#{{ because remember how that was; you know; a thing..? Remember that letter Kaeya saved from the fire }}
frozenambiguity · 2 years
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Very long Initial thoughts and first impressions on the Caribert Archon Quest in the tags. Spoiler alert!!
#{{ this is me making a very long tag so that the people who are not interested in reading the spoilers can skip the post safely!! ~~~~~~~ }}#{{ All right!! So the first thing I find fishy in this interaction is the fact that Kaeya just… }}#{{ reveals that he is from Khaenri’ah to the traveler like it’s no big deal }}#{{ Uhm. Huh. I thought that was a secret he was deeply invested in keeping; so things are not exactly adding up here }}#{{ because remember how that was; you know; a thing..? Remember that letter Kaeya saved from the fire }}#{{ that confirmed he was from Khaenri’ah and belonged to the Alberich family? }]#{{ without his father's knowledge and permission; because that information was too highly confidential to NOT remain a secret... }}#{{ and one that he still hides to this day? You know. You remember; right; hyv? come now; it was only a few patches ago. }}#{{ the fact that he revealed it like it was no big deal makes me??? question a lot of the decisions that were made here. }}#{{ Keeping his heritage a secret has been a character motivation for Kaeya. I’m bothered about this decision on hyv’s part; actually }}#{{ not to say that the reveal was never to be done; but it could have been handled properly. }}#{{ and not so casually over some mid afternoon drink time as if it holds no importance whatsoever }}#{{ also this interaction??? A total act. I refuse to believe otherwise }}#{{ 'caring less and less about khaenri'ah?' sir; the guilt and sense of duty/responsibility that consummes you daily says otherwise }}#{{ 'My father left me in Mondstadt simply because he wanted me to have a better life?' huh. perhaps one reason; but not the only one }}#{{ nor THE reason. we have had multiple proof; so this is kaeya lying through his teeth for the sake of alleviating the conversation }}#{{ 'My surname is the only link I have with Khaenri'ah'? Read points mentioned above. Deceit deceit deceit. }}#{{ this entire interaction was a calculated; studied act; and I'm calling it as it is. if hyv intended otherwise --- too bad. }}#{{ because I'm making it my canon. }}#{{ and I truly hope that in hyv canon kaeya is being the 'you can only trust half of what he says' Kaeya; because if hyv is making Kaeya }}#{{ honest in this precise moment.... like if those words are his genuine thoughts from hyv's perspective; then; Kaeya; I'm so sorry }}#{{ but i want to have faith in hoyo; and I want to believe that they haven't forgotten Kaeya as a chara and his motivations }}#{{ and the fact that he was intended to be a khaenri'ah spy in mondstadt. something which generated a lot of conflict in his life. }}#{{ so don't @ me w/ 'oh yeah; I don't have any link or interest in khaenri'ah whatsoever haha khaenri'ah what is that?? never heard of it }#{{ anyway. Interesting to see it confirmed that Kaeya and Dain do not know each other formally; but that Dain has been spying on Kaeya }}#{{ and does not trust him. interesting dynamic. obviously kaeya didn't like having been studied and observed }}#{{ Kaeya being the Abyss Order Founder's descendant? Honestly; not surprising!! I had my suspicions. }}#{{ the clues were always there. 'heart of the abyss'. A heart is a vital part for any organism and by extent institution to function }}#{{ and so; too; is Kaeya a vital part of the abyss scheme; regardless of whether he wants to or not }}#{{ and there were other signs of it too. He has been seen communicating with them multiple times. recall diluc's introduction. }}
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
Olay so apparentl the hisden strife event had lore drops? And lettwrs hidden around Mondstatd! And a huge one was super hidden from kaeua???🌵
Ok! Yeah that's a thing! It's kinda sad cause it was, like, the first time they gave us hints about Kaeya's family. Now it's a bit obvious in terms of lore bu there were some interesting things.
(I wasn't there either, I just know about this by researching it.)
So, the main part is this:
The objects in the box are all pretty old. One particular sheet of paper stands out. A piece of it has been burned away, and the remaining parts show signs of hacing been rescued from that same flame. Every line on this sheet of paper has a matching one right under it. From the handwriting, it looks liike a child wrote on this first before an adult stepped in, held their hand, and taught them how to do it a second time. The writing are as follows: “Remember always that it was the Alberich Clan, who did not have royal blood, who stepped in as regents when the strength of the one-eyed king Irmin failed” “Though we could not restore Khaenri'ah to life, we of the Alberich Clan should leave lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers.” If you flip the paper over, there are other words there. You reckon these must be annotations of some sort. “I saved this one memento from the fire ‘Father’ made while he wasn’t paying attention. This was in violation of our principles. Our clan’s affairs should never be recorded. For me, this sheet of paper cannot serve as any form of identification, and will not give me pasage anywhere. Now that I look at it, his handwriting was as grieving as a smoking ash pile. There is no way that I can write something like that, living in Mondstadt as I am.” Moving the paper aside, you can see a cloth bag underneath it that conatins an eyepatch of significant age. A sticker is attached to the side, and the text on it reads: “Hah! to think that all that play-acting as a one-eyed pirate would eventually end with one actual wounded eye. I have never blamed Diluc for that. I suppose I must have been asking for it, telling him the truth the day my adoptive father died without expecting conflict to emerge somehow. He seems to believe that I really was blinded, though that’s not the case. Well, I’ve fooled him for a while, haven’t I? Might as well keep going.” Two letters lie beneath the bag, all of which have “D” as their sender. The letters are in great condition, and there is a time written on the back. This is most likely the time these letters were received. You can tell that the words have been written in a strong but elegant hand. A small paper bag lies next to these two letters. It contains nothing but a few seashells. They have lost most of their luster. It is unclear how much time has passed since they were picked up.
It's interesting because it gives us ideas on the Alberich's policies which, hindsight after 3.5, really make sense for the Abyss Order.
“Though we could not restore Khaenri'ah to life, we of the Alberich Clan should leave lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers.” Meaning they do not wallow in the past but burn themselves just for the sake of revenge against the gods!
Also the reason I don't buy Kaeya not knowing about the abyss since... he clearly was not spared the worst details. But that's another story.
Also we learn that they burn any comunication which is... interesting.
I will link all the letters here if anyone's interested. Compiled by the lovely @transxiao on Tumblr. The rest is mostly either Diluc lore or Ragbros and I'd advise you to read this if you have free time on your hands!
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viaetor · 1 year
❝ would you forgive me if i died? ❞ (from Kaeya)
ARABIC POETRY INSPIRED MEMES / accepting! / @galactia
ㅤㅤa loud silence fills the room, dooming it thick to the touch and thought. as they both stand facing the ruined door of the final abyss, he knows he means it; aether can tell despite the o-so rehearsed grin the other wears in his russet mouth. if only for a moment, he could swear he saw his hands shaking—if from the sheer cold that haunted their every breath or from nervousness, it was hard to tell. it only lasted a moment… yet his inquiry echoed through archaic limestones incessantly. 
ㅤㅤhow many times has the traveller seen this play out, a man getting ready to walk his last? how many soldiers hid their pains and longings, burying those feelings alongside themselves, leaving letters left unread by the cowardice of the living? how many times did he fake a smile, saying they needed not to worry and that they would all return unscratched, only for their hopes to be the last remains to carry home? too many. far too many. probably more than he should’ve had despite the thousands of years weighing down his shoulders. he wasn’t proud of that. 
