gloomfaithed · 4 months
@crossinghairs / cont. X
Oh, he was cute. Absolutely out of his mind, but cute. The red ears were a telltale sign that he had no experience with flirting. Odd, since he was just as handsome as all clones were. He simply differed from them visually, which was already very interesting in itself. Judging by the insecurity he radiated, it might be a sore point for him.
"Don't forget, you attacked me first. And how many Sith have you met before? You imagined some kind of mindless monster, didn't you?" It was amusing how he moved away from her, expecting her to pounce on him any moment. Clones were fast, but not that fast. She could have him on his back in a split second. Talon couldn't help but to tease. "See, that's where you're wrong. I'm a cunning monster."
If his team really expected him, then keeping him would only lead to more hassle for her. Force forbid they come looking for him. "Don't let them wait then. And if you're a good boy and don't shoot me unprovoked, I will show you how to have fun during downtime next time we meet."
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mando-of-esverr · 4 months
"Oh mando..you don't know how to follow orders, do you?"
Darius loaded his blaster carbine, a small radar with tiny blips representing life forms slowly closing in around him on his helmet HUD. He had a few thermal detonators, his carbine, his rifle, and his grappling lasso, and at that moment, part of him wished he had Din's Whistling Birds with him too.
"Depends on who's giving them," the Mandalorian replied, glancing around his hiding place to try and catch a glint or sign of his pursuers. "I know how to follow orders. Unfortunately for you, none of you are Mand'alor, which means your orders are nothing bantha dung at the bottom of my boot."
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
"Your hurt. Don't pretend to be a hero when your clearly injured." Cross said as he kept his head down from the gun fire. His eyes pinned on her through the helmet as he checked her arm and sighed. Grazed. At least she's not gravely injured as he took one of his bandages from a small pack in his armor and handed it to her.
"Wrap it up." He pulled out a small little tack with a mirror on it. And tossed it at an angle at the ceiling to get a better view at the storm trooper's firing at them. His eyes studying it for a moment as his finger pulled the trigger.
The blaster bolt from the FirePuncher had found its mark in many heads. The bolt jumping back and forth between targets as he took a breath. A deep collective breath as he relaxed. The silence welcoming as he looked at her.
"Are you Alright, Steela?" He asked her. His helmet being thrown to the ground as his wrists shook. The damn PTSD. His teeth gritting in annoyance as he took a shaken breath.
"I must be getting rusty.." he muttered as he tried to hide it. He was blaming it on his lack of fighting. When in reality his fighting hadn't changed. Almost like he hadn't gotten a break since the order was given. 66..the cursed number. The one that made him lose himself. Then after that...torture. so much alone and it was showing.
"I'll be fine in a moment."
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Steela couldn't help the light, baffled yet amused, snort that left her when he said that. Don't pretend to be a hero. He was one to talk, coming to her aid when it would have been far more logical for him to keep his focus on the troopers, pick them off or at the very least, not trap himself with her on this part of the trenches, where they knew where they both were.
But he didn't hold his position. Instead, he came to her aid and, even if it wasn't a dire injury, she appreciated it.
She couldn't wait to get back to base and tell Saw 'I told you so'. Steela was glad she didn't let him shoot Crosshair back when the chip was a bugger issue to this alliance between them and the clone trooper. She nodded in thanks when he handed her the bandages, working on her arm quickly. Then, her attention was seized by a glimpse of what he pulled out: a little tack with a mirror. What did he need that for–
Her question was answered before she could even think of asking it out loud. Steela's eyes widened as she heard the telltale sound of felled stormtroopers and then, nothing. Silence. She knew better than to peek and risk any stragglers getting a clear shot at her head, but the temptation was there.
Crosshair's voice snapped her gaze away from his rifle and to him. "I'm alright, thank you."
She noticed the trembling of his hand, stepped through the trench and, as she passed by him, she placed her hands over his in what she hoped would be a steadying move.
"If that was you being 'rusty', then I cannot wait for a chance to watch you when you've got some confidence back in you." Steela smiled, her hand delivering a gentle pat over his before she let her own rifle slide off her shoulder, holding it at the ready. "Take your time, I'll cover you."
