#« maul » always remember › interactions.
mutatiio · 4 months
@jeditrash / continued.
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the silence extends and maul remains where he is, watching the boy search for him. he's not too far away. upon a ledge above his head, perfect position to jump down and more aggressively refuse his approach. his fingers twitch when the boy nearly reaches for his weapon, but - wisely- thinks better of it.
" you will find no answers in those chambers. " maul had certainly found none. they were nothing but a lunatics dwellings, one he barely recognised anymore - one shame would not allow him to recognise.
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" jedi are rare these days. " their reach has once stretched far beyond their capacity. the likelihood of needing to dispatch a jedi before carrying out a mission was always relatively high. now, he'd gone years without seeing one. " it would be a shame to kill you. " it would not.
final warning. " turn back, jedi. "
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just-zy · 3 months
Cursed Bloodsucker
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: A day of the week, you'd think curses and hexes was all on the same day, but surely it wasn't that bad.. You had a girlfriend, didn't you?
A/N: I feel good tonight, and I feel like I didn't do pretty shitty here..
Warnings!: ermmm....ooc wednesday probably..
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Being a vampire had its perks, but everything seemed to be..a downside for a certain individual today, specifically, friday. One might say, 'Oh, but how bad can it be?', well...
"O–Ow, Jesus Christ, easy on the stitches Wednesday.."
"If you'd just listen to what I had told you, we wouldn't be in this predicament."
Waking up early wasn't a problem for the vampire, so instead of listening to Wednesday, she decided to sleep in, and look where that got the bloodsucker. Running off to her second period while trying to neat out her wrinkled vest. She couldn't see well really, having her satchel slinging on her shoulder for dear life, her sunglasses almost falling off before she got inside the classroom, what a sight to see.
Disheveled hair, wrinkled clothes, slipping satchel, she thought it couldn't get worse.
She might've jinxed that one, that for a moment she thought she was cursed for living on specific days.
Walking was supposedly calming for the vampire, but today just seemed to be a day you wanted to get over with.
"Okay, what's for lunch, ooh– gimme!"
"Y– Y/N! Stop—!"
She was determined to have a bite of whatever Enid was having for lunch, unknowingly, the utensil Enid decided to use for todays lunch was silvered utensils. Why did that school have silvered utensils anyway? Well, labels. They have labels.
She reacted instantly to the object, dropping the spoon, immediately. "Fucks sake! Wha–"
"That's silver!"
If only she didn't let her intrusive thoughts win for once, maybe then she'd live another day.
Another problem, a full moon was happening tonight, what a coincidence!
She felt too worn out to even go out and feed, but she just had to, didn't she.
That same night, she did quite have an interaction with a shifting wolf, then gets mauled. What are the chances, huh? Thankfully, Wednesday was there to save the day! Or night.
"I feel exhausted, thank goodness it's the weekend tomorrow..I don't always have the best luck on friday's I swear, I'm cursed."
"Perhaps it's because you think you are."
Wednesday tidies the kit and stitches on the vampires bed, making her way in the bathroom and began cleansing her hands filled with the blood of her girlfriend.
"No– I really do have bad lucks on fridays.. Remember that one time I had an essay due? And I accidentally poured coffee, everywhere. Then there was that time when I slipped on the stairs and nipped my fucking tooth, and had my lip busted. But, I guess– they weren't as bad.. Because I had a lovely, gorgeous girlfriend to help me recover from all of that.."
The raven sat next to the vampire, scrutinizing her lover. She had a light smirk plastered on her lips, she leaned forward, your lips mere inches away from touching. You waited, you always did. You closed your eyes, awaiting her plump crimson lips making contact with yours, but that didn't happen. Tonight was different, she felt like tormenting you. She had only pecked your cheek.
What. The. Fuck.
Bothered, you gazed at her as she began inspecting the stitches on your arm. "Stitches look horrendous on you, Cara Mia."
"You're just pure evil, like the devil, did you know that?" You grumbled, unhappy that she still hasn't given you the one thing that you were waiting for all day, considering she was out with Eugene the whole day.
"Some consider me as Lucifer's daughter, but that isn't new, no."
Her eyes looked rather, luminous under the moons emitting light, you were ready to do everything she'd order you to, even let her redo the perfect stitches she's done just so she could have all her attention back at you, while she enjoys at what she does best. Being your girlfriend.
You didn't dare disrespect her, or even trespass her boundaries and limitations. Never in your life would anything hurtful leave that mouth of yours, you love her too much to do so.
Your gaze didn't leave her still figure, if anything it made you more focused on her, and only her. Your fingertips grazing on her pale skin, feeling her burgundy lips on your finger, to your desperate bloodied lips.
Fridays in the morning were a no, but the night time was an exception.
A/N: Wednesday has my heart, but she's soo difficult to write for sometimes 💔 this is a makeup for the recent imagine 😌
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apathetic-kiss · 2 months
The Rosier Family being social outcasts amongst the rest of the Sacred 28, not out of disgust or betrayal, but rather due to how the other families hold a morbid curiosity and slight fear towards the pure-bloods who seem to isolate themselves more than any other family.
For as long as anyone could remember, the Rosiers produced peculiar looking heirs; they all shared the same bone-white hair and gaping eye-bags, facial structure like fine china and long, bendy limbs. The children were always strange, seemingly intellectual and wise beyond their years, darkened pupils that seemed to stare into your soul if you made eye-contact for too long. They would chatter amongst themselves, rarely talking to the other pure-blood youths, preferring to whisper to each other in soft mumbles and squeaks. The Rosier children were never sent to Hogwarts, and rarely attended pure-blood banquets and balls. If they did, they trailed behind their parents and hid away in corners, blending in with the cryptids and ghosts which seemed to haunt every old wizarding mansion. When they aged, the Rosier offspring tended to become even more hermit-like; there was no presenting a daughter to society, no celebrations of a boy coming-of-age in the same way there was in other pure-blood families. They instead would disappear from pure-blood society for years at a time, their parents or aunts or siblings airily mentioning that they were abroad at the time.
In adult-hood, it was said the Rosiers only had one path of employment, and that was none. The blood-line was made up of inventors, of researches and explorers and users of dark magic, of witches and wizards who travelled the world and did unspeakable things in the name of discovery. Whispers existed amongst the Sacred 28 in regards to what the Rosiers had managed to uncover, invent, and twist their magic into, with rumours of anything from successful immortality, inter-species breeding, artificial life, and spells, hexes, and potions beyond one's wildest imagination. Whenever a Rosier died (as very few of them seemed to make it to old age), it was usually due to a tragic accident, a spell gone wrong or being mauled to death by a mysterious creature, a mix-up of potions or something along the lines of accidental, self-inflicted insanity. The private events such as funerals were barred from anyone outside the family line, preventing any further investigation into the births, lives, and deaths of the Rosiers.
The exception was if there ever was to be a union of two families when a wedding was held on the mysterious lawns of the Rosier mansion. Even then, it was kept relatively private, with only the immediate family of the non-Rosier spouse allowed to be in attendance, and the presence of a single writer to detail the events of the ceremony for the Sacred 28's records. However, weddings only ever seemed to happen once every forty years or so; there was only usually a single sibling married in a generation, the others dying mysteriously young or pledging themselves to their work for all eternity. It was as though the Rosiers only ever interacted and joined with another family for the sake of continuing the blood-line, and other than that would rather stay hidden away on the acres of property and endless wealth accumulated by the family over the generations.
The birth of twins Evan and Pandora Rosier was kept a secret from the rest of the Sacred 28 until their fifth birthday, when their mother brought them along to a morning tea hosted at a pure-blood mansion for the women to discuss the current political sphere of the wizarding world. The other women were shocked when Céline Rosier floo-ed into the mansion, her first public appearance in almost six years (they always invited her and her husband to events out of obligation and politeness, but the two very rarely showed to events. Secretly, the other family members were always slightly relieved when they didn't.). They were even more surprised at the addition of two white-haired children clinging to her robes, who she whispered to softly and sent outside to the court-yard to see the other children. Céline's sister, Druella Black, embraced her tightly, though the fury at her exclusion from her sister's life ever was apparent on her face; the family had cut her off both socially and financially after she chose to move to the Black family mansion instead of raising her children on the Rosier ancestral land. People had whispered about how this apparent betrayal to her roots and her aligning with the Black family instead would place a curse on her and her children, the rumours already whirling after her boys were born and were missing the signature pale hair; Druella had dyed her hair black the day after Sirius was born, a sign of rebellion against anyone who dared question her allegiance to the Blacks. Still, as they grew older, the lack of resemblance between the Rosier twins and the Black boys became more and more apparent regardless of the closeness in blood relativity. Nobody dared bring up the curse again, and Druella's maiden name and the history of her roots was never mentioned in Sacred 28 circles again.
Evan and Pandora grew up the same way generations of their ancestors had; isolated, surrounded by books, and most of all, alone. Their parents spent most of their days locked away in their own workshops, the job of child-rearing left to various members of staff and random family members who lived around the property. There were always wizarding scientists and researchers and medical professionals popping in and out of the mansion, some staying for tea and some staying for six months at a time, some who ignored the children and some who taught Evan everything he knew about potions. Though some would argue that this was no way for children to grow up, the twins would disagree; they had free-reign of the giant house and surrounding property, no bed time or limitations and complete access to their family library which had been accumulated over centuries to house over twenty-thousand books and manuscripts. When Pandora was eight, she decided she was going to read everything in the library before she died, even if it took her reading all day every day of her life (she gave this up not even twelve days into it, when had Evan begged her to put down the books and come camp down at the creek with him. She had obliged). They spent the first eleven years of their lives reading constantly and desperately, devouring novels and spell books and potion guides and studies on muggles and wizarding magazines and whatever they could get their hands on. They made potions and taught themselves non-verbal magic, experimenting with animals and transfiguration and manipulated all kinds of elements and metals and objects. They never learnt the distinction between light and dark magic, it all seemingly just a tool for them to learn how to further their skills. It was an incredible way to grow up according to them, and they wouldn't have changed it for the world. But before their shared eleventh birthday, everything had changed.
