#{โ„๏ธ๐Ÿงบ} mari post
coldmori ยท 1 year
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coldmori ยท 1 year
Tell the story Mari
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Hehe! Alright, alright calm down
Back before everything, Kel used to have a little scholastic diary he bought for 4 dollars at a book fair
He guarded that thing with his life, not letting anyone see inside his book, and it had a little lock so no one could steal it and open it.
But one day, I got a little curious, and I asked him what was inside..
He got all flustered and rosy but pretended like he wasn't and kinda went "just.. stupid art.."
And I said "oh, your art isn't stupid, Kel! It's always lovely! May I see it?"
Then he paused and thought for a moment, then he whispered "you can see it.. but don't tell anyone.."
He opened the book a little and inside where maybe 10 or so drawings of just Sunny.
"He's the only person who sits long enough in the same spot so that I can draw them.."
He muttered, that clearly wasn't the full answer but I didn't push it, he allowed me to look through a few pages.
It was all Sunny.
He flipped to a page that had a lot of writing (and a lot of spelling errors, hehe) and frantically tried to turn the page before I can see but I read about half of it, it was something along the lines of:
"Today I caught Sunny starring.. I really like it when he stares"
"Sunny said his hands where cold and I was stupid and blurted out 'I can hold them to heat them up' stupid stupid stupid..
update: he let me hold them.."
Just a lot of cute little notes
Heh, I wonder if he still has that little diary..
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coldmori ยท 10 months
Nosy Anon Things:
Sunny & Omori & Hero & Kel 23
Everyone 27
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we used to get along.. but the recital came and then she.. left..?
i don't understand why she left.. or where she went..
maybe i wasn't good enough...
kel's always been my motivation to keep going, I don't think I would've made it without his help.
i've been striving to be more like kel, since he's always so happy all the time and he's a lot more fit than me
I thought that him leaving would mean ma and pa would pay more attention to me, but even when sally wasn't around they just.. didn't care?
I never had much skill in school, and though they congratulated me on my sports achievements it never sounded as excited as when hero did something science-y or math-y
I love hero, but it's hard to live up to him..
I missed him when he said he was leaving but now that I know my parents don't care about me, even after he leaves, I just wish he'd come back even more
at least he was someone to play mario kart with
sorry.. rambling
hero is great!
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don't... like anyone...
i dont dream about kissing anyone.. or cuddling anyone.. or hugging him.. or telling him i love him.. or borrowing his sweater.. or us living together.. mmm..
I don't really like anyone, but I would say that my type is...
i talk a lot so i'd like someone who was more like a listener, yeah?
and i think dark hair is nice...
like.. black hair..
and like, I guess like..
y'know kinda shorter, and-
I-I guess like very- very black aesthetic, like,
m-my, like, whole thing is very- i like bright colors and i think it would be fun if-if someome was just my opposite, y'know? opposites attract?
so like short and dark colors and a listener.. and short hair cause i have longer hair, for a boy.. and
and pale..
description: my girlfriend
this is just a ploy to get me to reveal my crush!
i-it's not gunna work! that secret is safe with me!
... haha.. secret... yeah..
please stop reminding me of her..
you already know the answer silly!
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coldmori ยท 10 months
3 4 5 for the rw maincast
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pain meds..
okay so, aubrey left out her weed brownies but I thought they where normal brownies and i was like "oo yummy browines" 'cause they looked like some yummy brownies, but they where weed brownies and aubrey only old me AFTER so *technically* i did weed BUT I DIDNT MEAN IT and i don't know if that even counts as smoking since it didnt even-- a-anyway, to answer the other questions uhh... i've never drunk alcohol or did any drug ever except that one time on accident
i got weed and kim has a vape but nothing crazy or anything, also drinking fucking sucks cause beer just tastse like wheat juice and..
l.. have a personal thing against beer..
no id never do anything like that, that's horrible!
anyone who does anything of the sort is a bad egg!
oh they asked sunny this question too?
they've been giving me new meds to help with my on-and-off blindness.. and the walking off of campus.. theres a lot of frat parties with beer but i'm more interested in studying..
never did a drug or drank all my life!
but in death... i may have dabbled a bit >:)
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coldmori ยท 10 months
old character tags
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coldmori ยท 11 months
To mari: let me tell you Something
You're Literally one of my favorites
Thank you!