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arc-77 · 4 months
"I can still feel my arms sometimes..does this phantom pain ever end?"
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"With time, your nervous system will acclimate to your cybernetics. You'll begin to experience true sensations through them, not just memories. Touch, pressure, temperature. Not quite the same as before — but close enough."
The Dark Trooper stares at his hand, curling and uncurling his metal digits. Prying a combat knife from the sheath on his chest plate, he twirls it back and forth between his fingers, by the handle, then by the blade. Complex, repetitive motions such as these helped him relearn how to use his body. Now, he had more fine control over his movements than ever before.
"Sometimes, even when the pain receptors have been turned off, I feel it. That dull, lingering ache. My advice? Ignore it. The more attention you give it, the more power it holds over you."
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spokewar · 4 months
"I'm going to say this once, Kenobi..stop...talking.."
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Had it been anyone else, his first inclination would have been to challenge them, but as it was, it was Crosshair. And Obi-Wan was not above admitting he was intimidated (though he really should have been, he imagined none of the Clones on his squad would have appreciated the show of weakness).
"Understood. Lead the way. I can be quiet."
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lightfaithed · 4 months
When Crosshair grasped his jaw and even turned his head to establish eye contact, Obi-Wan was baffled. His brows arched and his mouth formed an astonished 'o'. As usual, the sharpshooter's expression was intense. Obi-Wan tried to read him as he gazed into the sharp, seemingly all-seeing brown eyes. "You certainly have my attention, Crosshair." Obi-Wan's hand came up to cover the clone's hand with his own and gently move his fingers off his jaw.
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mutatiio · 4 months
"I can't wait to put a well deserved blaster bolt into you.."
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unusually cocky for a clone. from his experience, they typically die without a word. maul reaches into the force without so much as moving a hand, and wills the metal of the blaster's scope to collapse and bend. he did not have time for this. " by all means, you may try. "
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raehs · 4 months
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candidness wasn't unwelcomed, but it was a surprise. rey furrows their brows and rolls her eyes. " trying to remain optimistic, heard of it? " without optimism, rey feared that she was doomed and would continue to lose all sense of themselves. the galaxy had changed them, but she didn't want it to change her to a point where she wouldn't even recognize herself in the mirror when she looked.
" its a waste of time and energy. you spend it freaking on false dreams and hopes. " @crossinghairs said.
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" well. i've got plenty of time and energy -- so don't feel so bad for me, but i do appreciate your concern. so i think i'll be okay. i've made it this far on my own. "
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auroradicit · 4 months
@crossinghairs from [x]
"Yeah, you look like you're having the time of your life."
Kestrel crosses her arms, but does her best to keep her posture relaxed. They imagine it's not the same. Won't claim it. But it's true--they know how it hurts, even if the scale is different. Electric shocks and burning, so bad they've caught themselves twisting, trying to contort enough to dig their fingers into muscles that aren't there.
(If her wings twitch at the memory, well. It helps to remember that for now, they're intact.)
"If I try to help, are you gonna bite my head off?"
They might try it anyway. But it's important to set expectations.
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
@crossinghairs answered from here: "I should care what you think of me? Your opinion is your own but I'll be damned if I'm to be disrespected." He hissed in disgust towards them. Disgusting. If the was one thing he hated more than reg's. It was pompous assholes.
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──꒰ CIVET ꒱    ⚠️ 👾 ‼️   ・・・・・・
Blowing a puff of smoke from their lungs ─or whatever is left of them─ their eyes trace his facial features, taking in his disgusted expression. They let out an amused huff from their nose. ❛    Right.  ⠀❜ They almost mock. It's almost like they're looking for a fistfight.
❛    Prove me wrong then,  ⠀❜ They challenge. Truly, they don't want to disclose that they have a current bet with tech over whether they can get him to admit it, or prove his faults. They're clearly on the side that he will.
❛    Prove me wrong on one of the things I've said, and I'll leave you be.  ⠀❜ Their basic is far from perfect, but their intentions are rather clear as they smirk, breathing in another puff of smoke.
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gloomfaithed · 4 months
"I'm made to follow orders. Not..flirt.."
