#|| missed munday but now it is fixed
ask-meowscarada · 1 year
i would ABSOLUTELY love to hear more about how you use colours for this blog i love your art
(( omg i missed this one when i was answering all those munday posts, so i'm sorry about that--but, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3
it's kind of hard to describe i think without going into full tutorial mode, but i can try and walk through my process!! i WILL say i got a lot of my methodology from other artists and guides throughout the years, which is the most important part of any art process! (i wish i had links to specific tutorials, but alas, social media sucks for archiving)
now, before i go any further, i'm in no way a professional. this isn't the "right" way to do things, and i certainly don't think i'm better than anyone else at this!! this is just how i do it, and my method makes me happy, so! that's what matters most!
i'm putting the rest beneath a cut, but i've documented my process for designing the palette for a new group of pokemon characters i'm working on! ))
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with regards to colour palettes, the two most important things to me are contrast and unity. i'll explain both as i go!
when working on palettes i'll do a fairly quick doodle of the characters together, and then fill in their colours and markings on separate layers. i try not to put much thought into the actual swatches right now--they just need to be distinguishable!
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Pesky and Baron already had their colours tweaked to match each other, but Lily and Frog (not their actual name i just haven't come up with one yet LOL) have not been. as a group, their colours look fine together, but we can bring them even closer.
i'll start with Frog (who i got as an adopt from @psychicduo <3)--i LOVE their palette, but it's darker than i normally work with, so i'm gonna brighten them up a bit.
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in order to bring some colours closer together (unity!), i changed the hue value on the dark teal so it matched the hue on Baron's light blue. i don't want to change Frog's colours too much, but i applied similar changes to every other colour except the beige and the off-white (which are the same).
here's where contrast comes into play. i will say, i'm extremely anal about this in my own work, but having low contrast is not necessarily a bad thing! it's easy to visualize contrast in hue, but it's important to consider how your values and saturation may look to other people, especially for accessibility reasons. an easy way to do this is to view the colours in greyscale.
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as you can see, the values of these two colours are too close, and therefore difficult to distinguish. i can fix this by making one of the colours a little lighter or darker. for now, though, i'm going to move on to the other characters.
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this one's straightforward! instead of having multiple, very similar shades of yellow, i'm going to change Lily's body colour to be the same swatch as the yellow on Pesky (which is also the same one on Baron).
now, i feel as though Pesky's blue, being closer to purple, doesn't really look right next to Frog's blue-greens. i'm going to employ a trick i frequently use--the hue/saturation/luminosity sliders.
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a bit more tweaking, and i have a colour that looks MUCH nicer next to the others!
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at this stage, i'll admit that i'm not sure if i'm totally happy with that colour for Pesky; there are times i'll spend hours tweaking colours for one character. but, for the sake of this post i'll move along.
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so here i have a choice to make: the darkest colours on all four characters can be unified better, and i have many options for how i can do that (and i should try all of them, to see what looks best to me). i can make Pesky's navy the same colour as Frog's, or vice versa; i can make Lily's purple the same colour as Baron's (in order to make the contrast between Pesky and Lily's purple better); but there's one more trick i like to do that i haven't shown yet.
do you have two similar colours, but you don't want to make one lighter or darker? blend them together!
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so, using the techniques above--bringing the colours closer together, and checking the contrast between them--i'll keep tweaking all four characters, until i have a result i'm happy with. (note: most of the time, i'll make exceptions for the insides of their mouths and their eye colours--those can be whatever!)
one more thing! i love having an art program that lets me compare my current colour with my new one, especially if i have a particular swatch i do not want to change! photoshop does this, clip does this, procreate does this... not sure what others, but i'm using clip.
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some additional tweaking, and here's the newest draft!
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it's very likely i'll go back and make more changes, but for now, it's good to take a break so i can come back to this with fresh eyes later. :D
unfortunately i can't go back and show the exact process for picking the palettes for ask-meowscarada, but i can show you how some of these techniques were applied!
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here's an example of a set of characters from my WIP project, without any notes (the designs are outdated but the colours are basically the same):
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these rules don't just apply to character palettes, either--here's a commission i did last year, complete with the palette i used for both the character and the background!
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WHEW... if you read through this entire post, thank you for sticking with me!! there are MILLIONS of ways to apply colour and i don't think any way is necessarily correct, but these techniques have helped me stay satisfied with the colour in my artwork for a very long time! thanks for the asking, anon, because i can go on about this for a REALLY long time... if this wasn't evidence enough LOL
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uraharashouten · 1 year
Just got back from a family trip. Happy Munday!
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Looking to beat the heat this summer but still want fun in the sun? Well, look no further than Iceland, where 24-hour daylight comes with temperatures of 48° F and 18 knots wind chill. But look how pretty!
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These rainbow roads and bridges can be seen everywhere. Is it the Bifrost or is it Pride? Actually it started in the town of Seyðisfjörður as a guerilla art project because the town council didn't want to spend funds fixing the road, and everyone just decided it was a great idea.
Fun facts: Iceland sits right on the North Atlantic ridge at the meeting of two major and one minor tectonic plates. If you want hot water, just drill down, which is how the locals heat their homes and municipal swimming pools. About 20% of power is generated from geothermal energy, and most to the rest from hydroelectric. Not bad for a population of only about 370,000 in a land area the size of Kentucky. These descendants of Vikings and Celts can also be proud of tenaciously preserving a unique and relatively unchanged language despite also being fluent in English. Tourism now rivals fishing in importance of industry, but its impact seems to have been surprisingly small. There are no McDonalds in Iceland, and nobody seems to miss it. What I did miss are trees, which are scarce and have usually been planted by people, and never very tall. They say if you get lost in a forest in Iceland, stand up!
