconditionally, without asking anything back. You have been my best friend since ever, my counselor, my anchor to keep floating, and I can't wait to continue my life with you, (Y/N). I can't wait to have a family with you. To come back home everyday and fall asleep with you between my arms. I will never love anyone like I love you. And I want to show it to you every single second for the rest of my life, 'cause I'm the luckiest man on earth. You're kind, attentive, motivating, honest, careful, loyal. You are perfect for me, and I couldn't imagine a day without you”.
Leaning forward, Jackson kisses your cheek, taking the advantage to clean his tears with your fingers. You know everything that he thinks about you, but these words just make it real. For a second, you thought you were dreaming. That the wedding was a dream and that you would wake up before kissing him again. But there you are, stunning and making your future husband running out of air with a charming smile.
“I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my life, than doing it by your side, Jackson. You are the most intelligent and courageous man I have ever met. Your sense of… keeping close your family, your brothers, your friends… That's what makes the difference. You put their welfare before your own, and that makes you a good man. If your father would be here, he would be proud of who you are and of who you are becoming”. John always loved you like his own daughter, and he used to say that Jax and you would end up married. But you two always used to laugh about the idea, until three years ago when you got badly drunk. And a one-night-stand and an apparently big mistake, made real his prophecy. “Your father told me once that we were made for each other, destined to meet us, destined to protect each other, destined to respect each other. Destined to love each other. Your father was the wisest man I have ever met, even if I thought that he was wrong. And I can't wait to start calling you ‘my husband, ‘my family’ for the rest of my life”.
I'm thinking, baby, you are bringing out a different kind of me. There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free fallin' all in. You fell for men who weren't how they appear. Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free, fallin' all in you.
It's supposed that you should put the golden ring in each other's finger, but Chibs is crying so deep that he can't even say a single word, making the guests laugh when Bobby pushes him out of the altar.
“Fucking scottish… Or you're drunk, or you're crying”. He mumbles rolling his eyes, before grabbing the wedding rings from Opie's hands.
“I saw him once crying and drinking”. Jackson chuckles, infecting your families there.
“Here we go, brother”. Opie narrows his shoulders, before placing himself with the groomsmen behind him.
“I, Jackson Nathaniel Teller, take you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part”. Putting in your shaky finger the ring, with his oceanic eyes on yours, you're trying to contain the tears you have been hiding since you woke up on your shared bed.
“I, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), take you, Jackson Nathaniel Teller, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part”. You can't help but laugh softly when you notice that he's more nervous than you, holding his hand to put in the wedding ring.
“Aye, ye can kiss yer wife, kid”. Kicking out Bobby's ass, Chibs appears again cleaning his tears. “I haven' been five month practicing ti not say these words”.
Fallin' all in you.
You can assure that his lips are softer than never, with your fingers tangled with his, kissing him under the cheerings of everyone around you two. Jax can't help but hug you. Tightly, dearly.
“I will always love you”. He mutters with a broken voice, intertwining your fingers in his scalp to push him closer.
“Not even death will set us part, Jax”.
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✨ Tag list:
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If you want to be tagged, send me a message!
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amindofstone · 4 years
One and only
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a/n: For better reading keep in mind that the words in italic are Bellas (readers) train of thoughts.
Member: Monsta X, Yoo Kihyun
Genre: Royal AU
Info: I genuinely apologize for grammar or spelling mistakes. English is not my mother tongue and I´m trying to improve. So please have mercy.
Words: 1572
Warnings: mention of violence (getting whipped), forbidden love?
!!! The text is made by me and is therefore mine but the picture used is not. Please do not steal my work or idea(s). Credit me if used !!!
Panic was written all over her face when she saw who stood in front of her door. Her body froze and her mind was blank. With a racing heart and big eyes she was looking into the ones of the person standing in the empty corridor. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to slam the door at his face and lock herself up but her body didn´t listen to her. How could it listen when her brain was not working anymore? Like a statue she was standing there. All she did was look into the chocolate brown eyes of the man in front of her. A man she shouldn´t be able to see in person. “Good evening. Am I disturbing you?”
The moment Bella heard the voice of the man standing in front of her, reality hit her and she instantly fell on her knees. “Sir!” Panic took over her heart and mind. Although it was a warm autumn night she started to tremble from head to toe. What if someone sees me with him? “Please don´t. Stand up.”, and again the man spoke softly to her. “Please don´t speak to me. Sir, please. Please leave.”
Her vision slowly started to get blurry while the emotions she always tried to burry deep inside of her, bit by bit made their way back out only to take over her heart again. They threatened to take over her mind, heart and soul all over again. Sir Kihyun knelt down on one knee to take her hands and make her stand up but she winced back. Her eyes that were fixed to the ground were fighting with the tears that threatened to fall down while the royal in front of her wanted nothing else than just to hold her. “May I come in please?”, he carefully spoke to her again with the hope to have her in his arms again. The hope and wish to have her in his arms never left him and gave him strength day by day. Hope that made him finish all of his duties as fast as he could just so he could come and spend a few hours with the person he always longed for.
“You are not allowed to be in this quarter nor are you allowed to be with me. I don´t want you to get in trouble. Please leave. I beg you.”, Like every other night she tried to get rid of him but nothing helped. There is absolutely nothing she tried but no matter what it was she always failed.
She tried not to open the door for him and locked it but got nowhere with it. He did left that night but came the next with spare keys. He knocked on the door and asked for permission to enter but when she didn´t gave him an answer he entered and held her in his arms while she cried again.
She even changed her room with other maids but he eventually managed to find her one night. She tried to threaten him with leaving the palace but that got her also nowhere because he knew that she wouldn´t leave her younger sister behind and all alone.
“No, it´s alright. Nothing is going to happen. No one will hurt you or your sister. I give you my word.”
Hearing him say those words sadden her even more. She knew that nothing will happen to her or her sister. And even if something would happen to her she wouldn´t mind. What worried her is not her own safety but rather that of the man in front of her who was the king’s nephew. Whose father was not only loved by the king as his brother but also as his wisest counselor.
She will never forget the day the young royal got carried into the health quarter. She remembers his pained face and the tears in his eyes he tried to hold back. He was suffering but she didn’t know what was going on until his oldest brother ripped his shirt into two and revealed his back. Traces of whips could be seen on his entire back. Some were new wounds some were old. And those that were on the way to heal were opened all over again. When she looked up to his face she saw nothing else than pride. “It´s alright. It will heal.”
The memories haunted her until today while she always wondered how it was always him that suffered that pain. Why is he always the one that has to take the punishments and not she? All in all it was her to whom he always came. “Bella, I beg you please let me come in. Allow me to hold you.”
With that he tried to take her hands again and make her stand up but she backed off again. He shouldn´t be here. What should I do? “Please I beg you, love. May I enter? Please.”
She hesitated but nodded. He took her hands and made her stand up. Although she wasn´t sure if she was doing the right thing she stepped aside so he could enter properly. A relived sigh left him before he entered Bella’s room and closed the door. Compared to the other maid’s rooms hers was quite bigger since she was nursing at the palace hospital and had a higher status. But it still was a simple room that only had the important furniture’s and no decorations except of the many flowers she takes care of. And still absolutely not comparably with the chambers of the royal family or their counselors. Bella was still more than happy with what she had and never could ask for more. She had everything her heart could ask for. A wardrobe, desk, dresser, mirror and a bed that was big enough for her to share with her sister when she comes over to sleep with her.
Kihyun slowly came closer to embrace her in a comforting hug. When he stood in front of her he stopped in his tracks just to wait and see if she back offs again. But she didn´t and let him hug her while he inhaled her scent and buried his face on her neck. “You came from the ball. Why did you leave your date for the night behind? I´m not sure but I don´t think that this is really gentleman like.” Kihyun broke the hug with a short laughter and took his jacket off. Bella reached for it and wanted to take it from him but he pushed her hands away and let it fall to the ground. “It´s just a piece of clothing so let it be.” Kihyun took her face in his hands and looked her straight in the eyes. “My date for tonight was my beloved sister and my mother. They told me that they will watch my back so I can come see you. Do you really think that I would take some random woman to the ball? Do you really think that I would take a woman to the ball I don´t know and never looked at? And on top of that spend the entire evening with? No, my love. To me you are the only woman that suits me and forever will. I love you and only you. You are the only one I see no matter where I look. Bella, I love so much from the bottom of my heart. I´ll do anything for you. Please I beg you believe me when I say that I love you. I can´t live without you. I really love you to the point it hurts me. It feels like my heart is bleeding while my soul is in the process of dying. But that death is just not coming closer. My soul is stuck in that circle of pain although it tries to get out. But sadly it´s too weak so it is forced to suffer.”
The tears that threatened to fall the moment she saw him standing in front of her door now made their way out. One tear after another fell and nothing could stop them. Her heart was aching and her mind was searching for a way to end the pain but was failing miserably like any other time. Bella felt numb. She didn´t know what to do anymore so she just stood there and cried again. She felt weak and useless. Empty and pathetic. But what could she do? She was just a maid in the palace that was lucky to be loved by a royal but the most dumbest to fall for her lover. How pathetic of me to fall for a royal. “Please don´t cry. I can´t bear seeing you cry. My heart is not able to handle more pain.”
A tender kiss was placed on her lips while her body was softly pressed against his. A soft kiss followed by a soft hug with the fear of her getting hurt if he does not take care of his actions. Bella broke the kiss and pushed him slowly a way. She couldn´t look up to his eyes as much as she wanted to. She wanted to be hold and kissed by him more and longer but she knew that the more she allowed him the more she would fall for him. She couldn´t bear neither the pain nor the heartbreak. They needed to stop.
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Death of Me
This started out as a Will Miller fanfic and then it just sort of didn't happen? I'm not actually sure what happened here? It's more of just a generic ramble about shit, but I guess you could read it for any of the TF guys? Or just a shitty ramble about PTSD/depression/mental health in general? I really don't know. I'm only gonna post half of it though because I might use it for actual uni work at some point, lol. 😅
Pairing: None...🤷‍♀️
Genre: Angst
Warnings: some very thinly vailed PTSD/depression/mental health rambling
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Time is a dick.
Because your whole life people had been telling you it got better in time. Time heals all wounds. The two most powerful worriers are patients and time. Time is the wisest counselor of all.
You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.
Time is an illusion.
No, you know what Einstein? Time isn’t the illusion here. Time is pain. Time is heartache. Time is a thousand fucking milliseconds that will never be forgotten. It’s the clusterfuck of bad memories swimming around like fucking sharks, lying in wait for their next victim because they have nothing better to do with their time.
A minute may only be sixty seconds but that means fuck all when you’re drowning in a pool of your own self-pity, unable to reach the surface for the air you desperately need because fucking time is dragging you down like a ticking-T.I.M.E-bomb ready to blow you up if you hit the bottom anyway.
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squirrelspider · 4 years
"Love is the stranger with a strange language. Love is the language that cannot be said or heard." Rumi
"Happiness will come when you bring happiness to others." Gyalwang Drukpa
"You will know you have forgiven the past when you no longer react to it." Buddhist wisdom
"Learn who you are. Unlearn who they told you to be." Sylvester McNutt
"It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living." Eckhart Tolle
"The past no longer is. The future has not yet come. So look deeply at life as it is." Gyalwang Drukpa
"Negativity is never the optimum way of dealing with any situation. In fact, in most cases it keeps you stuck in it, blocking real change." Eckhart Tolle
"A very good practice for preventing anger in the first place is to become masterful at listening." Gyalwang Drukpa
"He who despairs of the human condition is a coward, but he who has hope for it is a fool." Albert Camus
"Sufi secrets are perceived, not understood by words." Rumi
"Learn to watch and wait. Emotions come and go like waves on the shore, so if you can be mindful of them you will understand where they come from and also that they are impermanent, like everything." Gyalwang Drukpa
"Pain is all about non-acceptance." Ajahn Brahm
"The donkey which brought you to this door must be dismissed if you want to get through it." Sufi saying
"Give quietly; don't make a song and dance about it." Gyalwang Drukpa
"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." Charles W. Eliot
"If the Universe put a dream in your heart, it has every intention for you to make it happen." Anonymous
"If you disagree with someone, make a conscious effort to step into their shoes and see the situation from their point of view. Even if you continue to disagree, you will gain some understanding." Gyalwang Drukpa
"People trying to change the world to make themselves feel better are doing a service neither for the world nor themselves." Anonymous
"Practice leaving things be. Let others be themselves—who are we to judge?—and let us concentrate on improving our own minds and our own lives instead." Gyalwang Drukpa
"There is no such thing as permanence at all. Everything is constantly changing. Everything is in a flux. Because you cannot face the impermanence of all relationships, you invent sentiments, romance, and dramatic emotions to give them certainty. Therefore you are always in conflict." U.G. Krishnamurti
"Love invites you to break the bonds of ignorance. To ask any question. To seek any answer. To share any thought. To worship any God." Neale Donald Walsch
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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El rey Daemon I Fuegoscuro, nacido como Daemon Mares y apodado el Dragón Negro, fue el hijo bastardo del rey Aegon IV Targaryen y su prima, la princesa Daena Targaryen, siendo el mayor de los Grandes Bastardos. Fue fundador y cabeza de la Casa Fuegoscuro.
Daemon fue concebido durante el tiempo en que su madre, la princesa Daena Targaryen, estaba prisionera en la Bóveda de las Doncellas. A finales de 170 d.C., la princesa Daena dio a luz a un hijo bastardo a quien llamó Daemon en honor a su abuelo. Daena crió sola a su hijo y se rehusó a decir quién era el padre del niño; Daemon creció en la Fortaleza Roja y fue enseñado por los maestros más sabios y los mejores hombres de armas, entre ellos Ser Quentyn Ball, el maestro de armas del castillo. Creció amando la lucha y se distinguió como un excelente guerrero, a pesar de su corta edad.
Fue nombrado caballero por su padre, el rey Aegon, en su duodécimo día del nombre, al distinguirse en un torneo de escuderos. El rey le reconoció como su hijo bastardo y le entregó Fuegoscuro, la espada de acero valyrio de Aegon el Conquistador, además de tierras y otros honores. Desde ese momento, Daemon tomó el nombre Fuegoscuro para sí mismo, fundando una nueva casa noble
A la muerte de Aegon IV, el nuevo rey Daeron II acordó pagar la dote que el difunto rey había prometido al Arconte de Tyrosh para que su hija Rohanne pudiera casarse con Daemon. Daemon dijo que no pretendía ese matrimonio, pero finalmente decidió honrar a sus padres de acuerdo a sus deseos. El día de su boda, Daeron le concedió tierras cerca del Aguasnegras para construir un castillo sobre ellas como regalo de bodas. Daemon y su esposa llegaron a tener siete hijos y al menos dos hijas.
