#« maul » i am filth › v / after.
mutatiio · 4 months
@jeditrash / continued.
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the silence extends and maul remains where he is, watching the boy search for him. he's not too far away. upon a ledge above his head, perfect position to jump down and more aggressively refuse his approach. his fingers twitch when the boy nearly reaches for his weapon, but - wisely- thinks better of it.
" you will find no answers in those chambers. " maul had certainly found none. they were nothing but a lunatics dwellings, one he barely recognised anymore - one shame would not allow him to recognise.
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" jedi are rare these days. " their reach has once stretched far beyond their capacity. the likelihood of needing to dispatch a jedi before carrying out a mission was always relatively high. now, he'd gone years without seeing one. " it would be a shame to kill you. " it would not.
final warning. " turn back, jedi. "
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
they bother him earlier the ahole bja says it is me gettinghim in trouble when he saw them and our son did keeps up the noise and unruly crap and is obnoxiuos and mean  and this is tommorrow by the way after he helps ice trump. who is there after  him tommorrw... and yes mac has a musuem if he gets our son he puts him into corks uses it as his own praccticed cordonning off cork and us a bit. we use this whole scenario now and destroy these pukes we bring up the northern Kraken Thor Freya andwe help you Father Mother all the time and it is appreciated we are well off yes but aer poor in ways.  hurt a lot. think of others this way. why areyou deaf...and they say back you hve the power do it..he knows. and we go to war knowing he will help. and that is what love is and life not this filth we hae here and all over that let things rot and ruin and kille each other and worse we need ammo yes and more corks have them and it soon and real ammo..we thank him and yes help it along. draw attention by doing things to them and yes as locals it is easy now they are in vt due to it. Darth Maul Darth Talon you have the power  yes me and my family, which is large in the future do and i quote Hera, and yes iin the fututure and i note the candy tin wiht the baby sock. and Hera in another format and me there, telling her we will be ok. she saw al ot and most was depressing...you have the power yes, but, lots here are trapped as i am live like mice dont tell who they are get intoit yes but are strong.   you do it we do.  all the time. and we need ours to...and we need you to.  ours.  not just us.  the truth is my family hhurts and i say this it will. hhurts me too. and will until it is over. and memoreis will hurt.   and here for us first this information from me and Hera “ ia msurrounded thusly held here prisoner as any of ours are until they are freed i am here and it affects us adn yes though time, it is an answer you may hand out and discuss, i t is an anomoie they should understand as lots  have had it happen and lots still do and are related and it is thier concern, but the hell will persist, until totally free he hurt from misunderstanding undone by common experience in other words yours are htere are they related or firends of your frends and you are also in trouble, that leeds to you need to be thier freind have the power, need others to, itis the only way to break it.” ltos respond to that lets see it..and good you say it is a real path.  we understand. it hurts still but with each they grow stornger some daythese out and  he says it, they grow stronger,and after vetting yes, yes, and it is due to the last ones who came and asked or said it....and you held your position...helped them by helpiong you the last group hleed the next approach you and it hurts...but out of th darkness into your shop or other comes one of us woandering and they are afraid speak the talk here, and you put your arm around them you will be ok....and the reward is a step towards freedom from this tyrany and i agree..hahah lol and i say half he does and he knows it.  Zues Hera we thank you and it is a cheerey day but we also are in hell see Fathers Mothers hell and cannot beat it, cantr raise no. Darth Maul Darth Talon well you can and  adifferent currency Thor Freya jsut intimated. it is therefore they and we who are obligated to help.  but your not to blame in anyw ay for this.  to help is a blessing as you are a decorated leader.  to cherish yours and to stand always pays off well and it is an ugly word but it does.  the hurt of seconds will go away dissipate when they work with you and poull out the family out of thaat car, into your arms.  and out the back to freedom...it melts fast Hera Zues and we see it ok ours.  in need and helping us are they who question authority...and good to question it.  positive too.  they do say it harshly at times.  some.  but we see why.  and it is frustratoin.  and then this we have aplace i the Army and it is here, and then wamo into gear nd hte past comes to life....it is love we feel we will are overi t. Darth Maul Darth Talon i had a saying when i started to work in ernest for God and all Olumpus, if i save one life i have done my share....and you have saved so many i say it too your a good person your posiitiono is tough and hard but very interestin and pivitol hard spot to be in...and then this hard hwo hard adn she stoppe dsaid we are investigating too. and it is on witht thelooks and questions. and then you arrive and are in tears fast.  seeit. the doubt and hear this...do not fear ours they will konw in time....the comein and out but are always there when we need them w e need you now Darth Maul Darth Talon says show up in full regalia and at our house and we go to teh meeting place, all who hear. and yes  any who are new this is top secret you are invited.