Look at these cute rescue arctic foxes and the new eruption that just started last week, visible from Reykjavik! Ignore the cone in front of the steam there... that's older; the new one is literally just a hole in the ground.
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maria-rayro · 2 years
Lucky jacket
Granthem walks with a slow step along the corridors of the basement, easily navigating in an intricate labyrinth. The night was just beginning, and he only killed Mr. Lonnit by now. Everything goes according to plan. He had to get rid of him at the beginning of the night, to prevent himself from making the mistake of succumbing to the staggering amount of time they were together. Charlie was for him something like a sweet memory from his youth, his first love - of course, a peculiar one, given the peculiarities of Hector's psyche, but still, it was the word "love" that he would prefer to use to describe that crazy cocktail of feelings that he then experienced for the young investigator. He gave him just one sweet week before Hector had to fake his death. He thought about going back and taking Lonnit for himself, but... he just couldn't. He saw the young man meeting his mother at the airport and stepped back. He preferred not to think about this act of his and its reasons.
When he finally heard about Lonnit Entertainment after so many years, he couldn't miss the chance. Despite everything, Du'Met was rather sentimental; he kept his mother's body in the lighthouse, and Sherman's body in the castle, as well as many things that remind him of the past. At first, he wanted to make an animatronic out of Charles, but forced himself to act differently and, listening to the devil inside himself, decided to burn Charlie to wipe him off the face of the earth forever. Out of sight, out of mind. And no sentimentality.
But, of course, he felt sad now that it had ended this way. There was nothing left of Charles, except for a burnt jacket... it was even strange, actually.
Thinking about this, he turns around the next turn and suddenly freezes. Not far from him, with his back to him, unaware of his presence, stands Charlie. He tries to break the door with a makeshift lockpick, but that's not what Hector pays attention to.
He is in a jacket. In his FBI jacket.
Inside Du'Met, a fire flares up even stronger than in the furnace from which Charles, like a phoenix, got out alive and almost unharmed. He tilts his head to one side, his eyes moving over Lonnit's body. Charlie suddenly angrily slams his hand on the door, which he never managed to open, and the next moment he plugs his mouth with his hand, realizing that he just made a noise. He looks around and immediately screams, jumping back when he sees Granthem. "No!" he screams desperately, realizing that he has driven himself into a dead end.
Du'Met finally dies and takes a step forward, slowly closing the distance between him and Charles, who continues to babble. He listened to it now not really attentively, fully focusing his gaze on the jacket.
Years ago, he draped it over Charles's shoulders. The young man was cold and trembling after the stress of the encounter with the maniac, and Hector wanted to take care. Charlie then smiled gratefully at him, and Munday to this day periodically returned to this sweet memory.
Did Charles think about that moment when he put on his jacket? Did he do it to protect himself from the cold, or was he still looking for a sense of security in this piece of clothing, the same that Hector had given him so many years ago?
"Please, Mr. Du'Met! No, please, don't, I... I'll do anything, just don't hurt me, please! I don't want to burn, I..." he says with fear. Du'Met's eyes are fixed on his fingers as they grip the fabric of his jacket.
Why did Charles put it on?
Granthem gets very close to Lonnit, forcing him to back up against the wall. He sighs softly as he looks at Charlie through the slits in his mask, wondering what to do next. He doesn't want to burn him again. No. He can't even think about it now.
He reaches out and touches the jacket with his fingertips, in the next moment looking up at Lonnit's eyes. The man seems very frightened and confused. Granthem defiantly pulls on the edge of his jacket a couple of times and looks at him questioningly, head tilted to one side. Charlie opens his mouth, trying to figure out what he needs to say. "This... I... I found this in one of the rooms... s-sorry, I shouldn't have, I, I... let me take this off?" he suggests anxiously.
Munday purses his lips, lowering his gaze, unable to get enough of the view that fate has given him. He shakes his head and looks back into Lonnit's blue-gray eyes, looking for any hint of what he needs to do to save himself.
"You don't want me to take this off? But what... what should I... what should I do then? Mr. Du'Met?" he asks a little confused. Granthem greedily looks him up and down again, wondering what he wants to do with Charles now. His brain is now clouded with strange desires. He looks into Lonnit's eyes again as soon as he stops at one crazy idea.
Du'Met suddenly puts his hand up to his face, and Charles sobs in fear, squinting, but soon opens his eyes again when he feels, instead of the expected punch or other form of violence, the soft touch of latex. He looks confused and frightened into the face of a man hidden behind a mask, stroking his cheek. "M-Mr. D-Du'Met?"
Granthem makes a purr-like sound, and the corners of his lips lift slightly. He leans rapaciously towards his face, and Charles shakes with fear.
With his other hand, he squeezes the fabric of the FBI jacket, feeling a crazy desire, and then suddenly abruptly grabs the man and, ignoring his frightened cry, holds him up as if he weighs nothing, and almost throws him on the table. Lonnit groans painfully, hitting the back of his head against the wall. "Please, please don't, don't kill me!"
Granthem stands between his reflexively spread legs and tilts his head to one side, looking with interest at the picture in front of him. He suddenly reaches out and touches his knee, with pressure, but without the purpose of hurting him, stroking it through the fabric of his pants. Lonnit twitches, trying to get rid of the touch, but Du'Met holds him tight, and then grabs his other leg and sharply moves towards himself, forcing his lower back to slide to the edge of the table. Charlie curls his fingers into his jacket. "What are you-" he starts to ask, but Granthem, without a second's hesitation, reaches for his fly and unzips it with a couple of sure strokes. "Oh my God-"
Du'Met feels pleased to see how confused Charlie is. He is so beautifully emotional. His eyes like deers ones. Lips tremble. He froze completely, obviously afraid to move, not understanding what would follow next, what this man was going to do with him.
