#{hero of hope; shuen}
museincarnate · 1 month
[ handful ] sender peppers the receiver's cheek with multiple, playful kisses //Tazz to Shuen!
Popping back into their humble abode, after a brief visitation to one of Torno's points of research, Shuen found himself suddenly assaulted, passionately, by his Luparian wife; those soft lips of hers pelting his cheek like plush little spots of sunshine, as purrs began rolling out of him.
After a few of those kisses, the Hero of Hope's arms would slink around the waist of his lover, delicately, before his own rebuttal came, in the form of kisses to her cheek. The war had begun, and he would take return fire, with righteous fury!
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saiyanofparadox · 2 years
[ Starter for Tater ( @dragvnsovl ) ]
Heroism tended to keep a man busy, especially when it was taken as seriously as Shuen allowed it to be. As often as he was occupied with his duties, though, he somehow managed to make time to stop by a lovely friend's coffee shop; swearing to make time for more than a routine pick-me-up. Lo and behold, then, the redheaded male would be arriving just outside Tater's coffee shop; dusting some cat hair off of himself, from getting one out of a tree.
If his timing was right, she'd likely be free around this time; his own obligations taken care of, for the time being. If she was there, he'd likely end up spotting her and waving; waiting for an approach so that the two could interact with one another!
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vertex-stan · 1 year
Mini Disparation #2
What if the fiddler escaped Akash'Bhuta?
For those who don't remember, the fiddler was a potential Virtuoso of the void before Anthony Drake, a young American woman in the 1800s. However, Akash'Bhuta woke up early and broke her fiddle to prevent her from becoming a Virtuoso.
So the pitch of this mini disparation is the fiddler(who is named Grace Owens here) manifesting her void powers in order to escape from Akash'Bhuta. Grace keeps running, and Akash starts sending her limbs to attack Grace.
Eventually, the limbs catch up to her on a train, and they're about to get her, when a muscular man smashes straight through several of the limbs and saves Grace. He introduces himself as Paul Parsons the fourth, a soldier returning home after participating in the millitary occupation of the South.
Grace explains what has been happening to her to Paul, who offers to take her to an old war buddy of his who knows about weird things, named Michael Diamond.
They end up in Philadelphia, and go to a weird little shop to meet Michael Diamond. Diamond is a mystic, and knows enough to explain the basics of the what a Virtuoso is, and says that she needs to deepen her connection to the Void to be able to contest Akash. He suggests finding a new instrument, and says that the place to check around here would be the centennial exposition.
They go to the Centennial exposition and , with the help of an attendant there, they find a carved wooden flute that calls to grace. She picks it up, and she gets overwhelemed for a little while, just in time for Akash to show up and attack.
Paul and Diamond fight Akash, hoping to hold her off long enough for Grace to figure herself out, when the attendent from earlier reappears clad in knight's armor and wielding a glowing sword, declaring herself to be the White Knight. White Knight helps cut through Akash, and the heroes are also joined by a wandering monk guy who has been following Grace and Paul for a while now, who states that he is Shuen Zhang, and that Akash is causing great suffering.
They fight Akash, but she is winning, when Grace rises up from the exhibition hall clad in a golden costume, glowing with power, and with the flute floating alongside her. She declares that she is the Flaxen Fiddler, and joins the fight against Akash'Bhuta. The heroes manage to defeat Akash, and afterwards they talk about how people with abilities like theirs shouldn't just sit on the sidelines. The world needs heroes if monsters like this are lurking. So the story ends with these five becoming the first superhero team in this timeline.
So yeah, opinions or thoughts are appreciated
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museincarnate · 1 year
With a breath, Tazz entered the kitchen with a basket of eggs on her arm before she sat it on the table. She hummed softly as she thought for a moment before calling further into the house for her love. "Shuen! Would you go get some milk from Gertrude, please? I think I'll make some flan for after dinner tonight. I'm sure the boys will be happy about that."
Always quick on his feet, her beloved would come into the kitchen almost immediately upon being called for. Shuen would stop right in front of Tazz; both hands resting on her hips, before he leaned his forehead against hers. Family life had been so disrupted since a certain fateful day, but they were together once again. He'd hum softly, before letting his gaze fall upon her oculars.
"Of course, Tazz. I think they'd love that." A soft kiss was pressed to her forehead thereafter, and Shuen would go to the barn to milk their cow; taking just a few minutes to complete the task meanwhile, their twin sons were likely helping their mother with anything else she needed.
Returning with as much milk as his frame could carry, Shuen would set it all down, before grinning that goofy grin of his to his partner.
"I missed you... I missed this. What's next, dear?"
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museincarnate · 6 months
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"Gee, Torno, a bit harsh with that no, buddy. I forgot how you can be, around new people."
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saiyanofparadox · 2 years
@the27percent from here.
