# ♱ — from the tomb
emperorundying · 9 months
💀The Locked Tomb Dashboard Simulator Part 4💀
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🤐 necromancer-confessions
Anonymous asked:
i'm a third house non magic user and i've started hanging out with more necros lately and... i think i didnt realize how much of hanging out consisted of talking about the eroticism of the flesh !! and i dont want to judge them but u hear the words 'viscera' 'adipose' and 'sounding' in the same sentence one too many times and u kinda wonder why yr there as someone who cannot manipulate nerves :( ig im just feeling kind of left out
#anon this is totally regular for necros esp 3rd housers #if they dont understand that you feel left out, maybe have one use their necromancy on you? #there are many ways to assemble a skeleton
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💉 se7en Follow
bc these have been going around :3
( 1,829 notes )
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💀 6ske-le-un9 Follow
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(1,002 notes)
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♱ midnighthagette Follow
this edible aint shit
♱ midnighthagette Follow
why is the seventh saint to serve the emperor undying under my bed.
💎 saintofawe ☑️
Again with the insaneposting? How unfortunate, Harry, I thought we were past this.
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🐱 cohortcatgirl Follow
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V important thread!!!
Idc how much anon hate i get 4 this, we need 2 be able to appreciate the loving hand that guidez us💗
#sick 2 my stomach seeing all of these posts against the necrolord prime without knowing the context of the beautiful things he's done for us :((((((( #mr undying i am yr biggest fan u deserve better than this....
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👤 foundations-of-decay-deactivated-8172202
if one more person unprompted asks me for blood pics again i swear to the bones above i will stab myself or smth
🩸 ab-justmytype-o Follow
stabbing pics queen?
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 month
♱ Cities In Dust ♱
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♱ Pairings: vampire!hyunlix x chubby!fem!vampire!reader, vampire!bang chan
♱ Genre: vampire au/horror/angst/fluff
♱ Summary: After their lover’s taken by vampire hunters, Hyunjin and Felix are willing to do anything to get her back but finding her is only the beginning of a journey down a twisted, blood soaked path where they find there are much scarier things in the world besides them and the biggest threat of them all may be closer than they think.
♱ Word Count: 3.9k-ish
♱ Warnings: vampires, blood, violence, expressions of pain/loneliness/heartbreak, some fluffy kisses. this chapter’s more emotionally driven than ultra bloody (future chapters will for sure get a lil gory), & that’s all
♱ A/N: I’m literally so nervous posting this. It’s the first fic I’ve written in a while and moody vampires are my happy place so I really hope this finds the people who love them too and you guys enjoy it.
I'm also thanking @anyamaris for giving me the confidence to post my writing and for always taking the time out to read my stuff🖤
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A vampire can meet her end in any manner of ways. She might find a sharp object driven through her chest, the bones of her ribcage fractured around her faintly beating heart.
Or she could find herself cast out into the sun for a minute too long where she’d roast fiercely from the inside out until she was nothing more than ash in the wind. 
The list goes on, if only briefly, and every hunter knows these methods like a prayer. But there’s another list. One that only certain hunters hold knowledge of. Not a list of ways to kill a vampire but of ways to make them wish you had.
You had the misfortune of coming across the latter. For you there was no archaic wooden post whittled into a stake, no afternoon spent sunbathing in the park. Locked away in the mausoleum of a dead man you've never met, you’re as alive as you’ve ever been.
Alive but paralyzed by the deprivation of the only two things that made eternity worth living. The taste of blood, warm and sweet on your tongue, and the euphoria of a love whose absence has rotted a hole in your heart. 
100 days you’ve been here, turning to stone like the angelic statues that guard your tomb, and the pain grows impossibly deeper as the next approaches.
But you’ll not have to suffer another night in this hell. You’ll be free, you’ll taste blood again, feel truly alive. Your loves will see to it. 
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Standing at 712 ft tall, the Žižkov Television Tower looms above the romantically gothic city of Prague. It’s breathtaking beneath the night sky. Endless miles of beauty in every direction begging to be admired.
Most humans couldn’t dream of ever reaching the heights necessary to indulge but one man’s found himself lucky enough to take it all in. Maybe dangling upside down by your leg doesn’t technically count as luck but it’s all about perception. 
“Please! Just let me go!” the bloodied man begs, the wind cold and sharp as it whips his tears back against his red cheeks. All of the blood’s rushed to his head and his view of the horizon has blurred into something reminiscent of watercolor painting. 
“Let you go?” Hyunjin giggles, perched atop a platform. “That’s a really bad choice of words but okay.”
The dark haired vampire loosens his grip on the man’s ankle, reveling in the cry of desperation that leaves the man’s lips. Hunters are always this way when you catch them. So very pathetic. So weak. 
“Wait! No! No! Please!” the man cries in the split second before his ankle’s secure in Hyunjin’s grasp again. “I don’t know where she is. I swear to God.”
“You swear to god when you lie?” a deep voice questions, unamused with his hypocrisy. “Do you not claim to do his work? And you take his name in vain?” 
Hyunjin looks to the blond haired companion at his side, “Felix, are you telling me you don’t believe the words of this upstanding gentleman?” 
“I’m telling the truth!” the man insists, his nose beginning to snot, turning him into a blubbering mess. “I don’t know where they put her. After we took her…” 
Felix’s eyes pulse a deep, electric red at those last four words. After we took her. “So you took her! Where?” he shouts, his voice near animalistic as he reaches down, grabbing the hunter by the neck. 
It’s dizzying for the man to find himself upright for the first time in what seems to be an eternity but there’s no time to breathe a sigh of relief. Indeed, he can’t breathe at all. Felix’s hand is tight around his neck, crushing his windpipe at a torturously slow pace.
When he saw these creatures cloaked in back, their elegantly sharp features forming in the darkness of his apartment, he knew what they were and what they wanted. Who they wanted. And death inevitably lay before him.
Truth or lies? Would either change his fate? He hasn’t come to decide and there’s little time now for contemplation. 
“You need to calm down” Hyunjin cautions, razor sharp nails drumming against the metal railing. 
“Calm down?” Felix snaps, his fangs glinting in the moonlight, “You heard him. They took her. He took her! Why aren’t you angrier? Or do you even care?” 
In the blink of an eye Hyunjin is on his feet, his hand hovering near Felix’s throat, prepared to choke him the way he does the poor limp man he dangles like a ragdoll. 
“Bad things happen when we let our anger get the best of us and we don’t want that. Do we?” Hyunjin warns through gritted teeth. 
His gaze still locked on the man, Felix’s rage calms barely enough to sense. Hyunjin rests his hand against the porcelain skin of Felix’s neck, violence melting into its own strange form of empathy as he pats it gently.
They came here for the same reason and the success of this, like all they’ve ever done in their afterlife, depends entirely upon their ability not to kill each other. But other people? Well, that’s a different story. 
“One last chance. Where’d you take her?” Hyunjin presses the man, knowing every second spent here is a second wasted. 
With two sets of immortal eyes burning a hole through his very soul, the man makes a decision on his life. A decision he regrets in an instant. 
“Don’t r-remeber” he croaks out.
“Yikes” Hyunjin hisses, disappointed but almost equally excited to finally be rid of this scumbag, “Wrong choice of words yet again. Seems to be your thing.” 
Felix frees the man from his grasp, tossing him out into the night like garbage. It’s been said that when you fall from a building you black out before hitting the ground but there’s much more that happens before that final moment.
A fear so overwhelming you find yourself going borderline insane. Collapsed blood vessels. Rupturing cells. All before you hit the ground and become a piece of abstract art to be washed away in the morning. Messy, messy stuff. 