Después de que el rey Aegon IV legitimara a sus bastardos antes de morir, Daemon esperó algún tiempo antes de rebelarse. Reunió consejeros, quienes le urgieron a reclamar el trono, especialmente su medio hermano Aegor Ríos y su amigo Quentyn Ball. Se cree que fue la boda de la princesa Daenerys con el Príncipe de Dorne Maron Martell lo que desencadenó la Rebelión Fuegoscuro. Daemon participó en el torneo que se celebró en honor a la boda y fue derrotado en las justas por el príncipe Baelor Targaryen.
Se sabía que Daemon estaba enamorado de la princesa; que ese sentimiento era correspondido es objeto de dudas pero doce años después de la muerte de Aegon IV, Daemon reclamó el Trono de Hierro como verdadero heredero de su padre y lideró la rebelión contra su medio hermano, Daeron II. Daemon atrajo muchos seguidores con sus habilidades militares y por poseer la espada Fuegoscuro, lo que le valió el apodo del Rey que esgrimió la Espada. Muchos a quienes les desagradaban las costumbres dornienses y el carácter académico de la corte de Daeron, prefirieron el fuerte carisma de Daemon por encima del conocimiento y la religión.
La batalla decisiva de la guerra se peleó en el Prado Hierbarroja. De acuerdo a Ser Eustace Osgrey, quien peleó en el bando rebelde, Daemon peleó "como el Guerrero encarnado". Derrotó a Ser Gwayne Corbray de la Guardia Real en un combate singular que duró casi una hora. Luego, en vez de atacar a las fuerzas del príncipe Maekar, defendió al malherido Corbray y ayudó a sacarlo de la batalla.
Entretanto, Brynden Ríos y sus Picos de Cuervo encontraron un lugar elevado desde el que poder disparar flechas hacia las fuerzas de Daemon. Daemon y sus hijos gemelos, Aemon y Aegon, murieron. Con ello, las posibilidades de victoria de los rebeldes se esfumaron.
Los hijos sobrevivientes de Daemon fueron exiliados junto a Aegor Ríos. Sus descendientes se rebelaron al menos cuatro veces más, hasta que Maelys el Monstruoso, el último de su linaje, fue asesinado por Ser Barristan Selmy al término de la Guerra de los Reyes Nuevepeniques.
Puede que haya sido un guerrero formidable y ambicioso como lo fue el príncipe Daemon, pero al final pasa lo mismo que con otros hermanos... Pelean por el trono y de todas formas la guerra solo sirvió para causar muerte, miedo y problemas por las ambiciones y la envidia de un hermano menor.
King Daemon I Firefighter, born Daemon Mares and nicknamed the Black Dragon, was the bastard son of King Aegon IV Targaryen and his cousin, Princess Daena Targaryen, being the eldest of the Great Bastards. He was founder and head of the Casa Fuegoscuro.
Daemon was conceived during the time that his mother, Princess Daena Targaryen, was being held prisoner in the Vault of the Maidens. In late AD 170, Princess Daena gave birth to a bastard son whom he named Daemon in honor of his grandfather. Daena raised her son alone and refused to say who the boy's father was; Daemon grew up in the Red Keep and was taught by the wisest masters and best men-at-arms, including Ser Quentyn Ball, the castle's master-at-arms. He grew up loving the fight and distinguished himself as an excellent warrior, despite his young age.
He was knighted by his father, King Aegon, on his twelfth day of the name, by distinguishing himself in a squire tournament. The king recognized him as his bastard son and presented him with Darkfire, the Valyrian steel sword of Aegon the Conqueror, in addition to land and other honors. From that moment, Daemon took the name Fuegoscuro for himself, founding a new noble house
On the death of Aegon IV, the new King Daeron II agreed to pay the dowry that the late King had promised to the Archon of Tyrosh so that his daughter Rohanne could marry Daemon. Daemon said he did not intend that marriage, but ultimately decided to honor his parents according to their wishes. On his wedding day, Daeron granted him land near the Blackwater to build a castle on it as a wedding gift. Daemon and his wife grew to have seven sons and at least two daughters.
After King Aegon IV legitimized his bastards before he died, Daemon waited for some time before rebelling. He gathered counselors, who urged him to claim the throne, especially his half brother Aegor Ríos and his friend Quentyn Ball. It is believed that it was Princess Daenerys' wedding to Prince of Dorne Maron Martell that sparked the Darkfire Rebellion. Daemon participated in the tournament that was held in honor of the wedding and was defeated in the jousts by Prince Baelor Targaryen.
Daemon was known to be in love with the princess; that this sentiment was reciprocated is a matter of doubt but twelve years after the death of Aegon IV, Daemon claimed the Iron Throne as his father's true heir and led the rebellion against his half brother, Daeron II. Daemon attracted many followers with his military skills and for possessing the Darkfire sword, earning him the nickname of the King who wielded the Sword. Many who disliked Dornian customs and the academic character of the Daeron court, preferred Daemon's strong charisma over knowledge and religion.
The decisive battle of the war was fought in the Prado Hierbarroja. According to Ser Eustace Osgrey, who fought on the rebel side, Daemon fought "like the Warrior incarnate." He defeated Ser Gwayne Corbray of the Royal Guard in a singular combat that lasted almost an hour. Then, instead of attacking Prince Maekar's forces, he defended the badly wounded Corbray and helped pull him out of battle.
Meanwhile, Brynden Ríos and his Raven Beaks found a high place from which to shoot arrows at Daemon's forces. Daemon and his twin sons, Aemon and Aegon, died. With this, the chances of victory for the rebels disappeared.
Daemon's surviving sons were exiled alongside Aegor Rios. His descendants rebelled at least four more times, until Maelys the Monster, the last of his lineage, was killed by Ser Barristan Selmy at the end of the War of the Ninepenny Kings.
He may have been a formidable and ambitious warrior as Prince Daemon was, but in the end the same thing happens with other brothers ... They fight for the throne and anyway the war only served to cause death, fear and problems for the ambitions and envy of a younger brother.
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aaronhart93-archive · 4 years
discord text/facetime call  || alison & aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron & @alison-haynes
When: September 2, 2020
Mentions: @luca-regio @romanbeckett
Description: Alison and Aaron make up AGAIN. 
TW: pregnancy, fighting co parents
I need to talk to you.
On Facetime.
is Des okay
Incoming FaceTime Call
lets the phone ring for a moment before sighing and finally deciding to pick up what?
Alison has red eyes from crying, but waves slightly when seeing Aaron Hi. How are you?
Aaron kind of just rolled his eyes. I’m in fucking rehab.
Alison takes a deep breath, then let’s out a shaky breath I called to apologize, Aaron.
He cleared his throat and blinked as his heart sank to his stomach. Yeah, Roman just texted me right before you called and told me you apologized to him. Umm...thanks. I guess.
Alison looked at Aaron I didn’t do it for you. You don’t have to thank me. I apologized to him because I meant it.
Well, hes my partner. And what you said affected the both of us. He felt his throat tighten
Alison sighs softly Which is why I am calling to apologize to you now.
Aaron took a sharp breath in, a little shocked that she was coming to him first. He just looked at the camera silently and waited
Alison took a deep breath Aaron, I am sorry for the things I said to your boyfriend. I was having a hard day, and you were right, I took it out on him. And that was wrong of me.
His chest tightened and he took several deep breaths before answering Thank you. he wasn’t quite sure what else he wanted to say
Alison knew there was more she had to say to clear the air, but she took another shaky breath I never wanted to hurt Roman, or you. And I want to make it right with both of you.
this was the mother of his child. How could he stay mad at her for long? I know, Ali.
A tear slipped from Ali’s eye, knowing she had to be open and honest with Aaron the same way she had been with Roman. I’m scared that when the baby comes, that Des won’t feel as connected to me anymore. And that she’ll have two parents at your place, and won’t feel like she needs me anymore. And I shouldn’t have pushed Roman away for my own insecurities.
oh. aaron stared at the camera, again shocked that she was admitting that to him Alison... he literally had no idea what he wanted to say
Alison stared back at Aaron, remaining quiet for a minute. I’m still trying to get used to this new family we have. she said in a shaky tone
Aaron could understand that because he was trying to get used to that too. Clearly. Yeah. I know. Me too.
Its not as easy as we thought it would be. Alison sighs And I’m scared that I’m already losing you, losing Destiny too isn’t an option.
he finally gave in Alison, you’re not going to lose me. You can’t. You’re the mother of my child and I’d be lost without you. Yes, lately it’s been up and down. But there’s so much change right now. We have to get through it together. Which means.... he paused and took a deep breath it means that we need to accept the way things are and our own lives. with our partners. I’m sorry I keep being such an ass about Luca. I thought it was just going to be temporary, and that he’s someone just go away. 
Of course Alison had known that, but she still nodded with a soft sigh I know, it has just been really hard lately with us. And, I don't want to lose you, but sometimes its hard to feel as though I am not losing you. Alison nodded quickly Yeah, we need to accept that part. Alison wiped a tear from her face Whatever happens between Luca and I, which I'm hoping is a long happy ending, but if it isn't, he is still going to be around. I mean, he is the father of my child too. He isn't going anywhere, and he is going to be involved in his sons life. Which means, you two are going to have to get along eventually for the sake of the children.
Aaron sighed. The thought of losing Alison terrified him. I know. I’ve felt that way too. He looked away from the camera Yeah. I know. I like him still. But I don’t think he’s going to be a bad father. I can promise to keep the peace with him if he can promise that too.
Alison knew that Luca wouldn’t go looking for a fight with Aaron I’m sure he can promise that. But I feel like I shouldn’t be the one to rely that message to him, I think you two should talk. Ali said softly, not sure how Aaron would take that idea And I’m working on myself, and I’m okay with Des’ relationship with Roman.
he felt like he was going to cry. This was such a weight lifted off of his shoulder. I mean...if you can work on this with Roman. I guess I can work on it with Luca. My counselor had been telling me to reach out to him anyway. Does he know I’m in rehab?
Roman is important to you, I’m going to keep on working at on my relationship with him. Alison glanced down, not sure that Aaron would like that she had told Luca, he was in rehab. Yeah, he knows you are in rehab.
Thank you. he presses his lips together and nods once Yeah, I figured he did.
You’re welcome. Alison let out a shaky breath He’s my boyfriend, I had to be honest with him. But he hasn’t told anyone. Don’t worry.
he nods in understanding Yeah I get it.
Alison rubs the back of her neck Uh — what time will you be home this weekend?
He clears his throat Saturday morning. I’m going to attempt that party that night. But I don’t know how that’s going to go. Um, what about me taking Des for a big chunk of next week since I’ve been gone for so long?
Alison debates bringing it up, but decided to Is it really a good idea for you to go to a party that night? Looks back to the camera Yeah, she’s going with Roman Friday afternoon. And then I can keep her Saturday so you can settle in, and then I’ll bring her to your house Sunday and you can keep her for the week. Does that work?
he tries to not roll his eyes, but this was Alison and she was just looking out for him Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve been talking to my counselor a lot about it. I’m gonna go say hi and congratulate Emily. And Ro and I will probably leave early, but you Ro and Ellie can all help keep me in check. he smiles brightly yeah, that’s perfect. I’m happy he’s taking her Friday.
Alison sighed at the thought, but knew there was no changing his mind Yeah, I don’t think it’s the wisest choice for you to stay too long. I would think you’d want to get home and settled in. Alison smiled softly back at him He took her to the movies today, and she was so happy when she came home.
he nods yeah. I do. I also just wanna be around people again. I don’t want it to be suspicious or anything. Like if I don’t go, I’m afraid people will ask questions. And I know Em would be upset if I didn’t go. his grin grows I know. They FaceTimed me. Ro said he hated the movie but said Des loved it and had a great time. his smiled fades I miss her.
I get that, but people think you are at a conference, it wouldn’t be hard to tell them your flight was delayed. Alison sighed, worried about Aaron She missed you too. She keeps asking when she is going to get to go to your house. So she’ll be excited to know she’ll be there Sunday. But, be warned you will get an earful about first grade and how great it is that she doesn’t have nap time anymore.
Aaron’s eyes darted away from the camera yeah. Maybe I won’t go. But I’m sure the kiddo is glad about that but I bet she’s exhausted when she gets home. She might be easier to put to bed in that case. he chuckles
Just think about it, okay? Alison didn’t mean to be pushy but it was who she was She is. She has been so tired, she practically put herself to sleep tonight after Roman dropped her off. I wanted to talk to her — about the baby — and she was already passed out when I got to her room.
I will. he felt like she was his mom. Again. But this was their typical dynamic so it was nice to be back What about the baby?
Alison smiled softly Luca and I had an appointment this afternoon and found out the gender of the baby. I wanted to tell her because she keeps asking if she is going to have a sister or a brother.
smiles softly realizing that earlier she told him she was having a boy wait, you’re having a boy?
Alison nods into the camera We are having a boy
smiles big and genuinely. that’s amazing Ali. Congratulations
A smile appears on her face when he smiles. Thanks, Aaron. It’s nice to finally know so we can start picking names and starting on the nursery. We’ll probably announce it sometime next week, but for now it’s just Luca, I, you and uh Roman who know, so if you can just keep it on the hush for now, that would be great.
he shrugs, smile still growing I mean... that’s our family now. So. Make sense that we’re the only ones who know.
She nodded Yeah, our family. Alison scratches the back of her neck nervously Maybe sometime soon we can have dinner, the four of us, and Des of course.
he furrows his brow, not too sure if he’s keen on that but nods anyway sure.
