#||Snake of Golden Wings|Osiris||
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Souvenir by Sun haiyang
White rose - Rita
Predator - Dany
The Bard - Gad
Mercenary - Magda
Golden shark - Masa
The Risen - Osiris
Great tengu
Thorn Birds. - Erin
The warlord - Marcia
Snake hair - Dania
Death sickle - Carolyn
White crow messenger - Jessica
Tavern Ranger - Lexi
Jessica sketch
Shadow Wing Demon
Saint of corruption
Headless horseman
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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@aprisatm​ wanted a one liner with Osiris!
“You may be a ‘voidsent,’ but from where I stand, that term is highly inaccurate. If I had my way, I would rather people refer to you as Heavensent. It suits you much better.”
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@jabbers-wild-world finally gets to meet Osiris
“Finally!” Koya exclaimed, stretching out her arms as they walked through the city. “It feels like it took forever to get here.” A lamentation as she finished her long reach to relieve her tension, moving to shift her palms to rest at her hips. It was an easy path to the main palace, walking through the busy streets full of vendors that called to them and people who answered for want of wares. Even so, they wouldn’t stop—more to the point, Koya wouldn’t let them until they reached the steps of the large citadel.
Beckoning to the others, the Hybrid almost hopped up the stairs as she rushed towards the door, waving to the sentry out front. “Yo! Tell Osiris we’re here to see him.” She grinned, and the bird Enterran nodded, murmuring into a hand held device. A confirmation sound was made and the doors opened to the group. “Come on in, guys.”
Walking through the halls, it was akin to a maze as Koya navigated for them, ending up at a lavish room that she burst the doors open to. “Birdy! Where are you?” She called to the seemingly empty room before looking over her shoulder and waving the three up. “Get in here, make yourselves comfy.”
“Accommodating guests in my own chambers? You haven’t changed a bit, Koyakumo.” A sultry tenor rumbled as a side door slid open, revealing the person to the voice. Footsteps were feather light as he entered, a well-toned male with large golden wings that protruded from his back. Every facet of his muscles were on display, as he lacked anything but a mere minimal garment akin to a loincloth. The blonde tresses that waved and framed his face only seemed to enhance the pupil-less green sclera that fell upon the group.
Whirling around, Koya’s broad smile instantly faltered the moment her hand moved over her eyes. “It’s Koya, Birdy! You know I hate—Oh Guardians above, Osiris! Put some clothes on!” She cried out, while the Bird Enterran seemed unphased, approaching the gaggle instead.
“You are in my chambers with minimal announcement. You should be lucky I’m not entirely disrobed.” A small touch to the top of her head made before he turned, his saccharine smile entirely pleasant. “Greetings. I am Prince Osiris.” The most minute shift in his eyes made his attention wholly focus on the particular Taurian in the group. “I assume you all Koya’s new friends she has made? What are your names?” The edge of his smile grew as finally, his face tilted pointedly towards Gil.
“Particularly you. A Taurian, yes? It’s rare to see any these days. Had I know Koya was bringing someone so handsome, I would have prepared something more for you to enjoy.”
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chaoshaswon · 3 years
Wasteland, Baby Chapter 10
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Story now COMPLETE
The pain was gone all at once. From the hole in her heart to the ache in her back, Maddie felt calm. Peaceful. It was surreal, like being in a deep meditative trance. Her body felt light, as if she was floating. But she wasn’t. She could feel a hard floor underneath her.
She opened her eyes. Above her was a high and gilded ceiling.
This was not the Outpost.
“Please, continue to take your time,” a deep voice said dryly.
Maddie rolled her head to the side, towards the voice. A man, lounging on a throne and looking utterly annoyed stared back at her. She pushed to her side, climbing to her feet.
She was no longer in the red ball gown. Instead, she wore a flowing, black dress that reached just past her knees.
Her eyes flickered back to the man in the throne.
He leaned forward, ever so slightly. "Do you know who I am, Madeline?"
If she hadn’t already, she would have guessed by the way he said her name.
She recognized him although he didn't look like any of his pictures. There was no red skin or thin mustache and goatee. He didn't reek of death. There were no horns or blackened wings.
He did, however, look exceedingly like his son.
The Devil was a handsome man, indeed.
Flawless and angelic, with blond hair and cheekbones that could cut glass.
He wore a blood-red velvet robe and a black crown that rested on those soft, golden curls. He stood with an air of authority that resembled Michael’s matched with a look that clearly stated the whole world is beneath me.
“I do,” she said. “Although I’m uncertain what to call you given your many names.”
He had a smirk that matched Michael’s. “Call me what you please, I answer to all of them. Hades, Satan, Osiris, Yama, Mictlantecuhtli, Mot--”
“Lucifer,” another voice added in an acrid tone.
Maddie turned her head to see a dark-haired man with small white wings and a staff entwined with two snakes.
"Hermes," she recognized.
The man in question frowned while Satan let out a little laugh. "Ah, Hermes. That is what we used to call my dear little brother once upon a time. Now, he prefers Gabriel, but by all means, continue to call him Hermes. I do so love to watch him squirm."
"Haven't you an evil soul to tend, Luke? Hers belongs to us."
Maddie inhaled sharply as she looked at Satan. She had no real reason to trust him. He'd done terrible things to Michael, terrible things to the world and yet… Michael trusted him.
And the thought of an angel taking her soul away to where Michael couldn't go made her feel instantly queasy.
Satan stepped down from the dais. “She’s not going anywhere with you.”
“Heaven dictates otherwise.”
“I believe you’ll remember that I have a tendency to ignore the dictates of heaven.”
"Your son had time. He didn't even begin to corrupt her." Gabriel grinned maliciously while simultaneously glaring at his brother. "He didn't even try. Instead, he indulged her every kindness. His loss is our gain." Gabriel turned his attention back to her. "I'll escort you to heaven, where you will be safe from the evils of hell.”
He outstretched a hand and Maddie stepped back, feeling herself tense.
Satan made a sound of approval. “Corrupted or not, little Madeline clearly has no use for the hypocrisy of heaven.”
Gabriel didn’t look away from her. The only sign that Satan had been heard was the little twitch in the angel’s eye. “You don’t belong here, Maddie. Your soul is pure. Come with me. I’ll take you to your family, where you can spend the rest of your days in a land of plenty.”
For a moment her heart ached. If not for her family, then for the ability to say goodbye. For closure.
“Go with him,” Satan said coolly, “and you’ll never see Michael again.”
That caught her attention and her head spun to her lover’s father.
Gabriel scoffed. “While your ability to love the damned is admirable, you do not belong with the Antichrist.”
“The fates seem to disagree,” Satan said with a smirk that rivaled his son’s.
“An accident, I’m certain.”
“Of course. Just as your beloved savior married a whore.”
“Mary Magdalene is a saint!”
“I’m not judging,” Satan said in a tone that clearly stated I’m judging.
“Maddie, Michael destroyed the world,” Gabriel pleaded. “Everyone you’ve ever known. Your friends, your family, your teachers. The lucky ones were disintegrated in the explosion. Those who survived were forced to cannibalize to stay alive. He is single-handedly responsible for the death of billions. Including more than half the survivors of your Outpost.”
Maddie swallowed, remembering what Venable had said about the poisoned apples before the bitch had shot her. And Michael had known.
That had always been his plan. To destroy the Outpost. Finding her, his fated woman, was the only thing that had spared any of them. And without her… she doubted he would save Mallory and the others.
Satan waited until she looked at him, his face suddenly becoming all too serious. "Right now, my son is cradling your broken body, begging you to come back to him."
Her breath hitched.
For all his faults, and fuck, Michael had faults, he had adored her with every fiber of his being. With every kiss and touch, he had promised her the world. He had teased her for making him do good, had begged her to stay with him despite it all.
She bit her lip, overwhelmed by the emotions.
The Antichrist who was so desperate to be loved and accepted. Abandoned again and again. Then to have her taken away…
He wouldn’t be able to handle it.
"Send me back."
To her surprise, Satan didn’t smile. If anything, he grew more serious. "I'm afraid it isn't so simple. You see, the moment you died, angels were standing by to cart your lily-white soul to heaven." 
"I see they got very far."
The devil laughed while Gabriel’s face pinched. The former offered a dazzling smile. "For such a good little girl, you are remarkably insolent."
“I’ve been informed they’re not mutually exclusive.”
The resemblance between father and son was strong as his lips twitched in amusement.  “Regardless, there are complications...”
“But it’s my choice, right?” she asked, looking between them. "Otherwise, you would have just forced me to heaven or hell."
Gabriel frowned.
“She’s remarkably astute, isn’t she?” Satan asked his brother. He didn’t wait for a reply before he turned back to her. “Yes, little Madeline, the choice is ultimately yours. A little bylaw of the fates. I cannot control your path, nor can God. And though Michael can kill and resurrect at will, he cannot control your soul. Which means it is up to you to decide if you return to Earth and to Michael.”
“Or if you’re released to heaven, to spend the rest of your life in paradise.”
“Michael,” she said quickly.
"Not so fast, Maddie,” Gabriel interjected, stepping closer. “You see, what this one isn’t telling you is that once you return to Earth, your soul will be forfeit to hell. You'll be eternally damned. Even when you inevitably die, you will never be allowed to go to heaven."
 Maddie looked at Satan, who shrugged. “All of life is a trade off.”
“A trade off!” Gabriel mocked. “A trade off is choosing between two equally good opportunities, not losing her soul for a few more years with your bastard seed!” Gabriel turned to her. “You would be eternally damned. Your soul would fall into the depths of hell and do not think for a second that he,” he gestured to Satan, “would show you any mercy.”
“While I abhor mercy to any soul, do you really think Michael would allow your soul to feel any sort of pain?”
No, she didn’t. It would destroy Michael to even think of her in pain. But she wasn't certain that Michael had that kind of power over his father.
But, for better or worse, Satan did love his son. It was clear to see, even if she had doubted it before.
Maddie couldn’t bring herself to excuse his actions. The way he had abandoned Michael was inexcusable. That he had let his own child wander the world alone when his every guardian had been killed was sickening. But she could see that he was trying, however belatedly, to fix things.
It might be enough to save her from torture, but was it still worth the damnation?
For Michael?
She bit her lip, looking at Satan.
"You love him," the King of Hell said softly and it fucking hurt that she hadn’t told him. She had put it off carelessly, believing that they had the luxury of time. She should have known better after the apocalypse but she had stayed silent. "And, despite your humanity and obvious character flaws, Michael loves you.”
They were all so fucked.
Her, most of all.
"You can't actually be considering this," the angel said in disbelief. "Maddie, your soul is good. Pure. And Michael Langdon is the antithesis of all that."
Maddie nodded. He wasn't wrong. "But I love him."
"He destroyed the world! Your family, your friends!"
"Yeah." She shivered at the thought of it, a part of her hating herself for being able to care for him despite all he had done. "But I love him."
"He played a key role in annihilating nearly everyone on your Outpost!"
He had, the bastard. She was still pissed about that. He had told her that he would only save the select few she chose but she hadn't realized that meant he would kill everyone else, not even giving them a chance at survival.
But even knowing that…
“Stop feeling so strongly for that hell spawn and think!” Gabriel practically begged.
Satan chuckled. “Oh  yes, little Madeline, do what you do best.”
Gabriel shook his head at his brother. “You’re truly insane.”
Maddie closed her eyes, ignoring their banter back and forth.
Despite her gut reaction, it was not a decision she should make lightly. It wasn't just her life on the line: it was her soul.
Truly, she had never believed she would make it this far. When the blasts had gone off and the rest of the world had fallen, it was only a matter of time until she met her end.
Death didn't scare her.
While she hadn't been an atheist, she had been uncertain about the existence of an afterlife.
Somehow, instead of putting her at ease, it was causing her far more stress.
On one side was heaven. Eternal peace. Rest. A chance to see people she had loved. Innocents, who had died too soon, all on the whim of her lover. To spend the remainder of time in harmony and contentment...
Without Michael.
But to keep him, for just the chance to see him again, she would be damned. Consigned to hell. As a scholar of such, she knew just what kind of punishments she risked. Hellfire. Torture, both physical and psychological. Ironic punishments for her every misdeed on earth. 
While Satan had promised to protect her, she wasn't so sure that she truly trusted him. He loved Michael, yes. But he also would do whatever it took to win his stupid war.
They both would. Satan and God. Or Gabriel. 
Because that was what it was about, right?
Not saving her soul, but an endless family feud. How had Michael put it?
“Planet-destroying, people-erasing kind of family conflict. If God and the Devil had been given free reign, Earth would have been destroyed millenia before you took your first breath.”
Maddie opened her eyes to see the two still arguing. Tempting her with offers she hadn't even heard, not that it would matter.
She looked at Gabriel. “Why does God care?”
“God cares for every soul…”
“No, not like this. God doesn’t come down here and barter for souls out of the goodness of His heart. It’s a game to you.” She looked at Satan and added, “To all of you. Who collects the most souls, who collects the most worship.” Maddie turned back to Gabriel. “So why does He care about the fate of one little soul?”
“Why else?” Satan drawled. “Because He is utterly terrified of what you will become.”
“Of me?” Maddie asked. “I love Michael but I’m not…”
“Evil. Yes, I am well-aware of your flaws.” Satan paused, as if contemplating his words. “To understand your place in the universe, you must understand the natural world as it exists. My father, for all intents and purposes, Michael’s grandfather, played a key role in creating your species. Your weak of will and of stature species, designed by your very nature to revel in conflict and destruction.”
For someone who was trying to convince her to put trust in him, his total disregard for her entire species was a bit alarming.
“My father thought imposing rules of his own would be enough to break through the chaos. And while His hypocritical laws and commandments eventually became well-known and practiced, they force humans to limit their potential by becoming inauthentic shells of their former selves.
“Even you,” he continued, “have lived your entire life in the shadow of those rules. Forcing your entire world into a puritanical regime where pleasure and gain are viewed as evil. Those who chose to honor themselves above their families are deemed selfish. Work and productivity become more important than the enjoyment of your short, infantile lives.  Obligations become more important than freedom until you are all trapped and miserable, and waiting for the sweet release of death.”
Gabriel opened his mouth to interject but Maddie beat him to it. “Carnal pleasures are well and good, but without any sort of social contract or established rules, it will only make for a fractured society.”
Satan hummed. “It’s good to see your humanity has not entirely enfeebled your brain. Yes, your species does need rules. Otherwise, there would be no progress. You’d kill off your entire species on your own.”
Maddie nodded in agreement.
“To destroy the old rules without implementing new ones would be pointless. That’s where Michael comes in. He rules Sanctuary in a way which allows its inhabitants to find joy in what they do. They succeed because work is not based in pride but in enjoyment and a shared goal to rebuild the world. Sanctuary thrives only by his rule.
“But,” he paused, catching Maddie’s eyes in an intense stare. “Michael will not take losing you well. He’s always struggled with loss but you…”
Maddie shivered at the thought. Michael had lost everyone. His mother, his grandmother, his teachers, his guardian…
And now her-- his one tie to humanity. This was going to end badly for everyone. 
“Fuck,” she whispered aloud.
“Language,” Satan chided. “But the sentiment is accurate.”
Gabriel frowned at Maddie. “Regardless of how the hellspawn reacts, you belong in heaven.”
“You don’t understand.”
“You can’t be considering this—”
“You don’t know Michael,” Maddie insisted, shaking her head. “I am the only thing that keeps him human, grounded. Without me, he’ll lose his fucking mind.”
“She’s not wrong, Gabie. Without Madeline, even I won’t be able to control him. He’ll lash out. Destroy what little is left of the world and he won’t stop until everyone’s been annihilated.”
“Except your precious Sanctuary.”
“You’re wrong. Michael will blame God for killing his beloved and he’ll blame me for not saving her. You take Madeline to heaven, the world will crumble. And neither of us want that. Even His Holy Eminence doesn’t want that.”
Gabriel shook his head at his brother. “There are other ways this could play out.”
“There are,” Satan agreed. “Either Michael destroys the world or he starts slipping. He makes a mistake until one of your heaven-bound souls successfully kills him. Without Madeline, either the world burns or Michael does.”
Her breath caught in her chest. Somehow, the thought of Michael dying was even worse than the possibile annihilation he would bring.
Maybe she was meant for hell after all…
“Regardless of the consequences, the responsibility does not lie on Maddie.” Gabriel looked back to her. “You are dead. Your soul is free. Do not waste it on the Antichrist.”
He clearly didn’t know her well enough.
“But it’s still my choice,” Maddie told him, almost regretfully. It was her responsibility. More than that, it was her privilege to be able to save the man she loved. To have a second chance at life.
“Go home, Gabe. Madeline belongs with Michael. It’s fated,” he said, lingering with mild disgust on the last words.
Gabriel’s face became pinched as he looked at Maddie and shook his head. “I truly didn’t think you would even consider losing heaven for the destroyer of earth. So now it's time for you to know what Lucifer isn’t telling you: even he can’t send you back without consequences.”
The devil in question rolled his eyes. “It’s hardly a consequence so much as a caveat.”
Her heart sank. Satan and his son were alike in far too many ways. She could picture Michael saying something along a similar vein. "What kind of caveat?"
"You see, I saved you from heaven. From being taken away from Michael, to never see him again, even when he inevitably dies. But once a soul has entered hell, they can't just leave. An order must remain."
"What kind of order?"
"The oldest of all. Balance. Hell must have its due and it is due a soul."
Maddie swallowed as she understood. "You want me to kill someone."
"While I will most certainly find it amusing to behold, it isn't so simple. To walk free, by his side, you will need to take a soul. It is the way of the world. You must give to get."
"And you're all about order."
"Indeed." Satan began circling her. "The cruelest of ironies. My son was to fall for a woman who balks at death."
"You'd rather I revel in it?"
"You are a Princess of Hell and a Queen on Earth, Madeline. Humanity is beneath you."
It wasn't. She wasn't that far gone.
This was no longer a matter of forfeiting her soul to save Michael. This was actively killing for him. Taking not just a life but sending the soul of another to hell, first class.
And the darker part of her, the part that allowed her to excuse Michael's actions, already was whispering the name of a victim.
You're better than this.
And yet…
Clearly she wasn't better. Maybe she had been, at one point in her life. Before the world had gone to shit. Or before Michael Langdon had walked into her life.
But could she really kill someone else? Even if they deserved it? 
"She won't do it," Gabriel said with certainty. "Love or not, her soul is still pure."
She closed her eyes, head spinning from the influx of information they had been throwing at her since mere moments after her death.
She had never imagined that dying would be so complicated.
Maddie looked to Satan, not caring if he would judge her as she asked, “Is there really no other way?”
To his credit, he didn’t mock her. “None.” His face did soften ever so slightly. "I don't know anything for sure, but I do believe that, without you by his side, Michael will allow the rest of the world to descend into chaos."
Madeline laughed humorlessly. "You mock my humanity, then try to appeal to it?"
"I'm banking on the notion that you're a better person than I am."
Gabriel scoffed.
It was basic utilitarianism. The good of the many outweigh the needs of the few. At least, that’s what she tried to tell herself.
The reality was that she finally understood Michael’s ruthlessness. There was not a single thing she wouldn’t do to save him. To hold him one more time and to say the words she had withheld for what now seemed like foolish reasons.
If she had to kill someone to save Michael, she would.
She would burn what was left of the Outpost to the ground.
Swallowing, she met his eyes. "What do I have to do?"
Gabriel exclaimed frustratedly. She couldn't recognize the language as he let out a trail of angry utterances, but she couldn't bring herself to care.
"Go home, Gabie. And do pass on to Father that Madeline's soul is spoken for. And if he, or his minions, target her again…” Satan’s eyes flashed red, his face turning pale. Just like Michael’s. “I will unleash a fury unlike any they have ever seen."
Gabriel glared before vanishing in a flash of light so bright she had to shield her eyes.
“We don’t have much time,” Satan said, walking over. In his hand, a black dagger manifested, etched in runes. “Mead is an android and you couldn’t kill Michael if you tried, which leaves Venable.”