As the hunter’s screams fade into the distance below, the two vampires are left in an uncomfortable silence heavy with the weight of questions unanswered. They dropped everything to come here, chased down every lead possible, and now their most promising one is hurling towards the ground at 120mph. 
“I know she’s here somewhere” Felix sighs, breaking the silence, “I can feel her. She’s so alone, Hyunjin. She thinks we forgot about her. I can’t let her think that.”
Felix’s voice begins to crack, the heartbreak almost bringing him to tears. 101 days and every single one of them has been like a living hell. Getting closer was supposed to make things better but the closer they get the more the pain clouds their vision, thickening like fog until it’s impossible to see beyond it. 
Hyunjin can only wish for the words that will make this all better. Anything at all to cool the pain searing through their chests. Even with Felix’s eyes almost pleading for him to say something that will make him feel less alone—less like he’s the only one hurting—Hyunjin can’t manage to let the wall down. Building it was all he could do to keep from burning this city to dust and any chance of finding his love right along with it. 
“Right. Why do I bother? Why don’t you go back home, Hyunjin? Go rot with all your paintings. You always did like them better.”
Hyunjin parts his soft, rosy lips to issue another passive threat but, as quiet as his next breath, Felix disappears, abandoning him to a new brand of silence. The kind that leaves Hyunjin’s mind to race uninterrupted, sending memories washing over him so viciously he can’t resist being swept away. 
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Painting by moonlight.
Hyunjin has done it countless times in the last 300 years and it never loses its charm. There’s something so romantic about it. So relaxing. Tonight’s hunt had demanded a brutality of him that he seldom likes to reveal but with every stroke of the brush against canvas the beast within him calms, lulled back to sleep by the sound of water rushing from the ornate fountains of the back garden.
The subject of Hyunjin’s painting sits peacefully in the distance. A sprawling English manor that he’s called home for the past 50 years. Despite an external appearance that might have one think people were once beheaded on these grounds by some temperamental tyrant—they likely were—it emanates a sense of warmth from within and the source of it just sped past in a blur of light, nearly knocking his painting over. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” you apologize, stopping to catch your breath. Carefully straightening the canvas back out on the easel, another blur whisks by, knocking you into the grass. 
“Tag! You’re it now!” Felix declares gleefully, his limbs intertwined with yours as you struggle to sit up.
“I can’t be it if you break my back.”
“Your enemies don’t care if they break your back, my little flower” Felix hums, picking blades of grass from your hair. 
Hyunjin rolls his eyes, turning his attention back to his painting as he mouths every word that Felix says next. 
“You have to keep your endurance up. Never let anyone get the advantage. Life may seem sweet behind these walls but trust me…”
You let out a giggle at the faces Hyunjin makes as he mimics a dead serious Felix. It isn’t that you don’t take Felix seriously. He’s lived much longer than you have, gone through things you couldn’t imagine. All he wants to do is protect you, it’s more than anyone ever did for you in your mortal life, but sometimes you wish he’d stop worrying. For his own sake. 
Felix frowns, your giggles drawing his attention to Hyunjin. “Are you making fun of me?” 
“Making fun of you?” Hyunjin gasps, crossing his legs. “I’d never make fun of you baby brother.”
“Baby brother? You’re older than me by 5 months!”
Hyunjin grins, never bored with his ability to get under Felix’s skin. “5 months and 26 days. Can’t forget the 26 days.”  
As much as you adore their trademark bickering, the grass is itchy and your back actually hurts. You’re hardly in the mood for this tonight.
Grabbing Felix by the collar, you kiss him before he can take Hyunjin’s bait. You only intend for it to be the faintest peck, just enough to shut him up, but he wastes no time pulling you on top of him and enveloping you in his arms.
The kiss deepens as his fingers massage the fullness of your figure through the plush cotton of your dress. His touch makes any bit of pain you feel melt away, replacing it with a tingling sensation that spreads throughout your entire body.
You forget in this moment that anything else exists in the world. There’s only the feeling of his lips pressed against yours, your hearts matching each other’s rhythm as the heat grows between you. 
Hyunjin can feel it too. Every sensation Felix takes in. It snuffs out his own senses, replacing the feeling of the carved wooden brush in his hand with the sinfully tempting softness of your flesh. He can taste you on his tongue, smell the delicate floral scent of your perfume. It’s everything he wants and nothing he needs right now. 
“I guess I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. Go hurl myself into the sun or something.”
Hyunjin makes no attempt at hiding his irritation as he walks off, leaving his things behind. 
“Is that jealousy I sense?” you tease, appearing in front of him with an innocent pout on your face. 
He shoos you away,  offended at the accusation that he’d ever waste his energy on such an insignificant human emotion.
“No. Just bored” he lies, attempting to step around you. 
You block his way, placing a hand on each of his cheeks to keep his eyes fixed on you. “You’re both very special to me. I love you and I never want you to get so…bored that you forget that.” 
It’s silly to imply that your love is something he could ever question. There are many things he’s come to question in this world but the day will never come where that’s among them.
No matter how close he finds himself teetering on the edge of that thing called jealousy. Just having you near him, staring at him with stars in your eyes like he’s the center of the universe, is enough to bring him back from it. 
Hyunjin takes you by the waist, pulling you closer and into a kiss much deeper than the last. He has a way of enchanting you so completely that you’d swear you were under a spell. A spell cast on your soul, laced within his kiss, and sealed with the fingertips that trail their way up your spine. If there’s a way to break it may that secret remain buried for the length of eternity. 
“I love you too” he whispers, sending all of the blood from your last meal rushing to your cheeks.
“Good because you…are…it!” You tag him on the shoulder and disappear into the surrounding forest, cloaked by the shadows of the trees.
Felix hops to his feet, knowing Hyunjin’s competitive streak won’t let him sit this one out.  “Do I get a head start?”
Hyunjin laughs, baring his fangs, “Just shut up and run.” 
Felix follows your lead and Hyunjin wastes no time taking off after the two of you. Suspecting that you’ve found yourself a hiding space by now, Hyunjin focuses on who he senses closest to him. Maneuvering through the trees with a graceful swiftness, Hyunjin zones out the symphony of the night to isolate the sound of Felix’s breathing.
Felix has managed to make it imperceptible enough that a less experienced vampire may not know he was breathing at all. Picking up speed, he circles around Felix, slamming into him as he jumps to perch atop a branch.
Felix hits the ground with a thud, rolling through the dirt and into a small pile of leaves. 
“I really have to learn how to fall.”
Hyunjin helps him to his feet but not without rubbing it in. 
“All these years and you still can’t outrun me.” 
Felix shrugs, dusting himself off, “Maybe I just wanted to slow you down.” 
“Betrayal!” Hyunjin gasps, “You’ll pay for this later.” 
He turns to chase after you, determined not to let you get one up on him, but Felix grabs him by the arm, a look of concern painting his face. 
“Do you smell that?” Felix frowns, sniffing the air.
His nostrils are assaulted by the bitter smell of something burning nearby. He takes a few steps back towards the house and the air grows thicker with the scent of wood burning like kindling for a campfire. But it’s more than that. 
Hyunjin picks up on it too, glancing back to spot flames dancing in the windows of the place you call home. Without thinking, they race back through the forest, effortlessly closing the distance between them and the burning manor.
They make it to the backdoor in time to see it engulfed by flames that climb the side of the building, torching the rose vines you spent all summer tending to.
“Stay back here!” Felix shouts, already charting an alternate course into the house, “I’ll go around front and find another way in!”
Hyunjin watches in shock as the windows of the top floor shatter, sending glass cascading to the ground. The way the fire’s burning, it doesn’t make sense. There’s no pattern. No source. Something’s not right. 
