#{❄️} character asks
coldmori · 1 year
dni if: p*dofile/map, z**file, n*crofile, pr*shipper, c*mshipper, sh*tacon, r*cist, antis*metic, homoph*bic, transph*bic, terf, fatph*bic, ableist, p*rn/nsfw account, above 25 y/o*, etc.
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this is because i am a minor and i get paranoid about older internet strangers, thank you
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mooechi · 8 months
*Eva rushes over to Akari and gives her a hug*
riri was confused, however, she still reciprocated nonetheless.
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ask-idv-night-watch · 2 years
Why don’t you like Joseph?
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"I don’t like him because his face reminds me too much of someone else and my own.. apparently, we share that same sentiment. One time, he caught me without my mask and began referring to me as ‘brother.’ Hearing that word left a bitter taste in my mouth."
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martlet-of-snowdin · 7 months
[* There was a soft knocking at the door - Ino's, clearly, but... a little less timid compared to usual.]
[* And some eager shuffling.]
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alex-frostwalker · 2 months
What is Ruby's story?
Well, her story is being a street kid. Abandoned by her so called 'parents' because she is a freak to their eyes. She then resorts to thievery and trickery to survive society.
(Time Period where there Witch Trials)
At the time, the town is gathered around to see a witch being executed for her crimes. Ruby takes her chance to rob unsuspecting townsfolk and houses etc.
This also led her to the witch's home. Found the witch's magic book and looks to see that the witch is now dead by being burned alive. She saw the villagers now try to burn down the witch's home so she grabbed the deceased witch's things and leave.
And that's how she became a witch, from the book she stole.
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wolfofcelestia · 3 months
A Sky of Tranquil Snow
Call upon the break of dawn to banish the shadows in my eyes and rip away the demons that hide beneath my skin.
Pull me into a pleasant memory, to where the world of ice and blue sits watchful and proud on its throne.
Take me under a sky of tranquil snow whose fragile flakes float on longing breezes and whisper words that were lost between us.
Lay your weariness upon my chest, seek the warmth you desire, and listen to how my heart beats for you.
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lyranova · 11 months
Who are your comfort characters?
Hiya Camy! I totally forgot I didn’t answer this that’s totally my bad 😔, *sigh* I’m really bad about answering things these days…
Anywho; In Black Clover I guess my Comfort Characters would be; Grey, Yuno, and Asta.
Grey because I completely, 100% see myself in her. If I were an anime character I would probably be her, except once you get to know me you realize I’m much closer to…I guess Mimosa 😆! But Grey’s my comfort character because she and I are very alike!
Yuno because of how cool and calm he is, and Asta because he never gives up. No matter how beaten, battered, and bruised Asta is he gets back up and keeps trying, and that’s something I try my best to do as well!
Sorry I didn’t have anymore characters, I have a few in different fandoms but I wasn’t sure if you wanted those listed as well 😅!
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papa-possibility · 4 months
I don't know if you've answered this before but can you look into different realities? If not, What would you look at if you could?? HMMM?[ -❄]
(P.s this is not a threat)
(P.p.s you don't have to answer)
(p.p.s.s stay silly❤)
The planes of this world and the dimensions that surround it are already a... fickle thing. But a changed different reality, a world exactly like ours just slightly different would be hard to navigate. Not to mention the dangers that would come with interactions between them.
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canongf · 4 months
Excited for Thunderbolts because of Bucky?
i haven't had new bucky in years!!! which is wild to say and think about because it doesn't feel real that the show came out three years ago... but it does feel real that i've missed him!!! i'm so excited to see what he'll be like with this group, i'm so excited to see what he'll be wearing and what he'll do with his hair... i just can't wait to see my handsome husband again!!!!!
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rubylarkspur22 · 8 months
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On AO3, rather than the ask box, but here's the first questions!
Question 1; Question for Miyuri Koarashi: How Do You Feel About Each Member Of The Kamaboko Squad? (Note: not my actual opinions of the characters, just my character's):
Genya? Well, I'm definitely not doubting his relation to the rabid man I have to call my work associate[Sanemi]. Though, Genya's a lot less aggressive than Shinazugawa, though. I've met him a couple times since Himejima took him in, and he's certainly mellowed out.
