#«🦋» f; Selphie
sharpxshootin · 2 years
❝  i don’t have nightmares when you’re there.  ❞
   As if being away from her wasn’t hard enough as it was, hearing that his absence plagued her nights made it even more of an unhappy circumstance. He wrapped his arms around her head gently and curled her to his chest in that comical way of theirs that only exaggerated the height difference, placing a kiss atop the crown of auburn that lingered as he mumbled into her locks. 
  “You know you can call me, right?” he reminded her, tilting his head and gazing down at her, moving his arms just enough to catch her eye. “Any time. Even if I’m sleepin’.  You know I’ve got the special notification for you,” he winked. Her special notification, much to the dismay of any room mate he had with him on missions, was a train horn. A loud one. 
  His expression would soften, however, arms dropping now to free her as hands came to pluck hers up, stroking her knuckles with his thumbs. “I’ll see what I can do about getting you assigned to more missions with me, but you know they’re worried about distractions,” he chuckled, leaning down to steal a kiss from her lips. “And you know they’re not exactly wrong…”
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sharpxshootin · 4 years
( @sunny-explosions​ continued from x )
  He straightened his coat around her shoulders, tugging it snug around her front with a small smile that only widened when she mentioned their trip to Trabia. He’d somehow managed to zip his parka into her own when she wasn’t paying attention, and getting out of it had been quite the feat he hadn’t prepared for, though there was little complaint to be had being stuck with her in one giant jacket; they’d wound up slipping it off over their heads with a bit of a struggle back at the lodge.
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  “I’ll be just fine darlin’,” he reassured her, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and hugging her close to his side, slipping his free hand in his pocket as they walked. “The weather here is practically tropical compared to Trabia,” he chuckled, still glad to see the town line not too far off regardless.
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sharpxshootin · 4 years
‘hotel room’ sex
Fifty Reasons to Have Sex Meme | status: open
  The bedsheets were too neat, he decided. This was the problem with hotel rooms. The bedsheets were always too neat. They simply begged for a little chaos to descend upon them, and descend it would in the form of a pair of naked bodies, stripped down in record time with clothes strewn about in a tornado of impulsive and impish desires. 
  “You know, I can’t imagine why Garden started allotting us our own room on these missions,” he mused against her neck, hips rolling between her legs so that she might feel him grow stiff with anticipation. He shoved a pillow out of the way so that it toppled onto the floor, a hand sliding to the small of her back and hoisting her further up the mattress to accommodate long legs. 
  “I think we make rather charming room mates,” he couldn’t manage to keep the farce up even through the end of his comment, that wolfish grin spreading wide on his lips as the hand beneath the small of her back tilted her hips up into the stroke of his arousal. 
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sharpxshootin · 4 years
"Hey," Selphie says softly once there's a commercial to drown out, curling her legs up onto the couch cushion and leaning her head on his shoulder. "After all that time that we were separated, did you ever think you would see any of us again? Or that you and I would be able to reconnect and, y'know," she pauses, vaguely gesturing between them, "get to this point together?"
  He felt her familiar weight lean into his side, the arm stretched along the back of the couch drifting down to drape around her shoulders with a gentle, affectionate tug. Her words felt a little distant, pensive, wistful in a way he hadn’t been used to her being in the past, and he wondered for a moment if she was feeling the unspoken pressure that closed in on all of them as of late.
  He tipped his head forward some, craning to catch a glimpse of green eyes with a small quirk of his brow and a smile. “What’s got you thinkin’?” he wondered aloud before shaking his head, resting his chin atop the crown of auburn tresses tucked against his shoulder. 
  “Nah, to be quite honest I didn’t think I’d ever see any of you again — mind you I hoped. I hoped for a good long while until I got old enough that it seemed silly to hold out for that sort of thing. The world’s a big place, and I heard it through the grapevine the gang was scattered far and wide,” he trailed off, watching the television but not truly watching, now adrift with her in thoughts of the past; of what ifs.
  “Sometimes I thought about what it might be like to put the military life behind me — go find Sephy and travel the world just like we said we would,” he chuckled. “Didn’t even know where to start lookin’. Was afraid of what I’d find if I did. So I didn’t,” he admitted with a touch of guilt. 
  “Funny enough it wasn’t until then that y’all showed up again. Just when I’d let it go... ” he chuckled, lifting his head again. “Fate’s weird like that sometimes.”  
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sharpxshootin · 4 years
( @sunny-explosions​ continued from x )
  It was uncanny, not realizing how very impulsive he could be until he’d met her — well... reconnected, really. Even as they stood there part of his brain was mulling over just how many days he could get away wearing the same pair of underwear, turning them inside out, backwards, washing them in the sink. Then again it wasn’t as if life under Garden employment didn’t pay well enough to afford a new set of clothes. 
  Still, as tempting as the thought was, and as much as he never wanted those dainty fingers to uncurl from his jacket, he had an obligation to a certain blonde-haired friend who’d taken a sudden and intense interest in all things Centran. 