And that’s when the true panic sets in. The realization that something’s missing. Someone’s missing.
“Where is she?” he asks, his heart sinking. 
The question stops Felix where he stands and his eyes drifts back to the forest. He may nag you about the need to sharpen your abilities but you’re the most perceptive vampire he’s ever met. If they picked up on the scent of smoke you would’ve too. You’d be here by now. 
A new possibility opens up, turning his stomach. You wouldn’t have gone back into the house. You couldn’t have. He shakes it off, venturing back into the garden to find you.
Hyunjin has the same worry but can’t bring himself to quiet it. Taking a few steps back, he closes his eyes and hurls his body through a first floor window. His body slams against the floor, dislocating his shoulder. The pain is blinding, shooting through his right side like a jolt of electricity. 
Flames roar around him, swallowing up everything he ever held dear and none of it means a thing. There’s only one thing he cares about and he’ll lose himself before he loses you. Crawling to his feet, cuts littering his once perfect face, he calls out to you but is met with only silence. 
Outside Felix has abandoned the garden to search for you in the woods where the only creatures returning his cries are those of the woodlands. They scream for you until their throats are raw. Beg for any sign you’re there until tears sting their eyes and stain their cheeks. Until the flames eat the walls like acid and the forest becomes a black barren sea. 
They search for you, weep for you, but you’re gone—ripped away from them—and the pain they feel now is nothing compared to what’s to come. 
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Flowing through the city’s center, the Vltava River is said to be a place where one can find peace. Amongst all the lights and buzzing tourism, this spot on the bridge was supposed to be soothing but, unfortunately for Felix, he can only muster up annoyance and something he’s yet to recognize as a drop of envy. 
Below him private yachts and ferry boats float their way up and down the river. They’re brimming with humans laughing and partying. Their joy permeates everything, giving the city a feeling of lightness that he promptly rejects.
A few months ago he might’ve found this city charming, maybe even smiled at the simple joys humans seem to find in life, but now all that’s beautiful feels tainted. 
“It doesn’t have to be,” a friendly voice reassures him. 
Felix jumps back, startled by the sudden appearance of a young man not much older than he is. Dressed in all black designer clothing from head to toe, he still manages to carry himself with the laid back energy of the type of guy who’s everyone’s best friend. But there’s something off about him and it makes Felix’s skin crawl.
He extends a hand to Felix, a peace offering of sorts before the war has even begun. 
“It doesn’t have to be what?” Felix asks, staring at his hand as if it were laced with poison. 
“Tainted. Darkness and beauty can coexist, yeah?” 
“How’d you…”
The man’s eyes pulse red, answering Felix’s question in an instant. Another vampire? He recognizes that accent. It’s similar to his own. This one’s not from here. 
“I’m from Australia. Name’s Chris. Nice to meet you, Felix.” 
Felix’s skin’s no longer crawling, it’s crawling off.
Chris keeps his hand out, a sugary sweet grin stretched across his lips. He’s immovable and something tells Felix if he doesn’t give in now they’ll be here all night.
He cautiously shakes his hand, trying to assess the vampire’s intentions without giving too much away. Mind reading isn’t a gift all vampires have. It’s a power said to fall to the eldest or craziest amongst them and it’s much too early to say which to file this one under. 
“A vampire who can read minds,” Felix sighs, unimpressed. “I’ve never met one of you before. So is this what you do? Just go digging around in people’s minds without their permission? I already hate it.”
“You’re sassy. I like you” Chris laughs, taking a moment to admire the view. “Too uptight though. It won’t kill you to unwind a little. Take in some of the sights. Ever been to Olšany Cemetery?”
“A vampire hanging at the cemetery?” Felix scoffs, turning back to the river. “A bit cliche, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know. Would you risk being cliche if it meant finding her?”
Felix’s blood runs cold, rage melding with confusion. Chris pats him on the shoulder, a superficial display of familiarity for the blissfully ignorant humans walking by. 
“Probably wanna rip my head off now, hmm? But you can’t” he taunts, “Not in front of all these people and even if you tried to fight me I can assure you that you’d lose and your little Hyunjin would be left all alone in the world again. How depressing.”
Felix grabs him by the wrist, threatening to crush it as he peels his hand away from his shoulder. “What are you talking about?”
Amused by the whole ordeal, Chris sees no reason to hold out. That isn’t why he came here after all.
“In Olšany Cemetery there’s a mausoleum. It’s guarded by two marble angels. An architect’s buried there” he trails off in thought, pretending to forget where he was going with this, “Oh yes, but he’s not there anymore. There’s somebody else.” 
“Somebody like who?” 
Bone should be splintering right now from the force of his fingers contorted around Chris’ wrist but nothing’s happened. It hurts like a pinch from a child, barely enough to bat an eye at, let alone inflict genuine pain. Maybe this vampire isn’t older or crazier than he is. Maybe he’s both.
“The girl you’re searching for. Go there and you’ll find her but be careful…” Chris warns but his words fall on deaf ears as Felix shoves past him, having heard everything he needs to abandon the unpleasantness of this interaction. 
There’s nothing about this stranger that he trusts. In fact, he’s never met anyone he disliked so much so soon but this isn't a lie. There’s no logic for it, no sound reasoning to justify why he’s digging his phone out to find the fastest way to some old cemetery on the edge of the city.
He knows nothing of the vampire’s motives or how, even with his abilities, he knows all that he does. They’re questions whose answers will have to wait until he finds you and nothing in the world, not even his own doubts, can stop him.
“I was just gonna tell you to be careful. She’s not who you think she is anymore” Chris mumbles to himself. “Actually I think she’s something far better.” 
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verlaineszz · 2 months
𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ CIAO AMORE!
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ — SUMMARY: Night emerged and Dazai Osamu, a known thief who just ran away from patrolmen, was looking for somewhere to hide for a while. It was pouring and he wore a white ruffled poet shirt that showed his neck and collarbones, some black trouser with a golden button that had an intricate embellishments on it, a black coat and some leather black leather shoes. He used his coat as cover from the rain as he ran through the streets to the forest till he outran the patrolmen and stumbled across a cave that lead him into a strange "deserted" manor, where he met his romantic demise.
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A/N: Another fic about vamps 4 fun(✦ ‿ ✦)! I hope you guys enjoy this one because in this one, reader is the vampire :D! I also might write a chuuya version where he's the one that is a vampire, and for today i wanna make dazai submissive because normally i always try to write him as near as the real him as possible so i dont mischaracterize him, but I'm gonna give into the 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖞...needs that people have and make him abit out of character.
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He ran through the street, slipping a few times due to the wet groves and rocks but he manages to always get back up and run. He was Dazai Osamu.. An infamous thief, known for being promiscuous and leading wealthy women on just to steal their wealth (and hearts.)
He breathes heavily as he ran farther and farther, he ran across multiple dimly lit streets and dark alleyways as the rain poured, "STOP! STOP! GRAB HIM!"— the patrolmen yelled as dazai fleds to the forest and running in different directions, he really did not know where he was going.. He ran deeply into the dimly moonlit forest till he lost the patrolmen...he looks from behind and sees that there were no more yells and he takes a deep breath.
His coat was wet and he was abit damp too, due to the times he tripped and landed on the wet floor. He covers his body with his coat as he seeks for shelter, atleast a vacant cave to stay in for the night, he looks around the forest, the trees were tall and it was pouring, he runs farther and he looks around but as he got deeper, fog was appearing, he must be in a high cold place then? He thought.
