ari-the-arotistic · 1 year
Also did this one bc why not
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Color sheet and Original for reference
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thechaosghost · 6 months
Yess!! My favorite villain!!
OTP: Meckett (Mercer/Beckett) I love their duo and I just cannot not ship them, its quite sad that there aren't that many people that ship them, but I have found a decent amount of really good fics and fanart!
Notp: I am not the biggest fan of Beckett/Elizabeth or Beckett/Will, But don't let that dissuade you from shipping it!
Brotp: Beckett and Gates (His spy that was mentioned at one point in tpof) is a friendship that is not mentioned, but I have still managed to create some ideas as of how they might have got along
My Favorite Crack Ship: Sovereign Margot (The NPC from Sea of Thieves) and Beckett, although this is more like a Brotp. I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE THAT BECKETT COULD BE FRIENDS WITH BUT BECAUSE BECKETT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE ANY FRIENDS THEY AREN'T CANNON!!!!
My sometimes read: I will sometimes read speckett if its by an author i really enjoy (Reine-du-sourie, your actually one of the only speckett authors i will always read <3) but I normally just opt for meckett
Ship I don't talk about much: Beckazar (Salazar/Beckett) anyone? they would be such a power duo, killing pirates and being in love.
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hylaversicolor · 2 years
i need to talk about my ocs or i will explode btw
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r-osehips · 11 months
First off, wishing you a quick and painless riddance of fleas! Secondly, for Choose Violence Asks: 16, 22, 23? please and thank you!
thank you, my friend! fingers crossed for their swift demise.
16: you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
for our beloved POTC: the common AU premise of Elizabeth remaining a noblewoman in British society. I mean, I get that the trappings of it are pretty, I guess? but even purely in terms of aesthetic it can't beat piracy. and in terms of everything except aesthetic it doesn't even come close, not in general and ESPECIALLY not for Elizabeth Swann. it's not just that I don't enjoy the trope, it's that it literally doesn't make sense to me. why write this character if you want someone who likes being in a corset?
22: your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
POTC doesn't apply so I'm doing a hard pivot to Shakespeare. you know how in Hamlet, Claudius says of Gertrude "she's so conjunctive to my life and soul that as the star cannot move but within its sphere so could I not but by her" or whatever the exact quote is? well guess what. your life and soul are not supposed to be conjunctive, in Christianity! your life is mortal and your soul is immortal! if Gertrude conjoins the two that means she is causing his soul to die when his body does, aka damning him!!! now one could argue that he just means she herself is conjoined to his life and his soul respectively, not that his life and soul are conjoined to each other, except in the earlier scene when he's praying he knows he's damned by his love for her and I really think this is him letting that belief slip to Laertes: that he's going to go to hell because of Gertrude, and he's accepted that. or at least part of him has. I have never seen anyone else have this reading of this particular line, which both makes me quite smug and infuriates me. IT'S SUCH A GOOD FUCKING SHIP COME ON PEOPLE.
23: ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
nothing really applies here for POTC, or for anything else off the top of my head, so I'll instead share that I didn't realize I shipped speckett until semi-recently and now I'm like. oh. this is god tier. the only reason I'm not writing fic about it constantly is that it doesn't quite hit my heart but it hits my brain in a very satisfying delightful way and I just think it's so fun.
[questions from the "choose violence ask game"]
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piratepolls · 1 year
🏴‍☠️ The CrackShip Showdown 🏴‍☠️
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thundersongfury · 1 year
eheheheeeeee speckett go brrrrrrrr
i dont know what a speckett is but thx mate :D
oooooh i get it now 🍝🍝🍝 soz took me a while havent seen that meme in ages lol :)
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If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
Ooooh… he’d probably make sure that Jyn-Si and Alaber would be okay and taken care of. He definitely wouldn’t spend his last day doing things that he wants to do, or scratching off items on his bucket list (not that he has one in the first place).
He’d much rather spend his last day making sure that the people (or birds) he loves are alright. He cares deeply for them, and even if he saw that they were perfectly safe, he’d still be haunted by the idea of anything bad happening to them—especially if something bad happened when he felt like he could’ve stopped it if he’d tried harder, or been there.