When the pair woke up and received their Hogwarts letters, they had simply tossed them to the ground and gone on with their day; Hogwarts was irrelevant to them, and only existed vaguely in their peripheral thoughts as something that other magical children were a part of. However, that night when they sat down for a very rare family meal, Céline had announced that the twins would be starting at the boarding school in September. That decision was final. After some push-back from her children, she had shut them down with a no-arguments look and the twins fell silent. They looked at each other with slight hesitation, not knowing what the hell to expect from this switch-up in the routine and life-style they had known all their life. That summer, Pandora had buried herself in books and journals written about Hogwarts and by Hogwarts students, attempting to learn and memorise everything she could about the school and its history. Evan on the other hand, was in complete denial; he shut down any mention of the school by his mother or sister, and refused to engage in Pandora's discussion about aspects of the curriculum or what their experiences at the school may be. He spent most of his time leading up to their departure for Hogwarts locked in the upper rooms of the mansion, experimenting on frogs and rats and mice as he perfected more spells and potions he was working on (though he did occasionally allow Pandora to join him and help work out the flaws in his potion-work, as long as she promised no mention of their upcoming time at the educational institute that will not be named).
The first problem that came along at Hogwarts was the expectation that they mingle with the other pure-blood families; they had only very rarely interacted with other children, and so the idea that they were supposed to befriend and talk to these other pure-bloods was an alien concept to them. Evan and Pandora had spent a little time with Regulus and Sirius as kids, but the brothers were already sitting with Sirius' Gryffindor friends in another carriage. However, this did mean the twins had an excuse to sit alone together and bury themselves in books (Pandora in her now-battered copy of Hogwarts; a History, and Evan in a definitely illegal book on the anatomy of various creatures and how to best butcher them for black-market sale).
The second problem that arose for the twins was the discovery at the sorting ceremony that they were to be in different houses. Evan was called up first, and the whispers had already begun about which house the first Rosier to ever attend Hogwarts would be in. The hat barely touched his head before shouting out Slytherin, and he had made a bee-line for where Regulus was seated with the other first years on the table. However when the hat was placed on Pandora's head, it had deliberated for a few seconds before calling out Ravenclaw. Evan had felt his face drop and the his look of horror matched Pandora's own; there was nothing wrong with Ravenclaw of course, but the awfulness of not being in the same house as his sister was something that hadn't even crossed his mind. They had spent their whole lives together, they were attached at the hip, they were practically the same person, right? Right? He watched Pandora drift over to her house table with a mournful look on her face, nodding with fake reassurance at her when their eyes locked. They would make this work.
The third problem Hogwarts presented the twins was the issue of their apparent disconnection from the rest of the wizarding world. Though this was something that had never bothered them before, and something they had in fact felt proud of in their childhood, it was now becoming a problem. Evan had never shared a room with anyone aside from Pandora, and his social skills... left room for improvement. His room-mates, Regulus and Barty, thought he was a total asshole who hated the both of them, when in reality he simply didn't understand the premise of politeness; he and Pandora had always been brutally honest to one another and to their parents, and this just seemed like the norm until he arrived at Hogwarts. Pandora's roommates on the other hand seemed to catch on to her apparent otherness immediately, and quickly shunned her from their group for being weird and creepy (it actually took Pandora a few weeks to catch onto the fact that they were being mean to her; she just figured the other girls were ignoring her out of nerves, the same way she was anxious every time she tried to start a conversation with them. She discovered this was not the case though after the fifth time she had tried to talk to one of them, and they had all left the room giggling and pointing at her). Neither of them made any real friends in their first year, and were utterly miserable.
Things perked up in their second year. Regulus had gotten into a fight with Sirius over summer and the two were no longer on speaking terms. Barty's presence had started to become truly annoying to Regulus, so Evan and Pandora became the only ones Regulus deemed appropriate company as the two were happy to sit in silence and read together. Pandora also managed to befriend an older Slytherin girl, Dorcas, as the two had striked up a conversation about Herbology in the library and become study partners. Dorcas was struggling in her third-year potions, a subject Pandora was well-versed in and knew all kinds of tips and tricks in. Pandora was barely passing Defence Against the Dark Arts as the theory was mind-numbingly boring to her, but luckily it was Dorcas' best subject. Evan and Regulus were quickly added to their study group due to their proficiency in other subjects, and when he could be convinced to shut up, Barty would sometimes lounge on a nearby table and pretend to do work. How he managed to have the highest grades of all of them, that was the true mystery.
Their little rag-tag group of five only grew closer over the years at Hogwarts, and stuck together through all the triumphs and traumas. They were there for each other when Dorcas was made quidditch captain, when Sirius ran away and Regulus was left alone, when Evan and Pandora's mother died in fifth year, when Regulus was made a prefect, when Dorcas' sister contracted a terminal illness, when Barty came back from Christmas break with red marks up and down his back. They were there for each other through it all, and Evan never knew the meaning of found family until their group of five found each other; to the Rosiers, family was blood and blood was family, end of story. He had never known there was an alternative, but he didn't care; his mother and father had never held him when he cried, but Dorcas had wrapped her arms around him after he broke down thinking of his mother being lowered into the ground.
And, after everything went down and everything went to shit, Regulus and Barty had held him in the shower as his shoulders shook, terror and fear and mourning wracking his body as he thought of Pandora. His beautiful sister, the most important person in his life, the other half of his soul had denounced him, had said she would kill him herself if she ever saw him again, had screamed at him with ferocity unseen ever before after seeing the tattoo that now decorated his forearm. She'd refused to listen to him and his pleas to join him, to follow him into the darkness of discovery, to become powerful together. After everything they had been through, they'd each chosen family in their own way; Evan, in following Regulus and Barty into the darkness Voldemort's growing allegiance, and Pandora, in remaining isolated from the affairs of the outer wizarding world, in separating herself from anyone who was not blood or who betrayed their blood, and in cutting off their apparent found family at the drop of a hat.
At the end of the day, it all came back to family, to the Rosiers, and to the endless, relentless isolation.
Evan died alone on a battle-field, his body left on a beach to be reclaimed by the elements as his soul departed for the afterlife. Pandora felt the second he left this plane of existence, a string inside of her cut and leaving her forever longing for the brother she had lost a long time ago. She had looked out her kitchen window after the day of his death, seeing a pair of two dark-haired men standing in the paddock across from the Rosier mansion, the empty space left for her twin apparent in the middle of the two men. They had all looked at one another for a moment, before her old friends had disapparated into the winds of the day. Pandora sighed quietly, a tear falling down her face as turned back towards the bubbling cauldron she was minding. She wiped her face quickly as she heard her husband walking up the stairs, and fixed her face with a soft smile.
Pandora died alone in the backyard of her childhood home, a flash of blue light being the last thing she saw before her body fell to the ground. Her last thought was not of her twin, but rather of her daughter he never got to meet, and the regret she felt at subjecting her to seeing her mother die like that. As she felt herself cross into the afterlife, it was as though a part of her soul let out a sigh of relief. Though she was leaving behind her family, she was to join Evan and her parents once again. Maybe that was for the best.
Xenophilius locked up the Rosier mansion for good after his wife was buried in the family graveyard, moving his young daughter away from the house which had always rubbed him the wrong way. The halls, the bedrooms, workshops, and library would stay empty for many years, preserved with spells and protective enchantments keeping the mansion pristine and untouched by the years gone by. If one were to visit now, it would look as though the Rosiers were still there, and perhaps had simply gone for a walk, and would return any minute. They say the ghosts of the Rosier bloodline still haunt the house, the chatter of laughter and the sound of scribbling and the turning of pages echoing through its empty, abandoned hallways.
Another family lost, forgotten to the magic of time passing.
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dragon-pups · 6 months
You know I've seen a decent amount of post questioning how the batch ever managed without Echo or Omega. So I've come out of my hibernation to explain from my own experience as a chaotic bitch and an adult being with responsibilities to other living beings. I can go from no thought head empty only bonk to what are you doing? don't eat that! where are your shoes its raining?! It just depends on the group.
So we all now know that Crosshair and Hunter physical fight like all siblings have and still do, hells I just watched a pair of my cousin, my adult cousins, fight to the point of actually scrapping on the ground over something not that important and in two hours they were lounging against each other watching videos and sharing memes. Siblings do this shit. We also know that they also have some verbal only spats like some small ones we've seen between Wrecker and Tech. Also normal.
What is also normal is the transference of responsibility between members of groups. Depending on the members present at the time.
Like in a family group if the parents leave for a time and there is an eldest sibling home then that sibling, depending how they were raised, will most likely increase the responsible behavior to care for the younger, or at least see them alive til the parents come home.
Or in friend groups, yeh know the "mom friend" they one that could be anything from an always assertive person to someone who couldn't speak up for themselves but will absolutely maul a bitch that insults their friends. While they may be the leash holder for one set of friends they could very well be the fuck lit dynamite stick of another, or even of the same set of friends if you add an even more mom friend to the equation. Or the opposite if you take away a mom friend one of the chaos gremlins may take up the mantle of responsibility.
That being said, the batch are brother they fight, but off the top of my head I don't remember in the few interacts before order 66 of Cross and Hunter physically or verbally fighting during a misson, with each other, but we didn't get to see much. Hunter was the responsible one, the leader. It's only once Echo was back in the picture during season 3 that it got physically during a mission. Which makes sense, Echo is Hunter's Corporal he has the rank and the experience to take charge in Hunters place. So Hunter doesn't have to be as tight, and to be fair anger will break anyone out of a responsible headspace.
I'm also extremely certain that Echo being an ARC and being from the 501st means that when Hunter is in charge that he is also a chaos gremlin.
So yeh it makes sense for them to fight with each other especially during this whole debacle. But they're highly trained soldiers they had to be efficient the entirety of their lives, I say they get to be little shits on camera as a treat.
PS I also know that the whole "the batch couldn't manage without Echo" thing is a joke. I just thought it would be a good thought experiment and behavior dissection.
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omaano · 2 months
I absolutely love your Hades au, do you have any planned dialogue between characters? Because I would really love to see a trial of the gods between Leia and Anakin, the pettiness is palpable.
Thank you, I'm real happy that you like it! ❤️
I don't exactly go about this AU from a coherent story-writing point of view, I just want to see all these characters (and some places) drawn in the game's style. So usually the way I go about the dialogues is either to go and whine to some of my amazing writer friends until they take pity on me (as it has been the case with Rex, and much earlier with Boba), or spend a week or two sweating over a single one-liner ^^;
With trial of the gods, I think the dialogue is rather aimed at the player in a "You better pick me first next time, but you're lukcy I still like you" (which, of course can still be petty as hell) - so what I'd rather love to see is a Duo Boon with Leia and Anakin :D that's where the gods/boon-giver characters interact and react to each other, now that would be super passive agressive anywhere with these two! (although I don't think it's possible to get a duo or even a trial of the gods with Hermes, and that's where Leia is cast in this AU. She's a very important political/rebel figure, she's always in a rush, I think it fits.)