He stumbles over a few rocks and he lets out small curses and grumbles from the obstacles he faces, he walks farther and sees a cave.. Perfect! He thought, the cave was pretty small but it could fit atleast 2 people and it was small enough that a bear wouldn't be hiding in it, the cave had a cover on the front entrance, it was leafy vines that acted like a curtain. He pushes the vines to the side and enters the cave, it was dark and deep which made a wary feeling creep down his spine. The inside was abnormally long.. But as he walks deeper he sees another curtain of leafy vines that had a small light that showed the silhouette of the exit. He thought about stopping there and just rest up but he had this curious adventurous feeling that made him want to go deeper.
He moves the leafy green vines to the side and goes in, it was foggy and windy but the sky had a luminous hint of red.. It was weird.. The sky was blue but the moon was bigger and it had a red glow. He looks down and sees faint fogs. There on the ground laid down a graveyard with tombs that had no names. This creeped him out so he decided to look more further, near the graveyard was a big manor..it had towers and a big coffin shaped window, the roofs color was black and the building itself was bricked grey with ingrown red flowers and dark green leaves on the walls that looked like it has been here for long periods of time. The exterior of the manor had 2 columns on the entrance that had 2 big lit candles on each, it had a pathway that lead to the round top wood door that had silver embellishments, and the door knob was the shape of a spade, and the door was also oddly big, taller than him.
He looks around to the side and sees a bush maze.. Based on the gothic architecture, he felt like somebody rich must be living here, he needed a place to stay.. Or hide for a while so he knocks at the door— Knock! Knock!.. No response.. He tilts his head to side and tries to knock again, but as he was about to knock, the door opened on its own and his eyes goes wide, "this must be some fancy contraption then?" he thought, leaving a small giggle before going in.
The interior of the manor was lit with candles, the floors were a shade of crimson red and it had intricate gothic patterns, the tall ceiling had silver 3d patterns like spades and more, the patterns that left a gaping space had a color of deep red, and in the middle od it all was a big black chandelier, it was lit with candles and it had little dangling ruby bats as a design. Over all the place was already big and the walls had gothic patterns, decor and candle stands on the walls with already lit candles and European like gothic marbled pillars. There in the middle was a brown staircase that showed a huge portrait in the middle of the staircase, a portrait of a lady, a lady that had an attractive appearance that had his attention.
He sees a clothing rack near the door and he hangs his coat, looking around and walking to find if anybody was home. The candles were lit so he was sure someone was home, "anyone home?.. I uh.. I let myself in if that's okay!" he announces loudly, he looks to the side to see anothed door, and as he walks closer to it, he hears a female voice. "Halt. What are your intentions here? And where did you find my manor." you say in a calm but strangely intimidating tone as you walk down the stairs, wearing a gothic royal style gown with a ruby necklace, he slowly turns his head to you with slightly wide eyes, he stands straight and smile softly, trying to make himself look more friendly since you are a pretty thing, "I'm here to ask of you a favor, and that is if i could stay the night? And i found your manor through a cave in the forest. I just need somewhere to stay for a while since it is raining." he replies back, looking back at you with truthful eyes, he analyzed your face then your body and you looked like absolute royalty. He was pretty sure you were a noble, based on your clothes and the architecture of the manor.
"What is your name?" you ask, your hand on the staircases handrail with your head tilted as a gesture of questioning. "Dazai osamu, m'lady." he replies back while looking straight at you with a soft smile, you noticed that his clothes were damp and the ends of his pants were dripping from the rain water, you walk closer to him and expect him, you were still wary but it's been so long since the last time you've hunted for a meal, you grin and look at him softly, your aura coming off as seductive but mysterious, "Perhaps i may let you stay for a while.. You're hungry, aren't you? Let us have a chat as you dine." you say with a soft grin, he smiles back and you turn to go to the dining room, which is the big round top door to the left. You turn both handles and it opens up to a big long dining table with already cooked food on the table, there were mashed potatos, a turkey, soup and vegetables on the table.. It is cliche but dazai did not care, he was too hungry to think about trusting you.
The dinner room had 3 big chandeliers lining up and a big on the side, you offer him to sit down on one of the chairs that already had a plate, utensils and a napkin. You sit down infront of him and he looks over at the food in awe as you rest your chin on the palm of your hand.
"i must say, your place is beautiful. And the food smells delicious." dazai says politely with a smile, he looked over at your expression then around the dining room, it was incredibly detailed and fancy.. And that meant one thing.. You were loaded, and he know just how to lead you own and eat up your wealth.
"Why, thank you young man." you smile warmly at him, "May i ask.. What the pretty ladys name?" he asks as he puts food on his plate, looking down at the food and looking back at you from time to time. "[Your name].." you grin as you tilt your head, your chin still resting on ur palm. "pretty name.." he says as he takes a bite of mashed potatoes, though he wasn't particularly born from richness, he learned how to please women for their wealth, and he knew what a gentleman he could be, so he remained calm while eating, trying his best not to stuff his face with the delicious food all laid out for him.
"What were you doing in the forest this late at night?" you asked, dazai looked at you and he didn't wanna tell you the truth, that he was a thief, because if he did, he was sure you'd be wary of him. "I was camping and i lost my campsite." he replied calmly, making it more believable. He was a true master at lying, he knew the tactics of a liar and he knew the power of his charm.
"Ah.. I see, you are free to stay in my manor if you please." you reply calmly, your hand leaving your chin and making your hand clasp together, dazai smiles warmly but in him he thought this was an opportunity to steal your richness— "Really? I appreciate your hospitality alot, miss [Your name]."
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After dinner, you show him to his room in the 2nd floor and it was a guest room, it had a closet, canopy bed, a nightstand with a vase of thorned roses and a candle, candle holders with lit candles on the fancy gothic patterned wallpaper and a chandelier. It was just as fancy as the whole manor, obviously. He was pretty cold and you noticed his damp clothes once again.
"The lavatory is right down the hall of your room, my dear." you mention, he nods and smiles warmly, "I see, thank you once again." he replies back, feeling a little bit interested in the way you called him, "my dear", it was weird, since he was the one always saying pet names to the people he stole from.
You leave his room and the second you left, he immediately looks around the room, checking if there was anything valuable in there, he checked the closet and the night stand if it had anything valuable in it, but it had Nothing but towels and some pajamas. He looked at the vase and he grins, "this looks quite nice.." he mutters, thinking about stealing it after he steals your wealth.
He takes a bath and looks around the bathroom, the bathroom had diamond black, white and red patterned floors, a silver and gold chandelier, gold candle holders, and overall a gothic vibe. Again, he was quite astonished by the beauty of your manor, it was different from the others. He did quite enjoyed the dark vibes but something about you intruiged him, you were awfully mysterious but welcoming, could you have different intentions? Or were you just being nice? He was questioning as he washes up abit and leaving the lavatory. He walks around the hallway and he sees the paintings you had. All of them looked Renaissance and the frames were so detailed, he wondered what was your hierarchy in royalty and how come he hasn't heard your name before.. But whats weird was the placement of your manor. He wondered why were you so isolated? He needed to know, after all he was a man that was not just hungry for wealth but also knowledge.
Suddenly, he heard a sound of something opening which made him run back to his room and silently closing door, he sighs and sits back on his bed, going to the closet and grabbing one of the towels inside and patting his face and his self dry before getting on the bed, he sighs once again and he stares the canopy bed ceiling, analyzing you and formulating a plan. It was still raining outside and the moon glowed red with fog.