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
lets find out tumblrs collective classpect! (part 2: aspect)
if your aspect isnt here, please choose what you think fits you best from the available options. these options were chosen by vote on the last post, which you can find here! (originally supposed to be only 6 options, but there was a tie)
the winner of this poll will be crowned TUMBLR'S ASPECT and move on to the next poll, where we choose your class
aspect explanations for people who havent read homestuck/need a refresher under the cut (copy-pasted from the previous post)
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Time are fighters, full stop. Their lives are often marked by struggle, not so much because fate has it in for them, but because they are fundamentally incapable of just accepting things as they come. They value action over passive acceptance, even if that may not be the wisest or safest choice. Don't try to tell a Time-bound to sit still and look pretty. They are very goal-focused, and tend to value the destination over the journey, and you won't find them making that journey in any traditional sort of way. To quote cheesy posters found on many a guidance counselor's wall-"impossible is just a word". If you need a miracle, they are who you call. At their best, the Time-bound are empathetic and relentless problem-solvers. At their worst they are ruthless, defensive, and impulsive."
my keywords: destruction, artificiality, impulsivity
canonical examples: dave strider, aradia and damara megido, caliborn
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Space are, as the name suggests, concerned with the big picture. They are patient, masters of the art of 'wait-and-see', and are inclined to take things as they come. That isn't to say that they're pushovers or willing to let injustice lie-they just choose their battles wisely, understanding that sometimes you have to let something burn to the ground in order to build it back better and stronger than before. To this effect, they tend to be innovators, concerned with creation and redemption. Catch them recycling the old to make the new, the fresh, and the beautiful. For the Space-bound, the journey is as, if not more, important than the destination; how they do something is as important as what they do. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague."
my keywords: creation, manipulation, patience
canonical examples: jade harley, kanaya and porrim maryam, calliope
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Heart are very concerned with their favorite subject: themselves. It wouldn't be a stretch to call them 'self-obsessed', but not necessarily in a negative way. They simply want to understand the one thing we all are stuck with for our entire lives, i.e. our own minds. Forging an identity is extremely important to the Heart-bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent narrative of their own story. That isn't to say Heart-bound don't care deeply for their friends and allies; they just have a tendency to assume that everyone is as concerned with identity as they are. They are excellent at putting on and taking off masks as the situation calls for them. At their best, they are competent, imaginative, and steady. At their worst they can be overbearing, inflexible, and cold."
my keywords: feelings, the soul, personality
canonical examples: dirk strider, nepeta and meulin leijon
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Mind are-you guessed it-the universe's great thinkers. But don't for a second think that means that they have all the answers. They are very concerned with remaining rational, and they have such a firm hold on the constant conjunction of their thinking that it's easy for them to see the multitudes of the choices laid out before them, which often leaves them frozen and unable to act. That said, when a Mind-bound finally launches into action, they can execute a plan with unbelievable grace and precision. Their identity is fluid-it can change from day-to-day, from thought-to-thought, from interaction-to-interaction. Remaining logical is more important to them than building up a solid foundation of "self." At their best they are great innovators, architects, and creators. At their worst they can be nasty, inflexible, and indecisive."
my keywords: choices, alternate realities, thought
canonical examples: terezi and latula pyrope
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Light are the universe's knowledge-seekers. They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge's sake. They are the ultimate students, and although that might conjure up the image of people sitting around peacefully waiting for knowledge to be brought to them, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Light-bound will go after knowledge with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren't overly concerned with laws or norms, either. They often take rules as simple suggestions, instead searching for loopholes or work-arounds. At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive."
my keywords: luck, knowledge, perception
canonical examples: rose lalonde, vriska and aranea serket
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe's secret-keepers. The unknown doesn't scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. A blank page, an empty canvas, that's what the Void-bound live for. They value mystery and the unexplained, and are not particularly bothered by not having all the answers. Where others might be compelled to go out and seek answers, the Void-bound lean more toward casting doubt on what is already considered fully understood. They don't take much on faith and would rather live in a state of confusion than believe something that might be untrue or bow to intellectual authority. After all, in order for something new to be built, the old, rotting foundation must often be razed. At their best, Void-bound are wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst they can be dismissive, indecisive, and apathetic."
my keywords: confusion, secrets, infinity
canonical examples: roxy lalonde, equius and horuss zahhak
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Life are the universe's healers. They are concerned with the betterment of themselves and those around them, as well as the onward march of positive progress. Deeply empathetic, they have an intuitive understanding of other's suffering and the best way of righting those wrongs. If you're poisoned, chances are the Life-bound have something for what ails ya. This applies to both physical and mental suffering, though it might not be a cure you'll like. They also have the tendency to put other's needs before their own, which never ends well for anyone, because the Life-bound can grow bitter if they feel their own self-care has had to be shunted aside. At their best, they are great listeners, caretakers, and nurturers. At their worst, the Life-bound are passive aggressive, and pushy-they're certain they know best."
my keywords: healing, positivity, growth
canonical examples: jane crocker, feferi and meenah peixes
explanation from the extended zodiac: "Those bound to the aspect of Doom are fate's chosen sufferers. It may not sound like an overly pleasant aspect to be aligned with, but it does come along with great wisdom and empathy. The Doom-bound understand that misery loves company, and they are ready and willing to provide said company. The Doom-bound won't fix you; they aren't healers. They are commiserators, aware that sometimes the only thing you can do for a person is let them know that they are not alone in their suffering. They are not the advice friend-they're the friend you go to when you need to vent about a rough day at work. They are not necessarily noble martyrs, either-the Doom-bound can become quite irate about their lot. At their best they are wise, kind, and non-judgemental. At their worst, bitter, resentful, and fatalistic."
my keywords: death, negativity, rules
canonical examples: sollux and mituna captor
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spellnbone · 4 years
Tumblr media
Illness & Findings
The first three weeks of January were perhaps the hardest weeks for Edgar in a really long time. He fought with about everyone who matters to him and even the more hopeful moments (of lost friends returning) were all overshadowed by war. Edgar began pondering about a new theory: everyone is in one form or another afflicted by an illness. An illness caused by the tension of war which results in unfathomable weight and pain within them and expresses itself by symptoms called coping mechanisms. It is under this theory that he’s begun thinking of and interacting with other people.
1st No More Cakes and Ale? -> Edgar and Fabian are still at the Green Lion after Edgar found Fabian in the snow, drunk and beaten bloody. He realises not only that Fabian is suffering from enough pain (his “illness”) that he wishes to “leave” and copes by drinking. Helpless, Edgar tries to keep Fabian at the Green Lion away from drinks, but all he does is offering a shallow distraction from Fabian has yet to admit to.
2nd Voice -> After the second night at the Green Lion, that is, two nights during which Edgar didn’t tell anyone where he went, Caradoc shows up, suddenly, throwing him the news at his head. 120 people have died -- probably by the Orb. The Orb that the Order failed to steal from the Nott’s last month. Edgar is sent on his mission to collect information from Severus Snape, who seems to know more, but in the meantime he tells Fabian to go to his place and stay there until he returns.
3rd Resolutions -> It’s past midnight when Edgar gets home. He doesn’t find Fabian, though, he finds Amelia. She and Fabian fought, throwing ugly accusations at each other, most of them caused by and attacking Amelia’s fear of Edgar once again dropping her due to being in love with someone else. Due to this fight, the apartment is a mess and upon entering Edgar’s first thought is: someone broke in and attacked Fabian. He makes up with Amelia, but the effects are already showing: he tells her to leave his apartment and never come back, realising that even his hundredfold warded apartment is no longer a warless, safe space. And the idea of Amelia getting hurt causes new anxiety tics to arise.
4th Investigative investigation -> Trying to distract himself and still hoping Fabian comes back, Edgar spends his day at his Daily Prophet office, working. Artem comes to find him, asking him if he could perhaps help them find their old friends from a time they were still active in the Muggle queer spaces of London. Are they dead? Are they alive? Edgar, well aware of the epidemic in the US which is slowly turning into a pandemic, is cautious to promise anything, but he says he will try his best. At least it gives him something to do. Finding someone, anyone, could alleviate the weight of not knowing where Fabian is.
6th Epiphany -> Edgar misses Epiphany with his family. It’s the first time ever. He just can’t bring himself to go home right now, not with Rigby still waiting for an answer about his letter, not with Amelia still annoyed with Edgar. The Daily Rag -> Instead he goes to a local pub to drink (alone, when usually he’d ask Fabian to join him) and finds his old teenage celebrity crush: the infamous theatre fiasco from 1969, Mundungus Fletcher. Star struck and eager to have fun that night, Edgar agrees to join Fletcher on a little robbery. Elated that it works, they make out and have even more fun that night. The morning, upon remembering that Fletcher is an affiliate of the Order, is less fun.
8th -> The Order hears via Emma Vanity about Ryland Greengrass, who disappeared about three months ago and was assumed defected. They learn that instead he is in fact captured and held in his own family’s basement. Emma suggests that since on the 10th the Greengrass house will be empty, they should do their rescue mission then, and the Inner Circle agrees. Voice -> When Ryland first disappeared, Edgar wouldn’t believe it, trusting his old room mate and his loyalty to the Order too much, but upon bringing up the issue again and again, Caradoc told him to stop, to accept the facts and move on. The truth now being out causes even more tension to grow between the two friends, and it only gets worse when instead of instantly loving the idea to rescue Ryland, Caradoc raises the concern that this might be a trap.
9th Voice -> The Inner Circle meets, deciding to keep this mission a secret so that the mole can’t warn the Greengrass, and begin to come up with a plan. James makes great suggestions and while Edgar is grateful for that, he is still to infuriated with Caradoc to join the conversation much.
10th 7 years, 3 months, 1 change -> Once the Inner Circle finally have a solid plan, it’s already evening, and time is running out. They’ve decided on what is going to happen, but not who is going to execute the plan. Edgar, still aggravated by the whole situation and on top projecting his fear about Fabian onto Ryland, storms off without another warning, appointing Emma and Peter who just happen to be at the Head Quarters that day to join.
11th Cori Tauri -> The mission succeeds. Ryland has been saved and after some intense interrogations and a good night’s rest, Edgar takes him for a walk to assess the situation -- as well to reacquaint himself with his old friend. Between Hogwarts and now they had grown apart, but the night is peaceful, friendly, and Edgar finds himself relaxing for perhaps the first time in weeks. Ryland also tells Edgar to just go talk to Amelia already.
14th Doing well/Something -> It would be a lie to say that saving Ryland was enough to fully put Edgar back on his feet. The idea that the same thing is currently happening to Fabian who is still gone, keeps Edgar up at night. However he does manage to focus better on his work now and decides to finally talk to James. In a previous conversation James had complained that the other members of the Inner Circle don’t listen to him enough, and between this and his great suggestions during the planning of Ryland’s rescue, Edgar decides to give him a proper chance. They discuss how to find the mole and find out who in the Ministry might be on Voldemort’s side, and James, slowly warming up to Edgar (who is growing quite fond of him with every passing minute) promises to make a detailed plan that the Order will be able to act on.
15th Calendrical -> During the conversation with James, Edgar also tries to find out if he’s aware of Remus’ periodically returning injuries, and what he thinks of it, but James doesn’t seem eager to share any opinions on that, so Edgar approaches Mary. Mary takes into consideration the facts Edgar lays down for her (that Remus is hurt after every month, that he tries to protect the werewolves living in the forest by the McKinnon Farm, etc), and suggests they talk to the Marauders as well as Emmeline Vance who might have had a closer look at Remus’ injuries in the past. Neither of them dares to speak what they think: is Remus perhaps a werewolf? Voice -> Still at the Potter Estate, Edgar learns that Ryland is planning on finally moving out of the Potter Estate, moving back into his own home. Edgar panics, his tics consuming him fully until Caradoc finds him and makes him stop. Unfortunately, Edgar still doesn’t take Caradoc’s apology (nor wants to listen to what Caradocs wants to tell him) and leaves. Leaves, however, not without a thank you.
16th Reunion -> Edgar understands now that he too is afflicted by this war illness, and that he is not coping well at all, finally finds Amelia. Overjoyed to have each other back, the two spend the night together -- Edgar well aware that Amelia is his coping mechanism, and it’s yet another reason to keep her away from this war. If she joins and becomes ill as well, who will be able to save her?
17th Voice -> The next night, Edgar receives a letter from Caradoc, warning him that something happened at the Potter Estate. Edgar tells him he can handle it and goes alone. x -> Upon arriving there, it’s very late already. In a hushed whisper he’s told that Daisy has returned from her year-long sabbatical, and Edgar’s heart beats fast. Daisy is one of his oldest friends and he hasn’t seen her in a year. When finding her in a make-shift room, though, she’s already asleep and so he just joins her, nestling up and happy that one by one, he’s finding all his friends again.
18th  Back -> Not only do the two of them spend a lovely morning together, trying to catch up, but Daisy also gives Edgar a photo camera. While talking, Edgar has to realise though, that going away (like Daisy did) might be the only way to escape this war. And that contrary to Daisy some might do it deliberately, for no academic reason, only to free themselves of their illness. Thus, Edgar decides that he needs to talk to Caradoc.
19th Voice -> Is his friend really as cold-hearted as Edgar accused him to be? Does he have to learn how to be warmer to find a war where the rarest resource is warmth and compassion? Or is he perhaps not in the wrong for being cold-hearted? Is it perhaps Edgar who has to toughen up to fight this war properly? These are the things Edgar plans on finding, but upon arriving at Strongarm Cottage, it is not just Caradoc he sees: Fabian! Shocked, confused, helpless, Edgar demands Caradoc explains. And he does. And Edgar learns that his friend is not at all cold-hearted as he always acts. Never Did Run Smooth -> Fabian admitted to being an alcoholic. Admitted this to Caradoc, along with a plea to take him in, help him. Therefore, instead of confronting Fabian or even addressing his disappearance directly, Edgar shows him Caradoc’s old room. The room of a normal teenager, full of pleasures and joys and life -- frozen in time. What happened? How has Caradoc become this chiseled shell everyone knows him to be? Edgar explains Fabian that everyone is ill because of this war in their own way, that they’re all just trying to cope. That Fabian isn’t weak for having found comfort in alcohol, but strong for admitting it. Stronger than Edgar who cannot let go of Amelia in a healthy way, stronger than Caradoc who picks his mind apart to be free of all emotions.
22nd Talk -> It is during a random talk with Gideon that Edgar learns that Gideon doesn’t know where his brother is. This weighs heavy on Edgar as he understands the bond twins have well, and the idea that Gideon wasn’t there for Fabian when it was needed most, displeases him. He cannot assume yet whether Fabian just refused to tell Gideon about what was going on, or if Gideon refused to acknowledge it. Either way, when Edgar hints to the fact that Fabian might need his twin now more than ever, Gideon seems offended more than concerned.
24th x -> Edgar finds one of Artem’s friends living in a suburb outside London. He has no time to tell his friend about it yet.