Maddie wasn’t too torn up about that, but she still felt a twinge of guilt.           
“When you awake in your body, you’ll have less than a minute to cut her heart from her chest.”
“Excuse me?” Maddie said, eyes growing wide. “You said I’d have to kill her.”
“Yes.” Satan said slowly, as if speaking with a small child. “You’ll find without her heart, she will die.”
“Obviously,” Maddie snarled back. “You didn’t mention anything about cutting her heart out!”
Satan waved a hand carelessly. “You’ll be fine. That blade will cut through bone the same way it would slice a tomato.”
The comparison made her stomach lurch, but she swallowed back the nausea.
He continued, “When you have her heart, hand it to Michael. He’ll know what to do and will be able to bind your soul to his. Thus, your life will be tied to his. Regardless of any injury you sustain, he’ll be able to bring you back. But if Michael dies, you die with him. Do you understand?”
Maddie nodded, still stuck on the when you have her heart part. “I might be sick.”
“Be thankful you don’t need to bite into it.” He handed her the knife, handle first. She took it, biting her lip as the nerves crept in. “You’ll be fine,” he assured her. “Just pretend she’s livestock.”
Blinking, Maddie remarked, “That doesn’t really help me.”
Satan shrugged. “Then think of Michael and your precious humanity. Because both will fall if you fail.”
Maddie nodded, taking a deep breath into what was already a lifeless body.
Satan regarded her for a moment. “There is one last thing you must know.”
She listened expectantly.
“Another force is rising. One far more powerful than any Michael has encountered before. Perhaps the only one capable of killing him."
Maddie felt her heart drop at the news but Satan continued, not even allowing her a moment to process it.
“My son cannot know of its existence. For all his power, he is still young and this enemy has been preparing for his coming for thousands of years. He’s not ready, and if they meet now, you will both perish.”
“When you say he can’t know…”
“None of it, Madeline.” His tone left no room for interpretation. “He cannot know any of what I just told you.”
Uncomfortable with the very idea of keeping such a secret from her beloved, she asked, “Then why are you telling me?”
“Several reasons. The first...” He held up a finger. “After completing this ritual, you will be virtually immortal. Even this enemy won’t be able to kill you until Michael is killed. You’re relatively safe from him, whereas Michael is not. Second…” He held up another finger. “You have the knowledge to identify the enemy and find its weakness and third…” Another finger. “You may be the only one who can defeat it.”
She had questions. Too many questions. Who was the enemy and why wouldn’t Satan speak its name? Where was the enemy? How big was the enemy? Were they dealing with a single zealot or an army?
Were they safe at Sanctuary?
Were they safe anywhere?
And why could she defeat such an enemy if it was capable of destroying Michael?
She had no powers or abilities.
Maddie opened her mouth to begin asking but Satan spoke first.
"Remember: you have less than a minute to complete the ritual. Do not hesitate."
Before she could reply, the world went dim.
"One such as you deserves nothing." Venable spat at Michael as Maddie regained consciousness.
Her eyes flickered open, her chest suddenly heavy with breath. She was on the floor, laid carefully in place. Her cheeks were wet from tears that did not belong to her, strengthening her resolve further.
In her hand, there was a cold weight.
She looked down to find the blackened blade. In the glow of the firelight, she could make out the runes etched on it and remembered its purpose. She ignored the small wave of nausea at the thought.
"Stupid woman,” Michael replied, his voice heavy with emotion as hatred pounded through his words. “I would have killed you quickly before but now… You will burn for eternity for what you’ve done!"
Maddie rose to her feet as Venable and Mead cowered from him. Though she couldn't see his face, she knew the white-faced demon had risen.
 Fire erupted from his hands and she could feel the heat burning through the room.
"You will beg for death," he said and she could feel the pain etched in his words and it nearly made her crumble. .
But Satan's words rang clear. She didn't have much time.
Maddie reached out, placing a hand on his arm.
Michael froze, mid-sentence, becoming utterly still. His head turned slowly, almost fearfully before his red eyes landed on her before flashing back to blue in stunned disbelief. He staggered.
"While the sentiment is appreciated, my love, I do believe I have this."
He reached for her, still disbelievingly, but she dodged his touch.
There would be time for that later.
She moved past him, toward Venable and clutched the knife tighter.
"That's impossible," Venable muttered, staring at Maddie like she'd seen a ghost.
Maddie considered replying. Taunting the bitch just once before she killed her. But one nasty word would hardly make up for eighteen months of abuse.
But what was more, that wasn't who she was.
She knew Satan hoped Michael would corrupt her. The fact she had a knife in her hand was proof of that.
But while she loved Michael, there was still a line in the sand that she wouldn't cross.
Without a word, Maddie raised her chin and then the blade.
It sliced into Venable before the woman had time to take note of the weapon and she gasped, her eyes widening. Her hand shaking, Maddie cut down and around.
Satan was wrong. It was easier than slicing a tomato.
A trickle of blood formed at the edge of Venable's mouth and Maddie looked away. Wincing, she reached inside Venable's chest.
She hadn't expected it to be so warm.
Her hand searched until she found the shallowly-beating heart. Her hand closed around the organ and she yanked until it gave way with a sickening squelch.
She turned, her hands bloody as she offered the heart to Michael as Venable sank to the ground. 
His blue eyes darkened.
Michael took the knife, first. Without looking away from her, as if he was scared to even blink, he made a cut on his palm. He reached for Maddie's open hand and did the same before grasping it in his.
The knife clattered to the floor as Michael took hold of the heart, taken willingly, and began to chant. 
The words were foreign but familiar. She'd heard him speaking it before, when Michael had turned demonic the night James had attacked her. She could only guess the language was straight from hell.
As he spoke, she felt a tug on her heart. Then on her stomach. It didn't hurt, per se. Instead, it felt as though her insides were fighting an invisible war, swiping the breath from her very lungs. It pulled at her without actually causing her pain.
Her eyes grew large as she watched Michael continue until the tugging ceased. The air returned to her lungs in a gasp as she fell forward.
He caught her quickly, his arms looping around her as he pulled her tightly to his chest.
Michael continued speaking in the foreign language, although his tone had changed. No longer were his words methodical and even. Instead, there was a desperation to them as his hand covered her head and began stroking her hair.
“Madeline,” he choked out.
“I’m okay,” she promised, wrapping her arms around him in turn. “Your dad… he saved me.”
Michael held her tighter and she let him. He needed this-- assurance that she was okay.
“I thought--” his voice cracked. “I thought you were…”
“I know. I know, but I’m here. I’m safe.”
And I’m a killer.
Michael pulled back enough that he could look at her. He reached down and pulled down the scoop of her dress so he could see where the bullet had pierced her. Though her dress was still ripped and bloodstained, her skin was healed entirely. 
His fingers brushed over the spot, tenderly.
She thought of giving him an explanation-- the bylaws of the fates or whatever bullshit had saved her from immediately dying and immediately being resurrected. She thought of telling him of his father and the message she was not supposed to tell him.  
Instead, she reached up and cupped his cheek. "I love you."
Michael caught her hand, turning it and kissing the inside of her wrist, still bloodied. "I love you, Madeline."
He bent down, low enough to kiss her desperately. She could feel every ounce of fear and relief in that kiss and she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight.
"I thought I lost you," he whispered. 
For a moment, he had.
There was a cough from behind them.
Ms. Mead, momentarily forgotten in the excitement, remained.
"Ah," said Michael, almost as an afterthought. He blinked and Mead's eyes grew wider, her mouth opening as a flood of memories came rushing back.
Maddie turned without leaving Michael's arms, watching as the android slash surrogate mom changed.
She blinked once. Then again.
Her head tilted as she looked at them and the breath seemed to leave her nonhuman body.
"Michael?" she asked, almost in disbelief. 
"Madeline," he said softly. "Allow me to properly introduce Ms. Mead."
The halls of Outpost 3, formerly known as the Hawthorne School, was officially empty. Well, unless they counted the dead bodies that littered the floor of the library. Maddie didn't. 
The others had been suited and sent out to the first of two carriages sent to take them to Sanctuary.
Somehow, it still surprised her that he ordered two carriages. They would have all fit in one but then, she could hardly expect Michael to make it more than three hours without killing someone.
“It’s time.”
She turned, looking over her shoulder. Michael was dressed in a black radiation suit, leaning against the doorway. Somehow, he even managed to make the awkward suit look sexy. Meanwhile, she felt ridiculous in her own, even after Michael had adjusted it to magically fit perfectly. 
Maddie gave a final glance to the library.
"Do you think you'll miss it? Hawthorne was your home for a long time."
She heard his footsteps drawing near her before feeling an arm wrap around her middle. 
"Hawthorne never felt like home until the day I found you wandering this library."
She relaxed, leaning into his arms.
Michael kissed her ear. "The best of the books are packed, as are our things and your friends. There's nothing left for you here."
"No," Maddie agreed. "I suppose not."
She turned and reached for his hand. Michael took it, squeezing it meaningfully, before leading her from the library for the last time.
Maddie stepped over a body of a fallen grey, idly wondering if anyone would ever find these halls again.
Or would Outpost 3 become a tomb, lost to the ravages of time.
Truthfully, she couldn't bring herself to care.
As they walked down the empty halls towards the exit, her thoughts were otherwise occupied with the warning she had received from the Devil.
“Another force is rising. One far more powerful than any Michael has encountered before. Perhaps the only one capable of killing him.”
She glanced up at Michael, heart thudding loudly. He looked down and she wondered if he could actually hear it. 
“Are you ready, mu anassa?”
But then, there would be time to worry later.
Maddie felt her lips curl into a smile. “Yeah. I’m ready.”
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, harmony, wisdom, morality, balance, and divine order
The goddess Ma’at is truth and justice herself, perfectly embodying these noble virtues. She was said to regulate various cycles and actions such as the cosmic bodies (planets, stars, moons), seasons, human behaviour, relationships, and the afterlife. It was this goddess who protected creation from isfet (chaos and injustice). Each god and human was believed to be duty-bound in preserving and defending Ma’at, with the Pharaoh perceived as her guardian. Without Ma’at, Nun (the primordial waters) would reclaim the Universe and purge all into chaos. 
Ma’at is the wife of Thoth (god of knowledge and wisdom) with whom she bore eight children known as the Ogdoad and a daughter named Seshat (goddess of knowledge, wisdom, writing, calculation, and sciences). Ma’at is most often depicted as a winged woman seated or standing, with her wings stretched out wide. Adorned upon her crown is an ostrich feather (a sacred symbol of hers) and she may rarely be shown to have an ostrich feather as a head. In one hand, Ma’at holds a sceptre while in the other, she holds an ankh, the symbol of life. Other times, Ma’at may be seen with a plinth atop her head, which may suggest that Ma'at was considered to be the foundation of Egyptian society.
Myths: At the beginning of all things, Ma’at is said to have been born by Amun-Ra (king of the gods) when he rose from the primordial waters of Nun. In the moment that Amun-Ra spoke the world into creation, Ma'at was born. Her essence filled creation with harmony and the ability to operate with good-will and wisdom. Thus, she brought order and peace from the nothingness of chaos, and created safety for all living beings. Her importance can further be seen in how Amun-Ra had stood upon her own pedestal in order to bring all of creation into being. As a daughter or “Eye” of Ra, Ma’at was thought to chart the course of the Sun god Ra during his voyage across the sky each day. During this voyage, Ma’at remains ever-present at the side of Ra, assisting him against the snake-god of evil, Apep, along with the help of the warrior god, Set. 
Judgement in Duat: Another role this goddess held was being a judge of the Underworld (Duat), within the Halls of Ma’at. When a soul was to be judged, one of her white feathers would be placed on the Scales of Truth, in order to see whether or not the person’s heart was full of evil or not. 
Upon reaching Duat, the deceased spirit would come before a council of fourty-two Judges (led by Osiris), and would have to recite the Negative Confessions where they must honestly claim to be free of guilt against certain crimes. After this, a feather of Ma’at and the heart of the spirit would be placed upon the golden scales of truth and weighed by Anubis- if the heart was heavier than Ma’at’s feather, it showed that the spirit had been evil during their life, and was then thrown to Ammit, the goddess of doom and retribution, who would devour them into unending torment. If the deceased was simply neutral, they would be sent into reincarnation until their karmic debt was paid off and they had learnt their lessons. If the spirit was found to be pure, they would be sent to the Field of Reeds, which is the realm of Paradise. 
Personal experiences: Ma’at is an extremely noble and virtuous goddess who values things such as compassion, courage, honour, wisdom, honesty, charity, knowledge, self-improvement, and the ability to accept responsibility for one’s actions. She is usually reserved and serious, though enjoys gentle music such as harp melodies. She also enjoys logic games such as senet and chess, as she values all sorts of mental actives and strategy. In her divine role, Ma’at presides over all the Judges of the Underworld and ensures that each spirit receives correct acts of justice. She does not punish the corrupt, as this is a task for vengeful deities such as Sekhmet, Nemesis, and Ammit, but she assists in swaying chaos into order and working against crimes. Ma’at is the patroness of judges and all those who seek to uphold justice and nobility. She may not be a judge herself, but is the Universal power that keeps all in balance and under moral guidance. 
Some of her Epithets:
Directress of the Underworld Justice
Lady of the Hall of Judgment
Lady of the Heavens
Queen of Earth
Ma’at the Beautiful
Perfect Measure
Right Order
Sustainer of the Sun
The Changeless
The Good Gift
The Undeviating
That which is True
Tracer of the Course of the Sun
Twofold Truth
The Measure of the Heart
Offerings: cold water, tea with milk, herbal infusions, vanilla cream soda, fish, chicken, pheasant, fruit (especially dates and plums), lettuce, chickpeas, olives, olive oil, vinegar, eggplant, hummus, barley biscuits, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, sistrum, scales, ibis feathers, reeds, small ritual drums, white marble, gold jewelry, sun pendants, white linen, clear quartz, selenite, white howlite, amethyst, angelite, banded agate, geodes, olivine, smooth river stones, and statuettes of herself *no alcohol or drugs (she hates these and always wants clarity of mind)
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pagan-omen · 4 years
Lesser Known Kemetic Gods:
Aet (Amentet) - A goddess who welcomed the dead to the afterlife with food and drink. Known as "She of the West", Amenet was the consort of the Divine Ferryman. She lived in a tree near the gates of the underworld. Daughter of Hathor and Horus.
Ba'alat Gebal - Phoenician goddess of the city of Byblos, a protector deity, incorporated into Egyptian worship through her association with papyrus, which came from Byblos
Bat - An early cow goddess associated with fertility and success. She is one of the oldest Egyptian goddesses dating from the early Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE). Bat is depicted as a cow or a woman with cow ears and horns and is most probably the image at the top of the Narmer Palette (c. 3150 BCE) as she was associated with the king's success. She blessed people with success owing to her ability to see both past and future. Eventually, she was absorbed by Hathor who took on her characteristics.
Bes Aha or Bisu) - God of childbirth, fertility, sexuality, humor, and war, popularly known as the Dwarf god. He is one of the most popular gods in Egyptian history who protected women and children, fended off evil, and fought for divine order and justice. He is often represented as more of a spirit (a 'demon', though not at all in the modern-day understanding of that word) than a deity but was worshipped as a god and featured on a number of everyday items in the homes of the Egyptians such as furniture, mirrors, and knife handles. 
Beset - The female aspect of Bes invoked in ceremonial magic. As a protective god, Bes also fended off dark magic, ghosts, spirits, and demons. His feminine aspect was called on to combat these forces
Four Sons of Horus - Four deities, Duamutef, Hapy, Imset, and Qebehsenuef, who watched over the viscera or the dead in the four canopic jars placed in the tomb. Each had his own cardinal point to guard, his own internal organ to protect, and was watched over by a specific goddess.
Heh and Hauhet - God and goddess of infinity and eternity. Heh was depicted as a frog and Hauhet as a serpent. Their names mean "endlessness" and they were among the original gods of the Ogdoad
Heka - One of the oldest and most important gods in ancient Egypt. He was the patron god of magic and medicine but was also the primordial source of power in the universe. He existed before the gods and was present in the act of creation although, in later myths, he is seen as the son of Menhet and Khnum and part of the triad of Latopolis
Ihy - God of music and joy, specifically the music of the sistrum. Son of Hathor and Horus the Elder. He was worshipped with Hathor at Dendera and invoked at festivals. His birth is honored in wall inscriptions at birth houses in Dendera in the belief that joy and music should welcome children to earth at their birth. Depicted as a child with a sistrum.
Kherty (Cherti) - He was a ram-headed god of the underworld who ferried the dead on their last journey into the afterlife. In the Old Kingdom (c. 2613-2181 BCE) he was said to rule the afterlife with Osiris. Kherty reigned over the entrance and hallways leading to the Hall of Truth while Osiris had reign over the Hall and the Field of Reeds. 
Khonsu (Kons, Chonsu, Khensu, or Chons) - His name means "The Traveler" and he was god of the moon. He formed one of the most important and influential triads at Thebes along with his father Amun and mother Mut. He is depicted as a mummy holding the crook and flail with a uraeus and moon disc on his head. Khonsu replaced the earlier god Montu as son of Mut and also took on his protective qualities.
Maahes (Mahes, Mihos, or Mysis) - He was a powerful solar god and protector of the innocent depicted as a lion-headed man carrying a long knife or a lion. His name is linked to the goddess of harmony and truth, Ma'at, and may mean "True Before Ma'at". This interpretation is likely as his other names include "Lord of Slaughter" and "The Scarlet Lord" referring to his punishment of those who violated the sacred order life presided over by the goddess
Mafdet (Mefdet) - She was an early goddess of justice who pronounced judgment and meted out execution swiftly. Her name means "She Who Runs" for the speed with which she dispensed justice. She is the earliest feline deity in Egypt, pre-dating both Bastet and Sekhmet. 
Mehen - The serpent god who wrapped himself around Ra in the sun barge to protect him from Apep's attacks. In early myths he is shown protecting Ra while Set fights off the serpent.
Meretseger - A protector goddess in the form of a cobra venerated at Thebes. Specifically, she guarded the necropolis of the Valley of the Kings.
Mut - An early mother goddess who most likely had a minor role during the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE) but who later became prominent as the wife of Amun and mother of Khonsu, part of the Theban Triad. Mut was a protector deity associated with Bastet and Sekhmet. She guarded over people in life and, in Spell 164 of the Book of the Dead, is depicted as a savior of souls trapped by demons in the afterlife. She was also the divine protector of the king and state who roasted conspirators and traitors in her flaming brazier.
Nehebkau (Nehebu-Kau) - "He Who Unites the Ka", was a protector god who joined the ka (aspect of the soul) to the body at birth and united the ka with the ba (winged aspect of the soul) after death. He is depicted as a serpent and, like Heka, has always existed. Nehebkau swam in the primordial waters at the dawn of creation before Atum rose from the chaos to impose order.
Nephthys - A funerary goddess, one of the first five gods born of Geb and Nut after the creation of the world, wife of Set, twin sister of Isis, and mother of Anubis. Her name means "Mistress of the Temple Enclosure" or "Mistress of the House" referring to a heavenly house or temple. She is depicted as a woman with a house on her head. Nephthys is widely, and incorrectly, regarded as a minor deity when actually she was worshipped throughout Egypt from the earliest periods to the last dynasty to rule Egypt. She was considered the dark goddess to the light of Isis but this carried no negative connotation, only balance.
Ptah - One of the oldest Egyptian gods who appears in the First Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2613 BCE) but most likely dates from the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE). Ptah was the great god of Memphis, creator of the world, lord of truth, and chief god of the city of Memphis and its surrounding area c. 3000 BCE. Ptah was originally the figure who stood on the primordial mound of the ben-ben at the creation of the world. He was probably an early fertility god and is associated with the moringa tree which, in an early myth, he liked to rest beneath. 