He thought about you more.. Was he abit creeped out by you abit? Yes. Does he find you attractive, indeed he does. He place the back of his hand on his forehead and it felt hot..he has been so busy thinking about a plan that he didn't even notice that he may have fallen sick, he grumbles and he whines abit, "why do i have to get sick at the worse times!?.." he mutters as he gets under the sheets and trying to sleep to ignore it, hoping it would go away.
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The next morning, it wasn't bright. It was just a dim foggy light, it wasn't a warm colored sky but a cold one. He slowly opens his eyes and he feels a hot feeling and a headache, he was sick alright... He sighs and he slowly sits up, he then hears a knock, "come in.." he says groggily. You enter the room holding his coat, it was dry and neatly folded, he looks at you softly, you analyze his state and you walk closer to him. "Morning, my dear. I dried off your coat and came to return it. you say, staring into his eyes with a soft smile, occasionally glancing at his pale bare blood pumping neck and wondering what his blood would taste like.
He stares right back at you, noticing how much you resembled something extraterrestrial.. It was already weird to him how morning did not look morning here, a weak smile formed on his lips and he announces something, "Ah.. Thank you But i think im kinda sick right now to thank you properly, belladonna." he says with a small chuckle and smile as he stares up at your eyes, keeping his eyes off of your collarbones or lips.
You bend down abit so your face is the same level as his, talking in a reassuring tone. "How unfortunate.. I'll get you some spare clothes and a damp towel." he nods and he stares at how the top of your dress was hanging off your chest, seeing more of you collarbones, "ah.. Shit." he thought and immediately looks to the side and ignores it, internally smacking his self after you leave to retrieve the items he needed. After all, you need to prep your meal and season it all the right ways to make it more appetizing.
You walk down the hall and you obtain all the things you needed to take care of him, you think about his appearance and you weren't going to lie but he was quite a handsome young man, a man who wasn't naive but he wasn't easy to manipulate either. You brought the things you needed to him and you give him another set of clothes, a white ruffled silk poet shirt and some high waisted trousers, along a bowl of water and some cloth to use for his forehead.
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He changes into the new clothes and the damp cloth was on his forehead, there you were sitting on the edge of the bed near him he was sitting up abit, leaning onto the headboard.
Your head turned to him as he looks into your pretty face, he stares at you with his hand on his lap..quite interested at how you are taking care of him when hes sick, which felt new to him but in a comforting way, the light outside wasn't bright but not dark either, it was a perfect cold foggy color that he found comfort in, "How are you feeling?" you ask, your hand close to his, "I'm feeling okay, thanks to you of course." he gives a soft but seductive smile with half lidded eyes, the soft dim light from outside reflecting in his brown eyes. "If you need anything, feel free to ask me okay?" you added while pushing his bangs back. a slight reaction came out of him, abit taken back from your action.. "Of course, bella." he replies back with a sly smile before you get up and leave the room.
He looks at the window that showed a soft glow and fog and he thought about you, not quite why he felt different. He hasn't even spent 3 days with you and he already felt drawn towards you, maybe it was how mysterious you were or how a dark vibe you were but you were oddly different. He has met countless other women, different faces, bodies and personalities but something drew him to you, he loves all types of women but there was this one thing about you that stroke him really well, which made him want you more.
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2 days pass and you took care of him, always giving him nutritious meals and soft touches the somewhat made him flustered.. Which was rare for him since, he has been with other women before, but why do you affect him so much? He thought as he laid down on the bed, looking at the bandages on his arms and hand, it was already nightfall and he needed sleep but he couldn't. He had alot of questions in his mind and one of them was, "why do i feel like im being watched?"
Cold sweat dripped down his back as he tries to erase the feeling, but he sits up and sighs, he wanted to see you once again, it was a weird feeling and he feels like he was lovestrucked.. He decides to sleep it through and just get it over with, he lays down flat and getting under the covers, trying to feel warmth and trying to fall asleep. Eventually he slowly falls asleep.
The next morning, he felt better and he stands up it was already about 11 am since he slept pretty late, he leaves the room and goes down the hall and checking out the paintings and vases, walking down the stairs he meets your big gorgeous portrait in the middle of everything. He stands there in awe, looking how they way you were positioned and how bewitching you were, he smile softly and he touches the frame of the portrait before leaving and exploring around your manor. The gothic architecture and interior truly hit the right spots in his brain, he really did enjoy your aesthetic, thinking about how it reminded him of a vampire. He thinks more about the topic and he notices how he hasn't seen you around the manor yet.. And what a coincidence it was that it was a morning.
He continues looking around and exploring, finding skulls used as vases, a grand piano, a collection of violins and few chess boards. He looks around and sees a dagger on the middle of a coffee table in the library of your manor, as he was about to grab it, you whisper something behind him "hello.."
He jumps up abit and turns to you from behind, "oh.. Good morning bella.." he says with a soft smile, walking closer to you with a sly smile, "What are you doing here?.. Are you feeling any better?" you ask, slowly snaking your hand to his neck to his forehead to check his temperature, "im just exploring your manor.. And I'm feeling well and i don't feel sick at all."
"Wonderful.. Since you're better, would you like to spend time with me? I could really used the company." you bat your eyelashes at him with a soft smile, he looks at you and chuckles, liking your demeanor and nods before you grab his hand and lead him to spend time with you, doing multiple activities to get closer with him.. Because trust needs to be obtained before capturing prey.
Eventually, the relationship between you two got close, but the difference was that the only person that got close was dazai. You just stayed in place, letting him get closer.
You let dazai doll his self up with the prince clothing you had, that he really matched the vibe of one, bit by bit he got more obsessed and inlove like he was a kid in a candy store that couldn't get enough that his teeth were already rotting.
One night.. The two of you were dancing around the ballroom, it had silver chandeliers and black marbled pillars with ruby linings in the cracks and a golden framed mirror on the side. As you and dazai danced, his hand on your waist and yours on his shoulder, it felt like fire to him, getting to hold a pretty little like you on the dance floor made his heart pounce, he twirls you around as you both talk, you smile softly as you both talk about common interest, flashing him your white fangs, which he immediately noticed but did not seem to care from how lost he wad with you.
The movements between you two were elegant and graceful, giving him the freedom to hold you close and burying his face in your neck as violins and an orchestra played on your record player, the music that was fast turned slow slowly, he held your body close against his from behind and he kissed your neck, his hand creeping up from your waist to your chest before the music drops and returns to the usual fast tone and he twirls you around, continuing the waltz that you two both got fond of, the music slowly fades away and he holds you closely, hand in yours and he looks to the side where the mirror was placed, he sees that you had now reflection. His eyes goes wide and looks back at you, "bella? Huh? Why can't i see your pretty face in the mirror?.." he says, tucking your hair behind your ear and caressing your cheek, you chuckle and push back his bangs, moving your hand to his head to his neck but while you caress his neck, dazai felt uneasy in someway, it felt like his neck was bleeding and slit open.. But he looks at the mirror but nothing.. You weren't in the reflection and nothing was dripping dowm his neck.
You get on your tip toes and cup his cheek, pulling him in for a deep kiss, his eyes qent wide before returning the kiss, you bit his lip, making it bleed, you lick his bloody lip and pull away, his cheeks went in a deep shade of red. "Perhaps you're just seeing things osamu.. I bet you're tired from all the waltzing, aren't you? My dear." you smile softly, he looks at you with obsession in his eyes before nodding, "of course mia cara." he replies back submissively before you lead him back up stairs to your room.. At this point, he already completely forgot about stealing your wealth and now he sees you as the only one he wants.
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You led him to your room where you removed your outerskirt, petticoat, corset, shoes, and bloomers, leaving you in a silk thin dress that was above your knees. He followed, removing his coat, shoes, gloves and other accessories, his poet shirt and his high waisted trousers were the only thing left.
