chillin-at-partys-bar · 3 months
((Apologies for vanishing. Hope all is well! Working on getting stuff organized for moving! I've been missing talking to everyone so hmu if you're around. Also working on a new op cosplay so I hope I can get pics of that up soon!))
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// Totally daydreaming earlier about how cute it would be to have Sparrington ship meet BlackStede so they can be all "ooh you got one, too!"
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benevolentgodloki · 3 years
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Happy Halloween.
Piccies of yesterday’s Lady Loki outfit. Excuse blurry one with Nixi cameo.
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May or may not have lain awake last night smirking over how awful it would have been if Beckett were canonically gay for Jack. Like, imagine if all that hate and ambition were fuelled because he couldn’t accept that he, a ‘respectable’, law-abiding businessman, had impure thoughts about someone who embodied everything he was against. If it tormented him day and night that he could never have him because it was against God and the laws of men so all he could do was hate him and hate him and grow desperate to destroy him in the hope his lusts would abate.
Jack knew the compass would point to him. But ohhh, how much more tragic that might have been.
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rumiisms-blog · 7 years
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(  i have been giggling at this screenshot for a solid ten minutes  )
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immortalspxrrow · 7 years
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Trying to resurrect this pirate, and I forgot how intimidating this dash was?? Too much quality everywhere my god
is this a starter call? who knows? not i
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 6 months
{hi! I hope everyone is doing well.
I've been accepted to a writing postgraduate program so that's neat.
Our sketch comedy show was this past weekend, so now I have some free time.
That free time may be taken up a little by replaying Skyrim.
I've got some replies I've written and queued but I'll try to pad some more before I let them rip.
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 8 months
((Not me here longing for a plot based on benn needing someone to watch his back. He loves being the reliable one to clean up everyone else's chaos but what happens when it's his chaos that needs cleaning?
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 8 months
This is just a general guide. I’m always open for discussion, but I kind of wanted to make something that could serve as a guide. I love shipping, and will definitely be up for discussing relationships! These are not hard-and-fast rules, but they are my default. Let’s chat if you’re interested in something!
Shanks:  Age: first appearance - 27, pre-timeskip - 37, post time-skip - 39 Pansexual Main ship: Makino. I HC that the kid is his, and so he’s loyal to her.  Ship w/ others: Yes, but if it’s current timeline I put it in an AU. If it’s before Romance Dawn/before Makino then all ships are fair game.  Benn Beckman: Age: first appearance - 38, pre-timeskip - 48, post time-skip - 50 Bisexual Main ship: None Ship w/: Anyone, but he is dedicated to the crew so it’s hard to get to his heart. He’s a challenge but 10/10 worth it. All fair game. He is always down for the meaningless flirting though.
Rockstar: Age: pre-timeskip - 28, post time-skip - 30 Pansexual Main ship: None Ship w/: Anyone. He’s got a little inferiority complex because of who his captain and crew are, but he’ll flirt and be open to anything. He’s more flighty, and less interested in getting into a serious relationship than someone like Roux is. Easiest to get in bed. 
Elia Ricci: Age: pre-timeskip - 19, post time-skip - 21 Pansexual Main ship: Emmy ( @seraphiixa​‘s minor Marine) Ship w/ others: Ships are all in separate verses, naturally. Elia likes the process of falling in love and he’s a sappy, cheesy, gag-worthy romantic and has no shame about it. 
Cherise P. Belrosse: Age: pre-timeskip - 23, post time-skip - 25 Bisexual - Prefers men Main ship: Zoro (all in her head) Ship w/ others: Cherise has a history of “falling in love” and leaving her boyfriends disfigured or as corpses. She’s not malicious or black widow type, she’s 100% Taylor Swift in Blank Space. Fun to ship with, but also be careful. Maybe a woman would be safe from her destruction? Idk what would happen if she actually met Zoro. 
Mercedes “Mercy” Abbot:  Age: pre-timeskip - 25, post time-skip - 27 Bisexual - Prefers women Main ship: None Ships w/: Anyone. She’s a soft brawler. Take it as you will. She’s got no relationship history save for sleeping around in ports.  
Smoker:  Age: pre-timeskip - 24, post time-skip - 26 Bisexual - Prefers women Main ship: None (Though I like SmoAce and SmoLaw) Ships w/: Anyone. He's super cute when in love, but it takes a moment to get there.  
Jessie: Age: 26 Bisexual - Prefers Men Main ship: James Ships w/: Anyone. She's often sad, often depressed, and often full of fight and sarcasm. She can be soft though.  
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 7 months
Wishlist for some Smoker threads:
Protective!Smoker - Bonus points if protective over a straw hat like Nami
Someone beating the shit out of Smoker à la Doffy at punk hazard. - Bonus for someone unexpected saving his ass
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 7 months
{I was going to send out the valentine things yesterday but had a lil' mental breakdown instead
after getting some stuff done i went to bed but I feel a lil better now if a little mental-breakdown-hungover so I'll send out the valentine's things and whatnot today. Or tomorrow. I don't believe time exists. everything is made up and the points don't matter.