25th Sunny Morning [not yet available] -> Edgar joins Caradoc and Fabian at Strongarm Rehab, catching up on everything they missed. He tells Caradoc about Remus, and they discuss if the him perhaps, allegedly, being a werewolf would affect their plans moving the werewolves to the House of Bones as previously planned. Edgar doesn’t know if he’s relieved that their plans are frozen until they know more about Remus, because using House of Bones for the Order would first require him to accept Rigby’s decision. Upon going to say hi to Fabian that morning, Edgar also realises that he’s not even sure if his friend is going to return to the Order or not. While he doesn’t want to lose Fabian, he’s also afraid that returning to the war could worsen his illness...
29th Gryffadorian Surprise -> Fabian does want to remain in the Order. Is in fact quite puzzled that Edgar would think he could just leave. He agrees to participate in the polyjuice mission, where he and Emma have to find a Pureblood’s hair or so to go as them during the Rosier Engagement party next month. For the first time in a long time, Fabian goes into a mission sober, and Edgar and Caradoc are quite anxious. When Fabian returned victoriously though, they’re overjoyed and Edgar is reassured that Fabian staying in the Order is not a bad idea. That his friend is indeed much stronger than most.
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kimvvantae · 6 years
Umbra; 12
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➜  being ruled by an ancient commandment, your sole purpose is to serve. you were born to protect the king with your life, tied by an everlasting oath; you are nothing but a shadow, a silent and insignificant being. he appears to you like the sun, the warmest and brightest star in the sky, and gives you a chance to live. it is then that your entire universe starts to orbit around this sun, and you decide that you are truly willing to die for him.
pairing: King!Taehyung x (f) hybrid!reader
genre: royalty au, fantasy, angst  
warnings: descriptions of violence, blood and death that might be triggering.
word count: 14k
A/N: here is the greatest umbra chapter so far to make up for the looong wait. as always, after finish reading you’re invited to stop by my inbox and let your opinions uwu enjoy!
➜  Chapters: check up masterlist in bio!
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I stared at that strange woman in silence, completely shocked.
My mother?
I analyzed her features carefully. She was a dragon hybrid, there was no doubt of it. She was probably the oldest dragon I've ever seen; people from my race usually don't live long, for we either die serving our masters or giving birth. But that woman? Although her appearance did not indicate it clearly, I could feel that she has lived long. Two entire cycles, perhaps?
And her appearance…
Her hair color was slightly darker than mine. We were around the same height. Our skin color was the same…
I could see myself looking at her.
My mother?
Ehmerald stared at me with hopeful eyes.
But if she expected it to be a heartfelt meeting, she was wrong.
I could not forget the fact that she invaded my mind and kidnapped me - nor the fact that she was the apparent leader of a rebellion that just attacked the Capital with evil energy. We had no emotional connection. I never wished to know anything about my parents, and I lived my life very well alone. She couldn't just expect me to cry, hug her and call her mom.
My expression turned into stone.
“The entire truth?” I said, voice as cold as ice. “Then where am I?”
“Inside the Baïkarh forest,” Ehmeral was quick to reply. “This is the base of our organization.”
I looked around again. There were many hybrids, and my sharp ears could hear more voices throughout the forest - thousands of people. They were quite smart. The Baïkarh forest is almost impenetrable, for it is protected by trolls and dryads, spirits of the trees. But how did they manage to convince these spirits to let them settle here? As far as I knew, spirits of the forest are holy and pure, they would never let these murderers in. Perhaps they managed to devoid all these beings as well? Just the thought of it made my blood boil in anger.
However, I couldn't just start a fight right here, although my instincts were begging me to do so. I was in the core of the rebellion and had to use this chance to know everything about them. That was the best opportunity I would ever have.
“Why did you bring me here?” I proceeded to ask, trying to control the anger on my voice.
“Because it was about time to let you know about everything,” Ehmerald said. “Jungkook told me about the things you did.”
I turned my head and glared at the rabbit-boy. He was still as pale as paper.
“He did?” I said, unable to control my aggressiveness.
Jungkook flinched.
“Don't blame him. Jungkook was just following my orders. Therefore, he did no harm to your friend; she is safe at the palace. As Jungkook already explained, he just used the bracelet to call your attention.”
“How long have you been observing me?” It was time to glare at her instead.
Ehmeral sighed. There were many mixed emotions on her eyes, but mostly joy and guilt. “It will be better if we talk with more privacy. All of you, back to work!”
The crowd around us started to dissolve, although with some hesitation.
“More privacy? Why should I go somewhere alone with you? You didn't hesitate to invade my mind, what else could you do?” I immediately stepped back, fists tightened.
“Y/N, I just did that because I needed you to be here. You wouldn't come willingly, would you? Moreover, I was not aggressive nor saw anything on your mind.” When Ehmerald noticed my body was still tense, she sighed. “I am not locking you here. You can go away if you want; none of us would be able to stop you anyway. Or… you can stay and listen to me.”
“And why would I do this?”
“Because I have the answers you want. I have the truth.”
I hesitated.
I have been wanting to know the truth for so long. I remembered about Taehyung's promise - he said he would tell me everything he knew. But… could I trust him?
Could I trust that woman?
The answer was clear in my mind: I could not trust anyone. And because of that, I decided to listen to her. I would listen to her version of the facts and his. Then, maybe I would know in which version to believe in.
Although Taehyung already had more credibility with me. That woman conjured obsidian soldiers and tried to kill him, someone I actually had an emotional connection with and cared about. Her, otherwise?
I exhaled to try to calm my nerves.
“And what truth would it be?” I finally asked.
Ehmerald seemed satisfied. She started to walk slowly away from the clearing, expecting me to follow her, and I had no other choice but do so. Everyone had obeyed her order, so we were considerably alone.
“The truth about our race. About our past. About the History of the world,” she started, voice serious. “The truth that they have been trying to hide for thousands of years.”
She stopped in front of a great rock in the middle of the forest and stared at it. I stared too, slightly confused.
“Tell me, Y/N,” for some reason, I didn't particularly like to hear her saying my name. “What do you know about the so called Dark Years?”
I furrowed. Where this conversation was leading me to? “It was the era when our race ruled. We… we almost annihilated mankind.”
“Well, this is a lie.”
I almost gasped.
“Y/N, keep in mind that everything you know is a lie.” Ehmerald was way too serious and, for some reason, I felt my inner temperature decreasing. “That story they told you… about dragons being evil, elves coming to establish the peace and punish us - that is all a lie, a lie so well built that has been carried for millennia.”
She stepped up and passed her hand on the surface of the great rock. When she did it, I finally realized it was not a simple rock; it was actually the ruin of something old. A building, maybe?
The rock had some things written on it, along with drawings, so old that it was impressive that these drawings survived for such a long time. Some of the things written were in long forgotten languages, but after analyzing more carefully, I recognized the dragon language as well, what made me widen my eyes slightly.
“Magic is one of the most important aspects of the Universe,” Ehmerald started. “It keeps the balance and can be molded on our will. Humans and hybrids can learn magic, but us, dragons, are born with it inside of us. Because of this, our race was a part of the Council, millennia ago.”
Ehmerald pointed to the gravures on the surface of the rock. The drawings were old and unrealistic, but I recognized the form of dragon.
“We did not rule by ourselves. Dragons, elves, fairies and mermaids were part of the Council, for we were the only races naturally born with magic inside of us. The Council was formed because humans were always starting battles and wars, and it was necessary to settle peace in the world. The Council was supported and cherished. There were no divisions such as kingdoms, and the lives of millions were not put on the hands of a single man. They used to take decisions wisely. For a long time, the world lived in peace because of them.”
I analyzed the surface of the rock as she spoke. Written around the gravures were actually songs and poems cherishing the Council she was talking about. There were also many names… the names of the dragons which were part of this Council. Hundreds of names. For how long this Council existed?
“Each of the four races had one specific task. The dragons, as the strongest race, had the duty to protect. The elves were the wisest, so they were peacekeepers and would usually speak for the Council. Fairies took care of everything regarding nature. The mermaids which were part of the Council would make accords to keep the peace between the people of the land and the people of the sea.”
I felt goosebumps as she spoke… it was almost as if I could feel the soft breeze of ancient times caressing me. Voices whispering. I could almost hear conversations, people taking decisions. Laughter and cheers of thousands. Times of peace.
Why all of that felt somehow familiar, even though it was the first time I heard about it…?
“The world lived in peace for a long, long time. No wars, no poverty. The Council members were different from the Kings and Queens of our days; they worked for people, they were not saw as better or superior. Only the ones that proved to be  honored and strong enough could bear the responsibility of being a Counselor.” Ehmerald had a faint smile on her lips. Perhaps she could feel the breeze of the past, just like me? “But… things started to change.”
Her smile vanished.
“Not everyone supported the Council… some of them wanted to possess properties. They did not accept to be equal as everyone else; they wanted to rule. They wanted to be better.” Ehmerald's hand dropped to her side, fist tight. “But to be better, they needed to be stronger than the four races… and this is when the dragons have fault.”
I blinked, confused. “What did they do?”
Ehmerald sighed. She pointed to a particular name on the rock - the last name on the list. Opal.
“This was the last dragon of the Council. She is our direct ancestor, our Mother.” Her voice sounded bitter. “One of these people that wanted to end the Council understood that they had to be stronger than us, dragons. And to do so, they needed to know our powers. Our language.” Ehmerald sighed. “This man was called Merlin.”
“What?!” I exclaimed, shocked. “Merlin?! But - he is a hero!”
“And for certain perspective he really is. Their hero, and our murderer.” I could hear the hatred on Ehmerald's voice, the deep crimson of her aura. “Merlin seduced Opal. The Council did not go against it; what problem a marriage between a dragon and a human could represent?” She scoffed. “They had many children. Half human, half dragon.”
“Dragon hybrids,” I whispered. So, that is what happened? I was always told that my race existed because dragons raped human women in the past…
“In those years, Merlin learned a lot about the dragons and our magic… until he mastered our language. Not only that; he was the first person to use magic in wrong ways. He was the first to absorb energy from Helheim. Merlin got so strong that no one could overpower him… not even Opal and other dragons.”
The breeze of the past suddenly got colder… a chilling cold. Instead of laughter, I heard screams of fear and pain.
“Merlin taught other humans and created an army of mages. Their first step was to kill all of the dragons in the Council. They were the strongest, so without the dragons, it was easy to completely destroy the Council. They settled a new government, separating the continent in five parts; the Five Great Kingdoms of our days. But it was not easy. Many wanted to be rulers too, so that is when the First War of the Clans happened. The world was drowned in battles again.” Ehmerald crossed her arms, her eyes still glued on the rock. “After the five clans managed to win the war and take control of the kingdoms, it was time for the second step.”
“And what it was?” It was quite a stupid question, for I already knew the answer.
“Annihilation. Genocide.” The atmosphere felt even colder now. “The first race to disappear was the fairies. They were completely extinct. It would be unwise to try to kill the mermaids, because they are too many, so a war happened between land and sea. In result, the mermaids undid all the accords and decided to isolate themselves deep in the oceans; as long as they didn't intervene on the issues of the land, they would not represent any danger. The elves… they couldn't be killed. So, instead, Merlin and his people found a way to lock them back in Alfheim.”
“They didn't ascend on their free will…?”
“No. They were expelled from Earth. The elves were victims, just like us. And the dragons…” Ehmerald hesitated before continuing. “They were hunted until the last one of them was killed. What lasted was Opal's children… and this is when our curse begins.
“These new Kings and Queens wouldn't be so easily obeyed if the world knew about the genocide they promoted. Loved leaders are more respected than feared ones. They started to spread all the lies we know today, lies that took thousands of years to be made, so well made and believed that many don't even question them. They put the dragons on the role of villains. They made everyone believe that elves were deities, beings similar to gods, when in fact they were just another race that suffered. The good elves ended the Dark Years in which the bad dragons ruled. They got rid of all the evidence of the truth; books, temples and old buildings, the songs and poems people used to sing. In the meanwhile, hybrids were put as unholy beings, inferior to humans. And us, dragon hybrids… we were still too powerful to be killed. We were still useful. We were put in the 'holy role’ of guardians.”
I felt as if the ground was slowly crumbling under my feet.
“Why?” I whispered weakly.
“To have us under their power. To make us submissive. They made us believe that our ancestors were murderers, that we were dirty with innocent blood. They indoctrinated us so deeply that many of us died in the name of Kings, treated like slaves… no, treated like animals.”
Ehmerald looked at me in the eye, and I could see the hatred on her eyes.
“We were the guardians of the world, but they made us believe that we are nothing but shadows.”
Her sentence felt like a blow in the stomach.
For a moment, I felt dizzy. I didn't know what to do with all this information. It meant that… my entire life was a simple lie? I have been used? Not only me; all of my brothers and sisters.
I remembered all of the punishments, all the humiliation. I always believed that my role as a guardian was an honor. I always believed that I deserved all the suffering because my ancestors were monsters and I was a monster myself. I thought that I didn't have rights, that I didn't deserve recognition, that I couldn't let myself have bonds with people and care about them. I believed that a dragon hybrid does not deserve any happiness. God, I was willing to be sacrificed when King Taejun died…
All because of a lie?
A part of me still struggled. Why should I believe this woman anyway? She could be just lying to me. But something deep inside of me felt the pain of her words… something ancient and caged. Something that awakened that day, when Taehyung offered me a chance and I took a decision for the first time in my life.
It was the pain of my ancestors.
These voices I heard in the back of my mind sometimes were not mine. They were of my ancestors, trying to whisper the truth. Trying to make me understand.
She wasn't lying.
“Although the lie was spread, they couldn't hide the truth from everyone. They forgot to destroy things like this,” Ehmerald said, pointing fo the rock in front of us. “There are still some proofs hidden. Documents. Stories going from generation to generation. But they know about it, too, and they try to shut our voices so the truth will keep unsaid. Many have died because of it.”
I suddenly remembered of what Jungkook told me - his entire village was burned down… he said his parents used to tell stories about the dragons. So, they were killed because they knew the truth…
“I… I was not like you,” Ehmerald's voice was quieter now. “I was not trained to be a guardian. My only duty was to procreate. Just like all the rest of us, I thought it was a sacred duty. I did not understand that what they were doing to me was not right… however, it took me a long time to get pregnant. I did not impregnate when I reached my full dragon adulthood. So, during most of my life, instead of getting rid of me, they decided to keep me as a healer in Niflheim.”
“What? But… the probability of dying when you impregnate after the adulthood is too high,” I said, eyeing her suspiciously.
