#||visions through a broken mirror|| lilith musings
theeighthoftheeight · 5 years
Im living for all the angel Lilith on my dash rn but its also giving me how demon/spectral Lilith is different
Like my drmon Lili every time she sees Belphie blame the humans is sitting here like
“For fucks sake, Belphegor, I’m the one that fell in love with a human. I’m the one that did something that was strictly forbidden, can you blame me for my own faults for once in your life? None of us are perfect, especially me.”
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
This is saved in my writing folder as Acceptance, but like the thing is that Lilith isn’t even accepting herself here. There is a lack of acceptance as a whole, which even bleeds into Lilith thinking her brothers couldn’t accept her as a demon(mums personal opinion is that they’d be upset but happy to have their little sister back). Anyway I really don’t know what to call this, but here is a angsty Lilith drabble.
          Sitting upon her own coffin, Lilith sat with legs pulled to her chest, and her face resting against her knees. Her mind racing, and a sigh left her lips, the only evidence of it was the icy cloud floating through the air. She was still more spectral demon than a solid one, but she could feel herself getting stronger. It was only a matter of time before she had a solid form, and hiding would become so much harder. Could she hide herself from her brothers in their own home? With a physical form perhaps not. They could hear her now, if she let them. She could let them see her too. She rarely hid herself if they weren’t home, like now. She’d nap almost anywhere in the house if they weren’t home, and there were far too many near misses with Lucifer in the study these days.
           “No…I’d either have to show my hand or hide elsewhere in the Devildom.” She muttered softly to herself. She was apprehensive to show herself to her brothers. Certainly they were all demons, but….she wasn’t even supposed to still be breathing. They’d be upset, angry, even furious, but… Lilith swallowed thickly, glancing back at her skeletal wings, and the thin deep blue membrane between them, so different from the pale teal of her wings back in the Celestial Realm.
No matter how far apart we may be, no matter how much time passes, even if someday you’re no longer yourself….I’ll never forget you. And I’ll always pray that you find happiness…always…I love you, Lilith.
“Can you love me like this, Lucifer?” She asked the air bitterly. Violet eyes looked down at her own tomb vehemently. Her brothers had immortalized this version of her. Her arms tightened about her limbs, squeezing her eyes shut, and despite her current form tear still dripped wetly onto the lid of her tomb. Lucifer would be appalled, of that Lilith was sure. He thought she was dead. He thought she was probably happily safe in the Celestial Realm without her memories, but none of those things were true. She remembered both her lives. She remembered ever single mistake, after all she’d had plenty enough time to think it over. Millennia of watching her brothers grieve, and bottle their feelings because of her, because of her fucking mistakes.
“I don’t think you could…..and I can’t even blame you.”
           Tears fell far more rapidly now, and the wraith let out a scream no one would hear. The sound full of pent up emotions; of anguish, anger, longing,, and so much more. How could she expect any of them to accept her now? Like this? They would be much happier with the memories of her younger self. The sweet angel who would hand her siblings flowers, and flower crowns. The sweet girl who would sneak off with Belphegor to the human world, and smuggle things back.
But this?
Not even Lucifer would accept this.
Perhaps it was best she stayed like this, as a ghost of the past no one could forget. Indeed, she thought to herself, gut wrenching sobs echoing the empty air, its better if they don’t know. She also wondered for a moment if demons could fade away out of existence. Perhaps that would easier on her heart which only seemed to crack and splinter in her chest. All these feeling hurt.
The spectral being seemed to flicker out of existence before reappearing in Lucifer’s study. Her chest ached dully as she glanced about the room before curling up on the couch. He left one of his cloaks draped across the arm of it, and Lilith sniffled before burying her nose into the cloth. It still smelt of her brother, and her tears flowed faster as she did, leaving tear stains. After awhile, she quieted to soft sniffles with her head still resting on the cloak. There was a commotion down stairs rather suddenly, and with a sigh the wraith stood leaving a single lavender heather in her place.  
Her brothers were home, and once more it was time to slip out of existence.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
Past Reflections||
Nearly solid fingers tapped unseen upon her brother’s desk. She didn’t doubt that Satan at least had an inkling as to who was leaving the flowers. Did he know for sure? No, and Lilith wondered as she glanced about her eldest brother’s study if she could keep it that way. Levi would sooner see an anime connection with her gifts then explicitly with her. But Satan? Or even Lucifer? Well, it would be foolish to underestimate either of their intelligence. Her head tilted back hitting the back of the chair she currently occupied with a sigh. Nor should she underestimate Lucifer’s power. It was a miracle, or some demonic equivalent, that he hadn’t sensed her by now.