ㅤㅤdainsleif and the others were right; time could be a curse. so they remained with eyes locked as if studying one another until aether broke contact first. he stared down at his sword, remembering lives lost and saved because of it. perhaps he should’ve treated kaeya as a pawn. in earlier years, back when he knew not about camaraderie, love and respect, perhaps that’s what he would’ve done. just another person in his life, simply a vague memory of a man he called a cohort in arms at one point in his long existence… wasn’t this the way of the universe, after all? what is a mortal friendship to someone who knows not the fear of death? but his dark circles were burning him tired and his heart sank at the thought. even soldiers (from armies of freedom or from the skies) knew that the price sometimes got too high. he had gotten attached. to him, to that planet, to that war. what a dangerous, exquisite thing.
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ㅤㅤ“the end comes to us all”, nonchalant is how summer-like voice began, even if he frowned shortly after. “but…” a step is taken, and a gloved hand takes the cryo user’s shirt with a fist, bringing his face close to his to the point their condensed breath mingled in one huff. “i will not be the one to hasten it for us both. and neither should you, cavalry captain. don’t you have amends to make?” it could’ve been a joke. aether would prefer for it to be a poorly made jest—a tease of some sort, to ease the tension before the decisive battle. but words are better left said than kept within one’s core to wither it.
ㅤㅤ“so no, kaeya—i won’t forgive you. not yet. now, en garde. we have a battle to fight.” he would make sure the other would watch in the mirror his hair getting greyer by the years. no matter what.
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Voice lines:
Hello, my name is Y/n. Nice to meet you. Um, I'm glad you decided to let me join you on this journey, I promise I'll work hard and protect you to the best of my ability.
Chat: Concern:
My biggest concern is being around tall men, men with blue hair, or a combination of both. It gives me bad memories of when I was still being used as an experiment by The Doctor
When it Rains:
I love the rain. It's fun to play in, but let's not play in it for too long, or else we'll get sick
When Thunder strikes:
Ah!!! That was a loud one. I don't like it when thunder strikes, so when that happens, I always hide under the blanket and hold onto Bybbles.
When it's snowing:
Quick, let's make some snowmen and snow angels!!! It'll be fun, oh, and we can catch snowflakes on our tongues or have a snowball fight!!!
When the sun is out:
I like the sunlight, hey, since you're free, why don't we make some flower crowns, or relax?
Good Morning:
Morning *yawn* I slept well last night, the first time in a while, actually. It felt nice.
Good Afternoon:
Lunch was nice. It wasn't fancy or anything heavy. I liked it.
Good Evening:
Hmm, what should we eat for dinner? Sweet Madame? Sakura Tempura? Adeptus Temptation? Oh, what do you want to eat? Tell me what you want to eat and I'll make it for dinner tonight.
Good Night:
Good Ni-, oh? You want to sleep with me? Why? Oh, you're worried about my sleep? Alright, I hope I won't disturb you when I wake up during the night due to my nightmares. Sleep well.
About Y/n: Book worm:
I read all the books in Mondstadt's library, well minus the scary ones. I'm interested in reading different genres, so if you have any recommendations feel free to let me know, minus the scary ones or the ones that "rot my brain" according to Lisa and Jean, I don't know which ones they're talking about but you could ask them.
About Y/n: Pampering:
After spending some time in Mondstadt after I was saved from the Fatui, I didn't really talk to that many people, so I always stayed quiet. Though I still talked to Diluc, Jean, Lisa, and Amber and they always like to pamper me, especially Jean, Lisa, and Amber. I always tell them to stop pampering me, but they don't listen, and I gave up in the end.
About us: Trust:
As a friend, I trust you enough, meaning that I put you all of my trust. But please don't take advantage of it.
About us: Journey:
I've been enjoying this journey so far, and I get to meet new people that I know, along with meeting old friends and making a ton of friends. I always write letters to Papa, Dad, Jean, and Diluc explaining all that happened!!!
About Vision:
A vision is like a medal that the gods give you for all the hard work you've done or because of how strong your ambition is that makes them believe that you deserve your vision.
Something to share:
I remember that when I first learned how to cook, it was a disaster, Kaeya said as a joke that I could defeat my opponent easily just by cooking a meal for them. I gradually got better, and now I make the delicious meals that you know and enjoy.
Interesting things: animals:
I like animals, I also like researching about them and I especially enjoy learning about new animals that I've never heard of.
Interesting things: medicine:
I'm somewhat good when it comes to the medical field, but I'm improving. Soon, I'll be capable of healing serious injuries and making medicines to cure patients.
Receiving a Gift I:
Delicious!!!! Can I have seconds, please?
Receiving a Gift II:
Can I have the recipe? I really want to try cooking it myself.
Receiving a Gift III:
Down the hatch... hehe...
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Traveler. Happy birthday to you. I hope all of your dreams and wishes come true!!!
Feelings About Ascension: Intro:
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up:
I'm still getting used to this much power.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax:
Your going through all this just for me?
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion:
Wow, I didn't know, I made this much of an impact on you. I'm very grateful, in the past, others told me that I didn't matter even if my back at the Knights of Favonius, Diona, and Diluc told me otherwise, but now being with you on this journey makes me happy. Is it fine if I give you a hug? Thank you.
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versadies · 3 years
how they spend valentine’s day alone. | genshin x gn!reader
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salutations. HOW THEY SPEND VALENTINE’S DAY ALONE (part one)
addressed. zhongli, tartaglia, diluc, kaeya, xiao (w/ gn!reader)
content. angst/no-comfort, hints of major character death, mentions of alcohol intoxication, ooc (?), spoilers to kaeya and diluc’s backstory, there’s nothing fluffy here at all :>>
synopsis. how they spend valentine’s day alone and come back to their heartbroken state when they’re reminded that you’re no longer here with them.
word count. 300-400+ each
penpals. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @renamichii @chiruru (visit my taglist info if you're interested to join !)
post-script. i did say i was itching to write some angst for valentine’s day 🤣🤣🤣 watch out for more angst next week w/ kazuha, scaramouche, albedo, and genshin women <<3 !
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it’s the way zhongli sits across an empty chair in the third-round knockout restaurant when he realizes that he’s no longer going to spend a day as special as valentine’s day with you. sure, it felt like everything’s the same as he goes by his day with his job and hobbies, but it feels…. lonely.
he pays no mind to how the iron-tongue tian glances at his direction with sad eyes, knowing what happened between you and him. after all, the storyteller witnessed the entire fight back then as he awkwardly continues to recite a story both you and zhongli didn’t bother listening to anymore.
he didn’t even know why this happened – everything was all a blur to him. it was supposed to be a good date for you and him to make up for lost time, only to end up arguing about something he never bothered to remember and ending up with you leaving.
it was strange to say the least. the retired archon was used to the welcoming arms of loneliness for so many years, but now it’s all new and uncomfortable, as if a part of him has disappeared.
perhaps spending so many years with you has affected him in both good and bad ways.
you’re one of the reasons why he started thinking about retiring from his duties as an archon and liyue’s protector. the times when he used to disguise himself as a human in every lantern rite and sneak off to spend time with you was one of the funnest things he had ever done for all his life.
but now, all the things he wanted to do with you for the rest of your lives are gone to ashes, all because of something he could’ve prevented.
“i would like to order the dragon-beard noodles with.. what would you like for lunch, y/–” ah right, you’re no longer here with him.
the server zhongli’s talking to cleared his throat, pretending to not hear the slipped words that came out from the consultant’s mouth. “perhaps you’d like our new dish that you might like, good sir?”
he stays silent, staring at where you used to sit for a few minutes.
he took a deep breath and replied with a soft tone, “..that would be lovely.”