“I thought it was true, too. But I worked as a healer at Niflheim and started to notice something wrong. I helped so many women to give birth… all of them were perfectly healthy, during their entire pregnancy and after they give birth. But when they told me to leave the room…” Ehmerald closed her eyes for a moment, having bad memories. “They would always tell me to leave the room. And when I came back… they would be dead. Always. Not even one of them survived. How could it be right?” She shook her head slightly. “This is just a stupid excuse. Women are naturally stronger than men because we are born to bear the pain of carrying a child. How could these dragons die that way? I just found out the truth when I got pregnant.” She then smiled and looked at me.
“Who… who is my father?” I asked hesitantly.
“His name was Jaejoong. He was Athena's dragon-guardian.”
My blood went cold.
Ehmerald nodded softly. She had a faint smile on her lips - and because of that, slowly, I felt as if a knife was being buried in my heart. “It… it wasn't supposed to happen. I should impregnate from another man. But Jaejoong…” she chuckled softly. “He was far from being sweet, but he cared about me. Jaejoong was the strongest guardian of his generation. It simply happened.”
I knew it. I knew he was the strongest of his generation.
I tried to control my nerves once again.
“That’s when things started to change, Y/N. I should not feel anything towards you; I was just 'accomplishing my duty’. But I already loved you. I was not supposed to love, but I did. And I finally realized how wrong things were the night you were born.” Ehmerald stared at me again. “Do you have any idea of how special you are?” I frowned. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect anymore. “Y/N, you were born during a Red Moon. I am sure you know what this means.”
Yes, I knew.
A Red Moon is a rare astronomical phenomenon. During a Red Moon, magic becomes stronger.
“I was sure everything with me was fine. I had a normal and healthy pregnancy. But, when you were born… I finally found out. All those women were killed after giving birth. It is their way to control our race, to make sure only few of us will live. They make women give birth and they kill us afterwards so we won't make too many children. And they tried to kill me, Y/N, but I managed to escape. But I was too weak… I was severely hurt. Even today, I am not fully healed of the injury. I am not as strong as I should.”
“And you left me behind.” I said, and I couldn't hide the pain in my voice anymore. “Why did you leave me there? Why did you leave me to suffer, to believe I was nothing but a shadow?”
In that moment, Ehmerald's eyes were filled with tears. She approached one step. “And I will always regret this, my child. But… I did not know you were alive. You are a female born during a Red Moon. You are too powerful. All these years, I… I thought they have killed you the day you were born, and all these years I thought it was my fault, because I was not strong enough to save you.”
Ehmerald gulped, dried her tears.
“I… spent days wandering through Baïkarh about to die. But the dryads helped me. They took me to this place, the rebellion, and they took care of me. They told me the truth. Since then, I have been working. I am the leader of the rebellion today, but I was not the one who created it. This rebellion exists for more than one hundred years now, but it has never been so strong because of all of our efforts. We spreaded the truth; we told hybrids that they are not inferior, we gave them hope. We have an army of more than twenty thousand now; some are here, some are in disguise inside cities. After all these years, we can finally free hybrids. We can avenge our ancestors.”
When Ehmerald looked at me with that gleam on her eyes, I knew something bad was about to come.
“And that's when you become important,” she stepped closer to me. “Our people has been mistreated for centuries. The best way to restore peace is to establish the Council again. Only during that time we had peace and justice. And in order to make this-”
“You need to kill the King.” I interrupted her.
Ehmerald just nodded.
“The Kim Dinasty has been the cruelest ever since they took the throne. It is about time to take the power out of them and give it back to the rightful owner.”
“For who? You?” I couldn't help but scoff. “I heard about your plans. You are the chosen one, isn't it?”
“No. You are.”
I was about to say something, but as I heard those words my mind went blank.
“It used to be me, but it was before I knew you were still alive,” I could see that Ehmerald was choosing her words carefully. “We don't want monarchies anymore. Enough of Kings and Queens. Unfortunately, fairies are extinct and the elves are far from our reach, but we still exist. During that time, they would choose the strongest of the dragons to fulfill the role of a Counselor… and it currently is you. You are a well trained female. You were born during a Red Moon. The strongest of our ancestors were also born during Red Moons… Y/N, you are the chosen one.”
I could just stare at her, speechless.
Ehmerald must have saw it as a good sign, because her smile widened.
“I have been waiting for this moment ever since I found out you were still alive. My child, I heard about what you did… Jungkook told me how you stood for the hybrids at the palace. Not only that; we found some hybrid kids some hours ago. They said they were freed because of an angel… it was you, isn't it?” She looked at me with pure pride on her eyes. “You understand our situation. You are able to fight for all those who can't with your power. This entire army - they're all at your disposition. If you  give them any order they will-”
“This is ridiculous.”
Ehmerald was taken aback. “W-What?”
“This is ridiculous,” I repeated, stepping away from her. My expression showed everything I felt: confusion, disbelief and revolt. “You want to put me as the leader of this… this Council? I'm not stupid. This is the same thing as a Queen.”
“But more members will be added as we restore the Council-”
“You don't even know me,” I interrupted her again. “This is the first time we meet. How can you just put me as a leader? You don't even know if I'm trustworthy. This is not how a leader should be chosen.” I scoffed again, unable to control the aggressiveness in my voice. “You just want to use me. Since you're not so powerful, you want to put me where you wanted to be. I'm just a puppet, another piece of your game. You just want to use me the same way I've been used my entire life.”
“Y/N, that's not true-”
“And how hypocrite can you be?!” It was my turn to speak. “You're saying how these humans from the past were cruel, killing the Council members using wicked energy, but then you do the same?! You tried to kill the King using obsidian soldiers… how many people you sacrificed to-”
“We didn't do it.”
I was found speechless again.
“Of course it was. The cursed rock, the shapeshifter and now the obsidian soldiers - it was all you.”
“Shapeshifter? What are you talking about?” Ehmerald frowned.
“The wolf that has been observing us-”
“Jungkook was my spy at Capital. He has been observing the King and you. Y/N, I don't know what you're talking about.”
I stood still there. Ehmerald really seemed confused.
“Stop pretending! You were also the person that attacked my mind that night. Who else could be powerful enough to attack me like that?!”
“Y/N, I understand that all this information is shocking, but I don't know what you're talking about. The only time I ever entered your mind was to knock you down, and I was only able to do it because you were severely weakened. And the obsidian soldiers - it is a mystery to us as much as it is to you. Do you really think I would sacrifice someone to conjure them? Do you think I would use the type of magic that condemned us millennia ago? I'm sure you can feel how my aura is free from any type of evil magic!”
Her question was almost useless, because I couldn't feel anything unnatural coming from her. No reminiscents of Helheim. She was clean.
If the rebellion was not behind the attack with obsidian soldiers… if the shapeshifter was not on their side….
Then who was it?
But I could not think of it at the moment. This rebellion didn't try yet, but they wanted to kill Taehyung - and this I could not forget.
“You are crazy.  You're all crazy.” I said, stepping away from her. “Don't follow me.”
I turned around before she could say anything else, disappearing in the forest.
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I don't know how much time it has passed.
The forest was damp and terribly hot, but I couldn't care about the temperature. I could see that it was evening, however I did not know how much time has passed since the attack. I doubted Jungkook would be able to carry me to Baïkahr so fast, so two days, probably?
My medallion has disappeared. Taehyung and everyone at the Capital must've had no clue of my whereabouts. My first instinct was to fly my way back to the Capital...
But, for some odd reason, I didn't.
I distanced myself from the rebellion's camp after walking hours through the forest. It was hard to localize myself inside Baïkarh; the natural magic of the forest is so intense that it makes your senses dizzy. I could even smell the faint scent of something similar to pollen in the air. There is a reason why people said that Baïkahr was the entry to Alfheim.
Many animals crossed my way, but none of them represented danger. Animals can feel what I am. Not only that; the spirits of the forest can feel who has bad intentions and who does not. Because of it, they let me in peace.
And if these spirits let the rebellion settle here… it meant that they also could not feel anything evil from them.
This made me think.
Everything Ehmerald told me was too overwhelming. It meant that the History of the world was a lie. It meant that… my sole existence was a lie. All the things I held onto, all the things I believed and fought for… it was all a lie.
Just lies.
They made me believe in lies. They made me think I was unworthy of respect and mercy, they made me think I should die for a man that never cared about me - because King Taejun never cared about me. The same way King Hugo did not care about Hoseok, and King Satoshi did not care about Yuta…
How many of us died during all these centuries? We died thinking that we deserved it. We lived our sad and painful lives thinking that men that did not care about us were the center of our Universes, the ones we should fight for. They killed innocent women. They punished us for simply existing - and we submissively thought that we deserved it.
And what she told me about my father. Jaejoong...
I've never been so enraged during my entire life.
It was deeper than rage. It was hatred.
As a hybrid, it was impossible to simply say I couldn't understand the rebellion after hearing the truth. The world deserved to know the truth; hybrids had to be freed. But what she said was still madness - the chosen one? I was nobody's leader.
And she still wanted to kill Taehyung.
I couldn't let that happen. Not because it was my duty, but because I had feelings for him. I knew Taehyung in a way that none of them did; he was different from his predecessors. He was fair and good and-
Or perhaps you're just being carried away by your feelings.
What if my perception was distorted because of my feelings for him? Taehyung was the first person that showed me some type of kindness - well, the first person after Yoongi and Chuu. What if he was someone I refused myself to see? Taehyung was always mysterious, always doing things I couldn't understand. But he said he would tell me the truth…
What truth?
What I still didn't know?
What should I do from now on? Go back to the palace… but what would I do then? Demand my answers and…? Keep being his guardian? I couldn't do that - not after everything. I refused to be a guardian anymore. But staying with this rebellion was also out of question. They wanted me as a leader, and this I couldn't be.
I sat in an old trunk and held my head. I felt so confused it made me dizzy. Too much information - it felt like someone threw a brick on my skull.
“What do I do?” I whispered to myself - a strangled cry, almost inaudible.
“Well, sitting here and complaining is not an option.”
I gasped and immediately lifted my head as I heard the voice, my hand instinctively searching for the hilt of the sword on my hip, just to remember I was disarmed.
But when I understood what was in front of me, I calmed down.
A dryad looked at me with crossed arms, leaning casually on her tree. She looked like a young human woman: incredibly beautiful, her long hair the color of soil, comfortable in her own skin even though she was completely naked. Her appearance could not fool me, though; I knew she was much older than it seemed, judging by the size of her tree. Her eyes reflected wisdom and some kind of evil playfulness.
(Dryads are known for fooling people by seducing them just for fun, so I could understand that evil playfulness).
“Why do you look surprised, drákon? I don't see powerful beings like you walking around my forest everyday. Of course I would want to talk a little,” she said, tilting her head to the side and smirking.
I straightened my posture. Drákon. It's been a very long time since I heard someone calling me like this. “What do you want?”
The dryad giggled. “Oh, there is no reason to be so suspicious of me. I don't play with females, even though you are very attractive. And, besides… I can see that your heart is already someone else's.”
Your heart is already someone else's.
My shoulders fell, and I felt my cheeks getting hot. It meant that… my heart was already Taehyung's?
“Gosh, I don't see a face like this in centuries. Are you suffering because of love?” The dryad giggled again, endeared. “It's okay, little one. Unfortunately, we can't choose who we fall for.”
“But I'd rather not fall for someone that might be my worst enemy,” I whispered weakly.
The dryad’s face softened. She sat by my side by the trunk; she smelled of the soil right after it rains and dew.
“We heard you talking to your mother,” she said softly, making me remember that this place was in fact full of dryads and this one was the only brave enough to appear.
“You spread the news very quickly,” I said sarcastically, what made her laugh.
“Of course. It's been some time since something interesting doesn't happen.” The dryad looked at me with seriousness on her eyes despite her faint smile. “You got to know the truth of the world. It is sure shocking.”
Silence fell over us for some seconds. “Do you remember the times of the Council?”
She nodded. “Yes. I was still just a bud, but I remember very well.” Her gaze was distant, eyes that saw ancient memories. “My sisters did not need to hide in Baïkarh back then; we were everywhere. The fairies would always stand up for us and protect us. These were good times.” She smiled softly. “Can you hear them?”
I could. Just like before, I heard distant laughters, female voices singing lightheartedly. I could almost see those female figures running around the trees, playing hide and seek, smiling and talking.
“After the fairies were killed, there was no one to fight for us. We are not strong creatures. Because of it, we were forced to live here in Baïkarh. This is the only place a dryad can live in peace… we have full control of the forest. No one can enter without our permission.”
“You confuse those who enter here to protect yourselves?” I questioned softly. She nodded.
“There are secrets here that no human or hybrid should know.”
“But you let the rebellion get inside. There are thousands of people now.”
“They respect the limits we demanded. Besides… if they want to establish the old way of things again, then there is no reason to be against them.”
“You support this?” I was quite shocked.
The dryad looked at me in the eye. Her serenity was so intense that I could even feel myself calming down slowly.
“I have lived many centuries already, little one. Perhaps when you reach my age you'll be able to understand me. I saw more suffering than happiness during my life, and I know how your race was the most punished. What they are trying to do might not be ideal, but it is the first time in more years than I can count that I saw something that can finally free us.”
“But… they are aiming to kill someone innocent. They are preparing for war. It's going to be a bloodbath either way.”
Of course - I did not know if Taehyung was really innocent, but a part of me held onto that wish tightly.
“Then you have to do something about it. You're the person that can see things from both perspectives. You can stop this war before it even starts.”
I took in her words.
The dryad leaned slightly closer to me.
“Can't you hear them, little one?” She whispered. “Can you hear their voices? These are your ancestors. They are watching you intently.”
Again - I could hear them. Their voices floating in the air around me. I could hear the echoes from millennia ago; somehow, although many centuries made us part, I was still connected to them.
“They are waiting,” she continued. “Because, after so long, someone is able to break the cycle. You can break the cycle. You can make things different. You can finally give some rest to your ancestors that have been suffering endlessly.”
We sat down in silence. I could hear the sounds of the forest - small animals running, birds chirping, insects flying or crawling, the wind touching the branches and leaves above. I could hear the voices. They were unsettled, angry.
They yelled for justice.
I nodded softly.
“I don't know exactly what to do,” I said quietly, “But I'll try to do something.”
The dryad smiled again. That playfulness was back. “Gosh! The last person I talked to was a young woman, too.”
I frowned. A human entering so deep in Baïkarh? “When was it?”