Renenutet (Renenet or Ernutet) - A very important goddess depicted as a cobra or a rearing cobra with the head of a woman. Her name means "Snake Who Nourishes" and she was goddess of nursing and rearing children. In time, she became closely associated with Meskhenet, goddess of childbirth and destiny, and even superceded her to determine the length of a person's life and significant events which would befall them.
Sah - An astral god, personification of the constellation Orion, usually paired with Sothis (Sopdet) as representations of the astral forms of Osiris and Isis. He is referred to as "Father of the gods" in the Pyramid Texts and was an important aspect of funerary rites where he welcomed the king to the afterlife. 
Sed - An ancient jackal deity who name first appears on the Palermo Stone from the Fifth Dynasty (2498-2345 BCE) but who was most likely much older. He was the protector of kingship and the individual king. He presided over the Sed Festival (also known as the Heb-Sed Festival) which was held every thirty years of a king's rule to rejuvenate him. He was eventually absorbed by Wepwawet or it could be that Wepwawet (whose name means "Opener of the Ways") was simply one of Sed's epithets which became more popular. As protector of the divine king, Sed was associated with justice and so linked to the goddess Ma'at.
Serket (Selket, Serqet or Serkis) - She was a protective and also an important funerary goddess probably originating in the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE) and first mentioned during the First Dynasty of Egypt (c. 3150-2890 BCE). She is best known from her golden statue found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Serket was a scorpion goddess depicted as a woman with a scorpion on her head and arms outstretched in a protective pose. 
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Heket: Heket/Heqet (depicted top left) was a frog-headed Goddess associated with fertility since the anual flooding of the Nile brought fertile land and frogs. Heket was sometimes depicted as a frog on top of a phallus. Heket was the consort of Khnum and was a Goddess of child birth often depicted as a frog on a lotus on Egyptian talismans, her priestesses were also trained as midwives known as “servants of Heket”. Khnum was said to create new bodies out of clay on a potters wheel and Heket was said to breath vital spark or Ba into them, since she also did this for the dead Osiris she also became associated with resurrection.
Hemsut: Hemsut refers to a collective of Goddesses who preside over fate and were said to embody the creative potential of the primordial waters. In one myth Hemsut are said to have been created by Ptah while in another they are drawn out from the primordial waters (Nun) by the Goddess Neith. The Hemsut were depicted as women baring a shield with two crossed arrows above it (the symbol of Neith) or they were depicted we kneeling women holding a child between their arms.
Herishef: Herishef was a ram-headed God thought to be associated with the Nile as his name means “He who sits upon the lake”, Herishef is therefore also associated with the sacred water lily and the God Nerfertem just as the lotus adorns or sits ontop of the Nile. Herishef is often depicted with an elaborate crown compossed of serpents anf sun-discs. In some mythologies Herishef is said to be born of the blood of Osiris when Osiris wore the divine crown of Ra while in others he is considered an aspect of the Ba of Osiris - the ram-headed God Banebdjedet or an ascended form of him.
Hesat: Hesat is the cow form of Hathor and was said to be the Goddess of milk and nourishment, milk was therefore called the “beer of Hesat” and was seen as life giving, thus Hesat is also mother of the death God Anubis in a divine parallel. Hesat was closely related to Hathor and also Isis.
Horus: Horus (depicted top row and central) was depicted as a falcon-headed man and repreaented the divine child of Isis and Osiris (although originally of Hatmehit and Osiris). In some mythologies Hathor is considered the mother of Horus while in others she is considered his consort and wife. Horus was a solar deity representing the light of the sun God Ra and also the sky. Horus was associated with war and hunting as well as of resurrection and divinity. The pharoah was said to embody Horus in the flesh when securing his right to rule having completed the king making ritual (Hieros Gamos). Since Horus was the sky his eyes were said to be the sun and moon, as a God of light he was opposed to the God of darkness Seth it was explained that the moon is less bright than the sun since the (left) moon-eye of horus was scratched out by Seth in battle while Horus wounded Seth’s testicles, since Horus represented lower Egypt and Seth upper Egypt this explained why the desert was barren. The eyes of Horus became one as the eye of Ra in an alchemical marriage of sun and moon, of unifying opposition. Horus had many forms including a child sucking his thumb and as a lotus or otherwise Horus the elder who was depicted holding up Ma’at but also as a falcon with outstretched wings with the sun and moon eyes in the form of Kemwer meaning “great black one”. The struggle between Horus and Seth for the throne of Egypt lasyed eighty years and many contests until unification of the two lands was achieved however as Seth was a deification of darkness and Horus the light they were said to battle with Horus winning through each day and Seth winning through each night.
Hu: Hu was the deification of the first word, the word of creation, that Atum was said to have exclaimed upon ejaculating or alternatively his self-sexualisation or castration in an act of sacred marriage in creating the Ogdoad. Along with Heka and Sia, Hu was thought to be a principle form of magic as spoken words were seen as utilising the magic of Heka and Sia to manifest the will of the magician. Hu was also associated with Ptah in his role as a creator deity. Hu is often depicted as ram-headed or as a falcon. Eventually Hu was merged with the God Shu and the two became the same being.
Huh: Huh is depicted as a kneeling man holding in each hand a palm branch, although sometimes he is also crowned by a third branch. Huh is one of the primordial Gods of the Ogdoad and was therefore symbolised by a frog in contrast to his consort and sister Hauhet who was his feminine form depicted as a snake. Huh was the God of limitlessness and of the potential creative-forces in the primordial waters.
Iah: Iah is a moon deity of Egyptian mythology who was increasingly assimilated into both Osiris and Khonsu. Iah was at one point known as the God of the new moon and is sometimes seen as the adult version of Khonsu in a longer wig and wearing a crown.
Iat: Iat is the Goddess of milk and therefore of nurturing and child-birth, Iat was spawned from the udders of Meht-Urt and probably refers to milk drawn in ritual such as “drawing down the stars of heaven” - meaning to suckle milk from the breast of a Goddess or mortal woman invoking a Goddess.
Ihy: Ihy is the cow God of the sistrum (rattle) and was therefore seen as the son of Hathor. Ihy was said to have been fathered by Ra or Horus and was the God of the music produced by the sistrum. Ihy was depicted as a child holding a sistrum or as a nude child with his finger in his mouth which would come to influence the later Greek God of silence Harpocretes.
Imentet: Imentet (depicted second row and central) was a Goddess of death representing the necropolis and west of the Nile. Imentet lived in a tree overlooking the entrance to Duat and therefore possibly represents and Egyptian version of the tree of death/Qliphoth or inverted tree of life and thus a Kabbalistic mystery. Imentet would offer food to the dead to help them in their journey. Imentet is titled “She of the West” since the sun sets in the west symbolically entering the underworld.
Imsety: Imsety was a human form God and one of the four sons of Horus. Imsety was therefore depicted on canopic jars where he stored the liver and was said to be protected by Isis. Imsety was said to represent the South and was one of the four rudders of heaven or four pillars of Shu.
Ishtar: Ishtar was a Sumerian Goddess who was also sometimes worshiped in Egypt.
Isis: Isis (depicted top row and right) was the Egyptian Goddess of life, nature and magic. Isis was said to be first born of Nut and Geb and is the twin sister of Nelhthys, Osiris and Seth. Isis means “throne” and the Goddess is often depicted by a throne and has a throne on her head, she is also depicted as having a scepter and ankh and often with wings. Isis is often depicted nursing her infant son Horus, an image which influenced later Christian depictions of Mary breastfeeding Christ. Isis was known as a protector of the dead as she was consort of her brother the death God Osiris. Isis is often depicted as a lotus or sycamore tree and particularly is shown as a tree with breasts which is likely an early Egyptian tree of life Kabbalistic mystery. After Seth destroyed Osiris splitting his body into thirteen pieces Isis gathered them up and put him back together although she could not find his phallus which had been swallowed by a fish, Isis then poisoned the sun God Ra with a snake made of his own drool and healed him only once he had revealed the secret of resurrection and his own true name then with the aid of a golden phallus Isis resurrected Osiris using the golden phallus to impregnate herself in a sacred marriage with him after which Horus was born. In another mythology Isis went into hiding while pregnant with Horus and was protected by seven scorpions, she arrived in a town called the twin sisters and sought lodgings however a local rich woman refused to house them forcing them to lodge with the poor, six of the scorpions then added their venom to the seventh who stung the child of the rich woman who ran into town seeking help, Isis cured the womans son by uttering the names of all seven scorpions in turn. The myths of Isis elaborate on the Egyptian belief in the power of names as an instrument of magic. The myth of the solar deity Ra and the serpent could also be interpreted as a kundilini/serpent energy mystery. Isis is also said to have given birth to four sons after being impregnated by her own son Horus who eventually became her husband since Isis eventually was merged with Hathor adopting all her symbolisms including as the “mansion of Horus”. Originally Isis is formed from the myths of three older Goddesses Hatmehit, Ma’at and Selket/Hedetet while also related to Meht-Urt/Hathor Nekhbet and Iusaaset.
Iusaaset: Iusaaset is a primordial Goddess refered to as the “Grandmother of all Gods” as she was often seen as the female side of Atum. Iusaaset appears as a woman wearing the horned vulture crown with the Uraeus and solar disc ontop, she carried a scepter in one hand and an ankh in the other. The vulture was sacred to the Egyptians and was thought to reproduce from virgin birth/parthenogenesis it was related to the deity Nekhbet, vultures were seen as great mothers. Iusaaset became Hathor and later Isis as evidenced by the vulture crown each wears. Iusaaset is the owner of the sacred Acadia tree where the Gods were born often equated with the Egyptian Kabbalistic tree of life. Iusaaset is also associated with sacred marriage or Hieros Gamos since she forms an androdgyny with Atum.
Kauket: Kauket was the female version of Kuk and also his consort, both were one androdgynous being and part of the Ogdoad, as a female Kauket was therefore represented as a snake. Kauket was also a representative of darkness and chaos and was said to be the one who “brought in the light” since the darkness bares the light, this may be an early form of “light-bringer”/Lucifer.
Kebechet: Kebechet was the daughter of Anubis and Anput she was depicted as a serpent and her name means “cooling waters” as she was a Goddess of embalming said to give water to the dead it is often thought that she is the deification of embalming fluid.
Khepri: Khepri (second row on the left) was seen as an aspect of the sun God Ra in the mornings when the sun had risen above the horizon. Khepri was symbolised as a winged scarab with the sun above him or as a scarab-headed man holding a scepter and ankh. As the scarab rolls balls of dung around so too was Khepri said to do the same with the sun, moving it across the sky. Since scarabs lay their eggs in dungballs the Egyptians percieved them to give birth through putrification or death and thus they came to symbolise rebirth and resurrection.
Kherty: Kherty is a God in the form of a mummified ram his name means “to slaughter” possibly related to sacrificial lambs. Kherty was the deification of heart attacks and acted as a psychopomp guiding the souls of the dead. These associations suggest Kherty may actually depict rams sacrificed to prevent heart attacks or for some curative property found in the carcass of rams.
Khnemu: Khnemu was a ram-headed God of the Nile, since the anual flooding brought clay and life with it Khnemu was thought to create the original bodies of humans out of clay before placing them into their mothers womb to be born in a flood of water, he did this on a special potters wheel giving him the title “divine potter”. Khnemu was also the consort of Heket who breathed Ka (vital spark) into the clay bodies he would form, giving them life. These mythologies of clay may relate to the Sumerian clay wombs or later Hebrew/Christian stories of Adam and Eve being created from Adamah clay. Khnemu is also an aspect of the sun God Ra and represents the setting sun. Khnemu was often depicted at a potters wheel crafting children out of clay or pouring water from a vessel. Khnemu probably influenced the ram-headed Nile deity Herishef.
Khonsu: Khonsu was a God of the moon and time, he was also part of a trinity of deities with his mother Mut and his father Amut (not the devourer Amut). Khonsu was also the God of lunar light and of fertility as well as healing. Khonsu is often depicted as a green-skined and therefore mumified man with a moon on his head and armed with a staff, a crook and a flail, he also has the hair-style known to depict children in Egyptian art-work while in other images he appears as falcon-headed with a moon above the hawk head distinguishing him from Horus. At times he is shown with a full moon and crescent moon containing it. Khonsu’s sacred animal was the babboon because it was considered a luna animal in ancient Egypt.
Kuk: Kuk was the male version of Kauket and also her consort, both were an androdgynous being that were part of the Ogdoad. Since Kuk was male he was represented by a frog. Kuk symbolised darkness and alongside Kauket was said to be the “one who brought the light” which may be an early version of “light-bringer”/lucifer.
Maahes: Maahes the red lion-headed war and protection deity born of the union of Ptah and Bastet. Maahes was also a God of the weather, bladed weapons, lotuses and cannibalism. Maahes had the titles “crimson lord” and “lord of slaughter” because his name contains the first hieroglyph for “Ma’at” he is often associated with Amut the devourer. Maahes was the brother of the blue lotus God Nefertem and was thus sometimes depicted as surrounded by lotuses, Maahes was often depicted as a lion-headed man wearing a crown and holding a knife, he was also shown as a lion devouring a man.
Ma’at: Ma’at (depicted second row and right) represented truth, order, morality, harmony, unity, justice and balance. Ma’at was also personified as a Goddess regulating the stars, seasons and the actions of both mortals and divine beings. Ma’at was the principle of order of the universe distinguishing order from chaos. Since Ma’at represents order she was oppossed to chaos deities such as Apophis. Ma’at was often said to be the daughter of Ra or Atum. Ma’at was depicted as a winged Goddess with a blue feather on her head or as a set of scales. Ma’at utilised the feather of truth (the God Shu) - a blue ostrich feather (since ostrich feathers are perfectly balanced) against the Ib (heart) of the deceased souls in the hall of judgement known as Ma’ati, she would weigh the Ib and feather by help of Anubis with the other Gods in precession, Thoth would record the results, if the Ib was true it would ascend to the paradise of the Gods while if the Ib was heavy it would be fed to the monster Amut causing the soul to walk Duat as a shade. In order to pass this test the soul had to truthfully answer the 42 commandments of Ma’at since Ma’at as the deification of order was also divine law. Ma’at is said to be made up of 42 lesser deities who are personifications of truth, law and order, each of these deities represents an area of ancient Egypt and one of the confessions of Ma’at. Ma’at is the third eye of the Goddess Hathor and Ma’at is thought to be related to Isis and Nephthys who share the winged Goddess depiction. Ma’at is thought to be an influence on modern Freemasonry and is likely to be the earliest influence on the star sign of Libra.
Mafdet: Mafdet was an early Egyptian Goddess in the form of either a lion or a mongoose. Mafdet was the deification of execution and legal justice and was seen to protect against scorpions and snakes which were seen as transgressors against Ma’at thus Mafdet is linked to Ma’at and was also a protector of the pharoah and held the title “slayer of serpents”. Mafdet is often depicted as a woman with the head of a lion or a lion with the head of a woman. Mafdet was also depicted as a feline running up the side of an executioners staff. It was said that Mafdet ripped out the hearts of wrong-doers, delivering them to the pharoahs feet, in a similar manner as domestic cats would present dead mice or birds. Mafdet was seen as ruling over the hall of judgement Ma’ati in Duat where the enemies of pharoah were depicted with Mafdets claw. Mafdets cult was eventually replaced by that of Bastets.
Mehen: Mehen is the serpent God who coils around Ra in his journey at night. Mehen is protective of Ra and is thought to be an Egyptian varient of the Ouroboros. Mehen is also a board game played by ancient Egyptians but the relationship (if any) between the deity and game is unknown.
Mertseger: Mertseger means “she who loves the silence”. Mertseger was a Goddess known to be both dangerous and merciful and was closely related to Hathor. Mertseger was depicted as a woman holding a scepter and ankh with a cobra head or sometimes as a coiled cobra, a woman-headed cobra or rarely as a three-headed snake with a cobra, vulture and womans head. Mertseger was the Goddess of tomb builders and was known to spit venom and cause illness to those who defile the tombs while she was also a healing deity to the tomb builders themselves helping to cure illnesses. Mertseger’s association with building may link her to the Egyptian builder cults her name meaning “she who loves silence” may relate to closely guarded secrets such as the vows of silence taken by modern Freemasons.
Meshkhenet: Meshkhenet was a Goddess of childbirth and protection said to have created the Ka (vital spark) that Heket would breath into the clay creations of Khnemu. Meshkhnet was the consort of the God Shay who was associated with destiny which also made Meshkhnet a Goddess of fate especially in relation to her role in creating the Ka. Mashkhenet was often depicted as a woman holding an ankh with a cows uterus on her headress which may link her to Hathor and fertility. Meshkhenet was a divine mid-wife and in ancient Egypt women gave birth by squatting over “birthing-bricks” thus Meshkhenet was often depicted as a brick with a womans face sometimes with the cows uterus still on her headress. Meshkhenet features in the weighing of Ma’at where she may represent reincarnation for souls undergoing judgement to be reborn in the flesh.
Min: Min was also known as “Khem” meaning “black” in relation to the “black work/art” or alchemy (Al Khem). Min was able to take a lesser form as Khnemu. Min was said to be the offspring of Isis and Osiris and was depicted as a man with pitch black skin wearing white and with a long erect penis held in his left hand while in his right hand he holds a flail, he wore a dual-plumed headress like Amun-Ra and a red ribbon that trails to the ground wrapped around his forehead which represents sexual energy. The symbols of Min were the white bull, a barbed arrow and a bed of lettuce. As the erection indicates Min was a fertility, sexual and reproduction deity associated with bulls and the fertile black soil of the Nile. The Egyptian lettuce is associated with Min since it is tall, straight and releases a milky substance making it represent a phallus and semen thus it is associated with Min, fertility and aphrodisiac properties. Min was later a lion-headed war God.
Montu: Montu was a war God depicted as a falcon-headed or bull-headed man who wore the sun-disc with two plumes on his head, the falcon represents the sky and the bull represents strength and war. Montu would hold various weaponry including scimitars, bows and knives. Montu had several consorts including the Goddesses Tenenet, Iunit and the female version of Ra - Raettawy. Montu was only said to take the face of the bull when enraged.
Mut: Mut represents the primordial waters of creation that through a process of virgin birth/parthenogenesis caused matter to come into existence. Mut is closely associated with Iusaaset and may be an early form of her thus it could be said that Mut was a female counterpart to Atum. Mut was known to be a trinity Goddess including Wadjet and Bastet or later when associated with war Sekhmet and Bastet. Just as Mut became Iusaaset who became Meht-Urt who became Hathor who became Isis this Goddess has a long history of transformation and connections to other deities. Mut was depicted as a woman with the wings of a vulture, holding an ankh wearing the united crown of upper and lower Egypt and often with the vulture crown and usually depicted wearing a dress of red or blue with the feather of the Goddess Ma’at at her feet. Due to her various associations and transformations Mut is sometimes depicted as a cobra, cat, cow, lioness or vulture. Mut was known to have priests, oracles and priestesses at her sites of worship and it is likely that the cult practiced sacred prostitution due to Mut’s associations with Hieros Gamos and virgin births.
Naunet: Naunet is the female form of Nun and repressents the abyss or primordial waters of creation making her possibly interchangeable with Mut and Iusaaset. As one of the eight members of the Ogdoad and being female she is represented as a snake or as a blue or green skinned woman representing the waters. Naunet’s name means “Abyss”. The ancient Egyptians envisioned the oceanic abyss (possibly space) of Nun and Naunet as a bubble in which the sphere of life is encapsulated representing the deepest mystery of their cosmology and better known as the “circumpunct” which represents the soul and sun in Alchemy.
Nebethetepet: Nebethetepet’s name means “Lady of the offerings” and thus she may have been a Goddess of sacrifices, she was the deification of Atums right hand of creation. Nebethetepet was often depicted as a woman with a vase on her head with Uraeus and holding a staff.