"You can do both." Astonishing, that his one track mind truly rivalled hers, but Talon still knew how to enjoy herself while working towards her goals. "As long as you deliver results and fulfil your order in the end, the path to how you got there doesn't have to be so rigid. And surely you have some downtime occasionally?"
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mando-of-esverr · 4 months
"You're playing a dangerous game, Mando."
The two men had each other in their sights, a stand off between two marksmen… two Sith-influenced marksmen. Darius didn’t know this clone, but he’d seen enough of them on Geonosis not to take them lightly. He was a strange one though… his voice pitched ever so slightly to be different from the others.
Darius took a breath, feeling the Force around him… the ebb and tide of its flow… and the shift his thoughts could bring to it. He could feel the virtual gravity well around the Clone too, drawing in the current… just like Kun.
“So are you, Clone,” he said in a low, measured voice. “A sith is no gentle master. Yet from the look of you, it seems to be something we have in common.”
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mayxthexforce · 5 months
"You're lying." He scoffed slightly. This child was his sister. All clones were the same. Made after the same person for all the same perpous. Kill or be killed. Because good Soldier's always followed orders. But his inhibitor chip made him a monster..a lonely man for no real sense of perpous.
The empire was his perpous..for a long time. He was delusional. He killed innocent people with no real will to his own. But his brothers.? The moment he heard the order. He fell apart. His expression cold and stirn but he sighed under his helmet and knelt down.
"What's the problem? Anythin broken? Ore are you just trying to slow me down, girl?" He asked. Looking her over for any real sign of injury. She looked fine enough as the stormtroopers around him stopped and simply watched. He raised his helmet and hissed.
"To the rendezvous. I'll handle the brat." He hissed. She was a capture. And he made it clear he would be the one to 'take care of her'. But. Inside he felt still compelled to do the right thing. His chip..malfunctioning? Impossible. But it could be possible as he would refrain from being aggressive with the clone girl.
He could almost remember when he was her age..
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Omega's arm hurt. Pain pulsed up towards her elbow from her wrist, which was beginning to look swollen. One of the troopers had pushed her and she'd landed on it weird. But she didn't want to admit it, she didn't want to look weak– it was enough that she felt weak, she did NOT need to look the part as well. She was as stubborn as– well, all her brothers.
And she was still counting Crosshair on that list.
Her brows furrowed as she stared at her own reflection on his helmet's visor. It'd been so long since the last time she has seen him. Gone, that's how Hunter and the others referred to him. Crosshair was gone.
But Omega had refused to believe it back then, and she refused to believe it now. Even as he called her 'girl', and then 'brat', as if they weren't family. Even as he spoke to her with a coldness that no longer felt familiar. He had never been the most openly affectionate of her brothers but, before now, this level of coldness had been reserved for the regs. Never aimed at her.
Omega briefly gazed towards the troopers as they followed the order. Then, big brown eyes stared up at Crosshair with such sadness. She wrapped her arm around the swelling on her wrist.
"I miss you," she said. It felt strange, missing someone who was standing right in front of her. You don't have to do this, that part went unsaid, for now.
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arc-77 · 4 months
"You're not bad...for a Reg."
[Commander Fordo]
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In a flash, the blunt edge of the Alpha's cafeteria tray is swung full force into Crosshair's temple, cutting it open along the horizontal line of his namesake tattoo. "Don't call me a Reg, you fucking mutant!" Fordo tries to press the assault, only to be held back by a pair of ARCs before he can clear the table. He struggles in their grip as he's pulled away, gradually quelling his rage.
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spokewar · 4 months
"Kenobi..what are you up to?"
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"What am I up to? You should be asking your siblings that; they're the ones plotting."
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lightfaithed · 4 months
"You don't understand..the hunger! It doesn't end.."
[Student of hatred forve sensitive vessel of Darth Nihilus verse]
It was true, Obi-Wan didn't understand it. But he was able to imagine and he felt pity for the man. It was obvious that Crosshair was suffering and that he was cursed to be like a gaping maw, endless and empty no matter how much he swallowed and devoured. Cursed to never be satisfied. Pumped full of a darkness he was never meant to be holding. How did this happen? Obi-Wan raised his palms to show that he was not a threat. "Crosshair. Tell me one thing. What can I do to help you?"
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