Aoi's lovely. I've met her loads of times since she came to the Butterfly Mansion. She's a wonderful girl, and I'm happy she's found a place for herself after her struggles.
Nezuko's adorable. I have to admit, I was a little jealous that she could resist her hunger. But what's happened happened, so not much point in taking out my envy on her. I have much better choice to be angry at for what happened to me.
Inosuke and I actually knew each other a long time ago. I mean, he was a baby back then, and we kinda got thrown in a river a while later. But we've reconnected a lot since we met after Mount Natagumo.
He's a real sweet kid. Shinazugawa deserved that headbutt the kid gave him, and I will support Kamado until the day I die.
He's sweet. I haven't spoken with him much, but Rengoku speaks highly of him.
We don't talk much, but she seems lovely.
Question 2; For Sunflowers and Thundering Fireworks' Nezuko: Do you see Tengen, Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru as your parents?
It's a weird situation. They took me in, and have done a lot for me. I kind of consider them parents, but they're also like older siblings in a way. All I really care about is that they've done more for me than anyone who's looked after me in the last decade.
Question 3; For Scattered Embers and Broken Hearts' Kamado Family: Did you all adopt Kyojurou and Mitsuri?
Tanjurou: They've been wonderful to have around, and were excellent company while Kyojurou was training. We consider them part of our family.
Kie: The kids and I have watched over them as best we can, where we are, and they're lovely. I care for them like my own.
Tanjirou: Kyojurou's determination can really be admired, and I guess they could be considered new members of the family.
Nezuko: They're lovely. And I absolutely see them as little siblings. Especially since Kyojurou asked me to show him how to braid hair for Mitsuri.
Takeo: Yeah, I guess.
Hanako: Yeah, they're our new big brother and sister! They make big sister Nezuko and big brother Tanjirou happy!
Shigeru: Yeah!
Rokuta: Yes!
Question 4: Mirrored Sunset, to Muzan and the Hashira; What do you think of the Kamado siblings?
Michikatsu: They're good kids. And... I suppose they remind me of Yoriichi... in more ways than one. His legacy is safe in their hands, and I have confidence in them. Nezuko's a fiery spirit, and Tanjirou will have her back no matter what... Like I should have done.
Douma: They're both such lovely kids. They get along swimmingly with my own kids, and I'm glad Ume and Inosuke have friends closer to their age!
Hakuji: I didn't understand why a Slayer would go to these lengths to protect a demon, not when I first met them. But Koyuki and Keizo told me a lot about them when they were in recovery training, and they seem like good kids. And I trust my family. I hope the kid Koyuki and I are having can be as kind as them.
Nakime: They seem nice enough. I don't entirely trust them, but I trust the judgement of Master Kibutsuji and Hashira Tsugikuni.
Gyokko: Well, they seemed quite dull, at first. Certainly not worth much attention. But I must say, that boy can do wonders with his fire! And the sister's Breathing Style is quite the artistic display to behold!
Gyutaro: They remind me a lot of Ume and me. But really nice. I don't get how they can be as nice as they are, given what happened to 'em and their family. But I'd do the same for Ume, if I was in their shoes, I guess.
Ume: They're amazing! Nezuko's my best friend, and I'm s happy to have met her! Tanjirou's really sweet, but kinda scary when he's angry. But I haven't been the target of it!
Kaigaku: Hate them. Still haven't recovered from that kick the brat gave me.
Enmu: Certainly an interesting pair. [he refused to elaborate...]
Rui: The fact their bond has withstood a test such as one becoming a demon is remarkable. I doubt anything will truly separate them.
Tamayo: Tanjirou is certainly a remarkable case, being a demon who doesn't devour humans. And Nezuko's determination is to be admired. I plan to help however I can in creating a cure.
Muzan: I'm certainly grateful for this turn of events. A demon that's turned on his master will certainly be a boon for us. I look forward to seeing where it goes.