Nefertem: Nefertem (depicted third row down and left) was the deification of the sacred Egyptian water lily, he was depicted as a man with blue skin and a blue water lily on his head and holding an ankh and a staff. Nefertem was said to have spawned from the primordial waters of creation just as the lotus appears each day from below the water, the lotus embodied Nerfertem when closed and the sun God Ra when open. Nefertem was said to be born of the primordial waters of creation or the sky while sometimes also the son of Ptah, Bastet or Sekhmet. He was sometimes depicted as lion or cat headed like his red brother Maahes. Nefertem was given the title “water-lily of the sun” and his associations with sacred Egyptian water lilies may connect him with their ritual consumption for their narcotic sedative effects.
Neith Neith was a major Goddess of war, hunting, weaving and wisdom and was said to make weapons of warriors and to guard warriors who die. Neith was usually depicted as a woman with a red crown or a pair of arrows crossing a shield, she was often depicted holding weapons but also shown holding an ankh and scepter. Neith is often interchangable with Hathor and primordial water Goddesses such as Meht-Urt, Iusaaset and Mut. Neith was often depicted with the same horns-uraeus-sun disc motif on her head as Hathor and ultimately was one of the Goddesses assumed into the myths of Isis. Neith was a Goddess of fate and was said to have weaved creation into being. Sometimes Neith was pictured as a woman nursing a baby crocodile and gained the title “nurse of crocodiles” reflecting a provincial mythology that she served as either mother or consort to the crocodile God Sobek. Neith is sometimes considered androdgynous and she is usually a psychopomp figure guiding dead souls through the underworld for which she held the title “opener of paths” or “Goddess of the way”. Neith was often depicted as the unseen sky or space with stars on her back as opposed to Nut the sky Goddess who had stars on her belly.
Nekhbet: A vulture Goddess associated with virgin births since the Egyptians couldnt tell male vultures from female and thus assumed them all to be female and impregnated by the wind. Nekhbet is an aspect of other Goddesses with the same function and these are usually identified by a vulture headress such as Mut, Iusaaset and Isis. Nekhbet as a vulture may be associated with funeral rites or death and decay and was particularly associated symbolically with the Uraeus and Wadjet symbols.
Neper: Neper was the son of Renenutet and was a God of grain and had a female counter part of the same function named Nepit. Both Neper and Nepit were depicted as dotted to show that they were the personification of grain and were fertility deities closely associated with the harvest and the crops as the crops grow back after harvest these deities were both considered minor deities of resurrection and as such as aspects of Osiris.
Nephthys: Nephthys (depicted third row and central) was the twin sister of Isis, Seth and Osiris she was also the consort of her brother Seth and birthed the God Anubis from a union with her other brother Osiris. Nephthys is often depicted as a winged woman with a house on her head with a basket on top of the house, she is often shown holding a scepter and ankh. Nephthys is a Goddess of priestesses and temples, lamentation for the dead, death, ritual, rivers and night-time. Just as Isis represents the rebirth experience of resurrection, Nephthys represents the death experience that comes before the two may therefore be linked with Kabbalistic tree of life/tree of death mysteries. Nephthys was a protective Goddess closely associated with funeral rites where through magic she was said to cast away demons that attempt to feed on the souls of the dead. Nephthys was also said to have helped Isis gather up the fragmented body of Osiris and sometimes to have nursed Horus. Nephthys was the guardian of the sacred Benu bird this is likely due to the Benu birds phoenix ressurection and Nephthys association with death as resurrection cannot occur without death happening first.
Nun: Nun is the male form of Naunet and represents the abyss or primordial waters of creation. As one of the members of the Ogdoad and being male Nun is represented as a frog or as a blue or green skined man linking him with the primordial waters. Nun and Naunet’s names both mean “Abyss”. The ancient Egyptians envisaged the oceanic abyss of Nun and Naunet as a bubble in which the sphere of life is encapsulated representing the deepest mysteries of their cosmology and better known as the “circumpunct” which represents the sun or soul in alchemy.
Nut: Nut (depicted third row and right) was depicted as a blue skinned woman covered in stars on her belly arching over her consort and brother the earth God Geb alternatively she is depicted as a cow with stars on her belly and relates to Meht-Urt and thus Hathor or as a woman holding an ankh with a water pot on her head. Nut and Geb were born of the union of Shu and Tefnut and then from their own union birthed Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Seth. Nut was seperated from her brother and upheld in the sky by her father Shu the god of air who represented a ladder of ascension and the feather of Ma’at, Shu seperated Nut and Geb by order of Ra who had forbidden their further union after the initial births of their four children. Nut was said to be supported by Shu and the four sons of Horus who act as pillars each holding one of her limbs and relating to the four directions of a compass. The sun and moon were said to travel across Nut day and night respectively being reborn as they passed through her uterus because of this she bares the title “she who bares 1,000 souls” this also relates to the 1,000 souls/bee’s spawned by the Apis bull. Nut was also seen as a protective barrier seperating the ordered world from the chaotic abyss. Due to her association with the sky and stars Nut was also an important Goddess to early astrologers and as such the “book of Nut” is an ancient text regarding some of their beliefs and findings.
Onuris: Onuris was a God of war usually depicted as a man with a four-feathered headress, holding a scepter and ankh, he was also occasionally depicted as lion-headed. Onuris’s name means “sky bearer” which hints that he was ultimately assumed into the air God Shu who upholds the sky.
Osiris: Osiris (depicted bottom) is the God of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead but more appropriately he is the God of transition, resurrection and regeneration. Osiris was classically depicted as a green-skinned man with the pharoah’s beard, in mummy wrappings wearing a distinctive crown with two large ostrich feathers symbolising Ma’at’s feather of truth and holding the crook and flail of the pharoahs. Osiris was the brother and consort of Isis and brother of Seth and Nephthys he concieved the God Anubis with Nephthys which caused Seth to attack him tearing him into thirteen pieces and scattering them around Egypt, these pieces were gathered up by Isis who put him back together however she couldnt find his penis which was swallowed by a crab or fish (probably alluding to sexual intercourse) she proceeded to poison the sun God Ra to gain the secret of resurrection and utilised a golden phallus and the resurrection spell to revive Osiris and concieve with him her son Horus. Osiris represents new life after death or life in the underworld, Osiris was a judge over the weighing of soul on Ma’at. Osiris has the titles “lord of silence” and “lord of love” for he was seen to keep great secrets and give life to all things. Osiris was also a trinity known as Ptah-Sobek-Osiris compossed of himself and the Gods Ptah and Sobek. The Ba (soul) of Osiris was worshiped as the distinct God Banebdjedet. Osiris was also linked to Egyptian Kundalini and resurrection practices through the Djed pillar being his spine or backbone. Originally Hatmehit or Hathor were the consorts of Osiris until their mythologies were merged into Isis. Osiris and his son Horus and their story of death and resurrection likely influenced later Christian concepts of Jesus Christ and interestingly the death and resurrection of Osiris was known as the “passion of Osiris” just as Christs tormented death and resurrection was the “Passion of Christ” also similarly in rituals dedicated to Osiris wheat pastes and breads were made to represent his fragmented body in the same way that the bread of the Eucharist represents the body of Christ.
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a-curious-wednesday · 6 years
Today! On Unpopular Opinions: Destiny 2, Warmind
Destiny 2′s newest DLC, Warmind is borderline trash.  Now, when I pre-ordered it, I, initially, went through the usual rigmarole.  Foolishly placing my hopes and expectations that this $20 DLC would right all the wrongs that have plagued D2 since its outset, and then coming to the cold realization that by the time Bungie was willing to entertain listening to its Destiny fanbase, Warmind was likely all-but completed.  Meaning that it would either be the same as DLC1, Fall of Osiris or negligibly better.
I realize there’s a lot of reasons for this.  Bungie agreed to a ridiculous content schedule with Activision, where they were forced to pump out new content and games on a schedule that disallows for proper development and growth.  That, the new direction of Destiny is Call of Duty w/Space Losers.  That, because, for the second time, Bungie changed D2′s game direction in the eleventh hour; brought in new people who did not understand the lore or what the game was supposed to be, etc, etc, etc.
And yet, here we are.
The campaign Warmind is alright.  And I mean that in the loosest of senses of the term ‘alright.’  I have many problems with its story direction. Some of them, a lot of you have previously heard before: silent protagonist, uptight, kiss-ass ghost, stiff character development.  There are other issues I take up, however. Issues that just left me scratching my fucking head in a general mystified and annoyed manner. (Note: there be spoilers)
1)  Once again your Guardian follows along with some half-assed plan to save the universe. (Which, if I’m being honest, the Universe never felt threatened during Warmind.  It’s more of a, “hey, can you help me get rid of these guys who’re crashing my place? They smell bad, eat all my food, don’t clean up after themselves and are generally ungrateful jerks.”)  This plan, borders the epitome of asinine, mind you. It amounts to:
Zavala: “Hey, let's take a piece of the Traveller and bait this giant-ass snake-god thing.”
Ghost/Guardian: “...”
Ana: “Then, what?” (Ana, who is suddenly an expert in the Hive asks curiously.  Meanwhile, your ghost, who should have wised up and remembered that you fought ORYX, the Black Garden, Skolas, SIVA (which, were, generally betterish plans) should have had concerns.)
Zavala: “We wing it.”
Ghost/Guardian: “...”  (Both of you should have protested, citing how we winged it with the Almighty and Ghaul and that didn’t really work out.  The Almighty is still slowly destroying Mercury, but NOBODY mentions that.  The next time you’re on Mercury, stop what you’re doing and look around.  The planet is still being ripped to chunks and pulled into the Almighty.)
Ana: “What?  We could use Rasputin--”
Zavala: “No! Absolutely not.”
We use Rasputin.  
How?  His “relic weapon” a super-heated/conductive spear that we literally chuck at a god.  I mean, why not, right?  We took down Oryx who was (pre-”established D1 canon is hearsay and folklore and not fact”) literally the strongest God we’ve fought since the quasi-para-casual tentacle thing that was supposed to represent the Darkness embodied.  At least, in the Black Garden, they had the good sense to have us beat the damn god by proxy.  Defeating Xol was just lazy writing. He’s a fucking Worm God!  You know, the thing, Auresh/Oryx took/consumed to become the taken King and literally lead the Hive out of the Fundament/Deep.
But, hey, it’s cool in the end. After all, Xol was the weakest, puniest Worm God of the bunch.  It's not like it/he had power only rivaled by the OTHER WORM GODS. Let’s chuck a nuclear spear at it.  That’ll kill it. Because science!!
2)  Your Guardian is sent to the Deep/Fundament by a fucking God.  Xol literally transports you to another plane of existence, cutting you off from the Traveller’s Light (because your plan is so asinine) in order to kill you slowly.  Mind you, this place is a horror show of horror shows. The Deep makes Hell look like a vacation to Mazatlan. There are things there that preyed on the Krill/Hive, things that we, humans and guardians could not comprehend without the Books of Sorrow/Toland.
Do you understand the wasted potential for story this was? It was monumental.  Monumental! Me, an Exo, was transported to the Hell of Hells by a literal God, because I wasn’t worth its time.  I’m there, floating around for, I don’t know, minutes? My annoying ghost is freaking out. Meanwhile, Xol has had enough of our shit.  He’s gone to destroy Rasputin (which, he might have done anyway, but hey, nothing like 3rd party intervention to up the timetable). With the Warmind removed from the gameboard, Xol has a clearer line to solar conquest.  Why? Dunno, it's never mentioned why a God would wish to conquer Sol. It never really seemed to care that the Traveller slept above Earth before it awoke.
It didn’t seem to care that the Traveller had.
Meanwhile, my Exo titan is floating in something that vaguely looks like blood.  There’s some weird stills of probably torture? Good thing, I’m an Exo. Don’t feel pain, because robot.  Don’t need to breathe or eat, because robot. Don’t get tired, because robot. And, then, miraculously, my guardian climbs up from a crevasse, obviously drained and near death.  My ghost is quick with the first aid and I’m good to go.
...Seriously?  Okay.  Okay. I can kind of see how that works if your guardian is an Exo.  Because robot.  But, human?  Awoken?  How?  Just how?  You were in literal mortal danger *again*.  Presumably, you needed to figure out what the Hellscape the Deep was and how to navigate it. You would need a way back to your native dimension, which would require you to seek aid from the natives.  Except, the natives have never seen your kind and they all want to kill you. And this would take time. Somehow, against all odds, you find someone who’ll help you escape and you make the journey together, because let's be realistic: there’s always that one person who knows the way, but was too chickenshit to go it alone.  That person dies getting you to the “portal” which’ll take you back to your dimension. By the way, you’ve got no Ghost. No Light. Limited ammo. No food. Nothing to repair your weapons and armor. No oxygen to breathe.
Somehow, you climb your way out, just like the Kratos climbed out of Hades.  Or, from an actual literary standpoint how Orpheus and Eurydice.  Dante and Virgil.
Except, not, because you get treated to a 30 second cut-scene of flashing images and your guardian clawing their way up a crevasse.
Kudos, Bungie.  Good job.  If the fanbase of Mass Effect could flip shit over the ending of ME3 to such a degree that they had the game’s actual ending redone (via post-production patch that was FREE) to better please them and work with the meta of the MEU, what do you think the fanbase of Destiny will do?  Don’t answer.  I know its buy shit from Eververse.
3)  Rasputin.  The titular reason we’re even on Mars.  The whole reason Anastasia Bray (Clever, Bungie.  Clever.  Rasputin and Anastasia.) has gone to the Hellas Basin.  She didn’t go there to go home. Not really. She went there to connect to a thing that she built that transcended all known laws and bounds.  It was alive, but alive in a Godly sense. Not bound by the constructs of Human morality.  Oh no.   Ana might not initially know for sure why she was drawn to Clovis Bray.  Sure, she awoke to her second life with her name badge on her person. And then was summarily told not to investigate her past. As if she were an Exo or concerned about DER.  She might not have consciously known she was seeking Rasputin, but she always was.
Meanwhile, Rasputin is a God, created by man to protect Us All.  Given sovereign to do so as he saw fit. Think about that. Think about Humanity as a whole currently.  In what universe would all of Humanity greenlight the creation of something like this? Never mind that, think about Humanity collectively since the dawn of science fiction writing.  When has it ever benefited Humanity to place their safety in the hands of others? My Skynet senses are tingling. But, wait, it's okay guys. Moon X/the Traveller is here! None of us understand what it is, but let’s go meet it.  While they’re doing that, let’s sanction a civilian company to build a guardian that thinks for itself, learns independently, is prudent, wise and plays the long game. Let’s make it so its not bound by Human morality so it can make the hard choices, us Humans would flinch at.  Nobody knows how a Moon is moving on its own or terraforming whole planets!  But, we’ll put our faith in a machine.
By the way, none of us truly understands or can comprehend this thing that we’ve built.  Oh, and there’s no way for is to. All of which, happened during the Golden Age, before the Collapse.  Interestingly GA mankind already knew of the Vex, so most likely reverse engineered Vex tech went into the creation of Rasputin.
Oh, and it's just Rasputin.  Whose always been on Mars. Sure, they retcon/bungiesplain it away well enough, but still.  Where the hell is Charlemagne, Jys or Virgil? It was established that Charlemagne was the Warmind of Mars, but now its a submind.  They’re all Submind. In other words, the children of Rasputin.  Story potential!
...Never mind, that’s not D2’s development team’s prerogative.
Fast forward to the present and Rasputin has become active because the Traveller has awoken.  His old foe, his biggest threat. The one thing Rasputin still doesn’t comprehend. Its awake/alive again.  Its parasites (guardians) have been doing a terrible job of policing Sol and protecting Humanity. Not their fault, their still human.  Rasputin was fine with letting the parasites struggle. It could focus on (presumably) the triangle ships, holding back the Red Legion, Eliksni colony convoys, Tomb convoys and other nightmares.  It was smart, cunning. Playing a very real and deadly game of chess. He couldn’t reveal too much of his might or himself, that would draw unwanted attention. Then the Traveller awoke and the rules changed.  So, he throws off his disguise and swings into full production/activity. Warsats activate that have been dormant for centuries. Orbital strikes occur all throughout Sol, hammering the Legion, Hive, Vex, Fallen, Taken.  And Xol thaws.
Yet, still, Rasputin is incomprehensible to us.  And we, “the” guardian, aid a shortsighted, single-minded Doctor in unshackling it. Yup, we did that.  Nearly killed him in the process, but we did the damn thing.  Doesn’t matter, though, in the end, right?  Because Rasputin is a machine, built for us.  Except, not.  No.  He’s more than that now.  Now, Rasputin is completely Free and he proclaims that he’s going to protect his ants.  Yeah. Good job, Ana.  Oh, and Zavala still has complete faith and trust in us.  Despite!  Despite having solid reservations in utilizing Rasputin.  Despite the fact that we ignored our Commander and leader.  It’s cool, though, right?  We’re celebrity status.  We’ve taken down 2, count ‘em, 2 Gods.  Crota was a Demigod at best.  (But, he got his own Raid... Nokris.)
Does Anastasia know this?  Nope.  She never mentions it. Never mentions Oryx or Crota or the Black Garden or how we did what no one else could.  And we did it with no plan and 3 to six other insane guardians with annoying, uptight ghosts.  To her, we’re just a guardian with a ghost that has a stick up its USB port.  Weird, right?  We’re Iron Lords for crying out loud!  Young Wolves. Bounty Hunters for the Reef Queen.  Prison of Elder gaolers.  Emissaries of the Cult of Osiris and now the Nine.  Oh, and some of us are Faction Heralds.  Standard Bearers for Dead Orbit, Future War Cult or New Monarchy.  If you got the exotic class item from DO, FWC or NM in D1, youse a Herald and Standard Bearer.
Is there ever mention of this?  Nope.
4)  The Hive finally gets snipers/sharpshooters and shield-wielding swordsman.  Both of which seem like obvious no-brainers to have always been incorporated.  Except!   That goes against the Sword Logic. So, sincerely, you get a plus for adding them to the heretical, “cowardly” faction of the Hive. 
Question for you, though. Why would you knowingly (God, I hope it was knowingly) honor previous canon in this instance, but not with others? Like, where Xol is concerned?  Or the Deep/Fundament? Or Rasputin? Why the cherry picking?
5)  Why even bother naming yellow-bar area and mission bosses or units if you won’t bother explaining who they are, what they do and what they want?   Because, I honestly, lost interest in reading the named enemies once I realized there was no information about them in or out of the game.
From a Gameplay standpoint, it's what you’d expect from Destiny 2.  Up-tempoed action with moments of intensity and hopeful triumph.  If you play smartly, it rewards you. If you overextend yourself, prepare to get ganked.  Horribly. Progression is more inline with its predecessor, which might make the casuals pause.  Thankfully, it isn’t like Day 1, Vanilla Destiny, where it was impossible to reach Light Level Cap solo and without completing Raid/Nightfalls.  Except, no one would take you if you didn’t have G-horn or Icebreaker. Ah, the Good ol’ days of the Grind and the Loot Caves.  My point? The action is more reminiscent to that feel, just with all the current bells and whistles, which is a good thing.
Exotic weapons finally feel fucking worthwhile.  I played the whole Warmind Campaign with the combination of Sweet Business and Actium War Rig and I absolutely love it!  Add the Galliard-42 or the Kibou AR3 for some added fun and thrills. Pairing the Tractor Cannon with Sentinel is immensely satisfying.  That punk, Nokris didn’t stand a chance. And neither did his minions. Melts the opposition. Plus, its just really satisfying to watch 5 charging Knights (with sword and/or shield) get punted halfway across the room or into a wall or over a ledge.  I finally feel like how those damned Taken Phalanxes must feel. The Borealis is a fun choice, too. Although, I haven’t spent much time with it. The payoff for matching damage types and busting shields is well worth it.
The added cosmetic gear is neat.  My new favorite jumpship, hands down, is Currus Gloriae XLII.  As a Titan, having a spaceship that looks like it can go to war and do some damage is a welcomed plus.  The sparrow, Azure Azazyel looks really awesome. Even though it doesn’t have an interesting contrail effect, it still is fun to ride.  It feel like it belongs in Akira or Bladerunner and I dig it.  What I’ve seen from the new emblems, they’re decent.  