(I kind of wish my main criteria for picking the god characters hadn't been "make them mostly Jedi" (and Boba and Cobb) because that really cuts down on their possible interactions, if you want to imagine them like that.... but these were also the characters I wanted to draw so... Priorities had shifted along the lines, I suppose ^^;)
All that said I do have a one-liner in mind for Din's meeting with Obi-wan ("Now, I wonder where I have last seen someone roundkick a droid's head clean off like that."); and I've had a few alternative ideas for Maul's monologuing that very much shows the effect Mand'alor Darasuum has had on me. (Maul finally gets a teeny tiny apprentice in that one, as a small detail. It's awesome, I still need to finish reading it and leave a comment, but in the meantime I'll rec it here!)
Maul: "Hunger. Raw meat. Best devoured while it still wriggles - good, good. We've got quite a little carnivore on our hands it seems. Such potential is entirely wasted on pacifism and the Jedi way." Din: "So you are not a Jedi, then?"
And then it was real fun to imagine the indignant rage Maul would fly into for that accusation XD
There is also one line for Maul in my notes for when Din goes to see him with Ahsoka's token in his pocket:
Maul: "You have something else Force-touched on you. Not you, of course, you are as blank in the Force as a Mandalorian can ever hope to be, but something... brighter."
And there was also the one that was too tempting and thus had to be cast aside where Maul points out that he had been Mand'alor once, and the Darksaber still remembers him, to which Din's natural reaction (who has not yet been enlightened about that particular part of Mandalorian history by anyone hanging out around home base) is of course "Neat, do you want it back?"
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 11 months
Im bored so, if there are any Mirror Image readers still following me, this one is for you!
Here are some fun facts about the characters in Mirror Image that I can't include for the sake of subtlety/they're irrelevant to the plot
Dawn/Akari and Irida... Are... Dating :]
So are Arezu and Mai
On a similar note regarding relationships— Adaman has actually been pining for Ingo for a long time. But he noticed Melli's feelings towards him, so he keeps it to himself, because he wants Melli to have someone that makes him happy
Seeing how Ingo treats Melli so well only made Adaman fall harder
Ingo likes spicy food!
Emmet smokes. This is why he had a lighter in the scene where he burned the remainder of Ingo's missing posters
It was a bad habit he had before Ingo even went missing, but once he disappeared it intensified. Ingo disapproves of his habit, and if he found out about it again, he still would.
Volo also smokes. They have a fancy pipe they like to use.
Volo n Emmet take smoke breaks together. They don't talk much during them, but the presence of the other is enough to make them feel so much more at ease.
Emmet thinks Volo looks ethereal. Which is why I use descriptors like "golden" and for them. Those are descriptors from Emmet's pov (he's the only one who interacts with him, so there's nothing else to compare to though) To him, their beauty is pure and ornate.
Volo is basically rich. They built their wealth over the many many years they were alive. They own many properties and the like throughout Sinnoh, so they're never worried about getting around or having a place to stay, making them the perfect travel companion for Emmet
Volo knows Sinnoh like the back of their hand
Volo also knows the Mirror Dimension like the back of their hand
Volo has a crack on their neck, much like the ones on their face. They got this from a failed attempt to take their own life
Elesa and Drayden are actively looking for Emmet
Ingo is gay, Emmet is bi, they are both trans
Drayden is also.... Gay :]
Lesbian Elesa real.
Also Demiboy Melli real. He uses he/they
Ingo has always wanted to try the potato mochi he sees the Galaxy Team eat... But alas... He has no fucking money
Ingo has been attacked by a Zoroark before. On one of the design references for MI Ingo, you'll see he has bite marks in a few places— that's cause he's been mauled.
Ingo is a good cook but doesn't remember shit about how to do it.
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whoahoney · 1 year
Not the Babysitter Pt. 4
Steve Harrington x SingleMom!Reader
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3
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Summary: Steve falls in love with a single mother and her young daughter
CW: SMUT (body worship, praise -good girl, p in v, cream pie, titty play, fingering, oral-m receiving, multiple orgasms), insecure reader (body image) Steve can’t shut up during sex, fluff, love confession, lmk if I missed anything!
A/N: this concludes this little series! But I’m not done with them lol, I will take one shot requests for this little universe if anyone would like to send them in 🤍 thank you all so much for reading, liking, sharing, and commenting! I can’t believe how many people enjoy my obscure daydreams. Every interaction warms my heart and makes my day 🥺💖🫶🏻
💖 Likes and reblogs are always appreciated 💖
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When Steve made it to her room, he leaned over the foot of the bed to lay her back before connecting their lips again. He crawled over her like a predator as she backed up to the headboard, his warm body already caging her in. Steve could hardly contain his smile as he started working at her clothes like gift wrapping. Y/n’s heart practically rattled inside her chest at the mere thought of seeing Steve, let alone touching him. But then she remembered he’d see her too.
Before he could get too far, Y/n lifted the hem of his shirt, which he absolutely loved and obliged with a smile; stripping it off and throwing it carelessly across the room. “C’mere, pretty…” he whispered as he pulled her by the waist to press her to his bare chest.
He leaned back down into her kiss, her hands caressing his neck, trailing down to roam his chest and back up over his freckled shoulders. Steve inched a hand under her shirt, melting at the silky expanse of her lower back. Before he could slip his hand around to the front of her, she caught his wrist, breaking the kiss and sending panic through Steve.
“What is it? Do you—“ Steve started, withdrawing his hand and sitting up, Y/n following him and grabbing his hands before he could go too far. “No, no, no, it isn’t you—I didn’t mean to stop you.” She shook her head before he relaxed and leaned back over her with questions in his eyes.
“Then what’s wrong? If you’re having second thoughts we don’t have to. ” He dipped his face down, touching his nose to hers assuringly, “We can take things slow.”
“It’s not that, it’s just... I haven’t been… physically intimate with anyone since I had Sara, so its… a little unnerving. Especially when you look the way you do.” She looked away from Steve, loathing herself for ruining the moment.
“What do you mean?” He cocked his head, his honey eyes soft and set with concern. He waited patiently above her, no plans to move until she told him to.
“I mean, I have a wrinkly pouch where she used to live,” she put a hand to the lower part of her stomach, feeling the loose doughy skin squish between her fingers, “my skin looks like I’ve been mauled in several places—not to mention my tits have literally had the life sucked out of them. I don’t look like a 20 year old girl is supposed to, Steve. It’s embarrassing.” She closed her eyes this time, hiding the best she could. “And you—king Steve— have probably had a lot better than—“
“Y/n, baby, look at me.” He pleaded quietly, tenderly holding her cheek. She hesitantly opened her eyes and leaned into his palm. “You do realize you’ve made a whole person, right?” He asked without waiting for an answer. “You also realize that this,” he slowly pushed up the hem of her shirt to expose the soft skin of her stomach—stopping it right under her breasts, then curled his fingers over the waist of her shorts and panties, looking to her tentatively; waiting for her to stop him.
When she didn’t, he undid and pulled down one side of her shorts to see her waist and hip, slowly caressing the curve with his hand flat against her. “This is the body of a woman. A certifiable—” He kisses her lips wetly, sliding his hand underneath her to feel the rest of her back and grinding down onto her front softly. “—mother I’d love to fuck.” He chuckled against her lips when he felt her smile.
“Since I first saw you I wanted to bury my face right here—“ he pressed his hand flat against her stomach below her belly button, “—and lick you til you’re begging me to go lower.” He whispered, stroking a loopy pattern on her skin with his thumb as he leaned in for another sweet and juicy kiss, taking her lips between his.
He pulled back before she could moan, “I think it’s sexy that you’re a good mom, I don’t know how else to explain it,” her hand found his hair when he pulled her in for another soft yet desperate kiss, “You’re caring, and real, and beautiful, and… you make me feel so good.” He groaned and devoured her neck as he rutted against her. Y/n grew wet at the praise, her breathing deepening. “You’ve ruined all other women for me, you know that?“ He panted into her. “You’re it for me, honey.”
She froze again, her breath catching as she thought. She realized this was it, she didn’t have to hold back from him anymore—she’d given him every reason any other guy had chosen to leave, and yet those same reasons are why Steve has stuck around.
Because he’s Steve, and whether that meant he was perfect for Y/n or perfect in general, it didn’t matter — because it felt like he was just for her.
She tilted her chin up for another kiss, licking into his mouth and exploring his bare body further until she needed to rid herself of her shirt and bra before she lost her nerve, not caring to unclasp it and stripping it off over her head with her shirt before letting Steve pull her bottoms the rest of the way off.
There she lay, bare and naked underneath him. Steve sat back on his heels for a moment; his hands rubbing up and down her legs at first and then up and over her hips and chest, making her gasp softly and reach for his belt loops to pull him closer. “Hold on, I’m looking…” he whispered reverently, his breath heavy and eyes wide, darting all across her body as his hands roamed and made himself familiar with the textures of her skin and contours of her perfect body.
“Baby, you’re so soft…” He whispered as he lowered his face to her chest, kissing her sternum wetly. “And you smell so sweet!” He practically whined as he resumed his affections and returned to her neck, planting hungry kisses along her collarbones and throat which sent her into hysteric giggles and moans for him.
“Fuck! Th-that tickles.” She managed.
Steve smirked at the reaction and started grinding his denim clad crotch onto her bare cunt until she could only cry for him to come closer.
“Stevie, c’mere.” She mumbled against him as she sat up to his height on her knees. She undid his pants, taking care to rub his cock achingly slow through his boxers until she pulled desperate whines from his lips and sent his hips thrusting into her hand, then stripped the layers off for good.
His hands snaked around her waist and down to her ass to grab it in handfuls, grunting softly against her neck in a kiss. “Fuck you’re so sexy.” She tilted her head, surrendering to his touch—to his love. Y/n’s hands slid up through his chest hair to run her fingernails down against the back of his neck, which almost made him shudder, saving himself with a careful sigh as he caught her almost smug face.
“Hey.” He said, calling her attention back to him.