Granthem suddenly yanks off his trousers, and Charles screams and instinctively tries to escape, but, realizing that he is being held very tightly, hides his face in his elbow, pleading or swearing in fear. He thinks what is waiting for him now, thinks about the knife behind Granthem's back and is already preparing to say goodbye to life...
Du'Met suddenly sinks to the floor between his legs and, continuing to hold him tightly by the knees, touches his thigh with hot lips and a cold mask. "Oh?" Charlie exhales in puzzlement, opening his eyes and looking confusedly at Du'Met, who, oh god, is looking at him through the slits in his mask, running his tongue over his skin, which immediately breaks out into goosebumps. "What are you doing?" he asks in a trembling voice; the fear is somewhat blunted by shock.
Granthem stares straight into his eyes, and then tilts his head slightly to one side and bites the soft skin in exactly the same way and exactly the same spot he bit him on their first and only night they spent together many years ago. He looks at him, greedily catching the man's reaction. His pupils dilate. He couldn't help remembering, Granthem knew it.
He licks the bite mark and is pleased to see that Lonnit's cock is already hardening just a little. Charlie has always been an adrenaline junkie, no wonder.
He grins contentedly, and Lonnit throws his head back, unable to look at it, and clutches the FBI jacket between his fingers. Memories of Hector flash through his mind, but he pushes those thoughts aside. It all feels like a strange, surreal dream. But now, when Du'Met touches the head of his dick with his tongue, he cannot help imagining his former lover in the place of the maniac. God, how he wished he could go back to that time now. To the sense of safety that this FBI jacket and its owner gave him.
His toes twitch, and there is only fog in his head, he does not know where to put his hands. Suddenly, without even bothering to think about it, he whispers a name on the verge of madness. "Hector..."
He realizes his mistake right away and manages to panic, but the menacing man, instead of getting angry, makes some strange satisfied sound and pushes his mouth harder on his cock, moving his head, tightening his fingers on his hips, and Charlie looks down, looking in his eyes, in those brown, God, so brown, just like-
He lets out a groan and cums very unexpectedly; Du'Met pulls away, and white drops fall on his mouth and mask.
Granthem licks his lips and wipes sperm off his skin with a glove, straightening up and looking down at Charles, fixing his eyes on the jacket again.
"Hector..." heavy breathing and a hoarse voice. Granthem sighs, lazily assessing the result of his work.
He so wanted to let him go. Forget. Out of sight, out of mind. But now... oh, he has a much better idea.
"Your lucky jacket" Granthem says briefly. "Keep it" he orders, pulling away and turning his back to the man, leisurely leaving the room, closing it on his way out.
He'll come back to Charles, when the night ends.
When his work will be done.
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lacteawhy · 2 years
-I'd give anything to be on our sofa right now
Sherman says getting up from his chair.
-but..we get what we get..
He sighs.
-it broke..
You say without looking at Sherman.
-huh? What do you mean it broke?
-you broke it..
You're trying not to start laughing, he looks at you smiling.
-what, how?
-you know damn well how! It collapsed right under me as soon as I sat on it yesterday!
You started laughing, making Sherman giggle too.
-see how it's done, agent Munday?
Oh fuck! You forgot where you were! Agent Munday is here. You blush into your hands, trying to suppress the laughter. He watches both of you..this whole picture is..odd to him.
-oooh I missed you so much, peach.
He grabs your chin making you look at him.
-why didn't you want to visit me?
-Manny...I want to forget about you.
Your chest became heavy again. You feel that nasty feeling..you shouldn't be here, you shouldn't be laughing with him. You're trying to get him out of your head, not add more memories.
-come on, sweetheart..you know I need you, right?
-and I needed you..when it turned out you were killing behind my back..how do you think I feel?
-I was never going to hurt you
He whispers, leaning in for a kiss. But you look the other way.
-I don't care...it doesn't matter.
-just one more time..won't you make daddy feel good one more time
His voice caresses your ears.. oh no..you feel it..tension building up between your legs. Embarrassing..you do miss him whole after all..you feel him breathing, so close to you, his hot breath touches your skin. His lips press against your neck.
-get your hands off of her.
Hector's demanding voice breaks the ice.
-come on now, agent! Is she against it? No! Look at her, panties probably soaking wet right now!
-Manny, shut the fuck up.
You push him away. He laughs.
-you know I'm right, don't try to hide it!
-did you not hear what I said, mister Sherman?
Hector began approaching you two. You stood up, facing him.
-mister Munday, it's okay, really..
Munday looks at you.
-just tell me if you feel uncomfortable with him, I'll lock him up.
-it's fine, I can handle him. How do you think I survived living with him for so long?
You chuckle. Hector strictly looks at Sherman.
-ay, agent Munday, I'm not going to hurt her.
-I saw the..markings..you left in her.
-aaah, she showed you?
Sherman sounds proud.
-so you know who she belongs to, right, agent?
Hector frowns at Sherman, who, suddenly, looks very regal.
-Manny, shut up..you're not helping me.
-no no noo, sweetheart, he has to know. You're mine. I see the way he's looking at you...
The air fills up with tension. Sherman is pushing Munday's buttons.. what an asshole, can't keep it chill for a damn minute.
-I'm sorry? Are you insane?
You look at Sherman, very confused.
-well come on, agent! Why don't you say anything, huh?
Hector's eyes are fixed on one target. And the target it Sherman's face. You place your hands on Munday's chest
-come on, mister Munday..don't let him provoke you. Hey..
He's not listening to you.. you decide to be more daring and place your hand on his cheek. As soon as he feels that warm touch, he looks at you.
-officer, it's all good..yeah?
He closes his eyes.
-Manny, you provocative bitch.