The updated effects of the new guns is much needed. Dragonfly on an autorifle?  Yes, please. Rampage on a Handcannon that you don’t have to grind for? I’ll take it.  The new Ghost shells are blase at best. The emote wheel is a nice touch, but seems a bit late.
Hoo boy, Override Frequencies and Memory Fragments.  Gotta hand it to you there, Bungie. I could not figure out how to get those until you unlocked them.  And those Fragments? I didn’t even figure out how to unlock them. Or I did, but it didn’t work?  Don’t try shooting them until after you unlock Hellas Basin.  Found that out by accident.  Thank you, random Guardian who was just shooting at a ledge!
So, like I said on the outset: Warmind, as an expansion is alright bordering on trash.  It is entirely redeemed in its Gameplay, but woefully drops the ball where the story is concerned.  Is it worth the $20? Eh. You’d probably still be better off waiting for the comet expansion to drop and for Bungie/Activision to repackage and re-release Destiny 2 this fall/winter.  There will be some that will find it a $20 well spent and others who won’t, who’ll swear off the franchise completely.  As for me? Its an investment. Like investing in Roseart and hoping they turn into Crayola. One day, they just might.
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you-are-another-me · 7 years
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The Great Secret The great secret of alchemy is the Divine Marriage of opposites which gives birth to the Spirit Body of transcendence associated with liberation of the soul. The exact process of metamorphosis leading to the creation and birth of the spirit body within the physical body has long been veiled in mystery and secrecy. The spirit body is not to be confused with the subtle body or subtle bodies which one already has from birth. The creation and birth of the spirit body is an entirely unique process found within the various world traditions of alchemy. The spirit body has gone by names like Deva Deha, Siddha Deha, Golden Pearl, Merkaba, Rainbow Body, Diamond Body, Star Body, and Immortal Body of Light. You can find the most revealed aspects of this process in Chinese Taoist Alchemy and East Indian Tantric Alchemy. Traditionally, the process was taught from teacher to student in a step by step series of initiations. One did not progress until first mastering each successive step. The foundation for this process can be found in traditional Yoga comprised of physical postures, breathing and mantra sound meditation. Yoga means union with the absolute. Depending upon the culture, the opposites were variously know as Fire and Water, Sun and Moon, Soul and Spirit, Male and Female, Mercury and Sulfur, King and Queen, Heaven and Earth, Shiva and Shakti, Kan and Li, Yin and Yang, Ka and Ba, Isis and Osiris, Soma and Agni. Also this marriage parallels the practice of Tantric sexual union and unfoldment of the inner life energy referred to as the Kundalini. This process is also mirrored in the Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabbalah when ascending the Tree of Life, which esoterically is the seven energy centres or chakras that run up the spinal column to the brain. The alchemical marriage of opposites can be seen in the symbolism of the intersecting triangles of the Jewish Star of David, Seal of Solomon, and the Sri Yantra of India. The upward pointing triangle symbolizes the male or fire principle, and the downward pointing triangle symbolizes the female or water principle. The Bindu point in the centre of the Sri Yantra symbolizes the point of transcendence. The Yantra is a graphic symbol of the Mantra. The Mantra corresponds with the Five Elements and Logos or Word of God. Also the marriage of opposites can be seen in the symbolism of the Christian Cross. The ancient Caduceus symbol used by the modern medical establishment symbolizes on an esoteric level the alchemical process. The staff represents the spinal column which correlates with the Sushumna Nadi channel of yogic esoteric anatomy. The two ascending spirals of snakes represent the solar and lunar currents known as the ida and pingala of the kundalini life force. The spiral pattern is similar to the spirals of the human DNA. The symbolism of Jacobs Ladder or Stairway to Heaven corresponds with the Staff of Life. The sphere at the top of the staff represents the energy centre of the brain or the seventh chakra, also known as the thousand-petalled lotus. The wings at the top of the staff represent the culmination of the alchemical process. They represent freedom or liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and death. One transcends the bonds of ego and bodily identification. The spirit is released from the confines of matter. Ultimately, this is the unfoldment of consciousness whereby one realizes one’s self to be infinite - also known as self-realization. Most esoteric symbolism and myth reflects the process of alchemical transformation in both its inner and outer aspects. Dragon symbolism is a reflection of the life force. The Uraeus headdress of the Egyptian pharaohs in which the serpent protrudes from the forehead symbolizes the unfoldment of the Kundalini. The Phoenix bird rising from the ashes represents the alchemical process of transformation, rebirth, and liberation. The Christmas tree can be seen as a reflection of this process. Also the Biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, although edited by orthodoxy, also represents the alchemical process. The Fruit of the Tree of Life can be equated with Elixir and Apotheosis. One of the most well known references to alchemy in the Bible is the passage attributed to Jesus in John 3, "I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God. The truth is, no-one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of Water and the Spirit." From the esoteric perspective, this is the marriage of opposites. Spirit is synonymous with Fire and breath. The Kingdom of God is apotheosis. The idea of rapture, resurrection, transfiguration, ascending to heaven and becoming an immortal is based upon this process. There are numerous stories throughout history of those who practiced alchemy becoming immortal. This relates to the development and birth of the spirit body. This is the great spiritual rebirth, enlightenment or illumination. Through the marriage of opposites, one becomes whole or holy, or to become born again. This can also be seen as the marriage of Soul and Spirit and an expression of the highest form of healing. It is the exact process of how to create this marriage which has always been secret. Gnosis or direct experience makes up the Gnostic tradition of Esoteric Christianity. Both Jesus and Mary Magdalene are considered to be key figures in the alchemical nature of Esoteric Christianity. The exoteric or outer rituals of orthodox religion like the Seven Holy Sacraments; Baptism, Anointing, Christening, Consecration, Holy Water and the Eucharist are a reflection of the esoteric or inner practice of alchemy where faith is replaced with direct experience, and death is replaced with embodied liberation. The anthropomorphic deity is transcended and the infinite is realized. The human body is the ultimate temple or alchemical laboratory where transformation takes place. The Spirit Body developed within the physical body is the ultimate vehicle of resurrection, ascension and transcendence. It is said that to have a human body is an extremely rare gift and there are countless souls without a body waiting to take birth. Through the body and mind, one can realize one’s true self. The focus of alchemy is to accelerate the growth of the human soul within one lifetime to completion or perfection. One overrides the process of normal evolution involving countless incarnations, where the soul is led by desire and attachment to the temporal which keeps one bound to the cycle of birth and death. The experience of the phenomenal world and its associated pleasures do not give lasting happiness. Humans are programmed by nature to continually seek happiness which is essentially a search for one’s true self. For most, happiness is sought outwards in temporal pleasure. Self-realization is about turning inwards and finding eternal happiness, peace and fulfilment. The trials, tribulations and lessons of life reach their culmination and fulfilment in self-realization. One transcends phenomenal creation and realizes the infinite source of creation within. With this awakening of awareness, one sees all of creation as an aspect of one’s self. Alchemy accelerates the process of evolution, thereby allowing one to step off the wheel of birth and death. One transcends desire, duality, karma, space and time. One’s true nature is realized, which is infinite. http://www.ascensionnow.co.uk/alchemy--enlightenment.html
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magnificenturlblog · 3 years
Which of These Games Should I Play?
I have a ton of PC Games on Different Stores. Most of them were free through a promotion or extremely cheap. Does anyone have a recommendation on which games I should play next? I'm up for any genre.
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Batman: Arkham City GOTY
Black Desert
Crusader Kings II
Destiny 2
Dungeon Defenders
Dungeon Defenders II (free trial version)
EVE Online
Evil Genius
F1 2018
GRID Autosport
Heroes of the Three Kingdoms
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate
Kingdom: CLassic
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
The LEGO NINJAGO Movie Video Game
Little Nightmares
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Metro 2033
Oceanhorn: monster of Uncharted Seas
Path of Exile
Red Wings
Regions of Ruin
RISK: Global Domination
STAR WARS Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Steel Rats
Surviving Mars
Ticket to Ride: First Journey
Tomb Raider (2013)
Total War: SHOGUN 2
Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
Walking Simulator 2020
Bigscreen Beta
The Dream Machine
Google Earth VR
The Lab
Microsoft Maquette
Museum of Other Realities
Spellbound Spire
Waltz of the Wizard
10 Second Ninja X
200% Mixed Juice
Acceleration of SugurI 2
Aegis Defenders
Albion Online
Arcade Moonlander
Arma: Cold War Assault
Armor of Heroes
Autobahn Police Simulator
Back 4 Blood Beta
Between Two Castles- Digital Edition
Bomber Crew
Mombergrounds: Battle Royale
Catan Universe
Company of Heroes 2
Darwin Project
The Deed
Delores A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure
Deuterium Wars
Drawful 2
Enderal: Forgotten Stories
Escape From Tethys
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Golden Axed: A Cancelled Prototype
Gravity Wars
Grimm’s Hollow
Hellbound: Survival Mode
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 1 Onikakushi
Isle of Ewe
Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2
Khan VS Kahn
Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition
Martian Law
Minion Masters
Nephise Begins
NIGHTS into Dreams
Nubarron: The adventure of an unlucky gnome
One Drop Bot
Pinball FX3
PlanetSide 2
Project Mercury
Quake II RTX
Red Eclipse 2
The Search
Showdown Bandit
Simple Story - Alex
Snake Pass
STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic
Streets of Kamurocho
Warhammer Underworlds: Online
Frenzy Retribution
Brigador: Up-Armored Edition
Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure
Divinity 2: Developer’s Cut
Europa Universalis II
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
Hitman: Absolution
Mable & The Wood
Metro: Last Light Redux
Prison Architect
Seven: Enhanced Edition
Slain: Back From Hell
Syberia II
Syndicate Plus
Syndicate Wars
Tonight We Riot
Ultima Underworld I
Ultima Underworld II
War Wind
Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Star Wars Battlefront II
Epic Games
Genshin Impact
Overcooked! 2
A Short Hike
Dungeons 3
Grand Theft Auto V
Among Us
World War Z
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
A Total War Saga: TROY
3 out of 10 (Episodes 1, 4, 5, and Season 2)
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Absolute Drift
AER Alien: Isolation
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Anodyne 2: Return To Dust
ARK: Survival Evolved
Assassins Creed Syndicate
Blair Witch
Borderlands 2
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead
Cave Story+
Cities: Skylines
Close to the Sun
Costume Quest 2
Creature in the Well
Crying Suns
Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition
Darkest Dungeon
Death Coming
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Deponia The Complete Journey
Drawful 2
Elite Dangerous
Enter the Gungeon
Farming Simulator 19
Football Manager 2020
For the King
Galactic Civilizations III
Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered
God’s Trigger
Gone Home
Halcyon 6
Hand of Fate 2
Hell is other demons
Horizon Chase Turbo
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
Into The Breach
Jurassic World Evolution
Just Cause 4
Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth
Killing Floor 2
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Kingdom New Lands
Layers of Fear 2
Lifeless Planet: Premier Edition
Metro 2033 Redux
Metro Last Light Redux
My Time at Portia
NBA 2K21
Next Up Hero
Night in the Woods
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
Offworld Trading Company
Pillars of Eternity - Definitive Edition
Rage 2
Railway Empire
Remnant: From the Ashes
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Complete Edition
Shadowrun Hong Kong
Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut
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Sludge Life
Sonic Mania
STAR WARS Battlefront II: Celebration Edition
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Stranded Deep
Stranger Things 3: The Game
Sundered Eldritch Edition
Sunless Sea
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Surviving Mars
Tacoma Tales of the Neon Sea
The Alto Collection
The Cycle
The Escapists 2
The Fall
The First Tree
The Lion’s Song
The Long Dark
The Spectrum Retreat
The Stanely parable
The Textorcist
The World Next Door
Ticket to Ride
Torchlight II
Tormentor X Punisher
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Train Sim World 2
Tropico 5
Tyranny - Gold Edition
Wargame: Red Dragon
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs 2
Wheels of Aurelia
Where The Water Tastes Like Wine
Wilmot’s Warehouse
Amazon Games
A Blind Legend
A Knight’s Quest
Ages of the Luftwaffe Squadron
Algo Bot
Along the Edge
Art of Fighting 2
Baseball Starts 2
Batman The Telltale Series
Before I Forget
Blazing Star
Bridge Constructor Playground
Bridge Constructor Medieval
Close to the Sun
Cyber Hook
The Darkside Detective
Dead Age
Deadlight Director’s Cut
Do NOt Feed the Monkeys
Edgar Bokbok in Boulzac
Extreme Exorcism
Fatal Fury Special
Frog Climbers
Mark of the Wolves
Genesis Alpha One
Healer’s Quest
Hyper Dot
Iris and the Giant
Jay and Silent Bob Mall Brawl
King of the Monsters
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Lethis Path of Progress
Lost Horizon
Lost in Harmony The Musical Odyssey
Mana Spark
Metal Slug 2
Metal Slug 3
Move or Die Couch Party Edition
Moving Out
Newfound Courage
Samurai Shodown II
Samurai Shodown Special
Sengoku 3
Shock Troopers
Shock Troopers 2nd Squad
Sigma Theory
Silver Chains
Smoke and Sacrifice
NSK 40th Anniversary Collection
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Sword Legacy Omen
The Blind Prophet
The Escapists
The King of Fighters ‘97 Global Match
The King of Fighters ‘98 Ultimate Match Final Edition
The King of Fighters 2000
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The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
The Last Blade 2
The Occupation
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Victor Vran Overkill Edition
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Yoku’s Island Express
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Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair
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Microsoft Store
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Sniper Fury - Elite Gun Shooter
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Shadow Fight 2 for Windows
Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions
Halo: Spartan Strike
Dragon Revenge
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3D Chess Game
submitted by /u/SauceHunterMan [link] [comments] from Video Games https://ift.tt/3lMBl3n
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Gods of Ancient Egypt
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By shirleytwofeathers
The deities listed here are by no means all those recorded in the Egyptian pantheon. It would be impossible to list them all. Anyone interested in an in-depth study of Egyptian deities should read The Gods of the Egyptians by E. A. Wallis Budge. Also there are vast differences in the spellings of Egyptian deity names. This is because Egyptian hieroglyphs had no vowels.
This is a simple list of Egyptian gods and goddesses from Egyptian mythology, along with their titles and some of their attributes. The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods at different times and in different places. Some gods changed in importance over time.
Aebehout (Kebehet, Kabachet, Kebhut,  Kebechet, Qebhut, Qeb-Hwt) – Goddess of the Water of Life. The goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess or the lost child, she presides over the magical reviving power of water.
Amaunet (Amunet) – Goddess of Heaven, Wife of Amun. (see also Amonet)
Amen (Amoun, Amun, Amon, Ammon) – The Hidden One; Lord of the Libyans; Lord of the Setting Sun and Moon; The Time Lord; Earth Father; Giver of Breath; Giver of Life, Vizier of the Humble, Who Answers the Voice of the Poor. The great god of Thebes of uncertain origin; represented as a man, sometimes ithyphallic; identified with Re as Amen-Re; sacred animals, the ram and the goose.
Ament (Amenti) – The Westerner; The Hidden Goddess; Goddess of the Land of the West; Goddess with Beautiful Hair. She welcomed all deceased people to the land of the dead with bread and water. (see also Amonet)
Ammit (Ammut, Ahemait) – The Eater, Devourer of the Dead; Eater of Hearts; Bone Eater; Devourer of Millions; Greatness of Death. This is the crocodile goddess also known as Ammit the Devourer. She also assists Anubis with carrying out the Judgements,
Amonet (Amunet, Amaunet, Ament, Imentet, Amentat) – The Mother Who Is Father. A primordial spirit composed of the two deities Ammon and Ammit.
Amun-Ra (Akmun-Ra, Ra, Re, Phra) – The Creator; The Supreme Power; The Only One; Great Father; Father of the Gods; Sun God. Ra is the god of the Sun, head of the great ennead, supreme judge; often linked with other gods aspiring to universality, and king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne.
Anat (Anath, Anta) – The Girl; Lady of Heaven; Mistress of All Spirit; Strength of Life; Lady of Mercy. A goddess of Syrian origin, with warlike character; represented as a woman holding a shield and an axe.
Anhur (Anher, Anhert, Onouris) – Skybearer, The Divine Huntsman. Very early aspect of Osiris, God of war, sun and the sky.
Anput – Goddess of the seventeenth Nome of Upper Egypt
Anubis (Anpu, Sekhem Em Pet) – Foremost of the Westerners. He is god of judgement of life and death, the jackal-god, patron of embalmers; the great necropolis-god.
Anuket (Anqet, Anukis, Anoukis)  – The Clasper; The Embracer; Bestower of Life; Lady of Nubia. She is the goddess of river Nile and the cataract-region at Aswan; wife of Khnum; represented as a woman with a high feather head-dress.
Apep (Apophis) – The chaos snake. Demon enemy of the Sun, the eternal enemy of Ra. He is a god of chaos and war.
Apet (Opet, Tauret, Taurt, Thoueris, Rertrertu, Taweret, Ta-Urt, Tauret) – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Arsaphes (Herishef)- A ram-headed god from Heracleopolis.
Apis – A live bull worshipped as a god at Memphis. This is a rare case of an animal being worshipped as a god while alive, then mummified when he died.
As (Aset, Eset, Tait, Isis) – Supreme  Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life.
Astarte (Ashtarte) – Lady of Heaven; Mother of the Blessed. A goddess of Syrian origin; introduced into Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Atem (Atum /Temu, Tem) – Dark Eye of Ra. Personification of God in human form and of the setting Sun. Father of the human race, he helped the dead. In one of his forms he was worshipped as a huge serpent.
Aten – The disk of the sun Originally an aspect of Ra
Athor (Athyr, Hert, Hat-Hor, Hathor) – The Great One of Many Names; The Golden One; Lady of Malachite; Lady of Turquoise; Sady of the Sycamore; Lady of the Date Palm; Lady of the West; Lady of the Dead; The Womb of Horus; House of Horus; Lady of the Evening; My House in the Sky; Lady of the Uterus; Lady of the Vulva; The Womb Above. This popular goddess is the matron goddess of all women, the embodiment of the female principle. She has many functions and attributes.
Auser (Osiris)- Lord of the Far World. Osiris is the god of the underworld and the afterlife. He is identified as the dead or mummified king; also a god of the inundation and vegetation.- Lord of life after death, Sun god, Universal Lord
Au Set (Isis, As, Aset, Eset, Tait) – The Great Lady; Queen of the Earth; Light Giver of Heaven; Mistress of Magic; The Many Named; Queen of the Throne; She Who Is Rich in Spells; Great of Sorcery; Redemptress: Star of the Sea; The One Who Is All; Mother of Gods. Isis is the divine mother, goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and motherhood. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars; sister of Nephthys with whom she acted as a divine mourner for the dead. Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life
Auf (Euf Ra) – Aspect of the Sun god Ra
Babi – God of baboons
Ba-neb~Tetet (Banebedet, Banaded, Banabdedet, Banabdjedet) – The Soul of Mendes; Lord of Mendes; The Ram of Mendes. The calm cool headed ram deity who found a peaceful solution to the power struggle between Horus and Set.  God of discussion, arbitration, peace.
Bast (Bastet, Pasht) – Mistress of the Oracle; Great Conjuress of the Casket. The cat goddess with dominion over sex, fertility, marriage, magic, music, childbirth, and the pleasures of life. Cat Goddess known to protect pregnant women and children. The protector of Ra, his third eye.
Bes  – Dancing. Lord of the Land of Punt. Bes is the dwarf god with leonine features; a domestic god, protector against snakes and various terrors; helper of women in child-birth. Dwarf God God of Pregnant woman, newborn babies, and family also known to protect from snake and scorpion bites
Buto (Uajyt, Uatchet, Utchat, Per Uadijit, Uazrr, Uto, Uraeus) – Eye of Ra; Lady of Heaven; Lady of the North. At times she was portrayed as a cobra, sometimes winged, sometimes crowned. Goddess of protection, hiding from evil. See also Wadjet.