He stares at your figure with a neutral but blushing expression that showed obsession, he never really thought he'd be this madly enough with a woman, let alone a woman who he met randomly. He walks closer to you and smiles softly, "Can i hold you? Please?" he asks with pleading eyes, he didn't wanna invade your privacy so he asked for permission. The second you nod, he swoops you up and holds you tightly, burying his face in between your bosom, leaving light kisses as you pat his head, you sit down on the bed as he still holds onto you, eventually on his knees as he hugs you tightly, finding comfort in your presence.
Sometimes, he wondered how your relationship between you and him came to this..
As you pat his head, he looks up at you with glossy eyes and he leaves a kiss on the tip of your nose.
"I'll go to the washroom for a second, okay bella?" he stands up, "i see. You may go." You reply with an eerie smile, as he leaves and closes the door behind him, he walks around and goes through very rooms. Since it was your room, it was in the highest floor, a floor where he has not explored yet. He opens each door quietly, always checking the surrounding area if you were around.. He opens each door across the hall way and he reaches the end of the hallway that had this wooden door that had a design like a card of The ace of spades (also known as the Spadille and Death Card) he opens the door slowly and what revealed within the room made his stomach drop, the room reeked of a scent of rotting meat and something old, the inside of the room revealed coffins and cadavers on the ground, each body was pale, had sunken eyes, cheeks, and it almost looked like it wasn't even a humans body. It looked abnormally skinny and the hair already fell out of the head, leaving leftovers of different hair colored strands.. Brown..black..brunette..
Truly, it left dazai stranded of the scene, the cadavers on the ground were already decomposing and as he looked to the side, there were jars of liquids that had eyeballs that looked like it was staring right at him.
He looks back at the decaying blood drained bodies before silently closing the door and walking back to your room, he needed to talk to you.. Or needed to escape, someway somehow.
You already knew he was gonna find out about the bodies sooner or later, but it was more appealing to see shocking looks on the faces of the men you preyed on.
He starts to silently run across the hall, looking around if you were there but as he ran, he felt arms wrapping around his body. Your arms. He looks down and he turns to you, "ah..belladonna." he says, trying to play it off, you hold his close, he didn't want you to let go but the lingering feeling of death by his door was near. But didn’t he want this? He thought, dying by the hand of a beautiful woman happily?
He wanted to be a use for you, he lets you hug him and he wraps an arm around you, you were quite surprised that he did not resist. A grin crept up your face as you grab his hand, leading him back to your room that had a black, red and white laced canopy bed, a big vanity that was bronze and had a big coffin shaped mirror that had candles.
pearls and rubies were on the open red cushioned jewlery box which was on the side of the vanity. The ceiling had paintings and intricate 3d gothic patterns for texture. Then there was The coffin shaped stained glass window from the back of your room that led to your balcony had the moonlight shining through.
The pale red glow that strangely emitted from the moon shined upon your body, dazais breath caught in his throat after seeing your figure once again. You treated him so nicely and so comforting that he might as well just die happily.
You laid him down the bed and he holds your waist, you smile warmly and kiss his neck, whispering sweet nothings before smirking and sinking your fangs deep into that beautiful vein across his neck, your fangs were deep into his neck that made him let out a soft moan, blood poured on his neck down to his chest, he breathes heavily as you suck his blood dry, he felt comforted by your presence since he has been all alone in his life.. This somehow gave him a melancholic feeling since this was his last moments. his hand was still on your waist, admiring the beauty that was infront of him.
He then started to feel light headed, he turns his head to the side, his eyes met with your vanities mirror, you weren't there in the reflection, it was just him bleeding from his neck down to his chest, he didn't want to die not seeing your face one last time, so he moves back his head to your figure as he leans his head to ur head as you drain his blood.. He had this one shameful feeling inside of him that made him wonder what caused all of this?
Ah.. Maybe perhaps the reason was because the more he stole, would leave him less than anything he have ever stolen. Maybe it was fate that brought him his greatest pleasure and also his greatest death. He kisses your forehead one last time.
"Good night, bella."
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A/N: wehehehe i love the ending of this one, sorry for yapping about the surroundings more than the actual fic but thanks for reading! ♡^▽^♡ three cheers for sweet revenge for me plssss!!
© All works by @Verlaineszz. Do not copy, redistribute, or repost on other platforms.
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creepiegirlie · 8 days
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{ ⋆₊ ♱ the rest of eric ’ s doom WADs }
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Hockey.wad ( hockey.wad )
A deathmatch level for Doom II: Hell on Earth consisting of an ice hockey rink and surrounding stadium. It contains new sound effects for the pistol, shotgun, chaingun, rocket launcher, and plasma gun. Hockey.wad was released on June 13, 1996 and took an hour and a half to create.
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KILLER ( killer.wad ) ( one of my favs !! )
A deathmatch level for Doom II: Hell on Earth consisting of a large open grass arena containing several buildings with weapons. The respawn/teleport sound was changed to Duke Nukem saying the line, "You're pissing me off". The music used in this level is taken from the Zedek's Tomb level in Hexen: Beyond Heretic. KILLER was released on July 19, 1996 and took two hours to create.
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Station ( station.wad ) ( my fav !! )
A techbase-themed deathmatch level for Doom II: Hell on Earth consisting of several rooms connected by a single corridor. This WAD was in the top 25 deathmatch WADs on AOL at one point according to the ENDOOM screen in uaclabs.wad. It contains a new sky texture and new sound effects for the pistol, chaingun, rocket launcher, plasma gun, and BFG 9000; the sound for the BFG 9000 was changed to Bruce Campbell saying the line, "Swallow this," from the Evil Dead 2 film. Additional credits for this WAD were given to the creator of a WAD called DeathWorld II: Fragland (made by Tom J. McClure on April 28, 1996, although his name is not mentioned and it is simply called "Fragland" in the text file for Station) for the pool idea and someone named Excaluber for additional ideas. Station was released on July 25, 1996 and took an hour and a half to create.
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Outdoors ( outdoors.wad )
A deathmatch level for Doom/The Ultimate Doom. Outdoors was released on July 17, 1995. It is in the Rebdoomer directory at acolumbinesite.com.
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The ENDOOM screen for uaclabs.wad mentions the following WADs, although no copies of them are known to be publicly available to download:
realdoom (a patch, most likely for his realdeth WAD, which was consistently mentioned in the text files for all of the Harris levels; Harris encouraged the reader to email him to ask about it)
coolname.zip (in the Rebdoomer directory at acolumbinesite.com, though it is not mentioned on the ENDOOM screen in uaclabs.wad)
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pawsedits · 1 year
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Names &。 Pronouns ⁾⁾   relating to weapons and horror under the cut !!
(( PT: Names and pronouns relating to weapons and horror under the cut /End PT ))
Images: A banner that reads " weapon and horror themed ID pack " with a lace border underneath the text, a transparent image, an icon of Ghost from Modern Warfare with a lace border, another transparent image, and the same lace border from the beginning but flipped.