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wayfinderships · 1 year
Never fear, your hero is here! Sorry sorry, I can just imagine the expression on your face from reading that. "Oh there he goes again with the hero stuff." I just had to! But oh! Let me get to why I was writing this letter to begin with....
Say, how about this? How about we go out together! Now I know what you're probably thinking about, "Won't Lightning say something along the lines on 'Not on my watch!' or glare at me-". But never fear! I have my ways of dealing with her so just trust on me just this once.
Besides, I do have a lot of things planned for us! Heard that the day was going to be sunny with some clear skies, sounds like a perfect day out doesn't it? However, even though the sky would seem perfect and bright, nothing can compare to you. You are truly brighter than the sun, Panchi. And I mean that. Despite how cheesy that sounds, I mean it - truly!
Now then, whenever is best for you. Give me a call alright? Can't wait to spend some time with you - and when am I not? It's always great to be around you.
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AFJSJFJSJFD Goodness, where do I even begin???
Oh I know!!! I'd love to go out together!💙 I trust that you've dealt with Lightning and hopefully didn't get punched by her. You know how she is sometimes-
👉👈 I'll gladly give you call! Hehe I can't wait!!
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coldmori · 2 months
hey hollow omori do you like sugar cookies
asked: jan 15, 2024
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you don't...
get to have any...
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aurallyaddison · 8 months
me now: i am well-adjusted and had a good childhood and i am currently working through all of my issues and have no more to uncover :)
me at 11: this is my sona she is a dragon who was born a with super rare mutation (shes like a prophetic guardian) but her aunt the queen is a racist eugenicist (because of the lingering influence of a corrupt leader a generation or so ago) so she was exiled and thrown off the cloud cover she lived on and she died FOR REAL but she came back because her soul was split into five parts from the moment she was conceived and each individual part was inside of another creature who died unfairly so they could live again
so the first is a cat who lives on an island which is also a warrior cats parallel universe except each of the four clans here specialize in harvesting certain resources and his clan is a miner clan where they find cool jewels and minerals but somewhat recently a new deputy has entered the clan and made it so that all miner apprentices are fitted with a band on their wrist that shocks them and makes them feel pain whenever their mentor feels like it and theyre forced to work inhumanely for so long and so badly that everyone forgets that this was never how it worked before (plus the leader is like totally hypnotized and mind controlled) and so this guy is trained by the deputy but after hes named a full miner he turns tail and runs to the closest neighboring clan because he sees the deputy is too power hungry and also the medicine cat advises him to but hes caught and killed on the spot
and so the next one is this wyvern whose egg gets mixed up in a landslide aboveground (wyverns live in subterranean caverns) and shes technically part of the highest and most powerful caste of her society (the moment she hatched she found an opal and hung it around her neck with her natural magic thats how it works) but she never learns this because she is raised by the most vicious group of dragons on the surface and abused and treated horribly and she can only eat because she lives in a hole in a cliff facing the sea and she teaches herself to fish and she is forced into combat training she does not want to do and is too young/small/weak/pacifistic/insecure to safely take part in and so one day she is called to do some fighting and she is deliberately matched against the biggest guy in the group who knocks her off the stump they fight on killing her instantly
and so also more recently i made this cat who because of the nature of her magic and an intrinsic property of her spirit her communitys corrupt leader sees her as a threat so she uses her power to send her out into the forest to fetch something after making her drink Potion Of Attacked By Incorporeal Shadow Monster and so when shes attacked it weakens her spirit enough that she is willing to drink another potion she finds without questioning it except this time the leaders assistants didnt realize that the poison they added was only deadly to non-dragons and it actually increases dragons lifespans and also if someone has a piece of a dragons soul inside them like this cat does it makes them immortal so she actually dies for like a second but then comes back and runs away to live in a cave just outside of where the leader can sense her and takes in the handful of other cats who are targeted as found family (also the other ingredients in the potion made it that so instead of being invulnerable her wounds turn into something depending on the magic they have so like hers turn into new body parts and her friend jades wounds turn into jade and emerald)