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 8 months
{Every time I think I'm okay I think about young!Shanks being basically raised by Roger and Rayleigh and the crew and having to grow up way too quickly and seeing death and fearing death on a very real level and discovering alcohol at like 11 and having people actively try to kill him and those he loves and how terrifying that was for a child.
and then I also think about how when Roger disbanded the crew he basically saw a father figure say 'see ya good luck' and just ditch him and then he was trying to figure it out and then he watched this father figure die while the other father figure couldn't bear watching and wasn't there.
then this like, adolescent, 15 year old kid had marines trying to catch anyone who was a part of that crew and bring them to justice but he hadn't had any options on that ship and now everyone he called family peaced out and left him to figure it out.
i think he was very, very angry, scared, hurt, and upset. he was 100% convinced he was going to to die because like who the fuck cared about him enough to stop that from happening? what chance does an abandoned 15 year old have?
and then i just
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 8 months
((hi, just checking in. I hope you're doing as best as you can right now and I hope that things only get better. I hope you find something delicious to eat and the next drink you have is the most quenchiest of drinks.
I believe in you and I'm rooting for you. 🎉🎉You can do this!🎉🎉))
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 9 months
((for munday instead of selfie here is the small stack of books im reading rn. The OP manga is a reread, ofc. I'm caught up with the series (though I don't tend to watch the anime unless I really want to see something animated)))
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If you could give rping advice to an amateur, what would be the most valuable?
// You know, I've seen some fabulous tips and guides rolling around this website and can I blimmin' find any of them I thought I'd reblogged? Can I bugger. Let's see what I can think of off the top of my head!
First things first, your blog: This is the first thing people are going to look at to make a decision if you're suited to them. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. Ensure you have an icon so we don't assume you're a spam bot. Have a bio and/or a rules page so people know what you expect and note if you're 18+/21+ as many adults aren't comfortable role-playing with people under this age for safety reasons. If you're writing a canon character, a bio page can just be a brief summary of who they are and what they're about. If you're writing an OC, a reasonably detailed bio is practically essential. You might know why your muse is awesome, but your prospective partners don't so give everyone the goss on who they are, what makes them interesting, what their backstory is etc.
Next is both the most difficult and probably the next most essential: Have no fear. What I mean by this is not to let insecurity get the best of you. If you love writing, have that be your anchor. Not everyone is going to say yes and that's ok. Not everything works out. Starting out is often the most difficult time because it's easy to feel like no one is interested and that you're doing all the work. I promise you, it will get better if you keep plugging away, but you have to reach out and brave things for a bit. Be kind, be open about what you want, and enjoy every little thing until you get more opportunities.
Good ways of finding partners are to search tags for 'rp masterlists' in fandoms you are interested in e.g. 'marvel rp' or 'potc rp' or even 'open rp'. Scroll down people's blogs and have a look at who else they're playing with, read their rules and pages etc. and see if they have preferences on how to be contacted. Some people will do open starters, some will greet you if you follow them, some accept memes from anyone. If someone mentions you need to be mutuals this means that you have to wait for them to follow you back before they will be open to writing with you. Once they do, check their rules how they like to be contacted. If it's not clear, brave an ask, send a meme, or a private message.
Private messages - best advice for these are not to start off with 'wanna rp?'. I recommend dropping in, saying hi, expressing that you'd be interested in writing and leaving an idea for something you'd be keen on doing should they be interested too. If they're not, thank them and move on. If they are, hooray, make friends and have fun plotting!
An extremely valuable RP tool is the New X-kit and X-kit Rewritten browser extensions. Tumblr is not built to be friendly for role-playing and I couldn't manage without these. Rewritten lets you trim posts so you can get rid of the pesky top post that would otherwise stay when using tumblr's new beta post formats. It helps us keep posts looking neater on our blogs and dashboard, although thankfully tumblr introduced the 'shorten posts' feature to save everyone's eyeballs from super long threads.
General etiquette: Lots of role-players have preferences on how long they prefer replies to be and how often they are active. Trial and error until you find partners that suit you. Ideally check your spelling and grammar if it's not something you're adept at. A big thing not to do is godmodding, which is when you might be tempted to write someone else's character doing something on their behalf. Even if this might mean your post is shorter, do not do this. You must let your partner write all of their own muse's actions. If your muse attempts to do something to their muse, they should be given permission to dictate what happens on their end. It's a give and take relationship to make the best possible fun for both of you.
Other big ones: don't let jealousy get the better of you. There might be duplicates of your muse or you might like someone who gives lots of attention to someone else. It's very easy to get wrapped up in your muses' feelings and get obsessed with gratification. Be gentle with each other, we've all got our own stuff going on, and we all need different things. Be gentle with yourself, too, that's most important!
Hopefully these are some of the basics and are of help! If anyone would like advice on something more specific, please ask, or ask one of these other lovelies for their opinion also.
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chillin-at-partys-bar · 5 months
{Slowly but surely I'm getting things back together. I'm replying to everything I have in drafts, about 30 now. Some threads might not make it through but when everything is sorted i'll let you know if I dropped a thread and we can pick up some plots again.
My activity on the dash is still quiet so I don't end up taking on more drafts than I can before I finish up through things.
Also I'm working on some original fiction that I'm hoping to put on wattpad. It's a novel I self-published as a teen and now I'm working through it to just be a way to generate interest in my writing. Imagine fantasy world Breakfast Club.
Thanks for your patience and I'm always around on Discord or through DMs if you want to chat about things~~
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