“I don't know,” she shrugged. “I am a tree, so yesterday for me might be ten years. She was in deep pain. Because of it, me and my sisters helped her.” she sighed, frowning her brows. “Sometimes I wonder what happened to her…”
I nodded softly, not really paying attention to what she was saying. It might be small, but talking to her made some things feel clearer inside of me.
“I have to go,” I got up from the trunk.
“You are young however wise, little one. Not only the ancestors, but also the living are counting on you. Me and my sisters give you our blessing.”
I bowed my head respectfully. “Thank you.” I was about to turn around, but stopped midway. “By the way, what's your name?”
She smiled and tilted her head. “It is Rubra, little one. Come back here any time. Although your heart is taken, we could still have some fun…”
Instead of falling to her charms, I turned around and started to walk again. Rubra was right. Complaining like a little kid would not take me anywhere.
It was time to do something.
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It took me some more hours to find the rebellion's camp again.
As I approached and people started to notice me, they would immediately stop anything they were doing - forging weapons, cooking, running around with papers that looked like maps - to look at me. It still felt strange; I was not used to be the center of attention. Especially not this kind of attention. They looked at me with such respect…
Now, I could understand why Jungkook had that reaction when he realized I am a dragon. I could understand the things he told me; Jungkook for sure was expecting me to be a rebellious leader like Ehmerald… not a submissive guardian. But, like the angry and rebellious person he is, he couldn't explain things to me clearly, spitting all of his anger instead.
I wasn't angry at him anymore.
But Jungkook still didn't know it, because he literally flinched the moment he saw me approaching.
The young man widened his eyes, avoided my gaze. Everyone around us was suddenly silent, watching what was about to happen in expectation.
I looked around for a moment.
“Your sister,” Jungkook frowned in confusion when he heard me saying quietly but strongly. “Heejin. She is here, right?”
The rabbit-boy seemed surprised that I still remembered what he told me about himself and his sister's name. He nodded.
“Take me to her.”
Jungkook did it without complaints. He guided me through the camp - and, again, the people that crossed my way would stop to watch in silence.
After some more moments, Jungkook showed me a particular giant tree.
And there was a girl sitting, leaned on the trunk, rolled up in covers.
I would have guessed she was Jungkook's sister even if he hadn’t said anything; their resemblance was obvious. Same fair skin, same black hair, same dark-grey rabbit ears and even their eyes and lips had the same shape. Heejin was some years younger, though.
And she was… simply sitting there.
A blank expression, staring into nothing.
Jungkook approached her slowly, as if he was scared that if he moved too brusquely he would break her.
However, he was the one looking fragile.
“This is Heejin,” he said in a weak and quiet tone. The sadness and love on his eyes as he stared at his sister was heartbreaking.
I approached, too, and crouched down in front of her carefully. “How long has she been in this state?”
“Ever since I found her, one year ago,” he said. “She… she doesn't do anything. She doesn't speak, doesn't move, doesn't interact with anyone. We have to clean her and feed her. It's almost like-”
Jungkook choked on his own words, but I knew what his unsaid sentence would be. It's almost as if she's dead.
I sighed. Heejin's eyes were staring directly at me, but she wasn't seeing me. She didn't even blink. Expressionless, motionless.
Trapped inside her own mind.
Carefully, I place my hands on each side of her head.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asked, confused and worried.
“Don't worry. I won't hurt her,” I reassured him before closing my eyes.
Her mind offered me almost no protection.
Shattered. Destroyed and hurt.
I pushed a little bit further-
A dark place. My steps echoed around me. It was endless - endless darkness. Pitch black.
I heard a sob.
Finally, I recognized the figure of a girl crying. She was hugging her own legs, sobbing uncontrollably. Small and fragile, hidden in the farthest corner of the mind.
Slowly, I crouched down and touched her shoulder.
She turned around, startled, her eyes wide. Tears still trickled down her puffy cheeks.
“W-Who are you?”
“I came to help you.” I tried to keep my voice as serene as possible, afraid to shatter her consciousness even more. “You've been suffering a lot.”
Heejin nodded weakly.
“There are people that can help you out there.”
She shook her head vehemently, grabbing her legs even tighter. “N-No. They will hurt m-me!”
“Nobody will hurt you, Heejin. You are safe. And your brother- he misses you.”
Heejin looked confused for a moment, but then she remembered. “J-Jungkook? Is he out there?”
I nodded encouragingly. “Yes. He is waiting for you… and he won't let anyone hurt you anymore.”
I saw her conflict. But the mention of her brother made a spark of hope glow on her eyes.
She nodded almost imperceptibly. “Okay.”
I smiled and placed my hand at the top of her head.
“Heejin. Wake up.”
I opened my eyes and retracted my arms.
For some moments, Heejin still looked the same.
But, slowly, her eyes focused.
She frowned. Blinked once, twice.
She looked around.
“Jungkook…?” She called quietly, voice hoarse, when their gazes crossed.
He was barely breathing.
I stepped backwards to give them some space. Jungkook's eyes were impossibly wide and glowing with tears. Slowly, a big smile - the biggest I've ever seen him opening - adorned his features until his eyes almost closed and two crystal tears trickled down his cheeks.
I felt myself smiling, too, as Jungkook embraced her small body in a tight hug; Heejin still looked confused, but hugged him back with her thin arms. He was really crying now, sobbing uncontrollably. How long this young man has been holding back these tears? How long he has been acting strong, trying to ignore his sadness and loneliness, wondering if he would ever talk to his only remaining family again? How long he has been holding onto bad feelings only?
Jungkook was finally letting it all out now - and this time, it was due happiness. I was seeing a glimpse of the real Jungkook: a kind-hearted man.
It also took me some moments to realize the small crowd gathered around us. They watched in awe, chatting between each other. “How did she do that?” “She awakened Jungkook's sister!”
“My child, how strong are you?”
I immediately stood up again and turned around as I heard Ehmerald - that strange woman that was still too hard for me to see as my mother. She had some hesitation on her gaze, but mostly admiration. I couldn't understand this woman that barely knew me but seemed to care about me so much…
“We've been trying to heal Heejin since Jungkook brought her… and you did it in the blink of an eye,” she said.
“I'm just helping a friend,” was all I said.
Ehmerald watched me in silence for some moments. “I'm surprised that you're back,” she said. I was aware that everyone around us went silent, paying attention to our conversation, and she was aware, too. “Did you think well about what we talked?”
And that was true.
I did think well about it. About everything.
My entire life, I used to believe that my master - King Taejun - was my purpose in life. He was the reason I would wake up every morning. He was my sun, the center of my particular solar system. After he died, my sun became Taehyung.
But I have changed.
I was not just an insignificant planet wandering through the Universe, always needing a sun to orbit around. I finally understood.
Taehyung wasn't the center of my solar system…
I was.
But I was not the only important thing. In my particular solar system, there was my family - Yoongi and Chuu. There was Jungkook. There were my ancestors, waiting for me to finally free them from their suffering. There were all these people around me, all the hybrids, the ones I have learned to care about, the ones that, just like me, deserved freedom - deserved to know the truth.
There was Taehyung.
And there was still an endless Universe surrounding me, full of planets I didn't know and didn't understand yet. An entire Universe to be discovered.
Some things were still right. Being a guardian was indeed in my blood, just the way my ancestors were the guardians of the world. I wanted to protect and fight for what was right.
But I couldn't stay hidden in the shadows anymore.
I was not just a shadow.
I was my own sun.
“Will you accept our offer?” Ehmerald asked, hopeful. It seems that everyone else held their breaths, waiting for my answer in expectation.
I stared at Ehmerald right into her eyes.
Everyone gasped in unison.
“What? But, Y/N- after everything I told you?” Ehmerald stuttered.
“I didn't say I wouldn't help,” I cut her, speaking louder so all of them could hear me. Silence reigned above the crowd again. “Someone once told me that if you have the power to change things yet you chose to do nothing, then the fault is also yours.”
I made sure to send a significant look to Jungkook. His puffy face was surprised as he heard me speak.
“So, yes, I will help. But it will be on my terms.”
Ehmerald seemed uneasy. “And what are your terms?”
“You want me to kill King Taehyung, and this I can't do.” Murmurs of disapproval crossed the air. Again, before Ehmerald could say something or their chatter became too loud, I walked at heavy steps to the center of the clearing where they could see me better. 
“Listen well, all of you,” my voice echoed loud and clear. They immediately went quiet again. “You really think that killing a King will solve all of our problems? It won't. It will just lead us to a war.”
“We are ready to fight,” someone said, being accompanied by murmurs of agreement.
“But this is a war you can't win. Ëlv'en has the greatest army of the entire continent. Not only that; if a war really begins, Ëlv'en will call the allies. It is Vanaheim, Nidavellir, the Islands of the West and many more - and not to mention the Royal Mages. They usually don't get involved directly in conflicts, but if they do, then it's over. Do you really believe that twenty thousand men with no formal training will stand a chance against Ëlv'en and its allies? A war for you means suicide.”
The silence around me was morbid. Thick, almost palpable.
“Killing the King is out of question. Even if you kill the entire Royal Family, the military will take over and this you can't win.” I made sure to look right in the eye of the people around me. “Besides, what you're planning will lead nowhere, because what you want is revenge, not justice. Simply putting the blame in a single man without even knowing if it's really his fault is not fair. I am the only person here that actually knows the King, and I can say he is not the monster you all think he is.”
And I hope I am not defending him for nothing…
“And what do you plan to do?” Ehmerald was the only brave enough to ask.
“I will go back to the Capital. I won't tell anything about the rebellion or your location, and you won't make a move until I say otherwise. I might not be the leader you all expected me to be, but I am the only one that knows what we're dealing with - and I want freedom and justice as much as you do, but I believe that we can achieve it with no deaths. I just hope you can trust me for now.”
They looked at each other in silence.
I knew they had no reason to believe me at all, but I was right back them: they feared me. They respected me. The single fact that I am a dragon seemed to be enough for them.
But no one had no chance to say anything when a young man entered the clearing running, ignoring anyone around, breathless and with hurry covering his features.
“Lady Ehmerald, one of my ravens is seeing something…”
“Calm down, Hyunjin,” Ehmerald said, the boy finally stopping to recover his breathing. “Explain it properly.”
“Something happened in Athena,” he said. “There's a big commotion going on. The King's about to make an announcement.”
A cold shiver ran my spine.
Something told me bad news were coming…
“Show me,” Ehmerald ordered, and they immediately left the clearing at a rapid pace. I followed them, as well as many other hybrids.
We followed Hyunjin and Ehmerald until they stopped in front of something I didn't recognize immediately - a copper basin filled with a thin layer of water. Many people gathered around the basin, quieting down to hear whatever Hyunjin has to show us.
The boy closed his eyes, visibly calming down and relaxing his muscles.
He touched the thin layer of water with his fingertips.
At first, nothing happened - but the water fluttered. It took some moments until the images on the surface of the water became clear: an aerial view of the front square of Athena's Royal Palace. Hyunjin's raven view. We noticed when the bird landed somewhere near the palace.
The front square was crowded and it rained. The entire scenery seemed to be painted in a somber shade of grey. We saw it when the familiar face of King Hugo appeared at the front doors…
A face distorted with pure hatred.
“My subjects, I come in front of you now as my soul bleeds in pain.” King Hugo's deep and powerful voice echoed. It sounded distant to us, however I could imagine the impact his voice caused in all these people there. Just like his face, his voice overflowed anger and deep pain. “The Royal House is mourning. Today, my older daughter Serena, the heiress of Athena's throne, was found dead.”
A collective gasp - both in Athena and around me.
“My daughter was murdered,” he continued, his voice failing and husky. King Hugo indeed looked shattered in a way I've never saw before. “And we already know who are the culprits.”
Before he even spoke again, I already knew that something was extremely wrong.
“Ëlv'en sent a murderer to kill our princess!”
The collective gasp was even louder now.
“What?!” Ehmerald exclaimed.
“This is… this is wrong,” I stuttered. It couldn't be serious. “Ëlv'en has no reason to kill Athena's princess…”
“This was found woven in the murderer's clothes,” Hugo lifted his hand, showing Ëlv'en's military symbol in all directions, so everyone could see. The chatter between the subjects there became louder and angrier. “We accepted their Entourage here months ago. We offered them our hospitality and trust - but this is what they did! But this time, we won't accept their insolence. They have committed the worst of all crimes. This time, Ëlv'en will pay.
“I challenge King Taehyung for a combat.”
I almost couldn't breathe.
The crowd in Athena roared.
“We will be waiting for these cowards at the Colosseum until tomorrow's sunrise. If they don't show up, then it means war. It is time to end their supremacy over the continent; we won't bow down anymore. If we win the combat, then King Taehyung and the entire Kim House will have to die. Ëlv'en has awakened their worst nightmare! They asked for war - and war they will have!”
The crowd roared louder than ever.
Hyunjin almost passed out, exhausted. The image dissipated from the water.
“You did well, Hyunjin.” Ehmerald said, patting the boy's shoulder. “Now, go and rest.”
Everyone around me went silent.
“That's impossible.” I murmured to myself. “Taehyung would never do this. He's not stupid. Why would he want to kill King Hugo's daughter…?”
“I also don't believe it was King Taehyung,” surprisingly, Ehmerald said. She had a somber gaze now. “Someone is trying to throw one kingdom against the other.”
She looked at me seriously.
“The same people that attacked the Capital using obsidian soldiers.”
Another shiver.
Who were these people? Why were they doing this?
King Taehyung and the entire Kim House will have to die.
“I have to go,” I said hurriedly.
“What- why?” Ehmerald questioned.
“Didn't you hear? King Hugo challenged Taehyung for a combat. He needs me.”
“You still want to help him, Y/N?” The woman in front of me seemed almost offended. “You still want to be his slave?”
“I am nobody's slave.” My fists tightened. I noticed how some people decided to step away from us in fear when they heard my tone. “You don't understand. I'm doing this because Taehyung is a good person.”
Ehmerald seemed about to answer, but then she looked at me as if she finally realized something. And I saw… pity in her eyes.
“My child, he seduced you.”
“That's what he wanted, don't you see?” She stepped closer and I stepped behind to keep a distance. “He made you fall for him to keep you loyal.”
“You are wrong.” I wanted to punch her at this point.
“Y/N, King Taehyung is engaged to Princess Sana. Don't you understand? He's going to marry her. He's just using you. What will you be? His secret prostitute? Because Princess Sana is the one he'll marry, not you. Don't let him use you like this!”
