#{{ this also applies to the people i rp with in general. you all are flawless }}
frozenambiguity · 7 months
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me, bullying my friends into hitting me up with every single genshin muse they have: give me. give me they.
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enigmatic-elegance · 5 years
🔥🔥🔥 SI:7 RP :^)
Oh boy, let’s do it!
🔥 I know I mentioned this one before but it serves a second mention just due to it being -so- prevalent in the SI:7 RP sphere. There is a lot to spy work that is subtle. Behind the scenes. I’m not just talking paperwork and documentation of which there is a lot. I also am just talking about the job in general.
I’ve made the joke before ‘How do you know if a character is a criminal? They’ll tell you.’ It can apply to SI:7 RPers too. Most I have seen in RP completely lack tact. You know it by the way they walk, talk, engage the world. ‘Huh, I wonder if the person in full, tight leather and a hood up strapped with twenty three daggers might be SI:7. Maybe we should go talk elsewhere?’
I think I have seen spy/intel RP done with due subtlety like.. two times in my RP career. It’s the best because next to no one knows the character is SI:7.
🔥 Look I get it. It’s fantasy. What’s the point of making a Paladin if you can’t be a space marine? What’s the point of making a criminal if you can’t be Al Capone? And what’s the point of making an SI:7 character if you can’t be James Bond or Sam Fisher.
However, don’t lose the character part of it. SI:7 RPers seem to fall into the realm of ‘flawless’ too often. As if the character is so skilled, so honed, that they do everything without failure or fault.
Make sure your character can still fail. Make sure they have flaws. Make sure there are things they can’t do well or areas they lack. Otherwise your character has nowhere to go and is boring to most people. And no, tacking on ‘they are too sexy and they drink a lot’ and calling it a day does not really count as ‘flaws’. Don’t forget to give your character character.
🔥 Kind of on the same note, but SI:7 has a lot of facets? You don’t have to do them all. Most SI:7 RPers I have seen are spies, and assassins, and trackers, and scouts, and ambassadors, and infiltrators, and thieves, and runners, and and and and and and and it gets really tiresome. Why not narrow it down to a few things and have the character specialize? Just a thought.
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intoxicatiing · 7 years
tl;dr: listen shut up i love and respect mary sues.
any way to the other anon, i’m not bothering to answer your question either. because i’m tired and don’t care to go into deep literary harry potter analysis. And i HATE HATE HATE the idea that needing attention is a bad thing. People sink into deep depressions and worse because of not getting the attention they need to feel valid and loved, people’s metnal and emotional development and health are destroyed due to neglect. Shut up about people wanting to get attention. It’s important.
also at this point from what i’ve seenmary sue has come to mean not a flawless character, but any kind of original female character. If you’re not writing a canon female character, you’re doing something wrong seems to be the general trend among lots of people and let me tell you
shut up
Mary sues are good and important, and vital to the development of all writers. Yes, all writers. You need to write wish fulfillment characters and self inserts to a) enjoy yourself and b) learn to find your voice in writing. You want to find non-mary sues? Find a professional, extremely exclusive writing group and see if your favorite original character is lauded as anything positive without having them torn to shreds. you aren’t better for writing male characters or flawed characters. plus, and I know you’re super gonna hate this, but THIS IS A HOBBY FOR MOST PEOPLE. THIS IS A FREE, PUBLIC SITE THAT PEOPLE CAN WRITE WHAT THEY WANT ON IT. more than that -- this is the indie rp community, which means anyone of any writing level can join and rp to their heart’s content. Don’t like it? Apply to a hyper-exclusive rp group and see how long you can go being completely serious and not at all wish-fullfilmenty before you get burnt out.
anyway more mary sues and self inserts that i adore: The three main characters of war and peace (pierre and andrei are self inserts, natasha is a sue), jim kirk in most film and tv adaptations is a mary sue. Dany targaryen is a mary sue. most portrayals of cinderella are sues. almost all superheroes are mary sues in some way shapw or form. And you know what? that’s okay. Writing can be about wish fulfillment. I can promise your own character has some levels of self insertion and sueishness in there too, and that’s good. You wouldn’t be passionate about them if you weren’t.
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