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it’s the way childe walks around the freezing region of dragonspine when he finally accepts the fact that you’re no longer with him anymore. the cold breeze that passes by doesn’t remind him of his beloved homeland, but reminds him of the cold gaze you gave him before walking away from his life for good.
it doesn’t feel the same without your usual complaints and random comments filling his ears, to feel victorious after battles alone, to look around the battlefield and not see you fighting – even staying in his home doesn’t feel the same without you. everything he does, you’re always there with him.
that’s why he decides to take a day-off on valentine’s day and visit dragonspine, a place where you and he frequently come to whenever you feel homesick. it may not be an ideal date on a day such as valentine’s, but he knows you’d love it if you found out his plan for the occasion: a small lake where it’s just you and him ice fishing and cook all the fishes with a nice warm campfire when you caught enough – just like the old times when you used to go ice fishing with him and his father in morepesok.
he stares down at the locket that has a picture of you and him together during your first lantern rite with a kamera that you bought from a traveling merchant. since when was the last time he ever felt so alive after you left?
childe concluded that there wasn’t. the only feeling that’s closest to being alive is when he’s with his family – who he seldom sees due to his duties as a harbinger.
he couldn’t bear to tell his dearest siblings that you’re no longer with him, causing his heartbreak to grow worse whenever tonia mentions your name in her letters, telling him that he should bring you back to snezhnaya so they can see you again.
but how can he ever tell them that you’re gone? how can he have the courage to tell them that he let the best thing that ever happened to him slip from his fingers, knowing that the smiles plastered on their faces will soon fade away?
suddenly, his thoughts are caught off when he notices a frostarm lawachurl waking up from its nap nearby, instantly noticing the harbinger’s presence.
childe takes a deep breath before summoning his double blades, eyes narrowed at the lawachurl, who readies itself for its last battle.
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it’s the way diluc wakes up to an empty spot of his once-shared bed when he knew that this is his life from now on, alone without you in his arms. it felt like it was an instinct of his to reach out to where you are on the bed, to make sure that you’re still here with him sleeping soundly. but you weren’t there. you’re no longer here with him because of how he never realized what he has until it’s gone in his reach.
for a day as important as this, he had never felt so lonely.
he’s familiar with loneliness and grievance, but he had never thought it’d come back this soon. he should’ve paid attention to you more, he should’ve consider your feelings and not neglected you, he should’ve take more breaks and–
it doesn’t matter anymore. you’re gone.
there’ll no longer be a day when he gets to wake up and see you preparing breakfast by the kitchen despite the staff’s protests and panics, a day when dawn winery used to be lively and loud that’s filled with laughter and love, a day where there’s someone who’s waiting for him to come home from his patrols–
and a day that has you.
diluc’s aware of the words that the maids would whisper to each other, about how it’s weird and a pity that you’re no longer in the mansion, but he decides to pay no mind to it. he couldn’t blame them for missing you and feel like the place is missing.
no matter how much furniture and people reside in dawn winery, it still feels empty to the master. all there is in the place is loneliness and silence.
he finds himself staring at items that are on display in certain shops that he passes by when walking around the city towards his tavern. how would you react if he gives you those things as a valentine’s day gift if you were still together? he wonders, before looking away and continues his stroll.
for the first time, kaeya actually learned not to bother him on the same night, knowing how much valentine’s day meant a lot to diluc. it feels like celestia pitied his life, because there were no traces of the abyss on the same night as well. perhaps.. this is a sign that he should get back home early.
so he did. he slowly walked towards his home with a heavy heart, his thoughts flooded with you. he’s been through like this before, so why can’t he do the same with you? if only he could bring retribution to those who had wronged you – but there was no one he could fight against. not when it’s something like the illness that you had.
“happy… anniversary, y/n.”
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it’s the way kaeya looks to his right to see no one sitting beside him in angel’s share when the permanent smile that’s been on his face for so long broke down into a smaller one.
it’s no lie to both citizens and the knights alike that you and kaeya were known as the inseparable partners-of-crime. one would often find you two always together either by the tavern, the streets, or outside doing missions together. so it wasn’t a surprise to anyone when it was revealed that the both of you were dating.
which is why it didn’t make him feel better when almost every single person he encounters would give him a sad look in their eyes, reminding him of how you’re no longer here with him as both his lover and best friend, how he always looks at his right side to see no one at all, how he had almost mentioned your name for so many times, or how there was no one for him to banter and tease with.
why did you have to leave him here? you can’t just make yourself become one of the most important people he cares and trusts and just leave him like that.
he feels jealousy towards those who are celebrating valentine’s day with their loved ones while he doesn’t have anyone to celebrate with anymore. despite putting up a facade that he’s alright without you, rosaria, venti, and diluc knew all too well that he isn’t. not when his facade immediately drops when he drank too much wine, lying down on the counter face-down as his arms protectively hides his sorry face, ranting about how you shouldn’t have never left him alone to suffer.
perhaps this was his punishment for being a traitor to mondstadt and to diluc, who’s silent throughout the whole night during his stay in the tavern.
rosaria slowly rubs the calvary captain’s back as an attempt in comforting him, her other hand holds her drink that she didn’t bother finishing fast due to the pity she felt towards him. she may not have experienced what it’s like to have a lover, but she knew you and respected you in ways she never gave to anyone else.
when will valentine’s day be over for this poor guy? she thought to herself, ignoring the way some people clinked their drinks together and cheered out “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!” to each other nearby.
by the end of the night, kaeya stands in front of his mirror with a dull look, his eyepatch no longer on his face.
he takes a deep breath and accepts the last company in his life; loneliness.
“happy valentine’s day, y/n.”
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it’s the way he doesn’t hear the sounds of your footsteps towards the balcony of the wangshu inn when xiao knew that he’ll never get to spend valentine’s day with you nor hear you calling his name ever again. in all of his years, it could never compare to the one year where you’re by his side as his first and last lover.
he often looks down at the top balcony of the wangshu inn whenever he hears footsteps coming, his heart beating fast in anticipation and hope. it immediately died when it was just another curious customer wanting to enjoy the beautiful view that you once loved.
he should’ve listened to his thoughts when you walked away, not knowing that it was the last time he would ever see you again.
you promised that you would come back and spend valentine’s day with him so he could experience such a romantic day for the first time – so why? why did you have to go away so soon when you promised something that’ll never happen?
the yaksha tried his best to be unbothered by the special day, ignoring couples strolling around the inn and other environments as he pushed his heartbroken state aside, busying himself by hunting corrupted monsters and killing them.
no matter how much he fought and how busy he became, the feeling of missing you was still there like a gum. he found himself standing in front of pervases’s temple, thinking of the times when you helped wang ping’an in rebuilding the broken temple despite not liking the man for what he did as starsnatcher back then.
he also found himself staring at his almond tofu that smiley yanxiao made just for him. your words about how eating with others makes food all the more tastier must be true, because the dessert doesn’t taste the same as it was when you were sitting beside him eating your favorite meal as well.
by the time he retreats to the highest floor of the inn, he could only stare at the view of the night sky with a longing look on his face. if you were still with him, what would you say about the stars that shine above? would you have taken him somewhere higher and star-gaze together for valentine’s?
he doesn’t know how to celebrate valentine’s day alone. and he doesn’t think he will ever know.
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teyvatdreams · 3 years
not getting to say goodbye
includes: kaeya, childe, diluc, kazuha
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to be honest, kaeya was prepared for this sort of situation. he knew how uncertain and fragile life was — and it was something that worried him. so he spent a few weeks writing goodbye letters to everyone he loved just in case anything happened. yours, of course, was the longest.
it took a few days to actually find them, hidden away in the drawer because kaeya hoped they’d never have to be read.
and it took you even longer to actually open that envelope. everything about it broke your heart even more — his familiar handwriting on the envelope with a simple “to my love” written on it, the way the letter inside had been so carefully packaged, the wax stamp in your favorite color that sealed it shut — it was all too much.
but one night, when you were missing him more than ever, you finally opened it and read it through your tears.
he talked about how sorry he was that you were reading the letter. he talked about the things he never got to do with you. how much he loved you. but he told you to live on for him and to not let his absence hold you back.
after reading it, you carefully placed in back in the envelope and set it aside. it was one of the last things you had to remember kaeya by, and you would cherish it for the rest of your days.