I could just stare at her, mouth ajar.
“I am leaving now,” I repeated, my voice low and menacing. “For your own well being, I'll pretend you never said this.”
Everyone around me stepped away and I heard many gasps and exclaims as I started to shift into my dragon nature. The pain of wings growing, the sound of my cotton shirt tearing apart in my shoulder blades, all of my senses becoming sharper, the air around fluttering because of my power.
It was the first time I shifted into my dragon nature in front of others.
I was not ashamed.
“I will try to find out what's going on. Whoever is trying to start this war for sure will be against the rebellion,” I said loud enough for everyone to hear. “Again, I ask you to stay here. I will come back as soon as possible.”
I did not wait for them to say anything; my wings extended and, with a strong gust of wind that made everyone's clothes and hair wave, I flied up until I was above the top of the trees, going higher and higher.
The sun was beginning to disappear in the horizon. King Hugo said he would wait just until sunrise. If I flew fast enough, I would be able to reach the Neutral Zone where the Colosseum was placed…
Taehyung's life depended on this.
Mine depended, too.
Because Kings don't fight battles. When King Hugo challenged him, he wasn't exactly challenging him.
Combats are a way to prevent wars. Instead of millions of soldiers dying in the battlefield, two soldiers are chosen to fight - a mortal fight where one of them will inevitably die. A champion is chosen.
And it is a millennial tradition that the chosen champion is always the King's dragon-guardian.
Nervousness hit me for the first time.
If everything went wrong, I would have to fight against Hoseok…
And only one of us would survive.
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“If you lose today, Y/N, we will have a war. And all of it will be your fault.”
My eyes snap wide. I feel sweat forming on my hands due to nervousness.
“Do you want to live knowing millions of people died because of you, Y/N?”
“No, Your Majesty.”
“So, what do you have to do?”
I inhale deeply, controlling my nerves. It is no time to be nervous. It is no time to be scared. 
It is no time to fail.
“I must win, Your Majesty.”
I can slightly see my master nodding his head. “Good. Then you know exactly what to do.”
With this, the King leaves me by myself. 
I lift my head and tighten my fists. My master put all of his hopes on me, and I can’t let him down. I won’t. I will prove to him, to Counselor Gilliard and to the whole court that I am the best guardian the King of Ëlv’en could ever have. 
I inhale and close my eyes momentarily. 
When I open my eyes, the heavy doors open echoing a loud sound and I walk forward with determined steps.
When I enter the Colosseum, my opponent is already waiting for me, standing in the center of the arena. He is way older than me, an adult dragon, much more experienced, much taller. I'm not sure if I'll be able to win, but my master's words echoes in my mind. I will fight with all of my forces, all of my power.
My opponent is Athena's dragon-guardian - the strongest in ages.
His name is Jaejoong.
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The sun was almost rising when the glass dome appeared ahead.
The Colosseum was built in the Neutral Zone - a small island right in the center of Mitras, the greatest lake of the continent, so great it was mistaken as a sea centuries ago. The Neutral Zone is used in times of war, a place when enemy kingdoms can meet. It is also a disarmed zone. The only ones that can use weapons are the champions. I could already feel the presence of many people inside the grey building, the place so familiar to me. I've been there several times. The situation around the continent has always been worse than what most of the population thought. During the past decade, the danger of wars exploding suddenly was great - all of them prevented by the combats.
From far, I could already feel Hoseok's presence, and I knew he could feel mine.
But the person I was looking for was nowhere at sight-
“Where have you been?!” Was what I heard the moment my feet touched the ground.
Counselor Gilliard radiated anger, hurry and nervousness, his old face even more distorted and ugly than usual. Behind him, soldiers and other counselors stepped closer as well, however some decided to keep distance as they stared at my wings, hesitant.
“Where is Taehyung?” I questioned sternly before Gilliard could say anything, what made his face distort even more.
“Who you think you are to pronounce His Majesty's name out loud?!” The old man exclaimed, outraged.
“Just answer my question. I don't have enough patience to deal with you right now.”
The old man looked more shocked than ever. I always kept my head down around him, although my hate towards that man existed since the day we first met; I would not do it anymore.
Slowly, his expression became darker, the mask of self-control hiding his true feelings. He has always been like this. So well controlled, so well calculated. “His Majesty did not come. He has many issues to deal with at the Capital, including the royal wedding that cannot be delayed anymore.”
For a moment, I went speechless.
The royal wedding?
Of course, I could understand that Taehyung had many problems to deal with, since the Capital has been attacked just a few days ago and now he was under accusations of murder. But…
Something wasn't right.
Challenged kings always are present to witness the combat. It didn't matter that he had a wedding soon, it could be delayed considering the current circumstances.
Taehyung knew it was a mortal battle, right?
He knew I could die fighting, right?
Did he authorize the combat even then…?
“It does not matter. Because of you, we were about to face a war. How dare you disappear like this?! And you even got rid of your medallion!” Gilliard stormed. “If you survive, what you must do, you'll be severely punished. Now come on, the sun's almost rising! The combat must begin!”
Gilliard grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the Colosseum, being followed by all the others. Finally, I noticed that General Namjoon was one of them - as it was traditional of the current general to be present on this type of event. Our gazes crossed quickly, and what I saw on his eyes was much different from what I was used to; no aggressiveness, no despite. Instead, I saw some type of grief.
Because everyone knew these could be my last moments.
Immediately, the assistants started to put the armor in me - the ceremonial armor, which I only used in “special” occasions. They tightened straps and leashes to the point it became painful until the complete armor was at place, handing me also a shield and a sword.
When they left, I was alone with Counselor Gilliard in the room. The same room I’ve been with King Taejun, the moments before the fight when he would speak some words to me.
Gilliard wasn’t supposed to be the one doing this.
Hoseok was just at the opposite side of the arena; I could feel him close. Nervousness hit me all at once. After the combat with Guardian Jaejoong many years ago, Athena and Ëlv’en never had such a harsh situation again, so no combats were claimed. I never faced Hoseok in a real fight, but I already knew how strong he was - dare I say, even stronger than Yuta. Hoseok had an angry fire burning inside of him all the time, and he used his strong feelings to fuel his powers. Definitely wouldn’t be an easy fight.
However, that’s not what made me hesitate.
I always provoked Hoseok, saying that he could not stand a chance against me in a real fight. We were anything but friends and all of our interactions were aggressive. I always tried to keep him away because I knew what we would have to do sooner or later in our lives. But, in the moment I was about to face him in a real mortal combat, I finally realized: I didn’t hate Hoseok. He was truly annoying, but I had no reason to hate him. I didn’t want to fight a brother of mine. After everything I’ve learned, I wanted nothing more but for him to know the truth, too, to be freed from this curse that haunted all of us.
I didn’t want to fight him and I wouldn’t fight him.
“I won’t do this.”
Counselor Gilliard seemed shocked. “What?”
“I said that I won’t do this.” I turned around and faced him, fists tight. The sole reason I even stepped inside and let them put the armor in me was that I knew I would have to fight to get out of here. “Something’s wrong. Taehyung should be here. I don’t see why he would even accept this challenge when he clearly is not the culprit. What is going on?”
“Do you think you have the right to refuse?” I could almost see his face fuming at this point. “If you simply go away, a war will begin!”
“And who will stop me?” I stepped closer to him menacingly, making Gilliard step back. His face went pale. “You?”
He gulped.
This was the moment of my mistake.
Perhaps discovering the truth made me too arrogant. I thought that no human could defeat me - especially Gilliard. How could that old, thin man fight me? How could he be stronger than me, faster than me, smarter than me?
I turned my back to my opponent.
And, before I could act, I felt a slight sting in my upper arm - a small gap in my armor, too small for a blade to penetrate.
Gilliard was holding something I've never seen before. It looked like a tiny glass tube with a needle attached to its tip.
“What is this?”
An ugly, mischievous smirk appeared on his decrepit face.
With rage taking control of my actions, I pushed the man backwards violently until his back shocked against the wall, my forearm pressing his neck so he could barely breathe. “What is this?!”
Gilliard let a strangled chuckle past his dry lips. “It's a v-very interesting mechanism. It p-permits me to… inject fluids directly on the bloodstream through the needle.”
Confused, I stared at that strange thing on his hand again.
Inside the small glass tube, there was… the reminiscents of a greenish liquid.
An overwhelming dizziness almost made me lose balance.
Gilliard coughed when I let him go and massaged his neck. The room seemed to be twirling, my limbs felt weak.
“You bastard!”
Was all I could groan between gritted teeth before I completely lost balance and fell to the ground.
The potion I already knew so well… the potion to make me as weak as a human.
Gilliard chuckled again as, slowly, he approached. I could only see his feet.
“You were always so obedient, Y/N,” his voice made me shiver in disgust. Low, hoarse, evil. “I have to be honest. Seeing you finally stepping up for yourself is somehow a relief. I always wondered… how such a powerful creature could be so submissive? It was a delight to see you… obeying us like a trained hunting dog.” The familiar pressure seemed to be smashing my skull, bringing tears to my eyes. “But I saw the moment this rebellious little part of you was born. That day in the dungeons. I knew I shouldn't have let Taehyung talk to you.” He sighed. “Now, I have to clean the mess I made.”
Gilliard crouched down in front of me and our gazes finally met - satisfaction on his features as he watched me struggle to breathe, my limbs burning like fire while the potion ran throughout my bloodstream.
“Knowledge is dangerous. Keep the reins tight and the slave will think their entire life that they are blessed. But show them just a little bit of compassion… and this is what happens.” Gilliard shook his head slowly in disapproval. “I always kept your reins very tight, Y/N, but I knew that it wouldn't be enough. I tried to warn Taejun many times. We had so many chances to get rid of you, but he never listened. His stubbornness was what led him to his death after all.”
My heartbeat had increased, sweat flowing on my forehead. Hate was all I could feel. Red hate. “Y-You… you are the responsible behind Princess Serena's death?”
Gilliard's silence was enough of an answer.
My fists tightened.
“You incriminated your own K-King just to make me die in the combat?”
The smirk on his lips widened.
The dots connected as I stared at him.
I chose you that day to protect you, Y/N.
They wanted to get rid of you.
And everything started to make sense.
The cursed rock. The attack. I always thought they wanted to kill Taehyung, but he was not their target.
I was.
They were trying to kill me all along.
“W-Why?” I stuttered. “Y-You are condemning Ëlv'en. If I die here, Athena will win and they will rule the c-continent. You are betraying your own kingdom!”
The old Counselor clicked his tongue as if he was trying to explain something to an oblivious child. “There are more important things to protect than Ëlv'en's supremacy. But I already said enough.” Gilliard stood up again. “Take your sword and shield, Y/N; it is time to fight. I advise you to at least make some effort. It will be realistic if you bring Athena's guardian some struggle before he kills you.”
Gilliard left the room and locked the door.
I crawled, leaned on the wall and got up with struggle, my legs shaking, my breathing irregular and my vision blurry; I could barely move my wings anymore. My strength and powers were draining slowly. This potion is the only thing capable of weakening me. Before punishments, I always had to drink it, and it seems that injecting directly on my bloodstream made the effects spread faster.
How stupid I was?
I didn't stand a chance against Hoseok like this.
Desperately, I tried to reach him through our mental bond. However, this time, he blocked me so well that I couldn't reach his consciousness.
No. I couldn't stand it. I could not die like this after everything.
He had to hear me. If not psychically, then physically.
I took the sword and shield from the ground in time to see the heavy doors opening to the great arena.
And there he was.
Many meters away, at the opposite side, Hoseok entered the field. The red armor matched his hair, as well as his enormous crimson wings. His face was barely visible through the helmet, however his eyes seemed to be tearing me apart - vertical pupils, irises that seemed to be made of lava. Each step of his combat boots echoed. Hoseok's presence filled the Colosseum with raw power which I could feel deep in my bones. His entire form had a red hue, almost as if he was burning in fire.
It was the first time I felt scared of Hoseok in my entire life.
Trying to hide my weakness, I stepped inside the field as well. My grip around the hilt of the sword was not strong enough and I wasn't as confident as he was. The Colosseum was the same as always - incredibly big, a high glass dome above our heads. Despite the many seats around us, only a few people were present to witness the fight - Ëlv'en's and Athena's royal entourages, sitting in opposite sides. King Hugo was present. Taehyung was nowhere at sight.
A deep silence reigned around the place.
We stopped in front of each other at the very center of the field.
“That’s not how I expected our next meeting to be, Y/N,” Hoseok said and, despite the cold voice, like before, I saw something quick on his eyes.
And something more.
I finally realized. Hoseok didn't hate me. Although our encounters were always anything but friendly, our aggressive banter was probably the only social contact Hoseok had with other people. He didn't want to kill me.
Perhaps I had a chance…?
“The rules are clear,” I was interrupted by the referee's loud voice. “This is a battle in which the only acceptable result is the death of one of you. In case both of you end up deathly injured, the one who dies last will be the winner. All ways of fighting and magic are acceptable. You may start at my signal.” The referee walked back to his safe spot at the grandstand. “May the elves guide your souls to Valhalla… or  Helheim.”
Hoseok was in position to fight.
All of my hopes died when I looked at his eyes.
It didn't matter if Hoseok had any type of strange affection towards me. He was a trained dragon, his brain worked the same way mine used to work. He had a duty, he would accomplish. Winning a combat was the best way to honor our “masters”. Nothing would stop Hoseok.
He attacked.
I managed to block his attack with my shield. Hoseok twirled around, ready to repeat his attack and our blades shocked against one another for the first time, the impact it produced so strong that a gust of wind flew through the area and made everyone's clothes and hair waver. Hoseok brandished his sword in a series of strong and precise blows, forcing me to step backwards every time. I could still keep up with him for now, but my strength was disappearing by the minute. In my normal state I wouldn't even be sweating, but a few minutes into the battle I already felt tired. One second slower than him.
And Hoseok didn't even had started. He was just warming up.
When we were almost at the corner of the arena, Hoseok kicked my shield away; the iron object flew meters away, leaving my body unprotected. Before I could do anything, Hoseok twirled himself in the air and kicked my stomach with such strength that I could feel my guts being smashed. Just like the shield, he sent me flying backwards violently until my back hit the wall, making the rock structure behind me crack with the impact.
I fell.
My lungs weren't even working properly anymore. A sharp pain spreaded from the place he kicked; my vision was even more blurred. Hoseok approached me at heavy steps and dropped his shield - it was useless anyway.