She looked back up at him and smiled when she saw that same dazed puppy look she always found set on her, and then he leaned in and kissed her deep and sweet.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered urgently, willing her to believe him.
“So are you.” She answered, and knew he meant it.
Y/n daringly reached down between them to stroke him again, admiring the length and thickness of his shaft, the sensation bringing his kisses to a halt as she pulled a moan from him. “Sit back,” She whispered to him with satisfaction.
He immediately obliged and sat back, leaning on his elbows behind him toward the end of the bed. Y/n situated herself between his legs, her hands on either side of his hips. “You’ve been so good to me, honey,” She preened before hooking her arm under his leg to prop it up a bit and kissing the inside of his thigh, the sight and feeling sending an electric pulse to his core.
“Can I thank you?” She whispered against his hip before spending a sloppy kiss there and wrapping her fingers around his dick to pump it slowly.
Steve’s breathing grew deep and unsteady, nodding his head feverishly. Y/n wasted no time and started a slow and wet strip up the bottom of his shaft and suckling the slit when she got to the tip, Steve’s eyes never leaving her the whole time.
She wrapped her lips around his head, as if it were a tootsie pop from the bank. Steve’s hands found her hair, gathering it for her while she took care of him. Y/n spat on her hand and gently massaged his balls before sliding her mouth over his member again to bob up and down fluidly, setting a brutal pace from the start.
Steve jumped and started spewing strings of praise at the pleasure, “Oh, baby, that’s it. You’re so good, such a good girl for me.” while she did her best to fit it all without choking.
Y/n went as far down as she could, using her hand to stroke what she couldn’t fit down at the base. Steve mewled at the feeling, his hips involuntarily bucking towards her face.
This didn’t faze Y/n the way Steve feared it would. Instead she used one hand to push down on his hip, her nails pressing crescent indentions into his skin, which only made him pulse at the tip.
“—Stopstopstop!” He urged through heavy breathing. Y/n jerked back, her eyes wide with the fear that she did something wrong. He smiled at her panicked eyes and pulled her closer, her face held in his hands, starting sweet kisses at her jaw before speaking, “As much as I love feeling your mouth, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been dreaming of other things,” He said it against her skin like it wouldn’t send her spiraling.
He pulled her flush against his chest, greeting her closeness with another kiss, “Can I have it?” Steve whispered sensually in her ear before cupping her sex, making her shudder and whine at the sudden pressure. She ground her hips against his fingers that waited at her opening. He let her use him for a minute, watching down with starry blown out eyes and a dumbstruck look on his face.
“I wanna hear it, baby.” He urged, slipping a finger into her folds to start slow circles around her clit.
“Yes, yeah, just keep doing that, Steve, please.” She whined, clinging to him desperately.
“You like it when I touch you here?” He asked, pressing down on her heat.
Y/n’s words caught in her throat, only able to give an “Mhm.” and a nod. Steve hastily flipped them over, “I know, baby you’re soaked.” He mumbled against her lips in a kiss. She reached out for his cock, ripping a gasp from his lips as she dragged it through her wet folds and nudging her clit with him. He followed her silent instruction and brought a hand up to play with her pebbled nipple, which sent her over the edge in no time.
She didn’t realize how close she was to the orgasm until it hit her, the warmth rushing through her body, forcing her brow into a crinkle as ungodly sounds left her and she gyrated against him ravenously. Steve watched the whole time as she came undone, a wriggling mess against him, her pretty noises sending more pleasure to his cock.
Y/n came down from the high, panting softly against his neck while he kissed up her jaw and to her ear. “You’re so hot, using me like that,” pulling another involuntary whine from her lips as he kissed her. “Think you can do it on my dick this time?” He asked, guiding her back over his lap.
Y/n nodded eagerly with a heavy lidded smile, “Ridings my favorite.” She bit her lip at Steve’s enthusiastic reaction, his cock tensing at her words. “D-do you have condoms?” He asked, seriousness flooding his voice, praying they wouldn’t have to stop here.
Y/n scoffed and pushed Steve down by his chest to fully recline. “I’m on the pill, pretty boy. S’that okay?” She asked, Steve nodding before she was even done asking, “Besides, I’m allergic to latex. That’s kind of how I ended up with a kid in the first place.” She joked before sliding down onto him, the sudden warmth and pressure of his dick bottoming out in one go had him practically busting, her hot and silky walls clenching around him as she began rocking.
“—Don’t move for a sec, holy shit.” He panted, hands holding her hips in place. His grip sat tight enough to leave a couple bruises, not that Y/n minded. She couldn’t help but grin at how pathetic he looked underneath her; absolute putty in her hands. She subtly rocked her hips, ever so discreetly, keeping the warm, burning ache at bay as she sat on him. “You’re so wet—fuck!—and warm, baby.”
After a moment, Steve collected himself and opened his eyes to look at her fully comfortable and perched on top of him, patiently waiting for his say-so. “You ready?” She whispered, leaning close to his face and allowing her hands to rest on his chest and shoulder. Steve nodded quickly before pulling her into another kiss.
Y/n quickly found her rhythm bouncing on Steve’s cock, the friction between their bodies sending Steve to the moon, his heart beat so fast he thought it may explode but he really didn’t care.
Profanities spilled from him as he reached peak pleasure inside of her, “Oh, baby, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, yes! Oh shit.” He exclaimed, his eyes screwed shut with strain. Steve moved her hips in time with his final thrusts, taking care to grind her clit down on his mound until she was a breathless mess all over again, mewling his name.
“Steve! Steve, I’m gonna cum,”
“Cum for me, pretty girl—wanna feel it.” He said, looking up at her, reaching a hand up to squeeze her breast while she fucked herself on his dick; still hard inside. Y/n’s eyes fell closed as Steve began slamming up into her, the added movement to her effort practically beating against her cervix, forcing out tumbling wanton moans with every thrust
Her head fell back as she ground her cunt back and forth again, feeling his hands grip her doughy hips and move her himself—hitting that delectable, filling place inside of her. He loved the noises she made for him; it made him feel special in the same way he made her feel chosen.
Steve decided to feed into her pleasure by showering her with more praises; “M’pretty girl takes my cock so well, you’re so good, Y/n, so fucking good.” He said, his voice louder than before, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
Y/n’s movements slowed the more cock drunk she became, her eyes glossy and desperate and blown out and set on him which delighted Steve immensely. “C’mere, let me take care of you.” He whispered and flipped them back over to rest her on her pillows at the head of the bed, crawling back on top of her and bringing her leg up and over his shoulder. He stroked the area right above her knee as he slid back in with ease.
His hand flew to her clit before he started thrusting again, rubbing her sex slowly. “You like that?” Steve asked, planting a kiss next to her knee. Y/n whined pathetically and nodded, desperate for another release. “Does your tummy hurt?” He asked in false commiseration and leaned down closer to her; making the angle even more delectable.
She nodded vigorously, a euphoric sob escaping her lips at the thought of the pressure growing in her stomach. “I’m gonna make it feel better, okay?” He cooed against her lips as he began to thrust faster and play with the slick around her clit.
Y/n opened her eyes to look at him, his watching hers in awe. “Cum for me, baby, let me have it, huh?” He pleaded as if she was doing him a favor, like she couldn’t do anything better than to give him one more orgasm.
His incessant pleas were the last of her undoing, the knot snapping in her stomach, the ecstasy washing over her in pulsing waves as she cried out for him one last time.
Steve embraced her and pulled her into his chest, stroking the length of her back and mussing her hair to the side to expose one side of her neck. He planted a saccharine kiss in the crook of her shoulder, a tired smile worn by both of them.
“I was right,” Steve said through fast and deep breaths. Y/n pulled up enough to see his face and shoot him a questioning look. “You’ve ruined all other women for me.” He said with a shrug and pecked her forehead before getting up and fetching a towel.
Y/n, feeling like a puddle of a human being, splayed on top of her sheets, her heart still pounding and pussy still swollen, wondering if this is real life. She raise her head off the bed, craning her neck to look into the bathroom, admiring his naked body that rivaled ancient art while he cleaned himself.
Steve walked back to her, a fresh towel in hand and hearts shining in his eyes at the woman he so admired—loved, even.
“Here, let me?” he offered the towel in front of her leaking cunt, looking to her before touching. She nodded, biting back a shy smile, not used to the courtesies she’s been shown this evening.
When he was done, Steve tossed the towel on the floor, and didn’t hesitate to lean back down and plant kisses all over her face and neck, holding her hands in his against the pillow. The only sounds that came from them were giggles and smooches, ignoring the feeling of their skin adhering together from the sheen coating them.
Steve flopped down next to her, his hands pulling her onto his chest and stroking her back and tangling her hair between his fingers. “You’re incredible.” He breathed, a smile unwavering from his face.
“Me? What about you?? No one’s ever made me feel like that before.” She beamed at him from his chest. Steve brought a hand lightly down the back of her head, running her hair underneath his fingers. “Yeah, well, I can say the same thing.” He said with that earnest look in his eye from before.
She buried her nose in his neck, taking in his natural scent—sticky with the sex they shared and remnants of lingering cologne and her soap. She didn’t want to close her eyes yet, finding it hard to stop staring at any part of him.
So she didn’t.
She traced his being with her eyes as discreetly as she could. She loved his chest, how broad and strong it felt beneath her hands, how soft and warm he kept her as he held her firmly in his arms like he wouldn’t let her get away even if she wanted to.
While she was counting the amount of freckles and moles sprinkled across his torso, she felt his his breaths get longer, and heard the quietest snore slip from his gaping lips. She tilted her chin up to assess his profile, his eyes were closed, his skin still glowing from the filmy sheen clinging to both of them, the tousled strands of hair that fell over his forehead looked so effortlessly beautiful it made her almost jealous of him.
And then she remembered he was hers, and that made up for it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
They shared a lazy morning in bed, Steve waking first to find himself somewhere unfamiliar, and then he felt the tickle of her hair at his shoulder and neck. He smiled to himself, a deep inhale to stifle a yawn while he stretched roused her sleeping body. She lulled her head over to him and rolled closer to his side.
“G’morning.” He mumbled, hoping his breath wasn’t as rancid as he worried it was.
She opened her eyes and smiled at his quiet greeting and stretched her legs with a quiet groan, pushing her chest into his side as she did. “Good morning, pretty boy.” She sighed and buried her nails in his hair, combing it away from his face, giving him a little head scratch that sent him reeling.