♱   Names   ⸺  Archer, Scythe, Nægling, Caliburn, Galatine, Pridwen, Nephi, Sabre, Falchion, Gladius, Claymore, Pike, Javelin
♱   Pronouns   ⸺  blood bloodself ◞  tomb tombself ◞  de dea death deathself ◞  gho ghost ghostself ◞  gor gore goreself ◞  haun haunt hauntself ◞  dark darkself ◞  fie fire fireself ◞  voi void voidself ◞  aby abyss abysself ◞  gloom gloomself ◞  sin sinself ◞  gun gunself ◞  bull bullet bulletself ◞  wound woundself ◞  weep weepself ◞  gau gauze gauzeself ◞  pois poison poisonself ◞  rodent rodentself ◞  wra wrath wrathself ◞  fury furious furiouself ◞  de demo demoself ◞  fi fien fiend fiendself ◞  sly slyself ◞  sni snipe snipeself ◞  medi medical medicalself ◞  kni knife knifeself ◞  bla blade bladeself ◞  choke chokeself ◞  k9 k9self
♱   Emojis   ⸺  ⛧ ◞  🦴 ◞  🔫 ◞  🔪 ◞  💣 ◞  🧨 ◞  🏹 ◞  🛡️ ◞  ⛨ ◞  💉 ◞  🩸 ◞  🩹 ◞  🕳️ ◞  🐀 ◞  ☠️ ◞  🏥 ◞  ⚰️ ◞  📿
* see also, my raiden ID pack for similar themes …
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manor-tea-time · 4 months
Descendants of the Dark Essence
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Gemstones twinkle in a mischievous delight as a new holder of an ancient amulet is passed down from generation to generation. What madness would its curse create? The rule of a vampiric countess? A recluse who vented their frustrations into artistic enigmas? Its all so unclear as this time, a lone Lord closes the auction’s bid for the piece. After all, his late wife would have loved such a piece.
Rules: -Contact me to claim roles via inbox, dm, replies, or on discord! -Please only submit one person per blog (sorry fellow multi-character blogs). If slots are still empty by the time I get major progress done on the line up, I will allow more slots to be claimed. -If you have any preferences/important things you'd want me to know for how you'd like your character to be drawn, please let me know! I would like to get them as accurate as possible for you guys. -Don't be rude to anyone if you don't get your first pick on roles. Not only is this first come first serve, but it's also all for fun! Notes: -Character genders aren't solid! Send whoever you'd like for whatever role! -If you have any questions about any role or the essence in general please don't hesitate to ask me! -Costume designs may take a while as I'd be designing them in between work and classes. -Due to this line up automatically having more of my lads than the last one, you are more than welcome to pitch ideas if you desperately want a lad to be in the essence. (Although, I would prefer you wait till the spots are full before doing so).
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In-Store S Tier: The Cursed Amulet - {Tatya Baudelair / @tatya-time } “A vampire of old was once said to be trapped within a lone amulet, ending the reign of her coven. While a fictitious tale, what one would do to own such a powerful artifact!” Character Description: A vampire of old, credited to be one of the original vampires, that is now trapped within a glittering prison. While weakened greatly, she was able to put a curse upon her glittering tomb. Causing anyone foolish enough to put the amulet on to become her next vampiric puppet. Warnings: This character is a lead cause of the vampire turnings throughout the storyline.                 ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· S Tier: Stolen Humanity - { The Shadowed Man / @manor-tea-time } A man of wealth and stature blinded by a want for a past long gone. Character Description: An eccentric Lord, known for collecting ancient antiquities, since his family’s unfortunate passing. Now the newest owner of the cursed amulet, his humanity has begun to fade, slowly being replaced by that of a creature of the night. With no cure in sight, the Lord is convinced the only way to move forward is to build a strong bloodline to protect both himself and the necklace that has influenced his mind. Warnings: This character is turned into a vampire during the beginning of the plotline. They also commit multiple murders, kidnapping,vampire turnings, ect.                                        
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A Tier: Vampiric Fanatic - {Florian / @askthemanorresidents } “Are the rumors true?! Could I really become a vampire?!” Character Description: Often described as a crazed fanatic, this researcher has been known to teeter on the edge of fascination with vampires, to wanting to become one themselves. So when the opportunity presented itself to become one of the possible heirs to the Lord’s coven, they practically jumped on the opportunity to be turned. After all, what better way to gather information on the supernatural than to become one? Warning: Character has been willingly turned into a vampire. As such they do a few normal vampire things afterwards (ex. Drinking blood, being a bat, ect).
A Tier: Naive Victim - {Neville Linton / @h3smoremyselfthaniam} “I should have found it strange that we only met under the darkness of the moon.” Character Description: Once a resident in a nearby village, they’d always been told they’d become a possible heir when a terrible plague befel their village. However, despite many of their memories of the event are fuzzy, they distinctly remember the Lord being more to blame for the event than he lets on. Making him wary of the true happenings of the estate. Warning: Character has been turned into a vampire. They additionally have amnesia from an event involving some sort of injury that happened when their village was attacked.
A Tier: Eternal Youth - {Ian varon / @idv-fifis-toybox} Peter Pan once expressed their wish to never grow up, but this lone vampire never expected such a phrase to be applicable to them. Character Description: A lone child who grew up within an orphanage, given pity and adopted by the eccentric lord before their turning. While at first kept in the dark about the more supernatural happenings within the castle, the child soon became gravely ill. Forcing the hand of the Lord to turn them into the final vampiric heir. Warning: Character has been turned into a vampire to save them from a serious/deathly illness.
A Tier: Fallen Exorcist - { Archer / @ask-archer-idv }
What a beautiful twist of fate, to become the thing you’d once loathed. Character Description: Once a powerful exorcist of the area, their death - followed by vampirism fell upon them as they tried to slay the newly turned vampire lord. Despite this failed attempt, they, along with several others within the castle walls, have slowly begun to continue to attempt their original objective. Warning: Character has been killed / turned into a vampire.
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B Tier: Exorcist’s Revenge - {Beth Anastazja/ @ask-idv-baker} After the death of their mentor, they wish to slay the beast that killed them once and for all. Character Description: Now leading what once was their mentor’s team, they hope to be able to reach the castle their mentor perished in and avenge them properly. While they do their best to keep a level head, with all of the sabotages many members of their team keep facing, it's hard not to slightly fear for their safety.
B Tier: Forsaken Scientist - { Delilah Fowler / @manor-tea-time} “Why force yourself to be a victim to the supernatural when science is just at your fingertips!” Character Description: A scientist enveloped by their studies. It's hardly a wonder that when bitten by a rogue vampire she would desperately try to find a cure for it herself rather than blindly join the forming coven.Convinced science can have its space within battling the supernatural, she was brought onto the exorcists team - albeit more so as a weapon’s master.
Warning: This character is slowly turning into a vampire. She additionally has friendly relations with the Lost Moonlight Traveler and Exorcist's Revenge.
B Tier: Lost Moonlight Traveler - {Arvin Oakes / @sunnypepper} The howling of wolves makes a foreboding prediction for those lost along the darkened woodland path. Character Description: Despite their newfound lycanthropy, this traveler was prepared to wander place to place until they stumbled upon a cure. However, as they were soon discovered by a local exorcist group, its scientist took an interest in their case and promised to find a cure for them once their mission concluded. Warning: This character has friendly relations with the Forsaken Scientist.
B Tier: Rouge Vampire - { } “With the dizzying call of the night and hunger feuling you, why on earth would you want to follow a snob’s rules?!” Character Description: A rogue fledgling that is known to terrorize the land surrounding the Lord’s castle. While the vampire does occasionally report to the Lord and sabotage exorcists trying to slay him, they don’t particularly like the man. Warning: This character was turned into a Vampire.
B Tier: Vampiric Maid - { } Spick and Span. Tidy and Clean. Character Description: One of the many maids that reside within the castle walls. Their jobs are many and their knowledge of the estate vast. While they mainly keep to themselves, a new butler they’re training seems to be slightly suspicious to them. Warning: This character was turned into a Vampire.
B Tier: Vampiric Butler - { } Mop? Check. Broom, Check. Wooden Stake? Triple Check. Character Description: An undercover rookie exorcist that has found themselves a bit over their head. While they are taken room to room collecting information alongside the Maid training them, they have a sneaking suspicion that they might be onto them.