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you tried to stay positive when the harbinger stopped visiting you. he was a busy man, surely he was just caught up somewhere else with business?
it wasn’t until zhongli mentioned how long it had been since he last saw childe that you started to worry. you would stay up until sunrise hoping that he’d show up at your doorstep like he used to; jumping awake to the sound of a stray animal walking by and being horribly disappointed that he still hadn’t shown up.
you did that every day for days. weeks. months. but the time you spent waiting got shorter, as you knew your waiting was futile. you knew childe well enough to know that being away unexpectedly for so long was out of character.
and then you received a letter from his family. they apologized for taking so long to tell you the bad news, but said childe was always writing to them about you. and they apologized for your loss.
the confirmation didn’t feel real — you felt so stupid for thinking he’d be okay after so long. but it still hurt to know that the worst case scenario was real. and it hurt to know that you didn’t cherish your time with him as much as you should’ve. you would do anything just to speak with him one last time.
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once he was gone, you realized how much you actually saw him in your everyday life. you’d greet him as you walked through the city, visit him whenever he was at the angel’s share, help him out at dawn winery. but nothing felt the same anymore.
instead of being met with diluc’s soft smile as you passed him, you were met with sad faces still grieving the loss of master diluc. the energy at the tavern was bleak, full of people trying their best to cheer up the people around them. you swore the grape juice you used to drink with him had gone bitter.
it felt like you were constantly waiting for him to show up again. you couldn’t comprehend the fact that he was gone.
after so many walks home without a coat, diluc ended up giving you one of his. you still had it, and you wore more than you liked to admit. it was much bigger than you, but that only made it more comfortable. it reminded you of him, and the faint scent of his cologne lingered on it.
you wished you had been brave enough to thank him for everything he had done for you. the kindness he showed you. you knew he would tell you it was nothing to thank him for, but it was all you wanted. you just wanted him to feel appreciated.
there was an emptiness in your heart that only diluc could fill. it was an emptiness that would remain there for the rest of your life.
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your last moments with kazuha were anything but peaceful. it almost felt as if you blacked out for a majority of it — watching as your friend was slain by kujou sara, kazuha’s voice telling you where to run. you panicked and told him to run as well, but he said he had more things to do there.
so hesitantly, you ran. you ran to where kazuha told you to go and anxiously waited for him to show up. you waited until the sun set. the idea of something happening to him didn’t even cross your mind. the worst thing you could imagine was him being locked up or something.
but of course, the reality was much worse.
you heard from people on the streets of inazuma city that kazuha had been slain alongside your friend by the raiden shogun herself. and it felt as if time had stopped. kazuha was gone.
you felt sick. you were so scared in that moment, seeing sara defeat your friend, you wanted nothing more than to be away from the situation. but now, you wanted to go back in time to save kazuha. you wanted to go back and grab onto him, pull him to safety with you, convince him to leave. hell, you’d even fight alongside him, even if it would ultimately cost you your life.
your best friends had been needlessly slain, and now it was just you. your hatred for the raiden shogun and the vision hunt decree intensified. the least you could do now was to try and do what they wanted.
so as you delivered the bad news to gorou, you also joined the resistance.
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sagau-fruit-bowl · 2 years
Request 'Can I get an event love letter from Kaeya in the imposter AU when he was the first to recognize the reader?' 
Absolutely! Please enjoy! (Also I'm sorry if he's a bit ooc)
I truly hope this letter reaches you soon, My Grace.
I know you don't quite like when I'm away but unfortunately, duty calls.
Now then, past all the sappy I'm sorry I can't be there for you stuff, and the Oh how I wish I could return from this cold nights at work and simply make sure every dream that visits your mind each night only consists of what will be and not what has been, I'd like to be honest about what I wrote this letter for.
We haven't gotten the chance to speak in a while, have we? As soon as they realized just what a fake that thing was, they switched the hunt from you to them and I haven't seen you since they took you away from me.
Is being in a palace more comfortable than my bed? I don't think it would be, especially not when surrounded by fools who don't even seem to realize their very presence makes you shudder in disgust, rage, and fear.
They also deny me the right I have to see you, a sad thing to be honest. The only way this letter will get to you is if I convince Jean to bring it with her, but I can be very persuasive, you've seen that.
But I'm getting off topic again. I sat to write this letter with one goal in mind and my brain is jumping around almost like yours did when we first met, probably complete with the same amount of panic
Do you remember when I took you to Storm Bearer Point? I told you I used to sit there to watch the stairs and pray to you and only you that I would be yours, your vessel, one of your chosen servants once more. 
You smiled for the first time that night, when I grabbed your hand and used it to point out my favorite constellations, you also seemed a bit too embarrassed to look me in the eye but I promise I won't hold that over your head forever… just until I die;)
Do you remember something else I told you that night? I told you all about how unsure I was for your future and mine. Now your future is guaranteed, and you deserve it. After everything they had put you through, after the state I found you in, after all the work I had to help you, to save you! You're now guaranteed safety, but you shouldn't have safety with those whose very presence leaves you uneasy.
So I'd like to make a request. Come visit me. Come visit me because I want to know that you're Alright, come visit me because we've been apart for so long
Come visit me because I adore you, not as the creator, not as Your Grace, but as you. As [Name], as this shining and caring soul I got to meet when we worked together to push away the dirt and grime and horror of what you went through.
I adore you, [Name]. 
If that word makes you uncomfortable then I'll say it straight out, I love you.
Please visit me, we have a lot to talk about.
-With love, Kaeya, Calvary Captain of Monstadt and your waiting but not very patient admirer.
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alberivh · 3 years
The gravestone of the wilderness — (scraps)
diluc x gn!reader — fluff, angst, comfort/hurt, death, implied werner syndrome, memory loss.
the second stage of diluc’s life, death and you.
a/n : a very very messy writing which were written by me for 2 days…? please listen to je te laisserai des mots while reading this, it would improve your imagination more <3
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oh to be a normal couple. Lying in your frail shoulder, diluc exhales his heavy breathing. Trading the air with a brain of oxygen and beauty of life, he let your hands wrapped to his arm. Soothed his messy-red-hair and hearing the whisper of the freedom. Near the lakes of the winery, stand your figure and diluc seeing the sunset in mesmerized glances. It was a peaceful evening, even the birds seems too peaceful that it hurts your soul. The world isn’t fine, how come everything became so peaceful today?
“diluc, quick question..” , you called out his name. Stealing the sunset gaze from diluc’s eyes. His breathing is heavy, his heartbeat is unexpectedly warm. Yet you found his presence a little bit too cold..and too fragile.
“and..what is it?”
“who’ll die first, me or you?” , the question is simple. Like a sword to a warriors body, straightforward and cut short. You pay no attention to diluc’s tighten grip, avoiding his eye contact is the way you make his answer straight and honest. After all, you only want to hear his intentions, why did he still seek you even after your condition worsened? He could had the chance to escape from your affection 3 months ago but why did he stay? Did he pitied the unknown for not being the best of his life?
“you” cold and strong. His whole sight focused on your eyes. Anxiety fills it, tears could even force itself to leave your eyes if diluc told you how your eyes show everything. He seen through you and for so many time, he predicted your words. I don’t have any days left diluc.., is your favorite line. The one he thought to be a bullshit.