“Mmm, I could get used to this,” He mumbled as he rolled towards her, “that’s the stuff. Keep ‘em comin’” He requested as his eyes fell back closed.
She chuckled adoringly and obliged him until she got lost in his beauty again. As her ministrations slowed, he could feel her gaze on him. He peeked towards her to find her eyes on him. Their noses were mere inches apart, but not for long until Steve leaned forward and pressed the first of many morning kisses to her lips.
When Y/n’s mom dropped Sara off, the two were more than ready to see her. They were so caught up in each other and the idea of Sara coming home that they didn’t even think about Steve meeting Ms. L/n.
“Mommy! Steeb!” Sara yelled as she ran through the front door. Y/n expected Sara to run to her as she always did, but quickly found the little girl veering to the left and into Steve’s waiting embrace. Y/n watched on with a gaping mouth before she turned to look at her mom doing the same.
“Oh! Mom, this is—“
“—Hi, Steve Harrington, it’s such a pleasure to meet you.” He said brightly with an extended hand, Sara perched in his other arm with an unrelenting squeeze around his neck and shoulders.
Ms. L/n looked at Y/n with an approving smile, “The pleasure is mine, Steve, I have heard so much about you from the girls—“
“—Okay, Mom, that’s enough—How are you gonna give Steeb all the loves?!” She asked Sara incredulously. The little girl giggled madly and hid the best she could into Steve’s neck. Y/n peeked over Steve’s shoulder menacingly, but not before he could turn Sara away from her, using himself as a shield, “She chose me!” He insisted.
“Sara Jane! Give your mama a kiss.” Y/n jokingly ordered. Sara peeked over his shoulder and leaned towards her mom. Steve moved Sara closer to Y/n, smiling when he watched their matching sets of lips meet for a tender greeting and a loud mmmwuah. Sara smiled with her tiny square teeth, their placement a mirror of her mother’s.
“I missed you, baby.” Y/n said to Sara, carding a tender hand through the silky hair atop her little girl’s head. “I watched Jem!” Is all she said back.
Y/n’s mom didn’t miss for a second the way Steve looked at both of her little loves, completely enthralled in the way they interacted with each other, drinking in their voices and shared giggles.
Ms. L/n had never been a fan of Sara’s father, more relieved than anything when she found out he wouldn’t be involved. She was skeptical when she found out her daughter was seeing someone again, wondering how long it would be this time before he decided it was all too much, but it had been months.
The more she heard about this Steeb character, the more she worried it was too good to be true. Sara was older now, would she get hurt when the time came? It made her sick.
But seeing them here, now, the way Steve tended to Sara, how his eyes glossed and crinkled at the corners with a smile as he looked at Y/n, she could see they were headed to a beautiful place.
After Nana left, Sara showed Y/n and Steve a picture she drew while she was away; a picture of the three of them at the diner. “She even got my hair right!” He pointed to the brown blob atop the stick figures head. Y/n chuckled and took in the details, settled on Steve’s lap after Sara was asleep in her bed.
“And the blueberry syrup!” She pointed out the blue jar next to his plate on the crayola table. Steve chuckled and pointed at it, “Oh my god, she did! How does she remember all of this?” He asked in awe.
“Cause you take us there all the time.” She answered with a smile, her own heart melting at her words. Steve always wanted to go do something all together, and he always had the best ideas about what to do with Sara, lots of times running into other young families at their trips to the park, aquarium, and, museum, the innumerable restaurants, and baseball games they’d been to in the last months.
With each week that passed, Sara had grown more accustomed to Steve’s presence in her life, knowing she could count on an adventure every weekend, knowing his car when they took it places, preferring his lap instead of the couch when they were at home, insisting on his presence at dance class, knowing which snacks he liked at the store and more recently beginning to catch on that Steve would be over for dinner and be waiting for her at the table in the morning for breakfast.
This evening in particular, Y/n stood with Sara propped on her hip as she carefully peeked in the oven at the pie they’d made special for their favorite guy.
Steve had yet to arrive, his drive taking longer due to a shower at his place and grabbing clothes to take over. His room was a mess, having hardly been home in the past month, but he always had clean clothes since Y/n offered to wash and dry his them each visit. He made the last minute decision to stop at the grocery store on his way and grab a couple bundles of flowers for the girls.
The previous week, they’d taken Sara to Indianapolis to see the flower fields and had to remind her constantly that she couldn’t pick them, much to her dismay.
So Steve thought he’d bring her some of her own.
Y/n stood at the Victrola in the living room, picking through records to queue up for the evening. Sara loved music, disco being her favorite genre at the moment.
“Dance party!” She said, her outstretched arms and grabby fingers focused on the record in her mothers hands.
“Slow your roll, I’m putting it on, you can’t touch the needle til you’re taller, remember?”
Sara huffed, momentarily whiny before the front door opened, Steve stepping inside with the bundles he purchased. “Hidey hey hidey ho, ladies! How are my favorite girls?” He smiled as Sara embraced his leg and Y/n greeted him with a chaste peck on the lips.
“Stevie, what are those?” Y/n asked, finally taking notice of the flowers laying in his arms as if he were the winner of a beauty pageant.
“Oh, these old things?” He joked, holding the bundles out to her, “I saw these and figured I’d get you guys some flowers—especially after the flower fields, thought maybe she’d like to have some of her own.” He shrugged as if it were a no-brainer.
As if anyone would think to do that for her.
Y/n’s eyes prickled with tears, a tight and genuinely happy smile on her face trying to mask the utter joy and heartbreak she was experiencing at the same time.
“That is…so incredibly thoughtful, Steve. Thank you.” She said, threading her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulling him in til his forehead rested on hers, the affection making Steve lean into her like a cat.
‘Don’t say it’, she reminded herself, ‘Not yet.’
She took the bundles of brown paper to the kitchen to trim the stems and find vases.
For Sara’s bouquet, Y/n split it up into four sections and trimmed them short enough to fit in mason jars so she could have her flowers different places in the house.
With her own, she placed them in a gorgeous milk glass vase, one that looked like an heirloom, and set them on the end of the table; where she’d see them the most during the day.
She could hear Steve playing in the next room with the wooden building blocks, Sara giggling when Steve would use her T-Rex to knock them over. Y/n sighed dreamily at her flowers, mindlessly fluffing the filler and adjusting some of the placement.
She was startled out of her head when she felt his hands creep around her waist. “I’m glad you like them.” He whispered and placed a kiss where her neck meets her shoulder, which made her involuntarily giggle. Y/n turned to him in his embrace; her hands reaching for his face. “No one’s ever bought her flowers before.” She quietly confessed with a sad smile.
“Aw, honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad,” he ran his thumb over her cheekbone, examining her eyes with worry. “No, no, no, I’m really happy!“ y/n smiled while adamantly shaking her head. “It only makes me sad because… I never thought this was possible. And it scares me.” Y/n shrugged without meeting his eye. It felt pathetic when it came from her lips, but not to Steve.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“I mean, her own father didn’t even choose her. Mine didn’t choose me, either.” She took a grounding breath, “Ever since I got pregnant it’s been a never ending stream of people telling me about what I got myself into and how we’ll always be alone because no man will ever want a child that doesn’t belong to them, how even if they did, they’d end up disappointing me.“ She shrugged. Steve’s brows knit together as he listened carefully. “And now you’re here,” she said with feigned annoyance to keep herself from breaking down into sobs, “You do all the things—the stuff, well, you do the stuff you shouldn’t have to do. You want us-you actually want us. And you show up every time you say you will, do you know how big that is for me? And you just have this way with her, it’s almost ridiculous, you know? She’ll listen to you over me any day, and I never thought about how nice that could be. And I’m scared that it’s gonna stop. I keep waiting for you to disappoint me, Steve.”
Steve sighed and thought carefully about his response, unable to come up with anything coherent, “I never wanna disappoint you guys.” Steve wrapped her in a hug, hoping it would stop the tears he could see welling up in her eyes. Y/n sniffled out some laughter against his chest, his chin rested on top of her head as he closed his eyes in concentration;
‘Don’t say it. Not yet.’ His conscience reminded him.
“You have me.” Is all he mumbled. “M’not going anywhere.” Steve carefully ruffled her hair, taking in her smell before pulling away to lead her to the waiting dinner table. “Sare-Bear, you hungry?” He asked the small child in front of the television. Sara didn’t reply, just ran as fast as her little legs would carry her to her highchair that sat at the end of the table, opposite of the flowers.
Steve picked her up and set her in her chair before taking his own seat, Y/n beaming at him the whole time.
‘Don’t say it, not yet.’ She reminded herself.
Steve unwrapped the dinner rolls and placed one on everyone’s plates. Y/n followed suit and unwrapped the tinfoil top of the heaping plate, serving up the chicken she fried special for him. His eyes grew big, his irises flickering from the chicken to his girlfriend.
His girlfriend.
Who always cooked for him.
“Breast?” She asked, pulling him out of his mushy haze. “What?— oh, yes, please!” He shook his head and held his plate out excitedly. “Do you want green beans?” He asked her eagerly, an extra flutter to his heart beat.
“No, thank you, but do you mind giving some to Sara?” She asked as she unfolded her napkin to spread in her lap. Steve looked to his little friend in the high chair next to him, patiently waiting for her food to be prepared.
“Greenie beanies?” He asked simply, holding up a heaping spoonful to put in front of her.
“Peas!” She chirped happily.
“We don’t have peas, though, just green beans…” Steve said unsurely, looking at the greens he’d put on her tray. Y/n snickered as she piled some mashed potatoes in front of Sara and then herself, “She means ‘please’, but I think it’s awful sweet you call them ‘greenie beanies’.” She chuckled.
Steve flushed, his cheeks pink at the realization he was talking like his mom did to him when he was little—something he didn’t think about for a long, long time. “What? I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He speared some on his fork and shoved them in his mouth, cheeks flushed as his girlfriend continued her giggles.
“I can’t call them green beans anymore, greenie beanies is just too cute.” She chuckled before taking a sip. Steve smiled softly, admiring the slope of her nose and lashes as she tilted the glass back. He happily spooned his own helping out onto his plate, his eyes drifting back to the two girls that had such a hold on his heart.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The meal was comfortably quiet, the sounds of the tv in the next room played as forks and knives tapped against plates. Sara happily swung her bare feet and did her best to use her spoon on her mashed potatoes. Her face was practically smothered, which would make Steve cringe had it been another small child, but when it was Sara it was sweet. Especially after Y/n taught him that “messes are unavoidable at this age” and “most of the time they can be easily cleaned, sometimes I just have to take a few deep breaths first before I lose my cool.” He chuckled at the memory as Sara stuck a piece of shredded chicken between her teeth.