Out of habit, then, he supposed his statement was made. Though, Atieno's verbal response gave note that they seemed interested in hearing more about it, and not corrective about his misunderstanding. Either way, he seemed rather optimistic.
"It's quite a bit of a story, with a lot of confusing explaining I'd have to do. For the long version, anyway."
A softhearted laugh would escape him, as he gave a slight shrug.
"I'll save you from the long version, though. Some ancient creature that honestly never gave me and my friend a name, ended up using these things called Super Dragon Balls to twist my fate, as well as my friend's, so that our battles with each other gave it strength. And when we tried to find out why our own universe was falling apart, it turned out that all the wishes made by this thing kind of... Set me and him on this path."
He scratched his head.
"Wow, actually the short version still sounds complicated. You still with me?"
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museincarnate · 11 months
Sleeping Meme
Type of Bed: Standard King-Size Bed, in all timelines.
Number of Blankets: Weighted blankets in any weather, simply so he has resistance against his body, so his movements can be slowed until he's free of those kinds of restraints. Yes, the man even trains his reflexes and timing in his sleep.
Number of pillows: Two, in case he needs the second one to keep his neck from getting stiff.
Type of clothing: If he's married to, dating, or sleeping with someone, he'll sleep in just boxers. If his partner is okay with his habits of constant training, however, he'd probably wear weighted pajamas.
Does it matter where they sleep?: He's slept in a meditative position before, so no.
What do they do if they can’t fall asleep?: Meditate, drink tea, or hum something soft to himself, if he finds it necessary.
Frequent Dream and/or Nightmares: Fun fact... Shuen doesn't dream. He's found himself able to be in a constant state of awareness, of the real world around him, but still sleep as if he's going through the normal process of sleeping. As for nightmares, he used to have ones of failing to save others, or losing himself again, and becoming the very thing he hated most.
Deep Slumber or Naps?: Deep slumber.
When do they sleep?: From 9 PM, normally, till perhaps an hour before the sunrise, no matter what season or how it'd effect the hours of sleep he gets.
What could wake them up?: Anything outside of the ordinary sounds he would hear, in his aware-state of sleep. Sensing Ki has its advantages, when it comes to assessing threats.
Tagged by: @dragvnsovl
Tagging: Anyone who would like to do this!
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museincarnate · 11 months
"Gee... That samurai suuuure is persistent.
And now there are ninjas? Phoenixes? What an interesting time we live in."
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museincarnate · 1 year
"So... This Family..."
"First and foremost, this family started, regardless of timeline, with two bitter rivals: Shuen and Torno.
Shuen, a Paradox in living form, believed in peace, and embodied hope itself; protecting the helpless, even if he was just one man in the endless cosmos. He's been through his share of troubles; losing sight of who he was, what he believed in, and his very nature quietly dooming the universe he and Torno came from. Sure, that last part wasn't his fault, but still."
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"Torno, on the other hand, was a prince... His life torn asunder when he lost his mother, and in a fit of rage, snuffed out his father's life, for carrying out that misdeed. Called the Mighty Saiyan, his moniker isn't just there to intimidate others. With sheer force, alone, he hits as hard as the universe's very mass, without moving faster than a second. For years, his rage wouldn't subside, until he and Shuen seemed to work out their troubles before they found mates, and had their own respective children... At least, that's the constant variable across all timelines."
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"Respectively, Shuen and Torno had Yujin and Hakkona. Yujin, the first-born son of Shuen, was much like his father in his earlier years; joyful, optimistic, and quick on his feet, when it came to combat. With his training partner being Hakkona, from childhood to adulthood, the two fell in love and had a kid together. After this kid of theirs grew up, a long-waiting ancient being claimed his body as a host for his soul, and damned Yujin and Hakkona's son to permanent death. A soul destroyed, as well as the body that was once the child's own. After that Yujin drank heavily, hardly slept, and became a recluse."
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"As for Hakkona, she was and still is strong, like her father, Torno. After her child was taken from her and Yujin, though, she couldn't be around children, as it sent her into a mournful, blind rage. She'd learn to overcome that coping mechanism, and lead a more calm life. Though, in recent events, another Saiyan left her permanently scarred; albeit curing her of her socially timid personality, and making her more like Torno: stoic.
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"Now... Here's where the timelines split up, and things get a bit complicated. Shuen met a woman named Tazz; falling in love with her shortly after the darkest chapter in his life. She was his sunshine, when his own light had blackened due to events that broke even the greatest of heroes. The two of them bore two children; Saiyan-Luparian twins that are named Fen and Hati. Fen took after his father's personality, and was very proud of his mother's lineage and life as a Luparian, while... Hati disowned his own mother and brother, when Shuen, in that timeline, met a tragic end protecting all three of them from a Luparian Hunter. Of course, after tracking his brother down, events transpired that would reunite the family, by the time the twins reached adulthood."