“just as i expected”
“but you do know i’m not your doctor right?”
“i trust my lovers instinct better than the doctors, they’re a bunch of creeps anyways” , the sunset falls to the edge of the winery before you could finish your reply. the infuse, the breathing machines and the ventilators were all beside you, accompanying you these past weeks. it was bothersome to bring them all together, but thanks to diluc, you could felt as if you were alive. and with no essentials-help you are fine.
diluc saw your anxiety trembles to sobs. the sunset was over and thus—began the starry moonlight which bright to the breezing sky of monstadt.
“thank you..diluc…” , you carefully clinge to his arm. Hugging it tightly without letting your infuse disturbed the warm of his body. your fingers gone numb but his warmth, it radiates so much energy and comfort to be alive. tears fall to his jacket, the moonlight was yet to be found and here you are pleading your lover to stay. Even if you’re both better dying off alone.
“dying off young is pretty tragic don’t you think? Like us..”, whispering your thoughts under the darkened sky and to diluc who was staring empty at your eyes. It was quite and clear to be hear in diluc’s ear but maybe he prefers to drown himself to your frail shoulder, so he could escape from the reality you were going out from his lines.
“y’know diluc, if i were alive till the 32 years of your life, i’ll be happy to laid on our deathbed together..” , a not so sappy thought to be precise. But diluc tries to understand from what are you implying to say, he doesn’t want to make himself fooled by the guilt of his past.
“and what makes you say that?”
“diluc we all know that i’m dying, i couldn’t always stay like this can i?” “I just want to be free that’s all..but diluc…i don’t wish for someone to forget about me…i want them to know i’m used to be alive and well, i want them to know i’m in love.” — i want them to know i’m in love with you diluc, i don’t want to leave you behind. I don’t want someone to abandoned me behind. I love you diluc. How many times have i told you that? I lost count.
minutes feels like seconds, under the starry night you felt nothing but warm. The warm of his heart and his radiance, although it seems like a facade to hide from your sharp-vision. He is beautiful. but with diluc’s lips under your dry mouth, You could feel more the presence of his fading-figure. Wandering through his palm, the space of his cold fingers and his salty tears. He was crying out of madness. He was frustrated that he couldn’t been able to save you from your draining thoughts.
the sharp needles inside your infuse feels numb. The breathing tube wasn’t as heavy as before. Diluc lips is the only thing you could feel. Under the moonlight, he drops his devotion to his knees. Hands wrapped to your delicate-fragile self. Under the days he left you behind, he apologize. As Now he is humming your lips with hopeless wishes. His kisses are soft, gentle as the wind. Pyro seems so warm to your cryo vision. Unknown for love and ambition to be bear. so this is how falling in love feels like?
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the sunrise have awoken, another day has finally begun. Sitting at the balcony with his brother, reading letters and wishes from his inner family circle. Eyebags have grown to diluc’s glance, even his wrinkles start to form onto his charming face. His hair start to fall out to thin airs, leaving half of the once burning red to a pale-silver colored. Enjoying his time with the breeze of the sun, diluc realizes kaeya standing figure. he must be going somewhere..
“Kaeya where are you going?” , voice gone frail. His voice aren’t as strong as before. Even his flatter organs are better than the rusty voice kaeya heard.
“to visit someone, it’s their birthday afterall..want to join in, good-master di—“
“shut up don’t you say that name again” , crossing the words. He exhales his breath. Giving himself an opportune moment to breath the fresh morning air. He flinch to the song of the birds, watching them fly ti the air while the letters flew to the side of the tables. it was a peaceful day for diluc to rest, but nonetheless..he always forgot them. Them who aren’t here anymore. father..and..who are they again?
“Alright big brother diluc ragnvindr..just sit on your wheelchair and prepare your stuff, we’re going to windrise right now.”
“It’s not vennessa’s birthday kaeya, why’d you want to take me to windrise? Are y—“ cutting diluc’s voice, kaeya managed to give him the usual smug face on his sight. Making diluc seems more uncomfortable by his plan.
“Yeah yeah..just stick your butt on the wheelchair already mister, we’re going now woohoo!” , whistling to excitement diluc found his brother action to be quite..suspicious. The road was smooth, maybe because the land of winery belongs to diluc’s and his bloodlines, no? Windrise wasn’t that far from the winery, maybe it is far for someone like diluc to explore such an area in the first place.
Windrise, the inner nation of freedom. The location of free will and vennessa legacy. But why does it feel so..cliché for diluc to remember? He doesn’t remember anything about windrise. He doesn’t remember anything about dying, he doesn’t even remembered the gravestone in front of him now. The air was fresh. The leaves and flowers which grow from the small-location of the gravestone was unexpectedly beautiful. The name which were craved in it was unreadable, maybe it was..once. But never again it would be readable to diluc’s eye.
“happy birthday (name)..me and diluc is in here to plant some cecilia’s..would you mind? Ah if you do..you could breeze the bells there, please don’t mind diluc, he’s lost right now.” , kaeya pleaded to downfall of the gravestone. Whispering questions and rants for the owner of it to know. The bell rang and under the wing it sang. they gladly appreciate your visit, diluc. Kaeya steal his glance to diluc’s unfocused eyes, it look as if it were questioning every each of it’s memories. Who are they and why does kaeya think of them as one of the part of him?
Planting the seeds of cecilia under the ground of the suspicious gravestone. The Crystalflies even surrounded it with grace, as if they all belong to their first habitat, the gravestone of the wilderness. Who are they and why are their remenance so…beautiful?
“hmhm, goodjob. Thank you for accepting our birthday offer..diluc and i will go now, farewell for now, see you soon” , cleaning the dirt from the gravestone. Diluc once again asked kaeya’s answer. But nothing could be found from his brother mouth, it seems it was hidden for diluc’s sake.
“you’ll recognize them again diluc, sooner or after.”
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soon never came. Kaeya wasn’t here, he was already gone from the resident, Taking diluc’s place aren’t that easy after all. pale and unrecognized, diluc came to his once work office which he never touch any longer. Searching for documents for kaeya to read for him later at night. His fingertips are still the same, numb and empty. I lack something but what are they…? This uncureable piece of shit was such a bothersome.
oh..what is this..?
a letter? — opening it with caution, diluc found the sight of something he craves. The writing of those who couldn’t be recognized by his mind, yet the feeling..it was warm. So warm and comfortable, that it even shakes diluc’s empathy.
to, my sweetheart, diluc ragnvindr.
i never knew when would you opened this but i think you opened it few years since i have died. I know the side affects of your ilness. So i wouldn’t mind if you forget me all along. It’s not your fault for leaving your old memories and life behind, your ilness is one of the part of your issues diluc and I totally understand that, better than kaeya, better than adeline or elzer. And if you forget about me, it’s fine. You don’t need to remember me, just read this all along alright?
Diluc, my swetheart. You probably found this crumpled behind your documents. Maybe kaeya would found it first than you do and it wouldn’t be much of a problem for me to bare, after all i’m dead and even if you apologize i wouldn’t dare to say i would forgive you. Cause diluc, i’m hopelessly in love with you. I love you diluc. Even if you forget me, even if you died in your old age and disastrous days, even if you don’t love me any longer. I’ll be very happy if you could still read this letter. Your curiosity is the reason i’m alive for once diluc. Your warm is the reason of my short-recovery diluc. You are everything. And if you forgot, then it’ll be fine. Read this letter everytime you felt lost, because no home without your lover, no? Ah nevermind that’s a shitty joke isn’t it diluc? Hehe
I’m very satisfied with what I’ve achieved in my lifetime. I got to be with you and your family. I feel like i’m apart of them, apart from who i become. I escape and i’m alright. I’m alive and it’s all because of you diluc. I’m happy. Very happy. But one thing i couldn’t regret more is the fact i couldn’t marry you and tell my devotions to the crowds. I want you foreve diluc, but our time is short enough for each other sake. Fate was cruel, but it’s fair and merciful. It gave us a time to met each other and i’m thankful.