Y/n wiped the girl’s mouth with a napkin, her nurturing acts always caused a flutter in Steve’s chest. Sara shook her head in defiance, “Hold it right there, sister.” Y/n muttered lightly as she squished the toddlers cheeks together and cleaned her face of the starchy mash. “Bath time?” Y/n asked as she left her seat and lifted Sara from the confines of hers.
Sara shook her head and walked to the Victrola to point to her favorite record. “Dance party.” She pouted.
“Dance party?” Steve crinkled his brow in both amusement and confusion. “Oh, she just really likes to dance to this one song, but don’t worry about it, we’ll just play dance party another night, okay, honey?” She spoke to Sara softly as she tried to ease her to the hallway, though the toddler was determined to stay in her place. “Why no dance party?” Steve asked.
“We—uh, i-it’s—I,”
“C’mon, I love dance parties, I threw a lot of them back in my King Steve days.” He shrugged before stepping over to the records. “Which one is it?” He asked as he skimmed the shelves.
“Just, uh, hit play.” Y/n said, her face heating up from what’s about to unfold in front of her. Steve smiled and hit the power switch, Let’s Groove by Earth Wind and Fire boomed over the speaker as Sara squealed with delight and jumped up and down.
Steve smiled incredulously and looked to Y/n, “It’s her favorite song.” She shrugged and suppressed nervous laughter, her cheeks flushed. He nodded and began to roll and sway his shoulders to the beat before approaching Sara for a dance. “What a coincidence, it’s mine too.” He joked, spinning the little girl around as she clung to him in a fit of giggles.
Steve attempted his best jitterbug, making Sara squeal with joy as they jumped and spun around the room, his own laughter matching her enthusiasm.
That’s when it hit Y/n, in a menagerie of swelling horns and a funky groove, she realized she didn’t want to go without saying it anymore. She wanted to watch them dance to every song til Sara was tall and Steve was gray. She watched them spin around a while longer before she couldn’t resist holding it in any more. “Steve?” She said just above the music and Sara’s laughter.
Steve turned to face her, “Yeah?” the beautiful boy said, oblivious to the freight train about to hit him.
She thought of everything that could go wrong, how he could decide to walk out the door and have no obligation to her and her daughter whenever he felt like it. How he had the ability to walk away unscathed, to find someone else to make his own family with.
But she knew, at least liked to think, that he’d choose them too.
“I love you.” She nodded, content worn plainly on her face. Steve’s smile fell from his face momentarily, he shook his head lightly as if he didn’t understand over the booming music and joyful shrieks of the toddler in his arms.
He stepped closer to Y/n to be sure he wasn’t hearing things, but her eyes were fixed on him so dreamily there wasn’t any way the words he heard hadn’t come from her mouth.
“What’d you say?” He asked softly before leaning down towards her.
“Down, peas!” Sara reached for the floor, Steve stopped to set her down and then quickly stepped around the corner with his girl, closing in on Y/n til he was close enough to share the same air in their own little bubble.
He held her hands and kissed them, then leaned his forehead against hers, making it impossible for her to escape and for him to miss her repeat the words he craved to hear the most. He watched her lips intently, his thumb lying close to the corner of her mouth as if the words would only come out if he coaxed them. “Say it again, please?” He pleaded
“I-I said I love you, Steve.” She said to him quietly but strongly, her glossy eyes meeting his. “I love you t—,” He wanted to say more but he found himself cut short by his lips smashing lips hers at the shared confession.
The kiss was passionate, but not in a lustful sense. The lovers chased after one another’s kiss, as if to catch up for all the times they’d felt the need to say the three little words and didn’t.
“I love you.” He mumbled, too unbothered to pull back two inches to say it properly. “I love you.” she whispered against him like a vow— and to them it was
Taglist lovies! 🫶🏻
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Me talking with my anxiety-riddled brain.
My Brain: *constantly thinking of how would be best to reply to the weirdo stalking my page* Me: You know this is kind of stupid. My Brain: What is? Me: Replying to that stalker. My Brain: How so? Me: Remember last time? The dude stalked my great aunt's house, my online activity, my workplace, my university... legitimately everything. The dude would twist words and make it sound like I'm a monster and tricked everyone we knew into thinking we were constantly sending him death threats and shit. My brain: What does that have to do with this? Me: Everything. This guy is starting here, what is stopping him from trying to track everything I do digitally until he finds me and shoots me for daring to like some random. My Brain: Are you sure that isn't just me being anxious-- Me: Bro I'm a fucking Hispanic Ace Woman, I can't be too paranoid considering that Republicans think that anyone that isn't so pale people you disappear in a white background is some illegal immigrant. They're even trying to convince people that Vivziepop of all people is an illegal immigrant. I'd rather not risk my life. My Brain: But they're not understanding-- Me: Look I don't owe anyone explanations, and I don't need to waste my valuable time arguing with someone online. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they take this as a win and keep stalking me. It's their choice if they don't want to have a life. It is their choice to waste their entire life hating one person. It's their choice to waste their life hating me because I won't bend the knee to them. They can waste their time. I'm not wasting mine. My Brain: But- Me: They pretend like FNGR didn't go on hour-long transphobic tirades when making hate and rant videos about Lily. They pretend that I didn't say that I thought Lily was in the wrong when biting off that artist's head. They pretend that what Lily said to that artist was worse than what the Steven Universe Fandom did to a literal CHILD. And they can't get it through their THICK FUCKING SKULLS that if they're telling me the absolute put their life on the line deadass truth and actually have a mountain of evidence... then I'd LOVE to see Lily behind fucking bars. I'd LOVE IT if they were to have a court case going and have it be all on the public Youtube sphere like the fucking Iilluminaughtii shit going on right now. My Brain: True... Me: yeah but here's the problem, they never show it to me. They just EXPECT me to believe them and take their words at face value. I mean yeah, Lily is a dick half the time, especially in the past. She was on some fucking rage timing that you'd think she was constantly playing Cuphead, but that's why I never understood why she didn't just only talk to close friends and just toss the whole Discord Server idea into the fucking trash. I don't see the point in even interacting with fans at all for any fucking public figure. It always seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. I mean fans are ALWAYS waiting for their favorite idol to mess up one time so they can have an excuse to maul that person alive. I mean look at Selena. The most beautiful Mexican-American artist of all time and she was MURDERED BY HER NUMBER ONE FAN. Yolanda Saldívar still has people waiting to fucking shoot her ass for what she did to Selena. To think, she murdered Selena over MONEY. My Brain: So we just stop responding? Me: Yeah, they're going to keep on expecting and believing the worst of me. That's how every stan is. I mean google is free, it's easy as fuck to find the website of the Canadian police! My Brain: Okay! Okay! Yeah. You're right. This is all stupid. We need to just ignore them. Me: Yeah, ignore them like how they'll ignore all the links and stories here because Lily is their Lolcow and they are going to keep stalking her. That's a fact. I'm going to just not engage. If they keep trying to spam me, I'll just find new ways to block them. Better than wasting my time responding. My Brain: But they are right about the whole re- Me: Yeah! I already deleted it.
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For the character rating: Yosuke Hanamura Go crazy :)
ok ok ok so basically I sent you a buncha Yosuke Hanamura stuff lmao bc I misunderstood how the thing works but this will be so awesome and evil >:)
How I feel about this character I feel a lot of things about this fucking goober I relate to him a lot in the ways he interacts with others and just his generally low self esteem lmao. I rotate him in my mind a lot. currently playing the game to dissect him for myself lol. hes got an interesting character that can get exploded fairly easily, though I feel like this applies to almost every character in existence, I know im not even in the top 100 most unwell about Yosuke Hanamura or even persona 4 but I really like it alot. I want to make an insanely self indulgent power point about Yosuke Hanamura to show to my friends lol. hes just really relatable to me especially me as a younger guy. and hell even now I find myself in him lol. its a bit cringe but I am free as they say. I do have a tendency to project on characters a bit so it might be a bit of that lol...but hes just really neat to me his whole deal is interesting.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I really like the Yosuke Hanamura/p4 protagonist ship which is yeah. I also just really enjoy their dynamic tbh. they have each others backs through thick and thin, like even not as a romantic thing tbh I just really enjoy them being goofy teens together this applies to all their friends btw. the thing with shipping is im pretty open to what ever as long as its fun and not like weird bad. I like weird good stuff (like crack pairings, or fun rare pairs). i also have a tendency to latch onto a pairing I think is neat, which yah. it's Yosuke/p4 protagonist for me njofwreg. its fun to explore that I think. uh thumbs up I guess I dont know how to explain myself 💀
My non-romantic OTP for this character
im a silly goober and I like seeing the entire investigation team interacting with each other, I like it when they get to hang out. like sure they end up being lil shits to each other sometimes but its not like actively malicious, its like play fighting to me...im still reading the manga and playing the games so im excited to see more interactions between everyone lol. I do like it when fanfics explore different dynamics between the gang it's fun. I feel like im talking in circles lmao. but I will say Yosuke and Chie fighting can be funny reminds me of my younger siblings mauling each other to death lol. Yosuke and Teddie are a goofy duo, rip Yosuke, he tends to be the butt of the joke. Yosuke and the portages relationship is always fun regardless of if its a ship or not lol...I wish I was bettering at remembering things im drawing a blank even though I had more to say dang it.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I dont know if I even really have an unpopular opinion about this guy? ill be honest most of my thoughts about him come out sounding like growling and barking bc words aren't real lol. I just think hes neat... i dont really talk to other people about him who are also into persona 4 that often, one person told me they call him "poor straight Yosuke" lmao. I dont know it's an unpopular opinion to read him through the lens of a closeted individual? I usually only hang out in a small space and do my own thing, with some other people's stuff I like because I think it makes sense...ourgh I'm kinda bad at this </3 writing things down in a cohesive manner...im sorry ya'll 💀
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I would like to be gay with him when I am playing the game lol. like even just the option to do so. I do not trust Atlus with it tho lol...outside of that? I would like to see him as an older person and what hes been up to. where hes going. I wanna see his charater arc progress lol. I guess more Yosuke. same really goes for the cast, I just have a slight bigger soft spot for Yosuke.
the overall rating is
I make animatics about him in my mind at work/10
I hope this wasn't too bad/cringe fjnoemnowf im really bad at just putting my thoughts and feelings out there in regards to anything. i hope it is satisfactory 👍
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mutatiio · 4 months
"I can't wait to put a well deserved blaster bolt into you.."