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"In another timeline, Torno met a Rabbit Woman named Tater, and the two fell in love as well. In this timeline, Torno gave up protecting the vast universe, and settled down with Tater, and the two had twins of their own: Togeta and Frei. Just like Hakkona, Togeta took after her father; being rather rowdy and strong, and becoming a sort of vigilante once she grew up. As for Frei, he was practically a spitting image of his mother; sharing even some of her timid tendencies, and being softer-spoken. Frei was responsible for opening a means of communication between all of the timelines that Torno and Shuen exist in, with most other constants being unaffected."
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"Then... You have another timeline constant, though the age of her depends on which timeline is being visited. In the timeline where neither Shuen's OR Torno's twins exist, Aitez, the second child and daughter of Yujin and Hakkona, is but an infant. She was born out of mourning, and the hopes that she could help Yujin give up his bad coping mechanisms, while he and Hakkona split up after her birth. Replacing the void that their first child's absence had left, the Aitez of the twins' timelines is fully grown, and tomboyish in nature. Taking after an amalgamation of her predecessors, and the person she was named after, she has a chip on her shoulder, and knows little about her forgotten brother."
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"So... How do I know so much about this happy fucking family? You see, (reader), they may have forgotten, but a wish was granted by someone other than flesh and blood, to bring that son of Yujin and Hakkona back from his state of permanent death. Sure, it perverted the laws of life and death, but with it came a knowledge of everything that the family had done since the son was lost. Oh, that doesn't quite answer how I know all of this? Fine, I'll make it clearer."
A long drag from a cigarette would fill the lungs of the narrator; black sclera marking him for his very existence in the land of the living. Tones of disgust for this family had quietly intensified from the start, and the face that revealed itself to the reader would hold similarities to those of Hakkona and Yujin. Which meant...
"Like my name, I've severed all links to that family, because they've certainly seemed to have done the same to me. I am Ronin, the Forgotten Son that was replaced. Grandchild to Shuen and Torno, brother to Aitez, and nephew to Fen, Hati, Togeta and Frei. Or, that's what they'd likely tell you if they knew I lived once more. Soon... They'll know. There. You've met them. Hope it was worth hearing, before the real reunion eventually gets underway."
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saiyanofparadox · 2 years
@pzfr asked: 10 for Pholomena, 4 for Shuen.
4. What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character?
While Torno and Shuen both had their own first-born children, a seemingly insignificant memory that stuck with him is seeing his rival's face, when he first held his daughter Hakkona. To see such a stern, almost stubborn man look so softened and something other than stoic... It was small, but unforgettable.
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saiyanofparadox · 2 years
//If Santa was to canonically exist in the DB Verse, or in any timeline Shuen existed in, you all know he'd be helping deliver presents. Y'all might not know Shuen has his own kind of Timeskip-like ability, but this man would be helping Santa Claus deliver gifts around the world in record time!
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saiyanofparadox · 2 years
"Wow! Gotta say, I haven't seen Torno cut loose like this in awhile, aside from when he and I spar every morning! He and Rex seem to really be having a good go at one another so far!"
Oh, he's thoroughly enjoying his spectating of the bout.
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saiyanofparadox · 2 years
"You all are very wonderful people, and should be comfortable in your bodies! Good for you!"
He's just giving a thumbs up and grinning. No, he will not be taking off his clothes.
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museincarnate · 1 month
[ brief ] //Tazz to Shuen!
Even with how romantic and affectionate the two were, together, the occasional smooch to the cheek, while one of them was walking by, managed to always take the Paradox Saiyan by surprise; making his tail stiffen, and his cheeks turn a soft shade of pink. One would think that the two were newfound lovers, with how easily she made him blush, and yet...
Twins, marriage... A third baby on the way, perhaps. Shuen knew that he'd never stop feeling so in love with the Luparian; responding to her drive-by kiss by softly wrapping his digits around her wrist, and pulling her gently towards him, so that her lips paid the price, for stealing such an affectionate gesture. When their lips would meet, Shuen would lean heavily into the exchange; that spark for his lover always stronger than ever, waiting to be expressed like it was, then.
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museincarnate · 6 months
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"Y'know... Obtaining Super Saiyan doesn't exactly require losing a loved one. Although, I guess I get why someone would think that."
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museincarnate · 7 months
🎨 for Shuen and Ghost!
(Also did there any specific muses you’d like asks for specifically?)
🎨 - "I guess aside from the usual training and meditation, my main hobby would be sculpting. I find it to be therapeutic, and beneficial to my spatial awareness, since I try to make my work as detailed as possible, and true to the source of inspiration."
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🎨 - "I burn trash, and anything that pollutes the world around it. Makes for a good heat source, and nothing more. Don't even start thinking that I give a damn about the environment. It's just less annoying than some hero getting up-in-arms over a house being scorched so I can stay warm."
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//Any muses that you're curious about! Though, with all the new ones I've added under my pinned, under the Sol-Lago tag, I'd love to see where anyone's interest might be with any of them :)
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