So diluc, whenever you feel lost. Feel free to found me in the crystalflies and in the starry night of the winds. Whenever you need me, i’ll be there. just so let you know i’m the donor of your heart, please don’t regret the fact i’m sharing my life with you. I’m happy to know you are alive, diluc. As long ad you enjoyed your days and live a well-long life, i’ll be happy to give you my everything. I might couldn’t give you this year, but here. Open this envelope, it’s a present. For what exactly? For your own love, diluc. Accept it, would you? I don’t mind if you wouldn’t, but if you want to wear it, feel free to use it.
I’m very happy to be alive diluc, i love you.
The letters ended and so do his tears scroll through his cheeks. The crystalflies in the gravestone. Oh it’s you all along..? Why didn’t you cry out of regret? Are you happy for what diluc became? Are you, my dear…? He was scared of letting you loved him again. He deserve nothing but your hatred. The envelope, it was fill with your charm bracelet. The matching bracelet you used to talk with diluc.
The gravestone, the cecilia’s..? Aren’t those the promises diluc made before? i’ll grow garden of hundreds cecilia’s with you. But he forgot. Your existance are nothing to him anymore, he lost his senses, he lost everything. This heart..your heart. It was pounding rapidly, it even showed diluc emotions again. He was crying in pain. He was crying in sorrow. Oh god, i wish i’m not that weak. I wish i still love you the same as how those letter told me. Darling, will you love me again? No response. He was truly out of his mind to forget the ones who bring his dimmed eyes back alive. So once again he confesses, falling to his knees as he begged for his mind to remembered you.
The days have past so did you died in his eyes. Casket opened and emptied with your body, cecilia all over the ground. You are dead and yet the pounding heart of yours are the result of love. Strokes his body with empty thoughts, he began to murmured again his love.
your heart..it’s warm, My dear.
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TAGLIST : @mikachuchu , @zierx, @childeluv @urujiako , @chichikoi , @noirkkat , @aphrodicts-imagination
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Alright, first things first. Since I was asked so kindly by that other anon the other day, I shall give some more Ragvindr/Alberich sibling content. This won’t be the only content I submit tonight, but I’ll number asks that go together separately.
So, first off, I would like to just put it out there that it’s no coincidence that this particular darling is so especially naive, stupid, innocent, and vulnerable to becoming the perfect prey for a yandere. Oh no. You were raised with that outcome in mind. That’s right, it’s due to the way daddy Crepus raised you when you were young, raised all his kids really. He looked at his sons, both bio and adopted and just knew they would grow into fine yanderes and trained and guided them as such, but you, you could never. From the minute he first held you (whether that be when you were born or when he first adopted you) he knew you were too sweet to be anything other than the perfect little darling. So he raised you to be oblivious and affectionate, to not know how to do much other than basic cooking and household chores, to not question things too much, to rely heavily on him and your brothers. It was all to prepare you for your future yandere (which he secretly hoped would be one of his sons, and thus he may or may not have planted some ideas into their heads about that before he died; reinforcing in them how sweet and innocent their little sib is, how they need to be protected from the world, for her own good, how any other man would simply corrupt them or be unable to care for them properly, the way they deserve to be cared for, how only they were worthy of having their sib’s perfection)
Now picture this, you are Diluc’s bio sib, but leave the Winery after Crepus dies. Maybe you go with Kaeya specifically, maybe you don’t, maybe you just didn’t want to be alone in the Winery while Diluc went on his years long quest for vengeance. Either way, you don’t live there anymore, and while it kills him that he abandoned you and thus ceded ground on winning you over to Kaeya, there’s not much he can do at this point. Meanwhile, even though you don’t live with Kaeya, (haven’t yet been kidnapped by him) you did indeed grow closer to him while Diluc was gone. Close enough that he feels completely comfortable asking you to come with him to some big party for some important holiday in Mondstadt which is being hosted in the Knights of Favonius HQ, as it’s the only building big enough. You’re so innocent you think he merely invited you as his sib rather than the date he truly intended it as but he’s willing to allow you the misconception for a little while longer. He knows that soon there will be no room for doubt, or refusal, of his intentions. Of course in your daily letter to Diluc (one of his many conditions for allowing you to continue living off of the winery grounds) you mention the party and Kaeya’s invitation. Jealousy burns within him when he reads that. He doesn’t know what exactly Kaeya’s planning, but he knows that traitorous bastard will ruin you. So even though he dislikes parties and loathes the knights, he resolves to go, to protect you. In the meantime he starts looking into things he can do to bring you back home with him where you belong.
Time-skip to the day of the party. You show up with Kaeya and you’re having a good time even though you’re hanging off his arm nearly the entire time because you don’t know most of these people. You apologize to him that you’re keeping him from enjoying the party, but like the good big brother he is, Kaeya replies that he doesn’t mind at all and in fact couldn’t fully enjoy himself if he didn’t know you were safe, and the only way he can confirm that is if you are right next to him at all times. “After all, you never know where danger could be lurking, can’t be too careful.” He says with a grin. Meanwhile, Diluc is in the corner of the room lurking, gritting his teeth as he watches this snake with his oblivious sib on his arm, unaware of the danger they’re in. You don’t realize Diluc is there, he never told you he would be and you know your brother hates parties so you had no reason to think he’d be there. Kaeya however knew the other was there from the moment that you two arrived and is absolutely loving the fury and jealousy he can see on his face. He dances with you, hugs you, wipes a bit of food off your face, all the while making sure to remain in clear view of Diluc so he can taunt the other with your closeness. But then someone comes up to Kaeya, telling him he’s needed for some urgent Knights business. He sighs but then guides you over to a corner (the one opposite from Diluc’s unbeknownst to you) and hands you a drink. Telling you to just sit here and drink that and don’t move, he’ll be right back.