You look at your beloved. He laughs.
-even the prison can't change your smug ass.
-and that's why you love me, right?
You sigh..fuck it. Fuck it! You approach him, placing your hands on his neck and passionately kissing his lips.
-there are better reasons to love you...
You whisper, caressing his neck. For a second it felt like he was going to melt..just for a second, before he became smug and bold again.
-see, sweetheart..it ain't so hard..
He half-whispers.
-daddy loves it when you behave
-daddy better shut up before our kind mister Munday decides to lock his ass..
You smile cheekily.
-oh fuck, sweetheart, you gonna make me weak for that sharp tongue of yours
Sherman is pressing his body against you. Making you slide your hands across his chest. His eyes check in with Munday. He's watching. Patiently.. But it seems like it's all good..for now.
-you like the show, agent?
Sherman was about to start his play again, but you caught his attention by sliding your hands under his shirt.
-don't get distracted, puppy
He smiles at you. Checks in with Munday again, winks at him and fixes his attention on you.
-didn't know my innocent little peach was a perv..
-says you?
-you tellin' me you're good with some audience?
-want me to stop?
-no, no! Just surprised is all.
You roll your eyes.
-no, I'm not good. But I'm doing it for you.
Well you really shouldn't have said that because, heavens have mercy, the smug on that face. Ooh for hiiim? You really shouldn't have! You look at him, processing his expression.
-..I regret saying that.
-for me?
-don't say a single word.
-for mee?
-ah, for me~
He lifts his arms, putting them behind you. Well..now you're trapped in this bastard's cuffed grip. Really should've asked Munday to take off the handcuffs..
-Say it again~
He almost giggles, pressing you against him.
-I hate every fiber of your being.
-no, you love me.
He growls into your ear.
-come oon, say iit~
You feel him getting excited and aroused.
-I'm doing it..
-yees yes yes?
-for you.
He places his hands near your hips and lifts you up, placing you on the table. His forehead is pressing against yours. He's keeping your body close..you feel his crotch between your legs. He's carefully rubbing against you.
-agent Munday..she's doing it for me. You better enjoy it.
He sounds so proud, almost like a child. Munday crossed the arms on his chest.
-sweetheart, you gotta help your old man..hands are in no working state
He jerks you towards him, using the handcuffs' chain.
You shake your head, moving your hands towards his zip. But before helping him out you decide to tease a little..a hand slides down his underwear. You bite your lip, massaging his cock a little. He gasps.
-oh..fuck..yeah, that's the touch I missed, baby...
He moans with no shame whatsoever.
-aww..my puppy seems so eager..
-your DADDY, sweetheart.
-ah, sorry..daddy~
You say the last word extra sensually. His dick twitched inside your hand.
-I've waited for you long enough..just let me fuck that wet pussy already.
He sounds a bit desperate but trust me, that's his way of being playful with you.
-watch your dirty mouth, mister Sherman! A special fbi agent is watching you!
You stroke his dick, taking it out of its tight denim prison. He chuckles, giving Hector a side eye.
-come on now..stop teasing me and show me how wet you really are..
-oh you want to know everything, don't you?
-sweetheart, don't test me..
He sounded serious..maybe he is getting a bit impatient.. you smile at him, slowly dragging your clothes down, dropping everything on the floor.
-oh yes. Yes. Fuck...
He instantly starts rubbing his dick against you, covering it in your lube and making you pant.
-so wet. Good girl. So fucking wet you are.. you want my dick, don't you? You missed it? Missed me fucking you until you forget how to speak?
You murmur, embarrassed.
-that's a good girl.
He presses his tip against the entrance.
-wait, just like that?
You look at him surprised.
-Manny, wait-
He pushes in, making you moan. He grins, gasping.
-that's the stuff..
He slowly pushes until the very end. For some time you both just pant, murmuring each other's names...I guess it's just another hint towards both of you missing one another.. he kisses your neck and starts moving. You're..surprised. You thought he was going to destroy your insides but instead..it feels like he's enjoying every bit of you, slowly..
You moan into his ear.
He snuggles with you, beginning to move faster. You feel your heart getting lighter from this feeling you're sensing right now. You've never seen him like that. He didn't lie when he said he missed you. It makes you smile. This damn bastard..makes you smile softly..makes you feel loved.
Your eyes move to agent Munday for a moment. You chuckle. Poor guy is stroking his dick through his pants. He notices your stare and moves his head to the side. He's embarrassed. You decide not to invade his..uhm...privacy and turn your head towards Sherman, making him kiss you on the lips.
-you feel so good, sweetheart..
He sounds gentle.
-how can you feel so good..
He picks up the speed again. You start moaning more rapidly. You missed his damn dick..the way he knows your favorite rhythm, the way he teases your clit from time to time..he knows how to make you moan the loudest and roll your eyes in pleasure. Fuck, you hate him. You just hate him for being so good with you. You don't want to let him go.
Finally you feel it, good old Manny. He grips into you, making his smacks rough and hard. The wet sounds from below make you embarrassed. He loves them. He knows those sounds mean you are fucking enjoying him. He's almost there. You know he's almost there when he starts murmuring the sweetest words to you. You finish before him, gripping his dick with pulsating pleasure. You moan his name, hugging him tightly. He, of course, cums deeply inside you. What did you expect? That he all of the sudden doesn't want to make you his? Sure, in your dreams...actually..at this moment, in your dreams, you want to be his and his only.
You both breathe heavily. You hear the sound of a zipper. Seems like agent Munday took good care of himself too. He gets up and releases Sherman's hands.
-clean up.
A very strict and reserved command. Sherman chuckles.
-as you say, agent Munday.
He kisses you lazily, all over the neck area.