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coldmori ยท 1 year
What are your opinions on omori? Do you think he's helping sunny or hurting him?
Omori and I have the same goal, to protect and make Sunny happy
But Omori has a different opinion on how that should happen than I do.
In a way, Omori has been tainted by Sunny's wants, disregarding his needs in hope to find fulfillment in "perfection"
And that inherently makes him immoral, since he's not really tied to any guilt or empathy anymore, he had to let go of those to get to his goal, and now he's purposely doing things he knows is bad to keep Sunny from facing the harsh truth and having to feel the sting of the wound he's actively making worse.
He's killing Sunny, he's letting Kel kill himself, and he'll kill every one of his friends over and over in Sunny's mind to get the best results.
But I don't blame him, he's 12
it's not like he knows his master plan and is doing it out of sadism or hatred, he's just doing what feels right and what's easiest, like any little kid would
It's problem solving 101 for even the most basic of lifeforms, even imaginary lifeforms.
Of course though, he's no basic lifeform, he knows there's another path, and I know would've taken it a thousand times over, but there's a wall in the way, an extra step, a step that'll erase him.
So no, he isn't helping Sunny at all, he's helping himself to live, and get a petty ending where he can at least take Sunny with him when he dies, and get everything he wants while he's alive
But even then, I just can't hate him.
He's just a kid.
A kid who desperately wants any form of love and wants it in the easiest way, just like everything else ever in this history of the universe.
I just hope that one day he looks around, and see that he's killed everything there is to kill, has done every storyline he wants to do, and realizes that he's no happier than when he started.
Maybe then he'll come around, and defeat the final enemy: himself.
To wake up and hopefully find someone still alive to accept him.
But hopefully that isn't the only way this story will get a "happy" ending..
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coldmori ยท 1 year
Seeing all these posts about Sunny and Kel from before..
Makes me think of a certain story.. hehe
Oh, but it would be so embarrassing for Kel..
I couldn't do that to him..
Or maybe I could >:)
What do you guys think? should I tell it?
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coldmori ยท 1 year
sorry everyone!
it's hard to type when you're a fish!
I was just watching over Sunny..
he ate cat food again..
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coldmori ยท 1 year
Seeing into Sunny's dreams is so odd. He's able to do anything yet he still won't even ask his crush out..
I saw him throw some drawings he made of Kel away..
I think he just doesn't want to admit it..
Oh Sunny.. what aren't you in denial about?
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coldmori ยท 1 year
What form do you like the most?
Kel's form
It's the most stable, I hang around him often when i'm missing my body, since I can only see myself when i'm in a form.
There's a surprising amount of things I can do in that form, but I wouldn't want to freak Kel out by testing them all.
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coldmori ยท 1 year
What are your opinions on the names your friends gave your different forms?
They're all pretty accurate, I don't blame them for being blunt, they don't know it's me
Oh.. but I do miss when Hero called me "darling" instead of "Blindness"
Then i'd get to call him a dork again.. hehehe
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coldmori ยท 1 year
Wait, how did Aubrey, Hero and Basil react while seeing you?
Do they see you as Mari or Tom? (You or black figure)
not too positive reactions from them unfortunately..
they don't see me..
they see.. something else
they don't even hear me half the time!
Aubrey has warmed up to me a little since the first encounter after I-..
but Hero and Basil just don't understand..
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coldmori ยท 1 year
*Squeeeaaalllllll* It's the pretty lady! The she! The Mari!!!
in the flesh!
out the flesh!
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coldmori ยท 1 year
Heyyyy Tom!
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coldmori ยท 10 months
44 for rw cast
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my.. room is dusty..
that's a fact...
a fact?
i know for a fact kel's a bitch
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mari had a beauty mark that she hated and covered with makeup.. i thought she looked beautiful though..
i miss her..
I love you all!
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