(1/3) 💌 anon
From here we have 2 different routes. I’ll start with Diluc’s. Even though Kaeya told you to just sit and drink your beverage, you've already finished it and you’re bored. Surely exploring and mingling can’t be too bad so long as you stay within the party room right? So you put your now empty drink down and start to wander around the party. It doesn’t take you long to spot a very familiar shock of red hair and quickly go over to the other corner to greet Diluc. He smiles slightly as he sees you approach. He was about to go over to you himself, but it seems you’ve come to him willingly and saved him the trouble. ‘What a good sibling you are.’ he thinks to himself as you finally reach him and give him a bright smile, saying how pleasantly surprised you are to see him. You chatter to him about the party and how much fun you’re having, so distracted by your story telling that you don’t realize he’s subtly leading you away from the party hall and towards the back entrance of the Knights HQ. Right by the entrance he turns to you and says, “It’s awfully late. You’re normally in bed by this time aren’t you? I know this is way past the bedtime you used to keep back home.” You didn’t realize until he said it, but come to think of it, you are rather tired. “I’ll take you home then.” You start saying about how you don’t want to trouble him and how you should at least wait for Kaeya before leaving so he doesn’t wonder where you are, but you barely get through half your sentence before you fall into your brothers arms, fast asleep. When you come to, you're tucked into what you recognize to be Diluc’s bed back at the winery. He’s sitting at his desk a few feet away from you, and turns when he hears you wake. Your memory is a bit fuzzy, but Diluc tells you that you fell asleep while he was taking you home yesterday so he simply carried you the rest of the way back. You thank him but question why he didn’t simply take you back to your apartment in Mondstadt, when that was certainly closer than the winery. At this he gets up and comes to sit next to you on the bed, gathering your hands in his. “That’s not your home anymore. It never was. It was always here at the Dawn Winery. And it always will be.” He says gently. You’re about to question what he means by that when he continues. “I was looking through Father’s old papers the other day and found something interesting. I didn’t realize it at first, because this paper wasn’t filed with the rest of his will, but upon his death he left complete, total, indefinite custody of you, to me. Meaning, I have been entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of you, forever. And as your older brother, protector, and primary caretaker, I don’t think that it is a good idea for you to continue living in Mondstadt. You’ll be moving back into the Winery with me so I can watch over you, as Father wished.” You try to protest but he simply shushes you and kisses your forehead before getting up and walking to the door. “I know it is a sudden change but I promise you’ll soon come to see that it’s for your own good. Now, I have some important errands to run. You just stay here and rest and try to adjust, alright? If you’re good and don’t try to escape while I’m gone I’ll ask Adelinde to make your favorite for dinner.” And with that he exits the room, locking the door behind him. As he walks down the hall he thinks of all the things he has to do today. He needs to bring all of your things back from your apartment, buy you some new, more suitable clothes, start trying to get those anti-incest marriage laws repealed (a well placed donation or two to the right people should get the ball rolling on that front), and then thank Kaeya for drugging your drink last night. It really saved him a lot of trouble.
Now for Kaeya’s route. Obedient thing that you are, you don’t think to question or disobey your brother’s order. Yes you’re a bit bored, but just thinking about how worried Kaeya would be if he came back and you were missing has you staying in place, just watching the crowd and sipping your drink as asked. (Unbeknownst to you, Diluc attempts to approach you at this point but is mysteriously blocked by some of his business partners who desperately need to talk to him). As you sit though, you find yourself growing sleepier and sleepier. You close your eyes, only intending to rest them for a few moments, but when you open them again, you’re resting on a bed in a completely different room that you do not recognize. Suddenly the door opens and in walks Kaeya who smiles at finding you awake, before closing the door behind him. “Well good morning sunshine!” He teases before his expression changes slightly, gaze tinged with concern. “Do you remember what happened last night?” You try to recall, but doing so makes your head hurt, so you tell him no. He walks over to sit next to you on the bed and promptly wraps his arm around your shoulders, his free hand grabbing one of yours. “Well apparently you weren’t paying close enough attention to your drink sweetheart. An agent of the Fatui snuck into the party last night. They recognized you and drugged your drink when you weren’t looking, intent on kidnapping you to use as blackmail against Diluc and I. I came back to you barely conscious, about to be escorted out of the party by that shady agent. We of course arrested them, but we thought that it would be safer for you if we brought you to my apartment here in head quarters. It’s certainly better protected than your apartment and we didn’t want to risk them trying again.” You don’t remember any of the events described, but Kaeya has no reason to lie to you. You’re obviously horrified at what almost happened and begin simultaneously thanking your brother profusely for saving you and also apologizing for the trouble. He chuckles “Any amount of trouble is worth it if it means you’re here safe in my arms.”
But then his face drops into a minute frown. “I am a bit disappointed in you though. I thought you could be trusted to look after yourself for a little while, but clearly that is not the case.” The disappointment in his voice has you fidgeting and ready to start frantically apologizing again, but he cuts you off before you can. “I’m not mad. This happened partially because of my mistake. I should have known this would happen. You’re just not responsible enough to take care of yourself. You need a man to take care of you. That’s why Father left you in my care in the first place.” You ask him what he means by that and he sighs. “Well, in his will Father left not only full and indefinite custody and responsibility for you, but also your hand in marriage, to me. I wasn’t going to claim either of those things, as I thought you should be given a chance at independence. But as last night showed, clearly you aren’t capable of that, so I’m going to fix my mistake and do what I should have done years ago and take care of you properly.” You start trying to protest but Kaeya’s grip on your shoulder tightened and the increased intensity of his gaze shut you up. “Now now, are you really going to try and fight me on this? I gave you a chance at self-sufficiency. It’s not my fault that you couldn’t handle it, now is it? I know this is upsetting but I promise it’s for the best. You trust Father don’t you? And you trust Big Brother Kaeya? Then trust our judgement and just listen and obey me ok? I promise if you do that, everything will be alright.” He plants a kiss on your cheek, then gets up and heads to the door. “Now I have some things to take care of, so just sit tight. When I get back, we can start looking through some catalogues for wedding dress styles you like.” He says with a bright smile, before closing the door behind him. As soon as he knows for certain he’s out of earshot of the door, Kaeya laughs to himself. His plan went off without a hitch. He’ll have to go thank Albedo for that drug later and he can’t forget to visit Diluc. The expression of pure rage on his face when his older brother saw him taking their precious little sib to his room was absolutely delicious. ‘Wonder how spectacular it will be when he receives his wedding invitation?’ He thinks idly to himself as he exits his private wing of headquarters.
💌 anon (4/4) Last of the Ragvindr/alberich sib stuff for tonight but I promise there will be more of this stuff from me at a later date. And this isn't the last of the content from me for tonight either. God this was annoying to send. Hope that you got the whole thing (last few words of the last sentence of the previous ask should have been "safe in my arms")
Hey so uh I just wanna know what did I do to deserve this blessing anon???? This is so thought out and detailed and perfect I??? This is another one of those posts I have to just lay down and take in
PLEASE send in any content you want anon I am!!!! excite!!!
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yukihime242 · 3 years
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I’m the Honorary Knight and have been cruising my way in and out of this building without being stopped by anyone before?
Mihoyo need to do a closure on Athos because it makes me curious to know if he knows we are the Honorary Knight. 
Anyway, we told him that we were there to see Kaeya and Athos told us that Kaeya is currently busy with administrative work while the one who was supposed to do the administrative work is out on patrol.
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He let us pass regardless and we found Kaeya respectfully sitting at the guest seat instead of Jean’s office table. 
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And as if we are the harbinger of doom, we came to collect his homework. 
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Wow, if only Paimon and Venti could put aside their differences, they would most certainly become best friends in this scenario.
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And apart from the multitude of things he has to do, he had to meet his drinking buddy, Nimrod, to help him pick a gift to salvage his marriage.
We decided to help him with the marital issue of Nimrod while Kaeya could have a peace of mind and focus on his poetry writing.
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We head off to Angel’s Share, no surprise there, and found Nimrod passed out outside the tavern. Also, no surprise there. 
Apparently, Nimrod’s marriage is on the rocks since his wife is understandably frustrated at his drinking habits. 
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So... he was passed out outside the tavern for a few days? 
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That’s lovely, and very cute too. But it definitely won’t save your marriage for long so put in more effort Nimrod!
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We’re done with Nimrod effortlessly because we just need to give him whatever we have in our inventory (sobs). We went back to the Knights Headquarters and Kaeya had just finished the love poem.
Paimon was too excited and wanted to know what he wrote.
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First of all, it’s very Kaeya. 
Secondly, for anyone who does not know that Venti is a god (possibly being able to understand and speak Hilichurlian), would it not also be curious that a bard could speak Hilichurlian too? (Also, does Kaeya even knows Venti is the anemo archon?)
Kaeya had to end the happy moment quickly as he spotted someone suspicious (wonder how he manages to do that with that covered right eye) and asked us to do him a favour and passed on an approved license back to the church.
And as if Kaeya being able to speak Hilichurlian was not enough, we were met with another surprise.