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verlaineszz · 2 months
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༒︎ VAMP! Chuuya x GN! Sick Reader ༒︎
𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ — SUMMARY! : Ashes and Snow filled the cities of yokohama, the undeads servants rise above the ground, thirsty to sink their fangs into something, news reach you and your lover, Nakahara Chuuya.
You and Chuuya have to survive without getting bitten, trying to survive whilst recovering.
it's one hell of an apocalypse
(inspired by: "Vampires will never hurt you" — my chemical romance.)
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A/N: first post!! :D, hey i haven't written in a long time and I've been into vampires, mcr and chuuya for a very long time. This is just a fic i wrote on a whim so don't take it personally since i didn't really think it through enough :<.. It's not very long since i unfortunately am going through something right now but rest assured, i am really trying my best. I'm currently trying out gothic themes
Warnings! : blood, slight g0re, death, swearing
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Home is where the news came. You and chuuya got home from work and watched some tv, the news flashed photos of dead bodies with bite marks on their necks. Weird? Right? It was something serious, and bit by bit hundreds of people are already dying and sucked dry, all of the victims skins were pale and shriveled up, as if they have been under the tomb for decades. It was winter and cadavers are on the ground and caskets are in high demand.
Chuuya and you listened in carefully, worry and curiosity filling in the both of you. Chuuya stood up and decided to go cook dinner while listening to the news, it was said that it might be the work of a bat?
No bats around the area have been seen though? So what have caused it? This piqued the curiosity between you and chuuya so you and him, after dinner, decided to do more research about it.
"It must be a virus that infected those bats or something because drinking humans up dry is not normal." you theorized at the dinner table, eating with chuuya as he listens in, occasionally adding more stuff in to conclude atleast an answer that sums things up.
"I dont think so, bats ain't around our area. It could be somethin' else." chuuya adds into the conversation.
The conversation goes on, you and chuuya formulate some theories and one led to vampires, you and chuuya decided to get prepared just in case it was true.
After eating, you go wash up the plates and get ready for bed with chuuya, you took your injections that made you atleast go through the ongoing sickness that was in your heart. You were binded to a demon when you were born, it gave you an ability. Mimicry. The ability to mimic someones voice or appearance for a certain amount of time and that includes their physical attributes as long as you touch their chests but it can only be done once per person, it was an ability like asmodeous Or.. Something like that since you could take on many forms, but the demon that was binded to you was unknown since it was generational, and as time passes by, the demon slowly infects your and the people around you when you hit a certain age, but not chuuya. Since he already has a tenant in him. it infects you inevitably but you only had one suppressant, it was one that was highly expensive and only chuuya had connections to get it.
The moonlight was bright and it shined upon the both of you on the bed through the balcony, he wraps his arms around your waist and he he gently kisses your hair, he thought about the whole vampire and bat thing and he was praying for it to go away since he only had you by his side, melancholy would've hit him like a dagger through his heart if you were one of the victims, he couldn't let you be one of them.
You look at him with a small smile and he looks at you with eyes of admiration.
The night was quiet and you and chuuya held eachother through it, but agonizing screams were heard outside. Obviously this attracted both you and him, he stands up and look through the balcony, you followed behind him, analyzing what is going on around your surroundings, but nothing was there.
Weeks pass and the situation got worse, more and more people are dying and funeral parlors are getting rich, word about the deaths reach the news and everyone was freaking out in the internet, it was said that a vampire was discovered while mutilating a body, after that news spread it became an apocalypse. Vampires came out everywhere and preyed on anything during the night. Everybody wished it was morning all the time because when the sun goes down into the ground, they immerge from the darkness to suck lives out of human beings and animals.
Chuuya and you currently have been boarding up your shared house and stocking up your injections and food. Everything came to a halt that it was eerie.
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
You and chuuya held eachother every night, he'd hold you and caress your hair, whispering — "I'll never let them hurt you, i promise."
He was worried and so were you, you sit down on your bed as he holds your hand and kissing it, he really was the only one you had, this was like a nightly ritual. Every night he'd pamper you with affection.
One day, he goes out to buy more of your medicine and to stock up on the food since the last time someone had to stock up was you, he goes out during the morning and the buildings around were mostly deserted from how much people has died that it felt like a ghost town, he goes and buys food and goes over to the lab to get your injections, but the lab that he normally goes to was empty and was only left with one person that had pale skin and black hair. "Wheres the doctor?" chuuya asks. "he is currently on break, for now."— the person in the lab replied. Chuuya had a sketchy feeling but decided to ignore it and just get the injections for you and leave, he goes do testings to get you your medicine and as he was about to grab the medicine, the person lunges their fangs into neck "agh! Fuck!" chuuya curses as he tries to push the person away but the person was incredibly strong. This was the last thing he wanted to happen. He didn't want you to lose him, after a few tries he successfully pushes them away, tearing off a long piece of skin from his chest, crimson liquid drips out of his chest from the damged skin but made a run for it, he hides his neck. And just runs back home, how could a vampire be active at this time when they're nocturnal? This baffled him but he arrives home and patches himself up without you being aware of the whole Situation.
Days pass and he tries to hide it from you, slowly avoiding you but he craved for you, you noticed this and couldn't help but talk to him. You grab his shoulder and talk to him with a worried look, "Chuuya? What's going on? Why have you been avoiding me? Did i so something?" you ask
He looks at you guiltily but he finally opens up, he grabs your wrist and puts you on his lap, caressing your face and looks down on your neck, his hearts pounds and the thought of just sinking his fangs into you filled him, but he couldn't. He wouldn't. He could never let you get hurt. He holds himself together and just kiss your neck, you let out a surprised noise before Patting his head.
"im sorry." he muttered. The vampirism was already getting to him and he couldn't let you get hurt so he reveals everything to you, your eyes widens and he caresses your hand, kissing it and looking up at you.
"i need you to do something for me and it's for you to stake my heart."
"what the hell are you talking about!?" you replied, shocked and nervous
"it'll save the both of us, remember what i promised? I'll never let them hurt you, doll. " he says as he caresses your waist and looks at you.
He needed you to do it for him, he rather have your hands finish him than his own anyway.
"i can't.. Do it." you reply, he takes out a dagger and he hands it to you, "put the spike in my heart. Please." as much as he wanted to be with you, he wanted to protect you. He blamed himself for getting bitten. And he would never forgive himself.
He says with a serious tone, you couldn't. You and him argued about it that you were crying, he held you close but the lingering feeling of just drinking your sweet blood just filled him up. He holds you close and wipes your tears, his humanity was slowly slipping away due to the vampirism. "it's the sake for the both of us, cara mia." he says as he kisses your nose to your neck, you held the dagger as you decide what to do. He was your lover, you couldn't just kill him!? But this what he wanted. You thought that you shouldve been the one that got bitten.
He kisses your neck and he whispers something, "do it, please.. You have no idea what you're up against,Because I've seen what they look like, they're like ghosts in snow."
Your eyes widens but as he kisses your neck, you feel something cold touch your neck, something sharp... And that trigger your reflexes and you lunged the dagger through his heart. Your eyes widens and you shake in horror to see a dagger through his chest, he was bleeding but he smiled at you proudly and weakly his hand on your waist and his other caressing your face and wiping yours tears with his thumb.
"You know, you still look beautiful, doll."
Your eyes widens but as he says his last words, he was already gone. But you felt something dripping down your neck.. You touched your neck and see pitchfork red.
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© All works by Verlaineszz Do not copy, redistribute, or repost on other platforms.
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