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unusually cocky for a clone. from his experience, they typically die without a word. maul reaches into the force without so much as moving a hand, and wills the metal of the blaster's scope to collapse and bend. he did not have time for this. " by all means, you may try. "
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lostyaotl · 5 months
Transformers One: Fear overshadows excitement.
This is just a bit of rant and I apologize for the lack of eloquence and structure in my thought process as I type this message.
To begin with, I have been quite a fan of transformers franchise for many years now, and although not an expert, I really appreciate the characters and the expansive lore behind it. When I first saw the trailer for 'Transformers One," I got extremely excited at seeing another Transformer movie to add to the collection and the fact that it was an animated added to this feeling. But as I started to maul over it and reflect on what I had just watch I couldn't help but feel an gnawing emotion: fear. It may seem odd why I would feel this way so let me explain:
Lately, media has used comedy as some sort of foundation for every show/movie/etc. Don't get me wrong, comedy is great, it adds a touch of lightheartedness and can even emphasize emotional shifts. I could go on for hours on examples and how they just work and how comedy has changed nowadays to the point that it seems more like a nuisance than anything. I think just for a quick example, think of the shift from Kung Fu Panda and Kung Fu Panda 4. (I would love to go on a rant on this). And one of the main issues with this excessive comedy, is that it sacrifices story. We lose those deep heartfelt moments, those growth moments, and so much more because either they are erased from the narrative or they are quickly washed away with comedy. Now back to 'Transformers One,' I fear for this movie simply because of this tendency.
I love how it is an origin story, especially because it would add so much to the characters. Don't get me wrong, I think most of us knew that Megatron and Optimus were close friends before they became who they are but it's not really talked about (again, not an expert I'm talking from like Transformers Prime and MTMTE which I need to reread). It gives an itch, but we can't really delve or feel the actual loss between the two. To see these two characters grow and their traits interact and leave us asking what could have been. So this movie would be an amazing chance to feed us.
I am also excited because if you really think about it, the real reason why the war started, the social issue at hand, was quite hard hitting (depending of iteration) and I think could easily be applied to today's world. Because it wasn't just a caste system, the cybertronians were literally stuck in their role depending on the model they were born as (ref. MTMTE) to the point that they would try to change their parts (if I remember correctly). I don't know I am just rambling at this point, but again, I fear that this message will be lost because it will be glazed over with comedy.Like I know it's an origin story and they aren't supposed to be even thinking about war, but it sets up for it.
I was also a bit anxious about the characterizations. I fear that they will be changed just to be more 'likeable' to younger audiences. Like don't get me wrong, there are many examples where characters have been changed from the source material while still keeping the core characteristics that make them who they are. I think a good example would be Leonardo from "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." He was drastically different from the other iterations (cocky, dramatic, arrogant vs serious, focused, stern) but keeping the core characteristics (self-sacrificial, perceptive, most rational, quick-thinking, strategist). And there are examples where it is bad (Velma, although not completely bad but could use some work Wednesday, and some others I literally had a list and I just forgot.) And I think this concern first appeared when I saw Bumblebee....He...I didn't know what to think. Bumblebee always gave off little brother vibes but this time he just gave of 'chad' vibes and I fear how this will work out in the movie. Maybe there will be some growth! Hopefully. And this spiraled down to D-16 and Orion's characters as well. I enjoy the use of the iteration of both of them being slaves, it really pulls them in together, but I did love the character dynamic we say it 'Transformers Prime' where Orion is still serious, but he's a bit more naive, fully trusts his best friend with no second thought, obedient, loyal, perceptive, compassionate which we still see in Optimus Prime but not as blind, we can see the growth, like he trusts his allies but is cautious with newcomers etc, he is loyal to his cause, compassionate in keeping his people safe and still has the idea mercy/of second chances. And it can become flaws at times as well, if I remember at some point Ratchet calls him out saying that he was too soft and it costs them because Optimus still had hope that they could be united without the violence. D-16 has just the same potential, we have seen proof that he was passionate about what he stood for, but his traits sadly were fed to the wrong end and quickly became huge flaws that turned him to what we know him as. I always say it as Optimus cared for the People, as Megatron cared for the Cause. Two sides of the same coin. And this could be set up in the movie, we could easily see these traits and how they differ. I don't know, I just fear that a great dynamic could be lost to just 'hur hur they are bros and they are silly and learn to tolerate each other.'
Again, I apologize for this rant and how messy it is, I just needed to get it off my chest. Again, I am not dissing on the movie. I am genuinely excited to watch it because the art style looks really cool, the premise looks promising, and I can't wait to see what characters make an appearance.
Ps. I also apologize if when referencing Prime I am confusing Megatronous with D-16 it's hard when rapid typing and thinking keep track of the the names
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
Hello there, Master Bailey! I hope you are doing well old friend. I absolutely love the creativity you put into the Jedi ask game, so if it’s cool w you, could you please do 12, 27, 46 for Ahsoka? Thank you! May the Force be with you! 💜
HI ALEXEI!!!!! It’s so good to hear from you 🥹 I’m doing well and I sincerely hope you are too! 💜 I will happily answer these questions for you and I’m glad you chose Ahsoka because given all the clownery with the show, we could use some positivity! 🧡🤍💙 And May the Force be with you always my friend! ☺️
(Original Jedi Ask Game Questions linked down below!)
12-Favorite Kind Of Missions
Rescue Missions. Ahsoka seems to be the most passionate when it comes to rescuing people in need. We see it right off the bat when Plo Koon in the first few episodes of Clone Wars, with Barriss in weapons factory, saving Mandalore against Maul, helping the Rebels against Vader, and stopping Morgan’s evil reign against a town, etc. Hell, one of her famous quotes is all about helping people in need so I would for sure say rescue missions. She isn’t kill happy like Anakin and she’s not into politics/negotiation like Obi-Wan, she’s like somewhere in the middle.
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27-What Are Her Feelings On Her Birth Culture?
Based on how Ahsoka dresses and the fact that she has the headdress that girls her age and species typically wear, it’s safe to say that she does respect and love where she comes from, but not enough to wear she’s like homesick or feels like she should be living in Shilli. I like to think that Shaak Ti and Ahsoka would go in field trips so that Ahsoka is educated on her roots. However, I believe Ahsoka is very content with her Jedi family which is why her decision to leave was so heartbreaking for her. Perhaps in the future, Ahsoka is able to visit Shilli and explore more of it when it’s safe to.
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46-My Favorite Headcanon About Her
That Ahsoka is in love with Barriss and that they found each other again and Ahsoka got the apology she deserves and they were able to make amends. We may not have seen much of their relationship on screen but based on the few interactions we’ve seen of them, you would have to be blind not to see that they care deeply about the other. We can just ignore the bullshit that is the Wrong Jedi arc (that didn’t happen what are y’all talking about?!)Their facial expressions and actions towards the other say enough and for Force sake cant these girls just have peace and happiness for once!?And can’t we see a couple in Star Wars not in tragedy!?
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Link to Ask Questions
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noco7 · 2 years
any thoughts on cody and beth’s relationship? they did have the moment before cody’s elimination in island which ive always thought was interesting
I have soooo many thoughts about Cody & Beth, you have NO idea bestie.
So the incident you're talking about is how after Cody was wheeled to the dock of shame after being mauled by a bear, Beth kissed him on the cheek, right?
[Sidenote: Cody has been kissed by three people in canon, and none of them have been consensual. Poor guy.]
But back to Cody&Beth. She kissed him on the cheek, which usually indicates romantic interest. Yet they never interact again. Ever. Cody's not there for Action, and Beth isn't in WT. So this interaction goes nowhere.
And that's confusing to me, because it feels like such a Total-Drama ass ship. "Guy who liked the popular hot girl realizes that the homely girl next to him was the right fit." But if you're not convinced yet, allow me to walk you through it:
.Imagine, Cody's in Action. He can't go for Gwen because she's dating Trent, and despite what he said he's kinda glum about it. It's one thing to get them together, it's another to have to see them constantly.
Imagine Beth, who likes Cody, deciding this could be her chance.
And it works, because Cody is so-so-easy, and one girlfriend is better than no girlfriend. And this idea really appeals to me, because Cody's never had a chance to have a real relationship. He's idealized having a GF for years I bet, but how would he adjust to the reality? Especially when it's not the conventionally attractive girl he most likely dreamed of?
It probably isn't as cool. He and Beth get along fine, probably. They probably brag about each other. Not in a “yay I’m dating X,” but “Wow, I have a boyfriend, now!” and "I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!" It’s more about the status change than anything else. Cody probably opens every single door for her, and acts like he did smth. Beth is thrilled.
But maybe they start annoying each other. Cody can only keep up the gentlemanly person for so long, and Beth is not the most tactful person either. They don't hate each other, but it's clear the honeymoon period is over.
And Gwent is going on in the background, getting rockier and rockier, and Cody's probably like "if Gwen goes single, might have to make a few decisions." Because Gwen's still his dream girl, remember? I doubt he magically got over her.
And Beth overhears this or smth, and like a lot of young girls, she thinks it's because she's "not pretty enough." Cue angst, cue "glow up." It's a movie season, so why not parody the nerd girl makeover trope. And so Beth is dazzlingly beautiful, and Cody, inconsiderate Cody, probably asks why she can't look like this every day.
This can lead to two routes: Beth dumps him, and Cody has to learn from his mistakes. Which would be super cool.
Or Beth could get her makeover ruined via whatever challenge they're doing, break down, and say she's worried Cody won't like her anymore. And Cody's like "..." Pretty ashamed. And then Beth reveals that the makeover took hours or smth, and Cody's like "shit? i didn't know that? damn." and so he realizes how much effort she puts in, and that he's in the Wrong. That she's trying so hard to compensate for his own shallowness, and he needs to be a better person. Because it's his fault this happened. Very angsty, but leads to good moments with them both, where Beth gets to communicate and Cody gets to reflect. Maybe he even admits that he's not the hottest guy either, and he's insecure about that. Could be interesting. I really like hurt/comfort moments that challenge the "Comfort-er" to change their own perspective. And Cody has a lot of perspectives that need to be changed, imo.