Another few minutes you watch him polishing the floor and the table, while feeling Munday's stare on you.. you're not what's that about..analyzing you?
Munday approaches you.
-it's time for you to leave-
Sherman quickly gets up.
-a few more minutes..come on..
He hugs you with his free from handcuffs hands..feels nice. He murmurs sweet things into your ear. How he'll keep you in his mind, how much he loves you and..please don't try to forget him.
-alright..alright, agent Munday, want to cuff me now?
Hector silently cuffs Sherman and makes him walk towards the exit
-want me to take you to the exit or can you navigate by yourself?
Munday refers to you.
-uhm..I'm good, thanks..goodbye, Manny..
-bye, sweetheart..
You leave the room. Sherman begins to talk
-listen, agent..
Hector looks at him
-we both know what's waiting for me.
He chuckes.
-so I have another little request to ask..it's a small one, don't get scared
-take care of my girl.
Hector swallows.
-I know I can count on you, agent.
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oh I'm ALWAYS curious about Beauty! What's her favourite colour? What's her favourite flower, and why? What's her saddest memory? And what her happiest?
Favorite color? Stephen's eyes, of course. Which means sometimes it's the clear, pale blue they become in strong sunlight, bright eyes that carefully watch over our world so he can keep it safe...sometimes, a blue like the waters off of some tropical island, clean and pure and mesmerizing, an invitation to dive right into all that he is...and sometimes, depending on the light around him again, they become green with flecks of gold, reminding her of spring arriving after a long, weary winter. And sometimes, oh sometimes--although he has made it quite clear he doesn't believe he would make a good father--she sighs and sighs, and wonders if their child's eyes would be simply blue like hers, or mutable like Stephen's.
Favorite flower? Pale pink roses of any variety. A simple choice--which she doesn't even realize reflects the simplicity of her soul.
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Saddest memory?
Normally, Beauty would say the passing of her maternal grandfather. Not only for the grief her mother experienced, but for her own loss at the age of 11, of the kindest, funniest, wisest man she had ever known. He always called her Princess because she was her mother's only girl-child. But he never talked to her as some adults do in a dismissive way, when she described her flights of fancy or brought him questions about the mysteries of her little world.
But just lately, she feels something sadder brewing. For it seems that something is lacking between her and Stephen. She sees him far less often and feels very isolated. They are missing some vital magic, and she has no idea how to fix it--or even if it can be fixed. Beauty is steeling herself for an inevitable heartbreak, though she had never thought such a thing could come from him.
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Happiest memory? There isn't a single one--but all the family holidays spent in the warm, loving circle of her family, with both parents and her five older brothers. Those holiday family dinners, from the earliest she could remember unto the ones she eagerly helped her mother prepare. No family is perfect and Beauty would never claim hers was so, but her family always came together lovingly, setting aside any disagreements or problems enough to remember their bond and treasure that special times together.
And of course, Beauty has dozens and dozens of beloved memories of her time with Stephen--cherished now in the silence and in his absence from her life.
(yup, that got maudlin, but I have to be honest when it comes to my creation)
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keikakudori · 2 years
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
the salty af munday meme
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i feel like there's not a lot of fun in it these days for new people.
like, when i started in on tumblr rp waaaaay back in 2010 ( shut up I know I've been here a long time ), we didn't have great things like Xkit Rewritten or stuff like that, though i do remember i was using Missing E a lot back in the day before that was broken and then we got Xkit which led to NuXkit and then to Xkit Rewritten so i've been through a lot of tumblr changes and i think one of the things i see a lot is a lot of griping over things that aren't really such a big deal. tumblr adapts to the changes that staff throws down.
now, that's not to say i don't understand things; the recent issue with trimming reblogs that was going on a couple months ago was something i was on board with but now i've settled into using the beta editor and have been using it for a while now and it's really not that bad. would it be a pain in the ass to try writing without it? oh yeah, absolutely. it would be a tremendous pain in the ass. i probably wouldn't have bothered until the fix rolled in. but i'm honestly not that bothered by the beta editor so i suppose i'm just used to dealing with how staff will change this website in those ways.
but it does feel like there's this air of exclusivity going on. that if you don't know the right people, you can't really break into the rpc. i always do my best to be welcoming to people returning to the rpc or those who are trying to get into it. you never know what kinds of friends you'll make if you block people out and i'd love to see folks return to having fun and generally goofing around. like, i remember when gif wars were a thing. gif wars. if that doesn't date me as the kind of tumblr user i am, then i don't know what does.
i also feel like one of the most ridiculous things in the rpc these days is Sinday. fuck that, i'm not confining my horny to one day of the week. i'm gonna be horny on main and y'all can deal with it. people are horny! i am going to write spicy things and throw them on the dash! i'm not gong to hide that!
i absolutely miss things like follow forevers/bias lists and celebration of blog milestones. the concept that those were like -- bragging things or whatever is ridiculous. do you know how many new people i got to find to write with thanks to follow forever lists? i think i'm going to make one soon, a follow forever/milestone celebration post, because those were fun. you get to see these gorgeous lists and witness people saying NICE THINGS ABOUT PEOPLE THEY WRITE WITH. let's bring that back. those were always lovely. why can't we have those again? i want to see people gushing about their friends.
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dramatisperscnae · 1 year
🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before? 💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc? 😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself?
[Munday Questions || accepting]
🎮 — favorite video game(s)? At the moment? I'm kinda fixed on Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail, but there's also Persona 5, Dragon Age, The Witcher, Gotham Knights, Kingdoms of Amalur...I have a list >w>
🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? Anything chocolate. There are a couple small brands that only sell in pints, and one does a Cannoli ice cream and the other does a Boston Cream Pie ice cream and they're amazing, but otherwise? Anything chocolate >w>
😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before? @misstisalir is my IRL bestie and has been for...good lord, almost ten years now >>;;
💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc? Ah fuck, I don't even know. I once did an askbox call as Maes Hughes[years ago, now] and came back after like two hours to over 100 asks with no repeats and quite frankly I may have been chasing that high ever since XD I think my Hughes blog was my most popular, back in the day. I miss playing him. He's on here, I just haven't really gotten to throw him at anyone yet.
😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself? -gestures broadly at Tumblr- but also I read and I make chainmail and I play video games >w>
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rosmcrinus · 3 years
Sup all
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Hello everyone, it’s Munday, which means I make one big OOC post so I don’t clog the rest of the week with ‘em! It’s just rando things that pop in my head or that’s happening in my life, basically. Not necessary reading, really a big Facebook post. 
- I’ve really been missing cuddling Dart, so I’ve taken to holding the bison plushy that I got right after he died, as the other rodents aren’t snugglers like he was. - A box of new toys arrived for the ratties, and their new cage should be coming too! - Speaking of that, apologies there aren’t more photos of Maia and Sugar, they are VERY squiggly!! -  When I had my Phantom of the Opera phase (as many nerd girls do) my favorite character was, of course, the Phantom, like every other nerd girl who watched it and latched on to the lonely outcast side regardless of the whole. . . stalking and manipulation and murder thing. Now, as an adult, my favorites are Carlotta, Piangi, the Persian, and the Ratcatcher. You know what that is? Growth. -  Think of rats Think of rats fatly Portly and divine Please feed them Once in awhile Just promise me you'll try! - Confession: There is just something weird about how Dauterman draws faces, to me at least. He’s not a bad artist, everything else he does is lovely, nor does his work seem in any way problematic/objectifying/etc, just the faces look really stiff and odd to me.  -  Ratsquerade! Rodent faces on parade! -  Whenever I see vampires in media that are more resistant to sunlight than the rest of their ilk in that same piece, the general rule is that the vampire is older and thus stronger (as strength and age typically go hand in hand in vampire media). For instance, exposing Akasha and Enkil to the sun in The Vampire Chronicles didn't kill them or even really hurt him much, and the Master survived direct sunlight in The Strain tv series even if it was painful to them, while in both series younger vampires would go up in flames instantly. But I like the idea of younger vampires being more resistant to the light and older vampires being more vulnerable to it despite their greater powers. It kinda makes more sense in my head. - One of the things I love about WtA (Werewolf: The Apocalpyse) is that werewolves and other fera (wereanimals) have a purpose. There’s a Big Bad (The Wyrm) and its agents to fight in what seems a neverending struggle, and they were each created to serve or defend Gaia in a different way. The idea of werewolves having a concrete objective REASON to exist is something I’ve never seen in any other werewolf media, and it forms the basis for much of their culture in this setting as well as giving them a USAGE for all their cool gifts, and foes against which those gifts aren’t necessarily always enough. It’s like, congrats, you are an eight foot tall furry killing machine with magical powers but guess what---you have to use them in the service of a greater being, against greater foes. I just really like it, not to mention that the fantasy of being an eco-terrorist who is largely unfettered by care for human life appeals to a part of me. No, I would never ever want to actually hurt anyone in real life, not even the most heartless polluter CEO or big game poacher or sadistic dog fight ringleader, but playing a beast in fantasy that isn’t human and doesn’t have much of a care for human life in most cases sounds like a fun release. Which, speaking of that, I also like how detached from humanity they are. Some individuals or groups may have strong opinions, like the Red Talons wanting to do away with all humanity, but by and large they’re indifferent to us, and their love or hatred of humanity isn’t what defines them as good or bad, which I like. I love supernatural creatures that AREN’T written with a human-centric perspective. - And one of the things I like about the “Bloodlines” Vampire the Masquerade PC game is how much people love it, to the point they make huge fan-made mods that not only fix problems with it (it was released REALLY buggy and glitchy) but expand it. There are mod packs you can get that add entirely new quests and characters, meaning they got people to not only make new skins but do voice acting for these new characters, all as a labor of love for this game. It’s really a cult classic because, again, it’s a mess in a lot of technical regards, but the writing, story, and characters are so great that countless people (including me) just fell in love with it. I just love the passion projects people made for it.  - Speaking of werewolves and vampires and such, I really want to get my muse back for supernatural-type RP boards. Those used to be my jam but now all I write is X-men. I tried to write at a friend’s Sailor Moon board but I just couldn’t keep it up. I’ve been watching this one place for months. I’m just not sure I wouldn’t crap out again. There’s also another X-Men board that I’ve wanted to join for months and they *want* a Shaw there, but they would also require six posts a month from him. And I don’t know if I can manage that with all my other commitments too, especially since I’m running an event at one of the other X-Men boards that I’m at, and plan to run more since I’m writing Shaw as an active villain there. - Also dfjdjsg I’m glad I’m doing this Rattober thing because it is the ONLY art I can seem to get done right now.
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devilreno · 4 years
-taps chin- I think it was during all the positivity posts we were doing and I do believe it was solyneo who, in the end, brought you fully to my attention. I'd seen you on my recommend before but it was then I went and looked properly and I'm so glad I did. You're a literal gem, your writing is exquisite and your art is absolutely stunning. You are a first class human. I adore you from afar my friendo.