  “A few days lounging in a hotel in my underwear not having to worry a lick about work sounds mighty nice,” he admitted with a smile that bordered on apologetic in spite of the genuine enthusiasm of his words. 
  “But without you beside me the entire time, who knows what sort of trouble I might get into,” he chuckled, reaching up to trace a strand of hair out of her face before swiping his finger down the bridge of her nose affectionately. “Best I stay here where someone more responsible can keep an eye on me,” he winked, leaning down at her behest to return the tender kiss that always seemed far too short when leaving her company. The way he curled her in tight against his body in a hug that practically enveloped her with his entire being confirmed as much.
  “I’ll be here waitin’, first face you’ll see when you get back,” he spoke the promise into the crown of her hair. It wasn’t until the train chimed a third time for last boarding call that he let go and gently turned her around toward the locomotive, giving her a gentle spank on the rear to send her off. 
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  “Be safe. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
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sharpxshootin · 5 years
( @sunny-explosions​ continued from x )
  As with most late-night conversations in which he was half-sleeping, the only thing Irvine recalled of the midnight well-wishes was a faint happy, fuzzy feeling. However, when he awoke the next morning to find a card stacked atop his cell-phone filled with love and affection he knew the lingering warmth in his cheeks and chest was due to a certain spunky brunette making sure he knew how loved and cherished he was at the earliest possible moment.
  He arose and dressed at least some of the way — sweat pants and yesterday’s t-shirt; no sense putting on clean clothes before a proper shower.
  He pawed at his eye, the other hand still clutching his birthday card with a lazy smile on his face. “You really know how to make a guy feel lucky to be alive, you know that?” he rasped quietly before noticing the bottle of whiskey on the table. Both brows lifted meaningfully, glancing from it to her before a smirk worked its way across his features. “Fancy, huh?” he mused, sauntering over to her and bending down to press a long, loving kiss to her lips.
  “As long as I get you all to myself on my birthday, I’ll wear whatever you want, baby,” he teased into another kiss, adding quickly. 
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“Thank you for the whiskey. Don’t tell Seifer.” 
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sharpxshootin · 5 years
Selphie loves celebrating other birthdays, and Irvine’s is no exception. Even if he probably wouldn’t remember, she still gave him the first of many ‘Happy Birthday’s at exactly midnight, her murmured words sealed with a kiss before she, too, drifted off. It had become a tradition at this point, and Irvine’s half-asleep, incoherently mumbled reply still never failed to make her smile.
However, she waited to give him his real gift until he was properly up and awake in the morning, leaving only the card on his nightstand for him to find. It was filled with sappy sweet birthday wishes and signed as usual, but below her name was the request to come find her in the living room for his actual present.
He’d come out regardless eventually, but she still happily greeted him once he strolled into the living room, gesturing to the first gift that sat on the coffee table - a bottle of fine Galbadian whiskey with a bow wrapped neatly around the neck.
“Happy Birthday, Irvy! I hope I can steal you for dinner, too! We have reservations at the best place in town, and we’ll need to look all fancy~.”
Maybe it wasn’t much, but considering how much the two of them were busy these days, a quiet dinner together seemed as good an excuse as any to get them out of Garden for a couple hours, to get some degree of normalcy back while they had the chance.
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sharpxshootin · 5 years
bandage - patch them up when they get hurt.
He sat on the fallen and rotting log, watching her carefully wrap the gauze around his arm, sleeve ripped clean off at its seam; it had been slashed to shreds by the claws of the Grendel and soaked with his blood, so it was pretty much unsalvageable at this point anyway, might as well be off with it.
His nose crinkled, doing his best to keep a strong face against the sting of the herbal salve beneath the bandages, seeping deep into the cuts.
“You know, you’d make a mighty cute nurse,” he teased her quietly, smiling at his companion. It was true, she was good with a field medkit, and would look irresistable in chocobo-covered scrubs, but more than that it was the slow, sinking realization that they’d just managed another narrow escape from death, and he’d been so very nearly unable to prevent it.
This was not the life he wanted for her, even if she was by his side.
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sharpxshootin · 5 years
  ❛   i want you inside me.   ❜  
NSFW Sentence Starter | status: open
Some things were meant for drinking. Some things were meant to roll over the tongue and be savored before gliding down the back of the throat where it could warm the senses with gentle tingles — fingers of warmth reaching down the spine and up into the cranium.
Some things were meant for drinking. Not snorting forcibly into the nasal canals where they burned impossibly hot and threatened to melt the sinuses and seep out the tear ducts.
Dolletian Triple Malt Scotch was one of these things, and Irvine found that out the hard way.
He clamped down hard on his nose, his eyes growing glassy with tears as he gave her a look that went from startled, to intrigued, to deeply, deeply invested, trying his best to play the low coughing fit off as smoothly as he could as to not attract further attention to them, nor scare away his mate.
“Think anyone would notice if we...-“ cough “stepped away for a couple minutes?”
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sharpxshootin · 6 years
  Strange… this station usually came in so clear…
  And were those… words? Coming through the static? Maybe the antenna was picking up some afternoon talk show on a competing wave. 