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mutatiio · 4 months
"I can't wait to put a well deserved blaster bolt into you.."
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unusually cocky for a clone. from his experience, they typically die without a word. maul reaches into the force without so much as moving a hand, and wills the metal of the blaster's scope to collapse and bend. he did not have time for this. " by all means, you may try. "
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mutatiio · 5 months
(s)maul tag update!!
#«   maul   »   always remember   ›   interactions. #«   maul   »   always remember   ›   mirror. #«   maul   »   always remember   ›   musing. #«   maul   »   always remember   ›   inspiration. #«   maul   »   always remember   ›   headcanon. #«   maul   »   always remember   ›   dash commentary. #«   maul   »   always remember   ›   about. #«   maul   »   always remember   ›   dash game. #«   maul   »   i am nothing   ›   v   /   training. #«   maul   »   i am a hunter   ›   v   /   apprentice. #«   maul   »   i am fear   ›   v   /   the clone war. #«   maul   »   i am filth  ›   v   /   after. #«   maul   »   i am changed  ›   v   /   bodyguard. #«   maul   »   i am lost   ›   v   /   rebels. #«   maul   »   i am victorious   ›   v   /   kss. #«   maul   »   i am repurposed   ›   v   /   ‘redemption’. #«   maul   »   a brother to ghosts   ›   savage. #«   maul   »   not beaten down just yet   ›   d. sidious. #«   maul   »   i can feel the soil falling over my head   ›   talzin. #«   maul   »   i am the face of love’s rage   ›   o. kenobi ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   on some level‚ i think i always understood   ›   feral ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   i carved out a place in this world for two‚ but it's empty without you   ›   maulkie ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   when everything stays   ›   feemor ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   there are times when i still wonder about you   ›   kycina ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   if maybe i shouldn’t have stayed   ›   k. matako ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   i'll keep you like an oath   ›   q. vos ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   cat and mouse   ›   d. judarri ft. mayxthexforce. #«   maul   »   it suits you better   ›   k. vosa ft. wstlnds.
#« maul » always remember › interactions.#« maul » always remember › mirror.#« maul » always remember › musing.#« maul » always remember › inspiration.#« maul » always remember › headcanon.#« maul » always remember › dash commentary.#« maul » always remember › about.#« maul » always remember › dash game.#« maul » i am nothing › v / training.#« maul » i am a hunter › v / apprentice.#« maul » i am fear › v / the clone war.#« maul » i am filth › v / after.#« maul » i am changed › v / bodyguard.#« maul » i am lost › v / rebels.#« maul » i am victorious › v / kss.#« maul » i am repurposed › v / ‘redemption’.#« maul » a brother to ghosts › savage.#« maul » not beaten down just yet › d. sidious.#« maul » i can feel the soil falling over my head › talzin.#« maul » i am the face of love’s rage › o. kenobi ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » on some level‚ i think i always understood › feral ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » i carved out a place in this world for two‚ but it's empty without you › maulkie ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » when everything stays › feemor ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » there are times when i still wonder about you › kycina ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » if maybe i shouldn’t have stayed › k. matako ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » i'll keep you like an oath › q. vos ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » cat and mouse › d. judarri ft. mayxthexforce.#« maul » it suits you better › k. vosa ft. wstlnds.
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mutatiio · 4 months
@crossinghairs / continued.
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a force-sensitive clone?? a first, perhaps. he wouldn't know as he pays very little attention to this kind - had usually avoided them when facing down a jedi. being within range of a sith temple must have dulled his senses to the weak darkness emanating from the clone. not much of an issue, but he makes a mental note to not lax, even around clones. he was too pushed for time to deal with this.
debris is tossed aside with a quick flick of his wrist, disinterested in such tactics. if he wanted to waste maul's time then the least he could do is die an entertaining death. so far, it seemed unlikely.
golden eyes narrow. this clone was no jedi. what information could he hold of the sith?? and what does he know of lotho minor - a time that only savage should know of?? the rambling leaves one clear answer; the clone is not as well informed as he thinks. maul's aim no longer includes kenobi.
maul's blade ignites in a moment, he feels a surge of power vibrate through the bones of his forearm - an extension of his own innate strength. uses the defensive position of his lightsaber to push the clone back, metal foot meeting his stomach at the opportune moment. gives no time for recouping balance, a red blur aiming to cut the man in half.
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