For Munday tell me how you found my blog and why you followed. // @rcdwrxck
Will u plz excuse me as I explode with happiness, and admiration towards u ♥
bECAusE, I too, have seen you in my recommended. I peep here and there when given the chance. I was drawn first by the aesthetic of your thread replies and then lovely miss Panda mentioned my url to an absolute icon as yourself that I’m still genuinely surprised it’s how it happened—
Tbf, I’ve seen your other blogs too but I’m still chicken about following. LOL I’m generally reluctant to follow first, though-- Now it just looks like I’m only fawning over your Reno and y’know what yes, yes that’s also it but hEAR ME OuT— nah I ain’t got excuses. Technically still counts as partially the truth lmao
thE only issue is that we don’t get to interact ic. Aaaand I should fix that. If any of your muses possibly wants to stumble across my Reno, I’d be v happy to indulge that. Kay Kay ♥ You’re incredible.
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serbrienneoftarth · 5 years
My child had minor medical thing fixed up, so that was fun, but he's all good now. And I've got dental work this morning still, but I've got a couple of things actually done and edited to post later. I’ll probably nap after the dentist because the Valium for my dental anxiety will demand a nap. But Expect me around for real now, I’ve got most of what was keeping me away off my plate after this afternoon. (Except one book I have to read in the next 7 days. But I can manage that one easily.) And since I missed Munday yesterday, have this photo of me at my Halloween Party I had on Saturday. I was a fat Raven.
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seraanith · 5 years
I.. wanted to get more art commissions done today, maybe complete one of them. I also wanted to get to my discord RPs but workforce sent in a form for me to fill out. I am so stupid, I didn’t read the form correctly and made Many Big Mistakes that couldn’t be fixed with a simple cross out or white out. Almost broke down from that, so I ended up making an account online and filling out the pdf. When I tried to write my signature, adobe froze and omg I was so close to just breaking down and crying. Fortunately, when I opened it, all my worked was recovered minus like.. one number & an addition. After I filled that out, I saved the file, then wrote my signature. 
I’m still so fucked up over those two near break downs. I just wanna relax now. I missed out on Sinday, then I missed out on Munday weh
Think I’ll color in that Taweret/Taaret sketch to feel Productive. At least I had enough money saved in my paypal to cover the entirety of the electricity bill. All I gotta do now is get $40-$50 for my mom’s birthday. Tho it’s on the 11, we’re gonna celebrate it alongside my aunt’s b-day [on the 21st], so we’re gonna have a small party for them on the 16. I have time to get the money. 
At least taking care of the kitten kinda.. fixed my sleep schedule back to normal xD;; Don’t gotta do any all nighters, thank goodness ; w ; I don’t know how many more of those I can do at the expense of my mental + physical health. Those two Almost Break Downs have me feeling weak & giving me breathing issues & my heart won’t chill aaahhh
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What grammar rule you think you cannot overcome even though you train through writing replies?
More Munday questions
This is a great question because I don't know what grammar rules I break and what ones I adhere to. Before Detroit: Become Human, I wasn't a writer. I've never written a lick of fanfiction, and I didn't take creative writing classes, nor did I think about writing creatively when the chance came up (If I'm not told I can use my imagination, I tend to stick with the basics). Matter of fact, after an AP class I took in high school, I hated writing because it took all the fun out of it by making it about restructuring existing material (plus, I was a month behind since they put me in the wrong AP class and didn't fix it right away, so I missed ALL the core lessons. Naturally, I failed).
If I were to guess, it would probably be my overuse of commas and my lack of using a semicolon. I probably use parentheses wrong, too. I also don't use 'said'. I was taught to avoid it and now using it looks weird to me. The closest I tend to come to it is replacing it with 'spoke' as if that really makes a damn difference.
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Return of the Goopman!
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[[Hey there everyone! I’m still alive and decided to give this another go. Missed the goopman and getting them into trouble. Of course I missed all of you blessed nerds as well. 
I know I burnt some bridges in a bad way prior to my departure, though I’m unaware of the complete extent of it. Regardless, if you’re uncomfortable seeing me again then please feel free to unfollow or block, I’ll understand.
So, theres been a few changes over here. *The obvious one being the name/url. I lost wanderandward to a squatter, didn’t want to make a fight out of it. Check it out if you like flowers though heh. All the links here should direct you to the proper pages under the new url, but if you find one that doesn’t please let me know. *Again, I fell out with some people, their characters and interactions with them were pretty important too. I’m not going to erase all that history, specifics will just be glossed over if they ever come up. *I made an aesthetics/personal blog over at @shareourwanderings. It should help reduce the clutter and minimize the chance of losing replies in my drafts. I’ll still reblog friends’ art, fanart, and commission posts here. *Made a few small tweaks and additions to the rules/about too and that’s about it.
I’ll leave what I’ve been up to in the past year under a readmore. 
Hope to reconnect with you folks (and make some new connections of course), without any unpleasantness.]]
The TL;DR version: Instead of wallowing in misery, self-pity, self-loathing etc. with this being my only escape, I’ve started the grueling process of unfucking myself and my life. 
There’s been a metric crapton of thinking, reevaluating, reading, realizing, and understanding happening on my end. Turns out fucking up horribly and getting called out on it can be a great impetus for personal growth if you let it. I haven’t miraculously changed and eliminated all that is wrong with me of course, from what I understand such a thing is pretty much impossible. Its an endless process of figuring out how and why you’re wrong, accepting it, and taking steps to be a little less wrong. And I’ve at least started that process.
I’ve confronted the reality of my mental illnesses. The anxiety and depression. How they’ve affected me, how they’ve manifested, the causes, how my behavior has been affected by it. And how I’m still responsible for my actions despite them. I haven’t been to a therapist yet, but its on the agenda and progress has been made towards it. I have been taking medication for them though, learning how to more actively recognize when I’m being affected and how. I’m getting a better grip on my mental faculties. You might not help how you feel, but how you react to it is always up to you. Sounds simple, but ‘simple’ has never excluded something from being hard to do. Been worth trying though.