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  He glanced over at Selphie who sat in the passenger seat, dozed off mid-ride, blissfully unaware of the interruption. He smiled a little to himself, reaching out and placing a hand gently on her knee, giving it a squeeze that might have been a bit more possessive than he would readily admit; there was something deep and unsettled inside him. 
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
(Love letter) The page is folded twice and left atop his hat for him to find when he wakes, her hurried script from the night before taking up most of the page despite the hearts doodled in the margins. “Fate, destiny, whatever it was, I don’t think I could even describe how happy I am that we found each other again. You were my best friend back then, you still are now, and I’m so lucky to have a chance to create new memories with you. Love you, Irvy!”
Love Letter Meme | status: open
He’d awoken some time after her departure, which was customary these days — she was usually last to bed and first awake, and being the deep sleeper he was her faint kisses goodbye were only a wisp of a memory in the recesses of his subconscious; a phantom of happiness. 
He’d returned to bed after a trip to the bathroom but paused when something caught his eye, resting atop his signature stetson. Plucking it up he unfolded it, blue eyes drifting over the contents before he sank slowly back to the mattress, a wistful smile creeping across his lips as every facet of the note sank in to his half-conscious mind. 
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Handwriting he’d know anywhere, even if it weren’t for the telltale hearts. Words that echoed sentiments they’d both voiced but never really felt could be expressed enough. A confession of love accompanied by a nickname that never failed to make his heart flutter like the first time, despite it being possibly the hundredth. 
He folded the note carefully — reverently— reaching for his hat and feeling along the inside of it for the small tear in the lining that he had been meaning to repair but never got around to doing so. He slipped that note into the lining, tucked deep where it would stay safe, her words always with him.
A little bit of sunshine for a rainy day. 
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
“Is it socially acceptable to go out in nothing but a wet towel?”
Heatwave Meme | status: open
What a question. A couple of days ago he might have laughed at it — told her he wasn’t sure about the world being privy to one of his favorite sights — but sitting here now, spread eagle in a chair in nothing but his underwear with hair twisted up off his neck, blue eyes gave her a look that was on the brink of desperation.
“I say we give it a shot and find out…” he said with a little too much conviction for it to be a joke, afraid to move for fear of any body part touching any other body part. 
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
"Is it as tense there as it is here?" It's late in Trabia, the sun long since gone from the sky, but the Garden's student body is still wide awake, all plastered to TV screens and radio reports of the riots happening halfway across the world. They are safe in the mountains, for now, but no one wants to have another war, and Selphie's grip on her phone tightens a bit more. "I thought we were done with all of this."
“It’s bad, Selph,” he confirmed, pacing the length of their room that felt even more empty than it already had in her absence — something about the impending danger making the distance seem all the more acute. His free hand propped on his hip as he pivoted on his heel, meandering back in the opposite direction. “Squall made it back mid afternoon with some difficulty. I’ve gotta tell ya, I’ve never seen the guy more angry in my life — it was weird. Squall’s usually quiet, ya know? But this was quiet on a whole other level,” he shivered at the memory of hurricane Squall sweeping through Garden, straight from the front gate up to his office without a word to anyone.
“We were supposed to be. Done with it. The summit was the last negotiation in the peace-treaty between Galbadia and Timber… I don’t know what went wrong, but man did it go wrong…” he would reach up, running his hand back through his hair as he paused in the middle of the room, glancing back toward her desk where her laptop usually sat — where she usually sat.
“Promise me you’re going to stay safe…”
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
Bottoms up! 🍻
Shots Meme | status: open
Shot 1 of 5
“Hey there bebeh — what’s this?” He eyed the shot curiously with a slight withdrawl, giving her an uncertain look before accepting it; he’d been pretty good thus far about not overdoing it, so one little shot couldn’t hurt, right?
“Well, no harm in one little shot, I suppose. To us, the new year, and the best most talented girlfriend a guy could hope for,” he lifted the glass to her in salute, leaning in to steal a quick kiss before chasing the drink back. 
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
( @sunny-explosions​ continued from x )
Oh the twirling was guaranteed before she even requested, Irvine far too eager to see how stunning she looked when the train of that dress billowed, hand lifting to draw an easy circle above her head even before they finished walking. “You got it, beautiful.” 
When he found a spot to fit into he’d give her a gentle yank to collide with him, catching her waist with one hand while the other brought her fingers up to rest gently against the side of his neck, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to get those delicate arms around him at full height. “Close enough?” He tilted his head with a warm smile, fingertips trailing back down along her forearm reverently as they began to sway in time with the music — nice and slow.
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
💃 - Your muse asks mine to dance
Winter Festival - Interaction Meme | status: open
“Hey pretty baby, care to boogie?” He’d made a b-line across the dance floor to burst into the chattering group of girls and extend his hand to one in particular — the 5′2″ lady of his dreams. 
“We can even do it real close and slow-like…” he teased with a wink, wiggling his fingers in invitation. 
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