this one isnt as fleshed out but basically shes a fox who is killed by her brothers friends because they dont like her but the collars given to her and her brother by their mom allow them to persist after death as unique half-alive-half-dead versions of themselves and also astral project even when theyre still alive and those who possess the collars can talk to one another discreetly without others seeing either so at first she just follows him but then she decides to get revenge and kill the friends who attacked her which makes her brother scared and want nothing to do with her anymore but it was so easy she could do it again and nobody would ever know and so she becomes super corrupted by power and kills a bunch of people (including her brother i think) and she finds a friend who understands her sort of and ignores the killings at first but then she gets fed up and yells at her and cries and claws her collar off not realizing what would happen which is that the foxs wound that caused her death is exposed and she bleeds out and dies for real this time
and so this one was collaboratively written with a friend of mine using paper cutouts of our respective ocs and roleplaying with them and so basically theres this fennec fox whos making the trek to a sacred site to fully receive her magic and one night she digs a burrow to sleep in and when she wakes up for some reason shes in a different universe and is seen by this winged black wolf and her little sister and they speak a different language but her necklace translates it for her because it does and anyway the wolves are on the run and the fennec wants to get home and they might have a way to do both in the world's capital so she begrudgingly accepts and so they journey together through perilous conditions and the fennec starts to warm up to them and they actually connect but right at the end of their journey the little sister is killed so the fennec and the wolf return alone and the fennec gets her full magic and they bury the little sister near an oasis and mourn her and i think the fox goes off on her own and is caught off guard by an ambush and killed
(heavy panting)
me now: haha kid thats cute. :) that wasnt plasmas friend though that was her girlfriend
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ask-idv-night-watch · 2 years
hey, i thi k you hit abella too hard on the head because she's talking about a crack??? in the moon???? a glowing crack in the moon????
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"..She’s talking about what now-? Actually, I don’t want to know. I get the feeling that’s her problem to handle, not mine."
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dourpeep · 1 year
I also Want more constellations of his sister when I build her. And Freminent when he can be gotten. They are all so precious!! What do you think is a good team comp for him?
yesyes same!! I only got one Lynette through all those rolls OTL so I have her at c1 with the free Lynette for being ar25- And yes!! I'll only be doing one ten roll for Freminent though sobsob I shouldn't really, but (': he's too cute! I require the penguin diver
Ahhh for Lyney? Right now I have him with Bennett, Xiangling, and Kazuha, though it's possible that I may swap Xiangling for Thoma because of his shield. But we'll see. Anyway, mainly pyro for my team with Lyney because of the buffs he gets from multiple pyro and then EM Kazuha for his buff! iirc, this is the most ideal team for him right now, so the main thing is getting Kazuha if you don't already have him, however, I think Sucrose is a good sub as well! Lynette is not ideal because both her and Lyney would take up the slot of dps and they both require being on the field-
Buuut it's definitely fine to use her as well, if you really want to have them on the same team. There's nothing wrong with having characters on it for enjoyment!
Anyway, the idea is to buff Lyney as much as possible, so you have pyro resonance which gives the 25% attack, Bennett's Q which buffs attack (note: you want to give Bennett a weapon that has the highest base attack possible since his attack buff depends on his base attack, the best ones for f2p are prototype rancour and sapwood blade since you don't need to roll for them), and 4th ascension Xiangling (so level 60/70, because this gives guoba the extra benefit where he'll drop a pepper that gives you a 10% attack boost)
This goes along with Lyney's 4th ascension passive where he gains 20% dmg increase for every other pyro character in your team on top of the original 60%, so you don't need four pyro characters, just two on top of him and you'll get the 100% total dmg increase!
Also if you have his weapon, he gets an attack buff based off how many other pyro characters you have on the team and a speed buff based off characters with other elements on the team, so there's benefit for both :DD But personally, it's best to have a triple pyro with anemo support mmhm mmhm. Don't worry about healing too much either because Lyney has a built in mechanic to heal himself based off his max HP
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alex-frostwalker · 11 months
Here she is!
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Nice! and the color palette?
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