Or maybe a curse. Somedays, it seemed like a blessing none of them knew of her existence at all. Somedays, it was a curse, and others she couldn’t decide how she truly felt about it. Sometimes she screamed inside the empty underground tomb hoping someone would hear it, and at least investigate it. But her brothers caused enough havoc on their own that one lone scream didn’t matter. No one could hear her over Lucifer yelling Mammon from the study, and she still wasn’t sure how it seemed to reverberate through the entire House of Lamentation. Had his voice always been like that? Or had her brother just been softer with her when she was younger? It…was certainly a possibility.
She remembered clearly falling asleep in his office, Lord knew how many times, and somehow ending up in her bed tucked in at home. And how many times had he gone about his duties with whatever flowers she had weaved into his hair? The former angel smiled wistfully. Perhaps it was too many to count now, and perhaps it was true Lucifer had been softer then. How else could she explain the glares if anyone mentioned the blooms through his raven hair? Or all the times she had dragged him away from his work to play? His only answer to her pleas were a rueful smile as she had pulled him out into the gardens for hide and seek or some other game…
She had pulled him away from his work somehow, and the smaller angel had a wide grin upon her face, although violet eyes seemed to twinkle ever so softly with mischief as she ran into the garden. The elder angel simply smiled chasing after his sister, watching her wings flutter ever so softly in her excitement. She should be learning to fly soon, Lucifer thought to himself. There was a wonder to how she was that old already. It seemed like yesterday she was only so much smaller. But the child before him was still just as sweet and playful as she was then, despite how much taller she was.
“You gotta catch me, Luci!” She giggled, blonde and teal curls seemed to bounce and wave as she ran.
A deep chuckle sounded from Lucifer as he jogged after her. It only caused her laughter to increase in volume, and his smile only became wider at the sound. The sound of her foot falls were easily heard as she was hardly concealing them anyway, and the elder easily swooped in and scooped his sister up. Hands easily found her sides as he held her, tickling his younger sibling. Lilith let out a shriek of laughter as she squirmed and flopped about, trying and failing to get out of her brothers grip.
“You got me-LuCI you GOT Meeeeeeeee.” Lilith giggled breathlessly.
The elder relented at that, and let his sister down. “I did.” He grinned, ruffling her hair playfully. Lilith batted at his hands with a smile. After a moment something caught her attention, and she darted toward it. Lucifer turned to see her pluck a lavender heather before darting back to her brother, and offered it to him.
“What’s this?”
“Lavender heathers mean admiration and solitude.” She replied softly. “And your my big brother who I admire. Because you’re a good brother, and I love you.”
           She wished things were still that simple. If she hadn’t…well they still may have fallen, but if it was more Lucifer’s doing then her being a catalyst then maybe she would be alive, and they could have lived happily. She doubted their father would have given them that. Maybe if she had lived through the fall Lucifer wouldn’t have, and honestly her siblings needed him more then her any day. Oh, how they would argue that sentiment, and yet Lucifer very much loved and care for all of them. He kept them safe, or well, as well as he could with some of their shenanigans.
           She wasn’t needed. Sure, maybe Belphie would ease up his hatred of humans, but whose to say? Maybe, nothing at all would change if she had lived, but Lucifer would have one more sibling to look after, and he struggled with six siblings right now. No, it was far better to leave her like this. At least for now. At somepoint she’d get caught. Perhaps Diavolo would notice her, or maybe Lucifer would finally see her. If she ever regained a body Lilith knew she wouldn’t be able to hid for long. Not in this house.
But for now she could remain simply the lonesome ghost of the House of Lamentation. For now she could remain unseen. Worrying about the future would help little.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
Lilith loved to dance. If I were to box her in a specific discipline I’d say Modern/Contemporary Ballet/Classical Ballet that sort of area. She was very fluid and graceful with her movements especially as an angel. She still danced as a human as well, and she still has an unearthly grace as the spectral sort of demon she is now.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
“....I wish we could all be happy again.....” She sighed, her heart feeling like it was in her throat rather than her chest. The demon pulled her knees to her chest as she sat upon her own tomb., swallowing hard. “I’d do anything so you all could be happy again, but I have no soul left to barter with.”
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
“Kinda requires that there is a soul left to eat, doesn’t it, Anon?”
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theeighthoftheeight · 5 years
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