I finally have prescription glasses. If anyone ever took a close look at my munday pics, my eyes never lined up properly in them. Untreated astigmatism+nearsighted that led to amblyopia. Corrective lenses, eye exercises tailored to the condition, drawing (mostly tracing from a book). Unfortunately I’m long past the age where the condition can be completely fixed, but progress can still be made. Keeping my fingers crossed for advancements in that field though.
I’ve been taking better care of my frail mortal form. Mostly by cramming a handful of supplements down my gullet and putting it through immense stress and pain. The human body is just weird like that. I can understand why others tell the depressed to get some exercise, its actually good advice just poorly worded/explained. But yeah, been exercising, watching my intake, trying that ‘healthy living’ myth people propagate. Those long infrequent walks I took roughly once a week? Twice a day now. I’ve gone swimming for the first time in about 5 or 6 years. Got access to a proper weight room too. I’ve concluded that bodybuilders are masochists. 
I have a new laptop. Fanfuckingtastic considering the old one could barely run discord, its screen is dead, fans dead, deskbound connected to a monitor, and liked to disconnect from the wifi when I most needed it. The new one might not be some $2k alienware powerhouse sure, but it opened a lot of damned doors. Like being able to write here without constant frustrating interruptions. 
I reconnected with my brother somewhat. Always considered him the more successful one and felt like a disappointment to him. We got past that. Just about every saturday since around january, I’ve been hanging out with him, until well past midnight, playing D&D with him and his friends. They’re all a bunch of shameless walking memes and its great. My brother is the DM, and so far my dragonborn sorc is the only group member that hasn’t be downed. Not for lack of trying. My anxious arse has been palling around, in person, with complete strangers, and I’m pretty happy about it heh. Probably going to put up summaries of our crimes adventure on shareourwanderings.
Between all that, I’ve been reading, poking at my backlog of games and shows. I’ve spent some time on Quora, picking up tips from published writers (Mercedes Lackey is surprisingly active over there), and of course checking out the mental health topics over there. The new laptop has made it easier to catch up on shows I’ve been wanting to watch. As in, I binge watched One Punch Man in a few nights, OVAs included. Mob Psycho is next on my list. Add in some new music, Sanderson stories, and the creative juices are flowing again.
I’m making progress. Life feels like its worth living, despite and even because of the fuckups. Its very likely I’m going to fuck up again eventually, hopefully in a less horrible manner. Just something I have to live with and continue to learn from.
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darachsciath · 6 years
tagged by: stole it from @carvenarcher tagging: Everyone who hasn’t done this yet
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BASICS: Name: Scotchy Age: 20 (21 in a few weeks) Pronouns: He/him or they/them Sexuality: Asexual Zodiac sign: Virgo Taken or single: Forever alone.
Four Things About This Blog:
🎠 I created this blog because @saturninemonarch tempted me into doing it. They really wanted to write Thorinduil together with me, and I thought it would be fun, so I made this blog for Thorin and I still don’t really regret it. 🎠 I got very lazy with the theme background and actually didn’t make it entirely (?) on my computer screen, abot 1/3 of the screen is just black and part of Thorin is missing too... I don’t really think about fixing it either, to be honest...  🎠 Thorin’s theme background is the only one I ever completely made myself...  🎠 I still need to do a lot of verses work for Thorin, but I’m just not always certain what I could do with him, or in which fandom I could write a verse for him...
Three Mun Facts:
🍬 I work in a supermarket. 🍬 I once paid 180 euros for a Funko Pop...said pop is supposed to arrive this month, because I got it as a birthday present for myself. 🍬 I have a kitten named Frodo. He’s born on 12 May 2018 and often gets pics posted on Mundays.
EXPERIENCE: How’d you start: I started roleplaying in 2012 in an anime fandom and switched to Marvel characters in 2015 after I wrote Kili for a very brief moment during the DoS hype. In 2017 I joined a few more fandoms when It came to roleplaying.  Platforms you’ve used: Twitter, Facebook, GoodReads, Dis.cord, Tumblr. Best experience: Meeting @saturninemonarch through Twitter RP. Worst experience: One of my writing partners used to emotionally abuse and blackmail me to the point where I tried to do some really stupid shit. I left the fandom right away when I finally realized what they were doing to me...
MUSE PREFERENCES: Original or canon: I try to keep canon muses as accurate as possible, but I’m not shy to go canon divergent as well if it happens some of the canon elements happen to make me uncomfortable (which is the case with one of my other muses) Favourite face: Richard Armitage has a lot of different looks/characters/things I can work with, but I can’t really say I have a favourite face. I try to pick a face that fits my OC, instead of shaping the character after the face.  Least favorite face: I don’t have one of these, but I can easily get bored or annoyed when I see a face used by a lot of people... Multi or single: I’m doing both right now...
WRITING PREFERENCES: Plots or memes: Memes. Best time to write: On days when I don’t have to work. Do you like your muse(s): *LAU G H S NERVOUSL Y*  How long (months/years?): I started roleplaying in early August 2012, but only joined Tumblr RP around Christmas ‘16. Thorin has been around since, I think, 9 February ‘18. Fluff, angst or smut: All of it, with a slight preference for angst.
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purplexflamingo · 6 years
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Munday selfies? I regret now I am breaking out from the make up. 
But my Esme cosplay needs to be fixed - corset is just too big and needs adjusting.
so I just wore the dress pieces alone- it is really comfy and sometimes I do wear it around the house. When like cleaning or what not. My wig is missing too so I had to use an older one that needs to be extremely brushed out. So I tied it. I wish I had long hair.  I just feel much more comfortable in wigs and dressed as not me. But below is my hair- it needs to be re-dyed..but I dunno if I wanna go back to my dark natural. Also was too lazy to straighten it. Which i normally do.
Also need more sun cuz it looks like I am a ghost.  
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