Djehuti (Zehuti. Thoth, Tehuti, Thout)  – Lord of Divine Words; Lord of Books. Thoth is the ibis-headed scribe of the gods, the god of wisdom, inventor of writing. The ape as well as the ibis is sacred to him. Judge of the Gods.
Edjo (Buto, Wadjet, Udjat) – Goddess of protection. Sister of Nekhbet. Lady of Flame; Lady of the North; Lady of Heaven; Queen of Holy Spirits. The cobra-goddess of Buto in the Delta, a goddess of protection, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.
Ernutet (Renenet, Renenutet) – Lady of the double granary, Goddess of the 8th month of the Egyptian calendar.
Eset (Tait, Isis, As, Aset) – Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life.
Euf Ra (Auf)  – Aspect of the Sun god Ra
Geb (Keb, Seb) – Father of the Gods. A fertility Earth god, similar to the Greek Cronus, always shown with erect phallus. Presides over fertility, new beginnings, creation, and crops.
Hapi – God of the Nile in inundation; represented as a very fat man. God of the Nile, crops, fertility, water, and prosperity.
Hat-Hehit – Fish-goddess of Mendes in the Delta; sometimes represented as a woman with a fish on her head.
Hathor (Athor, Athyr, Hert, Hat-Hor) – The Great One of Many Names; The Golden One; Lady of Malachite; Lady of Turquoise; Lady of the Sycamore; Lady of the Date Palm; Lady of the West; Lady of the Dead; The Womb of Horus; House of Horus; Lady of the Evening; My House in the Sky; Lady of the Uterus; Lady of the Vulva; The Womb Above. This popular goddess is the matron goddess of all women, the embodiment of the female principle. She has many functions and attributes.
Heh (Neheb) – God of eternity, longevity, and happiness. Shown as a man squatting on the ground wearing a curved reed on his head.
Heqet (Heqtit, Heket) – Midwife of the Sun, Giver of Life; Spirit of the Primordial Waters; Mother of the Spirits. She is the frog-goddess of Antinoopolis where she was associated with Khnum; a helper of women in child-birth.
Herishef  (Arsaphes) – A ram-headed god from Heracleopolis.
Horus (Haroeris, Haru-Er, Harsiesis, Harpocrates) – The Enchanted One. Horus is the god of war, sky, and falcons. He is regarded as the son of Osiris and Isis, for the former of whom he became the avenger.- Falcon headed Sun and Sky God, Divine Child, reborn Sun
Imentet (Amentat, Amonet, Amunet, Amaunet, Ament)  – The Mother Who Is Father. A primordial spirit composed of the two deities Ammon and Ammit.
Imhotep (I-Em-Hetep, Imouthes) – He Who Comes In Peace. The deified chief minister of Djoser and architect of the Step Pyramid; in the Late Period venerated as the god of learning and medicine; represented as a seated man holding an open papyrus; equated by the Greeks with Asklepios. God of knowledge, medicine, magick, compassion, drugs, herbs, sleep
Isis (As, Aset, Eset, Tait, Au Set) – The Great Lady; Queen of the Earth; Light Giver of Heaven; Mistress of Magic; The Many Named; Queen of the Throne; She Who Is Rich in Spells; Great of Sorcery; Redemptress: Star of the Sea; The One Who Is All; Mother of Gods. Isis is the divine mother, goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and motherhood. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars; sister of Nephthys with whom she acted as a divine mourner for the dead. Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life
Kabachet (Kebhut, Kebechet, Qebhut , Qeb-Hwt, Aebehout, Kebehet) – Goddess of the Water of Life.The goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess or the lost child, she presides over the magical reviving power of water.
Keb (Seb, Geb)- A fertility Earth God of new beginnings, creation, crops.
Khepri – God of scarab beetles Ra’s aspect in the morning
Khensu (Khons, Khonsu) – God of the Moon; Traveller; The Navigator; He Who Crosses The Sky In A Boat; God of the New Moon. He is the moon-god, represented as a man; with Amun and Mut as father and mother, forming the Theban triad.
Khepera (Khepra, Khepri, Kebechet, Khepera, Kefri) – Father of the Spirits, He Who Becomes. The scarab-beetle god, identified with Re as a creator-god; often represented as a beetle within the sun-disk. A god of transformations, rebirth, resurrection of the body, reincarnation, and rebirth.
Khnemu (Khnum, Khnoum) – The Sculptor Who Gives Life; The Molder; The Divine Potter; Lord of Destiny; Father of Fathers; Mother of Mothers; Lord of the Cool Water. The ram-headed god of Elephantine, god of the Cataract-region; thought to have moulded man on a potter’s wheel. Ra’s aspect in the evening.
Kuk – Personification of darkness
Maahes – Egyptian lion-headed god of war
Maat (Ma’at, Maa, Maut, Mayet) – Lady of Heaven; Queen of Earth; Mistress of the Underworld; Eye of Ra; Daughter of Ra; Lady of the Judgement Hall. Ma’at is the goddess of justice,order, truth, right, and orderly conduct; represented as a woman with an ostrich-feather on her head.
Mafdet – God of justice. Executioner of criminals, protector of the King’s chambers
Mehueret, Mehurt – Lady of Heaven; Mistress of the Earth. A universal Mother Goddess associated with night.
Menhit – Minor lion goddess, Wife of Anhur
Menthi (Menthu-Ra, Mentu, Mont) – Sun god, often with a bull head. In his war aspect he personified the destroying heat of the sun. God of protection, war, and vengeance.
Meretseger – She Who Loves Silence; Lioness of the Summit; Lady of the Necropolis. A protector of tombs and guardian of the Necropolis.
Meshkenet (Meskhenet) – Goddess of Childbirth. Protects labouring women and newborn babies.
Min (Minu, Menu) – Lord of the Eastern Desert; Lord of Foreign Lands. The primeval god of Coptos; later revered as a god of fertility, and closely associated with Amun.
Mut – Lady of Heaven; Queen of Deities; Mother of the Mothers. The vulture-goddess who is the spirit of maternity. Her name means “mom.” An extremely beloved goddess later represented usually as a woman.
Neheb (Heh)  – God of eternity, longevity, happiness
Nehebkau – Serpent God of the Underworld
Nefertem (Nefert-Temu, Nefertu) – The Lord of Fragrance. He is the god of the lotus, and hence of unguents, perfumes and fragrance; worshipped at Memphis as the son of Ptah and Sakhmet; represented as a man with a lotus-flower head-dress.
Nehebkau (Neheb-kau) – A serpent god of the Underworld, dangerous to both the gods and humans. Death, cursing, vengeance. Some-times represented with a man’s body and holding the eye of Horus.
Neith (Neit, Net, Nit) – The Oldest One; Nurse of the Crocodiles. This goddess of Sais is represented as a woman wearing the red crown; her emblem, a shield with crossed arrows; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses who guarded coffins and Canopic jars; identified by the Greeks with Athena.
Nekhbet (Nekhebet) – Lady of the South. The vulture-goddess of Upper Egypt, presides over maternity, childbirth, life and death.
Nephthys (Nebt-Het, Nebthet, Nebhet) – Funerary Goddess, Lady of the House; Lady of Life; Lady of Darkness; Lady of Death that Is Not Eternal; Mistress of the Palace, The Revealer, Mistress of the West. Nephthys is the river goddess, sister of Isis; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, who guarded coffins and Canopic jars; with Isis acted as mourner for Osiris and hence for other dead people.
Nun (Nu) – God of the primeval chaos.
Nut (Nu) – Life giver, Mother of the Gods, Protector of the Dead. Mother of Stars; Queen of Heaven; Mother of the Deceased; She Who Holds a Thousand Souls; Mistress of All; She; Who Protects. Nut is the goddess of sky and stars, represented as a woman, her naked body curved to form the arch of heaven.
Onnophris (Unnefer, Wenen-Nefer) – a name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
Onouris (Anhur, Anher, Anhert) – Skybearer, very early aspect of the God Osiris
Opet (Tauret, Taurt, Thoueris, Rertrertu, Taweret, Ta-Urt, Tauret, Apet) – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Ophis (Wepwawet, Upuaut)  – Opener of the Ways. the jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of the necropolis and an avenger of Osiris. Opener of roads, God of the Underworld
Osiris (Auser) – Lord of the Far World. Osiris is the god of the underworld and the afterlife. He is identified as the dead or mummified king; also a god of the inundation and vegetation.- Lord of life after death, Sun god, Universal Lord
Pakhet – A goddess of motherhood and of war
Pasht (Bast, Bastet)  – Cat Goddess known to protect pregnant women and children. The protector of Ra, his third eye.
Per Uadijit (Uazrr, Uto, Uraeus / Buto / Uajyt, Uatchet, Utchat) – Cobra goddess and protectress of Lower Egypt
Ptah (Ptah-Neb-Ankh) – The Opener, the Divine Artificer, Father of Beginnings, Creator God. Lord of the Sky; Lord of the Two Lands; Lord of Truths; Lord of Sunrise; Father of Fathers; Power of Powers. He is the god of creation, creator-god of Memphis, the patron god of craftsmen; equated by the Greeks with Hephaestus.
Ptah-Seker-Osiris – A composite deity, incorporating the principal gods of creation, death, and after-life; represented like Osiris as a mummified king.
Phra (Ra, Re) – The Supreme Power, The Creator, Great Father
Qebhut  (Qeb-Hwt, Aebehout, Kebehet, Kabachet, Kebhut, Kebechet) – Goddess of the Water of Life. The goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess or the lost child, she presides over the magical reviving power of water.
Qebui – God of the North Wind
Qetesh – A mother-goddess of fertility. Adopted into ancient Egypt from Kadesh in what is now Syria.
Ra (Re, Phra, Amun-Ra, Akmun-Ra) – The Creator; The Supreme Power; The Only One; Great Father; Father of the Gods; Sun God. Ra is the god of the Sun, head of the great ennead, supreme judge; often linked with other gods aspiring to universality, and king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne.
Raet-Tawy – Female sun goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt. Female counterpart of Ra.
Rat (Tat-Taiut, Rait) – Lady of the Heavens; Mistress of the Gods; Mistress of the Heliopolis; Mother of the Gods; Goddess of the Two Lands. Goddess of wisdom and knowledge, shown as a woman wearing a disk with horns and a uraeus.
Renenet (Renenutet, Ernutet, Thermuthis) – She Who Rears; The Nourishing Snake; Lady of the Double Granary .Goddess of harvest and fertility; represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman. Goddess of the 8th month of the Egyptian calendar.
Renpet – Mistress of Eternity. Goddess of youth, springtime, the year, and the general idea of time.
Rertrertu (Taweret, Ta-Urt, Tauret, Apet, Opet, Tauret, Taurt, Thoueris)  – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Reshef (Reshpu) – God of war and thunder, of Syrian origin.
Sarapis – A god introduced into Egypt in the Ptolemaic Period having the characteristics of Egyptian (Osiris) and Greek (Zeus) gods; represented as a bearded man wearing the modius head-dress.
Sati (Satet, Satis) – She Who Shoots Forth; She Who Runs Like an Arrow; She Who Pours. This Nile River spirit is entrusted to maintain balance and peace at the Nile’s first cataract, the traditional border between Egypt and Nubia. Goddess of the Cataracts, Goddess of fertility, water, the hunt, planting.
Seb (Geb, Keb) – A fertility Earth God of new beginnings, creation, crops.
Sebek (Sobk, Suchos) – Lord of Death, the Hidden One.
Seker (Sokar, Socharis) – The guardian god of the door to the Underworld.
Sekhem Em Pet (Anubis, Anpu)  – God of dead, embalming, funerals, and mourning ceremonies
Sekhmet (Sakhmet) – The Mighty One; The Terrible One; The Powerful; The Beloved of Ptah; Dark Sister of Bast; Great of Magic; Lady of Terror; Lady of Action; The One Before Whom Evil Flees; Mistress Dread; Lady of Flame; The Scarlet Woman. Goddess of lions and fire also goddess of vengeance, a lion-headed goddess worshipped in the area of Memphis; a fiery manifestation of the Eye of Ra. She represented the destroying power of sunlight and was the goddess of war and battle, physicians and bone-setters.
Selqet (Selket, Selquet, Selchis, Serqet, Serquet) – Mistress of the Beautiful House. A scorpion-goddess, identified with the scorching heat of the sun; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and Canopic jars. Protectress of marriage, goddess of happy marriages and married sexual love.
Seshat (Seshet, Sesheta) – Lady of the Builder’s Measure; The Great One; Lady of the House of Books, Queen of Construction; Goddess of Writing. The goddess of writing and measurement, the divine keeper of royal annals.
Set (Seth, Seti, Sutekh, Suti, Sertesh) – Great of Strength; He Who Is Below; Lord of the Desert; Lord of Chaos and Disorder. God of deserts, storms and violence, evil, and chaos also later version ruler of the underworld. He is brother of Osiris and his murderer; the rival of Horus; equated by the Greeks with Typhon.
Shai (male), Shait (female) – Guardian angel, presiding over destiny and fate. Sometimes a Goddess, sometimes a God.
Shu – Lord of the Sky. God of Air and the North Wind. Connected with the heat and dryness of sunlight. Shu and Tefnut – his twin sister- form the first pair of gods in the Heliopolitan ennead; shown often as a man separating Nut (sky) from Geb (earth).
Sobek (Suchos, Sebek, Sobk) – Lord of Dark Water; The Hidden One; He Who is Shut In. Sobek is the crocodile-god, worshiped throughout Egypt. An aggressive guardian who repels and devours malevolent spirits who threaten his devotees. Rows Ra’s Sunboat through the Duat.
Sopdu – A god of war Associated with the sun and with the planet Venus
Tait (Isis, As, Aset, Eset)  – Supreme Egyptian Goddess, Great Mother, Giver of Life.
Tatjenen – The primeval earth-god of Memphis; later identified with Ptah.
Tat-Taiut (Rait, Rat) – Lady of the Heavens, Goddess of Wisdom and knowledge.
Taweret (Thoeris, Taurt, Ta-Urt, Apet, Opet, Rertrertu) – Mistress of Talismans. The hippopotamus goddess, a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth and goddess of fertility. In her darker aspect she was the goddess of darkness and revenge.
Tefnut (Tefenet) – The goddess of moisture, dew, rain, and mist. She is said to live at the bottom of the underworld. She and her twin brother – Shu – form the first pair of gods in the Heliopolitan ennead.
Temu (Tem, Atem, Atum) – Dark Eye of Ra. Personification of God in human form and of the setting Sun. Father of the human race, he helped the dead. In one of his forms he was worshipped as a huge serpent.
Thoth (Tehuti, Thout, Djehuti, Zehuti) – Lord of Divine Words; Lord of Books. Thoth is the ibis-headed scribe of the gods, the god of wisdom, inventor of writing.The ape as well as the ibis is sacred to him. Judge of the Gods.
Thermuthis (Renenet, Renenutet, Ernutet) – She Who Rears; The Nourishing Snake; Lady of the Double Granary. Goddess of harvest and fertility; represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman. Goddess of the 8th month of the Egyptian calendar.
Uajyt (Uatchet, Utchat, Uazrr, Uto, Uraeus, Buto, Per Uadijit)  – Cobra goddess and protectress of Lower Egypt
Udjat (Edjo, Buto, Wadjet) – Goddess of protection. Sister of Nekhbet. Lady of Flame; Lady of the North; Lady of Heaven; Queen of Holy Spirits. The cobra-goddess of Buto in the Delta, a goddess of protection, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.
Unnefer (Wenen-Nefer, Onnophris) – a name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
Upuaut (Ophis, Wepwawet)  – Opener of the Ways. the jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of the necropolis and an avenger of Osiris. Opener of Roads, God of the Underworld
Wadjet (Udjat, Edjo, Buto) – Goddess of protection. Sister of Nekhbet. Lady of Flame; Lady of the North; Lady of Heaven; Queen of Holy Spirits. The cobra-goddess of Buto in the Delta, a goddess of protection, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.
Wadj-wer – Personifies the Mediterranean Sea and other lakes.
Wenen-Nefer (Onnophris, Unnefer) – A name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
Wepwawet (Upuaut, Ophis)  – Opener of the Ways. The jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of the necropolis and an avenger of Osiris. Opener of Roads, God of the Underworld
Zehuti (Thoth, Tehuti, Thout, Djehuti)  – Lord of Divine Words; Lord of Books. Thoth is the ibis-headed scribe of the gods, the god of wisdom, inventor of writing.The ape as well as the ibis is sacred to him. Judge of the Gods.
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maskedmuses · 4 years
@historias-multorum​ continued from here!
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Waving his hand, Osiris shook his head. “That will be no more while you stay here. The palace will be your home, even if we must keep that a bit of a secret from my mother.” His hand lifted to his lips, as if to hush her but fell away in time for him to lean the kebob of sorts to his lips, fangs taking a bite out of the meat, swallowing it down. “Mm, certainly fresh. Go on, enjoy yours while we walk.”
Placing his free hand behind her back, the prince glanced around at the stalls. None were offering what they wanted, but he would offer them greeting here and there. It would have been easy to notice that the people seemed almost divided in half; most were smiling at the two, waving, hoping for their attention. The other people were grimacing, blatantly whispering and sneering.
“Ah, here we are! A stationary shop.” He halted before a small wooden shop, glass windows showing the many tomes, most of which were blank. It was akin to bookstore of sorts, the large door open to them and a humanoid man stood at the door. “Go on, pick out whatever you like with him. I’ll wait out here.”
This particular shopkeep seemed to be of the group that had been given ugly looks towards the prince.
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Anonymous asked:  ‘you are beautiful, you know, such a lovely visage i see before me.’ the man took a moment, stroking osiris’s hand with his own. an archer clad in green, his eyes keenly watching the prince. ‘maybe you’d humor me for a date?’
Despite how many times Osiris would find himself in such similar predicaments, he never found them to be tiring or weary. Rather, the way this man encroached upon him had been familiar in the ilk of many before him: a pointed gaze to appraise the prince, a lingering stare upon the clasp of his garb that matched his mother’s simple insignia, the grin of a man who had found potential prey, and the smooth movements to close the gap between them.
Rather than a ballroom of sorts, this had occurred in an odd scenario, while the prince was out near the outskirts of the market, inquiring upon some business he needed to be informed about. The dark dealings his mother did were quietly corrected under his watch, only occasionally would he make his presence known when it was safe.
He hadn’t expected to be propositioned by someone so brave.
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The edge of his lips twisted towards a humored simper, Osiris canted his head as the sunlight made the pearly white fangs glimmer as they protruded from his upper lip. “Such flattery is quite the temptation, you know.” His voice rumbled with a chuckle, clawed fingers shifting to press his palm against the other’s, bringing this stranger’s fingers up to sweep his lips across the other’s knuckles.
“I’m afraid as brazen as you are, which is something I quite relish in a man,” Osiris began, parting away from the other, breaking their brief contact. “I cannot accept when I do not even know a name to match to the person who would be my company for the evening.”