I doubt he’d ever feel like he’d done “enough” before he died, even if he was assured otherwise by Jyn-Si.
Now I’m sad-
Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Elmer’s definitely more of a loner—has been since he was a child. It’s less of a personal choice and has more to do with how he was raised; he didn’t get to spend time with anyone other than his instructor, for the most part, until he grew up. The few times he did interact with others were 99% due to training, and not because he was spending time with others “just because”.
That being said, Elmer does crave love and friendship—painfully so. When he’s eventually shown love by Alaber, and later Jyn-Si, he doesn’t really… know what to do with that. He has a very hard time understanding the idea that people will love him even when he didn’t do anything to “earn” that love.
I think that Elmer would probably want Alaber when he’s scared, partially because Alaber is an animal and won’t… like, Elmer doesn’t like to show weakness or vulnerability (he puts on a strong front most of the time) in front of others, and so he’d sort of feel a little better being able to show weakness to an animal instead of a person.
And of course, Elmer loves and cares for his Speckett very deeply, and Alaber has a very comforting presence about him. Elmer often feels better when he has Alaber nearby, especially after waking up from nightmares :)
Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
OH-HO-HO, YES! Yes, he has seen the ocean—he was born and raised on Kamino, a planet literally covered in water!!!
Kamino is a bit different in the sense that there aren’t any beaches, however. It’s just completely covered in salty water.
Elmer… doesn’t like the ocean all that much. He’s alright with water—rivers, small lakes, etc—but he had a very um… frightening experience with oceans when he was young, and since then he just hasn’t liked them. They remind him too much of that dark time, so he doesn’t like being around them.
He would be very curious about oceans outside of Kamino, though, mostly because of how different they look. I don’t think he’d ever actually step foot in the water, but he’d look out at it and feel the sand beneath his feet and the breeze hitting his face and the slight mist in the air and the birds flying overhead and think to himself, “This is pretty. I never knew that the beach could be this pretty.”
What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
She’d absolutely love sitting on her front porch, in a rocking chair, quietly watching the rain fall. She’d be covered by a little awning above her head, so she wouldn’t get wet or anything, and she’d smile and close her eyes and breathe in the air and feel so so peaceful.
Sometimes she likes to take walks in the rain, down sidewalks and in the park. She’ll often bring an umbrella, but there’s times when she doesn’t. Either way she just likes being out in the rainy weather and seeing how beautiful everything looks :D
Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
Probably flowers! In addition to owning a flower shop, she also just… loves them in general. She’s very passionate about different flowers and what they symbolize, how they grow, all the colors, the best times to grow them… pretty much anything about flowers, actually XD
She’d improvise the best darn lecture in the galaxy, and she’d make it entertaining, too! Her clear passion and joy about the topic would make anyone listening to her (probably Elmer alsgaodhowshosg) excited as well!
If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Oh this is a good question, hmm… most likely something terrible happening to Elmer. She gets more nightmares once she learns about Elmer’s past/his job, because she’s scared that people will hurt him, capture him, or kill him. That fear is often in the back of her mind, and she brings it up a few times. Elmer tries to tell her that she’s just worrying and that he’s far too well-trained to let anything like that happen, but that doesn’t really help.
What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
She has very pretty, light-colored things on her bed; light purple blanket, white pillowcases, etc. She probably also has a stuffed animal as well :)
Her bed would look neat, but she doesn’t try to make it look super good. It doesn’t look messy, but it also doesn’t look completely… I guess made? Everything is where it’s supposed to be, but the blankets are a bit rumpled and not tucked in, the pillows are haphazard.
Jyn-Si likes her bed to look just like that: neat but still a bit messy.
Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
Probably the times where he ended up yelling or being too harsh with Eli or his nephews. Hacks is very um… well, he doesn’t try to hide or mask what he’s feeling 😅
If he’s feeling or thinking something, he is going to be very clear about that, and sometimes he’ll end up hurting people just because he’s so honest and blunt.
As of now I can’t think of any major moment where Hacks would want to turn back time; it’d mostly be a collection of smaller moments where he let himself get carried away by anger.
Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
Yep! The planet he grew up on was very tropical and beach-y, and he and his mother lived right by an ocean.
Then, when he was in his 20s, he and his friend Eli took on jobs that brought them to Kamino, another ocean-y planet, where they stayed for years.
As for whether or not he likes the ocean, I’d say that he doesn’t really mind it. It’s not his favorite place to be, but he doesn’t hate it or anything. It’s just alright to him.
Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Oh absolutely. He’d definitely be more adept at surviving in places where technology is prevalent, like a city, but he’s very much capable of surviving just about anywhere.
What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Not go outside lol
He’d probably work on coding or programming or inventing something… which is what he likes doing all the time, pretty much XD
Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
Azizi honestly doesn’t really… like crafts, or art, or anything related to that. He’s a lot more practical in how he views the world; art or creative writing frustrates him.
That being said, he’s non-verbal, so he uses writing to communicate with others. He has a small notebook that he carries with him whenever he goes, and he uses it to write down things he wants to communicate to others. He’s a very fast writer (if someone is saying something, Azizi can keep perfect pace with what they’re saying as he writes. Basically, he can write as quickly as someone talks).
However, he doesn’t view that as a creative skill; everything he writes is for communication or so he can remember an exact conversation he overhears. He never comes up with his own stories, nor does he want to.
Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Azizi loves doing things on his own—he’s been that way ever since he was little. This often causes him to get into all sorts of trouble, because if he gets into a tough situation, there’s often no one there to help him out of it XD
In addition, he has a naturally bold, confident personality. He rarely experiences fear, even if he falls off a tree or gets bullied at school.
However, during the times where he is scared, or overwhelmed or in the midst of a meltdown, he wants his bird with him. She’s very similar to a parrot, with light grey and pink feathers, but has the intelligence that a human possesses. She’s able to understand him better than a lot of other people can, and Azizi trusts her more than he trusts… honestly, he trusts her more than he trusts most others. They’ve got a very close bond and love each other very much :)
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Beckett had Mercer deliver a package to Jack. The package consists of a bottle of rum, soap, shirt, and numerous desserts. On the side of the package is his initials. (itslordnow)
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He considers throwing it all out, but he can't do that to good rum or food. It won't be poisoned, else Beckett wouldn't bother signing it. Instead, Jack decides to burn the packaging with a candle to afford some manner of balance in accepting it.
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May or may not have lain awake last night smirking over how awful it would have been if Beckett were canonically gay for Jack. Like, imagine if all that hate and ambition were fuelled because he couldn’t accept that he, a ‘respectable’, law-abiding businessman, had impure thoughts about someone who embodied everything he was against. If it tormented him day and night that he could never have him because it was against God and the laws of men so all he could do was hate him and hate him and grow desperate to destroy him in the hope his lusts would abate.
Jack knew the compass would point to him. But ohhh, how much more tragic that might have been.
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itslordnow · 3 years
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alliseaisfandom · 3 years
Alright internet
My partner is an absolute entity of chaos, so thanks to her I am hereby committing, publicly, to write a multi-chapter fanfiction who's central pairing will be Jack Sparrow x Cutler Beckett, and that I outlined at 14 years of age
No, I will not explain further, and please redirect all complaints to the lovely human who persuaded me to make the weirdest story idea I've ever had an actual thing, @elailah
Seren I love you and fully blame you for whatever cursed words I produce
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imaginepirates · 5 years
Favorite Ships
I'm a sucker for the Pearl, the Dutchman, and the Endeavour.
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Honorable Mentions:
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thechaosghost · 4 months
I Can't Decide by The Scissor Sisters is so speckett coded
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hylaversicolor · 3 years
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i love at worlds end
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r-osehips · 3 years
new chapter! featuring flirtation between more pairs than one, an elopement of sorts, threats exchanged all around, and further instances of James Norrington being emotionally illiterate.
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I'm in desperate need of a POTC rp partner(s)! Applicants must be okay with slash and any, most of or all of the following ships: Sparbossa, Sparrington, Speckett, Moog (Pintel/Ragetti), Gillette/Groves, or Norrington/Gillette/Groves. Other than that there are really no other requirements. Shoot me a message if you're interested!
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