But after that, uhhh…. I have no idea?  Maybe they start geeking out together, and hopefully, just start getting more comfortable together as people. That'd be nice. But I don't particularly care either way.
When it comes to ships that aren't noco, I'm the writer who has like, "one good scene," and then the rest is hazy, lol. 
Anywayyyy, I think Beth/Cody could have had a decent arc, and really portray the "teen romances aren't that cool," element perfectly. It would also make Beth a more sympathetic character because Cody is so ugh that he'd make any girl look better by his side.
I don't know why TD didn't go with it, tbh. Maybe Beth's kiss was just a joke to further illustrate her "Boney-Island-Curse" she ends up accidentally pushing Cody off the dock. Maybe they just didn't think Cody in a relationship would be interesting, which is fair. Maybe they had more important things to tackle. Maybe it was pretty privilege - I've tracked TD canon couples, and every girl on there is conventionally attractive, whether their man is or not. You could counter Harold/Leshawna, but that ship didn't really go anywhere. And even if it counts, it's still kinda SUS. But it also could be because there are very few TD girls that *aren't* conventionally attractive. So maybe that's why. Or maybe it's every reason all at once, or maybe it's something I haven't thought of. Maybe they didn't think of it at all. And that's fair. I don't think the writers can or should account for every errant relationship idea. So tl;dr: Beth/Cody could have been a really awkward teen relationship that people found relatable. It didn't happen, and that's okay. But it's still interesting.
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
Little Leo and Tello how do interact I’m dying to know if shenanigans happen I am on my knees pls I love ur turtles so much
okay are you ready for obnoxiously long ramblings about ninja turtles
Having finished this, I feel like it needs a TLDR so - Tello claims that Little Leo just annoys him, but they're bonded and nobody believes them. Also their D&D characters constantly bother each other and Leo goes to Tello for advice (and Tello goes to Leo when they need a reminder the world never ended after all).
Little Leo tends to drive Tello nuts. Partly because he's sixteen and therefore obnoxious, and partly because Tello's used to dealing with a mature and grown-up Leonardo who takes things seriously. Like, yes, they remember also being an obnoxious teenager, but they always thought Leo was worse, 'cause that's how twins work.
Also it's impossible to separate twins for long (excluding traumatic death and/or disappearance, oops). So whenever Donnie and Tello get into a nerd spiral and spend seven hours straight in the lab, Leo and Leonardo always show up eventually.
Leonardo chills quietly on a couch in the back and just makes sure they remember food and water exist. Leo has no chill whatsoever and constantly asks questions about what they're doing, and will that explode if he touches it, and will that set him on fire if he touches it, and when are they gonna get back to that Lou Jitsu marathon they started last night?
Tello hates being bothered when they're working on Science, so often as not, Little Leo gets unceremoniously shoved out of the door with one of Tello's metal arms. He's always very dramatic about it, but that never keeps them from getting rid of him. (If they find one of Leo's blue silly bandz on their metal arm that shoved him out, they're only soft about it for two seconds. But they also keep all the bandz, and talk to the squishmallow Leo gifted them when they need to figure out problems, so they're not fooling anyone.)
Unfortunately, blue and purple turtles have unshakeable twin instincts, which means that Tello and Leo have bonded in much the same way as Donnie and Leo. (This does not exactly work for Donnie and Leonardo, however, as they have their own problems, aka Donnie still holds a grudge about Leonardo bitching out Leo).
So Tello's two moods regarding Leo are "if you don't get out of my lab Right The Fuck Now you're going to get stabbed" and "if anyone bothers you, let me know and I will maul them".
Leo loves bothering Tello as much as he loves bothering Donnie. No matter how old the twins are, bothering each other is a requirement, and Leo is happy to indulge in being bothersome. Also no matter how many times Tello threatens to stab him, they never follow through on it, so he's pretty confident that he's in their good graces. Tello is far less of a cuddler than Donnie is (something something trauma) but Leo's okay with that.
Tello has even more advanced tech than Donnie, and Leo thinks that's pretty cool, because he knows how much advancing tech means to his twin. It's at a way higher level than he can understand, but he sees how excited Donnie and Tello get over it, which is enough to convince him to fake being excited about it too.
He also thinks that Tello's prosthetics are cool, even if he's not entirely sure what to think about Tello having hair. Mostly because why would any turtle have hair? But he can tease Tello about sometimes having blue hair ties, because of course he does. Gotta give your twin shit about liking you, after all.
Fortunately all four twins have something in common: a love for tabletop games. Put four gay nerds together and you will have D&D going in no time. If Tello stabs the table once because they constantly rolled poorly in that one session, that's the table's problem. Everyone else knows to stay out of the blood circle by now.
They also all love Jupiter Jim movies, but that creates a problem. See, Leonado and Tello are what you might call "traumatised from spending two-thirds of their lives fighting aliens", and sometimes the creatures in the JJ-verse remind them of the Krang. Over time, they've figured out their triggers, and Leo is now their guinea pig: he watches all the movies and takes notes on the scenes that he thinks will bother them, so they can figure out which ones to avoid.
When Leo's worried about something, but he doesn't want to bother Donnie, he will bother Tello! Cause they have the experience to give advice, and Leo doesn't feel like he's as much of a bother, given what Tello dealt with in the future. After fighting the end of the world, it's no problem to deal with a teenager's insecurity and crushes.
A lot of Tello's advice sounds remarkably like "I don't know, just stab them". Leo does not take this advice, but he does appreciate that Tello always comes up with some kind of answer to what he's dealing with. They don't have to be helpful, he just wants to know they were listening.
Tello does not need advice from Leo (or anyone else, to hear them tell it). But after so long fighting a war, sometimes they're not sure that it's actually over. When they're having a hard time adjusting, they look for Leo. The little one, who's an impetuous goofball, who plays jokes, who keeps trying to find ways to dye Tello's hair even though there's no dye in the world that will change black hair to neon blue. The one who's not like he was at fifteen, before the Krang came - but the one who proves to Tello that innocence is still in this world, even if it's not in them. The one who gives Tello hope.
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turojo · 1 year
gio moment tell me about one of your favorite threads! it can be something you played with this muse or any other, follow your ♥
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OOugh,,where do I begin — lemme shout a few that occupy my mind rn.
edit: this got so long so slippy under a cut it goes:
last complete thread with @lvsamine. I like exploring his relationships before SCARVIO on people he's met and worked with possibly. This is a sort of break in his melancholy; recognizing and being comfortable with someone who knows him for his work rather then ... uh, you know. There's literal changes in his demeanor from light returning to his tired eyes and getting excited over working with Lusamine and Aether on a big project.
And it's also the start of a shift in his story too.
Throughout the blog he's been teetering between "being good": recapturing escaped paradox pokemon, reluctantly remeeting people in Paldea, slowly taking on actual regional professor duties, and rebuilding the Poco lab to keep track of the Crater from above. But he's also very solemn and withdrawn.
But then there's moments of excitement, of going through efforts to get work done, explore and build something....granted this all happens during temptations. His mind strays from staying out of pathways that quickly get him into trouble. He gets so excited sometimes he doesnt see or even care that what hes doing is going to hurt him or someone else in the end. It's very easy to fall back into comfortable, malign habits.
Talking with Lusamine, remembering and feeling invigorated by all the work he did and the things he discovered ... he questions if its worth forcing himself into a comfortable and safe box to appease people is worth it when he feels so much better "breaking boundaries and discovering impossibilities" people are going to be scared of and that's their problem. But he forgets ya know...Arven, the son he left behind and like...all the destruction his "happiness and well being" selfishly takes.
He's always cusping a villain arc or good direction and I love seeing wherever it goes as more plots and interactions come by ; >c
v. paradox verse in particular, the whole “hey Sada used the Time Machine to yoink Turo from a point in time before he gets mauled so things are hunky dorey again but oops, it’s a lot more complicated then that and there’s emotions all over” deal
There’s several threads with nox/ @prosada that I love but in particular the thread where Turo is completely existential on him being here. He’s having a hard time trying to step back into a husband/father role like nothings happened. Arven is very indifferent with him as expected which causes Arven and Sada to get into a lot of arguments Turo of course overhears cause hey its a small lighthouse-house and he has ears. So Turo being Turo turns to absolute truths like physics and numbers and equations when he can’t emotionally deal with something. And what do you know…! It definitely spells out he should be dead and it’s very unnatural he’s here and it’s putting everything off. He takes this as a certain and gets really distant and sad and quiet. He doesn’t belong here and maybe he and Sada could never naturally stay together in any timeline.
But Sada comes in, smacks that idea out of his head cause it’s silly. She literally shattered expectations and literal laws of physics, time and reality itself to change that to get him back.
Can you believe he’s loved so much that someone literally became a momentary God to change the fabric of reality itself? Just for him?? For their family??? No matter how dysfunctional??? Cause he didn’t until he realizes it and does a 180 in perspective and it!! Just makes him so happy and so awestruck and --
Okay both have really good writing and reaaallly good grasps on their characters too hh.
There's like several other threads I have in mind too but this got ridiculously long; might have to make a new post sometime.
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jessepinwheel · 1 year
✨ 💝 🍭 for the fic asks
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
well I always think that dielectric breakdown is one of my better works but it's probably a bit much to say it should get more credit when it's already got over 2k kudos and 380 comments. like I know I feel like some small time obscure writer who just writes weird stuff about obi-wan because I don't ever interact with the star wars fandom in my tiniest corner but considering the metrics on my fics that's just. objectively not true
I guess a story I think could use more credit is breakpoint because I think it's really funny and because obi-wan hooking up with maul and bail at the same time is something that more people should consider
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
yeah, for some reason people keep commenting that off-by-one error is a sad story. I mean yeah obi-wan got deleted from the universe but also he unkilled them all and then saved the republic so I think it's a net positive
🍭why did you start writing?
because I liked reading stories a lot and had an active imagination and access to microsoft word and no high speed internet. I remember I was writing things in powerpoint with like pictures of mspaint edited neopets back in the day. oh how things have changed since then.
I had to go through a whole lot of unfinished and failed stories before I got to where I am now, so follow your dreams etc
send me fic writer asks
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