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We can finally establish that Lisa is a sadist.
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I’m quite surprised I did not see anybody asking Lisa to electrocute them on social media after this part of the story. Remember the Signora moments?
Anyway, we entered the church and found Barbara and Bennett together.
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Since Barbara is too broken to tell us, Bennett had to relay the whole incident to us instead. Someone a gave Barbara this letter which said that they had stolen something precious from her and buried it.
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That is clearly Dawn Winery. One thing to do is to just go there and find out ourselves what these thieves want from Barbara.
While Bennett is still trying to figure out where the location is, Barbara made a dash for the door. Thankfully, she was stopped by Rosaria.
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Gosh, Barbara, I know you love your sister and all but seriously! Do you think, that the Acting Grand Master and the famed Dandelion Knight of Favonius, is capable of letting someone kidnap and bury her?! Have some faith in your sister!
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It was the place I was thinking, Paimon. How often did I go there just to get myself healed from the statue.
So, we made our way to the said location and finally learn the truth.
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Right now, I think the giant flower statue would be a better choice...
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versadies · 2 years
who i love (w/ gn!reader)
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SALUTATIONS. who i love
ADDRESSED. kaeya alberich, diluc ragnvindr (w/ gn!adventurer!reader)
CONTENT. angst/no-comfort, right person-wrong time trope, spoilers to kaeya’s backstory, ooc (?)
STAMP. in which he rejects his love for the sake of not being able to see you suffer from his burdens of his homeland.
PENPALS (taglist). @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @coleluuviida @034ven @dear-dairiess @luv3rxcha @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn
POST-SCRIPT. i apologize if there are any errors around this fic, i was writing it during a brown-out and i had to write in the dark (unhealthy ik) 💀💀💀 hope you enjoy <333
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It’s agreed by a lot of people in Mondstadt that Kaeya is one mysterious yet interesting man. 
The cavalry captain is easy to converse with, that’s one thing for sure, but when it comes to trying to talk about him, he either answers their questions in a way that’s vague yet enough for them to not persist, or changes the topic without them realizing it until after the conversation ended.
However, there are a few things that people know about the mysterious captain. For one, he usually spends more time in Angel’s Share than in the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, his favorite drink is Death After Noon, and he is definitely great at his job despite having some questionable methods. 
Not to mention how a rookie adventurer is the only person who knows Kaeya a lot more than anyone else. 
Perhaps it was because of how you and the cavalry captain have been friends since childhood, or how you’re always by his side supporting him throughout the years you’ve spent with one another during the disappearance of Diluc – nevertheless, you’re quite well known for being his special someone.
When it comes to seeing you and Kaeya together, the man’s always looking at you in a way that he never looks at people. It's obvious from the look on his face that he truly cares about you a lot, something that some ladies and men are envious of and thought of as endearing. 
When you’re in the same room as him, he’ll instantly try to end the conversation he’s currently in and would come towards you to hang out, causing you to earn a few harmless enemies for taking their time with the cavalry captain away. When you come back after completing a few commissions, he’s always there by the Adventurers’ Guild waiting with a soft smile instead of that arrogant look on his face that he usually wears. When you’re talking with him, he always listens attentively and takes every single word to his heart, all whilst sending witty remarks that could make you laugh.
Of course, some people would gush that there’s a possibility that the cavalry captain is head over heels with his childhood best friend, but they doubt he actually likes you since the both of you would’ve been together romantically already if that were the case. 
If only they knew how right they were about his feelings. 
For as long as he can remember, Kaeya’s heart always belongs to you and you only. He refuses to look at anyone else in a way that he sees you, to think of anyone else in a way that he thinks of you, to love anyone else in a way that he loves you, because you’re the only one who could make him feel this way. He can’t put up his arrogant facade when it comes to you, because what is there for him to hide when you basically almost know everything about him except one thing that he’ll take to his grave?
There were times when you’d show signs that you like him too, something that never failed to make his heart soar and made him spend sleepless nights thinking about it with a grin on his face. 
So why? Why can’t he pull the first move and confess? 
Because he doesn’t think he deserves to have a happy life at this time. 
Every time he looks at the mirror, all he remembers is the haunting words that his father – his biological father – said to him on that fateful day before he was left behind in Dawn Winery. There’s no time for love when he’s the last hope of his civilization.
He doesn’t think he’ll be able to forgive himself should the day ever come when he stands against you, against the place he considered home, for the sake of a fallen civilization that the gods have ruined. 
So he continues to not make a move, not knowing how it seemed to affect the other. 
Because of this, he can see how you’re starting to stop giving him signs as months flew by, and in return, he didn’t give you signs either even when it hurts to see you slowly drift away from his reach because of his cowardice. 
Of course, the both of you continue to be best friends, but it was never the same as before. 
Even now, when he knows the consequences he had to face, he will still continue to refuse your love for the sake of your life and his heartbreak if he had the chance to turn back time, even if it pains his heart. 
He stands not too far away from where you are, watching as you wait for his arrival with a hopeful look on your face whilst Sara cooks up your favorite meal. He waits for a moment when he can enter the scene. 
It honestly felt like he’s going on a date with you. 
But alas, that moment ended shortly when someone else arrived.
Just as Kaeya took a step forward, he freezes when he hears your voice calling out for someone else’s name, your voice grew enthusiastic – way more enthusiastic than how you used to with him. 
He watched bitterly as Diluc wrapped his arms around you and kissed your temple tenderly. If it weren’t for the burdens that has followed him everywhere, then Kaeya would’ve been the one to do that to you–
“Kaeya,” Your eyes brightens at the sight of your best friend, whose thoughts were instantly cut off by your voice. “You made it!” 
The blue-haired man instantly composes himself before shooting you a smile, walking towards you and Diluc, who is still hugging you. “Of course, I wouldn’t want to miss an occasion where my best friend will treat me to free wine, not to mention how I get to meet the person who stole their heart.” 
He gives your lover a look. “And I could never guess it was Master Diluc himself.” 
You laugh in response. “Of course you couldn’t, he and I have been seeing each other in secret. Though I don’t blame you either, if I have to be honest, I didn’t expect to be with Diluc as well.”
He eyes the aloof man carefully, observing his facial expression and body language. Surely, he’s not doing this to get revenge against me right? Kaeya thought.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the reason. 
For a usually aloof man like Diluc, it’s a rare sight to see his lips twitching upward while staring at someone so… lovingly. To Kaeya, it was basically like watching himself staring at you.
He could never mistake love in someone’s eyes when he himself has experienced it. 
From that moment alone, Kaeya knew he had to let you go, knowing that you now have someone he’ll never become, a lover.
So he accepted defeat.
“I honestly didn't expect this outcome as well,” Diluc comments, letting out a small chuckle as he lets go of you from his hug. “Though, I wouldn't say I'm complaining.”
The cavalry captain watched as you interlaced your hand with Diluc’s, noticing the way the red-haired man’s ears instantly turned red in response.
He concluded that this is his punishment for being a traitor, to both Mondstadt and to Khaneri’ah, for surrendering himself to love, only to watch his only love being with the man who had almost killed him after finding out his secret. 
Kaeya swallowed the lump in his throat. “I hope you two will continue to be happy together, I can see how you two make a lovely couple.” He lies smoothly. 
You continued to smile, hiding the fact that you can read his lies. “I hope you’ll be happy with someone as well, Kaeya.” You replied. “Just as much as how happy I am with Diluc.” 
From those words alone, the cavalry captain mentally took note to himself that he’ll visit Angel’s Share after this.
For he knows long enough that the only thing that will truly get him close to that happiness is in his sleep where he dreams of being with you, 
A dream that’ll never happen in this reality. 
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