“Are you just playing around with me, Y/N? When will you start fighting?”
I didn't answer.
A shiver indicated me that Hoseok was about to use his power. I saw the sword he carried take a similar color as the hue around him as he conjured a destructive spell. Not good. With more struggle than the usual, I managed to roll away from the attack the moment his sword hit the wall, metal crossing the rock easily in the exact place my head was one second before.
My entire body screamed in pain when I got up in time to block his next blow with my sword, the blade now shining with the same spell, however weaker than his. The friction of the conjured blades produced something similar to electricity, the sound echoing all around. Now, we were both holding our swords with both hands, we were more free to move around. And it was bad, because Hoseok wasn't even tired yet - and he was one of the fastest people I've ever known.
He was unstoppable. Attack after attack, he overwhelmed me. What should be something I could handle with ease became almost impossible; second after second, I got weaker. Even my wings seemed to be too heavy, my senses becoming as slow as a normal human's.
With another strong kick, he made me fly back, however this time I somehow kept standing. But Hoseok dropped his sword and all of my (slow) senses screamed. He was conjuring a spell between his hands - a ball of fire, his favorite element. If I were one second slower, I would have been incinerated; crouching down, my hands touched the floor and I conjured an earth wall in front of me - the exact moment Hoseok released that intense magic, a strong gust of fire that made the Colosseum shake strongly; my earth wall was ridiculous near his attack.
When it finally stopped, I was about to get up and take my sword again.
My eyes widened.
He was already behind me.
My vision went black when he punched my chin with such strength that, again, I was sent flying up. Hoseok extended his wings and flew towards me, making me shock my body against the dome until I heard the glass crack.
The acrid taste of blood invaded my mouth. His forearm was locked on my neck; I could barely breathe. I felt as if my skull was cracked somewhere.
“If you just defend yourself like this, I will kill you sooner than I expected,” Hoseok groaned, his face too close to mine.
Desperately, I searched for his eyes. I couldn't just let him kill me like this; but how could I say something? All this time, I didn't represent any kind of danger to him. Hoseok could kill me at any moment.
Why didn't he kill me yet, though?
Because he wants me to fight seriously, I realized. To him, the combat haven't even started.
So, if fighting meant I would still have a chance, then I would.
Reuniting all of my strength, I kicked him back so strongly that Hoseok had to leave me. I almost fell directly to the ground, but my wings worked in time and I managed to land, although clumsily. I was out of breath, my lungs weren't working well anymore - and I was sure I had at least two broken ribs. There was still some power inside of me. Not enough to overpower him, but enough to at least keep up fighting for some minutes until I could somehow penetrate his mind.
Our weapons forgotten, the fight proceeded to be hand-to-hand. Since our bodies worked differently, the fact that Hoseok's body was slender by no ways meant he was physically weak; this man could destroy a concrete wall with his bare hands. My force could match his in my normal state, but in that moment, I had to focus not to scream in pain every time he landed a blow. Pain was much more apparent after drinking this potion. I shouldn't even flinch, however Hoseok already made me feel like a punching bag.
“What's wrong with you? Are you trying to provoke me?!” He groaned at some point. He was getting angry. “Fight for real!”
His anger grew and his attacks as well. All the time I was just trying to keep him away from me, making air spells to force him backwards so I could have even one second to recover my breath. Blood trickled down my chin, I was limping, and even the metal of my armor was smashed in some points. I was two minutes away from losing all of my powers definitely. This was leading me nowhere.
The royals above just watched the fight in silence. Judging by my state - bleeding while Hoseok was barely sweating - there was already a winner. A discrete victorious gleam covered Gilliard's eyes.
It just fueled my hatred.
“Hoseok- y-you have to listen to me…” I tried, unable to hide any of my suffering, which Hoseok saw with awkwardness. A guardian should never demonstrate pain, not even on their dying breath…
“It is no time to talk!”
More blows. Hoseok wouldn't stop until he saw me dead. This is exactly what I would have done before I met Taehyung. It did not matter that I was his partner, it did not matter that, by killing me, Hoseok would be decreasing the chances of our race to still exist. If his “master” told him to kill me, then he would with no hesitation.
It also didn't matter that I could see that this situation hurt him.
I could barely defend myself anymore; my arms were too weak, my legs shaking. I have never been so humiliated in a fight; just trying to defend myself stupidly and barely being able to do so. It was nowhere near close to the warrior I am. Hoseok wasn't even trying.
“Get up!” He yelled when I fell again. I could understand that he was confused. He didn't want to kill me so easily like this. “Get up now!”
A kick on my stomach that made me roll. I embraced myself and coughed, spitting blood. Being punished was nowhere close to this. All of my punishers were humans… I have never been beaten up by a dragon. Every punch and kick of his was ten, twelve times stronger than a human's.
Hoseok watched with a scowl on his face as I got up, shaking and stumbling. My nose was broken, my arm, my ankle, some ribs. Many cuts all over my skin. Drops of blood falling to the ground.
I sighed weakly.
“Fight with me!” He yelled and attacked again. I could not even lift my arms anymore. “Will you just die like this? You're not even trying! Will you accept your death so easily?! Where is your honor?!”
I sobbed. “H-Hoseok-”
“I c-can't-”
I gasped loudly.
My entire body was shaking. I… I couldn't move anymore.
Hoseok buried the sword deeper inside of me. I coughed, and my blood hit his armor.
With a grunt, he took the sword out and stepped back. I fell to the ground again, pressing the wound in my stomach with my hand.
“This won't kill you yet,” Hoseok said.
“The opponent can't keep fighting,” the referee said. “We already have a winner. Guardian Hoseok, execute your opponent.”
I coughed more.
Is this it? I would die in such a shameful way?
I couldn't even offer Hoseok a decent fight.
He looked down at me, and my blurry vision caught his hesitance again. He was disappointed because he thought I would've been better. And he was…
Was that sadness?
I would die after everything I went through? After everything I discovered? I would die without seeing Yoongi and Chuu one last time? I wanted to laugh. How stupid I was. In the end, I would be just another dragon dying in battle in the name of my king.
I wish I would have seen him one last time, too.
I wish we could have the opportunity to sit down and talk as he promised.
I wish I could hold his hand again…
Hoseok started to lift his sword.
It was the first time I saw him showing genuine feelings. He didn't want to kill me, however his duty was beyond his wishes. I also wish I had some time to tell him the truth. What if Hoseok was also freed from this invisible weight that haunted me my whole life? What kind of person would he be if he knew all the things he could do - if he tasted freedom, just like me? Perhaps we could even be friends…
“I didn't want things to end up like this,” Hoseok whispered, so low that only I could listen.
If my brain was working properly, I would have said something meaningful. But everything I did was whisper his name again, nothing but a strangled cry.
Hoseok was about to decapitate me.
I closed my eyes tightly, helpless, and waited for whatever was about to come.
But the blade never touched me.
“I can't feel your power,” he said, confused.
“Guardian Hoseok, execute your opponent so we can finish the combat,” the referee repeated.
“I… I can't feel your power,” Hoseok repeated as he hadn't heard the referee, his brows furrowing in a bewildered expression. “What's wrong?”
Hope sparkled inside of me again. With all of my remaining forces, I tried to speak. “T-The pot-”
“Hoseok, execute it,” King Hugo's voice thundered around the Colosseum.
But Hoseok still seemed to not be listening. He analyzed me and blinked, looking very confused - until I saw when things made sense on his mind.
He widened his eyes slowly.
“You have been weakened.”
“Hoseok, finish this. Execute it,” King Hugo repeated, his patience going short.
“Someone weakened you before so you wouldn't be able to fight against me,” his arm dropped to the side. “That's… that's not fair.”
“Hoseok!” Now, the small crowd all looked at each other, confused. I couldn't see them, but I could hear their chatter.
“This is not a combat. This is an execution,” He concluded as if he couldn't believe his own words.
“Guardian Hoseok, I am telling you to finish the combat!” Hugo's voice was beyond angry.
I saw Hoseok sighing. He tightened his fists and, for a moment, I thought he would follow Hugo's order. But I saw his inner conflict. And, when our gazes met again I saw… resolve.
A collective gasp.
“What?!” King Hugo stormed.
“Your Majesty, it was not a fair combat. Guardian Y/N was not in conditions to fight. We should wait until she heals, so we can have another fair combat-”
“Shut up!” With the corner of the eye, I saw Hugo getting up from his seat, furious. “You don't tell me what to do! I told you to execute it!”
“I- I can't do this, master,” Hoseok said. It was being painful for him to stand against his King for the first time. However, he didn't flinch. He just kept his gaze glued on mine.
“Execute it now, Hoseok! I am ordering you!”
“No. Executing someone that can't defend herself is unfair and dishonorable.”
“You just obey me! Execute it!”
For the first time, Hoseok looked up at King Hugo right in the eye - jaw clenched, fists tight, eyes burning.
He dropped the sword. The metallic sound echoed.
“Nothing is above honor.” Hoseok said. “Not even you.”
I almost could not believe my eyes.
“You will pay for your insolence, Hoseok!” King Hugo stormed again. He seemed about to explode. “This is high treason!”
“Execute me too, then,” I really could not believe my eyes. Hoseok took off his helmet and dropped it too. “I prefer to have an honored death than to keep living knowing I killed a sister of mine unreasonably.”
Everyone from both Entourages were talking at the same time by now, with King Hugo being the loudest. I heard steps of many soldiers entering the arena, coming closer to us.
Hoseok… he really went that far?
I looked at his proud, irrefutable figure. This man… he was stronger than I ever imagined…
At first, I thought it was my blurry vision. Or perhaps my brain stopping to work.
There was a huge shadow beyond Hoseok's head.
No… beyond the dome.
It was approaching.
The deafening sound of glass breaking all at once.
I had time to cover my eyes with my weak hands. People screamed, the soldiers looked up, confused, spears in hand.
Hoseok was shocked.
I looked as that gigantic winged creature screeched - a sound so terribly loud and disturbing that everyone had to cover their ears.
A… a white griffin.
The creature landed and looked around, sending a menacing gaze and grunts towards the guards that did no dare to step close.
And, riding the griffin…
“GILLIARD!” Taehyung yelled, his voice so loud and deep and menacing that the entire arena went silent. He got off Alpha at heavy steps, his entire aura glowing with anger. “What did you do?!”
I shivered. I never heard Taehyung talking like that. He was completely possessed by crimson hatred.
“King Taehyung, we thought-” the referee tried, his voice growing scared.
“You thought wrong!” No one was even breathing. “I did not authorize this combat!” Soldiers were slowly recovering their shock and approaching. “Whoever touches her will die!”
They immediately stopped on their tracks.
I wish I could have heard what happened next, but my brain was giving in. Too much pain to bear. I didn't understand what was happening anymore. I… I just wanted a silent place to sleep…
The last thing I saw before being dragged to the darkness of unconsciousness was Taehyung's figure hovering over me.
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jashyfry-blog · 5 years
Wisdom is Obedience
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People often tell me that I am wise. I am flattered, really, and I seldom correct them. However, My wisdom was a gift that I accepted, and it became mine through God’s grace. I will never tell someone that I am not wise because i am. But what they see is not wisdom as much as it is obedience. Before finding Christ I had a habit of acting unwisely. However, once Jesus came to me and presented Himself to me as the only thing that deserves my focus, I stood in reverence to his wisdom and Glory, and therefore, I found myself becoming wise. I am increasingly confident in my wisdom because Jesus makes me that way. I asked and waited, and He gave me a gift. But in truth, there is no true wisdom apart from him. As I stray away from his love, which is very unwise, I find my wisdom, not leaving, but transforming into a conscious contradiction of what I knew to be right.  Therefore, wisdom, as a gift, is irrevocable. But the use of wisdom is what becomes optional. When I was given God’s gift of wisdom it would either be a curse or a blessing. Wisdom is a curse to those who only want to walk in their own ways. Show to a man who hates the light the brightest light in the world and he will try and destroy it. Instead, that man would be happier in darkness, for it is his natural state. But show a light loving man such a light and he may hide his eyes until they are adjusted, but he will not run away and find darkness. If wisdom is the light then those who wish to walk in things that are unwise will run from the wise and seek the council of fools, for their nature, is foolish. But those who walk in the spirit and in truth seek the truth no matter how much they may want to hide. Wanting to find darkness is different than finding darkness. Have you ever noticed how fools congregate and cast out those who seek to bring wisdom? That is because of the foolish person’s distaste for seeing a contradiction in their justification for being less than they are. I do not want to live a life justifying my every action and then blaming circumstances for my failures! That is the biggest lie from the devil. Wisdom is sometimes hard to look at, but when we adjust to the light then it is worth it.
People call me wise. And they are correct. I am. God made me such. But what one claims is wisdom was just my acceptance of an invitation to trust God with my life and do what he calls me to do. Wisdom is finding the best counselors. The best counselor is Jesus Christ. But knowing Christ is wise, but wisdom comes when we say yes to his prompting. Wisdom is doing what we know is wise. And there is no excuse! For we have all we need to live a righteous life (2 Peter 1:3). That includes wisdom! Every Christian who accepts Jesus is by default a wise person because they have the wisest being in existence living inside them. But the reason people call me wise is that I put God to work in my life and was obedient to do what he asked me to do. Jesus freed me to be who I am. All I did was say yes to God’s work in me. And people see that I am wise because of my distaste for any ‘wisdom’ that is not from God. Do not listen to the counsel of fools who try to give you permission to be less than who you are! Only listen to the wise counsel of those who say you are more than your worst mistake, and remind you of who you truly are! I hate seeing a generation of people preaching the ‘you do you’ mentality. The bible preaches obedience and not self-indulgence and pitiful justifications for what we know is wrong. You no longer have permission to live the life you know is wrong. But regardless of your previous shortcomings, we can step into the fullness of wisdom that the Lord may make us who we truly are. When you walk in spirit and in truth then you may act in such a way that hell will treble because of ‘you doing you’. Make no mistake, we must let God teach us obedience before we can trust ourselves to do whatever we want to. A Christian life is impossible to lead without a strong relationship with the only true God, Jesus Christ. Press into him and submit to his Grace and let his power transform you while you rely on every breath. Then and only then will you have license to act in such a way that you deem appropriate. But if you lose sight of God then the wisdom you gain will only torment your heart because it will contradict your justification to be less than you are. I signed up for exactly that. And that is why I am called wise.
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