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art-now-italy · 5 years
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SOLE, Polina Ogiy
Sol lucet omnimus.lat. The sun shines all sun. ---- the main deity In many ancient cultures the Sun was considered to be either God himself, or visible in his image / manifestation. The cult of the Sun existed among all peoples, transformed from nomadic pastoralism to agriculture; it gave rise to Hinduism and Islam, sabeism (the cult of the heavenly bodies), the esoteric teachings of Zoroaster, to Sufism, pantheism, the worship of Baal, Helios, Saba (the Almighty), Zeus, Apollo, Jupiter, Amun, Horus, Osiris, Harpocrates, tuma, Memnon, Kronos, Anton, SHAMMASH, Galactica, Phoebe, Bela (which means: High, Chief, King, Lord, Master), Ashur, Anuria, Adod, Jehovah, Mithra, Wiracocha etc. The sun was considered: — one of the incarnations of the triple God: God the father and Creator, symbols of which served as sun — the one God, whose symbols are: the light itself, a halo, a rotating figurines, tonzura, the sun crosses the disk (with wings, or the rays of the eye) and its derivatives — socket, chrysanthemum, Lotus, ribbon star, ball. The symbol of the gods, powerful heroes: Vishnu, Buddha, Christ (the 12 rays represent the apostles) and numerous kings of the Sun — though quite rarely — sometimes embodied in female characters: in South Arabia, the goddess of Elat, and in Japan — Amaterasu, whose distant descendant is the Emperor, and the goddess is considered the Supreme creature of Japanese space. The goal of the solar festivals, the rites performed by the Egyptians, Jews, Phoenicians and other peoples of the East during the equinoxes, solstices and eclipses to help the Sun-God in these difficult periods of its annual cycle. Leaning on a stick, people continuously walking in a circle during the whole time of the Eclipse, hoping thus to help the weak Sun." At its Zenith, the point located right above the temple, which is determined by the time of the beginning of the rainy season, the Sun can see the entire Universe. The light radiated by the Sun is the cosmic mind; it symbolizes intelligence and knowledge sought by all candidates for initiation. The rays of the Sun have on the earth, the heavenly impact. Sunbeam, kindling the hearth symbolizes the transfer of the divine energy of matter in the world; it is the pivot on which revolve the heavenly and the earthly wheels. Like a rainbow, this beam — bridge by which God descends to man and man ascends to God. Observations of the solar cycle (alternation of the solstices and equinoxes) gave rise to celebrations of fertility, extant. The celebration of the birth of the Sun on December 25, the day when it begins to rise higher in the sky, became a Christian holiday after all, Christ can be called a new spiritual Sun; preserved cleaning branch, which is used in ritual self-flagellation and exile spirits in the day of the vernal equinox, dedicated to the revival and then the rapture of the Sun-God; on the day of summer solstice also kindle everywhere the fires (the fires of St John). The sun sometimes appears and, in its destructive aspect — the scorching heat that leads to drought, the consequences of which is opposite to the fertilizing action of rain. This associates the Sun with death: in all religions there are ideas about the sun of the Dead, dark Sun, and the gods of the Sun with a black face (Osiris, Hades). day star, of course, occupies among all the heavenly bodies the first place. Many religions connect the concept of God with the Sun in the sky; the Sun God is the environment of many names, the name of the destroyer of darkness (Babylonian: "who illuminates the darkness, enlightens the sky, down there, like upstairs, is destroying evil... All the princes radutsya, looking at you, all the gods Express my admiration to you..."). In a social system based on the dominance of masculinity, the Sun is mostly masculine, as it corresponds to a naive understanding of the deity (the exception is unless the Japanese Sun goddess Amaterasu-Omikami, which, however, is itself God's creation of heaven Izanagi). In areas where there was a threat of drought, the Sun with its heat could take an ambivalent or even negative value, or was supposed by the blood sacrificed in the labyrinth of people to strengthen its work in the sky. in order, therefore, to infuse into all new vitality (Ancient Mexico).There is a traditional distinction between the visible and invisible, accessible sense. and understanding, the outer and inner Sun. In most traditions the Sun is the universal Father and the Moon Mother, with the exception of the symbolic systems of American Indians, the Maori, the Teutons, the peoples of Oceania and Japan, where the Moon is masculine and the Sun feminine. Sun and rain — the most important of the fertile forces, hence the groom is associated with the Sun, and the bride the lunar goddess, and Mother Earth. Continuously going and going, sending out rays, which can be life-giving, destructive, the Sun symbolizes life, death and renewal of life through death. Spring Sun — sol invictus. White sun of the animals associated with the sun, but Black Sun is associated with a serpent and chthonic forces. In hunting civilizations the Sun is a Great Hunter. The sun is sometimes depicted as the fruit on the Tree of Life. When the solar deity is male, the Sun is depicted as the right eye. If half of the female deity, the Sun depicted as a left eye. "Children of the Sun" is a Regal, embodied gods. Cm.t.well. disk. In most cultures, the main symbol of the creative energy. The sun is often seen as being itself the Supreme deity or as the incarnation of his all-pervading power. Despite the geocentric view of the universe, which dominated ancient astronomy, some of the earliest images of the universe showed the sun as a symbolic centre or heart of the Cosmos. The most complex cult of the Sun existed in Peru, Mexico and Egypt. In some cultures, existed from some of the divine personifications of the sun... on the other hand, the sun has often been presented as the son of the Supreme God, sometimes symbolized his view or his shining love. Core values: the creative power of the Sun is the attribute of all solar gods and the Archangel Michael. the centre, the heart, the center of intuitive knowledge, strength, feelings and faith, the ability to feel and the power of imagination. The symbol of the highest cosmic forces. The all-seeing divinity and its power of teofania, motionless creature, the heart of the cosmos, the center of being and intuitive knowledge "mind world" (Macrobius), enlightenment, the world's eyes and the eyes of the day, Invictus, glory, greatness, justice, royalty. As the heat source, the sun represents vitality, passion, courage and eternal youth. As the light source, it symbolizes knowledge, intelligence. As the most striking of all celestial bodies, the sun, the emblem of royalty and Imperial splendor. In most traditions the sun is the sign of masculinity, in Germany, Japan, the Celtic regions of Africa, the Indians of North America, in Oceania and New Zealand, the Sun is feminine. The solar disk flowing from him streams of water represents the combination of Sun and water, heat and vapors, necessary for any life. Surrounded by the rays of the Sun surrounded by rays of the heart are of the same symbolism of the center as the seat of light and reason. The sun in the fight with the snake symbolizes the struggle of light and darkness, heavenly and chthonic forces. The sun standing still is beyond time. It is the Eternal Now, lighting, escape from time and the cycle of samsara. The sun and Moon together symbolize male and female, in their unity. Basic symbols: Graphic symbols of the Sun, along with the known circle, surrounded by rays, is traditionally mostly a sign of a circle with a dot in the center. In iconography the sun is portrayed a number of characters and symbols: a gold disk, a disk with rays and wings (often found in the middle East), paludism with rays (Nihon — "rising sun" — Japanese Imperial emblem), a circle with a dot in the center (a symbol of self-knowledge in astrology), star, spiral, ring, wheel, swastika (a cross or other signs that convey the rotation), heart, rosette, Lotus, sunflower, chrysanthemum. The sun can also symbolize the bronze, gold, YEL th or red, diamond, ruby, Topaz, winged or feathered serpent, an eagle or an eagle with a serpent, Falcon, Phoenix, Swan, lion, RAM, cock or bull. Often the cart in which rides the sun, pull gold or the white horse, and sometimes swans. The Sun symbols are the revolving wheel; disc; circle with a center point; a circle surrounded by rays; the swastika; the rays, both straight and wavy, symbolizing the light and heat of the Sun; shining chariot with sun gods that control white or Golden horses, or crossing the world in solar boats; the face surrounded by rays; eye; bronze Man; the spider in the center of my web with emanating from it in all directions rays; solar birds and animals such as eagle, hawk, Swan, Phoenix, cock, lion, RAM, white or Golden horse, winged or crested serpent, the Chinese dragon. fossilized sunlight (obelisks, menhirs), the rod, the scepter, the phallus, arrows, hand; God-the last ear, the guardian portrayed in the eyes of an eagle and hands; and God the judge, or the limit of the spirit— in the form of a disk, a shield and arms; symbols of the sun as the one God: the light itself, a halo, a rotating figurines, tonzura, the sun crosses the disk (with wings, or the rays of the eye) and its derivatives — socket, chrysanthemum, Lotus, ribbon star, ball. depicted as a disk with rays, circles with a dot in the center, countless variations on the theme of the disc and the circle with rays, in the form of a chariot, drawn by four white or Golden horses (#of horses varies). The cycle of the Sun and symbolize the rotating figures: this is the origin of the solar cross (the swastika), four extremity of which end in paws or legs bent in the same direction. It can be depicted animals or arms, radiating from a common axis, which in Ancient Egypt symbolized the omnipresent crackle in the movement of worlds, and testified to the desire of the Egyptians to harmony with the cosmos.Africa prehistoric rock pictures in Asian regions can often find the human figure with the "sun wheel" instead of a head, surrounded by teeth, separated by a cross, and private sectors are comprised of points (indicating the calendar division of the year?). In the prehistoric rock art of Northern Africa, there are paintings with bulls and rams, similar to the Egyptian cult images of them on the head with the disk, and they are called "solar sheep" and "oxen the sun". Some tribes in Africa the Sun is associated with the feminine, Mother. Bushmen of this Supreme deity. The ancient East Sumerian-Semitic sun gods Shamash and Ashur depicted as a winged solar disk. Egypt Cult of the Sun of the Egyptian God Amun-RA was transformed by the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten, 1365-1348 BC) in a monotheistic system ("So beautiful you Shine, Sun, bright on the surface of the sky, full of living life, marked the first beginning of life itself..."). In the sun symbolism reveals the versatility and complexity of Egyptian thought. Between the appearance of the symbol (sun) and native characters (gods of the Sun), there are numerous connections (intersections). The name of the luminaries sounds like RA. The so-called personifying its God. Along with him there is another solar deity. Horakhty — God of the morning sun, and Khepri in the form of a winged beetle. Atum and the gods with rams ' heads (for example, khnum) are considered the hosts of the evening sun. Three major fluorescent image of the sun is a beetle in the morning, at noon, the solar disk (that is, RA himself), the evening — sheep. In late era the sun has provided a separate image for each hour: in the first and second child; in the seventh hour of the monkey, struck by an arrow (a ray of the sun); in the eleventh and twelfth hour — old leaning on a stick. The picture in the tomb of Ramses IX points to first watch for the crocodile, it is based on the idea that the God of the morning Sun emerges from the celestial ocean in the shape of a crocodile. Solar animals are the Falcon, the lion and the vulture. The image of the rising sun is often associated with cow's horns (the celestial cow), two sycamore, bow life, or with the post jed. Carpi — God-scarab rising sun, Mountains — day, RA — the sun at the Zenith and Osiris — God of the setting sun. Egyptian myth describes the nightly journey of the Sun on a bark through the perils of the underworld and each morning his appearance from the snake's mouth. The Egyptians worshipped the Sun in the image of the one God Amon-RA, the First that does not have the second speaker in three forms: Kheper in the morning, RA in the afternoon and tum in the evening. This Sun is the Creator possessed three virtues, symbolically expressed by three marks: the cross in the form of the letter T, crowned with a loop), Strength (the scepter of gods and kings) and Vitality (four pillars of the heavens and the solar beam). The setting Sun is sometimes depicted in the form of eggs (because when it touches the horizon it takes this form) passing through the underworld to emerge again, this time with a broken shell, the next morning; it was called the flame born of a flame. Winged Sun disk — symbol of the solar power of RA, Aten and renewal. Among the Egyptians the Sun rising is the Mountains, the Sun — RA, and the setting Sun — Osiris. His right eye is the Sun and the left the Moon. Mountains, fighting with Seth in the guise of the serpent Apophis, is the power of the Sun fighting against the darkness. Antiquity about Apollo and Helios as gods-the sun, see APOLLO. In Ancient Greece, the sun was represented by Helios, while the Roman Sol from time to time was replaced by Apollo, representing the radiance of the sunlight. According to Orphic teachings, the Sun is located in the center of the Universe, maintains the relationship and harmony between the planets, rotating them around by the force of gravity, and the streams of sunlight energising the entire cosmos. In prayers this light is called a chain connecting all things, attractive and beginning redemptive, liberating and inspiring force fertilized them. In Ancient Greece the sun was regarded as the eye of Zeus. From Plato the Sun — "the author of all things visible.., generation, nutrition and growth." The warmth and light of the Sun — creation and wisdom. The Pythagoreans ten suns — cyclic improvement. Among the Greeks the Sun the eye of Zeus. Apollo in the guise of the Sun kills the Python of darkness. The orphics the Sun — "Father", "the Great Creator and feeder of all things, the ruler of the world." The sun, the heart, and the Moon the liver of the universe. The Northern tradition of the Celts — feminine. Norse legend of the death of the handsome young God of light Balder, but both of these legends are based on the symbolic theme of a solar Eclipse, his disappearance during the night or seasonal increase and decrease the force of its light. In Scandinavia the sun is considered the eye of Odin. The peoples of Scandinavia — the eye of Odin (Boda), vision. The sun is depicted as a serpent sun. The Teutons: the Sun — woman and a Mother, and the Moon Is the Father.Slavs Slavs the sun God is portrayed in the guise of beautiful young man and, at times, like a new born every day and dying every day the same; in the symbolism of the Slavs the Sun and the Moon can change floors. China It was the Emperor's emblem in China, the sign of "Yan" in the Taoist philosophical system, but was never considered the Supreme deity in the Chinese Pantheon. Like many other peoples, the Chinese symbolically expressed the destructive aspects of solar power in the myth, like so many suns warmed the earth to a hot state: des Yat sun refused to carry their celestial watches at a time and came out to Shine at the same time; God-Archer was forced to kill nine of them to restore the cosmic balance. Typical solar emblem in China — red disk with a three-legged crow that symbolizes the three phases of the solar position during tion of the day: sunrise, Zenith and sunset. The Chinese have the Yang, the "great male principle", the Sky, the eye of day, active power, quickening ground. The sun is one of the twelve symbols of power. Ten Suns on the tree symbolize the end of the cycle. The rooster and the three-legged red crow living in the Sun: three legs symbolize the rising, midday and setting sun. Japan Japanese myth offers some farcical interpretation of this theme: the sun goddess Amaterasu hid in a cave, and it took cunning to lure her out. In Japan, people walked around the Sacred mount Fuji and Osaka, a hundred and walked through the sacred fence, in a singsong voice repeating the prayer. The Japanese Sun — goddess of women and snakes Amaterasu; she who possesses the great sun", born from the left eye of Izanagi, and from whom, it is believed, is Mikado — the Sun rising. The Symbol Of Japan. Mesoamerica According to the mystical views, the devil (Maya), sun's rays spread material and spiritual light, enlightening the world and the human mind, and endow objects with magical powers, vanishing with the sunset. At its Zenith, the point located right above the temple, which is determined by the time of the beginning of the rainy season, the Sun can see the entire Universe. The ancient Mexicans and Maya called this point the eye of the Sun depicted as a double circle on the ground eyes on the figures of the rain God Tlaloc. For the American Indian movement of the Sun through its daily and annual path is a symbol of the human life cycle. This light takes human form to raise the horizons of man to the divine level; it is a model of a real person. The sun represents the law of perpetual renewal. Every 52 years, at the time of coincidence of dates in lakeside solar calendars, the Maya and the Aztecs, believing that the life lights can fade away, and wanting to avoid the end of the world, held special ceremonies in order to appease the gods: it was called the feast of the new fire, in which human sacrifices were offered. The Supreme God of the Inca Viracocha, the Creator and inspirer of all things, the Spirit, whose power is manifested in the Sun, and the earthly embodiment of the king is the Son of the Sun. The mummies of deceased rulers were transferred to market square in Cuzco and worshipped them as jealously as the images of the gods. In the lush temple Cusco anthropomorphic image of Viracocha, turned to face the East, was surrounded by many sparkling rays. Four suns the Aztecs called the four ages of human existence that preceded the fifth (the one we live in). These epochs are connected with the four natural elements, the cardinal points and the deities. First the Sun, NAUI-Ocelotl (four-Jaguar), associated with the Earth, the North and the God Stole symbolizes the night movement of the Sun. Second, NAUI-Ehecatl (four-Wind), associated with Air, West and the God Quetzalcoatl, depicted as a monkey with puffed-out cheeks, is the setting Sun. Third, NAUI-Quiahuitl (four-Rain, or the Sun of Fire-Rain), associated with Fire, South, God, Tlaloc, gave way — NAUI-ATL (four-Water), corresponding to the East, the goddess of water Chalchiuhtlicue, and then the fifth Sun, NAUI-Ollenu (four-Movement), dedicated to Tonatiuh is the Sun will die in the earthquake. A symbol of the Sun located at the Zenith is God Whirlpooli. The Aztecs believed that to give the Sun the energy necessary for movement and, more importantly, the daily rebirth, the light should be fed. Hence the custom of ritual sacrifice — in fact, to saturate the Sun can only be human blood (precious water). Ancient Incas emphasized that we are "children of the Sun"; the Peruvian Sun-God was depicted in human form with a disc-shaped Golden face. In the Aztec cult of the Fifth Sun, the God of war Huitzilopochtli demanded new victims to sustain the sun, the protector of the human race. ... both of these legends are based on the symbolic theme of a solar Eclipse, his disappearance during the night or seasonal increase and decrease the force of its light. The Aztecs: pure spirit, air, Quetzalcoatl; the eagle symbolizes the rising Sun and the beginning of heaven, and the tiger or falling eagle — the setting Sun and earth's beginning. Crested serpent — a sun symbol. The Aztecs and the Incas were the "children of the Sun". The Incas depicted the sun in human form with the face in the form of emitting rays of the Golden disk, and was the "ancestor". North America the Sun is revered as the light of the Buddha of the Buddhists, the Great spirit of the Indians of North America, of God the Father in Christianity. American Indians the Sun — the universal spirit, the heart of the Sky. In some tribes the Sun is feminine, the Mother, in others the Sun and Moon are considered man and wife or brother and sister. Dance of the Sun(see) is one of the most important rituals. South America's most Important cultural region in which the Sun was worshipped, is, without doubt, Ancient Peru, where the Sun was viewed as the ancestor and patron of the people of the Incas. Inca Garcilaso de La VEGA (1539-1616) describes the sun temple of the capital Cusco: "All four walls from top to bottom was covered with Golden plates and bars. In front of that above the main altar, stood the figure of the Sun, consisting of a Golden plate, which was twice as thick compared to the slabs which covered the walls. Figure with her round face and her fiery rays and flames were made from a solid piece exactly as it was depicted by artists. It was so big it covered the entire front of the Church from one wall to the other... On both sides of the image of the Sun was located his sons dead bodies of kings, unknown to anyone embalmed in such a way that they looked like alive. They sat on their set at the gold beam, gold chairs, on which they used to be... side the Gates of the temple were made in the form of gold-covered portals. The walls of the temple with the external hand held rods are made of gold, and more than a cubit thick planks that covered the building like a crown." The identification of the Sun with gold in the Andes of South America was carried out with such consistency, as obviously no other place and symbolic the perfect connection of the immutability of the "noble metal" with the mummification also evident, as in drevnepersidskih temples of the moon, where the female ancestors of the head of family was clothed in silver and venerated.Australia and Oceania Celestial phenomena do not occupy in Australian mythology, such a large place in developed mythologies. A few tales of celestial bodies are included in the circle of totemic myths. The moon (month) is represented by a man, originally belonged to a totem the possum. With a stone knife a month rises to the sky, wandering to the West,/that descends the tree to the ground. After eating possums, month increases in size (full moon), weary, takes the form of a grey kangaroo; in this view it kills men, but one of them keeps a kangaroo bone, which grows back a month (the new moon). The sun is represented by the girl, rose through the tree to the sky, the Pleiades — the girls of the Bandicoot totem, which became the witnesses of the ceremony of initiation of young men and for this reason turned into stones and then into the stars. (from the article Australian mythology) This antropologicheskii and at the same time the totemic myth is woven with a cosmogonical myth: in the beginning there was darkness and the constant night pressed on the ground like an impenetrable veil, and then the sun came out and dispersed the darkness of Valencia (totem centre Bandicoot). (from the article Australian mythology) myths of the Northern and South-Eastern tribes of Australia along with the totemic ancestors there are also more generalized and apparently developed later, the images of "datateknik" of mythical heroes. In the North of the famous old mother (appears under the names Kunapipi, Clearin-Cleary, Cagliari etc D.) is the matriarchal ancestor, symbolizing giving birth to fertile land and associated with it (and with fertility, reproduction) the image of the serpent of the rainbow. In the Southeast — universal Patriarchal father (Nurrundere, Kony, Viral, Norelli, Bunjil, Byam, Daramulun), who lives in the sky and acting as a culture hero and patron initiation rites. Mother and father may belong to different, sometimes to several totems (each part of their body can have its own totem), respectively, to be the common ancestors (i.e. media and original sources shower) to different groups of people, animals, plants. In myths usually involve not one but several "mothers" and sometimes the two sisters or mother and daughter. These stories and their corresponding ritual contact with one of the "halves" (phratries) the tribe that permits the assumption of a partial Genesis of the images of the mothers of ideas about matriliny prostitelno. Lengarov living in Arnhemland, mythical ancestors are sisters Guncheva, coming from the North on their own created sea. In the boat they bring the various totems that hung drying on the trees. Then the totems are placed in work bags and in my travels hiding in various places. From totems appear ten children, first deprived of sex. Then hidden in the grass become men, and hidden in the sand. They are doing to their descendants a stick-diggers, belts made of feathers and other decorations, introduce the use of fire to create the sun, taught to consume certain types of food, give them a weapon, magical, totemic dances are taught and administered the rite of passage of young men. Guardians of ritual secrets, according to this myth, are the first women, but men Rob them of their totems and secrets distilled and female singing. The progenitor continue, forming terrain, new feeding areas and tribal groups of people. Again reaching the sea in the West, they go to the Islands, which before arose from lice dropped ancestress from their phone long after the disappearance Junchow in the West there are two other sisters, born in the shadow of the sunset. They complete the work of their predecessors, establish marriage classes and administered the ritual of the great mother — Kunapipi (Kunapipi), which partially are staged in our theatre of their actions. Sisters settle in a certain place, build a hut, gather food. One of them gives birth to a child. The sisters try to cook yams, snails and other food, but plants and animals come to life and jump out of the fire, the rain begins. The sisters try dancing to ward off the rain and terrible serpent-the rainbow that comes close to him and swallows the first totem animals and plants ("food" sisters, and then two women and a child. Being in the belly of the snake sisters are hurting him. The snake spits sisters. The child comes to life from the bite of ants. Sister Sauvaluck (as they are called Glengary and some other tribes) represent a peculiar variant of the same mothers as female, embodying fertility. As the snake-rainbow is widely known in most parts of Australia, combined ideas about the water spirit, serpent-monster (the germ of the "dragon"), magic crystal (it reflects a rainbow spectrum), used by sorcerers. Ingestion, and no such serpent people is (and other peoples) with the rite of initiation (symbols temporary death update). R. M. Berndt finds swallowing serpent sisters erotic symbolism associated with fertility magic. Maori Sun and Moon — the eye of Heaven. The peoples of Oceania, most often the Sun is the Mother of all, Luna's Father, and the star — children; in some parts of Oceania, the Sun and the Moon are considered children of the first men and women. The sun — "the great eyeball". Iran In Iran, the sun was regarded as the eye of Ahura Mazda (sometimes called Orascom. Maristov Mitra — the sun God. Saul, his Quadriga and Cauto are usually depicted on the right, and the Moon and Autopath to the left of the miter. The Iranians of the Sun — eye of Ormuzd. "Whoever venerates the Sun that is immortal, ruled by fast horses... honor Ormuzd, honors the Archangels, honors his own soul." The winged disk of the Sun is also a symbol of Ormuzd (Ahura Mazda). Hinduism In India these rays are compared to arrows or hair of Shiva, and the Sun is beginning and end of all phenomena. In India the personification of the rising Sun are beautiful and young goddess USAS, which dispels darkness and shines in the garb of light, and God of dawn Aruna. Two images of the Sun, passive and active, present Surya (its symbols — the bird, the horse, the wheel or the chariot of a light which dispels darkness, sickness and evil Powers, ceases to rain; and Savitar, the divine power that tells impetus to the movement of the whole nature. eyes of Varuna. Indra — the sun God defeats the dragon of chaos and darkness, Vritra. Siva — the Sun whose rays are the creative Shakti, giving life to the world. The sun is the "world door", the entrance to knowledge and immortality. Triple tree with three suns symbolize the Trimurti. The tree with the twelve Adityas of the sun means that the signs of the Zodiac and months of the year. These twelve forms of the sun will appear simultaneously as one at the end of the cycle of manifestation. Buddhism revered the Sun as light. In Buddhism, the Sun is the light of the Buddha. Taoism the Taoists, the Sun is Yang and the great heavenly power; The sun and Moon together symbolize supernatural being, all shining. Bible / old Testament the Heat of the Sun warming the human body, and the light that it emits has turned the Bible into symbols of the Divine spirit, flammable heart and open mind. In Genesis the Sun symbolizes the revelation and teaching. Stopping the Sun means the appearance of God, and the setting — the absence of the Divine spirit: And in that day, saith the Lord God: I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight (Amos, VIII, 9). —• Lies exhausted has given birth to seven, emits his breath; another day the sun has set on her, she is ashamed and confounded (jer. XV, 9)* In the Bible the symbolism of the Sun sometimes has a negative value the all-consuming passion, rage, selfishness (job praising yourself for not worshiped the Sun and the moon, that is, not believing in your own wisdom).Judaism the Jews: the divine will and guidance. Only in the old Testament of the Bible — in contrast to the cult of the Sun "Gentiles" — the Sun is seen only as one of the two "luminaries" that God has ordained place in the firmament. Gnosticism the Gnostics believed that the Sun... the dual— Sun white Sun and black, Michael and Samuel... that is an astronomical and cosmic symbol of two opposing types of light and two serpents representing good and evil, good and evil, God and Satan. These views they had embodied in the intertwined good and evil rays of the Sun. Christianity Theologians consider it the Holy substance of force and visible image of her spiritual existence. In the Christian imaginative world upside all over again in the East the Sun is the symbol of immortality and resurrection, and Christ on the mosaic of the 4th century is identified with Helios in the radiant halo of the sun chariot or acts as the judge of the world, surrounded by a halo solncevosam. Since Christ is also the Lord of time, he is associated with the establishment of the duration of the day by the Sun, which is especially often seen in Romanesque art. The Christians the Sun is God the Father, ruler and guardian of the universe, radiating light and love, Christ, the Sun of righteousness, the Logos, the divine principle in man. The sun and Moon depicted together with the crucifixion signify the dual nature of Christ and the power of nature, the worshipper of the Lord of the Universe. The sun is the seat of the Archangel Michael and the Moon — Gabriel. Thomas Aquinas is portrayed with the Sun on his chest. Christ is the "Sun of righteousness" — took the place of the popular in the late Roman Empire of the God Mithras, the symbol of the rebirth of the Invincible Sun. The sun, moon and stars were created on the fourth day of CREATION. Joseph (1), the son of Jacob, had a dream that they worship him. The sun and the moon are depicted in the scene of the crucifixion of CHRIST (II). Wife of the Apocalypse, "clothed with the sun," see the VIRGIN MARY (4). The sun is a symbolic expression of Christ. This interpretation goes back to the prophecy of Malachi 4:2 where it says, "But unto you that fear before My name shall the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings..." the Sun and the moon are represented as attributes of the virgin Mary, for in revelation 12:1 says: "...a woman clothed with the sun; under legs its moon." The sun and the moon are often present in scenes of the crucifixion: here they are expression of grief is only created on the death of Christ. SV. Thomas Acqui-nskogo sometimes depicted with the sun on his chest. In Ancient Greece the sun was regarded as the eye of Zeus, in Scandinavia — Odin, Iran — Ahura Mazda (sometimes called Orascom), India — Varuna, Muhammad called him the eye of Allah. The sun is revered as the light of the Buddha of the Buddhists, the Great spirit of the Indians of North America, of God the Father in Christianity. The sun is revered as the light of God the Father. "This is a visible image of the divine Grace... the transcendent archetype of Light" (Dionysius). "There is nothing available eyes around the world that would more adequately serve as a symbol of God than the Sun, which sheds light visible life, first itself and then all celestial and earthly bodies" (Dante). Islam Muhammad called it the eye of Allah. Muslims is all-seeing, all-knowing Eyes of Allah. "This Sun is the reflection of the Sun that is hidden by the veil" (Rumi). The heart of the Universe and the sign of God in Heaven and Earth." Astronomy/logy In astrology the Sun, as in antiquity, was regarded as one of the moving "planets" visible in the treatment of which around the Earth determines the length of the year. Like the moon, the Sun was considered the "main light" with properties: "masculine, hot, dominant". The position of the Sun in the zodiac (see the Stars) was determined what "sign" was born. The sun was in the constellation Leo your "day home" and, rising, reached Aries, and declining, was in the constellation Aquarius. In astrology the Sun is the life, the vitality, the embodied nature of identity, the heart and its aspirations. The heart of the world, the center of the controlled system, the Sun is in the middle of the circle of the zodiac and plays a pivotal role in the sliding of the individual's horoscope. Astrologers believe that its properties are warm, dry, masculine and positive start. Alchemy In alchemy the Sun meets the sparkling gold ("the Sun of the earth, the king of metals"), it is astrologically associated with the constellation Leo. "Black sun" — the alchemical symbol of raw, primary state of matter. The alchemists is the mind. Sol et Luna is a gold and silver, king and Queen, soul and body, etc. Sol niger est prima materia. The planetary sign of the Sun, a circle with a center point — a symbol of the completion of the "great Work". Magic as sunlight was valued oranzhevo-yellow, and of the precious stones associated with the Sun was considered diamond, ruby, Topaz, peridot and hyacinth. According to the traditional symbolism of the Sun was responsible for the Royal and paternal authority, for a person's position in the world, for glory and victory, for the heart and willpower and vitality. Its colour is Golden, metal — gold, day — Sunday, the position in the sky, the Zenith, the age and the beginning of manhood, the flower — chicory or spurge-solntsepad. Freemasonry Sun and Moon, the two luminaries of the physical world, Masonic symbolism — images of the first and second mentor and supervisor, they indicate that "every true free-Mason and a brother both by day and by night must seek the light of truth and never fall into the darkness of sin and impurity" (Bayrepel, 1793). A Mason can attain the highest Knowledge only through a symbolic trip around the world, which he makes in the dedication (see Labyrinth). It follows the path of the Sun from East to West, defining the change of seasons that correspond to the stages a dangerous path candidate. These stages — birth in the darkness of winter, overcoming the menacing clouds in the spring, climbing to the Zenith in the summer to grow corn, and fruit, defeating the surrounding enemies, autumn fog, set before the onset of winter and death, allegorically represented by the West, where the candidate reveals the secret of the updates existence. Blazing star Masonic Lodge is a symbol not only of divine power, but also the Sun in all his innumerable mercies. Heraldry the Sun was the emblem of Louis XIV, king of France. On the arms of the Sun depicted as a person, or disk surrounded by straight or intermittent (blinking) rays. Emblems of the Sun emitting its rays from behind the clouds. //My Shine is impossible to hide. Dignity and grandeur are associated with good deeds for a while can be dimmed. But to completely hide them as impossible, like the sun. [SE-II,tab.56-11,p. 342] the Sun setting in the sea. //The sun is still beautiful, though ready to leave the sky. the symbol shows us that good and godly man, as if he were upset, and in some depressed mood or humiliated he was under the influence of adverse circumstances or prevratnosti fate, however, it is worthy of admiration and praise, and in due time it will rise again and will succeed in honors and glory. [SE-II,tab.36-15,p. 258] a Solar Eclipse. //Now about me think more and better notice. the symbol means that trials and tribulations lead us to thoughts about God and our destinies, while at other times we tend to ignore it. Proverb. The sun pay attention only when it is his Eclipse. In other words — failure incline our eyes and mouth to the horn world. [SE-II,tab.22-13,p. 197] the Sun over a tree with dense foliage. //Winter has passed. the symbol means the return of summer, or period of prosperity, followed a period of disaster and bezotechestvo. [SE-II,tab.40-6,p. 276]The sun//It shines not only for myself but for the whole Universe. symbolicconstant. [Emblemata-2; tab.4-7, p. 122] Sun, pouring its rays on the dial of a sundial. //In darkness we are not wanted. the symbol demonstrates that as long as our actions are not illuminated by the sun of righteousness, they will not bring g any good neither to us nor to others. [SE-II,tab.43-1,p. 289] the Sun shining in full strength. //It is only one. the character Creator in which the more sparkle, energy and utility, than any other creature. A beautiful emblem of the causes of all things. She is so beautiful That lost the peoples fall down, Taking a copy for the original. [SE-II,tab.52-11,p. 327] the Midday sun over the calm sea.//It is impossible for me to dry up. the symbol for the true blessing it is possible to attack, but impossible to win. [Emblemata-2; tab.15-8, p. 166] the Sun shining in full strength. (See. Fig.12 in table. 52.) [SE-II,tab.41-1,p. 280] the Sun shining through the clouds. the symbol of the oppressed dignity and his upcoming lights at the time, when dispelled the clouds and obscurations. [Emblemata-2; tab.15-10, p. 166] Setting sun. //Not without regret. The light of heaven was nearly finished with his daily movement and, rushing to the goal, falls lower and lower. It seems that it is on the latest line that separates night from day. His balloon in sunset point are becoming more and more amazing shadows lengthened, then completely lost in the indistinguishable darkness. the symbol of those blessings which have little value until they have it, but when it comes time to part with them, suddenly begin to realize their true value, and losing hopelessly, bitterly regret their loss. [SE-II,tab.52-4,p. 326] the Sun behind the clouds. //It is hidden, but in the meantime preparing their thunder. It is a symbol of retribution, which in secret is preparing all the necessary to crush the evil, attacking them suddenly, invisible and in that moment, when you least suspect. [SE-II,tab.34-13,p. 248] the Sun shining through the clouds. //My suffering is my glory. the symbol of the Martyr, whose pain and suffering wrapped his fame. [SE-II,tab.27-9,p. 216] the Sun. //It is sowing everywhere the good. a symbol of a pious and good Christian or a blessed Savior who dedicated his life entirely to the creation of good. His life will always be a role model for those who are going the same way. [SE-II,tab.47-3,p. 306] the Sun. //It shines spreading its rays. When the sun rises, the East turns pink. Hills, located on the West side, are covered in streams of Shine and glitter. Cold Northern areas rejoice in its pleasant heat. Southern areas languishing from his fire. Similarly, the influence of the Sun of Righteousness is vague and has no defined boundaries. Previous generations have felt his influence, and generations not yet born will enjoy it in the future. The benefits provided by his death, shall apply to past, present and future era of human existence. [SE-II,tab.51-10,p. 322] the Sun. //I'm too bright to me to hold the look. a symbol of God. With versenta Almighty makes it incomprehensible It is unknown to us because too large, Chobe we were able to know him. So Leah and the sun unseen for us because of its powerful glare. [SE-II,tab.50-3,p. 317] the Sun II the moon. //I thrive, when you look at me your gaze. a symbol that while we are under the supervision and upbringing the supervision of divine Power, and she honors us with his attention and care, we will be on the rise. Until then, will continue until vzimnoy communication between us and this power, pashas fate will be good luck and success. [SE-II,tab.46-13,p. 303] the Sun in the zodiac. //I'm not a Maverick and never shy away from the na course. the symbol of a righteous and good man, who, like the sun, constantly adheres to the ways of piety and Holiness, and never deviates from this path, and shows the world brilliant examples of his infallibility. [SE-II,tab.46-14,p. 303] the Sun. //His kindness has no limits. the symbol of the deity. An inexhaustible heat source, Whose rays adorned the face of nature, a symbol of all that is good and great, Beautiful or gracious, fatherly divine Whose rays Pour out life and sows for all That is under it. [SE-II,tab.46-15,p. 303] the Occult Have sealants "Sun — divine arivial just" XIX the main Arcana of the Tarot, represented by the image of the Sun, expresses the dual function of light, bringer of light and heat: from him come the 12 rays, straight and wavy (it is connected with the zodiac, and thus with the cycle of the seasons). The midday Sun creates life, but is able to destroy, burn and dry up, if there is not enough lunar water. Flowing from his Golden rain symbolizes the richness of spirit and heart, the Philosophical stone of the alchemists, available only to the initiated. This Arkan brings the idea of the victory of the sun healthy mind in a Golden age. He reminds us that earthly happiness is available only to those who can overcome the resistance of his own life, like the Twins, who, being among themselves in free communication ." participate in the ordering of human chaos. Interpretation at guessing: brotherhood, harmony, a fair trial; newfound happiness. Honour, glory. Idealism incompatible with reality. Irritability, resentment. The sun Tarot inside the triangle is the first geometric shapes — used in heraldic art a symbol of the creative principles that is revealed to people in three persons. Art In the iconography of the Sun was depicted mostly as a solar deity with a radiant halo around the head or in the form of a luminous disk with a human face. The attribute of TRUTH personified, because in his light everything becomes clear. She holds it in her hand. Likewise, it sheds light on the love affair of Mars and Venus (8). allegorical figure of Truth in Western art is often depicted with the sun in his hands Я научусь тебя не ждать, Я научусь тебя не звать. Начну со Временем, В безвременье играть. Я вижу лик твой в небе и в себе, Я слышу голос,в беззвучной тишине. Прикосновение капель,нежности завет, И ветра ласка шепчущий ответ. Струится Солнце иль искриться дождь, Ты говоришь со мной из снов. И шелестит листва,танцуя на ветру И облака бегут с востока на Зарю. Я научусь тебя не ждать, Я научусь тебя не звать. Мой млечный путь меня ведет, В начертанном мгновении Встреча ждет. Pollin.
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riyuyami · 7 years
Hi, John!! Remember your Pet Master AU? Can you imagine that Atem's followers on Instagram love his pets so much that they start making like, fan-made plushies of rock!Obelisk, tiny fluffy chick!Ra and double-headed snake!Osiris/Slifer? And he thinks it's an awesome idea and starts trying to figure out a way to somehow make OFFICIAL plushies so that anyone who wants them can have them? (He'd probably donate the earnings to a charity or give them to the game shop IDK)
Ooooooooh no, this is too cute! I’m dying...!
He didn’t expect the fan plushies at all, so when he first saw them he actually cried, they are too cute! His pets’ fans love his babies that much??? He doesn’t know how to react! He showed the photos to the pets and they reacted as not caring cause they’re animals (and a rock), though Ra did nip at the phone.
He’s got a few fan plushies sent to him, he loves them, takes pictures of them with the real deals, they’re so cute!
The official plushies are something he keeps pestering Kaiba to make. Make my pets soft and cuddly, do it, it will make you money. Do it or you get bit by Slifer again.
And he totally gives them to charities and the game shop haha, he wants to spread the love.
Oh! He’s also commissioned someone to draw his pets as bad ass looking monsters. He’s got a beautiful framed set of drawings of Ra as a fiery, golden metal dragon bird, Slifer and Osiris have been fused into a two mouthed dragon that is a mix of western and eastern styles, and Obelisk is a giant beast of stone with wings and glaring red eyes.
He wants these as plushies as well.
(He probably commissioned Pegasus)
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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Send “trace” to purposely touch one of my muse’s scars & … || Still accepting!
@jabbers-wild-world​​ asked: Also “trace” reverse for Gil and Osiris
Numerous as they were, it was a surprise that Gil was so complacent with the clawed fingers slowly and incredibly gently, grazing along the lines on his back. It helped that some of it was to place the salve along the wounds that still wept on the occasion, trying to heal them as much as they could be after years of abuse and inability to be tended to.
But the ones that were deep and marred his back always seemed to catch Osiris’ gaze. Like a road map of history that the prince wished to soak up and memorize, for even in the pain he found beauty unlike any other. The raw realness of what Gil had gone through and survived.
How much more brave and strong he was than Osiris could ever dream to be.
Leaning down to brush his lips against the Taurian’s back, the prince let out a gentle breath. “Would I take the memories of this pain away, and leave the incredible man you are behind.” He murmured, gentle and soft. “You never cease to amaze me, my love. Did you know that?”  
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